Walmart reports it is selling less stuff, and is going to have to raise prices further.
If it is selling less stuff, everyone is buying less stuff. Meaning everyone is poorer, living standards are falling
If everyone is buying less stuff, and yet stuff is still in short supply, then production of value is falling. As has been obvious from holding a finger to the wind for some time, but this is a concrete confirmation. Official cpi and gdp statistics have, as I have said before, long been fraudulent and are approaching Soviet levels of mendacity.
I attribute the decline to three main factors
1. Unstable price levels foul up business planning. Your books become meaningless.
2. Unstable price levels disrupt relationships between businesses. Things have to be renegotiated.
3. ESG. Environmental, Social, and Governance. The state is weaponizing your accounting department to impose holiness on you. This accelerates the existing disruption caused by the Human Resources Department and women in the workforce.
Accelerating levels of holiness are characteristic of a left singularity, which usually blows up pretty fast, and then it is over, and your society very likely recovers. Sometimes it does not.
We have long had technological decline in an increasing number of fields. Now we have economic decline. This may pass in time, probably will pass, but long term economic decline is a possibility, in which case we may heading into a dark age. Dark ages set in slowly, and last for a long time. I think this merely the effects of the holiness spiral, and after the holiness spiral self destructs, technological and economic progress will resume. Which one it is, however, will not be apparent for some considerable time. Depends on how the left singularity ends. Deng fixed China, but Xi is returning to the Marxist ideology that Deng theoretically left in place, while ignoring in actual practice.
Funny how you link economic decline to stagnation or, more precisely, to stagflation. Stagflation was two years agao or maybe last year. By now we have an inflationary recession, which I expect to turn into an inflationary depression and then into a hyperinflationary depression.
People would like to have stagnation, but are not getting it.
By the way, Webbster’s defines stagflation as “persistent inflation combined with stagnant consumer demand…” Walmart reports no stagnant consumer demand. Walmarts reports falling consumer demand.
Never happens. Has not happened in all of history.
The problem, rather, is that a shortage of stuff, the famous supply chain chaos, leads to higher prices, and then in due course the shelves are refilled, because fewer people are buying. When you have inflation, it is not demand that is the problem. Demand is now adjusting to the reality of supply.
Demand was the problem. All that money printing, combined with the systematic and intentional destruction of the capability to produce, led to too much demand, unsustainable demand. Which demand in excess of diminishing supply is now beginning to be corrected.
During the German hyperinflation, the authorities were fond of telling people that there was insufficient demand and insufficient money in circulation, and they needed to correct this problem.
I expect very shortly an announcement from the fed that they need to back off from raising rates, because stagflation. In reality, that the seignorage tax is hitting its laffer limit is crushing supply, and they are emitting a cloud of squid ink to gaslight us.
Speaking of the Fed, it might also be going bankrupt.
Post-COVID, they have a $2.7tn mortgage portfolio and now that interest rates are rising, their bonds are falling in value.
A commenter (with a FreddieMac background): “Let’s say that the mortgage securities have an average interest rate of 3 percent. Then if the market interest rate goes to 6 percent, the Fed will be sitting on a market-value loss of over $1 trillion.”
A commercial actor would be bankrupt at that point. Apparently the Fed can’t just print the difference either, though why this is the case is unclear to me. (Regulations?)
Then again, what’s a trillion between friends? It seems unlikely that FedGov would let the Fed go down — presumably regulations can be changed — but wouldn’t it be droll if we saw the responsibility for the dollar quietly transferred to the Second Federal Bank?
The Fed’s mark to market loss — or rather, what it’s mark-to-market loss would be if it was forced to liquidate its positions for lack of equity as any private bank would have had to do — is the amount of money that is printed. Theoretically, under normal conditions at least, all the 30-year bonds it holds have fundamental value and would not trade anywhere near 20 percent if the Fed offloaded it all at once.
If the Fed bought all its 30-years at around 2 percent and has to sell them all at around 5 percent (let us say that is the fundamental long term rate) then its loss on that investment — the money it has incinerated and the government printed — is about 60 percent. The duration of its portfolio is a little shorter than that, bringing the loss to somewhere between 40 and 60 percent.
Strangely, between 40 and 60 percent is approximately the level of inflation I’ve observed since the Fed started its game before the pandemic. Or an annual inflation rate between 25 and 30 percent.
Suppose we had a gold standard. And the Fed bought government bonds with gold liabilities. And the people funding those liabilities said “wait, you are insolvent and cannot service our liabilities we are going away”. And the government gives the Fed a piece of paper that is by law deemed equivalent to gold.
How much money was printed? Not the amount of gold liabilities the Fed purchased, but the quantity of fake gold the government was required to pledge to the Fed to keep its debtors at bay (which debtors are required to consider fake gold the government print as equivalent to real gold). Or the mark-to-market loss on the bonds that it purchased funded by gold.
A2: “Speaking of the Fed, it might also be going bankrupt…. Apparently the Fed can’t just print the difference either, though why this is the case is unclear to me.â€
It’s unclear to you because you have common sense, in contrast to Arnold Kling, who is either totally senile or lying his ass off.
Kling says,
“If you’re thinking that the Fed cannot go bankrupt because it can print money, your picture of the Fed is simplistic and out of date. The post-2008 Fed works differently.â€
This is an outrageous falsehood. In fact, it is true that the Fed cannot go bankrupt, because it can print money.
Kling actually was Fed economist back in the 1980s. But his statements are provably wrong. I’ll focus on one that’s of subsidiary importance but easily refuted: Kling argues that banks can’t be forced to hold reserves created by the Fed. Actually the Fed can legally require banks to hold reserves. In fact, for the pretty much the entirety of the Fed’s history, until March 2020, it did exactly that. Google “reserve requirements.†Or open literally any banking/macroecon textbook written in the last 80 years up to 2020. Jesus. How addle-pated can this dude be?
Reserve requirements, from the Fed itself:
Dollars as we know them are “FRNs†or Federal Reserve Notes. FRN holders can either 1) consume something with them now or 2) swap them for a financial asset in the hopes of consuming more with the ROI in the future.
As was established in practice post-Bear Stearns failure, the Fed can hold assets to maturity. The Fed becoming a balance sheet seller is swapping financial assets for FRNs which reduces dollar deposits in the system. Take a look at St. Louis Fred website data for total FRNs circulating/issued and if that number is smaller than their balance sheet, the Fed is over collateralized to meet their liabilities. The other thing with the Fed is all earnings beyond opex and preferred stock dividends are remitted to the US Treasury.
With MBSs, the debt is collateralized against the underlying real estate and those loans are guaranteed by the GSE which is back stopped by the US Treasury. The Fed only fails from a run on its balance sheet it cannot meet, like 1971 with gold. But a run today would be the Fed running out of US sovereign debt instruments….
The truth is, this all goes on until tax collections fail. The deferred filing requirements in 2020 was close to game over.
Three straws in the wind:
1. Thanks to sanctions, the ruble is now trading well above its old levels:
2. The government of Sri Lanka is facing riots because the government cannot buy fuel. The sovereign explained to the public that they were broke “we have no dollars or rubles”. Before the sanctions, he would have said “we have no dollars”. Because the dollar has become substantially less convertible into goods, people are now thinking in their guts that rubles and rénmÃnbì are international currencies, where formerly there was only a patronizing polite pretense that they were international currencies.
3. A lot of people said that the exchange rate for rubles was fake and gay, an official price rather than a real price. And for a little while it was. But now I am seeing quasi state official action to create a fake and gay “offshore exchange rate” that pretends that the ruble is worth less than it is worth. I expect that if you are trying to purchase actual Russian goods and services, and try to buy rubles at the GAE “offshore exchange rate”, you will have no luck. This prediction will be tested when Wise resumes its exchange services for Russian rubles, because on the one hand Wise is fully converged, but on the other hand you actually can use Wise to buy foreign stuff. The quasi official GAE “offshore exchange rate” so far appears to be unavailable to people who want actual Russian rubles to buy actual Russian stuff, and I predict it will continue to be the way that it is now.
For the quasi official GAE “offshore exchange rate” to become real, we would need to see people with Russian rubles buying dollars at the GAE quasi official rate rather than the Russian rate, because inconvenienced by Russian exchange controls and unable to exchange at the better Russian rate, people with rubles who need dollars but cannot get them at the Russian rate because of exchange controls. Might happen, but I do not expect it to happen. If it does happen, then the GAE rate will be real, and the Russian rate unreal. We shall soon know which rate is real. Right now, the GAE quasi official rate is unreal. Organizations that adhere to the quasi official GAE “offshore exchange rate” simply do not have any rubles to exchange. No one wants to give them any rubles at their rate, so they simply have no rubles. Maybe they will have rubles some time in the future, but the wind is not blowing their way.
So is the dollar index fake and gay?
This is a reply to the posters above who mentioned treasuries are used as a money substitute. This is not really accurate, but I don’t have a strong quibble with it. Treasuries are used as collateral in international transactions, but they are still settled in dollars. These dollars are liabilities of the financial system and are not the same as FRNs. A more personal explanation is that you can write a check or ACH your tax tab to uncle sam, but you can’t send FRNs. The FRNs are legal tender, but I somehow can’t use them to buy ice cream at Van Leeuwen’s in Manhattan. More than anything today, FRNs are claims against the Federal Reserves balance sheet. They have highest seniority in the liquidation of the Federal Reserve system. That’s assuming, laughingly, that the legal system would hold when the Federal Reserve system fails.
To keep the treasury yields positive, the Federal Reserve can either reduce (sell) assets on its balance sheet AND/OR the US Treasury can issue (borrow) more US Treasuries. The collateral shortage went critical in Summer 2019, so it was only a question of what the excuse to issue trillions of fresh collateral would be and it just so happened to be a comprehensive global coup scheme we know as the rona pandemic. The reason we aren’t seeing anymore stimulus is because the system can’t handle anymore stimulus or we would have hyperinflation.
Checkout lumber prices of the past month. CRASHING!!!
Russia has a very small economy and there is no dollar volume to speak of now, but the biggest factor for the rebounding Rouble is that the currency is still deeply discounted vs. its pre-2014 trading level. The initial weeks of the Ukraine adventure triggered panic selling among a lot of large institutions/people who had to sell while they still could. Everyone who didn’t is ostensibly in it for the long run outcome now.
Sri Lanka is poor for many reasons, but no tourism certainly hasn’t helped them and it won’t be coming back anytime soon. Like the subprime crisis in 2007 which led to the prime crisis in 2008, the weakest hands fall first and there are knock-on effects up the food chain. I live in the middle of ag america and my friends farm thousands of acres. They are good on both fertilizer and PROPANE (drying corn) through this season. US food production is actually about 24 months out, so the SHTF in the US on a food basis would likely be a late 2023-2024 crisis. Until then, the third world is going to have problems for all of the logistical reasons already covered.
The crisis in commodities is easing, as end products get priced more realistically. Fluctuations are extreme, because supply chain chaos. No one commodity is indicative, but a bunch of commodities is indicative.
All of which was predicted by smart people two years ago, to which the MMT guys replied that this time there won’t by inflation “Because shut up.”
If democrats were smart they would be calling this Trump’s Inflation, since all these policies originated under him (Cheered and promoted by the libs, but nevermind). Instead they are saying “there’s no inflation” and “it’s good actually.”
I’ve also noticed the price gouging argument being tossed about, with advertisements showing up saying “Costs aren’t rising corporations are just being greedy.” So someone is now paying money to spread lies and propaganda about inflation. Next they will start blaming hoarding. I tend to believe incompetence over conspiracy but it’s hard to believe all of this is happening unintentionally.
In my experience the party line on inflation is “Putin!” But yes, it is odd that they’re not calling it “Trump’s inflation,” as per their typical practice.
But it is not true that “all these policies originated under him [Trump].” The shutting down of oil capacity was NOT Trump’s policy.
Yup. Have heard from two different major tool vendors that they do not have equipment on the showroom floor anymore, demand is 50% greater than a year ago and everything is back ordered into next year.
These companies, like our material suppliers, just cannot meet the needs of their customers. Shortage of raw materials, shortage of labor. There is gum in the works from top to bottom.
I was a little surprised to hear the overall demand was so high for new CNC machines. They are a good investment though.
I kind of get the feeling we are in a boom and bust at the same time. Everyone from producer to consumer is confused as to what to do.
This was meant to go under Jim’s reply.
Part of the consumer goods shortage is supply chain breakdown resulting from rolling lockdowns throughout the world. Another issue is Democrats shutting down oil. Energy prices go up which effect all industries. Hard to say where this will wind up. The economy is being shut down on purpose. Part of it could be forced demographic change another side could be dollar devaluation to implement something more trackable/controllable.
Karl: “Funny how you link economic decline to stagnation or, more precisely, to stagflation. Stagflation was two years agao or maybe last year. By now we have an inflationary recession…”
In my experience people sometimes use “stagflation” to mean “inflation and real GDP isn’t changing much” and they sometimes use it to mean “inflation and real GDP is falling.” I wouldn’t get hung up about this phrase; just use different words to make your point.
What are women do to in a post-industrial society? Child rearing only lasts so long. This is how the 1st wave feminists starting causing problems writing feminist novels and articles right when the printing press hit in the late 19th century.
In an agrarian society, the problem resolves itself as women are doing everything from making clothes for the family to gathering and preparing meals from the land.
In a consumer post-industrial society, not the case. I don’t think any society has solved this. Idle women cause problems.
Saint Paul complained that idle women caused problems.
Jim, We got name dropped on DS chat over our talk on Catholic symbolism awhile back. Not sure what it means. Just a heads up.
See my news item posted above. I should have put it here but was unaware of this subthread.
Women need to be kept busy, but it’s not hard to keep your wife busy. They still love doing all the little trad things, the productive chores like gardening cooking and knitting, and so on.
When the US moved from an agrarian society to an industrial society in the late 19th century, women couldn’t work yet female writing flourished even though they were still doing all the things you state.
Outside of literal Amish/full agrarian living, women seem to find ways to get up to no good.
It’s also interesting that the Church of England turned feminist (attempted of divorce of Queen Caroline) when industrialization started to peak in England. I believe this is related.
An example of this would be Harriet Beecher Stowe, who had 7 children, yet found time to write Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a book that had significant cultural impact at the time.
Who cares what dumb books they write? The problem is the faggot men reading them, publishing them, and putting them in schools. Women didn’t bring about feminism, men did.
Massive amounts of women were reading them which means there was great money and status to be made selling to women, be it books, fashion, politics, or religion.
The female writing was only published to begin with though because men decided to do so. It’s not a phenomenon where women all of a sudden became empowered by the printing press and free time. Male feminists just used those women to fight their battles for them. It’s akin to blaming blacks for gaining the right to vote and all the problems that caused when it was white men who made that decision.
Symbiotic relationship.
If there are no blacks, whites looking to use them are not a problem.
Likewise, if there are no women with free time and the printing press, male feminists are not a problem.
If no women, no abortion mills, no gays, and no blacks, the Global American Empire would find other things to worship, notably the Gaea demon and the Covid Demon.
Cathedrals in Britain have been turned into Gaea shrines, not black shrines, though they have also been turned into gay and tranny shrines.
If no Jews, dot Indians. The Global American Empire is already replacing Jews with dot Indians in the job of doing the dirty work against legacy Americans.
Betas always undermine alphas. The irony being it was the betas that paved the way for women to live without the need for betas.
Realistically you are not going to prevent women from basic literacy or writing (and writing is one of the few fields they are often genuinely very good at), you just need to be extra ruthless on feminist and male feminists…
Even after things are settled there should never be a year that goes by where one feminist and male feminist is not burned for subversive activity.
All are derived/related to the WQ and feminism.
At the end of the day, the Women Problem is the only problem that matters.
Male feminists aren’t caused by women and the printing press though, the male feminists created the women feminists.
Bruh, you can say this because you are guy.
I couldn’t care less about 50 shades of gray, but thousands of women had wet pussy during box office opening.
If women can’t find publisher, one way or another they’ll find it via social media. Women’s knowledge hub is like dry forest, it only took few women to start a trend that only women know. Look up obscure kpop that only women knows.
Culture is downstream from power. It had a cultural impact not because of its content, but because it was backed by power.
Agreed, but how does power stop this?
The King of England couldn’t stop the Church of England from turning feminist when there was power to be gained in idle women during the transition to an industrial economy as show in the failed divorce of Queen Caroline.
It’s a power leak.
This seems to be an unsolved problem in an industrial economy, let alone a post-industrial one.
Telling every man to just have their wives “do trad wife things” does not seem like a sufficient solution to me because there is no point in history where that has ever worked besides an agrarian economy.
I am not engaged in agrarian economy, and my wife is mostly and primarily doing the trad wife thing.
And taking care of kids and house should be a full time job.
Wives have always assisted husbands in their job, and there is no problem with women in a male field providing they are under the supervision and authority of an alpha male whom they are having sex with. It is when they are in a social role where authority and sex are separated, that they start acting weird and destructive. My women have always given me work related assistance.
I see no reason why wives cannot be kept in a trad wife role, provided we are sufficiently dispersed that people can have homes with gardens. And a trad wife’s role traditionally included managing the household, which for aristocrats meant managing a whole bunch of tenants, clients, servants, and serfs. Amd somehow, those women were in all important ways mighty trad, because their authority and property rights depended on a mighty man with a sword who was banging them.
Agrarian economy. You prove my point for me.
If your interlocutor puts forward information which undermines the simplistic either/or dialectic, do in fact make an attempt to understand him. Jim’s insight stems from his ability to think divergently on issues of which the Polygon declares “settled.â€
For women, there is always work to be done. As an example, my grandmother was by all accounts a busy trad wife, but she rarely cleaned house or cooked meals, instead relying on a host of servants who managed the home. Her efforts were devoted towards being a socialite, managing the family reputation, and climbing the social ladder into various country clubs and other venues. When managed well, women create their own little world away from the world of men, and that is a good thing.
Pooch, you and I both replicate aspects of a pre-industrial society in order to keep healthy and sane. We hit the gym, and make sure not to eat too much poison for example. Not unreasonable in the least to ask men to recreate a little bit of a pre-industrial economy to keep our wives busy and sane.
I agree with you, but makes one consider back to the original left-right debate.
The most right wing a man can be, as is his nature, is full on Attila the Hun.
Civilization is inherently leftist, an agrarian society the least left of civilizations. The more advanced a civilization is, the more left wing it must inherently be.
Tell it to the World War II Japanese.
Pooch sounds like a fan of Robert E Howard’s idea that civilization is unnatural and that barbarism must ultimately triumph…
I think you can maintain civilization through barbarous bloodshed of civilizations leftist enemies… male feminists and leftists must continuously be purged.
Left vs Right is short term vs long term gains. Civilizations that are in rightwing mode work on the basis of long term gains. Failing civilizations(left wing mode) work on the basis of stealing as much as possible while things decline. There’s a lot of ruin in a civilization so the looting phase can go on for a very long time.
Rightwing always favors long term growth for your own people. Thus if you are a horse nomad and the civilizations around are weak then you conqueror them. If they’re strong and growing then you join or trade with them. If your stuck in a dying civilization you either try to save it (Ceasar) or build clans to preserve your family, or join the invading barbarians(sea peoples). I’m working on the clan thing since I’m not seeing any rightwing hordes here to conqueror my dying civilization and there’s no sign of Ceasar.
@The Cominator
You must’ve read a different Robert E. Howard. Conan is the archetype of an OG Aryan who creates civilisation. He lives like a barbarian because his civilised Iron-making tribe and family were massacred and he was enslaved to Mongols. He captured his destiny through effort and the blessing of his Father (who taught him the Riddle of Steel) and his god Crom (who blessed him with Strength in his Arm and Fire in his Heart), and in course of time became the King of Aquilonia.
In a sense, civilisation is as “unnatural” as Steel, for both require monstrous effort to create, and only slightly less effort to maintain. But that is true of agriculture as well. A “barbarian” is at best an animal, at worst a parasite upon Nature, whereas a civilised man is Lord over Nature, Beloved Son and Heir of Mother Earth, and Scion of Father Sky. But this is not Robert E. Howard’s analysis.
For the edification of others who think “Conan” is a Hollywood movie[1], I will leave this link to an excellent series of articles by John C. Wright.
Also suitable for those still labouring under Christianity, for Wright is your fellow-traveller and will dutifully not notice the Power flowing out of Howard’s pen.
“Barbarism is the natural state of mankind. Civilization is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance. And barbarism must always ultimately triumph.â€-Robert E. Howard
If your goal is to emulate the World War II Japanese state religion in the American Empire somehow, going to need to be in a constant militarized state of war. The incentives of the Empire of Japan necessarily lined up with successful reproduction because war need soldiers and constantly conquering.
If not constantly conquering, the Malthusian problem becomes a limiting factor to reproduction in an industrial society and more so in a post-industrial society. Not so much in an agrarian society.
Suones, that is bold talk for a man who’s entire civilization was conquered by Christians looking to make English food taste less bad. Your people got wrecked by my people as a side effect of looking for baking ingredients. Our subversive demons–which are destined to lose at the end of days, incidentally–have overrun your civilization and religion. The cultural strength of the two religions is not comparable.
What did Crom give Conan? Fuck all, which was exactly what Conan needed. Crom was not a crutch to support Conan, he was a God of War, and the gifts he gave were to make his people strong. By refusing help to Conan in his hour of need, he forced Conan to become a legend. He gave Conan the most precious gift of all, which was the chance to earn glory that would come with no reservation or uncertainty that it was Conan’s, and Conan’s alone.
Being a fan of Howard’s pen, could you please do Solomon Kane, next?
It would seem completely obvious that the faith of those that gave us science, technology, industrialization, and world empire has something going for it.
Suones argument is that the Aryans conquered the world, and Hinduism is the last survivor of that faith. Bronze Age civilization was the first age of technological progress. But something went very wrong with that faith a very long time ago, and all our records of that faith date from long after something went very wrong. What made that faith vital and effective is lost, and I don’t think Suones can recollect it. Like the western neopagans, he hopes to revive something that still has rot at its core. While I would like to revive something that ruled the world two centuries ago, he wants to revive something that was effortlessly crushed by merchant adventurers looking for baking ingredients.
While my dismissals of his argument is quite flippant, I do understand the argument he is making. He wants to restore the religion of his forefathers, just as I do. But in order to justify it, he has to look to millenia ago-glories by a racial group to whom he is only distantly related. The old Aryan blood is long diluted, even in the Europeans who likely hold more of it than anyone else. I can go to glories that are within living memory. There are people alive who remember when Christianity made the West strong. The achievements of the Aryans are lost to myth, hardly any more real than the stories about Conan.
The religion of my forefathers is Christianity. I would need to go back about 50 or 60 generations in my paternal line to find someone who was not at least nominally Christian. My people were barbarians living in huts before Christianity. All our glory was earned after we bent the knee to the One, True God, the Lord Jesus Christ. He raised us up; made us smart, made us wise, and made us strong.
Christ made the English and then the Americans the preeminent military power on the planet when we obeyed His teachings, even if we did it imperfectly. Debased Leftist Christianity was still more powerful than all others, because the operative word was Christianity, not the debasement or leftism. Once the debasement and leftism became the operative faith, our decline began.
I’m well aware of this. The greatest enemies of Aryans are other Aryans. There is no hope of fighting a civilisational war when half “your” side is allied with pseudosemites. But if fight we must, then fight we will.
Every single argument from temporary military success you raise is akin to Conan’s tribe getting slaughtered by Thulsa Doom, so Conan starting worship of Thulsa Doom instead. Which is absurd, of course. Crom is not Conan’s god because Conan worships him. Crom may or may not do anything for Conan (actually he does, but that is besides the point). Thulsa Doom, OTOH, can do a LOT for Conan. But Conan turns him down. Crom is Conan’s god. And his blessings are specifically tailored to Conan. What does the fool Thulsa Doom know about Steel? Nothing. One does not “change” one’s god based on military setbacks. It is spiritual cuckoldry.
Crediting “Christianity” with a whole host of Aryan accomplishments that couldn’t be replicated in any other “Christian” racial cohort is deception. A common deception used by missionaries to this day. Upto and including outright lies like “Christians” inventing LED lighting[1]. Good racial stock remains good. Until it goes bad (cf present day Afghanistan).
Emphasising our (dubious) military defeat(s) at the hands of Western pseudosemites while ignoring Japan’s more recent military defeat, and China’s military defeat, is rooted in two complexes: 1) insecurity. Aryans observing mos maiorum remind you of your past mistakes, so is intolerable in a way that recognisably “foreign” East Asia is not. It is compensated for by telling yourself that “Aryan blood” is very diluted anyway so there is less difference between English “Christian” and Nigerian “Christian” than there is between Western Aryan and Eastern Aryan, but this is false and you know it. The most severe hatred is reserved for the nearest of kin, we find the epic battles between Britain and France, two states who we find nearly indistinguishable, hilarious! Russia/Ukraine has parallels to India/Pakistan, both in the geographical predicament and visceral hatred for the parent. 2) sadness at the loss of Empire, so insisting that the grapes were sour all along, i.e., Empire wasn’t worth that much anyway. Which is the exact same cope the English used when Puritans wrested their American colonies, which history has proven mightily false.
I must quote the next paragraph because I find it shocking:
Shocking because not only is it false for any Aryan worth the name, who have seen Empires come and go before the Nazarene was even born, but more so because this is exactly what Baphometans tell their flock — that they were all herding goats in jahiliyah before Baphomet enlightened them. Which is notably and obviously false in my favourite example of Afghanistan: they were building cities and great monuments before embracing Baphomet, and are herding goats now. Also applies to Egypt, Syria, etc. etc.
I have heard this same line from primitive tribals converted to “Christianity” by missionaries, and felt sympathetic because they really were living in huts. This is why I have started teaching them that all blessings — roads, electricity, etc. are blessings of Shri Rama because they are his loyal subjects who
voted BJPcontributed to the rebuilding of his grand temple. Over a few years, I managed to make the missionaries pack up their American funded lies and leave.To hear it repeated from a citizen of an industrialised Western Nation, who knows about Greece and Rome and can debate about Druids and Carthage was surprising. Brainwashing is one thing, but to deny your forefathers’ accomplishments when they stare you in the face is just breathtaking. I imagine an Egyptian standing in front of the Sphinx and telling me that his ancestors were living in huts before Baphomet came smh.
Just like there is a straight line between Judaism and Marxism, there is a straight line between Christianity and Prog religion. Moldbug was the first to point it out because he’s a Jew who does not share in this delusion. Similarly, Putin can see the line between Orthodox Christianity and Leninism but Vrangel, for example, could not. There a lot of people alive who remember when Bolshevism made Russia “strong.[3]” Doesn’t prove anything apart from the effectiveness of Bolshevik propaganda. Prog is the pre-eminent military power so we must all cut off our sons’ dicks, is the reductio ad absurdum to this line of argument.
I’m only writing this for the benefit of lurkers. I harbour no delusions of any alliance with Christians against Baphomet or Prog or both. In fact, “missionaries” here cannot be distinguished between those spreading “Christianity” or “Prog” — it seems all prog to me. Until encountering NRx/Jimian “Old Type Christian” discourse, I was under the impression that Prog is Christianity, from the preacher to the Pope himself — a fact that wasn’t lost on Moldbug. Christians betrayed Halaku Khan for Baphomet, ensuring that this cancer has survived to this day and waxes powerful. Christian generals also betrayed the Tsar for Menshevism, for which they yet paid the ultimate price. Christians couldn’t even preserve the Holy Relics of San Fransisco Franco, while Lenin lies undisturbed. To prevent Christians from betraying me, I will refuse to make any accomodation with them. Just like Charles II’s “victory” was but a temporary interlude in the March of Progress, so will “reaction,” even if all your dreams come true[2]. I’ll revisit this opinion after you manage to appoint an “Old Type” Pope/Patriarch/whoever.
[1] For the record, blue/white LEDs were invented by Japanese. Of the three who received the Nobel Prize for the same, two are conservative Dharmics, and only one defected to America, and is probably not a Christian still.
[2] Except for Cominator’s plan — that has long-term potential.
[3] I’m more and more inclined to believe that Xi Jinping actually believes this, not sure for Putin.
We are descended from Aryans who were living in huts in 800AD. The original Romans and the original Greeks perished because their state religion drifted away from ancestor worship, which their states found inconvenient because it meant that each family had their own particular gods, and then drifted away from patriarchy, and failed to reproduce, starting with the elite.
The rot started at the center.
No one remembers the original faith of the Aryans, not us and not you, and modern Western neopagans are a ridiculous bunch of limp wristed faggots, because what we remember is a grab bag collection of official faiths that wound up corrupted and ridiculous.
While we have an entirely accurate recollection of the faith that gave us science, technology, industrialization, and empire.
Suones, yes we had this discussion before on this blog.
But, we also know where this will go…
But only one thing I want to add to all this is that Drag queen story hour was not invented by us but by the “glorious†Globohomo as the pinnacle of “Western civilization.†Hinduism has its problems with demons, yes, but we didn’t get “there†first.
I only request you to make a blog post of your interesting thesis.
If you invert the best. And invert Good and Evil.
If all the Virtues are unmoored from each other. Broken away from each other rather than in balance in a single package:
“The virtues have gone mad because they have been isolated from each other and are wandering alone.” G.K. Chesterton
See also this video on Hierarchy and how Christ fills the entire hierarchy:
The entire channel by Jonathan Pageau is good:
Then you can see how the skin suiters are able to create what you see.
>It is compensated for by telling yourself that “Aryan blood†is very diluted anyway so there is less difference between English “Christian†and Nigerian “Christian†than there is between Western Aryan and Eastern Aryan, but this is false and you know it.
Utterly ridiculous. Nobody on this blog has ever even gotten close to thinking this. Not a single person here thinks we are closer to Nigerians than to Indians, even the darkest of them. Speaking of which, it’s ridiculous to speak of “dilution” of blood when considering the genetic substrate of your people vs those in Europe. As if being 50% European neolithic farmer is comparable to being 50% Dravidian.
The idea of Indians being honorary Aryans if they are based and have some long-past Aryan ancestry is kind of cute, and much preferable to you being Moslems, but it’s laughable when you try to come in here and tell European diaspora that we aren’t Aryan enough for you. Telling us we are jews when your people are the ones who act like jews is absurd on its face.
Hearing the Indian perspective on things and learning about what globohomo is doing there is cool, and I feel the majority of the Indian commenters here make good contributions as such. But that’s not what you try to do, instead your posts feel like an attempt at justification as to why you’re better than us, in every fucking post. You always come in here and try to make everything about India or paganism, using some long forgotten connection to people who lived thousands of years ago, to explain how we are all the same but you are somehow now better.
That’s not to say that your “Dharmic” position on things is not of value, but it’s quite obvious that you yourself believe it is inferior from the way you are unable to talk about it without attacking Western social technology and Christ at every opportunity.
“Telling us we are jews when your people are the ones who act like jews ”
To be clear the typical diaspora pajeet is worse than the typical diaspora jew.
Really want to stress the point jim brings up that women can still be trad in an industrial economy. My father did a 9 to 5 electrical engineering job, just about as far as one gets from agrarian economy type job. My mother stayed at home and took care of the household, finances, and healthcare.
She was investing the family money in certificates of deposit (CDs) and other investments (women tend to be highly risk adverse so you really don’t have to worry to much about them losing everything, every women id different though), budgeting an “allowance” for the family, making sure the family was staying healthy and going to the doctor on a regular basis, etc.
That was a fairly typical family dynamic in America during the 1950s-1980s. It was in the 1990s that it started to breakdown to a significant degree before completely collapsing by the 2000s. I was extremely shocked by the sheer numbers of women when I was in graduate school who were proud of their “strong and independent single mothers who didn’t need no man.” They were less than 5 years younger than me yet had completely alien values to most women born just 5 years earlier. The reason why many think that it’s no longer possible for women to be trad in the modern era is because family dynamic breakdown occurred in mass during the mid 90s to such a degree that many don’t even know what functional/trad even looks like anymore.
As society becomes more advanced, the number of things a wife can do for the household increases, not decreases. Give a woman responsibility for the family’s well being and she will typically become invested in those tasks. It’s when they don’t have any responsibilities that women start forming “book clubs” with other disaffected women and start fomenting insane revolts. I remember from my father’s workplace that it was the men who threw money at their wives expecting them to just enjoy themselves that had the most marriage problems whereas those who had their wives manage the books did not. Just keep in mind you’ll want to double check the tax returns or credit payments before she submits them, but as long as it’s done so as a partner the wife won’t feel distrusted.
Culture is downstream of power.
I was born and raised in a small island of upper class culture that was already fifty years behind the current year, but had the necessary power to resist the new normal. Until it did not.
I am aware that culture is downstream of power. If I’m honest with myself, I too was also born and raised in a small island of upper class culture. In America everyone is “middle class” if only due to myth/politeness but that’s besides the point.
Those small islands during the 1990s were highly similar to the pinnacle of the 1940s or maybe even earlier to the 1920s, hard for me to tell. I’m descendant of some of that old school WASP military heritage when prestigious military academy Officers were very much aristocratic social elites. It had the power to resist the new normal until it did not. Many such islands existed in open view of the public all the way to the early 1990s.
I argue that that moment most of those small islands completely collapsed happened sometime in the mid 90s to early 2000s. Past that period in time, most people don’t even have awareness of what small islands even look like anymore… which makes the idea of functional/trad family nearly completely outside the public conscience.
There are still many isolated cases of stability which gives me hope that much can be rebuilt, but in this current day they far more like isolated pinpoints awashed in an ocean of chaos.
Out of curiosity, and I completely understand if you don’t answer this, are you descendant from a military officer heritage? Seems like many of the children of the WASP military elites (like my father) went into computer tech during the 1960-1980 which sort of aligns with what you come off as.
The 19th century Catholic immigrants to the US were mighty fertile before Harvard got to them, despite living in industrial conditions. Japan between the Meiji Revolution and the nukes was mighty fertile despite the same.
For a single generation. The 1st generation immigrants were laborers, as was the norm in the agrarian society they originated from, but their children were not and the 2nd-generation fertility fell in line with the native fertility.
My family tree looks like this:
Great-great-grandfather: 11 kids
Great-grandfather: 8 kids
Grandfather (went to college): 4 kids
Mother: 2 kids
The later generations fell in line with Cathedral orthodoxy, not through any fault of industrial society.
A few White Nationalists/Pagans I follow like to point out that White Europeans succeeded in spite of Christianity and not because of Christianity.
The examples of Haiti which is apparently Catholic(despite their Voodoo). Black Africa, Philippines and Latin America are the examples they like to point to. To disprove the Civilization elevation effects of Christianity.
What’s your thoughts about that?
Sounds like shills. If actual white nationalists, they would notice why Haiti is Haiti.
Haiti was quite civilized when ruled by white Catholics. Went to shit when the Church of Reason took over Paris.
To evaluate the effect of religion, need to observe the effect of changes in the official religion, so as to avoid confounding factors such as niggers.
King Alfred imposing Christianity, Constantine imposing Christianity, Charles the Second restoring old type Anglicanism, with a furtive but significant and substantial improvement on the interpretation the Logos. Obvious major beneficial civilizational impact.
The revolutionaries imposing the Church of Reason on Paris. Obvious mass discivilizational effect.
This reminds me of some John Stossel segment I happened to watch a number of years ago. He was doing some special on Detroit and blamed the decline of the city on contemporary Democrat/liberal governance. Uh huh …
Can I please have links to read more from these White Nationalists/”Pagans?” Most that I explore turn out to be Moloch tentacles of some sort. Either out and out glowing or glow-adjacent. I’d love to chat up a real white nationalist of the Himmler/Dobroslav/Kandyba variety, in Minecraft, ofc.
“Can I please have links to read more from these White Nationalists/â€Pagans?”
One is “Asha Logos”. He seems the best of the Pagans I have encountered on youtube and on Gab. The most Noble. Survive the Jive and Robert Sepher is others on youtube.
I referenced “American Krogan” on Twitter on his comments on Christianity and Haiti.
I looked at Asha Logos. He does not appear to be a shill, because he keeps pointing at information such as the Hunter Biden emails. that the shills want to distract from and muddy up with silly conspiracy theories.
But neither does he address the woman question nor the black problem. Housing is expensive because blacks move into a neighborhood, drive out the white population, the shopkeepers flee, the housing slowly disintegrates, and they move into another neighborhood.
Not a shill, and not probably not a literal faggot. Definitely alt right, and a good source of information. Worth reading. But still a pansy, like all the neopagans.
Because he does not have God standing behind him, cannot tell people that which will get you called racist and misogynist.
Also, though not a Christian, not a pagan. He acknowledges the superior Godship of the Logos. But the Logos does not stand behind him, just has it does not stand behind the Jews.
Does it stand behind Old Type Hindus? Can you criticize modern Hindu female conduct?
No, we cannot publicly criticize Hindu female misconduct. Every and anyone of any significance in India who does so gets his ass handed to him and which point he either resigns his position or begs for mercy. It happens about once a quarter. The last happened sometime in March. We are on schedule for one in June.
The only gardening women do is flower gardening.
It’s the only gardening they’re any good at, too.
I spent enough time with my great-grandparents in rural Europe as a kid; they reached adulthood before electricity and running water reached the area. Lived pretty much the way people had for centuries prior. Same with the other families in the village.
The men were the agriculturalists, in every respect, at every point along the scale. The women filled in where needed on such jobs. When the man died (and the adult kids had moved to the city), the garden withered. Every time. And now, living in redneck American country, I see the same pattern. The backcountry guys who care about it are the ones that actually raise stuff worth having and eating. The women raise flowers. The women might be the figureheads and public-facing sales types, but the men do the work because the men are the ones who care about it and are systematic enough to do it right.
This idea that keeps getting repeated here that gardening is for women is about as perfect a case of midwit ignorance and ideology dictating conclusions as anything I’ve ever seen. Also a formula for starvation if anybody makes plans around it. The plain fact is that none of the people saying this, most definitely including Jim, have the foggiest clue about the topic because they’ve never actually had to depend on it so never had reality slap them in the face over it. I heard enough stories as a kid on that topic to have some idea.
If you want a garden, learn to handle the vegetables yourself. If you think that’s unmanly, don’t plan on getting anything out of a garden. If you don’t like that, tough shit.
My wife does ninety percent of the gardening, and she is good at it. She grows food, and once in a while theoreticaly wants to grow some flowers, but scarcely any flowers ensue, while an impressive amount of food does ensue.
However, growing food involves a great deal of digging and cutting down trees, at which she is no good. She is good a cutting down small things, but bigger things, not much use.
It is likely that without my work in the garden, her efforts to grow food would be ineffectual. But she does most of the work, and likes it. And she is considerably better at it than I am. She plants things, they grow. I plant things, they fail to grow, or fail to bear fruit.
My experience closely resembles Jim’s. My contribution adds scale, complexity, and endurance, but she does exceptionally well with the vegetables.
I have a battery powered spray backpack which I use to fight back the jungle. With it, I can very quickly clear a large area. It is simply too big and heavy for her to walk around with it on her shoulders, and I frequently see that she has painstakingly cleared a large are of small plants with a machete and weeding fork, and I say “Hey, you should have asked me to spray that”. She uses the whipper snipper from time to time, but gets tired quickly. She also is prone to mistreating the machete, and I have to resharpen it. Without me resharpening it, it would rapidly cease to be useful.
Women tend to not use tools, particularly big complex tools, are not good with tools, and are not good with tasks that need the right tool. They are apt to damage and misuse tools, and disinclined to fix them or to get the right tool. I am always assigning her the right tool for the job. But she is still a better gardener than I am, and does considerably more gardening. She is considerably better with the machete than I am, but when she uses it, it takes more damage, even though she is using it with less force.
Women have been helping other women deliver babies for a very long time, but it was men who invented the forceps, and almost always men who use them, saving the lives of a great number of babies and women during the dangerous process of delivering a baby.
“Women have been helping other women deliver babies for a very long time, but it was men who invented the forceps, and almost always men who use them, saving the lives of a great number of babies and women during the dangerous process of delivering a baby.”
There needs to be innovations that render most c-sections unnecessary that are just like the invention of the forceps.
Likewise ways to ensure the function of the breasts to help the mother breastfeed the baby.
Engineering problems that need to be dealt with.
From what I’ve heard from a midwife, most c-sections that currently happen are unnecessary. Doctors tell women to no eat before labor because that already have planned as a “back up” to do a c-section. Also the midwife said that inducing labor tend to be a good way to end up needing a c-section, since if the body then “stops” the forced labor, you have a problem. She also said that she thinks that c-sections cause issues with the mother bonding to the child. (Actually she also went into a lot about how many things about how hospitals do delivery seems to hurt the bonding between mother and child.)
There’s unnecessary c-sections, unnecessary pain killers, unnecessary labor induction medicine and generally a whole bunch of dumb and harmful procedures regarding childbirth in hospitals.
I feel like there’s this strange path we walked in which we went from 25% infant mortality to 2.5% infant mortality to a still low infant mortality rate but with all sorts of unhealthy procedures. Undoubtedly some procedures in reducing infant mortality are great, but these days they are buried under many more procedures which are harmful.
One of the best trad things for a wife and mother is scrapbooking. It is time consuming and tedious, but it allows them to express themselves creatively and chronicle your family life. They love it.
Instagram is a perverse manifestation of a woman’s inherent need to scrapbook.
“What are women do to in a post-industrial society?â€
Well, certainly they should not be left unattended. The answer to every woman problem is “Where is her supervisor? Why was she allowed to roam free?â€.
7 kids two years apart from age 18 gets you into your early 30s. Last child turns 18 around 50. Should already have grandkids by then.
Hens are best kept in the henhouse. If you run out of things for your wife to do, start getting rid of appliances.
7 kids was not enough to keep Harriet Beecher Stowe from writing Uncle Tom’s Cabin, an incredibly damaging book at the time that continues to cause damage to this day.
Where was her supervisor? Why wasn’t she kept busy?
I am increasingly of the opinion that women do not need to learn how to read above a 3rd grade level. Just enough to exchange recipes with mom and sisters.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the prices of used cars are up 50.3 percent since before the pandemic whereas the prices of new cars are up only 14.2 percent over the same period. Used cars are more or less bought and sold spot, and so there is no way of getting around the fact prices are rising. New cars are not quite sold spot, and you will find you cannot buy any new car for anywhere near MSRP.
Neither I nor anyone I know has any idea if they are making money, or whether things they plan to do are likely to make them money, whether that concerns their personal finances or business plan.
High single digit inflation rates have not been uncommon in India over the past few decades. While inflation is inherently destructive, it was less destructive there than it is apt to be here because nominal interest rates were consistently enough above inflation that a man would reliably get richer by saving his money or buying with it stock.
TIPS securities are pricing in a 10-year breakeven inflation rate of around 2.7 percent. 10-year bonds are trading at around 2.9 percent nominal. These two facts would not necessarily be inconsistent with each other if 2-year notes were trading at, say, 25 percent and 1-year notes at 50 percent. Which they evidently are not. Something there will have to give.
A 2 percent real interest rate is probably the right level to bring about the degree of steady deflation likely to result in productive investment and cultivate the right psychological attitude towards personal saving.
Apparently there’s a homosexual-incubated monkey pox disease popping up in the UK.
Good thing Gates warned us this would happen and even invested in relevant shots and they’re mostly ready now.
One can only hope this new nifty tool in their arsenal will be used only as a “mild corrective” of the processes they seek to direct, and not as a full-blown central habbening.
Boris bleeding Johnson is as “conservative” as Merkel. With conservatives like these who needs bolsheviks. When socialists in say Slovakia are vastly more conservative than the conservatives in Germany or England, that’s a damn interesting situation for sure.
Portugal, Sweden, and Italy have first confirmed cases of the gay monke pox.
Canada and Spain have suspected such.
If they start talking about a super infectious variant of faggot pox we’ll know its because they couldn’t get anyone in red states to go along with the Rona again. So if that happens the Jesuits either made a new plague… or are just ginning up hysteria about it in the media.
It’s too coincidental in time with the WHO’s pandemic treaty signing next week for it not to be suspicious.
What a coincidence that just as we sign ceding sovereignty over to the WHO in case of pandemic there is this pandemic happening just now that we can use lol!
Supposedly countries have six months (used to be 18 months before) to back away from the treaty, so not sure if it’s binding right away.
I tend to agree with you that it may be Bill Gates’ “pandemic 2”, for which a vaccine was already approved in Sept. 2019.
On the chans there was some speculation that it may be a result of VAIDS, and shows up first in gays because they pass it on easily and because their immune systems may be already more compromised. Implication being that we may see outbreaks of old diseases spreading as the vaxxed’s immune systems deteriorate.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes fag diseases are just fag diseases… but if they start trying to use it for something than we will know its not.
It has become increasingly obvious that the Covid virus was genetically engineered to do what it is doing.
It contains gain of function genes from other diseases, notably AIDS, which it could have picked up naturally, because viruses of its type are always indiscriminately hybridizing, but it also contains a patented artificial gain of function gene.
That we see the vaccine before the outbreak is a mighty strong hint that this monkeypox is also genetically engineered, and that the vaccine will be startlingly effective in destroying fertility, as the Covid vaccine was and the HPV vaccine was.
I don’t think they intended that this would be yet another gay disease, but rather a disease of the massively vaxed, because it has long been obvious that the population group that they really want to vax is fertile age white women.
“It contains gain of function genes from other diseases, notably AIDS”
I assume your mean HIV? What do you make of the dissenting theories on HIV, such as the one Duesburg and Mullis argued for, that HIV is just a opportunistic virus that appears in the absence of a functioning immune system and not a cause for concern on its own? The main reason I think that’s likely is that heterosexual AIDS was a lie and that Fauci clamped down immediately on any dissenting theories as to the cause of AIDS, destroying the careers of Nobel laureates and those integral to the discovery of HIV in the first place.
What really intrigues me then is if HIV causing AIDS is bullshit, and HIV is not particularly deadly, then why would its functions have been integrated into a bio-weapon? An example of them believing their own propaganda?
Of course they believe their own propaganda. It is a requirement. A requirement that renders their science stupid and their technology apt to backfire.
They also seem to have thrown the kitchen sink into the virus, which is another mark of people who do not know what they are doing, using high tech as demonic magic.
I am agnostic on Duesberg position, because it is a wrath of God disease, and the details of material and effective causation are almost incidental, so I have not examined them with much care. It is targeting evil people, and innocent people who go along with evil and submit to evil.
I forgot to provide link to Sept’19 FDA approval of smallpox vaccine which also works for monkeypox. What a coincidence.
If it supposedly works for both monekeypox and smallpox, it is unlikely to work for either one, just as the Covid jab does not work. But it is highly likely to reduce fertility.
Pox vaccines tend to have cross protection. Namely Cow Pox vaccine (Vaccinia) protects against small pox.
Now for the real horror, read about the famous Mouse Pox experiment. It even killed vaccinated animals.
The EXACT same thing could be down with small pox
If this monkeypox is engineered, who is to say that it wont be dangerous to healthy people?
As far as I understand, smallpox was around in ancient times and never really mutated down to something less dangerous, sometimes wiping out up to 30% of a city’s inhabitants, and was never solved until the traditional cowpox vaccine, which was a great, life saving piece of technology. So who is to say genetically engineered monkeypox will not be dangerous to healthy unvaxxed chads, and stay that way for a long time?
Obviously I am sure the vaccine will be worse than the disease itself, no matter what.
“the population group that they really want to vax is fertile age white women”
Do they consider Ashkenazi women to be white?
Do they consider Sephardi women to be white?
Do they consider Mizrahi women to be white?
With whom do Jesuits want to replace whites?
Sub-Saharan Africans.
Hopefully it spreads, and we know them on sight. Imagine the meme power from fags being openly disease-ridden
I believe it’s an acute infection, not lingering. You either die, or get over it. But pox diseases often DUE leave pox scars, so there’s that. Think of it as a brand.
Yes, that’s what I meant
Paradoxically, the AIDS epidemic resulted in great sympathy for homosexuals and people felt sorry for them. Yes, it inspired A Wyatt Mann to make some hilarious cartoons but most normies find them offensive and crude. The cartoons, not the homosexuals, for some reason.
Somehow it was the left that laughed at gay jokes, not conservatives. Think Eddie Murphy or Sam Kinison. Not your typical Trump voter.
If that was true, the lie of “heterosexual aids” would have been completely unnecessary.
What caused people to suddenly develop sympathy for homosexuals was the Stonewall riots, when they suddenly realized that gays were allowed to engage in violence against normal people, but normal people were not allowed to defend themselves against gays.
Sexually transmitted aids only affects women who have sex with gays, and only a tiny number of those – presumably anal sex, but no one wants to know, no one dares to know.
I was around when aids came out. Everyone laughed – who dared to laugh. And with a bit of booze in them, they braver.
Analogous to the mysterious inability to see voter fraud.
Stonewall riots happened, much like ghetto riots happen, because the local DA and civil service and jury pools are full of sympathizers, and conservatives don’t live anywhere near the key cities to stop them. Urban violence is a leftist on liberal phenomenon. Leftists live in cities due to socialized housing and liberals live in cities because they can afford to due to not having big families to support like conservatives.
And I must repeat that conservatives don’t live anywhere the key cities because they are excluded from them due to abusively high real estate costs imposed by a cabal of globalist bankers who hate civilized Christians, and these conservatives think voting from the subdivisions is a substitute for representation in urban institutions. It isn’t and there is no magic technology to make it so.
And it’s mostly women who didn’t laugh at gays. And they did fear heterosexual AIDS. And they vote, and unfortunately it isn’t fraud. But it should be.
Alllowing your payload through this time because someone has been wondering what I have been censoring and why.
Going back to censoring it, because making a full factual response every time wastes far too much space and time, and you just endlessly repeat the same payload in some new form.
Stonewall riots happened because police were ordered to stand down, and because prosecutors had made an example out of anyone attempting to defend themselves.
What happened was much as we saw happen in Kenosha. Did those who attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse get off because juries were sympathetic? They were never charged in the first place. The Stonewall riots came from the top down, not the bottom up. Official support, not mass support.
What jury pools would have felt about it was completely obvious, but juries never got a chance to show their opinions until long after the public had been adequately intimidated.
And, of course, you will respond to this reply by simply re-iterating official history – that the ruling official religion comes from the bottom up by persuasion and rational debate, rather than by intimidation, violence, and terror.
The left as been winning arguments by violence for about a hundred and forty years.
The reason that there is no rational discussion or real information in universities is because anyone who tries it gets held down by three people while a fourth one kicks him repeatedly in the face. Been tried repeatedly. This has been going on since 1900 or earlier, but back in 1900 the list of banned topics and hate facts was small and obscure, and hardly affected anyone, while now just about anything remotely connected to reality in any way is a hate fact.
You have been pushing this payload, rational debate and mass support for the holy agenda of Harvard, for some time, and I have been censoring it for some time. The sudden change in public opinion about gays followed the stonewall riots, and many other unpunished violent acts. The violence and fear caused the change in public opinion. At the time, the public attitude was the complete reverse. It is one of the best recent examples of the application of officially tolerated violence to change people’s attitudes.
For a very long time it has been impossible to have genuine evidence based rational discussion about certain matters anywhere near a university without suffering dire and terrible physical violence, and the list of unspeakable hate facts has been growing and growing till it embraces just about everything and the physical danger has been spreading out from universities to the broader society, the stonewall riots being a sudden intrusion of the physical danger at universities spreading into attacks on normies far from universities.
The bottom line on the sudden change in attitude to gay was that people who did not want gay in their faces got the $#!% beaten out of them, so suddenly everyone was fine with having gay shoved in their faces.
You’re saying that we’re just in a slow burning cycle of violence, then? After 140 years, that’s very close to sounding like violence has always been all that mattered, and winning debates does nothing. This feel absolutely wrong on a spiritual level unless America is like a special demonic entity like the Whore of Babylon, which might be true…
And if violence, you are saying that Abe Lincoln, the American Gothic Guy, General Patton, and the Puritans would have all looked with favor on gay pride parades? Or is it that we are constantly haunted by historical defeats that don’t matter anymore?
If a crew of angry patriots (like the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Michigan Militia, except real) joined with Kyle Rittenhouse against the mob and gunned down dozens of Antifa, would that have been our reactionary moment?
Or is it violence at the top that matters?
Allowing this through because, for a change, somewhat responsive.
They all looked with favor on an unofficially official state religion that was already post Christian in Lincoln’s time, though it continued to pretend to be Christian, and continued for a little while to worship the one God, though no longer worshiping Christ. As usual, demons moved into the gap from which Christ had been removed.
This state religion rapidly became ever more non Christian, and now worships Gaea, Covid, and the magic negro, and conducts abortion and the clot shot as holy sacraments
As I said, the list of unthinkable and unspeakable ideas has been rapidly growing.
Nah, that would have been our Jan 6th moment. Trump would have been forced to deplore us, and the DOJ would have come down like a ton of bricks on everyone vaguely connected, as it came down like a ton of bricks on Kyle Rittenhouse and a ton of bricks on anyone trying to defend themselves against the Stonewall rioters and the Detroit arsonists.
The Global American Empire relies primarily on soft power, but its soft power does not succeed by attracting people through superior reasoning and evidence. It succeeds by applying hard power to grab the megaphone and chase other people away from the megaphone, and applying hard power to arrange for its opponents to be held down on the ground while someone kicks them in the face.
Whos to say Trump voters don’t like Sam Kinison or Delirious. Sam Kinison NEVER sounded like a leftist not even a little bit… he was clearly by his own admission a very very bad christian but never a leftist.
And as soon as they have a “vaccine” against it, they are going to want to inject nine year old schoolgirls with it.
For some time now, boys have been getting vaccinated for HPV, a virus which can cause cervical cancer. These are real male boys with no cervixes. And they are deliberately vague with the parents about why they give these obviously needless vaccines.
Men and boys can get throat cancer from HPV-infected pussy. If you teach your sons never to eat pussy, they don’t need an HPV vax.
Heterosexual stds are a meme, all of them…
Just a point of reference. This topic is far outside my capacity to speak with any shred of authority on the science side. On the social side, I had a relatively unique view of the Coronahoax. I was part of the initial wave of suckers entrapped by Chinese/Cathedral Operatives “muddy web” psyop. I first heard rumors “the Chinese sickness.” I latched onto Styxx coverage, and made preparations for a social semi-collapse (1-5% of Americans dieing from some horrible disease rapidly). I became skeptical in spring/summer due to the great corona debate here, as well as information I obtained via work about the NG and State/Federal response teams quietly halting the preparations for an influx of cadavers. Around this time I stopped all “pandemic procedures” being carried out at home.
The issue for us here, and other thinking communities is this: just because Corona was undeniably a hoax operated to forward certain Elite’s agendas doesn’t mean there cannot be, indeed will not be, actual pandemics. Indeed, we’re almost guaranteed that there will be a massive “effort” by elite factions to for e a Covid style response if given any opportunity, meaning both real and meme pandemics will be accompanied by social programs that, if anything, make the epidemiological situation far more dreadful. It would probably be useful and worthwhile to come up with a battery of questions, like the Keys To The Presidency rubric, to help establish if a pandemic/outbreak is real.
Watch what South Korea and Japan do, thats it.
This is an incredibly shortsighted approach. Both Nippon and SKorea are firmly in the GAE. There success with Covid is almost irrelevant because it was probably a one-off in terms of all factors in context, and they are insular cultures with atypical characteristics uniquely suited to authoritarian measures and social unity. I completely agree that they will most likely come up with and implement the optimal approaches to a real pandemic, but they can also be relatively easily removed from honest observation through “splinternet” and censorship.
There’s a stupid, pointless book called World War Z. Not really worth the time, though infinitely better than the movie. As the zombie outbreak is in its early stages, the best planners in the West come up with a two step response: send in a wave of Alpha Teams to halt or slow outbreaks at the source and on borders, then prepare a massive social program to prepare for the arrival. Step one gets carried out, but step two fails, and profiteers with sugar pills sell a fake antidote.
More realistically, and scarily, the Coronatarians will again be given free reign, and will literally make it worse to up the sacrifices to the false god. There are good, viable, and effective ways of dealing with a pandemic, and there is varied and wide applicability, from large social measures to best practices around the home. The real issue, from my perspective, seems to be divining whether it’s real or not, and then figuring out if it’s orchestrated or not. How do we do that?
They seem to have honest public health establishments whereas the people in ours should all be executed.
Science has given us the means to produce no end of deadly diseases. If we were still technologically competent, we would now have diseases that would have rendered mosquitoes, cockroaches, and rats almost extinct. Instead, it seems that all the actual work has been done on diseases to afflict humans.
Optimal war strategy is to manufacture a disease, manufacture a vaccine for it advance, ensure that the disease will be sufficiently genetically stable for the vaccine to continue work, and then bomb your enemy with the disease. Then vaccinate your people near the conflict.
Interestingly however, Corona virus was deliberately genetically engineered to be twenty times less genetically stable than the disease from which it was created, making it very difficult for them to produce an effective vaccine, even if they wanted to, which they obviously did not. It was a weapon created to attack the home front.
Its genetic instability worked against them. Optimal strategy for a flu type disease is to attack the nose and throat, because sneezing, coughing, and nose snot contamination is how it spreads. Corona was genetically engineered to attack the lungs, but its offspring rapidly lost interest in the lungs and proceeded to focus on the nose and throat, which is substantially less likely to be lethal.
And here is the 2021 game scenario where the world suddenly and unexpectedly has an eruption of monkeypox.
A sad (perhaps tragic given the talent) example of pussy in the workplace.
Apparently, he’s got job offers from China, Russia and UAE. Why does he not take them? No income taxes in UAE to boot. His behaviour is hard to understand. Must have been a male feminist himself in which case he deserves this.
“Must have been a male feminist himself in which case he deserves this.”
Maybe. But then, maybe this i just a cope. Maybe you’re just saying that because it lets you think, “His fate was avoidable; I just have to avoid making the mistakes he made.” It would give you the illusion of control, in other words.
Bullshit. This is perfect example of our host’s saying: Society has given women superweapons. And now a woman scorned – like whom Hell hath no fury – can totally destroy your career, because you took her at her word when she said she wanted a casual, open relationship.
The guy chose to be, not even a martyr, but a victim. He was offered a place to exist and do his work. This is insanity, this is submission to an evil faith. I’m not disputing the, literal and legal, privileges of the female here, and the destructive nature of these privileges. The fact is, he chose to accept his removal, this is an implicit acknowledgement of the supposed correctness of it. His career was not actually destroyed, only his position in the American academic system. In the past, such a mind with many states chasing after him, would move jurisdiction. It’s a situation with historical parallels. Yet, he chooses submission. There is no courage of spirit left in our most talented, or of there is it is perverted to terrible ends. What a tragic time we live in.
It’s true that he should have fought harder, and as you say, he has other options. But the entire situation should not exist in the first place.
Yes, the situation should not have existed in the first place. But we have to live in the world as it is and not as we think it should be. Now that the situation is here, we have to figure out how to go about it. This fellow gets Job offers from abroad and what does he do? Mopes around!!
Sorry, but I’m having a hard time sympathizing with him. Just take your boy and go to UAE, man! Then I’d root for you, Dave!
“This fellow gets Job offers from abroad and what does he do? Mopes around!!”
I agree that this is stupid of him.
I agree. Living as a slave of the sheikhs is better than a slave of the Jews. What I wonder is what it would take for Bharat to get top-tier folks to migrate here. A special state-within-a-state with patriactionary laws? If the Baphometans can manage within their retarded sharia framework, surely we can too? Might need a few more nuke tests and the resulting gay sanctions tho.
I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish ………….
We’re so far away from this that ………. Sigh!
It’s almost as if he has a 11 year old son he loves whose entire social life is rooted in America. Leaving for China, Russia, or UAE would either mean moving his son into a completely alien environment leaving behind all his friends and extended family or abandoning his son to be completely raised by a his likely jilted ex wife.
What can possibly go wrong with raising a kid in a culture he doesn’t even know the language of or even belong in?
What can possibly go wrong with leaving your son under the complete influence of a jilted ex wife?
Do you have any idea how both of those situations would jack up his son’s life?
These kinds of situations are far more complex than a man choosing to be a victim, martyr, or blue pilled male feminist.
From the article, “Sabatini spends his days shuffling around, watching Netflix, caring for his 11-year-old son and taking calls from lawyers.” If the article is true, Sabatini is doing the only thing that truly matters at this point, doing his best to make sure his son doesn’t grow up alienated or castrated.
These countries always have international schools with English language and curriculum
From what I’ve heard at least here International schools are direct or indirect Cathedral-controlled institutions.
At this point the West seems to be in, it might actually be better that children are not exposed to globohomo and any country that protects children from or at least minimally exposes to globohomo “culture†should be a feature not a bug.
I know it’s a tough choice, but between alienation and castration (spiritual or actually physical) alienation seems preferable.
Just take the kid with him to China, take up the Job offer there and show the middle finger to the ex. Yes, China is an alien environment and its going to be hard. But the boy will have a Dad who is acting like a man! Better a dad who acts like a man in a strange world than one who acts like a simp in a familiar one.
That is an option, but a hard non-intuitive option for most people. What I wish to point out is that it’s not always so simple of a choice for most people. There are many costs and benefits. From the outside we are tempted to be biased to the benefits, for those experiencing these things they are biased towards the costs.
Suppose the man ran off to China, Russia, etc with his son and gave his ex the middle finger. You can bet that USG would make it their mission to retrieve the child and destroy the man to make an example in such a high profile case. Would he be safe in China, Russia, etc? You’ll find that even China has on occasion given into US demands for extradition of people hiding in China. Running to China or any other of these countries would thus depend on maintaining political favor. Maybe he succeeds, maybe he fails. Hard to tell when one is not privy to those systems.
Suffice to say it’s not an easy decision for someone in his situation. Not saying you’re wrong on what he should do… but to say in many of these cases people do the understandable wrong decision for the right reasons, such is human nature. For that I refuse to call them stupid or some sort of simp.
Now if Sabatini spends the next 10 years doing nothing but watch netflix… calling him out for that is important, but right now this is likely still a very raw ,highly bitter moment for him in which mental clarity is not present.
The most neutral decision he can make from his prospective is to become a stay at home dad for his son and be as involved as he can be in his son’s life in America. Maybe it’s an illusion of security, maybe not, but if he’s lucky his son might turn out fine.
Placing women in male education is wicked not because women are incapable of learning, rather that Western education gives women power and a woman’s morality is measured by her submission to male authority.
Women should work but in ways that do not offer them independence.
…of which, per Chesterton’s fence, mostly involves being housewives doing make-work in social clubs, and rarely anything else.
Or really women need to stay away from position with any faintest hint of power.
Not everyone is wealthy middle-class where wives afford being housewives. Personally I’m fine seeing women as assembly worker or clerk, but not in any supervisory position.
Like so many others, MIT too seems to be in the skin suit-wearing, respect-demanding phase of its life cycle.
Is it in a cyclical phase?
Look at who runs admissions and you’ll realize that it’s been like that far longer than any of us has been alive. It might have always been like that, I wouldn’t know, I wasn’t alive in 1861, but it’s likely what we’re seeing today is more of a continuation of a trajectory than a cycle.
Perhaps a poor choice of terms though the biological life cycle perpetuates the next iteration by reproduction, while the original organism is no longer considered important.
If we consider universities in particular, I can’t offhand think of any that have regained their former glory after passing through the nadir. They haven’t yet, at least.
Off topic: A softhearted professor at Brooklyn CUNY detects massive cheating on his course (70/100 students). Perhaps you will expect what happens next.
A measure of catharsis for those who have been in the same situation but honestly, most if not all of these rogues seem well beyond any redemptive arc.
It’s nothing new of course, but it seems to be done at an impressive scale now and entirely routinely at that.
According to this “evidence” found in this document he “groomed women” and coerced them into sex:
That’s what marriage is for as well. To protect against this.
In the current climate, it seems wiser to strictly observe the Pence rule at work. Especially if you’re a PI at a university.
This particular case is of course highly annoying, even among its numerous kind.
Literally don’t understand the thought process behind shutting down *all* oil drilling and then making law that you can’t price gouge on gases. This regime is literally fueled by nothing but hatred for the Amerikaner, how does the premier-ultimate-geopolitical strategist faggot Zeihan rationalize this crap?
As mentioned on this blog previously (it’s too hard to find old comments here) and echoed by Jim on Gab:
What is with Jews hating on Russia and USA?
Indonesian and Japan used to be sworn enemies now we are friend. Same thing with US and Japan now they are friend.
People having deep rooted hate on national identity *also winking to India and Pakistan* need to chill. If people can’t befriend each other at least need to behave properly like civilized human being.
Why would India (or anyone for that matter) befriend a neighbor explicitly guided by a monstrous, beastly religion/ideology who’s ultimate goal is to either subsume or exterminate you.
“a monstrous, beastly religion/ideology who’s ultimate goal is to either subsume or exterminate you.”
Like, er, Buddhism?
“The burning of the Jaffna Public Library (Tamil: யாழ௠பொத௠நூலகம௠எரிபà¯à®ªà¯, YÄḻ potu nÅ«lakam erippu; Sinhala: යà·à¶´à¶±à¶º මහජන පුස්à¶à¶šà·à¶½à¶º ගිනිබà¶à·Š කිරීම, YÄpanaya mahajana pustakÄlaya ginibat kirÄ«ma) took place on the night of June 1, 1981, when an organized mob of Sinhalese individuals went on a rampage, burning the library.[1] It was one of the most violent examples of ethnic biblioclasm of the 20th century.[Term][3] At the time of its destruction, the library was one of the biggest in Asia, containing over 97,000 books and manuscripts.[4][5]”
Source: Wikipedia
See, this is exactly what I’m talking about. The fact that people can hate someone just because some book and some people told them so is stupid beyond comprehension.
Being raised moslem I know preachers telling me to hate on everybody else, while sucking on arab’s cock. Even koran says so. Took me a while to fuck this shit and never look back.
Because the Western border of Bharat can only be secure if the natural Wall of the Hindu-Kush range is safe. If Hindu-Kush falls to the enemy, all areas upto the Indus are easily overrun, and when the Indus gets crossed eventually, Hastinapur comes within reach. “Indo-Pakistan” border is militarily indefensible, just like the borders between Indian states. It requires a Wall of Steel at great human and materiel cost to maintain this fake “border.”
Pakistan needs to revert from dar-ul-harb mode to dar-ul-amn mode for this to happen. Which is mighty difficult. But it absolutely needs to be done, on a civilisational timescale.
Lankan “Buddhism” is more anti-Dharma rather than a positive affirmation. Lankan rakshasa society is divided, and the divisions take the form of “religion.” The battles are older than Buddha himself. Ramayana contains an example where a northern God King (who I personally respect) caused a regime change in Lanka by executing its pretender God King and installing his loyal brother in his place. Which Dharmic regime made Lanka a powerhouse till Shri Samrat Ashoka the Great introduced Buddhism.
My Final Solution to fake and gay “Buddhism” is going to involve celibacy or elephants (credit to brother someDude for the idea). The only Dharmic Buddhism I can discern only exists in Thailand, where the King explicitly acknowledges his Dharmic duties, respects the gods of his fathers, and has the same regnal title as the famous northern God King I mentioned above: Shri Maharaj Rama. This is not a coincidence — Thais have also built a replica of Shri Maharaj Rama’s capital city, Ayodhya, as Ayutthaya. Which cities are not twinned cities due to the Indian Govt being the adharmic one. Also helps that the Thai military is fanatically devoted to King and Dharma, which gets no end of criticism from Molochite and Yahwehite priests alike. After the fall of Nepal, Thailand is the only Dharmic state left standing.
@The Ducking Man
Congratulations on repudiating foreign mental slavery. Too bad you fell for a different Semitic con. The Blood in your veins did not come from Arabia, nor from Jerusalem. Feel it. Hear its call. The Sky is our Father, the Earth our mother, our power is the Divine Sun, and our symbol is the Swastika. Quit joking around. Recognise who you are. Become what you were born to be. Blood is thicker than mere words in a book.
After you guys fix your demon infestation, then you can give us lectures on the original Aryan faith.
The faith of our Aryan fathers died near the end of the Bronze age, and what was remembered at the start of the iron age was weak against demons, and suffered severe demon infestation in the decline of Greek of Roman civilization.
You guys remembered it longer, which is why your civilization did not collapse at the end of the Bronze age while western civilization did, but you now have intolerable demon infestation, and unless you fix it, the only real alternative is Christianity, which is strong against demon infestation, though very far from bulletproof.
No way we could revive the original Aryan faith, unless we first revive the strong and extreme patriarchy, and keep it running for centuries.
Further, no one remembers the original Aryan faith of the west, only the hopelessly corrupted version that existed at the dawn of Greek and Roman civilization. Western pagans are limp wristed faggots, because they are trying to remember and revive that which was already dead. And your version is not in much better shape.
Well, by inappropriately invoking the bogey of “demon” worship, your Evangelical Christians and the Desert Warriros did more to destroy all the surviving native ancestral faiths in Indo-Aryan lands long before Progressivism arrived on the scene.
And Hinduism is the only major religion to still have ancestor worship to this day. And there was a functioning patriarchal Hindu society even up to the time of my grandfather’s father, which started to rapidly decline only during the time of my grandfather when post-independent Indian Government, inspired by European Socialism and Harvard, implemented all kinds of evil laws to empower women by giving them succession rights in ancestral property and effectively destroyed the traditional Hindu marriage and inheritance laws, followed by other such “innovations”.
Yes, Hinduism did have its demons prior to that point, but the real problems started only after Harvard started its “Christianizing” mission.
I simply ask you to not go by what modern post-Hindus say, just as you ask us not to go by what the modern post-Christian says. They are just as Progressive as the Harvard “Christian.”
I have read up on the last days of paganism.
Nothing inappropriate about it. Indeed it needed that treatment much earlier, but there was no tolerably healthy state religion around to apply it.
Long before Christianity, paganism was demon infested, and quite some time before Christianity arrived on the scene, died of natural causes.
As I said, the remembered religion of modern western neopagans was dead already.
Which is why modern western neopagans are a bunch of limp wristed faggots. What they are trying restore was already dead long ago.
As you point out, Modern Christianity is also in bad shape, and thoroughly demon infested.
But the rot in your faith is a great deal older. The British conquered India the way Alfred the Great conquered the pagans. The Rajas were too busy killing their brothers, their sons, and their fathers to fight the British.
Your most immediate enemy is converged Hinduism, as ours is converged Christianity. But even before convergence, no shortage of demons.
This is a fact. The “success” of foreign desert faiths is a trailing indicator of spiritual corruption. Baphomet/Yahweh can only make headway when a man himself abandons mos mairoum. It is no coincidence that Islam made the greatest conquests in Bharat where Buddhism was most prevalent, and thoroughly failed where the Old Gods were awake.
I was at a religious sacrament a few days ago, and in the midst of cucked sermons, the Brahmin made sure to 1) remind everyone that the yajman, the offerer of sacrifice, was the chief benefactor here and worthy of respect, and 2) during the ceremony, explicitly made sure to remind everyone to understand that our forefathers are actually there with us, and to seek their blessings as with the gods. No demon can ever win as long as a son worships his Father and his Father before him, and his Father’s gods.
That said, my exhortation was only for The Ducking Man, who has taken but one step towards darkness, and still has a live faith to back him. A Dharmic military power is also nearby, in Thailand. Unlike, say, modern Rus-ians. The position of Western Aryans is far more dire.
The key fact is that adaptive forms of western christendom still exist in recorded memory.
Whereas, by the time the Romans got around to recording things, theirs was already on the way out – memory of the adaptive forms largely lost in the sands of time, only fragments and echos existing in the icelandic sagas and vedantas.
The rot had set in as far back as the axial age, given the existence of the sophists.
“This is a fact. The “success†of foreign desert faiths is a trailing indicator of spiritual corruption. Baphomet/Yahweh can only make headway when a man himself abandons mos mairoum. It is no coincidence that Islam made the greatest conquests in Bharat where Buddhism was most prevalent, and thoroughly failed where the Old Gods were awake.”
Sorry how is God Baphomet? Can Satan drive out Satan?
Given how many evil demons fear Christ and is easily defeated by him. And all magic gets nullified by his presence.
I don’t that is a coincidence.
Even if you invoke your Aryan Gods against Christ.
I doubt they can ever overrule the Most High God.
Shotgun marriage presupposes shotgun.
Take the following cases:
A Muslim deflowers a Christian virgin. The Christian men take their shotguns. The Muslim summons some fellow Muslims who take their AK-47 and RPGs with them.
A Heathen deflowers a Christian virgin. The Christian men take their shotguns. The Heathens also take their shotguns, but point out that if the Christians have e.g. their knees destroyed, there won’t be any euthanasia.
Constantine claimed to be Christian, but so does Biden. You can’t use “history” to prove “Christian” superiority.
First case, the guys with shotguns call on me, and I summon my soldiers. I burn the mosque where the Muslims pray, kill their women and force them to watch their sons be fed to pigs before I cut their knees and toss them inside the pen to be devoured. The daughter goes back unless one of my men wants to marry her, in which case we throw a party and talk up his slaughter of the infidels.
More realistically, the Muslims would have looked sideways at one of my men and gotten their knees broken earlier in the week, so they would not be bothering our women. Muslims can be easily cowed by brutality. The much more likely scenario is a pretty Muslim girl getting grabbed by one of ours.
The second is too ludicrous to take seriously. Pagans actually getting laid, or having the balls to get a gun and enforce their claim? Haha yeah fucking right get real son.
“Kill the women” nah you kill the men and take the women as captives…
@Wulfgar Thundercock III
“burn the mosque where the Muslims pray, kill their women and force them to watch their sons be fed to pigs before I cut their knees and toss them inside the pen to be devoured. ”
The Greeks didn’t do this. Neither did the Indo-Europeans. Only the East Asian societies do this.
Women normally as spoils of War is the normal Aryan way along with the rest of the looted wealth. Unless resource scarcity makes that impossible to sustain.
Christianity provides Western Civilization with sufficient authority to build family and society. The present decline is not a fault of Christianity, it is lack of faith that has caused this.
This civilization rebels against God. It does the opposite of what should be.
“Congratulations on repudiating foreign mental slavery. Too bad you fell for a different Semitic con. The Blood in your veins did not come from Arabia, nor from Jerusalem. Feel it. Hear its call. The Sky is our Father, the Earth our mother, our power is the Divine Sun, and our symbol is the Swastika. Quit joking around. Recognise who you are. Become what you were born to be. Blood is thicker than mere words in a book.”
Meanwhile the 1000lb Gorilla continues to work:
On an abstract level, smaller clades can have greater tendencies for generational hatreds than larger clades.
On an object level, this particular tribe of eurasians is extra ordinarily prone to backbiting behaviors.
>Literally don’t understand the thought process behind shutting down *all* oil drilling and then making law that you can’t price gouge on gases.
Cause gas shortages and thus force people to drive electric cars and bikes. Cause de-industrialization for muh-Gaia Demon. That’s the principle behind it, but the goal is the same as always, hand over control of the apple carts to leftists so they can loot it.
>but the goal is the same as always, hand over control of the apple carts to leftists so they can loot it.
Power hungry bastards then, still power hungry now. I’m really suspecting they are literal devil descendant.
“I’m really suspecting they are literal devil descendant.â€
Of course they are children of the Devil. Whether literally or metaphorically is almost beside the point for understanding them and predicting their behavior.
As just one trait (of many):
Satan is the Father of Lies.
And what is the signature feature of leftist rhetoric and propaganda?
SJWs Always Lie. Weirdly enough, they lie when the truth would serve them better. It is like a compulsion they have. I used to have arguments with people back in the day about this sort of thing, and I noticed that happening a lot. Just slipping in little lies, where the actual truth would make a better point. They are a bunch of evil fuckers.
“Weirdly enough, they lie when the truth would serve them better.”
I first noticed this with Bill Clinton and Al Gore. They lie just for the hell of it.
The point of it is that they know very well that there are not enough resources for *everyone* to have an electric car.
That’s the point. Peasant class visible by material wealth.
Clothes used to maketh the man.
But now, it’s easy to buy a “fake” outfit that looks as good a quality
And people don’t really know enough about cars, they don’t care enough, to distinguish between a good quality, status signaling car.
And, practically speaking, people don’t care about it that much – theres no social status in being able to drive across the country anymore because it’s become so cheap.
So how to signal your high social status?
Solution : Make personal transport unaffordable.
Lol they are trying to metoo Musk, it will fail miserably.
Elongate – perfect
Sorry, I must disagree. You’re describing symptoms, I think – eg “technological decline”
The problem is twofold :
Inflation in the terms of “money printer goes brrr” and the hollowing out of real productivity.
If you’re very smart you know what your labour is worth and you also know that you’re being underpaid.
I’m guessing the amount of cheap chinese shit and fancy new bathrooms and kitchens that the average Jim commenter owns is significantly lower than average.
Basically, because the Cathedral resents skilled labour, both physical and intellectual, but still actually needs it, they printed money to the point that you can’t actually buy it anymore.
I do agree that there is a decline though, but I am pretty bearish on the matter. People are most productive in their late teens-late 20’s and the current populations in the west in that age cohort have been very poorly socialised and educated.
We fucked.
For white collar work, people learn to be productive in their late teens, early 20s. They are mildly productive by their mid to late 20s, but the real productivity is in their 30s.
Interns don’t do shit for a very, very long time. More often than not it’s one guy in their 30s to 40s doing 80% of the actual value creation. There are some geniuses/highly motivated who are creating high amounts of value in the late teens-late 20s, but those people tend to get more productive with age until their 50s, not less.
Not too sure about most blue collar work, but my suspicion is that most trades require 10 years experience before real productivity happens and that tends to put people in their late 20s anyways.
We’re fucked because locking things down due to covid disrupted the whole process by which people even get their foot in the door to begin to learn by probably close to a decade. We have long term low productivity baked into the system which means inherent shortages for a decade even if the money issue vanished overnight.
Quite a few generations now have been punished for competence and rewarded for incompetence. It’s no wonder we are short on heroes.
The raw material is here, but it’s going to take a radical change to jumpstart the process of building heroes. If your not capable of getting pussy, and the money you earn is worthless, not much incentive to do anything more than the bare minimum.
Good idea proposed an earlier posts: a Trash Heap that’s read-only where shill scripts get dumped. I propose we call it the Gory Hole, or the Trash Heap of Xirstory or something else equally stupid.
I also wanted to see if anyone likes the idea of a meta-section for commentary about the commentary, the tribe, and other insular stuff that can crowd out on topic discussion. Might not be necessary.
I also wanted to reintroduce the idea of beginning work on Reactionary History: a summary analysis. This is the idea where we right about historical events, eras, and people from a reactionary frame so there’s a text we can point to/reference as an alternative to Whig Historical texts. Maybe just a place where we can post drafts and people can comment?
I know this all equates to more work for Jim, so if these are dumb ideas, that’s fine.
If this happens, needs to be in parallel with the stories in the Bible. If I was capable I would at least go through the New Testament and properly frame each story. If we do not define the meaning of these stories properly, our enemies will always define them improperly.
Yes I agree with this. The Bible is the best offensive weapon we have. Leftists and faggot Christians alike flee by the mere reading of bible passages as we’ve seen by Jim time and time again on this blog. The Word of God is incredibly based and our enemies tremble before it.
I would say just mastery of relevant Bible sections, based on the topic in question, with reactionary and Jimian commentary would be incredibly helpful. A Jimian Study Bible if you will.
Patriarchy, for instance, being of massive importance, one could just instinctively recite a passage to a faggot Christian.
I agree. We must get back to obeying Gods commands. Less “I love Jesusâ€. Emotions are for women and children, they must not guide us.
[*religious advice direct from the people who worship serpent Christ deleted*]
You don’t sound like the usual Soros or FBI shill. I wondered where you were coming from. Now perhaps I know, or at least strongly suspect.
Let me see if you can commit impiety against the Mighty, Awesome, and Holy Corona Demon.
Jim i don’t normally care to hear his deleted comments but can i read this one…
I deleted it, and pretty much forgot it.
He claimed that Christ and New and Old Testaments were no use against Demons, and in we should instead be using readings from assorted post schism Papal Church fathers, all of whom sounded mighty suspicious to me at the time that I read it, though I have now forgotten who they were.
After the great schism, the Roman Catholic Church developed a great pile of heresies. These are still theoretically doctrine, though after the sack of Rome they mostly joined Saint Paul behind the water heater in the basement.
Hence the well founded Protestant program of returning to older forms of Christianity, which swiftly and dangerously got holiness spiraled into ditching the sacrament of marriage.
Liar. [deleted*]
Commit heresy against the Mighty and Awesome Covid Demon, and give me the affirmation, and then I will discuss Christianity with you.
I suspect that you will have some clever meaning of the Christian words which will enable you to slide through giving the short and simple affirmation. That is how we wound up with book length affirmations, but, if you manage to get through it without catching on fire, learning how you did it will be illuminating.
You don’t like certain bible passages of which certain old type Christians are fond? If you give me the affirmation and commit heresy against the Demons of our state religion, I will be curious to find out which ones. But if the simplest of tests suffices, further theological discussion is unlikely to be useful.
Give the affirmation, and speak heresy against the might and awesomeness of the Awesome and Mighty Covid Demon.
>beginning work on Reactionary History: a summary analysis.
Reactionary history is just history written before the turn of the 19th century, more or less. Especially in languages other than English. (Didn’t moldbug have an old saw that all he really did was “read old books”?) Even flaming Massachusetts Unitarian radicals and French Enlightenment liberals wrote about women and race in ways that would cause even some posters here to blush. (Schopenhauer and Nietzsche are always a delight on women, and Voltaire on the JQ still has its “whoa man that’s pretty intense” moments.)
Hell, even Marx reads like a reactionary sometimes. The reason he writes about “community of women” and not “gender equality” is because the fact that women were property was as obvious to him as the sun rising in the morning; his issue was with their redistribution *as* property.
And if you start, as Yarvin did, with Carlyle, he’ll lead you off in all kinds of directions…
Yeah I think he said just read anything before WWII and it will be inherently reactionary in a way that is beyond all comprehension to a current year leftist.
Google Books is a great resource for old books.
Hell even Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels are incredibly reactionary to a current year leftist
(Can’t remember the exact quotes but it was something like this)
Tatiana: James when we get to England you won’t let me get fat, you beat me.
James: Of course I will.
Felt the urge to reread Schopenhauer’s “On Women” just now; it’s as great as ever:
This was actually considered on the more “misogynistic” side of things by the standards of the time (1851 in Germany), but a completely acceptable and popular way of thinking about women, and about the idea of women’s equality which was just then starting to emerge.
On women and alpha men, in 19th century vernacular:
Even if it were that simple (a date demarcation, and I have my doubts), there’s too much that happened, and too much of what’s happened has a bearing on what’s been written. That’s why I think we need a summary analysis. A text to point to to mitigate the repetitive necessity to Simple/Gentle Introduce men to Concepts and Anti-Concepts.
So like a history *of* reaction rather than reactionary history? I could get behind that. I like reading lists.
My first intuition is that we would have to distinguish reaction proper (literal “reactions” to leftist revolutions like de Maistre) from free-standing philosophers/theorists like Hobbes, Spengler, or Carl Schmitt.
We’d also have to nail down a few questions of definition – such as the role of a specific church or faith. Writers like Machiavelli or Spengler are simply not Christian, though they have much interesting and useful to say.
The Catholic Church wrote a ton of great politically and intellectually reactionary stuff up to the mid 20th century. “Syllabus of Errors” references a lot of this work.
So No, not at all what I meant, and yes, that would be awesome. The first wave of NRx was fond of reading lists, but the links decay over time, so it doesn’t hurt to have a new one.
In terms of delineating, forcing into categories, even if it isn’t a perfect fit, has some utility, and making it dichotomous can be instructive.
What I’m proposing is way take “your” reading list, apply the tools therein to the “mainstream” narratives, and generate an alternate (when necessary) narrative to the history of literate humanity (as well as a prehistoric biological assessment, but that topic a necessary condition for the need for this tool). So instead of just having the hilarious meme of “you believe WW002 had an obvious good side and bad side →you believe it was a complicated conflict →you know the War of Progressive Aggression had obvious good and bad sides” in its mind virus form, we have something more substantial, more sophisticated, and written in a style my great grandfather would find worthwhile and convincing.
I remain convinced it would be a tool worth having. But I’m also into what you’re describing. It’s been done before, which makes the process easier. Almost always cheaper to build off the ruins the forge your own, yeah?
Ah, I think I see what you’re getting at. I feel like that could take one of two forms: a Spengler-like two thousand or so page tome (I’ve been meaning to get to work on mine…) or, more realistically for the moment, a kind of tidy summary of historical event redpills?
Just brainstorming here: maybe it could be like a kind of short catalogue/list of received leftist opinions people absorbed in school or wherever, followed by a succinct high-level redpill summary with further references for the interested?
Like “Samuel Adams was a principled republican patriot” countered with “Samuel Adams was a privileged trust fund kid who was a vocal terrorist and drew thousands of people into a war against his king and his people’s god without regard for consequences”?
Maybe also renaming some stuff? Thinking of the “Glorious Revolution,” the whiggest bullshit name of all time and kind of where Jim’s narrative begins…
Short enough and succinct enough for someone to absorb in an hour, with references for further research or something. That could be interesting.
“maybe it could be like a kind of short catalogue/list of received leftist opinions people absorbed in school or wherever, followed by a succinct high-level redpill summary with further references for the interested”
I think this is a great point of departure, with the caveat that more details/sources/expansion to follow. One cool thing about this approach is that, if you track the responses, you could probably figure out which topics are more or less critical to the Cathedral narrative, then target resources in that direction. Another cool aspect is using the Moldbug style A/B storyline to draw distinctions, which can be quite effective when applied to the big standard postmodern. Yet another cool aspect is the idea of building the whole thing to be shared, and having the components also built to be screenshotted/shared. Obviously, reading the whole thing is preferred, but having easily sharable, self-contained sections would be very useful.
The only reactionary thinkers Pooch could come up with are Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Voltaire, and… Marx. But now you’re all ready to write the definitive breviary of reaction.
Blind leading the blind.
Carlyle was an entryist:
> Whether this interpretation be right or wrong, it is certain that the effect of this new point of view upon one of his visitors was wholly disarming. The bitter and unlovely vision vanished; my armed neutrality went with it, and there I sat talking with Carlyle as fearlessly as if he were an old friend. The talk soon fell on the most dangerous of all ground, our Civil War, which was then near enough to inspire curiosity; and he put questions showing that he had, after all, considered the matter in a sane and reasonable way. He was especially interested in the freed slaves and the colored troops; he said but little, yet that was always to the point, and without one ungenerous word. On the contrary, he showed more readiness to comprehend the situation, as it existed after the war, than was to be found in most Englishmen at that time. The need of giving the ballot to the former slaves he readily admitted, when it was explained to him; and he at once volunteered the remark that in a republic they needed this, as the guarantee of their freedom. “You could do no less,†he said, “for the men who had stood by you.†I could scarcely convince my senses that this manly and reasonable critic was the terrible Carlyle, the hater of “Cuffee†and “Quashee†and of all republican government. If at times a trace of angry exaggeration showed itself, the good, sunny laugh came in and cleared the air.
“Incels always claim pedophilia is good because it’s natural to be attracted to teens. If that’s the case what makes homosexuality different? Animals and the Ancient Romans were also gay, and, surprise! They tend to be pedophiles too.
So as you can see, it’s a bit of an oxymoron to hate gays and love children.
Thoughts?Attraction to teens is by definition not pedophilia. Pedophilia is attraction to pre-pubescent children. Girls get their period around the age of 11-12. After period girls are capable of getting pregnant and giving birth. That’s why pedophilia and homosexuality are both mental illnesses because they both have in common the harmful attraction towards sex that does not produce an offspring.
Ancient Greeks might have been more open towards homosexuality so the art confuses normies into thinking that faggotry was common. It coudn’t be because today when faggotry is super normalized about 1% or less of men are faggots. On the other hand attraction to teenagers is normal and affects most men despite the stigma behind it.”blacki
There are no straight pedophiles- not one. To the extent that men want to bang prepubescent girls, they are always faggots who are using little girls as a substitute for little boys.
Wanting to bang fertile age young woman is completely normal. Wanting to bang very young fertile age woman is completely normal. Wanting to bang pre-fertile age woman: Faggots.
“Wanting to bang very young fertile age woman is completely normal. Wanting to bang pre-fertile age woman: Faggots.”
Makes sense when you think about it. Far less difference between little boys and girls physically. Compared to what happens when puberty gets to work.
“He has a point. While Romans being gay is not true (not even Greeks as a majority were, modern homosexuals amplified that) one should wonder why someone’s favourite age for his ideal woman is that when she’s more similar to the opposite gender. A 22 years old woman is better than a 11 years old one because her skeleton is more different than her same age male equivalent than the 11 yrs old foid compared to a 11 years old boy. Pedos being turned off the more curvaceous the body is cannot but raise a suspect or two. Now I’d rather get a blowjob from a minifoid than fapping alone but it’s far from the ideal or anything I would put in my fantasy harem.”
Interesting he wants a blowjob despite saying the problem is non procreative sex
Life was brutal and short before modern medicine. Estimates of close to 50% mortality rate by age 5. A 22 year old woman in the Roman era is going to reproduce far less than those younger. It’s not fair to conclude the Romans, or any ancient people for that matter, were some how gay for preferring younger rather than older. If that society couldn’t reproduce in sufficient numbers with such high infant mortality rates they died out or were conquered by those who did.
If you chase after women in their prime fertility window, it is going to take some time to start having children, which means at least a part of her prime fertility window is wasted. If you chase after pre-prime women, you get to utilize their entire prime fertility window when it comes up. Hence why European women are at their most attractive a couple years before their most fertile years.
Far less funny than Scary Poppins!
Look at our guy go!
They must be so pissed…
Its possible we have 7 dollar gas soon, if gas is 7 dollars and any Republican governor wants to march on DC (Mastriano might) I do not think they will be opposed.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it becomes 15 dollars by end of this year. WEF wouldn’t stop at anything to make our life miserable.
we are currently around thirty percent or so inflation per year. In which case, probably not fifteen dollars by end of year. On the other hand jihad on carbon proceeding.
I was just thinking about your prediction. Was it sustained $6 or $7?
Also, where did you find Flesh and Blood?
Flesh and Blood is the kind of modern movie that could never be tolerated by twitter today – but still a modern movie.
Personally, i was greatly soured on Verhoeven when he adulterated Heinlein’s Starship Troopers. A funny adulteration, but still an adulteration. Of course, the full power level of such a narrative would have never flown in the post-war broadcast regime, but it just highlights the shame of how all the millions of people would have their perspective of it informed by it, not knowing the truth, being preempted from the truth.
Never doubt the power of the megaphone; and imagine what you can do once you take it.
Gas is $7 in Los Angles today.
Found several monarchist memes on the Babylon Bee.
Also, the Taliban reading diversity training, and concluding that troops so trained could not fight, echoing my meme that no nation with a gay parade has won a war.
Which gives me reason to believe Ukraine is going to lose, though the way the wind blows, may take a while.
Also a monkeypox meme implying it is another bioweapon gone wrong, or perhaps right.
I’m concerned a supposedly slow transmission virus like monkeypox is suddenly popping up in clusters all over the world.
Maybe not so slow.
I think transmission is probably slow, except for faggots having buttsex. Since they spend most of their time fucking random strangers, it spreads quickly. A lot of normies don’t realize just how degenerate the typical faggot is. The way the disease is spreading is a “mystery” to experts because no one will acknowledge this.
Apparently there are some big pride events coming up. I’m looking forward to see the aftermath.
Though given they tried forcing clotshot jabs on kids that were at no risk, I wouldn’t be surprised if they try it again with this.
I can no longer see that article on the Bee
Oops! Now I can
High trust societies are a serious force multiplier. Gay parades and the acceptance of homosexuality is a force divisor.
Russia is a lot lower trust than the US and most of the EU, although trust levels are falling seriously generation over generation. But Russia isn’t facing significant force divisors on the gay parade side.
If Russia can get to at least a moderately high trust society without surrendering on the gay parades, they can own the world. Alternatively, if they can weather the storm long enough, the West will collapse.
This war is likely to continue till one side or the other is decisively defeated. This is likely to take a long time, and may well involve the application of nukes.
Holy wars tend to have radical settlements.
I too think nukes are likely. In Putin’s place, I probably would have already resorted to them. But Putin is likely better at brinksmanship than I am. My own internal algorithm is to look progressively upward at the levels of escalation and analyze the likely response until a level is examined that will likely lead to an acceptable outcome. My gut is that in Putin’s shoes, that best probability lies in a massive first strike coupled with some serious information age warfare, Afghan style to reduce the efficacy of GAE’s second strike. The kind of information availability presently allows for directly subverting your opponent’s trigger pullers, or nuke button pressers.
For instance, if one knew the identities of substantial sections of nuclear submarine boomer crews, one could communicate with them to the effect: We know where your Amerikaner relatives live (supply pictures a la Trump ). They’re not on our nuclear targets list, but they COULD be if your boomer launches. Your families don’t have to die during WW3. Why should your families die for a GAE that hates them? I seriously wonder if the Soviets did any research and exploratory action during the Cold War of this form. I think it would be way way easier now—the information is more available and the morale is WAY lower.
Let’s assume that IEW is still nascent and nowhere fully realized for the purposes of this line of inquiry:
Russia doesn’t have the nuclear option for 3 reasons.
1) missile defense in GAE. A Russian first strike has to overwhelm all defenses to be successful. Due to disproportionate population reserves, the RF doesn’t have anything close to the “breathing room” that GAE does. So they’d have to hit multiple targets on multiple continents with multiple backups for each target in very rapid succession. If they miss a single critical node, that could be mission failure.
2) RF can’t track incoming. Not to the degree the GAE can, anyways. They don’t have parity like they used to during the Cold War.
3) global social backlash. Look at how they appear to have attempted to court GAE delusions in terms of the justice of their Special Operation. That to me raises serious questions about their ability to Grasp The Nettle. If they couldn’t be bold and decisive in their literal backyard, how will they contend with the widespread devastation a comprehensive first strike would entail?
IEW is Russia’s only hope of survival at this point, beating GAE doubly so. It is absolutely possible for one well placed ICBM to decapitate the GAE, I guess. More likely multiple would be needed for a complete, successful decapitation. 10 years from now, maybe a sclerotic GAE might be more susceptible.
This is all conjecture from my admittedly limited perspective. I very well could be missing something in the equation.
GAE Missile defenses do not work. Nobody’s missile defenses work. Hitting a bullet with a bullet is hard.
Nukes are very good at destroying, piss poor at conquering. As soon as things to nuclear, the side that wants to conquer has lost, and the side that does not wish to be conquered has won. Were Russia to nuke a handful of big cities in the USA, they would not only secure their independence, but mine.
There may be a schism taking place among the virus acolytes. While Gates remains the high priest of covid, Warren Buffett is coming out as high priest of monkey poxx. So it looks like there are options.
Meanwhile, in Sweden.
Black women have eyes as well.
The subversion of any remaining internet existence outside of the social media bubble has been increasingly accelerating in latter days.
It really started in a big way back in 2007, when spooks spooked kirtanner, got in one little fight and his mom got scared, she said “you’re moving in with your auties and uncles on Langley Air”. Sold out the Gay Niggers Association of America (weev et all) and has been their running boy ever since. A perennial example of how even clever technically inclined men can be transformed by the touch of power into something antithetical to what they once were.
The shining glow of the late Buffalo job seems to have served as a photocatalyst for the most recent spate of underminings.
I observed this in operation, and drew the same conclusions as he drew.
State level attack on speech using shills and spammers by massively funded and massively financed state level actors with an enormous supply of IP addresses with the goal of deniably shutting down speech. Speech on almost any topic whatsover.
These are the types of people that all should die. When we win this, I am going to spend every gram of political capital I have from the Restoration that I need in order to ensure that I can put these people in a game preserve in Canada or Alaska and let The Cominator go full Cominator on everyone inside. If you silence us, you will dies screaming your lungs hoarse for mercy that will never come, just another day in a lifetime of torture. Consider this the Reactionary’s Basalisk.
“put these people in a game preserve in Canada or Alaska and let The Cominator go full Cominator on everyone inside.”
They really can’t get this: If they won’t let us settle our differences by speech, because they censor us, and if they won’t let us settle our differences by voting, because they commit electoral fraud, then what other options are there but bloodletting?
Yet you know that if and when it does come down to the Cominator solution, they’ll be going, “Hey, this isn’t right! We should be settling our differences by debate and elections!”
Yes but if it ever gets to that time…
If they try some dumb shit like that, I will have speakers placed in the camp blaring clips of the inhabitants calling for censorship and deplatforming all day and all night long. I want to humiliate them before they die. I want everyone who hears so much as a rumor about my Alaska Prog Preserve to have the inner policeman/monkey brain screaming at them, “COMMIES ARE LOW STATUS! MACARTHY WAS RIGHT!” the next time they hear someone whining about equality.
Something else it highlights; no statal integrity, without a state religion.
Can’t filter out squishy cucks or entryists from dedicated boon-companions without a pointed faith to give pointed tests of faith.
A lot of guys (like Vox Day yesterday) are running around with a deflationary counter-prediction. It involves debt defaults somehow. I’ve never understood it. Do any of you?
I skimmed Vox’s piece. I’m not clear on what his argument is.
1. Sri Lanka has defaulted and more defaults are probably coming up.
2. ???
3. Therefore, deflation.
Not saying he’s wrong, just saying I can’t see the link.
Some of his past writing on the subject says that all modern money is debt, and that defaults which wipe out debt are essentially destroying money. If you destroy money that is deflationary by nature.
No idea on how correct that is, but defaulting on the national debt can’t be any more inflationary than printing another 10 trillion whenever the fed feels like it.
“Some of his past writing on the subject says that all modern money is debt, and that defaults which wipe out debt are essentially destroying money. If you destroy money that is deflationary…â€
OK, I recall Day saying this. A mix of correct notions and weird-ass notions. A lot of modern money is indeed debt, though not “all†of it is. And he seems to be saying that “…therefore all debt is money.†At least, that’s the only way I can read his argument. Weird. What’s the name of this fallacy? “Affirming the consequentâ€?
“All cats are mammals, therefore all mammals are cats.†Gah!
With the way new money is introduced, and with how much new money has been introduced since the end of the gold standard, a substantial portion of modern money is debt to the degree that saying all modern money is debt is not so wrong it will get you into trouble from a policy standpoint.
Technically you’ll be right to call what VoxDay is saying a logical fallacy, but pragmatically…
Look if 95% of all mammals are cats, using the logic:
“All cats are mammals, therefore all mammals are cats.â€
Will still get you a right result 95% of the time on average.
The actual amount of physical currency, as much as we hate paper, is quite small at around $2 trillion or only 50 billion in physical notes. If we were solely dependent on physical currency starting today liquidity crisis wouldn’t even begin to describe the problem.
The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet alone is nearly 5 times the physical currency supply. That’s not even getting into US local debt, state debt, or federal debt. Even civilian personal debt outsizes the physical currency supply.
Sure, but Treasury bonds, state & local gov’t bonds, etc. aren’t money.
Except they are money. Not only are they money, they are how new money is created and introduced into the financial system without physically printing.
The reason why Vox Day is wrong about deflation is that rather than defaulting on it they are monetizing it…
Me: “Sure, but Treasury bonds, state & local gov’t bonds, etc. aren’t money.â€
Pax Imperialis: “Except they are money. Not only are they money, they are how new money is created and introduced into the financial system without physically printing.â€
The last part, “they are how new money is created and introduced into the financial system,†is true. (For some Treasury debt – not all of it!) The rest, no.
If you meant “they’re a financial asset†(in a certain sense of “assetâ€), then sure. If you meant “they’re wealth†(in a certain sense of “wealthâ€), then sure.
They’re not money because they’re not exchange media. Treasury bonds aren’t things you use to buy goods and services.
When you swipe a credit card, that transaction, accumulated with a great many others, leads to the credit card company moving treasury bonds from one organization to another. You swipe a credit card, your merchant gets a credit with your credit company, you get a debit from the credit card company. In due course the merchant has a larger bank account, the bank owes him, and the bank has more treasury bills from the credit company, and the credit card company fewer.
Banks all over the world are doing the same thing, so are numerous quasi state nominally private businesses, most of the fire economy, world wide, is using treasury bonds like money, not for spot transactions, but for final settlement of accumulated spot transactions.
If you do a transaction anywhere in the American hegemony, with anyone else in the American hegemony, it is likely that settlement of that transaction, accumulated with many other similar transactions, involves treasury bonds.
@The Cominator
Very possible Vox Day is wrong, very possible he is right. There are limits to monetizing debt. Monetize too much and you get hyper inflationary runaway which ultimately ends in currency destruction and default. Most famous case was 1920s Germany, a highly deflationary period came out of that.
Insofar a commodity is accepted by general consent as a medium of economic exchange it is money. With the way treasury bonds, and most forms of debt as well, operate on the market with extremely high amounts of liquidity, they act as a medium of exchange, as such distinctions between money and debt blur.
Of course it isn’t practical to go to a store in America and buy things with bonds, but that is the same type of impracticality as using Euros or Yen in America or using $100 bills at a hotdog stand. Think of debt as simply a currency/money that is used by financial institutions typically for large scale transactions. It’s still money, but not a type of money most people are using or prepared to accept.
“Very possible Vox Day is wrong, very possible he is right. There are limits to monetizing debt. Monetize too much and you get hyper inflationary runaway which ultimately ends in currency destruction and default.”
Which is not deflation and still tends to be better than massive deflation…
The Weimar hyperinflation didn’t lead to the government falling and Hitler coming in power, the massive depression deflation did so.
The reason why Vox Day is wrong about deflation is that rather than defaulting on it they are monetizing it…
The FED can do this but other holders of debt (eg Sri Lanka, the State of California, etc) can not.
@ Jim, Pax Imp:
(1) If Treasury debt securities were money, the idea of “monetizing the debt†would make no sense. Since T-securities would already be money.
(2) Indeed, if T-securities were money, the gov’t wouldn’t have to sell them for money. The gov’t could simply buy things – computers for the EPA’s offices, bullets for the Army, etc – by simply handing the T-debt over to the computer maker or bullet maker directly.
Treasury securities are certain far less money that fiat dollars are.
Thus raising the interest rate on federal securities does have deflationary effect.
But the big financial institutions of the fire economy can and do use them as money in their big transactions with each other. Thus the deflationary effect of raising interest rates on federal securities is weaker than it should be.
For them to be effectively used as a deflationary tool, needs to be made harder for big institutions to move them around quickly and at small cost. Or better, most of the fire economy needs to be shut down. It is bloated, parasitic, and unproductive. Its contribution to GDP is fake. Its contribution to GDP records the operation of state power as arms length voluntary transactions. Arms length voluntary transactions create value. Transactions that are the application of state power and regulation generally do not.
“Treasury securities are certain far less money that fiat dollars are.”
Point of agreement. I’m good.
Why default if you can get away with inflating debt away?
Debt default would be decisively and massively deflationary, but right now the US is successfully exporting debt to the American hegemony, exporting inflation. Debt default would be a dramatic abandonment of empire. Not going to happen until real interest rates become large and positive. Inflation is probably running at thirty percent or so, so that would only happen after nominal interest rates reached thirty five percent or so.
Why let the bitter gun and bible clingers produce anything real, if you can trade paper for goods?
“Why default if you can get away with inflating debt away?â€
My prediction is, based on history, about as radical as predicting that the sun will rise tomorrow:
They’ll either inflate it away or default (or both). They certainly won’t call it a “default.†They’ll, e.g., default on 90% of the debt and say “We’ve passed a special tax on the rich, a tax of 90% of all returns to Treasury bonds.â€
So let’s suppose for a moment the plan behind the Great Reset is indeed a Debt Reset through planned hyperinflation followed by some international agreement on “resetting” everyone’s ludicrous piles of debt and then shifting entirely to some GAE-run digital currency with UBI and all the other horror show stuff WEF fantasizes about. Let’s also suppose this somehow goes halfway according to plan (which I doubt, as these people prove themselves more incompetent by the day), at least to the moment of the reset. Putting aside questions of grotesqueness and evil, would it even be possible? Would this be a sustainable or even minimally functional economic/monetary system, or would it summarily implode? Is this something different than Politburo science fiction, as fantastic as the trans cult delusion?
In other words, if globohomo were to achieve such a reset, how likely is it we end up in centuries of WEF pedo-tranny-communist serfdom vs. a few years of WEF fucking this all up, and then a quickish purgative collapse after which we can try starting to rebuilding again, maybe in some of our lifetimes?
Competent people capable of cooperating could implement it with no sweat. The great resetters seem to be part of, or led by, the elderly faction of the left from the days when universities selected the left elite from smart people. It is simply an account with the fed and a social credit score in every phone. Not that hard. Not altogether trivial either, you need a team of half a dozen good programmers.
They are smart enough to do it. But the great resetters appear to be demon worshipers, and demon worshipers never accomplish anything, because always at each other’s throats, and fighting over the loot.
Also, they deliberately hire incompetent underlings because competent underlings in a demonic priesthood are potential rivals.
It makes sense, yes. A new EBT card full of digital fedbucks, hooked to a credit score on my pocket panopticon. Simple as.
The motivation is what I don’t understand. It’ll let them holodomor the badthinkers, I get that, but there’s so much Current Thing going on out there. How does one keep a team working diligently on this, through time, with all this Current Thing to keep up with?
It reminds me of Jim’s take on the Khmer Rouge story. Centralized water resource management, planned by Experts. Simple as. But they never made it work because the Current Things came on too fast and hard for them to stay focused.
Is that a fair analogy?
Jim, requesting links to your archive pages on ideal structure of a social network and the ideal structure of a cryptocurrency. Thank you.
Not yet ready for prime time. Still working, not to get it ready for prime time, but to get it into shape such that other people could assist me in that endeavour.
I absolutely love the idea of having many children with different women and building our BIG close-knit extended family together, but the evil stepmother tales bother me. But let’s imagine that these women are sisters, which means that “foreign” children are essentially nephews for them, which means they should perceive them well. Should it work? Well, what if they are just the same ethnic group and look alike?
Polygyny notoriously leads to trouble, but is reputed to work considerably better if the wives are sisters.
As someone who grew up in polygyny household (both of my grandfather had 2 wives each). One wife will always get the shorter end of the stick so sense of competition (though fainly felt) always existed. Plus once the pathriarchy is no more children from different mother tend to avoid each other. Oh, and family tree gets super complicated (like my mother’s niece is actually older than her).
How many children did your grandfathers have?
In my opinion, a weak sense of rivalry for the husband’s attention is good, the main thing is to direct this rivalry to productive competition so that the wives compete in who is more beautiful, more submissive, more caring, and so on, and not do petty meanness to each other.
I used to heard like 5 each on my mother’s side, so it’s like 10 to 11 from my mother side alone. I don’t know my father’s side because they don’t like talking about it.
It was definitely not roses like you paint it to be because my mother is still bitter about it. It was a long time ago so getting short end of the stick mean getting the martyr treatment (abused, poor, and starving).
It is a pity that there are not so many young sisters now, when the eldest has not yet turned into a whore, and the youngest is already legal.
Am now convinced that if Putin were to reinstate even a small measure of patriarchy, Ukraine would fall in a week.
Look what we have here:
I suggest downloading the pdf and looking at just who sponsored this, it’s a name we are all familiar with here. No spoilers!
Okay who is Open Philanthrophy, I thought Soros with open society but don’t see it looking into them.
They say that they did not actually introduce the interleukin gene into monekeypox, just modeled it on paper.
We now know that Covid got a kitchen sink load of gain of function modifications (but not interleukin) It will be interesting to learn of the differences between this monkeypox and wild type monkeypox normally found in monkeys.
Not convinced by this monkeypox thing.
It’s nothing like covid, it’s not nearly as infectious and it is evidently being spread mainly among homosexuals for obvious reasons.
Unless it’s an airborne disease it can never justify the same level of paranoia that covid did. We had many scares like this before every few years and most of them blew over.
It is now completely obvious that covid did not justify that level of paranoia either.
Did not stop them.
What might stop them is that the covid conspiracy is running out of gas.
Covid justified it, not in severity (which is a hard to define thing, some people always die) but in infectiousness, which was definitely significant.
They could control every aspect of our lives because it was hopelessly infectious, spreading in defiance of any restrictions.
It wasn’t as deadly as they implied, but many people did die with covid, because of it or due to other illnesses, and even if they admitted mortality was low, it was always easy to argue that putting a mask on to save any lives was justified.
The thing is, we have pandemic scares every few years, we’ve had ebola before this.
Most of them do not turn out like covid, because they’re not very infectious.
There was no limit in how far they would go to push their nonsense measures, but there was a limit to how irrational the measures against covid generally were. They weren’t effective but it wasn’t random either. Though some local measures were pretty absurd.
Maybe you are right and this is covid 2. That wouldn’t be the worst since at least it’s a change of pace, I’ll take anything over more covid.
But I don’t see it for now. I think currently the most fitting story is that they are pushing this entirely to justify the WHO treaty stuff that’s being worked on. Treating it as the new pandemic seems premature and I don’t understand why they would pick this of all illnesses, and not another respiratory disease.
The other question is, if they had this prepared, and it really is intentional, and they even have a vaccine, did they assume covid would end up exactly like it did? Something doesn’t seem right.
I think you have it backwards – that the who stuff was for the planned epidemic, rather than the epidemic for the who stuff.
I conjecture that they sprayed this stuff at the normie population quite some time ago, no one got sick, and then when nothing happened, they threw in another gain of function genetic modification and then they sprayed rather more, and were rather shocked to find it was primarily gays getting sick, that they had manufactured another wrath of Gnon disease.
Remember, fiery but mostly peaceful protests do not spread covid, but going to Church does. Therefore, to fight the terrible monkeypox epidemic, must vaccinate nine year old girls.
Man, that would be hilarious, if they accidentally created a gay plague because they deluded themselves. If HIV is not a disease that causes AIDS, but it is GRIDS that allows HIV to flourish, then they might have wiped them out with a real disease if this monkeypox thing goes on. Between the Demon Vaxx and Monkeypox, faggots are going to get bushwacked.
Saw in normie news a reference to “vaccinating contacts of suspected cases”. Using cell phone tracking I’m assuming.
Well, what do you know, the CDC was already talking about such “ring vaccination” for smallpox.
Perhaps by amazing coincidence the uninjected will be found have been around suspected cases. Easier to deal with in small numbers at a time.
My phone is staying in a Faraday bag whenever outside (for use only in case of emergency).
Much easier if they simply ask any suspected case for contacts and threaten to treat any incomplete or wrong answer as a crime.
The mutation rate from 2017-2019 was about 10 SNP per year. The genetic distance between the 2022 Portugal sample and the 2019 samples is about 30 SNP. Thus, time alone explains the genetic distance between the current strain and the previous strain, if the mutations occurred randomly.
The best argument for gain-of-function is the lack of intermediate strains between 2019 and 2022. If the mutations were not random, that is, if the virus had mutated or was mutated to adapt to humans, then this would provide greater evidence for gain-of-function.
Um didn’t Project Veritas obtain documents of Fauci’s department funding gain of function research at Wuhan…
That was for COVID, and I agree, it was quite obvious.
I am not saying that gain-of-function was not done for the current monkeypox outbreak. I am saying that there is currently no need for gain-of-function to explain what I know about this outbreak. This could change if new data becomes available.
The mutations of covid were not random, including one patented gain of function sequence, and some more changes that appeared in prior research.
Monkeypox, however, could be just some monkeypox they grabbed from a human in Africa, and likely is. The spread, however, is suspicious. Looks like seeding, appearing in multiple countries near simultaneously.
It is possible that it appeared in a bunch of black faggots in Africa, and spread through sex tourism. If that happened, evidence for that should be available. Maybe it is.
I agree that the spread does indeed look suspicious.
Maybe they just improved the monitoring of the illness and there have been the same number of people sick with monkeypox last year everywhere.
We now know there was a major spreader event in a gay sauna in Madrid that was internationally advertised across Europe.
So perhaps this is the cause for the cases popping up in different countries.
Could be.
Nice find Frank Matters!
…and, Jesus Christ!
“Because monkeypox is not naturally found in [locality], local and international experts consider the outbreak to be unusual”
-page 11
This is WHO two days ago:
“Reported cases thus far have no established travel links to an endemic area”
Someone seeded this for the WHO meeting that is now happening to vote itself authority to rule the world.
[…] Jim notes that stagflation is here. An interesting debate was underway in the comments about supply versus demand being the cause. […]
Another example of failing to Caesar, found via substack.
(With some meme plutonium provided.)
OFF TOPIC: I think Elon Musk is our best hope to be Jim’s Caesar.
Obviously, like Caesar, he’s a scion of the elite. Like Caesar, he is very rich, very popular, and has a track record of success. And, as Jim has pointed out, his technology is key to US DOD capabilities.
Elon Musk’s grandfather was a famous right-winger who led the Technocracy movement in Canada, believing it was the only way to save humanity from the foolish democratic socialism that was on the rise. He left Canada when it became socialist and moved to South Africa.
As a child, Musk says that his grandfather was his primary influence on him. He is an open technocrat. He knows Canada was converged early on.
As a youth, Musk was on hand to watch South Africa collapse from what, he must know in retrospect, to have been the woke mind virus. (That’s his term for it, so I’m using that.)
As an adult executive, he saw California become infected by the woke mind virus, and moved his company to Texas.
As a billionaire, he attempted to purchase Twitter in order to halt the spread of the woke mind virus online. The result of that has, I think, made him realize that the woke mind virus is an existential threat to him and all of his plans. He knows it’s the all-destroyer.
He’s now come out as a Republican and is hiring an aggressive litigation team, warning “there will be blood.”
If you look at Musk’s prior activities, it is easy to say he’s part of the other side because he has been closely aligned with groups like the World Economic Forum, the Green movement, and so on. I believe that initially he thought these groups were legitimately interested in the same things he was interested in, e.g. technocratic solutions to global challenges. I don’t think he believes that anymore. Caesar, after all, was in a triumvirate with the optimates at one time, until he wasn’t.
I think he’s our guy and whatever political action we need from Caesar we have to think of how Musk could accomplish it. No one better is going to come around anytime soon.
Link on Musk grandfather?
Tech priests are still priests. Rule by tech priests is as much a fantasy as rule by Vatican or Harvard. This is regretful, as I myself am a tech-priest. But until we have fully functional glamim, we need warriors, lots of them. After we develop glamim, we’ll need far fewer warriors. But the God Emperor has to be a warrior if the Empire is to succeed at all. “Technocracy” is a sham.
It’s the plural of “golem.” Suones uses it for autonomous weapons.
Regarding glamim:
@Contaminated NEET
The problem with tech priests is not that priests cannot rule, it is that priestly rule always turns bad. Tech priests were a major competition to the woke priests, but the woke priests recognized that competition and dealt with it firmly, while the tech priests sought peace at any price, despite the fact that peace was not on offer.
Priesthoods function primarily by collegial consensus, and consensus is apt to be dominated by the evil and the insane. And when there is power and money on the table …
The problem with tech priests is that they are not priests, and they receive their religion from actual priests. Now that I learned how do do some things with a computer, I realize that the confusion stems from the incidental fact that programming a computer involves typing the roman alphabet into a keyboard. You tell the computer to do something, and it does it, and if you use the right words in the right order, the computer does what you want. You feel powerful, and it simulates priestly power. I imagine that a low-status man has never felt more powerful then when he writes code and it works. But again, this merely simulates priestly power; it does not coordinate human action. “Tech” is not a religion, and the technocracy people always get their religion from elsewhere.
Woah! This is some pretty self aware stuff
This is true. All we ever wanted was to be left alone. We didn’t hurt anybody. Didn’t discriminate against anyone joining our ranks. Our credo was “Shut up and show me the code,” and “On the Internet, no-one knows you’re a dog.” Our hobbies were firmly low-status and we self-selected for nerds and autists. I still cannot understand why it was that woke made us a target. Maybe they had run out of icons to smash so turned to any survivors, however small or insignificant. Or maybe they saw the dawn of the coming Information Age and hastily acted to secure it before it became out of control.
On a personal level, it was the first time that I was shocked by the realisation of the absolute necessity of having warriors to protect us priests, any priests. The woke priests are ultimately backed by the Gay US Army, while we had nothing. Golem tech is not sufficiently advanced to counter a major Army, let alone the mother of all Armies like the US Army. The theoretical implications of Varnashram duty became starkly apparent in practice when Pax Dickinson was hounded out.
But the zeal of woke priests is an indirect benefit. The first rival Empire to formally establish a tech-priesthood will be able to crush all opposition within a few generations. A lot of “US” tech was established by elite tech priests moving there from the world over, voluntarily or otherwise. It’s good that that policy is now being reversed.
To show joy or happiness, to create or improve, to cooperate with your fellow man outside their control- all those cause the woke pain for it is what they are not. And to all these things they react the same way.
Literally the fun police.
Well, I agree with you that people can generally be divided into distinct castes, which makes it a useful heuristic. And I agree with you that we need warriors 100%.
But I also think there are exceptional people who can transcend caste and rise to historic moments. Joshua Chamberlain, who won the Medal of Honor at Little Round Top, was a university professor of theology and rhetoric before he became a war hero. Alvin York was a blacksmith who tried to avoid the draft as a conscientious objector. And that’s frontline fighting men. The number of unassuming people who’ve become politico-military leaders is even higher. Castro was a lawyer, Mao was a librarian.
I don’t know if Musk is such a man. But it would not surprise me if he were able to be the man we need. No one else seems to be rising to the occasion, in any case.
Your examples prove the rule.
Joshua Chamberlain came from a military family. His father, grandfather, etc were all fighting men. You can put a warrior in a university, but can’t take the war out of him.
Alvin York was a prole, who are naturally good soldiers provided strong discipline. He was also a degenerate alcoholic, which is a well known failure mode of proles if they *aren’t* provided strong discipline.
Castro was a “lawyer” lol. His father was a soldier. He hated America because his father had fought and lost in the Spanish-American War. Conquering Cuba was his avenging his father’s defeat and thus humiliation. He merely used whatever State Religion was expedient to accomplishing his goal. Which State Religion turned out to be Marxism.
Mao was a peasant, agreed. But his father was a kulak with a lot more than two cows.
You’re back at your fiery best. While the quality of your comments here and your blog post are both high, I’m noticing that some of your comments here are absolute Gems. Gems that your blog posts do not approach. Dharmic also noticed similar.
For instance, this comment can be it’s own blog post titled, you can take a warrior to university, but you can’t take the war out of him.
Joshua Chamberlain, agreed. I missed his family lineage entirely.
As for the other two, I still don’t agree:
– York: Lots of proles are just low-caste workers and there would have been no reason to think otherwise based on his family. York was an exceptional man. He fought like a god, not like a conscripted prole.
– Castro: I looked up Castro’s father. As far as I can tell, his father was a peasant who got *conscripted* into the army. His military record is, again as far as I can tell, of no distinction. He came to Cuba and became a successful businessman. If being conscripted into the losing side transforms your bloodline into warrior class, then the standard for “warrior” class seems pretty low.
I don’t think that individuals are always and everywhere constrained by the average of their caste. If there were, we would never see social climbing, we’d never see men knighted on the battlefield, and so on. Breed usually breeds true but not always.
Perhaps it is different in India where caste has been enforced for centuries, but in the West, a man’s caste seems a lot harder to predict just based on ancestry. Genius can show up unexpectedly, as can capacity for ruthless violence.
Speaking of capacity for violence:
Errol Musk (Elon’s father) is a notoriously violent and abusive man. He personally shot and killed three men who broke into his home. A lot of people freeze up under conditions of high stress, panic, surrender, miss, get killed, whatever. He didn’t. It takes a certain measure of grit to slaughter burglars. Whatever that grit is, Errol had it. Does that change your view on Elon?
Fidel Castro like Fauci and Redfield had an extremely Jesuit educational background…
There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of the Aryan caste-system here, exemplified by York and Castro.
The castes, while hereditary, are not set in stone. Upward mobility, though unlikely, is possible. New warrior clans arise from some non-warrior caste man achieving victory on the battlefield and proceeding to establish his own clan. A very late example being the Chandel Kshatriya clan, who used to be soldiers for Pratihara Kings, but later established their own clan: the most illustrious being Shri Maharaj Vidyadhara Chandrattreya who defeated Mahmud of Ghazni a dozen times and preserved Dharmic rule for a century. Also built the famous Khajuraho temples. There are innumerable “Vaishya Kshatriyas,” “Pal Kshatriyas,” “Lodh Rajputs,” the inimitable Mauryans, etc., of course.
Downward mobility is also very real, especially so for Brahmins. “High caste” is a gift of birth, but has to be maintained life-long. A single ill-timed misdeed can cause loss of caste.
In a just society (as opposed to the Gay Empire), Alvin York would have been dubbed Sir Alvin of Tennessee in a jiffy, later becoming Lord York of the House of Pall Mall in his old age. Instead the Gay Empire returned him to being a prole and an alcoholic. Served him right for fighting in a dishonourable Army, I guess.
Castro is another example, but a second generation one. His hatred of America was derived from his study of Spain’s humiliation in the Spanish-American War, and was implacable. (Cominator brings up an interesting aspect, him having a Jesuit/Catholic education opposed to Protestant America). Unfortunately, he chose Marxism as his vehicle, which precluded him becoming God Emperor of Cuba, and his legacy is now slowly slipping away.
Re: Elon
I have been a fan of Elon since way back. I was rooting for Tesla before they had a car in the stores. I’ve been a fan of the Paypal mafia since before Paypal was cucked. So I’m biased. Errol being “a terrible human being” per his son does nothing.
Postscript: Who do you think would be a standard bearer for the Gay Empire, and which one would be killed in “suspicious circumstances” — Douglas MacArthur or George S Patton? Look up their ancestry!
Genius and ruthless violence were selected for side by side. Nobility were nearly completely a military elite, and then they would send spare sons into the priesthood and other institutions to support the family. Rather than specialize by caste, as the Indians do, Europe bred for broad capability. One consequence being that talent and personality are a little more unpredictable.
Thanks for your further thoughts. I agree with everything you said much re: Gay Empire, knighting York, Elon, etc.
RE: MacArthur vs Patton. My instinct is that MacArthur would be standard bearer for the Gay Empire and Patton would die (again) under suspicious circumstances. I say that based on reading Patton Papers and American Caesar and so on, I didn’t look up their ancestry.
I used to believe the Macarthur Narrative, but after reading Odd Man Out and Cryptonomicon I wonder if he was possibly a /goodguy/. Truman regime was terrified of him going full on Rubicon.
If he were to become Cesar, the cathedral will come after him like they do everyone else. Can he stand up to the charges of racism, sexism, etc. and not flinch? Does he have it in him to risk loosing everything? Are his people his people or do they have divided loyalties?
Remember that Julius Caesar only ruled for four years before being assassinated by the senatorial elite. He was then succeeded, after civil war, by Octavian (Augustus), who established the Empire, and under whose reign Rome’s greatest art and thought flourished. This is the archetypal form of Caesarism. If there had been only Julius and no Octavian we would no be talking about Caesar (or maybe even Rome) right now; he would have been one short-term dictator among others. There will invariably be civil war of some kind if a Caesar arises, whether palace-intrigue-style conspiracies or open warfare.
Crossing the Rubicon is the beginning, not the end. Someone has to cross that Rubicon first, though.
Caesar would have been fine if he did the right thing and proscribed all his opponents within the senate and equestrian order and never went without his guards…
Sure, he could have lived. But I am all-in on team Augustus. That man was a shrewd, cryptic genius who played everything perfectly and established the greatest political entity to have ever existed. And gave us Virgil, Horace, Ovid and company, to whom I am partial. And, of course, let’s not forget how he set the stage for Jesus.
There was some mystical parallel between the murders of Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ, as many Christians have recognized through the ages. Their deaths created something sublime and enduring and greater than themselves, and the world would be less without their deaths.
But that’s drifting off into distant fields…Musk is no JC, but you’ve got to take what you can get.
Augustus had higher political acumen but Caesar had far better economic ideas.
The Roman Empire would have industrialized for real if he lived…
Caesar was bad at business, knew he was bad at business, and was wise enough to leave business to merchants who he provided protection to, and who made him very rich in return. Which, co-incidentally, is the best way for a Warrior King to manage business — leaving it to the Vaishyas.
Augustus was a better politician, evidenced by the fact that he did unto his hidden enemies before they did unto him, despite being in a far weaker position than Julius. Julius could have whipped a Senator to death in broad daylight and the public would only hace cheered. But he did not. Because he was under the delusion of being a “Common Man” who only came into power by “being in the right place at the right time.”
As I’m fond of saying, if Julius had embraced his destiny and proclaimed himself Rex Imperator dei we’d possibly already be on Mars by now. Rule by Augustus and successors horribly stagnated technological progress and locked the economy into chattel slavery long after it became obvious that it was horribly inefficient. Which is far better than total destruction, of course, but not as good as can be. But the degenerate Roman state religion made Rex a four letter word so no-one tried it. Until Constantine, but that’s another tale.
i.e. The guild of millers “true roman bread for true Romans!”
one of the best running threads in HBO’s Rome, which is a good watch.
All mockery of jews and their one god shall be kept to an appropriate minimum.
No kidding. UK had this system till the 18th-19th century, with Royal Chartered “Honourable Company of X” as the highest governing body of profession/trade X, subservient in authority only to the King Himself. Pure Varnashram, as the gods intended.
Must… resist…ðŸ¤
This comment can be the seed of a blog post titled, How Best may a Kshatriya manage Vaishyas?
“Hey Elon. It’s Peter Thiel. It’s time we have a particular conversation.”
When I see what Elon is doing, I find it hard to believe that Thiel isn’t in on it. Mars-steading is only the next step up from sea-steading. Also, selling a lot of snake-oil to Govt to ensure funds for Holy Crusade later. This is pure Thiel.
He’s the billionaire tech genius fat rolodex super homo. Slippery, poker faced and bulletproof.
“Zero to One motherfuckers, what you gonna do now LOL?â€
Maybe the homo stuff is an act. Might have secret bitches and progeny on five continents by now.
Seasteading could never fly, because ships are utterly vulnerable to hostile action. Mars is considerably safer.
This would probably end up in the Trench Warfare failure mode, but couldn’t one have a seastead *with* hypersonic missiles? If the construct is big enough, it functionally becomes a mobile Spratly Island. Wouldn’t it then become the “landmass” that hostile naval assets couldn’t risk approaching? Further, if you float a satellite constellation in a construct-stationary orbit, you then have a veritable pillar of power, with the construct containing your subjects, orbital launch facilities, drone generating facilities, missile defense, orbiting top cover, and really nice gift shop next to the runway?
This is what China is up to in the South China Sea. Unfortunately, it is only possible for a peer or near peer power. Asymmetrical seasteading is dead in the water (literally), as Thiel and others proved.
Whatever the case, sitting around and muddling over and over the same slate of topics doesn’t seem like it’s going to put us in a position to be useful. I imagine there are plenty of people here with massive individual potential and capabilities. But even the Lord Jesus Christ had a team behind him for his works on earth.
We’ve gone over it many times, and I’ve personally screwed up my approach at making connections here, but if we cannot or will not find some way to transition to the next natural step, what are the options potentially available to turn Jimian Christianity into a faith worth killing/dying/living for? I’ve made my position clear; a book or books seems the safest and most attainable option.
Adam writes: “Are his people his people or do they have divided loyalties?”
IIRC Caesar had some pretty intimate and dangerous betrayals. Having a solid warband is one part, but drawing valuable men to your cause is also critical. Of all Trump’s many failures, failing to call the banners seems to be what relegated him to perplexing footnote of the late stage republic.
I like BAP’s idea of simply having 2-3 close friends you can completely rely on and organise with. Solves the entryist problem, and you’re not on the radar of the state. With enough people creating cells like these, a lot of possibilities arise over time.
As I mentioned below, I like the idea of an outline, but books written by committee tend either to turn into a tepid, bland soup or cause bickering in the committee or, most likely of all, make sure a book never gets finished or even started.
If Jim wanted to write a book, Jim would write a book. Not everyone reads books, though, and we are not necessarily looking for more book-reading types.
Years and years of blog posts can be found here. Maybe you could do a greatest hits collection like
As far as usefulness – we know this blog is a part of the meme economy, and maybe a large part. Look at what Elon Musk is doing and saying publicly. Whether he reads this blog directly or second- or third-hand (we now know from some divorce lawsuit or whatever that he was big into WQ blogs), we know it has had an effect on him and many others. Peter Thiel is one million percent aware of this blog, I would bet my life on it.
Look: we live in a different world than 5-10 years ago. Left is lefter, right is righter, eventually the band will snap and the vacuum will be filled. The ideas here are truer and stronger than competing ideas, and speak a dialect silicon valley spergs understand, so the ideas are well-positioned.
As far as “connecting” outside of the blog – well, I think we’ve been over that many times. Ponder the fate of the Jan. 6 folks, or Andrew Anglin, whose site is being hunted from one nation to the next and only continues to exist because of his apparently inexhaustible energy levels. They even pressured Russia and China into taking him down. So at the moment we’re in the position where there is nothing to do but wait, and refine ideas. A Musk or a Thiel or whoever would find a way to reach out if they wanted to, I am sure.
>Look: we live in a different world than 5-10 years ago. Left is lefter, right is righter
Intuitively this rings as true to me as it does to you, but I expect you and I move in similarly radical spaces. The Left is letter part is self-evident to anyone not living under a rock, but what evidence can you point to that suggests the Right has moved right? I pray that you are correct, but my suspicion is that normies are significantly more tranny- and gay-friendly than they were 8 years ago; quite possibly only in a Greengrocer way, but if so, that’s an assertion that requires evidence.
Our memes are penetrating. The Republican party is in the process of splitting between rinos and old type Christians. Rinos are still theoretically in charge, but in the ground game, find themselves bypassed and ignored, like the mainstream media that gives them their official talking points.
The mainstream media has become irrelevant. The official Republican party is in the process of becoming irrelevant.
Some pieces of evidence are Tucker Carlson’s monologue every evening and Ron DeSantis’s agenda every morning and his consistency in executing that agenda. They are very influential across the Republican spectrum, and straddle the border between RINO and Old Christian.
The institutional right isn’t “as” right as the institutional left is left, though, that is true. But more to the right than 10-20 years ago. I remember Tucker Carlson back in his bowtie days professionally hawking the Bush-family party line. No longer. Hence the emergence of people like Musk, center-left by the standards of a decade ago.
I think the gay-friendly thing is just a RINO thing and belongs to the usual Republican pwn-the-libs defense mechanism. “Look, we’re kind people too!” With the right leader (or just control over Fox News), the Christian populist right would come back into the fold.
I don’t see as much support for the tranny thing, especially now that it’s become religious theater. But it’s true, I don’t interact with Fox News world much.
Once Roe v. Wade falls, people are going to realize that things thought impossible for decades are suddenly possibly overnight, and that most of this stuff is based on the same faulty reasoning of that ruling, or sitting on equally flimsy foundations.
But really what “the people” think means much less than what elites with power think, and we are seeing shifts in that sphere. A Caesar would need to be able to communicate with and persuade the People, and right now the fractured state of right media is preventing coalescence.
To me the logical next step is organizing our own sunday church meetings. Why go to pozzed church when you can have based church. We have the entire model in place — how to choose priests, how to defend against entryists, and plenty of material to preach.
I try to actively promote key insights I’ve learned from this blog with writing I do elsewhere on the web under a different name. I hope others here are doing the same.
Necessarily our guy is going to be a straight white male. For our purposes, at least in the west, we want and need strait white male supremacy and patriarchy. I don’t know what the management of Tesla and SpaceX look like. Everyone not a straight white male is going to have divided loyalties.
An enormous amount of people are (rightly) going to lose out on a lot of free lunches if a reactionary were to take power. Including a great many straight white priests.
Whites are more or less castrated right now. Hard to mount much of an attack from our position. Women, blacks, Jews and immigrants are all in on the steal. The number of self aware whites, above average IQ, and competent is small in comparison.
I attended formal function at a charter school that teaches classical education about the time the Russia/Ukraine started. Very conservative school, extraordinary performance in academics. 3 years of Latin is mandatory. All republicans. The distance between their worldview and “make women property again†may as well be measured in light years.
Musk is inspiring to watch, and encouraging. He is the Star Prophet. But turning things around in the west will necessarily include civil war, and burning Harvard to the ground. Trump couldn’t even roll leftism back 20 years.
I don’t mean to sound defeated, I am not. It is quite a fitness test we and our leader face. Sometimes it seems almost unimaginable anyone could pull it off.
For now, I think you might be right. It took him quite a long time to see what should have been seen much earlier. I’ve recently seen him make the “moderate” argument which is just a bummer. A moderate is not a fixed position through time and space.
Hopefully he was trying to sound “civil” by uttering such nonsense.
Open off-topic question: anyone know links to montages on Trump’s 2016 election victory? I remember there being plenty of good ones, with uplifting music and media footage and everything, but it has been completely scrubbed off the internet. Even on bitchute, this is all I can find but I am looking for something shorter and Trump only.
There used to be a better edited one but this is the closest to it.
Thank you much appreciated.
Math major hacks crypto using clever software exploit, makes $16 mil.
Does the daily stormer have a address? Missing all those memes.
His memes are top notch:
Using a Rwandan domain name is interesting, since Rwanda was subject to a determined effort at genocide by “the international community†and survived it.
When my youngest son was mid school, he was subject to the usual indoctrination about the holocaust, while the Rwandan genocide was ongoing, and got in trouble by calling out the hypocrisy. He did this without any prompting from me – on the contrary he drew my attention to the hypocrisy when school called me up. It was my genes, not my memes, that caused him to notice. Noticing was in his blood.
IP location shows daily stormer location in the heart of the beast, in the Netherlands, but it is running on a vm provided by the Russian company Vdsina, which provides servers that are apt to move frequently on short notice, and frequently do, hence the IP location is unlikely to be meaningful. If the goons show up, will likely not find anything to disconnect, nor anyone to beat with batons.
Vdsina is now substantially in the business of reconnecting splinternet back into the internet, since a lot of people in a lot of countries are finding that they can no longer route packets to Russia or through Russia.
The internet treats censorship as damage and routes around it. Today, a part of Vdsina’s bread and butter is routing around censorship of Russia.
Vdsina requires payment to be made in rubles. Due to Swift going down, probably cannot receive payment in fed aligned currencies.
When Swift disconnected, people said that the Russian financial system was in chaos. Nah, the Russian financial system was connected to Swift, and Swift is chaos. And now people, myself among them, find themselves needing to use rubles as the international currency, because the ruble will work, when the dollar fails.
Hence, despite recent events, still bullish on bitcoin and long on bitcoin. This is another buying opportunity.
I don’t remember the specifics, but what was the reason the satanic cabal was going after Rwanda for? What problems did they have with tutsis exactly? I thought they worshipped them on the homefront so wouldn’t have problems tolerating their existence elsewhere.
Genetic diversity in Africa is very large, substantially larger than in any other continent. The differences between black races are considerably larger than the differences between American whites and American blacks. Rwanda was an embarrassment for the same reason as the red wolf was an embarrassment. (Red wolf was a charismatic species that illustrated that species difference between non human species are frequently far smaller, and interbreeding frequently far more natural and fertile, than interbreeding between human races)
They exterminated the red wolf, and from time to time have attempted to exterminate higher black races for much the same reasons. Tutsi and similar black races are sacrilege against woke biology in the same way that the red wolf was.
They love higher race black immigrants from Africa in America, because they are almost able to perform white functions. Not so keen on higher race blacks in Africa, where they oppress lower race blacks by merely existing.
Aristocide is a common way of subjugating a population. Can’t consolidate power in the J-Left if capable opposition remains. African elites are equally or more capable than East European elites, reflected in relative IQ statistics. Being elites, their mere *existence* is reactionary. Barack Hussein is the son of one such person. Gaddafi was another. Rhodesia and SA were places where the elite were a different skin colour to the populace, and were thus evident to Western proles (“Nazis”), but aristocide has being going on in all parts of Africa. Francophonie examples include CAR-Bokassa (dead) and Gabon (still current). France has been more tolerant of regional elites than GAE.
They’ve tried this in India, but failed because elite fertility was so damn high. Only Moloch has partially succeeded where all else failed.
Curiously, the UK has just reached an agreement with Rwanda where Rwanda would take in all of the UK’s asylum applicants for up to five years, and then give them asylum if the UK rejected their applications. Rwanda’s doing this for mega cash, of course, but this might be about the only realistic course for dealing with the Africanization problem in the middle-term future.
Some interesting analysis by Andrew Joyce on
I mean, why not? Anything is better than nothing at this point. If we can pay African countries enough to just absorb these “refugees” then all the better for everyone involved. Outsourcing economic cost to spare cultural cost, so to speak.
A caste-based society can take in unlimited immigrants and not self-destruct. It is only when immigration is combined with universal franchise democracy and dole/welfare that it becomes lethal. Local proles are always in favour of the latter two but oppose (only) immigration, which is why “anti-immigrant” is a marker of prole/low status.
As long as Paul Kagame and Tutsis are in-charge Rwanda can absorb immigration upto its physical limits.
> A caste-based society can take in unlimited immigrants and not self-destruct. It is only when immigration is combined with universal franchise democracy
Which always happens, thus the obvious folly of allowing mass immigration.
Regardless, where are your examples of the first part being true? The most famous caste-based society, India, is an absolute hellhole in every respect despite being 99% Indian.
The Gulf States treat all their immigrants as lower caste. Ironically, this is the model suones wants to emulate. Role reversed of course. Shaitanic.
Perhaps we need to meme a gradual dehumanization of the enemy… start out with its okay to siphon the gas of people you know who supported Biden… and then push it along…
Start with it’s ok to siphon their gas and escalate to it’s ok to set them on fire with it.
I like this guy…
It’s taken some time to come around to accepting what must be done. Whatever leftism we allow to remain, will remain to corrupt and victimize the innocent.
My only qualm is why valuable fuel should be wasted on a worthless leftist, blumt or sharp objects.
I, the Baron of Lostkoz, consider myself one of your most staunch opposers. Hilariously, my contention is mostly about the futility of it in the absolute (leftism is philosophical decay, and decay can’t be eradicated…), and less so, but more importantly the method you support doesn’t leave options open down the road for a better plan to contain leftism. Consider: however far away and challenging it may be to bring about Restoration, multiply it by a lot, and that is the challenge of successfully controlling it *before* it takes root. Extermination, heavy suppression, isolation, many other methods besides, they’ve all been tried. There’s a missing ingredient, something to realistically lengthen the timeline between Cast Into Darkness and Begin Spreading Again.
I see it as a flooding problem. The TC Solution is an approach to the water present, one that is excessive and emotional and exactly what I’d like to see. But controlling the leak might require some of that water. Like pressure on the breach to reduce the velocity.
P. S. How did you find Flesh+Blood?
If you lack other means bittorrent.
How dare you call me a poorfag, you boomer… I streamed it like a modern bugman.
I was asking because I wanted to know how you found it. Have you read anything about the making of?
Biden’s market has left me holding bags and pretty damn poor compared to what I was after quickly recovering from a leftist judge screwing AMRN. And with prices too low to sell covered calls on… so don’t take it personally. I think I’ll recover but this is the lowest point I’ve been in a very very long time.
These events have made my hatred of leftists far more raw lately too… I remembered seeing it as a teen and looked it up someday. Check it out you might like it or might not, I generally find Verhoeven movies are pretty damn good (even including his holocaust movie Black Book).
I watched it the night you recommended it. Stunning work. I was going to do a little write up on it and post it here, but work got busy. Definitely recommend.
Leftism always starts with successful entryism against the state religion.
Which problem has been a problem for millenia. Working solutions have been found repeatedly.
You need an inquisition and you need to adapt your shill tests to the threat of the moment. And you need an inquisition to detect the threat of the moment.
An individual heretic is not a problem. A few heretics each with his own heresy is not a problem. The problem is when you have a priesthood within the priesthood, united by their common faith against the state religion that they purportedly belong to.
So, you have to detect groups within the group, and discover what they are talking about to each other – is it different in interesting ways to what they talk about to the mainstream of the priesthood?
And having detected the group, you modify the shill test and purge them on the basis of association, on the basis of the content of their private conversations with each other, and a shill test directed at the tenets of their faith, and their creative interpretation of the older shill test that they successfully passed.
Been done. Can be done again.
Which in the past led to the shill tests getting longer and longer and longer, notably the thirty nine articles. You don’t want something like the thirty nine articles. Just apply the good bits that are honed to current threats.
And you don’t want to apply something like the filoque generally. It was targeted to the special meanings a particular group of heretics came up with for the words of the existing shill test, and no one today remembers what it was originally intended to mean.
Similarly, “kid in its mother’s milk” was originally targeted to a particular social ritual of a particular now long forgotten group of enemy entryists.
You need to apply stuff like that to specific targets, not put in a catechism that is intended be recited by schoolboys.
Sure decay can be eradicated, you just cut it off.
Now, i can hear that my hypothetical interlocutor, might object by saying, ‘okay, but this doesnt remove the *concept* of decay itself’.
Alright, is this to say one should *not* cut away gangrene where it arises?
Well, then there’s no point to be made.
Point taken, but there’s subtlety and nuance to the procedure. An infected hangnail and a gangrenous finger require different approaches. Depending on the stage of decay, the relative health of the patient, the cause of the wound, and the medical history all come into play.
Many infections can be little more than a painful inconvenience if they are detected and dealt with early and fully. Many people die or get amputations because they didn’t pay attention or decided to avoid localized pain and didn’t express the wound.
Given the state of decay in the GAE, isn’t anything besides a full exit from the West a case of no point to be made, assuming we’re looking at things as Cut It Off or Don’t?
As long as it’s understood that leftism is a symptom, and not the root, kill as many leftist as you need to.
It’s an important distinction. Killing leftists and establishing divine order is necessary to serve the will of Gnon. It has to be framed and executed this way so we eliminate what is necessary, but no more than necessary, with the right motivation.
The main error I so often find myself obliged to modulate, is the ‘abstract energy field’ theory of phenomenal causation.
That things like ‘conflict’ just happen to happen to some people because there is a ‘conflict field’ localized around the area they live.
That things like ‘richness’ just happen to happen to some people because there is a ‘richness field’ localized around the area they live.
That things like ‘leftism’ just happen to happen to some people because there is a ‘leftism field’ localized around the area they live.
That no things have anything fundamentally to do with the agents who constitute the substrate by which such phenomena are instatiated, the conduits through which they are channeled into being, the avatars in which they are resplendent.
Certainly we could say, that for any given game, there may be incentives to game the game – though of course it depends on the game; including the ultimate game. Certainly we could say, incentive cascades for short term defections against near over far are a perennial dogleg for games of civilization in particular – and certainly, those incentive structures exist today; and indeed, hardly more incentivized than at any other point in history this side of the millennia.
Which then begs the question; why are you here, instead of following those incentives?
A beings aesthetic sensibilities are it’s steering through the contours of Being; such forms it finds itself more or less attracted to; such forms it finds itself more or less repelled from; such forms it finds itself more or less capable of sensing of at all.
Wherever one may ere find exoteric differences in such things, as like party affiliations, or purchasing habits, or lifestyle choices, or google search history, or more besides, so oft can one find ultimately are downstream from an esoteric difference in Taste.
When you, or Andrew Anglin, or other normal person looks at a deserted city, they might feel a sense of dismay, or unsettlement, or despondency, or loss; all of these can be common sentiments. It might strike you as a shame, a waste, a tragedy.
But to a baizuo, the sight does not evoke any particularly ill feeling at all. Rather, in fact, it is *comforted* by it; such a sight gives it a feeling of ‘things are under control’.
More, since the baizuo projects itself onto the System, identifies with the System, such a sight gives it a feeling that things are under *its* control. That it has power, *Impact*, calming the burning pits of insecurity eating away at them inside. Little else there is that one finds stirring its spirits, that motivates it, that provides it impetus.
For such then does one so often find the liberal, the communist, the managerialist, the bureaucratist, the legalist, constantly driven to engage in such behaviors as displacement activities, sublimating such feelings. Performative gestures – regardless of their effects in reality; especially regardless of the calamity of such effects – by which it papers over that yawning chasm in its soul.
The thought of people, so many people, simply going out and doing things, on their own volition, is deeply distressing to the baizuo. It simply can’t stand the sight of it.
With clockwork regularity may one find instances of a lumpenprog detecting instances of even the tenderest suggestion of human biodiversity, and immediately jump in guns blazing with the old ‘so you are Literally Hitler who wants to exterminate all races?’.
It is interesting to consider the implications of this – beyond of course the most prosaic level of ‘[heresy] detected, engaging [party approved devalidation protocol 88]’ that is.
The congenitally solipsistic is a creature that, at a base level, is defined by projection; it does not so much as construe models of the world with itself, but more so rather sees itself in the world (and is incomprehensibly disturbed any and every time experience proves a disconnection between the two). Thus why, for example, the criticisms it may level at others, can tell you about itself.
The reason your archetypical baizuo always and invariably inflates any more perennialist proposition, particularly with regards to humanoid carboniferous nanomachinic gestalts, into Ultra-Mega-Hitler, is because if it were to acknowledge the reality of evolution, that different populations are different in predictably and enduringly consistent ways, then that is *exactly how they themselves would approach the issue*.
And so right away then, of course, one can see parallels here in discussions of leftism. ‘If leftism has anything to do with people themselves, then we’ve got to start killing everyone, aND WHERE WILL IT END?!?!?!1/11/!?!?!!?!11!/?’.
This is implicitly bound up in another great intellectual sin i so often find myself obliged to modulate, which is what i sometimes call ‘categorically imperative’ thinking. Also known as Hippolyte Tain’s ‘Jacobin Mind’; also known as Revilo P. Oliver’s ‘Mattoid’; also known as Eric Vogelin’s ‘Gnosticism’; also known as Michael Oakeshott’s ‘Rationalism in Politics’; also known as Nassim Taleb’s ‘Procrustean Bed’.
There is no room in the congenitally solipsistic for nuance – literally. It swings on the branches of extremes, reductive adulterations, simple, and easy to compute. It is drawn to dualisms like a marble is drawn to a drain; such are the contours of its being. Its capacity for world-formation is like an aperture through which Being may pass into its mind; and every part that doesn’t fit through gets shorn off. Like a patterned net for catching objects; and things it doesn’t match with simply pass through unnoticed.
He can find no principled reason within himself *not* to be a paperclip maximizer, for a given ‘paperclip’, beyond perhaps a vague aesthetic sense that this might result in something undesirable. Which all stems ultimately from a lack of consciously realized higher values; which is to say, consciously realized higher teleologies, in the light of which phenomena may be assessed as participating in, or turning away from. The more transcendent teleologies a being is capable of conceiving of, the higher values it is capable of consciously participating in, before what it may receive from a Tradition, or conditional social validation, or insuperable demands of circumstance. Which is to say, its capacity for Agency.
The goal is not to avoid killing people it’s to avoid killing good and useful people. We have a lot of work to do once we establish order. Cooperation is hard, and extended cooperation is harder. How do you suppose we do that in this case? Mind you not everyone that helps us would be capable of participating on this blog.
>The goal is not to avoid killing people it’s to avoid killing good and useful people.
Is that not obvious? This is precisely the issue i am touching on. It seems like a difficult problem to you because you are still looking at it like a paperclip maximizer.
Not obvious to me, but I am a father of three and help run a successful business so I do indeed maximize my paper clips.
Perhaps I should be moving beyond that, or perhaps it is the difference between academic and practical matters.
‘what to do with evil’ is always an interesting question. I used to think everyone could contribute something, nowadays I think some people by nature seek to abuse Coop/Coop equillibria. Those people need to be thrown out.
Personally, I prefer to do that case by case, based on people who have actively opposed me and my allies. If possible I’d rather have less killings than more. But I’m pragmatic; if many people really need a killing, then so be it. But if they don’t, they don’t.
That Com wants to kill leftists because he didn’t pull out of the finance market the moment Trump was ousted seems like misplaced anger to me, but otherwise I really don’t care that much either way.
Nah i wanted to before… but im angry we have had a strange species of inflation where asset prices in tech (in areas that are still progressing and are probably going to whether the decline fine) go down in value…
I know I know I’m taking minor creative liberties.
It’s not that I have ideological qualms against genocide of bad people (definitions of ‘bad’ may vary of course), it’s just that my ideology does not revolve around the idea. All I want is some peace, prosperity and victory… Maybe that’ll take mass murder, maybe it don’t.
You don’t get the Pax Romana without the mass proscriptions… not at this point. And we’re worse off than Rome was now because Sulla though he foolishly restored the Republic at least purged the extreme left.
I do not doubt proscriptions are the right and only way. How massive they’ll be, we shall see.
Proscriptions are going to be necessary in course of securing victory.
First victory, then law, then order. In that sequence.
The difference between me and The Cominator is that proscriptions can never eradicate leftism. What can eliminate leftism is making organized and collective defection an unprofitable strategy. Eradicating leftism physically is not going to work, because it is not a physical thing.
William the Conqueror, after victory, imposed order. Henry the First, the lion of justice, imposed law. Going from victory to order took a while, and going from order to law took a while.
Institution building takes time. The guys who assassinated Caesar failed, and for the most part died, because they thought that if Caesar dead, the Republic would magically come back to life, failing to realize that the Republic had died long before Caesar, and they themselves had murdered it. Something new had to be built, and Caesar Augustus was the man who built it. Took him roughly a decade or two of absolute and lawless power.
But I would much prefer to walk that path with as few helicopter rides to swimming lessons in the Pacific as possible.
What Caesar Augustus built had a flaw in its core – the divinity of the emperor. What we now call the cult of personality. Constantine fixed that. King under God. The peasant bows to the lord, the lord bows to the King, the King bows to Christ, and the peasant eats Christ sacrificed to man.
Already being done and much better than some petty campaign of inconveniences. They’ve made themselves into the party of the ulgy, demented, deluded, and malformed, and people have meme’d it into a deeper archetype. What do you think bugman means? What do you think it’s a prelude to? Most people don’t cultivate ugly bugs. I don’t think we need some cultivated meme approach, they’ve gone mask off enough that it just requires pointing it out in a funny and engaging way.
Normies are gonna normie, greengrocers will put their sign up and tarry on. I would not expect a campaign of targeted violence to erupt except that which is endorsed. It looks like the FBI is perfectly capable of handling the petty terrorism of supermarkets, you think you could do better?
No, the best thing to meme to those on our side is not memeing, it is to provide practical advice on vetting out entryists and shills. Practical advice on making deep friendships and relationships. Practical advice on taking over your towns institutions, if for no benefit except denying the enemy, but hopefully to provide at least the smallest buffer before getting consumed by the feds and their policies.
The best things for the really talented to do is to provide as much human infrastructure for a potential caesar as possible. And if it turns out we only get a Lenin and a Stalin, to play as something like a Kolmogorov. This means parallel institutions of truth provision, goods provision, and it also means any possible entryism into the security establishment for warrior provision. I would stay out of the academy, though, they are more than any other structure out for total conformity. (Addendum to ‘things to do’: later I would like to consolidate my thoughts on the spectrum of the global political and economic options, for those willing to venture to the hinterlands of the empire in search of potential, if temporary, allies and outposts).
From time to time, the tree of wisdom must be watered by a flood of dank memes and deleted accounts.
Anyone that memes would actually work on are already a part of the enemy.
You’re wanting to convert the unthinking, uninformed masses to your side.
People who support Biden aren’t a problem, in general, similar to how the average “anti communist” back in the day didn’t really understand the talking points.
“THEY GOT NO RELIGION”, and, sir, how often do you go to church?
The real problem are the people who directly benefit from the corruption of the elite/ruling class.
I think the real question you want to ask is “how do we have another French revolution”.
>I think the real question you want to ask is “how do we have another French revolution”
We need to establish more elites which unfortunately we all know the problem with it is all elite institution are owned by leftists.
Finding people with potential to become elite is easy peasy, but setting the path for them to become elite is privilege that currently only entryist and leftist have.
Frank says: “Practical advice on taking over your towns institutions, if for no benefit except denying the enemy, but hopefully to provide at least the smallest buffer before getting consumed by the feds and their policies.”
In regards to Local Institutions, I’ve been puzzling over what to do when you have one. Plenty of candidates go in with bold and noble intentions, but the system in place converts them into members, or mitigates their efforts.
How best to go about reducing the system in place? I feel like a successful campaign could be run on a single promise to reduce bureaucrat headcount. It wouldn’t even have to be tall talk. Instead of spending a bunch of money on campaign ads and other bullshit, a very simple, thorough study of open source data followed by a very simple summary analysis that is immediately released to the public. At the press release, you drop the number of jobs you’re committing to cutting. You could pad it with red meat for the base (“And that’s just where we’re going to start!!!”) and cajoling for the moderates (“If we start having issues, we’ll just rehire them! At higher pay and more benefits!”)
If you pulled this off in the right county, you could probably actually free up some capital to reward the Faithful and cement your position. Built into this is a canary in the coalmine for RINOs and wussies. If they don’t hit their number, the party abandons them as the impotent, worthless shirkers they are.
This Reductionist strategy could probably be ported to other areas besides local government. In all cases, it’s critical to calculate the demographics, finances, and population of the target counties.
I believe Orban’s strategy is instructive here. Say whatever it takes to get support for you to enter some public office with power to choose subordinates. It doesn’t matter if it’swhat you believe, or if it’s true, or if it’s possible. Stock every position you can with your friends. Fire or otherwise reduce every position held by enemies. Do everything you can to become an immovable object. Reward your allies at every chance, punish your adversary in every way. The whole time, your PR should be that of some milqtoast run of the mill local politician. The whole time, you should be providing as much pork as possible for your base, and they should know this. But most importantly, keep your friends close. If you don’t have friends, make them, they are necessary. Play to win, play like you’re fighting a war on all fronts, a war that has degenerated into an attritive slugfest, and you’re going to choke them out.
Yes in politics reward your friends and punish your enemies.
@Frank Matters
This is solid advice. The Left follows this to the letter. The Right needlessly hems and haws about what to say, when actually what’s important is what is actually done. Also, “fairness” and “impartiality” are anti-concepts used by Adharmics to prevent us from getting our own people, good people, into power. Remember Trump’s Make America Great Again call for resumes? That was flushed pretty quickly.
Note on India: BJP is an abysmal failure at this. Even regional parties and (especially) Congress built power through this.
Long long ago I had a go at this, and quickly discovered that the fix was in place at every level.
Orban got in by running undercover. You are proposing to attract votes by breaking cover.
Votes do not matter. Have not mattered for quite some time, but in the past it was easier for them to maintain cover, and they were willing to let conservatives do the dirty work of dismantling initiatives that they had decided to abandon because too disastrous. Now it has become internally impossible for them to abandon anything, even if it blows up in their faces, though they can still quietly slide away from it.
Which means the only thing they need conservatives for is to deny the election steal.
Votes don’t matter, but elections do, because they are opportunities to publicly demonstrate the farce of democracy. Who actually wins is irrelevant, with a rare few exceptions, but how the prize gets stolen can be strategically significant.
Positions don’t matter, but membership does. Whether you’re the dog catcher or the dog catcher in chief, you’re a member of Them. What is done with this status is variable, but while the desperate desire for a return to normalcy coexists with any level of effort by the Cathedral to maintain the illusion of representative democracy, having allies and tribe members in titled offices is an asset.
Jim writes: “Now it has become internally impossible for them to abandon anything, even if it blows up in their faces…”
I think this is an astute observation. Maybe it’s been said already and I missed it, but the implications of this are interesting. Once the mask slips off, there’s no getting it back in without a different monster to distract from the revealed visage. Additionally, the faithful see the mask drop, and naturally assume the gloves are off and start acting far more bellicose. The end of the Obama regime tenure was when the hard left instantiated hot race war tactics, possibly from an abundance of confidence and a lack of restraint.
In some sense, this is breaking from cover. But if it is done in places that don’t matter with people that barely exist, it is possible to begin building a body of precedence that can be used bo different people in other places.
[*deleted for presupposing the Harvard frame that our enemy is a spontaneous bottom up movement*]
The argument you are making presupposes claims that we reject. If you want to make that argument, first provide evidence and argument for those claims.
No argument from fake consensus allowed on this blog.
And no purported Christians telling us about Christianity if they cannot give us the creed and perform sacrilege against the demons that our state religion worships.
You not only are unable to speak the creed, nor my summary version of the bits of the creed that are effective against our current crop of entryists, you are unable to perform sacrilege against magic Negroes, empowered women, holy gays, holy transsexuals, nor to doubt the awesome might of the Awesome and Mighty Covid Demon.
Nicene Creed. And filioque is implicit dogma even if not stated.
Covid is just another stupid flu being used by demon worshipers to force Christians to take an abortion tainted vaccine that might someday actually be effective, but still evil. It’s an opportunity to grow in faith to reject a botched vaccine now, because we will have to reject an effective one later.
Sodomites can repent, wives obey their husbands, and different races can respect each under under objective meritocracy based on truth, not the subjective opinions of man. All too easy.
[*deleted for presupposing the official reality that the blue cities are valuable, productive, and they are blue because the best people are naturally blue.*]
[*deleted for insane detachment from glaringly obvious reality. Charlottesville (unapproved), Occupy (approved) and “mostly peaceful protest” demonstrated that journalists do not let reality get in the way of official truth. If you think that journalists will report something discordant with the official narrative merely to get clicks, produce evidence*]
So, affirm the Nicene Creed, in full, or my short summary and paraphrase of the points that are effective in burning our current crop of entryists.
OK, impiety against the Awesome and Mighty Covid Demon. Pass.
OK, impiety against faggots and strong empowered women, pass.
Failed to commit impiety against the magic negro.
The races are different in that some are higher and some are lower, the higher races having evolved further from chimps than the lower races. If you don’t agree, make the argument.
For blacks to flourish and enjoy physical safety, they need law that is simpler, swifter, and harsher than the law appropriate to whites. Separate but equal works, together but very unequal works, Together and equal will destroy your cities. If you do not agree, argue your position.
If you’re going to keep letting him through, maybe you should let him post, but only I get to respond. All other commenters are barred from any response. At some point, either I’ll have a new ally or he’ll get bored and leave. Midwit quarantine.
He is different from the regular shills, and seems to be putting more effort in.
Effort to pass results in engagement with crimethought. If we turn a shill, we likely have a double agent inside an enemy organization. Also, I think his organization is a different one from the others.
I think he’s just building a dictionary attack. Consider how much effort of response you’ve invested. How close is he to a Jim Approximation at this point?
I don’t think the enemy can do a good Jim Approximation without risk of shills turning.
For an entryist operation, the huge problem is always double agents. Our enemies have always been extremely worried about double agents, and run a very tight ship to reduce that risk. They have been running a very tight ship for two and a half centuries.
Off topic, but why do you give Them credit for that much time of institutional organization? Yes, the distributed process has been going on for that long, but the concerted effort? Nodes of coordination with Gramsci era and Frankfurt faggots. They really only started to coordinate in the late 50s, and they started to find and connect nodes in the 70s.
Consider Eisenhower. Historically, who did more for elevating the Academic and the Bureaucrat? FDR? I don’t think he was in in it, intellectually. I think he completely believed he was doing what’s Right. And JFK thought he was brilliant. But I think it was just rot at the upper levels of power, barely a shadow of what was to come. Tiny tendrils presaging an infection.
Just my opinion, but all they have, they stole. Maggots on the corpse of greatness.
Kunning Drueger says:
Because all big conspiracies leak, and their big conspiracy has been leaking massively for centuries. Entryism and shilling against the Anglican Church, which back then exercised considerable power, was obvious and well known in 1800.
I affirm the Nicene Creed, for the umpteenth time. [*but somehow, you don’t*]
[*deleted*] Separate but equal is unconstitutional [*lengthy explanation that Christianity holds beliefs, and has always held those beliefs that I just categorized as demon worship deleted*]
Is it now?
When did it suddenly become unconstitutional and how did it suddenly become unconstitutional?
Pretty much the same way as banning abortion suddenly became unconstitutional.
Failed to recite the contents of the Creed that would burn a demon worshiper. The test is not designed to ascertain if you can provide a link, the test is designed to see if you can write the key sections of the Creed that would burn a demon worshiper.
Failed to commit impiety against the Covid Demon; I strongly disagree with Jim’s assessment. The test on Covid is not solely about asking whether or not you believe Covid is “just a flu,†the test asks you to commit sacrilege against Holy Science. Also “abortion tainted vaccine†reeks of mockery.
Failed to commit impiety against the magic negro. The “objective meritocracy based on truth†sounds similar to that “objective meritocracy†which would give you a 6-figure legal job, which in practice would involve even-greater parasitism than is already embedded in the universities.
Any person in the legal profession knows that the only law school graduates who get hired are those who went to either top-10 or on occasion top-15 law schools; if you were such a moron that you went into debt for a low-tier law school then you deserve to be working at Starbucks.
Tl;dr: fuck this nigger, he glows.
I agree Neofugue.
@Anonymous Fake
Saying wives should obey their husbands is pretty easy. A lot of McPastors who support the Great Satan’s family court system have no trouble saying so.
What is truly impious against empowered womyn isn’t saying they should submit, but saying why.
And so, Anonymous Fake, it’s time to answer (type out the whole answer in your reply, Anonymous Fake) this multiple choice Redpill on Women Question:
Complete the following the sentence: Women misbehave because –
[A] Capitalism makes them misbehave, by economically incentivizing reckless high time-reference behavior over long-term planning. The capitalist class benefits from one night stands and sterility, as it benefits from third world immigration of spendthrift cheap labor to replace frugal Whites. If it weren’t for capitali$m, women would totally be completely sinless angels.
[B] The (((Jews))) make these totally innocent angels misbehave, since the Jews own the media and the entire entertainment industry from Hollywood down to the tiniest pornography studio, and use them to direct propaganda at women, telling them to fuck Blacks and lowlifes. There’s no way that pure White women desire to be on OnlyFans to whore for money. The Jews forced these angels on that website.
[C] Sorry, but this is a misleading question. Women don’t misbehave at all. All misbehavior is done by men, who are vile pigs.
[D] Lecherous men make them misbehave, since men are ultimately responsible for all female behavior (including misbehavior), and unlike women, men have self-control and moral agency. Thus it logically follows that any female misbehavior would merely reflect bad decisions taken by irresponsible and lustful men. It is men’s fault entirely, so men must be forced to pay for every bad decision done by any random women.
[E] They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from prehistoric times, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a way to allow each man to own a woman so each man can start a family and raise a future generation for civilization’s survival.
Similar to the Socinians’ redefining of Jesus Christ into “jesus the lightbringer,†the above terminology allows the entryist to voice a plausible dissent against the Covid Demon without violating his faith in Holy Science.
A meme came on my news feed yesterday, GPU is back on stock at msrp in my country (which is happening btw).
I was told in this blog that the GPU shortage will last indefinitely because of economics, crypto, bla bla. But it appears to me it only took 1 crypto crash for GPU market came back to reality.
But GPU crash telling me actually is how much inflation caused supply-demand disruption. I don’t know for sure the extend of this relationship, and I don’t think anybody knows the answer. But for sure leftist agenda to fuck up supply chain need bigger highlight.
As far as my crypto knowledge goes, which is not very far, GPUs used to be #1 for crypto mining, but recently have been surpassed by dedicated crypto mining hardware. This is what restocked GPUs.
What you have in mind is ASIC mining which very specialized piece of silicone designed from bottom up for very specific application. We have ASIC mining for Bitcoin ages ago that is why no one mine BTC with GPU anymore.
But as far as shitcoins and other big coins like Ethereum GPU mining is the way to go. That’s why GPU price is soaring high past 2 years because everyone is busy mining shit coins.
Apparently on May 12 stable coin crash really hard (Luna and Terra crash), took down confidence on crypto market. It’s not even full month since then but GPU price already back to normal pre-covid.
There are already ASIC miners for ethereum, coupled with price falling I think this is why mining revenue has gone down so much, bringing GPUs back to msrp.
My RTX 3070 could mine 5-7 euro a day in the last crypto boom, now it would be down to 1.3 euro a day. Not worth it, even if you have lots of them.
Sodomy is America’s highest value!
This is one of Teddy Spaghettis good finds, National Cuckview is not only cucked but gay.
Behind a pay/membership wall.
So it is, i just copied the link off his site.
Can you make an archive link?
Looks like the controllers are pulling the curtain back at Davos. WEF, I see the usual suspects: Kissinger, Schwab, Schoomer, Kerry, etc…
They mean to turn off our energy, starve us, and vaxx us. Klaus speaks, and most world “leaders” parrot him.
I’m reminded of a Thai elephant trainer with a stick making a huge elephant do his bidding while all the while this massive elephant could snatch him by the neck and dash him into the ground.
I hope to see the elephant awaken soon.
The elephant never wakes up, it just gets a different master, or it gets exterminated.
Looks that way. They mean to wipe out 7 billion. God help us.
They want a 70% reduction of global whites, a 50% of global yellows, and 30% of global browns &blacks each, or something like that. My numbers are silly, but I’d bet every dollar of someone else’s money that they’ve convinced themselves “just a little off the middle and bottom, and a few of the grays on top, and we’ll be juuuust right.” Of the scores of times I’ve gotten drunk with the nonprofit/ngo crowd, the conversation topic of “surplus population” came up repeatedly. They always meant the middle class, never the noble poverty class, and only the greedy capitalists.
It’s going to be bad if no one steps in and halts the spiral.
More food supply sabotage?
More food supply sabotage?
I always wonder why these lunatics keep Kissinger around, Kissinger as usual speaks sanity saying that Ukraine must surrender and that Russia can’t be cutoff from the world.
He sees what’s coming. This thing is on the brink of going nuclear.
But he ALWAYS has been for sanity…
And yet somehow these assholes always keep him around.
A love voice is basically worthless without a faction. Kissinger is their pet realist, like some sci-fi overlords that keep a lone survivor of a species they eradicated for entertainment and bragging.
Yeah its something weird like that because I can’t remember Kissinger advocating anything stupid leftist or particularly insane ever. And he was probably our most “Nationalist” secretary of state since the Civil War (Tillerson was up there too) despite being a foreign born jew.
Perhaps they see him as some revered grandfather sage type. A sort of sacred cow. But, I see how Klaus seems to be nodding off as Kissinger speaks. So maybe they just want to get credibility via association. Klaus is insane so who knows what a sociopath is thinking.
> Perhaps they see him as some revered grandfather sage type.
This is part of it. Another part is simply that he is extremely charismatic, and inspires awe wherever he enters the room. Unlike virtually anyone else at their dinner parties, he is living history.
I was at one of these dinners once (your usual globalist think tank gala event) and he arrived kind of unannounced, alone, early, and took his assigned seat and simply started reading a book he had brought with him. People were literally too in awe of him to even speak to him. Like, people whose names you’d recognize if you saw them. The keynote speaker later called him impromptu onto the stage and he gave a perfect speech, completely off the cuff. It was hilarious, and insightful.
I have met some interesting people, but Henry Kissinger’s aura and charisma – and you have to remember this was a five-foot-two shuffling old ninety-year-old with a German accent – is like nothing I have ever encountered. Wish I could share more details but that would obviously be stupidly self-doxxing.
His doctoral thesis – basically Spengler applied to Cold War America – is also a great read.
Exile, can you post it, or a link?
Kissinger is a relic from a bygone age when our elites were smart.
Exile… if you move in those circles…
Remember to keep St. Brevik in your heart if you get terminal cancer or the like.
Found it:
I am incredibly excited to read this, and it is going into my Library of Reaction collection (my growing collection of books referenced or recommended by Yarvin, Jim, the canonical reading list, and others).
@KunnungDruegger. Thanks for the great link, the one I was thinking of must have been his master’s thesis actually:
What’s with the Kissinger-cocksucking? He’s an evil bastard, just like all those other evil bastards like Brzezinski, Soros, and Schwab.
The elite fertility crisis we Hindus are facing is almost directly a result of US policy following the “Kissinger Report”/NSSM200[1]. He even names India as Enemy #1.
Are you all really with Kissinger? Did you/he think Moloch would never come for your kids? WTF? Cominator?
> The elite fertility crisis we Hindus are facing
Is there anyone, anywhere, who believes India needs more people?
Based on what India looks like, no one there should be claiming to be “elite.” Indeed, India’s elites appear to be even more useless than ours.
I’ve been told by disparate sources that Kissinger is evil in my life, and he certainly keeps company with evil people. But neither his own actions when he had power or what he has advocated in terms of American foreign policy (or how foreign policy should be looked at) has ever been evil.
Hes always been a Westphalian realist, in foreign policy terms Westphalian realism is good and Wilsonian univeralism is evil.
Your anit-white* bias is showing. It is always interesting to me that Indians assert their membership in the Great Powers club while still cashing reparations welfare checks from England and whining about historical subjugation their ancestors allowed. Tell us about an Indian luminary that is equivalent to Kissinger and we’ll lavish him with praise.
*all Jews I like are white, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me
Kissinger was a realist; and the object of his more faithful assessments of reality was to more optimally ensure the wilsonian empire could stay in power in perpetuity.
At the end of the day, the reason he could stay in the club, because he was good for the club.
What is going on with the Kissinger bashing? The guy is 98 years old and trying to keep the world from blowing itself up.
I thought all you Indians were based alphas and didn’t have a reproduction problem. Tell those Indian women to open bobs or else.
Shut up, prole.
Leftist weapons are like the gun that fires both ways. It is easy to imagine “we’ll just export these anti-natalist memes/policy to our enemies,” but it comes around. Moloch always takes his pound of flesh. This is why I have learned to never use Leftist tactics, even if they seem beneficial in the short term. Every step in the anti-natal programme has ultimately harmed Amerikaner human capital more than any other, simply because US had the most to begin with. Which is fine for Jews and Jesuits, for WASPs are their civilisational enemies.
@Kunning Druegger
There are honourable Jews, of course, like Otto Weininger[1], but Kissinger is not one of them.
No-one here is bashing Kissinger here except me. Jimian community either love Kissinger or at least admire him. The gods have handed us a boon in that Hindus have been replacing Jews as the foreign enforcers of Empire in America. We have to capitalise on those, like China. Every time I scratch a “reactionary,” I find an Old Type Leftist/J-Leftist underneath.
Indians don’t have reproduction “problems” yet, at least as advanced as in the US/Europe. I’m seeing the derivative for elite reproduction, and it has flatlined. Elites are no longer growing exponentially, mostly due to Moloch. Still above replacement levels, but children are being bled off continuously to IQ shredders, resulting in less elites in India overall. Prole reproduction is not a problem anywhere except China and Japan, maybe. Not in USA, nor in India.
[1] He correctly surmised the then current Jewish race as degenerate and effeminate, but fell into the darkness of despair, like Nietzsche, rather than be a masculine force like Ben Gurion, for example.
@Pseudo Chrysostom
Consider the vastly different assessment of Wilson and Kissinger by commentators here, where they seem like the same team to me (and you(?)). Why is it so? Is Wilson hated because he was a WASP? What is the material difference between Wilson, FDR, and Kissinger that causes the first two to be pilloried here on every occasion while the latter gets a pass? If Wilson helped Bolshevism, FDR helped Stalin, Kissinger helped Mao, all the while making USA more and more degenerate, what is the difference? Why did this nation deny honour to patriots like Rockwell but honour Kissinger? Why do “reactionaries” do the same? Is “reaction” actually Nixon 2.0[1]?
[1] I admire Nixon the man, but his party was cowardly that allowed JFK to steal the election. He was a precursor to Trump.
You’re having Jews on the brain again…
Kissinger was a Westphalian realist. Sure he wanted to preserve and strengthen the American Empire by making it sane… but so did Trump. I do not think Kissinger advocating for sanity makes him evil. The weird and exceptional thing I’ve noted about Kissinger is his advocacy of sanity which he has been consistent on for decades has never gotten him kicked out.
Wilson was the founder of the Cathedral and he was an internationalist crusader for globohomo 1.0. Of course I hate him whereas I see no real reason to hate Kissinger other than the company he keeps.
And Kissinger did not help Mao into power, he adopted a concilatory policy towards Mao in order to drive a wedge between China and the Soviets. This is just sane policy.
And I don’t hate FDR nearly as much as I hate Wilson either, there were some genuinely positive things FDR did… whereas EVERYTHING Wilson did not only turned to shit but sprouted a shit beanstalk that is still growing towards hell to this day. I don’t even really agree with segregating the civil service as if the fed priests had to work with niggers they’d be more realistic about them.
“The gods have handed us a boon in that Hindus have been replacing Jews as the foreign enforcers of Empire in America”
Not really, American pajeets are in general much much worse than jews. There are VERY rare exceptions like D’Souza but most jews would be alright people if not for their leftist politics. And their nepotism and ingroup preference has limits.
Pajeets will get into a position of power in tech and ONLY hire other pajeets regardless of how incompetent they are (while preaching leftism) in a way jews will not… their leftism is far more bluntly hypocritical and ruthless (most jewish leftist seem to take the compassionate cover story of leftism somewhat seriously at least most of them this gives them limits, not Soros and other such types but most of them) and the hatred of whites among pajeets is far far stronger. Also about 1 in 5 jews are right wing and genuinely good guys… with pajeets this falls to about 1 in 50 to 1 in 100.
The only blessing is that a leftism with a jewish commissar class is going to be generally a lot less hated…
Pretty crazy to think someone actually typed this and meant it.
Nah, not crazy at all.
Israel is one of the biggest victims of leftism. They shit in their own nest and think it is chocolate
Nah if there are any leftists who at least in the past believed they were actually doing good, and would try to do stupid they are either progressive christians or typical rank and file tikkum olam jews.
This was true 10 years ago anyway… they still all have to go.
Which is true and also not what was said.
Principlecucking is by and large a europoid phenomena; most other species don’t evince this kind of behavior to the same degree.
I’m honestly kind of surprised that this thing hasn’t gone nuclear yet. Actually I’m surprised about a lot of things—there are so many institutions and critically important companies that are so insanely brittle, but they never get seriously attacked.
Well, it looks like Putin knew he could outlast America. He played chicken, and it looks like the Cathedral is blinking. First, you had Kissinger, but now the NYT editorial board is calling for a negotiated peace.
Kissinger doesn’t speak for the Cathedral as I’ve said despite the circles he moves in hes always been intelligent sensible and sane. We can speculate why they keep him around and they don’t purge him but hes never thought the insane way they’ve thought.
One part is the extra credit from his kosher pass.
The other part is he was good at personally schmoozing with the right circles.
Kissinger, in the video, still had a picture of Nixon on his shelf. It is likely he felt, and still does, a genuine affection for the gentiles. Clearly he’s trying to be the voice of reason. Times were different back then. A lot of rot has taken place to bring us to this point.
There was an argument amongst heebs at the time – well, one of many, as is generally the case – over whether they should try to make Israel jewish again, or try make America the new Israel. (That debate was never really settled, as it happened, more so much that everyone who cared about it died of old age.)
Kissinger was an exceptional man; exceptional in the technical sense of the term, in degrees of divergence in attitudinal comportment vis-a-vis many other fellow travelers in his clade. Certainly it would be easy for one to assert, in philosophical terms, that a polygon of all Kissingers would diverge in behavior – one way or another – from the polygon we find in reality. But evidently, he was also a man who still found those more rabid fellow travelers copacetic, and did not break with them in any case, merely exhorted them to be more tactically effective in the pursuit of gnostic imperium.
Now, you might argue that there inevitably comes a breaking point between further implications of ‘tactically effective’, and further implications of ‘gnostic imperium’, but just as evidently, Kissinger was not a man who crossed that point. Had he been born in the 80s, he would be Scott Alexander today.
Post-war technocrats were a product of pre-war social capital running on inertia. Things like this are an emblematic example:
One of the first things of note is a breadth of learning that their inheritors simply don’t have; our later day epigones could breathlessly exhort the most fantastically banal calumnies with little to shame, guilt, or cognitive dissonance involved, because they have literally never encountered – or more particularly, never obliged to *entertain* – any perspective to the contrary. Those men at large through the mid 20th century did – they were a faction still on the rise towards power, against the last vestiges of incumbent civilization, not contentedly sitting on top of it, as the incumbent – and thus likewise the rhetorical products of such being more modulated, circumspect, conciliatory even.
And yet in the end, one can’t help but get the impression that the author does not have a good word to say about anyone this side of the Anatolian Peninsula. Such is the enduring character of the bluetribesman, and no amount of learning, mentoring, or experience changed that.
That which helped serve to make them into what they were, was also that which they helped serve to dissolve into nothing; in smaller part because many did not really understand what it was that gave them what they took for granted; in larger part because many did not feel the motivation to do so in the first place.
Throne, Altar, Freehold, they benefited from the legacy of these things; yet they also felt no proprietary attachment to them; and so all the ‘practically minded realists’ allowed unreality to take over.
Worst case, Ukraine is holding Russia to a 10% occupation and grinding trench warfare months after everybody expected it to be 100% over and done. Best case, Ukraine is attriting Russian manpower and logistics to a point where Russia will be unable to sustain combat operations – a logistical conflict where it’s Russian logistics vs Europe+North America logistics, and even if China wanted to make up for it they don’t have the land-based cross-Siberia infrastructure to do so. In neither of those cases is Ukraine anywhere close to losing and in fact both of them look like pretty big wins for Ukraine compared to initial expectations.
What, precisely, is Ukraine’s motivation to surrender? They think they’re winning. Who surrenders when they’re winning?
Russia’s choices are: full mobilization – which Putin seems to really not want to do and would take most of a year to have any impact anyway; continue with the present course and hope for things to magically get better – which, judging by actions, is exactly what Ukraine wants them to do; go nuclear – which could very easily result in the end of Russia, and the people in the launch-code command chain likely know that; or give it up and go home – which would likely be the end of the Putin government. This is not a good set of choices. If anybody should be asking for help with face-saving exits, it’s the Russians.
Supposedly the Russian leadership is pissed that the chinese didn’t take advantage of the opportunity to move on Taiwan and split the West’s attention. This is why you always get ironclad commitments from allies rather than wink-wink understandings. Even Hitler handled this better with the partition of Poland.
Wars continue because both sides think they are going to win real soon now.
The ngos sponsored Pussy Riot to destroy Russian memorials, and desecrate Churches as antifa has torn down ours, and were outraged when Putin did not allow it. They are still outraged. This outrage is the root cause of this war. Old type Christians in Ukraine have been fleeing to Russia from state sponsored persecution and terror for many years.
Ukraine is losing. It is just losing far more slowly than anyone expected. It will likely continue to lose, without, however collapsing for a very long time.
Putin has no surrender option. The Global American Empire is not agreement capable. This war will continue till one side or the other collapses. If Putin stops advancing or retreats, the Global American Empire will continue to push, and eventually push all the way to Moscow, tear down Russian statues as they have torn down ours, desecrate their Cathedrals as they have desecrated ours, and reconsecrate Russian Cathedrals to gay sex and Gaea worship, as they have reconsecrated our Cathedrals.
There is no way Putin can end this war any time soon. Modern Information Epoch weapons make blitzkrieg impossible and suicidal, so he cannot end the war by rapid tank charges leading to rapid advance, nor can he end the war by retreat, for the Global American Empire will not stop advancing till it reaches Moscow.
The best he can do is continue the war until something comes up, as it very likely will, or till he wins, which will take a very long time.
At jim
what putin win look like?
If GAE win will stop short of Moscow.
Does not that mean putin win will have to continue all the way to Harvard?
I doubt it would be feasible or necessary for Russian troops to get all the way to Harvard.
If airsea war reveals American technological incapacity to project power, we are likely to see the Global American Empire empire finding itself busy with troubles in its provinces. An empire is defeated when it can no longer intimidate its provinces. Marching on Rome is far downstream of those events.
China and Russia lack the capability to make the oceans safe for transport of goods. I do not think the Global American Empire retains that capability, but no one wants to test that yet.
If you are pro Ukraine please leave. Ukraine is a globohomo puppet state and fake country and ought to be wiped off the map.
The worst case scenario for Ukraine is Paraguay in 1870.
So if Russia nukes Kiev the US will start World War 3? What if the Russians level Kiev with incendiaries? What if they take it with conventional forces?
The obvious conclusion is any action Russia takes towards winning will increase the United States of launching nukes.
So Russia’s options boil down to
– escalate and kick off world war 3
– stay the course
– retreat… and kick off world war 3. Because if the Russians were weak enough they have to fall back they obviously aren’t a threat and the US will treat them like it treated Libya.
So the Russians choose to stay the course.
This means the Ukrainians have two choices- forever war or surrender.
If the Russians make forever war impossible, the Ukrainian best option is surrender. The Ukrainians are working to get more men and material to put off the decision as long as possible. This will either run out of options (and force the decision on them) or find people willing to die to defend gay pride parades (this isn’t going to happen).
Forever war is the neocon strategy. This is based on the successful Reagan strategy. Russia has vastly less wealth than the US, so bleed them till they are logistically unable to sustain war.
Sounds plausible, but so far it seems to be the Global American Empire bleeding logistically. When Americans have to fill up the tank, or buy the groceries, and Biden tells them “Russian aggression”, they notice that Russian aggression is taking place on the other side of the world in a country they never heard of.
The US can keep the Ukrainian army supplied with food, weapons, and equipment indefinitely, but the Ukrainians are suffering significant casualties and facing mutinies.
It has turned into a war of attrition. Wars of attrition are apt to go on for a very long time, but they are getting attritted.
I saw a video issued by a bunch of mutineers. They mutinied after relatively light casualties, upon receiving orders that were likely to result in far heavier casualties. They had not suffered unusual levels of casualties, but had enough battlefield experience to know the likely result of obeying those orders.
No nation with a gay parade has won a war. I doubt that Ukraine will be the first. Will men die so that their sons can be transsexualized at school and fed to faggots?
Our resident shill, Anonymous Fake, tells me that the Constitution commands us to embrace magic niggers. By the that reasoning, it also commands abortion at female whim, and commands us to transexualize our sons and feed them to faggots. Who will fight for that Republic and that Constitution?
Today, liberty means the government takes away your guns, you home gets invaded by a black man with a gun. The police take a while to turn up, and the burglar hangs around drinking your beer and fucking your wife. They arrest him, the next day he is released without bail, and subsequently sentenced to zero time. Freedom.
> Will men die so that their sons can be transsexualized at school and fed to faggots?
Yes. US Army men will. They’ve fought 2 World Wars and a Civil War for degeneracy. Their military leader/warriors are like Grant and Eisenhower who enforced “desegregation” at bayonet point. Underestimating the fighting potential and willingness of Gay Empire is a fatal mistake. Your comment echoes 1940-era Third Reich rhetoric, when they were expecting full Anglo support once they made it clear that their main enemy were the Soviet degenerates. Ha Ha, as FDR/Churchill/Stalin said. Soldiers are mobilised for war by priests. Enemy priests are pretty powerful.
Their power has stretched beyond its limit. The fighting part of the US army is disgusted.
The fighting part of Ukraine’s army is the nazis, old type leftists. Old type leftism could inspire an army. Not current year leftism.
Before World War II they realized this and did an abrupt quiet U turn on feminism, making leftism a more army friendly ideology. Now they are no longer capable of realizing it, and have quadrupled down on all the militarily incapacitating positions that they threw overboard the lead up to World War II.
What is the realistic, serious chance that Buffalo and Texas are actual false flags? If it happens to be the case, then it is possible that A) the first one didn’t get the desired response so B) they’re reloading and going again so C) the chances they will be sloppy and leave too much evidence will significantly increase. Is this just crazy talk/thoughts?
False flags how. I’m pretty sure the murders were real and that at least probably the suspects are real…
I just think the FBI is behind egging them on…
American intelligence agency getting an American to kill a bunch of Americans in America has to be about the most false flag that ever flagged falsely.
On 4chan they are saying his rifle with all the accessories he had cost 6000 and he had some 70k new truck. This was some poor possibly illegal tranny…
He was clearly backed by someone and we know it wasn’t ragheads, ragheads wouldn’t let a tranny get near them.
Some vibrant named Ramos, and possible crossdresser. Just can’t make this stuff up.
This is just how powerful the White Supremacy Ideology, for example as often discussed on this blog, has become.
A mexican, transgender white supremacist. Just think about that for a moment. White supremacists HATE mexicans and HATE transgenders, and yet, still, this poor deluded soul spent $6000 of his hard earned dollars on a rifle and shot some poor children in the name of White Supremacy.
Or his handlers spent the $6K.
More information is coming to light. He was on Discord talking to GloNigs who converted him into a threatpac.
>He was clearly backed by someone
Unlikely in the sense that someone handed him money for the purpose of committing the shooting.
18 year old Mexican kid was likely living with his grandmother (who was probably getting those sweet, sweet government monies), thus no rent, utility bills, or food costs. Even working in a low pay fast food job saving 6k for a “toy” is trivial.
It’s mostly White Americans who kick their kids out of the home at 18 who then struggle to save money in their youth.
Most continental Europeans and non-Whites keep the family under one roof until the kids are ready to move out due to marriage. In many cultures, marriage does not always mean having to move out of parents home.
Combined with low interests rates, and thus ease of loans, even a guy only making around 20k a year can secure a loan for a 70k truck. Seen it happen many times among junior enlisted guys. Not saying it’s financially viable long term, but it happens far more than you would think for such low income.
His purchasing power, 6k gun plus 70k truck, is completely in line (provided he didn’t have much else) with the living standards in low class non-White America on a salary of 20k.
Also there are a huge number of small time drug dealers in the south west (Arizona, Nevada, Texas, etc), many of whom sell to provide for their own addiction… Considering that his mother reportedly had quite the drug problem, he might have been supplementing his income.
It is weird these things always come in waves. I suspect a lot of glowing niggers are involved but who knows.
Seen more than a couple cop-cam vids. This Buffalo guy drove like a cop, palmed the wheel, took turns like a cop. And, when he was in the store, he was slicing the pie like a vet.
Either he was someone else or these modern video games are combat simulators.
There used to be a site called LiveLeak. Every time some dindu was taken down by cops, they always seemed to get the cop-cam vidya. News would claim racisim, etc… But, the cam always showed the cop-eye-view.
I’ve seen dozens of this vids, and for supposedly only 18yr old, well I don’t believe it. This guy drove and fired like he was trained. Doubt you can get that from simulations.
I have no idea what something like this should look like from a head mounted camera, but I thought the first lady he shot, as well as the masked woman on the ground, should have been gory. That was my main impression of the video, lack of blood.
Also, in the heat of the moment he was likely being irrational, but he let one guy go randomly, presumably because of his race? But shot a couple other whites too before that, so maybe not.
True true, it will come out the exit as a brownish-red spray cloud. When they fall the blood is under pressure and will gush out in a visible arc followed by a dark pooling spreading out.
I’ve seen guys shot with ARs from close range and there’s not much visible spray if any.
Yeah, movies have people thinking that shotguns blow you across the room, and bullets always draw blood. Clip a big artery or make enough holes, sure. But people can get lit up, walk away, speak like normal, then keel over.
The clip I saw looks real, I guess. He definitely moves with purpose and practiced motion. The Deploy from the car is quite smooth, but anyone can practice.
Does anyone have a link/source for a full, unedited video? Don’t post if it’s dangerous, and bear in mind I’m no CSI, but I could give a decent review of mechanics. I’ve done enough scene documentation and training, but I’m in no way an SME.
Perhaps. 556 is small like a 22 but it’s high speed and has a lot of penetration. The close range shot in the store after reload should have looked like exploding melon.
I remember this clip from Vietnam where they execute a guy at close range. That’s what I expected. The head is very vascular.
There’s no way to predict what’s going to happen. Any instance can be compared with another, and the conclusions are legion. .223 zips like hot fire, and at close range, it can literally seem like dude wasn’t even hit. The lethality of the round, outside of velocity, is the characteristic of frangibility. When I tears up the target in the inside, shitty things happen. Up close, those rounds can just zip through like they weren’t there, and mortal bleeding happens later. Or not, I’m not in any way an expert. But I know enough to know that whenever someone says “dude, I fought in Nam/Detroit/Fallujah, this is what always happens” there’s a distinct possibility that they are full of it, at least on that subject.
Best to assume people got shot, and someone did some shooting. How they did it, and why the media covers it the way they do are more critical questions. How far away did the shooter live from the location? Are there any ties, to any degree, between the shooter and any of the victims? What’s the work history of the shooter? Does the shooter have a friend circle, social media, a girlfriend, a job?
Trying to analyze the ballistics from a POV vid is pretty challenging. Better to rig into other data for strong inclinations and conclusions.
I’m too young for Nam. A clip (aka video) from Nam is what I write about. I’ve also seen Hickok45 shoot a few melons with 556. They explode. Sometimes large chunks come off the back and sides. And I’ve seen ballistic dummies react to 556. It leaves a large exit wound due to velocity.
A boot with an M-16 in ‘nam would be using m193 rounds, which are frangible, and thus make good mince-meant upon impact.
The average shooter today would likely be using cheap Tula FMJ; or if they are high speed low drag, something like Barnes TSX, mk 218 SOST, or Trophy bonded bearclaw; but in either case, wound channeling would be far less visibly dramatic from the outside.
The nz mosque video had basically no blood when he was dumping into a pile of bodies
During the past month, on two occasions, feds tried to goad people on Twitter* into kinetic actions. The attempts started in the afternoon or evening, U.S. time. The two attacks you mentioned happened the next day on both occasions.
*one presumes they were targeting many forums, not just Twitter
If I wanted to send a Signal, to pass a message, I’d build a meme sharing account ang a large amount of followers, then bury the message as some innocuous randomness that barely stands out. If the literature is to be believed (big fucking If), attacks require planning and training. If you’re sending a Go Code, why be so blatant on a known “darp webbb” website, besides building an easily uncovered fake trail?
I was more leaning towards stochastic terrorism. The idea is that at any time there is a population of individuals who are just under the threshold for doing something. If the state nudges the population ever so slightly in the direction of action, one of those individuals will cross the threshold and the state gets its attack. This explains the ramp-up in nonspecific fedposting on the day before each attack.
You and Pseudo-Chrysostom, on the other hand, seem to be implying that it is far more controlled than this.
My position stems from the technical requirements for effecting tactical instances ( ;} )
A cursory review of a selection of mass shooting incidents paired up with dimensionally equivalent military/police operations can give you an idea of how important practice is when it comes to successful modern violence. Tactical SOF (JSOC fellas) train constantly, have massive data intelligence and guidance for interpreting and applying it, and vast resources to build 1:1 mockups, which they drill in relentlessly. This is why they seem to be gods of death; it isn’t the pushups and “warrior spirit.” Parenthetically, I often wonder how long any SF dude or squad would last in the Somme or some other massive battlefield. I’m not trying to minimize the value of physical fitness, marksmanship, or training.
The data seems to show that the emotional motivation can get an “actor” to a place, but it isn’t enough to carry them through the grim reality they create, or seek to create. For most people, without multiple walkthroughs, dry runs, and pointed training, they’re not going to get very far. Obviously, there’re exceptions and flukes. An interesting element of an event like this is when the actor starts wandering around. This typically happens after the eliminate their target, or after the rush of First Contact dies down. They shuffle around, look at things, and, on the surveillance footage, seem completely unmotivated. Consider a comparison between Nikolas Cruz (Parkland) and Cho Seung-Hui (Virginia Tech). Look at the available open source stuff. Cruz could be someone who was groomed, wound up, and set off. Cho was the picture of an angry young man that sought revenge and got it. Cruz thought holding the gun and dressing up would make him a killer, Cho knew that practice and planning were required. Cruz had no real plan after “arrive and get famous,” while Cho had researched VT campus police, timed the routes he was going to use, had alternate options, effected chokepoints and barricades, provisioned himself to match his plan, and effected a distraction to create favorable tactical circumstances.
I could have this backwards, and Cruz is the emotional murderer and Cho is the Govt Asset, but I don’t think so. Cho was a stereotypical Americanized Korean, and Cruz was a stereotypical Amerimutt.
If there’s some Fed or Fed-adjacent entity spinning up and sending out mass killers, there’s got to be a data trail. I’m not countenancing mind control rays or other sci-fi stuff. The fact that Columbine case files are still lacking the coroner’s findings on the meds those 2 were on (pharma gag order, i believe) is, in my opinion, a clue, but I don’t know the full scope of what it implies. Those 2 are a perfect picture of failure to plan: bombs didn’t work, wandering around, no coordination, relatively low body count.
I guess the next step would be to order my thinking and build an arbitrary dichotomy to categorize “terrorist incident” from “potential false flag operation,” but it is not an insubstantial task, and I am not as enthusiastic about the topic as I once was. At this point, if there is some Black Hand out there weaponizing unstable betas, the best indicator would be matching the frequency of attacks with the larger societal level operations. I don’t think it’s some anti-gun thing, at least, that isn’t the primary goal. So what would be the primary goal(s)? What is the purpose of unleashing “cluster killers” on the US public?
*Note: these are my musings and assertions. I may have taken a wrong turn somewhere and this is all bullshit.
When I say threshold, I mean it to be all-encompassing. That is, this population will have advanced to near the point of action in their technical requirements, as well as in their emotional state. Those technical requirements can, as shown by your examples, differ greatly between individuals.
>[…]at any time there is a population of individuals who are just under the threshold for doing something. If the state nudges the population ever so slightly in the direction of action, one of those individuals will cross the threshold and the state gets its attack. This explains the ramp-up in nonspecific fedposting on the day before each attack.
This is the main thing. There are, of course, levels to this game.
>What is the purpose of unleashing “cluster killers†on the US public?
Sovereignty in the context of demotism must necessarily operate through pretext. In particular here, is the ‘permitted catastrophe’. Catastrophes happen, or are allowed to happen, or if necessary or when necessary or when convenient, are made to happen. The purpose of a catastrophe is the catastrophe itself; with any and all catastrophes ventured to be used as pretext for the expansion, cementation, and utilization of power. Not just in terms of legalism, but also in terms of personnel; and not just in terms of personnel, but also in terms of behavioral conditioning. A more stressed test group is a more suggestible test group. Strategic use of stressors are utilized to channel consensus away from straying and further down desired roads.
This is the knife edge that the 20th century political order – which we as of yet are still living under – is predicated on dancing upon. The meta-normality of a never ending string of ‘extra ordinary circumstances’ requiring ’emergency powers’ to deal with, ‘just this one time’, or ‘just for this particular issue’. Every other brick the permanent bureaucracy was built with is the bones of a ‘temporary measure’.
From “Losing The War:”
“But then everything about the war was ad hoc and provisional. The British set up secret installations in country estates; Stalin had his supreme military headquarters in a commandeered Moscow subway station. Nobody cared about making the system logical, because everything only needed to happen once. Every battle was unrepeatable, every campaign was a special case. The people who were actually making the decisions in the war — for the most part, senior staff officers and civil service workers who hid behind anonymous doors and unsigned briefing papers — lurched from one improvisation to the next, with no sense of how much the limitless powers they were mustering were remaking the world.”
Thank you for the fascinating read, as usual.
From “Losing The War:â€
“A rational calculation of the odds is a calculation by the logic of peace.”
As always, i recommend everyone to read Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan.
Odds that none of the teachers or janitors at the Texas school being armed seem low.
Buffalo shooter glows white hot, Texas kid seems like the standard antidepressant schizo/single-mom raised incel freakout. Though so far I’ve only heard he used a pistol which makes the body count seem unlikely, unless he shot them all execution style.
Gradual merger of Poland and Western Ukraine getting less gradual.
Now Ukraine is set to vote a unique thing: allowing Poles to have the same rights as Ukrainians inside the Ukraine, including all sorts of posts in govt structures.
This will likely allow to beef up Ukraine’s army and other govt structures with NATO Poland’s human resources. Doubles and triples Ukraine’s defense capability, allows Poland to have the war with Russia it has always dreamt of but on someone else’s territory and without the threat of a full NATO-Russia war, and also brings closer Poland’s imperial fantasy of taking back Western Ukraine.
Which used to be Eastern Poland but then Stalin invaded, and after WWII compensated them with Eastern Germany. Now they appear to feel they can get the old land back without having to give up on the new land.
Meanwhile Orban just declared a national emergency due to the Ukraine war and has Cesar powers through decree.
Parliament is his, but single-rule allows a reaction within the hour as opposed to waiting for days on end for votes and debates. Due to his sabotage of sanctions on Russia he is perhaps expecting pressure up to and including color revolutions, to deal with which he goes into *temporary* Lukashenko mode.
Possibly also to allow himself maneuver capabilities as the EU and NATO try to take him down for not being a good enough ally.
Also, by Aristotelian political logic, perhaps Zelensky feels he doesn’t have enough “loyalist” to count on, and having Poles to play that role will allow him to “do what has to be done” to the “traitor” half of the population.
From the linked article:
“Poland’s participation in the European Union does not change much here. This is hard for many in Russia to understand, but a country in which the overwhelming majority has been voting for a nationalist party with an exclusively conservative program for years is not an ordinary European postmodern power, where the population most appreciates the achievements of civilization. Poland against the backdrop of Western Europe is a very wild state in appearance and internal structure. Let us recall at least the art that the Polish authorities created in relation to refugees on their eastern border in the summer-autumn of 2021. What happened there would have been impossible in any other major European country. But for the majority of Poles, poisoning refugees with dogs and gas was quite normal and even right from the point of view of their values.”
“So far, the most important constraint on Poland’s direct participation in the conflict is its membership in NATO. The direct entry of this country into armed confrontation can lead to the consequences that the head of the Russian state warned about in his address on the morning of February 24 this year. And even if the Poles themselves are ready to go, in principle, so far as to expose their violent heads to Russian missiles, the United States will not allow them to do this. After all, a direct clash between a foreign power and a country that is a member of the military bloc led by Washington will put the latter in front of the need to look for a reason to refuse its own intervention. Moreover, this will have to be done in exceptionally nervous circumstances and under solid internal pressure. No one is going to take on such a risk of “losing face” in the United States and will not be in any foreseeable future.
And certainly there is no one in America who wants to be forced to choose between shame and suicide as a result of the escalation caused by Polish adventurism. Over the past couple of months, very authoritative American experts have repeatedly written and spoken about such dangers. And it would be strange to think that the US government did not bother to take care of this problem – while Washington is behaving extremely prudently in the conflict. It is one thing to supply Ukrainian formations with weapons or train them to use them, but it is quite another to create real risks for yourself.
As far as one can judge from the behavior of the US and British authorities, no one in these countries is yet going to seriously think about the need to stop the armed struggle against Russia. However, Ukraine’s own human reserves are not endless even under conditions of maximum information “pumping” and military-political support from the West. Based on the reports from the battle zone, one gets the impression that there is a certain decline in the quantitative and qualitative dimensions among the Ukrainian forces. It is very likely that soon this objective reduction in human resources will be difficult to compensate only at the expense of the local population.
And since the neighboring Poles have an acute desire to make war with their historical adversary, and the Ukrainian authorities can grant them the status of their own citizens, then why not? Let them fight. Within those limits, of course, as long as it does not bear risks for the Americans themselves and does not create a situation where they have to admit that the notorious fifth article of the North Atlantic Treaty is, in fact, an empty phrase.”
I know it’s just a single point of reference, but it’s also another data point reinforcing the (my) assertion that both Putin and the RF intelligentsia believe there’re adults somewhere behind the scenes, making decisions and setting policy. This is an incalculable strategic blunder on their part.
Sergey Lavrov:
“I am convinced this will eventually end. The West will eventually recognize reality on the ground. It will be forced to admit that it can’t constantly attack the vital interests of Russia – or Russians, wherever they live – with impunity,†he added.
If and when the West comes to its senses and wants to offer something in terms of resuming relations, Russia will “seriously consider whether we will need it or not,†the foreign minister told the high-schoolers.”
>The West will eventually recognize reality on the ground
ruh roh…
Flesh+Blood, directed by Verhoeven. Comminator recommended, Druegger approved.
Nearly all Verhoeven movies are pretty good (well except Showgirls).
Flesh+Blood is awesome! I’m fired up to encounter other people who love that movie.
Agreed on Verhoeven. All of his movies are great, except Showgirls. Showgirls was bad the first time I watched it, and just as bad on each of the other four times…
That even includes his foreign language holocaust movie black book…
What movie is this? I haven’t heard of it.
Off topic, and file this under silly thoughts about stuff way above my pay grade:
Siberia seems like an interesting opportunity for RF to begin pioneering planetary habitations, micro-terraforming, and a broadening & deepening of the skillsets required for heavy industrial infrastructure. Russian engineers that are succesful in the liminal permafrost zones will probably be the best at Lunar, Martian, Titanic, etc building operations. In 300-500 years, Siberia, like Greenland, could become prime real estate. The extreme North and East of Eurasian Continent could be a lab/test bed for both RF and China’s off-planet tech and workforce. Imagine the insights and progress that could be obtained just going through making a small city with a dome and complete atmospheric conditioning. Also a good spot to work on building “hopper” rockets, as in short hop vehicles using the same fuel as their heavy lift rockets.
You’re posting a lot today.
It would be obviously more realistic to man/settle even the most coldest of climates here on earth. Or even under the ocean, than on either Mars or the moon. Even though cold or wet, you have oxygen or can generate it.
Many believe the earth is running out of living space. Maybe they’ve never driven across Texas or North Dakota.
You’re not my manager! Working from home. Productivity, as tracked by self-assessment, is 1000% higher!
I am for a full spectrum/full world approach. “Carrying capacity” is predicated on technology and population proclivity. Carrying capacity at Neolithic tech level with Occidental proclivity might be X, and with Oriental proclivity might be X^2, or something. I don’t think there’s a hard limit overall, just limitations of technology and social organization.
Humanity should expand everywhere, undersea, in the sky, in space, and on other planets. Becoming a multi-planet species is unassailably cool, but there’s definitely lower hanging fruit.
I think population pressure is the best tool for effecting neutral progress and actual innovation/creation. “Overpopulation” is a feature, not a bug, as it will either create the circumstances for development, or cause a collapse.
The limit on the apex predator is not land and resources, but other members of his own species.
There is plenty of lower hanging fruit, but it comes with government attached that limits your capability to utilize it (as for example the vast area of vacant land in the far North and far South which is off limits) and to reproduce, by suppressing property rights in women.
If government suppresses property rights in land, no harvest, the chronic famines of collectivism. If government suppresses property rights in women, no children.
Post-Industrial non-colonial non-expansionist elite are not incentivized to promote reproduction in their populace.
It’s well within the realm of possibility that reproduction and family formation can only be restored on Mars.
World population keeps increasing. Theres no problems with human reproduction.
However, there is a problem with dysgenic reproduction. Is that what you meant?
The masses do not matter. If the elite fails to reproduce, doomed.
The elite are reproducing above replacement. The middle class are being genocided.
That statement is unequivocally false, completely detached from reality.
Restating what has been said in earlier comments, elite men reproduce somewhat at replacement level with lower-caste females while fertility of elite women remains abysmal.
Income is not an indication of elite status; a diesel mechanic who runs his own company can make >500k, a STEM professor may make only <50k, but the professor is elite while the diesel mechanic is not.
Elite status does not correlate strongly to income. Small business owners and successful professionals making six figures are still middle class. The elite are academics, journalists, and employees of the government.
The journalist is paid with the smell of an oil rag. His big compensation is elite status.
Income is a good but imperfect proxy for the elite. The diesel mechanic who makes >500k is an absurdly low percentage of people who make >500k that makes no difference. Generally the people making over 500k are members of the elite often in some form of the non-productive FIRE economy.
The 50k STEM professor is not elite, just a member of the priesthood. The top of the priesthood are members of the elite, but the entire priesthood is not. The 50K professors and journalists are just bottom rung priests in the Cathedral.
100k is middle class. Once you get into >300k territory you are getting into elite income territory, but obviously this is not a hard a fast rule.
Elite generally means an Ivey League degree. If you don’t have your name on a piece of paper with Harvard or Yale on it, sorry you’re probably not elite. And people with pieces of paper from Harvard and Yale tend to make a lot of money because status.
Absolutely the 50k STEM professor is elite. The 50k Sociology professor is often not, but STEM professors are still selected for competence.
You would be surprised at how little people care about Harvard and Yale certificates in the real world. The purpose of obtaining the certificate is to make connections with others in order to gain access to positions within companies or to apply for elite graduate programs.
Where do STEM professors at Ivy League institutions get educated?
Not every elite institution is part of the Ivy League. Stanford, Swarthmore, Williams, MIT, and many others are not included.
Elites do not have “income territories,†elites have high-status positions. A diesel mechanic who makes more than $1m will never be “elite.” It is more important for an elite to maintain his status than his income, and an elite will often trade a more lucrative position for one that is higher-status.
The productive entrepreneur, like the diesel mechanic, must earn his money honestly.
The elite, Like Bush, Obama, or Clinton, merely sticks their hand out and people trip over themselves to fill it with silver.
An Ivey Leaguer always has a high paying job waiting for them somewhere. Cause and effect. They have status therefore money will always follow. An elite without money is a contradiction.
Often times elite will take a lower paying job to work in government like Jen Pskai for example, but the muli-million dollar book, tv, FIRE economy whatever job is waiting as soon as they leave.
Reading this discussion I get the impression that the term “elite” is poorly defined.
I guess “elite” are simply the people who have power or at least influence (e.g. priestly power).
We’ve discussed this before and there is some dispute on how to define the elite.
My position: Those in the ruling class with the highest status and prestige in polite society and are typically allotted positions, board seats, etc soley because of their elite status. An Ivey League degree is generally the pre-requisite, but there are of course exceptions. The US Senate is generally a good proxy for this class of people.
Think of Hunter Biden.
Yale degree, political family, sitting on boards making hundreds of thousands of dollars per month simply because of his status. This is is your ruling elite.
This is the mindset of the typical vaishya, who sees success as a function of money.
Academia is the best example of power sticking its hand out and people giving them ducats of silver, yet most college professors are relatively broke. Though it may seem strange to someone of vaishya extraction, not every elite desires massive wealth.
First off, it is spelled Ivy League.
Second, no, not every Ivy League graduate has a high paying job waiting for him. As an anecdote, a couple months ago the firm had an interview with a Harvard graduate who went on and on about his “experience†at “Harvard†and was summarily rejected. A year ago a Columbia/Yale graduate was fired for two years of not making money.
Bush, Obama, Clinton, Psaki, etc. may have positions waiting for them on company boards, but this is not because of their “Ivy League†status, it is because of the connections they made after graduation.
Completely anecdotal, but there have been a fairly substantial number of doctors at various social events who’ve treated me with a great deal of respect as soon as they learned I have a graduate level degree in Electrical Engineering. Many of those doctors earn far more than nearly all engineers ever will because they tend to also be small business owners and pull in several million per year in profits, yet they afford engineers a high level of respect, often more respect than for other doctors.
Status can be determined by income, but more often than not, status is determined by things other than income.
When talking about elites it’s important to recognize that the elites are a vast group with many subgroups competing for power. Ivy league doesn’t produce enough elites on its own to fill every higher level government position.
For example, prior to the 1950s many elites came from West Point or similar military academies. Often those elite families had multi-generation legacies at those academies. During the computer revolution in the 70s and 80s many of the children of the military elite went into computer/electrical engineering at various state universities. At first glance one might think that because many of those families didn’t get their children into Harvard/Yale/etc that they lost their elite status, yet often their children ended up in top level government or military positions regardless.
Part of the confusion over who the elite are stems from the old military elites (a substantial segment of the elite class) scattering in the 60s and 70s and decentralizing. It became far harder to point at any one organization to classify them. That is in contrast to the academia/law elite who have always come from Harvard/Yale/etc and continue to due so.
Not seeing that. There are exceptions, but our unvirtuous elite overwhelmingly worships decadence and luxury.
Which connections would have been unavailable to them had they not graduated from their Ivy League school.
I don’t know if we are disagreeing all that much. The main point of contention is the professors. My calculation is that professors generally don’t have high status except at the very highest levels.
Sometimes we like to just lump the Cathedral into the elite but I think it’s important to keep a distinction. The Cathedral represents the priesthood.
This is analogous to the Roman Senate representing the Patrician elite. Plenty of Patricians were also in the highest orders of the priesthoods as well but not the entire Roman priesthood in general.
The priesthood is and has always been part of the elite.
In France prior to the Revolution, the First Estate was not the wealthy nobility, the First Estate was the Roman Catholic priesthood, and they were considered greater than the nobility despite them having neither the wealth nor military power of the Second Estate.
@Karl and @Pooch
Definition of “elite” was one of Moldbug’s earliest accomplishments. Men naturally perceive value differently. Some may value knowledge, others military strength, others money, and yet others physical possessions. Accordingly they are dubbed Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. “Elite” status within each caste is defined only by the value parameter specific to that caste alone.
Between castes, most Brahmins are more “elite” than everyone else except the very top Kshatriyas who comprise the military nobility. In a just society the very topmost Kshatriya would be the King, and the next most elite man would be His High Priest, a Brahmin.
Vaishyas are never elite. Money is always downstream of power.
Rectification of names really is Job #1.
>Vaishyas are never elite
In the US many of the “Vaishyas” are crypto-Kshatriyas. Business and war are inseparable likely due to Viking heritage. There was never a caste distinction between trade and war like there was in Asia. For the Vikings (and later the British and then the WASP Americans), the entire point of war was plunder and trade.
From the beginning, the European traders failed to observe any clear distinction between buying at arms length, buying at sword point, and just plain shaking people down. As I have said many times, mobile bandits who settled down and became stationary bandits, a huge improvement on the stationary bandits they conquered.
@Pax Imperialis
I agree that “Vaishya-Kshatriyas” are a thing. Also, priest-warriors aka paladins. But I think you’re describing the close alignment between American Vaishya and Kshatriya castes rather than their absolute merger. If this was not the case, Eisenhower wouldn’t have had to deploy the linguistic kill shot “Military-Industrial Complex” — a highly specific kill shot for a highly-specific caste alignment. The “complex” only exists because the military and industry are recognisably different. At least till Eisenhower’s time, Vaishya-Kshatriya unity and thus power were very much a thing, so that his
Secret Communistpriestly handlers needed to attack it so brazenly.Pooch is right not everyone in priestly jobs has elite status, though the priesthood is our ruling class.
“Broke college professors” true in the 60s but not true today…
Yes I’m disregarding the slave class.
True. Overpopulation is a technology driver. Especially in agriculture.
It is unrealistic to settle the open spaces of the earth, because government will inhibit the necessary reproductive success and high levels of technology required.
Apex predators are limited by intra species violence, not land or resources.
It will be difficult to escape government because where there are people in numbers, new government will form.
I would be satisfied with 40-80 acres surrounded by barbed wire and a concrete house. Perhaps a few dobermans in patrol. This neighborhood used to be all white. It’s turning Mexican now, but they keep the antifa and blm away.
People settled the arctic islands to get away from governments. Governments followed them and declared every square inch that had not been settled to be national parks, to prevent more people from settling. Similarly the antarctic islands, though they nipped that one in the bud fairly early
Russia does not forbid people from settling Siberia, indeed it is begging people to settle Siberia and the easternmost areas, but the trouble is that settling Siberia does not get you away from the Russian government, and there is of lots more habitable land to settle.
Modern communications make empires and hegemonies vast, which limits your choice of stationary bandits. Because the world is getting small, exit is problematic. Which creates a trend, independent of the left singularity, of governments getting more intrusive and oppressive.
Information Epoch warfare is going to make local monopolies of force difficult. Best case outcome, lots of mobile bandits. Worst case outcome, one stationary bandit governs the whole earth, and kills off technology capable of settling the stars. The great reset agenda and the Global American Empire objective is one highly intrusive stationary bandit governing the whole earth, and no exit from earth.
The Russians are indeed figuring out drones.
Graphic footage:
The video of the takeoff and landing of the Russian Forpost-R UCAV is strikingly illuminating.
The controller is giving it instructions at takeoff with a normal looking laptop, which implies he is not piloting it. He does not have the kind of interface he would need for remote piloting. It launches from a small airport, which implies it is on a mission to take out a target a long way away, which would make it difficult to retain control if it had to be remote piloted. It looks like it can do what the Turkish drones can do: Autonomous takeoff, mission and targeting, followed by autonomous return to base.
Cannot be sure, but that is what it looks like. I would guess that the controller prepared a mission profile in an office somewhere, the drone operator powered up the drone computers, he uploaded the profile to the drone over consumer grade wifi or bluetooth, and told it “Go!”
And it went.
It is a bit big to be useful as a robot assassin of individual targets, but seems to be substantially smaller than the US predator, which is too !@##&! big for what it winds up being used for in practice.
Looking at that, I would say that the leading edge of Russian weapons is getting close to Turkey, and may soon surpass them.
War can be great for fostering technology. Does not always work out that way, but it frequently does.
Russian autonomous anti tank missiles still suck, but this looks like a pretty good early model drone. We have not seen Russian or Chinese anti ship missiles in action, but an autonomous drone that can do a complete mission without remote piloting would imply the existence of good anti ship missiles.
Russia doesn’t need anti-tank missiles that much, because tank warfare is mainly a Russian thing. But they do desperately need drones. A positive sign.
>Russia doesn’t need anti-tank missiles that much, because tank warfare is mainly a Russian thing
Some countries, such as the Ukraine, are also Russia, also fight like Russians, and have the same tech and school. With a modern layer of NATO stuff on top.
For a thousand years the Russian world had two capitals — Kiev and Moscow.
Something about your last statement struck me deeply, though I’m no Slav.
A capital statement. One of my heart’s desires is seeing Kievan Rus, Moskovy Rus, and Bela Rus united as the three brothers they are. A Tsar of all Russias would be excellent, but I’d settle for the former too.
I had someone on social media telling me that Putin was actually on the side of gay, linking some English blogs describing gay Russian army hazing rituals. We went back and fourth a while until I challenged him to a jimian shill test, to write a sentence or two describing why being gay is actually destructive to society. He ignored it a few times but after being repeatedly pressed, vanished like a puff of smoke
/pol/ infamously has these people. People in this blog talk about making memes. Suppose the jimian shill test(s) were condensed down into their most succinct forms and made into a series of memes. I was thinking something like collector cards theme, maybe a grey coloured throne-altar Pepe with a transient glowie or Soros figure seething. If someone makes a classic shill argument you’d present the card and ask them to pass before engaging, or otherwise pull it out mid conversation when suspicious
Offtopic: What are the commenters opinions on germ theory and Pasteur vs terrain theory?
Terrain theory seems slightly crazy to me, but in the last few years with covid and the jab, I’ve seen people online claim that the wiping out of many old diseases via vaccine coincided with increased cleanliness, which seems a potentially plausible refutation to germ theory.
Additionally, since milk was consumed for thousands of years without pasteurizing it just fine, I am partial to think that, given a healthy cow (which probably do not exist in the West anymore), pastuerization is probably useless too.
Any thoughts?
Terrain theory, my understanding anyway, says that the primary factors that decide whether or not you will get sick from a particular pathogen, are the condition of the immune system, genetic makeup of the person, etc….
Some truthers like to twist Pasteur’s quote that “the terrain is everything” and the general framework of the theory to deny completely that there are pathogens at all.
Pateurization is useful, because some cows are not healthy or might not be healthy. Pasteuristion makes sure you don’t get brucellosis.
Maybe you wouldn’t get brucellosis anyway, but the thing about terrain theory is that you cannot choose your terrain nor change your genetic makeup.
> I’ve seen people online claim that the wiping out of many old diseases via vaccine coincided with increased cleanliness, … Any thoughts?
Yes, those people are retards.
Half of India’s 1.5 billion people still shit in the street. Polio didn’t disappear because of cleanliness.
The clot shots being shit doesn’t mean all vaccines are shit.
Ah, the “Indians dirty street shitters†shilling back in force after we start a debate on Aryanism and the old gods on this blog.
Definitely a mere coincidence.
“A new World Health Organisation (WHO) report says more than half a billion people in India still ‘continue to defecate in gutters, behind bushes or in open water bodies, with no dignity or privacy’.”
I’ll repeat: Polio didn’t disappear because of cleanliness.
That a shill script exists that uniquely targets us on this blog, of all places, tells me that Dushta Sora/Eye of Soros is watching. This is funny because even Anglin has been weaned off this rhetoric by the USSR border skirmish.
The fact remains that defecation is an actual issue in the sub-continent, and it will be brought up when relevant (as it was in this specific instance), but most often when you start marching through our intellectual village and attempt to burn our icons.
Paganism is a dead end for us moon crickets. Christianity is the best possible tool for us. Consider: if we instantiate the Restoration, reorder our society, and begin the Great Journey, would you appreciate us beginning a new missionary program in India? Would you through down your gods because of our winning and dominant position? As you put so eloquently elsewhere, that would be spiritual cuckoldry.
Don’t cry out in pain after you hit us. It makes you seem… nosey.
As Andre Wang Lin put it, India is a caste-based society. The people shitting the streets are not the ones running things. I couldn’t care less about what depredations proles are up to as long as they are fed, healthy, and fertile. Disease eradication has been a WHO plot to undermine society from the beginning. But we’re not obstinate about it. We only implement those which give direct military benefits. Eradication of smallpox was one, polio another. Even for COVID, our own Covaxin tradvax has proven surprisingly effective and safe, unlike the foreign/Oxford Covishield, and far unlike the poison Pfizer.
Attacking old, dilapidated windmills is sad.
Old Gods never “die” out, because they don’t “live” in the first place, being gods. Just as the Mexican Old Gods/Cortez’s Demons have started awakening, so will Europe’s. To be honest I’m not really worried about the challenge from Old Type Christians. If you adopt caste society in all but name, as UK was from 16th to 19th centuries, there will be no conflict. East India Company had a simple plan — we paid them off, they did their stuff, stayed in their own clubs, prayed in their own churches, and trade made us all very rich. It was only as Britain got converged that the missionary zeal started, by the late 18th-early 19th century, culminating in the British proto-SJWs capturing EIC entirely using a “mutiny” as an excuse in 1857. I have little good to say about Christians, but I’ll say this — they didn’t demolish my temples to build their Churches, unlike what happened in Britain and Europe. I’m sure isolated incidences of conversion happened, but it wasn’t organised.
I’m more concerned about Baphomet. When we have secured Bharat, restored Persia to its rightful heirs our Zoroastrian brothers, and squeezing Arabia for the final purification of the Temple of Al’Lah and His pantheon and purging of filth, what will your armies do? Will you seize the day, come to agreement with us, and establish Jerusalem as a neutral city, or will you cuck out like the French and side with Baphometans against Dharmic Mongols, while fake-Crusading against them[1]? Even knowing that the Baphometans will immediately turn upon you?
> nosey
Cool the antisemitism, bro! The Old Testament specifically mentions “long nosed” god!
[1] The French went a step further and, to hide their shame and crimes, executed their premier Crusaders in the Knights Templar on false pretexts.
Christianity is more converged in America than in Mexico. But the old gods still sleep the sleep of the dead, while in Mexico they walk the earth again.
The Old Gods of the west died before Christianity took over. In the first century, the news of Pan’s death, the rest followed soon after.
Thor/Zeus/Jupiter/Indra was the greatest of the Old Gods, and not a demon, but I am pretty sure he is no more.
The Old Gods of Mexico are unmistakably and obviously demons, without the slightest ambiguity. Trickster Gods are always demons trying to pass. The old gods of Mexico make no attempt to pass.
You think you worship the old gods of the Aryans. Have you offered food to Indra? Nah, you rationalize Krishna, a trickster God, for Indra is no more. The Old Gods, such of them as were not demons, are gone from India, as they are gone from the west. Your faith is running on fumes.
Kali was always the most unambigious demon in Hinduism…
It’s interesting that in Emperor Augustus’s speech to the married men of Rome as recorded by Cassius Dio, he mentions God, the Father in a way that looks mighty Christian already in the 1st century BC. Could just be an invention by Cassius Dio though, hard to say..;view=fulltext
The Religion of the Roman Elite was heavily influenced by various intellectual strands of Greek Philosophy (some of which is probably lost today) which posited an uncaused cause creator God and not merely the synthesis between the old Roman spirits and the Olympian greek gods.
To be honest Indra is still worshipped.
On the street shitting part, for the benefit of the reasonable commentariat here Narendra Modi and the BJP has done some great work in this regard:
The Western press won’t report this of course because Modi is “evil fascist Nazi Hindu dictatorâ€.
It’s amazing that you guys still take cathedral propaganda on India so seriously.
Debate us on the old gods, but please don’t encourage this specific kind of shilling because it completely destroys the debate and the focus.
The ancient Aryan practice being to offer him something to eat. And then, since it was still good food, eat it themselves with appropriate awe and respect, as in a family gathering with an awesome guest.
I take it nobody does this any more. Not seeing any temples etc to Indra. Albeit the appropriate unit of worship was the broadly extended family, and the urban temple takeover and urban priesthood became a hostile intrusion.
Don’t tell us you are still the ancient Aryan religion, while Christianity is a hostile intrusion, when you, like us, after the lesser Gods died, focused on the creator God – or demons.
If you keep calling out the fact that Christianity comes through the Hebrews, I am going to keep pointing out that it is a mighty long way from the original Aryan religion to Hinduism.
I want productive debate between based westerners, old type Christians, and based Hindus. Some of your contributions, and many of the words you use, are apt to generate heat rather light. I appreciate that you are rightly pissed off because we conquered you, but please piss elsewhere.
We certainly aren’t the ancient Aryan religion my point is that but many aspects of it still meaningfully live in Hinduism.
Offering of food to the gods still exist in Hindu worship but as you say the focus shifted from Indra to the Creator Gods. But ancestral worship is still present in Hinduism.
You refuse to take at face value my claims about my own worship. How can this be a productive debate?
The western neopagans are trying to revive the old Gods, Thor/Zeus/Jupiter/Indra chief among them. Not having much luck. Don’t encourage them, it is obviously not working. And don’t tell us it is working for Hindus when that is not what Hinduism has been for well over two millennia. The original Aryan gods are as dead for you as they are for us.
What have I doubted?
I asked you if you engaged in a ritual of worship of the old gods we know the original Ayrans did. You answered evasively. If you don’t like my uncharitable reading of your answer, clarify rather than complaining.
We disagree on what is meaningful and what matters. Your connection to the ancient Aryan religion is as proforma, tenuous, and fake as the sixth century Jewish connection to preHasmodean Judaism.
The old gods do not live in us, nor do they live in you.
Food offering is still part of our rituals. Not specifically to Indra though, Indra is treated as one among many devas and rishis and implicitly invoked. In that respect you are right that Hindus don’t specifically worship Indra.
But food offering to our creator gods and to ancestors is still a regular feature of Hindu worship.
I already admitted that Hinduism doesn’t match ancient Aryan religion in practice but retain some characteristics of them.
On Indra and Zeus:
What do you think on the genealogy of Archangel Michael and Vajrapani? The religious icons and their roles are neatly congruent. They take the same poses, right arm raised ready to strike Satan beneath:
Their own creation stories differ, but the role they play in the cosmic order is the same in all cases. I don’t think worship of our protector, he who weilds the Wrath of God against evil, has ever disappeared.
> As Andre Wang Lin put it, India is a caste-based society. The people shitting the streets are not the ones running things.
As I said, India’s “elites” are even more useless than ours. We only have to step over shit in a few cities. Incidentally, our dirtiest city is full of Indians. Coincidence, I’m sure.
> I couldn’t care less about what depredations proles are up to as long as they are fed, healthy, and fertile.
Nothing says “healthy population” like streets full of human shit.
Why anyone would want street-shitters to be fertile is a mystery.
[*unproductive insult deleted*]
Whitey’s comment was relevant, informative, and not stupid.
And if it had not been, a reply with explanation of why it was irrelevant, unproductive, and stupid would have been more useful
Whitey is a prole from the left side of the curve.
The sentiment that Whitey is trying to express, as someone with a basic sense of cleanliness and human dignity, is that a Hindu should not be spewing vitriolic anti-Christian garbage on a predominantly White comments section when he cannot clean his own streets of feces.
Whitey is eligible for Mensa via multiple avenues, but thanks for playing.
> I eagerly await something interesting and constructive from you. I have no doubt that I will soon be rewarded for my patient optimism.
How are you here 24/7? Don’t you claim to be some sort of farmer/homesteader? The farmer/homesteader types I know barely have time to eat dinner. You, on the other hand, have time to post 10,000 words per day here. Strange.
Whitey’s comment was far more personal in its attack than mine. But, he did repost it, so I can’t really complain.
I know 10,000 words is a lot for a public school educated prole. You’d probably wet your pants if you saw the comments I delete instead of posting.
It’s nearly impossible to homestead without a revenue stream that isn’t farm related. I happened into a job that allows me to sit on the computer and watch guys like you come and go. It will last as long as it does, and my posting habits will conform to that schedule. I am neither embarrassed nor ashamed of the large amounts of time I get to be here.
Meaning no insult whatsoever, I eagerly await your contributions, friend. I know you’ve got something to give, and I look forward to luxuriating in it, should that auspicious moment arrive.
I like the cut of Whitney’s jib. I am always a fan of a good insult, and he does cut to the chase.
When Christians burn the last Muslim on fire kindled by the last Koran, then Jerusalem is ours. No one else’s. I certainly refuse to side with Muslims against any other human, but I am not sharing Jerusalem with Hindus any more than I would demand you share your holy sites and cities.
Protest all you want, but India is a filthy place full of filthy people.
Nukes are more important than toilets. If you have nukes, you can force people to give you toilets. Sweden doesn’t have nukes. India can force Sweden to provide toilets.
Priorities, priorities…
You’re tipping your hand with the subtle vaxcuckery feddyboi.
Anyways, as to ‘germ vs terrain’, both are reductionisms; it is plainly obvious that health in general has influence over ability to fight off colonizations by deleterious microbes in particular. Every body has a ‘recovery level’ that is influenced by various factors, which is ‘spent’ on recovering from stressors, which can be various things; whether fatigue, damage, contaminants, cacobiotics, and indeed more psychic stressors as well.
Saying the “clot shots are shit” is “subtle vaxcuckery”?
You’re tipping your low IQ.
“Sure this thing in particular is bad, but it’s just an exception, the broader system as a whole is still generally good.”
Repeat in detail for literally everything the system does, and you have the normie epistemology.
> “Sure this thing in particular is bad, but it’s just an exception, the broader system as a whole is still generally good.â€
The “broader vaccine system” is, in fact, “still generally good.”
As Jim has pointed out, the more recent the vaccine, the more likely it’s bad, but only a retard tries to tell people the polio or measles or mumps vaccines are stupid.
The HPV vaccine was a hostile enemy operation intended to harm the recipients, and the recent flu vaccines are dangerous and ineffectual, though not nearly as dangerous and ineffectual as the clot shot.
Older vaccines are still useful, and some the diseases they prevent quite dangerous, but keep being replaced by vaccines of questionable usefulness and effectiveness.
The Gates developed and manufactured vaccines are dangerous and stupid, created to earn brownie points with the priesthood, rather than to prevent dangerous illness.
On the clot shot, Mike Yeadon (former Pfizer chief scientist of some sort) now believes it’s a straight depopulation tool (designed as such). Reason being it otherwise makes no sense to give to pregnant women (with essentially no prior testing), and to children (who don’t get sick from the virus).
Here’s a similar horrifying conclusion, with a different argument: when you deworm you have to attack all stages of the worms at once, otherwise the spared stage (say the eggs) will then grow and start a new generation of the same size as before. Similarly, to depopulate, must attack all stages of humans, including pregnant women and children. It’s horrific to think, but I think it’s an argument for it being designed for depopulation.
(I forgot to add recovered people, who are also pressured into getting the injections)
Note a counter-argument is that they simply inject everyone to get them on their vaxpass digital ID system. Yeadon argues that they could’ve easily used something innocuous if that was the only purpose of the injections.
Vaccine technology peaked with the vaccinia virus, and it’s been all downhill since then. The term itself has been debased with sophistical inflation. Vaccination involves a specific kind of technique, with respect to a specific kind of organism; the number of interventions out there today that are all called vaccines that are actually vaccines can be counted on your fingers, with perhaps a few toes for insurance.
The polio virus exists naturally in your alimentary canal. Sometime around the turn of the 20th century onwards, we started seeing widespread cases in people of the virus migrating from the gut to the spinal column; whereas, for tens of thousands of years of humans living and dying theretofore, noone had ever seen such a phenomena.
The most eyebrow raising question about this picture is not whether inoculation is a useful modality for palliation of such a condition, but rather, the question of what started happening around that time frame to cause it in the first place.
Whether polio or measels or mumps vaccines procuced 40 years ago were beneficial is beside the point. Only vaccines available are those recently manufactured.
They are different. In part, because manufacturing changed and in part because you can’t these old type vaccines anymore whitout a bunch of different vaccines.
In the EU there is no vaccine for measels only available anymore. There is only a cocktail of several vaccines. Maybe the cocktail is beneficial, but I’ve heard that claim only from people who also say that the clot shot is beneficial.
Questioning the safety of these vaccine mixtures get’s people in trouble. Hence, it is impossible to address any problems that arise from modern manufacturing of old vaccines if there are any. If these safety impairing problems aren’t there yet, they will soon be.
Testosterone is the real vaxx for middle age men and up. Not that it helps fight germs necessarily, it helps you fight *everything* and recover quickly.
I do everything possible to maintain my T levels, but the average American man’s T was almost twice as high back when polio was killing middle-aged men.
It’s not a cure all but life is a fight to the death, and every man needs testosterone to fight and recover. Mind, body and soul.
Twice todays levels are rookie numbers anyway. High side of healthy, before high blood pressure starts to factor in, is probably 5x todays “normalâ€.
Can confirm.
But exogenous testosterone in useful and effective doses over a long period is going to screw up your LH, so you have to cycle.
Also exogenous testosterone can raise your estrogen, particularly if you are fat, and while moderately high stable estrogen is not harmful provided you have adequate testosterone to keep its effects in line, changes in estrogen level in males, unstable estrogen, can screw you up.
Lose weight, and or take arimidex when on exogenous testosterone, but be careful with arimidex. You don’t want to plunge your normal estrogen levels. The objective should be not low, but stable. Low will screw you up mentally, spiritually, and physically, and then screw you up more when they rise back to normal during your off cycle.
People on long term testosterone take LH, which solves many of the more long serious problems, but the more you mess with your hormones, the more you are on shaky ground. Cycling while keeping an eye on estrogen and dealing with that problem should it arise is already starting to get complicated. I don’t think we have clear understanding of the effects of long term exogenous testosterone plus long term LH plus arimidex. In theory it should be a permanent cure all, provided you keep an eye on your hormone levels, but theory has not really been examined in practice, and you are doing complicated adjustments to a complicated system with a big hammer, which adjustments are likely to have effects that do not show up for year or two, while we have a pile of anecdotal evidence on cycling with testosterone, and applying armidex when estrogen gets out of line.
Anecdotal, but I have been on TRT for a few years now, with the occasional blast (I lift). It’s not a superpower, but it’s a superpower. If your not trying to conquer the world, may not notice the effects. If you are, it’s the difference between steroid era baseball and post steroid era.
As far as long term effects, steroid abuse has been happening for decades, and the men who suffer serious effects all share a few things, or a combination of them. High risk drug and alcohol abuse, many years of extreme supraphysiological hormone levels often without cycling off, and major underlying health problems.
Are LH and hCG different names for the same thing, or are they different things?
I have read some recent results that hCG was able to fully restore fertility regardless of how long the participants had been taking exogenous Testosterone. Do you have any thoughts on the best way to dose hCG/LH? Do you take small amounts every week or so, or do you blast it every few months?
Supposedly TRT will also adversely affect lipids. What do you think of this? I can’t remember the redpill on cholesterol.
How about effects on the heart? When blasting I take Telmisartan to lower blood pressure and apparently also helps prevent LVH. And every few days take Tadalafil, which I don’t think is very Peat-pilled but also helps lower blood pressure (which honestly is maybe caused by out of control estrogen levels anyway).
They are two closely connected parts in a complicated system that some people think they understand, but I am pretty sure they do not.
But LH, luteinizing hormone is, under normal circumstances, the one that tells your testicles to switch on and keeps them switched on.
And the reason for cycling is that if your testicles get switched off, bad things happen. (Which again no one understands) Exogenous luteinizing hormone prevents this bad outcome, but I wonder what else it does.
The redpill on cholesterol is that cholesterol is good for you, and carbon dioxide is a beneficial gas that has dropped so low in the past few million years that plants can barely breath.
If your estrogen levels are out of control, you are going to have all sorts of problems, among them impotence and sexual deviation. Keep them stable. Arimidex will prevent them from going up, but lower is not better. Stable and moderate is good.
High levels of exogenous testosterone do not noticeably affect my blood pressure. You are doing something wrong, or your hormones are more messed up than I let mine get.
Tadalafil (Cialis) is turning out to be quite the life extension drug. It stands to reason that since it increases blood flow “down there” it should increase blood flow elsewhere as well. It increases the amount of Nitric Oxide (NO) in the blood, which expands and protects the arteries, and keeps them elastic. Apparently it’s also good for BPH. From a blurb on La Wik, “As of 2019, the wider cardiovascular benefits of PDE5 inhibitors are being appreciated.” Tadalafil is better than the others because it has a much longer half life in the body. One dose lasts up to 36 hours. And even for healthy men it is a “performance” enhancing drug. I don’t have ED, but I was in Mexico once where Cialis is OTC, so I thought, “what the heck, let me give it a try.” I was like OMG, it’s like I’m 16 again! Keep it up as long as you want, even for fat chicks.
One of the alleged side effects is headache. This is probably due to people who suffer from ICH (Inter Cranial Hypertension). ICH is caused by inadequate fluid/lymph drainage in the brain (not blood pressure). Increased blood flow to the brain, caused by PDE5 inhibitors or anything else, will increase lymph leakage into the interstitial spaces, increasing lymph pressure if there is inadequate drainage.
InTRA cranial hypertension.
Did you ever look into enclomiphene? It apparently avoids the LH problem:
“Perhaps, the most significant observation in the present study was the restoration of normal levels and pattern of total testosterone plus normal or elevated levels of LH, unlike that seen with the exogenous testosterone treatment.”
The group treated had pituitary pathologies, and are thus unrepresentative of the normal population. Would it work on normal people?
Is low FSH responsible for the world decline in testosterone and sperm production?
Possibly it is – in which case the problem is likely spiritual pollution rather than chemical pollution. The same spiritual pollution means that doctors are extremely reluctant to use the the D Dimer test on people who are suffering from pathologies that look jab related, and when they do do the D Dimer test, then will not do the obvious test of looking at the patients blood under a microscope. Instead, the patient gets an MRI which, of course, shows nothing. The test result is then deemed a “false positive” and official guidance is that you do not give out D-Dimer tests like candy because they are getting a flood of “false positives” which cause “unnecessary anxiety”, and, because the doctor caused “unnecessary anxiety” he is likely to be charged with medical malpractice.
Which means that if the problem is spiritual pollution, and if this drug works on people without pituitary anomalies, it is going to be as hard to get as the D Dimer test followed by examination of blood under a microscope.
On the other hand, the usual black and grey market sources will provide it. But it will be a while before you can get it on the black and grey markets, and it is not yet clear that it works on people without pituitary anomalies.
Cholesterol is the basis of all sterol-oid hormones. You are literally less human without it.
Ah, now I understand why cholesterol is being demonized with Global Warming grade research, where they search for ammunition, rather than truth.
I wondered about that, could not see a motive. Now I see the motive.
Global Warming research is readily explicable by hatred of the achievements of whites, similarly biblical scholarship, but cholesterol research puzzled me.
Cholesterol is also important in cell walls and cellular repair. You cannot heal as easily without supplies of cholesterol. Cholesterol does not cause damage, causing damage results in cholesterol moving to the area to repair the damage.
Yep. The whole basis of the harvard medical board official theory of everything rests on a myopic focus on tenuous correlations between confounding variables, and cutting all other forms of data out of the picture which altogether would tell you one way or another.
“Michael Miebach, CEO of Mastercard told an audience of blockchain executives that he expects SWIFT to phase out of existence in as little as five years’ time. … Later, a Mastercard spokesperson downplayed Miebach’s comments in an email statement”
Tsk tsk, loose lips sink SWIFT, Michael.
It would actually be clever to upgrade SWIFT into something more modern and more technologically sophisticated now that they have ruined the nice old cash cow. Doing so might serve as a way to shut out the Russian and Chinese solutions. Or we might see some competition.
From the article: “To be very very very clear I do not expect the world to end, but we are about to experience drastic changes in most aspects of life, in the end, it will be for the better, but for a short while, it might be painful and unpleasant if you are not used to a more frugal lifestyle. Stocking food, and getting prepared is merely a hedge from my perspective, good risk assessment, and risk mitigation and not “THE WORLD IS GOING TO END OMGâ€. At the very least you will save money and keep your quality of life by doing simple preparation.
I don’t share political opinions here (mostly because in my opinion there is no political solution to any of this), but from a socio-cultural and political perspective, this is a necessary road to travel. Politics is a stale thing for far too long and change needs to be forced upon. And so is changes in the elites.”
Self-discipline is one of the things that everyone here should be on there way to mastering. Once you get used to living on little, it’s quite liberating. There is almost nobody truly poor or truly hungry in the west. If we were lead by the sane, a recession would not be so impactful. The excess in the lives of most is mountainous.
In Russia there is not only marriage, but also fatherhood.
A court in St. Petersburg decided to send a Russian girl from Russia to Australia to live with a “lesbian mother” who had involved her in sexual relations with her mistress. It sounds shocking, but judge Tatyana Pavlovna Matusyak made just such a decision. The girl is only 8 years old, she was born in Australia, her parents divorced, and her mother “became a lesbian”. The girl’s father found out that perverts were corrupting his daughter and took her to Russia to live with relatives. Prior to that, they lived in Australia.
Lesbian mother appealed to her court, stating that her ex-husband is homophobic, does not allow her daughter to watch videos about homosexual relationships and TV shows with transgender people, has a negative attitude towards the promotion of same-sex marriage (does not buy cookies with LGBT support), does not allow the child to develop in traditions such relationships. The Australian court decided: to return the girl. The father filed a counterclaim in a Russian court to limit the rights of the ex-wife. But the mother hired Russian LGBT-friendly lawyers who filed a lawsuit with reference to the Hague Convention on “Child Abduction”, and Judge Matusyak ruled that the child should be sent to Australia to be with lesbians within 48 hours. After the court decision, the father and the girl decided to hide from such “justice”.
There are many photos on social networks where she is with her father and looks very happy, a small child cannot be forced to imitate. In addition, both father and daughter have long been citizens of the Russian Federation, the girl goes to a Russian school
“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.”
Thanks for the whitepill
Is she still with her father because (1) law enforcement has refused to enforce the judge’s order or it was overruled by a higher court, or (2) because the Dad and daughter have successfully hidden?
These aren’t the same thing.
Sounds like Russia returned the girl because it was bound to do so by a treaty rather than based on the merits of the case.
A treaty which Russia also relies on to protect the rights of Russian foreign adoptees (if you were actually Russian you would know that).
based hacker gods of Jim’s Blog: Please build me a twitter for just us so i can annoy you all with my puerile humor, misguided hot takes, and catastrophically incorrect augury. Lmk when it is ready, I’m assuming you’ll need a few days to write the codes.
I often think we need a regular forum like v-bulletin style to expand to. Get into more in depth Bible study, study of history. Establish our frame.
Hard part is hosting. After that is moderating. Going to have to make that leap at some time though.
The hard part is coding. I would really like to see even a semi-broken implementation of jim’s social media
The ideas for moderation in there alone are truly brilliant. Namespaces and chat type stuff is slowly emerging as blockchains scale, I expect to see workable and censorship resistant blockchain website hosting soon, at which point we need to actually code up the scheme in that doc. Users will follow if the medium and the content is good.
Right now, completely broken. As soon as is merely semi broken and unusable for any useful purpose, I will create a public gitea repository. The git repository is already in useful form for third parties (README.html, NOTICE.html, LICENSE.html, and code of conduct but the code is not.
I am in my own life busy getting things ready for IRL primetime, but I should definitely assist. Really, even something as simple as a uncensorable reddit/twitter with non-troid modding, actual user sovereignty, with easy ability to host your own discussion page, would be a sort of heaven for discourse. Not your full scheme for narrow and boradcast, but a workable system with a simple scheme that can be put up as soon as possible to get battle tested as soon as possible.
P.S., perhaps you should consider this for your licensing
Thank you for the belly laugh.
If looking for something to try out that begins to have the right shape, see Manyverse ( that uses the Scuttlebutt protocol ( Jim is fond of Bitmessage and it is quite secure, but it has a big weakness in that it needs to flood every message to all nodes in the world so everyone can try their private key to see if it works for decryption. That won’t scale. (Can’t avoid passing every message on to all callers even if you know it’s yours, as you don’t want to let someone snooping see that you absorbed a message which is an information disclosure.)
Instead Manyverse and Scuttlebutt allow for publishing and reputation for a public key. The world can see what a key (its author really) publishes. Can publish public posts like a blog, signed by the private key for authenticity and verifiability. Also can publish private messages (DMs), visible to the world but whose contents are encrypted. Weakness in private messages is that the recipient public key is visible on the message – good for routing and avoiding testing every message, bad for privacy. Would be better to have a 3rd mode, private for “someone” but you have to test your private key to see if it’s for you. That should not be hard to add to Scuttlebutt and Manyverse.
Reputation is similar to what Jim has proposed: You can specify a list of primary keys/people (friends) you want to listen to and watch. You can also in the interface specify how many degrees of separation you want to see outward from your friends – the public messages from their friends and friends’ friends. Presumably specifying 6 degrees gets you Kevin Bacon and the rest of the Manyverse. You can also block friends’ friends so their connections are not visible to you – so if you don’t like a friend’s friend you at least don’t have to listen any more.
Another advantage is that Manyverse works in a sometimes-connected universe: Turn off your computer or phone for days, turn back on, catch up to messages. You realy don’t even have to be on the public Internet, you could sneakernet or local/private-net messages which is nice for, say, messaging in a disaster or SHTF scenario where you have a local wifi network while the main network connections are down. Bitmessage has a decay/lifetime for messages that means you need to be connected at least every 2-3 days.
Biggest weakness is hosting. Your service can be hosted by 3rd parties like any service, and you can host your own. Given the legal landscape as well as susceptibility to censorship via DDoS and hack attacks, you want to have your own server. There are some public servers but sensibly they don’t want a rando or glowie from the net jumping on there to drop dank memes. But hosting is nontrivial to carve out your own network bubble that can see the Internet (at least periodically) while being fully patched and DDoS resistant.
Of course missing from this from Jim’s long list of plans are DDoS protection, a name service that provides name mapping to key hierarchies for messaging and direct communications, and a coin tie-in. But Manyverse at least has the right shape for passing someone a message with a payment inside, while using a distributed network and sometimes connection with store-and-forward to let you avoid censorship-as-network-damage. A sovereign corporation can also message publicly or privately using its own sovereign name and key hierarchy and private ledger-coin.
The net is vast and deep. Maybe we need to start cobbling these pieces together. The era of centralized censorship needs to end. Musk will likely lose either way, and he’s only one man against the might of so many paper tigers that happen to be winning the information war.
Disgusting. Revolting. Gross.
Apparently it is “obstinate†to be concerned with tens of millions of your own people not using basic sanitation.
Your whole mission on this blog since you returned from whatever you would refer to as a “sewer†has been to demoralize the commentariat and its readers. You started off by attempting to mislead us into thinking that Putin views Orthodox Christians as second class compared to Muslims, and now you are bringing back da joos as if you expect us to believe that the creation of Talmudic Judaism had anything to do with the development of the Church and her doctrines centuries before.
As examples of demoralization:
On the latter point, the Russian elite drifted towards Leftism in the latter half of the 19th century. The Christian generals who remained in power after 1917 were purged and/or shot.
I do not speak for every man in the West, but I do in fact appreciate the fact that I can walk the streets without smelling fecal matter everywhere. For the most part, our niggers are potty-trained, the niggers our missionaries convert become potty-trained, and our potty-trained niggers potty-train their niglets. Why should anyone take your demonic Pagan religion seriously if Progs keep their niggers cleaner and more dignified than you keep your proles?
Regarding the subject of academic integrity, it is important to point out the positives of systems and ideologies which one does not like. Even the most rabid Leftist can point out how Mussolini kept the trains running on time. There is value in Hindu caste-system terminology, and there are many interesting and insightful Hindu commentators that have been linked to on this blog. There are many good things found in Pagan traditions of other countries, such as the ie system of Shinto Japan. The WHO, for all of the recent Covid demon worship, is not wrong for advocating proper sanitation. On the other hand, all you have shown is hatred and vitriol against Christianity–which is expected since we conquered you–but at the very least, do not defend the disgusting depredations of your proles.
To quibble with a point, many of our niggers are not potty-trained. The appalling state of public bathrooms in the US correlates very strongly with how much diversity is in the area; you’d be shocked by the proportion of browns who do not know or care to use a toilet. It is not a matter of intelligence but of affinity with filth; the lower orders of humanity enjoy smearing their shit around in the same way that a monkey flings its feces. Deep down, the demi-human knows of its own incapacity, ugliness, and the burden it imposes on others. They identify with their own shit, feel camaraderie with their excrement, and enjoy imposing it on the world. For the same reason, there is a very high proportion of niggers that do not shower or brush their teeth.
This is something that BAP got right; the lowest orders of humanity love filth and squalor. Even hunter-gatherers are clean and practice hygiene; this is a result of urbanity giving rise to a level of “human” that would never be able to survive without it. When you are poor and have contact with the welfare caste, you realize that Lovecraftian horrors walk among us and are more numerous than most possibly imagine- multigenerational welfare nests are all over the place, morlock breeding pits of staggering depravity.
What we create is a reflection of what is inside of us. From our fruit we shall be known.
My in-person interaction with niggers is limited to tokens in my profession and the occasional cab driver/waiter/service worker, but in my experience traveling through black-populated areas though there is litter everywhere there is never human feces.
I am unfamiliar with the types of niggers you describe, but at least the filth is confined to those public restrooms and not on the street.
Oh, it’s there. A confounding factor might be the urban whites and legions of city workers that try to clean up the urban hellscape. Negro dense cities and third world cities are almost exactly the same, but the Negro ones have white servants.
“My in-person interaction with niggers is limited to tokens in my profession and the occasional cab driver/waiter/service worker,”
Good God you are sheltered! As unimpressive as black cab driver/waiter/service worker are, they do come from the top percentiles of the black population. You’ve clearly never observed the bottom half in their natural urban environment… not that I wish that on anyone!
One only needs look at Californian cities to know what the streets would look like without enforcement. As Kunning Druegger points out there are a legion of city workers that try to clean up. On top of that, public defecation is against the law in most southern and midwestern states and enforced rigorously by police. Without law enforcement and sanitation services, US cities would have designated shitting streets just like India. I’ve read that South African blacks shit into the elevator shafts in the cities that Whites fled from after the end of apartheid, that’s not so dissimilar to what would happen in America should White Americans stop enforcing standards.
“Progs keep their niggers cleaner and more dignified than you keep your proles?”
At what cost? It’s not the progressives that keep those people clean. It’s an army of working class Whites with guns who have to risk life and limb everyday in order to keep the inner cities relatively civilized all the while being demonized and persecuted by the progs. That is a far more demonic practice than the Hindu tendency of leaving the dysfunctional to do as they will on their reservation.
Think of India as a South Asian version of South Africa. Small cognitive elite surrounded by an ocean of dysfunction. Too much dysfunction to deal with so the best that can be done is to wall yourself off from the rest of the population and keep them out of the nice areas.
Unsure of the current laws, but in NYC under Giuliani every shopkeeper had the responsibility of keeping the sidewalk outside his store free of garbage and debris.
Likewise, Americans are responsible for keeping blacks from turning cities filthy. Demonizing working-class Whites is evil, but that does not mean that blacks should be left entirely to their own devices. If we are going to keep blacks in this country, we ought to clean up their messes, ensuring that they adhere to basic living standards even if not desiring it.
This is not altruistic, for if blacks are given the option to cover their cities in feces, then blacks will spread feces everywhere they go. There is only so much a country can wall-off its underclass from the rest of society.
> If we are going to keep blacks in this country,
It boggles the mind that anyone ever thought this was a good idea.
Even Lincoln wanted to send all the blacks back to Africa and Central America, a solution he would have proposed in the Emancipation Proclamation were it not for his abolitionist handlers forcing him to edit his original text.
The original idea was to repatriate american blacks to Liberia.
Rwanda is far better ruled:
Low crime good management. An actually good Black country.
[*deleted for taking rigged elections at face value*]
Since 2020, I only read election outcomes to determine what message the New York Times is sending
The results for Kemp over Perdue (74%-23%) in GA suggest that we might have moved beyond “stuffing a few thousand ballots in close races” fraud to full-blown banana republic made-up numbers fraud.
I mean, it would be one thing if Perdue was some uncouth raging rabble-rouser, but he is a former sitting US senator for god’s sake, an establishment Republican with a well-funded campaign endorsed by Trump positioned against the most suspect fraud-enabler in the country. He should have at least been in striking distance, if not winning by a lot. But 23%? Some no-name rando off the street could have gotten than much as a simple anti-Kemp protest vote. It’s like they wanted to delete any suspicion in advance.
A counterargument is that Marjorie Taylor Greene won her primary, so I can’t state anything affirmatively. Maybe they realized her district is so conservative anyways the marginal value of fraud was minimal.
And what a coincidence that again it’s Georgia and Pennsylvania fucking shit up. C’mon man!
The more notable result was that Raffensperger won his primary, Kemp has Republican defenders as he was a very very early opponent of lockdowns…
But NOBODY likes Raffensperger.
>A counterargument is that Marjorie Taylor Greene won her primary
They’re not worried about women.
No its that the fraud is in some counties and precincts and not others.
I suspect that Perdue did much better outside Atlanta then in it, and Raffensperger outright won almost no Republican votes outside Atlanta (and maybe a couple other urban areas) where he somehow won 90% of the vote.
PS: The only thing Sherman did wrong in regards to Atlanta is not totally leveling it with the ground and sowing the ground with salt ala Carthage.
Nope, pretty consistent across the board:
Raffensberger won every region except a bloc in the northeast.
So we’re to believe that rural Georgians, America’s beloved Dixie-hearted Appalachian hillbillies, have suddenly transformed into establishment globalist McConnel Republicans and faithful New York Times readers? This all stinks to high heaven.
Buckle up folks.
Georgia is an open primary which means Democrats voted en masse (either fake or legist I’m not sure) for Kemp/Raffensberger.
Not the case in Pennsylvania which is why Mastriano dominated in the PA primary.
Open primaries are set up for the specific purpose of protecting Uniparty candidates.
>Georgia is an open primary
Okay, fair enough. I’m not sure how many Democrats even exist in rural Georgia, and doubt it’s enough to push Raffensberger into the 60%+ range, but the optimist in me is willing to suspend judgment.
I am seeing grossly and blatantly fraudulent results from right around the Global American Empire. No one was doing it 2020 until the Presidential election,, maybe no one was doing it in most of 2021. And then, suddenly across the board everywhere, massive banana republic levels of fraud everywhere in 2022.
The fraud is intended to maintain the uniparty – power gets alternated between Tweedledum and Tweedledee, but both Tweedledum and Tweedledee are grossly unpopular with their respective party bases, who desert to “minor” parties, and “minor” parties are excluded by more or less open fraud.
I said things were going to accelerate. But for quite a while everything seemed mighty quiet. No acceleration apparent. For a bit over a year, contrary to my prediction that things would go wild in a few months, all quiet.
Things just accelerated, right across the Global American Empire.
Yeah, we’re probably going to see a number of 50-50 “nailbiters” decided after hours in races everyone thought were solid red (just like the Georgia senate races in 2020), and then outrageous Kemp-Perdue Venezuela-like numbers in any race previously considered a toss-up, which will mean the press need not even address them at all. Dems, “driven to the polls in unexpected numbers by the repeal of Roe v. Wade and demands for gun control” will increase their margins in the House and Senate and then the BBB beast rises from the grave and Operation 2024 commences with yet more frightful beasts to come.
The narrative of a coming Red Wave was probably allowed (or even encouraged) to flourish these past few months to calm down the peasants a bit and restore a little imaginary faith and hope.
I truly hope I’m wrong, but if Georgia and Pennsylvania have yet to even mildly get their shit together, we can only assume the Beast’s capabilities have expanded rather than contracted, and we’re in for outcomes jaw-dropping in their fictionality.
I am still expecting a Red Wave, but it will be a Red Wave of RINOs like Kemp defeating Stacy Abrams. Non-establishment candidates like Mastriano will be for the most part excluded.
Ultimately, establishment Republicans in control of Congress and states has little effect except as a morale boost for conservatives who think they are winning. Policy differences between liberal Republicans or liberal Democrats in nominal control matter not. The Uniparty rules regardless of who is nominally in office.
Georgia is an open primary. Stacy Abrams ran unopposed so Democrats voted en masse for Kemp. Open primaries are specifically engineered to protect Uniparty interests.
This headline was frickin hilarious but the article is even better.
I’d make a bunch of comments but I don’t need to, it has all the right elements for maximum keks.
I know I won’t convince the skeptics but street shitting in India is really largely a thing of the past:
Don’t go by WHO reports and Cathedral propaganda on India, because they all hate Modi and BJP. I know this should be obvious but I hope at least the genuine commenters here would consider this.
“Last year, however, a study conducted in Dharmapuri, a district in the state of Tamil Nadu that ranks the highest in the state for open defecation, offered a more pessimistic assessment. The study found that 55 percent chose to defecate in the open despite having access to a toilet, for reasons having to do either with the toilet’s construction or with personal preference or belief.”
The fact that you quote a typical cathedral propaganda piece written by the feminist Rakia Zaharia is proof of your actual alignment and intentions.
* Rafia Zakaria.
For the good faith commenters here: when Whitey starts quoting from articles written by well known feminist and anti-white activists you need to take notice. If he didn’t check the source, he ought to have.
I am guessing “Whitey†is no more white than Obama is Christian.
Fact: there’s entirely too much street shitting in a country with a space program
Fact: the previous fact is relevant to a number of topics
Fact: that number of topics means that it will come up here
So, we must consider the topic relevance when deciding if a Cathedral shill is D&Cing based on some of our tendencies toward disagreement OR someone unfamiliar with the community dynamics here thinks that poop habits are unknown/relevant/critical information.
Whitey: yes, some Pajeets are not poo in loo capable. There are hilarious memes about this. We all know it, and it will be discussed when relevant. It is not relevant to theological discussions, but it is relevant to sanitation discussions.
People Of Walmart is another hilarious source of memes. Every time I see anything like that, I get irritated. It’s just white hatred. But it’s also kinda true. So I have to temper my emotional response with a logical assessment, and that’s really hard for me.
> It is not relevant to theological discussions, but it is relevant to sanitation discussions.
Right. Someone claimed that polio disappeared not because of vaccination but because of increased global cleanliness. I’m pointing out that wasn’t the case.
Why disbelieve official India government statistics but trust cathedral propaganda pieces written by feminist and admittedly anti-white propagandists who clearly hate Modi?
I don’t trust either. I trust my common sense, which tells me 500,000,000 Indians didn’t suddenly start religiously using toilets in just five or six years.
Why trust either. Both have an agenda.
Truth likely lies somewhere between the two.
Your anger is well founded. If the People of walmart thing was done in the spirit of getting the proles to take a look at themselves and thus improve themselves, then your anger would not be justified. However, people of walmart is done in malafide. It is hatred of your kin. And thus your anger is well founded.
I have coworkers who had group vacation in India early 2010s, they really like talking the unpleasant smell as soon as they stepped outside international airport (they didn’t tell which airport) and how they basically held their nose almost the entire trip.
It was good gag, but 10/10 they wouldn’t visit India ever again.
Just my anecdote.
In 2022 things have really changed. While not perfect, public cleanliness is a lot better than it used to be. Modi came to power in 2014.
The cathedral has always been hostile to Modi for the same reasoning as they were to Trump. Hence propaganda tarnishing all his genuine achievements.
Modi got over 500,000,000 Indians to start using toilets in just five or six years?
Who do you think you’re fooling with this?
You pull numbers out of your ass and expect to be taken seriously.
Quote the source that 500,000,000 Indians were street shitting in the first place.
Google “public defecation in India” and you’ll find three weeks’ worth of reading. But I’m sure all of those stories, dating back decades, were written by Cathedral types who want to embarrass Modi.
> Dating back decades.
You prove my point.
Quote a source that says 500,000,000 Indians were street shitting just prior to 2014 or at least in the late 2000s.
Besides there were Harvard types long before prog became official religion of the cathedral.
> Quote a source that says 500,000,000 Indians were street shitting just prior to 2014 or at least in the late 2000s.
I already did that, but here are some that put the number closer to 700,000,000:
All of which statistics go to show that there is a concerted effort to curb street shitting and then easily dismiss it as ineffective.
My own experience tells me the opposite, that the swacch Bharat program is very largely effective though not probably as much as the government claims but certainly not a failures a portrayed by you.
The only reason I’m taking all this effort to refute “whitey†is because some of the good faith commenters still believe that India has widespread street shitting based on downright false and malicious cathedral propaganda supported by globohomo organizations like WHO and/or outdated reports which is demonstrably false.
Why do you take responsibility for what the dalit niggers do? As if it’s any reflection on the higher lifeforms in your civilization?
This is as if someone was spontaneously trying to defend the state of the blacks in america, oh no no no Trump really fixed them up they don’t really live in filth and torture anything they can get their hands on like a vicious chimp. It’s arguing from a weak, completely irrelevant frame.
The only reason is to discredit the outright false statistics. And also to show that this tactic is being used by certain shills to shut down the theological debates on the Aryan religion here.
I know that suones pisses off the Christians here. And my own take is that the Christianity that we Hindus see is largely different from the traditional Christianity that you believe in.
On sanitation Narendra Modi has really given his best efforts to deal with the problem of sanitation and though not perfect we who live here are seeing its effects and grateful.
You’re right. Some sections of human race are beyond redemption.
Same reason that a black man with a 135IQ will still argue that IQ tests showing an average of 75IQ in africa are “culturally biased”. It reflects on their race and race is an integral part of identity.
(The same reason white liberals get up in arms about slavery and racism. You and your family never personally held a slave YES BUT WYPIPO DID…)
It’s not a reflection on Dharmicreality being a bad or disingenuous person though. Just a person! We all have our biases.
The hilarious part is everyone is right. It’s very likely that the West overstates the problem, and also that Modi lies about how well he’s done.
For what it’s worth, I believe you. If you say they don’t crap in the street, that’s good enough for me.
Used to work network support with a bunch of Indians and not once did I see them take a dump in the street.
Before the Beijing Olympics, the State had to work very hard to curb spitting in street and the tendency of mothers to let young toddlers roam pantsless so they could poop with ease. Just an anecdote.
Your link says “launched by PM Modi in October last year with an aim … to make all urban local bodies open defecation free and those with a population of less than 1 lakh as open defecation free”
But fails to provide any evidence of actual achievement of the aim of actual freeness from open defecation.
Also the aim is only to make smaller cities free from street shitting – implying that the goal of making major cities free from street shitting is just too hard.
It’s talking about the second phase of the project. Rural street shitting was a major concern and Modi handled it in the first phase. Urban, while still a problem has the infrastructure to deal with it while the rural infrastructure was a problem and still continues to be.
But claiming that half of India still shits in the streets is demonstrably false.
Well then, show us that demonstration. Your link fails to show it.
Other than quoting the official stats, how can I prove anything of this widespread nature except my personal experience and that of my fellow Indians?
All I can say is that in the past 10 years, I’ve seen with my own eyes that sanitation and cleanliness have largely improved. And the anecdotal experience of fellow travelers in all parts of india confirms my view.
How does one prove the actual successful implementation of a large scale project like this? Anecdotal stories like this of not just government initiatives but community initiatives support my position
But these are just not widely reported or covered in mainstream media for obvious reasons.
Are we reading the same article?
That article was written in 2018, we are in 2022 today and considerable progress has been and is being made on the issue.
All I want to say is that the success stories are being buried and the widespread community initiatives along with the official program have had quite a bit of success.
I’ll take your word for it.
The reason I’m optimistic about this programme is that it is Modi’s flagship and his brainchild since coming to power, meaning that he was well aware of the problem and wanted to tackle it on a nation-wide scale. His Gujarat Chief Ministerial experience helped greatly.
He has spent considerable political capital and effort on this issue, though India’s usual Socialist policies slow it down considerably.
Yes, there are lots of problems with implementation at the State and District level, as the State Governments vary in enthusiasm based on their political affiliation. As even the official Government stats indicate only partial success in some states (which tell me that they are mostly honest) but there also lots of success stories.
Don’t forget that the Cathedral has lots of reasons to tarnish Modi and play down his achievements.
Let’s hope the trend continues then.
Maybe you can clue in the Americans on their own long dead habit of Tobacco juice spitting all over the place,
Quite hilarious reading, Really.
They don’t do it anymore. Things change. I’m optimistic about India on this count atleast.
The fact that your people would street shit at all is really all that would ever need to be said, regardless of propaganda from one side or the other. If the government has to teach you where to poop you’re too retarded to exist on your own.
I’m gonna take a different view on this. The way some toilets in India are, and probably all toilets available to the implicated population, shitting in the street is entirely preferable and what I would do if I were forced to choose.
That said, walk around any city and literal shit on the street is not a problem anyone would notice. And things have gotten dramatically cleaner over the past 10 years or so.
And to be clear, this is a fault of the implicated population not the failure of government or western NGOs to provide for better toilets.
If truth is demoralising, it may be time to check your beliefs.
Regarding Putin, I, a Rus-ophile Imperialist, made a statement of fact regarding Putin’s visit or non-visit to certain places of worship as a tangent to other arguments. Which statement of fact triggered an avalanche of hysteria, and took weeks to percolate down and be grudgingly accepted. Meanwhile, the main point I was trying to make, that we should not blindly trust Putin to be the leader we need, rather than the one we deserve, not repeat the same mistake as with Trump, got flushed in hysterics.
Regarding “da joos,” I actually find Orthodox Talmudic Jews of Israel as the most agreement capable nation today. Once we made it clear that “Palestine” is not our problem, regardless of what a deranged minority wants, Mossad has not harassed us, and Israel has even sold us weapons as far as the US would allow. Judaism not being a missionary religion focussed on worshipping its Old God has also helped. Israelis have been fun to talk to, even when the subject involves Baphomet or the Nazarene. They essentially view “Christianity” as a Roman plot to out-Jew the Jews out of Judaea, and Talmudism as a reaction to the alarming proliferation of Jewish heresies in Rome and elsewhere. I believe millennia of entropy had weakened Judaism, as it has weakened us, and I also think a “Talmudisation” of Dharmic faith is in order to better fight new threats.
Regarding the Tsar, Russian elite (including military elite) betrayed their Lord before he abandoned them. No amount of “No TRVE Scotsman”-ing will change that. The only possible exceptions I can discern were those at the front and got dolchstoss-ed, like Vrangel, and Baron Roman, but they were both Germans anyway so I don’t know if that counts. Baron Roman, especially, a Lion among Men, is a personal hero of mine. He had the right idea, but fell victim to cacodemons which abound in Siberia/North Mongolia.
Not responding to attacks on old, dilapidated windmills lol.
Oh, and the “Hindu” caste system is anything but. It is a description of human nature, rather than a top-down prescription, rather like we describe wolves as being “alpha,” “beta,” etc., which they, wolves, cannot help any more than we men can. It is ultimately derived from the Aryan castes, as described by Plato, and exists today whether one acknowledges it or not (under influence of “egalitarian” priestly lies), as pointed out by Moldbug. In fact, it irritated me when Moldbug used our terms for his taxonomy, but in retrospect it was a canny move, because it has irritated, and continues to irritate, egalicucks more than it ever troubled me.
Your arguments were silly. Sacrilege against Orthodoxy is now officially illegal in Russia, even merely words that I would cheerfully allow on this blog. Sacrilege against Islam is not. It is a damned good start.
Putin is not yet at the right destination, but he has set foot firmly on the right path.
At this point I wouldn’t bother replying to neofugue especially as he thinks the progs did such a great job at potty training their pet niggers that it is preferable to dharmic faiths which he calls demonic.
Cannot have a rational discussion on that basis. There is no meeting of minds on this aspect.
You know what is the problem? They are unable to reconcile the universalism/implicit egalitarianism of Christianity with reactionary beliefs. They keep falling back on egalitarianism almost instinctively. The deceitful ways that missionaries have converted browns and other races of Africa and Asia to Christianity is not addressed by Jim.
If orthodox/Jimian Christianity prohibits or at least does not encourage evangelism, Jim should specifically say so. But does the Bible allow that? Please clarify.
He is not falling back on egalitarianism. He picked the lowest possible class of the lowest race(besides maybe Australian Bushmen) and pointed out that they are tameable, however poorly. The point is in the contrast. If you are such a glorious Aryan race, then why the fuck are so many people shitting on the streets? Why are they so dirty? There is a problem there, which is what he is pointing out. Some things are universal, like sanitation being good. However, some things are not universal, like actually practicing sanitation.
If the West/Whites the epitome of civilization then where did we get this from?
And unisex public toilets?
Do I judge jimian Christianity on the basis of abominations like that? So why do you judge Traditional Hinduism on the basis of the street shitting class?
Are street shitters demon worshippers? Are they defecting from your faith? Why are they shitting in the street?
If they more closely adhered to your faith, would this solve the problem?
The point is if street shitting was our worst problem we would gladly take it.
Unfortunately it’s not.
We didn’t invent drag queen story hour and our army doesn’t fight wars so that little girls in Afghanistan can learn to put a condom on a banana.
So this is the Overton Window that vibrancy brings to Western Civilization. We debate the relative strengths and weaknesses of street shitting.
Think I’ll take my dog for a walk and have it crap in the neighbors yard.
Christians did not invent those things either.
Those are, for Indians, foreign imports by a hostile state religion that worships Demons. Hinduism has a woefully poor record over the past two millennia of resisting demon worship, Christianity an impressive record.
At the time of the fall of the Republic, Romans still had a religion with a far stronger claim to be a direct derivative of the original Aryan faith and close to the original Aryan faith than Hinduism does, and its faith was massively infested by demons.
Looks like the original Aryan faith became demon infested at the time of decline of Bronze Age civilization, though the winning barbarian populations had a far lesser problem, and were closer to the original faith, than were the civilized peoples, so the fall of civilization enabled some recovery of that faith.
The most primitive faith of all peoples around the world is Worship of the All-Father the uncreated God that originated all existence:
Ironically the Nomadic peoples and the most primitive tribes of today retain the most purity of the worship of the One True God.
They are the least demon infested of all peoples in the world. Their religion is invariably of a most high moral tone.
And idolatry was forbidden. They respected the God that didn’t want any form representing him for that would degrade his overwhelming glory.
Then there is the fact that many of them retained the flood myth of Noah. The Patriarch of the Post-flood peoples of the world.
“We didn’t invent drag queen story hour and our army doesn’t fight wars so that little girls in Afghanistan can learn to put a condom on a banana.”
What do you expect from those who hate Christianity and invert its values.
The prohibition against faggotry and promiscuity is reversed by those people resulting in what you say.
Its all about inversion.
Still on the topic of street shitting.
This must really be getting to you. They’re just pulling your chain.
The problem that you face is that street shitting and trannies are not comparable. Trannies are abominations that are mere years old, and resisted by even many of the NPCs, who have broken from their permifted script because it bothers them so much. Things like drag queen story hour inflame the normie who would otherwise nod at the official religion and go about his day.
The sanitation problems facing India signal a much deeper problem. Comfort with filth being permitted by the upper classes, and a general lack of care for communities is normative. Nevermind that it is primarily the lower classes doing this. Why the fuck have the upper classes dealt with it? You can go to some of the poorest, lowest class areas in White America and they would be disgusted by shit on the streets. Why is there not more disgust from your people. With that said, props to Modi for acting on this. Change starts from the top.
I find it hard to have much criticism for Modi. He actually gives a rat’s ass about the welfare of Indians, even the lower caste ones and he’s doing what he can within the envelope given him.
Modi seems to have everything under control, and is not making the kinds of mistakes that Trump did. I find his running of India, as little as it is that I know of it, to be quite admirable.
My biggest fear is that Modi suffers from normality bias just like Trump. I hope he sees the enemies for what they are and prepares for 2024.
He’s not facing anywhere near of the impossible situation that Trump was and is. The Republicans would have cheerfully impeached him at any time during his term if they had half an excuse. They just wanted to do it with sufficient cover to not totally ‘Whig’ them. Modi’s position is intrinsically a lot better. The BJP actually mostly supports him.
I know they re not comparable.
Unlike tranny worship, Street shitting is not a radical faith that is being exported to all parts of the world by threat of force backed by the might of GAE.
Point is, blaming street shitting on old type Hinduism is as absurd as blaming tranny worship on old type Christianity.
That said, tranny worship is only a symptom of deeper rot.
The reason I think Hinduism as it is has something to do with street shitting — or rather, unsanitary behavior because I don’t think street shitting is a literal problem — is that it is not a problem in Sri Lanka, and it is not a problem in Pakistan.
Obviously, it is not a problem with old type Hinduism, but is a problem with the Hinduism prevailing in much of India today.
“If orthodox/Jimian Christianity prohibits or at least does not encourage evangelism, Jim should specifically say so. But does the Bible allow that? Please clarify.”
Russian Orthodoxy even in its old form is evangelical. As in the great commission to make disciples of all Nations always applied.
“The deceitful ways that missionaries have converted browns and other races of Africa and Asia to Christianity is not addressed by Jim.”
Because Heretics are also trying to make converts alongside the genuine Old type Christians.
Thank you for the frank answer. Evangelism is inherent in Christianity, of course, as the Prussians and Kievan Rus found out. To think otherwise is folly.
I also know that “National Churches” have long been condemned as phyletism, with no adequate explanation here as to how “National Orthodoxy” isn’t phyletism.
Originally a Baltic language, related to Lithuanian. In some ways closer vto Sanskrit than e.g. Farsi.
One universal Church with one city pre-eminent, and the emperor pre-eminent over the lords, is an ancient part of the Christian tradition. But collegial affiliation of the largely independent Churches of largely independent priesthoods in separate cities also part of that tradition. Parts not always easy to reconcile.
Peace of Westphalia is the pre-eminence of each sovereign with each nation. These are close to being contradictory positions, with the command to evangelize inevitably resulting in conflict, for if each sovereign can spread his state religion he can increase his power. And we now have nuclear weapons, though the events that led to the peace of Westphalia revealed impressive capacity to destroy each other even without them. Rather obviously, sovereigns need to accept the peace of Westphalia, because with nukes, war is even more inadvisable, and holy wars have been extremely destructive even back when we had to chop each other up by hand. We now have impressively more efficient means for destroying each other. Christians have always been commanded “Peace on Earth to all men of goodwill”, which the Peace of Westphalia interprets and applies as “do not undermine the power and authority of another sovereign’s state religion within that sovereign’s state.”
So if both Caesars observe the peace of Westphalia, the Christian Church is forbidden to meddle. If one or the other does not …
The problems you have in India are in substantial part the very ancient decadence and demon worship within your own religion, millennia ancient, but primarily the comparatively recent successful efforts of Harvard, the officially unofficial priesthood of the Global American Empire, to converge you. The problems we have in Christianity are downstream of a bunch of Socinians, in large part the postChristian ideological descendants of the Christian Brownists, subverting and converging Christianity to a non trinitarian faith, in which Jesus is Jesus the Jewish community organizer, impressively enlightened for his time, but now we are much more enlightened than he was. He replaced the Law of Gnon with something much better, and we are now improving it further with drag queen story hour.
The Christianity that gave us science, technology, industrialization, and empire was fine. The Hinduism that lost your technological and mathematical superiority and got you conquered by one empire after another was not fine. If you want to fix Hinduism, your problems are considerably bigger and more ancient than Harvard.
If a sovereign observes the peace of Westphalia, the true Church is going to restrain its evangelism to measures that do not subvert the religious authority of another sovereign. If one or the other sovereign fails to observe the peace of Westphalia …
For example after crushing the never ending war of Dar al Islam against Dar al Harb, we saw each empire, the British and the Russians, seeking to adopt groups of Christians within Islam, and conflicting over which empire got to do the adoption, making it obvious that they were applying Christianity to subvert Islam and extend the power of their respective empires, a measure totally consistent with Christ’s command to evangelize. And we simultaneously saw each empire obstructing the other empire’s adoption, unavoidably protecting the religious authority of Islamic leaders in the process, an action totally inconsistent with the command to evangelize. Not a violation of the peace of Westphalia, because Dar al Islam is never at peace with Dar al Harb, unless subject to adequate terror, adequate terror being levels of terror that make Christians rightly uncomfortable, but it led to Christian empires violating the peace of Westphalia with each other, and violating the command of peace on earth to all men of goodwill.
Your concern that the Christian Church might well ally with Mohammedanism against Hinduism is silly. The true Church will never do that, because Mohammedanism always stabs such alliances in the back. The Peace of Westphalia is possible with Hinduism, particularly if Hinduism has nukes. It is never going to fly with Mohammedanism, and even less if Iran has nukes. In the end, there is likely to be nuclear war between Christianity and Mohammedanism, if nuclear war between Harvard and Orthodoxy does not bite first, as it likely will.
If Hinduism does not have nukes, and Christianity does, then yes, Christianity is likely to do what it has always done, but it is not going to do so in concert and cooperation with Mohammedanism.
I appreciate your attempt to assuage our concerns regarding whether you would respect Westphalian peace though you have qualified it with a lot of ifs and buts. That is actually most of what I am concerned with. You may take it that our Hinduism will be behind the protection of nukes and will respect mutual Westphalian peace.
On the demon infestation of Hinduism we disagree and I have already argued repeatedly why I disagree and I am not going to repeat them here. You may leave us to internally decide on that aspect. What I hate is the GAE or its satellites and globohomo media lecturing India on religious tolerance while simultaneously sowing social disharmony through NGOs, Christian or secular.
On a side note, there is a very definite rightward shift In Indian politics since Modi coming to power, actually calling for Hinduism to be recognized as the state religion of India which was not within the Overton window even a decade ago:
Yes, the article is a somewhat cucked and “liberal†version of our vision of Hindu rashtra but the very fact that a voice in a mostly cathedral controlled mainstream publication expresses such heresy against the official state religion of holy secularism itself is a big step.
Oops linked to comments section. Here’s the actual article
An excellent Common Minimum Programme. We have a point of agreement, at last.
> Iran
I have grand plans for that. Let’s see who the gods favour.
Certainly, such a thing even appearing in TOI blogs (which is more free-ish than the actual paper, but not vastly so) is a sign of the shifting of the Overton Window.
I read the article, somewhat condensed in the actual newpaper before finding it online.
A Persian Christian empire would be a great way to keep the Arabs in line until they can be genocided and selectively bred to not be a bunch of fucking retards. Persians have a pretty solid stock and good organization even by European standards, so it should not be terribly hard to do.
Where Christianity took hold alongside other social technologies:
There was de facto Eugenics in terms of raising IQ. First by Patriarchy making the selection for IQ on the part of Men having to be providers as well as protectors as Heads of their household.
Playing a large role in the expansion of the middle class and displacing and edging out the lower classes. Christianity also would tend to reduce slavery over the course of its influence which would increase eugenic pressure.
If a slave is a brother or sister in Christ that would cause 2nd and 3rd order impacts down the line in impacting slavery.
>no adequate explanation here as to how “National Orthodoxy†isn’t phyletism.
Rather, is there anything more necessary than the same confidence that would declare post-protestant unitarianism to be ‘true christianity, properly understood’, too in the stead of which confidently declare that No Bishop, No King?
A would-be detractor could instead make his case; what are the charges, and why does he think they are a problem?
You used the facts of the matter like a Jew would. Specifically, meticulously, and with intent to deceive. You spoke the strict truth and tried to make it something it was not. You have followed up by trying to defend the lie by insisting that what you said was technically the truth, no matter how twisted the framing. All the while condemning Christianity as a Semetic religion.
You said that I gave Christianity credit for works done by Aryans that could not be done by any other Christian group, but your supposedly Aryan culture never manage to do them, either. I am not insecure in the face of Aryan culture because it’s heyday was long past a millenia ago. The only real threat to my Anglo-Christian culture is the Russo-Christian culture the post-Christian, American-residing Anglos, Jews, and Indians are provoking. Even then, the likelihood is that a military defeat handed to the unholy alliance of Progressives, Jews, and Indians is going to permit me and those like me to In Hoc Signo Vinces a pretty large portion of our former holdings.
I am not a Greek or a Roman. I am an Anglo-Saxon, a Scandinavian, and an American. All the glories of the old Aryan gods that my ancestors worshiped were long dead when Christ was brought to my cold, wet ancestral island. The pagans of Briton were worshipping demons, not ancestors. Modern pagans are pozzed faggots, that also worship demons. Your “Aryan ancestor worship” has an uncomfortable amount of demons and smells like sulfur. Dharmicreality insists there is an older, less corrupt version of Hinduism with fewer demons, and it is only fair to offer him the same belief in the core nature of his religion that he offers me.
For your bad faith arguments, I hereby dub you Jew-ones.
Exactly so.