
School shot up because murdering white kids is OK

The Florida school shootings did not happen for lack of gun control.  They happened because of refusal to enforce law and maintain order when blacks and hispanics attack white children.

Back in 2015 I said:

> Difficult to say what will happen to Mestizos and Indios. In Mexico, the old gods walk again, but this has not happened in the US,

Well now the Old Gods have walked from Mexico to Florida, and spoken to Nikolas Cruz.

Nicolas Cruz had a long history of violence, menace, evil, and madness. And, of course, the school’s response was:

> “We do, as teachers, everything that we possibly can to help them”

Maybe when someone hears voices commanding him to terrible things and willfully chooses to obey those voices, it is time to think about not about helping him, but helping those near him.

But, instead:

> that harsh approach fell out of favor amid concerns that it was funneling too many young people — and particularly black and Hispanic students — into the juvenile justice system.

When a fat feminist who is hitting the wall complains that group of white males have an unhealthy attitude to women, does anyone say “We should do, as teachers, everything that we possibly can to help them”. No, they say “Let us throw the book at them, and not worry whether these accusations are true, false, or even remotely believable.”

When white males are accused of misbehavior, everyone has total confidence in the effectiveness of swift and harsh penalties, which should not be slowed down by old fashioned concerns about evidence or guilt. When a bunch of white males get together for some purpose that does not involve fucking each other, they are automatically suspected of being an evil terrorist organization.

> In recent years, Broward schools became a leader in the national move toward a different kind of discipline — one that would not just punish students, but also would help them address the root causes of their misbehavior. Such policies aim to combat what is known as the “school-to-prison pipeline,” giving teenagers a chance to stick with their education rather than get derailed, often permanently, by criminal charges.

In other words, a free pass for blacks and Hispanics to attack people at random, while if a white kid nibbles a slice of bread into the shape of a gun, the social workers get called to take him from his parents.

Blacks attack kids to take lunch money and such, without much regard for race, religion, ethnicity or social class. They are dangerous to everyone near them, ingroup or outgroup. Education and culture has little effect. Harvard blacks almost as dangerous as ghetto blacks. Blacks are more responsive to effective law enforcement than whites, thus black misbehavior is always a symptom of refusal to enforce the law on blacks.

But in Mexico, killings are generally human sacrifices of outgroup members to the old gods. People say they are drug cartel related, but this is politically correct bullshit. War is good for business only if someone else is paying for it. War is bad for business if you are paying for it. If a black drug gang commits mass murder, it is because they are doing it for business reasons but are incompetent at business. If a Mexican drug cartel in Mexico commits mass murder, they are murdering members of a near outgroup because they hear the voices of the Old Gods. The black drug gang commits murders because too stupid to find a peaceful resolution of a business dispute. The Mexican drug gang commits mass murders because listening to demons.

And now the voices of old gods have been heard in Florida.

110 comments School shot up because murdering white kids is OK

[…] School shot up because murdering white kids is OK […]

Dan says:

Not familiar with the term and the article doesn’t elaborate as I suppose I should already know it: please give me a brief summary of what you mean exactly by ‘old gods’/listening to demons?

Alrenous says:

It wouldn’t matter if murdering white kids was okay or not if the kids were allowed to shoot back. This is why they want to repeal the second amendment.

Oliver Cromwell says:

He looks weird, but not very indio.

pdimov says:

He’s adopted.

vOrtex says:

Half-Jewish, apparently, which explains some of the mental instability.

BomberCommand says:

I think this is more a mental health issue than a race issue. People knew that leftist atheist who murdered a church full of Christians was insane as well and nothing was done.

In 1950 we had almost 600,000 people in American mental institutions. By 1980 we had around 167,000 in institutions despite the doubling of the population. Today we have almost no one in mental institutions, instead, the system waits for them to commit a major crime and then used the prison system to keep them out of circulation. The left and the leftist courts destroyed the system in the 70s under the theory of mainstreaming nutcases leading to many incidents of mass murder and homelessness. My uncle by marrage killed himself after 45 years of mental illness but fourantly he didn’t take anyone with him. Today it’s votbatem to even speak of the issue of mental illness in terms of needing to lock these people up for their safty and ours.

jim says:

You think the killings are a mental health issue?

On one side of their mouths, Social Justice Warriors say these problems are “nothing to do with race, it is a mental health issue” and on the other side of their mouths they say that when we dealt coercively with those displaying this “mental health issue” it resulted in “particularly Hispanics” getting locked up.

The old gods walk again, and we need to deal with them as the conquistadors did.

It is supposedly nothing to do with race when Hispanics display bad behavior, and yet it is everything to do with race when they get locked up for that bad behavior.

BomberCommand says:

>You think the killings are a mental health issue?

Solo mass killings are typically mental illness or guys who can’t get laid picking a cause a to improve their sexual selection fitness. The first you deal with by locking them up when it becomes apparent they’re crazy but before they start killing and the second you deal with by making access to wife and children dependant on working hard enough to buy a home instead of insisting they play the dating game. I’ve looked at this guy’s eyes and he’s insane. The left’s system is set up to produce mass murders like this.

This particular story is a big deal because the people murdered are high status and the guy who committed this atrocity are the right type of minority. It’s the type of propaganda play the left loves. They get to play up loving the murder and loving the victims at the same time while attacking their enemies with it.

Personally, I’m far more upset about a leftist atheist who murdered a church full of good families and then I had to watch the left mock the victims. Our conflict isn’t with people who are easily defeated in war and who can’t build anything of value. Our war is with the left who will desire to kill every last white man, woman, and child and they have the power to make it happen.

>The old gods walk again, and we need to deal with them as the conquistadors did.

By fucking their women and creating a race of loser halfbreeds instead of repopulating the conquered lands with their own kin? I prefer the Hebrew solution. They killed savages who eat their children and worship blood gods to the last man, woman, and child. No quarter was given.

The old gods walk again in Latin America because the Conquestor chose to fuck the daughters of the blood gods instead of slaying them. You can’t civilize a people by fucking them into a new race.

vOrtex says:

>You can’t civilize a people by fucking them into a new race.
Sure you can, you just need enough iterations.

Big Brutha says:

That only works if you keep the males of the group you are trying to “modify” from breeding in each subsequent generation.

You would have to make them all palace eunuchs and take the women as concubines until the group has progressed beyond “hexadecaroon” where their actual racial origins are too watered down to really matter.

However, nobody wants their own male offspring, whether it is from a concubine or not, to be neutered. But without that there’s no way to breed the old out and water them down.

You just end up with the “half-castes” backbreeding with the original racial group.

You might be able to get away with it now but to what end?

vOrtex says:

We have MRI now, if you’re willing to abort at 20 weeks.

Hormone treatments to influence sex at conception.

IVF, if you want to civilize in a generation – faster than seven.

jim says:

Assume that concubine’s daughters are a profit, concubine’s sons are an expense. Assume concubine’s owner has complete authority over her reproduction.

Mister Grumpus says:

Concubine’s daughters are a profit because they can be horse-traded?

And concubine’s sons are a loss because they’re alienated and disgruntled competition?

That about right?

jim says:

That is the plan.

Ron says:

If you castrate the males and use them as slaves, you incentivize conquest of neighbors. This will cause the process to run out of control.

If you only kill off all the males and previously used females, you are going to be left with underage female children who must be raised to adulthood, then married off. Once married off, they are no longer under your total control. If married to you, then they have influince over you in the way all women have influence. If married to your sons, influence over your sons.

Therefore it is necessary to properly train sich females to have benevolent view towards others bc you do not want them encouraging their sons or husbands to wreck mass havoc across your own society.

Enslavement of an entire population is a different story. At that point you must either create a terror state to keep them in a constant state of humiliation and fear, or you must find a way to integrate them into your population.

The first method will be used against you, ie (in my opinion) the cause of death of the Roman republic was the apparatus implemented to keep its slave population in line after the Spartacus revolts. Note that after the revolts there was a great effort among the younger nobility to grant rights to slaves and reorganize the aristocratic favored land distribution system. This effort was crushed by men such as Cicero. Immediately after the Romans turn to a warlord to keep everyone in line and the republic becomes a polite fiction.

vOrtex says:

Females don’t revolt, nor does “enslavement” mean anything to them — they mate enthusiastically up the hierarchy and strenuously resist all attempts to impose egalitarianism on them.

When you select the sex of the offspring, the sex ratio is whatever you want it to be.

The future will be genetically engineered.

jim says:

Enslaving males is no longer economically very useful, since we have little use for dumb muscle power these days. The value of labor lies in the mind, not the muscles, and slaves have an incentive to be stupid.

jay says:

Actually you can civilize people by executing all murderers:

pdimov says:
vOrtex says:

>Faceberg link
How about no.

pdimov says:

Nehlen was banned from Twitter but not from Facebook. Go figure.

Alrenous says:

SSRIs cause mass murder in only the Jewish?

vOrtex says:

Be careful not to make fun of the ayylmaos.

yewotm8 says:

Is hearing the voice of the “old gods” not a mental health issue in itself? Not in a “oh he needs treatment we just need to rehabilitate him” way, but in a “that guy is crazy and needs to be locked up” way. If a guy is hearing voices telling him to kill people, does it really matter if those voices have a cultural/ethnic theme to them? The action we should take is the same. It just so happens that mexicans have a much higher rate and need to be treated more harshly. Or physically removed as a precaution.

jim says:

Europeans who hear the voice of the holy spirit are not crazy, and Mexicans who hear the voices of the Old Gods are not crazy.

A European who hears the voices of demons is socially isolated, and the demons tell him to lash out at family and friends. He is crazy.

A Mexican who hears the voices of demons is often part of a small socially cohesive group, is quite likely alpha within his group, and the demons tell him to lash out at members of the near outgroup, not the near ingroup.

If Nikolas Cruz had been socially isolated, would not have been able to get away with the stuff he got away with. The other kids would have beaten him till he puked and shat in his pants.

A European who hears the voice of the holy spirit is quite likely alpha within his near ingroup, and the holy spirit tells him his authority is legitimate, and tells his near ingroup that his authority is legitimate and appointed by God, presupposing he promotes cooperation within the near ingroup, and peace with outgroups.

A Mexican who hears the voices of demons is is quite likely alpha within his near ingroup, and the demons tell him and his near ingroup that his authority is necessary to the near ingroup, because they need to get the members of the near outgroup before the near outgroup gets them.

pdimov says:

Nikolas Cruz wasn’t Mexican though.

peppermint says:

Q: why did the cops and FBI ignore his behavior
A: because his last name is Cruz, not Crocker, and his mother was jewish, not Georgian

Ron says:

No, his behavior was ignored because he was clearly being conditioned to commit that shooting.

Everything surrounding this case indicates that there was advance knowledge, that there was official complicity, that there was a great media campaign clearly set up in advance to roll out.

The one school official with a gun chose to go off that day. The school had a gate which had to be manually opened, it was already open. There was an automatic system that would lock all doors to prevent a shooter from having mobility. Cruz knew enough to set off the fire alarm which woild disable the automatic system that locks all doors.

This was setup. Which not incidentally means that whoever did it, didnt care much about Cruz’ ethnicity either.

peppermint says:

If they could have used any ethnicity, why didn’t they use an American autist and find his cell phone with gigs of TRS podcasts?

He had to be Hispanic enough that he could get away with everything.

And, being as Hispanics are allowed to get away with anything, there’s no reason to assume he was mind controlled instead of merely coached.

jim says:

As the evidence comes in, looks like he was set up – genuine bad guy, but led in the desired direction by people searching for a genuine bad guy to perform a genuine school shooting.

If he was completely fake, he would be one of the numerous FBI members of stormfront.

Looks like a genuine unpleasant character who genuinely hears demons, but led into this school shooting by the FBI.

pdimov says:

His behavior after the shooting makes little sense for a genuine bad guy.

TBeholder says:

A European who hears the voices of demons is socially isolated, and the demons tell him to lash out at family and friends. He is crazy.

A Mexican who hears the voices of demons is often part of a small socially cohesive group

Depends on where you look, maybe? There’s a big crazy happy new age community, with all these socially cohesive groups that do anything from spirit cucking cooking, to hippening tons of weed, to 10:10, and whatnot.

TBeholder says:

You think the killings are a mental health issue?

All drug problems are, obviously, mental health issues, one way or another.
Just not all are mental health only issues.

On one side of their mouths, Social Justice Warriors say these problems are “nothing to do with race, it is a mental health issue” and on the other side of their mouths they say that when we dealt coercively with those displaying this “mental health issue” it resulted in “particularly Hispanics” getting locked up.

Another coincidence inexplicably pointing the same way.
But, uh, look over there – Subliminal Messages! Sotonic Heavy Metal! Dungeons and Dragons! Murder Simulators! Climate Brainmeltening! evul shitlords on in-torah-net, I swear by my soggy knees! :]

[…] Source: Jim […]

lalit says:

Jim, do you not believe that Artificial Intelligence will render all the human conflicts moot? That the biggest threat to Humanity comes from AI? Never heard your take on AI. Would love to read about it.

vOrtex says:

Duh. The only question is when.

Samuel Skinner says:

Is there any AI concept that doesn’t end with either wireheading or mass murder?

Samuel Skinner says:

That is about getting AI to work. I’m talking about AI motivation.

jim says:

Underwhelmed by AI. Robot drivers rely on humans coding every object along the roads. This might be workable, Scott might be right that robot drivers will replace human drivers, and I might be wrong, but that will still not constitute robot drivers being conscious until they can drive along a road which has not yet been subject to excruciatingly detailed coding by humans.

Similarly, computer translation. The flaw in all computer translation is that the computer has no idea what you are talking about, and this has shown no signs of improvement. Scott might well be right about robot drivers, and I might well be wrong, but he is dead wrong about computer translation.

pdimov says:

Once AI gets past a certain level it starts noticing, which is disallowed. So now the goal has shifted from “make an AI” to “make an AI that doesn’t notice” which is harder.

lalit says:

So how long are you thinking before AI becomes the biggest threat facing humanity rather than this inter human ideological conflict? Sometimes I wish for AI to come take over and get it all over with just so we don’t have to suffer the humiliation of being beaten and conquered by Muslims. That would be unbearable

jim says:

There is no inevitable and predictable progress towards true AI. What is required for AI is an unknown unknown – we do not know what consciousness is, or even why it is useful. Maybe it something as easy as the realization that planes need three axis control and someone will issue true AI next week. Maybe it is magic and we will never get there. It is not predictable.

vOrtex says:

Consciousness is a dynamic post-hoc utility function.

Alrenous says:

I know what consciousness is, I have a good guess at how to make one, and I have a good guess at what’s it’s for. E.g. consciousness might be especially efficient at pattern recognition, due to the nature of subjective similarity. It has to be enormously useful because it is enormously expensive to generate consciousness.

AI researchers will never stumble across consciousness because it requires specialized hardware, and they will not look for the hardware because it’s Cartesian and thus low status.

peppermint says:

You know the social trends apply especially to young men who want to seem sophisticated towards women. Hardware is cool.

lalit says:
Pseudo-chrysostom says:

When designing an apparatus for performing thinkums, improving performance within a space is genius, while improving performance by increasing space is easy and strait forward.

Which is why i think one of the biggest game changers of all (on many levels) is going to be synthetic womb techniques.

For most all of humanoid evolutionary history, a heretofore intractable limitation on encephalization potential has been hip width.

Once unfettered from the feminine jew though, incipient masters of the universe will be free to min-max head size just like the melonheaded ancient aliens. Thus opening the gates on a bootstrapping path rather distincted from most singulitarians. A path with a much clearer and logistically practicable way forward, i’d wager.

jim says:

The proposed artificial womb does not render women entirely irrelevant – needs a woman to 24 weeks. Doubtless this can be improved, but it is a good start.

Mister Grumpus says:

Dude how and where did you learn to notice so well?

I mean seriously man what’s your secret?

This is some Noticing 501 Masters Thesis level shit right here.

Oliver Cromwell says:

I think this post totally misses the mark.

Not only is this guy not remotely indio, even on a gross level Hispanics just do not have a very high crime rate in the US. If anything they are reducing the level of disorder in the US by displacing blacks from so many bad neighbourhoods that are near good neighbourhoods, turning dangerous wastelands into merely somewhat unkempt slums.

Even in Latin American countries, you see runaway violent crime primarily in areas blacks live. The notorious parts of Brazil, for instance, are inhabited mostly by blacks and mullatos, not indios and mestizos.

Hispanic (i.e. mestizo and indio) immigration to the US is bad in that it produces a left wing vote bank, bad in that it reduces the average productivity of Americans while increasing the average expected handout. It’s also bad in that Hispanics are ultimately quite docile and easily controlled by those in power, people who are our enemies. The idea that they are identical with blacks is a canard.

peppermint says:

The biggest problem with conservatives is that they will ignore the murder of Kate Steinle when given a narrative just like the liberals will, and their narratives are anti-White and pro-jew just like the liberals.

Oliver Cromwell says:

The argument against immigration from personal sob stories is leftist in essence, unconvincing to anyone who knows the statistics, and largely tangential to the real reasons immigration is bad: not that there are one or two spectacularly awful people mixed into the bunch, but that the bunch itself is plain inferior. Not inferior enough that every individual, or even most, can be turned into a left-style outrage story.

Steve Johnson says:

“The argument against immigration from personal sob stories is leftist in essence, unconvincing to anyone who knows the statistics, and largely tangential to the real reasons immigration is bad”


The argument from personal sob stories is an unsophisticated telling but is absolutely sound – immigrants create communities that shield bad actors. Other races / ethnicities have bad actors that act in ways that our culture doesn’t have defenses for since our culture evolved methods of controlling bad actors from our race. The headline-grabbing bad actors are just as much of a salient anti-immigration argument as big picture arguments.

Oliver Cromwell says:

With big data methods, we could easily exclude the vast majority of those mestizo and indio immigrants who might commit violent crimes, while still bringing in millions of mestizos and indios each year. Would it then be OK? It would be better, but not much.

vOrtex says:

Immigration is a sexual act: there is a penetrator, and there is a penetratee.

Steve Johnson says:

No you can’t because it’s an ecological niche.

jim says:

Not only is this guy not remotely indio, even on a gross level Hispanics just do not have a very high crime rate in the US

The level of trouble a white guy gets in Hispanic majority areas in the South Bay is intolerable, and will drive out any reasonable person.

Note also that the school had an affirmative action program in favor of Hispanic crime – they were troubled that Hispanics were disproportionately getting in trouble, which indicates that on the level of Broward schools, Hispanics did have a very high crime rate.

That Hispanics in Mexico have a high crime rate reflects the influence of the Old Gods, which until recently was not felt in the US. Now their influence is felt.

Oliver Cromwell says:

“The level of trouble a white guy gets in Hispanic majority areas in the South Bay is intolerable, and will drive out any reasonable person.”

Maybe, I’ve never been there.

“Note also that the school had an affirmative action program in favor of Hispanic crime – they were troubled that Hispanics were disproportionately getting in trouble, which indicates that on the level of Broward schools, Hispanics did have a very high crime rate.”

Perhaps. How do you square that with the larger scale evidence, particularly the argument of La Griffe du Lion? This is not a rhetorical question.

“That Hispanics in Mexico have a high crime rate reflects the influence of the Old Gods, which until recently was not felt in the US. Now their influence is felt.”

I believe that the Aztec murder machine in some way reflects the racial consciousness of the Indio, and I believe that Indios have survived colonialism as a race.

Nonetheless, Cruz is not an Indio.

Nonetheless, Indio violence was organised, like Nazi violence, just dumber than Nazi violence. Black violence is disorganised, and, as you correctly state, is mostly due to Blacks being too dumb and short sighted to stop themselves doing actions that bring more harm than benefit to themselves.

jim says:

The large scale evidence is that if someone commits a crime, or is suspected of committing a crime, and they can half plausibly deny he is Hispanic, they will call him white.

The old gods are not all that racist. If you believe yourself Hispanic, you are likely to hear their voices, regardless of actual biology. Notice that after the conquest, they fell silent in Mexico for centuries, and have only recently returned.

pdimov says:

Cruz did not believe himself Hispanic. He didn’t like to speak Spanish, “didn’t feel comfortable in his own skin, in his culture.”

jim says:

So, he makes extra effort. He thinks his skin is brown, even if it is not.

pdimov says:

Afraid not. “In his culture” refers to the “Hispanic” culture. He did not feel Hispanic, he resented being called/thought/treated as Hispanic.

jim says:

He is shopping for an identity, and all the identities that he shops for (Jewish, Isis, Hispanic) are hostile to whites, and derive their high status from hostility to whites.

pdimov says:

Methinks you’re making up facts to fit your cool theory. Your cool theory _is_ cool, don’t get me wrong.

But what I see here is an off-white who considers himself white and _hates_ being treated as “Hispanic”.


jim says:

Observe that all the numerous identities that he tried on for size were white hating identities.

Therefore hates whites, does not consider himself white, or if he does consider himself white, is ashamed of this horrid evil fact and wants to fix it.

jim says:

Not what was reported before he shot up the school.

pdimov says:

Where are you observing those things?

I find

“Lynda told investigators from the DCF that her son had written racial slurs and drawn “a Nazi symbol” on his bookbag.”


“He wrote in the group chat that he joined around August 2017 specifically that he hated: “jews, ni**ers, immigrants,” and showed that he had an obsession with violence and guns, CNN first reported on Saturday.”


“The chat group, named by Cruz, is “Murica (American flag emoji) (eagle emoji) great,” CNN reported. CNN, investigating comments the shooter may have left on a now-deleted YouTube channel, was added to the private Instagram group by one of the active members in it, the news channel reported.

In one post about his biological mother, Cruz said: “My real mom was a Jew. I am glad I never met her,” according to CNN. He also said that he hated Jews because he believed they wanted to destroy the world.”


“The Instagram pages show a fixation with guns and knives. In one, the profile picture includes a MAGA hat.”


“The Daily Beast reported that, according to Ocean Parodie, 17, “Cruz always had his hair short and had a penchant for wearing patriotic shirts that ‘seemed really extreme, like hating on’ Islam…The suspected gunman would also deride Muslims as ‘terrorists and bombers.’” Parodie also told Daily Beast: “I’ve seen him wear a Trump hat.””


“Here is the Instagram post that mentions Allahu Akbar. Some people have been using that post to argue the suspect supported ISIS or Islamic terrorism but the post showed he was joking about terrorism and wanted to kill terrorists. He wrote: “Durka durka Mohamed jihad .. how do I work this oh oh I mess up cooo booom!!…durka durka … bam boom explosions,” and included a series of bomb smilies.”

jim says:

Everything CNN tells you is a lie, irrespective of what they are talking about.

I notice that those who complained about Cruz’s terrorist propensities before he shot up the school gave the complete opposite account.

Anyone who pays attention to what CNN says is a dupe or a tool of those who intend to murder us. Naturally when they get caught murdering us, they blame us.

pdimov says:


“White women drew Cruz’s hatred as well, specifically those in interracial relationships, whom he referred to repeatedly as traitors.”

“In his first message to the chat group, Cruz bragged about writing a letter to President Donald Trump — and receiving a response.”

“”He seemed nice but also had some mental issues,” one member told CNN. “All (I know) is that he likes guns and really hates liberals.””

jim says:

Whenever CNN reports anything, that is reliable evidence that it is not true, and that whoever is telling the story has evil intent.

peppermint says:

What if Cruz didn’t think of himself as a spic and his fellow students didn’t think of him as one either? What if he didn’t make a big deal about being kinda jew-ish?

He still would have to have been treated by the institution as if he was a full indio for the purposes of the punishment reduction bonuses. That’s how his behavior got so far out of line.

Meanwhile, the spics probably saw him as a gringo, the Whites resented him for benefiting from being considered a spic, the kikes considered him a goy, and the Whites whispered that his biological mom was a jew, and he was adopted. It is hard for mixed young men to be at peace because they are at war with themselves, even if their peoples have the level of peace that existed in the 90s, which was concealed contempt that you don’t tell your kids about but they know.

pdimov says:

Not all of that is CNN.

>Meanwhile, the spics probably saw him as a gringo, the Whites resented him for benefiting from being considered a spic, the kikes considered him a goy, and the Whites whispered that his biological mom was a jew, and he was adopted.

Pretty much.

Koanic says:

And they were all right to view him as other, Peppermint, because genetic distance is real.

It’s the revenge of the raceless hybrid against humanity.

pdimov says:

>Not what was reported before he shot up the school.

This part is before and is probably verifiable:

“Lynda told investigators from the DCF that her son had written racial slurs and drawn “a Nazi symbol” on his bookbag.”

(obviously Lynda would not have been able to tell investigators anything after that, as she was dead at the time.)

This part:

“The Instagram pages show a fixation with guns and knives. In one, the profile picture includes a MAGA hat.”

also refers to something easily verifiable that occurred before him shooting up the school.

Neither of those were _reported_ before he shot up the school because he wasn’t in the news then.

jim says:

An unnamed investigator.

Let us hear it from the investigator’s report issued before the school shooting.

If there was an Instagram photo of him wearing a Maga hat, show me. The internet remembers all.

If easy to verify, verify it.

peppermint says:

if he’s not cool and David Hogg is cool, he should signal defiance with a MAGA hat and fashy memes that David Hogg’s parents hate but can’t get rid of

peppermint says:

a lot of adults don’t understand just how cynical kids are about what they signal and why, but only because a lot of adults pretend that they’re acting for the people who were adults when they were kids, back when there was such a thing as a normal American, the media and academia was almost uniformly hostile so the only source of counter-narratives was explicitly fringe publications, and they could “get through to” the normal Americans with emotional manipulation enough to get them to go along with the long, slow process of frog boiling.

pdimov says:

> If there was an Instagram photo of him wearing a Maga hat, show me. The internet remembers all.

The claim and the screenshots come from here:

The instagram page itself is now deleted.

seems to be a snapshot from before the deletion but doesn’t display for me.

The DCF report is from 2016. Here’s a non-CNN article about it, which quotes slightly differently and has more information:

jim says:

I would like to see his face with the hat, but the internet archive is a plausibly non political source, unlike CNN, which plausibly non political source supports that the hat came from his instagram.

Koanic says:

I am interested in your sociology of American cynicism Peppermint, but you’re being a bit too brief in explaining it.

pdimov says:

Cruz was trying to be edgy. Jim says the edges he tried all included hating whitey, but I see no evidence for him pretending to hate whitey, as this was probably insufficiently edgy in his environment, if not applauded outright.

/ourside/ holds all the edges.

Cynical because he wrote that he hated niggers but I doubt he did – look at the picture of his (half-)brother. He just optimized for shock value.

peppermint says:

I’m an x, therefore I y. Boomers or Xirs or Millennials didn’t literally think, I’m trying to signal that I’m intelligent and civic minded, therefore I’m pretending Bill is a policy wonk instead of incomprehensible and a pervert and Hillary is a great philanthropist instead of a social climber with zero concern for how she affects her community.

GenZ is from the Age of Chans, the chans have been around since they could read. Millennials saw surreal copypasta and memes as jokes. Now every Millennial wants to either be an Xir and listen to alternative rock or be GenZ and listen to synthwave.

GenZ actually thinks I’m an x therefore I y. They’ve seen the memes, this guy is an x so he does y, and they see themselves as in the school meme. In the school meme, when there’s the school shooting meme, I’m a theater kid, so I take victim statements in which we demand gun control. Kid got his media and politics career launched by following the memes.

The no hair chick would play up that she’s one of the pocs because that meme makes her cool. Cruz evidently could be more cool by saying things that Hogg wouldn’t want to be near someone who said, meaning Cruz exercises power over Hogg by saying them.

But the weird ones aren’t GenZ. The weird ones are Boomers, Xirs, and Xir-aping Millennials who are playing intelligent and civic minded starchildren without consciously being aware of themselves.

Leading to the DailyStormer question – What do you get out of being a liberal? And the DailyStormer assertion – I believe exactly what any four of my great-grandparents would have believed.

Koanic says:

Ok. Interesting. In the absence of parenting, imprinting on memes.

Z says:

Hey P can you rephrase like your entire comment?


>In the school meme, when there’s the school shooting meme, I’m a theater kid, so I take victim statements in which we demand gun control. Kid got his media and politics career launched by following the memes.


>Cruz evidently could be more cool by saying things that Hogg wouldn’t want to be near someone who said, meaning Cruz exercises power over Hogg by saying them.


peppermint says:

Boomers, Xirs, and Millennials were parented, and also fed jew memes through the education, music, movie, and tv industries.

Z, basic neoreactionary theory says that Cruz making Hogg uncomfortable and making him go away and merely saying what would theoretically do that gives Cruz power over Hogg and coolness over Hogg.

What do you do when you’re on fire? Three things, say them. That’s how Hogg knew to take victim statements against guns when he was in that closet. It should have been comforting to him to be doing what he was supposed to do.

Koanic says:

Haha excellent. Also your sentence structure is confusing readers.

Oliver Cromwell says:

“The old gods are not all that racist.”


I am a racist though.

I believe in racial differences in brain structure.

I don’t believe in “I believe myself to be X ethnicity” differences in brain structure.

jim says:

The evidence of La Griffe du Lion is strikingly inconsistent with everyday experience of people in the south end of the bay.

Grampy_bone says:

That’s actually a bookkeeping trick. When a Mexican is the victim of a crime, the police record them as Mexican. When a Mexican commits a crime, the police record them as Caucasian.

pdimov says:
Ron says:

“When a fat feminist says”

I read this article a few times, and looking at the above line I thought “why is the fat feminist saying XYZ?”

Well she obviously wants to kill off a large number of the ruling males.


Because she is ugly and unwanted by them.

How does that help her?

The ruling males are K selected, meaning they have sexual standards. Standards she falls short of. Killing them off opens the door for other males. Specifically r selected males who will fuck anything with a hole. Whats more, they will loot the K selected males, kill off their own compatriots, such that it is conceivable she can be taken into a harem with enough product to keep her and her spawn alive long enough to reproduce themselves.

But r selected males are vermin! They live in squalor and horror. Why would anyone choose to go with them?

Because squalor and children, is better than luxury and reproductive death.

Stephen W says:

School shootings are caused by schools we must ban all education.

Nishiki says:

I, uh, don’t know what to think about this shooting. Read this:

“Snead and his wife, Kimberly, described Cruz as polite and “normal,” saying they set rules for the teen, which he followed to the letter. If he left a candy wrapper or dish out, Kimberly Snead said Cruz behaved as if he was “afraid to be in trouble.””

What kid with a history of violence is ever “afraid to be in trouble” and follows rules “to the letter”? How could the family he lived with for four months believe he displayed “no warning signs” despite all these reports of police visitation and school expulsion for threatening and disturbing behavior?

I’m not into conspiracies at all but this… this doesn’t make any sense. Literally every single interview with any student victim whatsoever is unbelievable too. And not because they’re not grieving right or whatever. No, it’s what they’re actually saying. Their stories are insane. Check these three out:

This girl claims that her best friend – who she never even names – was shot right next to her. She also says that she held a small book up to defend her from bullets and that this book kept her from being hurt “so badly”. Seriously, this girl is claiming she was grazed by bullets and yet is obviously in no pain at all. Bonus: she says she was in “holocaust class” when the shooting started.

Here, a teacher claims that 911 told her that the shooter was “coming back” (@1:25 in the video) and she says, bizarrely, “he already shot up my classroom twice and now he’s coming back!?” How on earth would a 911 responder have any knowledge about either the teacher or the shooter’s location?

This is my absolute favorite.

This girl claims to have been shot in both legs and to have shrapnel lodged behind the globe of her eye. She is in no discomfort as she walks and talks with the reporter. And her “black eye” is not swollen in the slightest. It’s so clearly make-up it’s insulting.

I’d be very surprised if Cruz is guilty of a damn thing.

vOrtex says:

You forgot to mention that the school is going to be razed even sooner than was Sandy Hook.

But at least there wasn’t an ongoing simulated active shooter drill going on at the exact same time that the event was actually happening.

Restart your blog, fuckface.

Contaminated NEET says:

The old gods say, “conquer the outgroup and distribute the spoils to your kith and kin.” New god says, “Let the outgroup conquer your kith and kin to prove how above it all you are.” You’re telling me the old gods are the demons?

Yes. You get it. If Aztecs had discovered Europe, and converted us to Tlaloc and Xipe Totec, we wouldn’t turn other cheeks against later invaders. We would eat their hearts…

Mictlan is eternal!!!

jim says:

We need peace with outgroups, and war only to the extent that you need the continual threat of war to keep the peace. The old gods demand that you eat the outgroup.

Holiness spiral results in war with outgroups, as with the Jews, or capitulation to outgroups, as with Christianity holiness spiraled into progressivism.

The Christianity of King John III did not incline him to surrender to hostile outgroups.

Sobieski was a Catholic. Aquinas went Derrida on the Bible. What is seen, cannot be unseen. Too many people nowadays know that Christians are supposed to turn other cheeks.

The Crusaders followed the Old Testament, and they quoted the treatment of the Amalekites.

jay says:

”The Crusaders followed the Old Testament, and they quoted the treatment of the Amalekites.”

Obviously Unchristian. Since Herem can only be ordered by God in the Theocracy of Ancient Israel.

10When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it. 11And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee. 12And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it: 13And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: 14But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the LORD thy God hath given thee

Contaminated NEET says:

King John III and all his buddies and rivals weren’t listening to the new god, though. They kept the Bible out of the common man’s hands, and any churchman who took holy surrender too seriously was packed off to a monastery where he could be above it all without actually leading his people into slavery and oblivion.

A marrano secretly worships G-d.
A morisco secretly worships Allah(swt)

A germano secretly worships Odin.
A slavisco secretly worships Swantewit.

Understand this, and you’ll understand a lot.

TBeholder says:

Same old. “The Inner Party will protect you from the Proles… maybe… if you beg really, really nicely”. After all, if it just did this, who would beg nicely?

vxxc2014/vetssc2017 says:

I can’t find the link now but Cruz supposedly claimed his real mother as Jewish and so may have been self loathing Jew shooting up 40% Jewish school.

His Brother of course has already been committed under the Baker Act.

We’re only still talking about this because Jews were killed.

Jim unless you can make the case that Cruz was listening to old Hispanic gods then we don’t have Hispanic Blood gods/old gods – but in general you’re correct about their blood rituals.

peppermint says:

The thing about #hoggwash is these kids aren’t so much cynical as they’re raised by memes instead of teachers now and see everything as a meme. They’re coached and can’t remember their lines, but everyone expects that. They also thought, okay, I’m in the school shooting meme, what I’m supposed to do now is the gun control meme my mom and aunt like. The reason people point out the obvious coaching is that they are getting the bit completely wrong emotionally, because mommy isn’t doing her part.

When children act, mommy is supposed to react in an exaggerated fashion to let them know what they’re going for and how well they’re doing. Mommy professor, mommy teacher, cool divorcee lesbian aunt, these people aren’t doing their part and acting emotionally manipulated, they’re acting completely cynical like here are the new facts on the ground now we can take the guns, which means the kids aren’t getting the feedback they need to do proper waterworks and act properly emotionally manipulative, but instead they’re aping mommy being cynical about the whole thing.

If lesbian aunt understood what she was doing, she would be able to get the kids to cry for the cameras convincingly so the guns could be grabbed. Instead the FL govt passes a resolution against porn.

But in the final analysis, lesbian aunt doesn’t actually want to do gun grabbing as much as she wants what’s best for the kids. She is interested in teaching them to be as cynical as she is.

We’ve come a long way since it was possible to stage a commie revolootion while the country was under invasion (ru) or attempt one while the country was under humiliating occupation (de).

[…] in between. Jim, naturally, cuts through all the nonsense and gets right to the heart of the issue: school shot up because murdering white kids is OK. The individual in this case (unlike the MSM, it is TWiR policy to not glorify mass murderers by […]

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Hail fellow human male. I to am of the human and appreciate grilled beers and sex with the woman.

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