Month: May 2022


Stagflation is here

Walmart reports it is selling less stuff, and is going to have to raise prices further. If it is selling less stuff, everyone is buying less stuff. Meaning everyone is poorer, living standards are falling If everyone is buying less stuff, and yet stuff is still in short supply, then production of value is falling. …


Russians stupidly and stubbornly persisting with World War II Blitzkreig in the Ukraine

They attempted a blitzkrieg to surround and cut off the “city” of Severodonetsk A tiny insignificant city about twenty five blocks by fifteen blocks. The city center consists of a supermarket, a couple of gas stations, a couple of auto repair shops, a car accessory store, a food takeaway shop, a bank, a nail salon, …

party politics

2000 mules

“2000 mules” is an investigation of the everyday routine ordinary fraud that preceded the 2020 election. It does not look at the extraordinary and hastily executed fraud that was performed in the early hours of the morning, when they hastily shut down the counting places, then reopened them at three AM with truckloads of freshly …


The party of God and Christ

The Republican party is walking dead, in the same way the lamestream media are walking dead. If you look at measures of engagement, the lamestream media have absolutely insignificant engagement compared to the major media figures of the alt right, and major alt media figures who frequently interview major media figures of the alt right. …