Posts Tagged ‘left singularity’

Definition of left and right

Monday, September 2nd, 2024


starts with envy and covetousness. Covetousness is that someone wants to knock over the apple cart to grab some apples. Envy is he just want to knock over the apple cart because he does not have one.

And, given that there are people who want to knock over the applecart, easier and safer to knock it over as part of a gang. So, priests: Someone comes up with a clever rationalisation why knocking over the applecart is wise, virtuous, and beneficial. Then, from priests, to a priesthood: Leftism gives rise to the left as an organised entity with a hierarchy and an official, though frequently changing, belief system.

What defines the belief system is not the beliefs, which are ever changing, (socialism, redistribution, global warming, sexism, Covidianity, diversity, inclusion, whatever) but that regardless of the what the beliefs supposedly consist of, someone else’s applecart is in the sights.

Leftism is the belief system that supplies rationales for knocking over whichever applecart is currently in the sights of the covetous and envious, it is the priests of that belief system, and

the left

is the priesthood of that belief system.

That the brownshirts were leftists is obvious. Hitler was considerably less left. But what made him still a leftist was National Socialism, and socialism manifested, as always, in shortages.

Price control plus money printing, resulted in food shortages in Germany almost immediately. He then attempted to transfer food from outgroups to ingroups by the command economy. Which meant not only not feeding the Jews but also not feeding the Greeks (who were national socialists) and not feeding the Dutch, who were a remarkable food production powerhouse, not to mention more Aryan than Germans. Which of course shut down food production in Greece, France, and the rest.

Socialism, command economy –> food shortage. So the party winds up making decisions to let people starve. Including the Dutch, who were more Aryan than the Germans and had very impressive food production.

Hitler’s problem, like that of King Louis the sixteenth, and like that of Napoleon, was food. The moral of all these stories and many others is that the state should not mess with the market in food production and distribution, and that if that market is failing, it needs to look after the property rights and personal safety of producers and distributors.  The food desert problem in the big blue megalopoli could easily be fixed by shooting a few shoplifters.  Public hangings followed by quartering the corpses and leaving the pieces of the bodies outside the shopping centers would also help.

If leftism’s ever changing beliefs are impossible to pin down,


has no beliefs. Rightism should be the party of order, or at least the party of existing order, but it is the party of applecart owners and people with an emotional attachment to Chesterton’s fence. Its existence is provoked by the party of the left.  As a result, conservatives conserve yesterday’s leftism.  The party of the left is a priesthood.  The party of the right is not a priesthood, nor does it have a priesthood in its pocket.  It does not actually have any beliefs to believe in, so it tends to wind up in the pocket of the priesthood of the left, which tends to give rise to the dynamics of the uniparty with an inner party wing, the official party of the left that is always in power even when the outer party happens to have a merely elected majority, and an outer party wing, which is always out of power because even when it is a majority of the merely elected government, it is a small and unpopular minority within the permanent and unelected government, and even if it was not, it would still lack intellectual sovereignty, worshipping at the shrines of the enemy priesthood. The uniparty is in substantial part the result of centralised conspiracy run from Harvard with tentacles in every satrapy of the global American empire, but that conspiracy is working with the natural and spontaneous grain of politics.

Nazis are commies

Friday, August 30th, 2024

And commies are Nazis, near as makes no difference to anyone who is not a Nazi or a commie

This is evident today in the seeming odd alignment of Ukrainian Nazis and State Department Jews, but was obvious enough to Papen in his Marburg speech.

Every time, always, everywhere, leftism gets ever lefter, ever more lethal, ever faster, until it is stopped by large scale deadly violence originating from a top leader, as for example Sulla, or until it destroys everything and everyone.

Hillary and Clinton bumped off no end of people, and Obama has bumped off at least one, probably more. The FBI plus DEI elements in the secret service had a go at bumping off Trump, though it is unclear who was behind it at the top. The Senate inquiry displays a curious lack of interest in subpoenaing cell phones. It begins.

No exceptions. Wiemar is not an exception. Hitler was lefter than thou, until he was not. The rise of the Sparts and the Nazis was continuing movement leftwards, just as Kamala, antifa, and BLM is continuing movement leftwards.

Papen in his Marburg speech complains of Nazi radical leftism, hints that the generals should stop it by deadly force, and appeals to Hitler to stop it by deadly force. The Brownshirts complain that Hitler is insufficiently left, boast that they are lefter than thou, and hint at doing something about it. Hitler does something about it instead.  Night of the long knives.

Hitler was movement right in the same way as Deng, Stalin, Napoleon, Cromwell, and all the others were movement right.

Same pattern as all of the others, Sulla being the archetype.


A prediction corrected

Friday, July 8th, 2022

Shortly after the 2020 election, I predicted that Trump would be arrested within a few months, followed in due course by an ever increasing number of Republicans, and would in due course be Epsteined, executed, or disappeared.

It rapidly became apparent that this prediction was on Musk time. The conspirators that stole the election, like the conspirators who murdered Caesar, expected and intended to return to normality by abnormal means. And normality means the continued existence of a significant Republican party, and allowing them a little bit of the gravy.

Which becomes difficult when your violent unpopularity is grotesquely obvious. You cannot have normality while moving lefter and lefter, faster and faster. Leftism is smashing the economy, causing staglation, leftism is heading hard fast into world war three, leftism has legalized robbery and murder, and leftism is turning school grades four to eleven into gay child whorehouses. (Child protection services could not keep up with demand) The war on food is just beginning in the US, but it has gone over the top in Denmark.

I did not believe then, and do not now believe, that this intent can be accomplished. Too many actions motivated by gross hostility to normal Americans have been taken, and more are coming down the pipeline, faster and faster. I have taken some bets on the outcome of the 2022 elections. I bet that Republicans will be thoroughly denied power at every federal level, but am no longer betting that they will be denied even the job of dogcatcher in dogpatch.

Soros has also concluded that a return to normality is impractical.

Soros calls for implementation of my prediction: Eliminate the Republican party by any means necessary

The public votes peace and prosperity. We have war and stagflation. It is completely obvious that anything resembling an honest election would be a Republican landslide, and that what Soros has in mind is nothing that resembles an honest election.

Things are grim now, and are going to get a whole lot grimmer soon. The Republic is past its use by date, and all that remains is for a sufficient number of normies to wake up to the new reality. Which is happening, but resolving the crisis does not appear possible now. It looks like we are on the path where stability is restored by a Stalin or the Thermidorians and Napoleon, rather than a Cromwell, let alone a Sulla or a Suharto.

In this crisis, we should not now prepare for victory, but rather for preserving technological capability and the capacity to organize in an increasingly hostile environment. We should act to maintain the capability to act when more favorable circumstances arise.

In the Trump years, I hoped and expected for favorable circumstances to arise, but when the time came, Trump, in the memorable phrase of namefag Yarvin, fished in the Rubicon.

When it became obvious that an election steal was being prepared, Trump called in the lawyers when he should have called out the militia.

Today, an honest election requires the measures employed by Caesar and the NSDAP, which are such as to produce one honest election once. Regular honest elections require a somewhat virtuous elite, which is gone and not coming back until a generation or two of good leadership by good Kings.

In the early Republican primaries, the Republican party was able and willing to hold free and honest primary elections, which of course quite predictably led to ultra maga landslides, what I would call the Christian national capitalist faction of the Republican party.

Then there was a sudden change, in which blatantly rigged primaries produced cuckservative landslides.

I will not rehearse the evidence that these were rigged, because that buys into the enemy frame, that if they call it an election, it is an election unless you can prove it is not.

This is a reversal of the burden of proof. It is for the winner to prove he was honestly elected, not for the loser to prove he was not. Elections must be conducted in such a way that there is proof that the outcome was legitimate. If they are not conducted in this way, it is because the winner knows he will not be able to prove that. And in these elections were deliberately conducted in a way that makes it impossible for the winner to prove he was honestly elected.

Well, that might suffice to satisfy our enemies that they can tolerate a mild mannered cuckservative outerparty. And that is their clear intention and hope. A hope that seems to be being dashed.

The abortion ruling was to throw some red meat to the Republican base, so that they would not abandon the cuckservative party, without which the appearance of normality could not be continued. But it does not seem to be continuing anyway, rendering the cuckservative party useless to our masters. A substantial fraction of the left seem to view any political activity that would give the Republican party the superficial semblance of meaning and purpose as an intolerable affront.

In any left on left conflict, the faction promising to immanentize the eschaton wins, and faction promising business as usual loses. Keeping a fake Republican party on life support is getting in the way of immanentizing the eschaton. Biden and company are trying to do both, and are falling between two stools. Which is what I expected to happen, but I expected it to happen a whole lot faster.

sudden swerve in the path to the left singularity

Thursday, March 3rd, 2022

The Cathedral has abandoned the Awesome and Mighty Covid Demon narrative, and the innocent peaceable dark skinned joggers capriciously attacked by white predators for no apparent reason narrative, in favor of the universal support for war against Russia narrative.

You think censorship has eased? The internet connections with Russia are being cut.

A precondition for war with Russia is getting enough people to be inside the war bubble. YouTube is busily purging outside the War-with-Russia bubble videos, and has lost interest in purging outside the Covid bubble and outside peaceful-jogger bubble videos.

Still seeing piles of pro Russian stuff on facebook, twitter, reddit and youtube, but I also see the screws tightening. I expect that they will continue to tighten.

Thus the left singularity proceeds, but in a new direction likely to end in war.

Recollect that the ever leftwards tendency suddenly took a new turn in 1933, throwing first wave feminism overboard in favor of preparation for war and the total war economy. Instead of universal support for women’s rights, there was universal support for a command economy. War ensued six years later, but the left singularity runs faster these days.

The Cathedral seems content to let Ukraine fall, but they are preparing for asymmetric warfare in the Ukraine against the Russians. One thing will lead to another, and the psychological preparation for one thing leading to another has begun.

Color Revolution

Sunday, June 7th, 2020

This blog does not pay much attention to the events of the day, because if you pay too much attention the events of the day you lose track of the long term trend, which has been in a leftist holiness spiral for two centuries, ever holier, ever faster, which unless checked by military dictatorship, ends in infinite leftism in finite time. We had such holiness spirals in the past, many times, and they usually end in disaster, unless terminated early by military dictatorship. Since leftism is inherently destructive, going all the way means total self extermination of the group subject to the left singularity. Sometimes they end in the near total disappearance of the population subject to the holiness spiral as with Szechuan and the Seven Kill Stele, where everyone tortured each other to death for insufficient leftism until there was almost no one left.

But the events of today are a conspicuous new stage in the left singularity, color revolution, which is likely to result in Trump and his family being murdered, or a Trump self coup.

If a left singularity is not halted by strong and harsh dictatorship, with a single man exercising absolute power, it usually ends when the self extermination reaches a point that it profoundly weakens the polity, resulting in foreign conquest, as with Khmer Rouge Cambodia. But sometimes the foreigners sit back and let it go all the way.

Usually that single man ascended to power by being one of the holiest, as with Cromwell and Stalin, and then discovers that suddenly no end of his followers have become even holier than his very holy self, and are demanding greater holiness, which superior holiness might well be implemented by them taking power and him losing power, and them picking up the apples from the applecarts knocked over in the process. He is usually a military man, and therefore turns from those who were loyal to him because of shared faith in the holiness of the synthetic faith based tribe, and instead to those who are loyal to him because they were with him in committing organized violence, and who do not care much about the supposedly shared tenets of the holy faith, turns to those who identify primarily with their band of brothers, rather than the people of the very holy faith. When Cromwell set his troops around to make a problem go away, the person causing the problems found the troops had little interest in discussing the Trinity, the Resurrection and the Incarnation. Stalin relied heavily on the far from communist Beria and on Beria’s apolitical gang.

If Trump halts the left singularity that would be great, because, unlike Cromwell and Stalin, not very holy. Unfortunately, unlike Cromwell, not very military. But though a merchant, Trump has a warrior spirit, and great support among the rank and file at the tip of the spear. He is a man they would like to be able to follow.

The recent rioting was a state sponsored color revolution. Antifa funding and delivering piles of bricks, Antifa paying rioters, which is to say the US permanent government paying, either with Soros as a cutout, or directly. The riots were given cover by Democratic blue state governors and the legacy media (but I repeat myself). When the relatively peaceful mob of plains apes passed an Antifa selected target, white Antifa agents would break windows and start fires. The sound of breaking glass attracted the plains apes into the target, as blood in the water attracts sharks. The Antifa agents would move out as the plains apes moved in, to repeat the operation at another target, while police stood around like potted palms.

Trump tweeted about sending in the military to restore order. The Twitter blue checks laughed. “Empty bluster” they said. “He has not got the power”

What did they mean by that? Legally he has the power, by the constitution and by numerous acts of congress. Presidents have done it before, many times, starting with George Washington, and have done it within living memory, as for example the LA Rodney King riots.

What they meant, or what the handlers writing their scripts meant, is that the permanent government would not let him.

The blue checks, or the handlers writing their scripts, expected the permanent government to successfully ignore him, or that Trump would not try it because the permanent government would successfully ignore him and this would likely result in his death.

The color revolution narrative: The color revolution script is “he is weak, weak, weaker, weaker, he is falling, he is falling, falling, falling, falling, he has fallen”. And if enough people actually believe he has fallen, then belief creates reality, and the State Department gets a bloodless victory. But often “He has fallen” is announced prematurely, resulting in at best a bloodbath, at worst genocidal holy war. Color revolutions are apt to turn into genocidal holy war when the other side does not play along with the script.

When Trump cleared out Layfayette Park, he showed he was not weak. When the military obeyed him, not fallen.

The protesters had peacefully assembled in Layfayette park to peacefully assemble for the redress of grievance, and proceeded to peacefully vandalize the Church where Trump goes on Sundays, peacefully start a fire in it, and peacefully throw peaceful rocks at police.

Trump gave the order, and it was not ignored. Trump marched in triumph into Lafayette Park. And I assumed that would end the matter. I thought, and said, that was the end of that, that the color revolution was over. But they are still trying, not entirely unsuccessfully, to countermand Trump, and are shouting ten times that they are successful for every time that they impede his footsteps a little.

Color revolutions do not stop. It is dangerous to be the first man to stop cheering at a gay wedding, and it is dangerous to be the first man to call a halt to color revolution. Hillary was able to call an end to the color revolution in Libya, but she was probably able to get away with it because the Libyans had sodomized and decapitated a senior State Department official, which made a good stop signal. And today, no one is in charge to call a stop, even if Trump were to have a few senior State Department officials sodomized and decapitated.

The Mueller frame up went on and on, despite repeatedly blowing up in the Democrats faces, and it looks like color revolution in the US may well go on and on. Indeed, the Mueller frame up has still not stopped. They are still pressuring General Flynn to commit perjury against President Trump, though since he has not committed perjury under far more severe pressure, he is certainly not going to under present circumstances. But just as the frame up came unstuck at the beginning, when the Clinton dossier was exposed, the color revolution came unstuck at the beginning, when the troops were deployed and continued to deploy.

The usual color revolution is instigated by Soros and the State Department in a foreign country, and color revolution in the US itself may not necessarily follow the same course. In a foreign country, a color revolution stubbornly persists, and when it is not going too well, it becomes more violent and destructive, more and more unpopular, with the hand of the US government more and more visible, with greater and greater direct US military intervention. The US dropped thirty thousand tons of high explosive on Libya. In the US itself, direct military intervention is unlikely to be available, and were the hand of the US government to become unduly visible, as it inevitably will if color revolution continues, criminal and treason charges might well result.

The Republic has been dead for a long time, and its corpse starting to stink, but Trump needs to restore the American Republic the way Augustus restored the Roman Republic. Augustus probably believed he was restoring the Republic, and I expect that Trump will believe it also. Although helicopter trips to the Pacific would be far more satisfactory and effective, rolling up the deep state for perverting the course of justice, treason, and color revolution would likely suffice. And they are going to continue, until Trump loses or he wins. If he loses, he and his family will likely die. If he wins, he and his family will likely rule for generations. And he has not won, he is indeed weak, so long as those who perverted the course of justice against him and set American cities on fire are not in prison, and are still in his administration. They will continue with investigation, except that they lost interest and ran with Wu Flu to shut down normal America. And when the opportunity to have riots happened, they lost interest in Wu Flu. But they are going to keep on going with all of these, throwing one thing after another at the wall to see what sticks, until they are stopped. As long as they can commit criminal acts unpunished, and we cannot perform lawful acts unpunished, their unlawful acts are going to get bigger, and happen more and more frequently. They will continue on color revolution, as they are continuing on Wu Flu and the Mueller investigation, and if none of these pan out, and it looks like none of them are going to pan out, they will start another thing.

Red Guards and Cultural Revolution

Monday, August 21st, 2017

Three years ago, after World War Trans, people said, “OK, one more unconditional and total capitulation by the right, and then we will be able to live in peace.

But today we have red guards and a cultural revolution.

And that is what everyone says, after each capitulation, starting with the denial of King George’s divorce. “The left has today become so crazy, so extreme, it cannot get any crazier, and there is going to be a blacklash.” (Or, in the case of King George, a holash. And after King George’s divorce was denied, there was indeed a holash against wives who fuck around, but it did not stop things from rapidly getting worse, and the attack upon the family from endlessly escalating, and the total fertility rate from endlessly falling, with a temporary remission from the early thirties to the early sixties, between first wave and second wave feminism.)

Now it is apparent that the next big thing is Red Guards and the Cultural Revolution. Whiteness is today being erased from our past, and tomorrow we will be erased from our present. After whitness, maleness, starting with fathers and husbands.

A left singularity is usually terminated, as by a Stalin or a Cromwell. One leftist grabs all power and absolute power, and then stops things from getting worse, lest he be devoured in his turn. But until then, it just goes on getting ever more extreme. It does not stop quietly of its own accord, merely because it has become sufficiently extreme to sate people’s appetite for destruction. It is only going to stop if someone stops it.

Fathers and husbands will be deemed toxic for wives and children and will be removed from their families – the salami slicer is already operating to remove the supposedly worst husbands and fathers, and eventually it is going to get the whole salami. Wives who fail to cooperate in the removal of husbands and fathers will lose their children, and eventually be subject to violence and imprisonment, and eventually execution. Next cishet single men, then insufficiently gay single men, and then …

Eventually, as in Szechuan, everyone enthusiastically tortures everyone else to death in an unsuccessful effort to be the last to be called out for insufficient leftism and devoured, and no one remains, unless at some point, the left gets it in the neck, and is purged from the institutions of the state religion – in our case the Ivies and the key media.

In Russia, the left communists were leaving old fashioned Marxism Leninism behind, as the Unitarians had left Puritanism behind. Stalin was guilty of old fashioned Marxism Leninsm, and so would surely have been devoured, so he purged the left communists under the excuse that they were “objectively fascist”. In the ensuing purge, Jews suffered disparate impact, extreme disparate impact, and the party wound up pretty much Judenrein, but it was not a purge of Jews for Jewishness. It was, mostly, a purge of communists for heresy, entirely genuine heresy.

The “fascists” and “wreckers” that were purged were largely imaginary, but the “Objective fascists” that were purged really were heretics from what had been orthodox Marxism Leninism, and they were nailed for heresy, not Judaism.

Eventually, the left edge of politics is going to be purged from the Ivies and government employment – perhaps by us, more likely by someone unimaginably further left than any present day tendency.

Or else, as in Szechuan, everyone is going to die horribly.

Equality and Social Justice is just rhetoric for mobilizing envy and covetousness and turning it into violence and destruction, as for example Detroit.

The left cares about power, and power is “impact”, and “impact” is making people suffer. When they run out of kulaks, they liquidate the peasants. Obamaphone woman cares about equality and social justice, the mindless river of meat cares about equality and social justice, in the sense that they are pissed that some people have nicer stuff than they do, and want to trash that stuff and mess up those people, but the puppeteers controlling Obamaphone woman do not give a shit. When they have finished using her to kill all whites and all males, they will take Obamaphone woman’s phone away, and then they are going to kill her: Impact!

Look at any greenie environmentalist protest. They leave a trail of garbage behind them, they totally trash the environment. Look at the save-our-jobs counter protest. They clean up behind themselves as if they had never been there.

They don’t want to save the earth they don’t want equality and social justice, they want power, power is impact, impact is making people suffer. Every BLM and greenie protest proves it.

Leftism has made envy and covetousness into a sacrament, because that is the sin that is easiest to pander to politically.

Not only is it easier to destroy Detroit, than to transfer it intact from whites to blacks, it is easier to destroy Jewish assets than to transfer them intact to Germans.

And not only is it easier, it is much more satisfying in the short run. Do you want to balance a set of account books, or do you want break windows and terrorize the people behind those windows? BLM and Antifa!

Face it. Smashing and terrorizing is just more fun. If you want a mob of muppets, you don’t offer them other people’s assets to organize and operate, you offer them other people’s assets to destroy, and other people to destroy. BLM and Antifa is impact!


That escalated quickly

Thursday, August 17th, 2017

First Damore at Google, then he gets fired, then the Charlottesville march to protest the destruction of white history is violently crushed, then then the erasure of white culture and history is dramatically escalated, then protest march about Google’s mistreatment of Damore is threatened with the Charlottesville treatment, and folds in the face of clear intention to terrorize them as at Charlottesville.

At this rate, we will be at democide and infinite leftism by Wednesday.

I still predict the left singularity for two thousand and twenty six or so, but if I was going by the latest headlines, I would predict it for Wednesday.

I don’t think it will happen by Wednesday, but these events make it more likely that they will shortly attempt to arrest the God Emperor on the basis of an arrest warrant issued by some judge no one has heard of, without bothering with the obsolete inconvenience of a two thirds senate vote.

Recap on the Left Singularity

Saturday, August 12th, 2017

The violent suppression of the UniteTheRight ralley, and the firing of James Damore, shows repression is getting more and more extreme, with more and more people deemed nazis, and nazis suppressed more violently.

For roughly two hundred years, leftism has been getting lefter, and crazier. For a bit over a hundred years, repression and censorship has been getting more extreme, more repressive, and crazier. This trend is not going to naturally peter out. It is not going to stop until something extremely drastic stops it.

Leftism jumped the shark, and total fertility rate started to fall, when King George was unable to divorce Queen Caroline for flagrant adultery (because women are wonderful, and if a woman does something bad it must be because some evil man made her do it.)

Censorship jumped the shark in 1900-1906, when every single academic in every single academy everywhere suddenly forgot the evidence that the Great Zimbabwe was built by Hebrew gold miners, not by blacks. In 1900, you could speak the truth about race, but not if you wanted a job in Academia. Now, you can speak the truth on race, but not if you want a job. Indeed, that was explicitly mentioned in the James Damore case: “Suppose he had written the same memo on racial differences”

The trend towards ever more thorough, ever more widespread, and ever more violent and coercive censorship, ever more obviously irrational, will not stop today. It has been getting more unreasonable and extreme for a very long time. It jumped the shark in 1906, and has been jumping more sharks ever since. Unless someone has fuck you money, he does not dare say to a random acquaintance the things that Obama said in 2008, and this trend has been getting steadily worse since 1900

1910 Russia was markedly more tolerant and democratic than today’s America, but by 1930 everything had gone to hell. The trend in the Anglosphere has been to increasingly severe repression, starting around 1900 or so, and steadily accelerating. It is not going to level out or reach a limit.

Back in the early nineteenth century people were saying “if they go too far”.

At any given time, going too far will have bad consequences, and not going far enough will have bad consequences – but it is always a lot safer to be on the bleeding edge of the left, than to be in the slightly behind the times mainstream middle. And the lefter we go, the more dire the consequences of being insufficiently left.

Everyone, including you and me, have moved a long, long, long way left. And our insufficient leftism is a lot more dangerous than it used to be.

Further, not only have consequences become more drastic, and applied for ever more frivolous offenses, but objecting to this, or even noticing this trend, is itself an offense. When they start flaying people alive in the streets, no one will be able to see it even when it happens right in front of them. This is simple extrapolation of existing trends, plus it has all happened before many times: Britain going lefter until Cromwell brought things under control, France going lefter until Napoleon brought things under control, Russia going lefter until Stalin brought things under control.

Social Justice Warriors can punch people now. If the victim complained, the Social Justice Warrior would counter complain that his victim was a nazi, and the victim would be fired.

This is a new thing, but expect it to rapidly escalate to Maoist style struggle sessions where people get beaten to death and then eaten as in China during Maoism, or get gasoline poured over their children and then set on fire as in the Soviet Union shortly before Stalin clamped down and monopolized all the torture and murder, or flayings as in France in 1794.

This replicates numerous past left wing singularities all the way back to the collapse of the Bronze age. It is approximately what happened the last few times, why should you doubt it happening this time?

When it escalates to cannibalism, flayings, and burnings, corporations will collapse, as trade collapsed at the end of the bronze age, and in France in 1793.

Mostly it will merely be mango soup, and only a handful of flayings and burnings, because as soon as $#|& gets really bad, someone is going to seize power, but if no one is able to securely and stably seize power, could potentially go all the way to Szechuan and the Seven Kill Stele, where everyone tortured everyone to death for insufficient leftism until there was almost no one left.

The mechanism is simple:

1. You must believe in the holy faith or we will punish you.

2. A key principle of the holy faith is that unbelievers must be punished.

3. You had better believe enthusiastically, or you might be punished.

4. You had better demonstrate your belief by enthusiastically hunting for unbelievers and finding them.

5. How many children of unbelievers did you burn alive today, comrade?

Everyone terrorizes everyone else into terrorizing everyone else.

To stop this we need an official inquisition that puts the free lance witch finders out of business. I hope we get a Sulla, who burns Havard to the ground, sack of Rome style, purges the social justice warriors, confiscates their property, and enslaves their women, or a Cromwell who imposes reasonable and sane leftism, but a Stalin, who makes it as dangerous to be too far left as it is to be too far right, would suffice, would be a whole lot better than the Seven Kill Stele.

If Trump does a self coup, and purges the public service of his enemies, starts firing very large numbers of people, that could save the day, but the further left the singularity continues, the bloodier the process by which it eventually must be checked.

What to do in a restoration

Thursday, September 17th, 2015

That which cannot continue must end. Thus one way or another, the movement ever leftwards, ever faster, is going to stop, going to be stopped, probably after the fashion of Stalin, if we are lucky after the fashion of conspiracy of 9 Thermidor, if really lucky after the fashion of Cromwell.

That does not necessarily mean things will get better, merely that, as in Stalin’s Soviet Union, they will stop getting even worse. But when China recovered from Maoism, it not only had a pretty good restoration, but came out of a dark age. And today’s Russia is not doing too badly.

So here is what is going to take to clean up the Augean stables:

Cannot stop a left singularity. unless you get real serious about stopping it. Hence the end of a left singularity is apt to lead to a restoration – though it may instead merely lead to the execution of a remarkably large number of leftists, suspected leftists, potential leftists, and suspected potential leftists. (Yey Stalin! Go Stalin Go!)

The inability of King George the Fourth to divorce of Queen Caroline was lunatic barking mad leftism in charge, frothing at the mouth, and biting crazy, and it has been going downhill ever since, getting crazier and more extreme every day, faster and faster. This is damaging technology through rule by consensus. Peer Review means that instead of experimentalists telling the scientific community what they see, the scientific community tells experimentalists what they would see. Science died when peer review was introduced in the nineteen forties, and in the seventies, technology began to follow.

To fix the left singularity needs military force and martial law. Warriors on top, so warrior status has to be raised, priest status lowered. Confiscate the Ivy endowments, and completely destroy Harvard, totally bulldozing every trace. Symbolically pour salt upon the earth, then redevelop the Ivy campuses for housing, shopping malls, and offices.

Deflate academic credentials, with the school leaving exam, taken at the age puberty begins, discriminating between those above and below IQ 105, and the school matriculation exam (high school, taken at completion of puberty) discriminating between those above and below IQ 115. University entrance begins at IQ 125. Some people fail university, quite a lot fail university, about half of them, so that pretty much everyone with a two year or more degree is IQ 130 or above. Four year degrees, however, should not be significantly smarter, just more academic. Above common IQ levels, above IQ 130, we don’t use academic credentials, but rather deal with individuals case by case. So if you are really smart and leave school at school leaving age, then self educate, you will still do fine. We cease to force people to waste their fertile years in zero sum competition for credentials of little value. Post deflation academic degrees are given new names to differentiate them from inflated academic degrees. The net effect is that far fewer people go to university, and those that do go to university for a far shorter time.

To lower priestly status, we make sure that there is a non academic path into every career, often built around apprenticeship – that there are no careers where academics have a legal monopoly of licensing people to perform certain tasks. Well established and successful practitioners can also license people to perform those tasks.

School years should be tied to puberty, so that people with the same physical development are taking the same exam, so as not to discriminate in favor of blacks and against whites, and so as not to discriminate in favor of females and against males, and to create an expectation that completion of puberty means getting a job, a wife, and having children.

Issue a clear definition of orthodoxy and heresy and systematically purge government, academia, and quasi government institutions such as banks of heretics..

The Mad Max scenario – trade and specialization of labor collapses as at the end of the Bronze age – is unlikely. That social technology is too widely known and too well understood. However, we are losing, have lost, the scientific revolution and the scientific method. In place of Nullius in Verba, we are now required to believe in the scientific consensus established behind closed doors on the basis of secret evidence. Reflect for example on the endless and generally unsuccessful lawsuits attempting to get the Universities to reveal the evidence for Anthropogenic Global Warming, even though all the older journals have rules theoretically in place requiring full data and evidence for any published article to made available. Double entry accounting is under attack, with Sarbannes Oxley replacing accounts that reflect reality, with accounts that reflect official reality.

We have also lost the important reproductive technology of marriage -that a man and a woman could make a contract to stick together and raise their children, and be socially and legally forced to stick to it. The concept of marital rape – that the thought seems meaningful, that the concept exists, is incompatible with the existence of marriage as marriage has been understood for the past few thousand years. If either party may withhold sex or reproductive sex at any time for any reason or no reason, then either party may cancel the marriage at any time for any reason or no reason, which is a profound deterrent to having children.

Patriarchy is also necessary for marriage. If one person does not have final authority over the household, you don’t have one household.

Without marriage, marriage as it was understood up to 1950 or so, whites are not going to successfully reproduce.

Before 1972, not only was “marital rape” legal, but people had difficulty understanding what feminists were talking about – the combination of words made no sense to most people. Feminists had to talk around the topic in long winded ways. Legally the right of a man to compel his wife to perform her marital duty had been quietly abolished early in the nineteenth century, but socially, people continued to pretty much take it for granted until the nineteen seventies.

Ever faster movement left

Sunday, May 4th, 2014

Weasel zippers reports some tweets:

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Now, not only can free speech get you fired, supporting, people’s right to free speech behind closed doors with the blinds drawn, while piously deploring what they say, can get you fired.

Observe that Josh Olin did not take the horribly extreme ultra ultra far right neo nazi position that people have a right to free speech in public.

Can anyone remember a time when anyone was so ultra extreme far right as to support free speech in public?  I am sure that not only did I never support such a horrible thing, but my parents and grandparents and great grandparents never supported it either.

Everyone who was born before 1956 remembers a time when there was no such thing as marital rape, when the idea that there was something wrong with a husband compelling his wife to perform her marital duties was so strange that there was no easy way to say such a thing and be understood.  And yet, no one remembers ever thinking such a thing, nor the people of the time thinking such a thing.  The past is always changing, only the future is certain.

For a long time, esr has entirely forgotten that once upon a time, he, his entire family, and everyone he knew, took a husband’s right to compel his wife to perform her marital duties entirely for granted.  Now, it seems, he has entirely forgotten that once upon a time he supported not only the right to freedom of speech behind closed doors with the curtains drawn, but, gasp, horror, free speech in public, a position so extreme right wing that no one has words to express how horribly right wing it is.  Freedom of speech is now bullying, just as the marital contract is now rape.  All right thinking people agree on this, and they always have.