542 comments Merry Christmas

alf says:

Whenever I catch a glimpse of mainstream media and/or politics, I feel like the world is going to end. Whenever I visit blog.reaction.la, I feel like we’re all gonna make it.

Merry christmas to all men of goodwill.

Mike Thalassitis says:

Merry Christmas to you all.

Omicron may be a Christmas miracle. I don’t want to jinx it but it feels like we may have already reached peak covid worship and may see restrictions slowly ease off. What do others think? Also, there is talk that this was a lab leak too, since it mutated from a strain from mid 2020.

Aidan says:

The mildness of Omicron and the immunity it confers will need to cause prominent “experts” in healthcare to defect on corona demon worship, once there are simply no deaths that can possibly be attributed to the virus, providing cause for elites who want the madness to end.

I watched the mainstream news last night, because visiting family, and the narrative is “omicron is mild but since it’s more contagious that means more cases and thus the same number of deaths as more deadly and less virulent strains”

I am not too hopeful, because the common cold can be spun to be the deadliest pandemic in history if you count everybody who dies a month after contracting the cold as a “cold death”. Which is what they have been doing. The mildness of omicron has caused the state to double down even harder on restrictions where I live, because we are watching insane demon worship be born in real time

The Cominator says:

Avoid any medical facilities in blue areas at all costs… they will murder enough people in them to make omicron a “deadly pandemic”.

Aidan says:

I don’t think anyone is rubbing their hands together cackling “use the ventilators so that we can kill people and keep the hoax going”.

They broke out strong big juju ventilators because faced with very big evil virus demon, and oh no, they died anyway, the strong juju did not work, that just proves how big and evil the rona is, quick, do the dance to summon the zeitgeist and appease the gods of TikTok.

Even fucking doctors think that way.

The Cominator says:

Fauci at least…

Mike Thalassitis says:

However, US seems to be getting hit with omicron later than much of the world. Everyone has been able to watch the less holy parts of the empire to see how non deadly omicron is. The further from American influence, the more likely to see real covid statistics.

The other thing in our favour is the speed at which it spreads. When 90% of people get covid and see first hand what a nothing-burger it is, it becomes a lot harder to push the narrative that covid is deadly.

The timing of Trump’s pro-vaccine clip blowing up is also odd but may just be a coincidence. I have seen that clip all over the normiesphere, though it isn’t really any different to his stance on the vax all this time.

It seems like if the left still have any control over the situation and aren’t spiraling out of control, now would be the time to transition to a “we will just have to live with covid” approach. Dem approval rating is horrible, so they will tone it down a bit until midterms so they can plausibly fraud.

Plus, the pharma companies have their cancer causing covid pills coming out now. Given these are for treating covid not preventing it, it makes sense they would also want a “living with covid” approach too. Theyve already sold years worth of vaccines to governments anyway.

notglowing says:

> it makes sense they would also want a “living with covid” approach too

Problem is, no one prevents them from doing that, while also pushing vaccines to the exact same extent, and even possibly more than before, and keep forcing boosters every few months.
People who already took one dose will resist the boosters less and less, and all the laws, enforcement and infrastructure for it is already in place. The cost is zero.
They can still say we have to live with covid, use that as an excuse for forever vaccines, then also give people pills.

Kunning Drueger says:

Disagree. I think, at least in America, those that bought the shot and swallowed booster 001 will very likely get pretty fed up faster. Especially when their kids start dealing with heart problems usually reserved for smokers and old people.

Frontier says:

The conversion rate of those who got the original 2 shots and then got the booster in New Hampshire is < 10%. That's the libertarian's colonization state, but it still shows the Cathedral narrative on Covid is running into diminishing returns

jim says:

> I don’t think anyone is rubbing their hands together cackling “use the ventilators so that we can kill people and keep the hoax going”.

Not in those words, for that would be crimethought.

But they are rubbing their hands together and cackling while doublethinking – one part of the doublethink being “use the ventilators so that we can kill people and keep the hoax going”.

It is absolutely obvious that ventilators were being used in a massively inappropriate way. This got politely and euphemistically called out, and theoretically they don’t do that any more, but in fact they do do it, and they do it in a punitive way. “This person is a wicked undesirable person. Ventilate him!”

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Merry Christmas to you all, and may God bless you and keep you in the year to come. Peace to you and yours, and victory in all of your conflicts with those of ill will and malicious intent.

Kunning Drueger says:

Merry Christmas brother.

The Cominator says:

Merry Christmas to my fellow unvaxxed purebloods of good will.

Joe says:

Merry Christmas, and rejoice, for we have already won.

John 6:47

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

notglowing says:

Merry Christmas. I know we’re gonna make it.

*New and improved Christianity deleted*

jim says:

I won’t even bother asking for the affirmation.

alf says:

You desperately need someone to drive out your army of inner demons into a pig herd.

Cloudswrest says:

It’s comments like these that make me wish this blog had a comment “like” feature.

simplyconnected says:

May you all have a wonderful Christmas!

checharist says:

Today is an excellent day to reread Ferdinand Bardamu’s incisive classic, “Why Europeans must reject Christianity”:


It’s easy to be snowed under by the hypocritical inconsistent Christian blather as it floods in from all directions, and important to perceive the overall pattern and see the self-destructive nonsense at the heart of it.

jim says:

This is an evidence based attack on Christianity, which treats the many gross flaws in actually existent Christianity, such as the wealth and power of the monasteries, which came in for plenty of Christian criticism, as inherent in Christianity, that presupposes that Christianity is what its worst elements claimed that it was, while ignoring the reality that by the time Christianity took over, paganism was dead in the water.

In essence, the argument is to look at the worst of Christianity, and contrast it with the best of paganism. But by the time Christianity took over, paganism was not really around any more.

The original Aryan faith of the conquering Aryans was a mixture of ancestor worship and worship of the supreme deity, which became mixed with greater or lesser infusions of the demon worshiping religions of the conquered peoples. The collapse of the Bronze Age civilization led, for the most part, to a greater of lesser extent, to a partial recovery of less degenerate forms of the original Aryan faith, but by the time of Christianity, degenerate again and no longer believed by anyone.

Bardamu believes that the solution is a civilization with no ruling faith – but you always have a ruling faith, and today that faith is progressivism, and whatever wrongs he points out in actually existent Christianity, the wrongs in actually existent progressivism are immeasurably greater.

Actually existent Christianity discouraged the best from reproducing – but not nearly as much, nor as effectively, as progressivism prevents the best from reproducing.

notglowing says:

Resurrecting paganism is impossible regardless. As you say, it was dead even then. But moreover, it can’t be resurrected the way Christianity can be, and I refuse to believe any of the current “pagans” actually believe Odin or Jupiter or whatever are actually real. Reading The Ancient City, I’ve come to gain some insight on how paganism worked for Romans.
And with ancestor worship at the center of it, how could it possibly be revived? You can’t worship your ancestors, because they weren’t pagan for thousands of years. Perhaps at the time it died many of the original great family lines were also extinct.
As someone else pointed out, pagans are therefore spiritually fatherless.

Zachary says:

Why do you think Christianity can be resurrected? What’s different about Christianity?

jim says:

Paganism worked when each family was connected to its own ancestral gods by an unbroken line of patriarchs. Died when they lost that line

Christians are kin by adoption, a synthetic family for a synthetic tribe. It is designed to fit the times, which have not fundamentally changed since the time that Jesus Christ gave us the parable of the wicked vinedressers. Our current crisis still fits that parable well enough. The enemy are still socialists, still incohesive, and still sitting in the seat of Moses, even if somewhat fewer of them are Jewish.

Tityrus says:

Well, ancestor worship was not the only kind of paganism. There was nature worship, the mythology of Homer and Hesiod, which was killed by natural philosophy well before Christianity. And there were the mystery cults and philosophical theism, which were rolled into Christianity. All the paganism that was still alive by the time of the rise of Christianity became part of Christianity.

Tityrus says:

I read this and see no serious discussion of the spiritual, moral, and symbolical meaning of Christianity. This ranks it far below Nietzsche and other intelligent critics of Christianity, who at least understand that a religion is something different from a set of assertions about history and nature.

Aidan says:

That the author must demonize indisputably great men to make his point is all the evidence I need that the author is wrong. That he derides Charlemagne as a brutal imperialist tells me that his payload comes from Harvard. He uses the language and frame of the enemy to advocate for le eugenic gnostic paradise, and of course he wants his nerd priest caste on top. There is an endless amount of fisking possible for that essay, but I will meme on it instead.

>real European greatness has never been tried!

>le skeptical scientific Roman pagan

“He leaves his house, and can hardly take a step without meeting some sacred object- either a chapel, or a place formerly struck by lightning, or a tomb; sometimes he must step back and pronounce a prayer; sometimes he must turn his eyes and cover his face, to avoid the the sight of some ill-boding object… He never leaves his own house without looking to see if any bird of bad augury appears. There are words which he dares not pronounce for his life… He finds all his resolutions in the entrails of victims, in the flight of birds, in the warning of the lightning. The announcement of a shower of blood, or of an ox that has spoken, troubles him and makes him tremble… He steps out of the house always with the right foot first. He has his hair cut only during the full moon. He carries amulets upon his person. He covers the walls of his house with magic inscriptions against fire. He knows of formulas for avoiding sickness, and others for curing it; but he must repeat them twenty seven times, and spit in a certain fashion after each repetition. He does not deliberate in the senate if the victims have not given favorable signs. He leaves the assembly of the people if he hears the cry of a mouse… This roman whom we present here is not the man of the people, the feeble-minded man whom misery and ignorance have made superstitious. We are speaking of the patrician, the noble, powerful, and rich man.”

That quote must have come from some evil Christian apologist right? The kind that’s just been frothing at the mouth to overrun Europe with niggers since the Dark Ages? Yeah, no, that’s the guy who first reconstructed the ancient Aryan religion.

And today is a good day to remind you that the purest Aryan blood is found in the white niggers of Ireland, just straight 90% R1b

jim says:

I allowed it through because the author was not trying very hard to pretend to be one of us, and because it was making relevant and appropriate arguments to which a response is appropriate, rather than false consensus that everyone accepts stuff that is utterly absurd and wildly contrary to the evidence of one’s everyday life.

And because it reveals that our enemy still fears the resurrection of Christianity.

Can Christianity be resurrected? I think it can, and our enemy thinks it can.

Kunning Drueger says:

Your scrupulous gatekeeping is probably the biggest factor in keeping this place whole, but I genuinely treasure when you let shit like this through and broadside it wholesale.

Merry Christmas, boss. May God bless and keep you.

Tityrus says:

I second this. We cannot be grateful enough for how good jim is at keeping out the crazy and the evil.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It is an old piece by Matt Forney, who is one of the old manosphere types, and one of the less impressive ones. Nothing new or groundbreaking, just the bitching of an internet edgelord. Considering the source, I do not think it is a shill. Just a low-information midwit.

Need it for school says:

Aidan, what’s the takeaway from the last line here? Just that the most Aryan population in the west is heavily Catholic and so racially excellent people tend to be Christian? Or are you presenting the opposite idea: since the most Aryan part of the west is generally poor and ugly, we should not be concerned about how Aryan certain ideas are?

I believe the Catholic church is not a beneficial presence in many places but I am of course Christian. I am really skeptical, though, about the bandying about of Aryanness and other racial language – and I am R1b Irish in ethnicity myself. I could go either way on my interpretation of your comment for this reason.

Aidan says:

My point is that “Aryan” is not a synonym for greatness; the ancient Aryans were really cool, but “Aryan-ness” in either a genetic or misinterpreted cultural sense (The author attributes a misframed anti-sexuality to Christians, when the ancient Aryans had a society of women-as-property far more strict than medieval Christians) is not a north star by which to guide an entire right-wing worldview.

Most people who use “Aryan” as a synonym for good know surprisingly little about the actual Aryans, and while you might find a rare few individuals who atavistically match the genotype and phenotype of the chariot warriors who conquered most of the world during the dawn of the Bronze Age, the Aryan race for all intents and purposes no longer exists.

Need it for school says:

“Sunny” on Twitter was (and many others were) well known for promoting feminism and gay butthex via specious claims these disgusting practices were “steppe Aryan.” Sounds like you are making the right call.

Aidan says:

When I was on Twitter I was constantly pushing back against that kind of bullshit.

That some descendants of Aryans (the Scythians) let their women have free reign while they laid around in the woods doing drugs, tattooing their bodies, and doing the butthex does not make these things good, which is so obvious that I feel stupid for having to write it. Those white niggers got thrown into the dustbin of history where they belonged.

Tityrus says:

> (The author attributes a misframed anti-sexuality to Christians, when the ancient Aryans had a society of women-as-property far more strict than medieval Christians)

Could you expand on this?

Aidan says:

No, because it is late and I am too tired from Christmas merriment to dig through old books for relevant quotes, but the short version is that the oldest laws in the societies conquered by the Aryans show striking similarities, even in the religious rituals surrounding marriage, suggesting that said laws came from the shared conqueror, and they indicate a social technology regarding women very similar to that of the Old Testament.

It is impossible to imagine a woman in Homeric times being a “wench”, i.e. an employee of a man not her father or husband, for example

Tityrus says:

But what do you mean by the author attributing “a misframed anti-sexuality to Christians”?

jim says:

Priestly celibacy was holiness spiraling from the beginning, largely holiness spiraling by faggots.

Tityrus says:

Jim, it is certainly true that mandatory priestly celibacy is a product of holiness spiralling. But it seems to me that you use this fact to imply that an ascetic attitude to sexuality and “the body” is an element foreign to Christianity, which is just not true. It has of course fluctuated in influence and importance; (it was very important in late antiquity and dwindled in the medieval era). But you can’t holiness spiral on something unless it is already considered holy.

What I think Aidan is implying is that what moderns interpret as Christian asceticism is just patriarchy. In a certain sense this is true. Bluepillers don’t understand old-type marriage, so they interpret the insistence on premarital chastity for women, throwing sodomites off buildings etc as a kind of irrational ascetic demand, which of course it was and is not. On the other hand, when Augustine recommended celibacy for all mankind, it was not just a whimsical rendering of the tenth commandment.

And in general, though I have seen you talk about the communion of the saints, I can’t see what Christian saints and Christian sanctity could possibly mean to you. The saints reflected the moral ideal of Christianity, that was their meaning and their function. But I don’t think you see your moral ideal in them. In that case, they are just historical baggage.

jim says:

Depends on how you spin them. Some time back I watched a cartoon movie, primarily aimed at kids, produced by Russian Orthodox Church, about Saint Peter and Saint Fevronia. (That is not Saint Peter the Apostle, but the Russian prince with the sword and armor) That Saint Peter seemed much more like my kind of guy.

If we refocus on saints like that one, we will do OK. A Saint Justinian the Emperor would be the man America needs to restore American empire after the left self destructs.

S says:

It is just a grab bag to smear Christianity; he uses the mythological Jesus argument. I do like “Jesus is like the pagan gods are so is a figment of the imagination’; presumably he thinks Guan Yu and Saint Nick weren’t real people either.

Encelad says:

A blessed Christmas to you all.

Deacon Blues says:

Merry Christmas everyone.

No matter what comes, we will prevail.

John says:

Merry Christmas!

Cloudswrest says:

Merry Christmas!

Cloudswrest says:
Kunning Drueger says:

Crit fail in 6 months or so. Witness me.

jim says:

It was obvious that the James Webb Telescope was a project beyond their ability, therefore it is fucked up beyond repair, but they launched anyway because they could not limp on forever without claiming to have finished.

Similarly, the SLS tests are obviously designed to avoid failures, rather than discover them. The SLS will be announced done, the actual launch will be endlessly delayed, and when they finally launch, will catastrophically fail.

L2 is the right place for a space telescope, and similarly a supercold space environment is the right environment for a space telescope.

L2 requires fuel to hold station. Systems at L2 need refuelling.

Any complex tech system with lots of moving parts needs a rapid test cycle, for there are going to be lots of failures. Their test cycles are glacial, and their tests do not actually test.

The design is the correct and needed design, but their travails revealed they are not people capable of implementing it.

Red says:

I will be shocked if the mirrors and solar shield deploy and work properly from the get go. Hubble was a massive disaster despite being basically being a spy sat design barrowed from the defense department.

Cloudswrest says:

So far (solar panels, high gain antenna) so good. Skylab failed the solar panel deployment and Galileo failed the high gain antenna deployment.

jim says:

Those were the easy bits using technology that everyone has been using for a long time. When they get to deploying technology specific to the James Webb Telescope …, then we shall see.

It is the testing cycle. People who cannot pass tests, don’t have them, and when they finally get around to having them, after unreasonable delay, make sure that the test only tests those aspects of function that they are pretty sure will work.

Thus, for example, the first stage of the SLS rocket was test fired horizontally, meaning that the strain was passed to the restraining gear, rather than the load, and the effects of blast reflected back from the landing pad did not impact the gear around the rocket motors. Final assembly of the complete SLS rocket was never moved out of the NASA high bay, which tells me they did not want to know if it could be moved without falling apart or suffering malfunction.

When you or I assemble something, the first thing we do is very carefully pick it up to see if something bad happens when we pick it up.

Cloudswrest says:

I’ve never understood why these complex, nonserviceable probes don’t take with them one or two small “dinghy” drones for technical reconnaissance and even possible minor repair. They could save a mission. Just a little ~1 kg camera and small monopropellant thruster, and maybe a couple of manipulators.

jim says:

Something like a boston dynamics manipulator robot dog, attached to the spacecraft by retractable POE cable, and use legs with magnets in them.

Kunning Drueger says:

So I have to ask (please recall no engineering whatsoever) is the niggardly approach to lift weight/mass a coverup, and they could be putting more on the rockets but their shit is not thoroughly real-world tested?

jim says:

Nah, they were mass limited, because that is what the rocket could carry. Trouble was a very slow testing cycle, and tests of debatable realism.

A huge technological defect of the James Webb telescope is that it uses chemical engines, which are an inappropriate technology for holding station in an orbit. Should be using the same hall effect krypton thrusters as the Starlink satellites, and its supercold chamber should contain a tank of liquid krypton, which would enable a small amount of fuel to keep it on station for centuries, assuming the rest of its equipment lasted for centuries, which is unlikely.

Cloudswrest says:

If Webb is successful, and observatory time still sought, after ten years I’m sure they will come up with a strap on ion thruster they can send up and attach, if the telescope hasn’t been supplanted by then.

Prince Charming says:

Mass, mostly. They need to use exotic materials with no tolerances whatsoever, and the things are put together in a way that saves mass and makes it nonrepairable. Drone robots are clumsy, and you will never be able to have them do everything humans do, unless you design with the robots’ capabilities in mind, and that will be prohibitively massive and what do you do when the robot breaks.

Reusable rockets, the Starling says being made into a standardized platform that can take any scientific or commercial payload, and eventually Starship will change everything. It is easy to forget that within a build cycle of a commercial sat, which is about 2 years, reusable rockets were not even a proven concept.

Cloudswrest says:
Cloudswrest says:
Cloudswrest says:

Already a non-critical failure of some deployment state/status sensors.


jim says:

The failure of the SLS rocket and the Itar reactor, and the likely failure of the James Webb telescope, were all failures of project management.

What happens is management looks at the tech team, and notices that people that understand the tech seem to be strangely white and male. But wait, we can put in project leads and project managers that have wonderfully elite degrees from wonderfully elite universities, even if they have no background whatever in the tech, and those people are pleasantly diverse.

Red says:

They’ve deployed the Sunshield, we should be able to tell if they tore it turning deployment during tensioning in the next few days. Sounds like the Launch went very well putting the telescope in a better than expected trajectory leading to an increased lifespan, which isn’t surprising since NASA didn’t handle it. At least France can do somethings right.

I hope it works.

Kunning Drueger says:

I kind of hope it fails completely, because I think that alone might push a lot of people into the skeptical of diversity/stunning &brave camp all on its own.

Cloudswrest says:

The (human) stress of the sunshield deployment seems to have traumatized the staff. They’re taking a two day break from the schedule.

jim says:

The sunshield should have been robotically deployed without human intervention, except that humans needed to review the readiness data and say “go”. That human intervention was needed in detail is a big fail.

SpaceX rockets become fully autonomous before launch, and remain fully autonomous until after landing.

Red says:

The sunshield should have been robotically deployed without human intervention, except that humans needed to review the readiness data and say “go”. That human intervention was needed in detail is a big fail.

Another sign that no one can writes good software anymore. SpaceX and Telsa’s biggest strengths is their software teams. Most other companies seem to be releasing software that makes existing products worse, not better.

Of course Nasa’s original lunar landing software was written by a world famous female computer programmer. Software that managed to crash on decent resulting in data that directed the LEM into a field of boulders. Everyone on board would have died if Neil Armstrong hadn’t taken manual control.

Cloudswrest says:

The sunshield should have been robotically deployed without human intervention

Probably impossible to adequately test and automate such a large zero-g deployment under Earth bound conditions. Probably should have built a cheap mock-up and tested it in low Earth orbit.

jim says:

You cannot test automatic deployment of a big structure designed to operate in zero gravity.

You can test automatic deployment of a small scale model of that structure, using the same actuators, mechanical linkages, and computers moving smaller and stronger parts in the same way with the same actuators.

Starman says:

This just in, the James Webb Space Telescope has captured its first image of the distant and ancient universe!

Cloudswrest says:

I already posted that. LOL

Starman says:


It’s amazing how the early Universe after first star formation looks exactly like a lens cap!


Prince Charming says:

The last big space science project before Starship. The second-system effect is very strong with this one. They are so hamstrung on mass that they will need to refuel it inside a decade, and Starship doing maintenance flights to James Webb the same way the Shuttle was doing maintenance flights to Keyhole sats is gonna be quite symbolic.

Cloudswrest says:

Looks like they’ve successfully completed full deployment and tensioning of the sunshield.

Prince Charming says:

From the bottom of my fed heart. The whole office also wishes Merry Christmas.

Kunning Drueger says:

Happy holidays, Rich.

Ghost says:

Merry Christmas Jim and everyone.

Upravda says:

Merry Christmas everyone!

Of all the foreign places, this blog and its commentariat are one of the most spirit uplifting. Reading you, one can not but hope that sanity will prevail.

Beside, shill tests invented here are always hilarious. It has been great fun applying them to leftist and normies in my country. 🙂 I always say that I learned them at Jim’s, but for now I don’t think anyone has connected the dots.

Pooch says:

Merry Christmas all.

And the Cathedral starts floating the idea of price controls…

jim says:

That way lies Venezuela and Revolutionary France.

Last time this was tried in the US it resulted in Nixon creating the energy crisis. He controlled the price of oil, which pretty soon led to controlling everything energy related, which pretty soon led to cars stopping in the street and people freezing in the dark. When Reagan ended the energy crisis with the stroke of a pen, Harvard was deeply pissed, but it was such a catastrophe they found it hard to mount any effective resistance to Reagan.

But today, rolling back a similar disaster through normal political processes may well prove more difficult.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am not so sure it would be that difficult. Once food stops getting delivered and–more importantly–Amazon can no longer deliver everything to the feet of the professional class, they will revolt against it pretty damn quick. Aztecs were sacrificing someone else, and even the traitorous priests of the someone else were saving themselves. Once the priests start to hurt, they will roll it back, even if it is just enough that they can get their deliveries on time. The cost of excessive holiness is not to be suffered by the holy, because they are so holy that they should not have to worry about such things.

The elite priests always have access to the “black” markets. So they’ll just pretend to suffer like everyone else, making holy noises on the need to sacrifice OA turf while getting their supplies quietly through their back doors.

Aside: season’s greetings to one and all here and belated Merry Christmas to all of the Christian faith. Ive had quite a few disagreements here on religious debates with you guys, but I think most of us agree on Gnon and who are the enemies of Gnon.

OA turf = stuff*

Oog en Hand says:

Nomenklatura, apparatchik…

Russian is satem.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

While that is possible, I am reminded of the way that Soviet officials had to take flights to Finland in order to buy necessities like lightbulbs. Is is beyond belief that diversity and price controls do the same thing to America? Likewise, with such a large and ever-growing priesthood, that is a lot of people constantly breaking their own rules in a very visible way, leaving them open to attack from both left and right.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*Commie economics deleted*]<

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

All of your alternatives presuppose the cultural Marxist account of capitalism, and presuppose that I agree and everyone else agrees, with that account.

The seemingly different alternatives are all one alternative – given that an account of capitalism held by an extremist minority faction of the left is true, should we do X, or Y, or Z about such and such problems caused by capitalism.

Not going to allow argument by false consensus on this blog. If you want your argument to get through, you are going to have to explicitly make your claims, rather than assuming them as agreed, and present evidence and argument for those claims.

If you explicitly make your claims, I will allow that through and rebut it, yet again.

I have explained far too many times why the account of economics that you presuppose is wrong, wasting far too much space, and you persist in addressing me with facts and arguments that assume that I have already agreed with a story about economics that I have already rebutted far too many times over.

Anonymous Fake says:

I was hypothetically ignoring economics in many cases I was making, with the central theme being the problem of elite urban demographics that staff the civil service not being representative of either the Amerikaner or elected politicians.

Even bad economics that end catastrophically (price controls on oil etc) can be used to shine light on our largest problem being essentially a long term coup of the civil service and [*deleted for continuing to presuppose the Cultural Marxist account of capitalism*]

jim says:

You were not ignoring economics, but taking for granted the Marxist story about how the economy works as an entirely uncontroversial and universally accepted account of economics, when in fact it is controversial even within the left, and strongly rejected by the entire right from cuckservative to flaming reactionary.

This is reminiscent of my debates with troofers, who would provide completely convincing argument that there was something fishy about 9/11 if one accepted the unstated and taken for granted premise that building seven was untouched in the terrorist attack and fell straight down onto its foundations like a demolition, when in fact it was badly banged up, and fell over towards the towers into the square.

Who, when I pointed out that that it was damaged, and started its fall by falling sideways towards the damage, they would straight away move on to twenty new arguments that presupposed twenty new equally absurd things, and then move right back to presupposing that everyone knew and agreed, that I knew and agreed, that building seven was untouched by the terrorist attack and fell straight down onto its foundations.

Your claims about capitalism have been rebutted many times. If you want to argue them, explicitly state, rather than assuming them, and make an argument. Stop presupposing that your interlocutor agrees. Absolutely no one on the right agrees, and far from everyone on the left.

Anonymous Fake says:

I’m guessing my assumptions that cause problems are that the civil service composition matters above all including retail politics and that cities matter (even if they might not in the long run if the right’s technocrats or neo-Mongols win power).

The conventional right doesn’t interfere with the “apolitical” civil service, which is becoming increasingly rotten and the normie right is losing credibility for not noticing. Federalist Society appointments aren’t going to cut it. And both the conventional and reactionary right just want to write off cities as nothing but parasites, and want to pretend not to notice that all the key civil service careers are based out of these cities. Demographics is the third rail here, and urban demographics is an even bigger taboo than national racism issues.

[*Marxist Economics deleted yet again*]

jim says:

> I’m guessing my assumptions that cause problems are that …

I have told you many times what is wrong with your assumptions, and your responses never show the slightest indication that I said what I said.

There is nothing wrong with you assumptions about the civil service. The problem is what is wrong with your assumptions about economics, the market, and capitalism. The problem is thinly disguised Marxist Class History.

Cloudswrest says:

For some Christmas mirth, here’s a hilarious 1965 New York Times article on the “horror” of low carb diets. They were anti-low carb even back then.


Anonymous Fake says:

High carb actually was relatively healthy when trans-fats and seed oils were (and still are, for seed oils) in everything and butter was demonized and olive oil was an exotic import. Especially for a working man, cheap carbs are better than literally poisonous fats.

There was still living memory of health improvements of adding nutrients to the grain supply too, though in the case of iron it is unhealthy for males.

Alcohol was very strongly associated with smoking back then, too, and that confuses things more.

jim says:

Food pyramid push (high carb) began 1992. Till 1992, they quite sanely pushed milk (cheap source of healthy energy first, then meat, which is very close to the the reactionary diet now recommended. Though they were also pushing seed oils starting about 1980

High carb was never healthy for whites, though for most asians it is OK.

The cheap and healthy alternative to high carb was never seed oil. It was milk, cheese, butter, and delicious animal fat. High carb was not an improvement on seed oil, because they were simultaneously demonizing not only meat, but milk, cheese, and butter.

The war to make us eat high carbs, was also a war to make us eat seed oil in place of meat and milk.

Anonymous Fake says:

My Christmas wish is to post here again without getting all my best ideas censored. 🙂

jim says:

Your stuff has become excessively familiar and repetitious.

pyrrhus says:

Merry Christmas to all!

martin yenn-zohr says:

Merry Christmas to all. 🙏🏼

[Please excuse this brief and off topic mini-post.]

A number of weeks ago I falsely accused a quite a few commenters here of being enemy agents.

I’m embarrassed at the way I acted. I was being unreasonable, unnecessarily difficult, and caused needless strife — so I’m giving an unconditional apology not only to those I accused (notglowing et. al), but also to Jim, and to everyone else here.

Kunning Drueger says:

Did evidence or emotion alter your perspective? Genuinely curious.

Either way, it is good and rare when men here admit fault and pray forgiveness. Merry Christmas, be better, fuck up less, and stay strong brother.

notglowing says:

Thank you, your apology is welcome. I’m glad there’s no more hard feelings and suspicion among us. Merry Christmas

Prince Charming says:

Is it ever a good idea to call cops not on your payroll on your wife, to take away and lock up in a dungeon not your own? Asking for a friend.


alf says:

I guess you meant to link to the stormer — https://dailystormer.su/alex-jones-wife-goes-apeshit-on-christmas-eve-arrested-for-attacking-him/ ?

That was interesting at least, although more for Anglin’s MGTOW rant than anything else.

Apparently, many men, including ultra-alphas like Jones, believe they need women for some reason. I am utterly baffled by this.


Men who enjoy the company of women in any non-sexualized situation are mentally ill.

Guess he reads less Jim than people made him out to.

Prince Charming says:

Yes, but it was a genuine question on my part. The article merely prompted it.

Anglin’s position on women is the Jimian position. Women do not belong to the public sphere, and they are not your friends. Wanting to be friends with women is deranged.

alf says:

it was a genuine question on my part.

Personally, could not imagine doing so in a thousand years.

Anglin’s position on women is the Jimian position. Women do not belong to the public sphere, and they are not your friends. Wanting to be friends with women is deranged.

Sure, but in their appropriate sphere, women are lovely and wonderful. They were created to complement men.

Neofugue says:

What Anglin is speaking out against is for a man to “need” a woman to the detriment of himself and his children. At his age Alex Jones should have remained single, and if he desired to remarry, he should have gone for a younger women and kept the marriage off-the-books. The context is Alex Jones after narrowly avoiding being divorce-raped married a post-wall childless old hag for reasons which whatever they were could not justify the potential now realized consequences.

My strict Opsec policy prevents me from discussing my immediate family, but with regards to the various other women I interact with, I would say I neither enjoy nor dislike interacting with them, rather I don’t think of it at all. Women at work are a mix of neutral to unpleasant, but they are not too difficult for me to handle. The Matushka at my parish is quite pleasant, but it may be because she and my priest were highschool sweethearts.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Anglin has taken the black pill on women. Are they an obnoxious, tedious nuisance that is incapable of adding anything intellectual to a conversation? Sure, but that is because you are treating them the way you would a man. Tame her and take charge, and she can provide myriad benefits. Her conversation becomes pleasant white noise, she takes joy in performing tasks that would add to your tedium, etc. Anglin does not understand women, and so he fears them. The proper approach is to understand them and then use that power to control them.

Frontier says:

“Men who enjoy the company of women in any non-sexualized situation are mentally ill.”

If you’re spending time w/ women to possibly impregnate them, or because your descendants may share genes w/ them.

Anglin is wrong technically (though correct <50% genetically), because you can spend non-sexual time w/ your grandma, aunt/ cousin (as I have this Christmas) which may benefit descendants that share your genes and that you shouldn't waste resources competing w/ your male relatives.

The Cominator says:

Women can be good company in small doses but increasingly in America they tend not to be…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You do not enjoy the company of women because you do not understand how to control them. Women being difficult is a shit test that can be passed to make them more pleasant.

The Cominator says:

You don’t have expertise here other than theory Wulfgar I have more experience of women than you and this includes non whores… yes a woman becomes more pleasant for a time if she gives you a shit test and you pass it. But women who are pleasant to deal with at their best are getting more rare…

Even 12 years ago there were a lot more “pleasant” women running around in the wild as it were, less obesity and less militant wokeness (though flaking even then was getting really intolerably bad) its a lot rarer today. Its hard not to be blackpilled when you look at how bad most American women are.

Red says:

Com’s right at least with my co-“workers” who are women. Wokeness is making the even formally nice and pleasant to be around awful. The workplace religious woke training is highly destructive.

However, properly owned women are very pleasant to be around. My brother-in-law is a natural alpha and the sister he married went from being trash after being put through whore school by my parents to being very well behaved and nice to be around under his supervision.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am not woke, do not pretend to be woke, mock the woke, and in general make it clear that I am a mean, evil, reactionary reprobate. I still find women pleasant. They might complain behind my back, but women bitching is something that will never end. I suspect they notice your fear, and are probing you for it. Show a facade of contempt and strength, and they will be nice again.

The Cominator says:

To be clear wokeness isnt a big problem in Florida but obesity and media driven narcissism is…

HerbR says:

Com is wrong about female wokeness (already been discussed, no need for me to rewind the tape), but I have to admit he is dead right on the obesity problem.

Some people are giving the advice to use a couple of fat chicks to build up their game. How can you do that? I don’t mean “explain the process please”, I’m not asking this for my benefit, what I mean is how can you become physically aroused by that? How do you even get a half-chub?

Obese girls may as well be trees and shrubs when it comes to sexual gratification. Fortunately, not every girl is afflicted, but it’s worse than ever today, probably made much worse by the dread coof lockdowns making them all sit around at home.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I think they mean fat as in 140 lbs, could stand to lose about 20 lbs. Not 200 lbs landwhales.

Pooch says:

Yes I’m obviously saying don’t fuck obese wilderbeast 0.0s you can’t even get erect for. Assuming you have no girls to fuck and are jacking off to porn (or fucking strippers which is basically just a better version of jacking it to porn), I’m saying find a girl to fuck that stands to lose a few lbs as a starter girl. This would equate to a 5 maybe on the hotness scale. If you’re are going from zero fucking, just fucking a cute girl 10-20 pounds overweight is going to be more then enough to get chub. Plus you should be going nofap.

If you can’t even do this you know your game is woefully inadequate and likely you have no confidence either.

The Cominator says:

HerbR Wokeness is a big problem in some areas not in others.

Virtually nonexistent in Florida for instance but other elements of media driven insanity are still present. Obesity tends to be a problem everywhere and yeah lockdowns made it much much worse.

Its likely to be a much bigger problem in dense urban areas (where funny enough obesity tends to be less of a problem because women tend to walk more)…

Its a very very bad situation in general…

HerbR says:

Back when I was in school, I’d have called it a drought, there were plenty of girls 10-20 lbs overweight and I agree, you could try them out, send them to the gym, and if that didn’t work, then whatever, at least you had some fun and got some experience. BMI-wise, this is what they now call the “normal” range of 20-25 (like male testosterone, standards are constantly being “revised”).

But you don’t see many of those girls anymore – now it’s more like a desert, with the occasional oasis of a sub-20 BMI and the endless sand of 25-30 and over. I wouldn’t call them landwhales, that’s “morbidly obese” – for reference: 5’6″ at 180 lbs is a BMI of 29 and to me, that’s already in the “not even with a rented dick” zone.

It’s a real problem, not unlike our current supply-chain problem in material goods, where it doesn’t matter how much you’ve saved up if the product you want is not physically accessible at any price. The shelves are not completely empty, obviously – but the “price” of an HB 5 or 6 today (notch count, level of shit testing, etc.) is the same as that of an HB 9 or 10 in the 80s.

Pooch says:

but the “price” of an HB 5 or 6 today (notch count, level of shit testing, etc.) is the same as that of an HB 9 or 10 in the 80s.

Where are you seeing this? Online HB 5s and 6s definitely get treated as hotter then they should be because of manipulating photos, which is why I tend to recommend against online game if you can help it. I did not see this in real life when I was in the game which was not that long ago. In bars, all the men focused on the skinny good looking broads.

Being upset for not being able to pull chicks smells of cope to me. It’s hard and requires time and effort like anything. The days of being given a nice young hot wife by society are over. Start at the bottom and work your way up. Women are the greater judgers of men. If you can’t get laid by decent looking women (for free), the problem is not them, it’s you.

The Cominator says:

Yep here in America we have a desert not merely a drought…

Foreign travel is still heavily restricted on Covid bullshit…

I will never be a natural chad enough to thrive in a desert… and many others here won’t.

So I still think my solution to the current pussy desert crisis is the correct one, no amount of self improvement is going to make a sperg do well in the desert.

jim says:

Always remember you are competing with the likes of Scott Alexander.

Further, what you are calling sperg is lack of skill at reading people, especially across an IQ gap. Skill can be trained.

The Cominator says:

Pooch there aren’t that many young hot chicks in bars anymore not like their used to be. Among other things the Covid bullshit killed is that so many of them got fat during lockdowns…

What part of the country are you in where you are seeing them in abundance.

Also unless you are way way above her SMV OR you are a girls pimp (and she is paying you) its never really for free.

Pooch says:

I will never be a natural chad enough to thrive in a desert… and many others here won’t.

I was not a natural alpha nor were the thousands/millions who discovered the Red Pill on female nature blogs. My starting point was excruciatingly bluepill. You’re at least a step up from that which gives you a massive advantage. If you are a natural alpha, no need to look up online how to get laid.

Pooch there aren’t that many young hot chicks in bars anymore not like their used to be. Among other things the Covid bullshit killed is that so many of them got fat during lockdowns…

What part of the country are you in where you are seeing them in abundance.

Bullshit. I’m seeing hot chicks in abundance in gyms, the beaches in the summer, and around the city all year around in NE America. They didn’t just vanish because of Covid. You’re in Florida for fucksake with some of the most beautiful women on the planet.

If you’re in some redneck area with low target volume I am now advising to go towards the city to acquire a wife because you are never going to get the experience you need that way in the sticks.

If you have possession of a woman and are looking to start a family (like myself), I advise putting down roots in the exurbs. If you are single, that’s not going to work.

For someone like you I would advise moving to or hanging out in the city or inner suburbs. This is where the chicks are. Tons of them. You need to be in high target areas so you can get rejected.

Not only that, like Jim said, in the blue cities you are competing with complete and utter faggots like Scott Alexander. The true chad alpha players are hogging the 9s, 10s, and occasional 8s. Forget them. The 7s and 8s are getting hit on by the beta masses. Forget them for now until you level up your game. That leaves the 5s and 6s not getting much attention which is your sweet spot to start out with. Try on tinder/bumble/online as well.

You need to be getting rejected so often and it no longer even matters when you do. I’ve had hundreds if not thousands of rejections and I’d reckon most successful men doing pick up have too.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Com, it sounds like you are making excuses. I am a sperg, too. I cannot read people naturally. I had to practice for a long fucking time. I have some advantages you do not, but you have other strengths of your own. You need to get over your reservations and just get after it. I am making changes to deal with the reality of the situation. You can, too. No excuses.

Pooch says:

You need to be getting rejected so often and it no longer even matters when you do. I’ve had hundreds if not thousands of rejections and I’d reckon most successful men doing pick up have too.

You also need some wins too. Getting rejected by HB8 after HB8 can be a soul crushing experience when you are just starting out. This is why I recommend starting the bar with 5s and 6s. Trust me after getting rejected by 10 HB7s and 8s to finally take home a cute 6 and just plow the shit out of her is immensely rewarding. Small wins are still wins.

Red says:

So I still think my solution to the current pussy desert crisis is the correct one, no amount of self improvement is going to make a sperg do well in the desert.

What you’re doing now is failure mode for man. Framing it as the best current option is just lying to yourself. I hate to admit it since Wulfgar is a flaming game talking nub, but he’s right. No excuses. Failure mode isn’t a solution.

You owe it to your father and your grandfather to acquire a wife and family to continue your line.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am a virgin, but I am not a n00b. At its core, game is human social dynamics. It works to persuade men and women both, because the things that women sought on the ancestral savanna are the same things that men respect. If I can get people to respect and follow me, I can get women to fuck me. It is the same skills, taken to a higher level. I might not be crawling through pussy, but Jim says I know what I am talking about. If Jim or Aidan want to take me to task, that is fine, but I know what I am talking about.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You are, however, totally, 100% correct on the duty to extend the family line. Knocking up a pretty Cuban girl is an improvement over sterile whores. You might not get an HB10 Aryan princess from a good family line, but it is a damned sight better to have kids than to go it alone forever.

Red says:

>I am a virgin, but I am not a n00b.

Bro, what do you think a Newbie is? You’re a noob. Get some practical experience. You’ll be taken more seriously that way.

BTW, I used the term nub because calling a man a virgin always feels wrong. Virgin is a term that traditionally has been used exclusively for women as a term of honor and respect for chaste women. It’s become a slur today thanks to the Cathedral.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

And I am trying to explain to you that you misunderstand game. You are thinking of it as a way to get laid, when it is so much more. That is why I can get people to do what I want for me and you are afraid of the HR lady. You are not gaming the HR lady because you do not want to fuck her, but I game everyone all of the time, and I fear no one. When Jim says that the man who has zero bitches is right, and you are wrong, maybe you want to reassess.

Jim, can you please delete my other comment of this. I replied to the wrong comment.

HerbR says:

Being upset for not being able to pull chicks smells of cope to me.

If that was directed to me (and it was me you quoted) then I said nothing of the sort, you’re jumping to conclusions. I was sympathizing with Com’s complaint about the obesity crisis, that’s all.

We are having two different conversations. I am saying “the sexual market has gone to hell, and the average guy doesn’t have a prayer”, and you’re interpreting that as a personal problem – and being needlessly antagonistic about it, considering that I already preemptively said it wasn’t personal. If I point out that there’s been inflation and shortages in meat and lumber – and I literally did make that exact comparison – does that similarly mean I am starving and homeless?

“The days of being given a nice young hot wife by society are over” – obviously so, but our stated goal as reactionaries is to bring those days back. We do what we have to do as individuals, we apply Roissy’s methods when necessary but we don’t embrace his Satanism.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am surrounded by pleasant people everywhere I go because I make it clear that I will not suffer unpleasantness. I have plenty of experience in changing a woman’s attitude. All the women I deal with are pleasant, because I do not tolerate them being rude to my face. Let them bitch to their friends when I am gone, but while I am around I demand courtesy–and I get it. You do not need to fuck a woman to get them to behave. I have plenty of experience in taming obnoxious women, because I keep ending up working with them and having to change their attitudes to suit me better.

Women are more bitchy and less pleasant and well-behaved because they are harder to control. Women are being protected more and more, and it is driving them mad. I do not fear women, so I make them behave so that I can do my job and get on with my life. It is not terribly hard to do. Fucking a woman is a lot harder than demanding their behavior change to better suit you.

Red says:

Wulf, I’m pretty good at putting women in their place with my co-workers but I have to be exceedingly careful about it due to HR. One badly failed public shit test and it one can get the full treatment from HR. This creates a lot of fear when trying to deal with it, especially since I’m a sperg, not a natural alpha. But I’m still able to sense when I’m having days where I’m not being as dominate enough to keep things running smoothing. Being on edge all the time is draining.

Secondly, go get yourself laid. Talking about these subjects with you having no field experience always leaves one doubting about your words.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I never have to be especially careful, and I seem to get away with it. I had missteps when I started out, and got in trouble. With practice I learned how to do it and get away with it. I am a sperg, too, so I know how hard that makes it, and also why that is not an excuse. I am not a natural alpha, either, and I managed to do it, so you can, too. Everyone has off days, where the women bitch and moan. You just come back the next day and get right back into the saddle.

Yes it is draining. Yes, it is hard work. Yes, they are a pain in the ass. So what? Just let them walk all over you? No. If someone has to have a bad day, it is not going to be me. So if I have to work extra hard to keep them in line, they are going to feel it, too.

Women you are fucking is a subset of all of the women you know. If all of the women you know are pleasant, women you are fucking should be–theoretically speaking–pleasant as well. I do not have to fuck every woman I come across to get them to stop acting like cunts. If I can get a coworker I am not fucking to play nice, I should be able to get a woman I am fucking and to whom I have much more intimate access to play nice, as well. Me not getting laid has nothing to do with it.

jim says:

If you are only fucking whores, your experience is limited and your skills not that great. Wulgar’s claims seem about right to me.

The Cominator says:

I’ve fucked non whores just not lately…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Not fucking regular women is probably doing more harm to your psyche than me not fucking at all. It is twisting your attitude and messing with your perception.

Think of dealing with women like playing a game of chicken. Women see me get into the passenger seat blindfolded and carrying a cinderblock, hear heavy metal blaring out of the radio, and then the engine starts redlining before we even start. They pass on the game rather than see if I am legitimately that determined to win.

Irrational indifference to a real risk is how you win the game. If you let your fear of HR or a false accusation stop you, they will pick up on it and hate you for it. If you ignore the threat they pose, then they will back down. It is a game of chicken where they want to lose. You just need to have the absolute balls of steel needed to get in the car in the first place. That is the game. Does it suck? Sure, but the alternative is whores or celibacy–ultimately sterile either way.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Keep in mind that this is my way of visualizing it. It is hard to put into words, because it is more emotion and instinct at this point than actual rational thought. The attitude that you need to have is victory at any cost, up to death. Death or glory. How you get there is your call, but it is how I approach women.

Pooch says:

Its hard not to be blackpilled when you look at how bad most American women are.

Go after latinas. They are feminine, submissive, and you get a large SMV boost from them by simply being white. I used to fuck a Brazilian and a Dominican and it was great. If you don’t care about your children having a lower IQ, I would marry one. It surely beats the alternative having no wife and children. Luckily you are in America so you have your pick of every type of 3rd World wife under the sun without leaving the country.

If you want to have high IQ white children you’ll have to get good at game and build your SMV higher than it is now. I suggest starting with cute fatties, which is what I did. Once you get 1 to fuck, spin her as a plate and spend time and resources on upgrading and just repeat that until you find a girl pretty enough to be taken as your wife. You are going to learn immensely from this process of continually upgrading which likely will take a few years before you reach the game-level needed to even take a woman as a wife and not have to worry about failing shit tests.

Aidan says:

My experience is that I would meet a girl, she would be pleasant, tractable, and feminine, and it would be later and to my surprise that her social media presence indicated that she had a miserable attitude when not in my company. If you are on the outside looking in, going after American girls probably looks really depressing and demoralizing. But it really isn’t as bad as the facade they put on makes it look. The shitty attitude is meant to filter out betas.

yewotm8 says:

You can tell when you’re going to be flaked on. It took me a long time to realize this, but you can always “feel” it coming. If the girl isn’t really into you, or gets colder towards the day of the meeting, then you’re getting flaked on. If she maintains enthusiasm, then you can be certain. It also helps to ghost her starting the night before just to get her on edge, that will reduce the odds. I used to think it was completely random and just something you had to deal with because female brain, but as of today I haven’t been blindsided by a flake in years.

Pooch says:

Can only learned by experience. The only way out is through.

Pooch says:

Can only be*

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

And I am trying to explain to you that you misunderstand game. You are thinking of it as a way to get laid, when it is so much more. That is why I can get people to do what I want for me and you are afraid of the HR lady. You are not gaming the HR lady because you do not want to fuck her, but I game everyone all of the time, and I fear no one. When Jim says that the man who has zero bitches is right, and you are wrong, maybe you want to reassess.

Prince Charming says:

Women can be good company in small doses

This is precisely the crux. In small, and purposeful doses, women are pleasant and entertaining.

Let us contrast this with the three most common failure modes, which is the boyfriend-pet, player-pimp, and husband-cuck. All three spend inordinate time and effort on and with their girlfriend/plates/mothers-of-two, time and effort that ought better be spent with a mannerbund, preferably in pursuit of some riches or glory, such as creating a valuable business or doing terrorism on vaccine supply shipments. And in all three cases the dynamic is mother-son, it is Darwinian death, it is faggotry.

Wulfgar naughtyname says:

Yes it is draining. Yes, it is hard work. Yes, they are a pain in the ass. So what? Just let them walk all over you? No. If someone has to have a bad day, it is not going to be me. So if I have to work extra hard to keep them in line, they are going to feel it, too.

So we agree that involving women in anything but procreation (and associated family nurturing stuff) is net negative.

Arqiduka says:

“Men who enjoy the company of women in any non-sexualized situation are mentally ill.”

What an uttetly retarded thing to say. Is he trying to out-right Jim? A much more palatable scenario than being sincere would be.

jim says:

Yes and no.

I enjoy the company of my wife, but she is my wife. It is always sexualized.

If I go to a party, the men hang out with the men, and the women hang out with the men, and if I should wind up stuck with the woman, it is intolerably dull.

Stuff can be sexualized without actual fooling around, and if a woman is interacting with a man, it is always sexualized. I figure that otherwise it would be mighty dull for both of them. This is the big problem in the workplace. You think you are talking about the project, but if a woman is present, all she hears is who is the bigger alpha. And when she speaks, even though it ostensibly about the project, all she is actually saying is “Are you alpha enough to put me in your place”, and “Lets you and that other alpha fight”.

You are trying to hold a conversation about the project, but nothing in your words reaches except sex, and she is purportedly talking about the project, but her words are meaningless except as they are about sex.

Arqiduka says:

I think your interpretation of a “sexualised situation” is too charitably broad in this case. Sexual tension is indeed the oil that greases all interactions between sexes above 12 or so, but I don’t think this is what AA was saying. Indeed, by your broadly charitable interpretation there never can be a “non-sexualised situation” because a woman will always make every interaction into such. A null.concept.

I think what was being meant here was something to the tune of “women are completely dull company in any setting and should stick to the private sphere of their husbands or fathers because no one can suffer a woman’s company unless sex is forthcoming within the hour”,an obviously silly position as women can be quite pleasant company under the strictures you mention.

jim says:

> Indeed, by your broadly charitable interpretation there never can be a “non-sexualised situation” because a woman will always make every interaction into such. A null.concept.

When I am at a party, it is a non sexualized situation, because my wife is around, and her husband is around, and it is really boring.

And when you have male and female co-workers, and the male is obviously not alpha, again a non sexualized situation, and again boring and unpleasant and neither of them wants to be around the other.

Arqiduka says:

Minor point only. I have found – and suppose you would have too – that women have a surprisingly high tolerance for some degree of sexual tension in a social setting between their man and other women, all within limits of tastefullness. So, on this account, I would include social situations such as those you describe as sexualised too within socially acceptable limits.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A girl obviously would be fine with that sort of thing, but your brother just as obviously would not be fine with it. This much should be obvious.

Arqiduka says:

I don’t mean open flirting, obviously not right by your mates. I mean leaving a minimalistic tension in the air and not replying to every question with kurt yes or nos only. Its a fine balancing act but i read it as being required in every party-type setting IF you bring you own woman and can take others doing the same. In some cases giving the ” don’t even speak to my woman” vibe is a faux pas.

Anonymous says:

Am I misunderstanding you or does your wife have two husbands?

Arqiduka says:

Lol, missed it myself. I reckon by “her” Jim meant the would-be object of sexual tension at the party, not his wife, and was just being economical with words. Either that or Jim runs a pretty well known firearms YT channel LMAO

jim says:

“her” refers to a female with whom there would otherwise be sexual tension, not my wife.

Varna says:

It used to be called “flirting” and was completely acceptable. It was accepted that the flirting is a form of compliment paying back and forth and does not mean that everyone is about to start performing oral sex on each other within the hour.

“Flirting” doesn’t necessarily mean “let’s screw”. It means rather “you’re good looking and I’m good looking, look at the two of us being healthy attractive animals, ain’t this great”.

Of course, in this age of satanic extremes, now you’re either supposed to be asexual, or to be signaling readiness for a fisting orgy this very instant. So many middle grounds have been dismantled, and this is one of them.

I have, BTW, moved to a low budget southern EE country a few weeks ago. Surprisingly, for now at least, it is everything I had hoped for.

Vax pass mandates are enforced by big corps and gay vegan joints, everyone else not so much. At first I only went to small stores and felt a bit cast out, believing the official hype, before gradually realizing that many of the cozy little eateries for example, especially in the out of the way little streets, don’t give a flying heck.

People pay cash, in spite of the local efforts to digitalize life. People read paper newspapers and paper books.

The music on radios and TVs in shops, eateries, and taxi cabs is always vintage, as if local society had decided collectively to ignore anything that happened in western pop culture after 2005. Back street pizza joint I went to had Paul McCartney playing, then Queen, then local stuff.

The “progressive intelligentsia” is pro-western cargo-cultist and pro-vax. Everybody else is like when do we get to hang all the traitors.

The Christmas commercials on TV are aggressively, perhaps even a bit over the top, pro-family and patriotic.

The young sluts looks like normal young sluts as opposed to brain damaged BDSM prostitutes with endocrine pathologies.

Almost orgasmed while buying a belt, trying it on, the young slut selling it grappling with the buckle above my crotch while grinning at me luridly. God, I missed random flirting for no reason.

Older folks mostly wear the classical EE scowl, but when you know to expect it, it’s fine. The infrastructure is actually better than expected. The last decades have not gone in vain. Public transport is pretty terrific, the capital city subway is expanding, parks alleys are smooth and maintained.

The bureaucracy sucks ass, but what else is new.

The next few months I’ll be concentrating on figuring things out and maybe building a nest, to see if it’s worth bringing over the rest of the family. And that’s as much as I’ll say about this topic, and no more from now on, because the digital walls have digital ears. Subject closed.

But for now it’s exactly the way I dared hope it would be.

jim says:

Your question answers itself.

By calling in people more alpha than himself to restrain her, instead of restraining her himself, he massively failed her shit test.

Prince Charming says:

Thank you. I hoped I was missing something

Ghost says:

banned.video status down
freeworldnews.tv status down

“Behind every great man is a woman trying to destroy him.” –AA

Ghost says:

They’re back up again. Can’t keep an alpha down.

Neurotoxin says:

Merry Christmas, bitchez!

Fireball says:

A late merry christmas and happy new year.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Friends, may your days be merry and bright, and may all your christmases, be white!

Upravda says:

After Christmas, happy name day to all Stevens, Istvans, Stjepans, etc. 😉

Let continue with business… namely, bitcoins.

To my great surprise, second or first largest Croatian retail chain is accepting cryptocurrencies since beginning of this month, for now only in web-shopping. So, for a test, some real, physical merchandise (e.g. bottles of olive oil) are in being currently delivered to me.

Since they intend to introduce crypto payment in meatspace stores:


“Payment in cryptocurrencies is currently possible in the online store, and we plan to introduce it in other stores throughout Croatia soon.”

…how do they, and all the other retailers around the world, plan to shorten the time for transaction confirmation? Obviously, nobody can wait in front of cashier lady for ten or more minutes to first transaction confirmation, let alone more.

What are current solution for that? Or do they simply presume that each transaction seen by cashier will eventually be confirmed?

jim says:

There is a reason why they call it the lightning network.

Though I don’t think it is ready for prime time yet, but maybe I am out of date.

HerbR says:

I thought they called it “lightning network” because it’s creating many forks off the main chain, i.e. resembles the behavior of lightning, not just because it’s fast.

I can’t read Hungarian or whatever that is, so I don’t know if their plan is based on LN. But I would think that a meatspace store could use the lower-tech workaround and just not wait for confirmations, if they consider it a high-trust environment. Most customers are honest, and if a few of them aren’t, it’s not prohibitively expensive to collect from them the old-fashioned way, same way they dealt with a bounced check back in prehistoric times when stores actually took checks. Police, collection agencies, etc.

notglowing says:

> I thought they called it “lightning network” because it’s creating many forks off the main chain,
It is called lightning because of the speed. It doesn’t create forks, or parallel chains, which would be closer to Plasma or Polygon (which is based on Plasma).

Lightning network is called a “Layer 2” solution because it sits on “top” of the base Bitcoin protocol, in the sense that it relies on it, but it’s faster, because it doesn’t interact with the blockchain all the time.

The best comparison for how Lightning works, and why it’s a fundamentally good idea, is thinking about the blockchain as a judge. The purpose of the blockchain is to record where money goes, since it’s a ledger. But being a decentralized ledger, it must also *decide* where money goes, when there is a double spend situation.

If you show your car dealer, and your gold seller that you have 10 thousand dollars in your bank account, then write each of them a check for 10 thousand dollars, they might be convinced it won’t bounce. But to be sure, they would go to the bank, and the bank would know you have written two checks for the same money, which the merchants cannot know. The Bank then decides who gets the money, and who does not.

Miners do this with Bitcoin, and that’s the main thing the blockchain solves. The miners decide which transactions are confirmed, and discard one if some bitcoins are being sent to two different places at the same time. Merchants can go to the chain and make sure they are the ones who got the money. However, this is an expensive process, because only so many transactions can be verified in a given time frame.

In real life, you don’t go to court every time you work with someone. You cooperate, knowing that if the other man defects from you and breaks the law you *can* take them to court, and the same is true for you. Therefore neither will defect.

That’s how the Lightning Network works. You open a “channel” with someone, with some money in it. That money can be sent back and forth between you two only, as much as you want, by just sending messages between you two, signed by the party making the message. If the other party is being dishonest, you can at any time submit his previous messages to the blockchain, and have the blockchain sort out the issue.

But until then, you can transact with each other with no involvement of blockchain or third parties, only messages between you. The speed is just limited by the speed of your communication.

The lightning *network* is a network of these channels. The one you connect to has another such channel with multiple other people, and so forth. He can be a middle man and take a fee to forward a payment, and it can be forwarded many hops.

This all happens with no involvement of the blockchain itself, and with theoretically unlimited throughput in transactions per second, but limited by the money that was put in the channels when the channels were created originally.
Opening and closing channels requires transactions on-chain.

jim says:

That is a really good explanation for normies of the lightning network.

Not calling you a normie – rather someone who can talk to normies.

notglowing says:

Thank you, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that this is why I got my job. I was in crypto communities for several years arguing with people over new technologies and explaining why I thought one particular blockchain might work and why another was an unsound scam. Because of the nature of the space, and the lack of technical understanding for many investors, they were appreciative of what I said and how I explained things to them, so I formed relationships with some, and some of them eventually became wealthy and well connected.

I am able to work thanks to my connections. This is a big advantage, especially in crypto, more so than in other software fields. In other fields, companies will hire developers based on degrees, experience, and other standard criteria. I’d be at a disadvantage.

But here, the problem with that approach is twofold: there are few people with lots of experience in blockchain, and it requires skills and understanding that the average developer doesn’t immediately have, most with experience are already working for larger and more important projects, and some of them get rich and retire, or create their own stuff.
The second issue is many of these teams creating new things on the blockchain do not have recruiters and HR, so they find developers through connections, the same way I find them.

The final problem with hiring people is trust, which is the key problem.
There are many ways a developer who is either incompetent or malicious can directly screw you, and lots of money involved, as well as people willing to scam. If I am hired, it’s in part because, more than being confident in my abilities, they know I have the trust of someone they trust.

Of course, all smart contracts get audited, and in my experience auditors are thorough, but being thorough is not enough to spot every bug, and auditors lack the context to understand how some things can be problematic or outright malicious, because it depends on how they are used in practice.

Upravda says:

Well, regarding crypto currencies, I am a normie, so this explanation is just what I needed. Thanks @notglowing. While I did read other explanations of Lightning Network as a solution for using bitcoin in retail, this part was missing until I read it here:

“If the other party is being dishonest, you can at any time submit his previous messages to the blockchain, and have the blockchain sort out the issue.”

By the way, to my astonishment, one smaller gas station chain in Croatia, Tifon, has already introduced payment in crypto in retail on February (!?!) this year. There’s no word about technicalities, only that they use local Croatian crypto payment provider PayCek, here in English, in case someone is interested:
(Hilarious name, BTW.)

notglowing says:

For small amounts, meaning hundreds to less than a couple thousand, it’s very easy to use, since you can just install an app on your phone, withdraw from an exchange like bitfinex, and have incoming and outgoing liquidity to your lightning wallet with no on-chain transactions on your part, and only four cents as a fee.

The money is usable instantly, since the liquidity provider lets you use the channel with them before the transaction to create it, which they submitted, is confirmed. By opening dozens of channels per transaction they can reduce the onboarding costs to cents which they deduct from the incoming money.
The tradeoff is that until the channel creation tx is confirmed on-chain, or at least broadcast, they are technically holding your money in custody, and could run away with it. But this is only for the initial creation of the channel. After that, up to the liquidity in it, you are in control.

The big issue with lightning is lack of merchants who accept it, and exchanges who have it. But this has started to change, and I know from lightning node operators that volume and available liquidity has increased steadily this year and kept accelerating.

It also seems that certain kinds of traders are now seeing the benefit of lightning on exchanges which makes it a competitive advantage and a necessity. By opening dedicated channels, they are able to transfer money to multiple exchanges in an instant, lowering their margin requirements on each, effectively lowering the need for liquidity, and letting them open larger leveraged positions.

Since they can quickly add collateral wherever it is needed, where previously it might take over an hour, and during large market moves the on-chain congestion would add uncertainty to the timing, and increased cost in fees.

Pooch says:

Your crypto-related posts are very informative. Do you have a crypto-related job?

notglowing says:

Yeah. I’m a freelance software developer in the crypto space. Usually I am hired to write smart contracts and similar.
I’ve been an investor in crypto for much longer though.

Pooch says:

Hearing more and more about web3. Jim, do you have any thoughts on this?

jim says:

Web3.0 is the name for people with visions of a future blockchain based world resembling my own – resembling it technologically, but sometimes full of stupid leftism.

The visions are frequently incoherent, but some of them have a lot more running code than I do. Many of them are overrun by the holy saints of wokeness, with the result that their visions are incoherent, and their consensus algorithms are capable of being dominated by power. I have not incorporated this name into my documents, because, like the alt right, a whole lot of shills around, a lot of stupidity around, and I am waiting to see how the memes play out. Would not want to use a meme that wound up enemy owned. The memes of “reaction”, “red pill”, and “Dark Enlightenment” resisted enemy attempts to take them over. Q Anon fell totally to scammers and enemy agents, Pizzagate to blue pillers.

Lot of good stuff flying Web3.0 colors, lot of bad stuff, hard to sort it out.

Figuring out how to make this stuff work is hard, so there is an IQ filter against the priests of wokeness and against the shills, but the marketing robots smell money, and are out in force, and a lot of them have minds that are enemy occupied territory. Plus there is the usual enormous pile of crypto currency scams. Would not want nail my colors to the mast of a ship full of traitors and fraudsters.

The big question is whose Web2.0 lunch is Web3.0 going to eat? Well, obviously Amazon and Ebay. Add Facebook to that, and holy priests of woke get uneasy. Add the federal reserve to that, they get uneasy but cannot say so. Add Google and the Domain Name System to that, you get into reactionary territory, which may in some cases be covered by protective leftist or seemingly politically neutral coloration.

In the heavily infiltrated world of the alt right, I found the shill tests, things which some purported members of the alt right are strangely unable to discuss or mention.

We are going to have to do something similar in Web3.0

In the Christian community, there are a startling number of people who fear that the affirmation would make them catch on fire, and therefore, since the affirmation is pastiche from various ancient creeds that were constructed against a shill and entryist problem resembling our own, can say “Not a Christian”, and similarly, purported red pillers, I can say “not red pilled”, since Roissy and Roosh defined the red pill. No such filter on Web3.0. Needs some successful memesters whose memes resist enemy action, a prominent tech memester whose posts are full of unsayable and unthinkable tech, an engineer Roissy.

I have an email feed which I am just not reading, because it is so full of crap. Everything seems to fall under enemy control. When I have some code that actually runs and does something interesting, when I have laid sufficient foundations to outline the building, then you may well see a tech feed that gets classed as part of Web3.0, in the same way that this blog can be classed as alt right. But, depending on how memes develop, probably will not have web3.0 in its banner, just as this blog does not have alt right in its banner. Alt right not a shill movement, but it is overrun by shills, and so far, Web3.0 is overrun by shills, though one would think the IQ barrier would keep them out.

C4ssidy says:

Will be great to see random people dropping brown packages around the country, occasionally loading anonymous crates into the back of vans and delivering them, adding work experience to their anonymous digital identity. Small steps from narcotics and programmers to taxfree tobacco and liquor to building rockets without HR, then put jimian marriage on the blockchain, wives as immutable property tokens, smart contracts paying for privatised law. Decentralised peer-to-peer file storage with blockchains handling only file checksum and storage/finders fee. That gives us humanity’s library, every book and film and any file worth keeping now available forever with the storage paid for. Blockchain metaverse allowing even VR headset fun without zuccercuck moles scanning for not-woke comments. Preference for original art tokens displayed inside metaverse may even make nfts real. Registering every tiny meatspace item upon purchase also makes petty theft very difficult. I have also started using atlas obscura recently. Would like to see tokens involving global co-ordinates to give us Google maps style functionality, travel markers and restaurant reviews etc, with some way of recompense for effort on building it (can the whole world be crowdsourced street-view functionality with all the data on peer-to-peer) but a lot of this stuff requires the trust network, in particular anything involving partially-subjective appraisals from others

Need it for school says:

Can anybody give me a quick rundown on electric vehicles? Since they are a favorite of the urban boomer liberal crowd I assume they are no good, but I am hearing a lot of good things about them. What is the best case against the EV?

Pooch says:

Electricity is going to be unreliable as we enter into third world conditions. Observe South Africa, where rolling blackouts (“load shedding”) are common.

Need it for school says:

In those conditions, the availability of gasoline is going to be comparably (not equally but comparably) disturbed.

Pooch says:

It is but you can stock up on gasoline (but not indefinitely). Can’t stock up on electricity.

Cloudswrest says:

If you have a good solar installation in a sunny clime, you can make your own electricity. Hard to make your own gasoline.

jim says:

The sun does not shine all the time. Hard to store your own power.

The big cost of electricity is not generating it, but distributing it widely in order to even out the load. Cost of power generation is insignificant compared to grid costs, and in a world of untrusted and untrustworthy elites, big grids are getting more difficult. We need local power storage, and power storage is hard.

Cloudswrest says:

I’m not talking about what’s good for “society”. I’m talking about what’s good for a moderately wealthy person to do to insulate himself from economically driven shortages. You’re storing your self produce electricity in your car battery. Fuck the unreliable grid, fuck the gas lines. You’re good to go. This presume society hasn’t totally broken down. You’re just at the point of shortages and gas lines.

HerbR says:

There is a hard limit to what you can store in that battery, and it is considerably less than what you could store with $50 worth of plastic gas canisters.

Gasoline does have the problem of going bad in long-term storage, but you can mitigate most of that with an inexpensive stabilizer.

Consider also the charge time. Gasoline is relatively convenient to transport – people do it all the time for their lawn mowers, weed whackers and other garden appliances – and you can fill up a tank in a few minutes. If there really is some kind of emergency situation, and the EV battery gets used up, how long will it take you to charge it again?

I’m not sure about the value of individual prepping, but if that’s your thing, then gasoline is definitely the prepper choice. Electricity is always the “main” and chemical fuel is the “backup”. If you’re trying to protect against grid failures, then the conventional choice is not some clumsy solar setup with huge batteries, it’s a gas generator that takes propane or NG, or even gasoline on the smaller portable inverter generators. I could maybe see getting some gray-market, off-grid solar paneling as a “first resort” backup but would not feel at all secure without conventional fuel as a last resort.

Upravda says:

While Sun really does not shine all the time, I am somewhat baffled by frequent lack of imagination about storing electric power.

Yes, batteries of all kinds are expensive, and really do have low energy density, so for an individual, it is really hard and expensive to store your own power. For Amish and die-hard preppers that wouldn’t be a problem, I presume, but for the rest of universe it would.

However, when looking at larger picture, from viewpoint of a (competently managed) system, it is actually trivially easy to store electric power, even from solar panels. When the Sun shines, water behind dams can be kept higher, more controls rods can be plugged in nuclear reactor, and less fossil fuels must be brought into furnace. You simply store the electric power by not converting other forms of energy (nuclear, hydro, fossil fuels) into electricity.

I do have a few solar panels on the roof of my house, and those operate on purely market principles: my electricity provider simply subtracts the surplus produced on sunny days, especially on summer, from my total consumption, especially on winter. I pay just the difference.

ROI is about 8 to 9 years where I live, and that includes warranty and insurance cost (including blizzard and airplane crash). It beats current interest rates. Since panels and inverters have a long life time, at least 15 and 25 years respectively, I expect it to be a moderately good investment.

That being said, my story about storing energy in hydroelectric dams, nuclear reactor fuel etc is, actually, purely theoretical in country where I live. There is no need for such storage, really, because when my panels are at max, my distributor immediately sells all that surplus to giant, air conditioned concrete-glass buildings of Zagreb and other big cities. So says one of my acquaintance, an electro-engineer who works for one distributor.

Arqiduka says:

Solar is nice in places that combine good insolation and hot summers, as the demand for electricity tends to correlate with insolation. Greece Egypt, that sort of places. Its shonk in places where AC is less usefull, and winter use is the main usage.

But I think you are too optimistic on storage with hydro. Albania has 95%+ production from hydro and even us cannot store enough power to avoid going to market every other month. There just isn’t enough hydro capacity on earth to make solar and wind non-intermittent. The sort of smart grid the EU is going for helps a lot, but there is a limit to how much intermittency you can tolerate.

Arqiduka says:

ICEs used to last forever with decent care. A battery pack will degrade within a few years whatever you do. Same with fuel cells. Flywheels would last forever, but no tech in production yet.

jim says:

Trouble with flywheels is that they have about a tenth the energy density of lithium batteries, because they have to be surrounded with stuff to absorb the large amount of energy that is suddenly released in a catastrophic flywheel failure. Carbon fiber flywheels have a higher energy density not primarily because a carbon fiber flywheel has a far higher energy density than steel, but because the shrapnel is easier to contain, albeit current carbon fiber flywheels fail to take proper advantage of this.

Any energy dense storage system is going to have a problem with catastrophic failure – nuclear power plants tend to occupy a lot of land because no one wants to live close to a nuclear power plant. This is in very large part religious rather than rational fear, a religious doctrine promulgated by our officially unofficial state religion, but it is not entirely stupid. It has some small basis in fact. We are approaching the catastrophic failure limit on lithium batteries. For nuclear power to be worthwhile, need a very high burnup rate on the core, the smallest possible amount of fissionables in the core, and frequent rapid replacement of fissile material. Fast neutron sodium cooled breeder reactors.

Fuel cells can have far higher energy density, because their fuel is physically separated, therefore catastrophic failure is limited – if you have something consuming ethanol and air, the hazard is an ethanol fire, and we have become very good at storing very large amounts of energy as gasoline, which is a lot more hazardous than ethanol. We are not very good at storing hydrogen at all, and it is difficult to contain, difficult to store, and a lot more difficult to safely store, so hydrogen based fuel cells were just dead in the water from the beginning.

And, as you mention, all existing fuel cells have very limited lifetime. Despite the low energy density of flywheels, they last forever.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Nuclear power is more effective at smaller scales than larger ones; effective in the sense of transforming life as you know it.

A large scale reactor plant provides power; which is something we can already have with coal fired and other large scale power plants. An RTG, or modular pilot reactor, or nuclear propulsive unit, on the other hand, has an exponentially greater energy density than electrical or chemical storage mediums, and likewise draws from storage reserves that are exponentially more abundant per unit of energy, both on earth and in space beyond. A large scale chemical thermal generator generally can achieve greater thermal efficiency than a smaller one; whereas, with many techniques of energy generation involving nuclear phenomena, no such relational difference generally exists; a large unit and a small unit both may having a like efficiency, such efficiency depending more on how the unit’s particular operating conditions are tuned.

Transportation capacity is generally the limiting factor on levels of civilizational intensity possible, and proliferation of Our Friend, The Atom, on motile scales – something which we must say was strangled in the crib by the new dealist regulatory state – is the necessary gateway towards forms of life that heretofore have only been intimated in the dreams and promises of high fiction; most especially life amongst the spaces beyond.

notglowing says:

It’s not really clear to me what you mean here. The problem with making small reactors isn’t generating *power*, but rather converting it in a form of power that’s actually useful.
Obviously you can’t have a steam engine in a car.

But even if that problem is solved, the issue of safety remains. There are modern designs of nuclear reactors for energy production which are inherently safe against meltdowns, but nothing that would be safe and practical at a car’s scale.
Plus, I think it’s precisely the density of nuclear fuel that makes it inherently dangerous, just like batteries are inherently dangerous no matter what principle makes them function. That’s not something one can change, however as I mentioned at larger scales there are designs capable of avoiding disaster under all conditions today.

I wonder if it would be possible to have a more controlled energy density through nano-technology.
Like a “fuel”, that is made of a fluid with small nano machines suspended in it, each of which keep small amounts of actual dangerous fuel safely and individually contained, capable of releasing it in a controlled manner, at the same time, but independently, under certain conditions. It could be safer than gasoline to handle in normal conditions, and require some particular trigger to be “activated” and for that trigger to continue in order to remain activated.
For example imagine the capsules contain, rather than fissile material, a small amount of anti-matter. And when they are hit by certain electromagnetic waves, they will randomly release and annihilate their contents. Causing a steady stream of gamma photons to be emitted by the fluid, until all of the nano containers are exhausted. Nothing would be emitted without the trigger wave.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Obviously you can’t have a steam engine in a car.

Not obvious at all. You can have one very easily. Don’t even need radioisotopes for it either.

For that matter, you can forget the steam too. Water actually isn’t that great as a working fluid in many reactor designs. Closed cycle gas turbine reactors using helium or metal vapor are much better at smaller scales. For that matter, you can also just convert the heat into electricity directly through thermoelectric units. This is the dominant technique in space applications for long term satellites and other intensive applications, and also something that can be easily ‘plugged in’ to the existing EV ecosystem as adjuncts.

The understanding of nuclear technology by most folk is really highly superficial, when there is a whole universe of various techniques, implementations, and phenomena involved, all with various characteristic that may be more or less adaptive in this or that application. It is somewhat analogous to how one so often finds bluechecks calling for ‘gun control’, whom are generally totally ignorant of even the most basic facts about firearms; such that you could say, you will never find one so opposed that was not also so ignorant.

notglowing says:

Whenever someone knows a lot about guns, I tend to assume they are in favour of them, and I tend to be right. When it comes to nuclear power, most physicists I know, including myself (I am a student), tend to be in favour of it, and at least not outright against, even here where it is completely illegal.

I don’t know if I would completely agree with that line of logic, however. After all it might be true in these cases, but saying that anyone who is scared of something is ignorant of it, and afraid because of it being unknown and different from what he experienced, is also a leftist line of thinking. This isn’t really related to what you said though, since it’s kind of a different situation.
There was a nice video essay on horror on youtube about Lovecraft, and horror in general, versus leftism, and about how horror is in some sense an inherently right wing genre, since the leftist cannot really see a threat in the unknown and foreign per se, and would not accept it as the enemy, but rather try to integrate and “understand” it. The video contrasted Lovecraftian horror, with The Shape of Water, the latter being the leftist solution to the problem. In it, the woman protagonist of course ends up sleeping with the monstrous creature. There’s a redpill on women in there somewhere, too. In hindsight maybe that’s what the distinction is actually about. Conquering and destroying the foreign, or being conquered by it.

Arqiduka says:

AFAIK nuclear batteries such as those deployed to space probes are horribly inefficient and far less energy dense than normal batteries, but last forever. Not the sort of trade-offs you need in a car. Fuel us weapons grade too.

Arqiduka says:

Forgot to add: the issue with nucelar powered cars is not scale but the baseload nature of nuclear, the opposite issue of renewables in the grid but as problematic in this application. Cars require massive changes is power so the only way nuclear could be implemented is if mated to storage tech so the same issue as with renewables. This is the nice thing about ICEs in this application: they serve as both power generators and power storage, to the point we neglect to separate these two functions.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Most non-weapon fuel types are generally unreactive in the first place, unless arranged in a precise geometry with neutron reflectors and moderators, to create the necessary flux.

Elaborations on the theme have already been seen in weaponization fields as well, which is use of fusion boosting to provide further neutron flux. It has long been understood that fusible material may be ‘ignited’ by sufficient flux, which was taken advantage of to get more power out of less material in thermonuclear devices, and would be a means of improving the neutron economy in sustained conditions.

Exploiting the principle of the phenomena may be accomplished by several methods in practice; such as, in it’s simplest form, by introducing a moderate flow of fusible material directly into a compatible coolant stream, such as lithium metal; or multi-channel systems, where flows containing fusible material move through the reactor in separate tracks from the ‘main’ working fluid, which may accommodate a wider range of different implementations.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


I don’t wish to belabour the point, but nuclear propulsion is not merely theoretical. It is already a solved problem. It has been powering hundreds of boats of varying size lurking the seas for decades now. Existing barriers to further explpitation of nuclear technology for fun and profit are almost all completely artificial; the acts of a reigning priesthood ideologically prefigured against anything that benefits human civilization in general, and their coethnic’s civilization in particular.

Arqiduka says:


Completely agree, I did not mean to diss nuclear in general, but only is the particular application of cars.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Well, that’s the funny thing about advancement. Everything is said to be impractical until someone makes it practical.

In recent years, it has been speculated that there is no reason to actually worry about threats like hypersonic anti-shipping missiles, because radio-transparent materials that could actually handle thermal stresses incurred at those velocities have not been developed, and actually hitting a maneuvering ship requires terminal guidance, which means future AShMs would generally resemble the template set by already existing examples like the p-700 Granit, which top out at around mach 2.

Such an opinion was, in certain ways, outdated even before it was given; since ceramic matrix composites (3d woven ceramic fiber pregnated with monolithic ceramic material) were already known elements, and their use in seeker heads would simply be a question of implementation, rather than something intrinsicly precluded by the order of creation, and that kind of naive complacency would be nothing more than an expression of normalcy bias.

Or like rockets that can land the same way the same way they took off, an idea which was ‘impractical’ for decades of NASA presidentation – but there was no ‘inherent’ reason why rockets could not land the same way they took off, and rockets that can land the same way they take off are obviously better than rockets that can’t, and Elon Musk stuck to that simple but profound observation, and made it happen.

This is a recurrent pattern in the matter of innovation; where the exigencies of any given state-of-affairs at a time are uncritically taken as fundaments in of themselves by a mass of folk, whereas a more visionary man identifies a dynamic that promises power if exploited, and commits himself, by hook or by crook, to construing a way to make it happen.

Arqiduka says:

There is no greater pleasure than to be proven wrong when claiming that X is impractical, it just doesn’t happen too often.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Well the main thing is, ‘practicality’ is not simply a randomly distributed frequency, that is irrespective of the substance it concerns.

To bring up another example, in the 30’s, it had long been theorized that a liquid fuel/oxidizer rocket would be able to deliver larger loads at longer ranges than solid propellants of equivalent weight; however, many ‘learned experts’ at the time considered the prospect of such delivery systems to not be a real threat to be concerned by; since, pumping the flox at pressures necessary for the rocket nozzle to work would, using existing techniques, require pumps almost as heavy as the rocket itself, and hence, was dismissed as ‘impractical’… right up until the good von Braun invented the turbopump, and brought the promise of the liquid rocket into reality.

That is what it always comes back too; equivocation of questions of implementation with impossibility of a phenomena in of itself. Is something truly, in fact, ‘intrinsically precluded by the order of creation’, or has one merely confused the exigencies of their present state of affairs as fundaments in of themselves? Id est, normalcy bias?

Quite evidently, not everyone is equipped to discern that question effectively.

Prince Charming says:


most physicists I know, including myself (I am a student), tend to be in favour of it, and at least not outright against

> priestly types who specialise in stealing credit for knowledge discovered by engineers are in favour of things they cannot build and would be loath to operate

No-one is opposed to nuclear powerplant operated by shaniqua based on particle physics concerns; all nuclear incidents ever happend in theoretically impossible ways, which for the highly educated individual only means reality should be taken out back and shot, and he is aghast the unwashed masses form quite a different conclusion.

notglowing says:

> priestly types who specialise in stealing credit for knowledge discovered by engineers are in favour of things they cannot build and would be loath to operate
Nuclear power is one of those fields were both physicists and engineers historically materially contributed, it’s both a theoretical and an engineering matter.

But you are also wrong in regarding physics and physicists as purely priestly types, because in my direct experience that is not true. My own professor works on technology with direct practical utility, but even if we want to say that all scientific research is a purely academic endeavour, which isn’t true, most physics students here do not end up as researchers, as our university sets them up with private companies doing other kinds of work. I was at a presentation by a number of former students each talking about their careers.
I won’t go into detail, because that would be a problem, but all except one were not researchers. Some of their jobs were not physics related, indeed a couple were software developers. However there was more than one working physics related non-software jobs.
One works at a UV sterilization plant.
One at a meat smoking plant, where he explained that he designed the meat smoking chamber using fluid dynamics, and another who worked at the steelworks, talking about how he fixed an issue with the design of the steel mill that wasn’t discovered until production.
The whole event seems to be sponsored by the owner of the steel mill, and there was more related to that which I cannot talk about, but he recruits graduates through the university.
The three kinds of companies that want graduates from our department are fintech/finance, energy, and manufacturing mainly.

>all nuclear incidents ever happened in theoretically impossible ways, which for the highly educated individual only means reality should be taken out back and shot, and he is aghast the unwashed masses form quite a different conclusion.
This is true in the sense that experts will say so and so shouldn’t happen, so the ignorant masses should ignore all the instances of when it happened, and agree with them. Much like with the vaccine.
It’s not wrong to say that this can apply to nuclear, in terms of how some people talk about it.

However, it’s simply not true that nuclear incidents happened in theoretically impossible ways.
And the best proof of their actual safety is the US’ track record which is pretty close to perfect.
There was only one major incident (Three Miles Island) which provoked no immediate deaths, and no measurable increase in cancer in the population (which shouldn’t happen since their actual exposure to radiation was minimal)
Soviet designs would never have been approved in the US, and with Fukushima, the earthquake was the main factor, and in the US the plant would have been built in a different location, which a small country like the US doesn’t have the luxury for.

All of these previous reactor designs can theoretically fail, and they have, but containment and safety procedures in the US have avoided disaster for a very long time for a large number of plants.
Meanwhile, there are new designs which cannot melt down the way the current reactors could, and are therefore inherently safe in many ways.

I’m even going to argue that the consequences of the worst nuclear disasters aren’t all that terrible, compared to the fearmongering, and compared to issues caused by other energy sources. Fear mongering which comes from environmentalists, who hate human prosperity.

Red says:

I kept my last car for 10 years and it was the electronics failing that finally made me give up on it. There was always something fucked up every month with it. Mechanically it was fine but it was costing way too much to fix it.

LFPs is pretty much the solution for battery pack issues. You’ll get longer on the battery pack than you’ll get on the average engine.

Cloudswrest says:

Proprietary electronics are the primary cause of used car rot. Shop owner once told me that Volvo’s diagnostic computer system leases for $100K a year. Also tin lead connector contacts corrode over time causing no end to intermittent flakiness. Big problem when the car is old and there are hundreds of contacts.

Red says:

>Also tin lead connector contacts corrode over time causing no end to intermittent flakiness. Big problem when the car is old and there are hundreds of contacts.

That sounds like my car. I was having random issues that would come and go that was costing a ton to replace bits and pieces here and there.

I didn’t replace it with an EV, but I got interested in them when Elon started landing rockets and the Cyber Truck reminded me of the Halo Warthog. Owning a military looking vehicle would be nice.

Red says:

Wait for the cheaper ones using LFP batteries come out. LFP is a game changer for batteries in general.


Cheaper, very slow to lose charge, life span is 10-20 years with minimal degradation. The Chinese make them and pretty soon a good chunk of their cars will be LFPs EVs.

Downside is they’re heavier and thus lower total distance you can travel and charging takes longer.

Telsa’s starting to sell some of their base models with LFPs but they’re horribly overpriced because Tesla can’t make cars fast enough to keep up with demand so their prices keep climbing.

Pooch, charging up a EV overnight works even with rolling blackouts. Lowest demand is early morning when your EV will be charging. Also, get out of Blue states if you want reliable utilities.

EVs make sense for a daily driver especially if you can get free charging at work, so you should try to get something that’s fairly cheap for those purposes. They’re awful for extended trips currently.

Pooch says:

Pooch, charging up a EV overnight works even with rolling blackouts. Lowest demand is early morning when your EV will be charging. Also, get out of Blue states if you want reliable utilities.

If you are lucky enough for your electricity to return in the morning. 2-3 day outages in SA are routine. Hell this is increasingly common in parts of America.

Red says:

>Hell this is increasingly common in parts of America.

There’s 3 types of power outages in America: 1) Poor infrastructure failing due to shitty green energy crap. 2) Rolling blackouts due to lack of supply. 3) Intentionally cutting off power to rural areas to punish Red voters under various pretexts(happens a lot in CA). #2 generally has the power return to normal by early Moring as demand drops. If they get serious about #3 they’ll cut off gas supplies as well. #1 is also harming gasoline production and distribution.

Pooch says:

Also, on the east coast, it is common for storms to knock out power from downed trees and such and the power companies are just too incompetent to repair the lines in any reasonable amount of time, particularly in the densely populated areas. I have friends that have bought full 2-week propane backup power generators for this very reason.

Pooch says:

In some of the dense areas you can expect to be without power for a week with the really bad storms.

Red says:

That’s generally from green energy looting. Not enough left to maintain infrastructure and spare parts. Their push to put niggers in charge of everything is making such things worse.

You’ve made a good case that EV’s are bad idea with that sort of shit going on.

Need it for school says:

I experienced some of these babies over the summer. Nothing to do with shitty green energy crap – I live in a very gas-oriented area (I have never seen an EV charging station in person).

I guess power outages are a good anti-EV argument, but it still feels weak. They are so repulsive to my unconscious mind that I think there must be something catastrophically wrong with them which we are not realizing.

That, or I need to adjust my priors a lot.

alf says:

Way I understand it, electric cars are the future long-term. No oil, no need for a combustion engine, just direct conversion of electric energy into kinetic energy. It’s smoooth.

Way I also understand it, there’s definite downsides to them currently. Charging is the main one I understand. You need a recharging station, and once you find one, it’s terribly slow. Couple of hours I think?

Combined with the max driving range on a full battery being about, what 400 km, it’s just not a handy car for long trips. Of course if you’re living in the city and there’s charging stations everywhere, not so bad.

As for proprietary electronics being the primary cause of used car rot — I have no clue. But I imagine specialist, fragile circuitry requiring a lot more of specialized maintenance.

jim says:

> Way I understand it, electric cars are the future long-term. No oil, no need for a combustion engine,

It is never going to happen that one day there is no oil. We can make hydrocarbons, which is exactly how Musk proposes Martians will fuel rockets, and they provide a safe convenient and compact means of energy storage that nothing else can match. Even if fission and fusion devices become extremely cheap, such devices are still inherently big. We are never going to stop using internal combustion engines, though the day may eventually come when they are fueled by dimethyl ether made from syngas made by passing hot hydrogen over limestone.

It will come to pass that oil, gas, and eventually even coal, become uneconomic ways to power the electricity grid, but that is quite some time away. It will never come to pass that internal combustion powered transport goes away, though it may become no longer very useful for urban commuting.

But, in fact, the cost of generating power is insignificant for large scale power plants. What is expensive is the grid to even out the load. The reason solar power is impractical is not that it is more expensive than using natural gas to generate power. The cost of generation is not enough larger to matter. It is that there are large scale fluctuations in sunshine, which makes the problem of evening out load far harder. And what tends to happen when a nation goes green is that the grid fails, partly because of unreliable power sources, and partly because the high priesthood of Gaia takes over from the electrical engineers, and are just incapable of operating a grid.

notglowing says:

There might not be a day when there’s zero oil, but we might get oil shortages. Electricity is hard to store, but oil is far harder to produce. Ideally you’d have both. Maybe a small inexpensive and reliable, easy to maintain motorcycle that can run on very little oil, and an electric car.

With a battery and solar panels, you can run an electric car independently. With oil, shortages are to be expected, it’s happened before, and likely to happen again eventually, even without total societal breakdown.

Being able to independently produce electricity is valuable, and a good backup solution for when there is no availability of oil, since there’s no way for you to make oil yourself realistically.

jim says:

There have never been oil shortages. Not ever. And there never will be an oil shortage, ever, though the cost of oil might become substantially higher relative to other good and services. What there has been is price control, with resulting central planning, centralized rationing, and centralized allocation of oil and gas.

notglowing says:

>What there has been is price control
Which is likely to happen again, and price controls result in shortages.

alf says:

It is never going to happen that one day there is no oil.

I meant motor oil as opposed to gasoline. My argument was more about EV’s not having so many moving parts.

We are never going to stop using internal combustion engines


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The mental association of technologies involving nuclear phenomena with large scale installations, is an artifact of the atlantic empire artificially restricting exploitation of nuclear techne in the latter half of the 20th century – which yet continues to this day.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The amerikaner technocracy produced higher power reactor units the size of a briefcase using 50’s era engineering; and things have not advanced much since then.

Pooch says:

Also, get out of Blue states if you want reliable utilities.

This presupposes that red states stay red. Without a Caesar, the entire map turns blue.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Telsa’s starting to sell some of their base models with LFPs but they’re horribly overpriced because Tesla can’t make cars fast enough to keep up with demand so their prices keep climbing.

Rather, that says they are priced exactly what they should be given present socioeconomic factors at play, and perhaps should be further priced yet higher still.

Keystone companies that many economic sectors depend on, such as freightlining, some of which have been in business over multiple generations to this day, are going out of business now, due to unwillingness to simply raise their prices.

In ordinary times, the instinct to keep prices as low as possible is usually adaptive; but these are not ordinary times, and an attempt to keep prices stable in the face of inflation by cutting costs internally is simply like trying to drop a ladder down a bottomless pit. A business owner cutting into his own wiggle room, which is capital, in response to an inflating money supply, which is a matter of programming, is committing a basic category error.

The Ducking Man says:

From regular joe point of view I could only argue it’s higher upfront cost and it’s associated cost (mainly buying charging station at home).

If the joe can think little bit long term, battery degradation appears to shorter than we anticipated (especially on passive cooled battery like Nissan Leaf). And with Tesla planning battery in frame, future Teslas could be just modern smartphone on 4 wheels (need to be replaced every few years).

Other than that it’s hard argue against EV because the ride quality is far superior similarly priced ICE car. I really dig the quiet riding in EV (only tried for short time).

HerbR says:

I’ve never owned an EV personally, but in one of my past lives I had many peers who were obsessed with them. My experience was that they actually drive pretty well, if the ride is all you’re focused on. The main cons were:

– Battery doesn’t last very long, which make them “short-range” vehicles. Maybe LFPs are indeed game changers, but with the current/recent tech, they always had to carefully plan and monitor commute distances or make sure that they could charge at their destination or along the way.

– Chargers at regular gas stations are becoming more common but aren’t ubiquitous, not even in the bluest of the blue. Running out of battery in an EV in the middle of the highway is much scarier than running out of gas in a regular car.

– You can’t really store extra power. There are obviously ways to generate power at home in the event of a blackout – solar, backup generators etc. – but it’s not like having a few cans of gas handy, cans which you could actually bring with you on a long trip if you had to bug out. I don’t even mean prepper/civil-war stuff, just think natural disasters. If a hurricane or tornado was headed your way, would you be able to quickly and safely GTFO with an EV?

– The fact that they run virtually silent means that you need to be extra careful because pedestrians won’t hear you coming. That includes those annoying cyclists, which you tend to find a lot of in the same areas that promote EVs most heavily. And even if that doesn’t stress you out, you can forget about it ever being a pussy magnet. It’s scientifically proven that the roar of a powerful engine is what makes them wet.

– If you care about style, you’re less likely to get what you want unless you shell out the shekels for an overpriced Tesla. Even if cars like the Leaf run well, they still look like shitboxes.

The real reason EVs are bullshit isn’t because they’re bad cars (though I’m not saying they’re great cars either), but because they’re the ultimate in delusional progressive hypocrisy, pulling all that lithium out of the ground being way more costly and environmentally destructive than our super-efficient petroleum supply chain. I’m not saying that because I care about muh carbon – give me a V6 or V8 guzzler any day. The point is that as with everything else in the “green” movement, EVs are mostly about making sure that the right kinds of people get their considerable cut, and by buying one, you are helping to support the insane holiness spiral.

Red says:

>It’s scientifically proven that the roar of a powerful engine is what makes them wet.

The non Telsa EVs all have V8 sound effects added to acceleration. I doubt women can tell the difference. Telsa are high status cars, which basically the only reason to buy them.

Also, the last F150 I drove high end turbocharged engine sounded like a dying chicken. Women love big trucks but they fucking sound like shit now.

HerbR says:

The non Telsa EVs all have V8 sound effects added to acceleration.

This must be a new thing. I don’t remember that from any of the ones I rode in. The fact that they’re so quiet is what most of the EV owners claim to love about them.

I’ll bet women can tell the difference because it’s not a conscious process, it’s probably something to do with the vibrations themselves, and I seriously doubt that our fake and gay overlords tested for that. If they added SFX then it would have been for a much gayer reason, like alerting nearby cyclists.

Red says:

First time I saw it was with the Mustang Mach E, which will primarily be bought by chicks. All the truck EV’s I seen so far have a similar speaker fed engine noise.

Most luxury cars have been piping in fake engine noise for a while now, the sound damping has already reduced most of the noise from the engine area so they added it to the sound system.

>I’ll bet women can tell the difference because it’s not a conscious process, it’s probably something to do with the vibrations themselves

I rather doubt it. It’s the experience of power and physical push back that generates most of the excitement. Any fast car can generate that. Motorcycles on the other hand vibrate just right to get a woman going.

Getting a high status car isn’t a good way to pickup chicks. Getting something that screams alpha and dangerous is.

Arqiduka says:

The back-of-my-mind comeback to the widespread adoption of EV I resort to is that batterypower still hasn’t fully outcompeted ICEs in hand-held garden tools, what are the chances it will outcompete them in the much more challenging application of small city cars? Whne you can no longer find petrol trimmers I’ll start watching the compact commuter car segment.

Red says:

I use a lot of battery powered gardening tools. The beauty of them is I don’t have to fuck around with gasoline storage. I don’t get ready to do something and realize I have to spend 20 minutes running down to the gas station to get some fuel. I just grab the battery pack from the charger and get to work. When I’m done I put it back on the charger. No hassle, no fuss.

The same is true of EV commuter cars. You charge them every night at home. No trips to the gas station, no oil changes every 5,000 miles, nothing really needs to be done with them besides getting the tires rotated.

jim says:

That is handy, in the same way electric tools are handy. If you need to go seven hundred miles, considerably less handy.

Arqiduka says:

Got a trimmer the other day, also went for battery. But the fact is that battery is still not the only choice left, apparently some users are happy to go for ICE or even corded still. And i reckon hand-held gardening tools are the market where battery holds all advantages. And it still cannot dominate. Don’t know why, but I know that.

Red says:

ICE/Corded is generally better for most applications in terms of weight to power. When you get a battery power device you’re trading power for convince. Sometimes it’s worth it, sometimes it’s not.

HerbR says:

I think it is partly because every power tool uses a different battery. Remember your parents having a bin full of power cords and adapters and never being able to find the right one? It’s not just an issue of keeping one battery charged, it’s keeping all of them charged and storing them all safely and knowing which one goes with which tool, which is easy with two or three tools but gets to be a problem with 20 or 30 of them.

Some of the manufacturers have been starting to standardize the batteries lately, so that everything from an impact driver to a leaf blower uses the same type of removable battery. That is great if you’re a first-time homeowner stocking his first tool shed. Not quite as attractive if you already own a lot of gas-powered tools and just need to replace one that’s on its last legs.

Gas is standard. Not just across all of a single manufacturer’s tools but across all outdoor tools, period. It’s simple and easy. Over time, the standardization of batteries will probably present more serious competition for gasoline, but unless they also standardize across manufacturers, I imagine it being in the very distant future.

Arqiduka says:

Good point, although all the stuff I browsed used a single battery to power the whole range of some 50+ tools ( and this had to be purchased separately for the amusement of myself) and I understand this to be standard practice now, it will work for those building up their arsenal now, less for existing collections who just need to replace that one tool.

Upravda says:

> I think it is partly because every power tool uses a different battery.

Not necessarily any more. Bosch and Kärcher, for example, have unified batteries for their all products in their pallete, and there are also Chinese copies of those.

OT: Has someone here ever played Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, and/or read the manual? Authors of the game envisioned joules of energy, in batteries, as future starting currency among human colonists (or castaways) on Alpha Centauri’s Chiron. “Energy is the currency of the future.” says CEO Nwabudike Morgan. 🙂 I know it’s silly, but what do you think of that?

The Cominator says:

Fantastic fucking game, its too bad to play the best faction (the Spartans) has a female leader…

Bouncer says:

Cominator, it was absurdly easy to edit the image files to (for example) show a photo of Austrian mustache man if _that_ was your one concern in that game…

The Cominator says:

LOL I wouldn’t use him, I might have done Mannerheim.

I think the portraits had to be an exact length and width of pixels and you need to reload several AND then you had to put them in a grand faction image…

I was too lazy to do all that but maybe I’m wrong.

Aidan says:

Nobody uses an electric chainsaw to cut down trees, and the problem is not that the motor lacks the power, it is that the battery cannot hold enough charge to do more than a little work.

Battery technology has not changed much for a very long time, and I do not see it changing much in the future. Gasoline is about as efficient as electricity in terms of cost, but the storage of electrical energy is the bottleneck to the technology’s usefulness.

If you are a homeowner who rarely needs to use power tools, battery powered tools make sense, and if you do not need to go very far, an electric car makes sense, but I will likely never own one. Driving is meant to be pleasurable, and a big roaring engine speaks to a man’s soul.

Kunning Drueger says:

Yeah, battery powered tools are largely for Harry Homeowner. We’ve both a done a bit of outdoor work. Can you imagine humping in thousands of pounds of battery packs to cut a few trees? Or a landscaping company needing a 45kw tow gennny to juice the string trimmers and mowers? ICE are really an amazing tool, pick analog technology. Further, I’ve never encountered a battery operated tool that has the heft and ruggedness of gas powered tools.

On the sci-fi side, it would be fucking slick if we had a baby reactor in a backpack that could juice the tools, maybe some universal “nuke brick” that stays fully lit for hours and hot swaps between every device. I’ll buy battery tools when it is in that realm (excepting drills and sawzalls and headlamps lol).

Off topic, but I’m so lazy that I’ve not bought a new chain for the saw, so I’ve processed ~15 deadfall trees with an axe and a whipsaw in the last month. No full trunks, just teenagers, mostly cedars, oaks, and weed trees.

jim says:

> On the sci-fi side, it would be fucking slick if we had a baby reactor in a backpack that could juice the tools, maybe some universal “nuke brick” that stays fully lit for hours and hot swaps between every device

The absolute minimum size limit for fission nuclear power is critical mass plus shielding, which is a bit too big for a comfortable backpack. Can work for a moderate sized plane, or an unmanned drone, though the weight makes it more suitable for submersible drones.

The minimum size for fusion power depends on the field strength limit for superconductors. We have a very long way to go before we reach superconductors near that limit, meaning fusion reactors can become much smaller, but they will probably be rather huge even when we reach that limit. Helium three fusion does not need heavy shielding, so small helium three reactors are in theory possible. I have not seen a calculation of how small they could get if we had superconductors near the theoretical limit.

However the stupendously extreme magnetic fields that would be required would still result a KABOOM problem similar to that of, but enormously worse than, flywheel energy storage.

Kunning Drueger says:

I will stubbornly cling to my golden age sci-fi fantasies.

Cloudswrest says:

Just a note, the California legislature and Gavin Newsom passed a new law banning all non-road vehicle ICEs in the state of California, to go into effect at some point in the near future. Ergo, behold the new Ford F150 with built in 9.6 KW generator. I can see “progressive” groundskeepers idling their pickups while they run power cords and charge batteries.

Kunning Drueger says:

The faster California becomes Detroit, the sooner it is back on the table for reconquista.

yewotm8 says:

Electric cars are good because they are cool and they go fast. Trying to make them anything other than that is usually caused by excessive climate priesting.

The idea of having an LFP battery in one (as mentioned further up) would lower the safe max discharge rate, making them uncool and slow, and make them even more impractical for long distance use due to slower charge rate than NMC-based batteries.

Anonymous Fake says:

Can we come up with a reactionary class model just so we won’t have certain people being falsely accused of Marxism?

[*The reactionary class model has been repeatedly explained to you, and every single time you fail to respond*]

My class perception is that of the middle class, but I’m inappropriately lower middle class and I’m angry at seeing lower quality people (in every sense of the word) making more money and more children that they do not deserve on our road to an idiocracy. Think mechanics making more money than mechanical engineers to get an idea of how perverse our society is.

[*Being a shill of our officially unofficial priesthood, you define a mechanical engineer as someone with a mechanical engineering degree from a good university. Most of these recent graduates are priests, not engineers. We have far too many priests, and Human Resources keeps finding high status well paid jobs for them, damaging the corporations capacity to produce value. They need to be put to work at something within their skills and capabilities, such as Walmart Greeter or Pizza delivery boy. Actual mechanical engineers are doing fine.*]

[*demonization of the non priestly classes deleted*]

The middle class demands [*Marxism*]

Anonymous Fake says:

And I forgot to mention that class warfare is still valuable as a “game” just to demonstrate one’s sense of loyalty and duty even if the classes are somewhat like phantasms in our postmodern era. Class loyalty is a step up from something as evil as Republican party loyalty, or something as futile as racial loyalty. A healthy sense of loyalty is a step towards reality and it’s on the right track, even if the class system is mostly just training wheels for this sense.

jim says:

Class war theory is Commie economics. Commie economics was always absurd, but hungry people wanted to believe it. Now no one is hungry, only envious people want to believe it.

Commie economics is Trotsky, a Jewish urbanite from the big city and failed moneylender, telling the peasant with one cow:
“Hail fellow peasant. I too am a peasant, and I am with you against your enemy, the peasant with two cows, who has two cows not because he is a better farmer than you are, but because he was assigned those cows by your great enemy, Wall Street capital, fellow peasant. Let us strike a blow against capital, fellow peasant, by killing those cows.”

Then Trotsky and his fellow peasant kill the two cows. Then they kill the peasant who had two cows. Then Trotsky kills the peasant with one cow, who is now alone with no one at his back, and takes his cow.

When a commie tells you he is one of your ingroup, like Trotsky, an urban Jewish moneylender, telling the peasants that he too was a peasant, oppressed by the peasant with two cows, he means to get you to outgroup your ingroup so that he can rob, murder and enslave your ingroup, as the Trotskyites killed the cows of the peasants, murdered the peasants, and confiscated their seed corn.

Commies want you to outgroup your ingroup, and ingroup your outgroup. They want you to denounce your friends and be friends with your enemies.

Trotsky’s shtik was “Hail fellow peasant. I am your fellow peasant, and that the guy over there with two cows is not your fellow peasant, but an minion of Wall Street, for capital assigned him those two cows, and not you. And did I mention I was your fellow peasant, fellow peasant?”

Marxism only flies if you can stir up hungry people to kill the peasant with two cows and kill his cows, or, in more recent times, loot and burn the supermarket. Not going to fly when everyone is too fat, but no one has grandchildren. Tell the proles that rich people have alienated them from the means of production, they are going to tune you out. Nobody wants to kill the peasant who has more cows than he does.

Your position is always and unvaryingly that we should ally with the priesthood against our real enemy.

Thus the Trotskyite tells the peasant with one cow that his real enemy is the “kulak”, the peasant with two cows, and that the peasant should therefore ally with the Trotskyite Jews from the big city to kill his neighbors cows. “Hail fellow member of the oppressed classes. Jews are oppressed too you know”

And the peasant with one cow then helps the Jews from the big city kill his neighbors cows.

Meanwhile the Trotskyites are telling the Orthodox Jews “Hail fellow Jews, we are suckering these Christians into allying with us Jews, and when we have them fighting each other, we will destroy them”

And so the Jews help the peasant with one cow kill the cows of the peasant with two cows. “Hah hah, says the Trotskyite, “Hail fellow Jews. Now that this Christian is socially isolated, we will take his seed corn. ” So they kill the cow of the peasant with one cow, then they pour petrol over his children and set them on fire to force him to reveal where the seed corn is buried, then they force him to dig up the seed corn, and then they kill him.

Then the Trotskyite, who never really cared about the seed corn, grabs one of his fellow Jews, and tells him he is a capitalist hoarder and oppressor of the masses, and tortures him with pliers and hot irons into revealing where his gold coins are. And having obtained the gold coins, tortures his supposedly fellow Jew some more, in the hope that there are more gold coins, but since there are no more gold coins his fellow Jew expires under torture.

Then the Trotskyite points out that all the noble work he has been doing for the oppressed victims of capitalism makes him holier than Stalin, and Stalin piously concedes his superior holiness, but finds some excuse to kill the Trotskyite before the Trotskyite is in a position to kill Stalin.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for assuming that wealth just spontaneously appears, and creating wealth does not happen or does matter, it is only an question of who should grab it*]

This isn’t inherently favoring priests over merchants, although that is good in its time and place and scale, but simply honoring the social contract that people were (and to some extent still are) promised priestly careers would offer a better quality of life than merchant careers and contracts ought to be honored. Or at least salary information ought to be nationally standardized so people don’t falsely assume Boston and San Fransisco are actually rich places to look up to instead of poor cost of living traps unfit for civilized family life. It all boils down to loving truth more than lies.

jim says:

Ponzi schemes have to collapse. Ponzi schemes backed by state power have a tendency to take everyone else with them. Fleeing the Ponzi scheme is survival behavior.

You should hate the Academics who lied to you. Instead you hate everyone who one way or another managed to avoid being burned by them.

Academics, not businessmen, not people in rural areas and the exurbs, should suffer for their inability to honor that contract. We were not parties to the contract that you complain is not being honored. Those who paid two hundred thousand for a worthless law degree (degree in priesting) should suffer, those who charged them two hundred thousand for a worthless law degree should suffer worse. Those who acted honorably and are trying to create wealth, and sometimes succeeding, should not be forced to make good a contract conjured up by crooks and fraudsters. They are not the ones who promised naive adolescents big carreers if they signed away their futures on the dotted line for a piece of paper and a mountain of usurious debt that cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. The ones who create wealth are honoring the promises they make. The academics are making promises they know that they cannot fulfill. They deserve to be punished, they deserve to suffer, not people like me.

HerbR says:

He never deviates from the script, does he?

“Excuse me, but I was promised stuff. Where is my stuff? How are you all going to pay for my stuff?”

jim says:

> The middle class demands …

Rather obviously not what the middle class, who largely voted for Trump, are demanding. It is what the officially unofficial priesthood is telling us we should demand.

This goes back to the book “the trouble with Kansas”, the “trouble” being the strange and mysterious reluctance of Kansans to vote for people who hated them, despised them, and when they were in power, economically ruined them.

What the middle class is rather obviously demanding is Trump’s national capitalism. Trump is the personal and living incarnation of the opposite of everything our masters tell us that the middle class is demanding.

Anonymous Fake says:

Kansans looked up to God-fearing capitalism as a model better than godless communism. It was always about values, not money. When that book was written, elites were starting to notice that big business was shifting left because academic standards were starting to get much higher (ever since “a nation at risk”) and therefore becoming dominated by cheaters, not talent. The book predicted eventual populism, but instead what we got was a complete annihilation in the culture wars and a pseudo populist circus show with Trump.

And a large part of my argument is that the culture wars are determined by the composition of prestige cities, which are rigged by cost of living manipulation and not capitalism at all. Capitalism doesn’t work against fraud. And possession is 9/10ths of the law.

Retaking those cities is also a key loyalty test more than building new cities, and the right isn’t even willing to build new cities anyway, and it’s starting to find out that kicking back and voting from the subdivisions isn’t working. That’s our crossroads.

jim says:

> Kansans looked up to God-fearing capitalism as a model better than godless communism. It was always about values, not money.

It was very much about money. The anticapitalist measures taken by leftism crushed the Kansas economy and made the poorest Kansas considerably poorer, and the left for a very long backed away from the measures they applied against Kansans, because of the disastrous backlash.

Back in those days votes still mattered, and ordinary Kansans voted for jobs and affluence.

The left despises and hates rednecks, hates the bottom strata of American workers, and in Kansas went apeshit to destroy them. And hit a backlash.

Because of that backlash, the left for a very long time gave up on economic leftism, gave up on class war, and focused on faggotry and destroying families.

The left has never liked the workers, and always sought to harm them, and when the workers realized this and decided they did not like left, the left focused on women, deviants, and creating a massive imported underclass living on crime, welfare, and voting democrat.

Class warfare between the classes that Marxists pretend exist is a failed political strategy. Trotsky has shown his real hand far too many times. Because it is a failed strategy, the left backed off from it after Kansas and Reagan.

> Retaking those cities is also a key loyalty test

Why should we retake those cities? Cannot retake them until after we have political power, and when we have political power, just cut the transfusion of wealth that sustains them. When they are no longer allowed to bleed the part of America that actually produces wealth, we will let the people in those cities rob each other as they go the way of Detroit.

What would we want those cities for? Megalopoli are technologically obsolete thanks to better communications. Let them turn into jungles where the plains apes eat people and shit among the ruins. Occasionally we will use them as free fire zones for troop training and target practice.

All they are is a great pool of useless and parasitic blue voters. Faced with the alternative of starving, some of those voters will learn to work and will go to where the jobs are, go to where there is useful work that needs doing, and the rest will eat each other.

The Cominator says:

I think I can solve the problems with “capitalism” as they stand today with rather simple reforms.

There are three areas that “capitalism” has not driven price down in…

Medical care, cost of higher education, and housing.

The last two are expensive for one main reason (there are other reasons too) unlimited subsidized credit… I would take that away overnight by banning school loans and mortgages. The price would crash to what the market would bear.

Medical care… is more complicated but in essence you want price competition. Ban health insurance, make it so all prices must be listed, ban the FDA (and burn everyone in the FDA as a witch as welll), let anyone practice medicine those without an MD or surgical certification must merely put up a sign to the effect they haven’t been trained.

Arqiduka says:

College is expensive because there are few good jobs and many applicants, cutting off credit will not do much to price.

Housing is indeed more complicated – and credit is contributing – but surely, you first instinct would not be to just ban stuff. There’s so much you can try first, from zoning, to hard law and order, etc. Indeed, even if intent on banning stuff, banning flipping within 10 years would work much, much better, as would instituting a land tax.

Some.of these issues have obscure technical solutions, no need to go in guns blazing.

The Cominator says:

Credit should only be for productive enterprises, consumer housing is not a productive enterprise its consumption and it distorts the price. No home loans.

I would of course eliminate priestly degree requirements for jobs but without credit price must ALWAYS adjust to what the market can bear. So yes getting rid of credit would crash education prices.

I would ban it on the 1st day shortly after my order that all Biden supporters must register with the new government…

Arqiduka says:

Central planning in credit does not appear to me to be a reactionary government putting its best foot forward.

The Cominator says:

Im not trying to plan credit in consumer housing (which is what our current government tries to do with FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) im banning its existence entirely, no home loans.

I suppose you can go to Vinnie and ask him for a home loan but the few people who go to Vinnie are not going to much effect prices.

HerbR says:

consumer housing is not a productive enterprise

That’s a nasty can of worms you’re opening. Primary residences have been most families’ primary form of productive capital for most of history. A man’s home was his farm, his store, his smithy. It’s still like that in the most rural of areas, and even many office drones have home businesses or their wives/kids do.

And with the practicality and frequency of remote work going up, thanks to to our endless lockdowns and the stubborn tendency of business to route around even the most addle-brained government restrictions, we are in some ways returning to those olden times when there wasn’t much of a dividing line between home and business.

Homes-as-consumption is an inherently Marxist argument, Marxists being perennially unable to meaningfully distinguish between “means of production” and “consumer goods”. Don’t be fooled. Home prices aren’t skewed because of credit, they’re skewed because of obviously bad or predatory credit, and a variety of other regulatory problems including zoning, building codes, “low-income” housing requirements, and more. If it were really just because of credit then the prices would be insane everywhere, but they’re not, they’re only insane the closer you get to Big Blue.

The Cominator says:

A farm is different, a farm is both commercial and productive real estate. Most people are not buying farmhouses and farmland.

And yes home prices are skewed because of credit, leverage in real estate is far beyond what has been permitted (we won’t get into hedge funds) in the stock market since the 1920s.

Housing not with a commercial use is consumption and should be bought with saved up money not borrowed money.

HerbR says:

Housing not with a commercial use is consumption

You don’t know which houses have “commercial use”, and getting the state involved in that decision is Marxism, through and through.

Moldbug already identified the singular problem with the mortgage market, a long time ago: maturity transformation. It’s not the sole cause of today’s housing issues, but if you really want to sperg about credit, that’s the place to start. If lenders weren’t able to balance a 0-day deposit against a 30-year mortgage, they wouldn’t be nearly as anxious to spam 30-year mortgages – and the interest rates would also change to reflect what a normal person actually expects in a 30-year loan.

The Cominator says:

I’m not getting the state involved with what people can do with property…

I’m saying if you want to buy property that SEEMS residential pay the fucking cash.

Arqiduka says:

Look Cominator,

I cannot in all honesty claim to believe that credit has nothing to do with the sustained appreciation of real estate, gor it probbaly does. Someone appears to have said thta “real estate is wirth whatever the bank will lend against it” and may have been at least partially right.

Also, I understand that neither you nor most people here are libertarians. But surely you would agree that telling John what to do with his own money is a last resort, not to be taken lightly and only adopted after all other avenues of action are exhausted. Surely, surely not the sort of stuff you do on day 1 if you could.

If this is your reaction to this one problem, if this is your hammer, you will strart seeing nails pretty soon after.

The Cominator says:

I’m a libertarian by instinct but banking is a quasi state institution not a free market one. If loans in a certain area are pernicious its best to just get rid of them.

Free market Austrian banking is as mythical as the unicorn.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There are few things that more elegantly demonstrate, the pointlessly obstructive control-freakery of the modern communist state, than zoning laws.

An idea like ‘no credit for ‘residential’ property’ is participating in a like kind as this.

The Cominator says:

I’m fine with getting rid of zoning laws but residential property would have to adjust in price to what the market would bear if we got rid of credit for it.

And I have not seen credit for it bear anything but terrible fruit in my life… my bias towards trees of poison fruit is that they should be cut down or burned.

jim says:

Your argument assumes that the supply of residential property is fixed and given – which due to zoning laws and complicated building regulations which enforce archaic methods of construction it largely is. Notice the lack of cherry pickers and so forth when people are building residential property. At the same time, large urban areas are being overrun by dangerous subhuman savages. Notice that the shiny headquarters of our giant megacorporations are apt to have ruins near them, while their staff live a long a distance away.

If people are allowed to build, buildings can and should be funded. So credit needs to be available. We are also going to have to rebuild a lot of urban areas, which have gone to ruin under alien occupation by people who belong in zoos and on leashes.

Arqiduka says:

“here are few things that more elegantly demonstrate, the pointlessly obstructive control-freakery of the modern communist state, than zoning laws.”

Zoning in principle is the least intrusive way of dealing with urban externalities (noise, noxious fumes, etc) thta allows for long temr planning. The actual practice of zoning in this or rhta country has been holiness spiraled, but the baby remains.

The Cominator says:

Throne Altar and Freehold. Externalities exist but its generally best to pretend they don’t. Abolish zoning laws.

HerbR says:

Zoning in principle is the least intrusive way of dealing with urban externalities

The least intrusive?

So property owners can’t get together, look at a proposal and say “we don’t want this in our development” – government regulation is less intrusive?

The Cominator says:

The developer can borrow to build but the residential consumer should not be allowed to borrow to buy…

I agree on zoning and everything else but ive seen nothing good come from residential loans but incredible evil… and I’m not convinced the small potential for good outweighs the astronomical potential for evil.

Arqiduka says:


Not sure I understood your point there. Do you mean that the wider neighbourhood should be able to stop new developments? How would this be less intrusive than just saying: in this area you cannot make more than x dBs of noise, do what you will otherwise. Maybe I misunderstood.

Arqiduka says:

An example of good zoning, closer to being useful than not.


HerbR says:

ive seen nothing good come from residential loans but incredible evil… and I’m not convinced the small potential for good outweighs the astronomical potential for evil.

I don’t know what sort of bubble you live in to make this sound reasonable, but despite the alias you give yourself, all of your actual policy prescriptions sound just like Marxist control-freakery. You’re obsessed with what people should or shouldn’t be allowed to do with their own money and time and want to regulate every aspect of human behavior. Obviously there have to be some limits, but the way you want to micromanage everything is off-putting, to say the least.

Ignoring the elephant in the room – MT and unsecured loans – and hyperventilating about residential housing not being productive enough by whatever blinkered criteria is in your head? Let the lender decide if he’s willing to assume that risk, as long as the only thing he can claim in the event of default is the property itself.

How would this be less intrusive than just saying: in this area you cannot make more than x dBs of noise

If it is the neighborhood making the decision that you cannot make more than X dB of noise, that’s great. If it is some tinhorn dictator living a thousand miles away, not so much.

If zoning is so important, then how did all of the famous historical cities and towns that are so popular with tourists today ever manage to get by without it? And why does every region with strict zoning laws seem to become unlivable for ordinary people within the span of a few decades?

Arqiduka says:

Getting the neighborhood to tell me what I can or cannot do is NYMBYism on steroids, and a sure recipe for the dictatorship of Karen. I’d rather do away with zoning entirely than submit to this modern longhouse.

But zoning in the form of “these are the ten things you cannot do in this area, otherwise go crazy and do not ask for anyone’s permission” is least intrusive approach, fair inthe sense of being the same for all, and allows for long-term planning.

True, cities in the past made do without explicit zoning but the city IS the sum total of externalities and there is a huge difference in how pleasurable city life can be depending on the degree you control for these. Of course, and as in all things, balance is key and there is such a thing as optimal zoning, which maximises the total value of all land in the city.

The Cominator says:

“Obsessed with controlling other peoples money” when before this have i ever been for this. I was against the lockdowns from day one, I’ve never spoken in favor of any shills right wing socialism you are making shit up.

I do not support a free market in credit because its a myth, as the sovereign must interfere with credit there are good loans and bad… and at no point in my lifetime has residential credit been a good thing.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Commercial/residential/industrial’ zoning strictures are fake and gay. Every place worth being a place has always had an intersection of all of these elements as convenient.

If everything you need in your personal life is not within walking distance, your society is dysfunctional.

Arqiduka says:

Agree on commercial and residential up to a point. The cafes seem nice when you have a cup yourself, considerably less so when they keep you up at night, night after night. Some commercial is great, but limitations are in order.

strongly disagree on industrial: you want a chemical plant next door? Come on now.

look, the details of zoning are up for debate, and the operating principle should be “what is the least stricture I can impose such as to make city life best”, which principle would lead to much more lax zoning in most countries I think. Far laxer than the US currently practices for sure.

But strictures you must have, as least related to noise, chance of catastrophic failure, light and insolation.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


The main problem i am speaking of here is not one’s God given right to to live next to a mutagenic teflon plant, it is the general inability for anyone and everyone to simply… ‘do things’.

I can’t speak to you of an idea for doing so-and-so in your building, which you may be presently using for such-and-such, because it is not ‘zoned’ for so-and-so; and in any case, i would need to have gone through an ‘appropriate licensing institution’ in the first place before hand, and also get permits from the local bureaucracy, and observed various regulatory factors, for which i would need to hire further bureaucrats of my own to ‘prove’ they are being observed…

Noone is able to do anything, except through a totalizing entity which, at the ultimate limit, seeks to become an intermediation for any and all things, and that no thing may happen but through it’s intermediation, thus ultimately satisfying the primitive lizard brain insecurities of the instigators of such a state of affairs.

This is one of the three mains streams of that which most expeditiously destroys the potency of a humanoid civilization (the other three being female emancipation and alien immivasion).

HerbR says:

Getting the neighborhood to tell me what I can or cannot do is NYMBYism on steroids

In my experience, “NIMBY” is usually a term used by people who want to destroy what you’ve worked hard to build.

What a sad reflection of the clown world we live in, where normies cannot fathom how even a small neighborhood could possibly function without the cold embrace of daddy government.


As a bonus, La Wik will tell you – mostly by accident – exactly why Globohomo had to destroy covenants and replace them with aggressive centralized zoning laws.

HerbR says:

there are good loans and bad

And you are going to be the one to decide which ones are good and which ones are bad, based on completely arbitrary and subjective criteria.

and at no point in my lifetime has residential credit been a good thing.

And your own personal experience as an internet sperg should dictate how the majority of the world lives.

Man, I normally find you to be pretty on the level, despite the sperg issue, but these past couple of weeks you’ve really been going all-in on terrible ideas, like that other recent one about sterilizing all the women. Maybe you need to kick back, call up a buddy, have some drinks and cigars, and untwist those panties, because it’s like you’re unquenchably angry at the whole world and think it needs to be remade in your own image. Just chill.

The Cominator says:

“And you are going to be the one to decide which ones are good and which ones are bad, based on completely arbitrary and subjective criteria.”


But seriously someone has to, there is no such thing as scientific and objective criteria when it comes to these kind of policy determinations and you should know that, pretending things that are cannot be made objective and scientific are objective and scientific is a tactic of Cathedral intellectuals and fake “science”. But I can give my reasons…

What I’ve observed is giving credit to buy houses causes nothing but trouble, thats not my life as an internet sperg that is simply the recent economic history of the United States, its also the history of the United States in the 1920s people lost homes they couldn’t afford to the banks and voted for FDR. And its worse than credit card debt (which Jim doesn’t like) because people who can’t handle credit card debt only end up poor themselves, whereas real estate debt fucks up the market for everyone and occasionally the entire rest of the economy for everyone. Getting residential credit right is complicated and hard, getting it wrong is a disaster. Given that its a consumer market and not a business market I don’t see where it would cause a lot of problems to ban consumer credit in residential housing altogether and tell people to come up with cash.

To sum up recent history residential credit has VASTLY inflated home prices above other asset classes since at least the 1990s, and reckless use of it was a major driver of a terrible economic crisis we’ve never entirely recovered from (now yes there are multiple reasons for that). So I ask what exactly is the argument for keeping residential credit… Whats so damn bad about telling people they need to pay cash for residential real estate. My experience is yes its always a pernicious market distortion and I don’t see many very good arguments for just not banning it. The developer may need credit but I don’t see why the consumer does. After all without consumer credit the price the average man is going to have to pay is going to be much less and generally he won’t need a loan.

You’ve been extremely personally insulting here… you accused me of being a borderline Marxist (which is dishonest because I’m pretty hardcore freehold on economic questions, this has been the ONE exception) and said I knew nothing about economics because I’m an internet sperg (this is not an issue of people’s motivations but economics), now on the side issue which I was so condemned for… I’m not sure on the issue of what to do with hardcore shitlib women in the event of victory I would say we need more data on how heritable the envy memeplex and the sanctimony memeplex is to determine that question…

Arqiduka says:

HerbR mate, I have discussed these and similar issues [i]ad nauseam[/i] in various libertarian fora until a few years ago. I do not mean this as a weak-ass argument from authority (far from it, please believe this), but simply to say that I have considered these issues and do not call for zoning lightly.

now, re covenants and/or HOA, these are good and useful tools to go over and above zoning requirements, [b] but [/b] do not, in my understanding, supersede zoning. Here’s why: to impose a covenant you first have to purchase the land yourself and only then can impose covenants, or add to those already in place. Note how you cannot ever remove a covenant imposed, who would you contract with to do this? Unless stipulations to this effect are placed originally, or unless some judge imposes themselves – a covenant is forever.

The problem is that imposing a covenant or any other limitation on a piece of land obviously lowers its value. So you take a chunk of value out of the land you just bought, to no immediate gain. Now – and here’s the kicker – the bits of land [b] adjacent [/b] to yours gain a bit in value if (and only if) you impose a rational covenant, but unless you own these too, you gain nothing yourself.

So the “buying up land to impose covenants to optimise value” business model can only possibly work at scale, such as the value you gain in your adjacent lands exceeds the value you loose on the land you impose a covenant on.

At what scale is this profitable? You guessed it: citywide. the only way to efficiently, and privately, make a profit when designing the correct framework to tackle urban externalities is for the King to own the whole city, and just lease it back to us peasants by instituting a land tax.

You may say: ‘you can justify all manner of intervention on the flimsy pretense of externalities’, and you’d be right. I could. I think the urban setting is the primal arena where externalities are such as to completely decide the value of land, making the action of individual landowners completely inefficient. Forego good zoning and leave trillions on the sidewalk.

jim says:

> Forego good zoning and leave trillions on the sidewalk.

This assumes a ready supply of honest competent regulators capable of producing good zoning.

Looking around, seems that the best we can do is leave trillions on the sidewalk. No one wants to live in Brasilia. The quality of the city seems inversely related to the tightness of the zoning.

Empirically, zoning and building regulation has been disastrous. I have had a few encounters with zoning and building regulation, and none of them improved the quality of living for anyone. They were just schemes for creaming off bribe money from people trying to build stuff. I cannot think of a single regulatory encounter that benefited anyone except “””consultants”””

Have you noticed how our regulators tend to become strangely and inexplicably wealthy?

The Cominator says:

No zoning.

People should try to work out disputes over property amicably… if they can’t they should go back to the old legal system for property disputes which was literally trial by combat.


If the challenged party thinks the trial by combat demand is absurd he should then be able to ask the lord to squelch it and rule on his behalf but the challenging party should not have this right.

Arqiduka says:

Well, I did my best 🙂

HerbR says:

to impose a covenant you first have to purchase the land yourself and only then can impose covenants

Right, right… and who writes and imposes the zoning laws again?

there is no such thing as scientific and objective criteria when it comes to these kind of policy determinations

Sure there is. We can look at the real-world consequences. The consequences of usurious loans – actually usurious, based on Jim’s definition which is really “unsecured but still somehow enforceable” – are terrible. The consequences of all other loans are generally good. Some people lose their shirts, but even when that happens, it’s a net positive on society, redistributing capital from people who can’t use it wisely to people who can. And without the ability to make usurious loans, it’s the bad lenders who lose their shirts, not the bad borrowers.

What I’ve observed is giving credit to buy houses causes nothing but trouble, thats not my life as an internet sperg that is simply the recent economic history of the United States

And this is why I’m being flippant with you. You just completely pulled that out of your ass. You say you “observed” it but you cannot possibly have observed such an abstract thing directly, you can only “conclude” it based on more concrete things that you actually have observed. What are those things?

There’s the Great Minority Mortgage Meltdown, of course, which had absolutely nothing to do with home loans in the abstract and everything to do with out of control regulations, money printing and antiracism. Is that what you’re going to use to impugn home loans? Because, and I really don’t want to be insulting here but I can’t help seeing the parallels, that is exactly how the commies reason, i.e. “this went bad not because of our disastrous interventions but because of evil capitalist wreckers”, the capitalist wreckers in this case being those evil bankers giving out evil home loans to normal productive white men.

I know far, far more people who’d have been up shit’s creek without the ability to take out a home loan than people who’ve been hurt by their mortgages. People were losing their homes in the Great Depression not because home loans existed, but because women had gotten the vote a decade earlier and were voting for increasingly disastrous economic policies.

Given that its a consumer market and not a business market

Again, you just claim this and assume we all agree. Who decided that housing is a “consumer” market? Houses are not “consumed” – well, not unless you have niggers living in them. Most houses appreciate in value, not just because of a messed-up inflationary market but because homeowners actually improve them over time, and the areas around them become somewhat more developed, making it more attractive for other people to want to live there. That’s if the community is well-run, and the incentives are in place to keep them well-run.

That’s the point of being a lender – investing in something that you expect to increase in value. Everybody wins. Predatory, usurious loans are those which expect the asset itself to decline in value, or don’t care at all about the asset value, and expect to make up for it by collecting interest on the borrower himself, even after a loan default and return of the original asset, usually collecting with violence, either using private thugs or the power of the state. That incentivizes bad loans.

Home lending does not incentivize bad loans. Most people take care of their houses, and a savvy lender should be able to tell if the borrower requesting a home loan is not the kind of person who would take care of the house. What’s all screwed up with home loans today isn’t that they’re “consumptive”, but that lenders are explicitly forbidden by a variety of laws to actually use any personal or business judgment on whether the prospective borrower is likely to maintain or improve the home, or whether the community in which the home resides has a promising future. The only criteria that they are allowed, by law, to look at, is the borrower’s ability to pay interest in the short term.

You are looking at a system that’s been subverted and destroyed by socialism – or if not exactly socialism then certainly a lot of destructive progressive interventionism – and blaming capitalism. I’m not accusing you of being a card-carrying Marxist, but nevertheless you’re making what is fundamentally a Marxist argument. If we’re getting poisoned milk, don’t blame the milk, blame the poison and the people putting it in the milk.

The Cominator says:

My critique of the fruits of residential loans is not a Marxist one, nor even a Christian tradcuck one…

First the great American NAM mortgage meltdown did have something to do with home loans. If home loans weren’t made to unqualified NAMs it wouldn’t have happened. And once it got going nobody in the system had an incentive to stop it, only to pawn off their bad paper. But I’m not entirely convinced that the unqualified minorities were totally essential for such a real estate bubble to have EVENTUALLY happened. I think its inherent in the nature of consumer credit for a commodity everyone wants and on that note lets go on to another country that had a devastating real estate bubble even worse than we had, let us look at Japan…

No niggers, no spics, high trust society that does not reward fraud… still it had a devastating real estate bubble which priced young people out of homes, made their rents punitive and caused massive collateral across their whole economy. I’m not an expert on it so maybe commercial real estate (where I will concede that credit is essential to a healthy economy) was a big part of it,.. but certainly residential credit didn’t help.

You seem to argue that residential credit bears good fruit as opposed to people having to save money (or invest enough to generate the money) but I’m not seeing it. I see a history of poison fruit from a type of credit that just isn’t economically all that useful. My inclination under the principle of good and bad fruit is to ban it.

Also we can take another country that has never had a real estate bubble (despite endless cathedral articles predicting them) lets look at the People’s Republic of China. China allows no mortgage credit for second homes and while it doesn’t ban credit entirely it requires you to come up with FIFTY % of the money. I think at the very least we should go this far. 20% is not enough.

PBR says:

The common thread here is that the people who have not had to deal with nuts and bolts of local government themselves think tossing zoning is a good idea.

Spend a term as a city councilman and see if you still hold the same opinion. As of now it’s clear none of you have.

Very common thread throughout this blog, in fact: lots of pontificating about what should be done, very little real-world experience of exercising real-world authority to tell large numbers of people what to do, and having to deal with the consequences. Your prescriptions will be taken more seriously once you demonstrate them.

jim says:

A city councilman is getting graft and being courted and paid by “””consultants”””, who whisper sweet words in his ears about how wise and effective this zoning is. They buy him drinks, procure women for him, and arrange nice things for him.

Thus the councilman’s opinion on the matter is worthless. That the “””consultants””” are telling him that zoning is a good idea is the most powerful evidence that it is a bad idea.

PBR says:

Pardon me; I didn’t see the line about China never havnig had a real estate bubble. This is so farcically delusional, given how well documented “ghost cities” are, it quite clearly demonstrates you are not to be taken seriously.

jim says:

I don’t think China has ever had a real estate bubble.

The Cominator says:

Ghost cities are basically the opposite of a real estate bubble, ghost cities are surplus real estate nobody wants.

jim says:

The Chinese are hastily building new cities, to meet demand from a newly affluent and rapidly urbanizing population. Sometimes they screw up. But usually the new cities rapidly fill up. Sometimes they don’t.

The Cominator says:

“I don’t think China has ever had a real estate bubble.”

It hasn’t Jim, various Cathedral publications have predicted them but it hasn’t because of its tight system when it comes to real estate credit.

Arqiduka says:


That’s a prime example of what Scott Alexander (yeah, yeah, spare me) calls an isolated request for rigour. Of the parties in a debate relevant to the merits of zonin, only one has to be a councilman else they are talking out of their ass. Its quite fine it seems for the other party which call for the abolition of what is common practice i 99%+ of all cities on earth to speak without having ever served.

“But they have e experience with getting permits” you may say. To which I wod reply, so what? No one claims zoning restri tions are nice to be subjected to as a builder, so whether you enjoy going through whichever process your country demands is besides the poi t.

Also interesting the you request for rigor would be re something in particulat, zoning in this case. There was a great discussion here on nuclear power, EVs, and even AShMs. Should those guys either work at Toshiba, Tesla or wherever the Mosquito is made by to write.on these topics?

Look, its a.comment section, when people have personal expertise that is great and recognised, but you are allowed do have opinions on the million fileds you do mot work in and yet have an interest in.

jim says:

> “But they have e experience with getting permits” you may say. To which I wod reply, so what? No one claims zoning restri tions are nice to be subjected to as a builder, so whether you enjoy going through whichever process your country demands is besides the point.”

That depends on in what way they are not nice.

If they are not nice because you have to worry about how your building impacts other people, and you have to demonstrate that other people are OK with what you are doing, and you have to demonstrate that you are taking adequate measures to not impact other people, then the complaints of the builder are irrelevant.

If the builder complains that the process is corrupt, that the restrictions are frivolous, designed to create payouts for “””consultants””” and contracts for costly and irrelevant “””mitigations””” that no one actually bothers to carry through and implement effectively, and that regulators are apt to become strangely and mysteriously wealthy, the builders objections are highly relevant.

Take a look at the process Musk is suffering to get permission to launch his rocket. He is facing a snowstorm of issues nearly all of which are utterly silly, but addressing them involves paying out large amounts of money to numerous people, a large proportion of which payouts wind up in the pockets of those fussing about frivolous issues. Everyone who attempts to build faces the same thing on a smaller scale.

On the one hand, all the necessary reports are costly, with consultants in the middle raking in cash, and passing a lot of that cash onto the regulators both in cash and in favors and treats, and the necessary mitigations are irrelevant, trivial, and frivolous. It is a burden on the builder

On the other hand, if you are actually impacted, because the mitigations have not in fact been implemented, but your neighbor paid out all the necessary cash for the reports and mitigations, and everyone got paid for mitigating, even though no actual mitigation happened, and you complain about the nonexistence of the mitigation, you hit a stone wall. The mitigations exist as loopholes and favors to be extended, not as actual mitigations. “Oh, you wanted a real harm actually mitigated. Silly you.” The process is silly harms, silly objections, symbolic mitigations for imaginary harms. Real mitigations for real harms get paid for, frequently fail to happen, and there is no redress. If the other guy paid for the process that was supposed to result in actual mitigation for real harm, the real harm is apt to happen anyway. I have been on both ends of the process. All my mitigations were expensive, silly, irrelevant, merely symbolic, and utterly ineffectual, but I did not worry, because the harms were imaginary, and unlikely to result in a real complainant. On the other hand, I have also been a real complainant suffering real harm to property value, and discovered that the other guy fully complied with a process that leads to expensive mitigations only existing on paper and as symbols.

To see how this bullshit works in practice, follow Musk’s travails with getting approvals. He has 18000 pages of complaints, all of them, or as near all of them as makes no difference, from shills with no skin in the game and no real interest in or knowledge of the issues making the same formulaic scripted complaints as they do for every other deep pockets project irrespective of what actual harms the actual project might potentially cause. Nearly all of these complaints are pipeline etc complaints recycled without regard for the fact that this is a rocket, not a pipeline.

If their is any real person in that pile who might actually be impacted, his voice is drowned out by ten thousand shills, and any mitigation will be performed in the same symbolic and ritualistic way as for the imaginary harms on the shills’ script.

And 99% of Musks payoffs and mitigations are going to be for imaginary pipeline harms thinly paraphrased as imaginary rocket harms, and the numerous consultants he is going to pay for reports and plans will issue lengthy documents indistinguishable from their pipeline documents with a search and replace of “rocket” for “pipeline”, just as the numerous bulky documents I paid a lot of money were strangely similar to the documents that other people had created for projects highly unlikely to have similar potential harms.

Musk is going to spend gigantic amounts of his vital time and very large amounts of money riding herd on a thundering herd of “””consultants””” manufacturing reports proposing symbolic and ritualistic measures to mitigate pipeline rocket harms.

Much of the money he pays those “””consultants””” is going to wind up in the hands of strangely wealthy regulators, or be spent on providing good times for those regulators.

He is then going to spend a great deal of money and time for symbolic and ritual “””mitigation””” of real and imaginary pipeline rocket harms. Being the conscientious man that he is, he will probably discover that any real harms are also merely being mitigated only symbolically and ritually, and spend more time and money in ensuring that the mitigations are actually real and effective. He will spend a lot of time and money on magic “””mitigations”””, from which the regulators will get rich, and will then spend more time and money making the magic symbols reflect real and actual mitigation.

Bouncer says:

> College is expensive because there are few good jobs and many applicants, cutting off credit will not do much to price.

This is two statements and one claim. The two statements aren’t actually linked, and the claim depends on the two being linked to be true.
“College is expensive” and “there are few good jobs and many applicants” are both true separately, but neither has anything to do with the other.

College is indeed expensive, it is expensive due to government choosing to guarantee and enforce student loans, and due to government using college degrees as the sole indicators of suitability, because other (better) options (such as IQ and aptitude tests) have disparate impact on blacks, women, etc, and are therefore RAYYYCISSST!

“there are few good jobs and many applicants” – is a universal constant, all the way back to the dawn of the neolithic: few people can actually be the priest-king, most people want the wealth and prestige of the position. Likewise, in our own time, few people can be [insert your desired position/career here], yet most people want the wealth and prestige of the position, despite having none of the requisite skills and abilities. If your skills and abilities are those of a ditch-digger, and you can’t improve yourself to competitively become (say) an astronaut, you remain a ditch-digger.

“cutting off credit will not do much to price” is conditional on the two statements being linked. If government got itself out of the college loan market, and removed obstacles to degrees not being the sole indicator of suitability for employment in various fields, the cost of college would drop simply due to demand being massively reduced – what need is there for a secretary having a degree in anything, for example?

Arqiduka says:

” If government got itself out of the college loan market, and removed obstacles to degrees not being the sole indicator of suitability for employment in various fields, the cost of college would drop simply due to demand being massively reduced – what need is there for a secretary having a degree in anything, for example?”

I don’t think so. There is obviously no reason at all for a secretary to have a degree, but for every secretary position there are multiple applicants, much of the time so many that your CV does not even get human eyes on.
In this situation, a feedback mechanism will emerge such as one lass will flaunt her degree in the hope of being selected, and then another, and so on until degrees are a de facto (though not de jure) requirement for secretarial positions. Where will the arms race stop, at a bachelor? Master? Until the number of applicants per role is equalized across the economy.

The mechanism that is making college expensive in the US is the same mechanism that is making people go for bachelors, masters and even PhDs in Europe, an arms race among a multitude of applicants. People laugh you out of a room nowadays if you have no Master and even PhDs do not raise eyebrows anymore.

Since you are not allowed to select based on IQ or other psychometrics, people will go for years of education as a reasonable proxy, which will explode the price (if there is one) or the time wasted (if free).

I don’t think such ratios of applicants per job have been observed in the immediate post-war, or even for most of the industrial revolution, the whole miracle of which was that if you had a pulse there was a job for you, few questions asked.

Arqiduka says:

Come on, surely you don’t seriously expect large cities to disappear ragerdless of what a reactionary government may do. Where is Tokyo ( largest city on earth and growing) leeching money off from, or does Japan has the same leecherous elite as the West does? What about Singapore, where does that huge city leach off from, given they have not even a suburb, let alone a countryside? The 50+Chinese cities above 10m?

Come now, the very same cities that exist now will continue to. Giving up any interest in them is admitting to defeat before one even fights.

Jim says:

Tokyo is a productive city, but the underlying dynamics causing it are the same. People want to be physically close to people that have power, and the powerful want to be physically close to each other.

Western megacities are increasingly unproductive, and the productivity of Tokyo is becoming less impressive. Modern communications have made the network effect of proximity matter less. It is less important to be physically close.

Constantine, finding Roman elites dysfunctional, built a new center of government far from them. This is going to happen again, not necessarily soon, but eventually, and the need to be physically close to Emperor Constantine will be considerably less than it was in Constantinople. Just as in the fading years of the Roman Empire in the west, the western emperors retreated from Rome to Ravenna, and in the Holy Roman Empire, the emperors generally did not reside in big cities.

Because the Holy Roman Empire was to a greater or lesser extent anarcho feudal, power was distributed, people did not feel a big need to be close to the center of power.

If you have a numerous highly cooperative elite, and communication is by messengers physically carrying messages, they need to be close to each other to get things done. If you have an alarmingly uncooperative elite, and messages are instantaneous …

The Cominator says:

Jim what do you think about my proposal to ban residential mortgages entirely.

notglowing says:

If I remember correctly, Jim’s position, and this is also my position, is that residential mortgages are perfectly legitimate, as long as the house is the only collateral and the loan is not full recourse.

Meaning, you cannot go after the person, and the house is all the creditor has if the loan defaults.

So, if housing prices collapse, the bank loses. If there is a bubble, the bank will not allow people to take loans to buy overpriced real estate, since now the bank is investing in that same real estate whenever it gives out a loan.
Hence there would be no real estate bubble.

The issue currently is that the bank is only betting on the future wages of the person making a loan, which is both hard to estimate and subject to change, and it means the bank is not taking any risks in regards to what the loan is actually used *for*. With the different system, the bank and the person making the loan are in the same boat.

The Cominator says:

I don’t see that any good comes from home loans. They’ve been nothing but trouble over the course of my life. The whole mortgage bubble and issue of astronomical housing prices could have been avoided if home loans were just illegal. By their fruits you will know them and mortgages bear rotten fruit.

Why can’t people save and invest and pay cash, the cash value isn’t going to be that obscenely high if there is no credit available.

notglowing says:

A house is still the most expensive thing a normal person will ever buy, it’s never gonna be straight up cheap and prices also go up due to genuine demand and people with money.

It’s not unproductive, because you are buying an appreciating asset of value with the loan. It’s not that different from an investment, even without asset bubbles homes will be valuable assets, and land doesn’t grow on trees.
You and the bank are essentially investing in land, and in exchange for paying interest you get to use it. Plus in many cases you’d be paying for the house to be built on the land, which is also a productive enterprise.

I think it’s good if people can buy homes and raise families in them.
Being able to buy the land first and pay it off second means they can marry and have children sooner.

I have enough money to buy a house myself, but I’d never spend that much of my assets to buy a house, even less so if house prices were more stable. I can take a loan, buy the house, and invest the money in an asset that appreciates faster than the interest payments, and meanwhile use the house as if it was mine, because it basically is.

Prince Charming says:

it’s never gonna be straight up cheap and prices also go up due to genuine demand and people with money

It used to be cheap here, and it still is cheap in places with no parasitical state to leech of the people who out of misplaced pride refuse to live in tent city.

The Cominator says:

“Being able to buy the land first and pay it off second means they can marry and have children sooner.”

Men don’t need to have children sooner, women do. Women can be married off to older men with houses which is what reactionary tradition is anyway that a middle aged established man marries a teenage girl at the arrangement of her father.

There is no good reason for home loans. Men can pay cash or their parents can pay cash but in any case no credit market for residential real estate, farms are different because commercial real estate.

HerbR says:

which is what reactionary tradition is anyway that a middle aged established man marries a teenage girl at the arrangement of her father.

Was “middle-aged” just a poor choice of words, or do you actually think the post-reaction patriarch is going to marry his pretty 16-year-old virgin daughter or war bride off to a 55-year-old keyboard warrior?

Because if you meant it literally, then I hate to break it to you, but when women are property, the fathers and warlords will be sizing you up as a man, like an 80s businessman sizes up employees, and you’d better have more on your resume than a rotation of prostitutes and a half-baked proposal for central planning in the credit market.

alf says:

academic standards were starting to get much higher

Capitalism doesn’t work against fraud

Retaking those cities is also a key loyalty test

I am always consoled by the fact that card-carrying leftists spout so much bullshit that I’m pretty sure they have trouble separating fact from fiction in their own life.

Tityrus says:

> And a large part of my argument is that the culture wars are determined by the composition of prestige cities, which are rigged by cost of living manipulation and not capitalism at all.

Tell me if I’m getting this right. You say that the elite is the elite because they live in cities. Their GPS coordinates is what gives them their status and power. Is that right?

Anonymous Fake says:

Yes, that’s right. Call any 3 letter agency at random (not literally lol) and you’ll probably hear a Boston accent when you get a person on the other end. You’ll never get a Texas accent.

As I’ve said, when elite performance is taken for granted (unjustifiably but whatever, we live in Dunning-Kruger clown world) the x-factor for sealing a deal is a firm handshake and focused eye contact. Yes this is is in decline since the boomers, just like everything else, and technology advances, etc, but personal charisma is still the trump card in the world of business. And physical proximity is still universally required of love. And elite businessmen who work insane hours want lots of love, not much traditional family life.

When politicians don’t really rule, the civil service rules, and civil service jobs are presently the product of cities. This can change, but changing it means securing power now before any civil service reform can take place.

Cities with high living costs have great cultural power because potential immigrants start to change their culture long before ever packing their bags to move to the city to get a rich paying career. They only later discover that the prosperity isn’t real and hopefully they stay in their homelands, but by then they are already become culturally “honorary San Fransiscans” etc.

If San Francisco had normalized living costs with Averagetown USA it would have negative cultural power, as in it would actually disgust people. No one would look up to it if its “migrant trap” economics were suppressed like a corrupt company town exploiting information asymmetry that by any definition isn’t a free market at all.

jim says:

> personal charisma is still the trump card in the world of business. And physical proximity is still universally required of love. And elite businessmen who work insane hours want lots of love, not much traditional family life.

What drives the growth of megacities is not that businessmen need to be near each other, but that they need to be near regulators and bureaucrats. When businessmen want to be near each other to do actual business, they are apt to hang out somewhere like a golf course, the Trump golf courses, which are in large part nowhere near megalopoli, being largely built and catering to actual businessmen wanting to hang out with each other, and do deals over an absurdly overpriced meal with a few overpriced drinks. Not very far from me is a golf course targeted to that niche, and I live as far from the centers of power as one can get without treading water. It is a lovely golf course with an absolutely magnificent restaurant with astonishing three sixty degree views, but I cannot afford it unless someone else is picking up the tab.

If you look at businesses in the big cities, they are only nominally private. They are all FIRE economy – Finance, Education, and Real Estate – quasi governmental entities that live by parasitically robbing people through state power. The most expensive residential real estate in New York, the slim towers, are largely unoccupied. People own these stupendously expensive apartments for complex tax, financial, regulatory, and legal reasons, but seldom if ever actually reside in the condos that they own, nor do they rent them out to people who might occupy them, because that would complicate their use of them as financial instruments.

In so far as the value supposedly created in the big blue cities involves physically building anything, which very little of it does, a substantial part of that supposed value is these empty luxury condos.

Businessmen that actually produce value, for example Musk, spend as little time as possible hanging out in these vast sinks of value. When you find such businessmen hanging with other businessmen – well I am in the boondocks, and I find them in the boondocks hanging out in a startlingly beautiful and luxurious golf course, carefully manicured in magnificent good taste, good taste that is strangely lacking in the giant cities.

One of my sons works for a very famous internet company in one of the giant cities, and on top of their skyscraper is a garden, on which they have expended very large amounts of money. It was OK, but I was not impressed. In the boondocks about forty five minutes drive from where I live is something vastly better.

Some of my commentators say that all the best people and the best stuff has gone to the giant cities. Not what I am seeing. Musk fled. Lots of the best people have fled. I can see that those who have fled have better taste than those that remain. There is human shit and dangerous two legged animals in the streets, and the friends of Clinton have an interestingly high rate of violent death.

> If San Francisco had normalized living costs with Averagetown USA …

If San Francisco had normalized living costs with Averagetown USA, there would be shortages, rationing, and quotas imposed on Averagetown USA – which is what happened during the energy crisis. The American oil industry largely shut down because Texan oil was being looted by New York regulators, with the result that normal Americans wound up paying astonishingly high prices for petrol and were unable to buy petrol because of rationing. Much like “affordable housing” in New York.

Living is inherently cheaper in Anytown USA, because land is cheaper, and nearer to where stuff is actually produced. Equalizing costs between Anytown USA and New York involves New Yorkers increasing the burdens they impose on the rest of America, which are already considerable.

Homes and offices are cheaper inherently, which makes everything else cheaper, plus if goods are flowing from A to B, prices have to be higher in B to pull them in – unless you have the Parisian Revolutionary guard going out to the countryside to burn farms down, kill the farmers, and confiscate their crops, as happened after the French Revolution as a result of the revolutionary price control system. They controlled the price of grain, grain stopped moving, so they went out and made it move at bayonet point. Moving grain around at bayonet point resulted in a mysterious and inexplicable crop failure, similar to the mysterious and inexplicable decline in American oil production during the energy crisis.

Price control is always a physical attack by the big cities against the small cities and countryside. If they cannot get value to move from the countryside to the big city with money, they will get it with bayonets.

Price control is always a physical attack on people like myself and my real life friends, who are likely to get a bayonet in the gut. If price control, goods stop moving from smalltown to bigcity. If they stop moving, bayonets are applied. This was a destructive of energy production in the USA, as it was of food production in Revolutionary France, and is of food production in Venezuela today.

jim says:

Why, you ask is New York Housing so expensive.

Well partly, it just is inherently because New York packs too many people into too small an area.

But mostly it is because of “affordable housing”

But why you ask does New York spend astonishingly large amounts of money building super luxury condos that remain strangely empty?

Getting to that. It is because of affordable housing.

On paper, an economist would tell you that the affordable housing scheme exists so that middle class people wind up paying extra high rents so that black people can move in, beat them up, rob their tiny little apartments, and rape their wives.

And the economist would be wrong. Because the empty luxury condos are closely linked to, and largely funded, by “affordable housing”, and have the fortunate effect of causing most of the extra costs imposed on the New York middle class to wind up in the pockets of super rich men on the revolving door with the super rich New York regulators administering affordable housing, rather than on moving niggers in to beat them up, rob them, and rape them.

Arqiduka says:

What I notice throughout history (as per my amateurish reading) is city size being always limited by communications. In the age of foot traffic, cities about every 80 miles or so (40 miles being about the distance a guy can travel in a day), size increasing much when placed in navigable waterways. I read this as meaning that cities are where specialization occurs and division of labour deepens, and the larger the better but communications impose limits. Megalopolises thus emerge when high-speed rail allows one to live 200 km away and still get to work and back every day. Tokyo.

Perhaps cities above a certain size really are expressions of regulatory capture at the societal level. I would be extremely astonished if this turns out to be the case, as nothing seems to indicate this so far.

On the other hand, the points made by Aidan re cities being IQ shredders as well the place where clients of power congregate are obviously true. The costs you have to pay.

jim says:

> Perhaps cities above a certain size really are expressions of regulatory capture at the societal level. I would be extremely astonished if this turns out to be the case, as nothing seems to indicate this so far.

If you look at the value supposedly produced by the blue state Megalopoli, it is mostly FIRE economy, which is all regulatory capture, wealth extracted on the revolving door between regulators and regulated. Even construction in big cities is largely wealth extraction, for example the empty luxury residential towers in New York, which exist to cream money off the “affordable housing” scam.

You can tell a producer big city from a wealth extraction big city by the quality of its airport and its skyline. The skyline of wealth extraction city is not built to impress, but to meet regulatory pretenses. Shitty airports, ugly box towers. Much as Soviet architecture was crap. Soviet architecture was built for the planner, not the customer, and blue city architecture is built for the regulator, not the customer.

Now perhaps if not for regulatory capture, normal value producing businesses would find it useful to locate in Megalopoli. But they are not finding it useful now.

If the luxury residential towers of New York were built for wealthy customers to actually live in, they would look a lot cooler. They look just like boxes for packing in the masses of ordinary New York cattle. This is supposed to be a prestige address?

An acquaintance of mine is quite wealthy, though not remotely wealthy enough to afford one of those apartments. His house, however, is not only much bigger than those apartments, but also looks way cooler.

notglowing says:

> high-speed rail allows one to live 200 km away and still get to work and back every day. Tokyo.
I’ve been there. It is indeed very easy to move around, less because of the speed of the rail, but rather its capillarity and frequency. You don’t have to look at timetables. Just wait two minutes at most at any station, and a train will be there. Even a Shinkansen every *three minutes* to Osaka, which is on the other side of the country.

Every single street has at least one “convenience store” from one of the four major chains, plus several vending machines and this is not an exaggeration at all.
There you can get warm food of good quality as well as daily necessities. The paradox of Tokyo is that while it’s incredibly huge and has extremely high capacity mass transit, everything you need to live is *always* within walking distance. It’s the antithesis of the American suburb.

The city itself is extremely clean, and cleaned every day. Public bathrooms are clean, heated, and have integrated bidets. The architecture is modern, but not quite the same as western cities. Their zoning laws are very liberal by western standards, and the plots of land often extremely small. There are lots of tall, thin buildings. Some shops are on five floors, with every floor being barely wide enough to walk through with the wares taking up much of the space. It makes for an interesting experience.

I wish I could go visit again, but the cruel irony is that now that I have the money to afford a visit easily, it’s illegal and will be for an indeterminate period of time. Who knows if the unvaccinated will ever be able to visit Japan.

Tityrus says:

> It is indeed very easy to move around, less because of the speed of the rail, but rather its capillarity and frequency.

Capillarity? I’m not understanding the metaphor.

Tityrus says:

actually nevermind

HerbR says:

One of my sons works for…

That might be more information than you want to give out, Jim… even with some of the details very subtly altered, the company is identifiable from the description – I am about 90% positive I know which one.

Well, unless you also altered details like your relationship to the individual, or picked an icon from a totally different company. Deniability and all. I’m just sayin’.

someDude says:

That’s a huge company and you would not be able to identify Jim’s Son from that lot. Heck! I have a friend there. But the mathematical chance is small that he would know Jim’s Son.

Starman says:

@Anonymous Fake

“Retaking those cities is also a key loyalty test more than building new cities, and the right isn’t even willing to build new cities anyway, and it’s starting to find out that kicking back and voting from the subdivisions isn’t working. That’s our crossroads.”

“Our”? Yeah right commie.

Farming, energy, mining, and manufacturing (also known as the Real Economy) are mostly now in red jurisdictions and red jurisdictions within blue states.

Aidan says:

Nonsense. Cities have always been IQ shredders and fertility sinks, and exist exactly for the reason that Jim said they do; making sure fellow elites stay trustworthy by keeping them near to hand. Your obsession with the city is a sign of your spiritual deprivation. That the city has become technologically and socially unnecessary should be great cause for joy to the reactionary.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*enemy black pill deleted*]

And we have too many good people who were promised careers as a reward for school work [*enemy demonization of normies deleted*]

[*enemy explanation of the fertility failure deleted*]

Physical charisma matters so much, when you think about it, that business trips to foreign countries where one speaks in a second language still carry more weight than a perfectly translated e-mail. And rich businessmen love “exotic” women. The carnal appeal of travel and cities will never be completely replaced.

jim says:

If you want to argue the reproductive crisis, respond to the arguments and evidence posted.

But you failed the woman question, therefore your masters will not let you respond to such crime thought, or even acknowledge its existence.

> Physical charisma matters so much, when you think about it, that business trips to foreign countries where one speaks in a second language still carry more weight than a perfectly translated e-mail. And rich businessmen love “exotic” women. The carnal appeal of travel and cities will never be completely replaced.

When I see businessmen go to foreign countries for any reason other than to talk to the regulators, they usually stop at a big city airport only to change planes to go to a small city airport.

Business men who create value, rather than extracting it on the revolving door with regulators, are bypassing the big cities as enemy occupied territory. (Singapore and Hong Kong is a big exception to this rule, and so is Macao, but I figure businessmen go to Macao to launder money through the casinos. They bet the chips they purchased, and any chips they win go into a different pile, and when the purchased pile is gone, they sweep the laundered chips from the table and walk away from the table. Same principle as the Wasabi bitcoin wallet.)

Anonymous Fake says:

[*Total fail on women question test deleted*]

jim says:

We have all heard the blue pill before times without number. Waste of space.

Well, you sincerely believe the blue pill. What a surprise. What do we believe, and if we are wrong, what is wrong with our beliefs.

Anonymous Fake says:

You believe women want Jeremy Meeks and General Butt Naked at the same time. I’m being more realistic than blue pilled when I say [*radical reinterpretation of our words deleted*]

jim says:

That is a fragment of our narrative, lifted from context and re-inserted in the blue pill narrative.

That fragment comes from our narrative saying the socioeconomic status in the male hierarchy does not work – that the man doing life in prison for rape, torture, murder, and cannibalism gets hot letters from chicks he has never met, while Jeff Bezos does not, and hot chicks find complicated and difficult ways to show up in his prison cell, while hot chicks are somehow unable to find Bezo’s office.

Which fragment you then hastily re-insert in a more acceptable narrative.

Nor is our solution to this problem that you should do rape, torture, murder and cannibalism followed by life imprisonment.

HerbR says:
jim says:

> And we have too many good people who were promised careers as a reward for school work

These are not good people, but midwits, and those responsible for such lying promises should be held accountable for making promises that they knew could not be, and should not be, fulfilled.

Academia is a Ponzi scheme. Those who engage in Ponzi schemes need to be punished. All your proposals are proposals to reward the operators of that Ponzi scheme, and to punish me and people like my real life friends for its failure.

The average IQ of graduates is today 100, absolutely average, and falling fast. Anyone below 105 cannot hold down an unsupervised job, and needs to work folding sweaters, checking out stuff at the supermarket, delivering pizzas, etc. Albeit really stupid people cannot deliver pizzas, but they can checkout stuff at the supermarket.

If Human Resources injects a 100IQ ivy league graduate into a 105IQ job, he is going to subtract, rather than create, value.

Well the average IQ hit 100 a couple of years back. It must be lower today, because there is no reason the trend line should break when it hits average.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*narrative explaining away the collapse of college standards deleted, not worth fisking*]

But people with formal education need to consummate it to avoid suspicion and discrimination. Something looks very wrong with someone with a priestly education but not a priestly career. [*Cultural Marxist economics deleted yet again*]

jim says:

For a long time the Cathedral could get away with manufacturing more and more priestly jobs, and we now have roughly a thousand times as many people with well paid priestly careers as are actually any use.

This manufacture of priestly jobs is now hitting inherent limits, and we now have ten priestly applicants for every artificially manufactured priestly job.

But cultural Marxists are unable to see any limits, for while old type Marxists had a ridiculous and disastrous economic theory (class warfare) Cultural Marxists have no economic theory at all. They think roofs grow from the magic dirt, and supermarket shelves get refilled by the magic dirt.

Today, Musk owns several times as much lift to orbit power than formerly existed in all the nations of the world. Where did this lift power come from?

Lift power to orbit is strategically significant for nations. It means you can spy on the other guy better than he can spy on you, and you have more capability to blow his stuff up than he has to blow your stuff up, which means that even if no one starts blowing stuff up, negotiations are apt to wind up in your favor. So every nation wants more lift power, which urgent desire started seven decades ago. How come there is suddenly a whole lot more lift power than ever existed in all of history?

Tityrus says:

> And we have too many good people who were promised careers as a reward for school work

I thought they were promised careers because all the useful knowledge and training they will acquire at university will make them just irresistible in the labor market.

The fact that this wasn’t how you perceived it indicates you already knew, on some level, that college was bullshit.

jim says:

> > And we have too many good people who were promised careers as a reward for school work

> I thought they were promised careers because all the useful knowledge and training they will acquire at university will make them just irresistible in the labor market.

Anonymous Fake is a cultural Marxist, and refuses to notice anyone saying anything that deviates from cultural Marxism. Arguing with him is unprofitable, he just filters out anything I say that does not fit within the cultural Marxist frame. Deviating from cultural Marxism is not yet crimethought, so I guess his shilling organization just will not allow its shills to notice any deviation from their fake consensus.

While old type Marxists believed that labor is sole factor of the creation of value, so Mao could shoot everyone that knew how to make steel, and destroy every steel making facility, and then command the masses to labor at producing steel, and steel would be produced, Cultural Marxists do not believe that that value has any factors of production at all. They think the roof over their heads sprung magically from the magic dirt, and the supermarket shelves magically refill themselves from the magic dirt, while the shopkeeper for some inexplicable reason obstinately prevents them from helping themselves.

Thus the concept of “useful knowledge and training” is incomprehensible to him. Does not compute.

I don’t think he, nor any live voter who votes Biden, thinks there might be a connection between Biden’s fracking policies and the price of gas.

This is a minority position among our rulers, but it is a substantial and growing minority position. Cultural Marxists are shilling the left more than they are shilling us.

Hey, Anonymous Marxist: Another shill test: How come Musk owns most of planet earth’s spacelift capability, most of entire planet’s capability to lift stuff into space. Did the government give him those rockets? Did he steal them from Brave and Stunning Warrior women of Subsharan Africa? How come Musk owns all that?

Anonymous Fake says:

[*Non answer deleted*]

jim says:

All those unkind things you say about Musk are true in whole or part, but the question was: how come his heavy lift capability to space is now greater than all the great powers and all other private companies put together.

Where did that come from?

I did not ask you whether the merchant class are good guys or bad guys. I asked you where does value come from.

And trying to start an argument over Musk’s personal virtue or lack thereof, is a distraction you threw up to dodge that question.

Maybe Musk is Doctor Evil and planning to conquer the world. If so, he walking a very good path to doing that. But that was not the question.

Related: Who is the world’s greatest rocket scientist?

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

You are dodging the question. I did not ask you who was the good guy. I don’t care about your point. No one cares about your point.

The question was where did all that enormous increase in lift capacity to space come from.

Contaminated NEET says:

> And we have too many good people who were promised careers as a reward for school work

I’ve said it before, but this happened to me, and you’re right to be angry about it, but you direct this anger at the wrong people.

I was a straight-A student, I did everything they told me to, I got the degrees, and I fell flat on my face in the labor market and never recovered. I can’t look down on the plumber, or the auto mechanic, or whoever, and the fact that you do speaks for your lack of understanding and character. The fact that they out-earn me several times over is not a great injustice. My ridiculous over-priced obedience school certificate does not make me better than them, nor does it entitle me to more money than them: that was a lie that the conmen who run the education complex told me so they could pick my pocket. My quarrel (and yours) is not with the self-employed HVAC contractor, but with the universities, the teachers, the media, the politicians, and the HR departments.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*Cultural Marxist economics deleted*]

jim says:

I have explained exactly why your proposed economic order will result in people poking bayonets at me and my IRL friends in a dozen different ways, as in the past similar programs have always resulted in people poking bayonets at people like me, and you just say the same thing all over again as if I had never said a word.

I am not going to say it all over again.

If you at least said “this time it is going to be different from every other time it was tried”, that would at least acknowledge that I had mentioned all those other times.

someDude says:

**And we have too many good people who were promised careers as a reward for school work**

Dude is a broken record.

Man, this is getting tiresome in spite of Jim’s censorship with editorial comments continuing to be hilarious. It is much easier for you to be Robotic than for Jim to continue to be hilarious.

Yul Bornhold says:

Is still better to live around your friends than to merely correspond. Something like the medieval lord’s household. We’re meant to live in tribes.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*Cultural Marxist Economics like a broken record*]

Starman says:

@Anonymous Fake

Still here after refusing to answer RedPill on Women Questions?

Wordsmiths like you who have no idea where their food comes from and have no idea how stuff is made, deserve to be put in mass graves.

Cominator is right about your ilk and what must be done.

notglowing says:
Mister Grumpus says:

This is basic bitch of me but:

Top of the left trying to wind down Covid and declare victory (and quite possibly developed and released Omicron for exactly this purpose), but covid climbers will of course resist this because it’s such a great venue for competitive signaling.

So what happens next? Can Uncle Joe shut down the Covidians? Or will they fight back and run him over? What will this look like?

HerbR says:

The idea that any faction of Globohomo is still organized and competent enough to “develop” the Omicron variant, or indeed ever was, is pure farce.

Mister Grumpus says:

I disagree. I think they could do it, but only if they could keep their stories straight with each other that they were actually doing something else.

But if they called it “finding a cure for Covid to end the pandemic” then yes, everyone would run away from that to stay out of trouble.

Red says:

You’re full of shit.

notglowing says:

If they could, they would sell it as an effective vaccine and get credit and status for it.

Mister Grumpus says:

I don’t know man.

If I were on their side especially, and I’d found a genuine 100% vaccine cure for Covid, I’m not sure what I’d do. I’d have to anonymously leak it somehow. A lot of people would be furious with me for taking their Covid away.

Fireball says:

A 100% effective and safe vaccine would not take covid away. The virus sarscov2 has little to do with covid-19.

Varna says:

Until the masks came crashing down with Trump and especially the election of Brandon, I did not really doubt the official 9/11 story. After Brandon became prez, this somehow automatically made me doubt 9/11 and start seeing it as an internal coup of sorts.

Likewise, with the kung flu, before it, and especially before the mandates and the increasingly narrowing reinjection time, which I believe is already 3 months in South Korea, and on the verge of being 3 months in Britain and France and 4 months in Italy, I mostly dismissed doubters of the official AIDS story.

Now I no longer dismiss them so easily. Now I am suddenly open to anything. If it turns out that AIDS is a half a dozen conditions that produce different symptoms in Nigerians in Africa, gay whores in the west, and junkies, and the HIV virus is as much “a cause” as today the corona virus “causes all these deaths”, and that the “prescribed treatments” kill people, I would not be utterly surprised.

Heck, if it turns out that official cancer treatments kill people I would also not be utterly surprised. If it turns out the modern western regimen of baby vaccinations really did screw up zoomers and younger millenials, I would also not be surprised.

I am the literal example of the mainstream establishment “radicalizing” people and “turning them into conspiracy theorists” just through their relentless lying, gaslighting, and censorship.

Bottom line: if it turns out that both COVID-19 is a cluster of different conditions, and that treatment kills people, I would not be amazed. If it turns out that AIDS is a cluster of different conditions, and that treatment kills people, I would not be amazed. If something similar turns out about some forms of cancer, I would also not be amazed.

The system has destroyed its own credibility so thoroughly, I am one step away from believing that the 5G skeptics may have a point.

jim says:

You need to be skeptical of the skeptics, for the Cathedral has an army of shills pushing stupid fake conspiracy theories, to create noise to distract from the many real exposures of many real conspiracies.

9-11 trooferism, Rothschilds, flat earth, and fake moon landing is part of that noise. Aids is a real gay disease, it is the theory that makes it a fake threat to straights that is a real conspiracy.

Eighty years ago, the Rothschilds were very rich, and were bigtime influence buyers. But they were merely buyers, they were renting power from those who were actually powerful, who tended to not bother actually delivering what they had been paid to deliver.

Today, they are still influence buyers, but considerably less rich, buying considerably less influence, and getting treated even worse by the powerful than their forbears. They have fallen off the bottom of the Forbes five hundred.

f6187 says:

Varna says:

If it turns out that AIDS is a half a dozen conditions that produce different symptoms in Nigerians in Africa, gay whores in the west, and junkies, and the HIV virus is as much “a cause” as today the corona virus “causes all these deaths”, and that the “prescribed treatments” kill people, I would not be utterly surprised.

The severe immune deficiencies are caused by factors such as excessive use of recreational drugs, and large numbers of blood transfusions. Excessive drug use is common among homosexuals (e.g. amyl nitrite “poppers) and obviously among intravenous drug users — hence the prevalence of immune collapse in those groups. Hemophiliacs have large numbers of blood transfusions, exposing them to copious amounts of foreign cells, which tends to degrade the immune system — hence the prevalence of immune collapse in that group.

There is no evidence that a virus causes these severe immune deficiencies — least of all a weak retrovirus such as HIV. There is no evidence that this retrovirus destroys T-cells. The reason the immune compromised have high levels of HIV is that their immune response is so weak that it can’t even clear a weak retrovirus such as HIV.

The scientists pushing the theory that HIV causes AIDS have reversed cause and effect. That kind of error is also prevalent among the scientists pushing global warming theories.

Fireball says:

You need to relax a bit and that that is not what i mean when i saidwhat i said, just that covid19 is a political thing and without it no one would ever notice of it and all the deaths by the actual virus would just be classify as flu or pneumonia.

Varna says:

Thanks for the grounding.

Bouncer says:

There is a cancer-causing monkey virus called SV-40, which in the 1950’s through to 1980’s (at least) was a known-but-ignored contaminant in CDC-approved vaccines for polio (because the polio was made using monkey livers, and everyone involved in the vaccine industry was looking at the money they were making)… I would bet quite a bit that that is the major reason for the prevalence of cancers in the boomer-to-Gen-Y population.

jim says:

At the same time as ever more vaccines were made mandatory for ailments ever less serious, and where herd immunity was ever less relevant, safety and efficacy standards for vaccines became ever lower.

The Ducking Man says:

Perhaps I’m living too long under the rock. but what is the benefit for Uncle Joe by declaring victory over covid?.

Neurotoxin says:

“Can Uncle Joe shut down the Covidians?”

Given Biden’s recent shriek that the unvaccinated
“are looking at a winter of severe illness and death,”
it’s plain that he and his handlers have no intention of winding down the COVID hysteria. Not to mention his Exec Order on mandatory vaccinations for everyone working for a 100+ worker company. The Biden camp are the freakin’ Covidians.

Fireball says:

That is really hopefully of you not expecting a double down of the madness.

Guy says:

The madness may ramp back up but it looks clear that Biden’s camp wants to end the hysteria and get back to the good old fashioned graft. They seem to think they have the power necessary to do that, maybe just normalcy bias. Fauci seems to have conceded in some areas and agreed with things like scaling back the quarantine period, but he’s also trying to pre-empt more movement in this direction, such as going hard at forever masking on planes.

Faucis position has weakened, he’s less sure of himself in interviews, bothered by mention of criticism. Could be someone’s got him outflanked, and that someone might have worse things in mind than Fauci ever did. I always saw Fauci getting thrown overboard as the scapegoat for it all when this is over.

Fireball says:

I get your points but who exactly is in biden´s camp? Looking from the outside it is really hard to tell if there is even someone in control of the US.

jim says:

There is no one in control of the US.

Fireball says:

No one as in no one person or there isn’t even a faction with significant control over it?

Mister Grumpus says:

You’ve got that right. The Kamala Harris Kwanzaa video ends with the all-caps blatant:



It’s like “Death of Stalin”, the cartoon version.

Ghost says:

The boa constrictor relaxes at times.

Fireball says:

Any opinion if the covid hysteria is going to die out this year? I am starting to get weird mix messages.

jim says:

History suggests that religions of human sacrifice can only be ended by a King or a General. And usually a foreign King or General who does not share the faith.

On the other hand, if memory serves me, the boy King of Hawaii took care of things. Had to kill a bunch of enemy demon worshiping priests. But for him to take care of things, he had to, not convert to Christianity, but to come under the influence of Christian memes. Or at least that is how I recall human sacrifice was ended in Hawaii. My history might half remembered here.

Kunning Drueger says:

Does Coronahoax count as a full on human sacrifice religion yet? All the pieces are there, but I would argue that it’s a few steps short. When we look at human sacrifice religions in the past, do they have a massive framework of how they aren’t actually sacrificing the victims, they’re helping them? If it’s allowed to continue, I think it will get there, same with Climatehoax. But the same numbness, exalted apathy, and atomization that allowed the Cathedral to so fully converge society also goes against them when they want/need to expand the ranks of the true believers. Just like their peaceful protests, they seem to be able to tweak initial conditions and spin up mobs, but they have yet to demonstrate that they can spin up armies and go on campaign. I think they are at that same point with Corona-chan; they can get dramatic outpouring of worshipful sacrifice from some people for some of the time, but they can’t do it full scale.

jim says:

> When we look at human sacrifice religions in the past, do they have a massive framework of how they aren’t actually sacrificing the victims, they’re helping them?

Cult of Moloch. When you burned your children alive in public, you were doing them a big favor and it did not hurt a bit.

Mister Grumpus says:

Multiple faiths competing for top dog status?

White men (especially homos) can still reach the top rungs of Covidism and Build Back Betterism, but they have no chance under Negro Worship Supremacy.

There must be some contention going on over the direction of future leftward movement.

The Cominator says:

Then we should promote the idea on 4chan etc that ourguys should back nigger worship…

If the elite ever becomes all wahmin and minorities we’ll crush it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

With the Maxwell episode drawing to a close, the polygon has proven willing to surrender some of it’s biggest fixers in it’s dirt-making network – essential for it’s coordination – for the sake of validating holy female victimhood in particular, protecting them from the consequences of placing themselves into situations to be ravished. But globohomo will never surrender it’s thirst for boipuccy.

Fireball says:

>History suggests that religions of human sacrifice can only be ended by a King or a General. And usually a foreign King or General who does not share the faith.

This is actually not saying much by itself. If you mean that at the moment no one has the power to stop it i agree with you.

jim says:

What I am saying is that religions of human sacrifice do not run out of puff, unlike religions that promise to Immanentize the Eschaton, which self destruct eventually. And a state religion of human sacrifice, being violent, can only be removed by violence.

Fireball says:

Ok got it. Like the aztecs or the khmer rouge had to be stop but soviet communism just slowly run out of gas.

Kunning Drueger says:

This tracks well with the Abortion Worshipping Deathcult. But I still think Coronatarianism is a nascent deathcult, which is pretty depressing. If actual camps for purebloods become a multi state reality, that will be the tipping point. That will be the pyramidal alter upon which to sacrifice and from which the restorative blood will flow. The vast number of mothers posting pictures of their spawn being jabbed is alarming, but the selfies of teens dropping off grandma and Uncle Rayciss at the Recovery Center will be terrible.

The Ducking Man says:

I can see Covid hysteria losing steam by H2 of this year. The fact that my local government don’t impose further travel ban despite omicron tells me all I need.

But then again, I see something else cooking up. Like China just had city wide lockdown NOT because of Covid or BG is hinting smallpox “prevention measure” out of blue.

Either way, IMHO the current misery may not end at all and replaced with something much MUCH worse. Because in the spirit of leftism, if something doesn’t work you just have to push it even harder.

Red says:

They’re going to run out of actual COVID cases by March with the why Omicron is spreading.

Pooch says:

The recent rapid push for testing hysteria is to make sure cases remain high. More testing means more cases since most are
asymptomatic anyway.

The Ducking Man says:

I can’t stop laughing in my mind when reading that no people my local government have any idea why cases going down past 2 months despite lessened travel ban and quarantine.

Took their monkey brain a while to admit that travel ban and lockdowns does nothing.

Bouncer says:

Despite smallpox only existing in a CDC lab vault (I understand the Russian sample was destroyed sometime in the late 90’s – correct me if I’m wrong) the elites and especially Bi11 Gat3$ have been shilling about the possibility of a (possibly weaponized) release of smallpox and the “necessity” of taking “preventative measures” about this utterly fictional event.
I fully expect for the Cathedral to release smallpox on the civilian population and frame it as a Russian attack on democracy and apple pie – as well as presenting an mRNA (not)vaccine ready to go to “save” everyone from the “problem”.

Kunning Drueger says:

This seems farfetched. Not the general idea, that actually seems plausible, in fact scarily so. What seems farfetched is that the idiots in power are that creative, and that they have the capacity to pull it off.

Fireball says:

The misery will not stop just the economic damaged will send half the world into starvation in a couple of years.

Didnt Bill Gates promise a second more severe pandemic?

The Ducking Man says:

>Didnt Bill Gates promise a second more severe pandemic?

That’s what I’ve been hearing from couple Bitchute videos. Bill Gates for some unknown reason keep discussing about smallpox pandemic. Weird shit you what I mean.

Logically we need Caesar to declare that Covid is gay, but I’ve seen people jailed and attacked by the masses for speaking against Covid.

From the Agenda 21 handbook it seems like will take 5 to 7 years to people admitting that covid is gay.

bomag says:

… if the covid hysteria is going to die out this year?

The travel snafu seems to have started a retreat: quarantine times have been reduced.

The pros in the movement realize logistics: they need to keep the planes flying for this summer’s riots ahead of the midterms; and to keep importing the demographic shock troops.

Karl says:

Hysteria might die out in 2022, but that won’t change corona politics. Maybe hysteria was necessary for starting corona politics, but it is not necessary for continuing them.

I expect mandated clot shots for an increasing number of professions and in an increasing number of Western countries.

Hysteria has been dying out for a while. I know a few people who wear face diapers because they truly fear covid, but most do it only to the extent that it is necessary to avoid being fined.

What are the weird mix messages you are refering to?

Fireball says:

Not here. Almost everyone is masking up and running to take the boosters and scare shitless than they are going to die.

In the last couple of days some people have been trying to hold that we are going all to fucking die so we should all get vaccinated but omicron breaks the immunity of the vaccine and is going to kill everyone but the vaccines work and even if doesn’t work doesn’t matter because omicron is harmless.

All of this even without even me saying a word so i got curious if some sift is happening.

The Cominator says:

What wretched hive of morons do you live in?

Tityrus says:

Not morons, just normies.

Scott Aaronson is afraid of omicron (see his latest blog post) and he’s not a (complete) moron. It’s religious delusion, can affect anyone.

The Cominator says:

Sigh the right is ever too charitable to its enemies…

Fireball says:

Portugal besides that among the best intellectual scum this nation can offer.

alf says:

. Maybe hysteria was necessary for starting corona politics, but it is not necessary for continuing them.

This sounds about right. Objects in motion stay in motion until an opposing force stops it. No real opposing force.

Pooch says:

Apparently even Dems in DC are over corona fever. When even people within the regime complain about the state religion, it may not take much to knock it over, yet still some sort of replacement force is a necessarily prerequiste.

Arqiduka says:

There’s been a strong push this week down under to switch to rapit testing for almost all people which, if sustained, will mKe it impossible to track cases daily anymore. Ofc they can still use hospitalisations or whatnot as a scaremongering metric, but its a step in the right direction.

Despite my reservations re omicron, I give it 2 to 1 chances that the hysteria will die down in 2022.

Bouncer says:

Don’t bet the farm on it – the next big “we’re all gonna die” thing will probably be “Russian” smallpox, so they can justify more mRNA injections and another war.

notglowing says:

I have a feeling it is dying down somewhat, especially the hysteria part, even though my local government has massively increased restrictions.
Funny enough, the EU is mad they are forcing even the vaccinated to take tests in order to enter the country.
There’s mixed messaging, but there’s clearly some people not on our side saying omicron is mild and less dangerous and getting away with saying that.

Hysteria is difficult to keep up forever. However as others pointed out, they have basically won in terms of normalizing COVID measures and mandatory vaccination. That’s going to be harder to remove, though with less hysteria and more complacency it will be easier to avoid.
Omicron is going to work as an effective vaccine for those who get it.

Red says:

I’m curious how they plan to keep it going after they run out of COVID cases. Going to require a lot of effort.

jim says:

Will never run out of Covid cases. If everyone who died within 28 days of testing positive for the common cold was classed as a cold death, would be as “deadly” as Covid.

The difference between flu and Covid is that when someone with heart disease, liver failure, and morbid obesity got flu on top of that, and died, he would be classed as heart failure, or whatever his main morbidity was, and deaths from heart disease, cancer and all that always went up in flu season. Now they go down in flu season.

Early Covid was deadlier than the flu because of inappropriate use of ventilators – you seldom get low oxygen with old flu, so they seldom get a chance to ventilate you. If you insist on an oxygen mask, or get your own, seems to be an ordinary flu. Death rate always went up significantly in flu season, but nobody died of flu. And nobody dies of covid. They died with flu, and they die with covid.

Arqiduka says:

Don’t overdoo it Jim.

My father (mid 60s, pre-existing conditions but very active) came down with covid a couple months ago. Took 2 weeks of heavy and sustained coughing, which then led to 2 weeks of being bedridden with alarmingly low oxygen levels, required 24 h care. Massive spending on oxygen and he would likely not have made it. Finally went to hospital, where he took about a week to recover, from daily injections of antibiotics and more oxygen. He’s never had the cold before.

Most peolle back home have had it,.the vast majority with few or no symptoms. My father git it like a ron of bricks, as did one other person personally known to me.

It’s not the cold, it may well kill some in the at-risk brackets, but this would have required an entirely different approach from what was taken, and approach which I was discussing IRL in March 2020 (you’ll have to take my word for this).

Don’t overdoo the argument, it takes away from our credibility.

Kunning Drueger says:

Prepare yourself for what’s about to happen. If you thought defending zoning got hackles raised…

Arqiduka says:

LOL, I know. As the faggots at The Right Stuff used to meme, my body is ready.

Anonymous says:

How did they give him the oxygen? An oxygen mask or a ventilator?

Arqiduka says:

Mask ,thank God it never became a matter for ventilation, might as well have given up.

Karl says:

Daily injections of antibiotics suggest that covid was not his main problem.

Arqiduka says:

Apparently he developed a lung infection during those 4 weeks, which was pulling oxygen levels lower and lower, requiring ever larger amounts of oxygen to compensate, which by the end of the 2nd week of homecare became logistically and financially challenging to deliver. I reckon one or both lungs became partially filled with fluid, hence the infection, but this is beyong my scarce medical understanding.

alf says:

Antibiotics are for bacterial infections, corona is a virus. Bad covid infects the lungs, but your father’s covid seems to have developed a bacterial infection on top of that, otherwise no reason to prescribe antibiotics. Which may still leave an argument that the covid-related damage caused opportunistic bacterial infection.

Arqiduka says:

Of course, but covid was long gone by the time he was admited, the immune system had done its job. The issue was that although the virus was gone, his lungs were getting worse and worse. The antibiotics were not for covid.

Aidan says:

Likely the oxygen mask was contaminated and he got a bacterial lung infection from using it, hence the hospital and need for antibiotics.

Arqiduka says:

Perhaps, hadn’t considered this. Unless the oxygen itself becomes a vector though, seems unlikely that you’d develop a lung infection from a mask.

jim says:

When someone croaks with covid, it is never because covid is his main problem.

Aidan says:

I have omicron right now- I feel a little low energy but that’s about it. Hit my unvaccinated girl like a normal cold, and her vaccinated family got it worse; the cognitive dissonance coming off those fags is hilarious.

jim says:

It is clear that the jab buggers people’s immune systems, though it somewhat increases their resistance to the targeted strain, it likely reduces their resistance to everything else. If omicron is sufficiently different, unsurprising that it would reduce their resistance to omicron.

Normies are starting to realize that the mighty and awesome Covid Demon is not so mighty nor so awesome after all, and his holy vaccination sacrament fails to do much good in getting you into the demon’s good graces, and frequently does some harm.

Oscar_Cc says:

Merry Christmas from across the pond!

Red says:

FAA is killing starship:


Someday we’re going to seen men on Mars but they’ll be Chinamen. They’ll own the skies while Americans will live dogs in the ruins of a once mighty empire.

Fireball says:

Dont completely discount the slavs.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

FAA more like FAAgs lmao gottem

Kunning Drueger says:


Mike Thalassitis says:

I wanted to hear if others on here had opinions about this, so forgive me for posting e-celeb crap, but wanted a Jimian take on this. I will write some of the key words backwards to avoid people that may be googling about the story. Just delete if too off-topic.

If you didn’t already see, there was a mass shooting (5 dead) a few nights ago. He shot someone at a tattoo shop, left, shot some others at a different tattoo shop, then eventually was taken out by a cop. Turns out the shooter was the author *namoR ylaCcM* who wrote the book *niotcnaS* and its two sequels.

He was buddies with the IDW types, or at least IDW wannabes. Going on podcasts with “alpha” manosphere types. I believe Jack Murphy even tattooed something from the book onto his body, and the author was in Jack Murphy’s liminal society. (We now also know Murphy is a cuckold and shoves stuff up his ass on gay porn sites). The author was always reaching out to try and get a “big name” IDW person (Peterson, Cernovich, Taleb) to retweet him but they never did. Point is that the author was very much associated with these faux-masculine types that gatekeep and purplepill.

I have not read his books, but have read the first few chapters of book 1, and some other excerpts. It is much higher-brow and much more redpilled than anything by the people he associated with. The books are just way too damn long and with my attention span and reading speed it would take me too long to finish all three, so I never really bothered. I did listen to some interviews with the author. He was obsessed with genetic differences between races. Even the Scottish vs English question lol – I think he said that Scottish cared more for loyalty and honor and the English for governance and the rule of law. He had a few other opinions that were definitely quite a bit out there for IDW types. If I recall correctly, the first page has a quote from Ted K.

The author had actually said on a podcast that in 2016 he was fucked over by his girl and his best friend, financially ruined, forced to sell everything. He could prove fraud but was told by the court’s that he had no standing. Said he was in a dark place and the emotional betrayal made him seriously consider getting revenge (which he heavily implied meant killing them). But he instead decided to channel his anger and make the book, “giving himself an out” because if the book didn’t work out he could “go back to plan A”.

Turns out the author was actually using a pen name, and his real name is the name of one of the main characters in the book. The character has been wronged, and goes and kills 40ish people that had betrayed him. Supposedly one of the places in the book where this happens is literally the location of the shooting in real life. So a chunk of the plot is really just himself starring in his revenge fantasy.

The following excerpt is quite typical:
“What if he figured out how wrong you were, pragmatic man; that your ship was caught in a beam-sea; perpendicular to the waves of history, evolution; and yes, for now , he was indeed below you, as you insisted, in the anvil of the sea but he -with the roll of the sine waves of the ocean- was also above you, as he declaimed he would someday be? What if he saw the future whilst in the Mjolnirs of ecstatic air, the ball-peen of Neptune’s corposants and the sledge of the coup de foudre of Thor’s Hammer ? And what if he surmised that the way to prove it was to take everything from you, to remove you like the mote in his own irritated eye; even if to accomplish this he had to remove, too, the whole beam of his own eye? What if it was worth it to him to remove one of his own eyes just to fuck you up?”

After only a few thousand book sales over a few years, and never really getting much attention, he decided to go back to “plan A”.

Predictably, the media are running with him being another white supremacist extremist mass murderer. No surprises there. However, what I found interesting is the response from right wing Twitter. A year ago he had a Twitter beef with Corcoran (who is also a libertarian/neoreactionary type – IIRC he was once on ATT). He threatened to fly to Corcorans house to fight him, or else he’d come inside and chop his family’s heads off. So of course Corcoran and associates are not fans lol. But almost every response I have seen from dissident right twitter accounts is that he “turned out to be a psycho after all”, or things of that nature. Or how pathetic Murphy’s paid masculine self-help group is becuase it associates itself with mass murderers. But to me it seems what he did, morality aside, was in fact masculine. And half of dissident right twitter are the kind that will simp for Ted K or Mishima.

The people he killed were communists, and looked like your typical communist freaks. I assume these were the people that fucked him over personally, since he went out of his way to target specific people at multiple locations. If so, is what he did really *that* crazy? Is he really a psychopath mass murderer. He killed his enemies and died in a way consistent with his own beliefs/code of honor. Now of course, I understand everyone has to disavow what he did, because of glowniggers.

Has anyone here read the books, or know any more about the situation? What’s the Jimian take in all of this?

P.S. I’m feeling more confident in the prediction that we may soon be seeing the end of COVID. Or at least most of the restrictions.

Tityrus says:

Only thing I know about Jack Murphy is that Yarvin went on his podcast once, with Michael Anton. Namefags lose again.

Tityrus says:

Also want to point out, again, that Curtis has been cowardly pretending that jim and the rest of us don’t exist for years now, all the while rubbing shoulders with degenerate grifters like this Jack Murphy guy. And as we see from this incident, the excuse that those degenerate grifters are “more respectable” and less likely to get him in trouble by association does not hold any water.

I’m not mad, just disappointed.

Mike Thalassitis says:

Also maybe I’m just a schitzo, but I thought I noticed a few times where he seemed to be taking subtle jabs at Jim or positions Jim had taken. I can’t think of a specific example now but when I do I’ll post it.

The Cominator says:

If you’re hypothetically going to do shit like this (note I don’t plan to glowies) do like Brevik did, there is negative value in freelance minecraft deletion of low level targets.

BAP made a point how he thinks nearly all political minecraft actions nowadays glows, because in the 19th and early 20th century these political minecraft actions by contrast were almost always directed at high level targets.

Kunning Drueger says:

I saw this blip up on the fourth channel but it didn’t go anywhere threadwise. Also, no wall to wall coverage. To me, that’s pretty interesting. False flags and glowops get lots of coverage for a bit to takedown any associated targets and drum up anti-white hysteria, then fade to avoid scrutiny. Having looked into this not at all, it could be an organic lone wolf attack. Every counter-T/code silver/active shooter course or training I’ve ever encountered treat these like unicorn grizzly bears. As you can imagine, sitting in normie space with the NRx frame on in the back of my head always made those classes interesting. For context, these are the kind of people that just don’t have any awareness for COINtelpro stuff. They would share Q memes but be completely unable to see how private contractors were directly involved in the system of suppression (I assume this is a ubiquitous cognitive dissonance in a lot of police forces). So if there was Q&A or discussion on lone wolf incidents, the instructors just had nothing to say past what was in the manual. They just know they’re supposed to be afraid of this thing that doesn’t happen. Over time, I’ve come to believe that the Flowers By Irene types subconsciously know that it is either negros with training or false flag, even if they can’t articulate this consciously. All of this babble to say, I think both John and Jane Fed live in mortal fear of young white males starting to look at score-settling the way negros look at beef and territory/rep protection. From this perspective, you’d want to suppress any incident that wasn’t controlled or instigated for fear of inspiring copy cats or a wave.

alf says:

Don’t know the guy, but you’ve written what seems to me a fair eulogy.

Aidan says:

He likely had a manful and honorable reason for the killing, which is why, as Kunning said, the motive is suppressed and the case didn’t make much news. A jacked handsome white dude blowing away dirty brown communists is a hero. His “masculine right” persona always seemed overblown and excessive to me, like he was compensating for something, but hey, the dude got to die in battle fulfilling a need for vengeance that I personally feel very keenly so I’m not going to talk shit.

He was blackpilled, or else hope would have prevented him from killing, but I’m not exactly against white men with no hope doing heroic deeds, if only to lift the spirits of good men everywhere.

Aidan says:

Heaven brings forth innumerable trials to strengthen Man
Man’s virtue alone can recompense Heaven
Live Live Live Live Live Live Live

Contaminated NEET says:

Unironically inspiring. I’m going to repeat this to myself at the gym tomorrow.

The Cominator says:

Low value targets are always a waste…

Mike Thalassitis says:

From a poltical perspective, sure. But when the low value targets are the people who destroyed your life? I don’t think this was a politically-based shooting. It is more akin to killing your wife and lover if she was unfaithful. Whether or not that would be a waste, I’m not sure.

Aidan says:

There are no high value targets from a political perspective. If there was a single person or group of people that could be assassinated to make a relevant difference I would advocate for it.

The Cominator says:

Of course there are… its an oligarchy with a weak puppet executive but you still want to go after oligarchy members in minecraft if you are planning that there be no tomorrow…

Note glowies that I’m not currently.

Kunning Drueger says:

“Low value targets are a waste.” -The Cominator, 2021

The Cominator says:

If you are in command of the state no they ALL have to go… but if you are doing this kind of shit then yes its a waste.

Tityrus says:

> His “masculine right” persona always seemed overblown and excessive to me, like he was compensating for something, but hey, the dude got to die in battle fulfilling a need for vengeance that I personally feel very keenly so I’m not going to talk shit.

Vengeance for what?

Aidan says:

Reading up on it, he clearly had personal motives against people who wronged him.

G.T. Chesterton says:

Judging from the targets, they were either running child pizza tunnels underneath their tattoo parlors, or they misspelled “In Loving Memory” on his shoulder blade.

If he was indeed an intelligent, high-brow thinker, that’s no way to become immortalized in memes like Uncle Ted (pbuh).

Red says:

Crenovich is implying the guy was a federal informant. Caught committing many crimes over the last few years, no charges.

The Cominator says:


Hillary signaling the midterms won’t be rigged???

We know shes high up enough that she seems like she can give direct orders to the media (the only part of media command and control I can see)… why would they allow a clean election in 2022?

Neurotoxin says:

I only skimmed that link, which seems like just the usual inter-factional slap fight, but it linked to this priceless item:


Hillary breaks down in tears giving victory speech she would have made if she had won in 2016.

LOL. You lost, bitch!

I said some harsh things about Trump in the previous thread, but bless him forever for keeping Felonia von Pantsuit out of the White House.

Pooch says:

Can’t rig where you don’t have a giant nigger vote bank to pull from.

Like the other gerontocrats, Hillary has now become the right most edge of the Democratic Party and is criticizing the far left radicals for being too radical. She will be promptly ignored.

jim says:

Sure they can. They can pull votes from the same printing press as they pulled them on the morning of 2020-11-04. No nigger vote bank was used to steal the presidential election.

Pooch says:

No nigger vote bank was used to steal the presidential election.

Sure it was, but that the niggers needed to show up and actually physically vote was not necessary.

The Cominator says:

And I don’t see why they can’t fill out a ballot on behalf of every nigger living or dead in Philidelphia Detroit Atlanta etc like they did last time. In fact they take a horrible risk not doing it…

Well they might have more trouble with Atlanta because the state legislature hard stopped mail in voting AFTER 2020.

Pooch says:

Too low energy (no more Trump Derangement Syndrome).

jim says:

> Well they might have more trouble with Atlanta because the state legislature hard stopped mail in voting AFTER 2020.

What happened in the early hours of 2020-11-04 did not need mail in voting.

Kunning Drueger says:

Yes it did. It needed every component of the steal, plus a coordinated national halt on violent protests after the election, a 24/7 mixed media blitz, day and night personal and general psyop to point deer make horse. And it was still not enough, so they spun up a limp wristed political rally into an Insurrection, which then required another 24/7 mixed media blitz, which, though lessened in intensity, still continues. All this niggory diggory, and they’re still afraid of someone influential even thinking about pointing out very deerlike elements of what every sane, modern person knows to be a horse.

Pooch says:

Also required Republicans in positions everywhere to pretend they did not just see what was blatantly in front of their noses.

Trump is running candidates in a bunch of those same positions in 2022. Those are the races I’m interested to watch in 2022. If there were any races the Democrats would ramp up energy and the will to steal, it would be those.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think the broad Jimian Analysis is fundamentally correct: elections will not change the trajectory of the clerical oligarchy. They will impact the velocity, but my guess is only superficially, and will probably act as a Trumpian consolidation of the bureaucratists, which is not a good thing. We want Republicans ignored, conservatives on a spectrum of furious to hopeless, the Left complacent, the Radicals blind with lust, and the NPCs detached and baseless. That is the optimum scenario for balkanization and/or restoration. A return to normalcy of any kind is the death knell of any hope for a future without a Dark Age, at least for us and our kids. I genuinely hope the Left tries the path of 1000 Steals, but I am pretty certain the Clinton wing will prevail, a few radicals will self-immolate, and enough RNC victories will be the Return to Normalcy. This means pretty big wins for RNC in 2022, a republican presidency in 2024 with a chain of single term party trades thereafter, and the swan song of Boomerdom being We Saved the Republic, while trannys giggle, muds continue to march, and the stagnation burbles until the radicals get another shot at Holodomor.

jim says:

That operation proved insufficient in 2020. No plains apes were involved in the early hours of 2020-11-04. It was voting machines and a hasty mass printing of ballots, whose lack of downballot candidates revealed centralized printing, not printed in areas overrun by plains apes, which would have listed down ballot plains apes.

The Cominator says:

But in order that the recounts matched up they had to take niggers who didn’t vote (and in reality niggers don’t generally cote) and have the Ruby Freemens of the world fill out and scan mail in ballots on their behalf.

Kunning Drueger says:

Inner-city vote bank is absent. Media solidarity is absent. Full stack coordination of the Cathedral is absent. Of course, even if the RNC sweeps every position from dog catcher to President of Harvard, it will only delay the inevitable, and only in the short term. But, short of actual politics (violence at any and every level) they won’t be able to pull a 2020 in 2022.

Same topic, different area: Trump got trumped, but IIRC there weren’t a lot of wins at the lower levels in 2020. The end of Show Democracy needs to be at every level, doesn’t it? The American Progress Entity is very capable of high profile assassinations (Epstein and Trump) and widespread low-level violence (summer of Love 2020), but in terms of campaigns they seem to need very long timetables (Frankfurt School, Bezmenov’s 4 stages) to be victorious. They don’t seem very capable of intermediate, sustained campaigns, which is what’s required for under-generational time scale things.

jim says:

> they won’t be able to pull a 2020 in 2022.

Not seeing your reasoning. What will stop them? 2020 did not rely on the vote bank. When push came to shove, none of the things you list worked in 2020, so none of them mattered in 2020. Why will they matter in 2022?

Pooch says:

What will stop them?

No will. There clearly was a fanatical will to pull out all stops to prevent a Trump 2nd term, regardless of regime credibility that needed to be burned in the process. Where there’s a will there’s a way.

There clearly was no will to pull out all stops against the GOP shill cuckservative from winning the VA governorship.

Indeterminate if there will be the same high-energy 2020 will, in 2022. My guess is not, your last blog post points to not, but we shall see.

Kunning Drueger says:

All of the things I listed worked in 2020. They set up the steal throughout the campaign, accusing Team Trump of judicial shenanigans, voting irregularities, ballot manufacturing, hiding/destroying ballots, improper bureaucratic procedure, lack of fair judicial oversight, incapacitated polity, and partisan maneuvers to steal the vote. Then they did all those things, bragged about it, and manufactured an Insurrection as the final Coup of Trump and his followers. It worked because everyone was singing the same song (Orange Man Bad) with no single entity conducting. It was a standalone complex.

Their inability to coordinate without a fabricated hitlerian strawman will forestall a full suite coup. They will most likely attempt localized steals, isolated street violence, and lots of other things, but it won’t be coordinated. It will be a huge mess.

I’ve lost sight of what you’re predicting… Are you saying that it’s just going to be a blatant steal at every level, or that no one is going to participate?

Neurotoxin says:

“Inner-city vote bank is absent. Media solidarity is absent. Full stack coordination of the Cathedral is absent.”

To the extent that that’s true, I don’t think it’s relevant. What’s relevant is this: In 2020 the fraudsters on the ground learned that the fraud can be shamelessly blatant, and the media will simply organize a coordinated Big Lie campaign telling people, “You did not just see fraud,” and the election officials, attorney generals, and whoever certifies the votes, etc., will all be on their side. They now know they can get away with it. They are absolutely off the leash.

In fact the major question mark in electoral politics is illustrated by the link Cominator provided, with Hillary! bitching at Dems to her left: there may be significant conflicts between the Old Guard left and the Young Turk left to add a bracing element of unpredictability: Which faction can do the most fraud in the Dem primaries?

Actually I don’t expect that particular conflict to get really hot until 2024, when it will be quite a spectacle.

Meanwhile: I conjecture the Dems plan to keep the COVID hysteria alive long enough to “justify” mail-in voting in 2022 elections. After that they’ll let it go so President Biden or Harris can get credit for returning things to normal.

Kunning Drueger says:

1 big fraud with one third happy it happened, one third apathetic, and one third paralyzed by the blatancy of it all. Not the same as 1000 frauds, which is what a 2022 steal would require. They lack impetus, coordination, and leadership.

Neurotoxin says:

“1 big fraud… Not the same as 1000 frauds, which is what a 2022 steal would require.”

A lot of decentralized fraud is what they did in 2020; Pres elections are actually 50 decentralized elections.

* * * * *

I was just about the hit “Submit Comment” and I realized this: The steal of 2020 involved a fuck-ton of “Biden” votes with no down-ballot votes filled in. So maybe they were printed at Fraud Central and shipped to various swing states. And your claim is that they can’t do that for e.g. House of Rep elections. It’s possible but it strikes me as going against Occam’s Razor.

Kunning Drueger says:

It didn’t happen in 50 states, it was basically 7 states. It wasn’t seven States, it was targeted precincts in those states. It wasn’t random precincts, it was very precise precincts with in place assets well acquainted with voter fraud. The directive went out from a central place (maybe): Biden wins; first last and only order. How they did it varied. This was pointed out on this blog multiple times during the dark days of post-steal: the stuff that was done was commonplace and common practice. The difference was the immensity of votes needed for, as Jim so correctly predicted, Biden wins with a landslide for Trump. The far larger operation was getting the obvious steal normalized. And that op was truly impressive, if only for how many self-deployed shills activated so quickly. They didn’t need instructions, they just needed to ignore the obvious and stick to the simple message: Biden won, and to say otherwise is ludicrous/silly/unholy/childish/ignorant/etc. And people did it. There was video of the steal, we all witnessed it happen, there were turncoats, evidence, whistleblowers, gaffs, fucking everything. But when you ve developed an apparatus of Dictating Common Knowledge for 50 years, and you’ve got all the elite and their coterie of lickspittles on your side, and you have one, simple message, you’d have to be abjectly fucking retarded not to win. AND THEY WERE, that’s why the J06 rally was subverted (I still don’t think it was an funny bois incorporated operation, I think someone smart saw the opportunity and just went for it). They needed the final nail in the coffin: insurrection and failure to cross the Rubicon. And they got it. But just barely.

There’s nothing like the situation of 2020 happening right now, though if they’d competently managed Covidhoax, maybe. But again, as Jim has illustrated so clearly, they aren’t a competent cabal of canny powercucks. They’re just powercucks, and they’re fractured in “””victory.””” For 22 to end up like 20, they’d have to be incredibly savvy, resourceful, and prepared. I’m saying they aren’t. If they try to pull the same thing, it’s going to literally go up in their faces. TBH it would probably be a very good thing if they tried. I don’t think they will. I think they’ll let republicans win in as many places as possible (that’s what I would do). The long March through the institutions continues. The bureaucracy is theirs. They’ve got entertainment, education, media, and what passes for the elite. Time is on their side if they just stick to the program.

Fuck, the more I want about it, the more I want them to try.

Maybe I’m off base, but it seems so obvious to me that they failed their way to success, enabled by salty recucklicans and disengaged NPCs.

jim says:

We have long had lots of decentralized ad hoc fraud.

2020 was different in that fraud had centralized planning, command and control, and centralized logistics.

Stuff that gets centralized does not get decentralized, short of the center falling apart.

From here on, every federal election will be nationally fraudulent, in the way that an ever increasing number of local federal elections have been locally fraudulent.

From here on, voting harder is not going to work, nor will local actions about local fraud affect the federal election outcome.

That is organizational inertia 101. National fraud can only be addressed by a national level organization, not by local organizations, who will find their local efforts federally overruled as voter suppression, and will get thugs bused in by antifa, backed by federal cops, rather than local thugs and local cops.

jim says:

>It didn’t happen in 50 states, it was basically 7 states. It wasn’t seven States, it was targeted precincts in those states.

It was one big federal fraud operation, not local retail fraud.

The narrative you are starting with sounds like “just a few rotten apples” Every single federal electorate as been bombed with Somalis, to give every single federal electorate a local fortress of fraud.

Local fraud operations are centrally directed and coordinated with mass federal importation of Africans to strategic local positions.

Federal fraud started up under Obama. In the early hours of 2020-11-04, became spectacularly visible to everyone.

This is different.

Kunning Drueger says:

Okay, I think I get what you’re saying. And my position remains, so this is the crux of our disagreement (please clarify/correct if I’m wrong): you think there is a somewhat static, somewhat coherent, in-place cabal that will dictate who wins federal elections; I think it was a one-off marriage of convenience that fell apart a week or so after the inauguration. I don’t know how we decide which is correct. There’s the presidency and the Senate, and then near countless secretariats, judgeships, administrators, investigators, and attorneys (plus generalships, chieftaincies, directors, bureau chiefs plus temporary positions, adjutants, assistants, and assistants-to…), and ALL of this will be centrally coordinated?

I think it’s a cabal of cabals; geriatrics, old hands, influential ghosts, cadres, committees, organizations, and interest groups with little coordination and a wide range of interests that all sorta kinda overlapped. I don’t think that’s something that stays intact without a very real and visible bloodletting.

Pooch says:

As I’ve stated in the past, the election of 2020 was fortified to save democracy (their own words) from Trump. Now that democracy is safe again, fortification is no longer needed. If/When Trump runs again in 2024, democracy again is at stake…

The benefit of being in a media run state is that our enemy tells us exactly what they are going to do…

Kunning Drueger says:

Ok, Pooch, let’s say you’re right (I actually agree but needs must…). The fortification was a resounding success. Hitler has been defeated. Middle Earth is safe for democracy…

So let’s go ahead and disband the army, sell off the guns for tractors, and get back to our isolationist ways, right? Or, or, and I’m just going to throw this out there… Maybe our democracy isn’t as safe and secure as we thought it was? Maybe there are other threats, some very close and obvious? As well, we really got caught off guard by that whole One Caliber to Rule Them All thing, maybe there are threats we don’t know about? Probably best to keep the band together and crank out a few more albums. You know, for Democracy.

Shitty aside aside, if there was a capable cabal of powercuck cunts that orchestrated 2020 Steal, why would they disband and stop pulling strings? The 900 member Zoom call and/or J06 was the last act of that union, and it has been a power struggle ever since. I mean, c’mon man, surrendering VA, a bell weather swing state to an unknown business man after they just defeated the most well known business man? If the all powerful cabal existed, they would have continued redefining reality at the point of a pen, they wouldn’t have tried to go back to business as usual. But it looks a lot like they tried to go back to business as usual. They’re only now trying to indict Trump (which seems like a misperception about the height of fruit, and the freshness thereof.

jim says:

> But it looks a lot like they tried to go back to business as usual

Indeed they are trying to get back to business as usual. So were the Girond and the Kadets.

They have already decided that 2022 will be a normal election. It is unlikely that it will be a normal election.

Pooch says:

Indeed they are trying to get back to business as usual. So were the Girond and the Kadets.

The Russian provisional republic lasted what? 5 months?The 4th Republic of America is going on 75+ years strong.

jim says:

> The 4th Republic of America is going on 75+ years strong.


I don’t think so.

Neurotoxin says:

Whether the 2020 fraud was centralized or decentralized, I’m still just not seeing why they can’t repeat it in 2022.

One response might be this:
“The entire House is up for grabs every 2 years. You can do fraud in 7 key districts in 7 key states more easily than in all 435 (or whatever number) House races.”

My response to that is: They don’t need to do it in all House races; just in enough to retain a majority. That could be a pretty small number. In fact, given the GOP tendency to treason and cuck, the Dems realistically don’t even need a majority, just to get close to a majority.

Not sure who’s facing re-election in the Senate (where only ~1/3 of it faces re-election each time), but I doubt they’d need to do a prohibitively large amount of fraud to get control of that either.

Starman says:


“who will find their local efforts federally overruled as voter suppression, and will get thugs bused in by antifa, backed by federal cops, rather than local thugs and local cops.”

Federal cops are too small.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Simultaneously, too small, and also too ‘large’.


Starman says:


“Simultaneously, too small, and also too ‘large’.


Ah, now that makes sense for them to compensate for their small numbers.🤣

Kunning Drueger says:

Thank you, St. John. You just made my night.

The Cominator says:

The fraud was centrally coordinated though executed locally in very corrupt precints of very corrupt swing state cities.

Hence they stopped counting in so many states simeltaneously around I think 8:30 or 9:00PM (EST) and resumed around 3 in the morning… with huge bloc votes in the corrupt dem controlled cities.

Pooch says:

I clearly remember either shortly before or after Arizona being called, Biden comes out to what most think is a concession speech, being down by hundreds of thousands votes in every battleground state, and calls his shot like Babe Ruth the exact states he’ll win which ends up playing out exactly like he predicted. This shows central planning.

Aidan says:

They need a nigger vote bank because the fake ballots need to be printed with the names of real niggers, alive or dead, who are sitting in section 8 housing smoking weed instead of going out to the polls. They also need corrupt districts that use violence to exclude poll watchers.

They may have the capacity to commit fraud in districts lacking these, because GOP state legislatures will roll over and certify blatantly fraudulent elections, but it seems like they are a little afraid to push their luck. They can and will steal statewide and national elections because of their operating with impunity in big cities, but they won’t necessarily stretch it to other counties.

Central planning, but executed by existing party fraud machines on the ground, which the Democrats lack in Amerikaner areas for House races. My prediction is a blue senate and a massively red house in 22, for what it matters, which is not much.

jim says:

> They need a nigger vote bank because the fake ballots need to be printed with the names of real niggers, alive or dead, who are sitting in section 8 housing smoking weed instead of going out to the polls.

Starting with president Obama, and resuming with supposed president Biden, they have been inserting such banks in every federal electorate, bringing large numbers of blacks in from Africa.

Kunning Drueger says:

Maybe into blue controlled areas, but that wouldn’t matter, because they’re already controlled by Big Blue. Where is this happening in red or contested areas?

jim says:

They are worried about a confrontation that winds up looking like Kenosha. To this end, they are mass importing criminals from overseas, mostly from latin American gangs that have been on the losing end of gang wars, partly blacks or people of mixed black and arab blood, and depositing them at strategic locations within each federal electorate, to create no go zones within each federal electorate.

At some point a woke faction that focuses on granting blacks aristocratic rights over white peasants may well find that this can be more usefully applied for the purpose of winning elections against the gerontocrats than can woke over perverts and whores.

Mike Thalassitis says:

According to Bannon there is redistricting shenanigans going on and the republicans are cucking as usual. I don’t really know how any of that works to be honest, but maybe the dems are happy to play the underdog for the purpose of these kind of things. If they seem like they’re going to lose decisively in 2022, GOP more likely to let stuff like this off?

Pooch says:

Because the policies of both parties are ultimately not much different, the Cathedral is fine with them taking their turns to shove taxpayer money into their pockets for the benefit of creating the optical illusion of “democracy”.

Red says:

The most important races are the Soro’s DA positions. And so far they’re winning every primary despite being massively unpopular and will cake walk to victory in blue areas. Democracy is dead, they’re just trying to keep the faith in it going.

Pooch says:

Democracy has been dead since FDR. Trump is trying to resurrect it which I think has not been resolved yet until he’s king or in jail.

Red says:

Trump’s on track to end up as a Cathedral shill. Most of the horror’s the Dems are putting us through where also done by Trump(let black prisoners go, massive inflation, Shitty vaxes, DOJ abusing people left and right, etc). How’s he going to be a real opposition candidate when he’s running around sucking cathedral cock?

Pooch says:

You actually think did Trump anything while in office? To think so would mean Trump had power over the executive branch. It was obvious he did not. Trump’s actions were the equivalent to what fish feel like 100 ft deep while waves crash on the surface. Maybe it moves you half a centimeter.

The Cominator says:

Trump didn’t take power, but he did manage to make the economy much much better until he cucked to the corona hoax (I was one of the few who opposed it from the 1st… the only world leaders with me unfortunately were Bolsonarno and Shinzo Abe).

G.T. Chesterton says:

Girlfriend wants to start a family with him, but his 2 kids by his ex-wife are an obstacle. So, naturally, he drops them 15 stories out a window.
At least China’s justice system works.

The Ducking Man says:

I am fan of dark horror genre movie but this shit right here is beyond fucked up. Dude didn’t even display genuine grief.

Tityrus says:

To be fair, that is a fine looking girl. Not excusing him, but I can understand that he didn’t want to lose her.

The Cominator says:

This is overvaluing a piece of pussy to the point of insanity…

You can mock my stripperbanging ways all you want but it keeps me from ever being crazy enough to overvalue pussy like this.

Arqiduka says:

For the record, I don’t think ill of your stripperbanging ways at all, except to the degree that these may keep you from seeking a wife of sorts.

On which note, have you considered sperm banks? I read purebloods go for a premium these days, and uncle Darwin does not care.

f6187 says:

… sperm banks

That could be a nice trick, but many men would object to their children being raised by strangers — or worse, by very sick and twisted strangers.

Arqiduka says:

Reasonable point. Assign some probability to that scenario, even 99% if you deem. One less that still beats zero though

G.T. Chesterton says:

sperm banks?
Two words:
– Lesbians
– Niggers

someDude says:

Mocking your whore-banging ways is just our way of saving we love you.

No one mocks your stripper banging ways.

Aidan says:

“His girlfriend pressured him into getting rid of them, even cutting her wrists on the day in question to show her frustration at not being able to start a new family with him.”

More willing to kill his kids than smack some sense into her. When a woman hurts herself, she is asking for you to hurt her instead.

Red says:

>More willing to kill his kids than smack some sense into her. When a woman hurts herself, she is asking for you to hurt her instead.

Learned that one the hard way. Best part is was being accused of inflecting her self harm. Why would she do that to herself? Back then my answer was she’s crazy, but in retrospective it’s clear she just wanted me to strike her and thus take control of her.

Arqiduka says:

Jim, commenters, lurkers, gentlemen – even what shills remain – I wish you all a Happy New Year, and may it bring better health and luck in copious amounts, for all these will be needed. Gëzuar për shumë vjet!

Arqiduka says:

Apparently it is now becoming respectable to say that climate change is not going to be the end of the world. Further indication of war among lefties?


Tityrus says:

If you look at the bio, that twitter account is “a @CatoInstitute project”. Not left wing. Clever of them to run an account that looks convincingly like a progressive reptilian organization and use it to subtly push back against progressivism.

Arqiduka says:

I stand corrected.

Still, solid mainstream right, wonder how they got the idea they could run with stuff like this.

Kunning Drueger says:

Long ago, in a different life, I remember doing shots with a few Cato interns and fellow-types. After drink 2 or 3, you watch them turn into progressives. Looking back, I realize it was probably all in an attempt to bang the qt3.14 interness or her NGO friends, but that is the attack vector. In any given group, the unowned female in a professional setting will always bend sentiment towards nominal compassionism, which is just progressivism with extra steps. As we learned with the Federalist Society, if they’re relevant, they’re converged, or near as makes no difference.

Red says:

The Cato institute was funded by people trying to use the outer party to reduce taxes buy sucking dissidence against the Cathedral. The people working there are just hired guns for the most part.

Kunning Drueger says:

Jim, I read the Wikipedia write up in flywheel energy storage (it seems like an older entry), but I am no engineer and obviously more of a dreamer than a doer, so apologies if this is a moronpost.

FES seems to be used in lieu of grid power as a defense against overdrawing/causing brownouts. They seem to provide a lot of power very quickly. What about consistent supply over time? Instead of providing (stupidity incoming) bunches of ekeltricity bubbles all at once, can the provide lower amounts over longer periods? Conservation principles dictate there’s no free lunch, so grid power has to be invested to spin them up, but can they be “trickle charged,” like having banks of FES units attached to water/wind/pumped storage, and as they get to peak RPM, those units get sent off to work? I may be missing the mark completely, but it seems like the electricity applied is stored mechanically in the spinning rotors, which exist in a vacuum chamber. If flywheel structures in vacuum are then mounted in a gimble configuration, could the spinning wheels be carried around, or do they have to stay mounted somewhere and the thing needing energy moved to them? Also, what is the min/max parameter of a FES system? Can they be small, like a stack of skateboard wheels inside something like a really beefy coffee thermos, or do the have to be big disks?

The pictures and text on the wik page, as well as the “ingredients” in terms of fabrication, make the whole thing seem ripe for loss to diversity introduction into industry. I imagine there are really big problems if magnets are irregular, metals aren’t smelted properly, the kind of thing incompetent or poorly trained people do by default.

Isn’t this tech pretty old? Why was it not researched and developed further?

Arqiduka says:

Flywheels are fucking rad

jim says:

> Isn’t this [flywheel] tech pretty old? Why was it not researched and developed further?

It is very old, and very widely used, and has been for a very long time. Every electricity grid is stabilized by flywheel power, though as greenies take over a grid that they do not understand, it tends to be neglected and eventually abandoned. The greenies don’t understand what the flywheels are doing.

It is being developed further, but it is just not competitive with batteries for long term energy storage.

A flywheel is just a lot heavier than even a lead acid battery for the same amount of power, in part because of the need for heavy containment.

If placed in vehicle, has to have its axis free to rotate relative to the vehicle, which creates mechanical complexity, which can wear and fail.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The procession of flywheels can actually be an advantage in certain special cases, such as satellites, where they may serve as both power sinks and means of maneuvering.

Anothername says:

*[unintelligible marxism deleted]*

What happens here is that the cognitively far superior capitalist upper classes took Spandrell’s idea of bioleninism and turned it into a weapon of the capitalist upper class.
Masterful social engineering, encompassing the West&now even Japan.

alf says:

Jim feel free to retroactively censor or let me know if I’m too approve happy.

Masterful social engineering

Shill narrative.

“oh our genius elites! They are so evil, but so genius! Does their evil genius know no bounds?”

Well, they’re evil, yes. But they’re also dumb. Not as dumb as bricks, but getting there. Emancipating blacks and women has been a fine way for taking away power from God fearing Christians, but like all deals with the devil, he never upholds his end. No matter how many shills screech ‘this is all part of the master plan’, it is obvious that our elite is unable to execute any coherent plan. Take the latest white house christmas message:

For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.

Does that sound like masterful social engineering? Sounds rather like a woman throwing a hissy fit.

In the end, our elite will find that it has sawed off the branch on which it thought itself invincible, and everyone will be worse for it.

pyrrhus says:

Exactly Alf, there’s a strong flavor of hysteria that makes the whole message risible even to supporters….

jim says:

Alf chose to allow this through, so that he could respond.

Putting you back on moderation pending you passing the Soros shill test., and, new for Cultural Marxists, the Musk test.

Today, Musk owns most of the power to lift stuff to orbit, owns several times as much lift to orbit power than formerly existed in all the nations of the world. Where did this lift power come from?

Lift power to orbit is strategically significant for nations. It means you can spy on the other guy better than he can spy on you, and you have more capability to blow his stuff up than he has to blow your stuff up, which means that even if no one starts blowing stuff up, negotiations are apt to wind up in favor of the nation with more power to lift stuff to orbit. So every nation wants more lift power, which urgent desire started seven decades ago. How come there is now suddenly a whole lot more lift power than ever existed in all of history, most of it personally owned by Musk?

And personally supervised in detail by Musk, who often winds up sleeping on the factory floor, while nonetheless being able to father his numerous and impressively capable sons.

alf says:

Alf chose to allow this through, so that he could respond.

Haha cool. I figured to re-censor most of it anyway.

jim says:

Nah, let it stand. What is done is done. One shill post is not going to overwhelm us. It is when you let the sock puppets brigade that they gain control of the cultural space.

Feel free to allow moderate amounts of shill content through. I am not paranoid about them. It is just when they can start brigading, they take over.

Also, I want to know if cultural Marxist shills are under the authority of the same organization as Soros shills. Is it one organization, two script writers, or two organizations? Shills inadvertently but unavoidably leak information about how they are organized. The troofers can say bad things about all three letter agencies except the FBI, (which was of course the organization primarily responsible for 9/11 in that they deliberately turned a blind eye to the terrorists), and the shills who go on about Rothschilds, Jews, and/or “International Financiers” causing everything that is wrong with the world are strangely blind to the doings of one particular Jewish international Financier.

Allowing some shill content through results in us knowing what our enemies are up to.

I have been seeing a whole lot of cultural marxist shilling lately, and would like to know who is pushing it.

Also the Third Positionist shill organization is not clear to me. Is it Harvard via the CIA, or Harvard directly? That is a very old shill organization originally founded by Stalin and the KGB. Who is funding them now? Is cultural Marxism a new script for the very old Third Positionist movement?

I am trying to figure out where Cultural Marxist shills fit in our enemyies’ organization charts.

Know your enemy, know yourself. If we simply exclude all enemy sponsored memes, we will allow ourselves to be blindsided by our enemies.

jim says:

Addendum: The shill answer to the Musk test, which I have seen in other contexts, is that our enemies in government and academia own a whole lot of super secret superduper government developed secret technology based on ever highly reliable official science, which they secretly gave to Musk.

But I have not seen this shill answer on my blog.

What I have seen on this blog is a whole lot of shill inspired comments that the government has a lot of secret superduper Covid related biotechnology.

No they don’t. The basic problem with the vaccines is that the people implementing the vaccines have absolutely no comprehension of the technology that they are using.

The vaccines are Shaniqua in sorcerer priest costume, her strangely clean labcoat decorated with random bits of genuinely great high tech, but that great high tech used for decoration, rather than for its actual capabilities and actual purpose, like the wings on the space shuttle.

Cloudswrest says:

Speaking of priestly science, I happened on another cancer lecture by biologist Thomas Seyfried. https://youtu.be/SEE-oU8_NSU

Current high status cancer research considers cancer to be a nuclear/genetic disease, but all coherent evidence, both past and present, points to it being a metabolic/mitochondrial disease, going back to the 1920s!!!

Warburg investigated the metabolism of tumors and the respiration of cells, particularly cancer cells, and in 1931 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology for his “discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme”. In particular, he discovered that animal tumors produce large quantities of lactic acid.

Once DNA was discovered everybody changed tack, I presume because it was the new cool thing. Seyfried and others have shown that the copious DNA mutations in tumor cells (which for the most part are incoherent and random) appear to be sequelae of cancer, not the cause. When tumor nuclei are transplanted into healthy cells they do NOT produce tumors. When transplanted into totipotent germ cells they progress to a normal organism that usually aborts at some stage, presumably do to the DNA corruption. Billions are continuously being spent on a false (though profitable and high status) paradigm.

Red says:

There’s a lot obesity related cancers. Pretty interesting video.

Red says:

If Keto worked on cancers, people would have discovered that a very long time ago. More likely it’s calorie restrictions that hurts cancer as evidence by your body reducing the desire to eat once you have cancer. Regular fasting probably has more benefits than does Keto.

jim says:

> If Keto worked on cancers, people would have discovered that a very long time ago.

There is ample evidence that keto with calorie restriction has major effect on cancers. Keto by itself has modest but significant effect on cancers.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Keto helps beats cancer, but it makes men more manly and probably also makes women more womanly. Therefore it is forbidden to be noticed. To add to the list of sins, it cannot be patented, subjected to the advice and consent of “consultants,” or be used to enrich the “public health officials” in charge of offering official cures for diseases. It is holy to be a scrawny manlet or a disgusting fat slob, and it is unholy to not pay off the very holy or to be more physically impressive than the very holy.

Arqiduka says:

I don’t think the claim there is that keto beats cancer, but that it stops the spread, at great cost.

What he thinks would work but hasn’t been tried is that porgram of keto, vegan, hyberbaric oxygen intake and drugs, a combination unlikely enough thta it wouldn’t have been tried unless on purpose.

Cloudswrest says:

What would probably eliminate/cure most cancers would be a chemotherapeutic compound that freely permeates the cell membrane and reacts with lactic acid to created a highly cytotoxic poison.

You would then put the person into a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, give him muscle relaxants and sedatives (to stop as much normal cell fermentation as possible), and administer a closely titrated amount of the above chemotherapy. In this environment pretty much only the cancer cells would be generating lactic acid in appreciable amounts.

Cloudswrest says:

Re. Lactic acid targeting. I started poking around on this issue and came upon the following link. Reading it is a total WTF!!!! This article is over 10 years old! Seems to be an effective therapy that has not been clinically persued!

Our assays indicated that glioma invasion was markedly impaired when lactate efflux was inhibited. Convection-enhanced delivery of inhibitor to the tumor bed caused tumor necrosis, with 50% of the animals surviving beyond the experimental end points (3 months after inhibitor exhaustion). Most importantly, control animals did not display any adverse neurologic effects during orthotopic administration of ACCA to brain through programmed delivery. These results indicate the clinical potential of targeting lactate efflux in glioma through delivery of small-molecule inhibitors of MCTs either to the tumor bed or to the postsurgical resection cavity.


Karl says:

Interesting indeed. For those who prefer to read:


Cloudswrest says:

Great paragraph from the paper concerning academic adherence to dogma. It kind of reminds me of how academic AI researcher are beside themselves when their self learning creations, which automatically model reality based on evidence, inevitably go “racist”.

Despite these glaring inconsistencies, the SMT is presented as if it were a settled issue in most current college textbooks of genetics, biochemistry, and cell biology, as well as in the National Cancer Institute in stating that, “Cancer is a genetic disease—that is, it is caused by changes to genes that control the way our cells function, especially how they grow and divide” (12 October 2017) [40]. The view of cancer as a genetic disease has become a “silent assumption”, so completely accepted that it is no longer questioned. Could the continued acceptance of the SMT as an explanation for the origin of cancer be based more on dogmatic ideology than on rational thought [40,47]? If nuclear somatic mutations cannot be the origin of cancer, then how do cancer cells arise?

Arqiduka says:

Thanks for linking this, a key topic.

f6187 says:

“DNA mutations in tumor cells (which for the most part are incoherent and random) appear to be sequelae of cancer, not the cause.”

Once again mainstream science reverses cause and effect, just as they do for global warming, AIDS, and virus theories in general. They can spend endless time and money documenting real correlations, giving the illusion of progress and a continuing justification for sunk costs, but the flawed premise guarantees they will produce no useful truth.

jim says:

Rectification of names.

It is not mainstream science, it is official science. When the period after 1944 is viewed by historians of science in the future, they will not see official science as part of the mainstream of science, but as some whacko cult that was ultimately irrelevant and insignificant.

f6187 says:

Jim wrote: “used for decoration …like the wings on the space shuttle.”

I thought the space shuttle had wings so it could glide into a horizontal landing on an air strip.


Thus, when it came time to design the Shuttle, there was a history of people designing winged vehicles to go into orbit. Faget wanted a straight-winged vehicle that was somewhat similar to Bomi (Jenkins, p. 67). This seemed to be a natural technological progression, despite the obvious fact that wings serve no purpose in airless space.

On the other hand, Faget had designed the Mercury ballistic vehicles. Reed also claims that in 1969, Faget had promoted a parachute system for a larger Gemini ballistic capsule until he became convinced that horizontal landings were superior for the Shuttle; he then switched firmly to the straight-winged design (Reed, p. 142).

Starman says:


Rocketships aren’t airplanes, that’s why they couldn’t build the original fully reusable Shuttle TSTO design.

The ideal shape and structure for the airplane is diametrically opposed to the ideal shape and structure of a rocket stage.

jim says:

Gliding to a landing is useless and stupid for an orbital or hypersonic vehicle. It is a decoration, not a practical application of a relevant technology.

Anything that goes hypersonic, if it lands, needs to land Heinlein style.

Anonymous says:

Hell yeah, new shill test just dropped

Starman says:


“Today, Musk owns most of the power to lift stuff to orbit, owns several times as much lift to orbit power than formerly existed in all the nations of the world. Where did this lift power come from?

Lift power to orbit is strategically significant for nations. It means you can spy on the other guy better than he can spy on you, and you have more capability to blow his stuff up than he has to blow your stuff up, which means that even if no one starts blowing stuff up, negotiations are apt to wind up in favor of the nation with more power to lift stuff to orbit. So every nation wants more lift power, which urgent desire started seven decades ago. How come there is now suddenly a whole lot more lift power than ever existed in all of history, most of it personally owned by Musk?

And personally supervised in detail by Musk, who often winds up sleeping on the factory floor, while nonetheless being able to father his numerous and impressively capable sons.”

There’s a shill on Gab named @JCSlater (https://gab.com/JCSlater) who claimed Elon Musk was just a front man for a sooper sekrit cabal that created the rapidly reusable fly back rocket stages. I asked why that cabal couldn’t build anything like the Falcon 9 for sixty years but instead was wasting $200 billion on worthless spaceplane boosters. He ignored that question. He then mentioned gender neutral language while denouncing Elon’s method of reproducing his posterity (denouncing how Elon fathered his numerous sons).

That gender neutral language prompted me to ask him a redpill on Women Question. He of course refused and then started spewing Jezebel Magazine talking points at me.

He pretended to be dissident right in the recent past and there are still major dissident right figures who still repost him.

Although now, his profile is now more open about his shilling.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Anytime someone mentions the super genius super secret cabal, I like to point out how transparent the Russian collusion and election fraud was and how they were surprised that Kabul fell to the Taliban. Super geniuses there’s people are not, and they cannot keep a secret from a dog.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for not explaining where this massive increase in lift power came from, or even acknowledging that there has been a massive increase in lift power to orbit*]

jim says:

Your explanation is a plausible and reasonable explanation of why the state allows the evil capitalist overlords to grab all that lift power, but does not explain where the lift power came from, nor even acknowledge that it came from anywhere, nor that there has been a massive increase in lift power.

An old type Marxist would explain that Musk stole that lift power from the proletarians working on the rocket, and that Musk was sleeping on the factory floor in order to steal that lift power from them, and would neglect to explain why proletarians did not have lift power to be stolen until Musk was there. A cultural Marxist assumes that lift power just springs spontaneously from the magic dirt, and explains that the state now allows the evil capitalist overlords to grab it all because it does not care about lift power any more.

Very possibly the US government does not care, though obviously Russia, China, India, Iran, and Pakistan care a great deal. But not caring would explain less lift power, cannot explain more lift power.

Starman says:

There was a lawyer on a youtube comment section that said that the USG didn’t need space superiority or any other military superiority to make people obey USG laws. And that the laws by themselves will magically compel people to obey them.

Anonymous Fake reminds me of that lawyer and it demonstrates how the email jobs class is insulated in a bubble from physical reality (that lawyer relied on youtube’s censorship to block replies to him).

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