
Art of War in 2022

War matters, so promoting this conversation to a post.

Mister Grumpus asks:

> The narrative is shifting to the Russians managing to muddle through anyway, and the blue-and-yellow Ukraine flags have all but vanished from Twitter.

Ukraine has been attempting World War I tactics, which worked great for a little while, but they are starting to run out of troops willing to fight. Currently it is World War I, which is a horrifyingly costly and destructive way of waging war, and the cost is biting both sides hard, but seems to be costing the Ukrainians worse.

The problem with World War I tactics is that they rely on the fact that frightened troops do not flee artillery bombardment, they dig in. Which prevents attempts to advance no matter how much artillery the enemy applies. But when you try to move those terrified troops from the location where they were being bombarded, to a new location, they are apt to dig in their heels once they have been removed from the old location on the front, where the enemy has become become tired of attacking, and are ordered to go to a new location on the front, where the enemy is, despite the great cost of World War I tactics, advancing. So the Russians are having success by endlessly, unpredictably, and unexpectedly, switching from one segment of the front to another. The Ukrainians are trying to reuse troops, which neither side was very successful in doing during World War I. World War I tactics use up, consume, and exhaust your army.

We are now seeing very large numbers of mutinies by Ukrainian grunts. We are also seeing a deep reluctance of officers to go to the front.

> Has Has the steady grind of Russian artillery fire and Ukrainian logistical disappointment undermined their Info Epoch Warfare? Pulled the plug on it somehow?

> What I no longer see is video of tanks driving around. That must still be way too dangerous with all those man-portable missiles out there.

> Maybe Info Epoch Warfare is still the winning ticket, unless your opponent (Russia) is happy to just shoot many thousand artillery shells and advance X yards per day, and can safely resupply themselves via a fully protected highway.

The Russian computer network penetration effort has failed. Their state level hackers just don’t seem very good at it. Compare and contrast the immensely successful network penetration by American Military intelligence.

Last time the I knew anything about what state level actors were doing, the US had massive penetration of everyone’s computer network, and the Chinese were starting, barely starting, to have some success in excluding them. The Chinese were not even trying to penetrate other people’s networks, though maybe they are now. I see no sign of it. They demand companies insert of obvious spyware in their networks, which is quite useless because if you know where the spyware is, you feed it bullshit and bypass it for what really matters, and they send spearfish emails, which get the same treatment if you try to spearfish someone with half a brain. Russian state networks were, and recently still were, wide open. If you cannot defend your computer networks, you probably cannot attack other people’s networks, because you cannot identify vulnerabilities. Russian response to identified vulnerabilities has been foolish and self destructive, covering them up rather than addressing them. One should pay the hacker if he shows you how he did it and helps you to do it to other people, and prevent other people from doing it to oneself, attempt to find him and harm him if he does not.

Russia has been vigorously attempting human penetration of Ukraine human networks, with surprisingly disappointing success. I am now coming to the conclusion that to do human penetration, you need a shared faith.

Stalin had a live state religion, so had immense success in penetrating human networks. Russia is making an effort to revive its state religion, but in the Ukraine, nonetheless has had poor success. Failed to properly utilize Old type Christians, who are being vigorously and murderously persecuted in the Ukraine. The Jesuits had and have immense success in penetrating human networks, though their inner religion now appears to be serpent Christ. The Alawites also had immense success, with an outer religion of Mohammedanism, a middle religion that has syncretic layers of Christianity, Zoroastrianism, and at its center, the inner religion, the innermost religion, a mysterious faith whose nature is alleged to be pagan, but who knows? Only them and God. The Alawites have been doing this for a very very long time, since at least anno Domini 1100, and the touch of Zoroastrianism hints that they may be descended from a faith immensely older. They have good human penetration and immensely good human security.

Looking at efforts at human penetration, look faith based. And because human penetration requires lying, demonic faiths have an advantage in penetration, though they have a disadvantage in preventing penetration. I don’t see any obvious demonic symptoms with the Alawites, but given their very good human security, I would not. Maybe their inner religion has good distinction between lies that can be told and lived without moral compromise, and lies that cannot. Or maybe it does not. Hard to know.

During two millennia of attempted, and sometimes successful, hostile entryism against Christian state religions, entryist groups concocted ever more elaborate systems of ideas and rationalizations so that they could say the right things, in a sense truthfully, but with the deliberately wrong meanings. Which seems odd. Why not just plain lie? Why do creeds and shill tests work? Why have they gone on working for millenia?

Just lying works for the individual, but for the group, not so much, because your agents are apt to become double and triple agents. The best liar believes what he says, so you need a lie that is fundamentally incompatible with the enemy faith, but whose fundamental incompatibility is subtle.

Information Epoch warfare worked great for Trump. It has not been working for Russians, but they are trying. Maybe they will get better. War is a stern teacher.

> Maybe the Bayraktar drones really can find and disable artillery pieces all day long, but Uncle Sam refuses to buy more because Turkish Man Bad. Heck if I know.

Drones are costing the Russians a lot, costing both sides but mostly it is not autonomous drones, but simply dumb drones in line of sight of their controllers, and for moderate range often directly above their controller at altitude (the Ukrainians claim to have a very substantial advantage in distance drone vision) looking down on artillery battles from above. The huge advantage of autonomous drones is that they extend the battlefield all the way, which advantage no one except Turkey has utilized. In the Information Epoch, the battlefield will soon be everywhere. In the Armenian war, the Azerbaijanis gained a huge advantage by extending the battle field all the way throughout the entire disputed territory. Well, time to dispute the enemy capital. Which the Russians have been trying to do, without a lot of success.

Both sides have autonomous long range drones, though I heard some whining from the Ukrainians that they are mighty hard to use autonomously. Autonomous drones had immense impact in the recent Armenian war. Maybe in this war both sides are finding them hard to use. Needs better UI, and better mission controllers.

In the Information Epoch, the military needs high IQ warriors. Maybe neither the Russians nor the Ukrainians have them.

2,857 comments Art of War in 2022

Gedeon says:

At Lockheed’s Lighthouse you can watch all of the cyberattacks in real time. PLA/China commonly attack from Brazilian servers.

I mentioned artillery before and Russia is just following the 2nd Chechen war playbook. I think the real story of Ukraine is WEF training up a counter insurgency military to try and come to the US. For all anyone knows, NATO is just transferring hardware to the Russian military to drawdown our own armories and fill the WEF armory.

WEF loses when normies get together locally and relearn monkey wrenching and apply to digital control infrastructure.

Kunning Druegger says:

The last time I encountered the place you speak of, it was a big smoke and mirrors light show with monitors, histograms, and lady managers in business suits approaching the wall at lightspeed. Maybe it’s gotten better since then…

Scoop says:

Hot-N-Ready Little Caesar raises the Praetorians?


DeSantis is reactivating the Florida State Guard, a defense force solely under the governors’s authority, which hasn’t existed since 1947. The concept isn’t novel and about half of US states have something like this, but the timing, rhetoric surrounding the move, and the fact that it’s DeSantis make this notable. From the article:

“There is no posted COVID-19 vaccine mandate, unlike the Florida National Guard and other military components under the Department of Defense.

DeSantis highlighted the force’s lack of a vaccine mandate at the press conference. He blasted the federal government for discharging unvaccinated troops and has repeatedly described the Florida State Guard as a “landing spot” for unvaccinated service members.”

So we will have at least one unvaxxed (para)military organization in the US, likely made up heavily of discharged and soon to be discharged servicemen, or men who would otherwise have joined the military, who have already confirmed themselves as dissidents against the COVID regime.

Obligatory screeching:

“Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried — a Democratic gubernatorial contender — described the effort as “alarming” and “scary.” She blasted DeSantis as a “authoritarian dictator.”

Democratic Congressman and gubernatorial contender Charlie Crist slammed the force as the governor’s “hand-picked secret police.”

jim says:

A hand picked secret police to impose and enforce free and honest elections is what DeSantis is going to need if he hopes for a second term.

Digressing to the topic of the decline of Republics. If the sovereign has to have a hand picked secret police to avoid having elections stolen from him, it is likely that by and by you will get a sovereign that ensures elections are stolen to him. Also clobber any members of the official or officially unofficial state Church that complain about it.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

“Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried — a Democratic gubernatorial contender — described the effort as “alarming” and “scary.” She blasted DeSantis as a “authoritarian dictator.”


Doom says:


Russians are using drones to pretty good effect. They have a fairly good information grasp of the battlefield, as I understand it.

Eg, every time the Ukies set up a new artillery piece; zoopark hears it, a drone finds it, then Russian artillery / missiles wipe it out.

Currently I think the western media has no clue what Russia is doing. As far as I can tell, Russia does not consider themselves really at war and hasn’t gone all in.

Regarding networks etc. That really doesn’t matter per se in this conflict; they’re in there to remove the militia, that’s it.

As you say often too – actual competence in the US is incredibly low. Consider the self own of the sanctions. Russia will probably not be too forgiving towards the USG considering they’ve been forced into a war with their own brother state.

> Maybe neither the Russians nor the Ukrainians have them.
I would bet you average Ukraine/Russian warrior IQ is higher than the USG military at the moment.

Severian says:

How do you figure Ukraine can handle the economic attrition?
It’s not something I see discussed much but I figure the economic devastation has been enormous.

The Ukrainian government is dependent on vast amounts of cash streaming in from the west every month but how long can that go on for?

S says:

The economic devastation is only relevant if there are things they need that can only be supplied locally… and even then you don’t need an economy since you can just pay people in dollars and import the raw material they need.

Anyway the cash can continue until the US economy collapses. In the past that meant indefinitely. Now it means a couple of years.

Pooch says:

Anyway the cash can continue until the US economy collapses. In the past that meant indefinitely. Now it means a couple of years.

LOL couple of years! The US economy is entirely dependent on its ability to generate military force. Not seeing that go away anytime soon.

jim says:

I see the ability to generate military force going away as soon as Russia or China decides or is forced to directly engage the west. They have superior antiairsea capability, and US military doctrine and weaponry is built around airsea superiority. Our ground troops are demoralized, and discipline is collapsing.

If everyone goes all in with conventional weapons, ocean movement of goods ends, which is going to bite Americans worse than anyone else. If nukes, Russia has more nukes, and I doubt that our nukes work any more.

Pooch says:

China’s economy collapses when the US automates their labor force, which is being implemented as we speak.

Russia at least has natural resources, but not much else going for it.

jim says:

> China’s economy collapses when the US automates their labor force

Where “collapse” is mere five percent real growth per year, while GDP in the US has been actually collapsing for some time, disguised by creativity with the Consumer Price Index. If we were capable of useful automation, it would be rising.

People are getting poorer, have been getting poorer for some considerable time, and now getting poorer a lot faster. The grandchildren of a working class man who had a car, a stay at home wife, and small house with a modest garden in the suburbs, are in dual income no kids relationships, and despite that live in little boxes.

Compare how Evergrande was handled with how the Great Minority Mortgage Meltdown was handled.

Pooch says:

People are getting poorer, have been getting poorer for some considerable time, and now getting poorer a lot faster. The grandchildren of a working class man who had a car, a stay at home wife, and small house with a modest garden in the suburbs, are in dual income no kids relationships, and despite that live in little boxes.

Why are the people relevant? The rich are getting richer.

WEF/Great Reset language makes heavy usage of automation of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” which means automating China’s slave labor jobs away.

Rich Western elite and capitalists will get richer when they no longer have to ship goods in from China and can instead just 3D print them at home, which means it will happen. Unsurprisingly, it is more “green” to do this. The incentives are in place.

I would not be bullish on the Chinese economy over the next 20-30 years.

Pooch says:

are in dual income no kids relationships, and despite that live in little boxes.

By design. The elite have no reason for the middle/working class to reproduce, costs them money, thus globohomo values to cull the population. China enacts the One Child policy. The West shoves us into boxes in the city and makes us gay. More than one way to skin a cat.

Seems to be working according to their plan.

Varna says:

>“Fourth Industrial Revolution” which means automating China’s slave labor jobs away.

The slave labor thing is another rather common layer most of us have in the “the world is like it was in 1993” program.

Today’s Chinese salaries of $1000+ a month are basically Eastern European level, in some industries — Portugal level.

Poor Marxist bastards tried to swing a classical economy plan like the world is operating by 1955 logic.

They actually thought they could just get continental countries to sign up for the New Silk Road, and then China would quickly build them some infrastructure, this helps generate a new consumer class, and thus from Uzbekistan to the Congo China will be operate in a special economic space as both investor and supplier, free from the threat of sea routes mishaps when inevitable conflicts with the West arise.

They even laid out publicly plans like 5-6 years ago, how the heavy industry will first migrate into heartland China to raise it economically, while the coasts shift to a post-industrial economy, and then the heavy industry migrates across the border, uplifting gradually everyone along the way through Central and South Asia, then into the Middle East and Africa, while China itself becomes a postindustrial pristine utopia.

Little did they know back then how severely they misjudged both the pushback and sabotage from the empire, and the internal entropy of the empire reaches levels of utter bizarro.

Tbh me and most of my buds also were mostly in the dark back then.

MasterRaider says:

Are actually retarded? How can the rich keep getting richer when their commodities are not being bought by the unemployed and impoverished consumers?

S says:

Is there some reason these machines won’t work in China?

Pooch says:

Why set them up in China when they can just set them up at home? Eliminates shipping goods from China, which is not particularly efficient.

S says:

Taxes and operating costs.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You cannot automate an engineering department, or the technicians that service the automated machines replacing labor. Chip fabs have tons and tons of robots doing the manual labor of moving wafers around the fab and within the equipment. When that equipment has a problem, it is a human that looks at the problem, decides what to do about it, and sends a human that can fix the problem. That is vital to manufacture of high technologies, and it is something that America is having a lot of problems maintaining.

Pooch says:

There will of course be a small force of highly skilled American and European engineers and tech experts who create and set up the machines (as there is now), but the army of Chinese slave laborers will be automated away.

S says:

You can’t fight the Russians with pallets of cash. Economic support requires the ability to convert money in goods the Ukrainians need. If those goods are produced in the US and you can’t produce any more because the supply chain disintegrated you are shit out of luck.

Given the US government is intentionally sabotaging the economy and is also printing large amounts of money, I’m not sure why ‘they will keep pushing until things break’ is hard to believe.

The Cominator says:

Amateurs talk strategy professionals talk logistics, if the ports are blocked and the weapon shipments by road are bombed the shipments won’t do Ukraine much good.

jim says:

Logistics should be thought of as Xenophon thought of it, as reaching all the way to the peasant who under his own power brings food to the army. Escalating conflict on the sea, as the US is doing to give effect to sanctions that are being widely ignored, is a bad idea. Should the US attempt to bring troops directly across the seas to the conflict, the Russians have ample excuse to interdict them.

ExileStyle says:

Another thing to remember is that you need actual living, working human beings to have an economy. Ukraine’s official population before the war, 44 million, was likely hugely inflated in the first place due to emigration (an electronic census registered 37 million in Jan. 2020…), and now they’ve lost like another 6 million or so, plus who knows how many fit, young, fighting-age men who are either dead, imprisoned, or on the battlefield.

You can throw all the cash you want at an economy, but if there’s no one to do the work you just end up with more inflation, money sitting in bank accounts, and probably (knowing Ukraine) buttloads of simple old-fashioned corruption.

Some commentator who I’ve found reliable (Col. MacGregor maybe?) mentioned that they are not even capable at this moment of *spending* all the money the US has been dumping on them…

Varna says:

Circa 1990 the Ukraine had a population of 52 million

They had inherited the breadbasket land of the USSR, half the industry (in the eastern Ukraine), and the first echelon army prepped for taking down NATO (Russia inherited the second echelon of older weaponry).

And of course the best south sea coast of the USSR, which they also now seem on the verge of losing.

The Ukraine’s starting position at the collapse of the USSR was potentially the best of all of Eastern Europe. The biggest population, the biggest territory, the best land, serious industry, an army that was at least equivalent of that of France.

In Soviet times the Ukraine produced 40% of the TV sets and 50% of the iron in the USSR.

It sucked in the sense that life in the USSR would always suck, but among the inheritors of the collapsed empire they had a head start that should literally have made them a regional giant in a decade.

Eastern Europeans are known for pissing away any inherent advantage, but this, this is epic.

The Ukraine could have become the Italy or Spain of EE at the very least, if even a modicum of non-degenerate stewardship had been applied to what they started out with. A tragedy, really.

Many observers suspect that today right now the real physical population of the Ukraine, even if counting the recently lost territories, is under 30 million.

Georgia, Armenia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Moldova, they were all propped up by Russian, Belorussian, and Ukrainian generated funds, and had pretty utopian lifestyles by Soviet measures. After going indie they all pissed everything away fast. Those who managed to attach themselves to a new teat (the Baltics) are doing not as bad as those who didn’t find a new sponsor, but even compared to this circus what the Ukraine achieved was a masterclass in total retardedness.

Kunning Drueger says:

So is this a Slavic problem, or an east-of-Hajnal problem, or what? As a child of the Peace following the dissolution, the memes were always mixed, but the “corruption” angle was ubiquitous. I assumed that was played up by western media, but is it actually the case that Slavs are the Euronegros?

I’m fairly certain Ukraine was robbed blind by Congress. It never seems to make it into the headlines, but there are scores of congressmen with questionable ties to the country, Hunty was just the tip of the iceberg.

Varna says:

Slavs, Balts, Turkics, the lot.
Germanized Bohemians are perhaps the least prone to obvious self-sabotage in the eastern manner.

1. Eastern Whites are not former colonial powers, they are former colonies of a) Turkey, b) Austria, c) Russia.

Neither were they slave-owners, they were in fact the slaves wherever slavery was practiced in adjacent regions. The Slavs especially, unless ruled by an external warrior tribe from the steppes or some sort of Germanics, were the stereotypical “can everyone just leave us the fuck alone” ethnicity.

They are white negroes in the sense the Irish always have been until allegedly recently. Ireland however is an island microcosms, whereas the eastern white is part of a vast civilizational layer.

Absolutely every EE nation has a “we wuz kungz” popular mythology to the extent that each and every one of them is the originator of all languages, inventions, religions, and are descendent of Hyborean offsprings of alien demigods.

This also applies to Central Asia. The Tajiks, for example, are the true Aryans as official state policy.

2. Communism is what differentiates EE from other eternal victims such as the Irish and the Finns, and Central Asia from other Asian former colonies.

The last generation more or less insulated from Globohomo’s more obviously insane traits due to remembering Soviet-type communism are the middle-aged.

However the combination of centuries of colonial status and decades of communism does create certain specifics which include a more passive and crooked non-can-do form of every man for himself, and also the subliminal expectation that things will go really well if they find the right type of master. Be he a local big man, or a far off imperial center.

Kunning Druegger says:

A while back, I watched some mini-doc about a Bulgarian merc working his trade in AFG. He said something like “Bulgarians have been involved in every major war in the 20th century, and always on the losing side, but we never lost.” I’m probably mangling it, but Bulgaria is a really weird country that never seems to make headlines.

I wrote a paper in university about a potential future wherein Poland pulled together a pan-Slavic confederation after the major powers eliminated each other. Obviously stupid, but if life were an RTS game, I skilled player could take over the world from either Poland or Uzbekistan. They have the populations and manpower, assuming they subsume or unite a few neighbors. But some mystical force seems to keep things boring with a steady stream of extreme East or extreme West dominating powers. It’s probably impossible, but a Russo-Polish alliance would take over Europe in a year, just as a Chinastan would conquer Asia.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The primary limiting factor of empires is breakdowns of coordination, by various means. Mapblobbing in grand strategy games is possible because, barring dashes of superficial fluff for flavoring, assabiya of the player’s ‘organization’ is basically baked in as an iron-clad given.

No matter what is going on, ‘orders’ are inerrantly transmitted across time and space to their targets, and inerrantly followed exactly as they are given, with inerrant performance in accordance with predefined capabilities, leaving more ‘deterministic’ factors like resources, population, carrying capacity, and correlation of forces, to be subject to modeling.

This is of course largely the case because, 1. dealing with social entropy in all it’s vagarious forms would be annoying in most kinds of sim type games, 2. implementing such things in ways that resembles reality would be very difficult in most cases to begin with, incurring radically inflating scope creep, and 3. it’s a more esoteric plane of phenomena for a man to get a grip on with his mind’s eye in the first place – and more particularly for such kinds of men that one may more often find designing such kinds games.

Varna says:

>I’m probably mangling it, but Bulgaria is a really weird country that never seems to make headlines.

There are a few comfy Shires in SEE: Bulgaria, Montenegro, Albania, Moldova, Macedonia, Slovenia. Left to their own devices, the local hobbits mind their own business and try to not pay too much heed to the passing dwarves, elves, striders, weird magicians, and so on.

However, the eye of Sauron or Saruman falls on them and they become tragic cases like Bosnia or Georgia or Armenia or Serbia. Today sweet little harmless Moldova seems poised on the verge of getting a few knives stuck into it from all sides in the name of cosmic justice.

A bloody shame. Moldova, with it’s laid back hobbits, warm weather, fine wine and agriculture, meadows and rivers, and super low cost, sounded like THE perfect place for downshifting. In the two years prior to the kung flu some of us were actually discussing settling there.

Poor Moldova. Another post-commie Shire on the verge of getting gutted.

Let us drink to Bulgaria and Montenegro and the rest remaining invisible forever.

Javier says:

Ukraine will be mortgaged off and owned forever by zog/gae bankers, just like all the towns blm burned down.

Pooch says:

The Ukrainian government is dependent on vast amounts of cash streaming in from the west every month but how long can that go on for?

No not from the West, from the US. It can go on indefinitely because the US prints it.

Kunning Drueger says:

“The Never Ending Fiat Stream, the Unbeatable Military, and Other Bleak Tales of Blackpill Bullshit” by Pooch T. Bitchmade

Pooch says:

Not blackpilled.

Got a girl. Got land. About to start a family. What happens in the course of history is out of my control. In God’s control. Therefore white-pilled.

alf says:

Got a girl. Got land. About to start a family.


Pooch says:

haha thanks

Pooch says:

And btw an unlimited fiat stream and unbeatable US military would be white pilled, not black pilled.

When the US military fails to generate sufficient military force, we will see currency collapse in the West and it will be time to join a gang or flee. Things will get very bad indeed.

jim says:

You don’t know if your military has collapsed until an opponent decides it is time to find out.

Discipline has collapsed, and the high tech equipment barely works when it works. What will happen with discipline and equipment under war conditions?

Calvin says:

Depends on who you’re fighting and if they can take meaningful advantage of it. If such failures happen in, for example, the recent redeployment to Somalia, I doubt any significant consequences will ensue.

As to China, their military is completely untested in actual battlefield conditions. They haven’t had a war since the 70’s, and while they say they have an enormous stockpile of nice new toys I would take anything made in China with a healthy supply of salt.

One thing you really should account for, Jim, is that in building the Three Gorges Dam China basically equipped their economy with a self-destruct button. A few good hits with purely conventional missiles and tens of millions of chinamen drown.

Pooch says:

We will know the US military has collapsed when countries flee the US dollar into the Chinese system.

When a small country like Saudi Arabia, for instance, no longer fears American soft and hard power, collapse is imminent.

But not seeing countries flee the US dollar.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

They may not be fleeing, but they are easing their chairs away from the table and making sure their shoes are tied. I knew I was over after the Fall of Kabul, but the war in Ukraine and resulting sanctions against Russia showed a lot more people that the US is a paper eagle.

The Cominator says:

I read a headline every couple of days about countries starting to use something other than the US dollar for International Trade.

Pooch says:

For oil? I have not seen that.

The Cominator says:


Russia China many countries that don’t like the US much (Iran) and Saudi Arabia at least threatened too. The dollar as reserve currency is kaput in a couple of years.

Pooch says:

China still trades dollars for oil. Saudi Arabia still trades oil for dollars. When countries no longer trade dollars for oil (and vice versa), US funny money will become worthless toilet paper and it will be time to flee the American Empire.

Meanwhile India and China are continuing to enjoy discounted Russian oil regardless of uncle Joe’s stern admonitions.


Indian external affairs minister hits out at the west:


Pooch says:

You know India more than me. Has India completely abandoned the dollar?

If the dollar is to lose reserve status, we will see countries outright abandoning all dollar transactions. They will be holding 0 US dollars and will want all trade done in another currency, as there will be no point into holding worthless paper. It will be a stampede to the exit. Not seeing a stampede yet, countries are getting antsy and testing other options.

Cracks in the foundation are surely showing, but I’m not so convinced the building is on the verge of collapse.

Pooch says:

History shows large Empires do not fall overnight. It tends to be a slow process of decline.

@pooch, At the moment no. India is trying to ride both horses, not committing to either.

Pooch says:

Ah ok. Seems like Saudi Arabia is doing something similar to an extent, riding both horses.

It will be an interesting thing to monitor and will be a leading indicator of US Empire military strength.

Kunning Druegger says:

History does show that large empires disappear overnight, as in the USSR. Looking at the timeline from our lofty gay heights, it is easy to point out the inflection points that made the 90s collapse obvious. But almost no one in the moment saw it coming. One day, there was a Communist Empire, the next day there wasn’t.

Given that America is a communist country, The communist country, it is reasonable to assume it will follow the same pattern, with China playing the same role that the US did in Russia. I don’t think it will be a 1:1 situation, but it will be near as makes no difference. Biden is like a super Gorbachev, the managerial class is subsumed by apple snagging, the military leadership is decrepit and incompetent, the vassal states are incredibly exposed to martial manipulation, and the propaganda is in luxurious overdrive about how everything is coming up Millhouse.

I’m not saying it will be this June, but I expect it to happen in June, the high holy month of American Communism.


“ Europe has to grow out of mindset that its problems are world’s problems,but world’s problems aren’t Europe’s problems.”

“ This is construct you’re trying to impose on India. Don’t think it’s necessary for India to join any axis.India entitled to make its own choices which will be a balance of its values &interests”

This is as aggressive an answer I’ve seen an Indian minister give when challenged to choose between the Europe/the West and Russia/China.

Pooch says:

I know this is a popular opinion on the Right made famous by Moldbug, but I disagree with the premise that America is the Soviet Union ripe to fall.

The Soviet Union did not collapse because it was living out its Communist ideals too fervently or being “too Communist”. The Soviet Union collapsed because it was not Communist enough.

It collapsed because it did not resemble North Korea or China and became undermined by the West socially, culturally, and psychologically. They were memed into it. Yeltsin, who pulled the trigger on dissolution, was an American puppet.

The problem with this argument is that China is economically dependent on America in a way that America was not economically dependent on the Soviet Union.

If America collapses overnight like the way the USSR collapsed overnight we would see massive instability in the world reserve currency, the shipping lanes, and the movement of goods globally. China does not want this. Nobody wants this. This was not the case for the Soviet Union. The collapse of the Soviet Union had little effect on the world economy.

America is a world power in a way that the Soviet Union was genuinely not a world power and history shows that world powers fall more like Rome, not the Soviet Union.

Kunning Drueger says:

Jim, can you point to where Turkey the country is employing IEW, as opposed to Turkish tech being used for IEW? If Turkey was at the top of the game, wouldn’t this be evident in their foreverWar with the Kurds?

jim says:

That is a conjecture, based on the fact that they like drones with a mighty long loiter time, and they like autonomous drones. They also have battlefield drones, but don’t seem to think them important, nor improving them urgent, while the Ukrainians use their autonomous long range drones as battlefield drones.

Frank Matters says:

What are the thoughts here on Blake Masters?

Breif synopsis: Thiel-backed senate candidate from Arizona. Very much aware of the ballot packing that occured in his state,

> Masters said so-called election integrity “may be the top priority” of his campaign and said, “it’s really hard to know” who won the presidential race.

Not sure what to make of this. Perhaps Quixotic, or perhaps whatever faction Theil represents thinks it has a chance at gaining ground again.

Pooch says:

He’s legit which means the steal will be on against him in general.

Pooch says:

in the general.

Frank Matters says:

Is this showing that they think they can steal just as well, and plan to take power themselves? Is this just public relations signaling in a bigger game? Apparently Thiel paid out at least 10million for this run, I don’t see him throwing money at LARPs nor in denial of reality of power today. I just am not sure the infrastructure exists for their faction to count the votes, so I have no idea what this is ultimately for.

Pooch says:

It will be definitely interesting to see how Vance/Masters do as Thiel candidates who personally know and speak to Yarvin.

Mastraino seems doomed for egregious ballot stuffing. The Cathedral is already calling their shot against him in the same way they were against Trump, which is a sign they are fully confident of rigging against him.

ExileStyle says:

Vance likely has a good shot given his Cathedral background and the apparently normal ballot-counting procedures there. I also suspect he will, alas, tack to the center quite comfortably in the general.

I know you still seem to have some faith in Georgia, but as far as I can tell PA and GA are simply lost indefinitely. The fraud is too deeply baked in and too obvious. Mastriano’s chance to win was dependent on him fixing their fraud, which he obviously did not do. They’re both just blue states now.

Kunning Drueger says:

Once you have blacks colonized to a certain threshold density, the convergence, or blue shift is inevitable. They are a one stop shop for leftists for generating controversy, manufacturing bureaucracy, creating pressure, expanding power, and stealing cash. Their cultural memory is on par with goldfish, so the same tricks always work. Their collective attention span is perfect for liberal democracy. Their capacity for dumb violence is limitless. They breed prodigiously, but are short lived and genetically prone to chronic illnesses. They’re the best possible constituents for the society Progress is working towards. A simple set of card tricks can stupify the negro

Pooch says:

The thing though is they are not particularly loyal to the state religion like the white shitlibs are. They do thy bidding for the gibs.

If I were an enterprising Republican candidate I would seriously considering just dumping a bunch of money on them and see what happens.

Pooch says:

Well placed bribes in the black urban cities would actually defeat fraud rather simply and easily. No one worships the almighty Dollar like the American Negro.

jim says:


Fraud is centrally organized from Washington, including massive and blatant fraud in Republican primaries, and in the video 2000 mules, I did not see any black mules, and all the ngos that it referred to are run by Jews and full of dot Indians.

At the top, Jews, in the middle dot Indians, and the footsoldier stuffing the ballot boxes with fake ballots printed in Washington seem to be neither black nor white, nor obviously dot Indian.

I repeat. The ballot box stuffers pick up their ballots from ngos run directly by Washington and New York, and run by people from Harvard. Blacks are almost completely irrelevant.

Pooch says:

In practically all the urban districts where the Great Steal of 2020 took place, all the vote counters were black.

When the Republican poll watchers attempted to gain access to vote counting, thrown out and barred from the counting rooms by black police.

I would attempt to bribe the black vote counters and the black police. Maybe a lost cause. Maybe not.

jim says:

When the Republican primaries were stolen, very few of the vote counters were black.

The Cominator says:

Pooch is right in the sense that the system is supposed to have failsafes to prevent fraud and in most places it does so. The places where it does not almost invariably tend to be all black precincts (I mean if you leave out California and possibly New Mexico).

I think Pooch is right that bribe money to the right people in those precincts if Thiel etc were willing to grease the right palms… the fraud could be shut down.

jim says:

Normality bias.

The recent Republican primaries showed that the failsafes are not working anywhere.

It is no longer a few rotten apples, the whole failsafe system is dead in the water from one end of the Global American Empire to the other – as for example the recent Australian elections. Not a negro in sight in the Australian election.

Elections have stopped functioning everywhere, more or less simultaneously, just a few weeks ago.

When the Republican primaries started to elect people who thought Trump was too squishy, the decision was made that free elections could not be tolerated anywhere. Suddenly and simultaneously not only have Republican primaries in the US stopped working, but looks like elections throughout the Global American Empire have suddenly and simultaneously stopped working.

Pooch says:

Overly blackpilled, pessimistic, and naive.

Elections became massively corrupt during the late Roman Republic and Caesar found whoever had the most bribe money tended to win.

jim says:

Not true.

Caesar found that whoever could arrest political opponents for fraud, whoever could physically control the voting places, whoever could prevent his own operatives from being arrested, won.

Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar won by marching on Rome. Bribery and fraud were just minor logistic details.

Augustus Caesar used bribery extensively, ran out of money pretty fast, started extorting money from the wealthy, or just killed them and took their stuff, at first using criminal goons who were not officially part of his army or administration, and with whom he would piously deny any connection, but he suffered a strange inability to arrest these criminals, and everyone else suffered a strange inability to even notice their activities, and in due course using regular soldiers.

The Cominator says:

Not saying you’re wrong but the bulk of the fraud in 2020 (really the overwhelming majority) was concentrated in a few black corrupt urban precincts. Also Youngkin’s election…

With Australia wasn’t the current incumbent government that locked everyone down for two years theoretically a “conservative” one… its not that odd they didn’t win. Fake right wingers who betray their supporters tend to get killed by radical leftists.

jim says:

Australia has a monoparty. Liberal and Labor rather suddenly became utterly indistinguishable. Australia does not have primaries. The normal course of events in the past was that when supporters of Labor or Liberal got pissed, a third party would rise, and Labor or Liberal would veer to accommodate the voters and political leadership of the third party. In this election, the third parties were about to slaughter the monoparty, and to prevent this from happening, the counting of third party ballots was halted. They just ignored their votes. Third party scrutineers were in tears.

The political leadership, world wide, all in the same week, has locked down the establishment politicians from outsiders as a result of the recent success of ultra maga candidates in the primaries. The failure to count third party ballots in Australia happened at the same time as establishment candidates in the Republican primaries suddenly stopped losing and suddenly started winning, often by entirely improbable margins.

That both events happened almost simultaneously indicates a single decision made by a group of men small enough to meet around a coffee table and feel each other’s breath, and obeyed in lockstep world wide throughout the global American empire.

Blacks are irrelevant. Black districts are irrelevant. That is normality bias, the “just a few rotten apples” theory.

On the contrary, the rot is at the core.

Pooch says:

Who decides on the fraud is utterly unimportant and elections in client-states like Australia are utterly unimportant. An election in Australia or France or Italy could not be more meaningless.

What is important is who counts the votes in the center of the empire and blacks and other low IQ corrupt officials count the votes in the center of the empire. It’s no different then slaves counting the votes during Caesar’s time. Caesar payed off the vote counters.

The next Caesar, who has the balls, will find they can do the same.

Pooch says:

Caesar found that whoever could arrest political opponents for fraud, whoever could physically control the voting places, whoever could prevent his own operatives from being arrested, won.


I have read all the sources. There are no historical sources that back up these claims. The streets of Rome were utterly lawless and elections were utterly lawless.

Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar won by marching on Rome.

If not for Caesar’s ability to bribe his way to the consulship, would have never gained an army to march on Rome with.

jim says:

> I have read all the sources. There are no historical sources that back up these claims. The streets of Rome were utterly lawless and elections were utterly lawless.

The elections came to be physically contested. The contest was for physical control of the voting. At which point Pompey was (illegally) given authority to enforce the law by extraordinary means. Voted temporary dictator. Elections never returned to normality after that.

Long before Caesar came to power, it was a question of electoral violence.

The Cominator says:

Yes he bribed people thats the point (well Crassus did).. and we’re saying it may be possible to bribe the corrupt precincts…

Red says:

If not for Caesar’s ability to bribe his way to the consulship, would have never gained an army to march on Rome with.

Caesar bullied and pushed around the Senate and his co-consul during his time in office. That indicates far more power than what typically comes from bribery. Caesar has his own army of street toughs or Pompey was loaning his men to him.

jim says:

> Caesar bullied and pushed around the Senate and his co-consul during his time in office.

The senate charged him with a pile of crimes, for which he would surely have been found guilty, which would have resulted in a death sentence. At the time he had acquired enormous wealth by conquering Gaul. It obviously did not do him much good.

In the events that resulted in Pompey being made temporary dictator, it was completely obvious that elections were being decided wholly by physical control of the voting, by violence, and by selectively ineffectual law enforcement.

One faction got a more effectual team of thugs, the other faction called in Pompey, a military officer. And made him temporarily dictator.

The Triumvirate came after that, and Caesar came to power by marching on Rome.

The Cominator says:

Caesar was then in the 1st triumvirate. Crassus was the money, Pompey was the muscle (and he had a lot of money too), Caesar was at that point not just broke but deeply in debt but Crassus and Pompey both recognized his charisma and brains. Also Crassus and Pompey if not hated at least strongly disliked each other and Caesar prettymuch had to be go between.

So Crassus provided money to bribe the electors and Pompey provided muscle

jim says:

Yes, that is how things worked in the last days of the Republic. Until they did not. With the Senate proposing to charge him with a pile of crimes, for which he would surely have been found guilty, he marched on Rome.

Kunning Drueger says:


… permanently. A simple rhyme scheme can enthral them for years. They produce nothing and consume simple, even disgusting foodstuffs. They’re hardwired for servitude and need only the most rudimentary conditioning to accept it.

Sometimes, I wonder which is more elemental, the Woman Question or the Negro Question.

ExileStyle says:

I’m fully with Drueger on this one. Jim wrote:

Blacks are irrelevant. Black districts are irrelevant. That is normality bias, the “just a few rotten apples” theory.

…and here I’ve got to pull the “Nuts” card. Absolutely nuts. Black majority cities and districts are matchlessly corrupt, and cheap and easy to corrupt. This is just simple arithmetic and logic. Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, and Minneapolis/St. Paul combined decided the outcome of election by virtue of black corruption. Negate the black vote tomorrow and we all live under Jolly King Ron of Florida…

Nobody’s claiming they’re the *only* bad apples, but they are definitely bad apples and among the baddest and most numerous. Isn’t it a weird coincidence that the fraud is the most glaringly obvious in these districts, and that most of the “six counties” that decided the election were heavily black?

And even setting aside fraud, are you telling me that a class of people who can be entranced into storming Walmarts and Bestbuys on Black Friday like a bunch of animals are going to be making a useful contribution to the Republic? Those votes are cheap and easy.

I haven’t see 2000 mules but I am wary of the class of people who made and love this movie: Republicans. They are so terrified of being racist they elect any colored person who wanders into their vicinity, and would likely delete or ignore evidence of black misdeeds in their documentary. They have stupidly been courting the black vote for years, and throw the rest of us under the bus for it.

KunningDrueger wrote:

Sometimes, I wonder which is more elemental, the Woman Question or the Negro Question.

There’s a question you’re not mentioning, but I hear you. WQ is more elemental if only for being more universal. If you changed Negro Question to Race Question, that is hard to decide. One’s life is not endangered by accidentally driving into a “woman’s neighborhood” though…

jim says:

> …and here I’ve got to pull the “Nuts” card. Absolutely nuts. Black majority cities and districts are matchlessly corrupt, and cheap and easy to corrupt

Doubtless, but as of the past few days, Republican primaries and Australian elections are also corrupt.

Suddenly it was everywhere, nor did it look all that localized during the 2020 presidential election.

> They are so terrified of being racist they elect any colored person who wanders into their vicinity, and would likely delete or ignore evidence of black misdeeds in their documentary.

They went after the ngos, an action far more dangerous than going after black people. Those guys had balls like I have seldom seen.

They were after wholesale massive fraud that is organized on a very large scale – something that you just do not see blacks engaged in even in the cocaine and fentanyl trade.

It is not the blacks. The blacks just do retail fraud. Since they were after wholesale fraud, you would no more expect to see blacks involved than if you went after a pallet load of cocaine.

The filtration criteria of the two thousand mules video implicitly excluded blacks. They looked for trips between ngo offices and ballot boxes, and then they pulled up official (and officially ignored) video of what happened at those ballot boxes at the time of the visit. You think you are going to see blacks at an ngo office? They were not interested in the small scale stuff for which blacks are so rightly infamous.

Black fraud has been an insignificant problem in American elections for a long time, and has been utterly insignificant compared to large scale fraud since the 2020 election.

ExileStyle says:

It is not the blacks. The blacks just do retail fraud. Since they were after wholesale fraud, you would no more expect to see blacks involved than if you went after a pallet load of cocaine.

Hm, I see what you are saying. This certainly accords with my experience of blacks. I guess I will have to watch the movie, if it has your endorsement.

That is a long way, though, from blacks being “irrelevant.” Fraud is much easier in places with cultures of cheap corruption, e.g. urban black America.

To stay with the cocaine analogy: sure, we’d still have cocaine consumption without black retailers, but drop a ton of cocaine in a neighborhood with a thousand retailers and you have the recipe not only for a violent post-apocalyptic jungle like Baltimore or Detroit, and all the associated violence, but also for cocaine being sold to all sorts of people who wouldn’t otherwise think of or know how to buy it and the start of an endemic problem which only spreads.

Fraud has always been a part of elections like drugs have always been part of the human experience. But set up anarchic self-governing domestic colonies like Detroit and Chicago and suddenly fraud gets easier and easier.

But I’ll have to check out the movie.

Also, what exactly happened in Australia?

jim says:

> Also, what exactly happened in Australia?

Before the election, suddenly there was a whole lot of what looked like postal vote harvesting, which has never happened before, because procedures had previously been such as to prevent it, which procedures were changed (covid), and which the “minor” parties complained about. Shortly after the election, Pauline Hanson complained about being frauded out.

Aa scrutineer for Australia project, complained of minor party votes not being counted according to procedure. During the election, one of the minor parties initiated legal action about normal process not being followed.

Minor parties in Australia perform the same check on the political establishment that Republican primaries perform in America. This election happened at the same time as the winning streak of Ultra Maga Republicans in the primaries mysteriously ended.

I have not checked the evidence for fraud in either case. What I have checked is that there is a strange lack of interest in the normal safeguards against fraud being suddenly and strangely inoperative, and a profound lack of curiosity about the possibility of fraud and numerous things strongly suggestive of fraud. Lots of funny stuff in the Republican primaries, about which there is a curious lack of curiosity..

Which fraud cannot be proven because all the usual means for detecting it have quietly ceased to function. And that I certainly can and have checked out. It could have happened, and the minor parties say it did. And that it could have happened means that it almost certainly did, because in the past elections were conducted by procedures that guaranteed that it could not have happened.

JJ says:
jim says:

Sovereign Citizen is a very old scam that has been shilled on the internet for at least sixteen years or so, albeit by private sector shills. From memory, Sovereign Citizen spam appeared a couple of years or so after the Greencard Lawyer spam, which first appeared in April 1994, so probably have been shilling this since around 1998 or so, since the shills came a bit after the spammers came. Which would make shilling Sovereign Citizen on the internet about a quarter of a century old.

Now that you jog my memory, I recognize that very old familiar script. Putting him on moderation now.

I was so focused on shills sponsored by quasi statal organizations that I did not recollect: “Hello, I am an expert in law who can cast magic spells. Hear my mysterious incantations full of completely random obscure legal phrases that the dumb ignorant yokes I am targeting are unlikely to recognize as totally and utterly irrelevant to the subjects I am talking about. This magic spell will make you bulletproof.”

Kunning Druegger says:

Just to clarify, I don’t think the blacks are running The fraud machine. they have their own fraud machines, but they only work on black communities and other races in areas where they have the population majority. What I was originally postulating is that the New Left jumped onto American Civil Rights so that urban areas would be handed over to black control. Once they have it, the laws go out the window and anyone can set up shop and run any kind of opperation on their turf, so long as the resident King Watermelon gets his gibbs. Sure, not many blacks working at the NGO, but where are those NGOs located? Where do the NGOs pull their staff and agents from?

The Race Question is separate from the Negro Question. The RQ is important and universal in applicability, but the NQ is specific to the United States. The blacks here are gigganigga’d by decades of Cultural Marxist psyops and manipulation. It is an issue that must be addressed in addition to the RQ.

jim says:

> Sure, not many blacks working at the NGO, but where are those NGOs located? Where do the NGOs pull their staff and agents from?

Where is an ngo located? It is located in Massachusetts. New York, or Washington, though it may well find it convenient to operate a stash house in a black area to distribute ballots that were printed up in Washintgon, and when a runner goes to to the stash house to get paid, he is paid by a Jew or a dot Indian who answers to a Jew in Washington.

The recent Republican primaries were not stolen by blacks, the Australian elections were not stolen by blacks.

The ballot box stuffing was videotaped on official video, and the official videos were transmitted to a central location. And officially ignored. No blacks were involved in the decision to ignore the videos.

Long ago, ballot box stuffing was local, it was just a few rotten apples, and the rotten apples were primarily black people in black areas.

This ceased to be the case quite some time ago.

Ghost says:

There was known fraud in the JFK v Nixon election. Nixon didn’t pursue it supposedly to prevent loss of faith in government. I suspect there is much more to it.

These politicians know there is corruption and they know that the public knows. They think they can continue to wield power indefinitely and gaslight the people.

But, we know from other countries that is not the case.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

For most of history, the acme of operational art has been to create circumstances where the enemy is forced to either commit his men to an attack, or else suffer an intolerable situation; as, generally speaking, a prepared defender would enjoy significant advantages over the assaulting force.

A canonical example would be siege; the enemy must either try for a break-out, or eventually starve from hunger, or perish from thirst, or break down from want of replacements. This can also be a means of baiting an enemy on campaign to come to you, by threatening a target he has little choice but to defend.

Another example, along similar lines, would be the chevauchee by Edward the Black Prince in the hundred years war, or the march to the sea by General Sherman. Marauding bands of raiders create an intolerable situation for the other party, as in many ways, it represents a rapid imposition of civilizational collapse in microcosm; the breakdown of his security over property, trade, and complex coordination.

Yet another example would be the doctrine of fortified marches used by roman legions for several centuries; where the legion would march one day, then set up dug-in encampments the next, alternating off and on, leaving a string of defensible positions in their wake. Such that, on the one hand, they would be well prepared in case of an enemy attack; and on the other hand, they could eventually transform the battlespace into an environment completely in their favor without even meeting the enemy, if they were simply left to their own devices.

The red army in the later days of the second war of wilsonian aggression widely employed infiltration tactics, which touch on a number of these dynamics; filing troops ahead under cover of darkness, where they dig into fortified breastworks over night behind the enemies lines; which are then reinforced with more men the next night; and then heavy equipment the next; and then you deconstruct the enemies positions in detail with spotting for ordnance, and then the cycle continues.

The footsoldier is the world’s oldest autonomous guided weapon system; use of ranging bands for sniping, directing ordnance, and raiding soft targets are all classical methods of creating intolerable situations for an adversary; something not quite attack, but not quite sitting in your dugouts with the garrison troops waiting for an attack, either.

One of the most striking things about ‘modern warfare’, is how warfighters under modernity so often do not just neglect the use of new tools in aretic manners, they do not use preexisting tools in aretic manners either.

jim says:

> One of the most striking things about ‘modern warfare’, is how warfighters under modernity so often do not just neglect the use of new tools in aretic manners, they do not use preexisting tools in aretic manners either.

Very good point. What is going on here?

We have an officer class that it horribly off its game. Is perhaps the problem that they are being trained by priests of the officially unofficial religion, rather than warriors?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Is perhaps the problem that they are being trained by priests of the officially unofficial religion, rather than warriors?

The pink-pill Samo Burja/Dominic Cummings/Zeihan style polygon-adjacent answer would be that, while masters can transmit accumulated wisdom to apprentices, ‘institutions’ cannot transmit accumulated wisdom to anyone. The more institutions transmute away from existence as essentially formalizations of a preexisting social group, and more towards existence as abstract ‘institutions’ that exist in of themselves, with the meatbags being merely interchangeable widgets, the stupider they become. Or in other words, the less time people spend with the same people, the more dysfunctional the institution; the more time people spend with the same people, the more adroit the institution.

Adding more redness to the equation, i have mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: the Vietnam War was a notable watermark, as this made obvious a major turning point had taken place; the first time significant commanding heights of power in the wilsonian empire came under the direction of men who were drinking their own kool-aide.

ExileStyle says:

In this as in so many other spheres, I suspect a lot of it comes down to the vanishing of historical awareness and literacy. Do you think “military science” is any different from other “sciences” in thinking that if something happened more than 20-30 years ago it basically belongs to the realm of myth and superstition?

I highly doubt they’re thinking or studying WWI or even Vietnam. They’re studying South Ossetia and Afghanistan. Wars before the 20th century, not a chance in hell. That’s a specialty that’s been assigned to archivists, and maybe a short course in officer training school. Same story as in every other educational institution and field of knowledge.

Napoleon, meanwhile, read everything he could get his hands on about every war and every general he knew about. Obsessively, and often multiple times. He was also dealing with new technologies and political formations and yet still found history a useful, powerful guide.

Russia might be more historically aware than most nations, but they also happen to suffer from a crippling set of interpretive neuroses, caused by their turbulent 20th century. This leads to sometimes confusing outcomes and strange, contradictory beliefs. Was Lenin a wicked Bolshevik or a heroic Russian George Washington? Are you fighting for Tsar and Patriarch or multicultural federalism and religious liberty? Why, exactly, are your men hoisting the Soviet flag on their tanks and captured buildings? You are fighting against “nationalism” but for the Russian right to national self-determination? And so on.

I suspect military matters also be infected with this sloppy, hazy thinking and typical Russian sentimentalism and dishonesty with self. Like thinking that (a) Ukrainians are “brothers” while also, astonishingly, being so naive and historically illiterate as to think that (b) brothers can’t fight brothers.

Remember 1917, Vladimir? Or most of history?

jim says:

Sound right. All of history is dumb racists, and we have absolutely nothing to learn from them. So the grunts are led by men utterly ignorant of real warfare between peer powers.

And if you read what such men said in their own words, you are likely to be suspected of being infected by their evil thoughts, which suspicion is apt to be very bad for your career. Hence Wikipedia’s allergy to primary sources.

Anon Poaster says:

The light infantry tactics described by Pseudo-Chrysostom are not particularly used by modern militaries, true. The only thing that perhaps comes close in my mind is the Second Congo War, where Rwanda went to war with a far larger and more heavily armed and mechanised coalition comprising the basically half of Central Africa, and soundly defeated them through use of light infantry raids.

Rwandan light infantry raids broke the coalition. The RDF, which had no tanks, no airpower, no artillery, annihilated armoured coalition formations in pitched battles. Suggests that light infantry tactics aren’t irrelevant in an age of airpower and armour.

Then again, given the racial differences between the RDF’s Tutsi officer corps and other Africans, maybe the outcome was never in doubt. Historically in Rwanda the Tutsi were warrior-elites and wealthy pastoralists, probably indicative of a higher IQ and a more martial mentality, explaining why they won the war.

Kunning Druegger says:

Could also be another instance of Shared Faith making a big difference in capability.

ExileStyle says:

My impression is that the Russian historical neurosis is less about dumb “racists” than an uncomfortable mental friction resulting from Russia’s abundant national pride combined with its less than proud history. I hate to use the cathedrally-sounding word “trauma” but it seems kind of apt here.

Unlike East Germany, which was able to just merge back into German history, or Hungary and other satellite states which could just blame the Soviets for their woes, Russians after 1991, forming their national identity, were confronted with the prospect of a simple 70 year gap, the idea that their fathers and grandfathers and great-grandfathers had slaved and died for something wicked. No nation wants that. So they’ve put together this confusing patchwork of selectively remembered, superficial history which makes it very hard to confront reality when it comes knocking, indifferent to your petty identity issues.

Honestly, this might just belong to the Russian national character. In War & Peace, Tolstoy wonderfully draws out the ironies of the officer class and aristocracy which had all these romantic, arrogant, confused and contradictory notions about Mother Russia, its love for the Tsar combined with its fascination with liberalism, Napoleonism, and all things French, and who were all shocked when their romantic notions crumbled upon actual contact with Napoleon’s armies. (The second half, for the record, also shows the classic Russian ability to get their shit together when they wake up with Moscow surrounded…)

Americans on the right are dealing with something similar now. “Wait, so, Grandpa fought for a tranny pride parade empire? Wait, were we the bad guys all along?” I hate to think that about my grandfathers. It’s a natural psychological reaction, but bad for politics and making war.

(Still a million times better than a tranny pride parade empire, though.)

Varna says:

Thanks, interesting perspective.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Persons possessed of a demotist weltanschauung operate within a certain ideological toolbox; actions encouraged within this box are good for destroying countries – see for example the arab spring, their own countries, and so on; but actions that would lead to victory, and more especially the transmutation of victory into order, are not permissible – see for example afghanistan, vietnam, afghanistan again, iraq, and afghanistan yet again. Thus such persons, if they nominally intend to gain victory, can never truly attain it, engaging in cargo-cult like displacement activities that look like making an effort, but accomplish worse than nothing; quixotic windmill tilting until they eventually waste themselves out.

kawaii_kike says:

Very off topic, but this is the only place in the world I can get an honest and reactionary opinion. I’ve been struggling alot with lust lately and I live in a military barracks. Lately I’ve been struggling with urges to rape and murder women in my barracks. Is this morally permissible given that most women are unowned? I know this sounds ridiculous but I need serious reactionary advice pls
Was Ted Bundy for example, a reactionary icon or a perverse freak?

jim says:

Rape followed by murder is a reaction to inability to own, a sexual deviation of despair. Despair is a sin, leads to self destructive sins.

Rape followed by ownership is far more fun. When you can beat your women, and you know it, and they know it, you are apt to cherish their flesh like your own..

i says:

In addition rape followed by murder is definitely a death penalty offence. No mannerbund should tolerate those kinds of Men.

They are unworthy of life for doing so. And a weak link.

God doesn’t tolerate it. Neither should any Mannerbund.

jim says:

That surely depends on who is being raped and murdered.

i says:

The only legitimate forms of killing is in battle, judicial or because of battlefield necessity because of resource constraints that make captives impossible to feed without causing starvation among everyone.

Murder falls under a mandatory death penalty offence. As I have posted before. The shedding of blood cannot be atoned for except by the blood of those who shed said innocent blood.

Likewise the requirement that sex even with women captured in battle must ensure that said woman is made a wife. Or let go as a free woman if she displeases him who cannot be sold as a slave.

Makes rules out rape before killing altogether. Given how it is sacrilege in regards to how God designed sex to be in Holy Wedlock(Song of Solomon, Proverbs 5:15-19). And likewise with the sacredness of life because of Humanity being made in God’s image.

Its quite clear from the bible as far as God’s Law’s that is laid down.

jim says:

> The only legitimate forms of killing is in battle, judicial or because of battlefield necessity

And if the judiciary is wicked and on the side of criminals, what then?

You are giving us the postChristian doctrine that Christians have a duty to roll over and die. Christians have a duty to duty to walk the extra mile and turn the other cheek, but not unlimited miles and we only have two cheeks.

i says:

“And if the judiciary is wicked and on the side of criminals, what then?”

Replace the unjust government with a Just government. Do what is necessary to actually have the power to administrate Justice.

I am talking about the Judiciary as outlined in the Tanakh. And how they operated.

And how else will we determine guilt so as not to murder the innocent and hence be guilty of that person’s blood?

I see no other alternative but proper due process and evidence gathering.

And the resulting Just Judgement.

jim says:

> > “And if the judiciary is wicked and on the side of criminals, what then?”

> Replace the unjust government with a Just government

That is armed overthrow, which Christians are, under most circumstances, forbidden to engage in. It is also considerably more difficult and dangerous than taking the problem to the swamp and burying him with a backhoe.

i says:

“You are giving us the postChristian doctrine that Christians have a duty to roll over and die. Christians have a duty to duty to walk the extra mile and turn the other cheek, but not unlimited miles and we only have two cheeks.”

Another food for thought is taking after the example of King David when dealing with Evil Government:

Tell me if this Orthodox Christian take is actually what you described in your comment.

David didn’t roll over and die. But neither did he attempt to kill Saul.

jim says:

Christians are required to submit to legitimate authority (though not without limits). Saul was the Lord’s anointed, David explains himself in the clearest possible terms.

God gave them a King, end of story.

Well actually the story then begins. Who *is* legitimate? Is a republic that steals elections legitimate? The question continued.

David did not obey Saul, accumulated considerable capability for violent resistance, and proceeded to violently resist.

i says:

What lessons can we draw from the example of David?

That is the Biblical example of dealing with unjust Government.

If there is a localized form of due process that is just as effective in determining guilt and innocence I am willing to go with that.

The Ducking Man says:

You might get away raping other dude, but raping gals is always big no-no because people naturally simping for women. Morality be damned, you’ll get screwed for life if you cross this line.

Also Ted Bundy is not cool dude in my book, like at all. Why do you have the need to kill in the first place anyway?

kawaii_kike says:

Like Jim said in the reply above. I’m compelled to murder because I’m unable to own, so I have to kill the woman to prevent her from calling the cops. I was planning on committing real rape (walking into her unlocked room and raping and killing her). Jim, can you elaborate on how rape followed by murder leads to self destructive sin?

The Ducking Man says:

Now, the part I don’t quite understand is why you feel despair unable to keep a woman.

The population of girls who can be genuinely impressed by uniform is quite big my man, with the top of the pyramid filled by daughters of high ranking officials.

I’m just nobody with IQ barely above average. But you got uniform and that is bigger plus than mine. Your fish pond is a LOT bigger than mine (and a lot of people in this blog I can safely assume).

So chill and pray to God you won’t listen to these demon again.

jim says:

Like porn or gay sex, a diversion from your proper telos. Happiness is found in successful pursuit of proper telos. Your urges indicate despair at achieving your telos, which gets in the way of achieving it.

It is never easy, even in a society that tried to help men achieve it, but it is actually not that hard, even in a society profoundly hostile to achieving it.

kawaii_kike says:

Thank you Jim, thank you DM, your divine wisdom has brought me from the brink of damnation

jim says:

> so I have to kill the woman to prevent her from calling the cops.

You must surely have noticed, for I have often noticed this in my bad boy persona, that when women meet a man who might plausibly rape them, they are remarkably agreeable to getting into a situation where he could rape.

If you have not noticed this, you are cultivating a good boy personal, which is dead end in trying to make it with chicks.

Pete says:

Do you guys actually not see that this fag is trolling, so he can go back to his leftist buddies and say “Look, I went to this alt-right blog, said I was going to commit rape/murder.

They didn’t immediately tell me to fuck off and kill myself, say I was a sick fuck and ban me! They must support raping and murdering women!”

Kunning Druegger says:

Please don’t chase off our token negro.

Pax Imperialis says:

That level of trolling/gas lighting mostly comes from Jews and White Liberals. Doubt that guy is a token.

Kunning Druegger says:

kawaii_kike has been here a long time, he just doesn’t fagpost like certain midwit layabouts i could name…

Ghost says:

I’ve seen his name here before. I would question if a legitimate military member would post that though. Seems like the kind of thing to get a site shut down.

If it’s for real, get out of the military. They have enough problems already.

The Cominator says:

I agree this guy is either some kind of shill to get us in trouble or a genuine sick fuck… we shouldn’t have anything to do with him.

Wanting to murder is not fucking normal not at all… only sick psychopaths want to murder a girl they just fucked. I’ve certainly found that strippers sometimes make it easy for you sometimes they’ll shut you down totally and sometimes they respond to aggressive bold escalation that is not quite rape but not quite affirmative consent… and I’m certainly unable to own. I’ve never once felt the urge to kill any of them I’ve fucked (the one time I got ripped off I kinda did) and don’t understand anyone who does feel that way (or who likes to torture small animals) same way I don’t understand the people so eager to spare leftists…

Adam says:

My understanding of people who take pleasure in hurting people…

So when we are children naturally we imagine ourselves at the center of the world, of reality. Our needs are the center of our attention. Our behavior is driven to achieve this goal.

Obviously this is false. Some have a hard time understanding this, or just outright refuse to accept it. Especially people incapable of being honest with themselves.

This leads to a great deal of stress, and in general incompetence. As your experience further deviates from your understanding, your ignorance has a compounding negative affect on you emotionally and psychologically.

Because you have no power over yourself, as you have become a slave to your ego, you seek power over others. The desire to hurt yourself and others is a manifestation of your impotence, ignorance and incompetence.

Maturing requires equal parts openness, honesty, willingness, and a good bit of courage.

i says:

“I agree this guy is either some kind of shill to get us in trouble or a genuine sick fuck… we shouldn’t have anything to do with him.”

And if there is evidence he did commit said crime. And we know him. Then he should certainly be executed.

jim says:

Sluts do not count as innocent blood. Recollect the Old Testament penalty.

It is not that I worry unduly about sluts getting knocked off, though it is a waste. The Australian government in the late seventeen hundreds, very early eighteen hundreds, had one percent success in reforming them.

What troubles me is that it is a deviation from the proper and healthy telos of male sexuality.

someDude says:

You mean cent per cent success in reforming them?

I mean absolutely no recorded cases of female misconduct (and they were big on recording stuff, and progressives enthusiastically went looking for evidence of warrior women revolting against oppression) once they clamped down. Though eventually victorian reformers found the clampdown disturbing.

i says:

“Sluts do not count as innocent blood. Recollect the Old Testament penalty.”

And as I responded to in this comment thread. Where in the Old Testament is rape and murder even considered legitimate?

Even as the penalty.

It is still murder. And murder ought to be punished. If its not carried out by God sanctioned Authorities in accordance with due process.

I see no instance of killing outside of what is in accordance with Judicial system and the necessities of War considered righteous.

It still carries the crime of bloodshed even in the case of the guilty thief:

“2If a thief is caught breaking in and is beaten to death, no one shall be guilty of bloodshed. 3But if it happens after sunrise, there is guilt for his bloodshed. A thief must make full restitution; if he has nothing, he himself shall be sold for his theft”

Exodus 22:2-3

And falls under the penalty of Death (Genesis 9:6). For in the image of God he made Man.

jim says:

> Where in the Old Testament is rape and murder even considered legitimate?

Rape in the modern sense did not exist until around 1800 or so. No such crime, no such word, no such meaning, no such thought. When we are in power, the present day official meaning will come to be forgotten again, and no one will feel any need to invent a replacement word to mean the present day meaning. The thought will not occur often enough to need a word. The concept is maintained in existence by a continual and strident propaganda offensive, without which incessant and forceful shilling the concept would cease to exist, and no longer need a word.

And it did not exist in Old Testament times. A man having sex with a woman in the Old Testament is wrongful if it is incest, and wrongful if it violates the property rights of another man in her sexual, reproductive, and domestic services.

Murder is wrongful killing, so your question presupposes that the killing is wrongful, which is the question in dispute. Anyone may kill a wild deer or catch a fish, but you cannot kill someone else’s cow, nor someone else’s domestic deer, nor take someone else’s fish.

i says:

“Murder is wrongful killing, so your question presupposes that the killing is wrongful, which is the question in dispute.”

Animals aren’t made in God’s image. Humanity is made in God’s image.

To deface and destroy God’s image outside of Judgment and Just War is Sacrilege.

Again. I am talking about the combination of rape and murder which never existed as a Judicial penalty.

Only beheading and stoning for the sins of sacrilege.

This is why sexual sins in the Bible carried the Death Penalty because it is Sacrilege.

Killing outside of that determined by God ordained Authorities, self-defense(as the thief’s example shows) due process and War is to defile what is Holy.

This is why even killing the thief in broad daylight is considered “Bloodshed”.

Human life is Holy. Wedlock and its Patriarchal Sex roles is also Holy.

Sacrilege is always a death penalty offence in the OT.

jim says:

> > “Murder is wrongful killing, so your question presupposes that the killing is wrongful, which is the question in dispute.”

> Animals aren’t made in God’s image. Humanity is made in God’s image.

And God allows killing people for all sorts of reasons, which reasons are deliberately left unclear, except by select examples.

Short recap on the old testament rules on sex:

Female immorality: Death. Which pretty much covers all the chicks that kawaii_kike might wastefully and unwisely knock off.

Fornication or abduction of a married or betrothed woman: Death

Fornication or abduction of an unmarried unbetrothed virgin: Shotgun indissoluble marriage, or death if you bug out on the marriage part.

Fornication or abduction of unmarried, unbetrothed, non virgin.



sounds of crickets chirping.

If you abduct an unmarried, unbetrothed virgin, and pop her, and the the father absolutely prohibits the marriage, the penalty is …

Wait for it …

Wait for it …

Socially shaming the father, and priesthood assigns him a humiliating monicker.

The Cominator says:

“Rape in the modern sense did not exist until around 1800 or so. No such crime, no such word, no such meaning, no such thought.”

The legal term for REAL rape was ravishment, being ravished or not would not no difference as to whether a man committed a crime usually it did however make the woman innocent in some cases. Though the idea of date or acquaintance rape would have sounded very funny to our ancestors and marital rape would have sounded both blasphemous and insane.

i says:

>And God allows killing people for all sorts of reasons, which reasons are deliberately left unclear, except by select examples.

I don’t think so. This suggests that killing outside of manslaughter(accidental homicide) and Judicial outside of Wartime defiles the land:

>1If one is found slain, lying in a field in the land that the LORD your God is giving you to possess, and it is not known who killed him, 2your elders and judges must come out and measure the distance from the victim to the neighboring cities.

>3Then the elders of the city nearest the victim shall take a heifer that has never been yoked or used for work, 4bring the heifer to a valley with running water that has not been plowed or sown, and break its neck there by the stream.

>5And the priests, the sons of Levi, shall come forward, for the LORD your God has chosen them to serve Him and pronounce blessings in His name and to give a ruling in every dispute and case of assault.

>6Then all the elders of the city nearest the victim shall wash their hands by the stream over the heifer whose neck has been broken, 7and they shall declare, “Our hands did not shed this blood, nor did our eyes see it. 8Accept this atonement, O LORD, for Your people Israel whom You have redeemed, and do not hold the shedding of innocent blood against them.”

>And the bloodshed will be atoned for. 9So you shall purge from among you the guilt of shedding innocent blood, since you have done what is right in the eyes of the LORD.


I don’t see where killing is allowed outside of what is regulated. And was restricted to every instance of sacrilege. Which was brought before the Judges and the Priests to be enacted.

Short recap on the old testament rules on sex:

No disagreement as I have said in my comment:

>I see no instance of killing outside of what is in accordance with Judicial system and the necessities of War considered righteous.

I suspect we are talking past each other as well.

Again I restate that there is no such penalty which involves “raping a woman before killing her.”

jim says:

You are projecting the modern system of police and courts back into biblical times, but it is in fact quite new.

The parts of the bible you quote presuppose a judicial system willing to uphold justice, and capable of enforcing order – which was not the case in the time of the patriarchs before the sojourn in Egypt, and not the case during those periods in Israel where “every man did what was right in his own eyes”

And not the case today.

And, back to the case of kawaii_kike. Killing or sparing Tamar is Judah’s decision. The elders can apply considerable social pressure and influence, but Judah gets to decide.

And, similarly, in the case of the death penalty for adultery, King Solomon does not warn the adulterer of the wrath of the courts, but of the wrath of the husband. There really does not seem to have been judicial process even in the time of Kings. Rather families sorted matters out, and priests arbitrated in conflicts between families. We tend to revert to that system from time to time, and the way the wind blows, may well do so again.

Priests exercised judicial functions, but you simply never read of someone being tried and executed by judicial authority (and they had the death penalty for just about everything) though arguably things became more judicial like in New Temple times. What the priests would do is sort out conflicts by proposing, or commanding, a settlement. Like if someone stole something, the priests would say you cannot kill him if he makes seven fold restitution. Which presupposes that he was still alive at the time, perhaps because his family was protecting him, and would get pissed if he got killed. so the priests demand a resolution of the conflict in which nobody gets killed and shake down the family of the offender to pay off the family of the victim.

Adam says:

As far as McChristians and wife worship and whites holiness spiraling into cuckholdry…

A great deal of men today married sluts, and we have this ridiculous holiness spiral in white churches, and a total failure to see what is in front of everyone’s faces.

The choice must be for most, accept your impotence and incompetence, or become extra holy and stay in denial.

Is it then true to say that any deviation from divine order necessitates a holiness spiral?

jim says:

> Is it then true to say that any deviation from divine order necessitates a holiness spiral?

Yes. If the state religion is evil, it is punished by more evil. The liar has to escalate his lies. Being wicked, must double down on its wickedness. Letting demons in, in the name of tolerance, inclusion, and unity, whether those demons be real or metaphorical, Christ is ejected, and the demons rapidly become ever more intolerant, exclusive, and eventually, disunited.

Even in Churches that arguably practice old type Christianity, you see this in the KJV controversy. The new bibles are translated within the Harvard progressive Duluth Model frame on sexual morality, for example writing “marriageable age” into the old testament, by people who hate and fear Christians, Christianity, and Christ. And their fear and hatred shows. And their hatred and fear of masculinity shows in deleting “the effeminate” from Saint Paul’s list of those who will not inherit the Kingdom of heaven.

Adam says:

As far as the modern day woman problem, basically this is all downstream from a collapse in elite fertility some time ago? Not enough elite sons for whatever reason to continue these Old Testament practices?

I know this is basic stuff I’m reviewing, just tying some things together for myself.

jim says:

Good lightning summary of the problem. It all started when the Victorians theoretically continued to uphold the old sexual morality, while proclaiming that women were so naturally virtuous that no enforcement was necessary against women, and no evidence of misconduct could be believed.

Which hypocritical piety collapsed once cameras were developed, much as flying saucers are no longer seen now that everyone carries a cell phone.

The Cominator says:

The chronology of the woman problem.

1. 1st they emancipated them.

2. Then they gave them power over the system (well more power to be manipulated since more women than men are total NPCs) with the 19th amendment.

3. Then they gave them full court press cultural propaganda to work

4. Then they gave them legal superweapons ala sexual harassment stalking domestic violence etc rape without a hard burden of evidence of struggle etc (it should be noted that before this attractive women couldn’t really be single easily as they’d eventually be harassed into picking someone)

5. Then they were encouraged to be unfeminine fat and unattractive and to completely disdain family life and motherhood… to be the worst ugliest most repulsive women they could be.

They might have been encouraged to be “slutty” between the 60s and the fake AIDs crisis but that has passed, genuine sluts try to keep a decent appearance, weight and tend not to have shrewish personalities. If they were encouraged to be slutty while not ideal in itself it would actually improve things.

i says:


>And, back to the case of kawaii_kike. Killing or sparing Tamar is Judah’s decision. The elders can apply considerable social pressure and influence, but Judah gets to decide.

True I think given a smaller scale society and lack of institutions. The Patriarchs are effectively Chieftains and the “State” with the powers Life and Death.

Even in smaller scale Hunter-Gatherer societies there is the “tyranny of the cousins”. The Band of Brothers are themselves the “State”. Who decide the life and death of people within the Tribe.

>”and not the case during those periods in Israel where “every man did what was right in his own eyes”

As a matter of course given how Israel become Idolatrous as well. Which meant the Mosaic Law wasn’t exactly followed as it should have been.

I do see your point.

Israel was exiled for 70 years for failing to give the land rest every 7th year. That is leaving it fallow for that entire year.

I think the other reason is how effective due process is in pinning down actual criminals and preventing any reasonable doubt that the criminal is innocent. Which is why I have some faith in its potential.

>Like if someone stole something, the priests would say you cannot kill him if he makes seven fold restitution. Which presupposes that he was still alive at the time, perhaps because his family was protecting him, and would get pissed if he got killed. so the priests demand a resolution of the conflict in which nobody gets killed and shake down the family of the offender to pay off the family of the victim.

That is true. But in regards to Murder there is no possible restitution aside from death. As (Genesis 9:6) and later Numbers:

>33Do not pollute the land where you live, for bloodshed pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made for the land on which the blood is shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it.

There can be no restitution possible for murder aside from the murderer being executed. Thereby balancing the scales of Lex Talonis.

Fake says:

>Rape in the modern sense did not exist until around 1800 or so.

I think you are right, but not entirely sure.

Samuel Johnson’s 1755 dictionary has an entry for rape. Its definition is “violent defloration of chastity”(1) and “something snatched away”. The second sounds like a property crime to me. The first sounds like violently taking away virginity. Again, no consent mentioned, so not the modern definition.

Also, “ravish” says, “to constuprate[violate] by force” and “to delight or rapture”. Very telling.

Fast forward 73 years to Webster’s 1828 dictionary. “Rape” means “in law, the carnal knowledge of a woman forcibly and against her will”. Fits with when you said the rot set in.

So, here’s my confusion. In the 1755 dictionary, it gives as an example of the usage of the word rape, “The parliament conceived, that the obtaining of women by force into possession, however afterwards assent might follow, by allurements, was but a rape drawn forth in length, because the first force drew on all the rest.” My reading comp is mediocre. That quote sounds like the description of a property crime, even though assent was given by the women, right?

1 https://johnsonsdictionaryonline.com/1755page/rant?zoom=1600

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Rapine is a word for theft, and more specifically destructive theft, that ruins the value of the thing stolen, even if it is recovered.

So there’s a pretty clear meaning in people’s use of the word in the original sense. The caddish rake having his way with the farmer’s daughter has spoiled another man’s property, and thus must be made to stand and deliver. The caddish rake having his way with a streetwalker or other feral woman is noone’s business but his own.

i says:

“The caddish rake having his way with the farmer’s daughter has spoiled another man’s property, and thus must be made to stand and deliver. ”

Either the Cad is shotgun married or if the Father’s refuses to give her to him is to still pay the Bride Price(Exodus 22:16-17).

Aidan says:

Hey bro, Jim is right- the wanting to rape is normal. If you do it right, not only will she not call the cops, she will want a relationship with you. Sounds like it’s time to make use of the extensive network of nightlife and colonies of bar sluts that grow on the fringes of military bases like mushrooms

The Cominator says:

Aidan no don’t encourage him… this guy is some kind of sick Ted Bundy type fuck.

jim says:

You and he suffer from the same illness, though you display symptoms that are wrongfully socially approved, and he displays symptoms that are rightly socially disapproved.

Redbible says:

Are there any suggestions for how to rape in the right way? Asking for a friend in minecraft…

Pooch says:

Rape is mostly a fake and gay word.

Redbible says:

In what ways is it mostly fake and gay?

The Cominator says:

Unless someone else is holding her down or shes paralyzed with fear hard to really rape a woman… generally they like to play reluctant.

Adam says:

Rape is an anti-concept. Women are incapable of granting consent. It implies moral agency in a woman where there is none.

There is no rape in nature.

The Cominator says:

Also if they really don’t want their dick in you its hard to get it in…

Pooch says:

It’s equivalent to asking what’s the best way to fuck a woman. Our ancient ancestors raided a neighboring tribe and carried them off back to the village.

Today we need game and the red pill.

Adam says:

If your alone with a woman your 95% there. The last 5% can be tricky, just don’t let her stop you. Women need to be taken, and we need to take them.

Pooch says:

If she’s physically present in front of you, talking to you, after you approach her, she’s interested, at least at that moment.

Uninterested women quickly find a way to walk away from you. “Sorry I have to go to the bathroom!”

Pooch says:

Which is what makes rape such a ridiculous concept.

The only way I could see rape being real rape is like drugging a woman so bad or her being so drunk that she can no longer walk away from you under her own power.

jim says:

I have covered this topic before.

Bring her to a safe place where you know, and she believes, interruption is not going to happen, where she has confidence that you can simply send away any unwanted visitors.

Take your time, take lots of time. You are not desperate for sex. You are just amused to play with her.

She either will not attempt to escape, or will attempt only in order to provoke you into stopping her. Do not be too easily provoked. If her attempts at escape are obviously not seriously intended to succeed, stop them, but be in no hurry to do so. Thwarting an escape attempt should only be performed when failure to do so would look like rejection or weakness. Do so from the frame that you are laughing at her.

The natural behavior of a female is to run away from men, very slowly.

If she actually makes an attempt to escape that might well succeed, you have failed, and should let her go. If you maintain the appearance of not much caring whether she gets away, her efforts at escape will indeed be amusingly ineffectual.

The process of playing around, and sometimes being distracted by other matters because she is not very important, should go on for quite a long time.

The Cominator says:

Wanting to rape is normal, wanting to kill them is not. You have problems bro…

jim says:

It is entirely normal and proper to apply proportionate and appropriate violence, such as a spanking, or even a whipping, in the course of exercising ownership. Despair is apt to result in frustration manifesting as the desire to do this in perverse, destructive, and self destructive excess.

Cutting is the corresponding female deviation, similarly arising from failure to achieve their corresponding telos.

We are all of us, male and female, descended from women who were property and men who owned women. It is in the blood. That is how humans successfully reproduce, we have been operating like this for four million years.

Four million year old footprints suggest an apeman and apewoman holding each other tightly, or the apeman holding the apewoman tightly, while a child follows close behind. You don’t see nuclear families among chimps.

God said to Eve: Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

The Cominator says:

Homicidally violent impulses are normal when a sweetheart leaves or threatens to leave… violent impulses against a slut who did you a favor…

I don’t understand it.

jim says:

I understand it perfectly. Your comprehension of human nature and conduct is weak.

In order to get places, you need to learn about people. Part of learning how to talk to normies is learning about people. You are not good at this.

You not only do not understand this, there are a whole lot other things you do not understand. You would make a good grunt for the inquisition shock troops, but you need to learn up on officer material.

When you do not understand, time to think yourself into the other party’s shoes. You are plenty smart enough for that. You not only need to learn up on officer material, you need to want to learn up on officer material. Desire to rape and kill is a result of anticipated inability to exercise one’s true and divinely commanded telos, ownership of a woman. You are also failing at that telos, though your despair manifests in less self destructive form. You still suffer from despair and have excessive desire for destruction, but destruction must not be allowed to substitute for and replace construction, and the major part of the job of officers of the inquisition will be to ensure that it does not.

Some destruction is going to be necessary to make room for construction, but the construction has to capable of moving in to the space created and capable of effectively utilizing the freed resources. If we free up resources and fail to effectively utilize them, someone else will use those resources against us.

The Cominator says:

Conceded my understanding of people is weak…

But are extremely violent impulses against bar sluts who give you no illusion they are your girlfriend strippers etc really normal? I agree spanking and choking are normal (many women ASK for spankings and NEARLY ALL of them ask for choking) but for me this was something i mainly went along with because they wanted it.

jim says:

Your failure to have homicidal impulses when your slut fucks other men ahead of you and gives the money you gave her to other men is also a deviation. Your and kawaii_kike’s deviation is that you both assume that that is what is going to happen, because it has happened so many times before, and despair. I never despaired, despite numerous events that were ample grounds for despair and which foreshadowed failure. And I failed many times without despairing, and in due course succeeded. Twice.

Nor did I ever despair of any woman I was currently fucking, though there were plenty of times when I should have despaired of that particular woman, and moved on sooner.

Hope they say, springs eternal. It does if your soul is healthy. Irrational optimism beats rational pessimism. If I had been rationally pessimistic, would have avoided a great deal of trouble, danger, and suffering. And also would not have succeeded. Buddhism tells believers to avoid suffering. Christianity tells believers to embrace suffering.

Evolutionary psychology tells us the reason that hope springs eternal is that natural selection wants you to keep on trying to achieve your telos. Gnon commands you keep on going.

You have given up. Kawaii_kike gave up. I hope and expect he will now try.

Sluts are not doing you a favor, for in defect defect, the game of players and bitches, the bitches win and the players lose, but even though the bitches win, they do not get what they truly want and wind up as cat ladies, or as the morbidly obese commissar of Human Resources. When you are a player, they are not doing you a favor, you are doing them a favor, and eventually you realize it. Hence player burnout. All successful players of game burnout eventually. Not that I was ever all that successful, but sufficiently successful to burnout. Bad player burnouts are the result of failure of hope. My hope never failed, though it got mighty dim from time to time.

Ghost says:

A wee bet more interlocuting: Military life is not civilian life. They are a tight-knit bunch. Most of the women who join, do so because a family member talked it up, usually their dad. Many members generally see them as their kid sister and are quite protective. Some of the women play pretty loose though and most will help a fellow member in need.

If this thing were to happen, the military post would go apeshit. Everyone would know inside of 24hrs. Commanders would be fired. Investigations, court martials, etc…

Comm is right. This is fire and we should not play.

jim says:

kawaii_kike is one of us, and he has long been a thoughtful, valuable, and responsive commenter.

I can tell when someone speaks what he believes to be true, and speaks without ulterior motive. He has always worn his motives on his sleeve. I have always known what he is, even though he never spoke of it directly before.

Your model implies someone put him up to pretend to be what he is in order to get us into trouble. That is silly.

Ghost says:

So you think this is on the level?

I’ve been shitfaced drunk with lots of service members talking about wives cheating complaining about supervisors and a host of other things. But, never heard one admit to these impulses.

Hopefully nothing comes of it. And I say they should just get out of the service. But, if something happens, they will sing to the JAG to cut a deal.

I want to make clear that I am against encouraging this guy.

jim says:

> never heard one admit to these impulses.

Not to kawaii kike’s impulses, but were none of them inclined to kill their unfaithful wife and/or her lover?

I hear that all the time when drunk. There is a convenient very large swamp not far from where I now live.

The Cominator says:

Yes put me on record as i do not think his impulse that he wants to rape and kill a female soldierette hes somehow attached to in her locker room as anything close to normal.

jim says:

No its not close to normal. And neither is your sex life either, though at least you have one.

In a society hostile to men, manliness, and masculinity, we get a lot of broken men. And in a society hostile to warriors, a lot of broken warriors.

The Cominator says:

I don’t claim mine is, but mine is much less potential trouble.

Kunning Druegger says:

It is a known tactic by lawyer types to dig into “online communities” if they can spin that fact in their favor. kawaii_kike is an old but infrequent poster. If Jim isn’t concerned, then there’s no concern, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t disconcerting. Definitely an attack vector.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I was in the military, and most of the women are viewed as nuisances and whores, not little sisters. The white knight mentality is just another military man trying to get his dick wet. I know, because I was there, and the shame of it helped push me to become the man I am today. That feeling of being used pushed me down the path that led me here.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I may have on one or more occasions when totally stone cold sober offered to help dispose of bodies of cheating women or offer an alibi if asked. Cheating military bitches are the worst scum next to pedofags.

Pax Imperialis says:

“most of the women are viewed as nuisances and whores”

Maybe on the enlisted side, but for the (male) Officers they are walking nightmares and possible career ending nukes on legs.

If an enlisted guy kills his cheating wife, that can mostly be written off as an off base issue. Murdered enlisted women means every Officer up the chain of command is liable. Of course Generals tend to be more politically protected… so it mostly ends up fucking over lower to mid ranked Officers who are the ones most likely to be based.

If kawaii_kike is honestly in the military and thinking these thoughts, it might me best for him to leave.

US Mil is already having massive issues. It doesn’t need more.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The sooner the US military as an institution dies, the better. I pray that Kawaii Kike does not do anything wicked, but if he does and it hampers the military, then some good will come of his evil.

Stop defending institutions that hate you and want to destroy you.

Pax Imperialis says:

US Mil is firstly and foremost an extension of political will. Any institutional desires it has are highly malleable in a top down manor, but a friendly institution would require cleaning out the top brass by a president willing to do so (The biggest mistake Trump made).

I will defend US Mil insofar that I know much of the enlisted and O5 and under love America, see the decline happening, and want to stop it at any cost. They just need the orders to do so, that is just a chain of command issue which is highly solvable by a president.

Should a Trump like president get elected, he will need a cohort of armed men to shoot the communists.

Pooch says:

I would not join the US Military but I agree with Pax insofar that the destruction of the USM instantly makes the world a worse place, not a better place. You can kiss any Caesar-like restoration good bye in that scenario.

If the USM dies, the global economy collapses and gangs will chop up the GAE.

China and Russia are not nice places to live and will not be good places to flee too. In fact both have everything we hate about the GAE and none of the benefits of an advanced civilization. Abortion, crime, tyrannical government, forced injections, unstable marriage, muslims, divorce, you name it.

The world will be a worse place, not a better place.

Frank Matters says:


I don’t believe many people in our walk want CHYNA way of life, Russia is not so bad despite your FUD, at least according to the russkies I talk with, but that’s another discussion entirely. Most importantly though, US exports its poisonous regulations and financial system at the same time it exports color revolution and faggots. A lack of ability for the US to smother technological projects and very low living standards in the country itself would cause an exodus of the productive greengrocers to the few functional physical domains that remain in the world. It would allow for the natural resources and of Latrino America and Afreakya to be contested, and it would allow people like Musk and the million unsung nuclear, genetics, and otherwise squandered technological producers an opportunity to carry out their work without a top down imposed evil consensus racket.

It’s probably better for Americans writ large to have a Caesar moment, but if no other options the empire must still perish before consuming the world with it.

Kunning Drueger says:

The only way the GAE exists is behind the legend of an unbeatable military. The core concepts of liberal democracy pacifism tendency, R2P, police actions to bring righteous sodomy, petrodollar, all of it relies on the USM. Name a GAE tactic or scheme that can exist as it’s formulated without the implied Ultimate Force Arbiter standing behind it. If the USM disintegrated, the whole network of WB/IMF loan slavery would begin to decay rapidly.

It’s a pipe dream because the actual USM will more likely balkanize as FedGov collapses in on its own prolapsed asshole, but the boomermeme that the USM is a force for good is kaput. They are a force for evil. Pax says that there’s a huge crowd of patriots just waiting for orders, and I say that’s codswallop.

Pax Imperialis says:

@Kunning Drueger

There are a huge crowd of patriots in the military.

Why do you think the civilian government is so damn obsessed about rooting out “extremists?” DoD affiliated groups estimated that 30-40% of the Jan 6 people had some level of military experience at Officer ranks. That is a massive over representation when compared to either the military population or the general population. Around 90% charged for Jan 6 related incidents were veterans. Vast majority that showed up at Jan 6 were retired, but their views are largely common in active duty military. Even more so among Officers at the O1-O5 ranks.

You might point out that only around 2000 went to the capital and that it pales in comparison to the millions of veterans today, but keep in mind that the number of people who will act on their own initiative without direction is always an extremely small portion of any group. The idea that military veterans who have been deeply conditioned to never act without orders would show up in those numbers is deeply alarming to DoD because it’s an indication of what will happen if the grunts were given orders.

The military does not act on it’s own, a cultural peculiarity that has been ingrained into Western militaries for at least the last century. It is a top down hierarchical system. It needs orders from the top to act. You do not see active duty act without orders which is why they only rarely showed up at Jan 6. Without orders they do not act. That creates the illusion that there are no large crowds of patriots in the military because they don’t do anything unless mobilized. Trump repeatedly failed to mobilize the military, thus the military did nothing.

I’m familiar with the military, and I knew a fair number of Officers in the O1 to O5 range. The general sentiment/culture among them is such that you would not be out of place saying something like “it would only take a couple dead bodies in the streets to shut those riots down” during the Floyd riots. DoD investigations into “extremism” have largely turned up nothing because most Officers choose to see “nothing” because they are mostly sympathetic to those views or realize that proper compliance with DoD investigations would quickly render their units void of grunts.

Kunning Drueger says:

Pax, I just don’t believe it. I think that patriotic minority are in love with a fantasy, an America that doesn’t exist, indeed one that never did. I didn’t come to this position lightly or easily, but no amount of anecdotal evidence is going to shift my current perspective: the majority of the armed forces, active and reserve, are wagecucks with welfare queen characteristics. A minority are rabid homo agents of the Cathedral, another minority are the true blue constitutional fanboys, and an ultra minority of Operators, Technicians, and leaders with great skill and ability.

But I’m an outsider looking in, so I know I’m never going to see it as vets and members do. I’m also embarrassed by how much faith, trust, and admiration I used to have in the USM, so I imagine that colors my perspective pretty heavily. I guess time will tell, but I’m pessimistic. I think the die hard constitutionalists will end up dying to preserve the Cathedral because they just can’t see the skinsuit for what it is.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Even if there are many patriots awaiting proper leadership, they can join Warlord Thundercock’s Grand Army of the Restoration. Caesar won wars and was a manly man ass kicker who the troops loved. The only two generals with his name recognition are Generals Mattis and Miley, and neither of them are going to be Caesar. Mattis fought Trump to ensure that he could keep trannies in the military and put women in the infantry. Miley is famous for being a pathetic coward, and gets memed as a faggot. Neither won wars.

Pax Imperialis says:

@Kunning Drueger

You despair because from the outside it looks like the military is devoid to men who love their country and would die for it to put a stop to decline. To you it looks like that because the top down nature of the military means Cathedral agenda gets put front and center in the media.

Men in the military despair because they know even though it is full of men who love their country and would die for it to stop the decline, the orders to clean up their nation are likely never coming.

Both perspectives are accurate to the extent that they reflect a common pessimistic reality that nothing happens under current circumstances. That military is not going to save the US.

But such perspectives are somewhat the wrong way when looking at the situation. The military is a tool, and as a tool it can be wielded by someone. A more important question should be “will that tool function if a president uses it to smash ______ targets?” I firmly believe that if the target is something like Antifa, that tool would function rather well because for a great deal of service members it will be a cathartic experience. Let’s us suppose that you’re right about the military being full of wagecucks with welfare queen characteristics (I mostly disagree with that)… well good thing that those types follow orders as well.

The main argument I make is that the military would likely be rather enthusiastic with the smashing if given the orders by someone like Trump.

The main problem thus becomes how to get a president who wants to use that tool to smash the right targets. We got much closer than anyone expected with Trump, but ultimately normality bias set in.

@Wulfgar Thundercock III
“Generals Mattis and Miley, and neither of them are going to be Caesar. Mattis fought Trump to ensure that he could keep trannies in the military and put women in the infantry. Miley is famous for being a pathetic coward, and gets memed as a faggot.”

As I’ve said before, a prospective Caesar would need to clean house. Colonels don’t become Generals by winning wars, and Generals don’t stay Generals by winning wars. Getting the O7 and above is a political process involving presidential nominations with the Senate doing a confirmation. Obviously would be Generals and current Generals have to dance to the tune of the politics. A president can somewhat bypass this problem by firing all of them with few exceptions at his discretion, quite a few O6s would need to go as well. He would then have direct lines of communications to O6 and under who are most likely to carry out orders without political interference.

Of course that would be rather alarming to the Senate… so it would have to be done during a national emergency overnight… which is why people were urging Trump to invoke the insurrection act which would have given plenty of cover to purge the top brass for insubordination but Trump cucked.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Caesar was a military commander. A general. All the US generals are pozzed or are nobodies. McChrystal might have been able to do it, but they destroyed him at the first chance they could. There will be no Caesar from the military because in order to get in position to be Caesar you have to take actions that will proclude you from the success a Caesar needs.

Pooch says:

A general. All the US generals are pozzed or are nobodies.

Generals can be fired. Milley wrote in his book that if Trump gave him an order he didn’t want to follow he would have resigned in protest. Well good. Make all of them resign in protest until the order is followed.

Requires balls of steel and a will to power, but can be done. Lincoln continuously fired Generals while the South was kicking his ass until he got to Grant. Can be done.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You are not going to get Caesar from the US military. Is not going to happen. The generals are too weak and none of them have the qualities Caesar needs. You are not responding to my point, that Caesar will not rise from the military. You say that a hypothetical President Caesar could just fire the generals, but that does not address my point that in order to get President Caesar, you first need General Caesar. Caesar does not self-instatiate out of the aether; he needs to achieve things no Cathedral general can.

An elected Caesar that hides his power level then bursts out onto the scene could use the US military, but will already have to have an armed force of his own prior to getting elected. The US military is a dead institution and any harm that comes to it benefits us. It will provide nothing that our Caesar will not already have, unless it is unnecessary to his rise.

Pax Imperialis says:

Octavian was not a general when he first took control of Rome’s military to propel himself to power. In fact he was barely more than a boy. He grew into the role of a general with time. Something Trump was on his way of doing by accident, had he been more focused from day one he might have fully become a general.

A would be American Caesar does not need to come from the military, but he will need the military to project power.

I have not argued that a Caesar will come from the military. I don’t think Pooch is either. Rather that for a Caesar to work he will need to take control of the military by getting rid of many generals.

jim says:

> Octavian was not a general

Octavian marched up to a bunch of troops who had not been paid, announced himself Caesar’s son by adoption, took command, and got them paid. I would say that that makes him, illegally and unofficially, a general. More than a general, a King.

He paid them initially out of his own funds, which was completely ruinous for him, but now he had troops with which to acquire more money.

With those troops, he then seized at swordpoint government money that had been corruptly, and arguably illegally, diverted and applied it to paying those troops.

He failed to realize he had reinstituted hereditary Kingship, which, much later, Constantine did realize. The troops were instinctively and intuitively responding to the Kingship principle, the man born to rule, the man born to be loyal to the troops. It would probably not have worked for some random wealthy man.

With those troops, he then got his inheritance from Julius Caesar through the courts. Suddenly courts that had been strangely lethargic became strangely energetic.

Sounds to me like Octavian damned well made himself a general, and failed to realize he had made himself a King.

The implicit dialog, and perhaps the explicit dialog was. “Ceasar was yours, and you were Ceasar’s. Ceasar got you paid, now he is dead and you have not been paid. I am Ceasar’s son by adoption, you are mine by inheritance, and it is my duty to pay you”. When they took their pay, they accepted the frame within which it came.

Octavian was general by inheritance. He failed to realize he had activated the principle of Kingship, of hereditary bonds of obedience and mutual loyalty between warriors. Constantine did realize it. Allegedly he got the idea through his British mother, though that is a legend that did not appear until long after the events. Historians do not believe it, and have good reason to doubt that source, but it kind of fits events, even though the details of the story are anachronistic and obviously completely made up.

> He grew into the role of a general with time.

He was born, or rather adopted, a general.

Kingship started working long before the elite realized what was at work.

And now that time has come again. When we are in power we will need to organize the army so that as far as possible, the sons of grunts are under the command of the sons of the officers who commanded their fathers.

We will need to recognize what the elite of Rome failed to recognize for centuries. It is the only thing that works when you have a morally decadent elite. If you don’t have a virtuous elite, you have to reinforce the alarmingly weak bonds of official duty, which no one takes seriously any longer, with the powerful natural bonds of family duty. Otherwise your state is a string made of sand. The time for Kingship and semi hereditary aristocracy has come again.

The Cominator says:

Octavian was never much of a general. He needed Agrippa and later Tiberius to handle that aspect of things for him. He got around this and kept respect of troops by being “Caesar Divi Filius” ie the troops that respected Caesar should respect him as the “son” of the God Caesar (this probably made Antony who had a reputation of being recklessly brave) unusually bitter.

Pooch says:


He grew into the role of a general with time. Something Trump was on his way of doing by accident, had he been more focused from day one he might have fully become a general.

Trump believed in the Republic and governed as if the Republic still lived.

In the late Roman Republic, it became obvious to anyone paying attention that the Republic had died and one of Pompey or Caesar would make themselves King.

And indeed, long before Caesar marched on Rome he had decided he was going to make himself king, because if he did not, Pompey would.

I don’t know if Trump still believes in the idea of the Republic or not. If he does, then he is a Gracchus not a Caesar. He has keep that hidden, but any prospective American Caesar will have long decided before coming to power that they are coming for the throne.

You say that a hypothetical President Caesar could just fire the generals, but that does not address my point that in order to get President Caesar, you first need General Caesar.

When Capital Police and regime leadership frantically called for Army National Guard deployment on I.VI, Gen. Charles Flynn and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt of Army Leadership said “Sorry, bad optics”.

Warrior-Generals remain in the military, likely at the three-star level.


Pooch says:

My 2nd comment is a response to Wulf.

not a reactionary says:

@ Pooch in re to “China and Russia are not nice places to live and will not be good places to flee too. In fact both have everything we hate about the GAE and none of the benefits of an advanced civilization. Abortion, crime, tyrannical government, forced injections, unstable marriage, muslims, divorce, you name it.”

Curtis Yarvin said in a recent article something like “flying from Shanghai to New York feels like flying from New York to Rio”, and in a different article he reposted a youtube video of a guy holding a camera touring the streets of Москва, and I must say that video made the city look quite appealing. Fyi I recently unsubscribed (free subscription) from him because 1) He’s saying the same things over and over again and 2) He’s slowly becoming more liberal. I suspect this has something to do with his new fiance, who is a liberal journalist (i think). I suppose it’s in keeping with the “liberal monarchist” model established by Kuehnelt-Leddihn.

Pooch says:

and in a different article he reposted a youtube video of a guy holding a camera touring the streets of Москва, and I must say that video made the city look quite appealing.

You’ll get no argument from me that the streets of Moscow look infinitely better than the streets of New York. However, the nicest neighborhoods of America/Europe are still quite nice and I would wager they are still the nicest places in the world. All the Russian Oligarchs hang out in the Global American Empire hotspots.

But my problem with Russia isn’t Moscow, it’s the birth rate, which is actually lower than America’s! This indicates that something is deeply not well in Russia and is not the based right wing paradise that some on the right like to make it out to be. Such a low birth rate is not the look of a rising power.

In Russia, you have super rich Oligarchs and the average person is very poor. It’s not a religious society. It’s a very secular society. Religion is very superficial in Russia. It’s really not that different than Ukraine in most respects. Corruption is high in both.

It has one of the highest abortion rates in the world not to mention alcoholism, prostitution, and human trafficking, child abuse, etc. There are so many orphans that Putin had to ban the US from adopting Russian orphans.

Maybe I am too black pilled on Russia and I would love to be corrected here, but Russia is a hollowed-out country. You can blame Marxism. You can blame the West fucking them in the 1990s. I think it goes very deep.

jim says:

> You’ll get no argument from me that the streets of Moscow look infinitely better than the streets of New York. However, the nicest neighborhoods of America/Europe are still quite nice.

The nice neighborhoods of Russia are getting nicer. The nice neighborhoods of America and Europe are rapidly being swallowed in a rising sea of chaos, violence, fear, filth, and destruction, which is now rapidly approaching my doorstep. I was at a party last night, and some of the guests were discussing the fact that their very nice houses in very nice neighborhoods had been overrun by the rising sea of chaos, so they had to stash their wives and kids some place else.

I have reserved a tiny house in a place much less convenient, lest I need to move, and am otherwise slowly liquidating my real estate holdings. I really need to look into locations more defensible, but the trouble is a place is defensible according to its social network. This is not something one can look up on the internet. I have a social network where I am that is capable of resisting things to some alarmingly limited extent. We have one man who can make law enforcement act or refrain from acting, and some people who can make other people disappear, but it is a very slender thread, and likely to evaporate under pressure.

I have social connections to people who have kinship connections, but because of the collapse of family and reproduction, the kinship connections are frail.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Being in the USG imperial forces today means being asked to fight and die for your right to take dick in your anus, whore your daughters, and castrate your sons – assuming you even have any, since you are fighting for your right to destroy patriarchy and die childless and alone too.

The military in 2022 is simply not a good place to be for a good man; and arguably has not been a good place to be for good men since 1865.

Ghost says:

Shibboleths seem a little off. Dorm is the general term used in conversation. Barracks is more 1940s or Hollywood.

Military marriage is rare and mostly never works out long term because of reassignments.

You don’t need to force yourself on a fellow military member. You are already a trusted member of the tribe when you join.

Dorm life is a party atmosphere, especially on the weekends. Lots of beer, lots of shit talk, lots of hooking up.

I don’t believe this guy.

jim says:

I believe this guy. I can see people’s hearts better than some.

The Cominator says:

Ghost is ex military he is saying this guy isn’t speaking like a military guy… and he sounds rather sick to me.

kawaii_kike says:

This is as ridiculous as it is amusing. The genocide enthusiast gets squeamish as soon as I ask if I should kill a bitch I don’t own. Unowned women are like stray dogs, they’re a nuisance at best and a danger at worst. Killing a woman you can’t own hurts less than letting her get fucked by other men.

Com, you’re attacking me from the wrong frame, “this guy wants to kill sluts, he’s a real sicko, not like me, I respect and protect every stripper I bang”. But Jim is right, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap. I shouldn’t make a habit of killing women, not only would it be a form of despair but a waste of resources; a violation of my telos and the laws of Gnon.

And Ghost, I’m not sure where you were stationed or when you were in but we call them barracks here. I know the air force calls them dorms and there’s not really any parties in barracks here unless you’re infantry. As far as trust goes, male cohesion has been somewhat undermined by equal opportunity and sexual harassment programs. And maybe you forgot but women like coercion so I don’t know why you’re white knighting for army sluts and saying I wouldn’t need to “force myself on a fellow military member”. I guess I’ll just m’lady my way into the local barracks bunny’s panties.

Jim tells commenters to kill their wife and no one bats an eye, I ask for advice and a thousand and one of you start sounding like feminist lapdogs. Spare me your faggy moral indignation.

The Cominator says:

“As ridiculous as it is amusing. The genocide enthusiast gets squeamish as soon as I ask if I should kill a bitch I don’t own.”

One death is a tragedy, ten million dead leftist is the manifestation of deus vult.

jim says:

> I ask for advice and a thousand and one of you start sounding like feminist lapdogs

Even Neurotoxin, whose blog enthusiastically exposes what women really want, got shocked by my claim that very young women had been putting a lot of effort and energy into getting what they really want, and were getting what his own blog tells us that they want.

He reads romances so you don’t have to. Does he think that they are only targeted at readers over eighteen? You can find distinct hints of what Neurotoxin dissects in those romances in almost every Disney Princess movie in only slightly more subtle form.

What age group do my commenters think Yona of the Dawn is targeted at? Yona, and all the nine year old girls in the audience, have the hots for the bad boy protagonist who killed her father the King in front of her, urgently needs to kill her, and intends to do so. This is very far from being an uncommon or even exclusively male deviation. Rather this is a disturbing response to a society that denies men and women ownership, and the female response is equally disturbing and far more socially destructive.

Red says:

>Jim tells commenters to kill their wife and no one bats an eye, I ask for advice and a thousand and one of you start sounding like feminist lapdogs. Spare me your faggy moral indignation.

Com is very purple pilled on women. He’s starting to say the right words but he still doesn’t believe it. I’ve long thought his desire to murder leftists was his own rage at not having been able to have a wife and children so far.

Jim’s right about it being disrepair. I’ve lived with it for a very long time and I’m doing everything possible to rectify the issue.

Cloudswrest says:

I would hazard to guess that there is an instinctual subroutine in men to rape and kill, or kill and rape, antagonistic outgroup women under certain circumstances. This is covered quite extensively in the books:

Silesian Inferno: War Crimes of the Red Army on Its March into Silesia in 1945
Hellstorm: The Death Of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947

And look at all the rapes of white women by various minority untermenschen throughout the West (e.g. the Central Park Jogger).

In some men the subroutines might be inappropriately triggered.

Red says:

I would hazard to guess that there is an instinctual subroutine in men to rape and kill, or kill and rape, antagonistic outgroup women under certain circumstances.

I read about Eskimo tribe that had their women raped and murdered by an enemy tribe when they were away hunting game. They spent years waiting and planning the same sort of revenge on the enemy tribe. Both tribes ended up without women according to the account.

Such behavior is generally engendered to trigger the greatest levels of humiliation and hatred between groups. Total war.

The interesting thing about the Russian rapes and murders is how often the women just wondered up to the Russian troops even knowing the Russians were killing a lot of the girls they raped. Quite a few were looking to be raped despite the danger.

Ghost says:

You addressed me so I’ll respond. This will be my last post on this subject.

You write very well, so if you are Army, you are not likely enlisted. Most of the guys here are young so I will guess Lieutenant. That would explain why you don’t want to hang out with the infantry also.

I am White Knighting for you. Don’t do it. You will be caught no doubt. It would be better to get out than to be tempted.

That’s my advice: Get out.

jim says:

My advice is different, and I have already given it.

Repeating: Your deviation is a result of failure to achieve your telos and despair at achieving it. Do not despair.

Rather, direct your impulses to their proper telos. To which hope will naturally direct them.

Stick around. Conversations with you have been productive.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The best argument against raping her is that she is a military female, and you and I know what they are like. Daddy issues, emotional disorders, and morals that would make alley cats blush. You would be better off having your buddies introduce you to their female relatives because they are not as damaged goods as females in the military. In a choice between strippers and female military members, the only winning move is not to play. Unless you can get a virgin airwoman, the only pairing which I have seen provide pretty decent results, better to leave Private Suzie Rottencrotch in the gutter, where she belongs.

i says:

“The genocide enthusiast gets squeamish as soon as I ask if I should kill a bitch I don’t own. Unowned women are like stray dogs, they’re a nuisance at best and a danger at worst. Killing a woman you can’t own hurts less than letting her get fucked by other men.”

Jim tells commenters to kill their wife and no one bats an eye

“The interesting thing about the Russian rapes and murders is how often the women just wondered up to the Russian troops even knowing the Russians were killing a lot of the girls they raped.”

Murder is murder. And those who do so must be executed. You are an idiot if you think shedding innocent blood is inconsquential:

Genesis 9:6
“6Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man his blood will be shed; for in His own image God has made mankind.”

Numbers 35:33
33Do not pollute the land where you live, for bloodshed pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made for the land on which the blood is shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it.”

God’s curse is on whoever shed blood in this manner. God will avenge himself on you if you don’t repent.

“I read about Eskimo tribe that had their women raped and murdered by an enemy tribe when they were away hunting game. They spent years waiting and planning the same sort of revenge on the enemy tribe. Both tribes ended up without women according to the account.”

Exactly why murder is punished. What I would do in that case is exterminating all the males of said enemy tribe and take their virgins women and girls to compensate the women lost. As the Israelites with the Midianites:

“7Then they waged war against Midian, as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they killed every male. 8Among the slain were Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba—the five kings of Midian. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword.

9The Israelites captured the Midianite women and their children, and they plundered all their herds, flocks, and goods. 10Then they burned all the cities where the Midianites had lived, as well as all their encampments, 11and carried away all the plunder and spoils, both people and animals.

12They brought the captives, spoils, and plunder to Moses, to Eleazar the priest, and to the congregation of Israel at the camp on the plains of Moab, by the Jordan across from Jericho. 13And Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the congregation went to meet them outside the camp.

14But Moses was angry with the officers of the army—the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds—who were returning from the battle. 15“Have you spared all the women?” he asked them. 16“Look, these women caused the sons of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to turn unfaithfully against the LORD at Peor, so that the plague struck the congregation of the LORD. 17So now, kill all the boys, as well as every woman who has had relations with a man, 18but spare for yourselves every girl who has never had relations with a man.”


“10When you go to war against your enemies and the LORD your God delivers them into your hand and you take them captive, 11if you see a beautiful woman among them, and you desire her and want to take her as your wife, 12then you shall bring her into your house. She must shave her head, trim her nails, 13and put aside the clothing of her captivity.

After she has lived in your house a full month and mourned her father and mother, you may have relations with her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife. 14And if you are not pleased with her, you are to let her go wherever she wishes. But you must not sell her for money or treat her as a slave, since you have dishonored her.”


Red says:

Exactly why murder is punished. What I would do in that case is exterminating all the males of said enemy tribe and take their virgins women and girls to compensate the women lost.

Most tribes are not strong enough to wipe out the men of a competing tribe. The point of the treatment is deterrence.

I believe the point of the gang rapes + murder by Russian army was the emasculation and subjugation of the people they conquered. The conquered people were treated as slaves. Gang rape is normal in warfare, typically a gang raped woman will change her allegiance to the new tribe. Gang rape and murder is not normal behavior and ultimately didn’t prove an effective method of control.

Red says:

After she has lived in your house a full month and mourned her father and mother, you may have relations with her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife. 14And if you are not pleased with her, you are to let her go wherever she wishes. But you must not sell her for money or treat her as a slave, since you have dishonored her.”

The one month period was likely waiting to see if she was pregnant. Women taken in this manner are almost always gang raped and a waiting period is traditional to see if she can be given as wife to someone in the tribe.

Aidan says:

You’ve projected the healthy desire to kill outgroup men onto the healthy desire to take outgroup women by force. It’s not natural; should try to separate the two in your mind, because they are seperate.

i says:


“Most tribes are not strong enough to wipe out the men of a competing tribe. The point of the treatment is deterrence.”

And as you related. Counter-productive.

“They spent years waiting and planning the same sort of revenge on the enemy tribe. Both tribes ended up without women according to the account.”

I think it would better to take those women for oneself. As compensation which is beneficial.

“Women taken in this manner are almost always gang raped and a waiting period is traditional to see if she can be given as wife to someone in the tribe.”

I don’t think that happened according to the text. That woman is already shaved, her makeup wiped off and so on.

So unlikely to happen. And likely to make her damaged goods.

Neurotoxin says:

“Even Neurotoxin, whose blog enthusiastically exposes what women really want, got shocked by my claim that very young women had been putting a lot of effort and energy into getting what they really want… He reads romances so you don’t have to.”

If you’re new here, Jim’s referring to this (skip the Bechdel one; I hadn’t really gotten rolling when I wrote it):

By the way, political correctness is starting to noticeably insert its rubbery tentacles into Romance novels now. Where are all the cowboy rapes, dammit?

PS: Yona of the Dawn now on my to-read list.

jim says:

Neurotoxin, I urge you to get off WordPress. They are spying on you and everyone reads your blog, which discourages the audience that you probably want, and the knowledge that they might yank your blog at any moment seems to be cramping your style.

Buy a domain name and setup a host. Have your wordpress site redirect to the new site. If the admin task is too hard, I will do it for you (purchase domain name and set up host), and then transfer the identity to you, but I will charge you the costs of the domain name, and you will need to pay the hosting costs to some data center in bitcoin. Also, hosting requires administrative skills and knowledge, though less than setting it up in the first place, and for it to be your own blog, you don’t want someone else with root access.

Hosting is dirt cheap.

Neurotoxin says:

“I urge you to get off WordPress…”

I was just thinking about this this morning, actually.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Different services have different terms, and dorm is a common term in certain branches. I dealt a lot with different services, so it does not sound unusual.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I misread that. In my units we always called them the barracks, or the bricks. It is totally normal to call them barracks. Anyone who calls them dorms sounds like a Chair Force weenie. Him calling them the barracks means he is probably in one of the more martial services.

Adam says:

This is good advice.

Ill add that there is a natural incentive to learn how to talk to normies, how to speak to someone on their level without talking down to them. Normies are your beta orbiters. Normies orbit alpha males like betas orbit women. They will help you, do things for you, etc. They are useful.

Normies are going to want to look out for you, if you validate them (talk to them, offer encouragement). It’s a completely natural process. Every normie friend is another set of eyes and ears looking out for you and will help you if they can.

It’s a reciprocal relationship, and if you talk down to them or look down at them, if you let your pride get in the way this doesn’t work so well. If you are good at giving normies just what they need, which is not much as most are fairly demoralized, they will give you much more in return.

Red says:

> Was Ted Bundy for example, a reactionary icon or a perverse freak?

Ted Bundy wasn’t human. A bastard child who’s own mother pretended to be his older sister because she couldn’t bear the shame of bearing him. He faced total rejection at a young age and became a sick freak because of it. Bastards are generally evil creatures that no one should look twice at when they end up dead by the side of the road.

Also he had no problems picking up chicks. Chicks loved the dark vibe he put out. Totally incapable of cooperating with men who generally viewed him as some sort of alien creature long before his serial killing ways where exposed. But this ability to score with women did not result in reproductive success and is fundamentally maladaptive for men.

The Cominator says:

Looking at his bio his childhood neither seemed particularly bad nor did he sound like he was a social pariah, if he didn’t give into his demonic impulses he might have ended up as a politician.

Red says:

Ted killed his 1st victim at around 13 according to a book I read about him. He never had male friends and his primary advantage was how much women loved him. There’s a reason bastards used to be killed out of hand, they almost always result in misery for others.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If you channel that willingness tyo fuck bitches and fuck the police while doing it, you will find it ridiculously easy to pull pussy. If chicks can sense a man is willing and able to take what he wants and dispose of their bodies afterwards, they are drawn in like a cloud of moths to a bugzapper. Every chick wants to tame the dragon. The feeling that their owner/kidnapper/protector could do whatever he wants with them, combined with him actually doing whatever he wants with them, is chick crack.

Where introverted men whove gone over the deep end go wrong is thinking they need to do this furtively, as if they are doing something wrong; and an internal frame of doing something wrong, creates the reality of being perceived as doing something wrong.

On the contrary, men who do this openly not only do not get in trouble, they get cheered on as they do it.

The Cominator says:

Successful criminals that don’t bother to keep it a secret all have government backing. The oldschool mafiosi didn’t like the drug business because its all rats, still is today. Drug dealers with police or higher sponsorship get to be long term drug dealers who can do what they want and must occasionally rat someone out.. those without get long sentences.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Who said anything about being a criminal? There’s the furtive introvert speaking again. You do what you do with the implicit notion that what you are doing is good and natural and ordained by God, and so of course it is fine to do it, and people will see this and get this impression and agree.

not a reactionary says:

I was reading about John Gotti recently, boss of the Gotti family, until he was imprisoned. He would do televised interviews and meet with his peers in public venues. Dude dressed like a badass. Idk maybe he had some sort of government backing or something but the CIA was all over him trying to take him out and eventually succeeded. He died in prison, but not before getting beat up by a black inmate for “using racial epithets”.

The Cominator says:

Gotti was a low IQ stickup and hijack man who never should have even been a capo let alone a don.

He definitely didn’t have government backing as the government at the time had a hardon to bust the Italian mob and this moron was a publicity hound. He also didn’t control his wife entirely either, as his son got killed in a car accident. Gotti decided that it actually wasn’t the other guys fault really and didn’t want to seek revenge, but his wife really wanted the guy dead and eventually he gave in and had the guy whacked.

Karl says:

Maybe a shared faith is necessary for success at human penetration, but I suspect that in Ukraine other factors were also at work.

Russians and Old type Christians had been persecuted in Ukraine for several years. Many emigrated and those who didn’t were at least removed from any security relevant jobs. Hard to do human penetration in such a situation.

In this respect Taiwan is very different from China. Arguably China also lacks a shared faith, but the Taiwanese government does not have any easy criterion like religion, ethnicy, or language to exclude people from security relevant jobs.

Mister Grumpus says:

“I am now coming to the conclusion that to do human penetration, you need a shared faith.”

You’ve been saying this for years. Maybe you just hadn’t realized it applies to computer hacking as well.

But in hindsight why wouldn’t it? It needs crazy smart guys, working together through time, for bosses too dumb to appreciate them. Guys who can be lazy and just fool their bosses into believing that they’re working instead, if they want to, but don’t. Because they “care”.

Like how Oppenheimer could have scammed the War Department for years and never come up with a bomb, if he’d wanted to. But he didn’t. Because he “cared”.

As a matter of fact, quietly sandbagging because he didn’t “care” enough is one revisionist understanding of why Heisenberg never got very far with the Nazi nuclear program.

A shared faith is a shared game plan, and motivation to carry it out, even without credit. A conspiracy that doesn’t need to be written down or communicated to work. Peas in a pod don’t have to “conspire”.

A Jesse Kelly (edgy normiecon with fagmouth) tweet just the other day:
“People don’t understand why such a tiny portion of society has such an outsized voice today. It’s not complicated. They’re more committed to their religion than you are to yours.”

A YouTuber referred to June as “American Holy Month”.

Matt Walsh with his “What is a Woman” movie is showing how religious the gender stuff is. There’s no “reason and arguments” pathway from one side to the other.


As for Donald Trump having done well with Info Epoch Warfare, recall how the man didn’t even have an email address. He conversed with Kim Jong Un by sending couriers back and forth with typewritten letters.

Mister Grumpus says:

“A shared faith is a shared game plan, and motivation to carry it out, even without credit.”

Wait a minute this reminds me…

Matthew 20:6:
“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

Matthew 25:23:
“His master replied ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You’ve been faithful with a few things. I will put you in charge of many things.'”

jim says:

> As for Donald Trump having done well with Info Epoch Warfare, recall how the man didn’t even have an email address. He conversed with Kim Jong Un by sending couriers back and forth with typewritten letters.

With the entire NSA apparatus spying on him and everyone around him, they came up with strange absence of data. Not only nothing that could be interpreted as incriminating, but nothing that was not in public or official transcripts.

Anonymous Fake says:


Sorry but Christians do not lie at all. If you’re a “lying Christian” you can hang out with “LGBTWTFBBQ Christians” and other deviants. Christians have to worry about their church being infiltrated by sodomites. Sodomites do not worry about their frat houses being infiltrated by Christians. Any “realpolitik” spy game such as seen in the Cold War is obsolete too, when there is perfect infiltration asymmetry between good and evil rather than frictional geopolitical tensions between rational secular states.

So WWI with drones it is. Christians can’t infiltrate the demon domain, but smashing down the gates and burning it and salting the earth works as well as anything else. A war of attrition is fitting for this setup, but a full nuclear war is on the same spectrum too.

A war of attrition is the base needed to filter for true believers who can then be used for fancy encirclement strategies. Trying to start a war with encirclement (a surprise attack) doesn’t work for the good guys because you still have gay spies in your army who haven’t faced the filter yet, and unreliable generals who haven’t been purged.

A house divided against itself won’t stand. Cucks and traitors and demons will betray each other if forced to, if they are forced into a style of war where they can’t infiltrate and get away with it.

I’m certain there’s still room for computer hackers. But they’re a spice, not even a side dish, in what kind of war this is.

jim says:

Lying bites both ways. Christian counter infiltration relies on turning enemy agents.

Computer hacking is enormously effective. The release of the Climategate emails and Hillary emails relied on computer hacking, and in the case of the Climategate emails, one of our guys on the inside.

We have had considerable success, and would have considerably more success if backed by quasi statal organization with money and the capacity to do violence.

American howitzers in Ukraine chat with other devices about their position and the targets they are supposed to it. Russians listened, and targeted the howitzers. Need to do the same for Zelensky and his pals.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

Now I see why you gave us a quite reasonable post. To carry the enemy payload of this deleted post.

That stuff is not Christianity, and Christians have never believed it. No one believes it, especially not those pushing it. That stuff is something a bunch of Jews cooked up that they thought they could insert into Christianity to destroy it, because they thought that Christians dumb as rocks. It is as dumb as flat earth, a whole lot more evil, and like flat earthism, tediously, repetitiously, and endlessly pushed by people who do not believe in the slightest in what they are pushing, and like flat earthism, not gaining any traction. I have never heard it from anyone who was not a blatant hostile shill.

Every hail-fellow-Christian that pushes it quite obviously hates Christians, hates Christianity, and hates Christ.

Tell your masters to stop trying dumb as rocks memes. That one was dead on arrival forty years ago. Hail fellow stupid dumb hateful Christian, fellow Christian.

Your masters are making the same error as with their flat earth meme. They are stupid people who conclude that their enemies must be even stupider than they are.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

Bored now.

If demon worshipers, faggots, and such have such a huge advantage in struggles conducted by entryism, how come you are doing so poorly?

Not allowing you to hold this discussion from the frame that you are a Christian unless you pass the Demon Worshiper test.

We can hold this discussion if you stop telling us you are a fellow Christian and fellow reactionary every couple of sentences. Or if you pass the obvious and easy tests to check if you actually are.

Anonymous Fake says:


Pax Imperialis says:

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if a moderately to higher ranked military officer committed ritual suicide at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Live streamed and in full dress uniform.

S says:

The military already is dealing with people dying for absolutely no reason at all (the shot). Why would a suicide have any more effect on people willing to butcher their subordinates or turn a blind eye as their comrades die?

Ghost says:

It would have no effect. America is not 1600s Japan. Far from it. If the news cycle even picket it up, they would focus on their medical history and make them out to be nutjob. A lot of 4chan memes would come out. He would not be celebrated as an Oishi or Mishima but made into a fool.

The way today’s American vet protests is to come out in support of political candidates or runs on their own.

Kunning Drueger says:

As an isolated incident, it would have the effect some of the other military maverick incidents that have occurred (national guard generals in OK, that captain or major that put out that video, Canadian LEOs supporting the truckers, etc), which is to say it wouldn’t convert anyone from their perspective, just reinforce previously held positions. Domestically, the GAE has almost eliminated the concept of martyrdom for anti-Cathedral elements. By maintaining control of the narrative and having well tested methods of selectively digging up the past, memory-holing inconvenient facts and events, and inundating the marketplace of ideas at will, they can turn any act of bravery or heroism into cowardice or treachery, and heinous evil into laudable good.

If it were to happen in conjunction with rapid developments before a Narrative â„¢ has been deployed, or as a series of atypical events, it could have a massive impact on the military class and community.

A bigger event would be something, someone, some force or institution that instantiates and solidifies the meme that military service, police service, fire/EMS service are no longer acts of patriotism, loyalty, or honor. This would deprive the Cathedral of its remaining highly effective warriors, and put those warriors back into “the market,” as it were. Of course, they’d have plenty of negros, mestizos, and bull dykes to put in uniform and play soldier, but that would be cold comfort as young white males and the sons of healthy communities started going to workout and bond at church, “Bible study,” and the neighborhood watch.

Pax Imperialis says:

Military follows orders. That doesn’t mean they don’t agonize over bad orders. The recent raise in suicides and the bullshit over the vaccines have been a highly bitter experience, but militaries follow orders… until they don’t.

Should US Mil rank and file continue to develop a sense of deep erosion of America, they will be all too happy to follow the right orders to end the decline.


America is not 1600s Japan, but 1970s Japan was also not 1600s Japan. What Mishima did was initially seen with bewilderment and the act of a crazy fool. Just watch how Japanese soldiers reacted to Mishima’s coup speech with ridicule during the act. Over time it has captivated the minds of many both inside and outside of Japan. It took time for his suicide to be processed. Many of the student leftists who hated Mishima in their youth now feel like something of immense value was lost.

I have a suspicion that a live streamed, highly choreographed and properly executed suicide by an American Officer at the right symbolic location would initially be met with extreme bewilderment… but over time would foster a deeply unsettling psychological horror among a certain group of Washington elites.

@Kunning Drueger

Many of those mavericks incidents have felt like fake grandstanding. Often many of those mavericks end up as shills on Fox News or semi successful standard Republican politicians. None of those incidents were eye catching or long lasting the the national psyche.

A ritual suicide done right “wouldn’t convert anyone from their perspective” but it would float around in the cultural conscious for quite a long time. That could have unexpected outcomes that the Cathedral would not be able to handle well.


To be clear I don’t advocate ritual suicide. It’s merely something that I have a deep fascination with.

someDude says:

“To be clear I don’t advocate ritual suicide. It’s merely something that I have a deep fascination with”

Aaaah! The Old Gods are stirring. You are feeling the blood of your ancestors.

Remember the suicide of the Roman Noblewoman, Lucretia, that eventually led to the end of the Roman Kingship and the start of the Roman republic?

Oog en Hand says:

According to Christianity, this is a mortal sin. Cf. Massada.

A2 says:

The French officers at least dare to complain in public.

Rightwing historian Dominique Venner shot himself in Notre Dame in 2013. Slobodan Praljak publicly took his life in protest against the Hague court. Unfortunately, the conclusion has to be that media are quite efficient in dismissing these acts.



Richard W. Comerford says:

Quite frankly, I’m rooting for Russia — simply because a resurgent Soviet Union would end the myth that the Cold War ended and we can go back to Mutually Assured Destruction instead of the dozens of terrorist states we have now.

Pax Imperialis says:

Terrorist states are not going away. If anything disorder will continue to multiply along the edges of US and Neo Soviet empires.

Kunning Druegger says:


I can’t comment on the veracity of this article, but it does seem to line up with how NATO’s “help” isn’t so helpful…

Red says:

Everything about American Artillery is inferior to pretty much everyone else. Even 30 years ago it was obvious that only scoot and shoot artillery was going to survive in an age of counter battery radars. We’ve long relied on air dominance for artillery support which is why we’ve gotten away with it until now. Even our high tech javelin missiles are proving inferior to the UK and German counterparts in terms of usability and mobility.

Kunning Druegger says:

The bully that steals the little Arab kid’s lunch money doesn’t practice MMA or lift weights, he just relies on no consequences and an inherent size advantage.

George Harrison says:

Every single claim you make about the Ukrainians is in truth happening to the Russians. There is no evidence of any of it applying to the Ukrainians and quite a few well-publicized cases of it happening to the Russians.

The Russians have not been attacking unpredictably. They have been attacking exactly where the Ukrainians expect them to attack. That’s what happened to the pontoon crossing. That’s why the slow grind through Severodonetsk.

There are numerous cases of intercepted conversations of Russian soldiers describing reluctance to be sent into the front and the reactions of their commanders. There are no such cases of Ukrainian equivalents. (There was the WaPo story, which used predictable morale issues at the front line of a war for concern trolling and drumming up more support.)

The Russians are the ones who have lost 13 generals and 30-odd colonels and who knows how many junior officers because they keep having to lead from the front to keep the men from breaking. The Ukrainians have not. The Ukrainians are not the ones having trouble with combat-level officers.

The Russians are the ones who shifted all the BTGs from the Kiev/Kharkov push and put them into the Donbass. The Ukrainians already had their regular army in the Donbass. What the Ukrainians are moving now is new recruits, because they mobilized. The Russians have not mobilized. The Russians only have what they started with, and half of it has gotten its face kicked in already.

The Russian artillery is, currently, more numerous. The Ukrainian artillery is better employed. The Starlink-enabled targeting app they are using (thanks Elon!), plus drones for forward spotters, enables them to spread their artillery pieces out individually rather than massing them in specific locations. This makes counterbattery fire by the Russians a non-threat, because there is no specific target for the Russians to hit. This was discussed in detail by the Austrian Army briefing posted to Youtube a week or two back.

Every single claim you make in this post is an explicit and likely deliberate lie and in every case a precise inversion of the truth. You should stop doing that. You won’t, of course. Every time I look into the background of any claim you make I find similar things: the evidence always supports the opposite of what you claim. It is not surprising you never provide any specific supporting evidence.

You are an appalling liar, and appallingly bad at it.

jim says:

> Every single claim you make about the Ukrainians is in truth happening to the Russians. There is no evidence of any of it applying to the Ukrainians and quite a few well-publicized cases of it happening to the Russians.

If you rely on what is well publicized, you are relying on official disinformation. If you look for information, you will find eleven videos of Ukrainian troops mutinying because they had suffered significant casualties, and had received orders that were likely to subject them to considerably heavier casualties. They were complaining primarily about Russian rockets, some of those rockets being drone weapons. Eleven videos last time I looked, probably more now.

You will not see any videos of Russians mutinying.

The Russian blitzkrieg was stopped hard by Information Epoch weapons, and the Russians took a lot of casualties trying it. That is true, and no one denies it. And they stubbornly kept on trying even when it was obvious it did not work. But they gave up on blitzkrieg before they had to face mutinies. The Ukrainians are facing mass mutiny, indicating that they are suffering intolerable casualties.

Most of what is publicized is disinformation. If you rely on official information, you will believe all sorts of things that are contrary to the evidence of your eyes, that blacks live in fear of white males, that women live in fear of rape by white males. Why do you think information about the Ukrainian war is any more accurate?

> This makes counterbattery fire by the Russians a non-threat, because there is no specific target for the Russians to hit.

They seem to be hitting a large number of Ukrainian conscripts, mostly with ground launched rockets and drone launched rockets.

The Russians take out dispersed Ukrainian artillery by spotting them with drones, and by penetrating the military computer network. They are able to penetrate the military network because the Americans writing that artillery software thought in terms of artillery being used against militias of goat herders, rather than against a peer power.

In the very recent past, American military software was outstandingly and extraordinarily strong against enemy penetration, while Americans had very good penetration of every adversary network. This has evidently ceased to be the case – probably for the same reason as other American high tech is failing, especially military high tech.

I complained bitterly, and still complain bitterly, of Russians failing to deploy Information Epoch warfare, and of their incompetence when they finally did start deploying it. But Russia is penetrating Ukrainian battlefield networks, and Ukrainians are not penetrating Russian battlefield networks.

A2 says:

I recall seeing articles some years ago about the patriotic talent departing NSA en masse for greener pastures in SV. Presumably around when the GWOT had played itself out to all reasonable spectators. I wonder how much of what Snowden reported is still functional.

jim says:

America used to be the overwhelming world leader in penetrating everyone’s network and resisting penetration of its own network.

This has been changing. Now that Russia is getting a very hard lesson in Information Epoch warfare, may change faster.

Varna says:

A very aggressive guitar solo by Paul McCartney indeed.

Ghost says:

The Art of War is an old book. Military used to encourage reading it. It is filled with advice that encourages ruthlessness and deception which flies in the face of the present Geneva Convention. In war illegal orders are given and illegal things done on purpose.

The present state of war is against Western Civilization. It is a propaganda war to demonize white culture and occupy their natural territory. Divide and conquer is be used separating different factions. If you reread Art of War you will see what elements are being used.

Red says:

The Art of War is an old book. Military used to encourage reading it.

It’s highly overrated. Ayran armies were far more victorious when they knew their own history of conquest and victory than they were once they started reading Sun Tzu after WW2.

The present state of war is against Western Civilization. It is a propaganda war to demonize white culture and occupy their natural territory. Divide and conquer is be used separating different factions. If you reread Art of War you will see what elements are being used.

Shill or White nationalist garbage. Power is being used to suppress people. The GOP isn’t infighting, it’s being controlled by the Cathedral. Whites are always fighting other whites because whites are wolves to whites. The problem we have is an evil state religion trying to murder all the whites.

Ghost says:

I agree with the whites are wolves to whites part and I’ve read Jim writing this too. But, there is a war of propaganda going on directed at whites.

More importantly, what’s your solution?

The Cominator says:


We need this from the right, with the army being disinclined to stop it…

Ghost says:

Seems politicians would heed the warnings of history. But they don’t.

Adam says:

I would not be discouraged by the fight we are in today. Whites are wolves to whites- this is a feature not a bug. Our preference for long term strategies makes us slow to get started, but history shows when we do get started we are among the very best at nearly everything.

Great men are being built as we speak. Have faith that our history of success and dominance was no accident. The time will come for us to fight and win.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Whites are wolf to whites, this is a feature not a bug, so please sit still as i cut your son’s nuts off, it’s for your own good.’

Adam says:

That is not the kind of thing wolves do. That is the kind of thing sick and dying wolves do.

Manly fathers with admirable traits have sons that want to take after them.

If your son wants to get his balls chopped off, or someone else wants to, and you do not stop it, you are a weak faggot bitch, and should not have had a son.

Adam says:

I will also add, quite a lot of this is a product of whites, mostly straight Christian males *failing* to be wolves themselves.

We have become entirely too complacent, and far far too comfortable. Most white guys I know are trying to win and failing, but only due to the fact that they have tied their own hands behind their back.

This will not last forever.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Ahh? So the *kind* of competition matters, then? Well, then you shouldn’t say ‘whites being wolf to whites is a good thing’, since it is bad rhetoric. Easily mutated.

Adam says:

I said it was a feature I didn’t say it was perfect. Competition is dangerous, but good for fitness. And refining something always comes at a cost.

What are we doing here if not becoming the wolves necessary to pass this test?

The masses may be suffering, but the masses do not matter.

The whites that are going to defeat this evil are getting harder by the day.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

This is like CCP apparatchiks saying that the maoist cultural revolution was a ‘regrettable but necessary step on the path towards our glorious scientific state with chinese characteristics’.

jim says:

Top predator is always the check on the top predator. Top predator population is not limited by available resources, but limited by violence and the threat of violence.

It is always that way, and it is not going to change. Fallen world and all that. Whites always have been the only important enemy of whites, we still are, and if it ever changes, it will be because the white race has degenerated.

As birds are specialized for flying, we are specialized for extended cooperation. But that cooperation is never going to embrace everyone, and if you attempt to embrace everyone, hostile parties are going to subvert cooperation. This is our current environment of evolutionary adaption, always has been, always will be.

Whites are too cooperative. Need more paranoia, hostility, and suspicion. Need a stronger immune system against parasites and disease organisms who take advantage of our systems of extended cooperation. Trust but verify.

Adam says:

Does it sound like I’m endorsing wokeness because it will lead to greater white fitness?

Do you deny that there is a beneficial aspect of “whites are wolves to whites”? You need steel to sharpen steel.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Whites are too cooperative. Need more paranoia, hostility, and suspicion. Need a stronger immune system against parasites and disease organisms who take advantage of our systems of extended cooperation. Trust but verify.

Which is certainly true, but also not something that exists on a dualistic continuum. The way to above is not a blind tendency towards either cooperation or isolation, but more selective instincts for cooperation.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Does it sound like I’m endorsing wokeness because it will lead to greater white fitness?

It does sound like that.

>Do you deny that there is a beneficial aspect of “whites are wolves to whites”?

Potentially. Dependently. Contingently.

The better meme is not ‘whites being wolf to whites is a feature’, it is ‘observe the ordinals of conflict’. There are different kinds of competition, which are more or less appropriate depending on the context being operated in, or more specifically the parties in question. Ways of competition that would be inappropriate between brothers but would be appropriate between neighbors; ways of competition that would be inappropriate between company fellows but would be appropriate between companies; ways of competition that would be inappropriate between countrymen but would be appropriate between countries; ways of competition you allow between each other, but do not allow for outsiders; and so on.

All functional societies are built upon these layers of gentlemen’s agreements, hierarchies of ‘games’ and the terms for playing them, systems of honor.

Kunning Druegger says:

Whites are wolf to whites, but the whites predating on other whites most effectively is some form of tyranny of the betas. They are unfit midwits at best, soft handed with empty chests. They divide the strong to exalt the week, choosing stranger over brother, idealizing the unknown and besmirching the known.

I think Adam is trying to spin a bad situation as not-so-bad, which is a coping mechanism on some level, but is it really unwelcome or bad form? The pills are almost always black, so is it bad to seek out silver linings? I’m genuinely asking, not trying to foster some kind of amity (though I often try to do this and I don’t think it’s a bad thing)?

The source of Woke, the heart of the Cathedral, is white men. They are wolves to whites, but they aren’t wolves themselves, they’re coydogs, the sickly product of an unholy union. And they succeed because the rest of us have been on a dysgenic emotional inbreeding program for many generations.

Steel sharpens steel, but it is better used on lesser metals. At some point, a knife becomes a razor and is wholly unfit for all but the most specific of tasks.

Adam says:

Ok. No I didn’t mean that wokeness was justified if it leads to white fitness.

I just meant that like hypergamy, whites are wolves to whites looks bad until you realize what it’s responsible for, the continuation of the species. They are forces of nature.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>I think Adam is trying to spin a bad situation as not-so-bad, which is a coping mechanism on some level, but is it really unwelcome or bad form?

The problem basically comes down to the fact that when, like those sons of communism in modern day china, you impute some form of necessity into the Red Terror, as a way of rationalizing the pain you have experienced, this also is validating it, with a few steps of mental arithmetic removed.

‘Sure all that sordid business was greatly troubling, but it was also a Necessary Step in the evolution to being Who We Are today’. Okay, so the next time you feel like society is in trouble, the solution is to kill all value creators with more than two cows, disenfranchise all men’s rights over their women, and defrock all preachers who object to this latest improvement on the Moral Law? Cmm’on bro, don’t be dumb.

Ghost says:

Steel becomes a sword when it is forged in a furnace then quenched in oil. It either hardens and holds an edge or it shatters. That is the test.

You will be challenged and it will either make you strong, or break you down.

White culture encourages self sufficiency and individualism. That is why we compete. Wolf against wolf. But now we are challenged from without and the wolf must form a pack and choose a leader.

Kunning Druegger says:

I didn’t mean to ask a dumb question, and you clarified my error. It should be forgivable for a person completely inept in biology to not grasp the issue, indeed I still don’t. Did not the Red Terror fundamentally shape the China of today?

Nevertheless, I see the error in thinking going forward (it worked last time, so…), and I see the mistake of trying to cope by pretending a bad thing was good (maybe that’s the “source” of naturally occurring leftism…); it’s bad strategy.

This is a topic I really struggle with: how should I treat and classify whites around me? Part of me just ignores the immediate example and looks forward to future generations. But I also see a white person in charge every time some fresh hell is unleashed on our society, and it’s typically a woman. The source of our greatest power is our biggest threat. The WQ really is at the heart of every matter.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>I didn’t mean to ask a dumb question, and you clarified my error.

Not meaning you specifically of course, referring to the imaginary interlocutor who stands in for everyone who might fall into such thinking.

>Did not the Red Terror fundamentally shape the China of today?

It certainly did; i would hazard to not say for the better in the end.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Kunning Drueger says:

Comment from December 2014:

“The Russians are doing more for the West than anyone in Europe. The USA is utterly broken and cannot be fixed. But, individually, men can still maneuver to protect themselves. One thing is to buy property behind the surge of feminists and queers in cities. They fight the blacks using their own fake victim mythology. Occasionally, an actual white guy beats the daylights out of a black and the feminized re-settlers swoon. The martial spirit spirit probably won’t last as the whites consolidate their territory and lose daily grinding contact with Negros behaving badly.”

Very interesting article. It’s interesting how whites have to prepare to fight while our brown cousins seem to be perpetually in standby violence mode. Probably unrelated, but in Central America, people carry umbrellas because of sunshine, not rain.

Juice says:

14 dead Russian generals and counting. I suppose it all depends upon how you measure success.

jim says:

Dead generals foreshadow success. Large numbers of dead conscripts foreshadow failure.

Dead generals indicates your generals are leading from the front. It is a badge of pride. You should be worried about the fact that the Global American Empire has no dead generals, but does have conscripts mutinying as a result of high casualties.

The army led by warriors will win. The Russian army is obviously led by warriors. The Global American imperial army led by cosmopolitan Jews who hang out in foreign hot tourist spots.

The Russian army is, alas, not led by competent warriors, but war is a stern teacher. They are learning. The Global American Empire is not learning.

The Global American Imperial leadership is safely cocooned within a bubble of lies. The Russian leadership is not. This is likely to prove fatal in the end, though it may take a little while before the Global American Imperial leadership encounters men with guns walking into their bubble.

Dead Russian generals indicate failure, the failure of trying blitzkrieg, and of foolishly persisting in blitzkrieg for far too long. It also indicates that surviving generals are going to learn from failure. Ukrainian conscript mutinies also indicate failure – not necessarily a failure the Global Imperial leadership is going to learn from.

War is the ultimate argument of Kings. Rational discussion has failed. War will ensue.

Red says:

Dead generals indicates your generals are leading from the front. It is a badge of pride. You should be worried about the fact that the Global American Empire has no dead generals, but does have conscripts mutinying as a result of high casualties.

I’ve read a bunch of accounts of large groups of men left in hilltop positions with no officers present in Afghanistan. Woke officers are cowards of the first degree. We’re starting to resembling pre world war 2 France with very expensive and complex weapon systems, grunts who are not motivated to fight because they’re government is hostile towards tier interests and officers selected for their shitty faith rather than ability.

no says:

>Dead generals foreshadow success. Large numbers of dead conscripts foreshadow failure.

Yeah, exactly, dead conscripts is why Russia lost to the Nazis, and why China’s intervention in Korea failed to stop the Americans, and why the Napoleonic levies had no effect on how anybody fought wars. And dead generals is totally why Dixie won the war, and why Crecy and Agincourt meant the French were about to kick ass, aristocratically. And when the French mass-produced arquebusses and equipped peasant levies with them to massacre Welsh longbowmen and English lords alike, that definitely meant the English were about to win. And –


Flag rank officers dying in combat is always a big warning sign that the troops are on the edge of breaking and that leading from the front is the only way to prevent it. And losing such an officer always causes way more problems in the command and staffing of the army than whatever advantage was gained by the combat. And speaking of warning signs, lines like this are a screaming flashing red warning signal to all the fanboys that this Jim character has absolutely no fucking clue what he’s talking about, and more importantly, is not capable of recognizing when he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Going by his own model of the world, he’s a priest. Or a merchant, maybe, but I see no evidence of meaningful commercial success and quite a bit of ideology. And he keeps farting out military pontifications that real-world events immediately contradict. He needs to recognize his limitations and stop making a fool of himself.

jim says:

> “On the edge of breaking”

Actual mutinies by front line troops constitute actual breaking. Ukrainian troops are actually breaking. Russian troops seem to have high morale.

You are drinking the Legacy Media koolaide.

Russia blundered by using World War II tactics. Failed horribly. Ukraine is now blundering by using World War I tactics.

The Ukrainians are consuming their army. They sought a war of attrition, are getting attrited. Rounding up cannon fodder, and dumping it into the trenches to soak up Russian artillery. Running low on cannon fodder.

The Russians pull back when a war of attrition costs too much, attrit when they can do so cheaply. Ukrainians just react by pouring men into the trenches. They recently blew up one of their bridges behind their owm men to stop them from retreating. They are using the Azov brigades behind their regular troops to prevent regular troops from running away.

The Cominator says:

In WWII Russia lost most of its conscripts in the 1st year and the 2nd summer, you can win with high conscript losses but accelerating losses of conscripts is a very bad sign.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

What is up with these ppl? 😂

Is this the same guy who keeps posting s$!t like:
“ur a liar”, “stop lying”, “if theres a god he damns u for ur lies”, etc?

What kind of rando spams blogs with “YOU FUCKING MORON”? Sheesh!

Nikolai says:

2 or 3 confirmed dead Russian generals, rest is ghost of kiev tier banderist propaganda.

Russia recently took out 3 Ukrainian generals in one strike though https://twitter.com/Levi_godman/status/1531184905656446977?t=As_Tkadghy2N6PCH9SP5TA&s=19

jim says:

Novyi Buh is located 250 miles from where the action is under way, which is where I would expect Ukrainian generals to hang out, being faggots. Looks like the Russians are starting to use Information Epoch warfare.

War is the sternest of teachers, but teaches well.

jim says:

Russia is also engaged in propaganda war, but their propaganda consists of talking up excessively minor victories and playing down, explaining away, or ignoring defeats and retreats, rather than totally making stuff up out of thin air as the Global American Empire does. If they say three generals, they had reason to believe three generals were there. And if they knew who was there, they are getting their act together. Their recent penetration of the computer networks of US military equipment is a lot better than what I thought I was seeing.

Kunning Drueger says:

Finally reviewed backlogged Telegram posts. I hadn’t checked in 2+ weeks, so I got to go through the posts in a more critical way. It seems something has developed in the past week on both sides; a tactical shift by RF and rhetorical shift by GAE. The losses really do appear to be staggering for UKR, and Poland is going to be the sacrificial lamb to Slaneesh to bring the Green Holocaust down. I don’t think RF long term goals have changed, but I do think the GAE is preparing to let UKR come to the table, which would have been unthinkable in March. The Poland thing is a bad idea, and everyone older than 70 or in the DoD knows it. The Finland/Sweden stab in the back could turn out just as misguided as the sanctions in terms of being used as causal factors.

Mister Grumpus says:

“and Poland is going to be the sacrificial lamb to Slaneesh to bring the Green Holocaust down.”


Kunning Druegger says:


It appears that, with the soft land grab of Western Ukraine [sic] by Poland, they will be the next level of escalation that brings the world ever closer to the mass casualty chain of events so desperately desired by the Demonic faction in the State Department. If/when Polish units start engaging Russian units in the UKR theater, an expansion of hostilities into the Baltic becomes somewhat more likely, especially with the Scandinavian backstab. As the RF moves further into IEW, critical targets will be Polish, or will be moved into Poland, forcing the Russians to make a very tough decision.

This assertion is predicated on the idea that there is some faction in the GAE that wants a big war to annihilate Russia and reduce the surplus population to please the Gaia Demon.

The Cominator says:

Poland can never be allowed to exist again after this.

Pax Imperialis says:

Great. Not only is Russian vodka off the market, Polish vodkas will be gone as well.

Soon only shelf Smirnoff will remain to dull the pain.

S says:

Poland terminated its natural gas contract with Russia.

S says:

Ops. Misinterpreted your comment and took too long looking up Polish natural gas.

Mister Grumpus says:

The meme is that Russia always starts wars slow and retarded, but then pulls its head out of its ass, and then finishes as a steamroller.

jim says:

I was extremely disappointed by their initially poor efforts at Information Epoch warfare, but was just now informed that they when the new American artillery systems rolled in, they got mysteriously precise location information, believed to be from the computer systems of the artillery themselves.

Their Information Epoch warfare is suddenly improving. The recent military successes reflect precision artillery targeting of enemy weapon systems. One shell, one enemy war machine.

The Ukrainians had spread out their weapons systems so that they could not be taken out by just pounding the general area with shells. Well, the Russians did not pound the general area with shells.

Kunning Druegger says:

It could be the case that all relevant world powers will need an adjustment phase when they go to war for it to become obvious, or allowed to be acknowledged, that the game has changed and new tactics, strategy, and leadership are required. Russia is figuring it out on basically home turf against an enemy that doesn’t really pose an existential threat (UKR specifically, I know the GAE is The existential threat). China, Turkey, the US, France, these countries may not be so lucky, and their hypothetical war could end before they can correct their course.

Varna says:

This even happened with Finland 1939, after the initial meat grinder that did away with a lot of incompetent reds.

That’s land warfare. Sea warfare, such as the 1905 war with the Japs, not only humiliated Tsarist Russia, but also finally convinced the Japs they are ready to take on all white sea empire within reach.

Kunning Drueger says:

Elon Musk makes a deal with PLAN to build a network of massive rig-of-rigs[1] for launching and catching rockets in the deep sea. He brokers a deal between Putin and the UKR government for a freeze of the conflict and negotiations of land swaps. The first seal launch platform and attendant constellation of support rigs and ships are scheduled to float in 2025. China is the bank, Russia and China supply labor and professionals to work with “OceanX.”

How does GAE stop this?

I know seasteading was a pipe dream because, for all their talk, they were basically just a semi-libertarian cruise liner that wanted to camp out in the shallow seas and leach off developing countries in the Asian Pacific. But a network of launch/catch facilities would provide excellent jobs, massive stimulus to multiple industries, and launch facilities have to be well maintained and well protected as well as perform their ops safely, so of course there’d be all forms of C&C gear and missile defense systems. It would be like the petroleum extraction build up, massive development and progress with a need for the best technicians and programmers and smart labor.

[1] Look up the Prelude FLNG behemoth, then imagine 4 of them configured to lock in together at intervals with a temporary super-superstructure between them.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The whig theocracy kills things by a thousand cuts. A consensus is manufactured, and every one of the thousand kings living one mile away, overseeing each petty fiefdom, each slice of power over some thing, will strike out against the target, however inconvenient.

Kunning Drueger says:

If some of the thousand kings get material advantage in their petty empire, they’ll play ball. Some always do. The game of subversion is a communist specialty. From a certain perspective, the world is dominated by 3 types of communistic system: Communism with Chinese Characteristics, former Slavo-centric post-communism struggling against resurgent throne, and the Social Bureaucracy of American Communism that has occupied and warped the carcass of FDRs golem. Each one has some mighty effective subversive capacities as well as blindspots, limitations, and geographic reality. They’ve all had experience effecting outcomes in the future in an institutional sense, but they also carry the weight of the current crop of Elites.

The big systems are dinosaurs, so the mammals have to wait for a Chicxulub event or figure out how to operate in the presence of monsters. I think Musk might have it in him to be blindly optimistic, and I get the vibe, for whatever that’s worth, that he is not constrained by the current social hierarchy. I bet he believes he has a shot at King of Space so his son has a shot at King of Mars. Enough charisma and success, you’ll get sycophants and supporters in droves. For all the Twitter controversy, he’s still the embodiment of the quiet fantasy of all engineers, field scientist, and technicians: an Engineer Monarch.

It also gives Petroleum Extraction Industry a seat at the table of space industry, an important and necessary step to Sol System expansion. The sooner the best minds in mineral/material extraction get paired up with rocketry nerds, the sooner we get Skunkworks with tattoos, family, and faith. I’m taking Zeihan at his word here, but I find it pretty believable that the wildcat, small firm, and independent operators working with shale have been optimizing the fuck out of subsurface sensors, finer manipulation of remote tools, robots, drones, actual Things Internet (IoT is a terrible term).

Anecdotally, Petroleum dudes are white, black, and mestizos, but all the upper level stuff is white guys with their usual list of international sidekicks. Multiple YouTube videos comparing the work and workers on American sites v. Russian, Chinese, etc. seem to demonstrate there’s a lot of experience and discipline in the American oil industry. Of course, the insidious effects of the Cathedral are everywhere, but that’s all the more reason to get the smartest out of the GAE, even if only spiritually.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>If some of the thousand kings get material advantage in their petty empire, they’ll play ball.

The fact that people are acting against their long-term interests in accordance with a demonic faith is the while matter of the problem.

Take the brainless response in the occident to the Special Military Operation for example; everything from impounding yachts of questionable chains of ownership to pouring out vodka; anything anyone at any point in life can do to stick a finger in the infidel’s eye, they’ll do.

The point isn’t necessarily to say this is always effective, or even effectively done to begin with, it is point out that this is what is done, the state of affairs to be accounted for; where someone like Musk is concerned about rising above the gnostic empire if and or when it proves ultimately incompatible with their vision of advancing occidental civilization, they need to be thinking about how to deal with the matter of them and everything connected to them coming under attack of damnatio memoriae in every facet of life in the occupied occident.

The Cominator says:

“The fact that people are acting against their long-term interests in accordance with a demonic faith is the while matter of the problem.”

This is what also hardened and blackened my heart towards these people… mere selfishness i could understand and forgive…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Put in other words, the tool you use to slay chimaeras of demonic faith, is a sword of godly faith.

Much strategizing by ‘don’t tread on me’ types as to reaching the other side of a whig apocalypse simply takes The Beast having memetic sovereignty as a given; ultimate victory comes from usurping that given.

Victory goes to those who would dare to have faith. I tell you, with faith as small as a mustard seed, you could tell this mountain to move from here to there, and it will move.

jim says:

I am disinclined to try literal mountains, but metaphorical mountains do seem to shift somewhat.

We have to establish our own memetic sovereignty, have to deny our enemies sovereignty over us, as a first step to denying them sovereignty over the world.

A first step to that is an internet name system that is independent of certificate authorities. Among those names, will be our counter university and roles within it. A lot of people have rolled out such name systems, and you may well ask why I shall roll out one more?

Well, no one has rolled out a full Zooko system, and to work, it has to be integrated with money and obligations. And to work, it has be resistant to central power, in a way that no existing blockchain is.

But a blockchain has to have consensus, so who counts as part of the consensus? We have to make the consensus roughly represent people in approximate proportion to the amount of cash they have. And when we represent on the blockchain on demand enforceable obligations, demand deposits, the amount of cash minus their enforceable obligations. Trouble with proof of work is that you wind up with a lot of big fixed expensive mining operations with immovable assets in well known locations.

We have to have a name system designed to survive Information Epoch warfare, as the Internet was designed to survive nuclear war. Eventually the battle front will be the whole world, and important people and their important assets will be likely to be hit with drones if their physical locations become known. Zelensky and company are already feeling it whenever they go near Ukraine, which may be part of the reason he is not spending a lot of time in Ukraine.

It is already the case that if you have valuable digital assets, they are likely to come under attack. Andrew Anglin and Archbishop Vigano are equally in hiding, their money and their physical location deeply disguised. We must expect a name system that contains among its names challenges to Harvard’s memetic sovereignty is going to come under similar attack, attack that will in due course escalate to robot assassin drones.

Frank Matters says:

>A lot of people have rolled out such name system… no one has rolled out a full Zooko system

Does this include ENS and SNS, aka .eth and .sol domains? I can understand not trusting their underlying blockchain. Solana is highly coordinated now as a result of having to consistently reboot the network, decentralization not achieved despite fairly good scaling. Eth is fairly decentralized at the consensus layer as far as I can tell, we may have issues with the people governing ENS, but as of right now they are actually up and running, and capable of dissent, for example https://app.ens.domains/name/nigger.eth/details

>Trouble with proof of work is that you wind up with a lot of big fixed expensive mining operations with immovable assets in well known locations.

Even with RandomX? Seems to have resisted this centralization fairly well. What about a mixed consensus, where more stake makes your puzzle easier?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A great faith inspires great men to coordinate to achieve great things.

A great group of men coordinating could certainly gain the power to move a mountain – amongst many other things, of course.

Mister Grumpus says:

You gotta wonder if Elon could grab a thumbdrive full of bitcoin, “paperclip himself” over to Hainan Island and then start over as an incredibly well-protected captive genius fugitive.

“Self-Snowden”, verb…

Kunning Druegger says:

The great challenge for the dragon in the twenty-first century is to maintain internal cohesion while allowing external agency. Musk as “captive genius fugitive” is all sizzle and no steak. He is most useful as an independent actor being coordinated with, and practically useless as a patsy or prisoner. Consider Snowden: is he writing code and building killer apps, or has he been put in charge of counter-intel or network hardening? Or does he just sit in a bugged dacha, waiting for journalists to give him a recorded call?

Can China be China and expand their influence without doing the whole Borg routine?

DavyCrockett says:

FAA claims it will release the Final Environmental Assessment on June 13th. Will be interesting to see what they say.

Red says:

Elon and SpaceX are acting like it’s already a done deal. Likely the US military told Biden to fuck off and leave Elon alone. If not, Elon probably has less than a year before he’s arrested on trumped up charges and his companies given to the brave warrior women of African to run.

Mister Grumpus says:

Let’s talk about “isolated leaders”, and what that’s really about, both as a reality and as an accusation.

When the Rus-Ukr war started, The Words were all about how Putin was “isolated”, holed up in his dacha somewhere, with only 4-5 people to talk to.

For China, Zeihan the Deep State Homo does this schtick that there’s no one left over there to give President Xi bad news, so he was completely unaware of the electricity blackouts last year for many months, for example.

Meanwhile over here, The Regime describes itself as populous and diverse, full of Qualified Expert dissent and foment, to the point that the President isn’t even necessary anymore, but I see a different kind of “isolation” at work. A superstadium full of diverse hyper-conformists, sealed off from the outside, all agreeing with each other, and not one of whom will suffer for being dead wrong about anything.

So according to Jimmic Analysis, how do we describe the elements and factors necessary for a rulership that is receptive and reactive to bad news from outside itself? What is that?

I can’t finish the puzzle myself, but surely Rule by Warriors, but under a shared and sincere faith, are parts of it. The Bible is full of vignettes where the Big Guy gets chewed out by a Holy Deplorable and changes his ways at the last minute. So the meeting actually happened at all, and the important information actually transferred from one to the other.

Adam says:

Being open is naturally a part of staying healthy. Openness will not keep you comfortable, but it will keep you fit.

People who are closed off get sick and weak. People who get too comfortable get sick and weak.

As Jim often says, we are always on stage, always performing. So by allowing ourselves to be tested, we are making sure we are staying fit.

There are limits of course, we have important things to do and do not need to waste our time.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

Your post isn’t an original insight per se, and maybe I’m overthinking this, but something about the way you juxtaposed those ideas and phrased them really resonated with me for some reason. Thank you. “Clementine will remember that.”

S says:

It is just a variant of kings versus civil servants.

Kings are incentivized to care because they are both considered responsible and suffer the effects of their actions. Experts are civil servants who can’t be fired so their incentive is to tell everyone how important their field is and make things worse in order to get people to pay attention. Combined with the state religion and meritocracy meaning people are hostile to those who are more competent you get our current crop of open malice.

As for shared faith being necessary, there is the famous tale of Jonah where he goes to the king of Assyria (a foreign land hostile to Israel)… and the king listens to him. Or the waring states where a hundred schools of thought contended.

I think the key element is instability- people who know the current situation isn’t going to last are very open to listening about how to change it into a form more in their favor.

Kunning Druegger says:

But instability is a curse, giving malign factions the opportunity to insinuate themselves into the system and begin St. John’s Immediacy Necessity cycle (just this one time, because circumstances are so severe, we do this thing we aren’t supposed to do). Stability should be the goal of any monarch, meaning the danger becomes calcification and malaise.

If we look at the Clerical Oligarchy as something that could be corrected (it cannot for spiritual reasons, so this is purely metaphor), the issue seems to be runaway delegation. Putting one man in charge of Border Security is good and natural, but he will delegate away the unglamorous maintenance stuff, focus on the things that bring him prestige, and give the plum positions to friends and disciples. Each, in turn, will do the same. Soon, things are worse, and the only solution is to put another man in charge of another thing, and the cycle continues.

Is there a structure, some kind of program, that could be deployed to curtail bureaucratic sprawl? To MG’s original topic, the isolation element is not cut and dried. Too isolated, and you get a blind fool surrounded by Yes Men. To open, and you get wave after wave of entryist. There is no perfect program out there, and the pursuit of perfection is a leftist game. But there are plenty of examples of Good Enough For The Situation. I think a well constructed map of What Needs Doing in terms of geopolitical necessity and domestic wellness could be a good template for the structure of Modern Monarchy with the precepts of Throne, Altar, Freehold as the core, inviolate principles to dictate reasonable boundaries for reasonable management. I bet a smarter man than myself could come up with some kind of mapping software to provide useful models, assuming TAF could be encoded…

Neurotoxin says:

“Is there a structure, some kind of program, that could be deployed to curtail bureaucratic sprawl?”

This whole problem of delegation is a serious problem of political science. My impression is that current political scientists don’t say much about it, or not nearly as much as they should. Doubtless this is because Poli Sci is so very left-leaning, and leftists don’t see the idea of a lawless, unaccountable, out-of-control government bureaucracy as a bad thing.

I don’t have a solution, though one notes that the smaller is the government, the smaller this problem is – there’s a bit of the ol’ libertarian rearing its head.

There IS a large principal-agent literature in several branches of the social sciences, which I’m sure would be useful.

Neurotoxin says:

Executive = principal,
Bureaucrats = Executive’s agents.

Kunning Druegger says:

Can you give me some different search terms? “Principle-Agent” netted a whopping 21 papers, 3 or 4 of which seemed relevant.

Neurotoxin says:

Gotta spell it principal agent problem.
Also try agency problems.
I got more than 21 for both of these.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The neo-machiavellians, such as Pareto, Mosca, Burnham, and Francis, tended to write a lot about the subject of sovereign bureaucracies.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Is there a structure, some kind of program, that could be deployed to curtail bureaucratic sprawl?


That’s what we’re here for! 🙂

Neurotoxin says:


But that doesn’t solve the problem in detail. It’s one thing for the King to say (for example) “The bureaucratic agencies cannot expand their number of employees without my explicit permission,” but how could he enforce that? He can’t go around paying random visits to the Dept of Transportation to make sure that only the right number of guys show up for work every day or whatever. And if he farms out this job to someone else, then… he’s delegating.

So it comes down to the entryist/infiltration problem again. Seriously hard problem of Poli Sci/Organizational Behavior. And of course it’s nowhere on conventional Poli Scientists’ research agenda because they’re leftists and entryism is one of the left’s main tactics.

The Cominator says:

“How does he enforce that”

Bureaucrats need to be subject to a low grade reign of terror even at the best of times.

Kunning Druegger says:

Though not incorrect, still to general thus vague. Come on boffins, let’s get this sorted!


jim says:

> Bureaucrats need to be subject to a low grade reign of terror even at the best of times.

The King needs to be able to execute the vizier because he does not like the cut of his trousers, and the Inquisition monitors the fidelity of those with state and quasi state jobs to the state religion, while the actual enforcement and muscle backing the inquisition remains directly under the authority of the King. The universities are directly under Church authority, but the inquisition can merely fire them on its own authority. Grilling them under torture requires the will of the high priest and Caesar.

The Cominator says:

Just Caesar…

Frank Matters says:

Jim, wondering your opinion on a modern network secure ‘stack’ for general purpose and easily replicated use. Which computing and networking hardware, which operating system, which anonymizing techniques of accessing the internet at large, and so on.

Are there any groups you trust to be at least generally correct with this sort of thing that stay up to date?

Kunning Drueger says:

Seconding this line of questioning and adding a request for interesting, useful, or important software.

jim says:

You are asking me if there is a ready to roll solution for a very hard problem.

There should be, and there is not.

You are also asking me which groups are trustworthy. Hard problem. If Jon Callas trusts them, I trust them. Daniel Bernstein is trustworthy, but unduly trusting.

Closed source is seldom trustworthy, open source not necessarily trustworthy.

Frank Matters says:

> You are asking me if there is a ready to roll solution for a very hard problem.

I realized this in the asking. It’s also, due to the nature of the question, imprudent to simply ask for what you use for your own stack.

I like qubes. I am not in a position to bless it beyond claiming I use it. I also like to flash the firmware and install coreboot, and I really should destroy or remove the wifi/bluetooth hardware, but I have not. Do not trust it like my air gapped rig, which I also do not trust except that it’s the least likely of my machines to talk to someone. I suspect intel chips are chatty, but I also suspect the operating system has something to do with their ability to chat, and the binary blobs used for bootloading, and their specific cryptographic instruction set, which I need to research more to examine code I like for calls to such. For my very valuable private keys, airgapped machine.

I am still very much a novice in understanding cryptography and network security, and rely mostly on my sense of what *seems* trustworthy through metadata about the recommendation, but slowly I am teaching myself. Fortunately, I do not have any missiles, that I know of, pointed in the general direction of my head, but unfortunately it is very hard in the same way to get any signal my setup has meaningfully improved in its resistance.

jim says:

One gets a hint from known attacks and known backdoors. They tend to be less and less sophisticated, hinting at a massive regression in NSA capabilities. I am unaware of any recent very clever attacks. Maybe they are so clever that I am unaware of them, or maybe what happened to NASA is happening to the NSA.

The Chinese network penetration effort relies on forcing companies to install obvious spyware in their networks. Which is easily evaded. They also send spearfishing emails with executable attachments to targets of particular interest. Not a terribly sophisticated attack. If you can see it coming, they have given you data about themselves, and you only leak to them what you want them to know.

With an active attack that you have detected, the attacker has revealed something about himself, and you now have a channel with which to feed the attacker hostile data. If you know or plausibly suspect the software the attacker is using to analyze the data he is collecting, and you have or can steal a copy of that software, you can usually find flaws or bugs that enable your hostile data to take over the enemy’s computer systems.

Android/Google/Windows/Skype simply upload your data in the clear to the cloud, you can opt out, though they make it hard to opt out. Duh. Is this the NSA that backdoored everyone’s Wifi, everyone’s intel cpu, and got every WordPress installation to upload the email addresses of every commenter to a central server in elaborately encrypted and obfuscated form to hide what they were up to?

We are seeing increasing reliance on social engineering and social pressure, less and less reliance on arcanely cleverly cryptographic attacks like the WordPress attack and the Wifi attack. The height of NSA clever cryptographic attacks was the NIST attack. It starts to look as if the NSA is coming down with the same disease as NASA.

Most of the encryption algorithms employed by SSH are known to backdoored, but we can be pretty sure that most of holes require some form of active attack, and the NSA is reluctant to use active attacks widely, because such attacks are apt to leak information about the attacker.

I and others recommend that you turn off in sshd_config all cryptographic algorithms other than those least likely to have backdoors.

nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Your config file should have in it

HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
ciphers chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com
macs hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com
kexalgorithms curve25519-sha256
pubkeyacceptedkeytypes ssh-ed25519
hostkeyalgorithms ssh-ed25519
hostbasedacceptedkeytypes ssh-ed25519
casignaturealgorithms ssh-ed25519

Not all ssh servers recognize all these configuration options, and if you give an unrecognized configuration option, the server dies, and then you cannot ssh in to fix it. But they all recognize the first three, HostKey, ciphers, macs which are the three that matter the most.

Anything openssl is probably bad. Anything NIST is definitely bad. Openssh not necessarily bad. openssh ed25519 probably good.

SSL has a well known low tech attack that enables any sufficiently powerful adversary to impersonate any server, but it is an active attack that leaks information about the attacker.

It is also known to have an unknown passive backdoor, that renders information going over ssl vpns visible to the NSA by passive attack, but probably not to other security agencies. We know the information is leaking, and we know the openssl cryptographic library smells funny, but no one can point to a specific identifiable backdoor in it. This gives us reason to distrust any product that uses the openssl cryptographic library. Anyone that uses openssl is hostile to you.

Wireguard is believed to work, and is now being widely offered by vpn services. I am worried about the fact that wireguard uses the SALT cryptographic library for some things, but it is using it for less and less and less things. Maybe someone is on the job. The SALT library is not known to be bad, but it has a funny smell. NIST definitely known to be bad with identified backdoors, Openssl known to be bad, but the state of our knowledge of its backdoors is complex and full of fog of war.

I am suspicious of NOISE – which is a great algorithm, but is designed to be implemented on top of other cryptographic libraries, and if you integrate with the standard branch of NOISE, you integrate with a pile of other people’s cryptographic libraries, among them SALT, which is not exactly suspect, but fails to inspire confidence. Noise on top of a cryptographic library that has not been backdoored is fine.

Most enemy data analysis software uses shotgun parsing written in C which is very vulnerable to bugs and flaws that make it easy for hostile data to take control. Haskell is somewhat protective against shotgun parsing, and Rust and Haskell are protective against the kind of bugs and flaws that allow hostile data to get control. If your data analysis software is potentially exposed to hostile enemy data, it needs to be written in Rust or Haskell.

Pax Imperialis says:

Video on problems with US Army’s NEW IHPS Helmet

A commenter states:
“Besides the protection issue, the helmet just sucks. Got issued one via RFI and I still prefer the ACH. The IHPS has brittle plastic on it that breaks all the time, the NVG mount is out of spec and requires a ton of tape to stop ratting. Additionally with even just a pvs14 mounted it becomes super unbalanced and the strap adjustment is garbage. Why the army didn’t just adopt a 3M highcut is beyond me, but it probably has something to do with some field grade’s OER.”

As I’ve pointed out previously, DoD is having major problems with the acquisition workforce aging out:

They openly acknowledge this here:

The problem has gotten significantly worse since 2001. Proposed solutions were to:
1) Implement financial incentives aimed at retaining older workers.
2) Recruit recently retired workers.
3) Institute a recruitment program aimed at college students.

1 and 2 was largely successful, but that has just kicked the can down the road. The workforce is even older today.
3 has been lackluster, and as I’ve mentioned it has resulted in fast tracking recent graduates into much higher positions than normal. That may have lead to a competence issue.

At current trends US Mil likely only has a decade left of somewhat functional/competent logistics, although that’s largely dependent on coasting off of the preexisting aging logistics workforce.

A future Caesar is going to inherent a seriously depleted military force. He will likely need a private logistical supply chain as the government may not have a functional one. The good news is that the military will likely still have plenty of warm bodies to compensate.

i says:

Drag Show for boys as young as 7 endorsed and allowed in Dallas Texas. Enforced by the point of the Gun:


Red says:

Red states would be wise to investigate and arrest the cops who refuse to enforce state law. But they won’t because they correctly fear DC would crush them.

Red says:

The gutless cowards in the US military enabled Bacha bazi in Afghanistan and now the same thing is happening in our own country. My Grandfather’s generation would have fragged their officers over such orders, but the men who join the military today are faggots.

Pax Imperialis says:

Bacha bazi was common in Afghanistan for hundreds of years. US Mil didn’t really care about Afghanistan, they just wanted to go in, wreck shit, and then wash hands. It was State/Bush/Obama who wanted to stay.

Two main reasons why bacha bazi resurfaced under US occupation.

US Mil (with Pentagon and Generals being the exception) didn’t give a damn about a hostile shit hole and so never really cared to enforce order.

US Mil has perfected the art of training grunts (and Officers) to follow orders. So when command gave the orders to turn a blind eye, they mostly did so. It helps that many grunts would have been more inclined to shoot the general Afghan population than to help. Prolonged warfare and IEDs do that to a man.

Most fragging during your Grandfather’s generation had to do with US leadership’s high levels of disregard over the survival of the grunts, often ignoring the reality on the ground and sending men into suicidal missions. Fragging had little to do with the morality of the hostile Vietnamese. US Mil blatantly ignored many similar immoral acts of the South Vietnamese government of which US grunts happily ignored as well. Many US soldiers even took part in that era’s excesses… Something the US and Vietnamese governments are very happy to bury.

Most likely your Grandfather’s generation would not have fragged their Officers over Bacha bazi had they fought in Afghanistan. They would have been disgusted by it, but ultimately it wasn’t their fight and would have been happy to turn a blind eye.

not a reactionary says:

I know someone who knows a guy who claims to have severely beaten / murdered a guy in Afghanistan for abusing a sex slave boy. Apparently this child was kept chained to a bed to be fucked by Afghani goat fuckers. This guy is former military, never met him but by his description it did not sound like he was “happy to turn a blind eye” to such acts.

Pax Imperialis says:

Talking in generalities. Yes there are guys who were horrified by what was happening. They were a minority. Most simply did not wish to think too hard about it.

It was an Afghan problem, not a US problem.

Red says:

Thinking about that the Taliban cut those boy fuckers nuts off while they’re fighting to enable the rape of little boys is bound to be bad for their the troops mental health. Of course the cowards didn’t want to think about it, any more than those yellow cops who protect the pederast bars don’t want to think about it.

Pax Imperialis says:

You don’t get it. Why the fuck would the average grunt care about those Hajis who are trying to actively kill them?

Those kids were just as likely to be potential suicide bombers as they were to be some sex slave for a Afghan warlord. You’ll find that sympathy for those people during a war dries up real fucking fast.

Red says:

I don’t think you understand how men react when they’re backuped with a shared faith that commands them to kill those who harm children. Most men today don’t feel that God has their back, but back in WW2 they shot surrendering German SS officers without blinking an eye.

Pax Imperialis says:

I don’t think you understand how men who share a faith usually don’t care about the well being of a hostile heathen tribe who is trying to kill them. I’m not condemning that, it’s natural, but you seem to be rather naive about what happens during wars.

The Germans were recognizable as fellow Christians and Whites. The crimes of the SS felt distinctly close to home and personal. The Afghans and Vietnamese were not recognizable.

You talked about fragging which is a Vietnam era problems. Most incidents of fragging during that war happened when grunts felt like their CO was shit and disregarding their lives by being too eager/suicidal to fight the enemy.

Ever hear about My Lai? No one ever fragged 1st LT Calley. Many US soldiers were happy to indulge in the rape and slaughter. USG was very happy to memory hole that incident and the LT mostly avoided legal problems after USG intervention in the trial. Many similar incidents. South Vietnam had large numbers of child brothels operating near US bases with mostly trafficked children some of them boys, often visited by US service members which US Mil decided to turn a blind eye to.

The Cominator says:

The SS tended to be singled out to be shot out of hand when taken prisoner after the word of the Malmedy massacre (there were apparently even oral orders for a week afterwords that no SS prisoners were to be taken) got out, and also probably after the liberation of Dachau (and whether you think the holocaust was exagerated or not it genuinely disgusted the troops who found it). I’m not sure until Malmedy to what extent the average American soldier considered SS men different than any other “Krauts”. I’ve watched WWII propaganda films from the time, I haven’t found one pre war that especially singles out the Waffen SS.

Vietnam was probably an especially frustrating war to be a combat trooper in, conscript troops generally being subject to being killed more often in ambushes or via booby traps than conventional fighting (though conventional fighting happened too) by a pretty competent enemy (which the Islamics despite winning by default never really were) with a strategy that you couldn’t win in, all in boiling hot and humid weather… so yes in Vietnam people going “lets do the whole fucking village” was a bit more common than with most US wars.


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

My instinct at the time of the uvalde op was that the reason the zogbots didn’t go in was because of orders from above to stay out in order to let the bodycount of cattle stack up to more politically convenient numbers.

Turns out that was exactly the case.

Red says:

I thought that was likely. Do you now have evidence to support it?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


Glownigger provacateurs causing the problems they pose themselves as the solutions for; as always.

Adam says:

That is sickening.

Aidan says:

The renewed and extremely well coordinated push for fun control in the wake all but confirms it

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Time for some meme warfare. They ordered your children’s deaths so that they can take your guns. If congress was getting shot, would the cops wait an hour to rescue them?

Severian says:

Great map interactive of the Ukraine Russia war by Suriyak on Twitter.
Updated daily.


Kunning Drueger says:


Auron MacIntyre interview with Andrew Kloster. Interesting conversation, interesting dude. Apparently he’s a hardcore Trump man and he asserts that they are actively working to correct the mistakes made in the first regime, specifically staffing. It’s long and has plenty of meandering babble, but if anyone is interested, a number of 501C3s that are working to create a “right wing pipeline” for staffing the civil service.


He’s affiliated with Federalist Society and Heritage, but was self-identified as an inside outsider that was on Team Trump from the get go. His speech pattern is very reminiscent of swamp creatures I’ve known, but he is at least conversant in Alt-Right memetics. Could be /ourguy/, could be a grifter, but he actually does speak about the griftservatives and how they’re a problem that needs to be dealt with, going as far as to say they’re being dealt with.

Red says:

Trump doesn’t have the wisdom to hire people who support him. But not like it matters anyway, the GOP candidate will be Mitt Romney as selected by a rigged primary.

Pooch says:

This is a Comintator-tier prediction.

It will be DeSantis or Trump as a candidate.

Red says:

If they’re rigging the GOP primaries, then they’ll rig it for Romney.

Whitey says:

Who’s “they”? Not even the GOP Establishment losers like Mitt Romney anymore.

Red says:

Do you really think the GOP Establishment is in charge?

Whitey says:

In charge of what? State primary elections?

Pooch says:

Predict It is generally a good bellweather. People with knowledge of the fraud will bet and Romney isn’t even on the board. It’s 2 horse race between Trump and DeSantis essentially with a bunch of low percentage RINOs like Haley, Pence, and Pompeo mixed in. They may very well rig it for DeSantis though. I wouldn’t rule that out.

Red says:

Predict It is generally a good bellweather. People with knowledge of the fraud will bet and Romney isn’t even on the board.

Primary rigging ran from DC just kicked off, not enough time for the board to be set. In order to keep any sort of legitimacy they’re going to need a narrative of why the GOP got it’s clock cleaned in 2024 despite the ongoing depression, hyper inflation, and crime wave. That reason will be everyone hates Romney so Republicans didn’t turn out to vote.

Could be someone else, but Romney is well liked by cathedral. He’s done Satan’s good work by turning Utah into woke central. They’ll reward their friends and punish their enemies as every winning political movement does.

The Cominator says:

They consider everyone their enemies though… there are degrees but the devil has no friends.

Red says:

If they stop rewarding their supporters the whole system will collapse. That’s the nature of political movements.

Ghost says:

Liz Chaney is an up and coming RINO simp. Romney is old news and he’s ran too many times.

If we’re talking total corruption, they’ll go with the candidate that can pull the most GOP donations. DeSantis is feasible because it will possibly get him out of Florida. Trump is feasible because when he looses again by mules it will further demoralize voters.

You’ve laid out your points well but your forgetting he will not raise many donations and he has already lost before.

Whitey says:

> They may very well rig it for DeSantis though. I wouldn’t rule that out.

Which “they” would do that? DeSantis has all of the same enemies as Trump, and maybe more. Unlike Trump, DeSantis has proven to be willing and able to hit back at the leftists.

Pooch says:

No he doesn’t have the same enemies. There are signs that McConnell secretly backs DeSantis in the primary which means DeSantis has Uniparty backing.

Kunning Drueger says:

Name a Trump enemy that isn’t a Desantis enemy.

Pooch says:

I just did…McConnell.

Kunning Drueger says:

I find that argument rather weak. Seems more likely Desantis is becoming a very real threat, and the purity attacks aimed at D&C are ramping up.

Pooch says:

The evidence is that DeSantis went on longtime McConnell advisor Josh Holmes’ podcast a while back.

The proof will be in the pudding with the PAC money. If we see lots McConnell-backed PAC money flowing to DeSantis for the primary, it will be a sure sign that he is swamp.


The Cominator says:

McConnell tends not to be a guy who is openly the enemy of popular figures he tends to try to knife them in the back later, remember 2016 the reason Trump sort of trusted McConnell for far too long is McConnell mostly remained neutral in the 2016 election… unlike say Paul Ryan.

McConnell would probably be more afraid of DeSantis running the party, post summer 2020 DeSantis while he still is not super charismatic has the ruthlessness and administrative aptitude of a Stalin.. areas that Trump lacks in (and did even when he was at his best before 2019).

Whitey says:

Not sure which “signs” you’re seeing, but DeSantis is superior to Trump in every respect. I’m in favor of any type of cheating that ensures DeSantis beats Trump for the nomination, assuming an even better option doesn’t emerge in the meantime.

The Cominator says:

Not every respect

1) DeSantis certainly does not have the charisma of at least the old Trump.

2) He is going to have to beg for money more than Trump, if its Thiel and Prince money no problem

3) I’d like it better if he wasn’t a lawyer…

Pooch says:

To me DeSantis, regardless how good of a conservative he is, does not have the look of a Caesarian. He is not charismatic and does not draw a crowd when he speaks in the way Trump regularly is and does. He’s a Cicerian old type Republican and to me there is 0% chance he would become Caesar. Best case, he gives us 8 years of stabilization and keeping leftism in check and then we get a Democrat that reverses everything he did.

Trump is outwardly Caesarian, which may very well be a simulation of the real thing. But there is a reason he is hated so much by his own party. He threatens permaneent Oligarchic uniparty power in a why no other Republican does.

Whitey says:

Trump is a pathetically incompetent buffoon. Who gives a damn if he draws large crowds of idiots? He accomplished nothing as president.

jim says:

What happened when he was removed from power demonstrates he accomplished a great deal while in power.

Clinton and Obama destroyed the red state economy, in order to move working Republicans from state where their votes mattered, to the blue state megalopoli where they would be massively outvoted by a horde of foreigners brought into live on crime, welfare, government jobs, and voting Democrat.

Trump in power restored the red state economy. America very quickly returned to being an oil exporter, the factories started up again, the coal mines were dug once again. Upon Biden being installed, all that instantly ended.

Trump held the borders. The borders have now collapsed. Trump radically slowed the flood of H1Bs by ensuring that the laws on H1Bs were enforced.

Whitey says:

> He threatens permaneent Oligarchic uniparty power in a why no other Republican does.

How so? Trump was president for four years and changed nothing except his socks. It should be crystal clear to everyone here that Trump is a huge pussy, which means he’s not a threat to anyone or anything.

Pooch says:

How so? Trump was president for four years and changed nothing except his socks.

You focus too much on policy and official government procedure, which has been rendered irrelevant in a dying Republic.

He assembled a mass of 100 thousand supporters in front of the Capital. The oligarchs shit their pants in horror.

The Cominator says:

Economically Trump was great (we see that with all his policies reversed) but unfortunately seemed to have no conception that he needed a coup… not starting civil war on January 6th was just cowardly.

Pooch says:

Yes totally agree Com. As stupid and incompetent as Trump was, I don’t see anyone else putting us into position to even start a civil war. DeSantis is not assembling a crowd like that.

The Cominator says:

DeSantis in power tends to win people over…

Whitey says:

> He assembled a mass of 100 thousand supporters in front of the Capital. The oligarchs shit their pants in horror.

They shit their pants because of what could happen if a COMPETENT, NON-PUSSY did the same thing in the future.

Trump is not that person. DeSantis might not be, either, but we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving him a shot. Giving four more years to all-tweet, no action Trump would be moronic.

Kunning Drueger says:

Both men have qualities and deficiencies. I think they teams they form are of more importance in terms of strategic reality. Trump has a quality of showmanship that can hype up massive crowds, but Desantis appears to be a leader that can build networks and get things done at the policy level.

Great men exist, but they never act in a vacuum. How they inspire, control, and vanquish their peers is the key to changing the course of history. It should be Trump/Desantis 2024; it would be an explicit rejection of the status quo consensus of the current Elites, sending a signal to the outsiders that the time has come to make a move. While Trump runs the hype machine, Desantis can build the necessary trust networks between the Kshatriya and Merchants that are absolutely necessary. Trump should be declared President For Life, and Desantis should be his hatchet man and strong right hand. American Monarchy is not going to be a return to the classical European forms. It needs to be something new, an old system modified and renovated for a world of high speed communication, blockchain technology, and space based dominance of the holistic battlespace.

Trump has too many useful idiots behind his brand to just be abandoned or re-convinced to get behind Desantis. Desantis has the competency, connections, and reputation to bring in outsider elites, which is the most important piece of this puzzle.

The Cominator says:

Also DeSantis seems to be getting better with working crowds lately (back when Trump endorsed him I could have literally done better and I’m a sperg, its group socialization I really suck at)… I think he is getting some very very good training in how to do it hes not a natural and he’ll never be what Trump was at that…

But hes much much better than he used to be.

ExileStyle says:

Here’s an interesting perspective on Georgia’s election from a (Southern Secessionist) Georgian at the reliably based Identity Dixie: https://identitydixie.com/2022/06/04/peanut-politics-rides-again/

Recap: Perdue is a shit campaigner, Trump pissed a lot of people off with what seemed a private vendetta, and Kemp has been a reliable Old Christian ally.

This, combined with browsing Gab and Twitter comments of the MAGA set in Georgia (for whatever that’s worth), make me think that the fraud in the primaries was likely not quite on the industrial scale I suspected. Perdue seems to have authentically failed to communicate with voters, while Kemp has a very solid record on Christian issues, especially abortion.

This says little about the outcome of the general, but it does provide a data point against the argument against simple central coordination by “Them.”

Also, Romney? Not a chance. If the DC RINO class could choose, they’d probably put up someone like Ben Sasse.

The Cominator says:

I find it almost impossible to believe that Trump won Florida by 3% and was only minorly cheated in Georgia. Georgia Fraud had to be absolutely industrial in scale, probably the biggest state by far. Also from everything I’ve heard about Atlanta hes wrong… the only problem with what Sherman did to Atlanta is that Sherman didn’t burn it enough. It should have been treated like Carthage.

As for Florida not being a lost cause… I wish it were possible to distill the factor in Florida which makes huge %s of the minority population right wing and hostile to the Democratic party. Perhaps its because Florida has a lot of vocal right wing transplants whereas cuckservatives in other states (generally natives mostly) tend to keep silent.

Also Kemp isn’t the biggest aspect of fraud since Kemp’s involvement in the fraud was I agree minimal, but the main issue is Raffensperger… I just cannot believe he who was DEEPLY involved in the fraud won a Republican primary even an open one.

ExileStyle says:

Georgia Fraud had to be absolutely industrial in scale, probably the biggest state by far.

In 2020 absolutely, second maybe only to Pennsylvania. And you’re right, the Raffensberger thing is suspect as hell. I find it hard to pin down exactly what is happening in Georgia.

Part of the fraud operation is clearly a huge accompanying disinfo psyop. Difficult to penetrate the haze. I suppose I should stop thinking so much about it, as if we’re going to “Ultra MAGA” our way out of this…though hope springs eternal…

jim says:

“just the blacks”, “margin of fraud” etc is normality bias.

Industrial scale fraud everywhere.

There was already a colossal red wave, the 2020 election and the Republican primaries. There is obviously going to be an even more colossal red wave in the coming election, and they are just not going to allow it to have effect. They did not allow it to have effect in the Republican primaries, except in the earliest ones, and even less are they going to allow it to have effect in November.

The Republic is over, and trying to restore it is just going to rewalk the path that the Roman republicans walked. Everything they did just gave them an even more broken Republic, and in the end, they got killed. A Republic only works with elite virtue.

The time for Kings and aristocratic rule is back.

Does it suck?

Yes, but as we saw in Rome, sucks less than the last days of the Republic. Only a reasonably virtuous King armed with a reasonably sane state Church (and we have no guarantee of either outcome, but I have high hopes) can restore elite virtue, and the process requires many generations.

Pooch says:

The Republic is over, and trying to restore it is just going to rewalk the path that the Roman republicans walked.

The American Republic is not quite there but it is on its last legs. During the final days of the Roman Republic, the public knew and expected Pompey or Caesar to become King. It was not a question of if but who.

I don’t believe we are this stage yet, but we may very well get there soon.

ExileStyle says:

The Republic is over, and trying to restore it is just going to rewalk the path that the Roman republicans walked. … The time for Kings and aristocratic rule is back.

Right. Back to basics. Important to hear sometimes. The backsliding in the comments to excessive concern for the details of American electoral politics and fraud – and I’m as guilty as anyone – might come from a mixture of patriotic pride instilled in childhood and youth (for those of us who grew up in Real America) to a lingering phantom-limb sensation of the hope that Trump inspired in many of us.

Still trying to gain footing without becoming a completely passive entity waiting for an Unknown Caesar, which sometimes makes me feel like a cuck. Maybe I should just become Caesar. Gotta do something.

Goes back also to the “Wait, What Was Grandpa Fighting For?” phenomenon. My pre-redpill roots are in good old-fashioned Federalist Papers, Teary-Eyed Star-Spangled Banner Americanism. There’s still a part of me that feels instinctually traitorous to my ancestors in even countenancing the idea of allowing the Republic to die, although I recognize rationally this choice was made long before me and is simple settled fact now. My n-teenth great-grandfather was a first generation Mass. Bay settler; his kids fought in St. Philips’ War; his great-grandkids in the Revolution; etc.

American as Pumpkin Pie. Sad to say goodbye.

Hm, that got wistful. Confessional hour over. Still love what my people once were, and maybe could be again in a few generations.

Pooch says:

Still love what my people once were, and maybe could be again in a few generations.

I’ve come to reject the Moldbuggian premise that the Puritans were this insane evil people. Faggy athiest Jew talk. The Puritans were the most virtuous Christian people ever and created the most virtuous Christian society ever. A Republic can only follow from that. And it was that Republic that conquered the world and put man on the moon.

As that society became more technologically advanced through an industrial society and now a post-industrial society that Puritan virtue naturally dissipated and now we are running on their fumes and yet the fumes of Puritan virtue is still better than the rest of the world.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Thing is not even Benjamin Franklin himself really thought that this whole business would be a sure thing, he described it all as a grand experiment, ‘lets just try this thing out for kicks lol’ was basically the ultimate rhetorical point for convincing the more skeptical colonials to go along with the project.

Well, history has repeatedly demonstrated, bot the results of the experiment, and the results of the meta-experiment, in what happens when you try to treat men’s life in society itself as a ‘laboratory’ for running ‘experiments’.

ExileStyle says:

I’ve come to reject the Moldbuggian premise that the Puritans were this insane evil people. Faggy athiest Jew talk.

That’s a really interesting topic, and one where Jim and Moldbug diverge in a slight but crucial way, with Moldbug focusing more exclusively on American Harvard Puritans and a straight line from them to us, whereas Jim’s recurrent points of reference tend to be developments on and surrounding the English throne.

Harvard did not really spiral out of control until the 19th century. Until the 1750s/60s, and really through and even after the Revolution, Americans conceived of themselves as a subset of Englishmen with a special relationship to Providence.

The first settlers came to Mass. before Cromwell arose, remember, and the Mass. Bay Colony (as opposed to Plymouth Colony) was conceived of as completely loyal to the King and established with a royal charter. A literal “purification” of the Church of England rather than your usual protestant separatist sectarianism.

There was clearly a strain of heresy in Cambridge and Boston that led to Emerson and the Unitarians et al. and, now, Globohomo and GAE, but as far as the history of nations go, a solid 200+ years of virtuous elite is pretty astonishing. (They remained personally virtuous much longer, just accidentally released Hegelian Progressive demons.)

But I would not wholesale reject moldbug’s reading of Harvard as a particularly Puritan phenomenon – just one strain of it which was corrupted by reading too much German and English Romantic philosophy and poetry in the early 19th century, when Christ and His Precious Blood were replaced with Hegelian Progressivism, in both America and Europe.

The Cominator says:

Pooch I’ve always had my issues with the Puritan hypothesis but there are aspects of it that are true and aspects that aren’t…

Jehu says:

I’ve spent a lot of time in Florida, although I don’t live there now. Florida has a strong strain of fun in it. Even most of its flaws are about fun. The killjoy nature of the current woke crowd really turns Floridians off.

Florida is also a lust, sloth, and gluttony kind of place. It doesn’t go in for the more woke deadly sins all that much.

When you leave Tampa International and head south on the interstate, you see two big things pretty quick.

An absolutely enormous cross, and an absolutely enormous Confederate flag. It always lifts my spirits when I see those two things.

Anonymous says:

“I’ve come to reject the Moldbuggian premise that the Puritans were this insane evil people.”
The puritan Qustion is also not clear with jim
Who his points (as I understand them)
1- Puritans were a bunch of hypocrites speaking about god while reaching for power and wealth.
2- Puritans have No/little decedents.

The first point is some what arguable, puritains certainly
were fighting and holy spiralling but I think also sincere and virtuous.
The second point however is totally false.
Silicone valley was established by Puritans descendant
Ex Robert Noyce

jim says:


Who is he?

The link you give attributes Silicon Valley to a bunch of nonentities who had nothing to do with it. Bardeen did not invent the transistor, and Noyce did not found Silicon Valley. It is a radical rewrite of history to write capitalism and entrepreneurship out of technology. There are several such radical rewrites. The usual one is to write up Hewlett and Packard as a creation of Harvard. This is a rather more radical rewrite, unpersoning everyone who mattered. Each rewrite gets more drastic than the last. It is the same stuff as the shill rewrite on Musk as a capitalist parasite than the government gave some of its vast store of magic space technology to. If we settle Mars, he will be a deemed a parasite. If the colony takes off, and Harvard survives, it will write him out of the history of the colony altogether, and have it totally created by NASA scientists and government technology.

Hewlett and Packard founded Silicon Valley, and Shockley invented the transistor – Silicon valley was the creation of entrepreneurs, not the creation of universities far far away.

And aside from academics having nothing to do with the story, except in the sense that a lot of the key entrepreneurs, notably Shockley himself, were refugees from academia, an academia deeply hostile to their ideas and accomplishments, that some scribbler no one has heard of claims credit for something vaguely explained has little relevance to the question of whether the Puritans had a significant number of biological descendants.

Aidan says:

“The Puritans were the most virtuous people…”

Lets not drink the Harvard kool-aid here. Certainly the Puritan was smart, industrious, and warlike, and the country benefitted immensely from correct economic policy (let capitalism roll as it will sans much regulation at all). But it is not as though American engineering was better than German or English engineering. Credit where credit is due. But contemporary observers from Europe saw the early American as greedy, materialistic, humorless, unlearned, aesthetically and spiritually barren, and destructively morally self-righteous. And I see the exact same traits in the upper-middle class American today. I align, living in the Northeast, with Jim’s opinion that Harvard and the Harvard religion has not changed very much at all in its essence despite its ideas undergoing radical metamorphosis.

The Cominator says:

You need to be careful when you talk about the Puritans as a monolith. The people in and around Boston have indeed always been like Aidan says… Boston is the asshole capital of the planet.

The free congregational seperatists who went to Plymouth were not such a rigid and self righteous group, they mostly wanted to be left alone.

Unfortunately the former group was the one that ended up in power… they were not so toxic as leaders early on… but once they were converted to a much worse religion they brought their self righteous nature to imposing the much worse religion.

Pooch says:

something vaguely explained has little relevance to the question of whether the Puritans had a significant number of biological descendants.

The progeny of Jonathan Edwards, prominent Puritan preacher of the 18th century, is quite impressive.

Jonathan Edwards’ legacy includes: 1 U.S. Vice-President, 1 Dean of a law school, 1 dean of a medical school, 3 U.S. Senators, 3 governors, 3 mayors, 13 college presidents, 30 judges, 60 doctors, 65 professors, 75 Military officers, 80 public office holders, 100 lawyers, 100 clergymen, and 285 college graduates.


jim says:

If John Edwards had two surviving children, and each of his children had two surviving children, he would now have 7000 decendants. The study says he has “more than 1400”

Given that he was at the center of the power that now rules the world, one would expect a fair number of those to show up, and his descendants would be considerably less likely for them to lose track of than those of Jukes, but they tracked Jukes as having a roughly comparable number of descendants to Edwards. So it is not a whole lot more than 1400

The Cominator says:

“I’ve spent a lot of time in Florida, although I don’t live there now. Florida has a strong strain of fun in it. Even most of its flaws are about fun. The killjoy nature of the current woke crowd really turns Floridians off.”

Yes I would perhaps argue that while you can’t blame all leftism on the degenerate descendents of the Puritans you probably can blame the austere humorless stain of woke leftism on the descendents of puritans. I was disgusted at how quickly it moved through Massachusetts.

Florida’s picked up its share of people who were somewhat financially successful but also degenerate hedonists over the years so they didn’t like the woke shit. And also many of us have gotten much poorer under Biden.

Oog en Hand says:

Dave Rubin is considered to be abortion tainted.

Pooch says:

Clearly the open the primary had a lot to do with Georgia.

There was a mass vote campaign in Georgia by Democrats to vote against the Trump candidates in the GOP primary. CTH went over this.

Did not happen against Vance in OH and did not happen against Mastriano in PA because closed primary.

The Cominator says:

Lets say 1/3 of the legit primary voters were crossover Democrats (I would think that would be a very high number)… I still have trouble believing any Republicans voted for Raffensperger.

I cannot believe he won legitimately.

Pooch says:

Could be more like 50%

The Cominator says:

As I said Atlanta didn’t double in size since 2016, not that many Dems in Georgia.

Raff won due to fraud… between him and the Stacy Abrams ugly sheboon organization they’ve utterly corrupted the Georgia elections to resemble elections in Iraq, North Korea or that election in South Vietnam where Diem got rid of Bo Dai.

Pooch says:

MTG won though. If it was completely North Korea-level they would have frauded her out. The uniparty really really hates MTG and the fact that she won in areas where Rafffucker also won leads me to believe it was not completely fraudulent.

I think Jim is overly black pilled on elections. Yes they are corrupt but I still see anti-uniparty Populists winning like MTG and Vance. Maybe they are just bribing the right officials like Caesar did…

The Cominator says:

MTG not a statewide election, no corrupt precincts to use.

Georgia needs Uncle Billy to visit Atlanta again and this time no more mister nice guy.

Encelad says:

About that website identity dixie… Is it reliable? I am asking because just I discovered it just a few days ago, when one of its author, who supposedly was deployed in Afghanistan, wrote an interesting post on gab:
He claims the US Army has a brigade of fag missionaries solely dedicated to convert locals to globohomo. Something we all know, but of which I never had any direct report. He is claiming that those missionaries require mandatory classes for children in exchange of aid. During these classes they teach faggotry and sex, including the iconic condom on the banana.
The author also claims that the practice of “Bacha bazi” (adult men dressing young boys as women and then sodomizing them) had been forbidden by the Talibans, but immediately reinstated during American occupation.


ExileStyle says:

It’s more of a commentary site than a news site, but yes, I have found their core posters quite reliable.

I had not heard about the fag warriors in such specific detail. I imagine it was a secret program. Scandalous and repulsive if not surprising. For those who do not want to click through, here is what the editor of Identity Dixie wrote:

In 2018, we had PRTs in Afghanistan that included “Gender Empowerment” Specialists. We would arrive in a village and a Gender “warrior” (the name they gave themselves) – usually a butch lesbian or an extremely flamboyant gay male – would hold mandatory classes as a condition of local subsidies. Classes included teaching Afghan children that it is “OK to be gay,” “parents have no right to assign your gender,” and “women have the right to say no to their husbands.” Stuff like that – in a traditional Muslim country. They taught boys how to safely put a condom on other boys. In 2019, Trump’s DOD made them the highest paid variant of in-country contractor. The original program began in 2007.

For those hoping the military will “rise up,” be careful what you wish. The military is deeply invested in the total dismantlememt of traditional Americana. They are almost as bad as police officers. Secession in its totality is the only way.

The Cominator says:

Doubt they’ll rig it for Romney personally Pooch…

jim says:

> It will be DeSantis or Trump as a candidate.

If Republicans have anything to do with it, it would be. I much doubt that Republicans are going to have much to do with it.

The USG is patting itself on the back that Republicans accepted rigged primaries, which is sort of true.

If they have accepted rigged primaries, they will go on getting rigged primaries. Republican grifters think that if they go along with the rigging, they will be spared. I doubt that they are correct. The self congratulation that I am hearing about grifters capitulating tells me that further capitulation will be demanded. Any concession to the enemy is always treated as a down payment on the next concession, and the demands for concession are rapidly escalating and accelerating.

Karl says:

How would non-acceptance of rigged primaries have looked like and what could it have achieved?

The primaries (rigged or not) can’t produce a Caesar. Anything short of a Caesar will be an insufficient answer to NGO and government violence. Unless there is reason to believe that a threat of violence can be met with sufficient violence, accepting any demands does not seem unreasonable.

At present, accepting rigged elections and getting out of election politics entirely seems to be the only reasonable reaction for a man who has no chance of becoming a Caesar or at least a Stalin.

Aryaman says:

What do you make of Doug Mastriano, Blake Masters winning their respective primaries.

Rigging worked in some places and not others. I’m not holding my breath that Doug or Blake win general, but both of them actually seem pretty good.

jim says:

Early in the primary season, the primaries were not rigged. When the state saw which way the wind was blowing, locked down entry to the political elite world wide – not just Republicans, the entire USG hegemony everywhere.

Pooch says:

Elections are fake in USG hegemony client-states. An election in Australia is equivalent to Rome granting King Herod power over Judea.

But elections in the USA matter. Some are rigged, massively rigged. Some are not.

Kunning Drueger says:

This may be misplaced optimism, but I don’t think we should count Trump out yet. Hard to remember the savvy businessman with all the detritus of his failure to counter the coup. And 2020 was a coup, as in a cadre of liberal reactionaries built a massive confederation around the anti-Trump banner. I don’t think they can do it again, because he’s been deemed “mitigated” and the confederation dissolved on 07 January.

If Trump is a low IQ moron, he will just try to repeat 2016 and split the Kingdom of MAGA between himself and Desantis. This is what the Octogenarian class wants, or needs more like, to happen. If he’s smart, he will convince Desantis to be his VP with explicit messaging regarding Desantis’ coronation after Trump’s triumphant comeback. T/D ticket would be big joojoo and would force a steal to rival 2020. Personally, I hope this happens. The solid 30% that is Trump’s loyal base and the forces of the Prince of Florida would be an impressive array of Elites, veterans, and political foot soldiers.

If there’s any way to avoid the coming collapse, it probably runs through some sort of massive social upheaval. This is probably hoping for too much, but suppose the Left underestimates T/D and relies on their 2020 mule tactics. Further imagine that the T/D campaign gets good guidance and leadership from the Theil crowd and other hungry elites scattered throughout Conservatism Inc., and they actually adapt and plan for a steal. The right collection of Elites, merchants and warriors and priests, working together towards taking power is the closest thing to an actual precursor to Restoration possible. Trump as Julius, Desantis as Octavian.

It’s farfetched, to be sure.

The Cominator says:

Trump has to change his residence to be on the same ticket with DeSantis… P and VP can’t be residents of the same state.

jim says:

Trump and DeSantis are both very smart men.

But in order to use smarts effectively, have to be in contact with reality. Can they free themselves from normalcy bias? Julius Caesar failed to do it, and Augustus Caesar was trying to keep a dead zombie republic shambling around. Even though his first step on the road to power was to reactivate the psychological mechanisms of Kingship and aristocratic governance he did not attempt to build governmental and state cohesion on that sturdy material, instead keeping the washed up remnants of an utterly decadent aristocracy and republic hanging around, with the result that the Roman state remained a string of sand for centuries.

The Cominator says:

I’ve been impressed lately that DeSantis seems to have gotten ruthless enough.

ExileStyle says:

DeSantis has been ruthless from the get-go, and is a far more effective executive than Trump every was or could ever be. He also seems to be a leap in being IQ-wise. Apart from mouthing the necessary money-lines to the Israel lobby (I’d do it for tens of millions of dollars, too), he has none of that pathetic need to be loved by women, liberals, and queers that every other Republican has, Trump definitely included.

He’s pushing the envelope in ways that Trump never did. And he almost never loses a battle. Trump never did nor would have moved against Faggot, Inc. like DeSantis has. I’ve written before and I continue to believe that DeSantis could be The Real Deal, if he wanted to be.

The Cominator says:

No DeSantis wasn’t born again hard till about late summer 2020. I was in fact majorly pissed at him initially for closing down at all.

But since then hes gotten it so it seems.

Kunning Drueger says:

Maybe it’s the storytelling faggot in my brain, but a creeping realization is far more dramatic.

Trump moves his residence to Arizona or Virginia; they announce their campaign but fail to indicate who is topping the ticket; both start running seemingly independent, what appear to be presidential campaigns, going so far as to playfully jab at each other as if it’s not decided who’s going to top the ticket; they deploy different strategies, building off each other’s successes and avoiding traps and mistakes that snare the other; everyone is crying foul, no one seems to know what’s going on; the official filing has some clerical issue and the MSM declares that they’re both ineligible(!), but the backlash is severe and a week later, it’s forgotten; officially, it’s Trump for P and Desantis for VP, but the dance continues as if a vote for Trump or Desantis is a vote for based²; the GAE pulls out all the stops, mass shootings, riots, foreign skullduggery, but it all rebounds on Biden, who’s absolutely shitting the hospice bed as he can’t keep straight who he’s competing against and Kamala, safe from replacement with her much used vagina and melanin exemption cards, seems to like this idea of sidestepping into presidential power and her characteristic nightmare campaign basically adds a fourth contender; assassination attempts, real and imagined, are not even headline news anymore, street violence is the norm with dozens dying each week; the 4chan machine is working overtime right alongside the MSM, muddying the waters and escalating expectations beyond the highest theoretical autism levels; we roll into October and there’s talk of Emergency Measures, Countermeasures, a new middle powers war between Pakistan and the Taliban explodes…

Trump sits alone, a solitary man with no friends and millions of followers. He’s holding an airplane bottle of Freddy’s favorite scotch. The room is quiet with soft, tungsten light dripping from the indirect sconces. There’s no pale blue glow from computers, no buzzing phones, no muted voices from diligent underlings. Just a man and his memories, contemplating an uncertain future…

A furtive knock brings him back to the moment. He calls out an affirmation and a door opens behind him, unleashing a deluge of voices and the din of a front line war room, before closing again with a heavy thud. It’s Desantis.

“Mr. President…”

Trump smiles and turns. “Mr. President.” He rises and extends his hand as both men chuckle and clasp palms.

“They’ll never let us in, Don. Not after what we’ve done to them this past year.”

“Don’t be such a pussy, Ron. They won’t have a choice.”

There’s no insult in the statement, and no spite in response. Desantis sits after Trump’s gesture and pulls out his own airplane bottle, a cheap Russian vodka. Trump removes his own and sets the scotch on the table. There’s something final in the muted click of the bottle making contact with the well varnished wood.

“Don, it’s not really up for debate-”

“Everything is up for debate! The whole point of this circus is the fact that everything is on the table!”

The joviality is gone. This is a conversation that’s been unpacking itself over months, maybe years. Trump’s mask is back on in a blink, and Desantis clocks this.

“Hey, boss, it’s me. I’m not raining on your parade, I’m telling you there’s a fucking hurricane on the way. They won’t let us in. My guys are certain. The Joint Chiefs signed The Document three hours ago, they’re just waiting for their perfect moment. If we keep going on like this, they’re gonna get it, and there’s not a damn thing the American people can-”

“I believe in the people. I believe in this country. You know where I stand… and don’t curse, you sound like a lobbyist.”

Desantis smiles wryly and waits. He sees something new on the visage of this man no one knows. Trump stairs a thousand miles through the amber liquid, thinking of all that has come before, all the wins and blunders and bodies that have led up to this moment. Desantis’ face hardens into its own mask, a twisted visage of pure hatred and calculated determination.

“They won’t let us in, Don. We have to go in. We have to take it from them. We have to rip it away from them and break their fingers while we do it.”

Trump’s mask has slipped, and a careworn visage of pain and despair ebbs through a weariness so complete Desantis is taken aback.

“Don? Are you ok?”

“How could I be, Ron? They’re turning me into the villain, one way or another. I’m so… I’m so damned tired forcing people to let me help them.”

“You’re not giving up on me, are you Don?”

The sadness abates, and the unlikely King looks up.

“I don’t know how to give up. What’s our next step?”

“We play dumb, keep glad handing and jet setting like we’re on top of the world. Flynn has a skeleton team already in the Bunker, he can go loud in 12 hours. The details will be swapped out in phases over the next 24 hours, and in 72, the boltholes and safehouses will be secured…”

Trump is following but he’s elsewhere. Desantis covers a few more points, outlining a dramatic transformation from campaign machine into a machine for a Campaign.

“The only missing piece is the… Entourage…” Desantis studies the response to this. Trump considers for a long beat, then reaches out “Let me see your phone, the clean one.” Desantis pulls an archaic flip phone from inside his sport coat. Without hesitation, Trump punches in a number then puts the handset to his ear, fixing his gaze upon Desantis. The earpiece leaks digital ringing cut off by a muffled “Hello?”

“Eddie! It’s Donald! How’re Andrea and the kids?” He pauses “That’s great Eddie, really, really great. Listen. How quickly can you come see me? I got a plane on standby, a big, beautiful 757, American made, and I want you on it and out here. What? No, just you this time, Eddie. We’ll send it back for the family. Listen, Eddie. I’ve got a deal to go over, really big stuff, stuff I can handle, but I’ve always appreciated you, and I want you to look at this deal, and I want to hear what you think. Yeah. Yeah, Eddie, it’s a big deal. Biggest deal ever. Yeah. Yeah, I really think it’s best to get this one done quick. Ok. Ok, Eddie, that’s great! Looking forward to seeing you in a few hours. Take care, and tell the kids I apologize I apologize but I need their Dad right next to me. Uh huh. Yeah. See you soon Eddie.”

Whitey says:

Trump is a pussy with no record of success as POTUS and he turns on everyone around him, especially anyone who attracts any positive attention. Why would DeSantis hitch his wagon to Trump? It’s moronic. He’d be better off just waiting four years instead of having the stench of Trump on him.

jim says:

> and he turns on everyone around him, especially anyone who attracts any positive attention.

You mean he turns on anyone who attracts positive attention from our enemies.

He is not ditching those who went to prison for him, though he failed to grant them pardons while president.

The only way he could have retained power was if some of his supporters nailed some of his enemies, with confidence that they would get off if caught. He failed to give them that confidence, but that would have been a mighty big step.

Adam says:

Even with his failures there is a great deal to like about Trump. His undoing was that he chose to play by his enemies rules. I have not seen evidence that he understands this.

notglowing says:

Pretty much agree with this.
I liked Trump and wanted to believe in him in the way Jim did. But I was always sceptical he could pull it off.

The issue is, Trump is a boomer and he really thinks like one. He believes in an America that doesn’t exist anymore.
He can’t cross the Rubicon because that would mean giving up the United States that exists in his frame of mind. He can’t step out of that dream.

Someone who is willing to betray that vision of the United States as the place of “rule of law” (however paradoxical that concept is to begin with) must not be looking at the US from the 20th century as his ideal.
It has to be someone willing to desecrate that, or accept that it has been desecrated beyond repair.
Someone either still fairly young today, or someone from outside.

Boomers can be very conservative because they remember what things were like 50+ years ago. But I think that may be the wrong place to look.

Adam says:

Someone very creative is due soon. The boomers I know do not have much creativity in them, their values are centered around consumption.

Those that came after the boomers could not beat them at their game, so they had to make their own way. The failures of the boomers hit their kids hard, but the ones that are still in the fight are going to be much more oriented around what they are producing than what they are consuming.

Gen-x and older millennials get a lot of hate for being losers and generally just beat down by the boomers, but i expect quite a few of them will make the most of what’s left, and do a better job at leaving some good behind than than the boomers did.

Whitey says:

> Even with his failures there is a great deal to like about Trump.

There are Trump supporters sitting in jail at this moment who were neither pardoned by Trump nor have received one dollar of financial or legal assistance.

There is nothing—absolutely nothing—to like about the loathsome and spineless Trump.

Adam says:

He motivated quite a lot of people to do some good. This blog doesn’t focus on human emotion much, but he was inspiring. Emotions are far more powerful than words or documents. And his shitposting was great.

Whitey says:

Everywhere else in life, a person who makes big promises but delivers on none of them is known as a scammer and a fraud.

Trump abandoned his supporters on the battlefield. It’s incredible and pathetic that people here are still defending him. Trump is trash.

jim says:

> Everywhere else in life, a person who makes big promises but delivers on none of them is known as a scammer and a fraud

Trump’s biggest promise was to reverse the economic, technological, and military decline. He did.

Kunning Druegger says:

Some of it is irresistible nostalgia for the Trump of 2016 (at least on my part), but it is also the fact that there’s no real alternative at this point. No one else has the influence, support, and opportunities, AND is also actively seeking power. I genuinely hope that changes, but as of now there don’t seem to be any based and redpilled billionaires trying to take power, so we have to make do with Trump. I acknowledge that this is a very, very thin position. The cowardice displayed in January 2021 will forever mar his legacy, no matter what happens in the future.

Whitey, is there anyway he could regain honor in your eyes, however unlikely?

jim says:

> There are Trump supporters sitting in jail at this moment who were neither pardoned by Trump nor have received one dollar of financial or legal assistance.

Trump’s great failure was in not rewarding his friends, and not destroying his enemies.

Politics 101. It is all tribalism all the way down.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To be fair, he turned on Rex Tillerson, which noone really talks about anyore, and which i never really heard a good explanation for either, save perhaps that sometimes, great men simply can have difficulty getting along with each other, even when it is meet and right so to do.

jim says:

“individuals familiar with the meeting told journalists that Tillerson either called Trump a “moron”[121] or a “fucking moron”

If an employee were to say that to me, I would direct security to remove him in such a way that he bounces, followed by tossing the contents of his desk.

“Tillerson privately discussed with members of Congress …”

If working for a King, would merit execution.

Looks to me that Tillerson turned on Trump.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Indeed. It’s regrettable he couldn’t get along with his boss, since he was doing a good job of cleaning house in the state department.

Kunning Druegger says:

On the one hand, I see Jim’s point; insubordination is cancer. On the other, though, look how many evil backstabbing traitors got to keep their job because they were polite or at least quiet. It would have been better in the long run to keep him around, if only for the fact that it is a rare coup that doesn’t have at least one Oil Man in on the operation.

jim says:

Tillerson was an enemy passing as conservative, while playing footsie with our enemies who sought to destroy Trump. Trump’s big failure was not giving everyone like him a helicopter ride.

I initially accepted the shared assumption that this was a quarrel between conservatives, who sought the same objectives, and should not have had a fight. It was not. It was enemies within, and Trump’s big failure was that he did not do enough about enemies within. Should have helicoptered them.

Whitey says:

> On the other, though, look how many evil backstabbing traitors got to keep their job because they were polite or at least quiet.

Fauci was neither polite nor quiet, and Trump was too much of a dumb pussy to fire him.

Kunning Druegger says:

Sheesh… in the latest installment of KD Gets It Wrong, Again:

“According to OpenSecrets, Tillerson has made tens of thousands of dollars of political donations to Republican groups and candidates.[178] According to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records, he gave a total of $468,970 in contributions to Republican candidates and committees from 2000 to 2016.[179]

Campaign Donations
He has contributed to the political campaigns of George W. Bush,[178] as well as Mitt Romney in 2012, and Mitch McConnell.[180] He did not donate to Donald Trump’s campaign.[178] He donated to Jeb Bush’s campaign during the 2016 Republican primaries.[178][181]”

International Relations
“In 2014, Tillerson expressed opposition to the sanctions against Russia in response to the annexation of Crimea at an Exxon shareholder meeting.[157] He told the meeting “We do not support sanctions, generally, because we don’t find them to be effective unless they are very well implemented comprehensively and that’s a very hard thing to do.”[158] In 2016, Tillerson said the U.S. should have deployed military units to neighboring states next to Russia in a more “muscular” response.[159][160] In 2017, Tillerson said Russia’s annexation of Crimea was illegal.[161] He also compared China’s controversial island-building in the South China Sea to Russia’s annexation of Crimea.[162]”

“In September 2013, Tillerson wrote an op-ed piece in The Wall Street Journal defending Common Core.[177]”

I guess he could be a deep cover conservative, doing everything he must to avoid the Eye of Soros’ Masters. If that’s the case, he is exceptionally convincing, lol.


Guy says:

@whitey: the story is, at least from my understanding, that Trump got the message that they had the senators to impeach him if he did not go along with covid in some way. Supposedly that message was delivered by Tucker Carlson. It was going to provide those Republicans cover to do what they wanted all along, get rid of trump.

So, as Jim said, helicopters were needed

The Cominator says:


“Trump got the message that they had the senators to impeach him if he did not go along with covid in some way. Supposedly that message was delivered by Tucker Carlson. It was going to provide those Republicans cover to do what they wanted all along, get rid of trump.”

@Guy where did you hear this, and Trump should have told them to go fuck themselves and fired Jesuits Fauci and Redfield..

The Cominator says:

KD say what you will about Tillerson but he fired everyone he could at the state department…

Pompeo hired them back.

Guy says:


Articles similar to this one had come out indicating that Tucker Carlson was behind the change in tone from Trump. This article frames it ask Tucker was honestly concerned about the virus and Trump’s dismissiveness. I think I had just been reading speculation around what his true motives could be, but I don’t have anything solid there.

However now that it’s been a couple of years and I am rereading this article I’m actually way more suspicious of Tucker now.

Pooch says:

Wow. I really like Tucker, but that is definitely suspicious behavior.

Carlson told Vanity Fair that “I didn’t feel it was my role” but was convinced by his wife to meet with Trump at Mar-a-Lago on March 7

The Cominator says:

My response to Tucker saying people would die of the virus would be…


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>mfw i have no face

Whitey says:

> This is as ridiculous as it is amusing. The genocide enthusiast gets squeamish as soon as I ask if I should kill a bitch I don’t own. Unowned women are like stray dogs, they’re a nuisance at best and a danger at worst. Killing a woman you can’t own hurts less than letting her get fucked by other men.

If you don’t understand that one murdered non-communist is a far bigger outrage than a million dead communists, you’re at the wrong fucking blog.

Get yourself together before you do something you regret. You sound like a lunatic. There’s not a piece of ass anywhere on this planet worth the death penalty and eternal damnation.

The Cominator says:

Based the distinction is between innocent blood, and the blood of the demon cult that sustains clownworld. When the time comes to kill leftists it should feel like god himself is pulling the trigger.

notglowing says:

One should always feel squeamish by default about killing women. Enemy men are enemies, and need to be physically stopped, but killing women is wasteful.

Adam says:

Killing fertile age women, mothers and grandmothers is wasteful.

Childless barren women are a problem that needs to be dealt with.

A2 says:

Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Regrettable but for the best.

The triumph of the Recovery was marked most clearly by the burning of the Episcopal bishop of Maine.

She was not a particularly bad bishop. She was in fact typical of Episcopal bishops of the first quarter of the 21st century: agnostic, compulsively political and radical, and given to placing a small idol of Isis on the altar when she said the Communion service. By 2055, when she was tried for heresy, convicted, and burned, she had outlived her era. By that time only a handful of Episcopalians still recognized female clergy, it would have been easy enough to let the old fool rant out her final years in obscurity.

The fact that the easy road was not taken, that Episcopalians turned to their difficult duty of trying and convicting, and the state upheld its unpleasant responsibility of setting torch to faggots, was what marked this as an act of Recovery. I well remember the crowd that gathered for the execution, solemn but not sad, relieved rather that at last, after so many years of humiliation, of having to swallow every absurdity and pretend we liked it, the majority had taken back the culture. No more apologies for the truth. No more “Yes, buts” on upholding standards. Civilization had recovered its nerve. The flames that soared above the lawn before the Maine State House were, as the bishopess herself might have said, liberating.

She could have saved herself, of course, right up until the torch was applied. All she had to do was announce she wasn’t a bishop, or a priest, since Christian tradition forbids a woman to be either. Or she could have confessed she wasn’t a Christian, in which case she could be bishopess, priestess, popess, whatever, in the service of her chosen demons. That would have just gotten her tossed over the border.

… The flames climbed fast; after all, they’d been waiting for her for a long

When it was over, none of us felt good about it. But we’d long since learned feelings were a poor guide. We’d done the right thing

Kunning Drueger says:

Excellent. Really well done.


A2 says:

(William S Lind, Victoria)

Kunning Drueger says:

Wow, that’s a mighty based fella. Thanks for the introduction, looking forward to diving in.

For the uninitiated: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_S._Lind

A2 says:

Women are often excused for displaying feral behaviour, as I suppose we have all seen by now.

I would say this is similarly a display of feral male thinking. Acting on it will likely lead him to a lot of trouble since he’s not “playing Civ on easy mode” but had he, say, been an ISIS soldier trading in Yazidi slave girls nobody would have raised an eyebrow.

Oog en Hand says:

This would mean the religion pill outranks the woman pill. That is, SOME men are allowed to have SOME women as property.

jim says:


Well we have to be those men. But the time is not ripe yet, so we have to do so underground. At some point it will be feasible to do so overground without being wacoed, but right now, waco is damn near certain.

America finds it convenient to furtively back Isis – or rather an important faction in America finds it convenient. Without significant external backing, going overground and acting collectively would be suicidal.

When Bronze age civilization was falling apart, the Kings of Bronze Age cities, notably Agamemnon, found it convenient to ally with the fertile, patriararchal, and patrilineal outsiders, against other Kings of Bronze Age cities. The USG backdoor alliance with Isis is a start on this.

Kunning Druegger says:

Does anyone have any papers, essays, documents as recommended that are usually behind a paywall? I have an opportunity to get a few, but I don’t know where to start. Can be On Topic or just interesting.

Ghost says:

Not sure what you mean. Archive.org is a good source for free pdf books and papers. Lots of medical papers for the taking on .gov sites.

Sometimes you can run a search with name of subject/paper with “.pdf” at end.

Kunning Drueger says:

No, I have access to a large source of papers behind a paywall. Many different fields and subjects. Wondering if there are any suggestions for what I should read.

Ghost says:

I’d archive all information on the history of Western Civilization because they’re trying to wipe it. Any historical documents on Christianity would be valuable for discussion here.

Cloudswrest says:

Isn’t this special! Vax linked to cases of rapid onset Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Never mind the vax, why is no one asking why WuFlu itself has prion regions on its spike proteins? It’s a Pandora’s box of horrors!

Researchers were also able to identify the probable cause of the sudden-onset CJD post-vaccination. When the vaccines were first synthesized, the genetic makeup was based on the original strain of the virus that came out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which had a prion region on its spike protein.


The Cominator says:

If you’re raising fear about wuflu and not the vax you are falling for shit and accepting the frame that lockdowns etc are good, don’t fall for it wuflu is fake and gay.

Cloudswrest says:

Neighbor’s mom in her 70’s died of rapid onset brain rot in early 2020. Before the vax was available. The above article is interesting in hindsight.

Cloudswrest says:

My comment is specifically targeted at implying WuFlu is a hacked virus. As if we didn’t know that already.

alf says:

I was asked to give an update on my user experience with trezor and wasabi.

Works just as advertised! Setting it up was easier than expected, especially for a non-techie like me. Encountered only minor obstacles which were not that hard to overcome (eg the cheaper trezor is not passphrase compatible with wasabi so you need to disable that feature).

I told a normie friend I was using wasabi and he looked at me like what criminal activity are you up to. But generating a new address for every transaction seems to me like very smart security. Happy I have set it up.

Anonymous says:

Your site seems to be down and this says it’s not just me: https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/gardenoftheinternet.com?proto=http

alf says:

Yes entirely my fault. It’ll be a few weeks before it’s back up.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
The Ducking Man says:


You should check up this namefag’s blog, he is rambling quite a lot on this topic as well.

The fact that we have too many priestly job and entire college major just fill out medical form serve as proof that modern priesthood is utter failure.

Kunning Druegger says:

You could change this graph to be about almost any category of profession and it would probably be correct. University administration is probably the worst of the lot. I’m almost convinced that you could “fix” academia if you just fired and deleted every single administrator minecraft account. As heinous as many professors are, without the backing of midwit mulatto admins, they’d have to compete with their peers, just as if you majiked away the USM, the GAE would collapse.

ExileStyle says:

It’s breathtaking how much university admin staff get paid and how little they do. Like, early- to mid-career “Program Manager” nobodies doing nothing getting paid 2x-3x more than the distinguished tenured professors in some departments. This is the cause of almost all of the student debt they want to forgive; which forgiveness will only lead to more administrators and so on and on in the predictable spiral.

Kunning Drueger says:

I power leveled in front of my gender studies class accidentally, and I was reported to the student safety department or something by a classmate. I had to do one on one struggle session with 3 separate entities, all of them created to protect at risk students. It was fascinating and frustrating, because each negress had to get something from me in terms of recanting my statements (I had equated feminism to a religious belief), but none of them was intelligent enough to stick with the plot once I started rambling in Marxish.

jim says:

We have a state religion that was created by very smart evil people for very smart people, but all its younger priests are ignorant morons.

We had evil genius supervillains with dumb henchmen, because they did not trust smart henchmen. Except for Kissinger and Soros, the genius supervillains are all gone, replaced by their dumb henchmen. And even Soros, though pretty smart, is no genius. Not as smart as Trump, though in considerably better contact with reality.

Adam says:

Wear any defiance to the cathedral as a badge of honor. I was on my first “behavior contract” in 3rd grade, dropped out of high school at 16. Got in tons of trouble for noticing things about blacks and Jews and females all along the way. Not one single regret about it.

Kunning Druegger says:

Exilestyle has outed himself as Puritan stock, and I did so as well many moons ago. I actually have the documentation to prove it, too. I know it won’t be representative of much, but who else here can trace their heritage directly back to the Puritans?

ExileStyle says:

I wonder if we’re cousins. Do you know which town they settled in? Now that I think about it, if blog commenting style has a genetic component, we do in fact share a penchant for rather wordy, rapid-fire posts with a literary flavor. Perhaps we were born to be Puritan preachers.

Mine were Cambridge people, with land on the Charles River towards Newton. (Yes, that Cambridge. Sorry everyone.)

Kunning Drueger says:

I actually have a Canadian exemption because we were Tories during the Troubles. No heroic soldiers, just wealthy people that fled to Nova Scotia. In the 20th century, South Boston and Maine during the pandemic. I’m not going to say the title, but there’s a book about my great, great, great grandpa; he fathered kids on 2 sisters; my line is the “bastard” one. I’ve actually run into some obvious genetic kin multiple times. To reinforce your tinfoil, the “talkiness” is ubiquitous. Maybe we’re destined to be the priests lol.

I’ve still close blood up there. A certain month of the year we gather to tell each other everything is fine, just fine, and shuck steamers.

ExileStyle says:

To reinforce your tinfoil, the “talkiness” is ubiquitous. Maybe we’re destined to be the priests lol.

Ha, yes it is. A talkiness surpassed only by that other, more lately arrived wealthy priestly class. You know, the ones who stole Harvard from us. Although ours tends more towards somber Emersonian pontification than decadent and corrosive argumentative chatterboxing.

You know, I’ve always thought the old New England WASP crew could be revived into reaction despite everything if they were forced to actually spend time in the multicultural paradise their Unitarianism has so piously created. New England is white as hell, one of the whitest places on earth. And as soon as a new, upsetting group wanders into their lilting-lilac-and-buzzing-honeybee Thoreauvian dreamworld, they are capable of hilarious levels of hate. The only place in the world, apart from Hungary and the internet, where I have heard casual, vocal antisemitism inserted into everyday conversation has been among wealthy New England Brahmins. And I have been everywhere. Guess they don’t like the competition.

I mean, how much of the left’s outrage about Trump was simply WASPs finding his behavior downright uncouth? A lot if not most of it. (He was in fact only the third or fourth president not directly descended from WASP colonial settlers. Even Obama was on his mother’s side.)

Pooch says:

Great point. Regardless of Trump’s money, he is not elite with no elite bloodlines and very much an outsider to them culturally and hereditarily. They hate him personally and the class of people who he represents.

Red says:

John Adams on my mother’s side. Doesn’t get much more Puritan than that.

Neofugue says:

Descended from Puritan stock on my father’s side. I am a direct descendant of a former president of Harvard, though most of my close relatives are affiliated with Yale. My mother is descended from Swiss/Hanoverian German Protestants who arrived during the latter half of the 19th century.

Kunning Drueger says:

Ok, the neopuritan clique is myself, Exilestyle, Red, and Neofugue. This doesn’t change anything, but we’re obviously better than everyone else and we get to decide who is the holiest in any situation. If you’d like to join the clique, we take daughters for a relatively low fee you can pay in gold or 7.62, or if you have any land we will give you a necklace and some documents in exchange.

A2 says:

It is an interesting factoid, and actually about five more than I had expected. Personally I do of course not qualify but I’m willing to attend tea and NRx sermons.

ExileStyle says:

I do hereby humbly request the honor of presiding over our first witch-hunt, in consideration of my forefathers’ extensive and well-known experience in that field of endeavor. I promise not to disappoint. Any subsequent burnings shall, of course, be open to general publick enjoyment.

Kunning Drueger says:

Lol, you reminded me! Marie Eastey is one of my ancestors, according to my grandfather.


The Cominator says:

Denied, purges cannot be conducted by fanatical freelance witchfinders or people with petty vendettas against their neighbors that is how innocent people get fed into the woodchipper and we want to keep that to an extreme minimum. We will use the data of the modern surveillance state built by globohomo to assess people by political belief, profession (priestly job plus even a vague Democrat affiliation means you are purged), actions during the previous regime etc. and those objective criteria will determine whether you are to be helicoptered or not.

Left wing old dyke female clerics will all obviously be burned.

Pooch says:

Sorry Com, as just a dumb mick you don’t have the elite bloodlines required to make this type of call.

The Cominator says:

While im part hibernonigger fortunately its only part… i also have part English and Prussian.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am part potato nigger and part scandicuck, but the quality of the admixture does matter. I managed to get a recombinant result of some sort of barbarian warlord/sperg engineer. An odd combo, but boy does it come in handy.

Com is right, of course, but fear not. Once I have conquered the USA, I will allow any of you who so desire to take a Commission of Inquisition. You will be my Inquisitors, leading your Inqusitorial Stormtroops to capture the enemy priests that survived my rise to power so that they do not survive my reign. Cominator is of course going to be the Alaskan Commandant, so his position is already assigned, but the Alaskan Reprocessing Facility will need to be filled before he can run it.

Adam says:

I am similar, part German part Scandinavian. Half warrior half priest. Are you a shape rotator and a wordcel? This is the make up of a paladin.

ExileStyle says:

I would of course refer all suspects to judgment by a general tribunal of elders, with Jim as reigning Judge. I will attempt to rectify some of the failures of my forebears, namely their excessive softness towards misbehaving young girls, and their misinterpretation of the nature of women due to their native idealism.

The best and easiest solution to your typical witchcraft crisis is simply to marry off the hysterical young girls who start them, and then determine which old bulldyke(s) and/or voodoo-practicing slaves stirred up all the nonsense to begin with, who shall of course be burnt.

The Puritans of Salem were not quite redpilled enough, as they had too many unmarried teenage girls running around telling each other tales of magical erotic demonic beings in the mysterious forests. They were probably also shit-testing every man and then accusing those who failed of black magic. A witchcraft crisis is a sign that it’s time for a mass wedding, and maybe a burning or two as a stern reminder (to the girls) as well as dinner entertainment (for the men).

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:


Pooch says:

Average age for Puritan women was early 20s, but I think this was typical of Germanic/Anglo societies as a whole.

I could be mistaken, but it seems Teenage marriage was more typical of traditional Roman society.

ExileStyle says:

Hence the witchcraft.

I think they made the all-too-common mistake of believing that virginity equals both physical purity and spiritual purity. In fact it is only physical purity; female spiritual purity comes through marriage, childbearing, and obedience to her husband.

You can see it in the glow of women who are mothers and obedient wives. There’s a peace and contentment in their eyes that comes from fulfilling their ordained role in the cosmos. There’s a reason whores and tyrant-wives to weak husbands are so viciously unhappy.

Pooch says:

There may have been a health component to the traditional Germanic practice of waiting until at least 20-21 for marriage, not feeling that a teenage mother was the optimal age for the physical demands on child labor, particularly with primitive medicine. But I think this is a case where the Romans got it right and the Germanics got it wrong.

ExileStyle says:

I wasn’t aware there was a Germanic element to it. Interesting.

As far as what a real-live witch looks like and how she behaves, check out this ethereal ageless demon entity, a preschool and elementary school teacher: https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1532830992905404417

Her age is completely impossible to identify. Is she 24 or 54? Is hers the voice of a child or a grandmother? Her facial and body gestures are all weird and off, suggesting possession. Most importantly, she’s talking about how to initiate young children into a sex cult, which she is currently doing professionally.

Such are the beings who shall be consigned to the flames.

alf says:

I’ll throw in some fun ancestry: on my grandfather’s side I’m nazi descended. My grandfather, as a teenager, fought at the eastern front.

Pooch says:


Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am part of those bloodlines, too. As a reward for joining your little club, I will let you all offer your best daughter to be my wife and I will pick the one I like most to be my Warlord’s Lady. No need to thank me, just doing my part to continue the based Puritan bloodlines.

Meat Guy says:

Anyone else feeling really blackpilled over pride month? It’s everywhere. I want this shit to end, but it’s just the beginning of the second week of the month.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Yes, you’re not alone…

I want this shit to end! It is a fucking *struggle* to stay alive on the inside while resisting the 24/7 propaganda onslaught… >:^|

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

By the magic of self-selection, i just so happen to not find any of the spaces i spend time in, or matter i spend my attention on, to include obeisance to the poopdick sacrament, or even acknowledging its existence, barring the odd exception here or there. I almost didn’t even notice it had started until a few days had passed. So i haven’t really been bothered.

The first step to spiritual health is taking control over what you expose yourself too.

ExileStyle says:

I also haven’t really noticed it, which I attribute to living in the suburbs and rarely leaving my neighborhood and, crucially, not watching television. Although I do read mainstream cathedral newspaper headlines of a morning, and even there it is not excessively present, although to be honest I have become so hardened to the matter that I have developed a kind of filter and hardly register fag propaganda.

You could also look at it as a whitepill in an accelerationist sort of way. The whole tranny thing is so obviously the sign of a sick and decadent culture in its final dying convulsions that you can just look away in disgust and trust that GNON shall in due time wash the world clean of it.

Kunning Drueger says:

I know it’s childish, but I just game out what it would take to actually burn the flag itself. It isn’t simple at all. Certain flags require a team and deep planning. I literally go through all the particulars and try to assess an accurate time l/money. It’s almost fun when I encounter a massive wall drop flag with camera coverage.

You can also assess convergence degree by color band count. Some government adjacent buildings even have triangles and letters on their toilet paper affirmation.

Adam says:

Same here. No tv, cable etc. No radio. No high speed internet, just my phone. Essentially a pre-2000 connection to the outside world. Life is good.

The Ducking Man says:

Dude, if you are so sick with progressive propaganda you should consider moving away from GAE hegemony, like 3rd world country I’m living in.

I didn’t even know pride month is in June until yesterday. Heck, I never even find people openly being gay at this shit hole.

A2 says:

I no longer engage regularly with the conventional media and we now live some way off the greater infestations (and not in the US), so I haven’t seen much of it this year. There were still numerous pastel posters around the library and, unfortunately, nearby neighbours (normies as far as I know) felt it necessary to signal their virtue with a small but prominent gay flag.

When I saw it, I felt disgusted and disturbed, then heartened that it triggered this natural and sound reaction.

Red says:

Anyone else feeling really blackpilled over pride month? It’s everywhere. I want this shit to end, but it’s just the beginning of the second week of the month.

Time leave. Pride month is about to become pride year and failure to publicly support it will soon be an unofficial crime.

Pooch says:

Pride month and the state religion at large is the mechanism for the elites to reduce the native population. China had the One Child Policy, our elites are trying to make us gay and live in tiny boxes. Different means to the same ends.

They really really don’t want you to reproduce and they are losing money when you do. So by reproducing, take solace you are doing exactly what they don’t want and fucking them over. Simple as that.

Whitey says:

> They really really don’t want you to reproduce and they are losing money when you do.

They’re losing money when whites reproduce? Are you high?

Pooch says:

Absolutely, faggot. They want to import Third World slave laborers, not pay white salaries.

Adam says:

Leftism is self destructive by nature. It’s a death cult.

The Ducking Man says:

But China already regretted a lot mandating one-child policy though it’s already too late to reverse it’s detrimental effects.

In fact I can confidently say that CCP’s current problem (aging population, weak military, weak domestic economy) starts with one-child policy. GNON is paying back China double.

Pooch says:

As China industrialized, the CCP had heavy incentive to cull their native population just as the West’s ruling class has heavy incentive to cull the the native population as it post-industrializes.

Both methods of cat skinning cause huge amounts of suffering but the West’s anti fragile method of population control is the lesser of two evils.

The CCP looks at their population as simply cattle to be exploited for resources. When the West implements factory automation over the next 20-30 years, millions of Chinese will be put out of work. Euthanasia will seriously be on the table for the CCP for what they will then consider dead weight.

S says:

Don’t be ridiculous- there is plenty of room in the Southern Resource Extraction Zone (Australia) or Africa for them to dump extra people.

The Cominator says:

China didn’t cull it merely tried to freeze the population.

The West current policy is more insane than Chinas was.

Pooch says:

Completely and utterly disagree. Putting up with pride flags is nothing compared to the Chinese system of total control in order to enforce the one child policy. Forced abortions, forced injections, jailing people, child kidnapping, etc. What they did to people during their lockdown is orders of magnitude more evil than the Western system of control. I watched people get taken away in vans and their dogs shoveled to death.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Nah. The difference is that the CCP was open and explicit about what they were doing; which means means that they were capable of reversing the decision when they wanted too, and for another means the decision with regards to a matter does not broadly incur ideological externalities beyond the matter.

Whereas, GAE factions accomplish its objectives by lies, deceit, and spiritual corruption, which means it is impossible for it to do anything except get worse; and not just in this matter, but in all matters.

The Cominator says:

Bingo, if population needs to be limited be honest about it don’t fuckup everything else.

Pooch says:

Whereas, GAE factions accomplish its objectives by lies, deceit, and spiritual corruption, which means it is impossible for it to do anything except get worse; and not just in this matter, but in all matters.

The American solution to population control is lie and promote social values and hedonism that are anti-family to decrease the population and then bring in cheap labor from the Third World.

The Chinese solution to population control is bring back the one child policy fueled through forced abortions and anti-life attitudes.

This technocratic you only get one child is cruel, dystopian, and Orwellian. The idea that America is socially degenerate and China’s just a bastion of morality is a very perverse thought and naive. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side just because one hasn’t experienced the one child policy and I think we should get away from this type of thinking.

Kunning Druegger says:

Strawman, table for two?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>This technocratic you only get one child is cruel, dystopian, and Orwellian.

It was cruel, dystopian, and orwellian, because they were trying to do something incoherent with divine law; fatuity is ontologically inevitable.

The difference is they were capable of reversing course; whereas, the GAE theocracy is incapable of reversing course, has not been so capable for decades, and indeed, by its nature, has been losing such capability starting from the very days it first came into existence.

Pooch says:

The difference is they were capable of reversing course; whereas, the GAE theocracy is incapable of reversing course, has not been so capable for decades, and indeed, by its nature, has been losing such capability starting from the very days it first came into existence.

They reversed course in order to restore masculinity in order to fight WWII and afterwards to replenish the population during the “baby boom”. It’s an interesting discussion if they could do that again or not to fight another World War and then replenish losses from it.

It was cruel, dystopian, and orwellian, because they were trying to do something incoherent with divine law; fatuity is ontologically inevitable.

I agree, but it is not like they stopped because they realized this. Culling the population was simply no longer in the ruling regime’s best interest.

If it ever becomes in their interest again, and I postulate that it will when the West starts automating away their factory jobs, I see no reason why they won’t simply just bring back a One Child Policy or even a No Child Policy.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>They reversed course in order to restore masculinity in order to fight WWII and afterwards to replenish the population during the “baby boom”. It’s an interesting discussion if they could do that again or not to fight another World War and then replenish losses from it.

The evidence that they can’t grows in abundance with every passing day.

>I agree, but it is not like they stopped because they realized this. Culling the population was simply no longer in the ruling regime’s best interest.

It was not in their interest incoherence with divine law brings weakness. The ways of God are the ways of Power.

The Cominator says:

The Dengist policy may have been cruel but the Western way is far worse.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


It starts with conuring daemons to do your bidding, and ends with becoming possessed and puppeted by those same daemons.

Like the sorcerer’s apprentice, they could not control the forces they set into motion. Such is its nature.

Scoop says:

Is the claim that the one-child policy was enforced via forced abortions well-supported or is that just Falun Gong stuff? My understanding was that additional children resulted in fines and probably some social shaming, unless the first child was a girl in which case you were allowed a second attempt to get it right

jim says:

Pooch, the reason you are frequently out of contact with reality, is that you do not vet your sources.

Scoop says:

>Mei Fong
Seems like a standard GAE mouthpiece:

>Her story on China’s migrant construction workers that won the Pulitzer Prize also garnered a 2006 Human Rights Press Award from Amnesty International and the Hong Kong Foreign Correspondents’ Club.[3]
>Fong’s work and interviews were the basis for a featured segment covering China’s one child policy on HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, which aired on October 6, 2019.[19][20][21]
>Fong has been a contributor to The New York Times, LA Times, Salon, The Atlantic, and National Public Radio.
> She was the executive producer of The Heist, a five episode podcast series covering the economic policies of the Trump administration and a focus on Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.[9][10]

I do see better sources about women being ‘coerced’ into getting abortions when they weren’t able to afford the fine for the second child.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Like, you wouldn’t even need to see the author, you could just see >npr and right away already know there’s no good.

Pooch says:

Pooch, the reason you are frequently out of contact with reality, is that you do not vet your sources.

I’m frequently out of contact with reality? Didn’t you just loss a ton of money investing in Russia? I did not loss a ton of money investing in Russia. To me, investing in Russia or China shows a massive loss of contact with reality.

jim says:

> Didn’t you just loss a ton of money investing in Russia? I did not loss a ton of money investing in Russia. To me, investing in Russia or China shows a massive loss of contact with reality.

You would rather keep your funds with the American institutions that intercepted and stole my Russian investments.

My error was normality bias, excessive confidence in Western financial institutions, which are collapsing due to an untrustworthy and untrusted elite. My confidence in Russia and Russian financial institutions was well founded.

Pooch says:

I do see better sources about women being ‘coerced’ into getting abortions when they weren’t able to afford the fine for the second child.

There are a mountain of other sources and I’m not going to vet them all because I don’t have time to. Someone else can if they are interested enough, but again the position that China is just this bastion of morality flys in the face of actual evidence of life for Chinese citizens living under CCP rule.

It’s a position of spite. If you are shilling for China or Russia, just know you are doing that out of spite for living under Western rule and not actual reality.

jim says:

Lots of things suck in Russia and China.

And lots of things do not suck. What I see in Russia is less censorship and social control. Not seeing the abrupt and absolutely uniform changes of line among their elite that I see in our elite. More freedom of thought in Russia.

White men are cucked, and Chinese men are cucked. But chinese men are not forced to celebrate gay sex.

jim says:

> the position that China is just this bastion of morality flys in the face of actual evidence of life for Chinese citizens living under CCP rul

No one is pronouncing them a bastion of morality. But in some important ways more free, and in many important ways, more virtuous than our society.

You need to be more cynical about your sources. They are not seeking to harm China or Chinese, rather they are seeking to harm you. You are the target they aim to destroy.

Pooch says:

But chinese men are not forced to celebrate gay sex.

I am not forced to celebrate gay sex and I do not celebrate gay sex, but yes there are idols to gay sex everywhere.

The Chinese don’t have gay sex idols, instead people are dragged away by government vans to an unknown location for forced vaccination and their dogs killed in the street.

jim says:

Your sources are full of globohomo lies. Sometimes I read globohomo for information, but sorting out truth from lies requires enormous effort, effort you are clearly failing to put in.

The globohomo account of China can be summarized in Vox Day’s words: “Social Justice warriors always project.” They look at China, and see, not what is wrong with China, but what is wrong with themselves.

Elites in Russia obviously have more freedom of speech and thought than elites in the West. Ordinary people in China guard their speech rather severely, though this is a difference of degree rather than kind, but they have more freedom of action in regard to their private property, their property rights are more secure against the powerful, than ours are.

Cloudswrest says:

I am not forced to celebrate gay sex and I do not celebrate gay sex

If you’re more than a nobody, lack of celebration is strongly discouraged. Do a search on [Tampa Bay Rays Pride].

Here’s one of many news articles.

Pooch says:

Here’s one of many news articles.

I’m familiar with this story and sure getting a stern talking to by your employer for failure to wear a rainbow patch may be annoying.

But if the point of reference is what people are forced to do living under Communist China, there is no comparison.

jim says:


You are getting your information from official sources. You are not perceiving reality. China is in many important ways freer than we are, and private property rights less subject to state interference.

A2 says:

The picture of the poster boy, Bryan Ruby, literally made my skin crawl.

Scoop says:

>It’s a position of spite. If you are shilling for China or Russia, just know you are doing that out of spite for living under Western rule and not actual reality.

Spite isn’t the right word, or at least not the only component. It’s more a sense of relief and hope stemming from the fact that there is at least one powerful civilization left in the world where the streets of Victorian London weren’t filled with blacks, where the deer isn’t a horse. While imperfect, China is far closer to being in communion with the Gods of the Copybook Headings than the West is. Every success China has is a condemnation of the Liberal Consensus, a flashlight shined on clown world.

The thought of the entire planet being dominated by that consensus, free to rewrite history at will with only theory and old books to suggest that they might be wrong, horrifies me. China is -potentially- a living, breathing talisman for rightist governance among a high IQ people. Proof of concept, like the US and its sphere were for anti-Communist dissidents in the USSR. East is East and West is West, etc., and living under a system identical to China’s would not by my ideal. But I have lived in China as a guest, and I think any commenter here would be hard pressed to spend time there and not develop a measure of genuine affection for it, despite the little thing about the air being poison.

Obviously none of this means that the Chinese government won’t one day revert into Maoist retardation, or that they’re an ally of western reactionaries even if they don’t. One could imagine a plausible scenario where China sponsors and supports Western dissident-right factions in the not-too-distant future, but equally plausible is that if we ever got close to winning, they’d turn around and sponsor the left. A West that loses its capability to efficiently spread The Gay to the entire world and underwrite it with military & economic strength would likely be in the interests of China- a resurgent, authoritarian, martial, homogenous white West- maybe not so much.

Frank Matters says:


China is an enemy civilization, and needs to be kept in check if not dismantled entirely, but right now they are nowhere close to an existential threat. They are instead a massive counterweight acting, somewhat, unreliably, against our current existential threat. Until they become an existential threat, and the current existential threat goes away, China is a fellow. Not a friend, but an empire eating away at the flanks of the empire that oppresses me. I wouldn’t think to bother them.

Russia is not an enemy civilization, but a rival one. They are much further from an existential threat than China is. Not from lack of capacity, but lack of will. Should be kept in check, should not be allowed to dominate us in capacity. Russia, like China, represents a counterweight to our current existential threat. I would not think to worry about them, and I would even think to, in the short term, be allied with them, become a part of their network, if they manage to pose a serious threat to the empire that wants to cut my balls off.

The Cominator says:

Pooch all the REALLY sucky things about post Mao China started under Xi the neo-Maoist.

Russia mostly sucks because of the weather and long long legacy of communism not so much because of the current government.

The Cominator says:

“They are instead a massive counterweight acting, somewhat, unreliably, against our current existential threat.”

Xi massively helped solve the Covid hoax… which alone proves him an enemy.

The Cominator says:

Pooch China from Deng on was freer then the globohomo West, but Xi has reversed this in many ways. Xi is China’s Woodrow Wilson.

Pooch says:

Elites in Russia obviously have more freedom of speech and thought than elites in the West.

The elites in Russia vacation in London, Italy, Spain, and the south of France.

jim says:

> The elites in Russia vacation in London, Italy, Spain, and the south of France.

Tourists from a rising civilization visiting the relics of a fallen civilization. Where did Byron spend his time while England was reaching the height of its greatness?

He visited Rome and Greece, in memory of their ancient greatness.

Pooch says:

Russia mostly sucks because of the weather and long long legacy of communism not so much because of the current government.

Russia is a hollowed-out country.

That’s its birth rate is only 1.82 (although trending up from a low of 1.25 in 2000) shows me it still has very deep problems at a foundational level of Russian society. A non-trivial percentage of that fertility rate are Muslims who are significantly outbreeding the native white population.

I don’t care how many cathedrals they build or how great they are at shutting down gay parades, I would not be bullish on Russia and would not invest a single dollar in Russia until they can at least show that they can keep their white birth rate above replacement, which is far from certain.

jim says:

And what is the white birthrate in America? Looks to me that younger people, people in their prime child bearing and child raising years, have a birthrate well below 1.0. The millenial and generation Z are copping globohomo very hard.

jim says:

> until they can at least show that they can keep their white birth rate above replacement

As I asked, what is the white birthrate in America? It is radically low, so low that any useful information is kept under deep wraps, and falling fast. I look at young people, and it is very very low. Young people in America are abandoning all hope and prospects for family formation, while Russia’s is rising, and I expect it to rise a lot further now that Russia is finally cutting off the many Cathedral tentacles that it tolerates.

Pooch says:

Not much better, but that’s exactly my point. If you are condemning the West vigorously for it’s anti-family social policies and degeneracy, and you should, then you must be consistent and also condemn Russia for the same. By their fruit you will know them, and I see bad fruit all around.

It’s a case of the grass is not greener. Not in China and not in Russia.

Pooch says:

@Frank Matters

Good nuanced take and I mostly agree with you. I would only substitute the word “elite” where you have the word “empire”. My hope is not in Russia or China punishing our wicked elite, but in an American Caesar who does as Augustus did do and Julius Caesar failed to do to the wicked Roman elite.

It was the Roman Empire that God used as his vehicle to spread Christianity to Europe. God willing, the American Empire will be used as the vehicle to restore Christianity to the world.

Pooch says:

Tourists from a rising civilization visiting the relics of a fallen civilization. Where did Byron spend his time while England was reaching the height of its greatness?

Does a rising civilization have a fertility rate of 1.82 with a declining white Christian population and a rising brown muslim population?

Was this analogous to England during the time of Byron?

Is a “rising” civilization supposed to have such a similar dysgenic birth rate to the “fallen” civilization of the previous era? So similar that it makes no difference?

jim says:

> Does a rising civilization have a fertility rate of 1.82 with a declining white Christian population

Pretty sure our white fertility is far below 1.82, and if Russia continues on its current course Russia will rise above replacement, while if we continue on our current course it will continue to fall even further.

The only reason we have any fertility is that blacks, and to a lesser extent Hispanics, get an exemption from the prohibition on masculinity. Jews used to get an exemption also, but those days were a very long time ago and long forgotten. When I was young, older people still remembered it from long ago, but all living memory of those times is now past.

The Cominator says:


Pooch if China isn’t feminist why was this man fired for telling the truth?

The Cominator says:

I mean under Xi… the problem is not that China under Deng was bad… its that Xi is a raging fucking leftist.

i says:


“The only reason we have any fertility is that blacks, and to a lesser extent Hispanics, get an exemption from the prohibition on masculinity. Jews used to get an exemption also, but those days were a very long time ago and long forgotten. ”

If white men gets to shoot dead black men and women that attempt to murder them.

And said black men and women murderers are reliably executed a few months after their murder by said Judicial System.

The Cominator says:

Not talking about the lockdowns, but just limiting childbirth was a lot better than castrating men and ruining women. Xi is insane and evil, Deng was not.

Scoop says:

I don’t see Xi attempting to castrate the men. Strictly limiting video game time and banning portrayals of effeminate men in media seems like the opposite.


China still has serious problems with feminism of course, though exponentially less than the west. A lot of it seems to stem from leftover communist ideals of egalitarianism and mobilizing every facet of The People. They have too many women in the military and the police.

Notably a lot of faggotry enters China not directly through western media but through our Korean convert, whose music and dramas are immensely popular there.

i says:

The current situation of non-universal marriage with lots of women left out of the dating market because of inferior looks and personality is a superior population control measure:

Quality of Spouse is just as important. And naturally would tend to properly limit the population compared to alternative forms of selection like the arbitrary one child policy that had no regard for Quality at all.

Although driving hypergamy too much is bad. But a certain controlled degree is good.

Europe historically had high numbers of unmarried people. That contributed to its lower population pressure compared to East Asia.

The Cominator says:

This is the type of entryist the inquisition needs to burn…

Modern marriage patterns are not eugenic AT ALL.

i says:

I didn’t lie when I cited the European Marriage pattern west of the Hajnal Line:

“By 1650, when village reconstitution studies become sufficiently numerous to render the generality of the pattern indubitable, the average age of women at first marriage was twenty-four or over, 7 to 20 per cent of women never married, and the incidence of childbirth out of wedlock was below 3 per cent. This marital pattern restricted fertility massively. A very considerable minority of women remained single and bore no children; those who married bore none for the first ten years of their fecund life-phase, on average. If they had their last child at the age of forty, their entire reproductive careers would span roughly fifteen years, a long time by modern standards but remarkably brief in a pre-transition context. Resulting fertility was less than half the rate that would have been achieved if all women between fifteen and fifty were married. (Seccombe, 1992, p. 184)”


And I stand by my comment about how Universal marriage doesn’t have to be the way.

And I am talking about China. Not Western Europe. Although it could be improved.

i says:

I meant Western Europe and the rest of the European Majority countries right now. With their marriage laws and the family courts and so on.

That isn’t Eugenic.

Neofugue says:

Psalm 1:1: Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

Without discernment one unconsciously absorbs the thoughts of the demonic leading to him falling astray. Quoting Orthodox Hieromonk Seraphim Rose, “the Antichrist is not to be found in the deniers, but in the small affirmers whose Christ is only on the lips.” The words of Progressives who call themselves Christian are poison, temptations of the Evil One, and should one be forced to interact with them must hold steadfast in the knowledge of God that everything they say is a lie. During a certain point in the early church, nearly every bishop was of the Arian heresy, a period known as Saint Athanasius Against the World. The church prevailed and as a result Arianism is confined to the dustbin of heresies, and in time so will Progressivism.

JustAnotherGuy says:

This is sort of off-topic, but does anyone know of a blog or site that investigates the water quality in America? Obviously official statistics will always say US tap water and stuff is safe to drink anywhere. However, now with the Shaniquas taking over all important institutions, I do not believe for a second that even the water quality is going down the drain. Nemets on twitter posted finding radioactive technetium when doing some water tests for his job, so I don’t know what other horrors await if I drink solely tap water.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

That might be a good idea for a company. Figure out a way to get cheap water tests that are confidential. Black market truth, so you do not end up drinking poison when Shaniqua and Jose shit in the water purification equipment.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Wow. 😳

This is really where we’re at right now. Sub-3rd world tier infrastructure has basically become an open secret.

Longtimereader says:

You all see the Dave Weigel ‘scandal’? Very Jimian.

ExileStyle says:

Evidence of just how much the left purity spiral has accelerated. He’s being sent to the stake for liking a joke on Twitter I probably could have made at work in front of HR a decade ago.

For those who didn’t see this, he’s a WaPo reporter who liked the following comment: “Every girl is bi. You just have to figure out if it’s polar or sexual.” Cue hysteria.

Whitey says:

WaPo just suspended him for 30 days without pay.

Always great to see the left eating their own.

Pooch says:

Suspended him for 30 days without pay is not “eating their own”, faggot leftist shill.

Whitey says:

Yes, it is.

Whitey says:

It’s really funny being called a “faggot” by the guy who jerks off to pictures of Curtis Yarvin.

Kunning Drueger says:

Personally, I turn my Yarvin portraits around when I jerk off.

Varna says:

Who wouldn’t. Real men only jerk off surrounded by magazine covers of Andrew Anglin.

But seriously. I propose another enemy tell: constant attempted de-masculinization and emotional castration of the other.

And not generic fire and forget ball-busting to add some boost to an argument, but a subtle branch of the systematic feminist/jewish/screeching slut/feminizing trannification anti-testosterone environment.

If every argument is punctuated with “you’re not a man, you’re impotent, your dick doesn’t work, women hate you, you dream of sucking cock, you’re a weak loser, you’re not a man” — in other words crude text-based sissy hypno anchors inside the word salad– then what we have here is definitely a player for the father of lies.

When what looks at first as constructive criticism and masculine banter turns out upon closer examination to be constant attempts at demoralization and castration, everything clicks into place.

Milosevic says:

Who is “Curtis Yarvin” you stupid fucking faggot…

Kunning Druegger says:

Aaaaand the keks keep coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming…


Whitey says:

> @whitey: the story is, at least from my understanding, that Trump got the message that they had the senators to impeach him if he did not go along with covid in some way. Supposedly that message was delivered by Tucker Carlson. It was going to provide those Republicans cover to do what they wanted all along, get rid of trump.

The excuse-making for Trump around here is reaching pathetic levels. Like with everything else, Trump was an incompetent buffoon with Covid. He was too slow to act, then he massively overreacted, then he spent the last two years pushing the clot shot and “boosters.”

2016 was fun, but it’s time for people to wake up. Trump is trash. He had a chance to be Caesar but he chose to be a pussy. And people here want to give him another chance, after he let his supporters rot in jail? Wake up.

Adam says:

You seem to be under the illusion that everyone here thinks 4 more years of Trump is ideal. Nobody is saying that. You sound like your arguing against an opponent that does not exist.

How old are you? I’m curious because you do not sound like someone who has the experience of trying to make the most out of a tough situation. You sound like you have an agenda.

Guy says:

1) what Adam said
2) discussing why somebody made a bad move, a move counter to their earlier behavior, is not excuse making, but normal discussion. We could all just say “man, trunp sure sucked huh?” but only so many variations on that comment can be formulated
3) you want to cross the Rubicon? Get some friends and get it done, otherwise calling those who didn’t pussies from behind the keyboard is a bit ironic

Whitey says:

> Trump’s biggest promise was to reverse the economic, technological, and military decline. He did.

No. Trump’s biggest promises were to drain the swamp and build the wall, and he did neither.

I see no evidence that Trump reversed our technological or military decline. Elon Musk is responsible for almost all current U.S. tech progress, and our military is a joke from top to bottom.

To whatever extent Trump succeeded economically, he obliterated that progress with his insane Covid lockdowns and by printing trillions of “Covid relief” dollars, which caused the massive inflation we’re encountering today. (It’s hilarious seeing Biden get blamed for Trump’s inflation, but we need to be honest here.)

Pooch says:

(It’s hilarious seeing Biden get blamed for Trump’s inflation, but we need to be honest here.)

Crypto-leftist shill detected. I knew there was something off with your comments.

Whitey says:

> Crypto-leftist shill detected.

You’re not a crypto-dummy, just an obvious dummy. In addition, of course, to being the resident defeatist pussy.

Trump printed trillions upon trillions upon trillions of dollars in 2020.

Pooch says:

Can you pass a red pill on woman test, faggot?

Whitey says:

You’ve never even touched a woman. Go play tough guy somewhere else.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

How come glowniggers are always on about muh dick but don’t know dick about muh?

Checkmate atheists.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Lmao gottem

Varna says:

>You’ve never even touched a woman. Go play tough guy somewhere else.

Heh. I think that was that.

The Cominator says:

80% of the inflation is due to the Biden admin sabotaging energy production…

Whitey says:

No. Biden is throwing gas on the fire, but the inflation is directly traced back to Trump’s insane response to Covid.

It’s simply impossible to print trillions and trillions of dollars without inflation resulting, especially when interest rates are kept artificially low.

The Cominator says:

When you say Trump’s response to Covid he should have fought against lockdowns much harder but technically he only endorsed it for about a month… but with any lockdowns hard to not have had the stimulus.

But of course by then the damage was done and the precedent was set. I like DeSantis but DeSantis wasn’t anti Covid lockdown initially either, he seemed to gets that he SHOULD HAVE been.

But 80% of the price increases now are due to supply side problems with Biden destroying energy and diesel…

Whitey says:

Trump went along with the lockdowns and, to this day, absurdly claims they “saved millions of lives.”

There was no reason whatsoever to print trillions of dollars in response to the lockdowns. Trump could have suspended mortgage and rent payments for a few months, like with student loans, and provided food money to the poor. Instead, he suspended rent payments PLUS gave almost everyone full unemployment PLUS an extra $600/week for a year.

Insanely stupid, and directly responsible for today’s economic mess. After Trump’s stupid $600/week bonus, employers had no choice but to raise wages. Nobody wanted to work, and who could blame them?

Guy says:

There are multiple issues here the inflation itself is coming from the covid relief money, and probably still lingering effects from the last 12 years of quantitative easing. That money printing may have happened under Trump’s watch but it is dishonest to act as though it wasn’t done by his enemies in an attempt to hurt him and his supporters. He may have had the legal power to do something about it but as we’ve seen he had no actual power to do it without comitting the violence he later showed he was unwilling to commit. But who is to blame him or the people who actually wanted to print the money?

Biden has done plenty to cause prices to rise but long-term the real problem is going to be the money printing.

Whitey says:

Once again, everything is someone else’s fault. Trump is never to blame, ever.

The Cominator says:

I’ve blamed Trump for a number of things but to say he did nothing good economically or in terms of forcing our enemies into the open is no more an honest and thoughful position than being a stubborn Qtard who insists that they still trust the plan and that Trump did nothing wrong.

But Trump is very old and seems afraid they’ll hurt his family or something, I do not think he can learn from his mistakes…

Whitey says:

> but to say he did nothing good economically or in terms of forcing our enemies into the open

I’ve never said that. Trump did plenty of good pre-Covid, but his Covid response wiped out his economic gains, and his abandonment of supporters on the battlefield is absolutely unforgivable. There can be no second chances for Trump after that.

The Cominator says:

I agree… but lets not sound like there was nothing good pre Covid.

I think his mind started slipping in 2019 btw, between his age and constant media barrages despite his economic success I think he just wasn’t the same guy anymore.

Another reason we need someone younger like DeSantis.

Whitey says:

> I agree… but lets not sound like there was nothing good pre Covid.

Again, there was some good before Covid, but his response to Covid wiped it out. And then his actions, or lack thereof, after Jan 6 were like a punch in the face to his supporters.

I’m seeing way too many people who are willing to crawl back to Trump like some pathetic battered wife. There were some fun times, but it’s time to move on.

Guy says:

“Like with everything else, Trump was an incompetent buffoon with Covid”

“I’ve never said that. Trump did plenty of good pre-Covid”

-Whitey, too young to remember the roaring economy

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for the usual reasons*]

jim says:

We already had that conversation more times that I can shake a stick at. You were unresponsive then, and you are going to be unresponsive now.

Kunning Druegger says:

Whitey, I’ve not heard this assertion before (Trump’s inflation) and if there were any merit to it, or none at all but it was believable, wouldn’t the Left be hammering that talking point?

Answering my own question… well, no, not if Trump caused it through Coronatarian scaremongery. They wouldn’t want to limit their own money printing operations. Is that correct?

I fear that I am one of the Trump cheerleaders, and you kind of cut my legs out from under me with your assertion that his 2 big promises, drain the swamp and build the wall, were unfulfilled. So consider me converted on that argument. But, as I said before, unless/until Desantis puts together a Trump-level block of support and energy, what recourse do we have?

I’m turning into a blind optimist or something, because I genuinely believe Trump has the capacity to learn from his many mistakes. I also believe that, even if he doesn’t, the net effect of a second Trump regime is positive acceleration, in that the Left drops the mask even more, and the right gets more comfortable with authoritarian forms. Would you acknowledge that this is the case, or am I off base.

Pooch, there’s really no need to outgroup Whitey, he’s maintained an outsider position from the beginning. he doesn’t seem to be trying to introduce crypto-lefty niggory diggory, he’s just adamantly opposed to any level of support for Trump, a position I feel myself coming around to. I just assumed it was Deep State and activist leftists that turned all his efforts to shit, and that free of those influences he would have done a lot more. That very well might be cope for the fact that he was all memes and no monarchy.

Pooch says:

Pooch, there’s really no need to outgroup Whitey, he’s maintained an outsider position from the beginning. he doesn’t seem to be trying to introduce crypto-lefty niggory diggory, he’s just adamantly opposed to any level of support for Trump, a position I feel myself coming around to.

This is the exact same position of our most sincere enemies, and you should be deeply suspicious of anyone who holds the exact positions of our most sincere enemies. I seriously doubt he can pass a Red Pill on Woman test. You should not assume anyone is your friend who can’t do this.

Also there was a mountain of fednat shills on right wing blogs clamoring for 4 years how awful Trump was. Whitey is basically copying that exact playbook. Regardless of what else he says his payload is Orange Man Bad.

Whitey says:

The only two things you “contribute” here are half-assed “fed” allegations and pathetic defeatism.

Get yourself together already.

Anyone still defending Trump after he left his supporters to rot in jail is a pussy and a moron.

jim says:

“Orange man bad”

Not necessarily a shill payload, since you are attacking Trump from the right, for his failure to be Caesar, his failure to summon the militia and send in the drones. But it sounds mighty like a shill payload. Particularly the ludicrous accusation that Trump is an incompetent buffoon.

Take the shill test.

And, since you are purportedly attacking Trump from the right, tell us what he should have done. How could he have protected his supporters and survived? He would have had to have done the unthinkable. What unthinkable things should he have done?

If Orange Man so bad, what should he have done instead of what he did do? Just copy and paste my advice to Trump, or give us your own. How should he have protected his supporters?

What did Trump need to do instead of what he did?

If you are one of us, you will be able to say the unthinkable and unspeakable. If an enemy passing for one of us, you will be unable to talk about what you purport to be talking about. There is a strange and suspicious gap in your rhetoric. You are not saying things that you should be saying if you believe what you say you believe. Time to say them. Are you permitted to say them? Say what cannot be said if human resources is looking over your shoulder.

Whitey says:

[*deleted, because an irrelevant and silly rationale for not saying that which cannot be said if Shaniqua of Human Resources is looking over one’s shoulder*]

Whitey says:

[*deleted, for not saying that which cannot be said if Shaniqua of Human Resources is looking over one’s shoulder*]

jim says:

If you are so against Trump, why cannot you make criticisms of Trump that might upset Shaniqua of Human Resources?

Actual right wingers have certain unsayable criticisms of Trump. Say them.

I say them from time to time, though in a respectful manner. Trump is our leader. We urgently need a new leader, and when that time comes, I will say them in a less kind and respectful manner. You can say them in a disrespectful manner. But you need to say them.

The Cominator says:

It seemed to me that he was at least engaging in purely right wing criticism of Trump, though I think Trump’s covid stimmies are only responsible for 20% of inflation and most of it is due to Biden sabotaging energy supplies.

Aidan says:

Knew there was something off with him

Kunning Drueger says:

Can we see what he said?

jim says:

He gets paid according to engagement – allowing his stuff through reduces his incentive to attempt to pass shill tests. I want to tempt people into attempting to sidle through shill tests because the manner of their evasion reveals stuff about the enemy, and coming up with an evasion forces them to think about crimethought. If he had made a half assed attempt to sidle through, as our odd shill out that I so frequently let through frequently does, I would have allowed it through.

It was a flat out full stop refusal to commit crime thought in any way whatsover. The enemy is on to me. They can see what I am trying to do.

Checking his earlier posts, they look solidly reactionary but on careful inspection not. Hates blacks but no reason given. Hates the American welfare class, while failing to notice or mention the race and sex of that class. Agrees that vaccines are getting worse – which is solid evidence of being a real reactionary, because technological decline is a crimethought, at least for a lot of shills, but defends the recent (and alarmingly dangerous) polio vaccines.

This tells me that not all shill organizations are in denial about tech decline and the deteriorating standards for vaccines.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Much of the difference between critique from a friend and demoralization from an enemy lies in the implications; a friend criticising a fellow will so often pose his critiques in the for of contingencies that can be overcome; whereas, someone engaging in campaigns of demoralization against an enemy, will so often pose critiques as inevitabilities inherent in the target, that can only go away when the target goes away.

This is not a hard and fast rule in any case of course, but there is the general tendency in many cases.

Kunning Drueger says:

This is incisive. It’s a clear distinction when you review a comment chain, but in the ever passing moment, not necessarily so clear.

I don’t like the Fed accusation being leveled just because a person is saying something unpopular, it reeks of leftist mob justice. And Pooch does it a lot. But if he can’t/won’t answer RPWQs, there’s no point defending him.

I think Whitey makes some good points about how Trump gets a pass for things that others would be lynched for. Maybe he deserves that privilege. While the Wall and the Swamp remain outstanding promises, they are both things that could be corrected relatively quickly and relatively easily. It may be beneficial to make and circulate a checklist for what Trump, or any popular nationalist (lol), must do, at minimum, to earn and keep the loyalty of the base. Something like the shill/entryist barriers we use here. It could also be a template for a more general Based Checklist to be used on any politician/leader.

If Trump gets reelected, he will not have the excuse/defense of being new to the game or ignorant of the challenges. If Jim is correct, it’s irrelevant because the Permanent Bureaucracy won’t let him win.

jim says:

Yes, he did make good points. But while purporting to criticize Trump from the right, failed to say those criticisms that an actual critic from the right would have said, just as when hating blacks, failed to notice any problems created by black people, and when denouncing the welfare class, failed to notice the race and sex of that class.

Adam says:

Whitey has Trump on the brain, reducing everything to orange man bad. This is black and white thinking, evidence of simple mindedness and emotional reasoning. These are common cognitive failures that are a product of a victim mindset. He has shown divide and conquer tactics, and is sowing discord among Christian gentiles.

Given all that, and the name Whitey, he almost certainly has a big nose and wears a funny little hat.

Ghost says:

Voted for Trump twice and managed to convince several others because I believed he was the best choice. If he runs again, all things equal, I’ll do the same.

Sure, part of me wanted to see Trump take full control of the corruption. To cross the Rubicon. But, he took it further than anyone else ever did. There has been questionable elections before. But the government hides it from the people and they want us to move on.

He opened my eyes. This country can be a lot better. It is possible to control immigration even stop it. Possible to have affordable cheap energy without this weird alternate sources. We could have all the jobs we need and bring back family and prosperity. That’s what Trump showed me. All these things can be.

And he exposed the corruption that is standing in the way. That media is lying to us. That there are elements within government that work against America.

I’ll vote for Trump and try again.

Ghost says:


jim says:

Yes, I should have demanded a shill test then. Shills get a small bonus for getting an enemy link published in a right wing source.

alf says:

I hoped we would have some healthy 4chan crossover, but the agressive anger seems too easily hijacked by agressive shilling.

Kunning Druegger says:

Shill density on 4chan is too high. Any useful crossover will be accompanied by “wandering shills, or Negroid Nomads. It’s sad, as that place redpilled a generation, but that’s precisely why it gets the attention it does.

Pooch says:

Yes, he did make good points. But while purporting to criticize Trump from the right, failed to say those criticisms that an actual critic from the right would have said, just as when hating blacks, failed to notice any problems created by black people, and when denouncing the welfare class, failed to notice the race and sex of that class.

People should keep in mind he was shilling for DeSantis, which is interesting.

jim says:

Shilling for DeSantis? That makes no sense. I think he was shilling for normalcy bias.

When he was talking about DeSantis he was presupposing as shared and unquestioned consensus that politics as normal was going to continue. It is not continuing, though it is vanishing a slower, messier, and less dramatic and abrupt fashion than I predicted.

I expected the political elite to be suddenly and dramatically purged. Instead, all possibility of entrance to the political elite by outsiders was suddenly and dramatically shut down, but only after Ultra Maga was winning the Republican primaries. Normality was continuing, until it started to produce unacceptable outcomes.

So, I think that now that primaries have been locked down, and the analogous processes in the rest of the Global American Empire have been locked down, we are going to see a whole lot of shilling for normality continuing. Vote harder, whitey.

The Cominator says:

Well i would also prefer DeSantis.

Adam says:

Jews routinely play both sides. Could be any number of reasons to support Desantis.

Kunning Druegger says:

Same here. Desantis seems to have the temperament and longevity scores we need. But I don’t see the utility in attempting to derail the Trump Train, it gets boomers and normies fired up and bloody minded.

Kind of funny how Whitey just POOF disappeared. He was a shill, but what type of shill…

ExileStyle says:

In this case, the payload might simply be to sow discord and disrupt civil discussion. Choose a divisive topic, go after a regular poster, divide everyone in two about whether or not he’s a shill, or whether or not Pooch is right, and suddenly everything is derailed. Formal rather than substantial payload.

Will be interesting to see if he passes the shill test as requested. If he does, he should stop acting like such a whiny bitch and make a positive contribution.

Adam says:

I agree. A certain amount of passion is admirable, but letting his emotions get the better of him is suspicious. Almost juvenile.

Whitey says:

> Answering my own question… well, no, not if Trump caused it through Coronatarian scaremongery. They wouldn’t want to limit their own money printing operations. Is that correct?

Exactly right.

> I’m turning into a blind optimist or something, because I genuinely believe Trump has the capacity to learn from his many mistakes.

It’s crazy to be a “blind optimist” after someone has shown you exactly who they are. TRUMP LEFT HIS SUPPORTERS TO ROT IN JAIL. There is nothing else we need to know about him. Trump is trash.

> I also believe that, even if he doesn’t, the net effect of a second Trump regime is positive acceleration, in that the Left drops the mask even more, and the right gets more comfortable with authoritarian forms. Would you acknowledge that this is the case, or am I off base.

You are off base. Trump is an incompetent buffoon who has shown no interest or ability to do the things that need to be done, and the left is not afraid of him at all. DeSantis, on the other hand, has shown he is both willing and able, and the left is actually starting to fear his competence.

We don’t need four more years of “all tweet, no action” Trump. We need ruthless efficiency.

jim says:

Trump did a great job on the economy, which is the primary issue he ran on. He did a great job on defeating America’s external enemies, which is another major job he ran on. He demonstrated enormous ability and competence.

He failed to be Caesar when we needed Caesar, but those are big shoes to fill.

Caesar himself suffered normality bias, and Trump suffered normality bias. The only way to win the election was to summon the militia, and the only way Caesar could win the election was to cross the Rubicon.

Pooch says:

The only way to win the election was to summon the militia, and the only way Caesar could win the election was to cross the Rubicon.

We all desperately wanted Trump to cross the Rubicon instead of merely fishing in it. Before Caesar there was Catilina, whose attempt to cross the Rubicon failed miserably, even with an army at his back. If Trump had called out the militia, there is no guarantee he would have become Caesar. May have very well been Catilina, and we should be mindful of that.

Kunning Drueger says:

Rereading the comments under review, the “rot in jail meme” is suspicious. Yes, of course and by all logical means, a good leader should not leave his guys behind. But a general unwilling to sacrifice troops is a general unfamiliar with victory. I know this is cold-blooded, but the IVI martyrs are most useful as precisely that. For obvious reasons, I’m not going to be specific, but there are a number of men languishing in captivity that deserve to be released and rewarded. It is very useful to have examples to point to and say “look, see what they did, this is why they deserve what’s coming to them.”

Trump failed to officially call out the militia. This damned him and is stain that will never wholly go away, no matter what. But the Assembled in January made the greatest error. They walked into a trap with no thought and no plan. They put themselves into a position where any mistake they made was going to greatly benefit the enemy. Pretending that Trump’s worst mistake was not freeing a few foot soldiers seems more and more like a provocateur working a D&C angle and less like an enraged ally.

Kunning Drueger says:

Back on topic:

US and its SKorea puppets launch expensive missiles into ocean.


Every explicit for of the GAE is making it known they’re active. I wonder if any GAE periphery nations will bolt.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Chesa Boudin, the shitlib DA in San Francisco just got recalled, and it was permitted to happen. Sounds like the establishment left is kicking away the far left from the apples they spilled.

ExileStyle says:

This doesn’t tell me too much about their plans for the rest of America. They might dial down the leftism in their own neighborhoods while holding course or doubling down everywhere else, continuing the trend of increasing caste stratification and regional balkanization.

The same thing has been happening in places like Brooklyn for ages now: young well-to-do Whole Foods hipsters screaming about school segregation and structural racism who suddenly become racially aware in ways that would make my grandma blush when their own kids are about to start school and are faced with the prospect of a multicultural hothouse of a school. They might make cosmetic changes purely in their own self-interest, but their fundamental leftism – especially for Leftism Other People – continues marching unabated.

Pax Imperialis says:


What are the chances the supposedly conservative court will cuck on abortion?

The Cominator says:

TBH to the extent that at least the house elections are honest, I’m not willing to lose a single house of representative seat so thots will have to take road trips. This has always been a stupid issue…

Pax Imperialis says:

If the supreme court is seen as backing down in the face of violence further violence is encouraged.

Anarcho tyranny accelerates.

Validity of abortion regardless, how the court will rule will be additional data on the state of America.

Pooch says:

Anarcho tyranny accelerates.

Not Anarcho-tyranny. There is around the clock US Marshal security at all the Supreme Court Justices’ houses. It’s not like the state is endorsing violence against Kavanaugh. If naked street violence is enough to intimidate officials protected by the state then we are heading up to straight up anarchy conditions on the streets of DC.

Pax Imperialis says:

Protests outside the homes of Judges are illegal. If the state was actually against violence against Kavanaugh and others, it would promptly arrest all the protestors who provide tactical cover for attempts at street violence. Instead we see politicians provide political protection to the protestors.

US Marshal security has been handicapped.

Kunning Druegger says:

A note on technicalities: USMarshals are no joke, at least not yet. They have relatively high standards for applicants, some of which are long periods at one department in a section that deals with regular use of force and warrant execution, high physical fitness, multiple clean shoots, and other earmarks of decisive violence (if you want to verify what I’m saying, you have to talk to actual USM, they don’t spell it out on the website lol). There appeared to be the earliest signs of HR infiltration (their admin dept. was lousy with skinnyfats and women), but they distinguish between Office and Field such that the paper pushers are not considered Marshals in any sense (versus PD and other LEO that call the keyboard cowboys “officers”). All of this means that there aren’t a lot of them, but they are competent and effective. They get used when a target is actually dangerous, or they want the target to be considered dangerous. An near peer to the USM are the Texas Rangers.

I babble all this unsubstantiated hearsay which is obviously artistic fiction that only a fool would consider as fact because I’ve heard multiple times that the Court System lacks an enforcement wing (no army, in other terms). This is false, and believing it would be a grave strategic mistake. SCOTUS doesn’t have an army, they have a highly trained and very capable force of experienced operators forming a paramilitary well acquainted with proto-IEW tactics. Additionally, Allied Universal holds the vast majority of court security contracts. This megacorp has a limitless supply of low iq foreign born enforcers as well as a number of contracts that… are not staffed by those guys. This is probably the stuff of novels and fantasy, but if the right combination of planners and decision makers wanted to, SCOTUS could probably creep-coup the entire federal government by turning the Court System, both physical and human infrastructure, into a network of, for lack of a better term, blockhouses. From that, they could issue edicts and gage adherence.

Again, probably fantasy. But it is valuable to remember that there are many unconnected networks and assets just sort of laying around, waiting for someone with the network, funding, and influence to connect them together and deploy them.

Kunning Druegger says:

This sentiment is politics of the moment. Control of the House, or Senate, or any segment of FedGov is irrelevant. The permanent bureaucracy is the only thing that matters, and the election constrained elements only matter in relation to the permanent bureaucracy.

The court removing federal guarantee of legal baby murder is only relevant in that it inspires more honesty of violent intention on the part of the Cathedral, and opportunities to demonstrate that females are a block of influence unto themselves, meaning the associated R or D doesn’t matter.

Following the elections is keeping an eye on the instruments, something necessary but only as diagnostic awareness. The best thing in the world would be a democrat takeover of every election contingent position, full and total control by the inner segment of the uniparty; full mask-drop.

Pax Imperialis says:

“inspires more honesty of violent intention on the part of the Cathedral”

More like frequent violence directed at Churches becomes the norm all the while Cathedral forces gaslight even harder. Honesty is not likely.

Kunning Druegger says:

I tripped over my own lexicon. The way you put it is better, and mostly what I meant to say. An example is how the faggot faction writes and acts now v. how the wrote and acted 5+ years ago.


Auron is really developing his methods and his following is growing. Jim, do you have any thoughts or observations on this guy?

jim says:

If anyone is on youtube, and is not on rumble or the other alt media, he is not catching hell from youtube.

If he is not catching hell from youtube, working for the enemy.

Kunning Druegger says:

Auron is /ourguy/ but probably not a Jimian, at least not yet. He’s probably Yarvin on the streets and Jim in the sheets. He goes after the fag faction incisively, and he’s quite good at relating concepts of NRx in an easy to follow way. His influence star is rising, with a growing fanbase and doing segments on Timcast, as well as getting tweetcasted by Tucker Carlson. he could be a powerful ally. Another dark jedi.


Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Auron is on (relatively) non-GAE infected video platforms: Rumble, and Odysee

and also including Gab

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Adam says:

Jesus that’s a real ad.

Ghost says:

Better than average. Kav is a cryer.

Cloudswrest says:

SF Soros DA (and son of terrorists) booted!


The Cominator says:


The Cathedral is unhappy that their support in Florida has almost totally collapsed (and more among demographics that they generally own) here is shenanigan #1… I’m sure more to come.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Inconvenient people — in Floridastan and elsewhere — need to start disappearing… =D

The Cominator says:

The people who need to disappear who are trying to cause this don’t come from or live in Florida. Soros is a State Department/AID bagman.

Adam says:

Granted I live in a red town in south FL, but holy shit everyone wants to string up Biden. I would be surprised if he was well received in Miami at this point. Gas is almost 5$ now.

I know the masses do not matter, but supporting democrats openly is becoming very low status.

The Cominator says:

Oh in central Florida even niggers and young women hate him.

Kunning Druegger says:

I know we are just priests arguing our theories in the wilderness of ideology and policy, but I wish we could start acting more like an intelligence agency with no affiliations, building files and constructing strategic forecasting reports. It would not be easy, but I imagine it would be mighty useful to someone, maybe a rising warlord in desperate need of a state religion. I am not saying Com is correct, but his argument for the Jesuits as a super-conspiracy is interesting analysis at the very least. Religious organizations are basically just intelligence operations anyway. Any thoughts on this?

Sort of unrelated, this news item is blipping up: https://ground.news/article/desantis-spokeswoman-registers-as-a-foreign-agent

Ghost says:

Probably so. Maybe a generalize dossier of personality types of known infiltrators based on working shill tests.

The Cominator says:

4chan was shilled to death with 1000s of bots and shills because it used to be able to do this. The problem is you need vast numbers of people without a lot of shills… you need to somehow bring back old 4chan but without it being shilled and botted to death.

And no most religious organizations aren’t actually spy agencies (they can be subversive though) but the Jesuits certainly are, and their charter basically says they are.

Kunning Druegger says:

Okay, fair point, but every serious religion *has* in intel apparatus.

No one wants the old fourth channel back more than me, but I don’t think it’s necessary to replicate it. Greatest Hits, 4chan Gold, Epic Wins, whatever always make it seem like old /b/ \ /pol/ was this ruthlessly efficient, highly capable team of guys. If you’ve actually toasted in epic bread, you know it’s just a deluge of bullshit and memery, with a core of anons actually doing the real work. Yes, there were some capabilities provided by having a crush of anons to do brute force stuff, but that was more on the Offensive Side of capability.

What I was thinking of and referring to was to skip the “heat of formation” stage and just use the concerted group of anons doing the real work stage. Just building a kind of flowchart or network analysis of a few NGOs or media outlets would serve as a tutorial and a process to streamline efforts. This kind of capability would put our tribe in a good place for being effective, dangerous participants in IEW. Of course, that would bring a whole host of new problems and threats with it.

Ghost says:

I think I get it. Like an Org Chart for the target NGO with strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. And sources of revenue perhaps. Along with department heads and any useful information on them.

Some of this information is already available on their own websites and they like to post on Twitter too. You wont be able to get the justice department to do much, but every person has an address. Find something the left hates about these people, get them to turn on each other.

Like a reverse CIA op.

jim says:

Yes, that is the problem, the problem I am working on. A social net, secure against shills, bots, and centralized censorship, empowered with a crypto currency, because though information wants to be free, engineers want to be paid.

If you can send private messages, should be able to pay bills, which payment should generate an immutable link, only meaningful to sender and recipient, which proves that money was paid, received, and what that payment was for. The fact that with current crypto currencies, the payment goes over one channel, and the payment metadata goes over another is a huge privacy and security hole, which Monaro and the other privacy currencies can do nothing about.

The Church is a social net, and it gets shilled and botted like everything everywhere. Full of demon worshiping faggots looking for your children’s assholes. If a Bishop or Cardinal attempts to moderate, he gets the Archbishop Viganò treatment. The church of the future is going to need a secure social net, and robot assassin drones. The Bishops (moderators) need to be able to function effectively while underground the way Archbishop Viganò is underground, and will need to be able to shoot back when under fire.

Charles the Hammer made Bishops wear plate mail and save Saracen souls using big hammers. We will be facing a similar situation. Holy war is already upon us. Churches are burning.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Charles the Hammer made Bishops wear plate mail and save Saracen souls using big hammers.


aha says:

“The Church is a social net”

Funny how you defend “reaction” with an economic-materialist theory of religion, which was unknown before it was invented by 19th century communists.

jim says:

You mistake modern terminology for modern thoughts, being ignorant of how humans were before crushed by the current officially unofficial state religion.

aasas says:

Yours is a common mistake among imbeciles: to violently mistranslate all past thoughts into the language of current ideas.

They were “really” saying this and that. Stupid stupid stupid. You are a dumbass.

jim says:

In order to understand the past, you have to read old books – the primary sources that Wikipedia is terrified of, and think yourselves into their shoes. You are forbidden to do that, because old books are full of crimethought.

King Alfred’s understanding of Christianity was very much my own. I understand the present through the past, not the past through the present.

> They were “really” saying this and that.

I know what they were saying because I read them, you do not and modern scholars do not read them either. They read what someone else said about what another person said about what another person said that people from older times were saying. I read them and think myself into their shoes. I feel the situation they were in when they said what they said.

Kunning Druegger says:

Dinesh D’Souza interviewed by The American Mind:

“And what the movie says is basically to attorneys general, to secretaries of state, even to elected officials, look: there is a very obvious course of action available to you here, and that is to apprehend the mules. True the Vote has their cell phone I.D.’s—they don’t have their names, but law enforcement can get their names very easily. The process is quite simply to get a warrant, go to the cell phone provider, unmask the mules, then visit them: Who paid you? Who put you up to this? Who organizes this operation? So, this is the normal course of action that law enforcement would take in any other case. A similar approach is called for here.

Now obviously, if they’re able to unravel and expose a wider cartel that would draw in many other people, the people who run these nonprofits, the people who have been funding the organizations it takes to pull all this together—yeah that’s a case that can absolutely end up in court. In fact the court is the proper place for it to end up.”


Contaminated NEET says:

>And what the movie says is basically to attorneys general, to secretaries of state, even to elected officials, look: there is a very obvious course of action available to you here, and that is to apprehend the mules.

And what happens if they don’t? Oh yeah, nothing. I’m sure they’ll get right on it.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

The Cathedral isn’t doing too well in relying exclusively on force for its legitimacy lately.

jim says:

Naked force, the priests say is irrelevant. They say the US is mighty because of soft power, because of them, and are therefore enthusiastically destroying America’s economic and military capability, which is what Trump opposed with the slogan “Make America great again”

And now, soft power meets hard power abroad. The time approaches when it will meet hard power closer to home, though what form that will take is unclear – worst case being a Stalin, a warrior priest who gets sick of having to keep up with an ever more insane faith and reverts the faith back to current year 2024 or 2026.

But if we are short of warriors, they are short of warrior priests.

Adam says:

You want to find out who people like the royal family listens to, and your not finding that out without infiltrating the royal family.

You can come up with infographics and org charts but your only going to see low level people. Need to find out who Soros takes orders from.

The Cominator says:

You need to get control of a powerful state and need to break a lot of people at the highest under torture… Jesuits too.

Adam says:

One clot shot per hour and they all squeal before it’s time for lunch.

yewotm8 says:

I don’t see much torture being required. They’d defect on each other pretty fast.

The Cominator says:

I think the Jesuits would be tough nuts to crack without doing some recreational mcdentistry on them.

ExileStyle says:

What makes you believe that Jesuits are more than just the intel/NGO wing of the RCC? I’ve had some experience with Jesuits (in school/college) and they make no secret of the fact that they consider themselves soldiers of the Church/Pope and want to “evangelize [=infiltrate] the culture” but their Roman Catholic faith seems real enough, if tending towards a liberal theology. They were based as hell in the 16th/17th centuries, though.

I’ve always considered them a net positive, because even the most rabidly leftist Jesuits will still be reliable enemies of abortion. Jesuits and the RCC have played a huge role in bringing about the end of Roe v. Wade. Maybe the definitive role, precisely through their ability to centrally coordinate, unlike your average American Evangelical church.

The Cominator says:

“What makes you believe that Jesuits are more than just the intel/NGO wing of the RCC”
They ARE the glownigger wing of the RCC (and in some sense the worlds original glowniggers in the formal organization sense) and I hate the RCC. The RCC is the original globohomo and may be at the center of it even now… the Covid scam made it appear that way. Was causing the 30 years war to save the false globohomo Catholic Church based? Do you approve of sowers of discord?

“I’ve had some experience with Jesuits (in school/college) and they make no secret of the fact that they consider themselves soldiers of the Church/Pope and want to “evangelize [=infiltrate] the culture, but their Roman Catholic faith seems real enough”

The upper levels of the RCC and Jesuits worship some kind of Sun God/”The Light”/Demons. Look at their symbol. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1c/Ihs-logo.svg/220px-Ihs-logo.svg.png

“I’ve always considered them a net positive, because even the most rabidly leftist Jesuits will still be reliable enemies of abortion.”

Did Fauci ever try to do anything about abortion? Do you really prioritize abortion over the war against the left? Why? The Jesuits must be exterminated… anyone suspected of being a lay Jesuit must be exterminated (basically anyone who went to a Jesuit school with a government or priestly job who has a suspect political record should be assumed to be a secret Jesuit). Their involvement in the Covid scam would seal their fate if it were up to me. No Jesuits… no lockdowns, no stagflation, Trump still President etc.

ExileStyle says:

I meant the question as an honest inquiry, looking for more information. I didn’t mean for it to come off as criticism. I’m only vaguely familiar with the Jesuit theory of secret history, I just don’t see it personally. Any reading you think an interested person should do? The use of sun as a symbol isn’t very persuading on its own…

But yes, I consider putting hundreds of thousands or millions to the sword a small price to pay for defense of the greatest and holiest institution in world history. And blaming the Thirty Years’ War on the Catholic Church is like blaming the Cold War on the Romanovs, or the Second World War on the Prussian Kaiser. If those depraved batshit leftist protestants had just been rubbed out in the first place, maybe we’d all be living in the Holy Roman Empire right now. The enemies I’m looking at are the Renaissance humanists – yes, including a number of popes – who created a culture where Luther could mouth off without consequences and shatter the European soul to pieces.

jim says:

> If those depraved batshit leftist protestants had just been rubbed out in the first place, maybe we’d all be living in the Holy Roman Empire right now.

Remember it was the Holy Roman Emperor that sacked Rome, and that the sacking of Rome ended the madness and caused the counter Reformation. A great pity that the Pope and a large part of the Papacy made it out alive.

The Holy Roman emperor sacked Rome for much the same very good reasons as people were turning protestant, even though he remained Roman Catholic.

The proposition that the Pope was the antichrist and the Roman Catholic Church under the direct control of demons was quite plausible at the time. The Papacy, not the Reformation, was the primary cause of the destruction of the Holy Roman Empire, and everything else that was within its grasp.

That it is under the direct demons is right now a great deal more plausible, though it is obvious that the Pope is not the antichrist, but rather the very junior minion and gofer of some gay Harvard professor, who may well be possessed by demons.

The counter reformation took a great pile of demonic heretical papal doctrines, and stuffed them behind the water heater in the basement, to join with ancient dusty mildewed words of Saint Paul. They are still officially doctrine, like Maoism in China, a perpetual hazard that they may be pulled out from behind the water heater in the basement and re-ignited, to serve the same evil, hostile, and malign purposes as they did during the Reformation and the events leading to the Reformation. Those doctrines need to be sent back to where they came from, back to hell, while Saint Paul needs to be taken out from behind the water heater, put back in the Church administration, and his words on the recruitment and selection of clergy heeded.

The emperor theoretically disowned the sacking, but under his command his armies defeated the armies of the Pope, and were given control of the city in lieu of pay. “oops, sorry Popie, I defeated you in the field of battle, and then in a fit of absent mindedness I forgetfully gave my armies the city, and somehow neglected to pay them. Totally not my fault and not my intention. I told them not to sack the city, but unpaid mercenaries just do not listen. Who would have thought it?”

jim says:

> But yes, I consider putting hundreds of thousands or millions to the sword a small price to pay for defense of the greatest and holiest institution in world history.

Nuts. From 1073 to the present, a nest of spiteful faggots prostituting Christianity for power. Which is why they wound up at war with the Holy Roman Emperor and lost.

> And blaming the Thirty Years’ War on the Catholic Church is like blaming the Cold War on the Romanovs

So who caused the Sack of Rome. Hint. It was not the Holy Roman Emperor.

What caused the sack of Rome is that the Roman Catholic Church went to war against the Holy Roman Emperor and lost. Traitors. They deserved it well, and learned a lesson, which lesson manifested in the counter reformation.

But despite the counter reformation, that nest of faggots continued and still continues to pursue that which is Caesar’s. They just became more furtive about it and were less enthused about rewriting their theology for it at alarmingly frequent intervals.

jim says:

> If those depraved batshit leftist protestants had just been rubbed out in the first place, maybe we’d all be living in the Holy Roman Empire right now.

The Holy Roman Empire fell for the same reason as the American Empire is falling. The emperor lost memetic sovereignty to an official state religion that was hostile to him and the Holy Roman Empire. The Vatican was full of faggot heretical traitors, then as now.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think Com hates the Jesuits so much because A) he thinks they’re at the heart of the most profound ills of our time (I’m dubious, but the thought is not without merit) and B) they cavort in the clothing of Faith while dabbling in the heresy of entropy.

ExileStyle says:

The counter reformation took a great pile of demonic heretical papal doctrines, and stuffed them behind the water heater in the basement, along with Saint Paul.

Like what?

jim says:

I am happy to let those doctrines continue to rot behind the water heater in the basement. We shall despatch them back to the hell from whence they came in due course, and all being well, I hope that they remain entirely unread in the meantime. What made those doctrines demonic is that they were rationalizations and justifications for demonic actions, and it is the conduct of the Roman Catholic Church from the events leading to the great schism and to the sack of Rome that is a more relevant topic of discussion.

An interesting part of that relevant topic is: why did the Holy Roman Emperor wind up sending his armies against Rome and against the armies of the Pope, and how come a Pope had armies at war in the first place? And when the answers to those questions are understood, then and only then does the demonic character of these dusty, mildewed, and forgotten doctrines become apparent.

The Cominator says:

The RCC is not a holy institution because the ultramonatist papacy at is origin in the 11th century is based on a number of lies (and blasphemous claims to speak for God)… jims been over this. Maybe the Orthodox are right and maybe Protestants are right but there is no way Roman Catholicism is right. International churches are innately subversive and church hierarchies should not cross borders.

Starting the 17th century equivalent of WW1 over losing market share (with the Jesuits involved behind the scenes) is enough to condemn them…

jim says:

The long and the short from great schism to the sack of Rome is that the Pope coveted that which was Caesar’s, and this eventually got up Caesar’s nose, and all the wicked heresies that Roman Catholicism came up with over that period derive from that.

Shooter McGavin says:

I understand that there was plenty of justification for breaking away from the Catholic Church as Jim points out but I don’t see how most Protestant doctrines are not just as much demonic heresy. There’s just no getting around the fact that Luther was a liar and his heretical five solas are agreed upon by nearly all of the other Protestant strains be they Calvinist, Arminian, or whatever of the thousands of denominations. Most of the ingredients for superprotestantism were there from the very beginning. Luther himself attempted to throw James epistle behind the water heater in the basement and taught that every midwit armed with a Bible was more authoritative than the priesthood.

jim says:

The seeds of superprotestantism were indeed there from the beginning, and around the time that Cromwell took power in England, we had full on postChristianity. And today, Protestantism undeniably sucks. But Cromwell himself was a good Christian, and the postChristians faded out when access to power was cut off.

But old type Anglicanism was the best Christianity ever, because of its sound appreciation of the logos as God’s will acting through material and effective causation, which put science in its proper place, and thus the most compatible of all state religions with science and technology.

The fundamental separation of ruler and high priest was instituted by Moses, and any deviation from it turns nasty.

Christianity was always more compatible with science that any state faith anywhere, and Anglicanism expressed that compatibility in the highest degree of any Christianity. I have some quarrels with the 39 articles, which wiffed on marriage, but the Anglicanism gave effect to the ancient doctrine of coverture, while failing to give it full on divine endorsement. The old Anglican marriage ceremony is fine, though we need to revive the widespread system of a marriage ceremony based on mock, or real, abduction. Christianity has always been weak on marriage, got a lot weaker when the Roman Catholic faggot priesthood capitulated to the Romance movement in the eleventh century, and never fully recovered, but the Anglican Church to 1820 did an adequate job. Coverture would make the Taliban blush. We need Coverture, theological backing for Coverture, and the Anglican position on the Logos. Roman Catholicism has neither, instead being hostile to science in the same way peer review is, and having contractual marriage embedded right into its theology.

The Roman Catholic Church, in the events leading to the great schism, coveted that which was Caesar’s. The great Schism was caused by the Pope coveting kingdoms and armies, not rectories and farms.

It had the reverse pathology to superprotestantism, casually prostituting Christianity to the momentary needs of the Pope as Caesar. If you have a separate high priest and Caesar, the state Church then complies with Caesar’s momentary needs without sacrificing its essence. It can submit to a wicked Caesar and then he passes, and you do not get state positions adopted for a momentary political advantage embedded in your theology as infallible doctrine, nor evil acts and policies permanently required to be written up as holy acts. With multiple Caesars, you do not get holy wars between Christians. The Holy Roman Emperor and Byzantine Emperor’s had their troubles, and they got backing from their respective state Churches, while Christians and priests adhering to different state Churches remained in communion with each other, fellow Christians of the same synthetic tribe, which shared tribal identity greatly muted the nastiness of those troubles. From the great schism onwards, the Roman Catholic Church subverted the authority of the Holy Roman Emperor and fostered war with Byzantium, which led to the failure of the crusades.

Its hostility to the Holy Roman Emperor led to the sack of Rome, which resulted in it putting its ambitions for the worldly power of Caesar on the back burner, where they continue to simmer quietly despite the counter reformation – hence the Jesuit problem, which has now followed the same trajectory as superprotestantism, and become not merely postChristian, but a full on demon worshiping religion rapidly heading towards human sacrifice. It walked a different path to demon worship.

Adam says:

Is it safe to say, that without a king ruling over the priesthood, it is inevitable that Jesus ends up a progressive Jewish social worker?

Is this going to be a persistent perversion when priests are left to rule outside the authority of a king?

jim says:

The content of the holiness spiraling randomly varies. The Jews spiraled on legalism, and then there were the iconoclasts. But with a religion in power, and no King ruling over it, it is going to holiness spiral one way or another way. You wind up with Jews holier than Moses, Christians holier than Jesus, and Maoists who are more Maoist than Mao.

The Cominator says:

“Is it safe to say, that without a king ruling over the priesthood, it is inevitable that Jesus ends up a progressive Jewish social worker?”

Yes and this is the fundamental evil of Catholicism given that it claims supreme temporal and spiritual power on earth.

Adam says:

I suppose it’s only natural they would fear warriors, and have a general hostility towards masculinity. Makes sense.

The Cominator says:

Spiraling on legalism heavily tends to be a semitic trait. I cannot think of any whites who did it other than the Scottish Covenanters who didn’t spiral on legalism now as they were utterly crushed by Oliver Cromwell.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

One of the planks of the whig memeplex is ‘separation of church and state’, which is the supposition that religion – as defined by whigs – has no place in the affairs of state – as defined by whigs.

If that sounds like a tactic adapted by a memeplex for furtively occupying sociological high ground while attacking attempts by potential rivals to do the same, that is because that’s exactly what it is.

Overlap of religious authority is necessarily entangled with overlap of sovereign power-sources in general; where disjunctions in operation of power-sources necessarily entail conflict, until resolution, one way or another.

The hierarchies of church in particular naturally must overlap with the hierarchies of ownership in general. Where one may find cases of a church hierarchy ‘crossing borders’, then either the latter or the former is a lie, belying an underlying reality.

ExileStyle says:

Speaking of specific faiths, there was an in-depth discussion here recently about orthodox Presbyterianism (I think), which someone put forward as a potential Jim-compatible faith. I didn’t have the time to read the comments then and bookmarked it mentally, and now can’t find it again. Anyone know what I’m talking about, and can link it? (Also open to anything else about it.) Thanks!

Adam says:

There was a lot of discussion in one of the blog posts back in April I think, one of the posts about Russia/Ukraine. Pooch laid out an argument for Presbyterian Church of America.

ExileStyle says:

Awesome, thanks!

Vlad says:

Prince charles and Diana were being advised by the pedophile Jimmy Saville the elites are just rich morons they’re not running anything.
It’s the Jews stupid they are only ones organized and orchestrating been going on for centuries crazy as it seems it has maybe not anything more sophisticated than what’s good for Jews short term maybe world domination but they control the two globalist factions of EU and deep state.

jim says:

The Jews never ruled. They had and have a lot of power, but they have always been what they are now. A hostile and treasonous elite hires aliens to do the dirty work against its own people.

Vlad says:

Moldbergs occupied your brain. The idea that the west is destroyed by Calvinism not Jews is fucking laughable nrx falling for it is exactly why people above certain intellects need to be stuffed in lockers and made to calculate chad rocket projectories. Also why west is collapsing. What’s the saying some ideas are so stupid only a genius would fall for it? Nrx is neocon 2.0 I wouldn’t be surprise if mossad came up with it in anticipation of resurgent nationalism realizing they’re been rickrolled by the Jews again.
There’s a lot wrong with his ideas particularly his idea that tech lords should rule us which was is the problem not solution. Purse back then you all didn’t see it was the problem cuz you’re coders not warriors now you’re trying to do the switcheroo.
The other major theme he’s wrong on is that nobody is in control. Or rather the teachers union and HuffPost rule through telepathy.
They might act as he and others have observed but they are useful idiots.
If you want to know who is in real power look who benefits and who doesn’t. Whites as a people are being genocide. Literally. And from dozens of strategies. So some whites are brainwashed into self destruction others are selling out their people most are too stupid or scared or distracted to stop it. But that’s not fucking Calvinism at work that Jews doing what they have always and everywhere done bribed flattered blackmailed the elites triangulated our classes and seized our power centers of money media intelligentsia etc
Sure there’s several powers vying for global dominance the slopes Islam europe and USG Islam is like Russia just trying to survive. The Jews control both Europe and us china is gaining because we are being bled by Jews wake the fuck up
And btw Christianity is so fucking stupid an idea I can’t even it’s bad enough when Christ cucks suck nigger dick as holy communion but to watch people who donate Ben believe in god pretend to be Jesus freaks because they’re to weak to risk being called nazis is so fake and fucking gay Christianity is a dead Hebrew heresy that is our enemies greatest weapon. It’s a slave morality.

jim says:

“The Jews” you say. And then you promptly tell us that Christianity is Jewish.

Where have I heard that before?

Oh yes.

There is one particular Jew who is the head of one particular Jewish conspiracy that is busily causing a great deal of evil. Somehow, people who make the argument that you are making, are strangely unable to name that particular Jew nor list his harmful activities, instead telling us the doings of evil Jews who lost power long ago, whose conspiratorial organizations lost power long ago.

Name the Jew. Can you name that Jew? Tell us what he has done to us lately. Or does your supervisor answer to him?

There are a lot of enemy shills working for a lot of different shilling organizations, frequently at cross purposes, and sometimes directly against each other, but the “Its the Jews (and Christianity is Jewish)” story seems come from one particular shilling organization answering to one particular Jew.

And if you really thought “Its the Jews”, surely that one particular Jew is the strongest evidence around for that theory.

Vlad says:

[*deleted unread, because at a glance the usual tedious and endlessly repeated Soros criticism of Christianity.*]

jim says:

As soon as you started pushing Soros memes, I asked you to take the Soros shill test. Not letting anything of yours through until you pass it, and unlikely to read anything of yours before deleting it except to see if you are at least trying to pass as not one of those Soros minions.

You were more entertaining when you were shilling for the FBI.

The Cominator says:

Nobody in NRx really endorses all of Moldbugs “solutions” not even really Moldbug himself.

The Puritan theory has been criticized by many (including me) as well. I’ve said its partially true but mostly not true. I’ve also disgreed that nobody is in control as of 2020.

Moldbug was dead right about how Democracy innately sucks that it guarantees a steady drift leftword and that the intellectual class (which includes many many jews) is the big problem and that there wouldn’t even need to be a grand conspiracy for this to be the case.

OTOH we’ve come up with very clear reasons why the Jewish conspiracy theory doesn’t work and can’t work.

The Cominator says:

Lurk m0re!

Kunning Drueger says:

Could be the solution, but it might be the case that he’s yet another Fed shill attempting the tired “Hail, fellow white antisemites! I took think we should go torch a synagogue after we set up a discord for planning and meems!”

The Cominator says:

He sounds like a sincere adherent but I’ll be watching and I’m extremely paranoid…

Kunning Druegger says:

How does he sound sincere? It’s the stereotypical wall of text, the insulting dismissiveness (like Whitey). What about this guy signals sincerity? Genuinely wondering.

jim says:

Not a sincere adherent. He has been around for a while dumping Cathedral memes. But they seemed like FBI memes (time to start a conversation about blowing up kindergartens)

This looks like Soros shilling. Maybe he changed jobs, or maybe it is all one group with the usual struggle for power within by different factions.

The Cominator says:

Did not know he was urging people to commit crimes, i thought he was sincere because the hail fellow reactionaries seemed absent.

He was not getting directly onto urging crimes cold, but he was pushing the Harvard meme of revolutions starting off as distributed violent mob resistance which overwhelmed the rulers, as a template for action: If he had met a warmer reaction, would have shilled for action.

Adam says:

A primer on putting anonymous assassination contracts on a blockchain to regulate the regulators.


I first read this many many years ago, not sure what made me remember it but this crowd should find it interesting.

Calvin says:

So what’s up with the Boudin recall? A small walkback of pro-crime leftism from on high, or a failure of vote rigging?

Kunning Druegger says:

Domestic leftists sparring with international leftists.

Adam says:

Your saying someone at Harvard is trying to roll back leftism?

Kunning Druegger says:

I am (blindly) asserting that Califormunists are trying to take back control from Sorosists. Since Harvard is on the side of the Sorosists, no, not really.

Varna says:

Califormunists inspires me to a new term: “Malformunists”. Also maybe “Deformunists”.

Kunning Druegger says:

A legion of enemies requires an abundance of names.

Adam says:

I think we can just call them Spectre.

Pooch says:

American Sun on twitter claimed it was organized by Chinese immigrants on WhatsApp. Apparently they are tired of being beat up for the progressive agenda.

Aidan says:

Makes me recall one of my last essays, on institutionalization by high IQ immigrant groups. And now that I am working in tech and have to deal with it firsthand, I hate the pajeet/chink takeover so goddamn much.

The Cominator says:

Pajeets are way way worse…

The Ducking Man says:

Pajeet would do very bare minimum to do his work which often result in very messy code/excel that no other pajeet can understand.

And I can’t forget how they’ll use their pajeet mother language to speak each other regardless the situation.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

I liked that one. That one remark about living “a fellaheen existence” instantly struck me as true and almost took me off my chair… xd

Red says: