
“The intellectual Dark Web” – and Jordan Peterson

Yesterday, Saturday, I was shopping at the farmers market, and at one of the stalls my girlfriend asked if we should buy some choko, and I said “You are in charge, you decide”, meaning she was in charge of cooking and the kitchen.  Whereupon the stall holder, a late twenties white male small scale farmer selling his own produce or his family’s produce, said

“Hey don’t say that.  They might start believing it!”

“Don’t worry, I beat her regularly”, I said.

“Right, that is OK then”, he said, giving me a thumbs up.

The New York Times has recently blessed “The intellectual dark web” – which is the latest controlled opposition.

If the New York Times blesses you, you are our enemy, and you intend to destroy everyone like me, you intend to deny me grandchildren, you intend to to erase my culture and destroy its statues, monuments and great buildings.  You intend to demonize and erase my ancestors and their great achievements from history, you intend to erase my past and deny me a future. You are planning to flatten the great buildings of my ancestors, and replace them with concrete boxes, because you hate my past.

All the members of the Intellectual Dark Web are the usual neocons, who are open about their intent to erase my past and crush my future  –  except for Jordan Peterson, who is not a neocon.  So Jordan Peterson and thus his followers, are being urged to assimilate to those who unambiguously intend to destroy us, and to repudiate and disown those who hope to preserve us.

Where does Jordan Peterson stand on preserving my past and my future?


White people always have a state religion. Our current state religion is progressivism, a heretical descendant of Christianity based on immanentizing the eschaton, transliterating Christianity from the next world to this.

And our current state religion hates us, and seeks to destroy us.

Children need fathers, fathers need a tribe and a faith.  Peterson is attempting to synthesize a new faith  – but it is a faith without a tribe, without tribal identity.  Adherents of Peterson’s faith have, shall have no practices that identify them to each other.  Adherents of the faith are urged to do good to everyone – which is pretty stupid, and holiness competition in appearing to do good to far away strangers (without actually doing good to them) is in substantial part what got us into this mess.  Peterson’s new faith is fully progressivism compliant, and progressivism just loves progressivism compliant faiths, which somehow rapidly become entirely indistinguishable from progressivism, and then quietly fade away.

For a faith to avoid assimilation by progressivism, has to have some key points of doctrine and practice that will prevent that assimilation – for example a commandment based on some red pill facts about women would work. Peterson gives no useful advice, let alone any commandments, on how to deal with women, though he seems to have noticed how oddly relaxed women are about the rapeugee problem.

Peterson urges males to be masculine, to not be ashamed of masculinity, which is a mighty inspiring message for men who have been demonized and taught to hate themselves and their own nature, but his concept of masculinity avoids directly confronting the progressive demonization and hatred of males and masculinity. Peterson’s masculinity is expressed in cleaning up your room and pedestalizing women, but I have found that if you want to pull chicks, important to seem scary and potentially violent. Peterson is plugging that masculinity which is the least offensive possible to progressives, the least threatening possible to progressives, but in practice, the most offensive possible masculinity is considerably more advantageous, short of actually getting into fights, and so long as smooth talking and expensive lawyers can keep one out of jail, the masculinity that the man at the farmer’s market stall was plugging, which was noticeably more virile than the masculinity plugged by Jordan Peterson.

Jordan Peterson has, in the past, been disturbingly cozy with globalists, with people who want to eliminate the white race, erase the history of white civilizations, end high tech capitalism, industrial capitalism, and large scale capitalist extraction of natural resources.

For Peterson’s new faith to resist progressive assimilation, and to actually benefit its adherents, he needs to follow up that thought about the oddly relaxed attitude of feminists to the rapeugee problem.

People hunger and thirst for truth. Jordan Peterson promises truth but does not deliver. Cleaning up your room will not make you a man, let alone get you pussy.

360 comments “The intellectual Dark Web” – and Jordan Peterson

[…] “The intellectual Dark Web” – and Jordan Peterson […]

BomberCommand says:

The guy that should be building a religion is Voxday. But he’s too much of a spurg to give people anything useful to live by and spends his time tearing others down.

Piers says:

Vox Day has given useful advice before. Read the archives. His tearing down others is a service to men. Jordan Peterson is worse than a cuck. Peterson is a mole. He knows what he is doing whereas cucks are usually clueless.

BomberCommand says:

Vox rarely if ever gives useful advice to most of his readers. His game stuff was half-assed compared to heartsie and others. He constructs systems without testing them empirically. They don’t work. Vox spent ages ripping on Peterson for this reason or that, while others determined that Peterson was a mole, vox was merly repeating what they’d discovered.

Someone else needs to write the religion while Vox does what he does best popularizes it and shreds the people who oppose it. Expecting Vox to create a working system given his track record is lunicy.

Roberto says:

Beale, like Cernovich and like McInnes and like Yannopoulos and like other such bloggers, serves as a freelance gatekeeper and asset of TPTB.

These people all push the same limited hangout (or outright disinformation) memes about Antifa, BLM, blue-haired Tumblrinas, GamerGate, PizzaGate, “radical Islam,” and sometimes even “Cultural Marxism” and the JQ, without substantially addressing the deep-set underlying diseases which have been plaguing the West for centuries. They aren’t real thoughtcriminals – they are fake ones.

Those who really understand what measures must be taken to make whites reproduce and prosper again are forced into hiding. Those who gleefully and clownishly prance around all over the place like celebrities are evidently unthreatening to the rulers of society.

vox Day has gone full retard…. and is proud of it.

peppermint says:

VD is incredibly useful. Castalia House and Arkhaven publish stuff no one else would dare. The Alt-Right is bigger than him and his ideology.

Theshadowedknight says:

Peppermint is absolutely right. Vox has done more for the AltRight than just about anybody. Politics is downstream of culture, and he is working to shape culture to a nationalist bent. Who cares about his other ideas when he can do that?

Besides, he is stripping off the lies that they hide behind. He sperged out on JP after he went off on the AltRight over the JQ, and exposed him as a UN shill who hates nationalism and worked with Tony Podesta. He regularly shits on the rest of the phony opposition for being dishonest cowards and I have seen his ideas leave his blog to be passed around as common knowledge before.

Unless you have an army or consensus of the most AltRight blogs, you do not get to purge people. Shut the fuck up and do something impressive enough to get a voice, then we can talk.

Mister Grumpus says:

Saywhat? JP and Tony Podesta?

Samuel Skinner says:


Aka pol strikes again:

“Jordan B. Peterson worked on the UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Sustainable Development, editing a document that was released in 2013 entitled ‘A NEW GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP: ERADICATE POVERTY AND TRANSFORM ECONOMIES THROUGH SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT’. One of the panel members of this UN High Council was none other than skippy himself, John Podesta.”

ack says:

“He is doing a Martin Luther. His 95 Theses arguably is his incipient interwebz school. The Internet is pretty much the printing press all over again, except an order of magnitude more powerful.”

I take it all back.

Piers says:

without substantially addressing the deep-set underlying diseases which have been plaguing the West for centuries

What are the underlying diseases?

Those who really understand what measures must be taken to make whites reproduce and prosper 

What does it take?

peppermint says:

Induhvidualism, inculcated by the university. Need to let the student loan bubble pop, confiscate all assets of all universities and individual professors (there are no good professors. Even if Donald Knuth didn’t go to the March for Science, he still exists solely to make the university look good. The “good professors” will be able to get decent jobs, the rest should become prostitutes or just die), unenforce domestic violence law against respectable White men, remove alimony from no-fault divorce, and children always go to their father.

That’s literally all it would take. White men and women would marry in their early 20s again, and the level of education would improve.

Piers says:

Thanks peppermint. I just wanted to see what Roberto would say

jim says:

Christianity took a wrong turn in the eleventh century when it made female consent mandatory for marriage and made celibacy mandatory for priests.

The restoration version of Anglicanism got Christianity back on track, but then the enlightenment counter attacked. Have to undo the enlightenment. Female consent to marriage should be required for virtuous women and the highest status marriage, while we shotgun immoral women into lower status arrangements.

Alrenous says:

Vox would like to fight but in all cases where there’s a conflict, chooses to make money instead.

Neither Vox Day nor Jordan B. Peterson are remotely prepared for the profound sacrifices that would be necessary to sustainably resurrect Western Civilization.

jim says:

Not necessarily a mole yet. Trending that way. Right now, unclear even to himself what he is.

Dan says:

Vox Day tears down too much and attacks his own side too much.

Jordan Peterson does have a lot of useful things to say.


A big part of the crisis of the West is that women are over-educated and then don’t want to marry or have children with the men around them.

This is collapsing civilization as much as anything and JP addresses it.

Jordan Peterson is not the answer on all topics but he is certainly shooting in the right general direction on a lot of things.

Saving civilization will take a big coalition. Peterson has endured a lot of fire to make some good points. He isn’t the messiah but he is valuable.

Jordan Peterson is certainly not a never Trumper — in fact he is pro-Trump:

If you want to have a tiny coalition of Charlottesville losers, knock yourself out, but Trump and others actually want to win.

There are some people that must be ejected. Bill Kristol for instance is a truly execrable person. But to shoot at 80% of your own army because they haven’t yet figured out everything that you is dumb, and a losing strategy.

Alrenous says:

Peterson simply read the same papers that Roissy read. Similarly, I read the same papers that Robin Hanson read, or sufficient summaries thereof.

This sounds like a nitpick but I don’t think it is: there is no such thing as overeducation, and therefore women can’t be overeducated. They are overcredentialed.

Education leads to wisdom. If you are not wise, you are not educated. Women are not acting wisely.

Vox is indeed going off the handle. So, Peterson is a generation’s surrogate father, yes? Duh, Vox is having daddy issues in public.*
However, this does not mean his accusations are wholly false. Peterson’s explicit position on truth-speaking is exactly my position. Peterson’s truth-speaking behaviour is distinctly below my standard. For example I wanted to believe his reticence about his belief in god was epistemically justified. It is not, and neither behaviour nor attitude is consistent with his (overly) bold statements on other topics.

Peterson is still fatally deluded. He thinks democracy is okay. He thinks Ben Shapiro is doing anything useful. This doesn’t mean he says no true things; compare any random bluecheck, who can barely admit the sun comes up in the east.

While he’s not a shill, and instead believes sincerely, Gnon’s judgment does not normally include intent.

*(E.g. imagine any random JBP criticism was instead levelled at their biological father, and see if the supporter response is emotionally consonant.)

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

More than that, they (and men too in the academies) are being educated stupid rather, anti-educated you might even say (the rhetorical blindspot on this matter is telling).

There was a demand (‘doesn’t education sound great? doesn’t more education sound greater than less education?’), and a simulacrum was conjured to fulfill it; a pusilaminous beast that hacks the signal and consumes what is ostensibly desired.

The problem with thoughtless demands is not that they are not met, but when they *are* met.

Alrenous says:


bob k. mando says:

well, go on then oh wise one.

instruct me with your wizdumbs.

anonymous says:

“Should”s are cheap. Meanwhile, Nick Land has quietly built a religion.

jim says:

I have not been paying attention to Nick Land’s proposed religion. Where would you suggest I start reading up on it?

Jordan Peterson’s religion is defective because unwilling to squarely confront PC lies, but he has twelve million converts. How many converts does Nick Land have?

eternal anglo says:

If it’s a religion, it’s a very strange one. I can’t imagine building a synthetic tribe around the idea of unforgiving Nature/Reality itself, unless it was a tribe of scientists. Not sure how many martyrs or holy warriors you’re going to get in the name of ‘Coldness be my god’. – those who in the name of Gnonology understand Tribe too well might be immune to such attachments by nature, or what Land half-jokingly describes as ‘autistic’.
Also, Land freely admits it’s not his.

glosoli says:

I looked at that image.

It’s just another humanity and life-hating Frenchie.

The authors of the Endarkenment, turning Europe away from God.

Read it again, and consider the ten commandments.

You guys are nuts looking for a new religion, nuts. You can’t just make them up. It has to be true.

Simon says:

nick land’s religion is so serious it rejects the meme of the personal god and the awesome vitality it gives its adherents.

Roberto says:

There could be some other dynamic in place here, Jim. I think that some of the more perceptive elements within the Cathedral now realize that they went a little bit too far with the modern SJW-ism, and that they need to scale it back in order to keep the system from collapsing under the weight of its own nonsense.

So, yeah, “controlled opposition” – but the point of this controlled opposition is not to create a new Progressivism-compatible religion for white millennial farmers, but to shift regular mainstream Progressivism slightly to the right, or at least stop it from spiraling further to the left, because Stalinism is a more tenable system than Trotskyism.

For example, Jonathan Haidt and Steven Pinker — both ((())) of course — are not promoted because they are going to synthesize a new faith. They are intelligent Progressives who see some flaws, some excesses, within the Prog system, and want to correct those flaws and excesses to keep the system going. Jordan Peterson is probably the same way. He is a milquetoast middle-of-the-road left-winger who doesn’t want leftism to escalate any lefter (i.e. Jordan Peterson is literally Hitler).

Do they, and people of similar caliber, all want to erase your past and deny you a future? I’m not a mind-reading telepath, but my guess is that they primarily want to stay in power, and not to lose their high-status as professors, and that they would be pretty much contented with these outcomes. Whether or not you are erased from history is not really something that these individuals reflect much about.

They simply don’t want their institutions to be discredited and fall into absolute dysfunction. So, the ‘brilliant plan’ is to put SJW-ism in check. Thus, “intellectual dark web.” That’s all there is to it, in my analysis.

BomberCommand says:

The intellectual dark web stuff started around the time the left decided that they couldn’t discredit Trump, so now they’re going to try to co-opt Trump as he really doesn’t have a clear system that people can latch onto. This pretty similar to the cult of “Conservativism” was created to co-opt the people who followed Reagan.

Colleen Pater says:

No every one on that list except peterson goes back a couple decades they are NRO types its just the overton window has moved they not as far outside it as say auster derbyshire buchanan but richwine was redeemed thyere like say heather macdonald

jim says:

You are attributing too much rationality and pragmatism to people selected for sincerity and fanaticism. These guys would burn down their own houses if I was trapped inside and would burn also. They would skin their mother alive for holiness points.

Now obviously Jordan Peterson would not burn down his house to set me on fire, nor skin his mother for holiness points. But he is comfortable working with people who would, and people who would are willing to use him.

Roberto says:

Presumably, the target audience of these “dark intellectuals” is not the alt-right. They are not trying to shift the white millennial farmer to their side; he is probably invisible to them. Rather, they are intelligent enough to see that the Cathedral is rapidly heading towards severe dysfunction (one really needn’t be a 160-IQ genius to recognize this reality), and seek to steer it to a safer route.

Whether or not they started out as True Believers, something probably made these professors realize that yes, there are inherent biological differences between men and women and between the different races. In all likelihood, 90% of people are secretly more right-wing than they let on in public. As I wrote below, these individuals must play nice with the hand that feeds them – or else.

Is opposition to Political Correctness exclusive to the alt-right? Certainly not. A liberal Jewish comedian, Jerry Seinfeld, complains about not being allowed to tell jokes anymore, lest somebody finds his material dangerously offensive. And I doubt that Seinfeld would burn down his own house just to set you on fire. He doesn’t strike me as a frothing-at-the-mouth barking mad progressive, and neither does e.g. Jonathan Haidt, whose “Righteous Mind” book has been a hit among many genuine right-wing intellectuals.

It’s not even rationality on their part, as much as an odd, unexplained, eerie feeling that “maybe we in our academia have gone a bit too far for our own good.” I think that many within academia share this sentiment, some are even willing to articulate it by denouncing (the latest excesses of) political correctness.

You say that they were “selected for sincerity and fanaticism,” but that more accurately describes the room temperature IQ Basketball-Americans who’ve been affirmative action’d into power in exchange for unwavering loyalty (Spandrell’s Bioleninism theory). But Steven Pinker was not selected for sincerity or fanaticism – he just doesn’t strike me as very sincere or fanatical. Given that most of these people are of the tribe, one should assume that a combination of high verbal intellect and some good ol’ fashioned nepotism has brought them into power – which implies that they are not True Believers.

So, I stand by my assessment that these people just want a “less cray-cray” kind of a Cathedral. They are not the purveyors of a new religion, but dissidents poised to veer the ship away from the looming iceberg. The Prog system self-corrects through exactly such people. That, after all, is why the Cathedral is so much more successful than its rivals.

alf says:

> Rather, they are intelligent enough to see

Peterson is intelligent, but he does not see, and the easiest explanation I can give for that is that he’d be reading Jim.

The other explanation is Occam’s razor; instead of Peterson doing 5-D chess, he just does what a high IQ eloquent psychology professor does: he sells purple pills. Hey, it beats blue pills.

S.J., Esquire says:

*** to shift regular mainstream Progressivism slightly to the right, or at least stop it from spiraling further to the left, because Stalinism is a more tenable system than Trotskyism.***

I agree with this perspective, very much. Some of the other critiques I’ve read lately seem clunkier and just a little off the mark.

Something American readers will usually not appreciate is just how uncouth and declasse it is in Canada to publicly subscribe to a “low-church”, evangelical-style Christianity. It takes real conviction to be this sort of Christian publicly and unapologetically (to be hardcore Catholic perhaps less so, so that I would be less surprised to see someone in JBP’s shoes go that route). The fact that Peterson will not do it, and instead clings to this ghey, wishy-washy “God is inside yourself” theory, says to me that he cares much more about… something else (reputation, status…).

God says:

Low church Christianity is aesthetically intolerable, intellectually dim, grating, facile and populated by natural undesirables.

S.J., Esquire says:

… and yet the theology is accurate.

I wasn’t going to respond to this, but having “God” mouth the comment did make me chuckle.

peppermint says:

The best looking churches in America are owned by the Cathedral, now including the Catholic ones. Catholics in this area have a bizarre giant dome without a spire, a bunch of competently built brick buildings without spires, a few good stone churches, and the universalists have all the non-Catholic stone churches, whether UU or some other denomination of universalist.

The best looking church is Harvard’s Memorial Hall, which isn’t even a church, but was built to honor the War of Northern Aggression back when the enemy was capable of building.

Today they build squared-off buildings that weather badly in six months, because they can’t pay for quality, due to credentialism and affirmative action.

Flat roofed buildings from when America was great look like pillars holding up the sky with their slightly overhanging tops. Elites are induhvidualistic and non-elites aren’t, which is why the elites were incompetent enough for a bunch of trolls to get them to spill spaghetti and make everyone hate them. Now we MAGA and don’t care if Trump is called Hitler as a complement or as an insult.

Anyway, everyone knows what an American is and what a fake American is, including the ugly American women who fuck fake Americans because they can’t get an American who wants to be their bf because the top 20% aren’t married, including the fake American men who hate Americans because fake American women are hungry for American cock.

jim says:

The left says this, but I don’t see it. Maybe we are being gaslighted.

Low Church as in John Calvin’s “Murderous thieving horde of peasants”, yes that was “aesthetically intolerable, intellectually dim, grating, facile and populated by natural undesirables”, but I just don’t see that in Duck Dynasty

jim says:

Duck Dynasty are low Church, are also smart, attractive, sexually and reproductively successful, and their theology is well informed and intellectually coherent, unlike that of Pope Francis.

God says:


Simon says:

Their theology is inadequate for anyone with iq over 110. We need a theology that is not based on platonism which leads to despair or aristotelianism which leads to dick-chop fruitcakes.

jim says:

What’s wrong with fundy theology?

I think you have been gaslighted.

Simon says:

It is from the same tree as the creed of the dick-chop fruitcakes.

The best you can hope for is that the high iq men larp because of the promise of a young virgin but reality does not work that way.

Dave says:

“What’s wrong with fundy theology?”

Young-Earth Creationism.

jim says:

There are very few young earth creationists among fundys. They believe the bible is historically accurate, miracles and all, which is indeed kind of stupid, but get kind of vague and evasive about what constitutes historical accuracy when it comes to some parts of the bible.

jim says:

The monkey trial was not actually about whether the earth was six thousand years old, but whether it was permissible to teach Christianity in schools at all. Not seeing any references to the age of the earth in any of the materials issued by Bob Jones University.

The proposition that if you believe the bible inerrant, you have to believe the earth six thousand years old, seems to come from the same people who propose that Christians must accept that Christianity is unchristian.

Nikolai says:

-They generally make God too big, much like Orthodox Jews and Sunni Muslims and the religion prevents the development of science. I can’t imagine anyone from Duck Dynasty genuinely making scientific advancements.

-Fundies have a habit of denouncing things they don’t like as Satanic in a spectacularly stupid fashion. Electric guitar, fantasy novels, shaved heads etc. Jack Chick is a great example.

-Their theology isn’t even really a theology so much as a natural inclination to traditionalism combined with autistic sola scriptura. It’s probably better for society than whatever Pope Francis is up to, but I wouldn’t call it “well informed”. A common piece of advice in NRx is to read old books, fundies only read The Bible, whereas even heretical Catholics and Orthodox read the homilies of Church Fathers and the writings of Saints from centuries ago. Low church fundies aren’t well informed they just have good instincts.

jim says:

Your reference to Jack Chick led me to check out the Jack Chick tracts. Not seeing any of the stuff that you are complaining about. Jack Chick does not see all that interested in the inerrancy of Genesis.

The argument seems to be “Well if you think homosexual sex is forbidden, you must also believe the earth is about six thousand years old”. Maybe that is a valid argument, and maybe logical consistency requires Jack Chick to believe the earth to be about six thousand years old, maybe he does think the earth is six thousand years old, but I find no indication that Jack Chick thought about that argument.

Saint Augustine did think about that argument, and you know what he said on the question. I cannot find Jack Chick thinking about that argument and saying anything on that question. Why should I conclude he comes up with a different answer to Saint Augustine?

Maybe what Jack Chick believes logically implies all this stupid shit. But I would like to see a link to Jack Chick himself concluding that it does imply all this stupid shit.

Mackus says:

Well, Jack’s view on evolution (“Big Daddy?”) are pretty anti-science. And arguments are increasingly nonsensical.
Another tract (“Earthman”) suggests he holds very literal views on genesis

Nikolai says:

“The argument seems to be “Well if you think homosexual sex is forbidden, you must also believe the earth is about six thousand years old”.”

This is not my argument whatsoever, that is the mainstream leftist argument for the past 20 years or so.

My argument is “Low church prots get some things right, but there are very severe inherent problems with their religion.” If you want a Christianity that is both anti-gay and pro-science, try Catholicism, Orthodoxy or high church Protestantism. And if you want to avoid heresy, stick to the first two.

Forget Genesis, suppose every low church fundie takes the Augustinian position. The problem is that the way fundies envision God is similar to the way Orthodox Jews and Muslims envision God.

As you have pointed out “a God that is excessively vast and powerful, the God of Muslims and Jews, is inimical to science and technology. Notice the total non contribution of Muslims and orthodox Jews to science.”

Have Duck Dynasty types contributed to science significantly more than Muslims and Orthodox Jews?

Not seeing many low church prot scientists, though I do see a lot of guys like this:

As for Jack Chick, here’s some of his comics depicting Halloween, rock music and dungeons and dragons as satanic. http://comicsalliance.com/history-jack-t-chick/
One can just type “Jack Chick” into any search engine and find a trove of this nonsense.

jim says:

So Jack Chick thinks a band that calls itself “Black Sabbath” is satanic and that its music does not belong in Churches. Gee, I wonder whatever gave him that idea?

As to what Jack Chick types have contributed to science, pretty sure that if Boyle or Newton was pushing the doctrines today that they pushed back then, they would be denounced as fundamentalists.

As for Harry Potter, Jack Chick’s argument is not that Harry Potter is satanic, but that it is the gateway drug to stuff like Oiuja boards – and people who use Ouija boards think they are talking to dead people and spirits, and what these dead people are supposedly saying sounds awfully like the evil dead. By and large, most people who play around with ouija boards and stuff are New Agers, and New Agers worship dead people and spirits that sound very like the evil dead and evil fairies that the druids appeased with human sacrifice. The Romans were a mighty tolerant bunch, but they were unable to tolerate that lot, and rightly erased that religion with fire and steel, and now it is reviving.

I don’t believe that these beings exist outside of the minds of living humans, but regardless of their ontological status, when I am grand inquisitor, we are going to erase that religion and that kind of religion as the Romans and the Conquistadors did, for the same reasons as the Romans and Conquistadors erased it, though since human sacrifice has not yet been revived, or is only carried out furtively and in great secrecy, the drastic means employed by the Romans and the Conquistadors are not today justified.

In the bible, you will find the positions that demons are real, that they are unreal and that belief in them is foolish, and that they are real only in the sense that they are a shared delusion, real only in the ways that government and fiat currency is real. I consider them real only in the sense that they are a shared delusion, but this shared delusion is still causing the problems that Jack Chick complains about.

People imagine government into existence, for fear of what would be revealed were people to cease believing in government. People imagine the evil dead and evil fairies into existence, to give conspiratorial groups cohesion. Jack Chick thinks those conspiracies tools of demons. To me, a demon is a meme system that is harmful to those who hold it, and which spreads by methods orthogonal to a the truth and utility of that meme system. In which case, those conspiratorial groups are metaphorically tools of demons. Likely Jack Chick thought they were literally tools of demons – which is close enough to the truth that it is not an entirely stupid belief. Both views can claim biblical authority, and the difference is not worth quarreling over, or even spending too much thought on.

You will notice that the same article that provides an unsourced claim that a republican in private denounced science and argued young earth creationism, also denounces another republican for making a scientifically well supported claim:

“Another Republican on the House Science Committee, Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.), caused a national firestorm in August when he said that victims of “legitimate” rape have a biological defense against pregnancy.”

Anyone who disputes that point about genuinely unwanted rape and pregnancy is a lot more ignorant than anyone who argues young earth creationism.

jim says:

Forget Genesis, suppose every low church fundie takes the Augustinian position. The problem is that the way fundies envision God is similar to the way Orthodox Jews and Muslims envision God.

On reading Jack Chick’s tracts concerning Jesus, not at all the way Orthodox Jews envisage God. A lot of his tracts fail to give due emphasis to the proposition that Jesus was wholly man. A lot of them could have been written by a Muslim or an Orthodox Jew. But when Jesus shows up in his tracts, could not have been written by a Muslim or an orthodox Jew.

When Jack Chick shows a wrathful God, he shows the God of Muslims and Jews. When he shows God and sinners reconciled, Jesus the man reconciles them.

peppermint says:

Electric guitar may not be inherently satanic, but it is used almost exclusively for satanic music. Shaved heads are satanic for women and men who haven’t started losing their hair. Galadriel was a slut who hid her ring from company and every fantasy novel since has included more and more degeneracy, need to go back to Lovecraft for non-satanic fantasy, but Lovecraft’s demon haunted mythos is devoid of grace.

Nikolai says:

Obviously heavy metal does not belong in Church. Equally obvious is that Ozzy, KISS and others are just being edgy for the sole purpose of getting under the skin of people like Jack Chick and that they don’t actually worship Satan. And denouncing them for “Satanism” invariably makes Jack Chick and his followers look stupid and makes the bands look even cooler.

Anyone to the right of John Kasich gets denounced as a fundamentalist. Pretty sure Newton and Boyle were genius individuals who had their own excessively clever and bizarre interpretations of scripture. Perhaps I’m wrong, but I really don’t think they had all that much in common with Jack Chick or Duck Dynasty types with regards to personality, attitude and class as well as theology.

I could see the argument that Harry Potter is bad because demons tend to align themselves with the franchise and fans of the franchise tend to align themselves with demons. Think of all the blue check tweets comparing Trump to voldemort. But Jack Chick’s argument seemed to be that it got kids interested in evil sorcery, which may be true in a negligible amount of cases, but it’s still a dumb point to make.

It is my understanding that 99% of Ouija board usage is teenage girls at slumber parties who get bored of it after 15 minutes and proceed to watch vampire movies instead. But any group of people who genuinely use Ouija boards to talk to the dead probably deserve the treatment you describe.

Yes, literal demons possessing people is indistinguishable from evil and insane people sharing delusions with other evil and insane people. I find myself going back and forth between which is really the case.

I recall you describing your ideal state religion in a post a few years back. You mentioned that a problem with progressives is that their church condemns everything that isn’t explicitly in favor of “progress” and that the ideal religion wouldn’t be so invasive and that any speech or action that wasn’t explicitly attacking the religion would be fine.

Jack Chick was the living breathing antithesis to Latitudinarianism. He would denounce anything that wasn’t explicitly Christian (along with Churches that were explicitly Christian) as tools of Satan. Dungeons and Dragons, rock music, Halloween and fantasy movies all lead to eternal damnation and must be forbidden. It’s completely retarded and an insult to actual Christianity. I have no clue why you’re so ardently defending him.

My apologies, poor article. Here’s the video of him endorsing young earth creationism and receiving applause for doing so.

Maybe progs are more anti-science than low church protestants. Similarly maybe fried roadkill tastes better than shit. But why have either when you can get a ribeye?

jim says:

> Equally obvious is that Ozzy, KISS and others are just being edgy for the sole purpose of getting under the skin of people like Jack Chic

And we should be surprised that they do get under his skin?

No one seems to be terribly shocked when people who adopt nazi regalia just to be edgy upset progressives, but Jack Chic belongs to a group that you are entitled to offend.

Being edgy to offend progressives is low status, but being edgy to offend Jack Chick is high status.

And similarly, progressives were outraged, and want nuclear war with Russia, because Russia imprisoned Pussy riot for burgling a church and vandalizing and desecrating the altar, and for chain sawing a cross commemorating the war dead.

> And denouncing them for “Satanism” invariably makes Jack Chick and his followers look stupid and makes the bands look even cooler.

Funny how calling people “Nazis” does not work like that.

> Jack Chick was the living breathing antithesis to Latitudinarianism. He would denounce anything that wasn’t explicitly Christian (along with Churches that were explicitly Christian) as tools of Satan.

Ozzie Osbourne is not “anything that wasn’t explicitly Christian”. You don’t see, and can scarcely imagine, Harry Chick condemning “A midsummer nights dream” which is set in a pagan universe, but one traditionally re-imagined by Christian writers. Harry Potter is written in a universe where progressivism, or its magical universe analogue, is true, and could not have been published had it been written in the magical universe popular among eighteenth century writers.

If Harry Chick was in charge, it would have to be written in the Midsummer Night’s Dream magical universe, or in a universe where Christianity, or its magical universe analogue, is true.

The Christian young earth creationist universe is popular among Christian SF and fantasy writers, but, perhaps thanks to Saint Augustine, we have never in all of history ever seen a society in which it is mandatory. Shakespeare is fine. And if Jack Chick was in charge, Shakespeare would still be fine.

In contrast, the action girl 57 gender universe is mandatory.

Harry Potter is set in a magic universe compatible with a magic universe version of New Ageism, a belief system that in practice tends to worship beings that correspond to the evil dead and evil fairies. Henry IV has a New Ager (Glendower) – but another (Hotspur) calls him out, denying New Age beliefs and proposing the material universe.

Glendower then claims to command demons. Hotspur then tells him that the way he does it will not work, and will result in demons commanding him (Christian universe). Which leaves Henry IV very deliberately taking no position on whether the Christian universe, the New Age universe, or the materialist universe, is true. Obviously Jack Chick is not going to condemn Henry IV, because for centuries his equivalents have not done so. But Henry IV is not “explicitly Christian”, carefully taking all three positions, and a “Midsummer nights dream” is cheerfully pagan – it is pagan, but not set in a universe consistent with a competing religion that tends to satanism.

If Jack Chick gets to be Grand Inquistor, Harry Potter is going to have to be set in the same universe as “Midsummer Nights Dream”, instead of the same universe as Glendower claims to be in. If Voldemort believes what Glendower believes, (which he does) other characters will have to dispute his belief system, as Hotspur disputes Glendower’s belief system.

Had Shakespeare presented Glendower’s claims as true within the Henry IV universe, as Voldemort’s claims are true, presumably would have been in trouble. But he was fine presenting a universe where Glendower’s claims might be true, or the universe material and uncaring, and Jack Chick and his predecessors have no problem with the Henry IV universe, or the Midsummer Night’s Dream universe.

Whereas today, you cannot present a universe in which action girls are impossible, and there are not fifty seven equally valid genders. Even Vox Day and John Ringo have action girls in the fictional universes, though they get in trouble for not having fifty seven equally valid genders.

> Rep. Paul Broun’s (R-GA) remarks at the Liberty Baptist Church Sportsman’s Banquet

OK, Paul Brown is flattering idiots. And their religion is dumb shit. But Jack Chick is not actively promoting that religion. He is merely disinclined to overtly contradict it. Maybe he believes it, but you cannot find him endorsing it. When I am Grand Inquisitor, pushing that interpretation of Genesis will, like Global Warming, be deemed to constitute adding stuff to the official religion, for the reasons forcefully stated by Saint Augustine. Paul Brown is flattering stupid people. But Jack Chick’s pamphlets are not promoting stupid beliefs, or even flattering stupid people.

For every right wing politician flattering dumb white hicks, I can find you a hundred left wing politicians flattering dumb black thugs. You cannot seem to come up with a prominent influential preacher preaching young earth, while we have no shortage of preachers preaching that men and women are equally strong, equally capable of physical violence and athletic feats, and this view is presented in every television show and Hollywood movie, and even Vox Day avoids overtly contradicting it in his fiction, which contains an entirely improbable proportion of strong and brave female warriors.

Harry Potter would have been fine with Chick as Grand Inquisitor if he had taken the precaution Shakespeare took – have Hotspur call out Voldemort’s belief system as full of crap.

peppermint says:

Consider that he wants to denounce these things but needs to stay politically correct enough.

What if he called Harry Potter gay as all hell and denounced 20c SFF in general for severing young people from the ancient myths of our people? It would do as much good as calling it simplistic demon worshiping magic where the demons being worshiped decide who wins the wizard fights based on their designs and lacking in any sense of grace or providence or even continuity beyond the induhvidual’s life.

Nikolai says:

Marching is SS uniforms while yelling racial slurs at passersby is a direct attack on progressivism. Dressing in all black and wearing face paint and playing rock and roll is not at all an attack on Christianity. Jack Chick denounced the entire genre of rock, not just Black Sabbath and even Black Sabbath’s songs about Satan portray him as evil and menacing. Nick B Steves is a devout Catholic who’s 10 miles to the right of Jack Chick and he listens to plenty of heavy metal, including Black Sabbath. No sensible Christian is offended by metal as a form of music.

“Funny how calling people “Nazis” does not work like that.”
Of course it does. The left noticed that it was looking increasingly silly when it called everyone to the right of Bernie Sanders a nazi. Recall “It’s ok to be white”, the whole point was making the left look stupid and evil by making them show their hand, explicitly admitting that they hated whites and wished to see them erased. The point of the intellectual dark web is the Cathedral saying “Alright we can’t just keep calling everyone nazis. Only people to the right of this group can be called nazis.”

“You don’t see, and can scarcely imagine, Harry Chick condemning “A midsummer nights dream””
I can scarcely imagine Jack Chick reading Shakespeare. But if he condemns Halloween, rock and roll, fantasy novels and movies and D&D, I could totally imagine him condemning a midsummer nights dream.

You attribute a level of coherence, rationality and intelligence to Jack Chick that he clearly did not possess If he was grand inquisitor, he, like the puritans centuries ago, would ban anything and everything that wasn’t explicitly Christian and explicitly his particular heretical brand of Christianity.

“But Jack Chick is not actively promoting that religion. He is merely disinclined to overtly contradict it. Maybe he believes it, but you cannot find him endorsing it.”
Jack Chick explicitly denouncing evolution: https://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0271/0271_01.asp
Jack Chick condemning evolution for being racist and saying those who believe it will go to hell: https://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/1041/1041_01.asp
And a book published by his company that tries to refute evolution, published while Chick was still alive: http://www.chick.com/catalog/books/1254.asp

“But Jack Chick’s pamphlets are not promoting stupid beliefs, or even flattering stupid people.”
Yes they are, that’s exactly what they’re doing. Putting the young earth creationism aside, condemning rock and roll, fantasy novels and role playing games as satanic is the definition of a stupid belief. For society to function you need a Christianity that’s tolerant of things that aren’t explicitly Christian, so long as they don’t overtly contradict Christianity or support rival belief systems. That is not the Christianity of Jack Chick

The underlying theory behind NRx is that a heretical sect of Christianity took over the world and got us into the mess we’re in. I have no idea why you’re going to such great lengths to defend a guy who’s obviously a crazy moron.

jim says:

> Marching is SS uniforms while yelling racial slurs at passersby is a direct attack on progressivism. Dressing in all black and wearing face paint and playing rock and roll is not at all an attack on Christianity.

You are being silly. Nazis never act in the way you describe, not once, not ever, not anywhere (watch the Nuremberg rallies), while musicians playing at satanism often do directly attack Christianity.

Only people in power act the way you describe. After Nazis had been in power for a while, they might well act like that. But Christians and Nazis are out of power, and thus always on the receiving end, never dishing it out.

When your ingroup, in the arrogance and cruelty of power, attacks outgroups, you invent behavior for those outgroups that would justify progressive behavior. And when Christians and Nazis and so forth complain about prog behavior, you conclude from their complaints that your ingroup behavior is justified – since supposedly there is no way progs would engage in vicious and depraved attacks on outgroups, outgroups complaining about such attacks constitute an unprovoked attack on your ingroup.

You are rationalizing hating on Nazis because Nazis are low status, and hating on Christians because Christians are low status. Thus, when Pussy Riot breaks into a Cathedral to perform sex acts on the altar and takes a chain saw to a Christian memorial to those that died in war, Christians are supposedly being stupid, ignorant, and nasty to object, and similarly when progs attack the kinfolk of of real and imagined Nazis for thoughtcrimes committed on the internet, nazis are supposedly being stupid and nasty to object.

> I can scarcely imagine Jack Chick reading Shakespeare.

You are an ignorant moron, your hatred and arrogance blinds you to what is in front of your face. You see the world through the lens of official status, imposing a blindfold on yourself that makes you oblivious to reality.

George Soros, Pussy Riot and rock musicians do the bad behavior you attribute to Nazis and Christians, because they can. Nazis and Christians don’t, because they cannot. And when Christians had power, they still did not do that bad behavior, because Christian. (Nazis, on the other hand, when in power behaved as badly as progs)

The likes of Jack Chick have been around for a long time, and never had a problem with Shakespeare. If you don’t believe that Jack Chick reads Shakespeare, pretty sure that lots of his predecessors read Shakespeare.

Nikolai says:

Peppermint, I’m kind of surprised. I wouldn’t imagine you of all people defending evangelicals. Especially one who rejected evolution because it’s implicitly racist.

Electric guitars are not used Satanically, at worst they’re used hedonistically since many rock songs are about sex, drugs and non-stop partying. Modern fantasy is degenerate not because it’s fantasy but because it’s modern. It’s the current year, everything is gonna be kind of shitty.

Roberto says:

I once had a conversation with a fundie.

He said: “people always ask which came first, the chicken or the egg. Well, isn’t that obvious? When God created the world, He created the animals first. So the answer is clearly chicken.”

At that moment I realized that these people can’t into scientific civilization.

Nikolai says:

What on earth are you talking about?

I’m not a progressive whatsoever, I’m a traditionalist Catholic. Look at my comment history, when have I ever endorsed the progressive view on anything? Hell, just last week I was criticizing viking for insufficient sexism and you even took my side. If I’m a prog, you’re a feminist and moldbug’s a commie.

“You are being silly. Nazis never act in the way you describe, not once, not ever, not anywhere”
WN 1.0? Skokie, Illinois? National Socialist Movement? American Nazi Part? Matt Heimbach and TWP?
Granted most of those organizations are probably 1/3 or so FBI, but still the average member doesn’t seem too well behaved in public. Though obviously better than antifa.

You give an accurate account of the prog mindset, but I’m not a prog. I only mentioned nazis because you brought them up first. I try not to countersignal natsocs too much, but when I do, I criticize them for bad optics, bad tactics, and for being insufficiently right wing on female emancipation, capitalism, Christianity and democracy. I was kicked out of a 1488er facebook group once for endorsing a husbands right to physically discipline his wife for misbehavior.

I don’t hate on Christianity, that’s beyond absurd. As I type this, there’s two cross necklaces on my desk and a rosary, prayer book and holy water on my coffee table. In every comment I specifically mention ditching low church fundamentalism IN FAVOR OF Catholicism, Orthodoxy or at the very least high church Protestantism.

I do hate on low church fundies. But I hate on them not because they’re so awfully right wing, but because their theology is shitty, idiotic and detrimental to both individual salvation and a functioning society for all the reasons I’ve previously mentioned. I hate on them because they make a mockery out of actual Christianity and make Christians look stupid.

jim says:

> I’m not a progressive whatsoever, I’m a traditionalist Catholic.

You project the bad behavior of progressives onto the outgroups that they attack, thus justifying the bad behavior of progressives against outgroups.

And, as Pope Francis demonstrates, a lot of progressives claim to be Catholics, and perhaps believe themselves to be Catholics. Lots wrong with Nazis, and I regularly say so, but you are projecting the prog behavior against outgroups, onto Nazi behavior against outgroups, projecting prog censorship onto fundamentalist censorship.

There is a whole lot wrong with today’s Nazis, but their faults are their own, not antifa’s. There is a whole lot wrong with fundamentalist Christians, but their faults are their own, not those of Harvard’s American Law Institute.

You present a reality that is upside down from what is in fact observed, and is upside down in the same way that progressive reality is upside down, in that progressive projection blinds them to their own behavior and characteristics, and to the behavior and characteristics of those that they are projecting onto. You project progressive faults and failings, onto groups that progressives do not like, which groups have their own very different faults and failings.

jim says:

> > “You are being silly. Nazis never act in the way you describe, not once, not ever, not anywhere”

> WN 1.0? Skokie, Illinois? National Socialist Movement? American Nazi Part? Matt Heimbach and TWP?

The FBI went looking for the behavior you describe. Had its agents commit all manner of crimes to try and draw in copycats. Accused various Nazis of various horrid things, but the actual convictions did not much resemble the press releases, were all legalistic bullshit, ingeniously contrived technicalities that could trip up a highly paid lawyer, because no copycatting happened, perhaps because the Nazis knew that they were under scrutiny, and that the slightest misbehavior would result in the state coming down on them with sentences of wildly disproportionate severity.

To find the behavior you describe, look for those backed by power beating up the enemies of those in power. You will not find it among those out of power.

Similarly, fundamentalist Christians are not censorious, because they have never had power to censor, and do not aspire to state power. They perceive themselves as persecuted, not because stupid, ignorant, paranoid, hateful and aggressive, but because actually persecuted. If anything, by blaming demons for their persecution, they are bending over backwards to forgive their entirely real enemies.

Anonymous 2 says:

The main characteristic of scientific civilization being that you have no firm beliefs and are willing to overturn them on a moment’s notice.

Once we had ‘atoms’, being as the name indicates indivisible. Then we had ‘elementary particles’, being as the name indicates indivisible. Now it seems we have some sort of ‘strings’ that cannot be divided.

Perhaps we should try mathematical civilization instead. Do you believe that given any collection of bins, each containing at least one object, it is possible to make a selection of exactly one object from each bin, even if the collection is infinite?

jim says:

I am suspicious of transfinite mathematics.

Each theorem about infinities should correspond to a messier theorem about the mathematics that can be done with sea shells on a beach, in the case that the beach and the supply of sea shells becomes arbitrarily large, but still finite.

It follows that one cannot make a selection of exactly one object from each bin of an infinite number of bins. That one cannot make such a selection corresponds to the halting problem being insoluble.

A lot of transfinite mathematics corresponds to saying “The halting problem is usually soluble in practice, so let us assume it is always soluble, thus making lots of complications go away and enormously simplifying our theorems.”

The Banach–Tarski paradox corresponds to getting in trouble by assuming a solution to the halting problem, when there is no solution.

On the other hand, the theorems one gets by assuming away the problem are a lot simpler, cleaner, easier to understand, and are usually sufficiently true to be useful.

But for every useful theorem derived from transfinite mathematics, there is a ugly, ungly, complicated, and messy theorem of finite mathematics that is useful for the same purposes and which is guaranteed to not get you into paradoxes, though more laborious to use.

I would like to lower the ontological status of the theorems of transfinite mathematics to dirty simplifications of the corresponding theorems of finite mathematics.

Given a big enough beach and enough sea shells, one can get close enough to any useful theorem about transfinite mathematics for it to be true enough to be useful. But then one needs to come up with a measure of how near to the truth is near, which is apt to get messy.

ack says:

The main characteristic of scientific civilization is skepticism of official truth also known as “thinking for yourself”.

peppermint says:

> no firm beliefs and are willing to overturn them on a moment’s notice.

AnswersInParadiseLost: |0> != 0, or, the vacuum contains ghosts of every particle waiting for the Creator to place as pleases Him.

You still have a schooled attitude towards the world. School teaches disconnections where you should see continuity, as much in history of science as in history of America, and also continuity where you should see disconnection, in the history of leftists destroying this or that, by implication of continuity by mentioning one revolootion after the other.

Scientists believe in a universe of laws that we should discover and harness in order to be fruitful and multiply. Leftists believe that they, not God, should ordain the laws of nature, and reshape the world in their image, not His.

The axiom of choice is false. If God intended for a thing to exist, He created it, and a constructive proof can be found. Choice is an attempt to demonstrate what God might have done and boldly claim direct authorship. God might have taken one solid body and made two, but He Created the world of shapes so that mortals and angels can count volume.

Roberto says:

>I was kicked out of a 1488er facebook group once for endorsing a husbands right to physically discipline his wife for misbehavior.

It’s your fault for not realizing that 1488 is a tool of the state, and the state wants Feminism.

peppermint says:

> not used Satanically, at worst they’re used hedonistically
> degenerate because it’s modern.

Now connect modernism to the author of all heresy since having the fruit and eating it too.

The story of Jack and Diane where they start a life together that mourns the loss of “thrill of living” is gay as all hell.

What you should denounce are Christian rock bands that suck so they virtue signal. We could have proper Christian love songs where hook ups last a lifetime, but that won’t play well at bars and clubs where elite men try to bed random college girls. But it could play well on YouTube. Which is where electronic music got rebooted from the insanity of eurotrash and hippity-hop dub step back to comfy synthwave.

peppermint says:

PS everyone hates Taylor because she’s not a degenerate. Listen to Fearless, Mine, Should’ve Said No, Back to December, Untouchable, Better than Revenge, Haunted, Speak Now, Fifteen, Twenty-Two, Stay, her most degenerate songs are probably Wildest Dreams and Begin Again. She even has a song called State of Grace. Fifteen and Twenty-Two in particular show what Jim tells about what being a young woman in this culture is like. So they tell Taylor she can’t sing, but all they are is mean, and liars, and pathetic, and alone in life and mean.

peppermint says:

pps how could I forget Forever & Always, about the lies inherent to the modern open-ended long-term relationship

Anonymous 2 says:

“AnswersInParadiseLost: |0> != 0, or, the vacuum contains ghosts of every particle waiting for the Creator to place as pleases Him. … The axiom of choice is false …”

A creditable reply, including the constructivist stance. Though one can of course equally well take AC to be true and it’s still consistent. (And you also get gold balls for free.)

peppermint says:

derp, forgot The Way I Loved You, her most degenerate song, about how good men should be alpha and fathers should control their daughters.

ack says:

Taytay is 28 and 1/2, unmarried, childless, and has half a dozen documented ex-boyfriends.

And it’s beginning to show.

Nikolai says:

“And, as Pope Francis demonstrates, a lot of progressives claim to be Catholics, and perhaps believe themselves to be Catholics.”
I was an atheist a few years ago and then I stumbled upon redpill game blogs and then I stumbled upon NRx. The likes of Nick B Steves, Mark Citadel and Bonald inspired me to start going to Mass. From there I found my faith and recently received the sacraments. I literally became catholic through anti-prog politics and every comment I write contradicts a dozen points of the prog party line. Yes, there’s a lot of them in the Church, but I’m not a damned progressive.

And for all the shit I give fundies, I’d much rather have Roy Moore in office than Joe Biden or Joe Kennedy. A mostly virtuous prot is far better than a completely immoral Catholic.

I find it very hard to believe that in the hundreds of natsoc marches in the past few decades, nobody, not one man, has ever yelled “kike” or “nigger” at a passerby. But whatever, it’s orthogonal to the main point.

“Similarly, fundamentalist Christians are not censorious, because they have never had power to censor, and do not aspire to state power.”
The puritans, like Jack Chick and co, were a heretical sect of Christianity who hated everything that wasn’t overtly Christian and denounced everyone who wasn’t of their particular type of Christianity. When the puritans were in power, they banned local pagan customs like the maypole. Jack Chick never attempted to become grand inquisitor, but if he were somehow placed in that position, I could imagine him banning Halloween along with plenty of good music, fun games and mediocre books.

For society to function we need a Christianity that is tolerant of non-Christian customs, practices and media so long as they aren’t overtly anti-Christian. We need traditional Catholicism or something very similar to it. Lack of latitudinarianism is a problem among both progs and Jack Chick types. I’m not projecting prog faults onto him, look at his tracts. The man thought fantasy games got people into pagan sorcery.

jim says:

> I find it very hard to believe that in the hundreds of natsoc marches in the past few decades, nobody, not one man, has ever yelled “kike” or “nigger” at a passerby.

And why do you find it hard to believe?

> But whatever, it’s orthogonal to the main point.

It is exactly the main point – that you are demonizing the opponents of the Cathedral by projecting Cathedral behavior onto enemies of the Cathedral.

> The puritans, like Jack Chick and co, were a heretical sect of Christianity who hated everything that wasn’t overtly Christian and denounced everyone who wasn’t of their particular type of Christianity. When the puritans were in power, they banned local pagan customs like the maypole. Jack Chick never attempted to become grand inquisitor, but if he were somehow placed in that position, I could imagine him banning Halloween along with plenty of good music, fun games and mediocre books.

The Puritans were in a holiness spiral fighting for control of the state religion, which struggle eventually became outright war. The events leading up to the civil war were not analogous to Jack Chick’s prosyletizing. Rather, they were analogous to the struggle between Jews, browns, blacks, and sexual deviants for control over the Democratic Party. The predecessors of the Puritans were inside the state, and the King was unhappy about them being inside. Jack Chick is outside the state.

The predecessors of the Puritans were also analogous to the Pharisees in their power struggle with the Sadducees, again a power struggle between religious factions within the state, between the pragmatic religious faction that was willing to make a deal with the Romans, and the holier than thou religious faction whose holiness was eventually expressed not just in going to war with the Romans, but in going to war with absolutely everyone in the general vicinity, much as the Democrats want thermonuclear with Russia for Russian lèse-majesté against Pussy Riot.

Jack Chick’s belief system is not a tool for obtaining state power. The Puritan belief system was a tool for obtaining state power. That is the difference.

jim says:

> I’m not projecting prog faults onto him, look at his tracts. The man thought fantasy games got people into pagan sorcery.

He complained about World of Warcraft? Did he? Where did he do that?

World of Warcraft is the classic and famous fantasy game – but until the progs got onto its case, it gave both the magic universe equivalent of Christianity and the magic universe equivalent of demon worshippers a fair go, just as Shakespeare gave equal billing to the materialistic universe, the Christian universe, and what we would now call the New Age universe.

In World of Warcraft, as it used to be, if you were playing a certain class of a certain race, you had to role play an adherent of a religion that was obviously based on tenth century Christianity, and if you were playing a certain other class, had to role play the worship of demons or rather unpleasant gods.

But the progs did complain about World of Warcraft, and proceeded to remake it in their image – demonizing the magic universe equivalent of Christianity, elevating the magic universe equivalent of blacks, and removing or reducing the role of explicit religion in the game.

So if you think he complained about World of Warcraft and would censor it, you are projecting prog behavior onto him.

Nikolai says:

Taylor Swift is hated because she’s a famous attractive blonde haired blue eyed girl who isn’t a complete leftist.

Serial monogamy is less degenerate than being a common thot. But if you break up with a different famous actor every few months and then write a revenge song about how bad he was…Idk it’s a bit unsavory.

If you’re looking for good Christian metal peppermint, I recommend Demon Hunter

Steve Johnson says:

Nikolai –

>I’m not projecting prog faults onto him, look at his tracts. The man thought fantasy games got people into pagan sorcery.

He wasn’t entirely wrong.


First sentence of the first post of that thread:

“Tabletop gaming is full of fat trannies now. How’d it get there?”

Standard heroic imagining seems to be normal and healthy – model reality before you can act in reality so you’ve got some solid guidelines on how to act when courage is tested.

Fantasy role-play really does seem to screw up some people in the head and lead down the road of body disassociation that culminates in becoming an autogynophilic trannie – which isn’t so far demonic possession.


Nikolai says:

“And why do you find it hard to believe?”
My experience with hardline 1488ers is that the true believers among them are generally low class, oftentimes petty criminals, oftentimes alcoholic and oftentimes raised in trailer parks by single mothers. Such people tend not to be the brightest, are prone to conflict and have poor impulse control.

Others confirm my anecdotal experience
“A good rule of thumb for hard-right, Nazi or Nazi-adjacent groups is that one-third of their members are petty criminals, one-third are gay, and one-third are informants”
I’m sure you heard about what happened with Matt Heimbach and Matt Parrot. If the leader of the TWP lacks the self discipline to not sleep with the wife of his best friend and father-in-law and then chokes unconscious said father-in-law in a trailer park, how much self discipline would you expect from his 85 IQ petty criminal followers?

Natsoc marches are intrinsically stressful and combative. Passersby undoubtedly hurl insults at them, I would expect them to hurl insults back, and we all know their favorite insults. Just out of sheer probability one would expect at least a few natsocs with poor impulse control to call someone a kike or nigger during a march within the past few decades, whether provoked or otherwise.

“It is exactly the main point – that you are demonizing the opponents of the Cathedral by projecting Cathedral behavior onto enemies of the Cathedral.”
I was under the impression that the main point was theological problems with fundies. But then once I showed proof of Jack Chick rejecting evolution the conversation turned to how I was an evil ignorant hateful prog.

“Jack Chick’s belief system is not a tool for obtaining state power. The Puritan belief system was a tool for obtaining state power. That is the difference.”
Well I can’t disagree with that. But were Jack Chick to be placed in a position of high authority, I would imagine him censoring an awful lot. Perhaps not as intolerably as the puritans, but probably not significantly better.

“He complained about World of Warcraft? Did he? Where did he do that?”
I was referring to Dungeons and Dragons.
He seems to believe that playing as a mage in D&D is not a nerdy hobby, but preparation for literal occult spellcasting. It’s retarded.

jim says:

> My experience with hardline 1488ers is that the true believers among them are generally low class, oftentimes petty criminals, oftentimes alcoholic and oftentimes raised in trailer parks by single mothers.

I don’t believe you.

> Natsoc marches are intrinsically stressful and combative. Passersby undoubtedly hurl insults at them, I would expect them to hurl insults back, and we all know their favorite insults. Just out of sheer probability one would expect at least a few natsocs with poor impulse control to call someone a kike or nigger during a march within the past few decades, whether provoked or otherwise.

You lot have been trying to provoke this behavior, and have failed. Had you succeeded even once, the poster girl principle applies. We would see it on television every night for a hundred years. This supposed behavior, which was somehow never videoed, justifies antifa assaulting people suspected of being “Nazis” – which behavior we do have videos of.

> He seems to believe that playing as a mage in D&D is not a nerdy hobby, but preparation for literal occult spellcasting. It’s retarded.

That would be retarded, and maybe that is what he believes, but the trouble with that D&D is that roleplaying cleric who worships evil gods, demon encouraged, and pagan gods are mandatory, which is indeed preparation for demon worship.

In Dungeons and Dragons, all clerics are required to roleplay worshiping pagan gods, with the option of worshipping evil pagan gods. In World of Warcraft a cleric has the option of roleplaying worshipping “The light” – which is obviously the Christian God with the serial numbers filed off. Hence entirely justified complaints about Dungeons and Dragons, and no complaints about World of Warcraft. Both have mages, both have clerics, both have in game religions. But the World of Warcraft Game has a magic universe fantasy version of Christianity, which is the predominant religion, though other religions are available, while D&D has only pagan demon worship available. They originally had a God resembling Yahweh as an option, but that option has been de-yahwhed.

And it is progs, not Christians, that purged the games. Why are you not complaining that progs are retarded?

You don’t see fundamentalists complaining that “Macbeth” or “Henry IV” train people to be witches. You do see them complaining that Dungeons and Dragons trains people to be witches. They have a point. All D&D clerics have to be roleplayed as pagans worshipping evil Gods – worshipping demons.

The problem is not mages, but clerics, demon worship. The problem is not even demon worship. The problem is that if you roleplay as a D&D cleric, you have to roleplay demon worship, whereas a World of Warcraft cleric can roleplay Yahweh worship. So in a D&D game, you see lots of Christians roleplaying demon worshippers, and in a World of Warcraft game, lots of pagans and atheists roleplaying a Christian.

He blames literal demons for this D&D policy. I blame metaphorical demons – progressivism.

Either way, whoever is responsible, it is part of a policy of erasing our past, erasing white civilization. He thinks it is D&D policy because they hate God. I think it is D&D policy because they hate me.

Nikolai says:


Interesting take, but I think the more reasonable explanation is that D&D is an all male and almost all white hobby and that trannies always converge on such activities. Whether it’s high status or not, white males cannot be allowed to have spaces of their own, Cathedral always sends trannies and feminists to ruin it.

Samuel Skinner says:

Roleplaying has been infected with sexual deviants since at least 2001.

“Let me let you in on a secret: In just about every damned RPG group I’ve had in the last four years there has been at least one furry or some similar sexual deviant.

And all of these people will attempt to have their characters get on-screen sexual activities.”


Anonymous 2 says:

“denounced 20c SFF in general for severing young people from the ancient myths of our people?”

Not to mention super hero comics.

peppermint says:

Of course she’s unmarried despite constantly singing about marriage. Her value to society is writing honestly how women feel about the world, and she’s a woman in this world where famous guys are total bluepill backbiting wannabe faggots, rich guys are old or nobodies, soldiers are low status. In a decent world she’d be married to an army captain. Who exactly do you expect her to find marriagable? A soyboy, Ammon Bundy if he was 10 years younger, Donald Trump, Jr. if he was 8 years younger, Andrew Anglin?

Steve Johnson says:

>Interesting take, but I think the more reasonable explanation is that D&D is an all male and almost all white hobby and that trannies always converge on such activities.

But where did all the trannies come from?

They didn’t exist 20 years ago. Sure, it’s overdetermined in that lots of factors are pushing that way but the combination of body disassociation and living in an alternate fantasy world that people get hysterical in defense of their vision of that world doesn’t sound familiar? It sure seems like it chips away at exactly the type of mental fault that leads down the road to autogynophilia.

Even that the hobby is particularly appealing to that segment of the bioleninist coalition says *something*. The Cathedral isn’t sending out specific orders to infiltrate groups – it’s just instinct – meaning that the invaders pick groups that have some kind of appeal to them. Trannies have picked tabletop roleplaying in large numbers.

S.J., Esquire says:

***if you roleplay as a D&D cleric, you have to roleplay demon worship***

Jim, I have to say, I cannot believe this discussion is actually taking place on your blog.

But, since it is, I must point out that D&D clerics have a panoply of “good” gods to choose from, and I would assume that most nice, geeky young men would opt to roleplay “good” clerics.

On the point about D&D leading young people down the path of the occult, I aim neither to defend Jack Chick nor to denigrate roleplaying games, but I do want to say that yes, in a non-trivial number of cases, the pagan, magical world of D&D *does* lead people into the occult. It did so for me.

(In fact, I can tell you that as a teenager, my interest in in D&D led me to neo-Druidism and then to neo-Paganism, and the first time I attempted to cast a magick spell in real life, Something Happened which scared me so much that it led to my conversion to Christ.)

peppermint says:

Where the Trannies Come From:
* they’re putting chemicals in the water to turn the frickin frogs gay
* if sex is purely transactional and sex positive feminism is the only acceptable position women have to just put out for everyone. Claiming to be a man puts the woman in some kind of control.
* if you do fuck them, you’re a jerk, if you don’t, you’re a cuck, unless you’re a translesbian, because then it’s lesbian sex, and lesbian sex is irrelevant
* if you can’t get gf, you can become gf or whatever lol

> I attempted to cast a magick spell in real life
lol. Shapechange -> female were-fox?

S.J., Esquire says:

**Shapechange -> female were-fox?

That would be rad, but no. I don’t actually remember what the spell was supposed to do.

Frog says:
peppermint says:

Was it a sorcerer spell cast out of your charisma, a wizard spell that you understand something about the world other people overlook, a cleric spell that you ask a god or a demon to do?

Samuel Skinner says:

“But, since it is, I must point out that D&D clerics have a panoply of “good” gods to choose from, and I would assume that most nice, geeky young men would opt to roleplay “good” clerics.”

D&D incentives atheist clerics since they pick which domains they get instead of matching their god.

Nikolai says:

“I don’t believe you.”
Sure, don’t believe me. A healthy dose of skepticism is always a good thing, and I’m just some guy who could be making things up.

But J Arthur Bloom, editor of Jacobitemag (hardly a progressive) seems to think a third of nazi groups are petty criminals. The Matt Heimbach debacle is common knowledge on these parts of the web, after the Parkland shooting the leader of a far right group falsely claimed that Cruz was a member, somehow thinking that having a school shooter in your ranks is good press. And there are nazi gangs in every large prison in the U.S. From these observations, I conclude that a non-negligible subset of nazi groups are comprised of dimwitted petty criminals with poor self control.

“You lot have been trying to provoke this behavior, and have failed”
I’m. Not. A. Prog.
Surely you realize members of nazi groups have committed murder.
If fringe members of fringe groups have no problem killing blacks and browns, it leads me to believe that fringe members of fringe groups have no problem yelling racial slurs in public and that it had to have happened at least once in human history.

Suppose you’re right and to roleplay as a cleric in D&D one has to roleplay as an occult sorcerer. Even if that were the case, I find it hard to believe that a non-trivial amount of people go from playing a game to devoting their life to worshiping literal demons. Pretty much everyone I know has watched all the Harry Potter movies, don’t know anyone who has used a Ouija board outside of a party game. I played WoW for a few years, my main character was an undead warrior. At no point did I ever want to die and be resurrected as a zombie so I could join forces with various monsters and demons to defeat 10th century Christianity. I know precisely 0 people who played as warlocks and got into the occult or played as paladins and converted to medieval Christianity. Same applies to heavy metal. They’re just movies, games and music. Anyone who takes them too seriously was likely already crazy to begin with.

You give a lot of clever rationalizations for Jack Chick’s comics, but they all strike me as over-explanations. You portray Chick as someone with an in depth knowledge of fantasy games and the internal politics of the companies that sell them. Perhaps he did have such knowledge. But when I read his tracts, I get the sense that he had an overly literal interpretation of the Bible and that he saw games and movies involving magic as literal preparation for pagan sorcery. Not that he thought big companies run by progs/demons were just pushing prog propaganda. His tracts on evolution show he had a very literal interpretation of Scripture.

“Why are you not complaining that progs are retarded?”
A. It goes without saying that progs are retarded and that they are retarded for precisely the reasons you frequently mention.
B. Your initial question was “What’s wrong with fundy theology?” not “what’s wrong with prog theology?”

The majority of prog memes are complete nonsense. Truly innocent blacks are never shot by racist cops, minorities and women very rarely make important contributions to science and white frat boys never rape any college girls. But the trailer park nazi meme is accurate in many cases as is the meme that fundies are often dim, grating, facile and overly literal.

“Jim, I have to say, I cannot believe this discussion is actually taking place on your blog.”
Could not agree more. I would never imagine you going to such great lengths to defend the nonsense Chick and co were pushing.

jim says:

> Suppose you’re right and to roleplay as a cleric in D&D one has to roleplay as an occult sorcerer. Even if that were the case, I find it hard to believe that a non-trivial amount of people go from playing a game to devoting their life to worshiping literal demon

But a non trivial amount of people have lost the greatness of our past. The fundamentalist diagnosis of what is wrong with D&D may well be wrong, or foolish, but they are right to sense that something is very wrong. Likely explaining the problem in terms of demons is whacky, and perhaps indicative of stupidity, but “demons” after all just means “Something is very wrong and I cannot easily understand or explain what it is” However stupid they may be, they are a lot smarter than those who fail to notice that something is wrong.

I know precisely 0 people who played as warlocks and got into the occult or played as paladins and converted to medieval Christianity.

If you have played world of Warcraft as a Paladin, seventh century Christianity looks a whole lot cooler. You are reminded that Charles the Hammer and Charles the Great put the balls back into Christianity. If you instead played D&D as a Paladin, paganism looks cooler, and Christianity chronically uncool. Did anyone convert as a result of this? I don’t know anyone who converted as a result of this, but the coolness factor is undeniable.

So it is entirely to be expected that someone who is actively and evangelically Christian is going to find something disturbing and unpleasant about D&D, even if his explanation of what it he finds disturbing is unsatisfactory. D&D tells Jack Chick that he is the sort of person you say he is, World of Warcraft says he is not. So naturally he gets pissed at D&D.

You give a lot of clever rationalizations for Jack Chick’s comics, but they all strike me as over-explanations. You portray Chick as someone with an in depth knowledge of fantasy games and the internal politics of the companies that sell them.

Rather, the politics of those companies manifest in their games just rubs Jack Chick the way you would expect it to rub him, even if he does not think of the problem in terms of the politics of the companies, but in terms of demon worship.

The people who write D&D hate and fear people like Jack Chick, and it shows in their games. If you play D&D, you are probably going to role play a demon worshipping character. So Jack Chick says “role playing demon worship will lead to real demon worship”. He does not say “They deleted Christian worship and put in demon worship to erase our past, because they hate our past and hate who we are” – which is what I say.

Now maybe it silly to claim that role playing demon worship will lead to real demon worship – but it is not silly to say that there is something off about replacing our real mythos with a demon haunted mythos, even if one’s explanation as to what is off about it is a bit weak.

That D&D erases our Christian past, is part and parcel of the same outlook that leads the state department to seek to genocide the Syrian Christians. That this outlook pisses off Jack Chick shows that his instincts are sound, even if you reject his analysis.

jim says:

> Surely you realize members of nazi groups have committed murder.

Oak Creek Police Chief John Edwards declined to speculate on the motive behind the attack, saying “I don’t know why, and I don’t know that we’ll ever know, because when he died, that died with him what his motive was or what he was thinking”

You are looking far too hard for justifications for sucker punching real Nazis, suspected Nazis, potential Nazis, and potential suspected Nazis, and coming up with curiously thin gruel. If what you were looking for was real, you would have something better. A third of nazi groups are FBI agents, and those FBI agents are always urging their fellow Nazis join them in killing some Jews, never get any takers. Zero.

There is often some truth in the trailer park nazi story, and the dim witted fundy story – but it is presented in terms so hyperbolic, you presented it in terms so hyperbolic, as to justify the genocide of the Syrian Christians as self defense, and sucker punching people who wear Maga hats as self defense.

Which is in fact the purpose of the story. Progressives say these things about Nazis and fundamentalists not to justify getting rid of Nazis and fundamentalists, but to justify getting rid of people like me, to make it fine to sucker punch someone wearing a maga hat.

Anonymous 2 says:

Speaking of LARPing, Hillary Clinton is apparently a literal witch now. (The coven is a Manhattan organization known as ‘The Wing’.)

While some of the fundie resistance may seem overblown, there is also a good point in not just accepting whatever notions drift past. I recall reading a complaint from one of the great fundie leaders in the 90s, about the then-interest in witchcraft (“Wicca”) leading to lesbianism and paganism. And lo! he was basically right, if we put vague spiritualism in the paganism class.

Likewise with societal acceptance of homosexuals and the rest of the slippery slope.

Fundies may be stupid, but as has been noted, stupid people probably do better with simple, firm rules. In this case, the rule set is even intended to help them lead a good life. Compare and contrast with general degeneracy among stupid minorities.

PS. I nearly wrote a complaint about the limits of the comment system here, then realized it serves as a test in the genre of reverse digit span. So keep it.

S.J., Esquire says:

@peppermint, stop being a retard. The only thing I really remember is that the spell was out of some “intro to how to be a real-life Druid” book.

***D&D incentives atheist clerics since they pick which domains they get instead of matching their god.

You must be some kind of young’un who played the godawful 3rd or 4th editions. This was not the case in the editions I grew up with.

***I find it hard to believe that a non-trivial amount of people go from playing a game to devoting their life to worshiping literal demons.

I don’t know why you have a hard time believing this. Substitute “go on to some form of neo-paganism” for outright intentional “demon worship”. Instead of asking, how many D&D players go on to paganism, I would turn it around and say, how many (male) neo-pagans, Wiccans, what have you, had a background of playing D&D. I would guess the majority of them.

The Cominator says:

People like Jack Chick aren’t going to get into power. Even most so called fundamentalist christians in the Midwest are far too pozzed (and southern christians who are not pozzed are more libertarian and just want to defeat the prog state so it leaves them alone). I can’t believe we have people worrying about this on a neoreactionary board…

Jack Chick’s main value was reiterating to the fundi remnant how bad the Catholic Church is. It may not be the progressive Cathedral but since John Paul II has supported them on immigration and a lot of other issues (and Francis has actually been an improvement because he has weakened the Vatican politically by not pretending to be anything but a shitlib).

Nikolai says:

That fundies have good (though often misguided) instincts, but have terrible rhetoric and analysis to defend said instincts has been my argument from the get-go. Hence why we should look to St. Thomas Aquinas rather than Jack Chick. Better instincts, better theology and can make a coherent philosophical argument.

“A third of nazi groups are FBI agents, and those FBI agents are always urging their fellow Nazis join them in killing some Jews, never get any takers. Zero.”

Nonzero. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Berg

For the record, I don’t think nazis should be punched and I’m always happy when I see a skinhead steal an antifa flag. I’m just saying that they’re not innocent angels and that a lot of them have serious problems.

“as to justify the genocide of the Syrian Christians as self defense”
I have great respect for the Orthodox Tradition and wish them only the best. Worth noting that there are massive differences between Syrian Orthodox Christians and U.S. fundies and that criticizing one does not mean I dislike the other. Though Chick probably thinks they’re going to hell for believing in the presence of God within the Eucharist and honoring Mary.

jim says:

You are engaging in the Motte and Bailey Fallacy.

You present claims that if true imply that Nazis (real Nazis, suspected Nazis, possible Nazis, and suspected possible Nazis) need to be punched, and Christians exterminated, (the bailey) and then under pressure, temporarily drop back to the motte – that Jack Chick’s criticism of D&D is unattractive because his reasons for believing that role playing demon worship is undesirable are less persuasive than my own, and that presenting an unpersuasive argument is an indication that he is a stupid person targeting a stupid audience, and that Nazis are disproportionately white working class Trump voters.

I am pissed at the social justice warriors of Wizards of the Coast LLC because D&D demon worshipping clerics are not part of the white mythos, thus cut us off from our past, from the Germanic Christianity of Charles the Hammer and Charles the Great. I am pissed at the Social Justice Warrior takeover of Wizards of the Coast LLC, Jack Chick is worried about demons grabbing your soul, which most people find unpersuasive because, hey, it is just a game. But Jack Chick is not pursuing political power, and your story, your bailey, projects onto him the same behavior and objectives as the Puritans and social justice warriors, who were pursuing political power.

Social Justice Warriors always project, and I believe you to be a social justice warrior engaged in entryism, because you project onto Jack Chick social justice warrior behavior and motivations, and project onto the Nazis antifa behavior. If you were what you claim to be, you might well dislike Jack Chick and the Nazis for class and sectarian reasons, but you would not project onto them social justice warrior behavior.

Your story about Nazis is a response to the many videos of social justice warriors attacking people. “Hey, those people must have had it coming, because we fellow elite white people members of the elite know how those horrible white lower working class trump supporters behave, wink wink, hey fellow upper class white person.”

But the videos we have of those attacks don’t show the behavior that you attribute to “Nazis”, and if Nazis (or Maga hat wearers denounced as Nazis) ever behaved as you suggest, we would never stop seeing those videos.

And on the face of it, just is not likely that they would behave like that. You are attributing black behavior to the white working class – which is another tell of the Social Justice Warrior.

You tell me that Nazis are white working class, therefore are behave like blacks, therefore behave like antifa. But blacks do not behave like antifa, and white working class do not behave like blacks. Your perceive the world in the false and distorted way that social justice warriors perceive it.

jim says:

You attribute to Christians the social justice warrior use of faith in pursuit of political power, which justifies and necessitates war. In a color revolution, the highly enlightened and progressive forces announce that they have overthrown the evil oppressive dictator – but sometimes, strangely, the overthrow fails to stick. And if it fails to stick, it must be because problem groups are giving the enlightened and progressive forces trouble, at the instigation of the Russians. And then the enlightened folk defending freedom and justice need the US air force to bomb those Russian agents.

The Monkey trial was never about whether humans were descended from apes. It was about whether Christianity should be taught in school. The Christians correctly pointed out that you were in fact going to teach a religion in school – and the question was what that religion was going to be. On this they were right, and that some Christians have made idiots of themselves about evolution is and was an irrelevant and minor distraction.

peppermint says:

Will you make Thomistic comic books? Does anyone outside of NRx actually read Aquinas? The previous Republican VP candidate switched his favorite author from Ayn Rand to Thomas Aquinas to run.

How about John Milton instead?

Maybe Jack Chick doesn’t understand the mystery of the faith in the traditional way. Maybe he thinks Mariology is feminism in disguise.

Initially DnD clerics were chosen because the team needed a healer and they had good-aligned skills and had a rule against using swords. Now you pick a demon god based on what magic you want to channel from it and a cleric is a demon-worshiping wannabe wizard.

Nikolai says:

I must say Jim, never in my adult life have I ever been accused of being an SJW. I’m not 100% sure how to respond. In every political conversation I’ve had irl I’m always the rightmost guy in the room. My friends from highschool and college know me as “that funny sexist/racist guy” (hard niche to pull off, need to have a very good sense of humor and make your points eloquently while not taking anything too serious or being too combative).

Nowhere do I say or imply that nazis need to be punched. Nazis are miles better behaved than antifa. Nazis never throw piss or shit at people, never attack their own side like antifa does to liberal journalists, never show up at a leftist event just to assault attendees etc.

I just found your claim that no nazi has ever used a slur in public to be completely unbelievable and your claim that they’ve never killed a jew to be provably false. As Bloom points out “this movement tends to attract people who, well, seem like they might shoot up a school”. Fringe movements attract fringe people and fringe people exhibit erratic and combative behavior. Again, much better behaved that antifa, but you project complete angelic innocence onto them and that’s clearly not the case.

Nothing I have said thus far implies Christian extermination, complete nonsense. You asked what was wrong with fundy theology, I gave you an answer. You are right in that they are not seeking state power, but their theology is still shit for all the reasons I’ve described. And even if they were seeking state power, it wouldn’t imply that we should genocide them anymore than your arguments imply we should genocide progs.

And criticizing fundies is not a condemnation on the entirety of Christianity. It is a well deserved criticism of a particular sect that is constantly pushing nonsense and making actual Christians look like morons.

jim says:

> I just found your claim that no Nazi has ever used a slur in public to be completely unbelievable

Your original claim about Nazi behavior was stronger than “used a slur in public”. It was that they used a slur against a particular individual in ways likely to provoke a fight. You imagined Nazis abusing passers by in ways that would justify punching a nazi. So, retracting that claim, Motte and Bailey style?

> and your claim that they’ve never killed a jew to be provably false.

I must have missed your proof that nazis under prog rule had killed a Jew. Care to present it once again?

> Nothing I have said thus far implies Christian extermination, complete nonsense.

If any time a Christian opens his mouth to state the principles of his religion, he is pursuing political power puritan style and prog style, then it is war. One side must die that the other side can live. There can only be one state religion, and all contenders save one must be violently crushed. Which is the story of every color revolution.

Nikolai says:

“You attribute to Christians the social justice warrior use of faith in pursuit of political power, which justifies and necessitates war”

I haven’t done that at all. I’ve repeatedly said that Jack Chick never tried to become grand inquisitor. My argument is not “Fundies are trying to take over USG and if they succeed they’ll commit all these evil acts so we must genocide all Christians”

My argument is “Jack Chick never attempted to gain political or institutional power, but if he were somehow placed in the position of grand inquisitor (a hypothetical you first mentioned Jim) he would likely behave only marginally better than a puritan. This is because Chick, like the puritans, was rabidly intolerant against every religion but his own and every sect but his own, exhibited the leftist propensity to ally with far to destroy near (the Vatican is the whore of Babylon, but Jews are God’s chosen people!) and had a deep hatred for the traditions of the religion he was supposedly a member of (see his tracts on the Eucharist) and the folk traditions of his people (Halloween). These flaws, and others, are inherent to fundy theology and that’s why, come the restoration, everyone should become Catholic.”

Also if I was an SJW I wouldn’t be able to have this conversation with you. Rightists think leftists are misguided and heavily misinformed, but generally good people. Leftists think all rightists are evil and insane. If I was an SJW, I wouldn’t be able to make the points that I’m making because I wouldn’t be able to understand NRx thought, let alone replicate it so I can deceive true believers. Notice how when I reply to you I directly address the parts of your argument I disagree with in a generally coherent fashion. A leftist simply could not do that, he would begin frothing at the mouth and would only be able to respond with insults written in all caps.

Nikolai says:

“You imagined Nazis abusing passers by in ways that would justify punching a nazi. So, retracting that claim, Motte and Bailey style?”

No, I’ll stand by that claim, but I think some clarification is in order. You keep using the phrase “punch nazis”, I’m not talking about whignats like Richard Spencer or Jared Taylor or fashy types like TRS or Anglin. When I said hardline 1488ers, I meant the people Bloom was talking about. The kind of fringe groups that are full of feds and meet in trailer parks. I hold that such people behave in the ways I’ve described, perhaps not regularly, perhaps not their modus operandi, but it does happen. You say I’m projecting black behavior onto the white working class. Rather I’m projecting dalit behavior onto white dalits, not the white working class.

“I must have missed your proof that nazis under prog rule had killed a Jew. Care to present it once again?”

Sure, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Berg
It was a one line proof, easy to miss.

“If any time a Christian opens his mouth to state the principles of his religion, he is pursuing political power puritan style and prog style, then it is war.”
Probably right, but I’ve never claimed that any time a Christian preaches Christianity that he is pursuing political power. See above comment.

peppermint says:

Now ask yourself why no one cares about Alan Berg, but pretend to think Heather Heifer was splattered by James Fields under orders from Mike Enoch. Then ask yourself why you think Jack Chick isn’t just a heretic trying to protect his heretics from vastly more evil heretics, but a symbol of delusion you must signal against to remain respectable while Chick’s enemies eat the church you want to be a part of.

You can tell your respectable Catholic friends that Chick thinks Harry Potter leads to attempted magic, but in fact it just says demons control everything and can choose to put on a light show instead of an Avada Kedavra if they want Harry Potter to escape reincarnated Voldemort and there’s no point in studying because Harry Potter outdoes Cedric Diggory and despite Hermione’s efforts Ron’s little sister comes along and takes Harry.

In the end, Voldemort had to be hated because he didn’t want wizarding blood bred out of existence, and the demons’ plan was to use schooling to teach magically attuned humans to worship demons instead of developing their natural talents in a way that could have threatened the demons.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>im not saying fundamentalists would commit all these evils in in power and therefore we must genocide christians


>im saying fundamentalists are pretty much the same as puritans, who commit all these evil acts while in power, and therefore we must genocide christians

Lmao. Do people even think about what they write sometimes.

peppermint says:

How does Aristotle lead to faggotry? Plato was a childless faggot commie. Aristotle had 2 children and criticized Alexander for conquering more than the Greek nation could control.

Simon says:

Aristotle was a nominalist, an idea that for 1500 years childless faggots in the west have been taking to its logical conclusion of faggot worship and 8yo trans women.

jim says:

Aristotle was not a nominalist, but, like Ayn Rand, a moderate realist.

Alrenous says:

Nominalism is slightly not even wrong but it is approximately truer than its competitors. If you believe this truth leads to Moloch, then you’re bad at logic.

jim says:

Nominalism is false, delusionary, and inherently leftist, because it means that people can make up whatever categories they please without regard for whether those categories cut reality at the joints.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Nominalists lack the magic to tell the future, therefore, they suck.

Alrenous says:

Reality lacks joints. It’s all one thing. Or at most, two.

Definitions are merely handles which we bolt onto reality to help grasp it.

jim says:

Handles fit better at some points than others.

Alrenous says:


Once you have any one handle, there is a correct form and placement for all other handles. Also, as it happens, human brains come with some handles hard-wired, so in practice there is very little useful leeway.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Monism and nominalism are two sides of the same brainlet coin.

Nikolai says:

All true except for “populated by natural undesirables”. Low church prots are mostly good people who’ve just been raised in a heretical religion, much like most basic progs.

There are many genuine criticisms to be made of the white working class, but they are, by far, the most desirable prole class a nation could ask for. If the left wants a class of people exterminated, it’s likely a good idea to keep them around.

Art says:

Jim (on Ozzy and KISS):
“No one seems to be terribly shocked when people who adopt nazi regalia just to be edgy upset progressives, but Jack Chic belongs to a group that you are entitled to offend”.

For an alternative explanation, has it occured to you that most reasonable people don’t believe in vampires but do believe in nazis?
Those who do probably see both groups as equally murderous, and will be offended by both – vampire and nazi costumes.

jim says:

Jack Chick does not think that Ozzy is a vampire.

Jack Chick does not think that vampires exist.

Jack Chick thinks that demonically possessed people who delusively imagine themselves to be vampires exist. He thinks that Ozzy would like to be a vampire, and is glamorizing demonic possession.

Art says:

I don’t have an opinion on Jack Chick.
I was responding to the quoted statement suggesting that progressivism and hatred of Christians is the reason people respond differently to nazi and vampire costumes.

jim says:

Vampires do not exist, but people who worship demons do exist.

Progressivism and hatred of Christians is the reason that calling Trump a Nazi works, and calling Ozzy satanic does not work.

Alrenous says:

Vampires mythologically exist. Women experience all attractive men as vampires. Charming creatures which ask her to sacrifice her social status so that he can gain social status.

peppermint says:

The brilliant plan is to cut their own dicks off and then hope no one notices that they’re not women and kicks them out of the womens’ room. The fall of the SJW is the fall of enforcement is the fall of the left is the fall of the university and the legacy media. Our enemies are done.

Jews reached peak assimilation around 2000, then turned around and started de-assimilating like the more obvious fake Americans. The jews aren’t as screwed as the baizuo.

Those who can are now joining the rednecks, watching King of the Hill to take notes on how to emulate Hank.

Alrenous says:

Social Justice Warriors did not appear on purpose, and the upper leadership would dearly love them to sit down and shut up. However, due to responsibility laundering, they cannot directly tell them, and the SJWs mutate faster than the indirect commands can reach them.

Also hierarchies have a natural slope to them. One person can command only so many people. The number of top proggies is probably below 1000, which is too few to indirectly control the swarms of SJWs, let alone people with actual progressive jobs.

alf says:

So Jim, when shall we see your video lectures?

There is a little bit of a problem with the concept of white people as a tribe. Nobody had whiteness as their primary identity while they lived in the white countries of Europe, rather they had a lower-level, say, national identity.

I am not sure how exactly the concept of race emerged, but I think it must have had something to do with Brits sailing all over the world, finding lots of and lots of nations, ethnic groups and tribes, and basically grouping them into races for the sake of ease. And color-coding these races white, black, yellow, even red.

Understand me properly. I am not saying race or whiteness is an unreal social construct. I say with Sailer that race is your family tree. Your ancestry. And your identity, your tribe, can be defined as somewhere lower in the tree or somewhere higher. A man with all his know ancestors being from Kent could identify as a Kentishman, or one level higher as an Englishman, one leven higher as British and one level higher as white.Got it?

And what I am saying that going up to the high level, white, is fairly recent and it seems too big.

I mean our Dunbar number, real tribes, is about 150. All higher levels require abstraction, but Kentishman requires less abstraction than English or British, while white as an identity requries far more.

So white people, in the sense of all white people in the world, is a too big group to deal with.

My idea would be that in Europe we should be doing what were doing anyway, identifying with our nations, and with its pre-1960 population, and in the US you should talk about not whites as such but American Whites as an ethnic group or nation, being American White being on the same level of abstraction as being Swedish or French.

Indeed, not so long ago that was simply called being American or being WASP.

Generally speaking the smaller a tribe is, the more likely it is to make sense to your kids, to be an actual thing instead of an abstraction and perhaps it helps avoiding the Eye of Sauron. Of course you can always interpret it as a specifically white tribe. But all of whiteness does not work as a tribe.

Teutonick says:

“And what I am saying that going up to the high level, white, is fairly recent and it seems too big.”

It is no more recent and no bigger than the categorizations of black, Asian, or Hispanic.

The same things could be said about those groups, but it doesn’t stop them from uniting under their respective races to benefit from collectivism.

Samuel Skinner says:

The white population is smaller then the Chinese population. If you are worried about internal diversity, just make it Hajnal + friends.

Colleen Pater says:

first of all race is not a new concept and its always been a kind of fluid concept meaning its always been applied at various granularities you can read actually you can even hear certain upper class and or aristocrats refer to their families as a race or refer to their class as a race, this has always been the case and always you can read race used as a synonym for ethnicity or breed not just at a national level but regionally. And you can read it used in the sense we have become obsessed over the past few decades, the meta races. Its always been used that was as well but i would imagine with darwin it took on a bit more of scientific but long before darwin people understood genetics and evolution they knew how to breed animals and plants in a clumsy way.

Yes of course in places that have a more granular type of white all whites should support the continuation of that race, in fact they should support subset like the Catalons walloons flemish basques welsh cornish afrikaner etc But in nations like america canada australia we must accept that we cant do that but that is no reason to turn ourselves into brasil. Also whites everywhere are under genocidal attack by a coalition of everyone else mostly led by jews and chinese never the less whites defecting from whites isnt affordable our position should be whites can jostle for leadership among the european people to the extent they are not treasonous to whites generally this is of course the same position we ought take on a personal level. individuality is well and good and mighty white, but the price we pay for the perks of civilization are compromises on freedom. selling guns and whiskey to the indians jews or chinese obviously has to be verboten. Once we have eliminated the other races then i suppose this could be revisited personally i would be opposed to white genocide even then, but you take a guy like nick land and hes would do away with all humans once machines are smarter but youre talking about a guy who married a jew and move to china

Roberto says:

Recently, I re-watched Borat. A certain sentence he said reminded me of you, viking.

Here’s a clip – start from 0:46.


Alrenous says:

Pretty easy to figure out what happened when you realize that each European nation has its own racial slur, whereas all of Africa has one slur, also all of South America, and there’s only 2-3 for all of Asia.

S.J., Esquire says:

I admit to being duped, taken in, by JBP. Vox Day asked, ‘All you people calling yourselves fans, haven’t you even *read* Maps of Meaning?’ To which the answer is, no, of course not. I, like, I expect, most of his esrtwhile fans, observed Peterson’s opposition to the gender pronoun stuff, watched a couple of his videos, and assumed he was One of Us. I still have a small hope that he can *become* one of us, a renegade if you will. That would be very useful. But it would likely take an Act of God.

Colleen Pater says:

Ill admit i too liked some of his videos still do out of context but im also a former boomer enlightenment man and he was punching left Hey i even like camille paglia when shes being sensible and Orwell and Bertrand russell even has his moments hey even cucks like moldberg and Land have some useful thoughts.
But even before all this i started to see JP was about to hit the wall on HPD and have to cuck or red pill, It happens to all the alt lites they follow their precious logic until that cog dissonance fog hits them and they either begin to lose their religion or they cuck, Stephan Molyneux seems to be red pilling most of the rest not so much. even (((moldberg))) gets all irrational and mumbling when he writes like why Im not a WN nick land and jim same shit just cant cross that jew bridge land solves it by claiming hes not a racist he hates all humans moldberg tries to dress it up in uber capitalism. Lies all lies there’s some truth in it the enlightenment worked pretty well when the only citizens were white men over 25 of good character and property.

Inquiring Mind says:

How is Jordan Peterson different from Phil McGraw?

Dr. “J” appears to be moving in the same direction to be a TV shrink who scolds people that they should get ahold of themselves and stop doing whatever it is that annoys the people around them.

Colleen Pater says:

good one

Peterson has a wealthier demographic for patients

Glenfilthie says:

Lol. Jim, the NYT can’t sell a subscription.

You have to understand what Peterson is: he’s a classical liberal, capable of some level of common sense and reasoning. And – he’s doing that right in the very heart of liberal fascism. If you understood the proggie loons as I do, you would also see that he is by no means “controlled opposition”. He’s a heretic amongst his peers, literally he’s the liberal that got mugged by reality and is struggling to come to terms with it. For the left he is still anathema and apostasy.

He’s an indicator that we are winning. That red pill takes time to work. Given that Peterson works and lives in a bubble of leftist lunacy …. he’s a huge win for us. Further, he will reach people that guys like you scare the hell out of. Far as I’m concerned he’s an asset we can use to destroy the left.

Samuel Skinner says:

People cannot easily be made to believe things that would cut off their pay check. Even a minimal red pill means accepting women don’t belong at the university. Aside from Bryan Caplan I don’t think there are many professors calling from the scaling back of academia.

Contaminated NEET says:

>NYT can’t sell a subscription
Oh please. The NYT is not about selling subscriptions, or even advertising. That’s just a way to pay for the paper, ink, and fair-trade lattes. If that fails, as it is admittedly in the process of doing, they’ll find another way to keep the lights on. The NYT decides what all the other newspapers and television shows in the US talk about. Sure, some of them will disagree with the Grey Lady, but they disagree on a subject she picked. That is power. That is influence. That is worth a ridiculous amount of money. If ads and subscriptions don’t work anymore, someone will pay for that power.

Glenfilthie says:

Oh please to you too!

The mainstream media is now largely irrelevant. Not even the lefties take it seriously, or any of their lickspittles. Hence Jordan Peterson, and their efforts to reconcile with him. They can laugh at guys like us, but guys like Peterson? Rebelling in their own ranks? He scares the hell out of them. He also scares the chit out of cretins like Vox Day, who fear him as a rival. Those guys should be scared too.

jim says:

Vox Day is, as he claims, a very smart guy. Like Scott Alexander, his stupidity is selective – avoiding crime thought makes him stupid. But he is of course, willing to crimethink on matters Scott Alexander is not.

pdimov says:

On what topics is VD selectively stupid?

jim says:

Women and game.

Glenfilthie says:

Care to be specific Jim?

jim says:

Vox Day is stubbornly blue pilled, or at least purple pilled, despite reality repeatedly slapping him in the face,

Glenfilthie says:

Don’t think so, Jim. He certainly is a crime thinker, and he certainly isn’t an idiot. If he was the whiz kid he thinks he is he’d be able to swing opinion the way Jordan does. As it is he’s alienated half of the people on the right as well as the entire left. I’ve heard him described as ‘an unlikeable dolt’. He’s come completely unglued over Peterson for some reason. To my mind he’s unmanly and childish.

jim says:

They are fighting over the same market sector – the somewhat purple pilled who are reluctant to accept actual reality, and Vox Day correctly points out that his truth is closer to the real truth than Jordan Peterson’s.

Standard marketing: If your product is better than the competition’s in some regard, you are going to go over the top in loudly announcing the difference.

Glenfilthie says:

True enough I suppose.

That market is Vox’s to lose, and unfortunately he’s half way there…

Alrenous says:

And that’s the problem with Vox. His ideas aren’t beliefs, they are a product. Currently the idea is to sell books.

It’s not safe to assume he genuinely believes anything that appears on his blog, it’s merely what he quite cleverly perceives to play well among his target under-served demographic. Depending how high he is on his own supply.

peppermint says:

Vox Day is a buffalo selling books to the tall grass which he protects by rubbing neocons wrong. He correctly pointed out that Kessler and some of Anglin’s staff are still basically commies, that Charlottesville was a colossal sperg-out by people who were so new to the right they still believed in free speech, and after calling them fake right and dissociating from the cacti, continued ignoring them.

He’ll never say the nazi antics were necessary to get the left where it is now. No one’s going to say that except cacti until the trees get chopped up and the forests plowed and sowed with wheat.

bob k. mando says:

Glenfilthie says: 2018-05-14 at 14:27
You have to understand what Peterson is: he’s a classical liberal, capable of some level of common sense and reasoning. And – he’s doing that right in the very heart of liberal fascism. If you understood the proggie loons as I do, you would also see that he is by no means “controlled opposition”.

that was my original opinion as well.

however, there a pictures of he ( and his wife? ) in Eyes Wide Shut regalia. in their house, with Jordan’s highly distinctive art pieces in the back ground.

and, according to his own testimony, he’s been working with the UN / Agenda 21 and John “Skippy” Podesta.

that’s not “well meaning but mistaken”. that’s someone who knows full well what he’s about.

Glenfilthie says:

Source, Bob?

I wouldn’t doubt it, given his role in Canadian universities you can bet he was steeped in leftist lunacy for decades. Bob says that Peterson’s been ‘purple pilled’ and that is apt: what set him off was when a group of sexually disturbed degenerates surrounded him and demanded that he start using politically correct pronouns to address them – and he told the lot to FOAD. Then he started acknowledging all kinds of politically incorrect truths. I wonder – could he have backed off that since? Time frame is important because it seem to me that Peterson went through a traumatic (for a lefty) experience when he got mugged by reality – I wouldn’t be surprised if he recanted a whole bunch of views since coming out of the closet with a modicum of common sense.

onezeno says:

Actually, Jordan Peterson talks a lot about having the ability to enact violence and to be scary, but to refrain from it except when necessary. He advocates that men not go through life docile and harmless.

Colleen Pater says:

Peterson a toned done prog an enlightenment man, you’re a tone downed enlightenment man an NRXer.Both you and Peterson can not let go of the glory days when christianity and its bastard enlightenment worked for whites. They are part of our great history its hard to let them go but go they must, christianity must go entirely its completely based on magic and an irrational belief that there’s a god and god wants us not to live but to die for others. some form of enlightenment might be salvageable post non white expulsion, it would have to be radically altered basically a big asterisk no a swastika that say none of this applies to non whites and non of this is to be interpreted in such a way that white civilization is threatened in the least.and no ma does not also mean women let alone non whites.Otherwise feel free to do science and reason and be as individualistic as the law allows.
I get it been there done that Im a boomer too I remember when the world worked.It worked because we are all white people.
Peterson was trolled on the JQ until he finally took the bait and lied about ho jews control half the wealth and power because they have 145 IQS. This bit of chicanery has stirred up quite a storm both voxday denounced him as a cuck and a moron and deconstructed Petersons lying math basically the same math that la griffe fooled NRX with for a decade and which jim believes.Then ron unz did similar correction of Petersons innumeracy in the comments of several critiques of petersons little gambit. Since peterson called out Macdonald specifically even while admitting having never read Macdonald but knowing through his enlightemment and christian magic that Macdonald is a liar not worth readin, so Macdonald too replied to JP, then the (((Forward))) ran a article asking if JP is a nazi since JP broke the first rule of jew club dont talk about jewclub. NIck Land in typical wanting it both ways fash un quipped “obviously I dont agree but i certainly think it will get me more clicks if we talk about how we neednt talk about it.







theres lots more, Unz a jew seems to agree with vox days math that the AKZ IQ is overstated by 50-100% and has been dropping rapidly, that average elie white IQ is understated for various reasons, that The argument that jews have hallf the power and wealth because IQ is specious something else is at work. Ron prefers to think its jews are no longer hungry are out breeding not breeding and the orthodox are overbreeding but at least he says jews have 25% of harvard seat and hould have 65 at most and whites have about 25% and should have more like 45% of course hes conceding the legitimacy of the AA seats for niggers and slants being in our nation cheating and bribing
What may be good is if NRX rethought lagriffe but theyre so full of jews jew marriages and jew apologists this wont happen. To me its immaterial how jews got control of half my civilization its simply intolerable that europeans should submit to rule by others, anyone who disagrees with that simple concept that whites should rule their own nation has his brain so jew jizzed they deserve the title cucked.

glosoli says:

It’s irrational to NOT believe in God.

Unless you’ve discovered how the universe magically appeared out of nothingness? Or why there is good and evil amongst humans? Or why, unlike all other animals, we have souls and self-awareness, and a capacity to know and worship God.

Go on, tell us you know the answer to all of that, you rational devil!

Alrenous says:

Still not an atheist.

Unless you’ve discovered how the universe magically appeared out of nothingness?

Easy. Before the laws of the the vacuum there was, for example, no law about conservation.

Or why there is good and evil amongst humans?

Neither exists, there is no explanandum.

Or why, unlike all other animals, we have souls and self-awareness

Other animals do have small fragments of soul and occasional glimmers of self-awareness. The only qualitative advantage humans have is the ability to follow a contract, and it’s possibly this isn’t a real difference but an emergent property of a combination certain hypertrophies, such as delayed gratification.

glosoli says:

‘Easy. Before the laws of the the vacuum there was, for example, no law about conservation.’

So no law about conservation resulted in the Big Bang out of nothingness eh? Who would have thunk that? Thanks for the really good explanation, it was so….rational.

Easier: before the universe existed, there was only God in His realm. He decided to create the universe, so He did.

Alrenous says:

Rhetoric is not argument, and if you find it convincing you’re a mark.

glosoli says:

You’re funny.

Steve Johnson says:

You’re not.

glosoli says:

Actually, I am. Very dry wit.

And I can hook suckers like you every day.

Steve Johnson says:

Show, don’t tell.

You haven’t said anything witty nor have you hooked anyone.

Oooh, unless that’s the joke…

glosoli says:

I threw you back, yet you bite again.


Colleen Pater says:

The existence of the universe does not necessitate a god
you cant assume we know everything there is to know in fact we know we dont know all sorts of things but so far everything we know has a rational explanation.

so here’s three possibilities about the universe

It always was, well we are pretty sure there was a big bang but its quite possible that is just one side of say a universe combustion engine that blows up universes from a collapsing side we dont see into a new time space universe we observe one of and this has been happening always.

The universe sprang from nothing. nothing is a very interesting idea ever wonder whats beyond the expanding universe well that gives you an idea of the problem now for all we know nothing is unstable.

The universe was created by a first cause god whatever.

heres your problem your going to try and dismiss the first two as unreasonable but the thing is the idea of god is just as unreasonable you’re just substituting one unreasonable idea for another because you were raised to and you accept it still this idea seems reasonable which is sloppy thinking and unnecessary You can believe in god and understand your belief is just your belief not any more rational than the first two in fact that’s why they call it faith and belief. Its not any more or any less reasonable to pick god there’s a 33% chance youre right its a little unreasonable to make any choice at all. Like say someone who say it has to be one or two because there’s no such thing as god doesn’t really know that either and while coming up with this idea of god out of whole cloth could be perceived as creating a problem that doesnt exist i think since the universe does exist and so far everything we know makes things that always were or spring from nothing a hard sell its probably fair to say hey maybe theres a one in three chance theres a god.

But i suspect your problem goes way deeper than logic you probably think you know all sorts of things about god and that has zero fucking support well that’s not true if there’s a god then he probably created the universe and we could maybe infer some things about god from looking at the universe. first off we would know all the religions are utter fucking bullshit ancient myths because when you read their so called scriptural revelations they are garbage contradictions of each other and themselves and clearly the self serving tales of priests and people trying to build a culture. we can no god doesn’t want to be known because once you understand all religion is bullshit you see there is no evidence of god except possibly the universe.next you see god created allegedly a universe of cause and effect and reason so there’s no way hes secretly telling us the real world the god reality is crazy magic irrationality if a god who made this universe wanted us to worship him its pretty clear he want a religion of cause and effect and reason and ruthless to the death competition. so no god is not a christ cuck hes a nigger hater just look at the condition of niggers and tell me he loves them.

Good and evil doesn’t exist we have invented taboos culturally to help us survive if you notice they are all situational. we dont have a capacity to know god we have a capacity to follow the cult because this helps us survive. animals have self awareness we are increasingly finding they have all sorts of mental abilities we didn’t understand they play they have senses of humour the do things like gang rape and take slaves make war they trade and share they lie they conspire they can do at least rudimentary language communication with us and some may even have advanced communication with each other frankly its pretty scary what we are learning about them because its going to challenge us ethically well those of us who still have a slave morality ethics like christians.

Anonymous 2 says:

You first need to convince us that in your heart you know that you’re just a chemical reaction, that nothing you do matters, that you and all your descendants will be forgotten, and that your commenting here is pointless and absurd.

Colleen Pater says:

Pointless and absurd to everyone but me you mean, and since i have the ability to act and to experience what i think of as my reality it doesn’t really matter to me what your perspective tells you until one of us has to end the others POV.

Yes in my brain I know Im just a chemical reaction and what i ‘feel’ in what i think of as my ‘heart’ as you call it is also just a signal to a signal signifying nothing.Or rather nothing from a perspective that is theoretical and therefore meaningless from no perspective that actually exists. And yet here i am making the best of it working to give meaning to my nihilistic existence because why not; whats to stop me?Ii like some of those signals they make me feel good which is better than feeling bad. I am become god and give meaning to myself. Maybe some other god may come by and see my lord of the flies meaning and laugh and stomp on me, And maybe there is no god more capable than me and I will laugh all the way to eternity only one way to find out keep acting as if my signals are divine and try and make it so.

Anonymous 2 says:

Pointless and absurd to everyone but me you mean

That would admittedly be a bit funny, but no, I mean that you accept that your actions are pointless and absurd.

Yes in my brain I know Im just a chemical reaction … And yet here i am making the best of it working to give meaning to my nihilistic existence because why not; whats to stop me?

We then must ask, what is ‘meaning’ in that case. A particular kind of chemical reactions?

peppermint says:

Jim’s model is simpler than Milton’s, which has the deficiency of not explaining why God made angels like Satan and let them do whatever. He obviously made men to be the gardeners of Garden Earth, which is a task Nazis agree with and Progressives reject as beneath them and their grand design.

Instead, the inflationary universe may as well include all of our complexity as existing in the platonic, mathematical sense, which medieval philosophers tried to claim of God.

Milton wouldn’t be too disappointed with mankind evolving to be gardeners of Earth and Satan telling Adam to start tending wheat already out of frustration with the slowness of God’s grand design, leading to celiac disease. It makes perfect sense for Man to evolve into gardeners in God’s image.

alf says:

> Easy. Before the laws of the the vacuum there was, for example, no law about conservation.

Then what was there?

jim says:

Answer: The existence of the weak force, its symmetry with the electromagnetic force, implies that before our universe, there was cosmic inflation, and the weak and electromagnetic forces were unified, were one force. The inflationary universe with the unified weak and electromagnetic force expands forever, and from time to time regions of the inflationary universe undergo spontaneous symmetry breaking. Each spontaneous symmetry break is different, as each snowflake is different, so the seeming laws of physics in that particular region are different. Once in a while, you get a region where the laws of physics permit life. Thus the inflationary universe endlessly spawns new universes within it, bubbles of lower energy vacuum.

Matter is the result of breaking the symmetry between the weak and electromagnetic force, and the various particles are different according to their coupling to the weak and electromagnetic forces. The zoo of fundamental particles is ad hoc, arbitrary, and irregular, for the same reason that a snowflake is arbitrary, ad hoc, and irregular, or shattered glass is irregular.

ack says:

neat enough to make a proper post on it

Anonymous 2 says:

Inflation is, unfortunately, unproven. There are more than a hundred inflation models and the proponents appear to be agitated about giving publication room to critics.


jim says:

It is proven on level of high energy physics, at the level of high energy elementary particle interactions, that inflation is physically possible, and, under some circumstances highly likely. Whereupon people ran wild issuing cute papers about stuff which is no more knowable than those ancient theological debates about whether Christ is co-substantial or con-substantial with the Father.

Many of these papers are silly. Most of them are silly. But the phenomenon underlying them, the justification for these papers, is real.

jim says:

Here is another answer. In a black hole temperatures rise without limit, eventually reversing spontaneous symmetry breaking. The laws of physics melt. At sufficiently high energies, sufficiently high temperatures, the weak and electromagnetic forces re-unify. This makes possible regions with new laws of physics, which sometimes results in the cosmic inflation predicted by the unification of the electromagnetic and weak forces. The inflation lowers the temperature, eventually resulting in spontaneous symmetry breaking, producing a new universe, a new big bang, with new laws of physics.

Since there are a lot of black holes, our universe is spawning a lot of new universes, some of which, a few of which, will have laws of physics similar to our own.

This differs from the infinite inflation model in that spontaneous symmetry breaking goes fast enough that it outraces inflation – the universe with unified weak and electromagnetic force does not last forever, but it can last long enough to get pretty big.

In both models, it is spontaneous symmetry breaking between the electromagnetic and weak force that creates the laws of physics, and cosmic inflation that enlarges the amount of space and matter.

jim says:

The symmetries between the weak and the electromagnetic force imply a process capable of mindlessly making lots of universes, in which the particular laws of physics vary, as particular pieces of shattered glass vary. In high energy particle collisions we see a process on a tiny scale that can potentially, on an enormously larger scale, make big universes out of small fragments of an existing universe.

Each such universe will have the same electromagnetic and gravitational force, and somewhat similar weak force, but the fundamental particles and their properties will differ from one to the next. People plausibly speculate that the same is true at higher energies with spacetime and the gravitational force, but we don’t have direct evidence of that, while we do have direct evidence for the weak and electromagnetic unification.

alf says:

What symmetry between em waves and weak matter do you refer to?

OK, say you are correct. Where do dark matter and em waves come from? The glass shatters, where does the glass in the first place come from?

There is a level of understanding which will always elude us. We summarize this force as God.

But it seems indeed that God did not make us in his image. We seem to be byproducts, the actual product being a multiple of universes with particles and physics laws. We’re like ants in the jungle, the bigger accomplishment being the jungle, not the ants.

jim says:

Inflationary universe proposes that the inflationary universe has always been inflating, has no beginning, even though each sub universe produced by spontaneous symmetry breaking has a beginning and an end.

alf says:

So, infinity. Do we grasp infinity? If not, is it valid to refer to this infinity as God? Seems like a cop-out, like a God of the gaps.

Or do we call the being that presumably created this infinity God?

glosoli says:

‘In a black hole temperatures rise without limit, eventually reversing spontaneous symmetry breaking.’

Don’t comment whilst drunk Jim.
Also, next time you visit a black hole, can you send me a postcard.

My, the things you believe, really surprised in your faith in those sciencmagics. Good to see.

pdimov says:

Interesting how things everyone knows are true turn out to not be so clear cut upon further reading. I’ve always thought that black holes were proven to exist. I also thought that the existence of the Roman practice of crucifixion was supported by mountains of evidence.

jim says:

We have good theoretical and empirical reason to believe in black holes, theory in that if enough mass gathers in one place, its gravitational field is obviously going to get so intense that not even light can escape, empiricism in that we have detected enormously massive objects that are not emitting enough light to be detected.

And we have plenty of references to crucifixion from non Christian sources. Julius Caesar crucified pirates, with the result that trade over the Mediterranean greatly increased, bringing prosperity to the Roman Empire.

Steve Johnson says:

>Julius Caesar crucified pirates, with the result that trade over the Mediterranean greatly increased, bringing prosperity to the Roman Empire.

His ally then rival Pompey Magnus was more responsible for that on the mass scale.

Julius Caesar famously crucified the pirates who had kidnapped him after warning them that he was going to do it and telling them that they were asking for too little in ransom – when he was 16 years old.

Samuel Skinner says:

“They divided themselves in four parts, and continued to fight until they all perished except 6000, who were captured and crucified along the whole road from Capua to Rome. ”


Appian on the conclusion of the Spartacus revolt.

Alrenous says:

Black holes only approximately exist. No actual singularity forms, for the simple reason that (prewar physicists were right) as the density increases, the time dilation increases faster, so observers far from the black hole (e.g. us) need to wait infinite time to see the collapse complete.

If there are any quantum shenanigans that cause black (very dark grey) holes to decay, such as Hawking radiation, then black holes will decay before they can finish collapsing. Hawking radiation depends on an explicit event horizon, but it’s not inconceivable than an approximate horizon would result in approximate Hawking radiation.

Modern physicists don’t bother with dynamic simulations because they’re more work and less prestige than closed-form solutions, and therefore like to neglect the fact that neutron stars can’t transition to a black hole like a electron quantum jumping between energy levels.

jim says:

We don’t get to see the collapse of a black hole complete – but we see it exponentially approach completion, with an exponential constant that is typically around a few milliseconds. That is complete enough.

pdimov says:

>except 6000, who were captured and crucified along the whole road from Capua to Rome.

Sure. I’m not saying crucifixion didn’t exist. I’m saying that for all this crucifixion supposedly going on, we only have a single skeleton and a single nail. The actual evidence does not match the perception of evidence the average person has.

Similarly, black holes. Not saying they don’t exist. But…

peppermint says:

why the focus on the singularity itself? the hole is the hole in spacetime where there’s no null geodesic out to positive null infinity. there’s no singularity at the boundary of the hole.

Alrenous says:

The event horizon and singularity are linked. No singularity, no event horizon. No event horizon, no singularity.

Since time dilation prevents us from observing the formation of an event horizon, black holes are in fact simply very dark grey, sub-infinitely dense clumps of ordinary matter.

peppermint says:

There are observably bubbles of space where there is no null line out regardless of what exactly is inside the bubble, whether or not the mass is entirely concentrated at a point to which the time coordinate points

Alrenous says:

If indeed there was a beginning, and we have at present many reasons to think there was, then there was profoundly nothing. Indeed it doesn’t quite make sense to call it ‘before’ since time also did not exist. There was not merely a lack of matter or energy, but the lack of even the possibility of matter or energy – nor was there the impossibility. That is Chaos.

This isn’t provable, however, as it requires reasoning about the state in which logic wasn’t true. (Or false, either.)

jim says:

On the cosmic inflation model, there was a beginning for the laws of physics as they are in our cosmic vicinity – but before that beginning there was a empty universe in which the weak and electromagnetic forces were one force, and that universe had time, space, and vacuum energy, but, as far as we know, not much going on in it.

Alrenous says:

Forces are a thing. That’s not an empty universe. The God answer is an attempt to explain where they came from.

jim says:

Maybe they were always around.

Alrenous says:

As a principle, “X was always around” can prove any model.

jim says:

That the vacuum was always around is as good an answer as “God was always around”. Spontaneous breaking of the symmetry between the weak force and the electromagnetic force gives us a mechanism that can produce a large amount of space from a small amount of space, and matter from empty space, from the vacuum. That is as close to “something from nothing” as the human mind can comprehend.

peppermint says:

is god simpler than inflation? is god a thing that exists? why are forces things that exist? is the vacuum a thing that exists?

Alrenous says:

Vacuum energy. Virtual particle gas.

peppermint says:

most substances called gas aren’t lorentz invariant

pdimov says:

>Easy. Before the laws of the the vacuum there was, for example, no law about conservation.

No law about conservation explains how matter appeared out of nothing, but doesn’t explain how the law of conservation appeared out of nothing.

jim says:

Shattered glass.

pdimov says:

Whose is the shattered glass theory?

I remember a “paths through grass” theory for how the laws of physics emerged; don’t remember ever reading about the shattered glass one, except of course in your comments above.

Alrenous says:

When nothing stopped being nothing, it had to be something. As it happens, that’s part of the something we experience.

A != !A. You can tell a thing exists because it’s not the thing it isn’t. When Chaos collapses into Cosmos, that’s what it means – it means for something to become impossible.

pdimov says:

I’ve never found variations of the anthropic principle particularly satisfying, although it will do in the absence of anything better.

Alrenous says:

I’m not claiming it’s necessary true. Merely demonstrating by example that a godless universe is not only possible but easy to model. The idea has to be taken seriously.

jim says:

The problem of creation suggests a creator – but not necessarily a creator that cares much about humans, and not necessarily a creator in our image.

Before Darwin, argument from design suggested a creator in our image, or rather we in his image. Not seeing a whole lot of design.

Alrenous says:

The implication of a creator only moves the problem back one rank. What created the creator? “They always existed” How did it always exist?

At some point there had to be something that existed with no justification. There’s no reason to think the self-justifying thing is a person you could sit down and have a debate with.

Colleen Pater says:

always existed
sprang from profound nothing
whether talking about god or universe are equally inconceivable.
in fairness what makes them equally inconceivable is everything we know about matter, thus we think well we know nothing about god maybe gods always exist or spring themselves from nothing seems modestly more plausible.
that’s no to say i buy it just that everyone even atheists seem to concede that if there really were a god it could have the power to do all these things which sort of makes “god” a synonym for “the universe exists” and it cant have always existed or sprung from nothing its only matter there must be more to it than the matter that makes up the universe.
The problem is we cant be sure that matter couldn’t have always existed or sprung from nothing we dont yet know everything about “matter” matter in the broadest sense.

glosoli says:

‘but not necessarily a creator that cares much about humans’

The current iteration of humanity is not the first.
There’s more to the back story of heaven and God and satan than we will ever understand whilst on this planet.

If God decided to inject souls into hominids, and gave them free will, and then they were duped by evil satan and turned to sin, a God that truly loves us would sort that our somehow. To send His son to die for us is the greatest act of love possible.

But you guys want to invent a new juiced up religion. Sad, you’re all progs, just like the Enlightenment guys, think you know better.

peppermint says:

Paradise Lost is more compelling than your prehistory. But you’ll never listen to the free audiobook. Injecting souls is dualism is gay.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

JP’s just another Molyneux: lots of long-winded talks, very few concrete ideas.
Good entertaining stuff, very able speaker, but not the big deal people think.

Colleen Pater says:

True though i can usually watch Peterson till the end without skipping to the next point constantly. My only point about the alt lite they ar4e trying to restart the enlightenment in the middle or maybe the 50s and work out but they are beginning to run out of road and if they want to remain true to the part of the enlightenment that values reason and honesty they get to a point where they HBD, and Molyneux was the first i noticed to not cuck hes still in process you will see sometimes he is straight honest about say IQ or gender then later hell equivocate a bit and offer a cultural solution like NRO used to in the 80s and still will when theyre feeling their oats.I call this the enlightenment men losing their religion, the universalist update the enlightenment got once the jews were admitted.Now Peterson is at the edge he couldnt bring himself to straight up deny the jews have all this extra power and wealth ,or even to say its their culture of hard work. He at least admitted theirs a racial IQ of AKZ jews and pretty sure hes admitted this is true of other races but then tries to wash most of it away with flynn nonsense and poverty. so hes crossed the line also on gender. The alt right trolled him into the AKZIQJQ hes on the record it didnt matter it was bound to happen to many kids on red pills now all these guys are going to have to cuck or buck Harris Haidt murray etc they’re all going to get cornered some have volunteered like Talib this is getting fun.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

Moly fans always make my case for me.

If you want to sum up the Moly problem in a super-short soundbite, just listen to his recent interview with Tommy Robinson. Moly actually ‘misunderstands’ the term “hate speech” to mean “speech which is hated”.

That’s the level of stupidity we’re dealing with here.

JP’s not quite as idiotic as that but if you try to reduce one of his two hour lectures to bullet points you’ll find it amounts to something tiny – usually this:

– society needs liberals even though they’re wrong about everything
– all humans are equal even though the egalitarians are insane
– there are no sex differences but don’t deviate from sex-specific pronouns because that’s just silly

Colleen Pater says:

LOL seriously ?
you know speech that is hated is probably a more precise definition of what they mean reification of names and all.
Yeah JP after a couple video you get the schtick I liked some of his classroom video and some of his conversations with others haidt and paglia and that interview with the chanel 4 chick was classic. But after a few you realize hes not as bright as you think at first or else that jew jizz really screws your brain up into this willful blindness.
still I think they all have a purpose hard to predict what starts the process for any given person. for a millenial JP or Molly must be like reading mein Kampf

Dixon says:

“– society needs liberals even though they’re wrong about everything”

I like when he does this sort of thing. It’s like Trump redpills. Gives you 2/3rds of the wrongthink and lets you figure out the rest.

Reziac says:

I’d had considerable respect for Vox Day’s opinions (his arguments against ‘free trade’ are especially compelling) — until he went on this vendetta against Jordan Peterson (whose material I’m also familiar with).

What started as factually-incorrect and disingenuous innuendo from cherrypicked remarks taken out of context soon escalated into outright fabrications extrapolated from what amount to lies of omission by VD, delivered in that snake-oil tone of “I’m so sorry to have to tell you this, but…”

With yesterday’s videos, that’s accelerated to the point where now I need to rethink whether anything VD claims is true.

In fact, VD was doing the exact sort of dishonesty and doubling-down that he’s accusing JP of doing. Three Laws much??

jim says:

Not seeing it. Yes, Vox Day is spinning Jordan Peterson in a one sided and unfair way, but there is plenty to be spun. Jordan Peterson is deliberate evasive, avoiding crimethink – which is indistinguishable from endorsing PC lies, which is what Vox Day accuses him of.

If what Vox Day accuses Jordan Peterson of is untrue, if it is an “outright fabrication”, Jordan Peterson needs to unambiguously say it is untrue, rather than saying slippery and evasive things that can quite easily be spun in the way that Vox Day spins them.

Jordan Peterson’s shtick is just an edgier version of Scott Alexander’s shtick – flirting with crimethink, but not actually going there.

pdimov says:

This latest “Peterson is the mouth of Soros” seemed a bit forced. One is almost driven to wonder whose mouth is VD himself.

Reziac says:

I had the exact same thought.

Colleen Pater says:

you shouldn’t give anyone so much creedence they disappoint you everyone lies exaggerates is stupid vox has some good posts but hes as batshit crazy as the rest of us

Steve Johnson says:

What is with the invasion of people who can’t write coherent English with any kind of punctuation?

Roberto says:

It’s the same guy. We keep trying to bully him into quitting, but ultimately what is required is action by the admin.

“It’s very good you allow retard to eat with you in the same place.”

Colleen Pater says:

cant vote bully doesn’t work appeal to authority lol some reaction

Theshadowedknight says:

Sometimes people who seem crazy come up with some pretty strange ideas, that happen to be true and useful. At worst, he is the court jester keeping us all humble.

glosoli says:

‘What is with the invasion of people who can’t write coherent English with any kind of punctuation?’

The question above is incoherent.

‘What is with’?

Colleen Pater says:

said the moron who believes jesus is his personal cuck savior

glosoli says:

Like all followers of Christ, I humbly accept your disdain.

I look up to men like you, who follow the ideas in their own head and the rules of other men. Smart.

ack says:

you are the best troll i have ever seen

glosoli says:


Colleen Pater says:

its a new thing STFU

Reziac says:

Paraphrasing because I don’t have time to relocate and transcribe it, but as an example, regarding that work Peterson did for the UN:

VD: JBP wrote the narrative (and then goes on to make like JBP is the main author of Agenda 21).

What JBP actually said: I rewrote the narrative to remove the “ideological claptrap”. (that last is an exact quote.)


I don’t find Peterson evasive, but he is very careful about what he says — he’s on a knife’s edge under the new Canadian law, and he doesn’t like to make pronouncements on stuff he hasn’t completely thought through. (Tho I’ve heard him make the occasional less-guarded remark that implies he’s a good deal more woke than he usually lets on.)

Also, what’s with the assumption that JBP even knows VD has been pulling this stunt? (And I do think it’s a stunt.) Or that he finds countering an endless barrage of detractors a good use of his time? As VD amply demonstrates, detractors can fling shit forever, so countering them is a losing proposition, and will most likely be interpreted as an unwise apology and admission of guilt; generally you’re better off to ignore them.

Simon says:

Peterson is evasive. Faith Goldy and the Jews.

jim says:

> I don’t find Peterson evasive, but he is very careful about what he says —

Peterson tells lost boys that they need to be men – which is true. Then he tells them they can be men by cleaning their rooms, which is not true.

Alrenous says:

Tho I’ve heard him make the occasional less-guarded remark that implies he’s a good deal more woke than he usually lets on

Such as?

Colleen Pater says:

well I’m not sure woke is the correct term he does seem to accept as true things that he also seems not to have though through the implications of. In fact hes a hot mess of doublethink. He accepts sexual dimorphism in humans and he accepts racial IQ differences and probably many other racial behavior differences that are well established.He doesn’t seems to have made the connection why enlightenment values cant be used to rule a multicultural gendered nation. It seems never to occured to him a level playing field is not in the perceived interest of niggers for instance.And that there is no method not yet tried and failed to adjust for that.

Roberto says:

An unprincipled narcissist, VD really, really, really wants to be crowned leader of the alt-right.

For that purpose, he has attacked everyone who could potentially compete with him for the title, or otherwise undermine his “authority.” He attacked Zman, Anglin, Spencer, and JP in very disingenuous ways. He attacks both those to his left and those to his right. He’d do the same to Jim were he introduced to Jim’s writing, particularly to Jim’s most “outside-the-box” approach to the Woman Question. He purposefully creates drama between his fans and other groups in order to cement his own position as a leader.

And to top it off – he has not actually come out with anything that is novel and worthy. All of his good stuff is not original, and all of his original stuff is not good.

I don’t know whose mouth he is, but whoever it is, it has to be a hostile entity – a Hydra with several such “mouths” as VD.

And finally: when JP engages in crimethink, at least he has a good excuse for it, as do these other “dark intellectuals” who — whatever they may feel about it — still need to play nice with the hand that feeds them. Meanwhile, what’s VD’s excuse for acting as a shill?

Roberto says:

Meant to write: when JP engages in *crimestop*

Colleen Pater says:

vox is a much better thinker than any of those others Im no fanboy but at least he calls a jew a spade in an intelligible way.Frankly the alt right could use a little leadership
Petersons a 90s leftist and not that smart heed fit right in at NRO or heritage

jim says:

Your analysis of Vox Day is accurate – but he would not denounce me, because he is not going after that market sector. He is targeting the purple pill sector.

S.J., Esquire says:

***An unprincipled narcissist, VD really, really, really wants to be crowned leader of the alt-right.***

What irritates me is that, when you watch his Darkstreams, it’s apparent that Vox really, really thinks he is charismatic (or really wishes he was), but he isn’t.

Alrenous says:

He wouldn’t attack Jim because victory isn’t guaranteed and anyway Jim’s audience isn’t big enough.

I baited him into promising to attack me once, but he couldn’t follow through because I’m not an idiot.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

If for some reason jim or a guy like jim starts getting play in more ‘mainstream’ outlets, sufficient to start attracting backbiting from careerists, things will have already gotten very interesting.

The Cominator says:

While you are right about Vox…

Spencer is an enemy or he is so incompetent that he might as well be.

The other’s are costume nazi nonentities.

Jordan Peterson otoh has a lot more potential to due damage to the Cathedral being inside the priest class of the Cathedral AND having a mass following. If he is controlled op otoh he won’t do much damage to us.

So is Peterson on our side… wait and see.

Colleen Pater says:

anyone who move the needle right is on our side until they are net not. peterson is from my perspective a enlightenment cuck, but im probably at the edge of right at least half the population is to petersons left.Peterson says reality matters but we can still afford to not be too insistent about it there’s a laffer curve of agreeableness and there are supernatural constraints which have to be observed. Peterson is very good at getting people that far which is pretty far these days. meeting his acolytes and taking them the next step is the strategy to use. Using as much of the Peterson methodology to extrapolate truths petersons already established.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Peterson is a bomb rigged to explode by our enemies. It shows something positive that they are this desperate, but stand well clear.

Mister Grumpus says:

Oooooo you crafty mofo you. Like they’ve got film of him with his twinkie main squeeze back in college or something.

Mister Grumpus says:

Just the concept of “official opposition” or “loyal opposition”. Just THAT.

Even that is like a Grand Canyon between us and most people. Even the idea that when Lenin told us that the best way to defeat one’s opposition is to lead it… he knew what he was talking about!

Alrenous says:

You can tell Peterson can’t be that well-informed because he still has his prestigious Cathedral-endorsed job.

Should clean your room, though. Or, start your new utopia at preliminary-trial size, not at country-size. Jesus started with 12 apostles, not with Constantine. Put another way, if Jesus could have started with Constantine it would have proven the ‘new’ religion was simply Zeus wearing Jacob’s coat.

Peterson is not famous for his ideas. He’s famous because he risked sacrificing his Cathedral endorsement (bravery, sacrifice) but didn’t have to actually do it (still high status). He’s ‘edgy’ meaning he flirts with the right edge of the Overton window, without actually going over. Since the problem is that what the Cathedral considers high status is dysgenic, dyscivic, and generally defective; since the problem is that the Overton window contains neither eudaimonia nor sane governance; this will not help.

JBP also has the same problem as Hitler. Lot of quaint progressivism that appears to be far-right to poorly educated late moderns.

Alrenous says:

The observant will have noted that Peterson did not start with 12 apostles.

glosoli says:

Jim doesn’t believe the miracles in the Bible, but he believes that babies are made from sperm and egg fusion and with cells duplicating until a baby human is formed to be very mundane and that it just happens because………..

Miracles are all around you man, open your eyes.

Colleen Pater says:

chemistry is the word you’re looking for

as for miracles all around – you mean the “gods got a perfect plan” view of the world where when something you want happens and youre like yeah man god is my copilot and when really bad shit happens youre like ‘gods got a perfect plan’ and i just cant see what it is but im sure that bad shit is really good shit in disguise? ok that just you making shit up in your head to deal because you’re weak minded and it helps you cope.

Miracles huh so youre praying for what that your wife wont fuck the pastor and that that flyer on that internet stock won’t go down any further and you think gods going to do this for you but meanwhile somewhere in the bowels of some mideast hellhole some sheik has someone hanging by their feet and is watching his secret police slowly ever so slowly apply the acetylene torch, across the world some spics are chopping the necks open of some family in guatemala and pulling their tongues out through the slit while their father watches. north in texas some niggers are gangraping someone in a prison somewhere theres millions of people dying of the most horrendous diseases accidents etc and everyone of them is screaming for god to make it stop or at least let them die quickly. but nada nada nada hes to busy answering your prayers with another cuck miracle.some god

ack says:


glosoli says:

God created chemistry, it’s miraculous.

All those horrible things you describe are done by men who deny God.

So, well done and thanks for making it so obvious how terribly fallen mankind is.

Fortunately, God does have a plan, it’s in the bible.
You should perhaps read it sometime.

I’m sorry you hate the world so much btw, and I pray you will find God yourself one day, perhaps when the world is much much darker you will.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

PS. In a way we’re all ‘simple people’. We may not necessarily need the “water into wine” metaphor when we can understand social ‘oiling’, but our understanding of basically any natural phenomenon you care to choose is always sub par and fundamentally flawed. We’re ‘mere mortals’ after all.

glosoli says:

Another nail in the coffin of the whacky theory of ‘evolution’:


God sent life to earth, in an explosion, I forget which *day* it was.
NB, *day* = God’ time back then, not ours here on earth.

ack says:

not science and not evidence against evolution.

“Not all of such incoming living systems would necessarily take hold, and substantial terrestrial based evolutionary processes (whatever the actual molecular genetic mechanisms) are also expected to be on going.”

t. actual reader of articles

glosoli says:

They’re hedging their bets, but they know the truth.
It’s obvious, unless you’ve been fully brainwashed by the progs.

peppermint says:

If Jesus is a nephew at a wedding, He should give a wedding present like water into wine. If He’s out fishing for men, He should walk on water to impress them. The smallness of Jesus’ miracles makes a lot of sense, because He wasn’t there to subvert God’s plan, but fulfil it. And the fact that He didn’t carve God Wuz Here on a mountain implies that good-faith atheists who ignore Satan was part of His plan for when Satan took over the churches.

glosoli says:

He left the Great Commission with His disciples, it’s had more impact than a note carved on a mountain.

I am encouraged by your comment, you will get there eventually, I have no doubt at all.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

With the greatest of respect, no-one has ever claimed that embryology is mundane. In fact even the replication of the simplest archaea is mind-bogglingly complex.
Orgel’s second rule applies, always.

As for the bible, I don’t speak for Jim but I tend to think I’m quite a lot like him in some respects so I’ll put it this way: people like me believe the miracles in the bible in a way that’s compatible with Christ’s insistence on truth.
If you want to claim that Christ literally turned water into wine, well then we’re not going to agree, but if you want to use that metaphor for the creation of harmony through Christian thought in action, I not only agree but hold it to be deeply important.
Simple people, particularly in pre-literate ages and societies, may be denied the truth if we talk to them in scientific or technical language. They deserve to have access to the truth so we should never begrudge them a shortcut or two.

Basically if you follow Christ’s law – the commandments, the strategy, the insistence on truth – then good things will follow: for you, those you care about, and the society you’re trying to sustain and improve.

Turn against that law, well the results are all around us.

glosoli says:

Water into wine is piffling for God’s son.

I was under literal attack by some kind of supernatural evil entity, and the Lord’s Prayer, something I’d not uttered for decades, found God’s ears and He sent the evil thing on it way.

Read this and the link within it, and especially listen to the youtube clip:


Miracles are still happening regularly, it’s harder to not believe than it is to believe.

Colleen Pater says:

if you follow christs law you end up with a nation full of niggers and cucks

glosoli says:

The opposite actually.

‘Twas Jehovah who rescued His people from the misery of Africa. Egypt’s never been the same since, that’s what you get when you mess with the Almighty: permanently cursed and shitholed.

All sojourners have to go back you know, as God literally appointed separate nations. Jehovah, the Father of all nationalists.

Colleen Pater says:

Nah god only cares about one tribe

glosoli says:

Well, Alfred the Great followed Jehovah’s laws, and tiny little Britain did alright for a millennia or so, ruling the planet under His blessing.

The US too, same thing.

The Cominator says:

Luther started out as a moderately reformist monk.

Then he accused the Pope and the hierarchy of heresy (much like tradcats).

Then he split off from the church.

Our approach to Peterson should be wait and see. Vox Day condemning his as an enemy right away is not helpful, he occasionally gives hints that he is a lot more redpilled then he normally lets on especially on the woman question.

If he is controlled op then the amount of damage he will do to us will be limited.

If he turns on the Cathedral like Luther he could do nuclear damage to them.

jim says:

Yes, we need priests. He is an insider of the priest class. He has not split, but he has the potential to split.

If he winds up doing a Martin Luther, will be an enormous asset.

Right now, however, not an enormous asset.

The Cominator says:

I tend to think more likely then not he will do a Martin Luther, he has his own following and hes not financially dependent on the Cathedral anymore.

Hes already broken in a limited way with the party line and did so back when he was dependent on them. Once you take the 1st step into heresy the rest becomes easier and we know he is way more of a heretic on the woman question then he lets on.

Him saying clean your room is not helpful, him saying that women should clean the room of men (and would be more happy and fufilled doing so then the depressed nutcases they generally are now) so that they can go out into the world and do great things would be very helpful.

The Cominator says:



“Men don’t know what to do with women in male power hierarchies”.

… and I was hoping Scott Alexander will be more based when he fulfilled the hospital residency requirement and becomes a doctor on the market with private patients and nobody can fire him anymore.

Well, he didn’t.

ack says:

Peterson himself has commented on the proclivity of people to conform to the narrative (i.e. lie) while telling themselves “it’s just until I finish school, it’s just until I get tenure, etc. etc.” By the time they pass the last plausible excuse-barrier they’ve had the last spark driven out of them by the constant deceit external and internal.

peppermint says:

All namefags are liars except the ones you’re not allowed to talk about. VD has been a namefag since the late 90s, for as long as Ann Coulter.

The Cominator says:

Pardon my spergishness but what exactly do you mean by namefag here?

jim says:

In today’s environment, it is impossible to speak the truth under one’s true name, and dangerous to speak the truth even under any durable and widely used identity. Therefore, people who post under names tend to be unreliable.

Alrenous says:

Yes, the wise thing to do is to post entirely anonymously, even varying one’s writing style, and always from a VPN or other IP obfuscation technology. Though then you have to worry about the fact regular VPN use is itself a trace. It reveals that you’re trying to hide.

However, it’s clear that totally anonymous spaces also break down, and the pathology is worse than pseudonymous places.

peppermint says:

True anonymity, at least in principle, is needed for people to say what they mean, otherwise they will seek consensus and play politics. This blog is no exception, despite being populated with the hardest-headed sperglords the galaxy has ever seen.

The chans don’t have worse pathologies. The idea that anonymity is bad comes from leftoids angry at the chantards for not being the commie-minded proletariat leftoids assumed they would be.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

‘Tone policing’ is an inherently leftward influence.

ack says:

He is doing a Martin Luther. His 95 Theses arguably is his incipient interwebz school. The Internet is pretty much the printing press all over again, except an order of magnitude more powerful.

Simon says:

This is OT but are there any readers of cleve blakemore’s blog on here? He was recently “advised” to take it down.


For content it is equal with UR in importance.

jim says:

Well, obviously I am familiar with UR, but I am not familiar with vault-co.blogspot.com. What have I missed?

And it seems obviously nuts to post any true statement on a domain name of the form myblog.giant-evil-angry-corporation-that-knows-my-true-name.com

So, what is the story here, and did anyone scrape the site? What got him suppressed, and can I steal his stuff?

BomberCommand says:

Cleve Blakemore is a bit of a nutcase. Smart, but crazy. He goes around telling everyone that he’s a neanderthal and that Mellon Head giants once ruled the world and their mixed-raced descendants still do. He’s also big on the idea that nuclear war is coming soon(TM).

However, Google’s had him delisted for years and he’s entirely red pilled long before NRx came around. I’ve read him for entertainment for ages, but his predictions are always wrong so I wouldn’t take him seriously.

BomberCommand says:

He’s rational wiki on him:

Tex sure had the right type of enemies when evil shitheads like rationalwiki are denouncing him, but frankly, he is better read and has a better grasp of history is a lot better than most people. For instance, he knew all about child sacrifice in the bronze age civilizations especially on Malta a fact that is generally not reported these days. He attributed to the Mellon heads ruling these civilizations.

glosoli says:

His predictions have all come true so far. He’s eccentric, but very well-read, and very bright, like 150+ IQ.

Everything his wrote about Neanderthals has been proven true by recent finds.

He exposed the biggest cover-up ever in world history: God’s creatures were the Neanderthals, and satan’s creatues genocided them. And they were white, and the cro-magnons were black. That sort of stuff is dangerous you know. Europeans likely have much more Neanderthal DNA than is reported.

There’s much more, his site was downloaded and people have it safe. I’ll see if I can get it for you Jim.

glosoli says:

Here you go Jim (Tex’s writings):


I think someone is going to torrent everything, but this is the anthropology stuff, or some of it.

Dave says:

Jim, have you been “advised” to take down your blog as well? Or will you be the next enemy of the system to “commit suicide”? How feasible is it to intimidate a conspiracy nutter by pretending to be a member of the conspiracy?

I don’t see any conspiracy, just emergent behavior based on common leftist thought patterns. No real conspiracy of the necessary scope could stay so well hidden for so long.

Roberto says:

When they want you to take down your blog, they’ll post information about you which you have not disclosed anywhere, information which strongly suggests access to SIGNIT (e.g. your ‘private’ Facebook exchanges or ‘private’ Email exchanges). And if they also change their IP to somewhere close to you, or are actually located close to you; and if they write in the distinct style of people belonging to an intelligence agency, a writing style which you are well familiar with; and if they also threaten you with imminent action against you, and yes, confirm exactly that which you are afraid of – will you not at least consider taking down your own blog?

jim says:

No, so far, have been ignored. Any suppression of my blog would have to go through the domain name system, thus would be overtly governmental action. They could easily do that, but prefer to work through nominally private actors.

Roberto says:

>Or will you be the next enemy of the system to “commit suicide”? 

By the way, they aren’t stupid. Before suiciding someone, they may well hijack his social media profiles (or, for that matter, blog) and post in his name, using his unique writing style, “my life is so sad, I’ve got no reason to keep going, blahblah” – shortly before pulling it off. That’s why you should always keep a very happy facade; if suddenly your platforms are filled with “sadness,” it will appear fake.

Just a tip!

peppermint says:

Irrelevant intellectuals with only OSINT get ignored. The worst that can happen to us is our employers and places we apply get notified of our activities by an organization that files “civil rights” lawsuits, thereby ensuring we don’t go anywhere and our ideas are implicitly low status. Which worked until the high status ideas went so crazy and harmful that there’s no benefit to believing, thus people want the truth now and will follow Andrew Anglin onto tor to find it. After they failed to coopt the alt-right, they’re trying to use the word Dark Web for the new neoconservatism and getting mocked.

The fact that Taylor Swift can’t find a husband means all the men she should be dating are incredibly butthurt about being shut out of fame amd fortune for being upstanding White men.

Mister Grumpus says:

> The fact that Taylor Swift can’t find a husband means all the men she should be dating are incredibly butthurt about being shut out of fame amd fortune for being upstanding White men.

I love you man! Don’t ever stop posting here.

Simon says:

Tex Arcane is (was) one of the few true super-intelligences on the web. True name Cleve Blakemore, originally a Seppo, moved to Oz in the mid 90’s. Gained notoriety online as a game developer, and for his informative and hilarious postings on various places on the web. He had been blogging on Vault-Co since 07. I have been reading him since 2011 and he has shown himself to be unimpeachably honest

His central topic was surviving the impending apocalypse. Main topics were survivalism, societal decline, anthropology, geopolitics, economics, health, climate.

My opinion, the subject that got him silenced was his research into proto-humans, as he hinted at expressed opposition to this work.

I did not archive, because I thought that archive.org would do the job, and I did not anticipate its deletion. I am certain Tex would have a copy, and hope it somehow “finds” its way online. I have a text file where I c/p the most informative posts, articles, and comments. I can upload it but it is not formatted, and it only details from 07-14.

BomberCommand says:

>My opinion, the subject that got him silenced was his research into proto-humans, as he hinted at expressed opposition to this work.

I would have put my money on his vaccines cause autism stuff but that’s no reason that archive.org would delete his stuff. It’s very odd.

Art says:

“Vampires do not exist, but people who worship demons do exist.
Progressivism and hatred of Christians is the reason that calling Trump a Nazi works, and calling Ozzy satanic does not work”.

I understand your point.
The alternative explanation is that only one of the two groups is associated with mass murder in living memory. Satanists are perceived as fantasy characters sometimes impersonated by a few murderous crazies.
If a million satanists organize for a large genocidal campaign – I expect they will become as offensive as Nazis.

BomberCommand says:

>If a million satanists organize for a large genocidal campaign – I expect they will become as offensive as Nazis.

Your point is already disproven. No one on the left or the media is upset about Antifa, an out and out communist terrorist and intimidation group. Communists murdered well over 100 million last century and they always get a pass.

Art says:

You observe that commies get a pass because of progressivism, and conclude that people must be soft on evil fantasy characters for the same reason?

peppermint says:

commie terrorists get glam shots on CNN and never have to explain why their policies lead to Venezuela because they are useful idiots of power

Art says:

I agree. If not for progressivism, commies would be as objectionable as nazis. Both did exceptionally bad things in living memory.
But how do you jump from there to concluding that dark fantasy characters of KISS and Ozzy get a pass for the same reason, and if not for progressivism their costumes would be as objectionable as nazi costumes?

jim says:

No, soft on evil fantasy characters for the same reason as soft on Muslim terrorists.

Soft on evil fantasy characters because they want Christians dead.

jim says:

Commies committed mass murder on a scale far more serious than Nazis, and did so more recently, and yet you get no more traction calling someone a commie than calling him a satanist. If Satanists cooperated to murder every Christian in the world, would get a pass.

Alrenous says:


The difference between 0 and 1 is almost infinite.

There are not ‘no’ beliefs which science cannot overturn. There’s at least the belief that truth exists and it’s possible to get closer to it. In other words, the belief that beliefs can be (usefully?) overturned. Or, I just performed a proof by contradiction.

There is a severe problem with monist nominalist secular materialism. It cannot have any stable ground-level beliefs. But that’s okay because I proved substance dualism is true.

You can, and must, have pure 100% confidence that you are thinking what you are thinking; that you are perceiving what you are perceiving.

Moreover, the purpose of truth is not, in fact, to grasp the ‘outside’ world, but to accurately relate these perceptions to each other.

Given the rigidity of logic, the relationships between the perceptions behaves as an outside world, but it is of no consequence whether that world is in fact outside or not.

Jake says:



Trump doesn’t know what the “Libya Model” for disarmament that John Bolton referred to as the administration’s negotiating position for the upcoming North Korea summit is (and apparently didn’t even bother to ask Bolton); Trump repeatedly conflates it with the 2011 NATO military intervention in Libya. In the same interview, Trump also confuses Libya and Syria.



According to leaked audio of Bill Gates, Trump didn’t know the difference between HIV and HPV, even after Gates repeatedly explained that the two STDs are “rarely confused.” Trump also knew a “scary” amount of information about the appearance of Gates’s daughter and had an odd penchant for referring to himself in third person.

You can root for Trump just like many of your ilk rooted for Hitler, but Hitler really was a total psychopath, and Trump really is a complete idiot. You are, once again, on the wrong side of history.

And, no, ten-year-old girls don’t ask to be raped, Nazi gas chambers are not an Allied hoax, it’s highly unlikely that every single black lynched in the South deserved it, Obama was not born in Kenya and there is no doubt about his U.S. citizenship, ect.

I urge readers of this blog to check into alt-right rehab and spend some time in the real world.

And I urge Jim to at least get a proper handle on the current Internet slang, if he feels compelled to use it: It’s “rapefugee,” not “rapeugee” as you’ve been hilariously saying for the past couple years.

jim says:

> And, no, ten-year-old girls don’t ask to be raped, Nazi gas chambers are not an Allied hoax, it’s highly unlikely that every single black lynched in the South deserved it, Obama was not born in Kenya and there is no doubt about his U.S. citizenship, ect.

You are an ignorant idiot: When a ten year old girl creeps into bed with a sleeping drunken sleeping adult male, what do you think she is doing? The mean age at which sexual desire sets in in girls nine or ten, two or three years before menarche, resulting in a whole lot of girls asking for what you cal “rape”, which quickly becomes disturbingly obvious to any adult male with adult female preselection and more charisma than dead fish. Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate is an obvious and poorly done photoshop job. If the best lynching they can come up with is Emmett Till, every single black lynched at least looked like he deserved it. The Jews were shot, starved, and frozen, but were not gassed, and it is “Rapeugee”, regardless of how many people have such dreadfully bad tin ears that they write “Rapefugee”.

Roberto says:

What do you say about the recently deciphered letter of Marcel Nadjari?


Seems like the Jews really were gassed.

Being gassed with Zyklon-B is not as bad as being burned alive, as happened during the Rhineland Pogroms (High Middle Ages). The Spanish Inquisition was also an attempt to eradicate a complete ethnoreligious group. The Czarist treatment of Jews in the Pale of Settlement would be considered genocide by the Geneva Convention as well (like, rounding up young men at twenty, drafting them, not letting them return to start families before being forty years old).

My attitude towards the Holocaust is the same as that towards elite pedophile networks.

Yes, it did happen.
No, it doesn’t matter.

Yes, they exist.
No, they don’t matter.

In a world in which pedophilia would be socially acceptable, the elite would create underground networks of pedophile HUNTERS in order to ensure THEIR children would be left alone. Look at the treatment the Oranje family meted out to Martijn a decade ago when pictures (clothed, no erotic poses) of THEIR children appeared at the internet forum of Martijn.

Samuel Skinner says:

“The Spanish Inquisition was also an attempt to eradicate a complete ethnoreligious group. ”

Look, you either shoot the Protestants first or they take over your society, destroy your churches and replace your religion with theirs.

“The Czarist treatment of Jews in the Pale of Settlement would be considered genocide by the Geneva Convention as well (like, rounding up young men at twenty, drafting them, not letting them return to start families before being forty years old).”

Except that was also applied to the Russian population. Not to mention that was the ‘merciful’ improvement; until 1793 they had lifetime terms of service.

Roberto says:

The greatest irony is that we could fully legalize male sexuality were it not for the psychoanalytic and sexological theories put forth by Jews.

That may sound counterintuitive, but by inventing psychoanalysis, the Jews gave the puritans a great tool for the pathologization of male sexuality; and by advocating for gays and trannies, the Jews made “pedophilia” appear like it is connected to a degenerate paraphilic fetishistic anti-natal cause rather than to normal TFR-conducive male sexuality as existed until 1900 or so. I actually had intended to write that gay and tranny liberation, and the whole Frankfurt School sexual kikery, far from advancing the Male Sexualist cause, have prevented its emegence till now.

Indeed, as already noted, “degeneracy” is a concept of Max Nordau, a Jewish founder of Zionism. Jews gave the Puritan-Feminists the tools of psychiatric pathologization (including the entire “-phile” nomenclature), they attached any potential Male Sexualism to the degeneracies of gayness, transsexuality, and BDSM, and also, they came up with the concept of “degeneracy” in the first place.

The irony will be fully lost on the alt-right. We can try to explain to them that “pedophilia” could have been legal had the Frankfurt Schoolers and Freudians never have existed. I actually don’t view these two groups as all that very evil, but you know, I spend so much time criticizing pedophile propaganda *exactly because* it has been 2,000% counterproductive so far, and the “pro-pedo” Jewish movements were the beginning of this counterproductiveness. The 3 rules are so vital and the pedo-gandists reject all 3 of them.

We’ve been trying to appeal to the alt-right with logic, to no avail. We say: “in our society, ostensibly ruled by Jews, it is legal to mutilate the genitals of a 5-year-old and inject hormones into him or her, but not legal to posses a video of your 17-year-old girlfriend giving you a blowjob.” And being puritans, they will say: “yes, both those things should be illegal” while telling you that Jews own all the porn studios (as if that has anything to do with amateur homemade porn). That’s why a new ideology had to be invented that calls for outright legalization of rape, pedophilia, and child prostitution.

Elite pedophile networks are as fictional and as CIA-scripted as muh Masonic Cabal and muh Illuminati Cabal. In the context of monogamous marriage, the elites won’t engage in pedo-hunting because they’ll just seek to marry off their own daughters between 8 and 10. As for boylove, it will only be legal in the strict sense that pedophilia will be legal, but sodomy — pedo or otherwise — will need to be suppressed. In the pedo-legalization world, I wouldn’t have to worry about Herbret from Family Guy raping my son, because my patriarchal authority and my right to exercise it would be taken for granted, as it is today in the relatively non-pozzed countries of the world. But Herbert from Family Guy may be allowed to rape fatherless and bastard boys, in secret.

Martijn thinks that rape advocacy runs counter to the spirit of the 3 rules. As explained, the idea behind rape advocacy is desensitization to Puritan-Feminist morality, while the idea behind the 3 rules is bypassing people’s disgust instinct, in accordance with Haidt’s Moral Foundations theory, which tells us that disgust is a strong political-religious influence. Here again it’s worth noting that the Jewish propagandists have completely ignored the element of disgust in their activism. This mistake must not be repeated.

peppermint says:

Fucking girls before they are hot can damage them. Fucking girls after they’re hot and before they’re fully capable of giving birth isn’t really the best idea either, because sex that isn’t intended to lead to reproduction is a moral hazard. Therefore, Massachusetts only lets people fuck 16+ girls if the girls are not trying to live a chaste life i.e. are girls of good breeding, well kept and well behaved.

Pedo will never be acceptable, ever, anywhere, except in extreme, civilization-ending degeneracy, like Weimar.

Boylove is absolute social poison and everyone understand boylovers deserve death excepr in extreme degeneracy like right now where Harvey Milk is a hero and a kid gets taken away from his parents because they won’t let him message with an old guy who everyone knows just wants a virgin butthole.

You should only have a video of a 17 year old girl giving you a blowjob if you’re her husbamd, and why would her parents choose you instead of a nice 21 year old man starting a career as a construction worker? But a nicer 21 year old is far from being settled into his career and isn’t going to marry until he’s 23, when he’ll find a 19 year old. So the whole concept of a 17 year old blowjob vid implies that something is wrong. 17 is too young to be consigned to whoredom unless the chick is a jew or something.

Would you like to have a fifteen year old (((girl))) as your personal sex slave?

Yara says:

people used to marry 15-year-olds all the time

but personally I support the sweet sixteen

Reminder says:

This is why I bullycided that faggot.

“As explained, the idea behind rape advocacy is desensitization to Puritan-Feminist morality, while the idea behind the 3 rules is bypassing people’s disgust instinct, in accordance with Haidt’s Moral Foundations theory, which tells us that disgust is a strong political-religious influence.”

I agree. Instead of insisting that 15-year old British girls can consent to sex with thirty-something Pakistanis, why not ask British men whether they want several twenty-something Pakistani POWs?

Attack the consentcucks!!!

Roberto says:

The issue with agecucking goes beyond that, though. Their “turning point” morality, according to which 15-year-olds are a crime against humanity, while 16-year-olds are the hottest ever; or (when it comes to documentation) 17-year-olds are a crime against humanity, while 18-year-olds are the hottest ever, can only be shattered by sustained effort and Total Meme War. The random antis can only hold on for so long before we break through their conditioning.

I’m not a pedophile and my audience aren’t pedophiles, yet we’ve reached the point of embracing “pedophilia” as a political ideology while sometimes toying with pedo-curiosity (ironically or otherwise), and the kind of attacks we’ve sustained — myself you know, but also look what they did to Yee and what they’re doing to Berge — only show that the antis are aware of our potential. I’m going to flee the scene for a while, but there is a plan and there is a Manifesto and we’re going to snap Puritanism-Feminism out of the system once and for all.

Yeah, I understand. Extreme example:

A country has an AoC of 25. The penalty for statutory rape is the firing squad, regardless whether it is PIV with a 24 year old gf, or double penetrating a toddler tied up for BDSM. Yet, most men surf the internet for:

But cucking is everywhere:

“The point about “agecuck” is that you can’t draw a line between white and black, but that there is grey. Compare “racecuck”:

“The Greeks are a proud White nation that defended White Europe from Islam!!!”

“Armenians? Brown monkeys that should be shot!!!” ”


Four wives? Good man saving women from a life of poverty!

Five wives? Sex pervert!


Alrenous says:

Morality is downstream of security. If you get shot for sex with a 24 yo, as a result it becomes immoral to have said sex.

Roberto says:
jim says:

The letter was “restored”. Undoubtedly by the same procedure as Ann Frank’s diary was “restored”. We do not get to see the letter pre-restoration, nor the processes by which it was “restored”. All the evidence concerning gassing is similar.

The supposed gassing of the Jews was not invented to make Nazis look bad, but to make Nazi crimes as different as possible from the commie crimes. Commies killed more Jews, and they killed them in much the same way for much the same reasons, the only real difference being that they killed them not for being Jewish, but for being of the wrong social class, and therefore killed lots of other people with the Jews. The gassing was invented not to make Jews persecuted, for there is absolutely no doubt that Jews were persecuted, that most of them were killed, and that the Nazis would have killed all of them. It was invented to make the sufferings of Jews different from the sufferings of other people, to make the death of the Jews special and extraordinary, rather than yet another mass murder, similar to but considerably smaller than the many other mass murders of the twentieth century.

The evidence that Jews were gassed resembles the evidence for flying saucer abductions, in that if they happened, you would expect to see sometimes aliens abducting someone with a cell phone camera, and sometimes a Jew writing a letter or diary that does not need “restoration”. The evidence that most Jews wound up dead, and that if the Nazis had their way all of them would have wound up dead, is quite convincing. The evidence that they were gassed all smells of obvious fraud. We are asked to believe something on faith, which if true, would have better evidence – evidence that supposedly exists, but which no one will show us.

On both sides we see the Motte and Bailey fallacies.

  • Those who think the Jews needed to be exterminated point out the Motte – the Motte being that the gas story is fake, to defend the Bailey – the Bailey being that the Jews were not exterminated, but should have been.
  • Those pushing the holocaust myth point out the Motte – the Motte being that we have ample evidence that the Nazis killed every Jew they could get their hands on, in order to defend the Bailey – the Bailey being that what happened to the Jews was especial and unique, and very different from and much worse than, the numerous and much larger mass murders of the twentieth century.
pdimov says:

The restoration is probably genuine. The interesting parts are

“In 1947, Nadjari published a memoir about his Holocaust experience. But he does not appear to have told anyone about the letter that he wrote and carefully interred at Auschwitz, a secret testament to the horrors he saw there.”

“Nadjari ultimately did survive Auschwitz. He moved back to Greece after the war, and then immigrated to the United States. He died in New York in 1971. He was 54 years old.”


“A student accidentally uncovered the buried document in 1980, near the crumbling remnants of Auschwitz-Birkenau’s crematorium III. The letter was badly preserved and only about 10 percent legible.”

So, he wrote a memoir, told nobody about the buried letter, said letter conveniently found nine years after his death.

BomberCommand says:

>“Nadjari ultimately did survive Auschwitz. He moved back to Greece after the war, and then immigrated to the United States. He died in New York in 1971. He was 54 years old.”

It’s funny how almost everyone survives Auschwitz with it being a death camp and all.

This bit from wikipedia is kind of gives the game away:

>Himmler ordered the evacuation of all camps in January 1945, charging camp commanders with “making sure that not a single prisoner from the concentration camps falls alive into the hands of the enemy.”[73] On 17 January, 56,000–58,000 Auschwitz detainees, of whom two-thirds were Jews, were evacuated under guard, largely on foot, in severe winter conditions.[74] Thousands of them died in the subsequent death march west towards WodzisÅ‚aw ÅšlÄ…ski.[75] The guards shot all prisoners who were unable to march at the imposed pace.

Why not kill all of them if it was a death camp? Bullets are cheap but moving people even in awful conditions where you don’t care about their welfare is expensive. Auschwitz was nothing more than a Soviet Style work camp designed to get some productive labor from people while they slowly worked them to death.

pdimov says:

They actually gave them a free choice to evacuate or to stay and await the Russians.

jim says:

So very convenient.

peppermint says:

There is no doubt either that Obama had American citizenship or that he wasn’t a natural born citizen and exactly the kind of person the Framers wanted to exclude, writing two autobiographies about his foreign father.

Nazis had gas chambers for delousing. The idea of gassing people in a shower room with a wooden door is so retarded only an idiot like you could believe it.

Do you know why it’s called statutory rape? Because girls do consent and men have a responsibility not to.

Find a Black in the South who didn’t. Emmett Till, maybe, because the chick he sexually assaulted recanted her testimony under pressure from shitlibs who were ready to accuse her of being us, but based on testimony and circumstantial evidence, well, don’t you believe victims of sexual assault?

peppermint says:

Ps- (1) the Libya model is a country disarms and then the leader gets sodomized to death by Samantha Power’s terrorist friends and becomes a stateless utopia, as understood by literally everyone, including liars like you (2) HPV and HIV are STDs that differ by one letter, as known to literally everyone, including liars like you

Anon says:

Surely, typing “ect” instead of “etc” is one of the biggest linguistic red flags for Dunning Kruger. It’s absolutely idiotic and, now, everywhere.

Anon says:

Trump doesn’t know the difference between Libya and Syria, Trump doesn’t know the difference between HIV and HPV, commenter Jake doesn’t know the difference between etc and “ect” [sic], and no one who voted for Trump cares about what Trump does or doesn’t know according to Bill Gates. If Bill Gates was worth his money, Microsoft wouldn’t be PlaySkool tier and he wouldn’t have sunk so much of his net worth into Africa.

Trump could believe that Libya is El Dorado and I am certain few would give even a single fuck, as long as the end result was Jake and the middling IQ sophists who sound like him currently employed as journalists took a long walk out of a wide helicopter door.

Colleen Pater says:

well yeah hitler and trump were not the brightest guys in the room, but they were the only ones a smart guy would have voted for given the options, unless that guy was a parasitic jew in hitler’s case or a parasitic mexican in trumps case.
and while jim will have to defend his own statements on little girls i can say that every nigger in jail today isnt guilty either but thats kind of the price we have to pay for not shipping them back to africa.

Mister Grumpus says:

(Would love to hear your take on “Q-Anon” sometime, Jim.)

BomberCommand says:

He’s my take: You’re being trolled by 4chaners.

The Cominator says:

Q is enemy propaganda because it defends Jeff Sessions who is blackmailed and compromised.

Simon says:

Obviously retarded take because it assumes Trump is retarded.

BomberCommand says:


>Also if I was an SJW I wouldn’t be able to have this conversation with you. Rightists think leftists are misguided and heavily misinformed, but generally good people. Leftists think all rightists are evil and insane. If I was an SJW, I wouldn’t be able to make the points that I’m making because I wouldn’t be able to understand NRx thought, let alone replicate it so I can deceive true believers.

You haven’t replicated it. You’ve repeated a common lie told to Conservatives to make feel that they are the better person while progressives assrape them and destroy white civilization.

Answer this, what’s the difference between rightwing power and leftwing power? What is tradition? Why did the Spanish Nationalists behave the way they did during the Spanish civil war?

Nikolai says:

“You haven’t replicated it.”
Really? I thought I had some gems back in that thread.
Ex. The left noticed that it was looking increasingly silly when it called everyone to the right of Bernie Sanders a nazi. Recall “It’s ok to be white”, the whole point was making the left look stupid and evil by making them show their hand, explicitly admitting that they hated whites and wished to see them erased. The point of the intellectual dark web is the Cathedral saying “Alright we can’t just keep calling everyone nazis. Only people to the right of this group can be called nazis.”

What common lie have I repeated?

“Answer this, what’s the difference between rightwing power and leftwing power?”
Leftists generally gain power by members of the upper class or upper middle class defecting on the nobles and aristocrats for the supposed well-being of the lower class. Robespierre and Lenin are good examples. These types say they’re revolting for the betterment of the poor, and perhaps they actually believe they are, but it’s mostly done for holiness signalling and the poor are always much worse off after such revolutions succeed. When leftists are in power they slowly destroy all vestiges of the traditional social order and establish anarcho-tyranny. If a black guy with 20 previous convictions robs a store and kills the clerk, he is portrayed as a good kid who, tragically, went down the wrong path, a mere victim of society. His crimes are then used to justify even more coddling of the criminal class and even more money to spent fo’ dem programs. Meanwhile if a husband beats his wife for misbehavior, he is portrayed as the irredeemable embodiment of all that is evil and the system shows him no mercy. Leftists maintain power by having their people in all the important institutions: academia, media, bureaucracy, etc. So many leftists in so many important positions lead to prog thought being permeated everywhere, it’s the air that we breathe, the water we swim in. And so almost every right thinking person ends up becoming a prog or prog-adjacent.

Rightists gain power through Gnon, though Tianming, the Mandate of Heaven. They become worthy, they struggle for power and then they rule. In a rare few cases they gain power with a military coup like Napoleon or Pinochet. When they’re in power rightists establish law and order, having the opposite policy of anarcho-tyranny, permitting pro-social violence and throwing the book at anti-social violence. Once there’s a sufficient amount of order, the old ways of living can slowly be restored leading to higher social capital and harmony and in that harmony we can finally have liberty. Rightists can maintain power by cracking down on holiness spirals and killing anyone who looks like they’re gunning for power. Kings haven’t been doing this too much the past few centuries, hence the mess we’re currently in.

“What is tradition?”
Books have been written trying to answer this question, but I’ll try to keep my response relatively brief. Pretty much every functioning society from 3000BC to the 18th century has had a few broad similarities. They’ve all had strict patriarchal gender roles, unity between Church and State, monarchical government, ethnic/racial solidarity and a hierarchical social structure somewhere along the lines of: God > King > Nobles/Clergy > Commoners > Women > Children > Slaves > Pets. That every functioning society from ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome to Japan to the Mayans to Medieval Europe all had these same broad characteristics suggests that it’s simply the natural and proper way for humans to live and thrive. That is tradition. Obviously religions and rituals and particular social norms change from society to society, but they all shared these very broad traits.

“Why did the Spanish Nationalists behave the way they did during the Spanish civil war?”
Don’t know anything about the Spanish Civil War so I couldn’t tell you. I don’t even know how they behaved, much less why.

Samuel Skinner says:

“Leftists generally gain power by members of the upper class or upper middle class defecting on the nobles and aristocrats for the supposed well-being of the lower class. ”

I don’t think he wanted you to repeat the rationalizations, but the actions. Leftism is about seizing power coordinated by social defection (since that excludes those who currently hold power).

“Don’t know anything about the Spanish Civil War so I couldn’t tell you. I don’t even know how they behaved, much less why.”

At a guess, he is asking why the Nationalists included groups with totally incompatible goals that nonetheless managed to cooperate with each other while the Republicans ended up with internal purges and conflict.

BomberCommand says:

>Leftists generally gain power by members of the upper class or upper middle class defecting on the nobles and aristocrats for the supposed well-being of the lower class. Robespierre and Lenin are good examples.

You’re describing how something operates in a specific context but not what it is. The underlying core of what it is escapes you because you know the words but don’t understand the concept.

Let me give you an example: The once great state of California recently passed a law requiring that all Comunity Colleges be funded on the Basis of how many minority students graduate instead of on the basis of how many people take classes. State funding makes 90% of such schools budgets. What is the likely result of this law? Given that the people who passed the law know the likely outcome of the law, why did they pass it? If you understand human nature the answer is pretty clear. If you have a leftist view of the world, crimethink will prevent you from stating the reason.

>Books have been written trying to answer this question, but I’ll try to keep my response relatively brief. Pretty much every functioning society from 3000BC to the 18th century has had a few broad similarities. They’ve all had strict patriarchal gender roles, unity between Church and State, monarchical government, ethnic/racial solidarity and a hierarchical social structure somewhere along the lines of: God > King > Nobles/Clergy > Commoners > Women > Children > Slaves > Pets. That every functioning society from ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome to Japan to the Mayans to Medieval Europe all had these same broad characteristics suggests that it’s simply the natural and proper way for humans to live and thrive. That is tradition. Obviously religions and rituals and particular social norms change from society to society, but they all shared these very broad traits.

You’ve described hierarchy and civilization, not tradition. Even the simplest hunter gathers practice tradition.

Nope. As an infiltrator, you’ve gotten quite good at repeating the words, but you don’t understand the underlying concept.

Nikolai says:

“Let me give you an example: The once great state of California recently passed a law requiring that all Comunity Colleges be funded on the Basis of how many minority students graduate instead of on the basis of how many people take classes. State funding makes 90% of such schools budgets. What is the likely result of this law?”

Colleges want state money so they will obviously graduate minority students whether they’re sufficiently competent to receive a degree or not. Maybe they’ll give minority students better grades for the same work as white students, maybe they’ll just make the classes so easy that everyone passes without even trying. Probably mostly the former with a bit of the latter. Long-term could have terrible consequences like the feminist bridge collapse a few weeks ago.

“Given that the people who passed the law know the likely outcome of
the law, why did they pass it?”

I don’t think that’s something you can take for granted. California is full of true believers. The white/Jewish progs on the legislature genuinely believe that every institution, no matter how obviously liberal, is just full of institutional racism and that evil professors are giving black and mexican kids worse grades because of internalized hatred of minorities.

The black and brown members of the legislature probably don’t see degrees as a genuine measure of knowledge, achievement and expertise but an overly difficult barrier to entry. They want their own people to get more prestigious and better paying jobs, unconcerned that they’ll be unqualified and perform the work poorly because they see degrees as pieces of papers you need to get a job, not proof of ability or intelligence. Cargo cult mentality.

And the reasonable thinking people of the legislature, if there are any in California, likely didn’t want to oppose it even though they knew the consequences (or crimethink stopped them from seeing the consequences) because they didn’t want to be the one guy who didn’t support a law branded as benefiting minorities trying to get an education. The hierarchy I mentioned previously is basically turned upside down except for kids and pets. Can’t say anything bad about blacks and browns or else you get called racist and lose all your status, friends and career prospects. So they just go along with the madness.

“You’ve described hierarchy and civilization, not tradition. Even the simplest hunter gathers practice tradition.”

I’ve described traditional hierarchy and traditional civilization. When people call themselves “traditionalists” they usually mean that they want to go back to a society like the ones I’ve described and when people talk about the “world of tradition” they basically mean every civilized society before the French Revolution.

I think I might know what you were looking for though. When people interact with each other, they invent or stumble upon certain efficient ways of acting, certain norms and mores and certain rituals. This conduct becomes widespread and is used to bring people together, create an assabiyah and serves a tool to recognize fellow members of ones in-group. We call this code of conduct tradition.

“Nope. As an infiltrator, you’ve gotten quite good at repeating the words, but you don’t understand the underlying concept.”

You ask me nebulous epistemological questions that could be answered a hundred different ways and then call me an infiltrator because I couldn’t read your mind. I’m quite good at repeating NRx talking points because I’ve been reading the literature for four years and I genuinely believe everything I’m typing.

Admittedly, I do have somewhat of a brahmin writing style and that might be why you think I’m a plant. I was born and raised deep in Cathedral territory. Many of my friends went to ivies, a couple celebrities and pundits went to my high school. Prog brahmin signalling was ingrained through all my writing by the time I was 14 or 15. Beliefs have changed completely, but the manner of speaking and writing just became second nature, hard to unlearn.

Samuel Skinner says:

I’m on the spectrum and I know exactly what Bomber Command is asking for. When he says crimethink will prevent you from knowing the answer, he isn’t kidding- it is insanely obvious.

Simon says:

Everyone on this site is on the spectrum. The spectrum is what separates the west, and will save it again.

Mack says:

What features typify a Brahmin writing style?

Nikolai says:

Kind of hard to put it into words. Brahmin writing style will overexplain things, use a sophisticated vocabulary, they’ll present themselves as being objective and as you go through their articles or papers they’ll signal throughout that “the only rational conclusion is this center left policy” without explicitly stating such. Also typical is class signalling, Jim called me out for it earlier and he wasn’t wrong, the writing is peppered with little indicators that the person writing it is of a higher class.

Read the NYT or the Atlantic then read HuffPo. All three will advocate for the same changes in society but the first two are written in the Brahmin style while the Huffington Post is written at a junior high school level by shrill catladies.

Roberto says:

Holy shit Nikolai. At first I thought that you couldn’t possibly be an entryist, but come on now.

What’s the central thesis of Jim and Spandrell?

Lemme give ya a clue: “I am ******-****-****, therefore I shall rule thee.”

Having been given this clue, answer Bomber’s question. Your last chance to show the world that you aren’t an infiltrator, btw.

Nikolai says:

Oh, holier than thou, duh. That’s all he was looking for? I had no idea what answer he wanted so I just went into ridiculous detail when all he wanted the standard holiness spiral explanation. Lol.

I still think my answer was pretty decent, an overexplanation but a pretty good one. Don’t know why you guys think I’m an infiltrator, every comment I write contains a dozen or two thought crimes. If I was in the UK, I’d be arrested for writing like this.

Roberto says:

Jim identified your signalling against fundies and 1488ers as a form of typically leftist holiness spiraling.

For the record, I agree with you.

Nikolai says:

Thank you, at least one guy doesn’t think I’m a plant.

Kind of curious, what did you mean earlier when you said 1488 is a tool of the state? Seems like it’s a disorganized and incompetent enemy of the state to me.

jim says:

1488 is blue pilled, and on the wrong side in the biggest problem of our times – reproduction.

We are headimg into the Brazilian/Venezuelan economy. What does 1488 say about Venezuela?

1488ers are leftists. Nazism is leftism that lags a long way behind the current year. They attack us from the left, we attack them from the right, as I am doing now. They call me a pedophile rapist, I call them socialist virgins.

But if you attack 1488 from either the elitist position, or, which amounts to the same thing, from the left, you are attacking them from the position of the Harvard Elite, which is in fact pig ignorant and dumb as a post.

jim says:

Calling 1488ers stupid and lower class, is an indirect way of commending our current elite as smart and aristocratic. It is not.

It used to be, but the remaining smart aristocrats are rather elderly and are being purged.

Samuel Skinner says:

1488ers (old school) are blue pilled regarding women- one of the two variants of the 14 words is about white women. Feminism (the blue pill) is a state project. Hence, tools of the state.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>What does 1488 say about Venezuela?

Shitskins gona shitskin.

A pretty succinct and less wrong take, in any case.

Nikolai says:

“1488 is blue pilled, and on the wrong side in the biggest problem of our times – reproduction.”
Fair enough, I’ve said the same in a previous comment. Somehow I thought “tool of the state” meant more than just bluepilled on women and capitalism.

“What does 1488 say about Venezuela?”
I’ve seen some claim that Venezuela’s economic policies are just dandy and would work fine in a white country (look at Sweden and Norway!) but that browns are just stupid and incompetent and will fail miserably regardless of what economic system they use.

jim says:

Yes, not a tool of the state in the sense of reliably doing as they are told. (Though full of government agents who do reliably do as they are told.) Nonetheless, Nazis are just another left wing faction, one of many, albeit a lot further behind the current year than any of the others.

In fact, Sweden and Norway, though heavily redistributionist, do not try to micromanage business the way Venezuela does, and increasingly America does.

Further, Nazi German socialism failed catastrophically, with the result that, like Venezuela and Allende’s Chile, they starved people.

National Socialism worked great at first, but pretty soon they ran out of other people’s money.

Hitler went part way to restoring the pre Weimar role of women, but did not go all the way. Nazi German economics was the New Deal on steroids, and Weimar on soy.

BC says:

>Oh, holier than thou, duh. That’s all he was looking for? I had no idea what answer he wanted so I just went into ridiculous detail when all he wanted the standard holiness spiral explanation. Lol.

Nope. What is the nature of left-wing power? What is the nature of right-wing power? Holiness spirals are a result of nature of left-wing power not the cause of it.

You’re looking to say the right words to unlock access because you’re practicing entryism, but you don’t actually understand the concepts because to understand them would be crimethink.

There was a bridge in Florida that recently collapsed while it was under construction that killed several people. The engineer in charge of its installation could barely speak English when interviewed and was an obvious affirmative action hire. The woman who designed the bridge stated that it was a great achievement in women’s engineering before it collapsed and killed a bunch of people. No one is being punished for this disaster. This bridge was an example of what left does with power.

Now a bridge built by right A) likely not collapse because the right would have hired people to build something that would have lasted by hiring people who were good at designing and building bridges and B) if it had collapsed the people responsible would have been identified and punished for their failures.

If you can identify the simple driving forces behind these two scenarios then you’ll understand the difference between left-wing power and right-wing power.

peppermint says:

Talking like a fag implicitly suggests that we should be ruled by a cathedral of fag-talkers, do you respect and want to be ruled by yourself as them, slip the midwits redpills and watch their i knew that ism clash with their crimestop, but this is right wing space, leave the small stuff to the big brains, concepts not words.

peppermint says:

Ps. describe the sin that leads the Hillary voter astray

Nikolai says:

We shouldn’t be ruled by fags, but we should be ruled by aristocrats and the difference between fag speech and aristocratic speech is… subtle. Spencer kind of does both at once.

“Ps. describe the sin that leads the Hillary voter astray”
Believing the Cathedral, not believing their own lying eyes and not having the diligence to look at other sources or being too fearful of loss of status to look at other sources.

“Now ask yourself why no one cares about Alan Berg, but pretend to think Heather Heifer was splattered by James Fields under orders from Mike Enoch.”

Reading about Alan Berg, he seems kind of detestable and unsympathetic as rabidly left wing Jews typically are. Heyer probably wasn’t that pleasant to be around either, but a girl being killed draws more sympathy because of natural white knight impulses. But I think what you’re getting at is that the Cathedral doesn’t view dailt natsocs as a threat, but it does view the likes of Enoch and Spencer as a threat so it goes after them 100x harder.

“Then ask yourself why you think Jack Chick isn’t just a heretic trying to protect his heretics from vastly more evil heretics, but a symbol of delusion you must signal against to remain respectable while Chick’s enemies eat the church you want to be a part of.”

I do precisely think that Jack Chick is a heretic trying to protect his followers from progs. I signal against him because his nonsense ruins Christianity for the rest of us and restorationists shouldn’t be trying to emulate it. Same reason that plenty on the alt right were counter signalling TWP and others after Charlottesville, they don’t want the whole movement to be associated with its least presentable members.

Here’s a good example. https://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/1041/1041_01.asp.
He’s completely right that schools hate Christianity and tradition, that political correctness is just a tool for silencing rightist dissent, that the absence of religion leads to moral relativism and nihilism, but he poisons the well by rejecting evolution and he makes his points so hamfistedly it’s unpalatable. He makes Christians look bad and specifically right wing Christians look bad and if you make a right wing argument from a Christian perspective you’re immediately hit with “Oh, I bet you don’t believe in evolution either”.

Though I have been hating on them the past few days in this comment section, whenever I see them irl I defend them. A while ago I was having beers and cigars with a few other Catholics and the topic came up and I gave fundies a steadfast defense for about an hour. If I’m walking across campus and I see a Jack Chick type yelling at an obese lesbian, I usually give him a smile and a thumbs up.

peppermint says:

No, idiot, I said sin, not belief. Watch Stan’s dad from South Park until you get the picture.

peppermint says:

If you’re serious about not being a fag, rite, read, reduce, repeat, the academics made us write words to get us to think like fags. Hang out with hockey fans and cheer for the ice wrestling minigame and if you’re aryan = noble = capable = doing make a better brisket than the plebs.

peppermint says:

If you’re srs chrstn, consider the average Hillary voter who views Trump/Putin and transsex positive feminarrative and global warming and white privilege as plausible, and could change their mind with evidence that has been mysteriously suppressed, you know several of these people. Why would the Lᴏʀᴅ allow them to inadvertently sin for want of information Há´‡ allowed to be concealed, what was their prior sin that led their impulses towards justice and stewardship astray?

jim says:

Duh – your comment causes a light to go on.

The press is enraged because brutal oppressive tyrant Putin cruelly represses Femin and Pussy Riot from vandalizing Christian altars, from vandalizing Christian memorials to the dead, and from disrupting Christian religious services. And the press is disproportionately Jewish.

My analysis has always been that Putin not letting progs beat up Christians outrages them because it makes Christians high status and progs low status – but the primary outgrouping is not Christians vs progs, it is progs vs rightists. Pussy Riot is Soros sponsored, and US State Department sponsored, and is not primarily attacking rightists – it is primarily attacking Christians. Thus, pussy riot is not primarily a product of prog conspiracy. It is a product of Jewish prog conspiracy. Similarly the State Department has been pushing for the ethnic cleansing of Syrian Christians. Therefore the push for nuclear war with Russia is not primarily a prog program. It is primarily a Jewish prog program. But we should not go all the way with “Zionist Occupation Government” theory. Trump’s Jewish son in law obviously supports the Jewish state, but does not support war with Russia. At the recent Embassy opening in Jerusalem, there was a horde of US government politicians, and some prominent right wing Christians, all of which presumably support Israel, and none of whom support war with Russia.

Conversely, there are lots of progressive, and disproportionately Jewish persons of influence who do support war with Russia, and were invited to the opening of the American Embassy in Jerusalem, not one of which showed up. So though the war party is overwhelmingly Jewish, and the ethnic cleansing of Syria party overwhelmingly Jewish, it is completely disjoint with the American Embassy in Jerusalem party, even though both parties are disproportionately Jewish. The war party and the ethnic cleansing party was invited, refused to attend.

BC says:

Most of the so-called Conservatives against Trump are primarily Jewish as well. However, the ones we think of are just the most vocal ones. The Republican opposition to Trump that almost sunk his election with the access Hollywood tape was produced by the Bush camp. As usual, the Jews produce the propaganda while the formerly Christian elites pull the strings and both groups want Christianity dead.

Theshadowedknight says:

Right wing power is masculine, left wing power is feminine. The right competes within the ruling class that they might rule best, as is the way with men. The left viciously competes with each other to be the most holy, while providing the appearance of cooperation. Men and women, warriors and priests, left and right.

ack says:



hey brit colonial man

let’s have your analysis of the day the monarchy was blacked

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