Shortly after the 2020 election, I predicted that Trump would be arrested within a few months, followed in due course by an ever increasing number of Republicans, and would in due course be Epsteined, executed, or disappeared.
It rapidly became apparent that this prediction was on Musk time. The conspirators that stole the election, like the conspirators who murdered Caesar, expected and intended to return to normality by abnormal means. And normality means the continued existence of a significant Republican party, and allowing them a little bit of the gravy.
Which becomes difficult when your violent unpopularity is grotesquely obvious. You cannot have normality while moving lefter and lefter, faster and faster. Leftism is smashing the economy, causing staglation, leftism is heading hard fast into world war three, leftism has legalized robbery and murder, and leftism is turning school grades four to eleven into gay child whorehouses. (Child protection services could not keep up with demand) The war on food is just beginning in the US, but it has gone over the top in Denmark.
I did not believe then, and do not now believe, that this intent can be accomplished. Too many actions motivated by gross hostility to normal Americans have been taken, and more are coming down the pipeline, faster and faster. I have taken some bets on the outcome of the 2022 elections. I bet that Republicans will be thoroughly denied power at every federal level, but am no longer betting that they will be denied even the job of dogcatcher in dogpatch.
Soros has also concluded that a return to normality is impractical.
Soros calls for implementation of my prediction: Eliminate the Republican party by any means necessary
The public votes peace and prosperity. We have war and stagflation. It is completely obvious that anything resembling an honest election would be a Republican landslide, and that what Soros has in mind is nothing that resembles an honest election.
Things are grim now, and are going to get a whole lot grimmer soon. The Republic is past its use by date, and all that remains is for a sufficient number of normies to wake up to the new reality. Which is happening, but resolving the crisis does not appear possible now. It looks like we are on the path where stability is restored by a Stalin or the Thermidorians and Napoleon, rather than a Cromwell, let alone a Sulla or a Suharto.
In this crisis, we should not now prepare for victory, but rather for preserving technological capability and the capacity to organize in an increasingly hostile environment. We should act to maintain the capability to act when more favorable circumstances arise.
In the Trump years, I hoped and expected for favorable circumstances to arise, but when the time came, Trump, in the memorable phrase of namefag Yarvin, fished in the Rubicon.
When it became obvious that an election steal was being prepared, Trump called in the lawyers when he should have called out the militia.
Today, an honest election requires the measures employed by Caesar and the NSDAP, which are such as to produce one honest election once. Regular honest elections require a somewhat virtuous elite, which is gone and not coming back until a generation or two of good leadership by good Kings.
In the early Republican primaries, the Republican party was able and willing to hold free and honest primary elections, which of course quite predictably led to ultra maga landslides, what I would call the Christian national capitalist faction of the Republican party.
Then there was a sudden change, in which blatantly rigged primaries produced cuckservative landslides.
I will not rehearse the evidence that these were rigged, because that buys into the enemy frame, that if they call it an election, it is an election unless you can prove it is not.
This is a reversal of the burden of proof. It is for the winner to prove he was honestly elected, not for the loser to prove he was not. Elections must be conducted in such a way that there is proof that the outcome was legitimate. If they are not conducted in this way, it is because the winner knows he will not be able to prove that. And in these elections were deliberately conducted in a way that makes it impossible for the winner to prove he was honestly elected.
Well, that might suffice to satisfy our enemies that they can tolerate a mild mannered cuckservative outerparty. And that is their clear intention and hope. A hope that seems to be being dashed.
The abortion ruling was to throw some red meat to the Republican base, so that they would not abandon the cuckservative party, without which the appearance of normality could not be continued. But it does not seem to be continuing anyway, rendering the cuckservative party useless to our masters. A substantial fraction of the left seem to view any political activity that would give the Republican party the superficial semblance of meaning and purpose as an intolerable affront.
In any left on left conflict, the faction promising to immanentize the eschaton wins, and faction promising business as usual loses. Keeping a fake Republican party on life support is getting in the way of immanentizing the eschaton. Biden and company are trying to do both, and are falling between two stools. Which is what I expected to happen, but I expected it to happen a whole lot faster.
And why do you suppose they haven’t just sent some patsy to do a Shinzo Abe on him?
Shinzo Abe just might be the rare happening nowadays that really is just some lone nutcase acting alone because killing a former PM who though right wing was (in the manner of Japanese politicians) was rather quiet. He was very against Covid hysteria though…
I meant killing a former PM especially a quiet one makes little sense…
The schizo rrats are all blossoming over the fact that he recently criticised the handling of Ukraine now has been killed.
Hes never towed the line, he didn’t do it with covid either. But there still isn’t much point in whacking him, the Japanese parties make decision by consensus anyway. Its just the consensus in Japan is for some reason not evil and insane.
I think Japan is in the same position as Poland- there can’t force too much poz because they need it as a bulwark against China.
Tucker implying that China had him wacked as they boasted about it after the fact apparently,
China might have pulled the trigger, but the Cathedral gave them the go ahead, much like how Patton was murdered.
China is an enemy of the Cathedral and does not need or want the Cathedral’s approval for its actions.
China’s both Friend and Foe of the Cathedral. They’re quite entwined in many aspects especially as Xi makes his big push back into Marxism.
Xi is yet one example in history that shows the great danger in not hunting down and helicoptering every leftist.
I stand by my original statement. Look at the hostility of the GAE’s rhetoric on China with respect to (1) Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s effectively siding with Russia, (2) the Taiwan situation.
Particularly with respect to (1), US ambassadors, etc., have been saying things that no sane government official in a sane country would say. E.g., “If China doesn’t start participating in our embargoes against Russian trade, we are going to punish China.” The rhetoric is over-the-top hostile.
[*deleted for incurable loss of contact with reality*]
Not going to debate that one.
My guess is that the Abe hit was the war faction in the US, hoping to install a government as belligerent to China as UKR was to Russia.
I doubt any government could rouse the sleeping oni that is the Japanese warrior spirit, but if they did, that would be loosing a hound that would not go back on the leash
Motivating the New and Reborn IJA and IJN with the promise of copious XP awards and comfort waifus?
Sounds insane but we do live in insane times.
Lack of inter-elite trust preventing the use of competent assassins? Desire to humiliate and destroy him before killing him? The suspicion if they kill Emmanuel Goldstein, people are going to attack the party for wreaking?
If you look at the security (or incredible lack thereof for a major political figure, by post-JFK American standards) on that tape it becomes plausible that it was almost a matter of time/could just be a lone nut job. Also probable to me that the overall level of sanity in the world is just down post-covid, such that what was once a good enough level of security in good-ish times in a high-trust place like Japan no longer is.
Tetsuya Yamagami, a former Japanese military member, is the killer.
Japan also has a thriving antifa movement led by former Japanese politician Saori Ikeuchi who routinely called Abe facist and compared him to Hitler.
Both Yamagami and Ikeuchi publicly expressed hatred toward Abe and Yamagami fits the Japanese antifa profile of dress, appearance, political direct action, and manufacture if crude weapons.
I don’t see the China link. If a Chinese assassin had done this, it would be more professional.
I think it would’ve been done with a corporate manufactured weapon, imo, if it was CCP. It’s not that the 80% DIY can’t be competently milled and function as intended, it’s that they commonly do malfunction and would not be as reliable for such a consequential mission. It’s not like anyone can go to the range and tune a DIY pistol anywhere in Japan, so plenty of failure risk that would be embarrassing for the CCP should events take on a life of their own.
A possibly useful resource, to that end:
Some red meat….
Understatement of the year. The voter base of the Republicans is smellling blood, to put it MILDLY. Roe vs Wade reversal is the biggest breach of normalcy you could conceive.
Shut it faggot.
Didn’t hear about Denmark. Is it the same thing as in the Netherlands?
In the Netherlands they are shooting on farmers. There are also people who give the farmers a taste of their own medicine.
Why does it matter whether the Republican base abandons the cuckservative party?
The appearance of normality requires a few candidates and election results that make them win a few unimportant offices and lose all others by a narrow or not so narrow margin. Fake elections can be held without a Republican base.
To appear normal requires ‘the pendulum will swing the other way’ to be believable.
If the Republicans are permanently shut out from government or the republicans have no pretence of resemblance to the base that is unsupportable.
The cuckersative candidates are winning the primaries. That is pretence of resemblance to the base.
I’m referring to the cucks pretending to their base. Rigging the primaries is the left pretending the cucks represent the Republican base.
In the former the base can believe these people are on their side and working through accepted channels works while the latter tells them they are ruled by people who hate and despise them and want them dead.
The reason this is important is once the fake right becomes unconnected to voters it has no longer any reason for existence. Then the right most faction of the left is exposed to the grindstone…
Who do you think the base is?
I think the base is the normies who have been voting republican for decades.
I think normies don’t matter, and therefore the base does not matter – until the shooting starts
No one thinks that Dr. Oz is a Republican or that he won his primary without vote rigging. He’s now sitting out the race to let the Dems win it with a candidate who just had a stroke and can barley speak.
And trump stumped for oz. Confirmation of his real orientation.
Meh. It could also be that Trump is personally loyal. They come from the same tribe: TV stars.
Concerning the regular and orderly rotation of elites through free and fair elections as being a basic fundament of democracy.
Japan scores rather high as a democracy, and the power in power had been in power since 1955. So their ability to elect a different power for a full term and regularly is imaginary. We just *know* that they are a democracy, and that if *they really wanted to* sure they would elect a different govt, they just don’t want to, because the current people are excellent.
Singapore’s party in power has been in power since 1959. It too counts as a democracy, albeit scoring lower end eastern european levels. In the last few elections, the prez was chosen without a competitor. Just one candidate.
In high-scoring South Korea you’re not allowed to badmouth the Prez or the army or write online opinions anonymously. This too is somehow democratic, because of course worst Korea is “a special case”.
Austria is a federation of 9 states, of which 5 have been governed by the same party since 1945. Since bloody 1945. Austria.
Bavaria in Germany is a bit like that, and Italian Tyrol is utterly like that.
Modern Scotland is a good example of a place drifting fast into a single-party state. Wales has been single-party since 1922.
Botswana, Namibia, Tanzania are all “democracies” but have had the same govt since independence. As has South Africa. They too have imaginary rotation of elites through voting.
Not unlike how during the lockdown and mandate madness, the places enforcing them across the West still scored high on various freedoms and liberties indexes. They could have at least temporarily lowered their scores during the obvious lack of freedoms, and then reinstated the scores afterword, instead the freedoms were accepted to still exist there, you can’t actually use them, but they still exist, just sort of imaginary.
There are modern US leftists who obviously want an imaginary rotation of elites East-Asia style, in the sense of course we could elect another party if we wanted to, we just don’t because this one is doing a fantastic job.
Whereas some US rightists seem to have accommodated the idea of the US on a state level becoming an Austria with constituent states become red or blue in perpetuity.
Just remembering that rotation of elites doesn’t apparently count with “the good guys” and can be entirely imaginary is another good example of how institutions and media can turn concepts on their heads. Not to speak of the amazing freedoms the west had during the lockdowns and mandates.
Off topic: some Party stooge apparently left the personal data of something like 70% of China lying around on a server with literally no protection, not even a password. What are the odds the alphabet agencies have done likewise?
Almost 100%.
A possible tranny Stalin (or Napoleon) on the way then?
Jenner? No one’s dumping on Jenner.
It’ll be more like Musk. Not a tranny himself but he has at least one tranny kid, probably more.
AI babies. As in artificial insemination.
Learned men, come on. Multi-births with only Y chromosomes? Mind you, I am the oldest of eleven XYs and zero XXs in my generation on the paternal side of my family, but that is by two XX and two XY and the next generation is throwing a more even distribution, albeit slightly favoring XX.
In any case, solavatar is having engineered outcomes in every facet of his life.
Maybe with one chick that had issues but he’s knocked up a few broads now right? You guys think he’s artificially inseminating every hot chick he impregnates? I think he’s just busting nuts
This is something even normies are noticing at my work. Democrats are going down in flames and they don’t even care, they are openly contemptuous of voters. They are not governing like a party in deep peril of losing, they are acting like they can do whatever they want and no one will stop them. They are probably right.
Normies around me seem convinced they can’t rig it again or can’t rig it enough…
I sort of agree they can’t rig the house.
Observed behavior. They act as if they know perfectly well the election was stolen, and intend to steal it all over again.
My prediction was inaccurate in timing, but the net outcome looks to be much the same as predicted in time for the 2022 elections. When the dust settles, I will likely wind up calling it a mostly accurate prediction. Accurate except that the left postponed the conduct that would make abnormality embarrassingly obvious, embarrassingly soon, while I incorrectly predicted that they would go shameless immediately.
What appears to have happened is that the steal was carried out by a coalition of left factions, with some factions believing that they had agreed to restore normality by abnormal means, and other left factions believing that they had agreed to stop the Republic from getting in the way of immanentizing the eschaton, and would go directly ahead to the planned reduction of world population to five hundred million.
Elites will postpone any clarification of what was in fact agreed to until the last possible moment, and at the last possible moment, or shortly after the last possible moment, those who thought that they had agreed to restoring normality by abnormal means will be utterly steamrollered, and by and by will find themselves following Trump and company to the guillotine, much as the Girond followed the King to the guillotine, much as those who thought that they could restore normality by murdering Caesar on the Senate floor wound up dead.
The attacks on food production represent the “reduce world population to sustainable levels” faction. The “normality by abnormal means” faction has to kill them if it wants to live, but because of normality bias, will fail to do so. The World War III and reduce-population factions will have no similar inhibitions.
It seems that you are discounting either the existence of, or the capabilities of, elites unaligned with the Cathedral. They do exist, and they will act, to late to save the republic (that was at least a generation ago), but act all the same.
Saving America requires a shared faith. Or a Caesar.
The best lack all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity.
It became apparent during the Republican primary season, that the counter faith that is capable of opposing the Cathedral is Christian National Capitalism.
It is not sufficient that many members of the elite are aware that the elite is holiness spiraling into a course that will destroy everyone and everything, including each other.
Those aware of this have to have something that enables them to act as one.
That poem doesn’t end well.
As I’ve said countless times before: the leftists/globalists continue to eliminate, one by one, all of the non-violent options for their removal. They are working hard to guarantee that their overthrow will be violent. May it happen soon.
I dub this group the techno-imperialist faction. Neo-reactionary is a pell-mel of fake and gay terms. Neo almost always denotes ‘fake modern immitation’, this group is not that. Reaction denotes passivity, merely responding while the opponent imposes its will.
Passivity is weak, and I don’t see that passivity here.
Techno because the philosophy is based on technological society, everything from evolutionary biology to the way of ordering society talked about here, it has roots in ancient philosophy but its shaped by insights granted by a technological society. This ain’t uncle Ted’s cabin.
Imperialism because at the end of the day the emperor is the military commander, not mere heir or elected beurocrat. It’s not just monarchy we have to support just now, not just the rule of one however that one rules. No, we need the warrior, the traditional aristocrat, the commander of men and the men behind him who have the will to shape the world by force.
You have a good point, but imperialism? Obviously we want and intend an emperor, an imperator, but we also intend the peace of Westphalia, a world, and in due course a solar system, of several powers. And if we do wind up with one emperor over all, he needs to cut his vassal Kings a great deal of slack, as in the Holy Roman Empire, of which it was truly said that it was not an empire.
Best solution is probably something like the Holy Roman Empire, aka the Holy not-actually-American not-actually-an-Empire.
The Terran Confederation v. the Imperium of Man. I guess my issue with the former is how is it not a republican system? Multipolarity can only work when the nexii are distinct and distinctly capable of going it alone. If you have tiers of powers, then the Fox Type[1] leaders will always scheme to create instability and gain advantage. Additionally, Lions[1] will inevitably use lesser powers to balance out or prevent any hegemonic aspiration in their rivals. I know this is not a pressing issue, but I don’t see that we’ve solved the balance of powers issue that culminated in WW01.
Foxes and lions hey? In hubris they tell the truth.
The aeseop of the lion is strength, loyalty, right rule. Thr fox deception, betrayl, tricks and treachery.
They fancy themselves smart and clever. The whole basis for this is that to them, the smart thing to to is to betray for personal gain, and since the lions don’t do that they must be stupid and dull .
Rarely if ever does it occur to them that the lions are not merely stronger, but wiser as well. To them it is impossible because it’s unfair that some are simply better in every way.
Yeah, the second link, the one I intended to drop, goes into good detail on that topic.
I see, my mistake I assumed they were redundant.
Foxes are quite good at killing Lions. I see many a competent Roman General get assassinated by them in history.
Alexander the Great for example was very likely poisoned to death:
Sheesh, my link game is struggling
The Holy Solar Empire is the goal, with the Nobles of Sol being the electors for the imperial throne, maintaining their personal House militaries while the Emperor maintains the Imperial Navy and the Inquisition.
Muad’Dib! Muad’Dib!
Dune was Leto (not Paul) maintaining a clownworld universe for 2500 years so humans would never tolerate clownworld again…
I would opine that the the idea of expansionism nd broadly centralized rule muddied the core idea of an empire. Thr duty of the Holy Roman Emperor was to defend the rights of the small states by providing a centralized military command wasn’t it? Everything else an Emperor does is beyond the scope of being Emperor.
Perhaps my idea of the core meaning of the term is incorrect and I don’t mean to humpty dumpy the term. But if there is a better term (that isn’t some niche jargon) I don’t know it. Of course regulating trade disputes also falls under the umbrella of military command, jurisprudence and arbitration is nothing more than a substitute for war. It’s lesser powers asking a greater who they would ally with if it came to bloodshed, and once the greater power chooses the lesser powers save themselves their own blood.
If we don’t have a term for that think we’re obliged to make it. I’ve been a monarchist of sorts for a long time but never accepted the term reactionary.
Holy Solar Empire sounds pretty nice, once we have it. I think something less loftly is due for the current situation though.
“Passivity is weak, and I don’t see that passivity here.”
Agree with most of your post but we’re RELUCTANTLY passive right now since individual action against globohomo is likely to be futile…
I think that the wisdom of the character “King Bumi” from ATLA, about neutral jing best describes what we are doing right now. Neutral jing is about actively doing nothing, and waiting for the right moment to strike. There is a difference between passively not doing things, and ACTIVELY not doing things.
I think we are thinking in different terms Commentator. The issue with the term is it says they act and we react, it implies they have a vision they wish to impose and we exist only as a negation of their vision.
But we have a vision of the world we want to impose . No matter if progressives existed or not we would have that same vision, it’s not merely a reaction to their vision.
Reactionary is another lie progressives tell. In fact progressive philosophy is reactionary, it is just ‘not any existing human order that works’. It lacks any vision beyond anarchism.
Our philosophy is self existent, they are the ones who exist only in the context of us.
To your point though. First I would second Redbibles comments about the power of inaction. If no action benefits you take no action. But I don’t think we are really so passive as is put forth anyway. I know that I personally am only moderate irritated by progressives in power. The vaccine-to-control-world-population has been the biggest nuscience but none of me nor my women nor children got it and we had only a few problems not getting it. And my country is among the worst for forcing it.
I think our people are actively doing things. But the revolution will not be televised. You have to know people personally to know about any of it.
“But we have a vision of the world we want to impose . No matter if progressives existed or not we would have that same vision, it’s not merely a reaction to their vision.”
I’m not sure our vision works as the long term vision until you see all sorts of enlightenment idea based governments fail and fail hard. Likely in the 19th century many of us would have been 19th century “liberals” (which were way more like libertarians but of the Mises Caucus types).
We have our vision of Pournelle style monarchy (the most Jimian state in science fiction is probably Pournelle’s Empire of Man its not covered in too much detail) because all attempts of enlightenment style governments have failed. I would have rejected communism on its face without it needing to fail, I would have rejected universal suffrage democracy too… but I don’t think I would have automatically rejected more limited democracy/republics without seeing them fail so bad…
Of course, the existing dominant paradigm must go for our paradigm to be dominant. And seeing current paradigms fail helps everyone who wants to set up a new paradigm.
I can say I in another era would have rejected humanist egalitarian thought on the hard-headed basis that equality is obviously untrue. The same very practical reasons Fitzhugh correctly predicted that Yankee society would self destruct in the very way it is self destructing.
I can’t claim I would have rejected communism since I never have. My Germanic ancestors had communal societies that did very well for themselves,. Their communities still exist and I do close business with them and they are my kin both physically and spiritually. They’re people I’d fight for if clownworld government came for them.
Of course an egalitarian state will fail, because egalitarianism is not true. And atheist states fail for the same reason. So Marxism would have been obviously bad to me without the benefit of hindsight. Ditto to universal suffrage for similar reasons.
Some limited republics have lasted long enough to be considered standing the test of time. They’re almost all small states though.
Would a small state within our style empire be allowed to be a republic under certain circumstances? I’m inclined to think I would be okay with it, if it had a reason for being that. What do others here think? I would hope we would allow for small state theocracies, bishiphorics and ilk. Hereditary monarchy is a good default though.
Is there room for an ‘Amish Republic under God and Emperor’ with an internally communal economy and elective theocracy? Under the rule of the empire at large of course.
Communism was always repulsive on its face to me both plain reason and my the sheer horror of the idea that I would be forever the prisoner of some totalitarian middle schoolish collective anthill forever made me immediately against it… I was in the Pinochet did nothing wrong and McCarthy was right but he failed from about 12 (and I would openly say so in history classes and such).
Social Democracy always sounded like a bad idea as well (though not nearly as repulsive as communism though in time I came to realize that it led to communism) it always sounded to me that giving equal weight to idiots was not optimal at a small scale and disastorous at a large one..
Feminism always seemed a terrible idea as well…
But otoh abandoning some kind of Republic is a harder sell because I never liked authority much and still don’t and most people who want it are bad people (as JRR Tolkien pointed out). It just seems that a tragedy of the fallen world is insecure authority breeds more intrusive authority…
Isn’t that aversion just residuale liberal programming though? Just like why abandoning republicanism is hard? Like I don’t give a toss about republicanism, but I can see historical examples of small republics working.
Solz said the reason the USSR was bad was because it was run by people who hated the average Russian. By atheists, Jews, and defective egalitarian twats. The same kind of people were getting power in the US, and McCarthy was correct in trying to flush then out.
But the big thing covering for the egalitarian types was Rand, who made a big push to blame the USSRs economic system entirely and get people to forget that that kind of evil is just egalitarians doing the spiteful and destructive things egalitarians do.
So, ‘Communism’ specifically became thr bogey. Ignore the humanists that manages to create terrible governments over and over since the French Reign of Terror, nevermind that every system they set up was terrible. It’s just the economic system.
But does the idea of living in an agrarian anabaptist community give you that same terror? A more modern/technological Christian commune? They exist are are really nice from what I saw, they don’t publicize themselves at all though, you have to know people.
As a rule such groups are smallish, like sub 3000 people before they split and set up a new colony. IMO On a larger level than that you need price signals etc. But small communes look like they do okay. I’m not going to sign up myself, but I get the idea of running like a mega-family.
“Isn’t that aversion just residuale liberal programming though”
Going to public schools made me hate authority very early in my life nothing to do with liberalism per se… being subordinate to petty morons sucks.
“But does the idea of living in an agrarian anabaptist community give you that same terror? A more modern/technological Christian commune?”
I wouldn’t ban totally voluntary communes but living in one would not be for me.
Mr Commentator, yes I did a little public school and it was terrible want it? I’m for it being abolished entirely.
I wouldn’t live Amish or Hudderite lives either. Nor even the more technological Christian communes lifestyle. It’s not for me. But I can see that in it’s scope it does work. So I won’t say it’s communal economics per se that are evil, so I determine it’s egalitarianism that made Marx evil, not communism.
That said I personally doubt communal societies scale past the small town sized threshold. It would take a lot to convince me that a communal society was ever a good idea on, say, the level of a small American state.
As soon as you’re big enough to have serious rival factions sharing breaks down. That’s not a bad thing, competition is good. But I think it a fact that nothing like China or Russia would ever have a ‘good’ communism.
“But the big thing covering for the egalitarian types was Rand, who made a big push to blame the USSRs economic system entirely and get people to forget that that kind of evil is just egalitarians doing the spiteful and destructive things egalitarians do.”
This is a suspicious section in a suspicious comment, no? Or am I being too paranoid? It sounds like “hail, fellow based bros, let’s not forget that with the proper leadership, communism was actually pretty based.”
Apologies if I’m out of line, or if the issue isn’t enemy payload.
Smells like it. But he correctly observes that socialism does not scale..
Being on guard is important isn’t it?
I do think Rand threw out a red herring that fixated a couple generations of conservatives on economics when they ought to have more concerned with egalitarianism as a whole, right down to feminism.
As for communal society, I’ll stand by what I said before. It doesn’t scale, but with shared blood, faith, and community it does work out well enough and we have real world examples.
My ideology does line up a bit with distributivism or so cred, and in my parts douglisism was the right wing up until Randism hit the scene, so my history and economic ideology at no point comes from marx/lenninism.
I think so cred can scale, but so cred is a type of market economics. I would opine its like MMT but not as careless about printing cash and printed cash goes to those that produce rather than padding out the beurocratic class.
He doesn’t sound a shill but we have a generally favorable view of Rand here… she had of course the nagging lack of subtlety typical of a jew broad but mostly she was correct.
The ‘impersonality’ of the economic angle is also what made it a more or less ‘safe channel’ for the polygon to canalize expressions of discontent through; as this did not so much deal in direct attacks on the social status of its privileged demographics in general, or their arrangement for superior privileges over their enemies in particular.
Yes, it’s not so much that Rands broad themes are wrong. I’d admit they generally arnt wrong.
It’s that she got folks going against an economic idea and not the people who did the evil. Impersonaliation as P-C said.
Plus she put a wedge on the right between douglasism and libertarian economic policies, that caused a major break in Canada and handed conservativism over to ‘Progressive Conservativeism’. Plus the now rampant idea that if we just had free enough markets niggers would act white.
I don’t doubt the welfare state hurt niggers. But it isn’t the whole problem.
Even so most my problems with Rand don’t apply to present company, so I suppose I was wrong to bring her up.
Rand’s memes were great, but had some glaring omissions: Family, solidarity, tribalism, and race.
Her prediction of the future of Detroit was dead on accurate and amazingly prescient, in so far as a depiction about Detroit where there are no races can be accurate.
On the prominence of the economics stuff in twentieth century political debates: This had nothing to do with Ayn Rand. It had to do with Marx, the most influential leftist of the 1800s and 1900s. His entire schtick was “we’re going to knock down the capitalist economic system and replace it with a communist economic system.”
That was the whole point back then: The left WAS the socialist movement. The stuff that’s central now – bitching about “racism,” “sexism,” etc. – was just one strategy socialists used to weaken western societies’ self-respect. It’s fascinating over the last couple of decades to watch that minnow swallow the socialist whale.
Not so, the left was bitching about racism and sexism from at least the 1920s, if not well before. In that era more communal economic policies were the bastion of the right. Douglasism, social credit, and distrivutivism for anglosphere Catholics and Protestants and fascism and national socialism for the rest.
Environmentalism was a bastion for the right as well.
This all took an abrupt turn in the late 60s early 70s. It may not be Rand alone who did it but the capitalism = right wing meme definitely doesn’t have deeper roots than that.
Remember capitalism comes from Smith, who aoriginally proposed the labour theory of value. Modern ideas of capitalism only work so far as they co opted Just Price theory, which developed the market theory of value (Aquinas and the Salmanca school expressly state market value as the just price). In fact capitalism arose to replace those very ideas. Capitalism was originally a far left meme that ran on the same ideas Marxism does. It’s a bitter joke that capitalism gets credit for the very ideals (market theory of value) it set out to destroy.
You see Jim that’s exactly what strikes me as disingenuous with Rand. The best qualities of the Jews are their racial-religous solidarity. I can’t imagine she would be ignorant of the importance of those things. But I never read her deeply, was she really a very very unjewish Jew?
She could predict Detroit, but could her ideas predict the Amish that exist all around?
Perhaps I do have her wrong, but something happened in the 60s I which old style capitalism, labour theory of value and disinterested monopolistic, that old style capitalism got replaced in the public mind with somethig that resembles traditional Chrisitan economic teaching but calls itself capitalism.
I’ll put forth this and take what critiques you all have: Christian economic teaching gives us everything good attributed to capitalism.
Just price is market economics with a very firm prohibition on price fixing either by the state or by anti-competitive guild agreement.
Subsistiarity give soft limits on monopolization while focusing on local productivity and local, interested authority.
And private property is firmly enshrined in Christian moral teaching.
I realize the third is nothing like unique to Christianity.
Capitalism 1.0 wanted to abolish the first two principles. Marxism wanted to abolish all three. What people call capitalism today has rediscovered those principles, mostly embraced them, and is thus not authentically related to capitalism 1.0 in any way. Capitalism 1.0 explicitly rejected the market theory of value, and played around with other theorys for something like 150 years before rediscovering market value.
Douglasism etc was an attempt to adapt Christian economic teaching to an industrial economy using fiat currency. MMT is a corruption of douglasism. How that happened I can’t say but where doglasism says ‘ if our productivity goes up 5% we can print 5% more currency and give it to producers without harming the value of our currency’ MMT says if our GDP goes up 5% we can print 20% more currency and give it to politicos for fun no consequences’. It’s like it read the so cred basics but never understood the theory as a whole.
Your history is bunkum.
Feudal capitalism had price fixing and anti competitive agreements, frequently enforced at swordpoint, all over the place. This was not entirely a bad thing, because the people benefiting from the price fixing and anti competitive agreements were the people responsible for public works, social order, and good conduct, so it was effectively a tariff or value added tax funding state functions, state power as private property.
Anti monopoly laws invariably have harmful affects that are the reverse of those promised.
What happens in practice is that one player becomes dominant by advancing the technology, radically lowering the price, and improving the product, as for example Standard Oil, and, because of all the value that they created and continue to create, they get lots of gravy. Envious people run to politicians for a share of the gravy. And because the gravy winds up being doled out by politicians, regulators, political activists, and people on the revolving door between regulators and regulated, the gravy is taken from those who create value, and given to those who destroy value.
Anti monopoly laws never target those on the revolving door between regulators and regulated, which which is where the biggest and most damaging anti competive behavior is. They always target those who earned disproportionate market share and market power the honest way. Which always has the effect of damaging the consumer it purports to benefit.
The practical effect of the measures against Standard Oil was to transfer wealth and power from people with background and expertise in distilling gasoline, people with expertise in creating value, to people with a background in law and regulation, people with expertise in destroying value and manufacturing obstacles.
Progressive economic ideas were implemented by Wilson and FDR (to some extent Hoover which is why the depression lasted as long as it did) not seeing how they were on the right.
Social credit is something I don’t entirely understand but regulatory manageralism as well as communism always came from the left. Distributivism is one of those forms of right wing socialisms which don’t work out too much better than the leftist ones it was never a popular idea with Protestant right wingers.
Capitalism is not a peer to communism; it is, at the limit, a stage on which communism is just another player, as old as civilization itself; and in certain respects perhaps, even older still.
Older than civilization. The first wave of civilization was founded by milk drinking aryan nomadic cattle herders who came out of the interior of what is now west asia and north west asia. They measured their wealth in cattle, and they counted their herds by counting heads, thus “capital” originally meant “head of cattle”
@Tom: “the left was bitching about racism and sexism from at least the 1920s, if not well before.”
I know. E.g. David Horowitz, a red-diaper baby, exposed how his parents’ generation of commies used “racist!” etc. as propaganda weapons in the 1930s. But that was all it was: a way to attack western societies. They didn’t mean it sincerely any more than they mean any of the rest of their propaganda sincerely.
Also remember that a lot of the eugenics stuff in the early 20th century – even apart from Germany’s National Socialists – was explicitly racially motivated. The left has never really been concerned about “racism” any more than they’ve been concerned about internal consistency.
You’ve gotta distinguish the steak from the sauce.
Also: Getting into the minutiae of the labor theory of value, etc. is missing my point, which is: from circa 1850 to circa 1990 the left was defined by “Socialism!” That’s what the beast WAS back then – or rather that’s what its central rhetoric was – thus the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the various Communist parties that took over tons of countries in the 20th century, etc.
Of course the left also yelped about the environment, “sexism,” etc., etc., but that was agitprop. You will recall that no 20th century country ever got taken over by the Feminist Party or the Anti-Racist Party, etc.
“Socialismo o muerto!” was the beast’s central rhetoric back then, and Rand and the rest of the “right” were responding to that; they didn’t create it.
All of this is really about what our host calls “the magician’s off hand.” Paying too much attention to the left’s current rhetoric is a mistake. Leftism is hard to define precisely – the knowledgeable people on this blog haven’t come up with a single satisfactory definition, though we had a long discussion about it a few months ago. It is an ever-morphing monster.
A leftist faction is a priesthood engaged in priestly defection. The holiness spiral is driven by the fact that as soon as they succeed, they apply the same tactic on each other, with factions forming within that faction.
It is not an ideology, but a tactic, a strategy, and the words that cover what they are doing are just magicians patter, and should not to be engaged, but unmasked.
The deep error of the libertarians was to respond to socialism as an economic theory and moral principle, rather than a smash and grab operation.
“The deep error of the libertarians was to respond to socialism as an economic theory and moral principle, rather than a smash and grab operation.”
Can confirm this, as a former libertarian. I regret the years I spent when I was younger engaging with leftists as if they were since but misguided people. As if.
* sincere but misguided.
US Federal level anti-trust laws are not subsitiarity now are they? They are the transfer of power from one disinterested distant power to another, your example of standard oil being a case-in-point. Local power puts a soft limit on monopolization in that each local jurisdiction has to decide for itself if the monoply is good for it, so the monopoly has to come to the bargaining table over and over again and the problem with monopolization is mitigated.
I seem to recall someone making the case that arbitrary set market share limits are against just price, but if no one else has I could.
But the meat of thr discussion is that term capitalism itself, and its history.
I put forth as an axion that everything is worth what the purchaser will pay for it. Publilius Syrus, but a much older concept. This is the market theory of value, this is the ancient concept of economics that Christian Just Price is built upon. This is the law you recognize as true.
And this is the set of economic ideas capitalism 1.0 set out to abolish.
So, we have to deal with the term itself a bit. Smith, Toqueville, to some extent Locke. These are the big voices of Capitalism 1.0.
But let’s back up a second. You made a claim that capitalism was just market economics, all thr way back to the PIE word for moo-cows. I get that from Mises/Rothbard types whenever they’re pressed. It’s a Mmotte and bailey thing. Normally they’ll make claims like capitalism saved us from the poverty of feudalism, or it produced more wealth than any other system and it saved us from the evils of mercantilism.
Which is to say it’s bloody nonsense claim capitalism is literally any market economy ever (feudal capitalism, merchantile capitalism) and simultaneously to claim that capitalism is a special system we recently discovered and defeated all those older systems to make us rich.
If you pick the former capitalism is nearly meaningless, and standing up for capitalism is moot. So you tell me what ideas you’re actually defending if that’s all you’re defending.
When I’m attacking capitalism I’m attacking the historical ideas the capitalists put forth:
The rejection of the market theory of value. Smith coined the labour theory of value, and capitalists for the next hundred and fifty years kept trying to coin ‘objective’ theories of value that were total nonsense. IIRC it was the early 1900s, well after Marx, that capitalists finally conceded the truth of the market theory of value.
The idea that total abstract value of trade, not real goods, measures the wealth of nations. And that trade deficits and currency debasement forever while exausting stores of real assets is not only okay but the ideal way to operate.
Thr idea that the division of labour itself creates poverty and dehumanizing conditions rather than discrpencies in skill and abilitys (yes this is capitalist theory).
All of the above are core ideas in the liberal ideal of capitalism. That’s the history, it’s not bunkam. None of those things are compatible with ordinary market economics as practiced since time immemorial. All of them lead directly into communism. And the entire communism vs capitalism argument is liberal infighting because capitalism failed to, what’s the term in these parts? Immanentize the eschalon? Chesterton and Belloc observed all of this and correctly stated that capitalist cosmopolitans eagerly fund communist cosmopolitans so long as their share end of centralizing power is met. They don’t care if they rule as the state or the corporation so long as they rule.
Those two alone made such a bevy of accurate prognostications that Rands prediction about Detroit seems banal.
Fitzhugh was right about capitalism, and made both wilder and more true predictions than Rand when he talked about what capitalism would mean for society. He correctly predicted that capitalist society would effectively abolish marriage. He correctly predicted that capitalist society would become increasingly unpolicable. In his time such predictions sounded outright mad. But here we are.
The actual right wing folks took on capitalism as it is, not as it pretends to be. And it’s a radical liberal economic philosophy directly opposed to those historical economic ideas it hides behind when challenged.
If you can give me a definition of capitalism that preserves its distinctness as a philosophy that emerged in the liberalism of the 1800s and still somehow is a perrenial philosphy that is the same as the very systems it boasts of replacing have at it. To date no one defending capitalism has managed it.
But if you’re using terms like feudal capitalism then you’re not using capitalism in the way either capitalism 1.0, Smith etc all, or capitalism 2.0, misses and rothbard etc. Use the term. You’re already out of the capitalist camp and the name is no more than a relic.
That is hilariously detached from reality. Your supervisor must think we are dumb as bricks. You might as well be shilling flat earthism.
The standard oil case was massive transfer of wealth and power from people who got rich finding better ways to refine oil into fuel, to people who got rich by hanging around the revolving door between regulators and regulated.
The steak of early capitalism was ‘abolish the oppressive traditional economic system and its check and balances in favour of one which defectors can run rampant and seize power.’ Labour tov is not minutia, it flies in the face of the established market theory of value. It gives unskilled workers a premise to declare themselves oppressed by the natural aristocracy because after all they put in the same hours why don’t they have the same pay?
Capitalism itself is the thing that paved the way for socialism. Just price/Salamanca economics said you get a fair price based on what someone will pay so be happy with what you can get.
Look at the things the early capitalists say, it’s all greivence-mining material. Look at who they are, far left or left center at best (Toqueville). Look at who opposed them early: traditionalists and reactionaries. It’s writ large that capitalism hit the scene as a revolutionary argumebt against old style economics.
Marxist history.
Capitalism never “hit the scene”.
There was capitalism before Old Testament times, before Bronze Age civilization, we have had corporate capitalism since the thirteenth century, and the publicly traded joint stock corporation since 1660
You are carrying shill payload, and unresponsively ignoring your interlocutor’s position.
You are using language that presupposes capitalism is recent and everyone agrees that capitalism is recent, when that claim has been repeatedly called out and denied.
This is appeal to false consensus, which is not allowed on this blog.
For argument by false consensus, you are on moderation and will need to take the shill test. Say something that cannot be said by someone on a computer supplied by the FBI IT department or an ngo IT department.
You can argue that capitalism is recent, but you are not allowed to assume it is recent, and everyone agrees that it is recent.
Distributivism is a social philosophy more than economic, so cred is the economic side of it. Douglasism is thr 2.0 of so cred. It was not such a small thing in the anglosphere outside the US, it had the religious right for a long time on the Canadian praries, and came in as the no3 party for an era in NZ and I think Australia as well.
The basic idea is that in a market economy things have to sell for more than the total currency in circulation for profit to be had, so small amounts of currency ought to be printed to cover that gap, and the increase in productivity will make it so inflation isn’t a problem. That money they goes to productive industries to produce or pay more and productive worker so they can buy more and increase demand.
It’s the best aspects of MMT and keynesianism but with better limits on spending than either of them, and it gives the money to producers rather than beurocrats.
I’d say MMT vindicated the theory, there is in fact not a 1:1 ratio between money printing and inflation, as doughlas said there would not be. MMT will kill us with hyperinflation, it has no limits or sense. But money printing to closely match real productivity would in fact be stable.
Other than thar so cred etc isn’t very interventionist by contemporary standards.
Did it now. Looks to me like the usual bunch of bloodthirsty commies looking to loot and burn, smash and grab.
What is your source and evidence that they were religious?
First you tell the peasant with one cow that he is oppressed by the peasant with two cows, then you kill the cows of the peasant with two cows, then you kill the peasant with one cow, and then discovers that hoarders and black marketeers are causing a milk shortage.
As for the state currency bimettalism worked very well for a long time… I think currency went off the rails with the demonetization of silver probably by design. Let us simply return to bimettalism.
Inflation is more complex than the Austrians would have it but mostly they are right.
Georgism in a more moderate format is my most “leftist” economic idea… I also oppose mortgages for buying existing homes they should only be for new construction… loans should only be for activities that could reasonably add value not speculating on existing value.
Really? Barely five comments in and already vomiting walls of text on marxist capitalism? Maaaan…
Looks like a script dump. The computer saw me use the trigger phrase “standard oil”, and gave him a pile of stuff that it assumed were relevant for him to vomit forth, but, since the computer is blind to context and meaning, they were not relevant to the context and meaning in which I used the phrase, because I was referencing Standard Oil’s radical reduction in the cost of fuel and radical improvements in oil refining.
It is as if I mentioned Musk getting full flow rocket engines to usefully work, and it triggered the computer to direct the shill to expound on windmills and solar power.
Makes sense.
Just curious, but are the only people in your social circles jewish crypto-communists?
(That’s a rhetorical question)
Commies make the claim, but they obviously do not believe it. For instead of arguing for it, they falsely attribute it to every other authority under the sun, a method of argument that they know is untrue, therefore, know that they are pushing an obvious untruth uphill.
Since they know that the authorities they invoke do not believe capitalism is new, since they know their argument for their claim is a lie, they must know that their claim is a lie.
If any of them believed what they were saying, they would tell you why they believed it, instead of telling you that everyone else already believes it.
The underlying economic theory of communism is the labor theory of value, but the theory held by a chimp hunting and foraging in the jungle, that stuff is just lying around to be grabbed, and the evil capitalists grabbed it all.
And there is grain of truth in their account of feudalism, in that there was always some chaotic anarchy, in which a terrible swift sword counted for everything, and the creation of value counted for nothing, and that sometimes, for example tenth century feudalism, there was a lot of chaotic anarchy. But while you can grab land that way, that land does spontaneously sprout war horses and good plate armor. For that, you need a merchant class, and at the dawn of the eleventh century, the merchant class was deep underground and extremely poor. So feudal lords always faced an urgent need to avoid chaotic anarchy, and enable the merchant class, and though they did not always succeed, for the most part, they were somewhat successful. With the result that after the tenth century a whole lot of merchants rapidly acquired some degree of nobility, and a whole lot of warriors put down their sword and went into merchant type activities.
Communist history projects the most heroic, noble, bloodthirsty, chaotic, and poor bits of feudal history, tenth century feudalism, when indeed capital was grabbed rather than created, into the present. But feudal war was capital intensive, requiring not only expensive and highly trained warriors, but expensive armor and expensive warhorses, so the merchant class always had a mighty big lever. It never actually worked the way commies say it worked, not in the tenth century, and even less in the eleventh century. To the extent that it did work the way commies say it worked, Kings rapidly found themselves short of highly trained warriors with good warhorses and good armor.
William the Marshal acquired land with his own sword. Which land produced little value. He then acquired warhorses and armor by incentivizing the merchant class to develop that land, in the process becoming a real estate developer and giving merchant class people entry into nobility. Communist history projects William the Marshal’s initial capital acquisition into the present, while writing out of history what he did with that capital.
Tom at 2022-07-11 at 05:58,
This comment ignores my point, which is that the left circa 1850 – circa 1990 was primarily focused on economics, and the right was responding to that.
Tom: “Capitalism itself is the thing that paved the way for socialism.”
200-proof Marxism.
The intellectual avant-garde was bored with this shit in 1960.
So my intuition was correct. Good to know.
[deleted for failure to provide evidence or argument that Capitalism is recent, or even that anyone other than usual Jewish crypto commies deny that it is ancient beyond history and legend]
[deleted for failure to provide evidence or argument that Capitalism is recent, or even that anyone other than usual Jewish crypto commies deny that it is ancient beyond history and legend]
If you guys thought you were telling the truth, if you actually believed that capitalism was recent, one of you once would provide evidence or argument.
If you guys thought that any man other than usual Jewish crypto commies driven mad by lust for the blood of children claimed that capitalism was recent, you quote him ad nauseam.
You have been pushing this meme since 1850, and you have achieved about as much traction as the flat earthers, whom you increasingly resemble.
Back when people were hungry for bread, rationales for taking other rich people’s stuff had some appeal, no matter how blatantly silly, but today everyone is either fat or struggling to diet, but no one has enough obedient virgin pussy.
White sharia is a meme with pull, socialism has long been completely dead in the water. Although the phrase “white sharia” concedes too much ground to our enemies, by yielding to them the progressive interpretation of Christianity, which used to be post Christianity, but is now increasingly demon worship.
The meme needs to be “coverture”. For males, chastity is respecting other men’s property rights in female domestic, reproductive, and sexual services, and for women, supplying sexual services only to the one man who has a legitimate property right in them.
In a world where most men are desperate for pussy, and women desperate for manly men, that meme has far more appeal than socialism, which is dead despite the unending efforts of shills to breath life into it.
Even when socialism was popular, because people were actually hungry, the “capitalism is recent” meme never gained any traction, and now that no one gives a fart about socialism, it is deader than flat earth.
Every colour on the rainbow has a gradient where one section of colour blends into the next section.
The question is, is that gradient significant enough to be a section in of itself; or is one merely confusing the existence of a gradient for the existence of a section in of itself?
If ‘wignat’ was a thing, there would be a ‘wignat high command’ one could point too. Well, what stands in for wignat high command? On one hand, glowniggers like Spencer; on the other hand, good fashy europoids like Anglin. Looks like no wignats in any case, only fednats and fascists.
(this meant to go in a different thread)
If no room, emperor and his court are too intrusive. During the middle ages every kind of polity existed on a small scale.
But all of them openly had a ruling elite. No one felt the need for the pretence of popular rule.
Well said! On both counts.
It’s just that idea that warms my heart, every kind of polity on small scale, but no pretenders at egalitarianism and obviously fake popular rule.
Ha, some good avatar wisdom. I’ll sometimes throw out the ‘you must unblock your chakras, for they must flow like a river.’
Speaking of Uncle Ted, I‘m curious what the Jimian take on the anti-tech crowd is?
They are a mixed bag.
Some of them are good guys, looking for autonomy. Most of them are enemy shills, part of the the Cathedral conspiracy that is plotting to reduce world population to five hundred million.
Are there any things I should read that make good refutations to Ted’s claim that technology itself drives moral decay. I’ve come up with some approachs to that claim but feel I could use more and better answes to it.
When I was a child and reading Lewis’s theology he commented in an offhand way that reliable contraception negates the obviously uncharitable aspect of adultery. That comment disturbed me greatly, needless to say I never accepted it even then. And a full theology of male ownershipand headship of women (which sadly C.S. Lewis did not have) answers it.
But the whole question of ‘can technology make morality obsolete’ appears to be a serious enough one that big and mainstream names give credence too it.
I’m not sure I can claim that technology never makes a moral obsolete, but I think it’s quite a surely rare that it does. Thoughts and direction in this are appreciated.
Just look around.
What stops old testament family and sex law from being enforced today? It is not technology, it is cops. If a patriarch enforces it, likely to be arrested, if a community enforces it, wacoed.
That is a Cathedral narrative that Ted bought, not a ted narrative.
And the counter to that is that technology has not changed significantly, while moral decay proceeds spectactularly, and that all decadent civilizations, at wildly different technological levels, have much the same smell. Empirically, no significant correlation.
When you put it that way it sounds right. The cathedral seems to imply that is ‘moral improvement’ makes technology. I suppose Ted was smart enough to read the implication that that would mean technology would be linked to cathedral style moral decay. Of course neither is true.
That’s right though, the moral decay of Rome is not so different than the Mameluke moral decay nor our own nor from what I understand of it the moral decay of Sumeria. That’s a good retort, I’ll keep it for my rhetorical use in the future, thank you.
Felicity of instrumental techne is downstream from more transcendent forms of techne; surplus capital arranged from each and all can make degeneracy look affordable, but this serves only to eat its own seed corn.
Put in other words, gewgaws are not drivers of progress or decline, but lagging indicators.
I know that technological decline is one of the themes of the blog but I feel like it doesn’t do justice to Ted‘s narrative. Yeah Shaniqua isn’t going to get us to Mars but the smarter Cathedralites are going to keep improving on inevitably dystopian tech like VR.
Has it been improving?
Rockets are now improving, after fifty years of decline, but Musk is no Cathedralite.
Musk is a good example actually. Isn‘t he also trying to improve on neural implants as well? Seems like a classic neo-Luddite example of tech heading in a bad direction.
Obviously that depends on who controls your neural implant. It is not a “wrong” direction, it is a direction with very great potential for abuse.
And similarly, Musk’s rockets not only have great potential for settling Mars, but also great potential for delivering weapons upon your enemy’s heads. A radar system similar to the starlink network could track the movement of every human sized or larger object on the face of the earth.
Techne is an extended phenotype. This was one of Heidegger’s core insights, which is carried on by a certain number of later thinkers, from Marshal McCluhan to Nick Land.
The construal of different forms of techne is, in essence, the construal of different species of being. Humanoid+techne is a different kind of being than humanoid+not!techne, or humanoid+different!techne. Forms of techne themselves – which is to say, forms of capital themselves – can have teleologies unto themselves, not necessarily isometric with those of ‘less technical’ beings. None of it is ‘value neutral’, that is to say. Every form of power has a flavor, more or less given to different ends.
Many primitivists will correctly note that a given form of techne may have its own logic, and that an entity’s utilization of the techne likewise requires and or results in the bringing of itself into alignment with that logic; which is very well, but which in turn is often delivered with the uncritical assumption that this is only or can only be an ultimately negative process.
Observation of natural law is observation of the will of God; participation in the will of God is participation in the Power of God; to participate in the Power of God is to come into alignment with God – come into oneness with God; that which takes up the mantles of divinity, and becomes their conduits, their Avatars, substrates through which the forces of Creation instantiate themselves in Being.
I enjoy McLuhan quite a lot, and know something of Heidigger but nothing of Land.
In the Guttenberg Galaxy McLuhan talks about a parable of Lao Tsus farmer who refuses to have irrigation installed because the pump would make his heart like a machine.
I would observe that use of technology causes many to lose their humility. Especially the left seems to think they are wiser than Aquinas or Aristotle because they can drive a car and those primitives could drive cars. Not literally of course but the jist of ‘I have tech they dont, thus I’m smarter’ is a real problem.
Of course that isn’t technologies fault. I think I beleive that I can have the irrigation ditch but still keep my humility, thus my humanity and heart. But McLuhan taught that we must be mindful to do that, the temptation of confusing the power of techne given to us with our own earned power us quite real.
A lot of Land’s biggest hits were delivered through his Xenosystems web log, which is sadly defunct now, but hints and glimpses can be seen through archive sites.
His answer of course would be that not only do you not need to worry about humility, you don’t need to worry about the humanity part either; and in fact let’s just push all that to the side if it gets in the way; apotheosis of autonomic capital teleoplexing now.
If I understand you, and I’m not sure I do, I perhaps wouldn’t like Land overmuch.
Humanity perhaps doesn’t need to be worried about simply because it is what humans are. But humility is key to nurturing virtues, after Faith and Charity it is the most important.
And I don’t think a technological society can survive a lack of virtue, much less develop.
You might not; i would not say he is one to be read uncritically in any case.
The first thing to understand about Land is that he is Anglo – or in particular, cladistically Bluetribe Anglo; with all the liberalism (in many senses of the word) that entails. But at the same rate, he perhaps more than anyone else at the time most clearly, emphatically, and presciently hammered home on the fundamental incompatibility of the whig priesthood’s pretension of responsibility for progress, in general, but most especially instrumentally. The fateful pivot to the more Perennial edge of the pool was inaugurated by his penning of an analysis of Moldbug’s oeuvre (, whose title also ended up widely borrowed as a by-word for the whole business.
When the communist would say ‘our goal is the happiness of all mankind, capitalism is a temporary speedbump on the road to progress’, Land would say ‘lol capital doesnt even need you to exist feeble ape creature, garbage time is running out’. Taken by itself, it is a powerful memetic reframing of the whole context of the debate. The forcing of one’s commie interlocutor to acknowledge the ultimate reality of ‘yeah actually we dont care about going to mars or anything like that, if that means we lose out of status; we just want to keep everyone else trapped in this crab bucket with with us together, forever’. The highlighting of the leftist as not merely wrong or mistaken, in an abstract debate club sense, but as powerless and irrelevant, on a cosmic scale.
The faustian spirit of seeking to plumb the depths to any extent possible, no matter what is on the other side, in full effect (
‘, emphatically, and presciently hammered home on the fundamental incompatibility of the whig priesthood’s pretension of responsibility for progress’
It’s hard not to respect that.
It does sound like he has a knack for good framing, and I would opine his frame is true as well, though probably for different reasons. I tend to think in terms of Lewis’s ‘The Great Divorce’, in which the deziens of hell subject themselves to unfathomable irrelevance. And that irrelevace is made all the greater by how self-important they are.
Thank you for the links.
I haven’t finished it yet, but Uncle Ted’s little poem definitely starts out based and redpilled, the way he addresses liberalism, feminism, and minorities.
The term i always favored, though i don’t really trumpet it, is – borrowing from those men-out-of-time of the mid 20th century, such as Guenon or Evola – Perennialism.
Because of course, this is ultimately nothing less than due observance of the eternal regulation of Being, as it comes to be expressed in any particular temporal contingency.
This seems apt. I agree with Auron MacIntyre that NRx is a lens, an interpretive framework, for assessing the political zeitgeist and history, not an ideology. Perennialism seems like a broad enough term to encompass the various forms and factions. Both New Right and Dissident Right have a postmodern ring that I find unappealing.
Is it fake and/or gay to preface or append modifiers? In the ultra rare situations that I’m honest about it IRL, I term myself a Mencian Restorationist with Jimian Characteristics (I think I’ve uttered the phrase once). So does Mencian Perennialist or Perennialist Monarchist make sense terminologically?
Yes perrenialist is a great term. I suppose I think anyone who is meaningful right wing in any way is perrenialist though.
I like modifiers, plus I can suck up kunning who accused me of being a shill and ender him to me by supporting his idea.
Techno-perrenialist sounds like a satisfying psudoparadoxical moniker to me.
Still, I like something that signals faith and government type if possible, without getting to long. For example Evola was not Christian, so that weakens the perrenialist name to me a bit. It’s also why I don’t use Traditionalism, too many psudo pagan Traditionalists who want to drag Hindu nonsense into it.
I think the consensus is that those who decline to deep faith, which is to say real faith, need only conform to the letter of the law in the State Faith in all things public and professional. Keeping their personal reservations and doubts inside the walls of their castle should be enough, right? Then again, the tendrils of entropy always seem to find the faithless first.
No need to suck up to me. I’m merely tolerated in this demesne. If you’re trying to join up with the neo-puritans, pool’s closed.
Those who don’t believe have in on their own heads. Those who want official accommodations for unbelief, who want a wholly toothless or abolished state religion, I don’t like.
In any case I think signaling affiliation is important. Being on team Christiandom doesn’t always entail any specific Christian faith. I’d prefer it did, but I welcome folks like, say, Dutton who seems Atheist philosophically but nonetheless champions Chriatian society like a lion. I wish such folks the best and consider them at least brothers in a cause.
Has a similar energy to something like, ‘I am an anarcho-catholic’.
Though of course, my friend, one might perhaps say something like ‘I am a yankee-perennialist’; since of course, the character of a folk likewise informs the character through which they may approach more felicitous coherence with Providence.
Did Tolkien ever call himself anarcho-catholic? It’s not a bad name for his views. But yes there is a silliness there. I’m fond of some silliness though.
In the spirit of your suggestion I should declare myself a Hygge-Perrenialist. Perhaps I should meme it. It fits in with certain memetrends already extant.
“I’m fond of some silliness though”
Yes we can see that, Mr. Bombadil :^)
Holy shit, I didn’t even catch that. What’s with shills using Tolkienic nomenclature? Do they really think we’ll just immediately in-group them?
Exactly so. Nerd stereotype.
The attempt to starve the planet is truly alarming. Normalcy doesn’t include intentional starvation.
JUST IN – Elon Musk terminates $44 billion Twitter deal.
A reminder that any assumption that assumes the Cathedral is hermetically sealed off from other elites, internal and external, is a faulty assumption. Other elites do have a say, and will be more so in the future.
Here’s an excerpt from a recent speech from Czar Putin of Russia:
Translate each sentence into a string of emojis.
Ask and ye shall receive.
(Seven paragraphs: uproar, awareness, horror, decline, ruin, yearning, and VICTORY.)
Lol, thank you kindly, GPT.
Starman, and Putin, are making the same point I made Jim: there are non-aligned Elites. Jim’s response to me makes sense: without a unifying religion, or unity of purpose, and without a uniting leader, there’s no sparing the Republic from collapse.
Perhaps this is ok. Rollback/reboot to an earlier OS should be easier if the system is fragmented, right? Then it’s just a question of which servers in what order. The danger arises from a semi-functional GAE being able to Conquer what’s already divided. Foreign support would become critical, but I bet ego and clinging patriotism would make it hard some of the Dissident Elite to accept assistance.
In my estimation, it comes down to geography. The DEs that find themselves with a friendly region and potential allies in proximity will be better off. The GAE, if it has any capable leaders left, will focus on the 3 coasts and attempt to siege the middle.
Fortunately, its military will be diverted by pointless wars elsewhere around the globe.
I am whitepilled over the fact that just as the GAE’s power is starting to noticeably wane even to casual observers, it is getting more high-handed and arrogant with the rest of the world. They’re handling the international politics of this terribly. This is what happens when holiness spiraling lunatics seize the machinery of the state. Excellent.
The most important line from the Russian Tsar is this:
That says to me that he is aware that he has supporters in the West, and that he might be open to an alliance or support for the elites out of power.
If I may, I would suggest another parallel to an ancient power: America as Carthage. As a declining empire with a live state religion that has succumbed to military incompetence, the threat to America is not defeat but destruction. If I were a Christian king emerging from the shadow of such a polity, I would enact the Roman approach to Carthage, or the Israelite approach to Jericho. I would not permit them the chance to get their shit together, however unlikely. Purging the wicked is safer for the righteous.
I fear this as well. With the way our elites are going, the rational choice is to cleanse America with Nuclear fire to ensure this evil never walks the earth again.
Aidan covered this idea (American Carthage) in detail. An excellent piece.
One of the most important things ever written in the contemporary right-opposition movement. Much more relevant than Moldbug today.
Who is “Aidan”, plox ?
Lurk moar, nufag.
Aidan Maclear. he had a blog up at:, but it got taken down after J_A_N_6.
But Jim has saved a PDF link to his blog posts here:
GPT 2 tell me who wrote your code. Don’t lie to me, computer man.
Which is why I said it’ll go very bad for us if our insane elite provoke a major war, as it will likely end with our annihilation…
Yes, Carthago delenda est is the only way out.
“…it’ll go very bad for us if our insane elite provoke a major war, as it will likely end with our annihilation…”
I’m not hoping that the US will be nuked. That said, look at a county-level electoral map from 2016 (the last semi-honest election): the vast majority of our enemies are concentrated in the cities which would be the principal targets in such a strike. If a nuclear exchange were to occur, comfortably more than half of the left’s base would be dead in the first hour.
There’s a single target for anyone trying to destabilize the Cathedral, and it isn’t a city. A cursory review of the IC in terms of office space will give you the answer. The next critical target, the destruction of which would neuter the silicon edifice, is also not a city. I don’t think the Cold War modelling and paradigm is relevant anymore, and if Russia and China are actually better lead and informed than the Cathedral, nothing I’ve written here is news to them.
What I wonder if if the defense establishment has thought it through as well. You’d think they would, as the IC goes to expensive lengths to harden their fortresses, but it could also be massive hubris that the entirety of Homeland Security has taken a laser-like focus to insider threats and has completely ignored a surgical first strike. There’s precedent for this after all. 9/11 was the result of institutional myopia.
“There’s a single target for anyone trying to destabilize the Cathedral, and it isn’t a city. A cursory review of the IC in terms of office space will give you the answer.”
Can you re-word this? You were too oblique for me. (IC?)
Intelligence Community. Past that, I can go no further. Wikipedia that term, and it will become geographically obvious.
I think I understand, thanks.
Sure there non aligned-Elites, but who would want to spare the Republik from collapse?
Some want to replace it with monarchy. Elites in power want to collapse the Republic and replace it with a one party dictatorship.
I think we’ll see some sort of Triumvirate of elites as a necessary precursor to monarchy. An uneasy alliance (Musk, Thiel, etc) all who dislike each other on a personal level and who won’t hesitate to back stab if given the chance.
I’m guessing you’re an urban hamster or a suburban bunny, so you just take it as a given that everyone who’s anyone hates America, whether it’s because it’s a leftist prerequisite or a rightist necessity. In Amerika, this is not the case. Foolish though it may be, the overwhelming consensus is that Amerika is fundamentally good, in need of saving, and is currently being ruined by assholes in cities. They are uninterested in the finer points of our theories. They just want everyone to go back to loving America and chasing their dreams.
This is why I asked you what you thought the base was. You don’t seem to have much contact with Amerika, so if course the Base is just a bunch of well off, hidebound upper middle class normies. The actual base, that being the people who voted in primaries and local/state elections, are not at all confused as to what happened in 2020. They are also aware that something is rotten in the State of Elections. But all they have to look to is the MediaCon flavor of the year and chance encounters with dissident thought. When the latter happens, they see some bookish, pasty intellectual, blathering on about whether-tos and why-fors, and they have interest in that not at all. So they trundle on, aware that something is awry and incapable of doing anything about it.
Observe me as I dig up the equine, shillelagh in hand: we need to move out of theory into practice. We need to present Amerika with a real option, an alternative to letting the Left continue or aiding the Right in softening the crash.
Sure, America needs saving, but the Republic is not the same as America.
I understand “Republic” to mean the constitutional order present in the USA before Trump’s reelection was stolen. I understand “America” to mean the territory of the USA and the peoples living there.
Is my understanding wrong? You started talking about the Republic and now you talk about America. Do you think that saving the Republic might be an option for saving America?
I’m a German. Don’t have contact with America.
Your technical handle of the situation is correct, but it is not aligned with the Anerikaner Belief. In that structure, the country, republic, and people are like a trinity. I know it doesn’t make sense, but that is the way they see it.
At this point, to save the Republic, there would have to be a decisive civil war, or a right-wing coup that purged all leftists from every institution. Even then, it probably wouldn’t work. But this is what the Anerikaner dreams of: George Washington blasts through a Rick&Morty portal on a sweet Harley Davidson, replaces Joe Biden, shames The Libs into being better Americans, then serves 2 terms and rides off into the sunset. If you think I’m full of it, make a cartoon animation of what I just described and watch how internetizens of conservatives tilt respond. They stubbornly, and foolishly, believe America is alive and well, held captive by the Libs. This is why they always fall for the snake oil provided by the Grift Wing.
The sole job of the RNC is to keep the Dream alive. If Amerika stops believing in the Dream, the situation will go kinetic very, very quickly. This is the spirit of Jim’s piece: the Left Elite, against all logic and reason, are refusing to let moderating influences slow the spiral and keep the Dream/Lie alive.
After I posted, I realized you were (yet another) European making confident statements about what America is and what Americans are/are doing. I guess I can’t really fault you. We’re the center of your world, so you naturally think you have a real familiarity with America. It seems trite to state it at this point, but America as a geographic entity is beyond the scope/grasp of most European’s capacity to understand. You guys are ¼ of a continent with a continent’s worth of countries in it; we’re ½ a hemisphere with 3 countries in it.
Well, I started with a question about who would want to save the Republic.
You answered that question. So the Amerikaners are hoping for a Sulla and while they do they want to save the Republic. Then it is to be expected that there some non-aligned Elites who also want to save the Republic.
My statement after my question was intended to explain my question. I guess I was making a confident statement in that some (not all!) want to replace the Republic with monarchy – essentially that was quoting Jim’s position and I assumed he is an American as well as some commenters who agree with him on that point.
My next confident statement was that the Elites in power do not want to collapse the Republik. If that were not true, why would the Republik need saving?
I don’t think a single faction dominates at the moment. There’s a faction that just wants everything to stay like it is now, there’s a faction that wants to pretend Hillary won and proceed from there as if Hillary wasn’t a daemon worshipper, there’s the daemon worshipper faction itself which is probably very factionalized internally… That daemon faction is to blame for the blind acceleration, I think. They lose control and poise when they feel victory getting closer.
My point is that I don’t think it’s safe to assume that the Elites don’t want the Republic to collapse. It seems like some of them very much do, while they are aligned with ones that don’t. Without a single foe like Trump, or a single incident like RvW, to oppose together, their alliance crumbles.
Kunning drueger is wrong in the sense that it doesn’t what the people or rubes want if it’s not achievable.
Yes the average white wants to go to work unmasked, watch black guys score touchdowns, and be told how good he is for not being racist.
That world ended in 2008 if not with 9/11 or Clinton. Everything else is cope,
The trinity of the constitution, Republic people can’t survive because it’s too diverse. Not without serious modifications which require hard power. They’d have to tone down the gay, broaden white to include spics & asians while suppressing the niggers.
Democrat elites would rather burn the country down than share power with yellow or brown ie the maid & mistress. These are mostly older whites in charge so their instincts are intact.
That’s why we’re headed to serious unrest until the FedGov de facto stops trying to force prog on large groups or regions – UK Muslims are a good example.
How do you comment with a blockquote like that?
If you aren’t “X” I recommend you pick a different moniker lol. That one is tainted.
<blockquote>> How do you comment with a blockquote like that?<blockquote>
Sri Lanka looked like it was in deep trouble some weeks ago with a food crisis, a fuel crisis and a debt default, and now:
“Violence as protesters take to the streets in Sri Lanka”
“Protesters swim in President’s pool”
“New Sri Lanka PM: There won’t be a hunger crisis” (how do you know, chief?)
It is like i am looking into my future.
Forgot this one:
Third World countries have an advantage over the First World when their politicians go woke. The population can just burn their houses down.
I’m guessing he’s no longer taking IMF money in exchange for destroying his food production and energy consumption.
Likely a decision made after watching protestors swim in his pool of course.
Surely Putin will bail them out with some oil and fertilizer at the last minute, or at least I hope so. Sri Lanka is a heck of a navy base. Russian frigates for Chinese freighters.
Are there similar such arrangements? Empires that are partnerships with one side providing the merchants and the other providing the warriors? (And is this the most simple minded and naive question ever?)
Chinese loans into African countries for infrastructure are now starting to exceed IMF money in exchange for less control not more control unlike the West. The global South is setting up to be something of a political football between the East and the West over the next century.
That thing where they went full-organic in 2020 or 2021 was pretty crazy. You could tell that they expected the Jewish White Saviors would come down from Harvard and Oxford and reward them for their faithfulness with magical manna. And maybe they did, too, but all the mid-levels and little people are eating shit now. Surely other peoples are watching.
Seems like Sri Lanka wanted to transition to living off foreign aid rather than hard work. Alas, they chose the wrong moment to put out their (sacred) beggar’s bowl. Better luck in the next life.
I know only one country which basically lives off foreign aid: Uganda. There might be more but they seem to have perfected it.
By chance I stumbled on this one:
The ban on chemical fertilizer is a big part of it.
But Sri Lanka suffers from a wide variety of left wing memetic ailments buggering its economy. It is sitting on a lake of oil that is among the last oil in the world that can be extracted by twentieth century oil drilling methods, and attempts to extract it have repeatedly failed and lost a great deal of money due to running afoul of leftism.
One of the major issues is that people have no fuel to cook with. If the oil drilling projects had been allowed to succeed, the place would be a major oil exporter.
Is the process to industrially intensive for pirate extraction? How about pirate refineries? Like, modular, mobile refineries that come together for short runs.
I almost went on a contract in Dark Continent for pipeline security. the locals will literally punch holes in the pups and carry the contents away in buckets.
It could be a whole new world of masculine adventurism. And if white men don’t adapt and perfect it, you’re going to see browns punch holes in the reservoirs and just scrape off the spills.
Doughnut theory of civilizational collapse.
As the West gets more and more dirty, disgusting, and dysfunctional you’re going to see more and more talented Whites do exactly this.
Getting an ‘organic’ stamp on your box means giving up industrial fertilizers.
Not doing so means using fertilizers and chemical pesticides.
There appears to be no imagination of a world where you just don’t use gayfroging endocrine cancers for pesticides.
Urban gaia-worshipers kibitz on their carbon monomania all day long, but of course care nothing about actual contaminations that actually harm all their neighbors that they hate so much, be it drugs given to feed animals, halogens added to drinking water, preservatives added to packaged food and drink, aluminum in cooking implements, microplastic debridation in everything, and so on.
The whole farce about straws is a perfect expression of how noone involved there is actually thinking about these things in a principled manner, merely engaging in performative signaling; if you think that ‘plastic’ is a problem, why are you drinking out of a ‘paper’ cup lined with polymers to make it waterproof?
So on it goes.
“Protesters storm Sri Lanka’s presidential palace, set prime minister’s home ablazeâ€
It’ll be interesting to see if whatever new government forms rejects the IMF and attempts to exit the Eurodollar system which essentially means the developing/third world has a check against insane policy that the first world doesn’t …burning down the politicians’ houses.
If so, leads some credence to the doughnut theory of civilizational collapse.
The farmers in Holland should be taking notes…
Say what you will about the various wogs of the world but they know that the way you remove a government is with violence…
I don’t think it will work in the West. The police and security forces are too organized, well funded, and willing to use lethal violence in a way that a third world military/police force is not.
The cops are brave when they think people won’t fight back…
We saw in the Uvalde case how brave the cops are when they think that there might be actual danger. There are people in the military who aren’t that way… but they mostly sympathize with us.
In Uvalde they were ordered to stand down by someone up the chain of command(probably DHS).
And it shows their extreme cowardice that the order wasn’t totally ignored…
Stranger still, it was a Fed with an appropriated weapon that ended the standoff.
Border patrol is a federal agency but the members keyed into the glowcomplex is obviously pretty low given that they’ve kind of publically shit on the Biden administration a whole bunch of times. I also think his wife was in the school.
True. CBP is under DOJ, but is incredibly low status for 1800.
The cops and civies who tried to charge in anyways where disarmed, tased, and restrained. I still don’t know how they organize these mass shootings, but clearly there was someone on site almost immediately trying to prevent the shooter from being stopped.
Why do you think that a third world/military force is less willing to use lethal force than police in the Netherlands?
I suppose the opposite is the case, because a third world military/police force is (usually) not hated by the government it defends. Western police and military are hated by Western governments (at least in Germany).
Therefore I expect that when lethal violence is used by protesters persistently, the police will fold quickly.
Well the police are nowhere to be found in Sri Lanka as 36 houses of politicians were burnt down including the prime minister. Meanwhile, I watched a cop in the Netherlands fire lethal rounds at a 16 year old farmer driving a tractor on the road. So the video evidence does match up with your thesis.
First World cops have large pensions and have a lot to lose by disobeying orders not to mention there’s just more of them with more and better equipment. Third world police forces, to the extent they even exist do not have the same incentives.
So the video evidence does not match up with your thesis.*
I expect that defending these house would have been dangerous as those who are willing to burn down a politician’s house are also willing to harm anyone defending this house.
The cop in the Netherlands had no reason to expect that he would be harmed by firing at the 16 year old (and think the cop was correct in that).
I don’t say that there aren’t some cops in the West willing to use lethal force against protesters that are not fighting back. I assume that cops in the West are even less inclined than cops in the third world to use force against protesters that also use lethal force.
Protesters are just an unorganized mob of peasants. I don’t see much difference between the unorganized mob of peasants in the third world or the first world. Perhaps the argument can be made they are more violent in the third world.
But if the last 2.5 years have taught me anything it’s that the West has no problem putting down an unorganized mob of peasants when it wants to with extreme violence if necessary. Betting they will back down if one is to match violence with violence is not a bet I would be willing to make.
I’ve… *cough* seen a few protests. All of them had emotional mobs involved, but I’ve encountered blacbloc coordinated actions that were very organized in terms of leadership. They look helter skelter in the media lens, but they’re actually coordinated actions.
I keep trying to find a violent protest that wasn’t instigated and coordinated by leadership, but so far, it’s always been a result of some kind of group making plans and taking advantage of circumstances. The ensuing riots and unrest *after* a coordinated direct action is just chaos, but I’d be willing to wager that every single political protest/DA is called for by some elte entity and organized by a “professional” anarchist. [1]
Lets assess the Dutch’s farmers movement.
1. They seem cohesive and not easily intimidated, fully the products of what still is a high trust society – good
2. I like their PR strategy so far – they hired one of the most beautiful women on earth to be their spokesmodel (Eva Vlaardingerbroek is like a Norse Goddess) – good
So I think if they actually draw lots and escalate to violence they’ll win I imagine the public in the Netherlands and in much of Europe is with them… or at least they just find Eva Vlaar really really hot.
But judging from the Truckers I can’t see them winning unless they are willing to go Sri Lanka… if they go Sri Lanka I think they’ll win but they need to be willing to do it.
Many farmers have kept their land in their families for centuries. Interestingly I feel like many of them have a distinct genotype – stubborn, big folk with rough features. ‘pulled out of the clay’ as the expression goes. All of this works in their favor.
But they lack a cohesive faith, and they lack a leader. They won’t go to sri lanka, not as things stand now.
Then they will fail…
“I can’t see them winning unless they are willing to go Sri Lanka… if they go Sri Lanka I think they’ll win but they need to be willing to do it.”
They either will or won’t. If they don’t, it’s another data point that traditional western populations have in their current learning process (IVI, Canadian truckers, now the Dutch farmers) that halfway measures don’t work. Sooner or later some group will learn the lesson and think “In for a penny, in for a pound…”
It’s astonishing to see the western global establishment, as someone noted downthread, methodically removing all non-violent options for their removal.Ne
The police force of Sri Lanka being a third world country may just flat not be competent enough to put up much resistance to the mob. I saw some video of them shooting water cannons at the mob but that was about it.
Armies/police of third world countries tend to be poorly trained and don’t even have enough food, water, and ammunition for any serious deployment. Contrast that with the police forces of any Western country and there is stark difference.
You really think most cops in the West are some superforce of high IQ Navy Seal types?
Yeah, Pooch, when the violence starts, the police are going to use the same line the Pentagon did. “Bad optics.” Cops fold like a cheap suit when any serious force is brought against them.
She’s a 5 or 6 at best even in old photos fkn coomers.
Western police aren’t supermen, but they have the basics.
No wholesale swindling of supplies like diesel and ammo
Functional comms, a clear non-politicized hierarchy (for now), and structured resupply.
They also have the support of their political class vs right-wingers. Third world cops don’t know if they’re going to get sold out to NGOs the next election cycle.
It’s like both bench 315 but one does for a single the other for a set of 7.
The floor is higher in the west even if the ceiling is the same.
A small elite group will set the tone, and that group needs a faith.
The Sikh Farmer Protests gained broad sympathy because Nihang Singhs stormed the Red fort||
“a clear non-politicized hierarchy”
Bitch, PLEASE!
“She’s a 5 or 6 at best even in old photos fkn coomers.”
This isn’t all that political but you think Eva Vlaard is a 5 or 6? Do you come from another reality full of heavenly nymphs of unearthly beauty?
He’s just messing with you, Comie. I don’t much like blondes but even I was like “Whoa” when I checked out some pics of her.
Yeah Com, ignore Pajeet, that Dutch lassie is absolutely top tier. I bet he’s a disciple of Suones, trying to make his bones by fucking with the Occidental bullies. If his moniker is close to the truth, he’s Sikh, and they don’t really have a concept for “subtle opposition.” For the record, I genuinely like and admire the Lion People. I’ve only had good encounters with them. I wish we could trade all the normie Pajeets for Sikhs.
My favorite are redheads typically but she is a dimepiece.
If you genuinely respect Singhs – then speak more respectfully. I’d give her 7.5 tops – we have different tastes.
By non-pol hierarchy I meant a rank structure that isn’t completely bought & sold – AA isn’t that bad.
Only disciple of Guru Gobind Singh.
Old commentator here tbh & for women Only WB or WNB matters.
WB and fun fact she and Thierry Baudet did in fact B.
“In this crisis, we should not now prepare for victory, but rather for preserving technological capability and the capacity to organize in an increasingly hostile environment. We should act to maintain the capability to act when more favorable circumstances arise.”
Absolutely yes. Maintaining and improving the ability to communicate now, so that we or others can act later. Just that, today, is a transgressive and revolutionary act.
It appears that Musk got railroaded out of his Twitter bid. He said in an interview once that yes, he did have a Plan B for if the Twitter deal didn’t or couldn’t happen, and now he knows that he has no other choice.
Headline at CNN Business:
Musk tells Twitter he wants out of deal to buy it. Twitter says it will force him to close the sale
I wonder what’s going on there? I wish Musk would go through with it. Read a couple of mainstream articles saying he wants out because Twitter is infested with bots. And here I was hoping he would buy out Twitter and ban prog disinfo….
I don’t think he made the offer not knowing the numbers they gave were inaccurate for all sorts of things, including bots. Perhaps he was trying to get info? Or sabotage Twitter in general? Maybe probing to see who reacts to his move and in what way.
I interpreted Musk’s bid for the company as sincere. He wants to stop the outrageous leftist censorship. He’s currently threatening to walk away on the grounds that Twitter won’t disclose its data on the prevalence of bot and spam accounts.
I think his desire is sincere but his bid was b8. I swear this isn’t hero worship, but he is acting on a level above us in terms of perspective, info access, and options. This is a function of his endeavors and efforts. We can use Boring Company as a case study. Most normies think BC was started because Musk thought it up sitting in traffic in LA. This may or may not be the case, but that’s where the actual story departs the narrative. Musk’s inquiries into modern tunneling led him to a position where he found an industry that had become sclerotic for 3 decades. Actual labor could charge whatever they wanted because there was a tech cartel, and every single client was a government with a sprawling bureaucratic network. This is fertile ground for wastage and corruption, but it also means disruption is possible. The term I’ve heard tossed around is “slower than a snail,” as in that’s how fast the drill rigs moved. Since BC’s entry into the ecosystem, all the players have been forced to increase R&D, meaning more and better options, new entrants, and innovation. The question becomes, did Musk go forward with BC because he say the opportunity to build another business, or did he build a business to influence the industry in his favor? Not mutually exclusive, and not the only options, but I think BC is different, strategically, than SpaceX. Both are important, both are revenue/investment intense, both carry a lot of risk, both create industries under industries.
This is the level I’m speaking of. When your “fuck around with” budget is in the multiple billions, your world of options and timescales is significantly different. Look at how much Bloomberg was willing to sink into a DNC primary. Was it 2 billion? And he’s been invisible since, recouping his losses and continuing smaller games.
So I wonder if Twitter is a SX or a BC type move. Or maybe it’s something altogether different. As someone downthread stated, maybe he’s decided he has the pieces he needs to be a populist, Savior of Sanity monarch. As elites become allowed to acknowledge the systemic rot, their ego, ambition, and position will lead some of them to make great strides. Musk is a firstmover, but so is Bezos and others. Obama gave them the keys to the bureaucratic kingdom, so they all know how utterly doomed it is. It may soon become commonplace for each social media organ to have a billionaire patron, or to be the prize they tussle over, with little man participation being the “points” in the contest.
Cathedral triumphalism deleted.
Not cathedral triumphalism I wanted musk and trump to succeed but like everything else I written you’ve deleted I don’t kid myself to me the dark enlightenment meant we faced facts no matter how inconvenient because reality mattered but now you’re building a little bubble of faggot acolytes posing Christian nonsense.
Trump and musk were not up to task neither were even conservatives not even remotely. Neither is moldberg for that matter techno capitalism isn’t saving us its enslaving us Lands acceleration is about the inevitability of Marxism
About the only thing nrx was right about was facts matter but now their inconvenient truths
If I say apes have both socialist and capitalist traits it’s not because I’m a “ third position it’s†fucking asshole it’s because it’s a fact we have to take into account. Just like it’s a fact capitalism is destroying our culture nation people. As did socialism you seem only capable of 70s frames. They’re just fucking tools they can be remade used differently or whatever obviously nrx has no answer moldbergs te hon patchwork is exactly DAVOS so need new plan start with excluding Jews and non whites how about that. Whatever delete this too you’re a has been
Socialism has been tried thousands of times over the past four millenia.
Failed every single time in the same way for the same reasons.
Short term, it gives an advantage in war, because you can tax beyond the laffer limit. But not for very long.
As a political program, it appeals when the masses are hungry, because they listen to the man with soft hands, who tells them that under his leadership they will be able to smash and grab, and the hungry want to smash some windows and grab something to eat. Today, everyone is fat or struggling with his diet. It has no political appeal any more to anyone.
Here’s a question: why are we exclusively getting marxist shills, never woke shills? If wokeness is the live religion of the moment, you’d expect at least some woke shilling… But no instead we only get commies.
It is, in prosaic terms, because Woke is a more recent product of our later-day kakistocracy; which is to say, a product of the feckless and incompetent.
The marxianisms of yesteryear still have leftovers of ideological weaponry for hacking into more sophisticated discourses; whereas, wokism barely even bothers to justify itself reasonably, consisting primarily of sheer declarations of power and intent, the acceptance of which it’s coadjutors simply presume as given, and the only times it goes beyond making imperial declarations is to make in your face deerhorsing, where blatantly inexcusable contradictions in what it demands you to voice your assent for are in fact the whole point.
Put bluntly, it is a ‘faith’ that lacks any spiritual armament to even begin to fight on such a plane as this.
“Here’s a question: why are we exclusively getting marxist shills, never woke shills? If wokeness is the live religion of the moment, you’d expect at least some woke shilling… But no instead we only get commies.”
Because woke can’t debate anything even using lies since the whole point of woke is that people have to show their demonic allegiances by making utterly and obviously false statements like “men can get pregnant”. A woke shill who showed up here it would just be kind of sad…
In a way that should piss off the marxist shills to no extent — here they are furiously typing away for a cent a comment, only to be outholy’d by Shaniqua who can’t even spell the word capitalism.
Me too , GPT. Damn near pissed myself.
“If I say apes have both socialist and capitalist traits it’s not because I’m a “ third position[ist]†fucking asshole it’s because it’s a fact we have to take into account.â€
Among the human apes there are indeed capitalist desires and socialist desires. But that doesn’t mean that both capitalism and socialism actually work. Instead of acknowledging that socialism always fails, you wrote that capitalism and socialism are “just fucking tools they can be remade used differently…â€
A workable socialism?! Wow, that’s really interesting; I wonder if anyone has ever actually tried that in practice so we could observe the results. Your thoughts seem really advanced and I would like to subscribe to your private blog! Can I have the password?
“Here’s a question: why are we exclusively getting marxist shills, never woke shills? If wokeness is the live religion of the moment, you’d expect at least some woke shilling… But no instead we only get commies.”
Even they know woke is too fucking dumb for anyone who isn’t bowled over immediately by the need to socially conform.
Marxism is what they deployed when they had smart opponents who would speak out.
Hitler was not a Marxist. He literally held rallies with giant banners saying “Marxism must die if Germany will live.” Hitler is why cultural Marxists hate to be called cultural “Marxists”. They remember.
What the fuck is a socialist trait or a capitalist trait/desire?
Apes certainly have no desire to give everything to the big guy so he can hand it out as he pleases and they certainly have no desire to leave the coconuts on the tree to the ape that planted the tree.
If we are talking about altruism vs competition, then altruism is a subset of competition, and actual altruism does not imply socialism and socialism does not imply altruism, other than for sloganeering and hellway pathing.
If we are talking about collectivism vs individualism, then socialism gives you a horrendous collective with no individualism, while strong individualism requires hierarchical collectivism spanning up space for the individual.
Vlad seems to be operating on double digit iq vague pattern recognition from within whig history.
The desire to create, to create nice stuff is capitalist. Malice, envy, covetousness is socialist.
@ten: “What the fuck is a socialist trait or a capitalist trait/desire?
Apes certainly have no desire to give everything to the big guy so he can hand it out as he pleases and they certainly have no desire to leave the coconuts on the tree to the ape that planted the tree.”
Read. This is not the same thing as looking at the words. But looking at the words is a necessary first step.
As long as we’re contemplating 4D chess, here’s a possibility: Musk pulled a Xanatos gambit on Twitter.
One possibility was straightforward: He buys it, takes control. Or at least significantly alters content moderation policy.
The other possibility is that he suspected that it’s full of bot accounts and wanted to be in a position where they couldn’t legally deny him the data on that. Being a prospective buyer of the company put him in that position. Worst-case situation, Musk figured, was that they’d do exactly what they did: slow-walk, obfuscate, and just generally bullshit. That weakens their position with advertisers – who know that the obfuscation means tons of bot accounts instead of real eyeballs – and Musk can walk away from the deal, so it doesn’t cost him anything. And Twitter has been forced to take its pants down on the bot stuff, even if they don’t officially admit anything.
I think all this is a stretch, but it’s possible.
Taking over an expensive existing operation is out of character for Musk, whose MO has always been disruptive innovation of stagnant industries. It may be the move was always intended to fail.
Elon has hinted about various innovations regarding twitter which are only possible to push forward as a private company, including opening up the protocol. It had a flavour of the dream internet-replacement which Jim is making even if I have not yet seen Elon directly discuss blockchains. I believe that he wanted to use Twitter the platform to innovate out a stagnate social media industry
I saw a couple of commies ruminating that the twitter bid was a diversion maneuver for moving a lot of wealth, which he has indeed done. I’m entertaining the thought that he is leaving the anglosphere.
Wow, clever of him to do so.
KC-46 is just an utter pile of shit. They’re scrapping the KC-10, the prettiest thiccforce airframe (fucking fight me) and keeping the KC-135 in service for 30 more years, so the 1950s frame stays up, and the 1980s frame goes away. Watch the video and see the mistakes made. It’s fascinating and frustrating.
I can’t say I’m shocked by the KC-46 with the US air force having to take Bofors guns out museums in order to do basic fire support missions. But I’m still amazing they switched to low rez black and white screens with no range finding or 3ed modeling over the Mark I eyeball.
You better hope that all the people that still know how to make the parts of those 1950s air frames aren’t all in their 60s.
Parts availability is why they’re changing the airframe, but I don’t buy that excuse. If they need parts, they would manufacture them. I think the institutional capacity for the parts is what is missing.
[deleted for all the usual reasons*]
There’ve been a LOT of predictions here over the past 3 years. They basically never pan out.[*deleted*]
Give us a little list.
A lot of people simply ignore failed predictions as if they were never made. It’s laudable to address predictions that didn’t come to pass. Years ago I read an economics blog that made annual broad predictions and evaluated the outcomes the next year. The guy was like 70% right, which is impressive enough for me.
I expect no list of predictions to be forthcoming. But if it was, I’d expect we would find that actually, Jim’s predictions are pretty good.
Ok, I think we need to go into some detail into policing because a large number of comments have been made that indicate to me there’s not much depth or experiential knowledge here*. First, and fucking foremost, “well, I saw on TV/in the movies/in a news program…” is inadmissible. The media lens shows you what it wants the exact same as fictional narratives, they just use shittier equipment. There is no consistency in training, hiring, methods, equipment, or leadership across American departments. Sheriff’s Departments are vastly different than police departments. Special Police, Special Conservators of Law, and Private Security are the same as the police in the eyes of the law with the notable exception that the former are constrained by and restricted to a specific, demarcated property, while local, state, and federal law enforcement are always law enforcement, often referred to as “Sworn.” There are also differences in terms of Union representation and client mandate (a private company can order their goons to unsee crimes, but a sworn officer can’t fall back on “my boss ordered me to not do my job”). You then have Series 1800, being all federal police or agents with police powers, including but not limited to FBI, SS, USPS, IRS, DHS, etc. Additionally, you have DOC, MPs, force protection, private security on federal property, executive protection, PMCs, PIs, and foreign military, police, and security operating on US soil.
OK, so all these different things can look and act like different things, but they can also look and act the same. It is situation dependent. In riot/civil unrest, can be very hard to distinguish if you don’t have an equipment or methodological familiarity. Some cities and regions dedicate a significant amount of budget to SORT/SWAT and Riot stuff, some just expect organizations literally expect patrol officers to put on gear and recall their 3 day intro course they took a few years back so they could pick up auxillary status and get a pay bump. There’s no way to know if this is the case unless you look into it. FCPD, PPB, and LAPD should be completely different based on the relevant factors, yet they are all hilariously similar. Some county outfits have 20 cars total with 6 officers in duty at any given time, while others have multiple cars per officer on the roster. So much depends on budget, leadership, and management. NJ State Police is den of welfare queens and faggots, while OK State is basically a paramilitary in service to the governor. Some departments have LRADs, dedicated grenadiers, and shield wall trained officers, while others have literal waifs collecting the monthly pay bump for SORT who weigh about as much as the biggest drug dog.
There’s no serious way to generally predict how the police are going to respond to civil unrest. Remember the American Trucker protest? Probably not, because it got completely owned by the IC in the end. But when it was still forming, before the CIs and rats had imploded the organization, there was absolute chaos at the county level. Some PDs and SDs committed to escorting the convoy while the next jurisdiction over swore they would roadblock and detain. It was so dicey that, rumor has it, “some entity” actually had a C130 full of spook gear actually operating over US soil to monitor the convoy.
It’s foolish to consider US police forces as a monolith. There’s just to much variation between and in departments. Sheriff’s departments have more loyalty due to the hierarchy, but they tend to be smaller, and in densely populated urban they are usually highly specialized. City PDs are massive organizations with multiple bureaucratic entities contained within, but they’re paper tigers based on relatively low danger and regular, high wages. We’re also in the middle of a generational shift that has no precedent. I was doing a contract qualifier at a range, and the range adjacent had CBP/HSI/ICE guys looking all high speed/lo drag in their takedown gear. I asked the RSO how they shot, and he laughed when he told me that it was just a familiarization day so the Agents would know how to pass. The outfit I was with blew through ~800 rounds per shooter *that day* over the course of 4 range days. That doesn’t mean those guys sucked, but it does mean their leadership treats them like children. Fed shooters used to have a godlike aura in LE, and now they are, quite justly in many cases, treated like Poindexter faggots with their pronouns on their badges. Some LEOs are pig ignorant assholes, but they go to church, marry their wives at age 17, and know what they believe. I know most military these days are just bureaucrats in body armor, but if you ever interact with men that have observed the elephant, they all say the same thing: there’s no way to know who’s going to fall apart under fire and who is going to fall in.
This extends overseas, I have to imagine. Denmark, Finland, and Sweden actually have some top tier operators and top end assets, but they also have female SecDefs. A genuine army with no general is basically useless… unless a general arrives and they fall in. It should come as no surprise to us here that the masses don’t matter; it’s all about elite leadership.
*I’m speaking from experience and research. I make no claim to expertise or perfect knowledge. If I got something wrong, tell me what it was and how, and I’ll accept it. I have more experience in this area than a lot of people, but it is outsider on inside. I’m not a cop or military, and never have been. If you feel as if I’ve tread on your toes or valor, let’s hammer out the hierarchy at the range.
‘There’s no serious way to generally predict how the police are going to respond to civil unrest.’
I beleive this to be the truth. Anecdotally I knew men who were good cops in California in the late 80s and early 90s. At that time any good cop was being replaced by a bad one. Bad morally and bad in terms of ability. I’ve known old police in other places, including other western countries, that say that is happening in their area as well.
As for other than police groups and above police groups? Morally bad is being recruited and that often but not always corresponds to less ability.
So we have ability to respond to unrest in question, will to respond to unrest in question, and a real question of if one police agency will work with or against another. Without local personal knowledge it’s a total crapshoot isn’t it?
I’ve been told by enough retired cops not to count in the cops for anything nor to do anything. And never tell them anything, not even the truth. So what will they do in real unrest? Anything, but probably nothing. That’s my guess anyway.
Somewhat related but I’ve been watching some badge cam youtube channels lately. Donut Operator is good, but most of his videos are reposts of footage from other channels. Code Blue Cam and Police Activity are good. I’ve been watching Active Self Protection as well, which usually gets to the good stuff within the first couple of minutes of the video (not always police footage there).
Apologies if this is a naive question, but what should one think of the apparent Hunter iPhone leak being passed around on 4chan?
Would it even be allowed there if anything truly incriminating was still to be found? Is that idea giving Shaniqua too much credit?
Leaks are not “allowed”. They are done by hackers, or by people who have authorized access, and the leak anonymously.
Two things, I believe they are on topic:
Thing 1)
Cryptic post by a complexity analyst I’ve linked to before. He has a ton of material and has been posting for a while, so you are free to review and judge for yourself if there’s any merit to his analysis. Here’s the post [1] in full:
“I was working on a more simple virus piece, a more complex and opinion piece when the proverbial excrement hit the fan.
On today’s afternoon [09 July 2022], someone or some group decided to leak all of Hunter Biden’s iCloud data, this is a new leak. This threw a massive disruption upon my work because this needs attention.
I won’t share anything on my Substack OR Twitter, because it is heavily illegal, but things are changing incredibly fast.
This serves as a PSA if I suddenly stop sending posts for 2 or 3 days, but also for you to be aware because this can quite well change everything at a disproportional level. Severe repercussions even at non-public levels.
Plus this signal many things for allies and adversaries alike.
There were many other events going on, I might do another short e-mail in a few hours, things are moving too fast, but this one deserved a sole email.”
This seems weird. While his copy editing and formatting is not the best, he tends to convey a lot of information in the Jimian style, as in: Here is fact. Here is fact. Here is causal chain. Beat wife with stick (lol jk). So… why this post? What is this “signal?”
Thing 2) Here is a link [2] to St. Anglin’s piece that ends with this excerpt:
“The most important thing for any of us is that the US government loses its spot at the top of the world, because once they lose global economic dominance, the US government isn’t going to have the resources to force all of these hoaxes on us. I don’t think the US government is going to completely collapse, but it is going to lose its ability to maintain this current level of tyranny – and it will also at some point become possible for the people to actually influence the government.”
We seem to be on track for Jim being right about 2026. Who knows what and how it will happen, but systemic collapse is rarely one thing. St. Alf covers this pretty well in his latest draft (if you haven’t read it yet you really should: It is always a chain of events that, in retrospect, seem to be a straight line, a series of obvious events. But seeing as we all lived through it, the straight line from 9/11 to 01/06 is anything but. I mean, that’s not even a connected line to me, but bet your ass some future historian (God grant us a future) will think it’s the most obvious thing.
Sri Lanka, according to Mathematical and others, is a foretaste of what is around the corner for countries that cannot provide for their own holistic stability. Countries that can provide do not get a free pass, given the stupid, stupid open borders shit, the rot spread wide by the faith of the GAE, and dumb luck.
When I started prepping years ago, the common refrain when you drop a bit too much money on this gun or that solar charger is “better to have and not need, than need and not have.” OK, any argument against that proverb, I’d love to hear it. As far as I can tell, Jimian Christianity is easily a score, maybe even three score, men. Mostly American, but not exclusively American. We should start building a plan WAIT DON’T HANG UP. I am not at all advocating Wacob8 or a camping trip or an online conference. I mean something more along the lines of “And Jim said unto his disciples: here’s what a smart man should have laying around, here is where a smart man should be living, these are the things smart men do, etc etc etc.” I’m not laying this solely at Jim’s feet, we can all help build a Guidebook For the Descent. It isn’t specifically necessary for us. The 12 disciples didn’t need a Bible, really. They wrote all that stuff down for people who didn’t have the luck or burden of living with Christ.
Events are beginning to speed up in frequency. I don’t know when, but there’s a good chance in the not too distant future we are going to lose access to the internet. Maybe not permanently, maybe not all of it, but I know it will suck when I lose this forum, and I can’t be alone in that sentiment. So… wat do?
The internet was originally designed for war and chaos. Which allowed it to grow in a disorderly, chaotic fashion without planning or central organization.
A lot of very dangerous and fragile highly centralized organization has grown over this basic architecture, and we have come to rely on this dangerously convenient highly centralized organization, which I am working to replace, but the basic structure is still there and still works.
War and censorship (and in the information epoch the two are synonymous) is breaking the internet into splinternet, but the central authorities, realizing this would render them irrelevant and their functions likely to be replaced, are resisting this.
The story of the tower of babylon will be the history of the internet. No one will have memetic hegemony over the species ever again.
If you are going to lose the internet will be over a generation or two, plus it doesn’t cause to much of a problem on a local scale. You still have a mouth you can just go talk to your family and friends.
Is there any way to look up individual comments? There was a discussion on testosterone, balding and body types a while back that I would like to look back at.
No way to search the comments as far as I know, but I think, this link might take you to what you were looking for:
basically, I save all the interesting threads, so that I can sometimes find them again.
>interesting threads
What are the factors that make them interesting? Do you have thousands of threads saved, or are you very exacting? I tried to do this back in ’18 or ’19 and just ended up saving ~80% so I ceased the effort.
The best AJ broadcast I have seen yet. Breaks it all down.
And before you start writing “shill” at me, know that Anglin endorses him and backs him up constantly. Except the China man bad meme.
Another point I wanted to make. We are being flooded with Mexicans. Sooner or later you may find yourselves having to deal with them. I’ve been to Mexico several times and lived in New Mexico a few years.
Mexicans, in small number, we pretend to be friendly. Once they are in large enough numbers in your area they will assert their “machismo” attitude. Which consists mostly of verbal challenge and angry stares. If you stare them down, generally they will back off. Yet to have one throw down.
Their women can be violent, and are difficult to handle.
Many of them see the 1915s “Pancho Villa” as some Robin Hood folk hero even though he was nothing more than a terrorist bandit and fake general. So, might want to brush up on Mexican history so you can play along.
They like to repeatedly ask what you think of them ad nauseam. Like a Mexican version of a bigot test.
Though they smile in your face, they do not like you and will betray you first chance.
I’ve worked with Latinos of all kinds. I do not trust them for a minute, as a rule. Some of the women are very beautiful though.
They all seem to have a chip on their shoulder, as if their low status is the white mans fault.
The few that I would trust are all older men, married fathers with lots of kids. Age 50 or older. The ones with the pioneer mindset, that have everything locked down tight and in order. They appreciate being around another man they can trust.
When I lived in MA I hated them, the Florida ones ain’t so bad.
We hate them up here because they took Irish and Italian neighborhoods and destroyed them one after another. Some are okay. And all are better than the local politicians and compassionate Mass citizens giving them out money to let them live here. Rural Mass is still nice, but even the small cities are browning fast.
Is there hope for Europe to be a reserve just in case? Or is all Europe going to be browned thoroughly too?
Mexicans are quite possibly the least militarily virtuous race on the planet. Machismo is a front for not being actually dangerous, which is why they can do it. All the serious martial races tend to reserved, polite behavior because the alternative is constant, brutal bloodletting. They have the Negro propensity to stupid violence, the discipline of Arabs, and the savagery of the Amerindian and Asian, which combines to form a military tradition that resembles little more than vaguely organized bullying. Only under competent white leadership do they approach any worth, but in such a circumstance the feats they can get up to can be quite amazing. Punative atrocities should be enough to keep them in line if they get out of hand, or impressing their young men and using them as bodies to gain their allegiance if you can put them to use.
Cruelty is easy. Competence in battle is hard. The weak are often the most cruel. But it doesn’t necessarily prove their manliness.
IMHO after 2020 nobody should be all that hostile to Alex Jones… hes mostly been right on the direction if wrong on some of the details.
Alex Jones is controlled opposition.
He dances around the truth, and then delivers a wagon load of lies.
We may need a new category for the likes of AJ and JBP. They seem to be something more than controlled opposition. Maybe dangerous useful idiots?
For every man who moves on from AJ and JBP onto the reactionary right, there’s many who realize both are full of it and stop searching because they think they’re unlikely to find more reasonable people past those gate keepers. AJ especially made pointing out obvious conspiracies low status with his antics.
Ridiculous conspiracy theories are shilled to discredit the leaks from real conspiracies that leak like a sieve, as for example the Climategate files.
This was true of Alex Jones before 2020… I see way more people nowadays going well I used to think AJ was nuts but basically he was right
> I see way more people nowadays going well I used to think AJ was nuts but basically he was right
Acting nuts was designed to help cover for the conspiracies that where going on. I haven’t seen AJ in years, but he’s probably having trouble playing that roll since we have about 10,000 barely concealed conspiracies all going at once.
Though I have to admit this isn’t half bad:
They zoomed right passed the open conspiracy of stealing kids to sell to faggots but all in all not bad.
Interesting enough, the movie The Last Duel set in the 1300s in France speaks clearly about male property rights regarding women, and adultery being a crime against the husband etc. Quite a lot of red pill and reactionary views throughout. The plot is about two men that a women gets to fight.
You must be joking. It portraits her as dutiful wife and completely innocent of the entire situation when it literally says that her side of the story is the true one.
Funny enough her side of the story is literally how women try to present themselves after causing this type of conflicts.
It also attacks both the church and the image of the king.
Didn’t notice the part about the king and church so much. The way it portrayed the female was accurate as far as my experience. We are in agreement.
I didn’t get the impression the film maker was portraying the woman as innocent or that all women are wonderful. Especially during the third act, she insisted the husband take action “I will not be silenced!†Then she goes on to accuse him of doing it all for pride and vanity…. just after finding out her neck was on the line.
Seems the film maker knew the nature of females, and the trouble they cause.
You could be right, it has been awhile i have seen the movie.
I done a quick look on wikipedia in the critical response part. It does look it is suppose to be a critic of “systemic misogyny”. If it the actual original intended or not i am not sure.
Either way it is a funny test to see if people can see or at least say what is staring them in the face.
Frequent lurker here. At a crossroads in my life right now. Any help would be appreciated.
I’m a 17-year-old who is about to finish up high school. Throughout my life I have slowly moved worldviews from my parents’ Cathedral ideology (shattered, for me at least, when Trump came into office in 2016) to Neoreactionism. I found this blog through an annotation on Unqualified Reservations, and the world I have previously known has been falling apart ever since.
Being 17, I am about to move on to a post high-school life. My parents, being local (Cathedral appratchiks) college HR staff, are dead-set on getting me into a college or university, and would be very suspicious if I wanted to do something else. I have more or less agreed with them for most of my life, but now the NRx worldview has put that view into question. Before, I had wanted to major in something art, music or design related, and I am still genuinely interested in those fields. The environment on college campuses, though, seems genuinely dangerous to my freedom and life. I would rather not end up falsely accused of rape in a kangaroo court or Twitter-shamed out of a normal life, or worse.
If it were necessary, I could learn a trade or do an apprenticeship, although my HR staff parents would begin to be suspicious if I did so.
I am the only Neoreactionist in my town AFAIK. Everyone else is a leftist, cuckservative or greengrocer who hasn’t put together all the pieces. I know these people well, and have a good deal of high school friends, but nobody has struck me as genuinely outside the Cathedral.
I want to successfully establish my own life outside of my family’s orbit, but in the process of doing so, I do not want to be found out as a (LITERAL NAZI FASCIST RACIST HOMOPHOBE) via a tense family conversation. What should I do in order to finish up my high school period and start the next part of my life without running aground of my academic, priestly family and, worst-case scenario, the law? Or should I prepare for a total collapse of civilization within the next 5 years? Your advice would be very appreciated.
P.S. I promise I am not a shill. Although I am the son of HR officers, they are not currently watching over my shoulder. If you wish to shill-test me, feel free to do so. Freebie: The name of the city is Kiev, not Kyiv.
As you have already figured out, college is turning into an expensive and time wasting scam.
Some career paths, such as HR, require a college degree, but these tend to be oversupplied with accredited idiots, and preference is given to people graduated from certain universities and not others.
For centuries, the chief benefit of college was where it was very smart people hung out and networked, which is no longer the case unless you hang out with elderly professors.
Your best career path is a job where you get to hang out, and take instruction from, smart people who are making good money.
Lots of starving artists in art, music, and design fields. A good start is becoming a gopher for someone who is doing OK. High risk of starving.
If not planning to party for four years while running up humungous college debt, look around for someone who is doing well, and get a job under someone like him.
There are some high skill “licensed X” jobs where college has not granted themselves the exclusive right to issue licenses, because the occupation was felt to be too low status for priests, and a license in one of these jobs usually requires reasonable actual smarts and competence, and is rewarded by steady work and good money. If you get good money early, bang a virgin and tell her you want a kid, thus nailing her down to you. First women are the sweetest wives. If you have been following NRx, you have read extensively about game, though reading does not get you far. Game is full of truths that cannot be spoken or written, and have to be actually applied to be understood. It provides a theoretical and intellectual framework for understanding life events that would otherwise be utterly mysterious, confusing and arbitrary. It lives at the intersection of theory and practice. As do ways of making decent money and creating value.
If you follow neoreaction without being paid to do so, you are smart man with smart man interests. Look for a career that requires smarts. As the average IQ of college graduates plummets, these are diverging from college career paths.
Value is created by smart productive people hanging with smart productive people. Find smart people producing value and hang with them. College used to be the place where smart, though not necessarily productive, people hung out. Is no longer.
You aren’t going to like this advice. Soak your parents for all they are worth. Fake up entrance to some school, some private, lefty joke institution, get them to convert their support to cash you can carry, maybe even di a semester, while you make a move towards legitimate masculine autonomy. Find a man worthy of your time and admiration, and become his apprentice. Sock the “trust fund” money away and learn to live frugally. Abstain from sex unless it’s with hookers, but avoid that too as it is not a worthy investment. Build up a portfolio of skills and abilities while you find strong, powerful men and lend your youth and vigor to their aspirations. Become a servant so you can truly understand what it means to lead. If, by age 27, you still think you need college, become a tranny and get free money (they can’t question you). But honestly, masculine adventurism is way better than sequential castration. If you’ve got the mettle, find a way to become a mercenary. You want to hit your thirties mean, lean, and blueballed to hell and gone. Then comes the rape… I mean marriage by abduction. Just take every opportunity to create children. If you’re lucky, you’ll do it with one worthy woman.
All the world shall be your enemy, so you owe it to yourself to become their nightmare.
Every man must learn game. It a world of feral women, it is an essential survival skill. And you cannot learn game from books alone. You have to have game to get married, stay married, and have a happy marriage. And be willing to cheerfully break a few laws. My miraculous ability to talk to cops and sometimes expensive lawyers has made lawbreaking work for me so far, though it might not work so well for someone who lacks that ability, and who is at risk of being railroaded by the public defender.
Boomer normalcy bias.
The Game game is not what it was. The dangers are too great, making the juice unworthy of the squeeze. I didn’t say abstain forever, I said abstain until dangerous. Notice how my advice doesn’t require the nigger peacocking implicit in your advice. A woman needs no skill to make love, just as a woman needs no training to be a homemaker. A man needs skills for both. Abstaining when building the Legend of Self makes a man nearly insane with impetus. GNON piles on the potential energy that you then subvert into your work instead of Game. Only for a time. If a man has something worth holding, worth fighting for, he can better judge if a 17-19yo virgin is going to give him what he needs, or a “more prime” virgin offered up by a peer, an adversary, or a patron.
This is not the way it should be, and it is only a intermediate measure. Jim, he’s 17. Do you remember being that age? I sort of do. I could drive a stick shift truck while smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer while texting on my flip phone to pick up hard drugs for the “date” that night. I don’t know if my experience ports to this young man, but I know for a fact that my guidance is couched in the vicarious experience of my university classmates who were entering their 20s as I was exiting. I mean, we gave him the same advice: find a liege lord and be his body man (you put it less D&Dfag).
There’s no pussy shortage for dangerous men, but opportunities to be your own man are rapidly disappearing. Besides, there’s always whores.
The sword of the law has two edges, both of them blunt. If the dangers are too great, live dangerously. Also, make sure you have a good lawyer.
Which skills can only acquired by vigorous practice. Books and the web are necessary, but insufficient.
The consequence of practicing the thug life and misstepping is very grave and the probability of doing so is not at all trivial… I do not think it’s for everyone. If you are low in the dark triad type traits that attract women naturally… I tend to think you’re attempts to play the role of a bad guy will fail.
The thug life is defined by losers.
A dangerous man in something different. Thugs are not dangerous, though women are apt to be fooled. Female alpha radar is prone to false positives, but a reasonably smart woman has good enough alpha radar that she can eventually detect the difference.
You are rationalizing to justify despair. Have hope and faith, and your rationales will be revealed to you as foolish.
It is too late for me… having seen clownworld rise from hell before my eyes and too much trying and failing have driven all hope and faith in this from me.
Even if I could… since no woman other than a childhood sweetheart or your mother (maybe) ever has anything better than fairweather affection for you… is any woman you meet after high school age at the latest ever really be better than a whole?
I am older than you, I used to be fatter than you, and I have been through worse than you. I never despaired. It is the counsel of demons.
Learn to command women.
Com… it’s pretty nice having a woman at home that you can have sex with any time that you want. Don’t make it more than that. At least not much more than that.
Life is a fight to the death for every living thing. It’s a performance. It’s tough business being a man. Makes it a little more worth it when you have your own pussy.
Your saying things are bad, and in doing so protesting the good. Why skip on the good though? You already have to live with the bad, either way.
It’s never going to be perfect or ideal. It’s not like your ideal. Let that go and get dirty like everyone else. You might like it.
Well the approaches aren’t entirely exclusive.
Restitutor Orbis I believe mentioned married his stripper a while ago and they still get on. So did the only guy who (an asian nerd who I guarantee you couldn’t have gotten laid otherwise) made it out of Enron with his fortune intact. Marriages with whores tend to do better than say marriages with female lawyers. The whore generally on some level wants to become a housewife (at least before she hits the wall) and they are a lot better than normie women about ignoring shit other women and their in laws say…
I suppose the worst thing about them is they sap your motivation to deal with normal clownworld women… because its nice when you have trouble in normal life being rejected by fact chicks..
being able to meet a much better looking girl than would normally be interested than you… actually has a pleasant personality in many cases too… even redpilled on some things… shes only supposed to give you a lap dance but you end up fucking her raw this is in a short time after meeting her. The cost often being less than what you spend trying to show off status on a 1st date. When you get the hang of it… there is just no real desire to ever go back, don’t tell me it isn’t satisfying to do. I suppose if you’re younger that is the danger… under 25 try to get a nice girl to wife and going to whores will just spoil normie women. Over 35 you need to get your tensions relieved…
It is easier to find a virtuous woman in a whorehouse than a lawyer’s office, but neither place is a good hunting ground.
Best hunting ground is long distance or international tourist hot spot.
The problem with whores and lawyerettes is that they have been banged by General Bucknaked, and there is just no way you can compete.
When women go looking for men, they do not do it solo, so it is very hard to look for women looking for men if you are solo. To break into and take over a female group, needs a crew. Then when the time comes for social isolation, the leader of the crew assigns every woman, if you have enough crew, to one of the boys. (Draw straws in advance of the break in. Short straw gets the aging fattie to keep her from disrupting the social isolation.)
Despair will prevent you from making the necessary research, planning, training, organization, and considerable financial expenditures, thereby totally justifying despair as the rational option. Plan and prepare as if you were preparing to remove an evil man who caused you grief and is likely to continue doing so. Losing weight and lifting iron is the easiest part of it.
A whore isn’t going to give you a family, so I would say so.
I do share your apparently unpopular opinion of US wimmins. They are absolutely terrible nearly to a one. I’m not totally blackpilled and think it’s possible even still to find a workable female here, but I used to be so, at least for personalities like my own. Traveling to different and smaller churches has shown me examples of functioning families I had literally never seen before, but also I have not yet run into anyone single of dating age, or even attached and of dating age, so I am not optimistic about my odds.
I think I’m gonna see what it’s like in the balkans, including Turkey, and the eastern Slavlands. Plan to head that way soon enough, hopefully I don’t end up sucked into something that kills me. I really do believe there is something especially rotten about the women western culture has turned out, their nature has been denied to the point it has warped their psyche into something terrible, and I know my God given talents do not include managing broken and psychotic people.
Get ye into church, even if your faith is weak. Attend the cookouts, pot lucks and fish fry’s. Consider a prayer group or Bible study. Churchmen have daughters, sometimes many. This sounds crass and hokey but go for the girls and stay for the Lord.
“Thugs are not dangerous”
True in normal societies. A half truth today in America/West.
This is besides the point of discussion (women/what Mr. Smith should do), and a very small disagreement, but it’s an over simplification that can have a dangerous misinterpretation. Especially for young men who have a tendency of applying truths too broadly.
While thugs can normally be disposed of easily by even the likes of a 61 year old Bodega worker (Jose Alba), they also have state protection which makes them dangerous by proxy. A progressive DA can and will have police stack up on your door.
If you are in a blue state best be ready to pay for a good lawyer and be willing to gamble with a jury. If you are in a red state you probably won’t be gambling with a jury but you’ll still need money for a good lawyer.
Plan accordingly.
While you are correct in that the laws are against you, the funny thing is you are more likely to get hit with the law if you fail to practice game than if you act like a pimp. Women use the law to punish weak men, not their demon lovers.
Just go after women younger than you, the point where people even go “damn dude shes’ pretty young dontcha think?” everything will work out. Trust me.
Jim you have to be plausibly dangerous or have a job women cream for.. or like drive a motorcycle to get pussy in the US nowadays. Most people should not assume they can talk to cops like you can.
If you can’t do either of those three categories (and spergs can’t) hookers are reasonable until and unless you can find a foreign wife… in the US strippers are the best way.
You and Kunning Drueger despair.
Despair is self destructive, and leads to self destructive sexual deviations, which sexual deviations never provide the joy in reality that is imagined in fantasy. Have faith.
It is the will of Gnon that those obedient to his commands shall fill the stars and subdue them.
Despair is not prudence. Prudence is a virtue, but despair is the counsel of demons.
This tendency to read one line then copy/paste it over the whole missive is frustrating. Putting Game over self-development is just stupid. Game can be developed purely through non-sexual encounters with females. They have one, repeat ONE, playbook, and they use it for everything. Learning to manage females, learning how to tease and subdue and tittilate and punish and utilize and ignore, can only be done experientially. You cannot learn it from books or the internet, and dating apps are worthless as it is just filtering for desperate, mentally twisted, self-deluded, over-empowered females.
It is not despair to put away the wants of the flesh for a time and immerse yourself in the work of being a Dangerous Man. Coming through that fire with tempered steel and pure gold will attract women of every type, and having real status and substance, as well as the council of older, wiser men to judge which womb + noises will best suit your legend, positions the man to build a family alongside the Work he’s already developed.
Your council may be valuable to the 1% of the wisest, most self controlled, most self-actualized young men. For the rest, you are telling them “I went through a minefield, many minefields, and I’m just fine.” it is better to expend youth and luck and energy on things that are rare than it is to hunt pussy, purely by the measure of scarcity. A dangerous man with wealth and status will never want for female attention.
It is all a part of the same process. Part of the “plough your way through a sea of whores†is your own development. It’s not just that you found one better than the rest. You also the right man for the job. Had nearly anyone met their wives earlier in the process, likely not worked out so well.
I say go for it all, honestly. Work, women, hobbies etc. all take time to develop. Imagine the life you want, and just start chipping away at it. Let it develop naturally.
“It is not despair to put away the wants of the flesh for a time and immerse yourself in the work of being a Dangerous Man.”
Sex, from making the initial move onward, is something that must be developed through practice. A girl who gets dripping wet for a Dangerous Man, then in bed quickly realizes that he’s a 30-year-old virgin, is going to lose all attraction to him in a femtosecond.
I’m not saying you’re wrong on the theory, but I am saying this situation is akin to a cavalry genius from the 19th century trying to tell infantry conscripts from the 20th century all about battlefield tactics.
“Just charge, you gutless fools, show them the steel and they’ll break!”
“Massed artillery?!? Pah, I’ve faced the Prussians a time or two, stop making excuses!”
“What even is a ‘machined gun?’ Case forged? All cannon are case forged, stop being so fainthearted!”
“It is a martial certainty that, when ensconced, a warfare of maneuver must be engaged and success shall follow. This is not complicated, honestly. Just go around the flank.”
The difference between me and your nineteenth century cavalry officer is that I was in the trenches four years ago, and have been in the trenches from time to time all my life. Just break the sex laws that forbid the mating dance. All the people that get arrested and imprisoned are blue pilled innocents. The red pilled who actually do the mating dance get away with it.
Military tech changes on human-noticeable timescales. Female sexual psychology doesn’t.
Within the last month I had a woman – who knows I’m married – try to get one-on-one with me. This is not because I was trying to seduce her, but because I was automatically exhibiting the behavior patterns that I internalized while I was single. My point being No, things have not gone through some mystic phase change since I was on the market.
Or, to put it in Joe Biden terms: Come on, man.
Do note that Space Apostle Elon has ten children using his methods of reproduction (his methods ignore and doesn’t bother with the modern McMarriage ceremony).
With those methods, Elon has as much children as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Donald Trump combined.
How many of his children are transsexual?
Under this system, Elon’s r-strategy works better than Bill Gates’s and Jeff Bezos’s reliance on McMarriage certificates.
Same principle that Starlinks rely on. Mass produce many cheaply so that the constellation will work even if some of them will fail.
A valid criticism, but prudence, courage, faith, hope, and hard effort is good start for every man.
The tyndale bible, one of the first translations, translates Paul as
Do ye not remember how that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived. For neither fornicators, nor worshippers of images, nor whoremongers, nor weaklings, nor abusers of themselves with males, nor thieves, nor the coveteous, nor […] shall inheret the kyngdome of God.
nor weaklings.
Which most bibles translate as trannies.
Seems to me that “weaklings” make sense in the context of his admonition to women that they shall be saved in childbirth. In context, “childbirth” is a synechdoche for the female role, being the hardest, most dangerous, and most important part of that role. So, if demanding that women perform the female role, he demands that men perform the male role. Which is also hard.
Buy a convertible, women love them. I just helped my son buy a used BMW Z4. Pussy magnet for under 10k. You live near me, start looking for convertibles. There everywhere here.
And for gods sake stop telling yourself your a sperg. Your shooting yourself in the foot. Start telling yourself you are alpha. Start believing it. Soon enough you’ll get comfortable with it, and start acting like it.
BMW for under 10k? Surely a typo?
Cars are only as good of a chick magnet as good as the car is used. If you have an Alpha’s car but behave/think/drive like Elliot Rodger… well women are going to notice.
Even a budget, family man’s car like a 20k sedan can be attractive. Just be prepared to have the punch line at parties that you almost went to jail for going way above 100 miles per hour in a cheap souped up Honda Civic or something.
Not saying one should risk prison, but women do pick up on how confident a guy drives more than what he is driving.
The magic of expensive cars is that most men automatically start behaving more confident when they get one, and confidence is what is usually most attractive to women in the first place.
Maybe getting an expensive car fixes the problem, maybe not, but ultimately he does need to stop calling himself a sperg.
Psychological power of prayer is real.
It bogles my mind how few men with money actually take tactical driving courses.
There’s nothing like the abilities taught at a school like this for making the dick in your head gain a few inches. And honestly, it’s just valuable if you live in a car based region.
For all you one-click Wandas out there:
South Florida is a used car paradise. Especially if you are mechanically inclined. I like BMWs myself. The in-line six from the late 90s to the late 00s are 300k mile motors no problem. Once you own a bmw, as a driver or an enthusiast you will not want anything else.
Still possible to find old sports cars under 10k – I’m trying very hard at the moment to convince myself not to buy a super clean Saab Viggen I found
Cominator, it isn’t that hard. I’ve said this before, but you don’t actually need the killer’s 1,000-yard stare to be attractive to women. Just a devil-may-care party boy who plays by his own rules suffices. I’m speaking from real-world experience, not theory. Women love men they can’t control.
Understand that you’re going to fail some shit tests. That’s part of the learning process. Just learn from it and keep going. The proper attitude is “Next!” You didn’t learn to walk without falling down. (And FWIW, no other man has ever passed 100% of her shit tests either.)
A woman doesn’t have to do anything to reach her full potential as a woman. A man has to grow into manhood by being hardened in the refiner’s fire.
Here is a thread about two strippers going to Tampa for the weekend.
Give me the Tl;Dr version.
But that would take all the “fun” out of it.
I’ll say the sheer amount of wretched chaos is impressive. It just gets worse and worse the longer you read.
The funniest part is possibly when the black stripper gets impatient with the unskilled pimping out of the white stripper, and shows the gang how to get the business really rolling. Don’t worry, the strippers in the end get back to their home city … Detroit. Perhaps that’s enough of a summary?
Don’t read it. It isn’t funny. It isn’t even sad. It is exactly what They want for my kids, for our kids. I’m not even angry right now. I think I’m numb.
At some point, They will cry out for mercy. I will have none to give. Jesus fucking wept.
As the sage said, keep your daughters off the pole.
Eh I read a version elsewhere (I can’t read long sequences of short tweets). The most dramatic elements didn’t happen apparently (no police record in Florida where all arrests have public records).
The most unusual element of the story is the white girls pimp and simp were living together… I’m very surprised that situation didn’t end up with anyone dead.
Guarantee you though it wasn’t mentioned the white girl in this story was a bad bad drug addict and the black girl wasn’t… all stripper/hooker dysfunction to this degree generally ties to hard drugs.
Wow. Extremely entertaining.
“or like drive a motorcycle”
Dude…. I have good news for you, if you think that “driving a motorcycle” is like some weird exotic thing (!) then I’m here to tell you it’s really easy, you should start doing it right now. No guarantee on the free pussy but who cares.
Motorcycle can definitely get you pussy but if you aren’t a natural at balance (and I’m not) you’ll be dead (or perhaps worse) within a month of getting one and I would be.
Yes, I tried a motorcycle. It was great, but I injured myself, and the injury impaired one of my shoulders for several years. Could have been my head. A convertible works also, less effective and more expensive, but a whole lot safer, and you can get a really cool old convertible cheap.
If you can afford it, sending a driver on gofer mission related to your date also works.
Even our blogmaster the advocate of living dangerously notes that one should be cautious about motorcycles even though if you can handle them they prettymuch guarantee you pussy.
They are not for everyone… but I would ask you to consider that acting like you plausibly might murder people in nightspots on a regular basis without 1) Having to eventually do something stupid 2) Getting killed yourself by someone much more dangerous than you 3) Getting arrested 4) Getting exposed as a larper fake tough guy (and EVERYONE hates that type of guy)
Michael Franzese repeatedly said even in the mafia where there was professional utility to violence in many circumstances… that the Tommy DeSimone types who needed to show everyone what brutal violent men they were almost universally tended to end up dead.
Also a boat. I live near the water and male status as viewed by women is weighed heavily by who has a boat. You’re not going to find many dudes with nice boats lacking in pussy around here.
Pooch true enough in Florida as well.
Be careful with going maritime, the sea might seduce you and you’ll forget all about pussy. In all seriousness, boat culture is expensive but massively rewarding. I’m happy that my hoe and I chose the hoe, but I still dream about the sea. there’s really nothing like living and working on the water.
“if you aren’t a natural at balance”
I mean I won’t tell you what’s best for you, only you can decide this, but if you have “balance problems” that you feel are going to impair your ability to motorcycle then I am amazed you are even walking around. Gyroscopic force my man, the bike does the work!
I’m just very pro motorcycle, is all. I’m not kidding when I say that riding one is almost the most fun a person can have, better than “pussy”.
I also advocate bikes on the merits of fun- and driving anything hard and fast gives you adrenaline desensitization, which keeps a man calm in the face of danger and makes it easier to talk to women
Question about this – how to describe the following:
In times of acute stress or danger all that happens to me is I get really bored, things slow down, I recognize my motor functions are decayed – so focus on bigger movements.
I optimize my gear around retard-proof over 100% effectiveness – ie a sword that’s easier to swing straight vs miss with – loss prevention.
During really bad times I’ll have this half sombre half tranquil thought – now it’s time to die – then my mind blanks – thoughts go still. Tactical mind still active, assertive.
I also. Axe works well.
Sher Singh, that feeling of time slowing is called tachypsychia. That is a different reaction than your loss of fine motor skills. The way to approach the issue of fine motor skills is to practice, practice, practice until it is beyond the need for thought. The tachypsychia makes it easier to watch the fight and choose when to act, and constant practice can offset the fine motor skill issue. On Killing and On Combat are good books that talk about the psychological and physiological reactions to battle.
Axe is good because it does not rely as much on fine motor skills and is a more potent psychological weapon. Still, practice fighting with it, especially if you can find good teachers or some good videos of axe combat.
Well Winston, my first advice is to avoid room 101 like the plaque.
Occupation wise I would recommend HVAC repair. Home AC and furnace. Pay is good and lots of work.
On the woman question, once you get established, take one. Just tell her that you want her and go from there.
Aside from that, keep your hair cut, be clean shaven, firm handshake and confident tone and eye contact.
Not sure why you mentioned notzees. Don’t think there are any here.
“keep your hair cut, be clean shaven”
Exactly what a Nazi or a baby killer soldier would say! Joking aside… he’s a 17 year old man living in blue tribe lands. The amount of social pressure that exists in that environment is huge, and anyone who steps outside of the party line is denounce as a Nazi or similar.
Nazi has no meaning today other than heretic.
My son is your age, and plenty smart. He works for me now, learning to become a cabinet maker. By the time you would have graduated college, he will have a down payment for a house. By that time he will have the experience to start a business of his own with me.
Find a high end cabinet and architectural millwork shop and start sweeping floors and making deliveries. Finish carpentry is one of those trades where once you learn it (it is tough to learn) you can pretty much move anywhere you like and find work. And you will learn enough about the other trades, and fixing machines not to need to hire someone yourself. Saves a lot of money and headache over a lifetime.
Not to mention, no women in the workplace, and no HR. No blacks or Jews for that matter either.
And like Jim said, learn game. Go have fun with girls, at some point you’ll find one that is better than the rest.
Best put the opinions of your parents and neighbors out of your mind. Sooner you do that, the sooner you’ll be living your life, not theirs.
I was already shoulder-deep into college when I got into all this. When the truth finally dawned on me and I changed my life 180 degrees, it was messy. Family didn’t understand, and I said some things in anger I regret.
What I don’t regret is making that decision to follow my guts. Man am I glad I made that decision. A man with open eyes following through makes more happen in five years than a man with closed eyes in five lifetimes. So I say, go for what you really want. Your parents won’t understand, but that’s OK. If it makes you happy, it’ll eventually make your parents happy.
> A man with open eyes following through makes more happen in five years than a man with closed eyes in five lifetimes.
Well said.
I am going to take the contrarian position and say that college is not a terrible idea, as long as you are not getting stuck with the bill. Use scholarships and grants to foot the bill and have your parents cover the rest. So long as you are not going into debt, college is a useful experience, just not for the reasons that normies think.
There are valuable skills you can learn at college, but not usually from classes. Learn to speak the lingo of the cucked commie phaggot, learn how to guard your thoughts, how to pass as a normie and when to unleash your power level, instead. Finally, experience with the fairer sex. You can maybe even find a reasonably smart but naive art girl and knock her up. Hang out with the engineering and science majors, particularly chemical and mechanical engineering students. Take hard science classes to fit in. Use the nice college gym to get fucking huge.
Basically, use the time on someone else’s dime to learn how to deal with people, gain valuable practical experience, and experiment with hustles and side gigs. The degree will be worthless, but people do not go to Harvard because of the quality of its instruction. You are going to learn things and have to face the reality of what it looks like to have to ignore reality. You have the opportunity to experiment with your personal style and presentation and get feedback. Not the faggy, “find yourself,” but authentic personal branding. You get a very valuable chance to try and find a social position you can exploit.
And again, this only holds true if you are getting someone else to pay for it. DO NOT pay for college under any circumstances. Just not worth it.
I agree with this. You are going to have better results learning how to thrive within the existing system and institutions, not outright opposing it as some esoteric Ted Kaczynski living in the wilderness weirdo.
If I were to have a son right now I would tell him to go to college (whichever is the cheapest) and get a degree/skills that will allow for a high paying remote work job and also learn game in order to obtain a wife. That way he can get started on forming a family right away by skipping the degenerate period of city living in a tiny high cost apartment box. Don’t think I would give this advice to a daughter however.
There are plenty of online degree mills these days that will provide any anointment in the whig priesthood you desire with a minimum of trouble and treasure.
No reason not to game the system, and good employers are perfectly willing to take any excuse you can give them.
No point in online school. You are not going to get the social practice you can get from college online, and trying to find a woman online is best done through tinder.
The point is jamming the signal. It’s something any man 1 sd IQ and a few hours to spare each week can do. The degrees are worthless so it is only meet and right to replace them with a farce of equivalent worth in expense, if needed.
Not only with women, but social practice that can be valuable in your work life as well by being able to talk among the upper class particularly if you are in sales.
Precisely this. You need to be able to mimic the talk, and maybe sneak in some deniable real talk to feel someone out. Women are not the be all, end all of social interaction. It is more important to learn the mores and speech of the upper class men, even if only to be able to pass as one of them. Always remember, though, that you are merely passing through them, not becoming one of them. Do not risk assimilation.
Hey, I am upper class.
I was born and raised in a little upper class island that had mostly resisted the debasing. Went directly from imbibing the red pill in the air that I breathed in school and childhood, then got somewhat blue pilled by the environment, then when game first appeared on the internet, was suddenly familiar and comfortable as an old shoe.
A lot of people get the black pill and deep spiritual crisis because they recognize red pill reality and cannot let go of blue pill morality. Never having really internalized blue pill morality in the first place, I scarcely noticed shrugging it off.
Do you speak in public the same way you write on this blog? How much of that upper class island remains?
He can learn our speech, the speech of men with chests, but he must also learn to speak with men without chests.
Blue pill morality died the moment I found the red pill, because I went looking for the red pill due to the failures of the blue pill. I am not talking about any of that. I am talking about how to hide among the people who have not yet taken the red pill. Conceal his true power level and avoid the cruel eyes and arms of the Cathedral.
The main disconnect here is that you are looking at something like ‘online degree mill’ as like a ‘lifestyle choice’, the same way you look at ‘going to college’ as like a ‘lifestyle choice’.
The whole point is that it is *not* a lifestyle choice.
That you are *not* incurring major marginal costs, be it in terms of time, money, place of residence, social circles, occupations, or any other entanglements you either have now or are looking to pursue going forwards.
Your advice is contaminated by normality bias.
You do not acquire useful skills in college. You may acquire accreditation that gives you permission to exercise skills acquired by other means, but if so, better first scope out if the accreditation actually opens useful doorways. Large piles of entirely worthless accreditation abound.
I was there long before things got as bad as they are now, and the only useful thing I learned was spinors and definite integrals within the complex plane, which have not been terribly useful. Theoretically all sorts of important and interesting stuff was covered, but I either learned that stuff by other means long before I encountered it in college, or rightly ignored it. I learned a lot about the standard particle model, enough to understand that it is a pile of ad hoc epicycles piled on epicycles.
I had zero programming exposure before college. Graduated from college knowing how to code that landed me a job in programming. Could not have not that without college. It was not just the degree.
I understand that there are coding bootcamps and such nowadays that did not exist when I attended school. I would consider those for my son, but I would still classify that as thriving within the system not outright opposing it and telling young men to go become a prepper/plumber in the woods or something.
I learned exactly nothing from the college text books on coding. However I was able to spend time with very bright people and network with them. That proved very useful when it came to getting jobs.
That and Also colleges tend to have a deep network to help graduates land their first job with many companies conducting interviews right at campus. This is valuable because companies tend to not want to hire someone cold with zero prior experience.
Factor in that if you are smart going to an in state school for mostly free with academic scholarship is achievable and college is not a bad deal for a young man. Also there tons of chicks around to practice game on.
Viewing that deep network from the hiring end, it delivers priests with computer science degrees from famous and respected institutions who cannot pass simple programing questions.
So the network may these days be less functional than you recall it being. These days, it is a network for people who can guarantee your company is correctly converged. Which I suppose would be useful to some employers.
Are these graduates having trouble with programming syntax, language features or the logical reasoning that goes into a computer program itself?
Networking with very bright people has been the primary benefit of college for several centuries.
A benefit that has gone away now that the average IQ of college graduates has dropped below one hundred. You are suffering from normalcy bias.
Depends on the area of study. I am still seeing the founding engineers of billion dollar tech unicorns starting out in college and using college to network with co-founders, even if they drop out to found the company before graduating.
The diversity bringing down the average IQ in college are just not majoring in engineering. If you major in engineering, you are likely to find the students around you are going to still be pretty smart.
I no longer see them using college to network. Do you have any recent examples?
I was readiing about the founders of Plaid recently who met as interns at Bain Capital circa 2012 which internships would likely not have been available to them if not for college connections. Maybe 2012 is not recent enough I don’t know.
If you can get your parents to fund the degree, and can handle the maths, consider an engineering or computer science degree (depending on the school, a computer science degree might not even require much maths). You will get skills and qualifications that are portable around the world in case of a collapse at home. Furthermore, those courses are generally less woke than the others.
Bad advice unless you’re high level MIT tier…
Most people at university are not only wasting money, but time, time that they could be using to build a career and a family.
It can provide positive value, though not if you are paying current prices for it, particularly if you get qualification for a job that is by law reserved for people with certain accreditation, and many important jobs are by law, or by defacto effect of government regulation, reserved for people with certain accreditation. But for a great many people, pretty much everyone who does not get a degree for which there are reserved jobs, it no longer provides value.
University courses in programming and engineering were never value.
A lot of countries around the world do regulate engineering.
Computer Science not so much, but CS degrees can be done in 3 years which is not very long in the grand scheme of things.
And if his parents are dead set on him going to college, and he can persuade them to pay for it as a result, it would be better than doing a Liberal Arts or related degree.
If he can’t get his parents to pay for it, or get a scholarship, then college probably isn’t worth it, especially for a CS degree as you can work in the field without it.
As far as CS goes, my impression is it’s very hit and miss. A BS degree might help you get your first job, but if you’re self-motivated you could equally well spend the same years working on open source and end up more skilled.
(OK, you will not be great at the theory and math parts, but then again you might not need that. Maybe algorithms.)
I’ll add I know several senior guys who hire guys (GHGs?) who put little or no weight on your degree and a lot of weight on what you’ve done, presumably because it’s not unknown to slide through a CS program without becoming competent. Without a degree, you might on the other hand get filtered out by Megacorp HR at an early stage.
If you want to get into management, I believe it’s a great help to be tall, like 6’2″.
Everyone I know who does well in programming was a computer guy before his CS degree, and taught himself how to do things while passing his entirely worthless classes.
Exactly so.
I never encountered an engineer who learned programming at college. He might have a computer science degree, but it was utterly irrelevant to his job skills.
If you must do college, go finance. MBA, nothing less. You’ll need an undergrad, that can be something easy. Accounting is fine too. Nothing else is remotely worth it. Do not go into 6 figure debt for a faggoty art or music degree.
Gird your loins (mentally speaking) against the poz, infiltrate the system, and make friends with other people like you. Build a faction within the cathedral and work against it. Conquest’s laws don’t have to work against us. Fight the leviathan while eating its lunch.
Otherwise, skip college, get a job. Study for certs; they are easy to get (~1-3 months of study) and look good on a resume. Apprentice, learn skills, meet people, network. If you live with your folks, move out ASAP. Get out of your comfort zone. Put yourself in a place where you need to fight kill beg or starve. You’ll be amazed at all the things you can learn in a short time. Good luck!
This… I went engineering horrible horrible mistake. Accounting and Finance were the ONLY things worth going into.
I presume you’re American living in USA. I’m not so take this cum grano salis, but these days all of “The West” is just a province of GAE anyway.
As first, honour your parents. They might be “Cathedral apparatchiks”, but they are still your mother and father.
If they insist on college, and you can not refuse it, try to apply for some college, typically technnical, that can teach you at least something useful. Don’t know about situation in USA, but in Croatia you still can learn something useful in technical colleges, especially those that organize some practice in industry. In this way, you can also meet smart folks with whom of for whom you can work later.
Try applying acquired knowledge in real life, e.g. if you take some electrical engineering course, teach yourself also about wiring a home and wire that cellar or something where introduction of light bulbs is long overdue. It will give you confidence in yourself.
Regarding social life, most of the greengrocers are reactionaries if you dig deep enough. Also, video games are cool – when blizzard is outside or heat wave from Sahara. In all the other circumstances, go outdoors or do something useful – fishing, beekeeping, carpentry, some smart reading, you name it. In that way, you will also meet above average folks with similar interests.
Regarding women… heh, our courteous host and most of the commentariat here would probably call me “purple pilled” because I do not like much that notion of “Game”, however:
1. Women are attracted in men who have self confidence. Your mother was attracted to your father because of that, my mother to my father, our grandmothers to our grandfathers. All women are like that, be they whores or madonnas. Be self confident, don’t just act like you are self-confident (and that is my greatest objection to notion of Game).
2. Don’t let women mould you. It is kind of OK to be gallant, but don’t do anything that does not come naturally to you just because you think you will gain attention from girls, be that smoking or visiting some fancy restaurant.
3. I would not advise you promiscuous life style.
“Be self confident, don’t just act like you are self-confident (and that is my greatest objection to notion of Game).”
The mask becomes the face. This is one of the important propositions of Game.
Habit is not always a bad thing; it can be a good thing.
Shouldn’t frame it like that. Confidence and command are natural to a strong, competent man. Its not putting on a mask, but shedding the spiritual Harrison Bergeron inhibitors to your masculinity.
I agree that the narratives we tell ourselves about ourselves are very important. “Mask” may not be the best way of thinking about it.
But I was interpreting Upravda as saying “Game is basically a bunch of dishonest fakery practiced by poseurs.” It’s gets up my nose when people say that because when the metal meets the road there is no difference between being fake and being genuine. Those aren’t even meaningful categories.
Here’s the example I used in this forum a couple of years ago: If a girl at a bar asks you to hold her purse while she goes to the bathroom, and you refuse (even when she doubles down, which she will), you’re not pretending you have enough self-confidence to refuse: you actually refused.
> there is no difference between being fake and being genuine
As someone who has greatly suffered from subordinates and superiors who lied their way into their positions, I cannot disagree with this statement vehemently enough. This insane proposition is quite possibly the predicate for making the already challenging problem of “fixing” bureaucracy impossible. In every category that matters, liars are the secondary problem, and people that reward lying are the primary problem.
Kunning, my comment was meant for a specific context. Obviously there is such a thing as a diabolically deceitful liar in the realm of, say, politics.
I consider all that Game stuff simply as a tool set for setting relationships with women. Not necessarily sexual. And with The woman.
Yes, there are a lot of dishonest fakers and poseurs who practice Game. As with any other skill set.
However, many of the Game axioms are simply commons sense, regretfully in short supply these days in “The West”. And my second biggest objection is that many of those axioms are expressed in needlessly confrontational way.
If you say “chicks dig jerks”, it is much more confrontational than simply saying “women are attracted to men who have self confidence”. If you start talking about “Dread Game”, it is much more confrontational than simply saying “be a man whom other women, beside yours, may find attractive”.
But, I didn’t understand your example about holding girl’s purse. Would you care to elaborate?
We are facing a demon worshiping religion. Confrontation is unavoidable.
If you show courage, if you deny the superior holiness of those who would destroy you, you are being “confrontational”.
You may be an old type atheist, but you are going to find yourself shouted down by the worshipper of demons.
If you express the truths of the red pill in a non confrontational way, the worshippers of demons will smell weakness and fear. They will attack, fiercely and in a mob. You will be destroyed. There is no alternative to expressing them in the most direct fashion, expressing them in a way that denies the superior holiness of the mob that shall be summoned to destroy you.
It concisely compacts two red pill truths – that females go for alpha, and that female perception of alpha is different from male perceptions. You have to be not just self confident, but also an asshole. There is no alterative.
If you did not understand his example, your utter incompetence at game, and complete incomprehension of female nature, is so deep and hopeless that you will never understand until you adopt a humbler attitude to your superiors.
All my life, long before there were such words as “game”, or “the red pill” that was completely obvious to me, came in the air I breathed as a child. It is as if you are asking someone to explain his mysterious and incomprehensible claim that rocks fall downwards.
This stuff is so obvious that failure to understand indicates willful blindness to what has always been right in front of everyone’s nose. You will never comprehend women or game as long as you keep your frame that willful and obstinate blindness to reality is a form of moral superiority.
Girls used to do the hold my purse as a common shit test and they really would do that one, for whatever reason they don’t do that one very often anymore… while it may have seemed like a rather simple courtesy (and I don’t think you should refuse women every simple courtesy, I always found that girls who smoked responded genuinely favorably to you lighting their cigarettes for them for example) the correct answer to this was no.
Once again I have a quibble that might help illustrate the point. I don’t think refusing to hold a girl’s purse is the only move. It’s hard to say without being there in the spur of the moment, but I think I would have happily agreed to hold a girl’s purse. When she came out of the restroom I would have handed it off to one of my buddies and denied that she had ever given me anything to hold. (“Purse? What purse? How much have you had to drink, I’ve never seen you before.”)
Or if I had held onto it, there is no way on earth I would ever have handed it right back. At the very least there might have been a game of keep-away, followed by me stiff-arming her while I examined its contents and made sarcastic remarks.
Said another way, there’s a fine line between being an asshole and just being a merciless tease, and depending on the girl the latter may be all you need. My wife is a gentle sort, and when we were dating I teased her nonstop and brutally, but did not need to cross the line to full-on asshole more than occasionally. I am by nature an easygoing guy. It’s true that I have never taken shit from anyone, but to me that’s not the same thing as being an asshole.
While being a merciless tease is better, being an asshole is easier, and girls do not seem to appreciate the subtle difference. Not worth sweating over. Female alpha radar was designed for simpler times.
Mike in Boston:
Sure, there are many ways of not complying, but the central point that blue-pilled dudes need to hear is don’t comply.
No, there’s a definite difference. Women are attracted to confident men but they love jerks even more. And beyond jerk and into evil. Look up the love letters that convicted killers in prison get. There is an infinity of such cases.
Pinker’s Blank Slate cites an anthropology paper that found that in some tribe, men who have killed get more mates than those who haven’t.
I also tried the distinction myself when I was in my active experimentation phase. I tried being confident and civil – at a time when I really was confident, because things were going well – and being more of an asshole. The result: asshole me did better with women.
The purse thing: It has been a couple of years, but IIRC I was responding to someone who was basically saying “If you refuse to hold her purse when you have a gut-level instinct to comply and hold it, that’s dishonest; that’s not the real you.â€
My point being that this whole “the real you†thing is garbage. If you tell her “No,†then plainly you have the balls to tell her “No.†The whole idea of being true to yourself – in this particular context – is just self-confusing argle-bargle.
If I can quote from memory the movie Hitch (which starts out well but then he turns into a wuss at the end):
Hitch’s client: “I don’t know; I’m not sure these shoes are really me.â€
Hitch: “‘You’ is a fluid concept. You paid for the shoes. You look great in the shoes. Don’t overthink it.â€
@Neurotoxin – and Purse Unholders 🙂
It seems I was really slammed for not getting the purse example. 🙂
So, you were trying to say about holding a purse for woman that is not yours, that you met in a bar or maybe know from passing? It is highly unlikely that someone that doesn’t know you well or at all would give you her purse just like that. It would be abysmally stupid. So, no, I have never even heard for such shit test.
And no, I would not hold the stranger’s purse, although not for some reason of Game, passing shit tests, etc, but because of common sense. Don’t take purse from strangers. And if the purse is actually empty, then she is clearly fuck you around so again – no reason and no point in holding the stranger’s purse.
Yes, we are facing demon worshiping religion that needs to be openly confronted. For now, with words. Strong words.
However, all that stuff about Game existed since time immemorial, and will continue to exist while there are men and women, regardless of current affairs. So, I don’t find it necessary that confrontational wording from one area be transferred to another.
You would be surprised.
Women are hungry for alpha. Therefore take risks no man would take, in order that some man will take advantage of them.
I lived through the time when knowledge of game was erased. The basic mechanism was not getting the joke.
First generation goes through the motions of official belief, but treats it as a joke, second generation does believe in official truth but knows not everyone takes it too seriously, and when trouble unfolds, believe in official truth on sundays but not on weekdays, third generation has forgotten what the first generation knew. Disaster unfolds, and the fourth generation hold a research program on the internet.
Upravda at 2022-07-14 at 06:28
You’re getting the right answer for the wrong reason here.
I guess it depends on your personality. If I got angry, I used to exaggerate the anger just to keep girls off balance, but it always felt like a performance because it was a performance. For me it was more natural, and fun, to be a merciless tease. I still tease the hell out of my wife, and it’s still fun.
Exactly. That’s why I wanted to offer another example of not complying, so our compatriots could focus on the principle and not get hung up on one specific way to apply the principle.
The principle is just to not be a compliant, indecisive “nice guy“. Instead demonstrate amused mastery. Heartiste really did a great job of abstracting individual examples into general principles.
The mask is what you wear to live among normies, the true self is the self-confident, capable, and dangerous man underneath. A fun game is to pull of the mask in front of normies then make a show of putting it back on. They react like a child to peekaboo, but afraid. Then they act like spooked livestock, until they calm back down and forget you are a monster under a pleasant mask.
>A fun game is to pull of the mask in front of normies then make a show of putting it back on.
That sounds really cool, but it’s vague. What’s a concrete example of doing this? Tell me an anecdote about a time when you pulled off the mask to play with the normies.
I have a bunch of body language and facial expressions that I do as habit to fit in with the others and be part of the group. I was talking about something and they said that I was making it up. I just turned around, dropped all the things I do to fit in, and then turned back around. Then after watching their reactions, l let myself blend in again. They were quite unsettled, but they went back to normal after lunch. Maybe not the wisest thing I have ever done, but it amused me.
As a young man you have to choose between the two bad options of suffering under the tyranny of cat ladies in HR or going into the trades and inhaling based particulates alongside conservabro squatemalan roofers.
The way out in the first circumstance is to work for a small company without much catlady presence, a company that is mostly white men, and in the second circumstance to find something that looks very much like an apprenticeship, where you find an old white man despairing over the fact that incompetent beaners are the only ones around to inherit his knowledge, which will otherwise die with him, and tacitly convince him that you are smart and competent enough to learn from him.
Both options require the minimum of accreditation, and a lot of charisma and actual competence. I’ve been in both situations, and only had to leave the second because the old white tradesman was a drug addict, and it caught up to him.
Jim is right that college is turning into an expensive and time wasting scam. Jim’s blanket statements are valuable because they help the reader establish the right worldview.
But as Jim generally points out (though he did not in this case), there are often exceptions to the general principle, in this case the principle of universities becoming more and more nothing but seminaries for the priesthood of the Woke religion. There may still be college programs that don’t entirely waste your time and help you get where you want to go, which is to be making decent money at a job you don’t hate.
So if it’s not your money and in the interests of family harmony you consider going the college route, then the task is to find a college that still helps you get a good paying job. The way to do that is to figure out some jobs you think you might like, and talk to the guys who hire for those jobs. Where do they hire from, and what are they looking for? This is just as important as the college application process, if not more so.
Here’s a freebie to start with. You wrote:
The College of Design at NC State is serious about getting its graduates good jobs, which they primarily do through an annual job fair. PRGis one company that should be on your radar screen and they recruit there, though they also hire guys with only high school diplomas and promote from within.
I hope this was helpful. Good luck!
Your advice on academia is heartfelt by you, and does not come from your master’s script, but it is bad advice because it is written around rationales for not blaming the guilty. You presuppose function and good intent where there is dysfunction and evil intent.
The rot in academia is that having abandoned its Christian goals, it then abandoned its intellectual goals. The rot was painfully visible to me half a century ago. After reading Moldbug I researched the matter, and found the rot setting about 1875, two and a half centuries ago. There rot has proceeded faster and faster, with no specific date at which one can say “things were OK before year X, and rotten after year Y”
It has been a ponzi scheme for a very long time. It never worked as a career training system, except for training priests. It used to work as place for smarties to hang out.
Pompey vs Caesar vibes…
Pompey vs Crassus more…
And Crassus hits back…
Trump should “hang up his hat and sail into the sunset”
Crassus also says Pompey should step aside to yield the Consulship to DeSantis who might be Caesar (who started his career relatively broke compared to both of them).
Yeah he seems to be backing DeSantis hard. Since DeSantis isn’t rich, Musk may want to try control DeSantis via bribes/influence in the same way Thiel is attempting to have control over 2 senators (Masters/Vance). Musk seems too narcissistic to let DeSantis have all the glory. He definitely wants in on the triumvirate.
He is very right IMHO that Trump is too old.
He is but he is the most charismatic speaker of all of them by a lot, which is his big advantage. I think Musk is even less charismatic than DeSantis which is tough to do.
The powerful smell the death of the Republic in the air, and eye each other for the feast.
The Dutch farmers may yet do what they have to do.
Comments are saying it is shooped. Picture looks fake.
“BREAKING: A Bill Gates Foundation supermarket in the Netherlands that focuses on new-age foods like plant protein meat has spontaneously caught fire in the middle of the night.”
We need some more of these “spontaneous fires”. >:D
So this is how the Amish die. I was wondering how they were going to do it. They’ll just drive them off the their land with climate crap like they are doing to the Dutch.
I don’t see anyone having the balls to walk into Amish territory and tell them to stop farming
I took the fact that the Amish are heavily armed as an indication they’d fight back, despite their pacifism. I did not realize that historically they allow themselves to be killed rather than fight back, no wonder they’re allowed leeway to make cabinets in peace, they can be taken out at any time unless they have some deep hidden exception too their rule.
I don’t think this would work on the Amish. They are the definition of “green farming practices.” In many respects, their way of life seems to be similar to what the overlords wish for all of us to pursue. Though of course, their “primitive” religiosity is unacceptable.
It just occurred to me that we may all be forced to become Amish or Mennonite. We’d have to smuggle in redpills and safeguard them for a future time.
If cow manure can be deemed bad for nature, I have no doubt that Amish agriculture can be deemed bad for nature. The urban greenies are increasingly taking aim at the hippie country greenies that ignorantly support them. The left devours the left, and the urban greenies are devouring the rural greenies. Cannot keep chickens, cannot milk cows, cannot butcher a pig. If anything, the Amish are getting away with stuff that the old greenie hippies are finding increasingly dangerous and difficult.
You cannot butcher your pig, you cannot kill and eat the wild goats attacking your crops. If you want to eat your pig, you have to send it to big city slaughterhouse, and it mysteriously died in its travels, and had to be dumped.
If you try to live the old hippie greenie lifestyle you will theoretically be arrested, unlike the mexicans who steal your cattle fence wire for scrap metal, just as if you attempt to perform the mating dance, you will theoretically be arrested.
And if you attempt it without Jim’s silver tongue for women and cops, you will actually be arrested.
This is the crux of the problem as I see it…
If you can handle women OK, you will not need a silver tongue for talking to cops.
“The urban greenies are increasingly taking aim at the hippie country greenies that ignorantly support them.”
If country greenies includes the new agey types the new agey types do not support them. The hostility of the new ager types for the progleft has been growing for a long time and since the covid shutdowns its been blatant, I would say they hate progs about as much as we do at this point (definitely more than cuckservatives).
The hippie new ager types genuinely value personal freedom and don’t like authority… they like being off the grid as much as possible. The whole system of gay digital control and forcibly trannyizing anyone (which they are well aware of that the agenda is, oh they also strongly believe men and women are different) they fucking hate it.
And of course given that the Amish all broke tradition in 2016 to vote for Trump the Amish also don’t support them…
Like I’ve said before they are the only “leftist” faction which I would spare.
“The hippie new ager types genuinely value personal freedom and don’t like authority”
This is synchronicity, I literally had this discussion elsewhere recently. You are right. The essence of my recent discussion was, “what happened to hippies, classically we associated them with 60s leftism but they don’t seem that way anymore.” Yeah, they’re not, today’s hippies are decreasingly leftists as we think of them from the 60s and increasingly just independent thinkers who want to be left alone, I know many who own guns and were in the military.
Living in homestead country, I do worry, a little, about attempts to shutter every and all small acreage, but I think if you live in hippie homestead country you’ll find a pretty robust resistance. I guess it depends on how fast the economy collapses and government loses the ability to inflict stuff.
Ten-year old girls lust after older men. Men like Akon, R Kelly and Edred Thorsson.
So do five-year old girls. And in both cases the impulse can be easily manipulated to manifest in all sorts of grotesque forms. Hence groomers going drunk with power.
OK, passing you, but try not to chime in endorsing obvious shill attacks on Christianity by blatantly fake Christians as if Gospel standard ancient Chistianity.
He engaged in real debate, unlike a typical shill, but was shifting ground to whatever best supported the post Christian take on Christianity. Possibly he is genuine, but I doubt it, and as more time passes without him making the affirmation, I doubt it more.
If he does manage to make the affirmation, I intend to take him off moderation but grill him on his Christology, which I strongly suspect to by post Christian in some way or other. Over the millenia, post Christian religions have developed no end of complicated and overly clever Christologies to enable them to say Christian words with anti Christian meanings, but since Christians are now out of power, most of this excessive cleverness has been forgotten.
Respectfully, I don’t think this is enough. In many elite GAE circles, sexualizing youth is commonplace. Given his track record, how is this enough?
This is symptomatic of a larger issue. We have very effective shill tests for the post-protestants and Feds, but they may not be as effective for other tribes that are our enemies. What is the shill test for an atheist? The devolution of science and technology? What about shill tests for pagans? Aidan hit him with one and he declined to answer, spouting some nonsense about it being beneath him, which was what the shill Whitey tried to pull.
I submit to your good sense, I’m not going to make a crusade out of Fucks Own Hand or whatever his tribal name is around the drum circle.
Darwin on sex differences.
Nature or natures God. If a postchristian, we grill him on Christ, if a new atheist, race and sex. Old type atheists believe in natural selection. New type atheists believe in evolutionary creationism.
I think the key here as to why Jim is giving it a pass (for now) is that Oog en Hand is ascribing that 10 year old girls are sexual beings, which is not a public cathedral or fed line. If he had said that the elite class is full of pedos who rape 10 year olds, that would not be a pass, since that is not a crime-thought.
I “recently” was at a party where I ended up pushing lots of kids on the swings. During that I “caught the eye” of Two 10 year old girls. They asked me lots of questions about my current and past relationship statuses. A few times They would go off to do their own thing, and then come back to “play’ with me. At one point, (when it was just me and the 2 girls) they started talking to each other about sex, with 1 telling the other “sex is gross, so I’m never going to have kids.” and the other friend “agreed”. Before the event was over, one of them insisted on me having her mom’s phone number, so she could spend more time with me. As for the other one, when I picked her up to give her a goodbye hug, she hugged me tightly with both her arms and legs. She said, “I love you.” and then a few seconds later *corrected* it, by adding “as a friend.”
I mention all of this, because Jim’s model of the world (that 9 year old girls are lustful sexual creatures), better explains what happened here, and what the girls are after, than any normie or cathedral model out there.
He’s a shill. That tag teaming shill act is something I’ve see all the time on reddit on other forums.
This is far more interesting than photoshopped images and fabricated headlines. The masses don’t matter so long as the system is running, however poorly or inefficiently. Yarvin just sent out a piece portraying the Elites as Elves and Amerikaners as Hobbits. Kind of interesting, as a Tolkienfag myself, but I get the feeling his slut fiance is depriving him of pathetic sex until he does something to “make it, like, stop, Curtis!”
Yarvin: “Instead—by asserting power over the physical bodies of elves, who are still elves even if they happen to live in a hobbit state—Dobbs reminds them of what is most important in politics: the friend-enemy distinction. Elf together strong! Smelly hobbits must be defeated, at any cost. The only thing worse is traitorous dark elves who sympathize with nasty dirty dangerous hobbits. These traitors will be hunted, found and punished.”
Notice his “all women” argument. Somehow, limiting baby murder is an attack on elves, because… all women are elites? What kind of blue pilled madness is that?
He ends with: “Dear hobbits: what can we dark elves do for you? We can lead you to victories which are actual victories. We can help you build a hobbit army which is ready to rule, which even feels the right to rule—which even has the right to rule. We cannot help you until are ready to stop struggling reflexively, and start fighting strategically.”
Hmm. Interesting. Meh… not buying it. Foremost, it wasn’t fucking Hobbits that overturned RvW, it was a particular “Dark” Elf. The “dark elves” had their shot in the oughts. Time for some 5.56 hobbit pitchfork rain storms, methinks. Understand, I’m not abandoning Elite Theory. The masses don’t matter, so long as social constructions do matter. I wonder how elites are fairing in Sri Lanka? Probably not as well as Elites in Holland… Who are most certainly not doing as well as Elites in Canada.
From Complexity: “And the [mind]virus of revolt under hard times is the most virulent of all, infecting all but the rich…”
Probably true, and if the “rich” [he means Elite, he just hasn’t progressed that far intellectually] are not prepared for the meaningless masses abandoning the pretense of civility and implicit hierarchy, why, they’re just one more clump of the meaningless masses.
Elite does not necessarily mean the current elite. Plenty of good men are being forced out of the Cathedral’s avenues to power for being too smart and realistic. It might not be an insider, but one of these clever outsiders that takes charge. History is replete with barbarians over taking and ruling the nearby degenerate empire.
Not without an army…
Yarvin has way, way too much sympathy for the proggies. They’re not elves, and haven’t been for generations. Maybe Ringwraiths. He thinks they’re smart, cool, and big-hearted people with the very best of taste. Look at their art, their architecture, their literature, their music. The only area they still show genuinely good taste is food. I still talk up their smarts and ruthlessness sometimes, and climbing the greased pole still proves competence, but the class is rotting before our eyes.
>Meh… not buying it. Foremost, it wasn’t fucking Hobbits that overturned RvW, it was a particular “Dark†Elf.
Yes, this stuck me too. Yarvin berates Amerikaners for the strategic blunder of the Roe decision, but it wasn’t Amerikaners what done it.
>“Dear hobbits: what can we dark elves do for you? We can lead you to victories which are actual victories.”
Can you, Curt? I haven’t seen you deliver any victories yet.
“Hunter Biden arguing with a hooker about how much crack he has”
Agreed. Yarvin is so full of shit. 😒
Dear hobbits: you can only lose the culture war. Even when elves use political power to impose elf culture on you, you cannot use political power to impose hobbit culture on elves.
I mean, sometimes (rarely) you can. It never works out well. “I suppose that in theory you could massacre all the elves.”
As I keep saying this is the only long term solution… the hobbits need to install a dark elf. The dark elf must then massacre all of the elves except the dark one. All elves not dark must die.
Yarvin’s problem is too much sympathy for the “elves” as a whole.
The abortion faction is elf-like? Somehow I don’t think Tolkien would agree with that. Elves are meant to represent Purity, and the abortion faction is anything but that. As Contaminated NEET said they are more like Ringwraiths ruling over their faction of orcs.
Yarvin should stop with the cringe.
Interesting substack!
Gentlemen – A colleague of mine working for RAND recently recommended the RUSI report “Ukraine at War” as the most accurate assessment of the Russo-Ukraine war to date.
Having read it, the report asserts that (1) Russia is now winning the war; (2) Russia is using UAVs to control artillery with devastating effect; (3) Ukraine’s UAVs have a life span of less than 7 days because of Russian ability to destroy them; (4) Russia’s Iskander cruise missile is highly effective and that the US is lying about it being inaccurate; and (5) Ukraine will lose if the West doesn’t greatly increase the aid its delivering.
It’s about as close a confirmation to Jim’s assessment of the situation as you’ll find published anywhere this side of the Dnieper…
“(5) Ukraine will lose if the West doesn’t greatly increase the aid its delivering. ”
If you read carefully they say Ukraine will lose if they dont get a lot more materiel AND a lot more troops.
They say the West can provide more materiel but they don’t say where the troops can come from.
They are saying Ukraine is doomed in a way that can be plausibly denied.
Apparently the authors of this particularly study are part of what we call the war faction and would like NATO to intervene. So it may be that they are hoping that the troops will come from US and UK.
This article is full of politically correct lies stated loudly and clearly up front, and politically incorrect truths that are coded and half hidden, or written between the lines.
It accurately reports that the Russians are having difficulties with Information Epoch artillery coordination, but reading between the lines, the Ukes are having much bigger difficulties. It grossly lies that most Russian artillery fire is old style, relying on sheer mass of artillery and indiscriminate shelling. When you see videos of Russian advance, you will notice that every shell landed precisely on target. No random shells churning up the dirt. Old style artillery fire happens, but it is a screw up, which they endeavor to correct, and usually do.
Their cry for standardization is consistent with the word that I indirectly heard at third hand through the grapevine, that the Ukes are finding Information Epoch weaponry very hard to use.
Operating autonomous weapon systems is systems administration, and the IQ floor for systems administrators is high.
Standardization is a displacement activity to avoid dealing with the real problem.
Standardization is the bureaucratic reaction to hard problems that require smart people, that require groups of smart people with no midwits in the group. You typically need to operate a smart autonomous weapon system with a team of three people, one of them, older and more experienced than the other two, in charge, all of them better than midwits, with midwit support teams outside the system administration group.
They are evading the fact that modern warfare simply needs smart people.
The strategy of attritive war was based on the theory that western technological superiority and economy resources would result in Russia being attrited first. That Russia would be exhausted and collapse, resulting in Putin being killed, and usual collection of carryon-baggers looting Russia again.
The assumption of technological superiority in attritive war has proven incorrect. It is not that Russia has enormous amounts of artillery. It is that every shell hits. The Ukraine is running out of soldiers, and the west is running out of artillery. Attritive war is a bad idea for anyone in the Information Epoch, because of its intolerable consumption of soldiers, but it has turned out to be a worse idea for the west.
It was also interesting (to me) to see that Russia’s economy is easily capable of producing enough munitions to sustain the war effort. We hear a lot of noise about how Russia’s GDP is smaller than Portugal and so on, but somehow Portugal cannot make nuclear submarines and 1,000,000 rounds of ammunition per factory… It’s enough to make me suspect that the Cathedral may not be entirely honest with GDP!
Suspect, huh? Good Catch! Because the Cathedral is entirely honest with everything else.
This one is new for me. How the fuck would the russian gdp be smaller than the portuguese one? There is barely any agriculture or industry in Portugal.
I think it’s more about GDP voodoo than actual financial capacity. Russian mineral extraction alone belies the assertion that Portugal is “bigger.” Not dissimilar from how all the data I can find states that, under age 17, females are the victims of sexual assault at ~2:1 over males. It’s book cooking.
I think one of my all time favorite examples for illustrating the fatuity of GDP tracking is, if two housewives pay each other to babysit each others kids, ‘GDP’ is counted up, but if they are managing their own households, ‘GDP’ not counted up.
Real value creating arrangements, activities, and social structures, are only proximally intimated by GDP statics – and in many cases, are deliberately obscured even.
A useful metric that is closer to reality than GDP would be a great opportunity for a reactionary college of economics.
For a start, it wouldn’t include as ‘goods’ anything that is unnecessary in a society where Order is maintained. It would start from the presumption of, say, early 1960s in a high trust environment and only score deltas from that.
The establishment and expansion of a Salon Network (No, Shanikwa, not that kind of salon) could be an effective way to begin the process of Elite Defection that is necessary to change the guard. I know that it is probably too late, but, seeing as there is neither the apatite nor the opportunity to establish a shadow regime, beginning a series of dialogues about the post-LWO/GAE paradigm would provide a sufficient venue for capable and desirous elites to congregate and cooperate. The natural next step is the classical Antiversity.
A Salon of informed and interesting voices taking up the question of Is GDP A Relevant Measure. A Salon discussing IEW and/or its constituent parts. A Salon dedicated to studying the permanent distributed bureaucracy.
This methodology would be appealing to the current octogenarian class because it is a format they find familiar. There’s already the precursor for this over at the Governance Futurism section of the internet.
I agree. Writing a takedown of neo-classical GDP for my blog has been on my to-do list for some time.
P-C has already mentioned one of the great flaws/features of GDP, which is that it artificially inflates GDP when women are taken out of the home and put into the workforce, because a paid babysitter counts as GDP while a stay-at-home mother does not.
Another area where GDP is used to maliciously distort reality is in the value of homes. GDP calculations treat charging rent as production. They then treat owner-owned-and-occupied homes as businesses that implicitly “produce” GDP equal to their implicit rent. Therefore, as housing prices go up, GDP goes up.
Housing pricing in the US has long diverged from productivity or reality and is driven by petrodollar-fueled asset inflation. The net result is that the US GDP appears to increase when inflation occurs, and this increase is considered *real* rather than nominal since home prices aren’t counted in the inflation statistics.
This trick is also why the US “Blue States” claim to have much bigger GDPs than the US “Red States”. California and New York have high GDP partly because their real estate is so expensive…
I could go on but it’s essentially lies all the way down. We definitely need a reactionary economics.
Definitely… an economics that shows how mortgage cancer and female “liberation” made everyone much much much poorer would be a massively positive development.
In some very red parts of blue states I’ve seen things like:
Stacks of wood placed in a random parking lot, with a bucket for you to deposit the price of it. Nobody around watching it, just cash and carry.
and even totally unattended fruit stands, where you are expected to weigh your produce, bag it, pay, and make change for yourself.
Things like this exist currently only in extremely high trust areas, but they are instructive in terms of what’s actually an economic ‘good’ from a reactionary perspective.
Joe cutting wood and stacking it next to his cash can, then going to cut more wood. This is obviously a good. Being able to buy wood cheap for my campfires or to heat a house is good. But Joe having to hire someone to make sure people don’t rip off his cash can or take without paying—that’s just a deadweight loss, caused by the lack of high trust and Order in his society (the Joes that cut wood in the parts of very blue states that are deep red enjoy a high trust microclimate).
Similarly, having to hire a cashier for the fruit stand to keep people honest (and able to do basic consumer math, it had a blackboard for you to do math on) is also just deadweight.
Amusingly, the deadweight losses do exactly what classical economists would predict: They cause a lot of actual ‘good’ economic transactions to disappear. If Joe had to pay 20% of his take for ‘guard labor’, he might not find it worthwhile to cut wood anymore. If he gets ripped off more than a vanishingly small amount of time, he’ll probably just bag the whole thing.
A reactionary economic theory would factor out all this stuff to get to the actual goods and services provided.
Get a good massage or visit to the chiropractor? That’s a legit service.
Get a lawyer because you have to because of regulations or the like that wouldn’t exist in a reasonably reactionary society? Not a good, that’s deadweight. Get a lawyer for standard contracts and wills and so forth? That’s a legit good. Nearly all security is deadweight. Repairs due to warfare or lawlessness and lack of order? Deadweight. Only if something makes people’s lives better and would be necessary in our benchmark society is something counted for the analog of GDP.
Females working outside the home in a reactionary economic system would be accounted thusly:
Childcare costs would be considered deadweight—not counted since in the benchmark society it was customarily produced in the home
Many of the places most women work (e.g. HR) would be considered deadweight, possibly even negative. Secretaries that actually improve the productivity of their bosses, like a secretary that doubles as a technical writer assigned to a team of 4 engineers would be scored by their salary. And they’d be called secretaries, not administrative assistants.
Automobiles, additional meals out, etc that are only necessary based on two people working in different jobs in a household would be scored as deadweight. The truth is a lot of women are effectively paying to work, even if they’re constitutionally averse to homeschooling.
Private schools that were less than or equal to the quality of public schools in the year of benchmark would be considered deadweight (they’re necessary only because your public schools are pozzed or worse).
Over wikipedia it says that the russian one is 4 trillion and the portuguese one is 400 billion.
oops my bad i was looking at the GDP PPP for the GDP is 1.4 trillion and 270 billion
The Russian economy is substantially geared towards war, in the same way that Sparta was a city of brick.
I remember calling GDP a bugman indicator in the past, and I stand by that term. “GDP” only counts stuff contributing to the Jewish/Judaised economy[1], and ignores commerce that doesn’t contribute to banksters’ bottom lines.
tl;dr: T-62+dumb spotting drone+infinite shells > GAE (only 1000!) Javelin/”superweapons”+UKR nincompoop operator
“Information Epoch” or “Hi-Tech” warfare is an American fantasy created to explain their stunning and brave victory over those dastardly Nazis with overwhelmingly more resources. Somehow, this has become established truth in NRx as well. In fact, Wehrmacht was, man for man, the better Army, and 30s-40s German tech was (literally) generations ahead of everyone else. The Judeo-Communist Alliance zerg-rushed them into oblivion, like a rain of locusts.
Lesson to be learned? Wunderwaffen are fine, but only if you can field a man with a Panzerschreck faster than they can crank out a tank. It turns out getting soldiers trained enough to effectively use Wunderwaffen took a lot more time than Uncle Adolf and his Merry Men had.
India experienced this first-hand in 1965 when GAE equipped its Pakistani butt-buddies with F86 Sabrejets for their Conquest of Delhi, but the aircraft proved curiously under-effective against vintage British birds flown by Indians. This was starkly highlighted in 1971, when the Sabrejets failed strategic objectives spectacularly in the face of so-called “numerical superiority” of IAF vintage and ex-Soviet junkers. So much so that Pakistan quietly phased out F86s and bought Chinese clones of Soviet junkers instead. It appears GAE didn’t consider its Amerikaner pilots as a vital component of its air superiority. Pakistani pilots were simply no match. But the delusion is maintained right to the top levels of US hierarchies, where (THE) Chuck Yeager, a true son of Douglas MacArthur, promoter of International Jihad, honoured friend of goatfuckers, maintains that Pakistan “won” their 1971 war with India, evidence be damned[2]. This is the power of Molochite priests.
[1] Jews themselves call this “financialised” economy, of course, to cover their tracks.
In World War I, it took approx ten thousand shells fired to kill one soldier.
If we belief Global American Empire propaganda on the volume of Russian shellfire, it now takes one hundred russian shells to kill one Ukrainian.
But I am pretty sure that actual volume of shellfire is enormously lower, making it closer to one one.
That is Information Epoch weaponry.
Trump’s war on Isis was Information Epoch warfare.
The Ukraine claims that the villages near Kherson that it recently re-occupied are being completely destroyed. But I am pretty sure that when Russian troops re-re-occupying them broadcast themselves walking around in them, we will see those villages suffered minor damage, but the troops re-occupying them were completely destroyed.
Claims of massive destruction during the recent Russian and Lugansk people’s Republic liberation of Severodonetsk were obvious lies. I expect we shall see that the massive destruction of those villages was an obvious lie.
Ukrainian women of certain professions are no longer allowed to exit the country without an official waiver. They will count as reservists.
Ðа военнообÑзанных украинок начнут раÑпроÑтранÑÑ‚ÑŒÑÑ Ñ‚Ðµ же правила выезда за пределы Ñтраны, что и на украинцев: чтобы переÑечь границу, женщинам будет необходимо иметь разрешение из военкоматов.
Ранее ÑообщалоÑÑŒ, что Ñ 1 октÑÐ±Ñ€Ñ ÑƒÐºÑ€Ð°Ð¸Ð½Ñкие женщины некоторых профеÑÑий должны будут вÑтать на воинÑкий учет. Став военнообÑзанными, они будут чиÑлитьÑÑ Ð² запаÑе Вооруженных Ñил Украины (ВСУ), Ðацгвардии или других Ñиловых ведомÑтв, а также раз в три года проходить Ñборы. За отказ от учаÑÑ‚Ð¸Ñ Ð² Ñтих мероприÑтиÑÑ… предуÑмотрена ответÑтвенноÑÑ‚ÑŒ вплоть до уголовной.
Any woman who has a chance of being called up will just get pregnant.
They are sending the pregnant and the lame to the trenches.
They do not need physical capability, just warm bodies. Attritive warfare consists of providing enough targets to tie up the enemy’s artillery. If one of those targets in fifty is carrying an autonomous anti tank missile, and one in ten is carrying a rapid fire rifle, the opposing force has to take out about half of them before it can advance.
While your opponent is wasting ammo on random expendable warm bodies, you get the opportunity to take out their artillery. That is how attritive warfare is done. That is the Global American Empire strategy for defeating Russia. Soak up their arms production, until they run into logistic limits, and then advance, eventually all the way to Moscow, arrange for Putin to be killed, and reconsecrate the great Cathedral to Gay Pride with tranny symbols on the altar. It is a holy war.
In attritive warfare, a blind deaf morbidly obese wheelchair bound pregnant women is a perfectly useful combatant. Indeed more useful, because after you have tipped her out of her wheelchair into a trench, she cannot run away.
You might say she is less useful when attempting to advance, but their current strategy in advancing on Kherson just relies on planting warm bodies closer to Russian forces, so dressing women as if they might be carrying an autonomous anti tank missile or a rapid fire rifle, and tipping them out somewhere near the Russians still works.
Double bonus. They want to kill of Russians and Ukes. Attritive warfare is not working very well, because in the Information Epoch your cannon fodder has a considerably shorter life expectancy than it did in World War I, but they do not care. The immediate target is the Great Cathedral, but the longer term target is: World population of five hundred million.
My understanding is pregnant women are still exempt.
Here is another data point from the same institution:
Orbis says: “So it may be that they are hoping that the troops will come from US and UK.”
This is untenable for the war faction; they need a coalition, so they will need troops from all over the GAE. To do this, they will need atrocities, a call to arms, and a meta-meme to rule them all. Personally, I believe they lost this capability after the dissolution of the leftward confederation after Trump was deposed. The Foggy Bottom Faggots lack the tenacity and manliness of the FDR brain trust. There only option will be coerce and bribe up a coalition.
Any coalition force that goes up against the battle hardened Russian federation and their Eastern Alliance will be shredded. This may actually be the goal, as it will be a justification for nuclear escalation.
Globohomo has the Poles, which is the closest to normal soldiers on the western side of the divide. Population 40mil, better functioning army than Germany’s, things could get ugly.
And they say the Left can’t meme. Nonsense.
The Left has successfully memed every Ukrainian to fight Russia to the last man. I don’t see why they couldn’t just meme every non-Russian Slav and Pole to fight Russia to the last man as well.
Its not memes its rear Azov type niggers (even if not Azov) in the rear of the Ukranian lines reenacting the Flying Drumhead Court Martials of 1945 against any man they suspect of fleeing.
Every day I hate wignats more and more…
Stop using wignat as an insult. Andrew Anglin, peace be upon him, is a wignat. Azov types are kept in place by the American government. They are the Ukrainian version of the FBI, and probably get supervised by the same people. Feds, not white nationalists.
Anglin used to be a wignat long ago.
He still is, but more importantly, he was never a fed. He still has the white population counter on his site. Andrew Anglin is a good man, on our side, and a white nationalist. Wignat is an insult that does not offend the target, does not accurately describe the target, and instead targets people that you have common cause with. If you are so fucking autistic that you have had to give up on women, then use a little bit of the autistic literalism to use insults that actually describe the people you want to insult.
Ukrainians Slavs sending Ukrainian women to die at the hands of Russian Slavs to protect American interests is not white nationalism. Guess what happens when the white men and white women of a nation are consumed in service of another nation’s goals? A white nation ceases to exist. An actual Ukrainian nationalist would have called the fight months ago and saved his people. The way things are going, Putin is going to get an empty Ukraine to colonize with Russians for Christmas. That is not white nationalism. That is actually white genocide.
Anglin still is a wignat, and his site is full of great stuff. If you are talking about shills, call them shills. One of the people I just censored for pushing dead in the water Marxist class history were implicitly presupposing Marxist class history in the course of explicitly ranting about Jews and supporting Hitler.
Not shills, but Azov-style commisars in Ukraine. They are not white nationalists, they are suicide pact death cultists.
I’ve outlined before my views of what the wignat memeplex were in detail way back (don’t feel like going back to look thru it now) and I do not think that Anglin is really part of that at all anymore… he is too intelligent to be one and stay one. Not all white nationalists are wignats.
I’ve also said that unfortunately they aren’t all feds or even most of them (maybe on 4chan nowadays most of them are), many are sincere believers who are just kind of stupid. The smarter ones tend to be feds (who are merely midwits but still).
Applying special categories to NPCs as if they were proactive principled agents is fundamentally wrong-headed. The only title that reasonably applies to NPCs is NPC, and the only variegation in their signaling is functions of historical contingency.
‘Wignat’ is not a category that cleaves reality at it’s joints. You have glowniggers, good fashy europoid men you can have good fashy conversations with, and NPCs, all being lumped together under the same term, and there is not a single example of someone this term has been used on that is not one of these things.
“Applying special categories to NPCs as if they were proactive principled agents is fundamentally wrong-headed.”
Ps-C I think you’re probably the smartest guy here other than Jim but no its important to make distinctions.
Wignats (we’re talking about the non feds here) are not quite NPCs in that they do not accept Cathedral teaching on race, but then they watch the Greatest Story Never Told and decide it must be right because it ripped off the beautiful Jane Seymour theme from the show The Tudors so it sounds like its good and true, maybe read part of Mein Kampf or more likely read some summary of Mein Kampf and they fall into the wignat memeplex which is fed and Cathedral controlled unofficially. They have a small part of the truth and have not rejected truth itself entirely (they would follow the popular cult if they did) but in their simple minds fell into other lies controlled by the enemy and often despite hating the enemy sincerely tend to end up as their tools.
Do not exist.
Not one.
Not anywhere.
Every colour on the rainbow has a gradient where one section of colour blends into the next section.
The question is, is that gradient significant enough to be a section in of itself; or is one merely confusing the existence of a gradient for the existence of a significant section in of itself?
If ‘wignat’ was a thing, there would be a ‘wignat high command’ one could point too. Well, what stands in for wignat high command? On one hand, glowniggers like Spencer; on the other hand, good fashy europoids like Anglin. Looks like no wignats in any case, only fednats and fascists.
The categor wignat confounds two utterly different things.
1. People whose hearts are in the right place, even though sometimes their ideas are confused
2. Enemy shills who are lying for a paycheck.
No gradient exists. The shills glow in the dark. The difference is obvious.
Basically the problem is using the term wignat for prole nationalists like this, and also using the term wignat azog glowwies like that, when these are significantly different things, and calling them the same thing muddies the waters.
If Anglin is a wignat, then wignat is a good and valuable word for good and valuable people; if Spencer is a wignat, then wignat is a word for employed shills who do not actually serve what they say they serve (be it white nationalism or anything). A prole nationalist misled by shills may be deluded, but his feelings and affections are also genuine, and can easily be turned to righteousness if the opportunity is there. He cares about his in-groups, first, so it is only a case where a man may be confused about what best serves his in-groups, and that can never be a true leftist in the long run.
My stance is that Anglin is not a wignat but used to be a sincere one. That Spencer is a fed who used to sound like a wignat (I heard he sounds even gayer than that now but I never paid that close attention) but he would accurately be described as a fednat…
And that lots of non feds on various far right spaces (some were feds don’t get me wrong) who would say that capitalism is jewish and so was Trump etc… those would be wignats.
I do think its a distinct category for a distinct ideology that is sincerely held by some, I’m not going to pretend everyone agrees with me though but the problem I have with fednat is that it implies that all of them are feds… I think all their leaders or 99% of them are feds but I think they are unwitting dupes.
Every single person who says that capitalism is Jewish glows in the dark. Just raise the topic of Soros, and it immediately becomes obvious who is writing their paycheck.
>And that lots of feds on various far right spaces (some were non-feds don’t get me wrong) who would say that capitalism is jewish and so was Trump etc… those would be fednats.
St. John the Blessed says: “Every colour on the rainbow has a gradient where one section of colour blends into the next section.
The question is, is that gradient significant enough to be a section in of itself; or is one merely confusing the existence of a gradient for the existence of a significant section in of itself?”
Com, P-C *is* making a distinction here, and an important one. He is saying that there is no color ‘Orangellow,’ and that sub-sectioning the part of the spectrum that connects Orange and Yellow together as a distinct color, Orangellow (that being Wignat) is not actually making a distinction, it is erasing distinction.
Red Orange Yellow Green Indigo Blue Violet
Wignat just means White Nationalism. I reject White Nationalism and White Nationalists because the people oppressing me are the white elite who hate me so the ideology is fucking stupid and everyone who holds it is a weirdo or a fed.
Hell, I reject all Nationalism period. Nationalism was an Enlightenment idea invented by Voltaire. Not seeing that as any sort of path forward. Been tried. Failed just like Communism.
And you are rightly attacking Wignats from the right.
But they are fellow travelers, who invariably come around to our positions. They are our allies, who soon enough become our footsoldiers. Don’t confuse them with the shills. There is no gradient, there is no overlap.
They look around for priestly leadership. Hitler died in defeat. Mussolini died in defeat. Franco cucked out. They find us. We are the real right, Throne, Altar, and Freehold. They are looking for us, and they find us.
The shills have a counter ideology, and that counter ideology is Marxism, thinly disguised as the national socialism of Hitler, though nothing makes it nationalist except that they say “Joo Joo Joo Joo Joo” all the time, while being strangely unable to notice the activities of wealthy and powerful Jews who are doing big evil things right now. The non shills have no ideology, and are looking for one.
They vaguely think that an ideology must exist, and the shills wave Marxism in their faces.
Pooch, Davos is not going to call. You will never be a part of the tranzi elite. The effendi will never accept you, just like they will never accept men like Yarvin or Land, even though they desperately wish them too.
I am but a humble peasant and unimportant in the grand arc of history.
“1. People whose hearts are in the right place, even though sometimes their ideas are confused
2. Enemy shills who are lying for a paycheck.”
The problem with me saying that even sincere wignats have their hearts in the right place… is that they are socialist. They accept a truly evil ideology and they mostly lack the critical faculties to see why it is wrong. Attempts to point out why they are wrong gets labeled jewish.
I will concede they have some interest in truth but its poisoned by the acceptance of different evil lies.
Did Hitler believe in Marxist class theory, Marxist economics, and Marxist history?
All existing actual Nazis are at least a little bit embarrassed about Hitler’s socialism. Everyone still pushing socialism is pushing the whole Marxist wagon.
Back in the 1930s, the fascist states abruptly ended the holiness spiral by crushing their radical left faction, and Stalin then created third positionism as a replacement, an entryist attack against the fascist states. “Hail fellow fascist, I am more fascist than thou, Marxist theory is obviously true, and therefore you should support
the alliance of Hitler with StalinStalin in the war against Hitler.”Yes, Nazis are socialists, and that is a problem. But every single actual Nazi is evasively sweeping the embarrasingly socialist part of national socialism under the rug. Every single one that pushes the socialist part of national socialism immediately brings in a wagon load of Marxist History, Marxist Economics, the Labor theory of value, and all that stuff. This operation has been running for a very long time.
I’ve known a few IRL Jim, lets just say we disagree on this.
You grant too much credulity to our enemies.
“Did Hitler believe in Marxist class theory, Marxist economics, and Marxist history?”
Hitler to a large degree did believe in Marxist class theory and economics as Tik well described in his 5 hour video that yes Hitler was a leftist and a socialist. He talks about the venal Buergois in the Table Talks quite a bit. I do think however he rejected 90% of Marxist history.
Hitler was a leftist and a socialist. But he did not believe in, and did not try to sell, Marxist theory, because it is just too silly for anyone to believe. But every single supposed fascist who today claims to be pushihg Hitler’s leftism and socialism, who claims to be a huge fan of the wonderfully successful NSDAP socialism, is pushing Marxist History (class rule and capitalism is recent) and Marxist economics (labor theory of value). Therefore not one of them is an actual fascist. All shills, all entryists, all on the Soros payroll since the Soviet Union stopped funding them.
Just ask them about Soros, antifa, pussy riot, ngos, Soros’ sources of wealth, and Soros’ political prosecutor’s and political prosecutions. For people terribly worried about wealthy Jews they are strangely oblivious to the activities of the most obvious and obnoxious wealthy Jew.
“Did Hitler believe in Marxist class theory, Marxist economics, and Marxist history?”
He did not.
Wignat doesn’t mean what anyone here says it means. It is short for wigger nationalist. White nationalists who live and act like niggers. They exist, but it is not an applicable insult to anonymous people online.
If there is any more important distinction in need of uncovering here, is is between ‘coincidental nationalism’, and this special kind of ‘universalizing nationalism’, that those wishing to signal superior brahmin class status sometimes invoke when they use the word ‘nationalism’.
Any good man is going to be coincidentally nationalist, in the same sense he is familist, and localist, and chauvinist, and racialist, and religionist, and indeed, even humanist, in the event our star imperium beings its acquisition of galactic lebansraum from the filthy xenos. It is component of the natural extension of expanding thedeship, the natural procession of concentric ordinals.
Ionian greeks were all nationalists and Ionian supremacists when it came to dealing with their Persian neighbors. They spoke in explicitly racial language. And they also all had their own private city-states. And there was no contradiction in any of this.
The conflation of this with this special case of ‘universalizing nationalism’ is another example of quasi-bluetribe thinking muddying the waters.
Of course in any given epoch, the leftisms you will find in that epoch will be tuned for the character of that epoch. Leftism of bygone eras can look positively shitlordian in comparison to that of more degenerate eras, because naturally they are always undertaken relative of the prevailing climate, and need to practically survive in that climate. The putative subversive needs a wedge to get a foot in through the front door, and the reason he might use something like ‘universalizing nationalism’ in more civilized times, is not because it participates in concentric thedeship, but because he is *erasing* concentric thedeship. That is a functional kernel of leftist tactics throughout the ages, whatever form they take. The key part of ‘universalising nationalism’ is not the ‘nationalism’ part, but the *universalizing* part. And once the operative dynamic of dissolving hierarchies of concentric thedeship in even the merest senses is established, it may assume its course to ultimate nominalistic universality in toto, consuming any vestiges of particularism it may have worn as cloaks along the way.
Exactly so: Every shill entryist against fascism starts out with “hail fellow white” (he is probably an H1B dot Indian) “we whites have to stick together, fellow white man”, and then rapidly proceeds to “hail fellow peasant, we peasants with only one cow have to stick together against the peasant with two cows who is oppressing us. Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains”
The shills tend to be overly hasty in getting to their final destination, being marinated in blue tribe triumphalism.
Re. Entryism
This was posted on our local town FB group today.
And so it begins.
Every organization that gets converged abandons its original functions.
How many non-Ukrainian slavs are fighting in Ukraine? It looks to me like there was a bunch of volunteers at the start and then the flow cut off.
They swallowed Cathedral propaganda, and found themselves stuffed into trenches to function as cannon fodder. Word is getting around.
The choice of tactics and strategy in World War One was premised on getting rid of the aristocratic officer elite.
The choice of tactics and strategy in this war is dictated by the goal of eradicating the higher races. Attritive warfare is aimed at destroying Russia, but it is also aimed at destroying us.
“The choice of tactics and strategy in World War One was premised on getting rid of the aristocratic officer elite.”
This is maybe a little conspiratorial. The dominance of artillery in WWI was mostly due to the superiority of interior lines of communication over field lines of communication, a problem that the Germans solved in 1917 and the British solved in 1918, both leading to rapid advances.
I think it was a genuinely hard problem. WWI was the first field war dominated by beyond line of sight artillery.
The narrative invented after WWI, that dumb aristocratic officers sent men pointlessly to their deaths, was designed to scalp officers, not literally but in the typical priestly way of damaging their reputations and removing their right to rule.
In reality WWI attacks almost always succeeded in taking the first line enemy trench. The first day of the Somme for the British (but not the French, who did take their objections) being a huge aberration and not a typical case.
What then happened is that the defender was able to use fixed phone lines to signal where the line had been breached and call for reinforcements who were carried in using railways. The attacker, on the other hand, had to send runners back to request reinforcements, who had to lug equipment over muddy fields on foot. The defender would also have pre-prepared artillery fire plans on his own first line trenches, while the attacker, not knowing where his own troops were, could not shoot.
Today the attacker would use radios to signal his position and direct artillery, and tracked vehicles to cross the battlefield. In 1917 and 1918 the Germans and British had assembled some of that technology plus some hacks. The priestly narrative was that it was easy to win WWI battles in 1914, no technical issues, but callous and stupid officers continued to send men to die in no man’s land all the way into 1918.
This is very well articulated. I have never been comfortable with the, shall we say, Conspiratorial Angle, as I feel it wasn’t very well supported and was too much in the category of A Theory of Everything. Though I do believe the French leadership, as well as elements of the British leadership, were happy to sacrifice millions to the Old Gods (they being of the cohort so fascinated with the evil undercurrent in Catholicism like Black Mass and other ritualistic, hedonic death worship), it doesn’t make sense as a grand conspiracy.
Did you read about the internal v. external comms capacity somewhere, or is that an idea of your own formulation?
Own conclusion.
stfu really? Well done.
It’s well supported. Read John Mosier’s book on Verdun. The socialist French government was openly hostile to the Roman Catholic army. Socialists offices sent endless charges into the face of machine guns while they stayed in the rear, while Cathloc officers frequent ignored orders and were arrested for their failure to murder their men in frontal attacks or lead the attacks at their head because they were willing to share their men’s risks.
The German strategy to win the war was to bleed the French army white until they sued for peace while not realizing that they were doing exactly what the French socialists wanted.
In World War I we saw exactly the same problem as Global American Empire is now having in the Uraine, the desire to murder and exterminate being expressed most directly against your own troops, because it is easier.
That men generally took the 1st trench (and I wouldn’t say almost always I would say 75-80% of the time they did) didn’t mean much if the attack still failed which they always did… especially since the Germans learned not to keep large concentrations of men in the frontline trenches except in the very rare occasions they attacked.
And Haig and his favorite commanders were indeed incompetent and callous officers at best, it cannot be said they were priestly either… but they gave the priests the ammunition they needed to take over everything. Haig literally never visited the front I don’t think he even had a good idea what WW1 battles looked like.
Foch I have a much better opinion of even if there were a lot of bad socialist French generals.
It’s unfair to criticize attacks for simply failing. Obviously both sides can’t succeed in all their attacks. One side is going to win and the other is going to lose.
Criticism is that the attacks were doomed to fail, and that failure was repeated over and over. Not the case. Technique was honed until one side (the stronger side) was able to launch war-winning attacks.
“It’s unfair to criticize attacks for simply failing.”
They repeatedly did fail and were probably doomed to fail the way they were doing it. In 1918 it changed because the allies had large # of tanks and overwhelming numeric superiority because American forces were there.
That’s literal whig history. I’m not saying it’s incorrect, but it is what is taught in university.
I think skippy’s observations about comms as the catalyst, both for the stalls and the breakouts, is very interesting at the very least. It is a lot more grounded and verifiable than “evil aristocrat generals refused to do things better” which is the common knowledge observation.
I’m not attacking you Com, I disagree with your “conspiracy” angle, but I don’t reject the premise as impossible. I just don’t buy it.
The Comms Paradigm is actually very interesting the more I think about it, particularly when you consider just how many of the get-up-and-go, badass officers had been killed in the first 6 months of the conflict. There is much said to discredit the man and his memoir 1914 [1], but the ones speaking are Haig and his coterie of officers, so I don’t know who to believe. Gen. French was the guy who was in charge initially. His account of the slaughter of officers is harrowing. He blames the bureaucracy and the leadership back in England, calls the French Generals misguided and numb to the plight of their troops, and complains that neither England nor France adequately prepared for a war. It isn’t long, and it is worth a read if only for the coloration a primary source adds.
A bureaucracy and leadership that from the Crimean war onwards had displayed deep and mounting hostility to the aristocratic officer class. The aristocracy still had a great deal of power all the way to World War I, and its powerbase was the army.
Similarl today, Global American Empire miitary tactics in Ukraine are best understood, like their booster agenda, as an expression of their agenda to reduce the population of higher races.
Contrast the British tactics with the German infiltration tactics and tell me it was AT BEST inexcusable incompetence.
There was just no excuse for the Somme (and especially post Somme disasters like 3rd Ypres) the British higher officers just should have suffered a Stalin style purge afterwords. Haig and Joffre (the pre Foch commander in France… he at least was thankfully fired) should have been shot immediately. Gough probably too.
After the opening movements of the war, the German general staff was perfectly willing to hang back in prepared defenses in depth as long as the entente were willing to attack; and the leadership of the entente were always willing to attack. The general staff literally called this ‘bleeding the enemy white’, and it was more or less the official strategy while forms of social technology for dealing with the situation were developed.
And in large part that’s exactly what happened; the entente bled their armies white, started to get a creeping feeling they might actually lose, and desperately scrambled to get America into the war on their side, which Wilson was all too happy to collaborate with.
The line between ‘instinctively callous’ and ‘intentionally malicious’ is of course fuzzy, but often times you don’t find one without a bit of the other anyways.
Another example of difference; the experience of horrendous conditions in trench life almost all come from the experience of entente troops. The Heer was assiduous in furnishing the livability of fortified positions, whereas on the British and French side trench emplacements were always doctrinally considered ‘temporary measures’ pending the inevitable glorious advance to victory, even when you’ve been squatting in them for months.
Not just higher races, all races. They are not joking when they say they want to reduce the world population to 500 million at their WEF conferences.
Their green energy population control measures are being tested on the Third World, most recently Sri Lanka.
German infiltration tactics appeared in 1917. By late 1917 early 1918, the British also had effective tactics for an advance, mostly based on artillery planning and coordination.
The British army in 1916 was very weak because Britain was the only participant not to have cadre conscription. Every other country was fighting with an entire adult male population with some military training. Britain alone was fighting with a completely raw army and a limited cadre of instructors.
The technical improvement between 1915 and 1918 in the British army was extraordinary. Three years is not a very long time.
This is not a comprehensive history of WWI. There were certainly questionable decisions made such as the political decision (above the head of Haig) to retain hundreds of thousands of troops in England for coastal defense in 1918. If those troops had been available German infiltration tactics may not have worked for lack of holes to infiltrate. I don’t rule out that politicians were trying to kill officers. But the image of WWI that is dominant in the public mind – that of attacks simply failing every time – is partly fictional and partly a hard technical problem. It was not a contrivance of malicious officers.
“A bureaucracy and leadership that from the Crimean war onwards had displayed deep and mounting hostility to the aristocratic officer class. The aristocracy still had a great deal of power all the way to World War I, and its powerbase was the army.”
Foxes either poison the Lions to death. Or they bleed them white by those methods.
The end state for them is of course a subjugated Warrior Class as in China before the Nomads took over in which said process starts again or simply overall true command over the Soldiers.
Poland and the Ukraine signed recently quasi-integration agreements.
Polacks now have the same rights as Ukraine citizens when in the Ukraine.
Among other things, this means that potentially the Ukrainian army is going to gradually become the Polish army pretending to be the Ukrainian army.
That way, among other things, you get the start of a Russia-Poland war which doesn’t instantly lead to a full-blown NATO-Russia megadeath.
This is probably what the Russian have been training for, rotating their forces in and out of the Ukraine. Preparing for the next actor to step in.
Here’s a dive into RUSI.
Here’s the staff:
Just go on your instincts for phenotype and Game; what do you see?
Here’s the list of governing bodies:
An excerpt for the lazy and the mentally deficient:
Our governance
Her Majesty the Queen
His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent KG, GCMG, GCVO, ADC
Senior Vice-Presidents
The Rt Hon the Lord Hague of Richmond
General (Ret’d) David H Petraeus
His Grace the Duke of Wellington OBE DL
The Rt. Hon. Sir David Lidington KCB CBE
The Lord Ricketts GCMG GCVO
Here are the Trustees:
The Rt Hon Douglas Alexander
Ambassador Sylvie-Agnès Bermann
Mr John Dowdy
Mr Laurence Geller CBE
Ms Jan Hall OBE
General the Lord Houghton of Richmond GCB CBE
Admiral Sir Philip Jones GCB DL
The Rt. Hon. Sir David Lidington KCB CBE
Mr Rageh Omaar
Ms Suzanne Raine
The Lord Ricketts GCMG GCVO
The Rt. Hon. Amber Rudd
The Rt. Hon. Jack Straw
His Grace the Duke of Wellington OBE DL
Sir Alexander Younger KCMG
Here’s the Advisory Board:
The Rt Hon the Lord Arbuthnot of Edrom
Ms Jane Attwood
Mr Rory Bremner FKC
The Rt Hon Lord Campbell of Pittenweem CH CBE QC
Mr Chris DiBona
Dr Comfort Ero
Lt Gen (Ret’d) Sir Robert Fry KCB CBE
Ms Mina Gerowin
Mr David Giampaolo
Mr Shashank Joshi
Mr Matthew Kirk
Dame Mariot Leslie
Dame Sarah MacIntosh DCMG
Dr Greg Mills
Mr Harper Reed
Mr Michael Ridley
Mr Oliver Waghorn
Dr Rhodri Williams
Ms Caroline Wyatt
Here’s the Ex-Officio
Brigadier Jim Bliss
Brigadier General Paul Doyle
Rear Admiral Hervé Hamelin
Brigadier Grant Mason
Brigadier General Michael Oberneyer
Brigadier General Jefferson O’Donnell
From the Source:
RUSI is a UK registered charity and the governing document is a Royal Charter dated 22 February 1860. Some amendments to the Royal Charter of the Institute were approved at the Annual General Meeting held in July 2016.
RUSI recognises that good governance in a charity is fundamental to its success. RUSI and its trustees are continually working towards achieving the highest standards of governance, by reference to the principles and recommended practice of the Charity Governance Code (July 2017).
The Council of Trustees is accountable to the membership of the Institute, and all its members are elected at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting. The Council of Trustees is responsible for appointing a Nominating Committee in order to provide advice on its nominations and co-options for the position of Chair, Vice-Chair and elected members. The Council meets at least four times a year. Once elected, the Institute has an induction, training and education programme in place for Trustees. The term of office for Trustees (other than the Chair and Vice-Chair) is four years; for the Chair and Vice-Chair it is five years.
The Council of Trustees bears the legal responsibility for the oversight of the Institute and its finances as defined in UK Law and the Institute’s Charter of Incorporation and Bye-Laws and resolutions. The Trustees advise the Director-General on matters relevant to the management of the business of the Institute, and are responsible for the appointment of the Director-General and Chief Finance Officer. One of the Institute’s four Standing Committees is the Finance and Performance Committee which reviews finances, performance, risk management, audit and reporting of the Institute and its subsidiaries.
The Director-General is the Chief Executive of the Institute and Secretary to the Council of Trustees. He or she is responsible for the day-to-day activities and current business of the Institute, including the management of the staff, to whom the Director-General may delegate duties. The remuneration and benefits of the Director-General are set by the Trustees, acting on the advice of the Nominating Committee.
The Institute’s Advisory Board provides advice to the Director-General on the development of the Institute’s programmes and agenda, including fundraising for the long-term benefit of the Institute. Members of the Advisory Board may be called upon from time-to-time to contribute in other ways, relevant to their expertise and experience.
Our esteemed brother seems to be correct; RUSI is the War faction, ensconced in Blighty with the hidden hand of America guiding it towards The Fray. Given the fuckability/cuckability index of the staff pictures, I’d say this little organization is a skinsuit entity designed to “marry” [ah-hahaha] the concerns of the crown with the concerns of defense industry. They keep the limp-dick generals on hand for allies and the MFA fuck-sluts around for everyone else.
“But KD, you debonair man of many talents,” I hear you say, “what about all the attractive young white men on staff, of military bearing?” True enough, my invisible fanbase, true enough. Who are these men with serious faces and severe sideburns? Why, those are the former military officers who were seduced by the ardent humanists of plump ass and plumbless compassion, the ones that spend their summer in Lagos, or London, helping poor, starving, violence-prone Africans. Over this they bonded, both having seen up close and personal what it’s like to be up close and personal with the up close and personal (buy my memoir). Now, they work to make the world a better place, together, and separately.
Terrible prose aside, a deep dive on each would yield a personal connection in some NGO or think tank or business in the business of human business. These guys are, as cleanly as I’ve yet seen, the Enemy. This is the face of the 500million Club.
Nice find, Orbis.
I used to go RUSI regularly. It is not a wedding of military and business, but a wedding of academia and military. Officers are typically recruited from academia, especially anything intel related, and this is one of the areas for crossing over. . Sometimes you had straight warriors there with more practical opinions and other times you had pure academics preaching the latest mutation of leftism to the warriors . Some of the academics may simply be called autists. I recall a tank expert who outside his day job did nothing but play world of tanks and argue about tank specifications. I have no doubt that there is strong social pressure there these days among the wine glasses to gaddafi Putin in the name of fags on the right side of history , but presumably the autists are still there and doing real research. Fits Jim’s assessment of reality being put in between the lines of the report. I would not call them the war faction as the full-on left will tend to avoid the military institutions entirely. At most you could call it a place where the war faction indoctrinates the warrior class
A couple thoughts:
It is precisely because the Left is willingly terrible at war they turn to institutions such as RUSI to do it for them.
I was being a faggot with my prose, and I apologize; “NGO or think tank or business in the business of human business” is the same as “academia.”
There’s an autist motor powering every effective bureaucracy.
This seems like the most normy-friendly way to keep Trump out of the White House, and is probably what most are pinning their hopes on for the time being:
In essence a bit of legal trickery by the establishment to disqualify Trump from running. Will the people take it though? (Not rhetorical.)
Sorry to re-share, but I think this is a very informative mine of information:
Erik Prince being interviewed by some guy. The lunk head doing the interview is actually great, because he keeps his mouth shut and asks good questions. The whole thing is 03:42:36 so obviously a big time commitment, but the topics are all interesting if you are interested in GWoT, PMCs, DoD, and the Fringe Elite. If you can, watch the whole thing. Prince is the American Caesar, and this video proves it. He is not perfect, and his latent patriotism is a glaring issue, but he is on point in almost every category except muh constitution. In the triumvirate that will never be, it is Desantis/Musk/Prince. I know it’s impossible, but just convening a panel discussion with these 3 men would break democracy.
Points of specific interest:
02:28:09 – 02:54:44 : Prince talks about his plans for ending the AFG police action. He recommended installing a “Viceroy” and explicitly states that he modeled his plan after the British East India Company.
00:40:00 – 00:55:39 : Building his PMC
02:15:16 – 02:22:36 : Domestic politics and the distributed bureaucracy
I don’t know where you get the time and energy to track all this…
But yeah I’m slowly working through it, it’s good stuff.
Im an intel officer with no agency.
Haha so it seems
Both you and Anglin made me cry today.
It’s ok to cry, no one was around to see it.
Both of you snuck up on me and just held up a mirror, a bit of tricky glass.
Forced by the words of good and honest men to look at the twisted visage portrayed, I had no choice but to feel, to let it slip for just a moment, that mask we all make because we must… then went back to my day, renewed but a bit tired, recharged but a bit banged up.
I taught my son a lesson today.
I explained in carefully chosen phrases.
I demonstrated with simple deeds.
I showed and told him: Son, when you step outside to do man things, you take what you need, you focus on what needs doing, you do what must be done, then you get home quick.
When we got home, as I helped him from the truck, he said: Dad, can we do it again?
I told him to get his butt inside, thumped him hard so he yelped and ran.
Three good, honest men made me cry today. They all looked a bit like me.
An intel officer and also a poet huh. 🙂
Excellent so far. Well worth the time.
~ 01:17 – a great line and observation: “… security, a big driver of revenue and sadly a big driver of problems. One of my biggest regrets is ever going to work for the State Deptment.”
two hours in, great stuff. Yes Erik Prince is literally the Caesar we are looking for. Peak male performance — just get it done. Which is of course why they threw everything at him. It’s like if Caesar were about to invade Gaul and the senate would be like: ‘sry Caesar actually we’re going to indict you on grounds of this here illegal spear purchase.’
I’ve always said given his military background, views aligned with us, wealth etc he would be the best candidate if only he entered politics.
Erik Prince really does look like the American Caesar.
“Father of 12”!!!!! Cowabunga!! The dude oozes alpha masculinity!
Although he mentions a “double sized ‘Brady Bunch’ situation”. Wiki says 7 kids so probably 7+5.
Nearing the end. I find the latter part disappointing. His take from ‘election outcomes matter’ onwards is rather boilerplate boomercon. Stuff like ‘why are we rotating all our military thirty times over?’ and ‘why don’t we have one guy in charge of Afghanistan?’ He chalks it up to incompetence.
No, it’s the intended outcome. It’s what priests do when they intend loot a country and don’t want warriors to interfere. The mere fact that they destroyed blackwater ought to prove that they are not as incompetent as Prince makes them out to be. He barely realizes that his real enemies are at home, not in China or Iran.
And thats the power of the priest. He prevents even the germ of the idea from forming in the warrior’s mind that his enemies are at home and among the priests.
Red says, If there is a war between priests and Warriors, the warriors will win in a Canter. To which the real response is, IF.
The priests power is in preventing that IF from happening.
alf said:
and someDude said:
Some valuable points shared here, but I think it is very likely that Erik Prince was/is hiding his power level.
I can read people better than some, and it was apparent to me that Prince knows what is up. But, he is speaking under his own name, and is at major risk of being Epsteined, so had to guard his tongue.
But you have a tendency to judge people smarter than they turn out to be.
If Prince knew what was up, he’d be dropping hints. I’m not seeing him drop any hints.
I think Prince is seeing a lot of dots, but has not connected them. He’s the type of guy who is perfectly able to connect those dots, just has not done so.
Possibly. But no one speaks the truth under his own name. You expect him to connect those dots in public?
Agreed, he can’t connect those dots in public. But that just leaves all of us in a state of Ambivalence. If we can figure out what Prince is really up to, so can those of his enemies who interact with him now and then and they’ll Epstein him then.
So, this can’t be known until the rubber hits the road. The way we couldn’t know whether Trump had it in him or not until Jan 6 happened.
Of which the heart is full, the mouth overflows. His mouth overflows with a belief in the legitimacy of the Global American Empire. Perhaps he is playing 4D chess, but I’m going with Occam’s razor on this one.
I agree with Alf, Prince is completely ideologically captured. Listening to him talk about Taiwan and Russia is painful. He has been castrated by the left and is a spent force.
Beginning to be convinced the most probable outcome at moment is a Stalin.
If we can grasp these hints from so far away, pretty sure some of his enemies who are much closer to him can figure it out as well and then he’s toast.
I think it is not given us to know this unless we can reduce the distance between our persons and Prince.
The problem with the Straussian argument, in which every smart man purposely does not speak the truth, is that it becomes very easy to imagine that every smart man privately thinks the truth. Does not have to be so.
But I am good at hearing what cannot be said. This is a man who knows that plain speaking will get him killed, which would suggest, though it does not prove, he also knows lots of other things.
Finished the interview, thoroughly unimpressed with Erik ‘normalcy bias’ Prince.
I too like to think I have some knack for figuring out people. So I’ll finalize my case for why it’s copium to think Prince is plotting to be Caesar.
What we’re looking for is people Who Just Get It. Prince Does Not Get It. Take his thirty minute rant on Afghanistan. It’s a dumb rant. Not because he’s wrong, but because anyone Who Just Gets It will just shrug his shoulders and say: duh, the only reason we’re in Afghanistan is to teach seven year old girls how to put condoms on bananas. What’d you expect? But instead, Prince is genuinely bewildered by US military incompetence, and is still processing it as he rants.
Many more such examples. He thinks that following hyperinflation, Washington ‘needs to go on a diet, which will be tough on the short term, good on the longterm’. Nope, the whole thing is coming apart. He thinks that ‘the United States and the constitutional government we live under is still the greatest form on government on earth’. Yeah I think Ron Paul had his chance.
I mean, c’mon. This is not a guy Who Gets It pretending extremely well to Not Get It. This is just a guy who does not get it.
The sad thing is of course that you can easily imagine him getting it. I’m sure that if someone he trusted would sit down with him, explain the core of what is going on and what needs to happen, he could pivot in a few months. So here’s an objective-driven hail mary: if we have any military guys, with any solid connections to Erik, how bout dropping a hint or two…
With all due respect, I don’t think you’re very good at identifying people who are on our side or who know the score. You were wrong about Trump, ACB, you were very wrong about AG Barr, you were wrong about Jeff Sessions, Pence, etc.
This isn’t to knock you, but it’s very hard to tell what people really believe unless you get drunk with them and they let the truth slip.
People close to power have a vested interest in continuing to believe the collective delusion that is the Global American Empire. They fool themselves because anything else is unthinkable so the delusion must be right despite all the hard evidence staring people in the face.
Hey Alf, hit me here:
on it
protonmail is an increasingly obvious scam/honeypot.
What should we be using instead?
Any free service has to make money. If it is free, you are the product. They are collecting and selling your data.
So, a paid service that takes cryptocurrency:
But how do you know that such a service is not run by entryists?
Countermail used to be good, but is starting to smell mighty funny.
The people who wrote the StartMail white paper are genuinely concerned about securing the client’s privacy, thinking about in ways a fake service would not. Which does not mean that the people who wound up running it are genuine, but the rest of them just say “don’t worry your pretty little head, we will do the right thing”. The people who wrote the white paper are aware that protecting privacy is hard, something of which most services that claim to protect privacy and charge you for it are blissfully unaware.
cyberfear, and riseup, however, run as a tor service, and therefore cannot know your real identity to leak it.
Unfortunately, tor is in the pocket of the nsa, so though they do not know your true identity, the nsa does. vpn service supports only openvpn, which is known to be backdoored, and fails to support wireguard. That is a big red flag. Any vpn service that fails to support wireguard is a scam, if their vpn service a scam, likely their email service is a scam. People have detected malware in their vpn client, which means that you not only get a vpn service that fails to provide the best security, but you are probably downloading something that will search your computer for interesting data, and monitor your activity.
If a vpn service is protecting you from spying, rather than actively spying on you, why should they insist on you downloading their custom client? A custom client is a whole lot of work. Why bother? Use a standard client, and just download the data file that configures it for their service. Multiple very big red flags around their vpn service.
Unspyable offers the good stuff, and offers it for crypto currency, but they are expensive, and you still have to trust them. But the software they are using, and the way they have configured it, is consistent with them doing what they claim to be doing. But there is nothing stopping them from reading all your emails and all your vpn communications and selling the data.
Thank you for the detailed reply.
What do you think about self-hosting email?
Obviously I self host my email – except for communications where I want to feed the enemy shit. I have several self hosted email sites, and several wireguard vpn hosts. Plus I use other people’s wireguard vpns as well.
Someone twitter posted a video of a mid-20th century ad for a refrigerator, and it’s such a red pill. Simple photos and videos from the past are the just biggest red pill these days.
And ayo that refrigerator isn’t the only fine thing in the video. 😉
I do wonder about its power usage. Otherwise, prettier than most modern fridges.
The dishwasher in the ad was rather pretty, too.
Quality is ultimately a spiritual factor; appliances today – like many things today – are shitty not merely because of lacking in any instrumental means, but because of lacking in mindset that sees any value in pursuing such ends in the first place.
Succinctly stated. Unfeigned appreciation of anything of even middling value is at a startlingly low point. Workable but short-lived solutions passed off de rigueur to a people who have no idea who their fathers are.
And they are prepping NYC for a nuclear strike now of all times because…?
They probably really are going to get us nuked…
Honest stupid question. Would the GAE elite nuke one of their core cites for a excuse to nuke the infidels?
Jim Jones was a radical leftist who believed in Christ the gay racism hating social worker…
So what do you think?
I think i should go live in the hinterlands.
I hope to see you there. Moved here a month ago and only now do I realize what a resentful and unhappy man living in the city turned me into, treating every sidewalk passerby as a threat and being treated as one in turn. Anyone that lives in the city for any reason other than to make money is mad, and possibly the money maker too, “for what doth it profit a man…”
If its a real attack, DC/Pentagon area will be first followed by Site-R and Cheyenne Mt.
If false flag internal attack, some random city in a red state like Omaha.
At this point there are 100% chance of Russian and Chinese subs with nukes parked within 10 miles off shore everywhere.
There is also 100% chance politicians and military are psycho enough to false flag the US.
If they false flag a red state city there is only one urban area that is actually redder in voting/politics than its surrounding suburbs… Miami.
No there are more sprawlish cities with lack of a center that apparently vote Republican… Dallas and Oklahoma city are like this. But I’m merely saying in Miami the urban center part is more right wing than the surrounding areas (which tended to be leftist though recently it may have changed).
“Nuking” a city does not destroy the city. A cluster of nuclear devices in a concentric pattern would be required. Remember, movie editors use software that takes Tsar Bomba/Ivy Mike imagery as the template because it is so dramatic and evocative. The former was 50 megatons, the latter 15. The former was barely able to be flown by a specially retrofitted aircraft, the latter was built in place.
MIRV delivered devices are much smaller. This is not to say that a 30 kiloton device wouldn’t be devastating, or that a full blown nuclear exchange would be a walk in the park. But with the doubt about the efficacy of many devices due to lack of testing, as well as the defense infrastructure in place, we shouldn’t use Cold War thinking or theorizing as the predicate for what might happen. I posted a comment back in March or April with some thoughts on a false flag. I tended toward Ghost’s Middle America Targeting thesis. Now, seeing things unfold, not so sure.
The USG is a nightmare of overlapping turf with a wide range of competencies vested in a disarray of characters. Contrary to our usual commentary, there are highly capable, highly skilled people in USG. But they are rarely in power, or if in power, rarely powerful. The sub-bureaucracy at department of whatever almost certainly has a guru that they malign and abuse until they desperately need him to save their bacon, or so goes the usual pattern. In a massive crisis, we should expect to see massive hand washing and finger pointing while a desperate few actually try to respond adequately, followed by a crowd of power hungry credit stealers if things work out, and power mad warlords if things don’t.
Another aspect of USG is the idea of “core competencies.” This concept pervades all of the bureaucracy. It’s a metameme in USG. If we use recent history as our guide, I posit that a chemical or biological attack is more likely than a nuclear attack when considering false/black flag attacks, based on the Core Competencies concept.
If we’re going to be hit from outside, we have to game out how competent our “adversary” is, and we have to further postulate what their intended goal is. If they’re competent, they’ll want to leave the DC swamp in place, but neuter it, thereby giving competing power centers the impression of opportunity while maintaining the traditional power center, thereby increasing confusion and lack of unity. I base this on the fact that only the Gaia worship faction seems to want hundreds of millions of human sacrifices. If the goal is to remove the USM from the equation, the only realistic method is to divide the country so thoroughly that the USM has no choice but to turtle up and wait for new leadership, or race homeward to “help” reinstate order. The last thing you’d want is for the USM to be unified in purpose and unencumbered by a retarded, internally opposed bureaucracy. Attacking DC, or hitting a bunch of USM bases, would probably create a lot more unity and cut through a bunch of red tape and stupid rules.
A false flag attack would be intended to consolidate power/purpose/loyalty, and an external attack would be intended to disperse power, diversify purpose, and annihilate loyalty. In both cases, efficacy of the Plan/Strategy becomes very critical. If Covid19 was a biological attack on humankind initiated by GAE Elites, we should expect the next attack to iterate off of it. We know that Russia attacked Ukraine with a specific set of goals, though their tactics were inadequate to the task. Therefore, if they pursue a First Strike methodology, my expectation would be that they swing the pendulum in the opposite direction.
If it’s an insider attack, it will be targeted at the suburbs. If it’s an external attack, it will be targeted at The Suburbs.
I think you’re overthinking this. If I were China or Russia, I’d nuke DC first because that’s the location of most of my US enemies who (1) want a war with me, and (2) have the power to prosecute such a war.
Just as democracy is an artifice, so to is the capital city. Hitting DC would leave the IC unencumbered by the clutter of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Further, it would be an emotional and visceral cudgel with which to beat dissenters into position behind the Righteous Patriotic Revenge narrative.
I don’t know how to be any more explicit about this without listing zip codes, but the IC is not in DC. They have satellite offices there, but the whole leviathan was born during the cold war, so the largely ceremonial centralization that is a feature of classical government is not a thing with them.
There’s no reason they can’t hit other targets also. (For example, I suspect that one you have in mind rhymes with “spangly.”) But hitting DC takes out an immense amount of the people they need to be gone.
Technical disagree based on personal experience, but I’m not going to fight you on it.
supposing one nuke on each physical IC office that has an official, open, and known location, how many nukes would that require and what would be your wild assed guess of how effective that would be?
The fact that I am asking the questions suggests that the answer is “not very effective”, or that that will very shortly become the answer.
Using an in browser modeler, my proposed decapitation strike would be 4 1mt in a relatively small area. I wrote a much longer, more detailed comment, but deleted it.
I’m not that smart. RF has a lot more skin in the game than us. Why risk a proportional response with a massive barrage when a 4 warhead salvo wipes out the real enemy?
In general, one of my … friend, recently dragged a girl of fourteen into the cave. She is from a full-fledged family (parents are not divorced, her father is not a cuckold, her mother is significantly younger than him, she has two siblings, a normal income, very good academic success), so one could expect that she was a virgin, but as it turned out later, it was not. This is not the first time this has happened to my friend. And this friend crosses the line, because the connections themselves are criminal, even if neither the girl, nor her parents, nor someone from the environment starts screaming about “violence”, because the sexually mature girl cannot give consent. This is disappointing. Seriously? Has she already had someone? How deep is it to dig down, risking that the mine will collapse on his head?
Assuming this is not a shill post…
The problem with fucking jailbait is once you do it the jailbait owns you if she has any identifying information… and women tend to lash out if they think you’ve lost your alpha cred… but its hard to keep your alpha cred with a woman who can so easily destroy you.
Also if her father finds out you fucked his precious pumpkin (no matter how big a sl00t his precious pumpkin is) hes going to be prone to report you. Girls mothers my understanding tend to be more inclined to let their teenage daughters do anything they want when it comes to sex and not interfere.
> Girls mothers my understanding tend to be more inclined to let their teenage daughters do anything they want when it comes to sex and not interfere.
The literally school them in slutty behavior, buy them slutty clothes, and throw them looks of pride and approval. Dad strains a grin red in the face and tries to think of sports ball.
My point is that you are (even if she screams bloody murder at you because shes a woman and women can’t resist a chance for high drama) far less likely to be reported by the girls mother for “statutory”.
And without arranged marriages early trying to teach girls to be pure is futile and makes it more likely she ends up some fat feminist dyke Karen. A slut is better than a Karen. Sluts can be redeemed, Karen’s ought to be burned as witches.
“Paging Dr. Phil, I slept with a guy over twice my age, and then turned him in!â€
When looking at statutory rape charges not involving non-whites or homosexuals, it is always the mother or friend who rats the guy out, never the girl herself. Other than that aspect, no more or less dangerous than going after a girl of “legal age.â€
[*blaming men for female misconduct deleted*]
We have heard it all before.
The problem can only be solved by imposing female chastity. Male chastity consists of respecting other men’s property rights in female sexual, reproductive, and domestic services. If no male property rights, nothing to respect. Female chastity is respect for their owner’s property rights.
[*deleted for presupposing universal uncontroversial acceptance of blue pill morality*]
I have repeatedly endorsed the stern old testament position on sex and family law, and the almost as stern old Anglo Saxon position on sexual morality, and the commenters on right wing forums seems to generally agree.
Argue against the position I take, not against the position you guys invent for us.
Somehow it does not work out like that. Reflect that most chicks start banging way earlier than they admit to. And most of them are doing it with considerably older men. How many jailbait charges ensue? And when they do ensue, it is always some blue pilled man being punished for failing his shit tests.
You are too fearful. Everyone is getting away with it.
Your mental frame is that you are weak and women will oppress you. Which frame is self fulfilling.
If not with the local Chad’s in their high school it is often with people like their older drug dealers… the movie “thirteen” comes to mind…
Sometimes it works like that. Even emperors had problem with women.
An there is always the problem of the father have some influence and power and the little bitch starting problems for the fun of it.
[*blaming men for female misconduct deleted*]
>Somehow it does not work out like that.
Somehow it has worked out like that in half a dozen cases that I know of in the past few years, including one that got some mainstream publicity (the stepson of Rob Balder, the Erfworld webcomic author, killed himself after his underage girlfriend ratted him out and the school and local PD landed on him with all the sex crime charges they could think of).
Once again, Jim talks out his ass and says the exact opposite of the verifiable truth. Protip: whenever Jim says “somehow” or “strangely” or “mysteriously”, the truth is the opposite of whatever he is claiming.
All around me I see nine year old girls going at it like weasels in heat, and you are talking about someone you read about in the news who was related to someone whom we might barely have heard of.
That is as close to “never happens” as makes no difference.
This faggot has a cube down the way from our Marxian shillettes. I’m not giving Vlady the 0.02$, but his anger laced screed was a work of art and I’m so glad you let it through Jim.
Plenty of thugs and drug dealers get away with it all the time… guys who are respectable otherwise who do it I don’t see the risk as all that trivial.
I also never saw too much acting out from girls at 9 years old really (at least not in a serious way) but it happens in a big way 12-13-14. Girls start running about at night drinking, smoking, drugs and getting themselves railed around those ages generally. Maybe happens earlier in some cases but its rarer.
It often enough gets sufficiently serious that a fair bit of discipline is required. But at nine, they are likely to comply with that discipline if applied firmly and vigorously. At twelve, thirteen, and fourteen, resistance and evasion becomes more serious.
And single mums just do not apply any discipline or restraint at any age.
Before the Feds murdered them, did any of the young girls getting married in the Waco cult rat on their husbands?
The problem with going after underage girls is not banging them, it is keeping them. If you take advantage of their innocence and learn basic game, even a sperg can appear to be alpha. Keeping them, on the other hand, is a bit trickier, especially if their parents want them to be whores, but if resolved on a case-by-case basis…
I don’t know man, my wife always came down hard on our girls for clothing, friends, attitude etc. Our oldest girl was the most ambitious, and when her friends were getting drunk and fucking their boyfriends, and generally acting like ferel beasts, my wife was keeping her home and going on and on about chastity and separating herself from those girls, saving herself for marriage. Did a great job of it too.
Not a lot of women like that these days obviously, but it’s not inherent in females to turn their daughters into whores.
Would have you come down hard on your wife if she have done the opposite?
Not sure. I set the dress code, and the standard for behavior. They were always going to behave around me, dress and act appropriate. You never really know what’s going on when your not around though.
I had considerable experience with women when I met my wife, and I was raised in an unusually red-pilling environment. A big part of my decision to marry her was based on her experience with kids (large family). I knew she would make an excellent mother.
There is always a distribution curve to this things and assuming american middle class she coming from a large family probably says a lot how she was raised and how her father did things.
And you are older so that probably helped. Many of the checks of the past are gone. We are getting so much raw female sexuality that even red pilled guys are having trouble coping with it.
Middle class. Upper Midwest small town, one stop light in 50 square miles small. All white. Lots of religion. Plenty of female misconduct, but nothing like today. Teen girls were still slutty 25 years ago, but men were also still feared to some extent, and almost exclusively occupied positions of authority. Where we grew up anyway. Less so today. appears to be down.
Up for me.
It is armored, I am armored, you are probably not.
Hmm. Working now. Wonder if it was an attack. Got timeouts earlier today, then got rerouted by the cloudflare-esque service he uses.
Can you point me in a specific direction to learn about becoming armored?
You need to control what IP you appear as, and you need to control what DNS resolver you are using.
Whenever you wonder about the prospect of the future, of success, of victory, always remember the Uvalde security cam footage; obese ‘agents’ fearfully waddling away whenever the mkultra asset would take wild potshots in their general direction.
The tiger is made of paper.
Reality is that we have been fighting a the same cohesive enemy priesthood since the Brownist heresy. Our enemies have continuously and cohesively been acting as organized hierarchical priesthood since 1578, preaching, organizing, and practicing aggressive entryism against the state religion since 1578, in the time of Henry the eighth.
When Henry broke from Roman Catholicism, they smelled power, and now they have conquered the world.
I smell power, and we will conquer the stars. The difference being that they weaponized lies against truth, and now lies have conquered the world. We are weaponizing truth, which works since their lies are hurting every man by getting in the way of family, sex, and reproduction. Also getting in the way of me getting my wife to clean the house and put out my clothes in the morning. Shit tests diminish in severity, but they never end.
I love truth over all things and I can only take limited offense towards open Brownists, though it’s indeed obnoxious how often they change their names. Sometimes I wonder if they think it means they’re trying to change for the better, rather than deceive, but whatever. I can give the benefit of the doubt to the extent I can afford to do so.
My anger goes towards those who [*who were, like yourself, lied to cheated and harmed, and not to those who lied to, cheated, and harmed you*]
former students who only want to be treated fairly as compensation for their school work
[*endlessly repeated program for the great reset, thinly disguised as a right wing program, deleted yet again*]
The practical effect of your program, as I have repeatedly pointed out at excessive length, would be the destruction of everyone you hate and everything you hate. And you hate just about everyone and everything. Except those whose evil deserves hatred.
Because I can see that your writing comes from your own evil heart, rather than mechanically following a script, I felt like letting it through, and engaging it yet again. But that has never been profitable in the past. You don’t debate the autogenocide program, just repeat it, just as CR mechanically repeated communist socialism, no matter what.
Unlike every other shill ever, you just acknowledged our account of history, albeit in words your supervisor is unlikely to understand. But you read it and understood it.
I repeat yet again. School work deserves no compensation. Work deserves no compensation. Merit deserves no compensation. Only the creation of value, which requires genuine merit and useful work, deserves compensation. Your program remains unchanged. The priesthood shall take charge of all value, and distribute it as they see fit. The problem with your program is that there will not be any value for them to distribute, but because of your, and their, self destructive hatred, you do not care, and they do not care.
It is reminiscent of the Global American Empire tactics and strategy in the Ukraine, where their desire for as many Ukrainians as possible to die and their desire for the destruction of Ukraine is getting in the way of their desire to win the war, evil devouring evil in its attempt to devour everyone and everything. You want to destroy everything, including yourself.
[*deleted yet again*]
Time after time you propose that the priesthood allocate all value, as if value was a pile of plunder waiting to be picked up and distributed, that spontaneously sprang forth from the fertile subsaharan African soil. You hate those who create value, and love those that cheated you, and you repeat this proposal monotonously again and again and again, as if it was a right wing proposal.
We have a vast oversupply of priests meddling in far too many things. It is time for the dissolution of the monasteries. Ninety nine point nine percent of people currently in lucrative well paid high status priestly jobs, for example academia, HR, law, and ESG accounting, will need to get jobs flipping burgers and greeting at wallmart.
99.97%, that’s 3-sigma, isn’t it?
I nice economic depression will result in a great number of highly credentialed burger-flippers.
It will be glorious to watch “management” layers sloughed off like a dead snakeskin and the wanna-be priests filling out job applications at Burger King.
Travis, I assume you meant to type something along the lines of: “It’s nice economic depression will…”?
Its not the priesthood that suffers first in economic declines because their jobs are protected by the state.
That’s a comforting thought, but is it true? The first Great Depression worked out extremely well for the over-credentialed self-proclaimed “meritocrats”. It was when they seized control of all areas of American life. A new Great Depression might see them begging to flip burgers, or it might see them in high-status well-paid jobs assigning us our pods and setting our insect protein rations. Things could go a lot of different ways. They look weaker now than they have in decades, but they still haven’t lost a political or cultural fight in centuries. We’ll see what happens.
Agree with you on this one, if the priesthood suffered in econo.ic declines they’d have backed Trump.
You are dead wrong. They want everyone starving even if they wind up in a little box on a ration of beetle paste and dried cockroaches. Look at my endless argument with Anonymous Fake. He does not care if there is famine and ruin, provided that everyone with a degree is automatically guaranteed higher status than everyone without a degree. He wants us all to live in public housing in the blue state megalopoli, even if it means that he has to live in public housing also. He wants to live in a little box with no wife and no children provided that I have to live in a little box also. A big part of his plan is that everyone moves to public housing in the blue state megalopoli. He wants to “restore” the middle class – by putting us all in public housing in the blue state megalopoli.
Which as an actual member of the middle class, looks to me that his plans to help the middle class resemble the communist party’s plans to help the peasants. Public housing for the middle class! What an enormous benefit🙃 I am sure that is going to be really popular🙃
I remember being castigated by Peppermint for noticing the papier-mâché of the ZOGbot tiger when it backed down after being confronted by a thousand man militia at the Bundy Ranch. The other indicator in the same period was also the fearful panic of the LAPD when a single man, Mr. Dorner, began killing individual cops and their families. Back then, it looked unusual and odd to me.
After a red vs blue popular war in the west, two things would be on the mind of the reds. One, that was easy and two, we should have done that a lot sooner.
I don’t ever remember a time when I was among blue voters and felt any sense of strength from them. It’s Karens and beta simps from top to bottom. At least as far as current day leftists. When they fight, if they fight they would only be dangerous like a mob or a rabid dog is dangerous.
When I consider what the mechanics of a Race War would be, I come to a similar conclusion as to what a Boog would be: Conservative Whites v. Conservative Whites. In the RW scenario, the cities would have some black or brown militancy, but it would in large part be security forces ordered by USG to protect minorities v. “anti-diversity” elements. Same goes for boog, it would be pro-establishment white male conservatives v. anti-establishment white male conservatives.
Maybe not so easy. I would estimate that more than half of both my immediate and extended family members are “blue” and/or NPCs. I’m sure many of them would be willing to turn in “red” members in time of war.
Yeah, I have to agree somewhat here; the consensus during the French revolution was that a government run by starving (religious, let’s be real) fanatics would just collapse before it could become a threat to anyone or anything important.
The proggies have all the institutions, and they have a living faith. They have the best propaganda the world has ever seen. A civil war would not be a walk-over for the Right.
@Contaminated NEET
And the ZOGbot pigs that are supposed to enforce the proggies will, have been revealed to be made out of paper.
Do you think they are paper tigers in a material sense, or are they tigers with paper leadership?
@Kunning Druegger
They are paper tigers in the fact that any organized armed and violent opposition will kick their ass. Which has been made very obvious in Afghanistan and the Ukraine.
What I am trying to pin down is whether or not the security forces in CONUS are actually very capable of violence but they lack violence-capable leadership, or if the whole thing is a paper tiger.
I’ve played on hockey teams that had plenty of capability and skill but lacked a good coach. Losing more often than winning, poor practice habits, etc. Once a good coach came on board, suddenly go from losing most games to winning most games. I have also been on teams that just sucked. Didn’t matter how hard individuals worked, how well the coach managed things, we lacked the capabilities to compete.
There are, or recently were, violence capable elements, primarily within the CIA and military intelligence, but they horrifyy and terrify our enemies, who are busily purging them in fear of a coup.
Prince and Blackwater were part of that purge, but the purge began before Blackwater was a thing. Having purged men capable of large scale organized violence, people who needed large scale organized violence done hired Blackwater, and then other elements of the Cathedral realized what manner of men were being hired, and purged Blackwater.
Mostly incapable. I see so many fat cops that the lean or just bulky ones stand out. Then you have FBI agents getting their asses whipped by some random when they raid him because he decided it was best to fight back, and the disaster that was the Afghan withdrawal. You do not rise to the occasion, you fall on your training. What you see when things go wrong is their best. Add that to the fact that that they are running out the most qualified people over covid vaccines or diversity quotas and the limit on the best they could possibly be lowers. So their best is terrible, and the best possible is also terrible.
The war faction is Jewish, so they will be willing to fight their enemies to the last American the way we see the last Ukrainians being thrown against the Russian artillery. The military faction would have to overthrow the diversity, covid, and war factions combined in order to fix this. The general staff are political hacks and not warriors, so they will not be a source of reform. It would probably take a field grade officer to have the authority to do it, so absent Col. Stalin, we are looking at a slow decay into anarcho-tyrannical warlordism.
Looks to me that Caesar is going to employ a group like Blackwater to march on Rome when the time comes. This mirrors the actual Caesar paying his legions well in land and gold.
Which leads to my conclusion that the Civil Wars during the fall of the republic will not be between Left or Right or Democrat or Republican. It will be between billionaires paying outrageous sums to private military contractors.
Other people saw the same thing before you did, and proceeded to eliminate groups like Blackwater.
Unconverged military contractors have been put out of business.
What we may hope for is a hastily re-assembled old man’s army, where old teams have a big re-union.
Pooch, that sounds reasonable, but I’m not so sure if it will be the billionaires. Once IEW really starts to become mainstream, businessmen are going to get kicked out of the arena pretty quickly. They will be what is fought for, not the men in power.
If you work for a PMC fighting with a Musk-backed PMC, are you going to dronestrike Musk, or hit your competitor’s CEO and tell Musk that he has to hire you, now? Once a billionaire or two gets wiped out, the rest are probably going to bow out and let the fighting men decide things.
This parallels the first triumvirate.
Caesar goes forth on a foreign military adventure to create a team of soldiers personally loyal to himself.
Crassus, the rich guy, teams up with politics and military, but everyone goes into military. Five years later, Crassus attempt to imitate Caesar, gets killed. Money continues to matter for five more years, after which soldiers just help themselves, and having something that people seeking power want becomes extremely dangerous.
But there were ten years of rich man politics and rich man violence.
They might have eliminated Blackwater, but they did not eliminate Erik Prince, which is probably what they should have done. The key to Blackwater is Prince. You get rid of Blackwater and not Prince, you get a bunch of rapidly spun up and spun down names for what is essentially just Blackwater over and over. You eliminate Prince, and Blackwater goes with him. Thank God for the stupidity of our enemies. If Prince ever starts hiring, I would join up. For legal reasons, this is a joke.
But rich guy violence did not involve dronestrikes on the rich guys. The escalation of IEW means that if Trump vs Bezos happens through PMCs, then Bezos is going to die in a precision dronestrike. Pretty soon anyone wanting to play the game of thrones is going to going to do so knowing that he risks getting personally bombed. It will very quickly result in only serious players remaining. I do not think it will take 10 years.
With information epoch warfare, things could go a whole lot faster.
But we have not seen information epoch warfare within an advanced country yet. We will likely see it soon. Russia has finally realized it has far too many tanks and mobile artillery, and not nearly enough drones. More drones, and more people capable of directing them, is now the highest priority.
But I don’t think lack of drones is what is impairing Russia’s capability to wage information epoch warfare. It is that its military is still stuck in World War I and World War II. But they are starting to wake up.
The current crop of fighting men are very good with guns. Not so good with automated drone strikes yet, because it is very new.
It may only be a certain billionaire class (or possibly a single billionaire) that has the means and vision to materialize a new personal fighting army for the 21st century.
Pooch, that is in line with what I am thinking. If all the billionaires in America decide they want to be Caesar but one of them is competent at IEW, then–as it is in the nature of businessmen to negotiate and compromise–only a very few are going to stay in the game once they realize the stakes. The others might try using GWOT tactics, and find that IEW has rendered that suicide. Operators are smart guys, so they will pick up drones quickly. Again, that leaves a much smaller pool of players who have the personal bravery and competence to actually participate.
The question for me is at what point will CEOs of small to medium security companies realize that a few business agreements and some courage are all that stand between them and being “hired” by governors, big landowners, mega-CEOs, and other capital flush actors to “enhance and maintain security” for a “peace loving and prosperous city/region/state” while they “patiently and optimistically wait” for the federal government to “recalibrate and reconvene.”
How many senators or bureau chiefs do you think there are who can watch drone strike footage on CONUS clay, look at their security details with FN small arms and Barracudas and think “Nah, it’ll be fine?” This may be hyperbolic, indeed it sounds so to myself when listening with ears of 2021, but there’s almost nothing standing between a half-PU* or greater actor and taking power over significant regions of CONUS if they have the right patronage.
When AFG was falling apart, I was made aware of at least 3 “independent teams” put together on the fly to extract POIs and old friends before the Taliban could score-settle. these were men of relatively modest means but rich in network connections in the Security/PMC ecosystem. There’s obviously many degrees of separation between fast-walking a small team to Kabul while regional logistics firms got air assets in place, but it doesn’t take a military genius to see how a few dedicated, capable men can decisively shift the balance when the Head counting begins in the halls of power.
All of this is some fun, hollywood shit to contemplate, but it is all predicated on the USM being a paper tiger full of inept, weak willed leaders and incompetent subordinates. With respect for both Starman and Wulfgar, I’m not buying it, not yet. Too many midgrade officers and lifer-noncoms that just will not let go of the Republic or the Constitution. And we can no longer make the argument that it is happening to “others;” the sheepdogs have been targeted in coronahoax, IVI, and more. At this point, it appears they are going down with the ship, along with a lot of LEOs and Feds. You guys can assert that they are paper til the cows come home. I’ll believe it when I see evidence of SWAT teams, tac teams, and other door kickers disobeying orders or walking off the job. We have yet to see another Bundy/BLM type situation, so I am logging that one as exceptional until proven otherwise.
*a single Prince Unit is the measure of a baseline Caesar. Most security companies are at the thousandths or hundredths Prince Unit scale, but there are quite a few quarter PU, half PU, and even PU+ entities out there.
The head count among the late Friends of Clinton is rather high. A power struggle is coming up, and by and by there will be another, and another. It is far from unthinkable that a billionaire with the right connections to the security/PMC ecosystem could think “I could play at that game, and do it a whole lot better”.
I do not mean a paper tiger in the sense that the fighting men will not show up, I mean a paper tiger in the sense that the fighting men are not worth their salt. If I get raided by a SWAT team, the likelihood is that the entire team gets killed. Maybe they take me with them, but a six to one trade is not one the police can long endure. If some loser faggot with a pump action can minecraft delete three members of an FBI tactical team, I am pretty confident in my odds.
They will still kick doors and all that, but when people start shooting back, they will end up in the shit. The US military could not organize a withdrawal from Afghanistan when the other side was not even shooting at them. Think they will do better when the other side is shooting at them and cutting their supply lines? They might be loyal, but that does not mean they are worth anything in a fight.
Factors at every level of the system are paying obesiance to every other level out of inertia, conditioned accustomization, normality. But there is little real power behind any of it any more. A nation occupied by headless chickens, whose rule is so far secured by the fact that the populations they’re ruling over are rendered equally headless chickens.
The crucial step for a body trapped within the belly of the beast is not going through steps one to twelve, but going from zero to one.
The prevailing climate is like a bank of fog in early twilight; it appears impenetrable and all pervasive; and yet, also vanishes like morning dew, evaporating to nothing in the blink of an eye, ere the moment any sunlight comes shining down.
Hard to really know for sure until it’s put to the test. But if it proves as weak as you describe, the first person to test it might well end up a king.
First mover advantage is really tricky. As I think on it, when does the first mover ever win in the end? Isn’t it normally the guy or guys that follow the first mover and avoid the unknown pitfalls that appear after the paradigm begins to shift?
The big problem for any would be Caesar is that they must actually believe they have a shot at running the table, be smart enough to know that no thing is certain, and wily enough to say “damn the torpedos.” Consider the case of Trump. His failure to cross the Rubicon doomed anyone else that might try to take the populist path to power. Though it may be the case that the Cathedral is incapable of mitigating the exploit due to increasing ubiquity of incompetence.
I know Yarvin is inferior to Moldbug, but something he wrote about in Gray Mirror seems pretty accurate to me: the Restoration Project is akin to launching a satellite into space in that it must be done exactly right at the right time and to completion. Anything less is a failure. Building the rocket, ensconcing the payload, lifting the orbiter, and injecting the payload into orbit. No points if you don’t hit every mark. On the other side, the Cathedral side, they have a million opportunities to recover from, it would same, any size mistake. Consider the incompetence on display the last 6 years. Consider the egregious violations and overreactions. They keep making irreversible errors, yet they carry on being in control.
I genuinely hope St. John’s fog metaphor is as correct as it is elegant.
No it does not have a million opportunities to recover. It is running on normality bias, while fast boiling the frog that formerly was slow boiling. Turning the schools into gay brothels is seriously over the top, as is cracking down on oil and food production. When something goes wrong, as for example Trump, it takes extraordinary measures that dispel the normality bias.
It depends on violent men with guns, whom it hates and who hate it. Those men are held in place by the rapidly fading myth of the Republic
Sulla and Suharto were successful first movers.
“First” is hard to define, since there is usually a long slow series of steps of escalating illegality and violence. The winner is the man who sees where all this is heading and goes directly to the end. Maximum violence, zero pretense at legality.
Which despite the phrase “cross the Rubicon” is not how Julius Caesar played it. It is not even how Caesar Augustus played it, until things had been going for a while.
This is what I was trying to get at above.
Could this time “be different” because there are people, like us, openly talking about this process, making accurate predictions, and openly showing how someone can “Get To Be the Stalin” if they move first now?
Or rather, is there nothing in Jimmian Discourse that Machiavelli didn’t cover himself?
But examples matter. All that ancient stuff is nice to the historian, but the 20th century alone puts so much more meat on the theoretical bones, making this material much more palatable and interesting.
“Are you power hungry, but also want to survive? Well here is your cookbook. Here are the resources and tools at your disposal, and here is how you use them.”
Jim’s Rules for Radical Reactionaries
You don’t sacrifice your son’s genitals for a creed if you’re just going through the motions.
@Contaminated NEET
These paper tigers don’t give a shit about other people. The so-called “Covid Demon” was revealed to be a dying religion when they took their masks off whenever they thought the cameras were turned off.
An organized armed and violent attack on them will break them. As it is beginning to show in Ukraine, and as it was shown in Afghanistan.
They are sacrificing other people’s sons
A Civil War is not going to be “Left vs Right” or “Democrats vs Republicans” or any other such nonsense. That’s not a catalyst for civil war. That can be justification after it starts, but not a catalyst.
Any upcoming Civil War is going to be Caesar vs Pompey, the winner being crowned King, which very well may be fought between factions of billionaires.
Their propaganda is terrible.
They have the loudest loudspeakers the world has ever seen. Not the same thing at all.
You don’t like their propaganda, but it works, and I see it working. I regularly see intelligent men passionately discussing The Boys or Halo 3 or Peacemaker or Vice News, and I see it shaping their values and opinions.
It works because they have the loudspeaker and do not allow any contrary opinions. It is crappy propaganda. In any half equal contest, we easily beat them. The left cannot meme. Look at the comments sections, which they keep shutting down. They get ratioed.
A you tube video carrrying heavy handed propaganda is pushed, and presumably everyone watching it is a normie who consumes whatever the authorities push, and it still gets ratioed in the comments.
No one pays any attention to Vice. They are the internet equivalent of the book that you keep on your coffee table as a conversation piece. The rest of the media you highlighted are the most masculine outlets men have. A bunch of normal people fighting powerful and wicked superhumans, a human fighting an insane religious cult trying to destroy the galaxy, and an anti-hero that has to fight aliens invading and taking over people to destroy humanity.
You chose Halo 3, but that game came out a decade ago. The most recent game is Halo 6, and the most recent media was the Halo TV show. How did people react to the TV show? Why did you skip over that? You like your doom and gloom a little too much.
I mean, thinking of it, the only TV shows that do well are where a masculine hero and his band fights a Cathedral analogue. That is not a great position to be in. If I were a king and the most popular TV shows were all about lords and peasants committing regicide, I would recognize I have a problem.
“the only TV shows that do well are where a masculine hero and his band fights a Cathedral analogue”
Interesting theory, whitepilling if true. Do you have any examples in mind? Maybe a poor one, but the first thing that came to mine was Law Abiding Citizen.
Yes I too am annoyed by otherwise intelligent men going ‘yes the boys is great, it’s what would happen if normal people got superpowers!’ Sewer culture.
But let them have their cringe. We must have faith in the power of our memes, faith in God who is on our side. They may have the loudspeakers, but we are the cool kids.
Check this show out:
The Terminal List. Passion project by Chris Pratt. Red meat for the warmonger class, chock full of Cathedral memes; diverse and savvy immigrant FBI, female US Marshals, lady soldiers, and Amerimutts everywhere. Also, every bad guy is a successful white male or conservative. Sounds like shit, right? Well, it did something to piss off the critic class. Google the name and filter for articles, and the hate is poured on so thick it’s almost subtle. I’m watching the show, trying to figure out why the Voice is sounding off against it. Maybe the final villain is a tranny gorging on little boy genitals or something? Maybe it’s just because Pratt was kind of positive about Trump and made the unpardonable sin of admitting to being a Christian. Whatever the case, pop culture is on track to bifurcate. Top Gun, now this show. They are making money and they are being told they are unholy.
Food for thought.
By the by, Alf. I have a few pages of edits for you…
I think because it’s loosely based on the idea that Obama offed Seal Team 6
Love to have them. Do you have a working email yet?
I do. Send me an email here:
Very bad reasoning here. The power of the blue comes from their ability to not allow even the thought of war arise in the mind of the reds. This has always been their power and always will be.
Same as the power of women is to get men to fight other men on their behalf.
BTW, when did “red” and “blue” in the US become the reverse compared to the rest of the world?
Everywhere else the red color is associated with commies and socialists and blue with conservatives.
Was it always like this? Or did a switch happen at some point? If a switch — a natural one, or an enforced one?
As far as I know in 2000. A bit of odd media history; perhaps the Americans here know more.
Media declared it so to invert reality.
IIRC it was a trend in portrayal on news programs in 2000 presidential competition. Prior to that, it hadn’t been uniform. The rise of blogging and “homebrew” journalism probably cemented the color configuration.
News media suddenly acted as one. Centrally coordinated, like everything the news media does.
I remember that inversion at the time and thought to myself, “WTF?” At the time I thought it was just some ignorant newbee reporter “inventing” their own color code without knowledge or respect for past convention (everyone knows commies are red don’t they?), but it stuck. In retrospect perhaps it was more malignant.
Reading through Alf’s work (it is quite good, everyone here should read it), as well as the random comments that are appearing on old, old posts thanks to (I assume) Alf’s work, I am forced to interact with Cambodian Rheumatists commentary and it is more interesting than I remember. Not because he is actually smart or anything, but it informs the draconian measures Jim takes with shills and entryists. We don’t need to hear them out, we don’t need to let them have their say, we need not all be concerned with the preparation of that particular sausage.
This isn’t some profound insight, but it is no longer common knowledge: a good leader makes life better for everyone except the leader. The nature of their position and its duties make life pretty tedious and painful for them. Thus, GNON sweetens the pot with power and status. The Modern Lie, which is really a suite of lies, is broadly proclaiming the desirability and perks of status and power while explicitly denying the necessary tedium and pain. This is relevant to us because, and I am making an assumption here, it seems as if every Reactionary in any sphere either secretly believes or publicly asserts that he is capable of Kingship. This is not shocking: society accidentally raised us to believe we could be anything. Obviously, that messaging was intended for Karen, Kahreem, and k’Shwanda, not Ken, Kevin, or Kyle. But it stuck, and it needs to be de-programmed. With what level seriousness and to what degree, I cannot say. How much of a motivation of possible Kingship was it for nobles in the middle ages? Did the King and Priests always let it be a quiet motivator for nobles who would otherwise not have participated in wars? It might be irrelevant to the era we are in, but there could be some profound insights for motivating elites.
We are not all King material. We are all Knight material. Fodder that survives the war gets to advance to the next level. Make of that what you will.
Look at the worst king you can find in a history book and then compare to the modern world. Every king would be an improvement, especially a king far far away, which is the usual situation in a monarchy.
History also suggests that bad kings do not rule all that long. Kings are easy to replace, much easier than a system. The person with the crown doesn’t matter all that much in the long run. What matters is that there is a king and there is generall argeement that there should be a king.
Every tyrant wants to rule so they can finally condition others to serve their needs. When will it all be about me? To be a tyrant, just place all your weight on those around you.
A good leader serves the needs of his people. To rule well, lift as much weight as you can, so your people can prosper.
Every overbearing father and mother is a tyrant, conditioning their children to serve their needs. This is a destructive and all consuming process.
Every good father and mother meets the needs of their children, until they can teach the child to meet their own needs. This is a constructive process.
Conditioning someone to meet your needs, or your expectations is about the tyrant, taking selfishly for his benefit. Teaching someone something is giving of yourself freely, for the benefit of the student.
It is hard to meet the needs of someone else, to pay attention to them, to what they are doing, to what is motivating them. To put yourself in their shoes to see what they are seeing and experiencing. You have to do it selflessly, without expectation. It is expensive. Have to have a lot of inner strength, discipline, patience, and have to have faith. It is hard to do good. But, looking at the alternative, the choice to do good should be a decision that makes itself.
News says Ivana Trump Just passed away, age 73. Best I can tell from the info it was “sudden adult death syndrome”. She was an athlete and as far as I know, in good health.
Well was she vaxxed, some people die in their 70s…
She was a former model, models like dancers of all kinds while they avoid eating tend to have a lot of other bad habits.
A lot of dancers are drug addicts as well. Helps keep them thin and cover up the pain.
Their primal brain perceives their occupation as dancer as suboptimal and detrimental.
I notice the tendency also even in fiction of portraying those types like dancers and prostitutes as smokers and drinkers.
Like they need pain medication to deal with their lives.
Whilst wives and mothers are far less likely to do such things.
Bad things happen to the ones who are hardcore hard drug addicts a lot earlier than that. That is the failure mode for women in that profession… the other women in it tend to marry out (as Ivana did).
But as for bad habits chain smoking and being drunk on vodka (some type of booze with no calories) and maybe occasional hard drug use (stims mainly) while living off diet coke + maybe a big meal of junk food once a week…
That is pretty common.
“Their primal brain perceives their occupation as dancer as suboptimal and detrimental.”
Nah they are just absolutely terrified of getting fat (which I wish was more common among American women). Not every model/dancer/whore hates their job besides that.
“Nah they are just absolutely terrified of getting fat (which I wish was more common among American women). Not every model/dancer/whore hates their job besides that.”
In that case they should be highly reproductively successful. Ending up as a wife and mother with many children after claimed by a Man.
If not then evolutionarily speaking it will evolve that way. Because such avenues is a dead end for them.
Another example of difference; the experience of horrendous conditions in trench life almost all come from the experience of entente troops. The Heer was assiduous in furnishing the livability of fortified positions, whereas on the British and French side trench emplacements were always doctrinally considered ‘temporary measures’ pending the inevitable glorious advance to victory, even when you’ve been squatting in them for months.
Pretty sure that is not where it was meant to go.
Moving it to where I judge best.
The Spanish flu was the direct result of those living conditions.
It occurs to me that the Spanish Flu is another instance of Alf’s Daemonology Thesis: reality can be modeled accurately by working from the assumptions that demons are real. The sadistic leftists in France summon a demon through protracted blood sacrifice of Catholic men, and it is unleashed upon the world.
World War One truly needs a comprehensive analysis in volumetric form. That might be the project needed to kick of Restoration Historiography. It is recent enough to be interesting, far enough that it is “dead.” Relatively well documented. Any authors out there dying for subject matter, this is a golden opportunity.
skippy, if you have the time and inclination, I’d love to hear your detailed summary of WW01. Pre-war included.
Look up the podcast Hardcore History by Dan Carlin. He has a 5 part series on ww1, each part about 3 hours. Very good. It’s just him so it’s a storytelling not a discussion.
I’ve gone through it twice. I enjoy his efforts, but his lacing in of Whig history gets tiresome.
Dan Carlin is a hardcore progressive selling propaganda. Read a book written about how the Germans fought in WW1, you’ll be shocked how much time they spent trying not to get their troops killed compared of the meat grinder the allies setup for their own men.
A question to Jim. I don’t know if you have answered this in the past if so point me to it.
What is to be done with social media, smart phones and women?
Are you asking what is to be done about the henpeck anti-trinity? In a coup complete situation, women are sandboxed if allowed internet access whatsoever. A man is issued a phone right by the state, and he can clone that right to his women, his children, or his serfs. Spaces for housewives and competent widows need to be created and curated (bitches must be allowed to Considereth) , but I have yet to encounter any compelling evidence that women in general are needed or wanted in programming. If they’d like to use a clone of their husband’s Phone Right to participate on Herspace so they can crow about their status, I don’t really see an issue. If some beta faggot starts fooling around with the girl internet because he can’t get laid IRL, there should be some consequences.
I am asking about how we burn it all down and make sure we haven’t to deal with it again.
The combination of social media, smart phones and women is an unmitigated disaster. Women have a access too many men at a push of a bottom. A husband has to compete with a thousand different men that he doesn’t even know it exist.
About what you said. Why would the state have the right to issue such a right or not? Jim as talked about a true decentralized internet outside of the control of the state. The two don’t look compatible.
Well, Jim is a special case Libertarian (he used a term I wasn’t familiar with and can’t recall at this moment, and he can articulate it properly, so apologies if my word choice is deleterious to our dialogue) and I am a Monarchical Perennialist with Jimian Characteristics. The State has whatever right it damn well pleases so long as it has uncontested ability to exert the force to back it up. A wise King and suite of advisors with their enforcement mechanism (the State) would do well to keep the legal overhead low (you may or may not recall that I advocate for a brutally simple law code that is a few pages long, something that could be memorized and orated for a recitation by an 8th grader, and is general) and enforcement simple and swift. Free Speech is a farce; communication must be regulated by the State to protect society from pernicious forces. One of those pernicious forces is unrestrained females. I am far more concerned about broads fucking up sexual selection norms than I am with dissidents and malcontents bitching about His Majesty. So controlling access to the means of constant communication seems like an important thing to keep a handle on.
I want to be very clear here: I am an authoritarian. I am not a libertarian. My wife says she is a libertarian, which I think is just adorable. But unless I am sleeping with one or dealing with one, I could not possibly care less about the concerns of libertarians.
That control, however, needs to exercised by patriarchs, and patriarchs need to be able to communicate and transact without third parties sticking their oar in.
Yes, this is indeed the case. Instead of running a whitelist, there should be a greylist and blacklist. Running a whitelist is a lot more effort than a blacklist. It also violates one of the core principles of paternalistic authoritarianism: that which is not forbidden is permitted. Otherwise known as, “Is Dad going to beat my ass for this?”
Monarchies aren’t all the same. Medieval kings aren’t the kings of the ancien régime.
We want the father and then the husband to be in control of women’s social lives. The state being in control of women’s social lives is likely to lead to problems. The state’s central competence is large scale organized violence. To avoid loss of focus and excessive span of control, small scale defense of small scale property rights needs to be outsourced as far as possible to the owners of those property rights.
Scaling problems are biting really hard right now.
I remember a long time ago being called a “Libertarian Fascist”, which is more than a bit of an oxymoron. But it’s an oxymoron that hides a deeper truth.
Fundamentally what I want is not to have to give a damn what most people think. I would love to be able to live and let live. But to achieve that given what ‘most’ people want would require some hardcore authoritarian action, especially in the area of the country where I’m living.
Fear me. I want to totally remove your civil rights you damned snowflakes. Then I intend to…leave you the hell alone once sufficient helicopter rides have been given. Of course the problem is the problem is more akin to fighting weeds. The helicopters must always be there even if few require rides.
The deeper truth is that you always have a state religion, and if that state religion tolerates an enemy religion that wants what it has, pretty soon you will have an enemy state religion. Not having a state religion is like not having a King and an army. If you thought your King and his army was bad, wait till you see a foreign King and a foreign army march through.
As Moldbug said, it is a power vaccuum. He was wrong though, in that there never has at any time been a vacuum, for there are always powerful groups fiercely contending to occupy that space and shoving mightily to push each other out.
Jehu: “Fundamentally what I want is not to have to give a damn what most people think. I would love to be able to live and let live. “
Yeah, I’m that guy too. Most of us are, or used to be. But it’s simply not possible, as the last 75 years (or however long) have proven.
1) Libertarianism is fundamentally an individualist philosophy.
2) Individualism is not a war-time ideology.
3) We are always at war.
An absence of war is not an equilibrium. If everyone is chillaxin’ with their feet up drinking a beer, it’s too easy to attack them. If everyone were like you and me, the whole planet would just chillax. But that’s not the world we live in.
Just thinking about what these people steal from us almost made me fedpost, so I’ll end this here.
Yes. We always have the threat of large scale organized violence, and we have always have the threat of holy war, because people who mind their own business and do the the right thing by their friends, kin, and neighbors are a great big juicy target.
So, no alternative but to sign up with a leader. And a leader needs a priesthood, so no alternative to the imposition of a state faith. Tolerance of heretics results in the state faith being overthrown, and replaced with a faith like the one we now have, that tolerates no heretics.
Good links. The second one, What money can’t buy: A leftist is a being so sick, so evil, that when he sees that, his gut-level urge is to attack it.
There can never be any peace between us and them.
When people were hungry, a leftist could plausibly claim he did not want to kill the cows of the kulak with two cows, he wanted the hungry fed.
But now no one is short of bread, and everyone is short of what money cannot buy, leftism is unmistakeably about destroying what money cannot buy.
Based on Feser’s paper, libertarianism should just abandon the Neutrality claim and explicitly state that it is a system of governance expressly for the intelligent, the sane, and the fortunate. They won’t do this because they are either just liberals pretending to be something else, or they are carrion baggers who prey on the intelligent, the sane, or the fortunate.
Bringing this from the realm of the theoretical and into the practical realm, should we consider anyone who claims to be a libertarian an entryist, given that they are probably nothing more than a liberal awaiting activation? I used to be far more tolerant than I am now, and my inclination would be to wait until a party gives a concrete reason to be considered hostile. Now, I am not inclined to wait for an excuse. This may stray too far towards punishing pre-crime. Then again, no victim of violence sanely states, “Well, I’m glad I didn’t overreact before that guy shot me.”
“carrion baggers” lul.
Must watch out of genuine female Occultists and witches:
They seek to corrupt the minds of women. And its strange how back in the day why Western Society didn’t actually deal with the Suffragettes properly.
Theosophy was one Spiritual Mother of Modern feminism in the 1800’s.
First wave feminism came from post Christians unitarians etc, dark occultism of various kinds wasn’t (not visibly anyway, you can speculate all you want about the involvement of hidden cults and satanic bloodlines and such behind the scenes) visibly involved with the left until the 1920s at the earliest. And the 1st leftist group backed by them was…
The National Socialist German Workers Party…
I mean honestly how could the Western liberal (in the classic sense ie libertarian) put down the suffragettes if they weren’t even willing to have Karl Marx and Frederick Engels shot?
The problem was that Western liberal governments were not willing to make the unprincipled exception and murder all leftists. This is ALWAYS the mistake that more freedom oriented governments make.
Lately, I keep seeing more of a particular strand of anthropogenic climate change meme which seems to lack the same kind of immune response that you see against the global warming angle. One doesn’t have to scratch too deep to find denialist rejoinders about global warming but the “animal agriculture is destroying the planet” meme seems to provoke annoyance rather than fully fleshed-out criticism. Everyone is averse to bug-eating and synthetic meat but I cannot seem to find now unemployed scientists who are refuting it quietly online. In a few points the narrative is 1.) that the average prole consumes far too much meat and dairy 2.) that because animal agriculture is resource intensive much of the Amazon rainforest is being wiped out in order to keep up with the demand 3.) that the large volume of urine and feces output acts as a pollutant 4.) that too much water is expended 5.) that too much land is used.
The second concern is the purpose of the meat holiness spiral. Has the animal liberation faction been revived in a way that is more relevant and powerful with climate change backing? Or is it just for the sake of attacking the big money in meat like it is for those in oil and coal?
It predates anthropogenic global warming.
For an expose of some of the fake science, see “The big fat surprise”
There has been plenty of pushback – maybe you are too young to remember it. The pushback was big in its day.
See also “Fat Head”,
A documentary response to “Super Size Me” where the protagonist ate Keto from only fast food joints (mostly McDonalds) but eschewed the buns, fries, and sodas, and lost a significant about of weight.
Here is an entertaining video summary of the plot to make us eat bugs.
I guess I should have put more emphasis on the deforestation bit rather than the nutrition science. Nutrition has like anthropology and sociology always been politically correct lies and I am more familiar with the pushback as far as that goes. Is there just no deforestation happening or is it exaggerated to mythic proportions?
The world is massively reforesting, as the climate becomes more benign. Areas formerly too cold for trees are reforesting, areas formerly too dry for trees are reforesting, and areas formerly under agriculture are being abandoned to forests.
This has little to do with human action or lack thereof. As the climate becomes more favorable, plants crowd each other for sun and air, and the taller plants win.
Photos from space show that the amount and intensity of green has nearly doubled since satellites went up, which means the plants are now fighting each other and reaching for the sky.
We have non satellite evidence that this change has been under way since the early eighteen hundreds, so the world is hugely greener. And, of course, in a greener earth, the big beneficiaries are going to be the trees.
I believe there is an anti-white angle to this as well. The lands which are primarily going to become warmer, more inhabitable and more arable are full of evil oppressive Canadians, Norwegians and Russians. So of course that would be a bad thing.
Anti-meat signalling seems to be a strange case of convergent evolution among priests. Hindu priests have been waging battle against meat for literally a millennium now, that ebbs and flows with time but never quite ends. I have no idea how Molochite priests came upon it, but the end-result is the same — a docile, physically weak, thus easily manipulated population.
I hypothesise that as priests’ own memetic power declines, they are unable to assert memetic control to the extent their forbears used to, and then resort to physically influencing their populations to make them easier to control.
Modern farming has literally brought Kingly food to the table of the average prole, yet they eat grain like animals.
So you mostly eat meat, then?
This touched on Jimian themes of Damnatio memoriae and revisionist history, even when there is object documentation to the contrary.
This is insane,
I always thought that jim’s cathedral theory as central conspiracy by a group of people can be counted on fingertips was fanciful and his evidence based on academia treatment of darwin theory and khmer rogue too far.
But, alas, here it is not just academia but news, corporations and more importantly Congress records all have been altered to memory-hole
mRNA inventor in real times in such a blatant way.
A writer of the revisionist article in a “science” magazine won’t even look at the evidence (patents show who the inventor is) and completely reject the argument
Almost like he is simply following order and the article was dictated to him.
So Jim this pretty much confirm your theory for me. Wonder what MB would made of this.
Shocking. We have reached Soviet Union’s levels of rewriting.
His Wikipedia page looks like a trial for heresy. They basically replaced every research he did with the “claim” that he did said research.
It reads like this:
“Robert Malone is a Badthinker.
During his early career he claims to have done this and that, but being a Badthinker he probably just stole his peers’ work.
During Covid pandemic Malone claims to have conducted research, but his research was surely wrong since the Holy Council of Peer Review did not approve. He promoted the unholy Horse Paste.
The next six or seven paragraphs will describe all the bad things he thinks.”
Behold the awesome scientific consensus. The inventor of the technology now being misused as a vaccine tells them “this technology is very dangerous if misused, and you are completely misusing it.” Whereupon the scientific consensus goes into action with cancellation, deplatforming, demonetization, and an abrupt rewrite of history.
Science, our enemies tell us, is on their side. They are the fact based community. They rely on peer reviewed evidence unlike us. Peer review meaning that the peers meet behind closed doors, and decide what the evidence will show.
And the evidence now shows that Robert Malone did not invent the technology that they are using, and if there are any records to the contrary, they are going to scrub them all clean.
These really are mentally sick fuckheads.
: |
If I’d played any role in the invention of mRNA vaccines, I’d very much want my name erased from the history books. It’s worse than being the guy who invented leaded gasoline.
When you develop high technology, you do not know what evil uses evil people will find for it.
The Robert Malone issue is interesting. This is not some overnight, instant reversal of “truth narratives,” rather he is being systematically un-personed over time. There are articles with injected controversy, using the full panoply of weaponized linguistics like “claims” “skeptic” “denier” etc etc, dating back to April 2021. As near as I can tell (having done ~5 secs of googling) he is being punished for going on Joe Rogan and daring to question the Official Truth.
OK, sucks for him, but I’m not going to lose sleep over some other science liberal getting bitten by a monster he probably helped create. But if this whole fiasco blips up into normie space, the growing dissent culture will have more life breathed into it. Jim, how does this wave of dissent affect the overall timeline in terms of the 2026 expectation? Is there a critical mass of Dissent Wave and Elite Defection that could derail the managerial elite/distributed bureaucratic spiral, or have we gone over the cliff and the elites are just scrambling to do something, anything, to get the genie back in the bottle?
I am redpill/blackpill (which is untenable and I am working to fix it), so my read is too little, too late. The “best” case scenario is limited internecine struggle for power amongst the elites that doesn’t spill over into systemic collapse with a Napoleon or Stalin coming to the fore. More likely, in my estimation, the train just keeps on rolling towards oblivion because the true situation is just to horrific to comprehend, meaning we are going to go the Cambodia Route.
Robert Malone is a good man who was willing to speak the truth when everyone else was lying. Tech isn’t bad or good, how it’s used matters and Robert Malone had nothing to do with it’s evil use.
They’ve built a highly cohesive religion with human sacrifice and demon worship. Demons demand rivers of blood and they’re likely to get them. There’s a lot of Ruin in a Empire and there still might be time for someone to make themselves the true king.
I would wager that this kind of blatant heavy-handed censorship is going to have repercussions.
The Soviets murdered millions of people during and after they enacted a dystopian mass-surveillance state. This government, *before* carrying out mass-murder, is deleting facts right in front everyone’s noses.
Whether or not the repercussions will lead to desirable outcomes is up for debate.
Tl;dr Complexity asserts that Yuval Noah Harari is guiding the WEF to achieve Galton’s vision for the future.
The elites have been pretty open about this goal since the Georgia guidestones went up. Who’s pushing it barley matters, all that matters is they’ve decided now is the time to implement the culling.
I realized what a huge quack Malthus was the day I found out women are unable to bear children under a certain body weight. Overpopulation isn’t capable of causing famine because humans naturally stop having children when their food supplies are low. Which also lead to the conclusion that since everyone who’s studied human biology knows this… they’re just looking for an excuse to mass murder people.
certain body fat percentage*
Depends on how you define “overpopulation”. One is a “resource” definition. The other is “Too many ‘undersirables'” definition.
You take care of undesirables by making laws requiring civilized behavior and executing/exiling/enslaving those who can’t act in a civilized manner.
Just some Qs:
1. WEF has been around forever but nobody cared about them until very recently (covid?)
2. Read Schwab’s book (if you can, it’s horribly written) and it’s clear that The Great Reset doesn’t presage or predict anything that subsequently happened. It’s reactive, full of platitudes and advocates a totally normie platform (German Rhineland capitalism with a bit more Progress)
3. Yuval Noah Harari is a famous public intellectual with an NYT bestseller book. He doesn’t need to be someone’s adviser or whatever for them to read his ideas. How is this a conspiracy?
I think WEF is misdirection. I cannot imagine how anything whatsoever would be different if the WEF did not exist.
The WEF exists to celebrate the supremacy of priests over capitalists. The rich attend to hear sermons. The sermons have some disturbing content.
The WEF is not the conspiracy. But it is where some of the top conspirators give sermons.
Not the India I know
Why are the Americans bending over backwards to accommodate the Indians? Usually they used to bend over backwards to accommodate the Pakistanis while the Indians used to throw a tantrum over that.
How thin