Month: January 2022


epidemic of the vaccinated

The jab adversely impacts the immune system, primarily, or a least the primary identifiable and understandable link, through the brain immune system connection. The major obvious impact is that if you get China flu before you get jabbed, you become immune to all China flu variants, and stay immune for a very long time, perhaps …


Gain of function research

Supposedly Fauci was funding research in China and other places to develop a vaccine against the Sars viruses. But, Darpa knocked back one of his front organizations because it proposed, among other things, gain of function research. But Fauci continued with that research regardless. Gain of function research is not what you do if you …


The clot shot

In my first post of this series I said: It is early days yet, but it should be showing up in the death statistics. Has not killed that many so far, though it has killed far more than a normal vaccine. Well I have been monitoring the death statistics, the excess death rate, and numerous …


Chinese tech

Chinese engineers are weak at creativity. They have an alarming tendency to dutifully follow and implement specifications literally without regard for what the specifications are intended to achieve. But this should not slow catch up too much, as they are smart, industrious, and dutiful. As general rule, engineers from the periphery of the Han Hegemony, …


Yarvin’s finance plan

This is a very late response to Neurotoxin’s excellent review of Yarvin on finance. But I don’t care that it is late. The Dark Enlightenment does not need an accurate understanding of the existing finance system until it is time to eat their lunch, which will not be for a few years, and I am …