
Color Revolution

This blog does not pay much attention to the events of the day, because if you pay too much attention the events of the day you lose track of the long term trend, which has been in a leftist holiness spiral for two centuries, ever holier, ever faster, which unless checked by military dictatorship, ends in infinite leftism in finite time. We had such holiness spirals in the past, many times, and they usually end in disaster, unless terminated early by military dictatorship. Since leftism is inherently destructive, going all the way means total self extermination of the group subject to the left singularity. Sometimes they end in the near total disappearance of the population subject to the holiness spiral as with Szechuan and the Seven Kill Stele, where everyone tortured each other to death for insufficient leftism until there was almost no one left.

But the events of today are a conspicuous new stage in the left singularity, color revolution, which is likely to result in Trump and his family being murdered, or a Trump self coup.

If a left singularity is not halted by strong and harsh dictatorship, with a single man exercising absolute power, it usually ends when the self extermination reaches a point that it profoundly weakens the polity, resulting in foreign conquest, as with Khmer Rouge Cambodia. But sometimes the foreigners sit back and let it go all the way.

Usually that single man ascended to power by being one of the holiest, as with Cromwell and Stalin, and then discovers that suddenly no end of his followers have become even holier than his very holy self, and are demanding greater holiness, which superior holiness might well be implemented by them taking power and him losing power, and them picking up the apples from the applecarts knocked over in the process. He is usually a military man, and therefore turns from those who were loyal to him because of shared faith in the holiness of the synthetic faith based tribe, and instead to those who are loyal to him because they were with him in committing organized violence, and who do not care much about the supposedly shared tenets of the holy faith, turns to those who identify primarily with their band of brothers, rather than the people of the very holy faith. When Cromwell set his troops around to make a problem go away, the person causing the problems found the troops had little interest in discussing the Trinity, the Resurrection and the Incarnation. Stalin relied heavily on the far from communist Beria and on Beria’s apolitical gang.

If Trump halts the left singularity that would be great, because, unlike Cromwell and Stalin, not very holy. Unfortunately, unlike Cromwell, not very military. But though a merchant, Trump has a warrior spirit, and great support among the rank and file at the tip of the spear. He is a man they would like to be able to follow.

The recent rioting was a state sponsored color revolution. Antifa funding and delivering piles of bricks, Antifa paying rioters, which is to say the US permanent government paying, either with Soros as a cutout, or directly. The riots were given cover by Democratic blue state governors and the legacy media (but I repeat myself). When the relatively peaceful mob of plains apes passed an Antifa selected target, white Antifa agents would break windows and start fires. The sound of breaking glass attracted the plains apes into the target, as blood in the water attracts sharks. The Antifa agents would move out as the plains apes moved in, to repeat the operation at another target, while police stood around like potted palms.

Trump tweeted about sending in the military to restore order. The Twitter blue checks laughed. “Empty bluster” they said. “He has not got the power”

What did they mean by that? Legally he has the power, by the constitution and by numerous acts of congress. Presidents have done it before, many times, starting with George Washington, and have done it within living memory, as for example the LA Rodney King riots.

What they meant, or what the handlers writing their scripts meant, is that the permanent government would not let him.

The blue checks, or the handlers writing their scripts, expected the permanent government to successfully ignore him, or that Trump would not try it because the permanent government would successfully ignore him and this would likely result in his death.

The color revolution narrative: The color revolution script is “he is weak, weak, weaker, weaker, he is falling, he is falling, falling, falling, falling, he has fallen”. And if enough people actually believe he has fallen, then belief creates reality, and the State Department gets a bloodless victory. But often “He has fallen” is announced prematurely, resulting in at best a bloodbath, at worst genocidal holy war. Color revolutions are apt to turn into genocidal holy war when the other side does not play along with the script.

When Trump cleared out Layfayette Park, he showed he was not weak. When the military obeyed him, not fallen.

The protesters had peacefully assembled in Layfayette park to peacefully assemble for the redress of grievance, and proceeded to peacefully vandalize the Church where Trump goes on Sundays, peacefully start a fire in it, and peacefully throw peaceful rocks at police.

Trump gave the order, and it was not ignored. Trump marched in triumph into Lafayette Park. And I assumed that would end the matter. I thought, and said, that was the end of that, that the color revolution was over. But they are still trying, not entirely unsuccessfully, to countermand Trump, and are shouting ten times that they are successful for every time that they impede his footsteps a little.

Color revolutions do not stop. It is dangerous to be the first man to stop cheering at a gay wedding, and it is dangerous to be the first man to call a halt to color revolution. Hillary was able to call an end to the color revolution in Libya, but she was probably able to get away with it because the Libyans had sodomized and decapitated a senior State Department official, which made a good stop signal. And today, no one is in charge to call a stop, even if Trump were to have a few senior State Department officials sodomized and decapitated.

The Mueller frame up went on and on, despite repeatedly blowing up in the Democrats faces, and it looks like color revolution in the US may well go on and on. Indeed, the Mueller frame up has still not stopped. They are still pressuring General Flynn to commit perjury against President Trump, though since he has not committed perjury under far more severe pressure, he is certainly not going to under present circumstances. But just as the frame up came unstuck at the beginning, when the Clinton dossier was exposed, the color revolution came unstuck at the beginning, when the troops were deployed and continued to deploy.

The usual color revolution is instigated by Soros and the State Department in a foreign country, and color revolution in the US itself may not necessarily follow the same course. In a foreign country, a color revolution stubbornly persists, and when it is not going too well, it becomes more violent and destructive, more and more unpopular, with the hand of the US government more and more visible, with greater and greater direct US military intervention. The US dropped thirty thousand tons of high explosive on Libya. In the US itself, direct military intervention is unlikely to be available, and were the hand of the US government to become unduly visible, as it inevitably will if color revolution continues, criminal and treason charges might well result.

The Republic has been dead for a long time, and its corpse starting to stink, but Trump needs to restore the American Republic the way Augustus restored the Roman Republic. Augustus probably believed he was restoring the Republic, and I expect that Trump will believe it also. Although helicopter trips to the Pacific would be far more satisfactory and effective, rolling up the deep state for perverting the course of justice, treason, and color revolution would likely suffice. And they are going to continue, until Trump loses or he wins. If he loses, he and his family will likely die. If he wins, he and his family will likely rule for generations. And he has not won, he is indeed weak, so long as those who perverted the course of justice against him and set American cities on fire are not in prison, and are still in his administration. They will continue with investigation, except that they lost interest and ran with Wu Flu to shut down normal America. And when the opportunity to have riots happened, they lost interest in Wu Flu. But they are going to keep on going with all of these, throwing one thing after another at the wall to see what sticks, until they are stopped. As long as they can commit criminal acts unpunished, and we cannot perform lawful acts unpunished, their unlawful acts are going to get bigger, and happen more and more frequently. They will continue on color revolution, as they are continuing on Wu Flu and the Mueller investigation, and if none of these pan out, and it looks like none of them are going to pan out, they will start another thing.

1,079 comments Color Revolution

Mister Grumpus says:

“Although helicopter trips to the Pacific would be far more satisfactory and effective, rolling up the deep state for perverting the course of justice, treason, and color revolution would likely suffice.

“As long as they can commit criminal acts unpunished, and we cannot perform lawful acts unpunished, their unlawful acts are going to get bigger, and happen more and more frequently.”

I want to “what-about” on your sentence fragment: “…and we cannot perform lawful acts unpunished…”

We have these hysterical “spontaneous demonstrations” and desperate rushes to kneel and show fealty. I mean shit they just struggle-sessioned Mayor Frey himself out of a BLM rally in Minneapolis:

We have these BLM people, in print, calling for “defund the police”, and “police abolition”, and “a new constitution or there will be bullets”.

It’s alarming.

And then today, we have this video from the Q-sphere, allegedly of some anonymous agents black-bagging an Antifa character into an unmarked minivan, or at least it that’s how it’s described and what do I know:

So here’s what I’m wondering:

What if “the normie-con learns to hate”, and quietly agrees to look away from more of this extra-legal stuff going on, if he perceives it’s happening for the benefit of “his side” for once?

It’s like pulling the goalie in hockey. A crazy thing to do, except when it’s the best play left, at which point you’re a bad coach not to do it.

How could one objectively “measure” the normies losing their fetish for doing everything by the book, especially if they sense that they’re next into the crocodiles otherwise? I’m sure Twitter and Gmail and the NSA have sentiment-analysis AI’s working overtime to weigh this on messages and searches, but I mean without those things?

Your “praetorian” pattern might be spot on. It could be that only 1% of FedGov is on Trump’s side, but it’s also the only 1% that is actually good for anything in an actual crisis.

Am I perceiving something real? Seeing things? Desperate? Delusional?

yewotm8 says:

Got any more of them American Freikorps videos?

jim says:

Likely you perceive something real, in that I sense the blue checks, or the men writing their scripts, are having hysterics about the praetorians, which suggests that they have access to their gmail messages.

In the course of clearing Lafayette park, the cops whacked the legacy media with batons, and it looked to me as if they saw the legacy media and something clicked “Hey, I have a baton, and an order from a man who gets to talk to president Trump in private that I can use it, and right in front of me is one of those slimy lying bastards”

Mister Grumpus says:

Well. The big color-revolution false-flag conflagration in DC that I was wetting the bed over didn’t happen.

They “planned” for an order of magnitude more people than actually showed up.

“Esper” disarmed the National Guard guys, so no guns or helmets.

Also Trump was very public with making sure everyone saw his counter-sniper guys walking up the street to their deployment positions. They could have snuck in at midnight but no, he made a point of making sure they were seen and videoed in broad daylight.

So any fake National Guard guy showing up with a gun would be spotted right away. And anyone there with a gun would stick out like a sore thumb. Maybe they have metal detectors or something.

It’s fascinating. Maybe that video above of the mystery agents black-bagging the Antifa lady was fake. Maybe those counter-sniper guys were fake and their (still bagged) guns were made of wood. How the hell should I know.

What attitude do you guys take, when studying the moves and counter-moves of people more cunning and motivated than you? How does a dog watch hockey?

BC says:

I think it was mostly the white guys Trump has sworn in as US Marshals for weekend. They were not national guard and my guess is they came from Erik Prince. He kept the national guard disarmed as human shields, while these guys looked like they were there to crack heads and kick ass. Antifa slinked away when they got a look at them.

Andre says:

The great flaw of the latin american dictatorships was doing “extra-legal stuff” and focusing their efforts on fighting “terrorism” instead of the ideological, culture war. They should have shot communists in the public square, on live tv. Jim praised Trump for preventing “false-flag snipers”. Well, you’re going to realize sooner or latter that you’ll need men with machine guns to restore order. Dispersing the left is pointless.

Dave says:

You mean, they didn’t do enough of this:


When the world is forced back on the gold standard because a trillion dollars won’t buy a crumb of bread, everyone with a spare ounce to invest will know that democracy = socialism = bankruptcy. Only strong kings will be able to issue bonds; their only problem with torturing pro-democracy activists to death on live TV will be admitting to potential creditors that they have pro-democracy activists.

If you owned a restaurant with a roach or rat problem, you’d tell the exterminator to use the back door, and not because your customers sympathize with vermin.

Andre says:

1. The world is never going back to the gold standard. Money is a marker of social status. Therefore, political power is what backs all money.

2. Only weak kings issue bonds.

Dave says:

The Chinese won’t accept payment in rubles, nor will Russia accept payment in renminbi, so when the USA goes the way of Zimbabwe and Venezuela, trade between undemocratic nations will have to be settled in gold.

Gold is the one currency not backed by political power. It stands independently of any government as insurance against the collapse of political power, if you can somehow keep thieves out of your stash.

All kings borrowed money to fight wars. Strong kings won those wars and used the spoils to pay off their war debts, maintaining good credit that would serve them well in the next expensive war.

The Cominator says:

Andre is right here, gold standard absolutely was backed by political power.

Gold was only for big money transactions before that, most trade was in silver.

Dave says:

The gold standard did not protect the value of gold; it protected the value of the currencies that were pinned to gold. Just as churches exist not to help God but to help us by keeping us closer to God.

Silver was abandoned in the 1870s because the Comstock Lode broke the 16:1 ratio of silver to gold. Countries that stuck with silver saw their savings devalued by 50% or more.

Andre says:

“trade between undemocratic nations will have to be settled in gold.”

Or soybeans. Or computers. Or plastic chairs. Or sex slaves. Or oil.

“It stands independently of any government as insurance against the collapse of political power, if you can somehow keep thieves out of your stash.”

Literally all physical goods share this property.

Dave says:

They do not, however, share the properties of being durable, portable, divisible, homogeneous, scarce, and easy to recognize.

Soybeans rot. Computers become obsolete. Plastic chairs break. Sex slaves get old. Oil is expensive to move and store. Etc.

Andre says:

“Soybeans rot. Computers become obsolete. Plastic chairs break. Sex slaves get old. Oil is expensive to move and store. Etc.”

… and? You buy soybeans to eat, computers to use for a few years, chairs to sit, sex slaves to fuck, and oil to burn. There is no reason to engage in international trade if you are not getting things you can use out of the trade. You can certainly buy/sell gold, but it isn’t THAT special. The reason China accumulates massive trade deficits is because they use those dollars (which are markers of social status) to acquire social status (influence) within the United States. If you are not allowing foreign powers to subvert your nation, you are not building trade deficits or surpluses. The gold standard is never coming back. Ever.

Dave says:

You can’t pay for Chinese manufactures with Zim dollars. My Dad said that’ll never happen; at worst, the dollar will decline gradually, like it’s done for most of his ninety years. I said, that’s great, it means we’ve finally reached the End of History, where every problem that arises from now until forever can and will be solved by printing money and handing it out. If prices go up 10%, we’ll print money 10% faster!

You’re in Brazil, so ask people who were old enough to go shopping in 1990 how that worked out.


Andre says:

“You’re in Brazil, so ask people who were old enough to go shopping in 1990 how that worked out.”

I am old enough to go shopping in 1990. I am aware of the problem of inflation. The solution to hyperinflation is not the gold standard, it’s sane government.

Dave says:

We’re not going to get sane government in the foreseeable future, so gold it is. Not the “gold standard”, not gold-backed currency, not virtual gold, but actual gold pieces. And silver for small purchases, though not at 16:1 with gold.

Andre says:

“We’re not going to get sane government in the foreseeable future, so gold it is.”

Insane governments do not allow the use of gold.

Not Tom says:

Insane governments do not allow the use of gold.

The real question is, can they enforce it?

The FDR government of 1933 could, but we’ve strayed very far indeed from that level of competence. The current U.S. government cannot even properly count its residents, never mind the bars of gold that they own. The current U.S. government does not even know how much of its own currency is in circulation in toto.

The Cominator says:

You also need a sane strong government to enforce a gold standard as opposed to a multi metallic precious metal standard. The gold standard only existed for about a century and thats because the British Empire imposed it and the United States (stupidly) cooperated with them.

If precious metal are remonetized because of government breakdown (but yet things aren’t so bad that canned food and guns+ammo+fuel are the only things that are worth anything) silver will appreciate in value far far more than gold will.

The Cominator says:

Gold big transactions only, day to day currency was silver and silver will appreciate if fiat collapses.

jim says:


Money matters. Gold is naturally money, but it is worth vastly more as money than its intrinsic value. Bitcoin has absolutely no intrinsic value unlike soybeans or oil, and there is no power behind it, unlike government notes, and no assets behind it, unlike the banknotes that used to exist, but has considerable advantages for monetary use.

Andre says:

Bitcoin is an accounting system. Not disputing that bitcoin, or gold, have value. But at the end of the day, property rights are a function of political rights, they are derived from social status. And the state is the organization that regulates social status. You can’t hide from that. You can have your pirate chest full of gold, but it is worthless if nobody recognizes you as the legitimate owner of that gold.

jim says:

Bitcoin does not rely on the state to recognize and enforce ownership. It relies on cryptography to enforce ownership and to recognize ownership.

Not Tom says:

Bitcoin is an accounting system.

Bitcoin is a collectible, the fundamental property underlying all hard currency.

Utility works against currency valuation. Nearly everything that has non-monetary utility depreciates in monetary value over time – cars, clothes, soybeans, computers. Consumable items, or anything that can undergo “wear and tear”, are the worst of all.

Whereas, most items that appreciate in value have no utility or highly questionable utility: antiques, art, comic books, coins and stamps no longer in circulation. Haven’t you ever wondered why the ultra-rich spend obscene amounts on absolutely putrid art? As rare collectibles, they hold or appreciate in value no matter what is happening with the local currency.

The only exception is land, but land is fundamentally power, so obviously land will always have value – assuming you can hold it.

I’m far more concerned about deflation than inflation, but if you believe hyperinflation is imminent, investing in soybeans or plastic chairs is bonkers. Preppers who invest tens of thousands into guns and ammo are being more rational.

Andre says:

“Bitcoin is a collectible, the fundamental property underlying all hard currency.”

… no… bitcoin is an accounting system.

“Bitcoin does not rely on the state to recognize and enforce ownership.”

Bitcoin relies on the state to recognize and enforce ownership of whatever you want to buy with bitcoin, or sell for bitcoin. It also relies on the state to protect its massive infra-structure.

Not Tom says:

Wow, you really don’t know anything about cryptocurrency, do you? You think it works like a bank.

Andre says:

“Wow, you really don’t know anything about cryptocurrency, do you? You think it works like a bank.”

… it does. I’m not sure what it is that you think I think but bitcoin is nothing but a glorified ledger. If I am wrong about this, please explain how.

jim says:

I already explained.

But, it gets complicated, because Bitcoin has hit its scaling limit, hence the frequently unreasonable transaction fees.

So people have an incentive to go into a client relationship with a peer on the blockchain, rather than become a peer on the blockchain, and if you are a client, you are indeed like the client of a bank. The peer has your bitcoin, and can simply steal them. Or can, and will, report everything you do to the state.

But if you are a peer on the blockchain, if you run a full wallet, you are like someone with a bag of gold physically in his possession – albeit gold that can be carried through the airport in a note written on the margin of a page in his bible, and transmitted internationally at the speed of light. This is nothing like a ledger.

Bitcoin is a ledger, but it is not just a ledger. The public part of bitcoin is a ledger about public keys corresponding to secrets, and the secrets are not in the ledger. They are in people’s private and personal individual possession. That very private part of bitcoin is considerably more than a mere ledger.

Pooch says:

He makes a point on what would happen to the internet infrastructure in a true American collapse event.

Not Tom says:

He makes a point on what would happen to the internet infrastructure in a true American collapse event.

1. Bitcoin doesn’t actually require internet infrastructure. It certainly helps with scaling, but the algorithms work perfectly well offline. It’s still cheaper and easier to authenticate bits than it is to authenticate a chunk of what looks like gold.

2. Internet isn’t going to disappear. It’s too ubiquitous and decentralized. It might become harder to access, but business can always route around problems like that.

3. Bitcoin isn’t a ledger. The Bitcoin blockchain is the ledger. An actual Bitcoin is a proof of work, i.e. a collectible. It has to be mined, which requires thousands of processors working for hours at a time. Last time I checked, it cost on average over $8000 to mine one, and the cost goes up the more that is mined. The ledger system is a novel(ish) innovation that helped the currency gain traction, but to claim that Bitcoin itself is simply a ledger is deeply ignorant.

You don’t understand cryptocurrency, and I’m not sure if you really understand currency at all, given your claims that valuation is tied to intrinsic utility. Maybe stay out of topics you don’t understand.

Andre says:

Yea, I understand perfectly well how bitcoin works.

jim says:

In general, when you buy and sell something with bitcoin, the state seldom enforces your property rights. You rely on reputational enforcement, which is its weak point, because non state reputational systems come under attack from the state. Because the state no longer protects capitalist property rights, we are drifting into agorist capitalism. Crypto currencies facilitate agorism.

ten says:

Yea, I understand perfectly well how bitcoin works.

You make it seem not so by calling it a ledger, ignoring everything that makes it something. A mere cryptographically secured decentralized ledger would not work as a currency nor value storage nor possibly follow the historical path of bitcoin. Thus you are commiting some categoric error.

Possibly this is the category of currency, because you believe currency is some arbitrary object that power says has value, and so it does, while actual value is the use value of the things you want to buy with the currency. This is not the case.

The cowry shell can be currency not because power says so, but because it is a practical currency. It has use value as currency. It is “durable, portable, divisible, homogeneous, scarce, and easy to recognize”. Well not actually, it is not divisible, not all that scarce, and only moderately durable and portable. In the absence of metallurgy, you gotta make do, but it works well enough to be currency, in the complete absence of any state, as a medium of exchange between separate sovereign tribes with no external arbiter, no state power backing it.

Instead of carrying around vast amounts of plastic chairs to trade for soybeans, you carry cowry shells or gold or bitcoin, or paper bills that are difficult to falsify and whose falsification brings down the wrath of the state on your ass, because these things have the attributes necessary to provide use value as currency.

Andre says:

“You make it seem not so by calling it a ledger,”

How is calling a ledger a ledger, a misunderstanding of what it is?

“ignoring everything that makes it something. A mere cryptographically secured decentralized ledger would not work as a currency nor value storage nor possibly follow the historical path of bitcoin. Thus you are commiting some categoric error.”

That is all it is. “Oh no, a bitcoin is actually proof of work, thus not a ledger”… without the ledger, it is useless proof of useless work. If the internet collapses, and the ledger can no longer be synched, your bitcoin stored in your usb drive, or as a little poem, is totally and completely useless. The massive propaganda campaign for bitcoin is the main thing that gives it value. If I start a cryptocurrency on my own and just mine the heck out of it, without a similar propaganda push, I’m not going to get rich, even though I have a library of “collectible secrets”. Bitcoin is the social status ledger of an internet subculture, and that’s it.

“Possibly this is the category of currency, because you believe currency is some arbitrary object that power says has value, and so it does”

That is an odd way of putting it but yes. Money is a marker of social status. You can use an arbitrary object as money, but some don’t work very well because they are not firmly tied to the hierarchy. That is, it is too easy to bypass the hierarchy in order to acquire the marker of social status, and thus the right to bid for goods. That is why a counterfeit bill, no matter the quality, is still a counterfeit bill. It is not even the currency itself that has value, it’s the recognition by society of your legitimate ownership of the currency.

“while actual value is the use value of the things you want to buy with the currency. This is not the case.”

I’m sorry, what exactly is not the case?

jim says:

> The massive propaganda campaign for bitcoin is the main thing that gives it value.

What gives bitcoin value is that governments are obstructing the transfer of fiat money, while it is nigh impossible for them to block the transfer of bitcoins, and that governments are confiscating money in banks, while it is nigh impossible for them to confiscate bitcoins.

Rich people are buying bitcoin because they figure that if they have to leave America in a hurry, the banking system will stop working for them.

I do international transfers of fiat currency a lot, and anti money laundering laws and capital controls directly and indirectly obstruct no end of innocent ordinary people who are just trying to subscribe to a magazine or something.

It is impossible to do a transfer of US currency into and out of the US onshore banking system legally, due to a multitude of broad prohibitions which have come to overlap, so that nothing remains uncovered. When you pay for a for a foreign hotel with your American credit card, what you are doing is violating laws that are very selectively enforced.

When you do an international transfer by using Paypal inside Ebay, it goes through easily and swiftly. Do the same perfectly ordinary boring transfer outside of Ebay or Amazon, shit hits the fan. Ebay and Amazon have received a grant of state power to allow international transactions, which other people are denied.

When you pay a Thai street vendor a fed dollar for piece of fried chicken, then when that dollar is repatriated, someone is committing a federal offense that carries a seven year penalty, an offense that is rarely and selectively prosecuted, but prosecuted in a completely arbitrary and unpredictable fashion.

When you give a money changer in Davao a bundle of fed dollars for a bundle of pesos, those pesos eventually get smurfed across the Mexican border by mules carring $10000 under the personal exemption, and every mule is committing a federal offense, because the money is not personal, as is the man in America receiving the smurfed money.

Which federal offense is quite frequently prosecuted.

jim says:

> > “You make it seem not so by calling it a ledger,”

> How is calling a ledger a ledger, a misunderstanding of what it is?

Because the most important characteristic of Bitcoin is that it is more than just a ledger.

Property rights are not a creation of state or society. If you own some gold, chances are that state and society does not know of it, chances are that no one knows of it. But you own it, nonetheless.

If Church, sovereign, and society backs property rights, this makes things a lot smoother, but if they are hostile to property rights, property rights do not go away. Been tried numberless times.

Property rights in bitcoin are secured by cryptographic secrets. Not by the state, not by the society, not even by the blockchain consensus.

The blockchain represents a consensus on what bitcoin transfers of ownership are valid. It does not represent a consensus telling us who owns what bitcoin, a subtle but immense difference.

“Just a ledger” is an authority that can make transfers of ownership up out of thin air. The blockchain consensus can deny legitimacy to a transfer, but it cannot manufacture legitimacy for an illegitimate transfer, nor retroactively change its mind about the validity of a transfer. That is something rather more than “just a ledger”

The Cominator says:

Mostly agree with Andre here… money is a shared delusion that becomes real through belief OR through backing of the Leviatian state.

What I don’t agree is with counterfeit currency, its only counterfeit if you get caught. If its impossible to tell its counterfeit through any means, just as good as the real thing.

Andre says:

“The cowry shell can be currency not because power says so, but because it is a practical currency. It has use value as currency. It is “durable, portable, divisible, homogeneous, scarce, and easy to recognize”. Well not actually, it is not divisible, not all that scarce, and only moderately durable and portable. In the absence of metallurgy, you gotta make do, but it works well enough to be currency, in the complete absence of any state, as a medium of exchange between separate sovereign tribes with no external arbiter, no state power backing it.”

I don’t know details of the history of cowry shells as money, but I’m assuming no island had a persistent, massive trade surplus. Which means they did trade “soybeans for plastic chairs”, they just used the cowry shells as a primitive ledger system. The same can be done today. Russia can send oil to China in exchange for plastic chairs. It doesn’t have to be the same boat literally bartering for plastic chairs, people can write things down and they can use fiat currencies (obviously, as they already do). They don’t need gold. Gold is not useless, but the gold standard is never, ever coming back.

jim says:

Gold is today roughly as valuable as it was in Roman times. Nothing else comes close as a store of value and a stable measure of value.

The inherent properties of gold make it inherently more useful than anything else as a physical medium of exchange. The gold standard is not coming back because it never went away.

Gold has a problem that if transported over long distance, difficult to defend, but for transaction in person, superior to all others. If fiat money collapses, as it always eventually has in the past, many, many, times, we will use crypto for long distances, gold for in person transactions.

Using crypto for in person transactions is doable but requires a third party trusted by the payer and payee, not to mention an internet connection to that third party – which in the conditions where fiat is going away may not always be convenient.

Every commenter and his dog is predicting a fiat collapse, of which there are no imminent signs, while only a small number are predicting political collapse, despite rapidly increasing signs. I don’t expect a fiat collapse soon, except as a consequence of political collapse.

Not Tom says:

That is all it is.

Repeating this claim ad nauseum does not make it any less stupid.

You haven’t addressed any of the arguments and rebuttals, just ignore them and repeat your own assertions. “You’re wrong, and explaining how you’re wrong is beneath me, but here’s more detail on my opinion”. Don’t care.

You don’t understand what currency is or how it works, therefore cannot understand what cryptocurrency is or how it works.

Andre says:

“You haven’t addressed any of the arguments and rebuttals,”

You did not provide any arguments or rebuttals. I understand perfectly well how currency works. You, on the other hand, seem to be stuck in ideological austrian economics land.

Andre says:

“Repeating this claim ad nauseum does not make it any less stupid.”

I’m still waiting for you to explain to me why it is stupid. If you can do that I’ll gladly change my mind and admit I didn’t know what I was talking about.

Not Tom says:

Not going to be baited into further effortposting. I was very clear, Jim was very clear, and not that I actually have any problem with Austrian economics, but nothing I’ve posted on this topic has anything to do with them.

You don’t understand currency.

Andre says:

“You don’t understand currency.”

“Repeating this claim ad nauseum does not make it any less stupid.”

The Cominator says:

I’ll repeat once again Andre has a point here. Currency without state backing depends on a sort of self sustaining mass delusion.

Without the internet the main pillar of that delusion for bitcoin will fall apart.

Jim has a point in that gold has held a somewhat stable value but its very rarely been the common currency of trade, silver was far more often used. Gold changed hands when things like real estate did or a prized warhorse was bought… major transactions only.

Andre says:

“I’ll repeat once again Andre has a point here. Currency without state backing depends on a sort of self sustaining mass delusion.”

I’ll make my point clearer. Money is a marker of social status. It’s a token representing your place in the hierarchy. It does not necessarily require the state to enforce it, the state is simply the meta-hierarchy within which all other hierarchies are nested, and so the state is the source of the purest form of money. In sci-fi they often describe the money used as “credits”. That is perfectly accurate. Money is social credit.

Monopoly money is real money, within the context of a game of monopoly, if nobody is perceived to be breaking the rules. If someone does break the rules and either grabs the cash from the bank, or takes some notes from his pocket, in defiance of the hierarchy established by the game, force is used to re-establish the legitimate social structure of the game; or the game falls apart.

Of course gold is a great commodity. Of course bitcoin has some value. But it is foolish to think these things are above politics. If you cannot protect your gold (directly or indirectly), it has no value. If you can protect your gold, it is that military power that is backing your currency. Invest in politics, not metals.

jim says:

> Money is a marker of social status. It’s a token representing your place in the hierarchy.


That proposition is so absurd that you cannot possibly mean what you just said. Perhaps you meant to say something different and need to rephrase.

A prepper who does not much like human company gets a pile of money. He builds a well equipped off grid house in the wilderness, buries a pile of gold underneath it, fakes his own death, and vanishes to live as a hermit in the woods with his dogs. What hierarchy is he in?

If money was social status, Bezos and Bill Gates would be high status. They are mighty low status.

Dave says:

Money and social status are not the same thing, and converting one into the other is no simple task. Notice e.g. that money can be concealed. You buy gold coins or bars before the collapse, then shave off thin filings, chew them into tiny lumps, and pretend you panned them out of a stream.

Not Tom says:

Currency without state backing depends on a sort of self sustaining mass delusion.

No, it doesn’t, except in the sense that literally every form of social cooperation requires a “self-sustaining mass delusion”. Every group from ancient to modern, anarchic to totalitarian, numbering from a few dozen to hundreds of millions, has found or developed some sort of currency.

Zimbabwe is hardly an internet utopia but when the national currency became unreliable, people turned to literal joke cryptocurrencies like dogecoin.

A powerful state can override what people would otherwise naturally be using as currency, just like it can override fashion, religion, transportation habits, or just about any other facet of life – but only to a degree. It has to be believable, and has to share the basic properties of a useful currency already discussed at length – scarcity, authenticity, verifiability, etc.

If the US government announced tomorrow that we’d all be using the Euro, people would grudgingly accept it and eventually adapt; but if they announced we’d all be using jellybeans, we’d immediately see the nationwide adoption of a currency black market that the government would find impossible to suppress. And the more a fiat currency starts to look like jellybeans, the more of that currency “mysteriously” disappears from circulation and gets replaced by non-legal tender: gold, palladium, cryptocurrencies, pieces of art, anything and everything that has the important properties of currency.

It’s already happening in the US; rich people do not hoard cash, they put as much of their money as possible into apparently goofy things like terrible paintings and sculptures because, in addition to having many of the properties of currency (scarcity, authenticity, verifiability) they are also extremely difficult to track while being surprisingly liquid (it is not hard at all to find some other rich guy to buy the art at a similar price).

When the national currency doesn’t work, people shift to forms of currency that do work, even if they’re technically illegal. The uber-rich are always the first to find that the common currency is not working for them, so if you want to understand what constitutes good currency, look at the kinds of assets that the uber-rich tend to hold in place of currency.

Andre says:

“The uber-rich are always the first to find that the common currency is not working for them, so if you want to understand what constitutes good currency, look at the kinds of assets that the uber-rich tend to hold in place of currency.”

The asset that the uber-rich hold in place of currency is political influence, not bitcoin.

jim says:

> The asset that the uber-rich hold in place of currency is political influence, not bitcoin


How is Bezos doing for political influence? How did Musk do for political influence before Trump?

You keep confidently making assertions which seem, on the face of them, insane.

Demonstrably, converting money into political influence is rather difficult. The reverse process, however, is alarmingly easy.

Rich people can rent political influence, but they cannot buy it, because our politicians, judges, bureaucrats, and academics, are too corrupt to stay bought.

Andre says:

“A prepper who does not much like human company gets a pile of money. He builds a well equipped off grid house in the wilderness, buries a pile of gold underneath it, fakes his own death, and vanishes to live as a hermit in the woods with his dogs. What hierarchy is he in?”

One where he reigns. Apparently, he is the alpha to a pack of dogs. A pile of gold buried underneath a house is not money, it’s a stockpile.

jim says:

Gold is money, and if he was a beggar, he would be just as alpha to his dogs. Being alpha to dogs does not count. And he would be just as wealthy if he had no dogs.

Andre says:

“Demonstrably, converting money into political influence is rather difficult. The reverse process, however, is alarmingly easy.”

… exactly…?

jim says:

What you said was transparently absurd and crazy. If you meant something other than what you said, you need to explain what you meant.

Political power, social status, and money, are very different things. Michael Bloomberg and Bezos are trying to buy political power, Bill Gates is trying to buy social status. Not doing too well.

Your claims are hard to pin down. Adopt the motte or the bailey. Or at least tell us what the motte is, because right now you are in the bailey, and bailey is indefensible.

Andre says:

What part of “money is a token of social status” do you not understand? Money doesn’t buy you social status, social status buys you money.

jim says:

Tell Bill Gates, whose social status was zero when he got rich, and is now hovering modestly above zero because he is making huge donations to the very holy priesthood.

If you are retreating from the bailey to some motte, need to tell us what motte you are retreating to.

You keep telling us ridiculous crazy shit and when challenged on it emit vague absurdities with double the confidence.

We were discussing what money is, not what social status is. Money is obviously is not social status, nor a token of social status, whatever “token” might mean in this context, and equally obviously not political power, and not one’s position in the hierarchy. Social status, political power, and all that help considerably with obtaining money, but that is not how the super rich got rich, and it is not how the ordinary well off man gets well off.

Nor does money translate easily into social status – I have spent quite a lot of money buying alpha cred. It was not entirely useless, but it was nowhere near sufficient or even terribly useful. Money helps in creating situations where one can appear alpha, but having set up that situation, there is a great deal more work to be done and things that can go wrong. And social status does not translate easily into money, though no end of academics, judges, politicians, and bureaucrats are industriously converting it into money.

Money gives you a bit more room to maneuver when you are trying to obtain status, and social status gives you a bit more room for maneuver when you are trying to obtain money, but they are different things, and one is not all that useful for obtaining the other, as Bill Gates is now demonstrating in his efforts to turn money, of which he has much, into status, of which he has little.

Starman says:


Money by itself doesn’t confer social status but it can be used as a tool to do so, much like a paint brush, an artist’s palette and a canvas can be used to paint the Mona Lisa, but not everybody could paint the Mona Lisa.

Dave says:

Joe and Hunter Biden were pretty good at turning political power into money, but they won’t make any Forbes 1000 list until there’s a special category for corrupt dirtbags.

Does social status even exist anymore? Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein had a lot of social status, and look at them now. If something can be taken away from you that easily, in what sense do you “possess” it? Social status is as ephemeral as “consent” — she consents, you fuck her, she un-consents, and you go to jail.

Andre says:

“Money is obviously is not social status, nor a token of social status, whatever “token” might mean in this context, and equally obviously not political power, and not one’s position in the hierarchy”

Dictionary definitions of the word ‘token’:

-a thing serving as a visible or tangible representation of a fact, quality, feeling, etc.
-a characteristic or distinctive sign or mark, especially a badge or favor worn to indicate allegiance to a particular person or party.
-a word or object conferring authority on or serving to authenticate the speaker or holder.
-a voucher that can be exchanged for goods or services, typically one given as a gift or offered as part of a promotional offer.
-a metal or plastic disk used to operate a machine or in exchange for particular goods or services.

“Social status, political power, and all that help considerably with obtaining money, but that is not how the super rich got rich, and it is not how the ordinary well off man gets well off.”

It is.

jim says:

Quoting the dictionary makes your position more insane, not less. I assumed that, in order to make sense, you were using some strange meaning of the word “token”

Andre says:

“Nor does money translate easily into social status – I have spent quite a lot of money buying alpha cred. It was not entirely useless, but it was nowhere near sufficient or even terribly useful. Money helps in creating situations where one can appear alpha, but having set up that situation, there is a great deal more work to be done and things that can go wrong.”

What you are saying is that, as a beta, you tried to create the illusion of having higher social status, but the illusion was not effective. How is this in any way proof that I’m talking nonsense?

“And social status does not translate easily into money, though no end of academics, judges, politicians, and bureaucrats are industriously converting it into money.”

Social status translates VERY easily into money. There are some niche places in the hierarchy that do not confer money as a reward, but that is irrelevant.

“Money gives you a bit more room to maneuver when you are trying to obtain status,”

No, social status gives you a bit more room to maneuver when you are trying to obtain status.

“and social status gives you a bit more room for maneuver when you are trying to obtain money,”

Social status is the only thing relevant when you are trying to obtain money. Even if you are literally printing counterfeit bills, those bills are just a tool to trick society into giving you higher social status.

“but they are different things, and one is not all that useful for obtaining the other, as Bill Gates is now demonstrating in his efforts to turn money, of which he has much, into status, of which he has little.”

Bill Gates has little status? I don’t know how his gambit is going to play out, but he convinced countless millions to accept a medical dictatorship while they wait for the opportunity to be injected with his vaccine… even though he openly said he wants to depopulate the earth using vaccines. Sounds really high status to me.

jim says:

> What you are saying is that, as a beta, you tried to create the illusion of having higher social status, but the illusion was not effective. How is this in any way proof that I’m talking nonsense

If money is status, or status is money, or one readily convertible into the other, no illusion required.

You are being obstinately stupid. You say absurd things, and when called on them just repeat them even more stupidly with double the confidence. This is a waste of reader bandwidth.

Moderating you.

Mike says:

Bill Gates gets little tiny crumbs of social status only due to him giving laptops to niggers in Sudan. Has literally nothing to do with his money. Just like money has nothing to do with the high status of single moms, black gangbangers, illegal immigrants, faggots, and Muslims.

Not Tom says:

Social status is the only thing relevant when you are trying to obtain money.

Transparently absurd. Silicon Valley engineers are about the lowest on the social status totem pole, and investment bankers are not much higher. Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates are still considered awkward nerds, and Jeff Bezos has to scrape the bottom of the barrel for mistresses.

A sentence like this only makes sense if we adopt your ridiculous, tautological definitions: “money is just a token of social status, therefore more status equals more money”. The problem is, these definitions require us to deny what we can observe with our own eyes. Money is a real thing, not an intangible concept; we can see how it works, who possesses it, and make a reasonable assessment of their social status, and none of it accords with your wacky theories.

Status is one of many properties, like talent or physical attractiveness, that can be used to generate income. That does not make them equal or equivalent.

Andre says:

[deleted for idiocy]

Oliver Cromwell says:

Something Gates and Bezos have in common is they are first generation wealthy. They may be the richest, but they still think like salarymen.

pdimov says:

William Henry Gates III is not first generation wealthy, and has never been a salaryman.

jim says:

Bill Gates is first generation wealthy. His dad was a successful layer, well off but not rich. Bill Gates was not a salaryman, in the sense that was he was an entrepreneur from the beginning. He did not get started on his dad’s money. He got started working out of his bedroom.

pdimov says:

His maternal great-grandfather “James Willard Maxwell (1864–1951) was president of the National City Bank in Seattle from 1911 to 1929 and a director of the Seattle branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.”

I remember reading somewhere that Bill had a $1M trust fund set up by his grandfather (don’t know which one), but I can’t find this info now.

Rags to riches, all of them.

pdimov says:

Apparently, the trust fund was once common knowledge and several books refer to it, but is a total fabrication now.


Oliver Cromwell says:

Lawyers and CEOs are salarymen: they depend on a salary. Maybe they are called “upper class” in our universal prole society where everyone is a salaryman. In the deep past, even middle class had a private income, by definition.

Salaryman thought is a difference of type. It doesn’t matter that the salary is big or small. It’s a position of dependence and movement within structures. Gates is not a salaryman, but he grew up in a salaryman household, and he did not become truly a non-salaryman until his 30s.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

There is utility in simply muting shills out of hand (or perhaps more specifically, people who fail to use shibboleths right), but i don’t think i agree with inflating the the same measure to folk who may be mistaken in some way but are earnest.

Andre says:

*[deleted for undermining language]*

jim says:

You are redefining “status” and “money” to make your claim true by definition.

If you want to explain your theory, coin new phrases and words, don’t hijack commonly used words, and don’t use them in ways that presuppose that everyone already knows your theory and agrees with it.

Your use of these words make sense in your theory of how the world works, and it is an arguable theory, and you are free to argue it.

But redefining common and widely used words undermines communication. Your position, and your proposed usage presupposes your theory, which most people do not believe. Bill Gates is not the deep state. He is an ass licker of the deep state.

You were perceived as saying stupid stuff because you were using words that already have commonly used meanings, which novel meanings presupposed an account of the world that is not widely accepted.

Unusual meanings undermine communication, undermine not only your efforts to communicate, but everyone else’s communication.

Andre says:

It doesn’t matter if Bill Gates is first, second, or tenth generation wealthy. If we assume he got wealthy by being good with computers (and a rational businessman), that simply means he climbed the status hierarchy by his own merits. It is insane to claim Bill Gates today is low status. He is literally behind the covid control grid, which has kept countless millions locked at home and destroyed God knows how many businesses. Can he walk into a nightclub and get laid? As a matter of fact, yes he can, and he does. This guy has mentioned, in public, that he wants to use vaccines to depopulate the earth, and yet his vaccines are being pushed as a potential salvation from the wuhan flu. In what universe is that low status? Being high status doesn’t mean being independent from the hierarchy.

jim says:

Bill Gates is trying industriously to buy status from people much less wealthy than himself. I perceive him to be low status. He acts like he perceives himself to be low status.

Andre says:

“I perceive him to be low status. He acts like he perceives himself to be low status.”

I wouldn’t joke about committing genocide if I perceived myself to be low status.

jim says:

Proposing genocide of white people is an over the top effort to ingratiate himself with those who actually dispense status. It is a demonstration of Bill Gates’ low, low status.

It is grovelling. “You hate the group to which I unfortunately belong? I hate it too. I hate myself. I hate myself even more than you hate me.”

Proposing outgroup genocide, now that would demonstrate high status.

Not Tom says:

[Bill Gates…] is literally behind the covid control grid, which has kept countless millions locked at home and destroyed God knows how many businesses.

This is more of an off-topic rant (of dubious veracity) than a crucial fact supporting your bizarre premises.

Can he walk into a nightclub and get laid? As a matter of fact, yes he can, and he does.

You write as if you know this, but I don’t see how it is possible for you to know this. Rather, I think you are assuming it must be true as a result of your own circular definitions.

Unless what you are really talking about here is whores, but whores don’t count.

This guy has mentioned, in public, that he wants to use vaccines to depopulate the earth, and yet his vaccines are being pushed as a potential salvation from the wuhan flu.

So he parrots the Cathedral’s Malthusian scare story, and you believe this demonstrates power and status? Show me someone powerful and high status who argues against this theory, aside from the usual doublespeak version where Malthusianism is blasphemy for Africans and Muslims but very very good for European Christians. Being able to declare openly that European Christians should not be depopulated would represent significant power and/or status.

You’ve got almost everything backwards. I’m not sure if you are inferring backward premises from ridiculous conclusions, or deducing ridiculous conclusions from backward premises. Either way, you’re stuck in an NPC loop.

Andre says:

“So he parrots the Cathedral’s Malthusian scare story, and you believe this demonstrates power and status?”

You sound insane. What do you think status is? Status means place. As in, where you stand. Social status is where you stand in the social hierarchy. You are asking for proof of status to come from defying the social hierarchy. Why would Bill Gates openly defy his pack? Being part of the pack is how he has high social status. Only low IQ criminals defy the pack, which is why they get locked up or killed. Chaotic evil is not high status, never has been, never will be.

jim says:

But that is not his own pack that Bill Gates is following. It is an enemy pack that hates white people, hates entrepreneurs, and does not like software engineers.

If you follow an enemy pack, you are an outcast, the lowest of the low.

Bill Gates is an outcast, the lowest of the low, and shows this every time he speaks.

Andre says:

“But that is not his own pack that Bill Gates is following. It is an enemy pack that hates white people, hates entrepreneurs, and does not like software engineers.”

I can’t tell you what goes on in his head, or in his private life, but perhaps he doesn’t identify himself as a “white person, entrepreneur, software engineer”.

“Bill Gates is an outcast, the lowest of the low, and shows this every time he speaks.”

Okay, go and occupy his house then.

jim says:

That he sees himself as low status because a white, entrepreneur, and software engineer shows in his humiliating interactions with the foundation that he funds.

Similarly Warren Buffet boasts that important people allow him to talk to them when he is signing their checks, though his body language is less nervous than Bill Gates body language.

Atavistic Morality says:


And if Jim was a nigger the media would say how brave he is and Bill Gates would agree, clap and gift him the house.

Atavistic Morality says:


The nword now gets you into moderation? Is this a measure to try to curtail FBI shills telling us that they hate black people for no reason and even more than we do?

jim says:

You were automoderated for saying “Andre”. I am pretty sure “nigger” does not trigger moderation.

Andre is on moderation for triggering flame wars by stubborn idiocy, and the word “Andre” itself was on moderation to keep flame wars and piling on within civilized limits.

However, I have removed the word “Andre” from moderation.

Atavistic Morality says:


And if Jim was black the media would say how brave he is and Bill Gates would agree, clap and gift him the house. They’d probably mention how he is taking a brave stance to reclaim his rightful reparations for the exploitation of his ancestors who were enslaved by white evil men like Bill Gates. Look at that, my media speak is a 10/10, I sounded like Shaniqua or Karen, whichever it’d be.

If Bill Gates tried to walk into an area of Seattle and become a warlord what do you think would happen? But a black man had little problem doing it with a couple of bodies, when Bill Gates could pay for an entire army and more.

Status is Caesar having a zealously loyal private army and telling the Senate to suck his cock when they told him to stop conquering Gaul. No can’t do, and now I’ll destroy you too!

The Cominator says:

Caesar had to fight a long civil war to do that, Pharsalus wasn’t the only battle during it where he was outnumbered.

Atavistic Morality says:

@The Cominator

We are arguing status, not logistics. He couldn’t have presented battle without status to begin with.

If we were to discuss the logistics I’d argue it all begins with Sulla and how lucky Caesar was to escape his blade when he was young. He did not have an easy life, that’s for sure. The conquest of Gaul itself took like 8 years, so it’s a very long story. Still, this is about status, not logistics, and he couldn’t have fought the Senate without it.

Imagine Bill Gates trying to have his own army and telling the State Department to fuck off, that’d be a short story.

Andre says:

[*deleted for repeating the standard boring progressive homilies we have all heard before far too many times

And for repeating them at great length*]

jim says:

Unequal enforcement of law and property rights against whites and in favor of blacks is a huge and glaringly obvious problem. How do you think the blacks managed to expel the whites from Detroit? What recently happened in Ferguson? Property prices are driven ever upwards as white people try to move out of danger, and fail.

Telling us we have impartial enforcement of laws is too crazy to merit discussion. It is painfully obvious that whites, Bill Gates among us, are second class citizens.

If you want to debate this, you need to provide evidence and argument that the laws are enforced fairly and impartially, rather than assuming it is self evident and beyond dispute that the law and law enforcement lives up to its supposed ideals.

Starman says:

A n d r e actually claimed we have impartial enforcement of the law? Despite the obvious evidence to the contrary?

What a faggot and a shill!

jim says:

I don’t think he is a shill. But he uses the common shill tactic of attacking language and meaning itself.

Andre says:


jim says:

That blacks are allowed to insult and attack whites, and whites are not allowed to defend themselves against blacks makes blacks high status and whites low status, and the fact that some whites are using those blacks as a weapon to destroy the lives of other whites does not make those whites pulling the strings high status.

You have some non standard definition of status in which your arguments make sense. Stop using it, I will not allow it because I want to preserve our ability to communicate, which is undermined by giving commonly used words non standard meanings with loaded definitions.

Not Tom says:

You sound insane. […] Social status is where you stand in the social hierarchy. You are asking for proof of status to come from defying the social hierarchy.

You call me insane, but then proceed to agree with me that Bill Gates is not very high in the status hierarchy. If he were at the top, who would he be “defying” with political incorrectness?

The people who he can’t defy are people who are below him, by your definition of status. He can’t defy the press, he can’t defy the SJWs at his company, he can’t defy the NGOs he donates to. All of these people earn less income and have fewer assets than Gates.

If someone can disrespect the formal status hierarchy and consistently get away with it, then that means there is an informal hierarchy in which they are already higher status.

Although this has changed somewhat in recent years, the ultimate high status profession used to be “tenured professor”. A tenured professor could literally say or do anything he wanted and the university could not fire him or discipline him in any way. This is what normal people understand as being high status.

Andre says:

There was an incident in Seattle, a man drove into a crowd that was blocking a highway. He killed a woman. The woman was a white. The man was black. It was probably an accident. He was arrested. Maybe they are just confused because the car was white?

jim says:

Nah, he was arrested because protesting is holy.

He figured he would be OK because black. But that the people he drove into were disrupting people’s lives out holied his blackness.

It is like those cases where one progressive mascot comes in conflict with another progressive mascot. Indians want to hunt whales, and progressives have to figure out who is holier, whales or Indians. When he drove into the protest, they had to figure out who was holier, blacks or protesters.

Andre says:

“Although this has changed somewhat in recent years, the ultimate high status profession used to be “tenured professor”. A tenured professor could literally say or do anything he wanted and the university could not fire him or discipline him in any way. This is what normal people understand as being high status.”


Weird, tenured professor isn’t on the list. Billionaire is. I wonder why.

jim says:

Observe that Bezos cannot get laid. Vampire, werewolf, demon, and pirate king outrank billionaires in romance literature.

Romance literature billionaires tend to be crime lords or strikingly resemble crime lords. They have bunch of henchmen who can knock people off.

Every so often I pick up a random romance, to remind myself how dark female desires are.

The latest romance I picked up, the love interest is not particularly high in the corporate status hierarchy – the insert character and the love interest appear to be roughly equal or comparable. The story starts off with the love interest murdering his mother. The murder is described in intimate, passionate, sweaty detail. The sex is described rather vaguely – that he has a penis is not mentioned, the feel of his body and his hands is not mentioned. His body is described rather vaguely. We don’t really know what he looks like.

The seduction proceeds as follows. He has massive preselection. He unexpectedly steals a kiss. She protests vehemently. He ignores her protests and invites her to come to his room. She tells him no way. He smiles and heads off to his room. About half an hour or so afterwards, she goes to his room.

Which I can report from personal experience is par for the course, if you establish good alpha credibility, and your target has spent a little while researching your alpha cred. You need to establish a background on the internet that hints of interesting things for them to netstalk you.

That fictional romance love interests are apt to be billionaires is just to provide a rationale for their fictional ability to violate social norms and command henchmen. It is the ability to violate social norms that is hot.

[…] Source: Jim […]

Viking says:

You missed one of my comments might want to delete it also

Dave says:

Found this comment on Amerika.org:

Here in the woods & lakelands, real estate is selling like mad. Recently awakened people are fleeing the more vibrant metro areas and buying every crap-shack in sight.

Those of us who chose to live among our own decades ago watch and laugh as disillusioned normies start showing up in the grocery store, wearing custom-tailored masks that match their ensembles, with a truly shaken air about them. Dilated pupils darting wildly, fueled by a newly-instilled situational awareness replacing the dogmatic belief in what they were taught was their community’s strength.

It’s a con. They desperately seek the safety of a homogeneous community, betting it all that pigment is enough.

Then you see in their eyes the terror of being found to be a lifelong traitor, second-guessing the wisdom of setting up camp amongst a cache of local hillbillies who were raised with firearms, and know where the caves are.

Interesting times.

jim says:

Swamps and seas work better than caves, but most of flyover country lacks swamps and seas.

[…] Color Revolution — Jim’s Blog […]

Reziac says:

I can’t be the only one who had this thought:

If the police are abolished, there will be NO brake on vigilante action, which if sufficiently motivated could turn things around overnight.

The Cominator says:

Yes right wingers should embrace abolishing the police and a return to the old Anglo Saxon system of justice.

Not Tom says:

That’s true, but there in between normal policing and abolition there are many, many miles of anarcho-tyranny. You don’t want to be traveling that road.

Theshadowedknight says:

Yeah, its a shit place to be even if you are strapped and trained, because the masses around you will not be. They are going to get fucked over hard, which means in general less efficiency all around. The cops will come down on you with a hammer if you openly defend yourself, so you need to be very careful. You cannot be everywhere, so if you get robbed while you are away, you are out of luck.

Those old systems took centuries to build up, and we lost that social technology. We would be starting from scratch while under hostile occupation.

James says:

Honestly, I kind of like those odds.

Theshadowedknight says:

Then you are a fool, because unless you outnumber and outgun the badge gang you are still subject to their whims. We all know what happens to those who fight the elite.

Starman says:


“Then you are a fool, because unless you outnumber and outgun the badge gang you”

If the police are disbanded, no badge gang.

The Cominator says:

The crux of the issue seems to be whether they will

A) Simply disband the police and leave it to the task of responsible local elements to raise their own security force of some kind (which I’m all for)

B) Create a new form of police they call something else staffed with BLM “activists” and antifa goons.

I’m strongly in favor of A while the shadowed knight (a poster I respect) however strongly suspects they will do B.

My contention is that B will not work not even “work” in the insane way the left intends… Antifa types aren’t capable of the kind of discipline the Bolsheviks of old were and will not be willing to show up and do the hours much less will Tyrone be willing to do it. B is going to default to A no matter what.

Pooch says:

I think this makes the most sense for their aim (stolen from another poster on another forum):

“1. Defund the police: This sweeps out the white contingent entirely without appearing to be overtly racially motivated.
2. Start “community outreach” programs to take the place of police: You can guess what percentage will be straight, white Christian males.
3. Respond to continued violence by supporting “community outreach” workers with armed escorts.

Voilà. You now have armed communist enforcement squads community outreach teams. Shaniqua will be turning up at your house requesting your cooperation on this matter or that, and behind her will be Tyrone, Deshawn and Lavaughn holding AK47s, backed by the full weight of state law to administer and enforce vague and amorphous social justice legislation which will amount to “we do whatever we want”.

The solution is the same as it ever was.”

jim says:

You assume black leadership. Not what is intended, and not what we are seeing. Antifa will steer the mob in the correct direction, then spill a little bit of blood to excite them, then leave.

Starman says:

Tyrone and Shaniqua got their asses kicked by Korean shopkeepers. Cominator is right, it will default back to option “A.”

The Cominator says:

Jim remember white leadership is unholy… That is another reason why b will not work.

jim says:

B will not work – but it will be applied in a very determined effort to stop A.

Starman says:

Cominator is 100% right on this. Antifa mobs only have power because the cops protect them. When shopkeepers and homeowners see that there’s no cop protection for the mob, they easily destroy them like they did before in LA and Katrina.

Cops in Democrat districts enforce the pro-antifa stand down orders because they’re afraid to lose their cop jobs, but now that they’re going to lose their cop paychecks anyway…

jim says:

Cops in Democrat districts enforce the pro-antifa stand down orders because they’re afraid to lose their cop jobs, but now that they’re going to lose their cop paychecks anyway…

Same problem for everyone, all the time, including the left itself. Comply with the left, and be destroyed collectively, fail to comply with the left, and be destroyed individually.

Cops will go right on protecting Antifa as Antifa is hanging other cops on lamposts. We engineers are no better – observe how the the open source movement was destroyed by codes of conduct.

The Cominator says:

They will intend anarcho tyranny they will get an anarcho cyberpunk wild west…

jim says:

The blue checks will be the new badges. It will work like school. The cat ladies are excited by manliness, and only the black kids are allowed to be manly.

Or at least the blue checks intend it to work like school, they will probably lose control of events, but they do not intend to allow us to gain control of events.

For us to gain control of events, we will need social cohesion, and any indications of social cohesion will be judged racism, nazism, heteronormativity, and all that by the blue checks, and the mob summoned to administer summary justice.

Like the Khmer Rouge in its last days, they probably will not be very effective in doing this, but they are not going sit back and let us cohere.

jim says:

Good men can only beat bad men because they are more successful at collective action. As individuals, bad men can beat good men because we build and they destroy, and destruction is easier than construction.

Progressives attack every form of group cohesion that they do not control on sight, even if it is entirely innocuous, like a Church, even the family itself. Thus we are socially atomized, and incapable of resistance.

We can only build counter institutions to replace police under a wise sovereign who outsources small scale violence so that he can manage his monopoly of large scale violence without it slipping from his hands into the hands of too many faceless bureaucrats doing too many things.

The Cominator says:

Outside of large cities (where you probably do need permanent government police) the ancap solution does not work for the military or the sovereign authority but provided the military exist it does work for police…

But the progressives will not be able to enforce many of the tenets of progressivism without the police…

Theshadowedknight says:

When you hear defund the police, you seem to think there will be no method of armed enforcement. That isn’t how it will be at all. You will have community outreach centers, which will offer bread and circuses for the black mobs and tactical response teams that look like special operations units to deal with whites defending themselves. Anarcho-tyranny institutionalized and paid for by your taxes.

You resist any indecency, insult, or imposition and you get peaceful rioters peacefully throwing molotov cocktails at your business and peacefully looting your inventory while heavily armed community outreach officers prevent you from violently defending yourself from the pavement apes peacefully beating you with the lumber and masonry the community outreach team members provided for that peaceful purpose.

The Cominator says:

We’ll see, i don’t think the flagellant fanatics of the far left have thought this out as Jim has often argued when the left singularity gets this far advanced they often can’t…

The cathedral grandees are trying to ride the color revolution tiger and remove bad orange man but not sure Minneapolis abolishing the PD is part of that.

BC says:

They’ve thought it out. They’re just going to give official status to all the non white gangs.

Theshadowedknight says:

Yeah, I definitely agree with BC, except I think it will be even worse, with competent whites backing the non white gangs. Think of antifa telling the blacks to find the gas lines during the Sack of Precinct 3, or the convenient pallets of bricks and the lumber that just happened to be around. Thats what no police looks like in the cities.

Now, if you want to abolish the rural police departments, that I can back. Makes hiding dead vibrants much easier. Rural cops become vigilantes or sherrif’s deputies in a return to community policing.

Not Tom says:

Trying to reason this out from first principles is silly when we have so many historical examples of the revolutionary cycle.

Some of you guys think we’ll just be teleported instantly from brick-throwing commies and shoe-stealing apes to an ancap paradise of right-wing militias and recreational McNukes. Even if that’s the endgame – and there’s no guarantee that it is – you’ll have a transitional period that lasts years, maybe decades, in which something resembling law enforcement definitely does exist and works against you always, not just intermittently.

In between the inept police departments of today controlled by clown-world genuflecting city officials and the well-regulated militias of the idealist future, you’re apt to get 20 or 50 years of the Red Guard and Khmer Rouge. As I said above, you might like the destination, but you are definitely going to hate the journey, assuming you even survive it.

Accelerationism is high-time-preference bullshit. It’s leftist memes trying to subvert the right. You can’t build by destroying. The time to destroy is when you’re ready to replace, otherwise something even worse will fill the vacuum.

Karl says:

Whatever replaces Mineapolis PD will be to the left of present Mineapolis PD. That is the whole point of it.

The holiness spirtal keeps working until it is stopped by force. At the present stage that stopping requires violence, probably a lot of it. Trump has used tear gas and sticks in Washingstom DC. That was not enough.

jim says:

It warmed my heart to see the legacy media getting whacked with batons for illegal and riotous assembly. Whacking the legacy media with police batons has turned out to be insufficient, but like the Great Wall of Trump, it is a mighty good start.

The Cominator says:

“Whatever replaces Mineapolis PD will be to the left of present Mineapolis PD. That is the whole point of it.

The holiness spirtal keeps working until it is stopped by force. At the present stage that stopping requires violence, probably a lot of it. Trump has used tear gas and sticks in Washingstom DC. That was not enough.”

You’re not taking into account how EPICALLY incompetent and dysfunctional the “community force” or whatever the fuck they call what they intend to replace the PD with if its composed of antifa/BLM. They are not going to be even be competent and functional enough to stop counter institutions forming… the modern left is not the Bolsheviks the Bolsheviks could function efficiently at least when it came to killing people because they believed in an ethic of party discipline and they were an essentially masculine form of the far left.

The modern left flaggelants are effeminate and completely undisciplined. Imagine trying to run a PD with Carl the Cuck, Trigglypuff and Tyrone…

Its going to epically and utterly fail. This is so so so utterly stupid on the left’s part… the regular PD were already mindlessly obedient thugs but they were functional… they are replacing something that would perfectly carry out their insane orders with something that is utterly retarded.

Theshadowedknight says:

You are assuming it will be incompetent. How do you know? What if some of the thugs and bullies get hired on. Send in the white boys, they’re expendable (also capable, but we enjoy our delusions).

Even if it is purely antifa and their pet apes, can you stop a hundred psychos with molotovs and AK-47s that have no regard for collateral damage? Can you make sure they don’t burn you out when you aren’t home, so you come back to a smoking ruin? What if they jump you at work? Can you win a gunfight when you do not have the element of surprise, are outnumbered, probably outgunned, and on your own?

No police means the South African solution. You get home and your wife and kids are raped and dead and the house is now his. Reparations for equality or some shit. This isn’t a game. The police aren’t our friends, but the tide of filth they their presence inhibits is far worse. Nature abhors a vacuum, and what fills it is the Rwanda part of Rwanda times Bosnia.

jim says:

> You are assuming it will be incompetent. How do you know?


Apart from what we see in the streets, what we see on Twitter is that the blue checks are ignorant morons supervised and scripted by midwits.

This does not mean they will fail immediately. The Khmer Rouge remained in power until Christmas 1978, despite murdering every competent person in Cambodia between Christmas 1977 and 1978. Towards the end, the remaining Khmer Rouge were largely composed of people who could not read, write, or count. And yet still they were in power, until they were not. They were removed from power, not by collapse, but by external invasion, albeit the invaders did not encounter much in the way of effective resistance. Had they not been removed, perhaps no Cambodians would have survived.

The reason that they remained in power is that they had successfully eradicated anyone that showed any signs of cohesion.

We have a group that has cohesion. The warriors. The generals were trying to destroy their cohesion with war crimes trials in which they would perjure up crimes against each other, but Trump put a stop to that. Should the democrats return to federal power with some plausible pretensions of legitimacy, they will take care of the warriors lickety spit. But the way things are going, their madness is escalating too fast to be able to steal the next federal election with any plausible appearance of legitimacy, so I am cautiously optimistic. Abolishing the police departments is likely to result, in the end, in blue states under martial law, albeit martial law that, though red pilled indeed by current standards, is still too progressive and purple pilled to allow us to build counter institutions.

If we wind up with blue states under martial law as a result of left wing overreach, this may well halt the holiness spiral, as too much leftism becomes almost as dangerous as too little. Then leftism fades away for lack of new applecarts to knock over, and the wise sovereign who outsources small scale violence to reduce his overstretched span of control on large scale violence becomes possible.

Theshadowedknight says:

The Khmer Rouge were still capable of killing vast amounts of people until the very end. That sort of incompetence is still horrifyingly dangerous.

Not Tom says:

Apart from what we see in the streets, what we see on Twitter is that the blue checks are ignorant morons supervised and scripted by midwits.

And they can still make life miserable for a lot of people. Now imagine Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council, but with guns.

Perhaps they’ll be incompetent, have terrible aim and be afraid to fire those guns. Or hire street thugs who can shoot but have no self control and only follow orders when they feel like it. Either way, it’ll make life unlivable for many, and a military occupation, while not totally out of the realm of possibility, is largely wishful thinking.

It’s not Trigglypuff. The institutional left is not its dumbest caricatures. People really need to spend less time on social media, they’re starting to confuse Twitter with reality. Put Eric Schmidt in charge of the BLMPD and you’ll get extremely efficient anarcho-tyranny.

jim says:

> The institutional left is not its dumbest caricatures.

The institutional left is rapidly becoming its dumbest caricatures. Same dynamic as the Khmer Rouge. Any smart leftist gets suspected of heresy, and is put under the tight supervision of stupid leftists.

Cambodia suffered genetic disaster, as every Cambodian of significantly above average intelligence was murdered. If we go as close to infinite leftism in finite time as Cambodia did, they are going to murder all the smart people for witchcraft and heresy, and all the good looking people for being heteronormqtive.

There are still some smart people on the left who still have power, but all of them are getting old. You don’t see any young smart leftists, except for people like Scott Alexander who catch endless flack for entirely imaginary heresy. The left are going to start killing people like Scott Alexander before they start killing people like Curtis Yarvin.

Mister Grumpus says:

Hey you guys are doing a kick ass job of this. I’m serious.

You’re throwing up dart boards, and throwing darts at them, and making arguments about why this dart, or that board, is inaccurate or unrealistic.

I have nothing to say about who’s right, but I appreciate the better view of the maybe-space.

Seriously I appreciate it. It beats the heck out of just flinging poo between “we’re all doomed” and “it’s just a dead nigger, bro.”

Starman says:

@Not Tom
Urbanite detected. A gang of stupid niggers who can’t shoot straight lead by Eric Schmidt (who is not a fucking warrior) will get easily destroyed by a militia lead by Erik Prince… or lead by real cops who just got disbanded. Street gangs and Antifa are completely dependent on real cops for protection.

I’m glad that you’re not promoting COVID19 hysteria anymore, now that it’s proven to be a hoax.

Not Tom says:

Urbanite detected.

Running around trying to call social ostracism upon everyone you disagree with via the use of outgroup-type labels is shill behavior. I’m not calling you a shill, but for some reason you’ve started behaving like one. Stop contributing to the schisms on the right and making yourself an instrument of new holiness spirals.

You disagree, fine, You think someone’s an idiot, fine. I don’t care about any of that, part and parcel of the freewheeling style here. But your recent adoption of the specific label “urbanite” for nearly every disagreement smells funny. First of all it’s mind-reading, and second, it implies that claims should be evaluated based not on their accuracy but on the background of the speaker. Where have we heard that before?

Of course I’m not going to confirm or deny this form of speculation because it also boils down to a call for self-doxing. It’s irrelevant where I live or where I’m from. I have eyes, like everyone else.

My disagreements with TC (and I suppose Jim, to some extent) over SARS2 are what they are. We’ve both made our exasperation and disdain abundantly clear. However, as far as I can remember, we’ve also both stopped short of attempted outgrouping. In the interest of preserving group cohesion, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this is merely a new habit you’ve accidentally acquired; if so, consider if whomever or whatever you acquired it from is really someone or something we should be emulating.

You think you know how everything’s going to turn out. So do all revolutionaries advocating for short-term chaos. The one invariant seems to be millions of citizens dead, often starting with the very people who were cheering it on. I’d prefer not to be one of them.

Atavistic Morality says:

@Not Tom

You also tried to peg me as someone creating schism when I pointed out that purple pills were uninteresting when I was just being factual, considering we are in what you called a crimson pilled space. It’s not like I said something out of line, even Jim agreed. Is everything a schism?

He is not calling you an urbanite to create a schism between people living in cities and people living in rural areas, it seems to me he is “politely” calling you a soyboy.

Not Tom says:

You also tried to peg me as someone creating schism when I pointed out that purple pills were uninteresting when I was just being factual

If you’re talking about your response to someone’s completely innocent mention of Moldbug/Curtis in which you referred to him as a namefag and said he had nothing useful to contribute, then yes, I did.

I can’t be the only one who sees a distinction between refuting/dismissing someone’s material, attacking that person generically (e.g. saying they’re being stupid or they’ve lost it), and attacking with the specific intent to outgroup.

I’m seeing a subtle transition from memetic border-policing and occasional jousting to outright nastiness and vindictiveness, and I don’t like it. Not because it hurts my feefees, but because it hurts group cohesion.

Who were the most prolific posters here, and where are they now? I’m pretty sure I’m witnessing decoherence in slow motion, with the remnants claiming that it’s WAI and that it’s merely boiling off, i.e. those other guys weren’t holy enough. You know I’m not one to blather on about inclusivity, nor particularly care about being the subject of personal attacks. I’m sounding the alarm because I’m pretty sure I see the beginning, or even the middle, of an internal holiness spiral, and the whole point of what we’re doing here (at least, what I thought was the point) is to create a stable memeplex that is robust against holiness spirals.

If I’m the only one who believes this – if I’m truly just tilting at windmills – then I suppose time will be a harsh judge.

Starman says:

@Not Tom

” My disagreements with TC (and I suppose Jim, to some extent) over SARS2 are what they are. We’ve both made our exasperation and disdain abundantly clear. ”

Unfucking believable! You still believe lying experts who are now telling us this hoax virus can distinguish the politics of mass gatherings.

I called you an urbanite because I could’ve called you a soyboy instead.
Who the fuck thinks a gaggle of nigs lead by Eric Schmidt is a real force without real cop backup?
Soy urbanites do.

The fact that “urbanite” stings you says a lot.

anon1 says:

R7 is an Asian, so his Maoist insistence that everyone agree 100% on all issues is understandable

The Cominator says:

I don’t know R7’s race… I’ve never insisted people agree with me 100% and know it won’t happen but I got pretty angry during the covid lockdown crisis that so many people who should have known better couldn’t see it for the blatant get bad orange man scam that it was.

I was also for a lot of reasons in a VERY bad mood at the time and on the covid crisis the failure of some to see the scam for what it was right away is what made the scam work…

On this issue its not important whether people on the right have consensus about whether a “woke” replacement for the police will function in any way including the ways the left wants (it won’t) because its not our side that is doing it. Never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake. Of course politically we should say we oppose disbanding the Minneapolis police department as Trump has… but its not something we should worry about the left is making itself stronger here its commiting suicide.

Atavistic Morality says:

@Not Tom

Pointing out that a namefag can’t commit thoughtcrimes, can’t say the truth and thus is uninteresting in this blog is a factual statement. Moldbug and Curtis might be the same “person”, but as I explained there, they are not the same “author”.

Curtis Yarvin cries in public appearances like a little baby about a commie Jewess getting what was coming to her while telling you to vote for Bernie.

I haven’t been here long enough to even know all those ancient users you’re talking about, but I had perfectly fine interactions with the one I did get to know, Shaman. Your accusation is baseless, especially when the owner of the blog will be the first one to tell you that Curtis is indeed a namefag.

If I can’t point out that enemy lies are enemy lies and uninteresting material is uninteresting because otherwise I’m “holiness spiraling” and making old users leave, tell me, what next? Should I support strong independent womyn as well comrade?

jim says:

> when the owner of the blog will be the first one to tell you that Curtis is indeed a namefag.

I already did, quite some time ago.

Moldbug is the founder of modern reaction. Curtis has said nothing important or interesting, and frequently says stuff that is misleading or true.

anon1 says:

The bad orange man totally fucked up your brains; the nonsense you had to say on corona was pretty hilarious, though.

Nostalgia: Jim endorsed Obama twice (2008, 2012), because accelerationism was and is the only correct approach to collapsing a leftist holiness spiral in the modern era, and if Obama had been running for 3rd term, should’ve endorsed Obama thrice – there’s your Stalin, holy enough to ride the tiger, and cunning enough to get off the tiger when the time is right. Endorsing Trump was Jim’s biggest political miscalculation (just look how many retards that attracted, like flies on shit), and Curtis Yarvin is damn right about this issue. Voting is mostly irrelevant, but to the extent it’s relevant, a strong leftist is always preferable to a weak rightist.

Good night, nigger.

jim says:

As a general rule, black pillers are shills, but allowing this comment through because if you are a shill, at least you read, if not understand, what you responding to.

I have never been an accelerationist, and accelerationists are at best misguided, at worst enemy shills.

My 2008 Obama endorsement was not accelerationism, but because we had more to fear from the Republican commie than the Democrat commie, since he could introduce horrifyingly destructive radical measures under the cloak of “bipartisan”, while gridlock under Obama would slow down our slide into the abyss.

My 2012 Obama endorsement similar. Though Romney would have brought us to disaster slower than McCain, the election of Obama meant that private healthcare remained within the Overton window, whereas had Romney been elected, it would have rapidly become not only impossible to practice private healthcare, but also impossible for any person with a job or family to be in favor of the private healthcare.

With Obama destroying healthcare, the destruction was contested. Had Romney destroyed healthcare, we would have found healthcare dropped outside the Overton window.

Trump is reintroducing private healthcare, building the wall, and I expect he will shortly restore order in our cities when blue voters have gotten enough of what they voted for. For the first time, the Overton window is moving right.

The Cominator says:

Obama was not a strong leftist he was an actor.

Atavistic Morality says:

Yes, very good. Let’s support progs and strong independent womyn, reactionary btw.

Atavistic Morality says:
Starman says:

Look at those police batons smacking the shit out of these lying reporters!😀

Lying reporter: “These protests are 100% ‘peaceful’”


Not Tom says:

The fact that “urbanite” stings you

It really doesn’t. Calling out a bad behavior clearly isn’t the same as being personally hurt by that behavior. Taking nazbols to task doesn’t make me a Jew, saying Havel’s Greengrocer should be a given a second chance doesn’t make me a commie, saying blacks can self-govern under the right conditions doesn’t make me a negro, saying that female shit-testing isn’t deliberate and malicious doesn’t make me a chick, and wondering why you’re extremely quick to jump down everyone’s throat with random accusations and demands to take Red-Pill Tests when they’ve barely even uttered 2 sentences does not make me either an urbanite/soyboy or personally offended by the use of that label.

I just think what you’re doing can be bad for group cohesion. Please do continue to bully the obvious shills, and come up with whatever creative insults you like, but maybe back the fuck off a little when interacting with the ingroup.

Or don’t, it’s Jim’s flock, not mine, and I can always add you to my killfile; whether or not I listen to what you have to say is largely unimportant to the world, I’m merely pointing out what I see.

jim says:

The Cominator is a bit too quick on the trigger.

simplyconnected says:

Mister Grumpus wrote:

Hey you guys are doing a kick ass job of this. I’m serious.

Clarity is a beautiful thing. Some people here must have been seeing clearly for quite some time.
I’m still often perplexed by what I read here, only to find the precise perplexing thing happen one or two years later.

Not Tom: Pointless flamewars must be a widespread problem when even here, with generally thoughtful people, one is still dismissed with a silly insult from time to time. It might have something to do with the medium.

jim says:

Yes, people are discourteous in ways they would not be in person. This is regrettable.

Of course, we are under attack by shills, but I try to engage even shills in civilized communication. Which never works, for they would have to acknowledge that I had written a thought crime.

Starman says:

Not Tom is not a shill.

There are, however, obvious shills posting here right now. Some of them imitating wignsts so poorly that I didn’t even bother to ask them a RedPill on women question.

Oliver Cromwell says:

“Outside of large cities (where you probably do need permanent government police)”

This is probably a function of the stability and settledness of the community, rather than density. You can have high density settled communities, just not with unlimited freedom of movement within the country.

Some countries like China have internal passports, the socialist solution.

Japan seems to have had a free market version, as evidenced in their house addresses being just the number of the building in the order which it was built, out of all the builds in the city. This cannot possibly have happened without stable, settled communities within cities just like in rural areas.

Mike in Boston says:

We can only build counter institutions to replace police under a wise sovereign

Is the problem of institution-building really coup-complete? It seems to me that the Right needs organization and institutions before< a wise sovereign is in power. Sooner or later the existing ones, now worn by leftists as skin suits, will collapse. An incoming wise sovereign will want new ones to hand.

One guy with some experience in practical politics put it this way:

“We recognized that it is not enough to overthrow the old State, but that the new State must previously have been built up and be practically ready to one’s hand. … In 1933 it was no longer a question of overthrowing a state by an act of violence; meanwhile the new State had been built up and all that there remained to do was to destroy the last remnants of the old State — and that took but a few hours.” (Buergerbrau speech, 9-11-1936.)

Just as ISIS was formed by former Iraqi military when the Iraqi army was disbanded, a good first step might be for all the cops who resigned or got fired to form militias, in keeping with Option A above.

Karl says:

All depends on how the present state reacts to an attempt to build counter institutions. Weimar was very tolerant in that respect.

I doubt the US or any European government would show the same tolerance. As soon as a proto-counter instution is declared illegal, the builing of a counter instution becomes a coup complete problem.

jim says:

> Just as ISIS was formed by former Iraqi military when the Iraqi army was disbanded

The Iraqi army in large part was the Iraqi state. When it was disbanded, the state was not in fact replaced, since the US installed a bunch of carryon baggers as the new government, who just stole everything not nailed down and made no serious attempt to govern, not that they ever could have governed anything anyway.

The blue checks will attempt to implement option B: Create a new form of police they call something else, staffed with BLM “activists” and antifa goons. In the unlikely event that they succeed, likely with effects similar to those in Iraq.

And then it may well be possible to build a counter state, assuming any white people survive.

The blue checks implementing option B is part of a color revolution strategy. “Trump cannot stop us from burning our own cities. Therefore Trump is weak, weak, weak, weaker, weaker, weaker, falling, falling falling. He has fallen!”

If they implement Option B, that is a hostile revolutionary army. Trump has total grounds in law, precedent, and basic sanity, for sending in the US army, whose tip of the spear is largely red state rural, to crush the new form of police by standard military means. If he cannot, it is because hostile elements within the government have already color revolutioned him, in which case he will indeed have fallen, in which case building counter state institutions is the much the same thing as blue state vs red state civil war. It will be the boogaloo. Even if Trump and his family are killed, the new police will not have a the slightest legitimacy as a continuation of the federal government, and, since their faith is universalist, will attempt to impose similar institutions, and disband the old institutions, in the red states.

They can implement their program with a superficial imitation of legitimacy through Democratic governors and legislators, but Republican governors and legislators are not going to accept a program that will obviously result in their deaths, and probably will have already resulted in the deaths of Trump and his family by the time it gets to that point. The cuckservatives, faced with Democrats who clearly intend to make the Republican party illegal, are uncucking. The cuckservatives were happy to be the outer party while the Democrats were the inner party, and accept some small crumbs from the table of their masters, but now their masters have decided they can dispense with their servants.

> Is the problem of institution-building really coup-complete?

No, building counter institutions is not necessarily coup complete. It may well be civil war complete. And since the civil war will inevitably be a holy war, Jihad complete. Coup complete is my white pilled optimism.

But, what is all too possible, is that the blue states implement option B, and then the red states, rather than being stormed, are slowly converged. The Republican governor declares we have to make some compromises, to avoid the boogaloo. The new masters give him some crumbs from their table, until it is time to kill him. BLM and Antifa come to rural red state America wearing BLM badges and backed by the post Trump federal government, not next week or next month, but a few rigged elections down the line. In which case, no possibility of building counter institutions.

If they try coming next week or next month, which is quite possible given the lack of discipline and internal cohesion that we have seen, then it is the Boogaloo and time for institution building.

The Cominator says:

The flaggelants seem to be tired of waiting…

I’m not an accelerationists (to respond to Not Tom’s comment) but I do love that the left is now accelerating things when they are out of total power… it is far better than them accelerating things when they are in power.

Wait, what? I might have missed a memo or ten, but I think accelerationism means accelerating capitalism, not leftist social collapse: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerationism

Not Tom says:

Fair enough. Can’t argue with a bit of Schadenfreude. The “we’re on your side!” video was an absolute riot… figuratively and literally. And I do believe this is likely to torpedo most of the lefty reelection campaigns, as it did with the LA riots and the DC riots before them.

But the extent of my approval only goes as far as them burning (again, figuratively and literally) the social capital they have, and losing more of the power they’ve acquired over the decades. Being put under military occupation for lawlessness would be a huge loss for them. But successfully instituting a municipal Red Guard would be a huge win. And I am humble enough to know that I can’t reliably predict which outcome will occur.

Elites are falling in line faster than ever before. In 2016 it was mostly just symbolism everywhere; passive compliance. Now they’re starting to demand active compliance, like denying service to heretical customers and the ritual firing of the first man to stop clapping. Could be that this is a sign of decaying power, the sort of desperate aggression displayed by a cornered animal… but the same could have been said 2-4 years ago with the social media purges. It looks to me that, while their power might very well be on the wane, might indeed be totally exploding, there is still quite a lot of it to burn up and it’s very dangerous to be anywhere near the blast.

To me the question is not whether the left is losing power and will continue to do so. That much is certain. It’s how slow the decline will be and how much chaos can happen in the meantime, even in places and institutions that seem to be safe right now.

Boy Scouts were converged. Open Source is converged. Purple states like Minnesota are converged. Mormons in Utah are being converged. How long before Austin or Memphis take a chunk of neighboring counties down with them? Unless you’re behind a nuclear firewall, don’t assume they won’t come for you, wherever you happen to be.

The problem with singularities, and discontinuous functions in general, is that you really can’t see when you’re about to hit the wall.

jim says:

Could be that this is a sign of decaying power, the sort of desperate aggression displayed by a cornered animal

It has been going faster and faster since the left’s great victory in the early 1800s. They have been decaying faster and faster, and gaining power faster and faster.

They are intoxicated with the prospect of infinite power very soon.

The Cominator says:

“But successfully instituting a municipal Red Guard”

Its not going to be successful, no possibility of that. The Bolsheviks and Maoists of old did not have diversity and did not have the effeminate total lack of internal discipline as the progressive left does.

Not Tom says:

Its not going to be successful, no possibility of that. The Bolsheviks and Maoists of old did not have diversity and did not have the effeminate total lack of internal discipline as the progressive left does.

The form of this argument is as follows: “Because this situation is materially different along certain variables from prior situations that would otherwise be very similar, we are assured of a different outcome.”

This is faulty logic, and rather similar to the “end of history” narrative of progressives – not to label you as a prog, just to provide a point of reference for the form of the argument and why it’s incorrect.

The correct formulation is: “Because this situation is materially different along certain variables from prior situations that would otherwise be very similar, we may achieve a different outcome, and cannot yet predict how different or even in which direction.”

Your premises aren’t wrong. The progressive left is terribly unstable and schismatic and its decision-making apparatus is highly erratic and unpredictable and its leadership is weak at a personal level. On the other hand, there has never been any ruling class with the theoretical firepower, information-control and public-opinion manipulation capabilities as today’s Cathedral, which has survived despite its intrinsic flaws for hundreds of years, and thus it is extremely hard to predict how much damage it could do in retaliation to a domestic or foreign takeover.

As they say on Wall Street, being early is the same as being wrong. The Cathedral will fall, but how soon, and how peacefully? You seem to be sure you know the answer. I admit that I don’t know the answer and don’t see a reason to trust yours.

The Cominator says:

I fail to see any similarity to the end of history.

Converged leftist institutions only function in terms of spewing cathedral lies. “Woke” institutions don’t function effectively for any other purpose and woke police won’t function.

Woke institutions must be led by holy leftist victim groups white leadership is unholy, leadership by a 400 lb 80 iq shaniqua is holy. Now plz tell me how the woke cops will function effectively.

Aldon says:

The only thing this big convo and older ones show is that lolbergism has never worked.

“Disbanding the police”, aside from being something even Biden is walking away from, will just lead to Little Kunta being free to run wild on Stacy and Mom ‘n Pop’s shop, Deep State goons doing their thing, and the likes of Omar with Woke Capital friends lining their pockets thanks to their voters (prostitution rings, gangbangers, etc) alongside more tentacles of the Deep State working their magic (social workers etc.).

You will not have your fantasy of being king in your urban castle walking with a shotgun.

Starman says:

“You will not have your fantasy of being king in your urban castle walking with a shotgun.”

Without the Deep State cops, Little Kunta and his gangbangers are nothing more than a paper tiger against a group of “Mom ‘n Pop’s.”

And the most popular long gun of choice for Pop’s shop and friends is the AR-15, followed by the AK-47. You betray your soyboy origins, wignat.

Aldon says:

>lolberg thinks he’ll he able to win a war singlehandedly against globohomo
>lolberg thinks the Deep State won’t keep the cops around when dealing with Whites or disbanding the police will matter beyond the likes of Omar lining her pockets

Starman says:


You failed the race-pill test, and I didn’t even have to ask it. You can say the word “nigger,” but you cannot explain why.

Roof Koreans never had that social technology, still learned it pretty fast.

Starman says:


The Roof Koreans revealed that the black street gangs are a paper tiger. It revealed that the black gangs exist solely because they are protected by Democrat police departments and the FBI.

Sure. But my point was that the Jap occupation and before then the Joson era surely was not a culture of buy a gun, stand your ground, one sheriff and a posse of armed citizens kind of social tech that Anglos used to have and according to Tsk lost, and still they learned to defend their shops quickly. So my point is Anglos can regain it quickly too. My other example would be how Romanian soldiers opened up their armories to the civilians and they fought Ceau’s Securitate goons pretty well with it. Of course having done a stint as conscript soldiers helped. The point is, civvies and yes even some urbanfag civvies can learn to defend their communities quickly.

Mike in Boston says:

Romania got a few years of kleptocracy and then got colonized by the EU branch of Globohomo. Not sure that’s the model to follow.

Starman says:

That’s the thing. The Roof Koreans don’t have a gun culture, yet they easily smashed the black gangs.

The street gangs are a paper tiger.

info says:

Its the South American drug cartels and the like that are more the problem. They come in convoys and are heavily armed and armored more like regular soldiers.

Starman says:

The representatives of the cartels in the LA riots, the Latino gangs, were also easily defeated by the Roof Koreans.

info says:

“The representatives of the cartels in the LA riots, the Latino gangs, were also easily defeated by the Roof Koreans.”

None of them in convoys with heavy weapons or military style body armor.

Starman says:


Military-style body armor is easy to obtain (see Michigan armed anti-lockdown protests… yes, protests, not riots. See Katrina Whites). You betray your soyboy nature.

As for heavy weapons and hillbilly armor, see Erik Prince.

You not only cannot pass RedPill on women tests, you fail the race-pill too.

The Cominator says:

The Mexican cartels in Mexico have APCs heavy ordinance etc. We havent seen that in the US.

Starman says:

” We havent seen that in the US.”

Yes we did. Killdozer.
But Erik Prince’s PMCs are a better example.

info says:


Show me evidence of heavily armed drug cartels in the USA.

Starman says:


Wrong question.

You asked for evidence of private entities with armored vehicles and heavy weapons, I gave you Killdozer and PMCs. I’ll add the banks too.

The real cops and American soldiers prevent the drug cartels from operating armored vehicles and heavy weapons.

It’s as if you ignored Jim’s adage that Whites are wolf to Whites.

But then again, you ignore RedPill on women questions as well.

info says:


Seems to show that the US Gov have a firmer grip on Territory than Mexico and other South American entities.

Of course in the absence of them being unable to acquire such equipment and the sophisticated paramilitary organization that would give US citizens an advantage.

info says:

“You asked for evidence of private entities with armored vehicles and heavy weapons, I gave you Killdozer and PMCs. I’ll add the banks too.”

Yes by the Cartels. So I thought you gave a wrong example.

But that gives me more hope in the USA.

South Africa on the other hand not so much.

info says:

“But then again, you ignore RedPill on women questions as well.”

Yes. Why. I come here for interesting discussions but not that sort of thing.

So I will refrain making a stance for now. Because I don’t want to be wrong for such a morally sensitive topic. Especially when we consider children.

Unless a full revelation is made that is far more than just this site and some others I will hold my judgment.

I know far less than I thought I knew.

jim says:

Info, you have shown a some shill behavior, and some non shill behavior – the non shill behavior being that you respond to what is being said here, rather than what a script tells you is being said here.

I don’t think you are a shill, but if you do not want to take a position on women question red pill issues because uncertain of the truth, you can tell us what you are uncertain about. You might be genuinely uncertain about rape complaints, but surely you have seen the reality of sexual harassment complaints.

Since you claim to be Christian you could also give us the name Jesus Christ said in a respectful manner. Jesus Christ is Lord. Or the first part of the Nicean or Apostolic creeds, not that that is a reliable barrier against entryists, but it seems to stop some entryists who are trying to pass as Christian. I conjecture that it does not stop entryists passing as Christian who are agents of genuinely atheist organizations, but it does stop fake Christian entryists who are agents of some demon worshiping organizations.

If you had not claimed to be Christian, I would be asking you about recent human evolutionary history, our equivalent of the glownigger test used on the chans, but both shills and some Christians fail that test.

As for the women question test, there must be some things of which you are painfully well aware, thoughts that are forbidden for a shill.

So, I have given you a broad menu of shill tests, some more reliable than others. If you cannot take them, tell us why. Say something a shill could not say.

info says:


“Since you claim to be Christian you could also give us the name Jesus Christ said in a respectful manner. Jesus Christ is Lord.”

Jesus is LORD and He is Risen from the Dead and will come again to establish his Millennial Kingdom.

Who after putting all enemies under his feet will hand the King to God the Father.


So I will be more solid on the Christian test if that is what you mean. On the other hand. If you want to test my knowledge and application of Scripture sure.

Some shill questions poses answers that is not a hill that I am willing to die on. Because I don’t have enough of an assurance outside of this blog that it is actually absolutely true.

And if I am not welcome because of that so be it. I don’t really care. Only that this blog makes interesting points.

Anyway I do the original Nicene Creed the most the most complete version handed down from the 1st Council of Constantinople:

“We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds (æons), Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;

By whom all things were made [both in heaven and on earth];

who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary, and was made man;

he was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried, and the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father;

from thence he shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead. ;

whose kingdom shall have no end.

And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father, who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, who spake by the prophets.

In one holy catholic and apostolic Church; we acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.”

jim says:

OK, close. Let us see if you can get a little bit closer.

I asked for Jesus Christ is Lord, because of the modern heresy that Jesus was a Jewish community organizer of the oppressed and downtrodden who pointed the way to Obama the Lightbringer, which heresy enables the Bishop of Trump’s church to say “Jesus”, but does not enable him to say “Jesus Christ”. I asked for that, and you did not say it. Maybe you said it that way because the apostles said “Jesus is Lord”, not “Jesus Christ is Lord” but the apostles did not have entryists from progressive “Christianity”. And you quoted the Nicene creed without affirming it.

You have not quite contradicted the modern heresy of Socinianism, which brought down the Anglican Church in the early nineteenth century. The Socinian heresy turned out, in practice to be Jesus the community organizer, with rather more complicated clever and elaborate rationalization, which ingenious rationalizations gave them more cover to utter Christian sounding noises without Christian meanings.

Is Jesus the word made flesh? Is he before Abraham was? Is Jesus the logos, that existed before the creation, made flesh?

The Nicene creed excludes Socinianism, which is why quoting it rather than affirming it falls a little bit short. The quote marks look a little bit like air quotes.

Could you directly repudiate the Socinian heresy by telling us that Jesus is the word made flesh, and is before Abraham was? Did God himself experience the mortal condition and get flogged through the streets of Jerusalem? Without putting quote marks around your answer.

info says:

“Is Jesus the word made flesh? Is he before Abraham was? Is Jesus the logos, that existed before the creation, made flesh?”

Isn’t that the opening of John? The Word became Flesh?

He who is the Logos became the likeness of flesh and walked among us.

Didn’t Jesus say “Before Abraham was I AM” quoting Exodus 3:14 when God declared ” I AM that I AM”?

jim says:

OK. Almost passed as the Christian you claim to be. Still waiting for you to say Jesus Christ is Lord.

info says:

So Jesus is come in the flesh.

Because otherwise its nothing more than Gnosticism which the Holy Spirit through John says is of the Anti-Christ.

Every Spirit that confesses Jesus Christ is come is the flesh comes from God.

Theshadowedknight says:

See, Jim? He is making every attempt to dance around an answer instead of just typing out the words with no qualifiers. He can’t say the words without a bucket of qualifiers and quotations marks to distance himself from it.

Here, Info, you fucking sneak, watch this:

Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, the Logos, The Son of God and Son of Man. He suffered for our sins on the Cross, died, and rose again.

I’ll bet you can’t even copy-paste this without some quotations, blankets, interjections, etc. All you have to do is copy-paste this, with no changes, and you pass. Can you do that? I doubt it. Your dark masters would not let you do such a thing.

jim says:

My discussion with him has become curiously lengthy and long winded. Now I understand why shortly after they became the state religion, Christians found themselves in strangely lengthy and subtle debates on the nature of the Incarnation, the Resurrection, and the Trinity.

Atavistic Morality says:

info, repeat with me:

Jesus Christ is Lord
Jesus Christ is Lord
Jesus Christ is Lord

Careful now, you might catch on fire.

info says:

Jesus Christ is Lord.

Good enough?

info says:


“He can’t say the words without a bucket of qualifiers and quotations marks to distance himself from it.”

Because I am quoting you dunce. Should I have said: It is written instead?

My LORD quoted from scripture so I don’t see why I shouldn’t.

I gave you Book and verse to show you guys I am not making this stuff up.

jim says:

We did not want you to quote. We wanted you to affirm.

Well, you have affirmed, which falsifies the assumptions that I and others were making.

But it was not easy to extract from you.

info says:


Must be because I am a bit aspie. My psychologist when she examined my behavior seems to think so.

So I have a tendency to sperg from time to time.

info says:

“Because I don’t have enough of an assurance outside of this blog that it is actually absolutely true.”

As evidence why I am hesitant on certain points of the WQ as I think I stated before in other threads:

Just an example:

That and other resources like it. I don’t want to see people hurt because I ended up being wrong. I don’t want peoples lives to be screwed up.

I do absolutely agree with the GQ. But this is why I am not really keen on dying on certain hills.

jim says:

That is an excuse and evasion: Starman’s question did not mention early female sexuality, which is invisible to 95% of men because chicks only chase after mister one in thirty, and one only notices early female sexuality when one gets sexual harassment from little girls.

The Woman Question is about adult female sexuality, not how often it sets in inconveniently and dangerously early. Female sexuality is a bigger problem when they are adult than when they are children.

There is reasonable debate about seductive and dangerous behavior by little girls. I see a lot of it. If have preselection, and you put on the charismatic male act, you will pull females you do not intend to pull, grossly under age girls among them. On the other hand, it is certainly true that most little girls don’t have adult sexuality. A large minority do, and they are a big problem that our society fails to deal with. Conversely, a substantial minority of adult females do not develop adult sexuality until well after they have become fertile, which may well turn out to be a problem when we have a saner sexual order.

For females, the development of sexuality seems to have be only weakly linked to the development of fertility, while for males they are tightly linked. This probably reflects the fact than we are descended from females who did not have sexual choice, so females are only weakly adapted to making sexual choices – observe that no men are sexually attracted to apes, while women are sexually attracted to apes, indicating that we are descended from population groups where women were denied sexual choice since the days we looked rather like apes. This is consistent with observed history – population groups that emancipate women disappear, so every existent population is descended from women that were only recently emancipated.

Early female sexuality is a minor problem compared to adult female sexuality. The problem is not that some little girls, quite a lot of little girls, cause problems and need to be shotgun married. The big problem is adult women spending their youth, their beauty, and their fertility waiting for a second booty call from Jeremy Meeks.

The problem is not that we need to apply shotgun marriage to some little girls. Early female sexuality is a problem that our society spectacularly fails to deal with but this problem does not threaten the survival of our race and civilization. The big problem is that we need to apply shotgun marriage to a whole lot of adult women, which problem will cause the disappearance of our race and civilization if we fail to deal with it. And that is the problem that Starman’s question addresses so you have no excuse to evade it.

info says:


jim says:

You appear to be a Christian, or at least not a shill working for organization run by Satanists, but you are dodging the woman question like a shill.

Not only did you not answer, your entirely unrelated not-an-answer failed to acknowledge that a thought crime question had been asked. If Human Resources looks at your output, they will be unable to detect that someone somewhere is thinking unthinkable thoughts, unless they look at my input to you.

Give us an answer that could not appear on a company mailing list monitored by Human Resources.

You not only gave us an answer that could pass Human Resources, you responded to an imaginary question that could also pass Human Resources.

Not only was your answer politically correct. It was an answer to a question that was politically correct.

You can pass the woman question as not-a-shill by acknowledging that some people have red pill beliefs about women, even if you are blue pilled. So far I have not seen a shill that can discuss the red pill, even to disagree with it and argue against it.

We can discuss “sexual trauma” if you are willing to acknowledge our beliefs about sexual trauma – that women are traumatized when they have sex with someone that they subsequently conclude is insufficiently alpha, even if they enthusiastically sought out sex with him, thus are not in the slightest bit traumatized by rape unless the rape is attempted but the rapist wimps out, and similarly for sexual harassment, that female resistance to rape is a shit test, designed to filter out insufficiently manly rapists, that “rape” and “sexual harassment” as conceived of by men (“some asshole is interfering with my wife or my daughter”) fails to map onto observed complaints by women about rape and sexual harassment, that women bring complaints about things that we men do not want them to complain about, and fail to bring complaints about the things that we men do want them to complain about. All observed workplace sexual harassment and assault complaints amount to “Not enough alpha males in this workplace. Where are the alpha males?” Boss is unable to handle this complaint, because Human Resources has rendered him a hapless henpecked beta, and he is going to lose control of the workplace if there are any males in it less beta than himself.

Women are also traumatized if, after years of being raped or sexually harassed, they hit the wall and the rapist or sexual harasser loses interest.

You don’t have to agree with those things, but you have to disagree with them in a way that acknowledges that your interlocutor does believe those things, that you are having a conversation with someone “problematic”, about “problematic” things.

info says:


jim says:

In order to doubt some red pilled claim, you would need to tell us what it is.

Which you are unable to do.

yewotm8 says:

I am curious as to what degree a man should consider “no” to be a shit test. I have brought women back to my place, who were in my bed, and who were quire adamant that they were not taking their pants off, and that my hand was not going underneath them. In such cases, I did not press the issue, putting on an air of aloofness as to whether or not we had sex. I saw those women again and banged them the next time.

On the other hand, when I was younger and less experienced, I had women who were in my bed fully naked, and just an inch away from penetration, who said
“don’t”, and I did not go through with it. I did not hear from those women again, unsurprisingly. I have no doubt that in the latter case, the “don’t” was a shit test, and that I’d have been better off doing it.

But I’m not so sure about the first subset of women. Unless they were also giving a shit test, but it was an even harder one to pass that required an incredibly strong will, and the only reason I ended up seeing them again was because no other man had passed such a test with that woman, and so I didn’t look weak because there was nothing better to compare me to?

info says:

But outside of what I already said. I think it is true that women will be traumatised by discovering that the “man” tricked her hypergamy on subconscious level.

It is also true the clash between her beliefs and how her body responds ensures cognitive dissonance in modernity.

BC says:

I am curious as to what degree a man should consider “no” to be a shit test. I have brought women back to my place, who were in my bed, and who were quire adamant that they were not taking their pants off, and that my hand was not going underneath them. In such cases, I did not press the issue, putting on an air of aloofness as to whether or not we had sex. I saw those women again and banged them the next time.

Why would you have a women in your bed who wasn’t already undressed? That just seems odd. Typically seduction starts on a couch and moves to the bed once some state of being undressed is already underway.

I’ve always followed the push until I hit resistance, then pull back a bit with the behavior she’s fine with, and then push again again shortly after. Typical the objections to my behavior get weaker and weaker and she lights up as I continue pushing. Women seem to like me to keep pushing boundaries they put up until they give in to conquest.

Above all else, if a woman is alone with you in your place, she’s down to fuck. If you don’t actually fuck, it’s because you failed a shit test.

Andre says:

“Must be because I am a bit aspie. My psychologist when she examined my behavior seems to think so.”

Dude… don’t put your mental health in the hands of a woman.

info says:


Fine whatever since you deleted my earlier comment I will focus on sexual trauma instead. I will not articulate what I articulated before.

Why do those “adult survivors” especially women of sexual abuse in their childhood even exist?

Would that go away when the Gay issue is solved?

jim says:


I already replied to this, and you are ignoring my reply, and replying as if the crime thought in my reply was never said.

You refuse to answer the the red pill question, which had nothing to do with the age at which women start to misbehave.

And I am not going to let you repetitiously dodge the question. Before any discussion of female sexuality you must respond to the red pill question, with a response that acknowledges what was asked by being relevant to what was asked, rather than doing a 180 at the sound of a thought crime, like someone whose work is being scrutinized by human resources. I am going to delete all further stuff by you until you show you can respond like a human being.

Prove that your comments are not being watched by the Human Resources department. You have proven they are not being watched by Satanists, but in America, Satanist penetration of the Cathedral is incomplete, and this does not demonstrate that you are not working under the supervision of HR. European HR seems to be substantially a branch of European Satanists, but in the US this is not a reliable shill indicator.

info says:


jim says:

You will need to apply to your supervisor for permission to rebut the red pill rather than rebut the progressive parody of the red pill.

In order to discuss the red pill position on rape and sexual harassment, you are going to need a script that allows you to acknowledge what the red pill position on rape and sexual harassment is.

Not going to attempt to discuss the red pill position on rape and sexual harassment with a robotic NPC whose script will not allow him to respond to what is said or to or acknowledge that his interlocutor thinks the unthinkable.

In order to have a discussion, both sides need to be free to acknowledge and to respond to what the other side in fact said.

yewotm8 says:

Every place I’ve lived that had a couch also had roommates. Seems like a bit of a nitpick, the point is that she was alone with me.

I do see your point, but I still can’t really accept it. If it is a test, then to me it’s always been easier to just not take the test right away, then not even get resistance later.

BC says:

Every place I’ve lived that had a couch also had roommates. Seems like a bit of a nitpick, the point is that she was alone with me.

Just seems odd to me. I’ve never put a women into my bed before she’s already mostly or completely undressed. The bed is for sex and sleeping.

I do see your point, but I still can’t really accept it. If it is a test, then to me it’s always been easier to just not take the test right away, then not even get resistance later.

It turns women on when you pass their tests. As men we do the monkey dance for women and we either perform or we die.

Aldon says:
Starman says:

And many White neighborhoods in Katrina. The media even complained about the poor Black people who got shot. The media had trouble finding poster boys that could be used to get sympathy. Too many disgusting gangbangers who got their asses kicked.

You can say “nigger,” but you’re unable to say why.

jim says:

“I hate niggers for no reason just like you do, only even more and for even less reason”

The woman question is far more important than the race question, since failure to reproduce is the always the number one problem. But maybe sometime we should find race questions that serve as an effective way of sorting out loyalists from the enemy.

Aldon, to be ingrouped, needs to explain why Jews need their own civilization, and blacks do not fit into anyone’s civilization. Also, he could give us some statistics on black dysfunction. Blacks, with a few uncommon exceptions, do not work, do not fight for God, King, and Tribe, do not pay net taxes, do not raise their sons, and regularly attack white people. Even black Harvard graduates disproportionately attack white people, and get sinecure jobs where they are useless to everyone, including their fellow members of the Holy Priesthood of Harvard. Back when blacks had marriage and family, it was partly because they were beneficiaries of white order that protected the authority of the husband and the father, and partly because that oder was imposed on them by whites. They were always subversive of that order, even though they benefited from it. The Harvard trained black priests are dysfunctional for Harvard and the State Department in their current color revolution attempt, even though relatively high IQ, so IQ is not the only problem with blacks.

Starman says:

And you quote Mike Enoch and his friends… who failed the RedPill on women test that was administered byAndrew Anglin of Daily Stormer.

Now why would you quote people who pal around with the FBI and fail Redpill on women tests? Hmmm?

Pooch says:

I see a lot of resentment on the cops side especially from the front line unions to their diversity bosses. At some point they are going to realize they have the guns, thus the power and Say “Fuck you, we are in charge now”

Dave says:

The police are seconds away if you tell them there’s a white man with a gun defending himself against a horde of Africans.

jim says:

They only propose to abolish police for certain people and not other people. They want a monopoly of violence. It is just they want the monopoly to be in hands more progressive.

Pooch says:

It seems blacks simply just want the monopoly on violence. Once they have it, they can enact a governing system more in line with their collective interests which of course most likely means genocide for us.

BC says:

What blacks mostly want is black cops only in black areas. The police violence doesn’t bother them, it’s the violence coming from non blacks that does. Which is why the best overseers in the old south were freed black men.

Mike says:

Funny enough, there was a news story going around on Twitter just after George Floyd died about a black Mississippi officer who put some black teen in a stranglehold while arresting him. Not a peep from anyone, at least in comparison to white on black incidents (although the officer is on leave). You can see in the teen’s eyes how humiliated he is having force used on him by someone who looks like his grandpa.

Aldon says:

Do you have a link to the full article?

Mike says:

Multiple websites/articles, but here is one from the NY Post (where I got the above photo).

Aldon says:

Which is retarded. Ethnic Only Policing has a bad habit of looking the other way when their criminals target outsiders and taking cuts from the criminals. Even in the UK you had Pakistani cops helping their Muslim brothas molest White girls.

American Diversity is a failure since it refuses to force non-Whites to behave themselves while still keeping the races from polluting each-other. I’m talking torching towns, deportations, outlawing showing their “culture” where it wasn’t wanted, even taking hostages. As was done by the Persians, the Romans.

Not Tom says:

It works well under segregation. Even now, you hear some of the saner black people saying “hey, why are you assholes burning OUR cities?”

Of course, there’s that unsaid-yet-implied “burn the white neighborhoods instead”. But with segregation, you take that element away. Black police defending black elites who have nowhere to run will damn well crack down on black crime, and do it far more efficiently than white police burdened by racial guilt and worries over optics. We know this is the case because it was the case before forced integration and disparate-impact doctrine took hold.

The problem is that American blacks want it both ways, because the Cathedral tells them they can have it both ways: racial autonomy, but with full access to majority-white neighborhoods and institutions. That’s actually an incoherent demand for any ethnic group – unless said ethnic group is actually the ruling class.

Which makes perfect sense when you think of e.g. the Earl of Cromer ruling over a bunch of dysfunctional Egyptian Arabs, because the British were more competent and better organized. But is invariably a disaster when you put the underclass in charge, as in [bio]Leninism.

The options for any ethnic or racial minority are (a) segregation, (b) subordination, (c) ruling elite or (d) civil war. There is no option E(quality).

Pooch says:

Without the Cathedral, I’m starting to think White reactionaries could come to an agreement with Blacks pretty quickly.

jim says:

We could come to an agreement with black elites very easily, and they could impose on the rest easily. The elites will not be happy with their aristocratic status over whites going away, not happy at all, but if we give them the black areas, they will not say no to the consolation prize.

All black males bitterly resent the collapse of the family. They are all emasculated by not having fathers and sons. And the pimps are emasculated and cucked. Black males will not complain about Shaniqua getting the shaft. People want status, but men want pussy.

jim says:

We need black elites to run black ghettos. Trouble is that they keep running away into white neighborhoods.

The Cominator says:

That happened to some extent before the civil rights movement, most neighborhoods had restrictive covenants but not all of them did and most states never had de jure segragation. So richer blacks who wanted to live among white people even before the 1960s could with some extra trouble did so and a lot of them did.

The REAL blow to the blacks came when the state started hard backing single motherhood, white society took a lot longer to collapse but black society collapsed almost immediately. The state needs to back the Tommy Sotomayors of black neighborhoods (not necessarily say Herman Cain, Herman Cain is always going to be able to bribe his way into living among white people and will likely do so) and not Shaniqua.

And yes we will be able to deal with blacks easily in the absence of the cathedral and the class of left wing black “intellectuals” (who like all leftists priest must be helicoptered).

Not Tom says:

So richer blacks who wanted to live among white people even before the 1960s could with some extra trouble did so and a lot of them did.

True, but wasn’t really a huge problem. De facto segregation tends to be good enough, to the effect that at least some black elites would rather be big fish in a small pond. It does potentially lead to death spirals – black elites most likely to flee are the ones living in the areas most far-gone – but in that situation, too many black elites fleeing can itself be taken as an indicator that it’s time for the whole city to be razed to the ground and leadership replaced wholesale.

The REAL blow to the blacks came when the state started hard backing single motherhood

No doubt.

It’s a complex equation. American blacks, unlike African blacks, are capable of self-governance, because their average IQ is 85, not 70. But the Cathedral actively impedes their ability to self-govern along a variety of different axes because it is more interested in having them as clients/votebanks.

And, as you say, also impedes white self-governance, but not as quickly or badly, because whites and especially Jews are a lot more creative at finding loopholes and workarounds. The entire college and standardized testing system is essentially all an elaborate workaround for prohibition on IQ testing.

The Cominator says:

Malcolm X started HATING white leftist the way I hate white leftist because he was one of the few blacks (who could not be bought) who realized what the Cathedral was doing to them right away.

Malcolm X was pretty based aside from being a larp muslim…

Aldon says:

Blacks never had “self-governance.” Even under segregation their leaders were accountable to Whitey.

Asking for outsiders to self-govern is creating enemies for your own (which is fine if you’re Woke Captial/Deep State who acts with no regard for the volk).

Aldon says:

You’re leaving out the looming threat that Blacks back then lived under: Whitey getting annoyed at their chimping so they get shot or lynched with the permission/backing of the state.

Blacks act how they do today since they sense that Whitey won’t crack down on them. Oh sure, Little Jamal will get shot by a copper every few weeks but do you see Blacks acting like someone who actually has been subjugated and knows the consequences for chimping? You don’t.

>The problem is that American blacks want it both ways, because the Cathedral tells them they can have it both ways: racial autonomy, but with full access to majority-white neighborhoods and institutions. That’s actually an incoherent demand for any ethnic group – unless said ethnic group is actually the ruling class.

Of course they do. Blacks sense damn well that they live in shitholes while Whitey doesn’t. The ones calling for muh Black Segregation are also the ones who want muh reparations and think they muh built Murica and that Marvel’s slop is real.

>The options for any ethnic or racial minority are (a) segregation, (b) subordination, (c) ruling elite or (d) civil war. There is no option E(quality).

a goes in line with b. It doesn’t matter if it’s Ancient Rome, Vedic India, or Murica. Segregation is imposed by a man who stands on high and in enough cases said man belongs to the group who designed the segregation.

Blacks from all relevant criteria had their place in the Segregation Days just as the Dalits had theirs.

The Cominator says:

It takes well organized outside political sponsorship to make blacks a real problem they are downright docile collectively without it (even if crime prone individually at certain ages). In our society blacks will revert to being more like Bojangles and Uncle Remus than what they are now and it will not take extreme violence against them or hardly any violence at all (except to their “intellectual” class).

The threat of a mob burning down their neighborhood may have kept them even more docile but even without it they would have been mostly docile, silverback black men know that blacks aren’t capable of civilization on their own and if whites back their authority over the black community and black women then we will have virtually no trouble with blacks.

Outside of the deepest inner city ghettoes the blacks never riot in the South (and this is the modern day when the clan is long gone) they know they’ll be shot if they do. Antifa is probably crazy enough that they would like to bus their looters to suburbs outside Orlando and Atlanta to cause trouble but the blacks know better.

Aldon says:

>It takes well organized outside political sponsorship to make blacks a real problem they are downright docile collectively without it (even if crime prone individually at certain ages).

Unfortunately for us the sponsorship comes from the Deep State and Big Business. Same went for Decolonization. The only exception I can think is Haiti and that needed a mulatto like Obongo.

Aldon says:

Note that as was pointed out by reactionaryfuture in his book that the sponsorship I’m talking about was there since right after WW2 at the latest

Not Tom says:

You’re leaving out the looming threat that Blacks back then lived under: Whitey getting annoyed at their chimping so they get shot or lynched with the permission/backing of the state.

Nah, that’s mostly revisionist history. Yes, these things happened, as the New York Times like to constantly remind us (“Emmett Till! Emmett Till! Emmett Till! We remember it like it was yesterday!”), but not very often.

Black Wall Street didn’t exist because blacks were afraid of being lynched, it existed because blacks had families and communities with social trust.

I realize it’s almost impossible for many people to imagine, but it wasn’t even that long ago, relative to the entire history of America. It’s the reason why not only progressive elites, but many conservatives, became so convinced that blacks were equals – because at one point they were rapidly approaching parity in many areas and even exceeding in some. Family dimensions especially; blacks are on average more religious than whites, which is why it took extremely crude financial incentives (fat bonuses for single motherhood) to break up their families.

That doesn’t mean they would ever actually achieve complete equality, or be able to operate with complete autonomy, so don’t mistake any of this for blue-pilled optimism. Truth is that in blacks will and should always be vastly underrepresented in any group of cognitive elite and are always going to have a much more prominent criminal element. However, the gap between Black America circa 1960 and Black America today is even larger than the gap between Black America and White America today. We’ve all fallen hard, they just fell harder.

I’m also not trying to say that I’m opposed to the occasional lynching, if the situation calls for it. I just don’t think it was as essential an ingredient as you make it out to be.

Pooch says:

(“Emmett Till! Emmett Till! Emmett Till! We remember it like it was yesterday!”)

I’m no expert, but it seems a lot of these segregation-era lynchings were the result of blacks trying to fuck white women. Knowing the true nature of women, would this still be an issue for our Reactionary segregation?

jim says:

We have to have the principle that if a woman sleeps with a man, she is stuck with him and he is stuck with her, or else cooperation between men and women in reproduction collapses into defect/defect, and that has to be backed up by the principle that if two men sleep with one woman, at least one of those men should die, and perhaps the woman also.

Anything less that that, women are going to game it.

But if we have that principle, as part of allowing manly violence, particularly when high status males do it, women will be considerably less impressed by black manliness.

In order for the male status hierarchy to be visible and intelligible to women, males that are high status in the male hierarchy have to have greater, not lesser, scope for personal violence. Women have been less subject to selection for large scale cooperation than men, so our civilization does not register with them, so our civilized society has to superficially resemble that of our half ape ancestors, in the way that a garden superficially resembles the wilderness. A society that entirely prevents personal violence by members of the elite presents the same difficulties for women as raising kids in a high rise apartment presents for children. Children need dirt, grass, and trees, and women need violence.

Pooch says:

two men sleep with one woman, at least one of those men should die, and perhaps the woman also.

If one of those men is white and one is black, that’s going to be a problem which could invariably lead to war as it did with the Tulsa Massacre. There would need to be some sort of agreement to prevent that from happening again.

The Cominator says:

You can give the elite men more scope for personal violence by giving them the power to enforce law and order and officer status in the local militia…

As well giving them the duty to enforce the precept that thou shalt not suffer a leftist to live.

Atavistic Morality says:

It seems to me men also need violence.

Common denominator of soyboys and bluepilled faggots is that they haven’t been in a fight in their lives. How was the quote?

“The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.”

Personally I need a bare minimum of three sessions of tough training every week or everyone around me is in danger. Plus occasional stuff, for good measure.

jim says:

> It seems to me men also need violence.

Yes we do, and we need gardens, dirt, grass, and trees. But we men are more civilized than women, and women need violence more, just as children, less civilized than adults, need gardens, dirt, grass and trees more.

I am a violent man, subject to lust, gluttony and wrath. When my wife died, I set about finding a replacement, but now I am nearly bald and I was at first burdened by evidence of past gluttony. I swiftly discovered that no one with assets and all that can be violent enough, so I faked a dark past as best I could. That, plus weight loss, and the ability to purchase the appearance of status, proved sufficient.

Mike says:

Not to Ted Kaczynski-post, I know we don’t like him around here, but how exactly is someone living in a concrete jungle like Los Angeles supposed to raise kids in an an environment with dirt, trees, and plenty of outdoor space? You can bring them to the park or beach yes, or go on a trip outside the city, but more than likely they’re not going to have even a semblance of their own yard to play in.

Aldon says:

Not Tom: You’re just saying the old cuckservativism.

The “Black Marriage” you sing praises of wasn’t invented by Negroes. It was imposed by Whites. Blacks when left to their own devices engage in what comes naturally to them (effectively just pimping and baby daddies).

Althype did an entire article pointing out how Blacks have seriously low rates of notable cohabition between men and women. The key point being that Blacks function that way from birth and you have to force them away from their racial soul for them to do otherwise

Not Tom says:

The key point being that Blacks function that way from birth and you have to force them away from their racial soul for them to do otherwise

Africans do, yes. Negroes – “African-Americans” – are about 50% European. We should expect the differences between negroes and pure-blooded sub-Saharan Africans to be about as dramatic as the differences between negroes and Amerimutts. And they are.

The most genetically lucky and/or admixed negroes – the talented tenth – are similar in many ways to typical whites. The unlucky ones, not much better than sub-Saharans. On average, they’re slightly less civilized than mestizos. That’s the reality based on average IQ and other heritable traits.

Positive interventions don’t work, but negative ones do. You can’t give people unlimited height with good nutrition, but you can certainly stunt their growth with bad nutrition. You might never get the single-motherhood rate below say 20%, but it’s easy to inflate to 80%. And you can’t really reduce negro aggression and criminality beyond some baseline (that is well above the white average), but you can do a lot to induce Africa-tier disorder. It is entirely possible for a group of them to go out with the intent to protest peacefully (albeit stupidly) but be whipped into a frenzy of violence and looting as soon as some white pantifag throws the first brick or lights up the first garbage can.

You’re unable to see the difference between Africans and American negroes, despite 10-20 generations of admixing and selection pressure. Unable to see the difference between race realism and race determinism, or between genotypic traits and phenotypic outcomes. And because you lack the capacity to see gray, as so much of the unsophisticated alt-right does, you project onto others such as myself the tradcuck view that blacks are mere victims of circumstance, when that is clearly not the point we’re making or the ideology we hold.

There are solutions for America’s black communities that involve only moderate oversight and occasional interference (from the white population, that is), rather than extreme repression and constant violence. It’s better to let them handle their own problems and only intervene when they make their problems our problems. The Cathedral constantly makes their problems our problems, which is why this doesn’t appear to be a viable strategy if you’re ignorant of history; blacks would be a much smaller and more manageable issue without the Cathedral, as we can already see in the rural south.


Look up “crown heights brooklyn” on an image search. Save for being infested by feral africans, would be an exceedingly pleasant place to raise a family, and that is exactly what married whites who worked in Manhattan used it for before said feral africans.

Pooch says:

Negroes – “African-Americans” – are about 50% European.

Way too high. It’s more like 20% on average. Inner-city underclass blacks (which are the most prone to violence) are going to be even considerably less then that approaching 100% African.

Not Tom says:

Way too high. It’s more like 20% on average.

Looks like we’re both wrong, it’s around 25-27%: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4289685/

Meaning, your garden-variety negro had one white grandparent. Apparently that’s enough to bump up the mean IQ a full standard deviation; who knew?

Anyway, I’m not going to try to speculate on admixture differences with inner-city blacks. That’s a firm “plausible but unsubstantiated” and largely immaterial to the broader issue.

Pooch says:

Anyway, I’m not going to try to speculate on admixture differences with inner-city blacks. That’s a firm “plausible but unsubstantiated” and largely immaterial to the broader issue.

I am. I don’t think you are American, so as an American I will tell you our inner city blacks are the most black, dark skinned, and African looking, speaking, and acting blacks in America. The more white admixture they have, the higher class and less criminal they are generally.

James Bowen says:

“Burn the white neighborhoods instead” actually HAS been said. The legacy media even played the first part of the clip (where she asked why people were burning down black neighborhoods) on repeat for awhile to make it sound like the rioters were fringe lunatics.

Sadly, I can’t find the link anymore, but it was a number of years ago, I think 2015 or so.

Anonymous 2 says:

Well, they want to defund the police and replace it with something more to their liking.

Jatt Arya says:
exlib says:

A single outrage event can change everything. Cops should let liberal suburbs burn.

Starman says:

There’s a reason President Trump was, and is, doing military pardons. Eddie Gallagher and the rest of the rank and file know that Trump is on their side, not Def. Sec. Esper and the perfumed princes.

Karl says:

Trump is doing military pardons to ensure military loyalty. When push comes to shove pardons work only because of military loyalty.

A progressive court would love to convict a soldier who used violence against a rioter on Trump’s orders. That court would also find a reason that Trump’s pardon in sich a case would be void. Trump needs the military (or at least a significant part of the fighting force) to make sure that the court’s opinion then doesn’t count and his pardon sticks.

Things are coming to point. I think we’ll soon know whether Trump is in charge.

simplyconnected says:

Apologies if OT.
I saw a nice comment coming from the chans and thought of Jim’s entryism avoidance algorithm (the red pill on women):

Taken from this gab post

Boys I understand now. I’ve cracked the code on how to spot legitimate fed posting. See feds can’t say the word nigger or more importantly the phrase “glow nigger” and instead just say “glowie” or some derivitive [sic]. Due to if they ever had to present any evidence in court they’ve gathered from here they don’t want to be associated with saying the word nigger & the consequences of doing so. So in summary anons who call others “glowies” or who don’t use the word nigger are more often than not actual feds.

Just thought I’d inform on channers progress in detecting entryists, in case it helps.

The Cominator says:

I don’t use nigger or glownigger often preferring glownagger or as of now glowjogger.

Not because the word offends me but because it just seems kinda lower class.

Women redpill tests are much more reliable. All sorts of fedposting wignats who will use the explicit word.

simplyconnected says:

Each forum may use a different test tailored to their users.
But it’s interesting that the principle used is essentially the same: saying something that would get them in trouble if presented as evidence in court or to HR.

I agree that the method here should be more effective. I’m not sure the method the channers propose would work, but note the obvious fed post did use the word “glowie”, which is odd since channers never shy away from cursing.

jim says:

“glownigger” is a poor test in this environment, because we don’t want to seem to assimilate to plains ape culture. A fed will fail that test, but so will an elitist. But in the chans, an excellent test.

In this environment, it is preferable to demean a racial outgroup with words that invoke natural selection, evolutionary psychology, and game theory. Which words a glownigger will also use incorrectly, giving them inappropriate meanings.

Urban Dictionary:

A governmental agent (FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF) making bait posts on forums and image boards to entrap individuals or gather intelligence. The purported goal of glowniggers is baiting potential criminals or gather intelligence about a particular online community to reveal their intentions or beliefs.

The practice of posting as a glownigger is called glowposting.

The phrase originated from internet personality and Temple OS programmer Terry Davis in his livestream. “The CIA niggers glow in the dark, you can see them if you’re driving. You just run them over ” – Terry Davis, 2017.
The term was popularized around 2018-2019 on 4chan.org (specifically the /pol/ board) and 8chan.

Their inability to blend in to the native population’s habits, patterns and speech makes them stick out like a sore thumb to the population, hence they “glow in the dark.”

The most common trappings of government shills are on four chan is their inability/hesitation to use the major racial slurs, improper use of memes, and the pushing of mainstream political theories.

Improper use of memes, and inability to speak the red pill on women, or even acknowledge that someone else has spoken a red pill truth about women, is more reliable in this environment.

The red pill on women is complex and subtle, and it is easy to dodge complexity and subtlety on the chans.

The Cominator says:

The glowjaggers main role on the chans is to shill for cathedral approved narratives or push stupid false narratives that muddy the waters (ala trooferism) and consensus crack, gathering intelligence and baitposting is often secondary to consensus cracking.

Starman says:

There’s a flat earther with the handle @addidasjack that keeps commenting on my science posts on Gab.

I think I asked him a RedPill on women question and he refused to answer.

Mike in Boston says:

a flat earther with the handle @addidasjack

I’ve noticed that guy! @adidasjack with one ‘D’.

He’s either mentally ill or doing a damned good job of faking it for a glow nigger.

jim says:

Refuse to answer indicates an FBI or ngo shill. Tradcucks may be purple pilled or blue pilled, but they will give you blue pill or purple pill answers. Genuine lunatics will give you lunatic answers, genuine morons moronic answers.

Not sure why they are so keen on flat earth memes – I guess they think we are morons. If you are stupid enough to believe that men are not women, you must be stupid enough to think the earth is flat.

When someone sees thought crime he internally is unable to read it, and this inability to read causes him to perceive it as meaningless gibberish, as a fnord, therefore it must be stupid ignorant nonsense.

It is low-status-by-association. They are not trying to get us to believe flat earth, they are trying to make it look, to the normie watching, that red-pilled ideas, based on reality and the common sense of our ancestors for dozens of generations, are inextricable from crazy bullshit like flat earth. The point of a debate is to convince the audience.

The Cominator says:

Aidan, good theory.

Same reason 9/11 trooferism was spammed endlessly on far right forums.

Starman says:

@adidasjack refuses to denounce Black Lives Matter.

Mister Grumpus says:

Tim Pool is now using the institutional “skin suit” meme on YouTube.

Quoting the bad guys’ playbook: “…and continue until [the target institution is] conquered or dead.”

Oliver Cromwell says:

It’s hard to tell if this is an Operation Bagration or a Tet Offensive.

The media portrays it as an Operation Bagration: a sweeping advance that will quickly make all further resistance impossible.

But the media portrayed the riots as that too, and only switched to this narrative when the riots were smashed. That suggests it is a Tet Offensive: a fearsome PR operation in which the material basis for further actual fighting has been destroyed.

Either way, the outcome of the whole issue is still in doubt.

Mister Grumpus says:

Please elaborate as much as you can or are willing to.

Especially for those only now beginning to learn about Bagration and Tet Offensive.

And finally, I can’t even guess what you really mean by “the material basis for further actual fighting”.

The Cominator says:

Bagration was the Soviet offensive in 1944 that basically destroyed German army group center, the Tet offensive was a win for the North Vietnamese in propaganda terms but on the ground it destroyed numerous NVA divisions and almost wiped out the Vietcong.

Propaganda win only because the US media presented it so. All lost ground was regained by the US. US losses were not terrible, by, say, WW2 comparisons. I don’t have exact figures at hand, but maybe 10%. Their losses were crippling. It was an as clear US win as it gets. The only problem was the media.

Sauce: one of Martin van Crevelds books on counter-insurgency warfare.

BTW it sounds crazy but my ISP in Austria might have Jim on some sort of a blacklist. Comment from the phone on WiFi, nothing happens. Turn WiFi off, use mobile network: it works.

The Cominator says:

Does the easy to use free opera browser VPN work? Try that out.

It did. Thanks. So, Jim, from now on my IP in your logs gonna be all fake, but this is why.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Propaganda win only because the US media presented it so.”

This shows how big a genius Ho Chi Minh was. The first rule of selling is to market to the guy whose “yes” really matters.

Oliver Cromwell says:

It seems NV intended Tet to be a real military victory, and were very surprised by its catastrophic failure. American troops were not invincible back then the way they are today – but in fact they were very good. More importantly for NV, they had an ideological theory of how wars are won and that theory predicted Tet would be a victory.

The NV army was not very good, and the NV ideology was not very good. The US media did its own fighting for NV for its own reasons, and the US media was very good. So the US media won the Tet offensive for NV, even though the Tet offensive had enormously strengthened the US’s hand against NV.

Atavistic Morality says:

The current US political climate is looking more and more like Spain some years before civil war…

BC says:

Yep. It’s looked that way since 2016.

Starman says:

Some normie atheists are beginning to see the need for Jihad-complete:

BC says:

Did they cancel the color revolution? Because it sure seems like it suddenly got canceled. Dems can’t run away fast enough from Defunding the police.

jim says:

We shall see. It is hard to cancel a color revolution, particularly if you don’t have cohesive leadership, but Trump is exploding the “weak, weak, weaker weaker” narrative daily.

Anonymous 2 says:

Biden wants the public to know that he never supported defunding the police.

My assessment is the left are content to lock in their gains for now. Antifa and BLM could run amuck and flex their muscles unopposed by government; the elites could openly pledge their support of this chaos; the police and national guard were PR disasters (kneeling? dancing the macarena??); and there was not much public reaction. But we will see what the election has to bring.

In the longer view, one may however ask what Trump can do even if he wins. The Deep State defies him ever more openly.

Below an interesting inside look by the paper of record. Perhaps Trump should have had Miley arrested on the spot.


jim says:

This is the “weak, weak, weaker, weaker” narrative of color revolution.

It has no basis in reality. Trump wanted the troops mobilized and nearby at call, in case Barr’s forces found the going heavy. Barr agreed.

Trump and Barr got what they wanted.

Anonymous 2 says:

I may be too blackpilled at the moment.

Aldon says:

Biden just doesn’t want himself and his family and his friends robbed by Niggers.

The Cominator says:

The political elite have their own security they have no prospect of being robbed by Tyrone.

You display the typical limited intellect of the wignat.

Aldon says:

Okay lolberg/LARPer.

Starman says:

Your attempt to pretend that you’re dissident right is laughably transparent.

Should I even ask this shill a RedPill on women question?

The Cominator says:

You don’t have to be an anarcho-memeanalist to understand the political elite have their own security and I’m not an anarcho-memeanalist.

The ancap solution to policing outside very large urban centers works, we know it works because it worked very well in our history. It will probably work in cities too (though less well but at lower taxes) BUT with a violent transition period.

Where ancapism doesn’t work is that power and religion abhor a vacuum. The ancap solution to the military ends up being Somalia in practice. If there is no military and effective sovereign power in command of it gangs and would be warlords can form their own.

Aldon says:

pre-modern societies either depended on the military or were far more restrained in behavior. Neither applies to lolberg fantasies.

Starman says:

Can you explain why you can’t pass the race-pill, and pal around with FBI informants who failed a RedPill on women test administered by Andrew Anglin?

Anon 1 says:

Interesting :


Title : ” Gutfeld on defunding the police”

starting at 4:00

“… john oliver has become the spokesperson for the CATHEDRAL … ”

with them it never a slip of tongue , and the way he dropped it .

like a matter of fact .

This is probably the first time the name dropped and correctly used to describe the meaning .

There faces was quite something especially the blond one .

Anon 1 says:

Also here an interesting segment about Mr oliver

which I have a feeling it is what Gutfeld was pointing to


Observe Newspeak mental gymnastics .

The Cominator says:

I like Gutfeld but I never knew he was one of us…

This is interesting.

Pooch says:

He was already pretty good but got a heavy dose of the Red Pill last week when it came to his front door in NYC. Same with Hannity and Tucker.

c says:

A few years ago, I heard Gutfeld using the terms “alpha” and “beta” in the same way that Roissy would use them, so I think he’s been doing some reading.

Yul Bornhold says:

Do you think a near term revolution likely or do you think the left will wait until after November, in the case of their corpse-candidate losing the election?

jim says:

They wish.

But the “weak, weak, weaker, weaker” narrative just is not flying.

Barr not only smacked the peaceful protesters peacefully assembled to peacefully burn down important historic buildings and peacefully throw peaceful rocks at police and firefighters. He also smacked the peaceful media who were merely doing the job of creating the news that the public needs to know.

Warriors have taken the baton to the priesthood. Saying that Trump is getting weak is like saying Caesar is getting weak after he crossed the Rubicon. Caesar is getting close to Rome.

The way a revolution happens is that the top people in the government instigate the mob, and then keep the warriors from annihilating the mob. Barr pulled in cops from all over, and Trump marshaled soldiers nearby at the ready in case the cops found it heavy going.

If Barr had not been able to pull in cops from all over, and Trump had not been able to marshal soldiers at the ready, the White House would likely have burned as several government buildings did burn, and then we would see color revolution, then or soon.

The usual color revolution response to the warriors ignoring the priesthood and obeying their commander in chief, is false flag snipers. People in the State Department arrange for random innocent civilians in the vicinity of the protests to be shot by false flag snipers, and very loudly cry with great outrage the government that they are trying to overthrow has murdered innocents, thereby giving the priests moral authority to hold back the warriors, but Trump had men on guard against false flag snipers.

We have walked this road many times before, and Trump obviously knows the enemy’s playbook even better than I know it.

Oliver Cromwell says:

“but Trump had men on guard against false flag snipers.”

Do you have specific evidence of this, beyond the absence of false flag snipings?

jim says:

Trump had countersnipers.

The Atlantic spelled out the color revolution program in the US Hat tip Vox Day.:

“The Trump Regime Is Beginning to Topple”

“This (the Layfayette Park protest against Trump) is essentially what transpired in Ukraine in 2014. When the country’s president backed away from plans to join the European Union, a crowd amassed in Kyiv’s central square, the Maidan. The throngs initially had no avowed intention or realistic hope of overthrowing the kleptocratic president, Viktor Yanukovych. But instead of letting the demonstrators shout themselves hoarse in the thick of subfreezing winter, Yanukovych set about violently confronting them. This tactic backfired horribly. A movement with limited aims became a full-blown revolution.”

Of course that is not what happened. Yanukovych restrained the protesters to peaceable assembly using only reasonable and necessary force, just as Trump did, or Barr did acting in consultation with Trump and in accordance with his decision, whereupon the attempt at color revolution went nowhere fast in the Ukraine, just as it is going nowhere fast in the USA. And then false flag snipers shot the protesters – which incident the Cathedral finds too embarrassing to recollect.

Since the writer neglected to mention people being shot, he knows exactly what happened, and is joyfully anticipating the same path in the USA. “The Atlantic” intended and expected the USA color revolution, stalled by the troops obeying their commander in chief, to be jump started by the manufacture of martyrs as the Ukraine color revolution, stalled by the troops obeying their commander in chief, was jump started.

These people intend to murder us, they intend to murder our children, and in order to gain the power to do so, are cheerfully willing to murder their own friends and allies. As I said: they hate us, they hate each other, and they hate themselves, their hatred and their evil consumes them and drives them mad.

jim says:

> > “but Trump had men on guard against false flag snipers.”

> Do you have specific evidence of this, beyond the absence of false flag snipings?


They have run this script too many times. They will have to come up with some new tricks.

Mister Grumpus says:

@Oliver Cromwell:
“Do you have specific evidence of this, beyond the absence of false flag snipings?”

It’s not much to go on, but here are my Exhibits A and B:

This was from Don’s Walk to Church. The author scratches his head and grug’s about how these guys are useless when they’re walking around, but the point was surely for them to simply look serious and get their pictures taken, so that people could learn that counter-snipers are a thing:


And this was from the (unexpectedly flaccid) demonstration day that following weekend. We can see it wasn’t canned video because they walk past the “Black Lives Matter” painted on the street:

They could have set up at 2am the previous night, but no, they walked right past all those people, each of them holding a cameraphone (including some plainclothes loyalists surely, just to be sure), to be filmed and advertise their existence.


Anon 1 says:

The Best counter snipers is to announce there is counter snipers .

there is usually Two teams the Decoy team ( The one you see ) and Target team (the one you don’t see).

more importantly , the fact you see this during an ordinary “protest” (there
is no high profile persons need protection )

and the only important thing about it ; is that it is in front of the WH should tell you whats up .

jim says:

> They walked right past all those people, each of them holding a cameraphone (including some plainclothes loyalists surely, just to be sure), to be filmed and advertise their existence

Trump urgently needed to put counter snipers in the Park. He could not put the counter snipers in the park until it had been cleared, and it had only been cleared six minutes earlier. So I expect that they been waiting to take up occupancy, and Trump wanted to be seen by warriors as commander in chief on the front line. The opportunity was not for us to see them and him, but for them to see him.

Aldon says:

Alright, nust making sure, did anybody post a full and non-pozzed source on how the confrontation with St. George the Dindu went? I saw on Vox Day’s blog an apparent breakdown of a video where George had OD’d while the coppers were around him. Which backs his corpse having drugs in it.

Aldon says:

The post had all this:

>4chan got it right. The black guy filming was for the optics, and breaking up the people talking the actual scene, he was overdosing.
1:02 – Officer says “Dude what are you on?”
1:35 – Floyd says “My stomach hurts, my neck hurts, everything hurts”
1:40 – white residue on Floyd’s mouth – foaming at the mouth is sign overdose
2:25 – Officer says “this is why you don’t do drugs kids”
5:14 – Officer says “Don’t do drugs guys”
5:51 – Store Employee “He’s off crack right now. He highly OD’d”
6:47 – Ambulance arrives – no questions asked immediately get him in ambulance because they know he’s overdosing.

>The lawyers arguing for the cops to go to jail will be begging to get on this, a liars heaven, future Democratic nominee.

Not Tom says:

The generally-accepted (not by normies, but by most on the right, including the milquetoast pundits like Molyneux) explanation is that whatever the root cause was (highly advanced cardiovascular disease, meth, fentanyl, take your pick), it was the stress of being restrained, rather than the hold itself, that caused the final domino to fall. Some ex-cops are saying it looks like a textbook case of excited delirium.

In other words, he might technically not have died that day if no cops had showed up, which is entirely irrelevant unless you’re a shitlib who thinks joggers should be free to jog, but there was also no practical way they could have restrained him without causing death, which is the real moral of the story for anyone with half a brain.

And this shitbag could even have avoided the police encounter. The store owner tried telling him to just give it back, and he’d forget the whole thing and wouldn’t even call the police. So he truly had only himself to blame for police even showing up in the first place. Instead of taking the easy way out, he went “fuck whitey” and behaved like the lowest nigger trash. He doesn’t deserve an ounce of sympathy, let alone martyrdom.

Aldon says:

>And this shitbag could even have avoided the police encounter. The store owner tried telling him to just give it back, and he’d forget the whole thing and wouldn’t even call the police. So he truly had only himself to blame for police even showing up in the first place.

Have a link to that part? I admit I haven’t heard it before.

Not Tom says:

It was actually fairly well covered in some of the early news reports, just memory-holed rather quickly.

e.g. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8368215/George-Floyd-911-call-Store-clerk-claims-awfully-drunk-not-control-himself.html

The caller said staff only realized the money could be fake once he left the Cup Foods store in Minneapolis. Someone followed him out and demanded he turn in his phone and the cigarettes before he was allowed to leave, however he refused.

It’s filled with the usual virtue-signaling, but ignore the fnords and the facts are in plain sight.

James says:

Yep, I had a feeling I would -eventually- find out something like this. First they say, “He was doing nothing wrong, he was a great guy, the police were being totally out of hand”, then it turns out he was belligerent, attempting to commit a crime, and -maybe- the police overdid it. But I’m not terribly sympathetic to criminals or would-be criminals regardless of how the police handle it.

If you get shot by the police in the process of committing petty theft, well, that’s unfortunate for you, but for the rest of us, that’s one less petty thief.

Pooch says:

Without the cops, petty thieves get shot in the street and their bodies thrown in the back of pickup trucks to be unceremoniously dumped into a nearby wooded area.

Not Tom says:

More on the autocoup/praetorians (c/o Infogalactic, every so often they surface something interesting):


Another major troop movement that, somehow, as it turns out, the generals knew nothing about.

Almost as if an alternate chain of command is emerging or has already emerged. Perhaps they picked Germany as opposed to e.g. Afghanistan because they figured the brass wouldn’t ask too many difficult questions.

Starman says:

@Not Tom
It looks like those military pardons are paying off.

Anon 1 says:

We should expect a purge in the top brass in the coming weeks , months , especially

after November , thing will accelerate and will not end until the whole cathedral purged.

it will start in the military first .

jim says:

I pray

Mister Grumpus says:

@Anon 1
“after November , thing will accelerate and will not end until the whole cathedral purged.”

I want to hear this:

What on earth makes you so confident that you even know what will be happening two weeks from now, let alone five months from now in November? What does that feel like?

Theshadowedknight says:

These things have a certain inevitability to them. Once the avalanche starts, it cannot be stopped. We were watching the elite as they were looking for position and influence. I said in 2016 that Trump was battlespace preparation. That battle has started, and the other side has lost control. The avalanche has started, and they are running downhill. That isn’t a good place to be.

Anon 1 says:

Very much .

Mister Grumpus says:

“That battle has started, and the other side has lost control. The avalanche has started, and they are running downhill.”

Thank you, but I should have asked more clearly:

What makes you so sure?

I understand that leftward singularities can’t stop on their own. Or rather, I’ve learned enough, here, to form a “pattern” in my mind that’s so solid now that I can no longer find or notice counter-examples in history.

And even I knew about this Mahabharatan epic of planetary-scale illegality that’s been going on for some time now. The 2016 campaign put that magnitude on blast, whatever it actually IS.

Every month since 2016 I’ve been expecting Trump to make some kind of deal with these people and settle everything in private (and maybe he actually has to some degree, which has gotten him this far), but every time, nope nope nope, wrong again.

I must not be appreciating the SIZE of the world and its history. Too provincial.

(Like the Vegas shooting. What the fuck was THAT, rhetorically speaking? There’s just obviously something so mind-blowingly huge and awful going on that…)

So what makes you so sure that…

First, that this Red Guard Cultural Color Revolution won’t end up scaring the ever-loving shit out of everyone, including Trump’s guys, so they’ll run away and abandoned him to Epstein’s Crocodiles by July or so, let along October, and

Second, that the bad guys don’t have like five or six EVEN MORE horrible plays left in their deck?

Like, how about a “second wave” super-virus, but a new one that really does kill people this time?

Or false-flag nuking a Chinese city? Or hell, an American one?

Or just pulling the plug on Twitter, honestly?

(I’m not even using my imagination yet.)

I’m not calling anyone dumb, believe me. But given all that’s happened so far I can’t understand how anyone can still have confidence that he knows what will happen next, and what the results will be.

I’m not calling you out. How could I? Just elaborate, please. There must be trends and patterns so obvious to you that you don’t think to bring them up as supporting material, but man I wish you would.

That’s for all you big-talking big-brain guys. Don’t change. Don’t become unsure like me. Just elaborate on your sureness. Thanks.

Sam says:

The Red Guard don’t scare people with private security.

The rest require more cohesion then they possess. They need to get multiple people to work together and keep the secret when multiple people have strong individual incentives to betray them. Secretly getting a nuke would involve the people doing the dirty work being killed to cover it up, so they can’t do something like that.

They can do defused responsibility (like having vaccines that sterilize people), but having a single person responsible is limited to things like false flag sniping where you can blame someone else and then wait for people to forget the incident as more important things happen.

The Cominator says:

“So what makes you so sure that…

First, that this Red Guard Cultural Color Revolution won’t end up scaring the ever-loving shit out of everyone, including Trump’s guys, so they’ll run away and abandoned him to Epstein’s Crocodiles by July or so, let along October, and”

They don’t scare people outside the cities in states that back gun rights and self defense. In Florida even some of the redneck broads are posting on facebook about how looters=target practice. So they aren’t percieved as all that alpha down here either.

Starman says:

The Red guards are totally dependent on protection from real cops. That’s why they operate only in blue urban centers (where the cops protect them) but not in red areas (where the cops will not protect them).

You see the same situation with mestizo drug cartels. There’s a lot of double towns along the US-Mexico border without a wall between the Mexican side and US side, yet the cartels cannot blatantly operate their jerry-rigged armored vehicles north of the border (because they won’t get protected by the US cops and military, they get resistance from US cops and military instead).

Theshadowedknight says:

The left elite is too disrupted and disorganized. As our esteemed host has noted, the left is friends with its enemies and enemies to its friends. That does not breed cohesion. In addition, they have been selecting fellow elite for insanity, stupidity, and evil for decades. Look at Ta-Nehisi Coates and compare him to W. E. B. DuBois or Booker T. Washington. Then compare Woodrow Wilson to Butt-geek, Beta O’Rourke, or Fauxahontas. The decay in leftist thought has been severe. These people are morons.

When the shit hits the fan, people fall in line behind the strong, the organized, and the safe. Creating chaos makes Trump more attractive to the normies, especially when the left is too disorganized to take advantage of the chaos.

The usual left play is create a problem, play up the threat, prevent anyone from fixing the problem, demand power to solve the problem, and then normalize the problem. See decades of social programs to fix black crime when Christ and Forrest are tried and true solutions. Their problem is that now that cannot prevent Trump from fixing their problems. Which just makes them weaker and Trump stronger.

The reason I am so confident is that they started a self-reinforcing loop where they get weaker and Trump gets stronger and they cannot stop the loop because the far left will eat them if they try. The more chaos they create, the more power Trump assumes from the presidency into the person of the president to solve problems. He has the men with guns, so he wins, and its that simple. Getting there was the problem, but he has arrived.

We went five rounds of Russian Roulette, and Trump is holding the gun. Thats why I am confident.

jim says:

> So what makes you so sure that…

> First, that this Red Guard Cultural Color Revolution won’t end up scaring the ever-loving shit out of everyone, including Trump’s guys, so they’ll run away and abandoned him to Epstein’s Crocodiles by July or so, let along October, and

> Second, that the bad guys don’t have like five or six EVEN MORE horrible plays left in their deck?

> Like, how about a “second wave” super-virus, but a new one that really does kill people this time?

> Or false-flag nuking a Chinese city? Or hell, an American one?

> Or just pulling the plug on Twitter, honestly?

All of these are very real possibilities, though not really in the style of past color revolutions. Expect the unexpected. They are not out of arrows yet.

Trump is a deal maker, and expected and intended to make a deal with his enemies. But he is a notoriously hard bargainer, and expected and intended to make a reasonably favorable deal. But there was no one to make a deal with. Our enemies are trapped in a holiness spiral that prevents them from offering any concessions at all. They strung him along to distract him, but overthrow is their only option.

Wu Flu was Green New Deal with a new rationale.

The Atlantic was calling for another false flag sniping operation, as in the Ukraine. They wanted to shoot their own cannon fodder, so as to strengthen the hand of those in the permanent government resisting Trump’s efforts to restore order. Had they succeeded in false flag massacring protesters near the White House, it is easy to imagine the government forces receiving, and obeying, stand down orders. Antifa would then take the White House, as they were allowed to take the treasury building. The gates would have been opened from within. Trump and his family would have been killed, as Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and his family was killed. The US Government could not find some random Libyan patsy to kill Gaddafi and his family, so killed them itself. They could probably find some random black street thugs to kill Trump and his family. Shortly thereafter the random street thugs would die under odd circumstances, as the assassin of Kennedy died under odd circumstances.

It has been one thing after another, and since Trump anticipated the sniping operation and has been personally setting up counter snipers, they will try something else. Probably very soon.

Impeachment discredited the FBI. Wu Flu shutdown enraged small business and discredited the skin suit of science. Color Revolution enraged the cops. The cops are now looking for a leader who will lead them into battle with the legacy media and antifa. Everything the enemy tries burns assets. They have plenty more assets to burn, but the loss of assets is having an impact. That they enraged the police is hurting them very badly.

Their biggest remaining asset is the judiciary. If they set that on fire, they are done.

Not Tom says:

I’m obviously not wired like a cop, but I have to imagine that if I were one of these cops being doxed and threatened by communists with impunity, or even just being told to stand down while thugs burn down the police station where I used to work, I’d be looking for new leadership in a hurry, or even considering vigilantism.

Seems to me that the new praetorian guard could end up being assembled from disaffected police officers in addition to the expected army grunts.

jim says:

Barr did not strike until he did strike because he was busy assembling a new praetorian guard from disaffected cops, while Trump ordered the troops to hang out nearby.

Not Tom says:

In DC, yes. I was thinking about a more… mobile security force. If you know what I mean.

jim says:

> The avalanche has started, and they are running downhill. That isn’t a good place to be.

They are striking back at resistance to leftism in the only way that they can without being devoured by their own: By going lefter, faster. Not necessarily a good tactic now that Trump has Barr in his pocket, and Barr has an army of cops in his pocket.

Theshadowedknight says:

That is precisely what I meant. They are trying to outrun the avalanche. We know the left always devours its own. Through Barr, Trump has the guns.

Trump can stop the avalance, but better to let a few be crushed by their own creation before he offers to help stop it. Thus, waiting to watch the cities burn.

Anon 1 says:

“Trump can stop the avalance, but better to let a few be crushed by their own creation before he offers to help stop it. Thus, waiting to watch the cities burn.”

The Republic is dead , everything around us is festering and the

stench is sicking . nothing work anymore , not the gov agency ,

not the posed army . everything is cathedral and the cathedral

is evil , evil can’t build only destroy .

Trump is building the new Republic one at a time , wither it will

be fast enough it up in the air .

James says:

That would be truly incredible. I can’t even describe how happy that would make me.

My question is, what does the ensuing fake 2024 election look like? Jim has mentioned it will be framed as a restoration of the republic (similar to August’s restoration of the republic), but what are the actual nuts and bolts? Redrawing districting lines? More limitation of franchise along lines that guarantee a particular outcome? Suspension of elections? The latter seems unlikelier, but the former seems riskier.

Starman says:

Augustus Caesar didn’t suspend elections. It was Centuries before the pretense of elections was dropped.

jim says:

> My question is, what does the ensuing fake 2024 election look like?

If Trump starts arresting corrupt federal judges and politicians who commit federal offenses, there will not be too many Democrats around to contest the 2024 election.

Pooch says:

So apparently Antifa has captured a 6 block radius in Seattle right now. Things to come without police?


Anon 1 says:

More like Seattle Police abandoning East Precinct .

The Police everywhere have reach a critical point of demoralizing in which any “protest” will be met with surrender .

As the police is reflection of leadership , and the left are coward who can’t give order against there crazy ones .

the states police will end up taking order from trump sooner or later .

Anon 1 says:

The police in blue states

Pooch says:

How could police ever take orders directly from Trump? In extreme lawlessness, Trump has threatened invoking the Insurrection Act which would bring in military.

BC says:

>How could police ever take orders directly from Trump?

What do you think RWD are? They’re always off duty and sometimes off duty cops.

jim says:


Go easy on TLAs.

BC says:


When there are organized groups of people dealing with criminals in manner outside the law’s holy writ, it’s typically off duty cops doing so at the behest of the urging of someone outside of their chain of command.

It’s that that sort of informal relationship that Trump has been establishing with the police. And it’s why Trump publicly came out against that old antifa shit that got his head cracked open when trying to steal cop comms. Trump’s getting hammered for giving them support but cops love him for it.

jim says:

Ah, Right Wing Death Squads.

Barr, and now Trump, have been acting as if praetorian support is going to matter more than voter support. Trump has been going after support from disaffected troops at the tip of the spear for some time, Barr for support from disaffected cops and now Trump is going after support from now disaffected cops.

Barr’s account of the events leading to Trump marching to his Church in Lafayette Park is that he was busy assembling the resources to storm the park (reading between the lines, assembling disaffected cops into a group with legal authority working under the legal chain of command) A soon as he had the resources, he stormed the park, and as soon as he gave the order to start the storm, Trump gave his law and order speech, and marched to his Church with his most critical praetorians around him, the storm having cleared the park in front of him, but his most critical praetorians walking behind him.

Unfortunately the Church to which he marched is still occupied by sacrilegious priests who worship the other guy, but the standard pattern for ending a left singularity is warriors first, priesthood later, often a decade or so later, so I am not impatient. Constantine bypassed, rather than purged, the enemy priesthood. A man you can kill, but an idea has to be handled more delicately. Henry the Eighth dissolved the monasteries slowly, and, at the time, unobtrusively. The dissolution of the monasteries only became a clear and dramatic event in retrospect.

Yul Bornhold says:

Hail to Kang Raz, baby!

TBeholder says:

And today, no one is in charge to call a stop

Probably. It looks like the circus bosses mostly have lost control — not only over the monkeys, but even over the organ grinders and announcers. They are visibly ill-coordinated.
In particular, Breitbart highlighted two governors from Inner Party who got delusional, addressed the mob directly and were told to GTFO. This got to be a symptom of something. They are neither competent enough to figure out it’s a bad idea, nor were saved by prompters.
So two of their own guys walked into the pit they were digging. This could happen for different reasons (actual complete inability or internal games), but either way is a sign of some ugly crisis behind the curtain.

Anon 1 says:

“It looks like the circus bosses mostly have lost control”

mostly but not fully .

If they lost control completely ; trump would be fully in charge by now and the purge

would have been underway .

but that not what happing , trump is struggling ;

which mean there is cathedral members who

keep their eyes on the ball , while most of the other one holy spiraling each other.

jim says:

> If they lost control completely ; trump would be fully in charge by now and the purge would have been underway .

Maybe he is in control and the purge is under way. We shall see.

For a long time the right has had wall to wall fbi agents breathing down our necks, while antifa beats people up breaks stuff with absolute impunity. It is the grass roots equivalent of investigating Trump and not Biden. Today I saw a video of feds arresting an antifa. It had obviously never happened to them before, and they had calm assurance that the arrest was just a mock arrest, that they had the real authority, and the cops did not – and then reality sunk in that this was not a mock arrest, and the cops were disinclined to obey their commands. They were stunned, shocked, outraged, and confused. It was obvious from their reaction that this is new and different, that this sort of thing is not supposed to happen. It was like they could not believe that mere cops could actually arrest them.

If you start arresting leftists that commit criminal acts, there will not be too many Democrats left around for the 2020 election.

A couple of days ago I saw the media that was merely doing its job of manufacturing the news that people have a right to know get whacked by police batons. A few minutes ago I saw an antifa arrested merely for committing multiple major felonies. Something has changed.

Anon 1 says:

Very much

Trump orders are carried sometime fully , sometime mostly and sometime

the needle move erratically but mostly in trump favor , the inflection point

was the park

it will trickle ; first the cannon fodder

then the handlers and organizer from their the game is on .

Mister Grumpus says:

“It was like they could not believe that mere cops could actually arrest them.”

You mean this one, right?


Indeed. The entitlement in her voice is amazing. She’s indignant and panicked and insulted all at the same time.

BTW you’re explaining the George Floyd tapes as well, and all the other Saint Dindu tapes too actually. They just can’t believe that they’re being told “no” after doing the most stupidly and blatantly illegal shit imaginable.

These give us little glimpses into just how far anarcho-tyranny has already gone.

Karl says:

Antifa and the rioters are to the left of inner party governors. There a long tradition in the cathedral that the less left factions lose control and get purged. Thus inner party governerors losing control does not indicate that Trump is in control now. It just means that the cathedral is divided, for now. This should make it is easier for Trump to take control, but taking control is still difficult.

The USA is a huge empire containing many tribes. Control over a huge empire and many tribes is rare. Empires usally end with nobody controlling the whole empire.

TBeholder says:

Not necessarily. Organ grinders, their monkeys and unaffiliated beggars following them still can get underfoot and even cause some damage while not controlled. Lack of coordination only means they interfere with each other and cannot benefit from acting in concert beyond “one screamed, others follow”.

Also, the greatest real hindrance for Trump probably is the quietest — the kritarchy of “legal realist” judges, who mostly don’t need coordination once embedded. It cannot be purged quickly, it can sabotage almost anything and it prevents removal of extralegal forces via the simplest and cleanest solution: rounding up all the looters and terrorists, and then jailing them for looting and terrorism.

Aldon says:

The Deep State had Iraq burned down and Syria fall into civil war. Thinking

Aldon says:

What I was trying to say was that if the Deep State can torch Iraq and make Assad get tied up in a civil war then Antifa and Niggers are no threats to them whatsover. If the Deep State opposed anything of what the Kunta Kintes and Cucks were doing the lot of them would be shut down and defunded with the neccessary show trials.

The Cominator says:

You seem to lack awareness of what the derp state is. The derp state is the permanent government bureaucracy.

The Iraq war was at the time Bush launched it not a war the derp state or the cathedral agreed with entirely. Moldbug himself said that one of the major differences between Dubya and Gore would be that Gore probably would not have invaded Iraq.

Iraq was also torched by the military, the derp state was mainly involved in ineptly governing the place.

They definitely were pushing for war with Syria (and Russia) for some reason though.

James says:

“For some reason” = to get white men to kill each other, in the case of Russia at least. Although I’m not convinced that a lot of them aren’t just insane with bloodlust, at least from time to time. It seems to me like they get drunk on their own sense of invulnerability and like to see the world burn occasionally.

In Syria’s case, I suspect it’s because a war with Syria would have been the kind of war that benefits bureaucrats, spooks, whistleblowers, and state department types. Syria really had no chance of offering real resistance in terms of standing up to our conventional military. However, the long, slow, dragging occupation is exactly the sort of thing the deep state and its numerous affiliates could gorge itself on for a good decade.

youwhat says:

[*deleted for lack of content*]

jim says:

I will allow this through if you spell out who the mysterious conspirators are who are controlling Trump, Bolsanaro, Putin, Xi, and Duterte.

I suppose it is the Jews, or perhaps Wall Street, because the Arc of History always bends towards justice, and if, mysteriously, it does not bend towards justice, we have to find some witches and burn them🙃

youwhat says:

It’s Satan, via his men, they are of different nationalities.
Tools: BIS, UN, WHO, IMF.

No one gets to power without their say-so.

They’ll fake the ‘faith’ when the time comes, and you’ll lap it up, but it’ll be fake and NOT according the scriptural laws of Yah.

But you don’t believe in actual Satan, actual Yehovah, actual supernatural, so your crowd will be clueless, which I suspect is your role here. Hence, you are accursed.

jim says:

The proposition that Trump, Putin, Bolsanaro, Xi, and Duterte, are agents of Satan is nuts.

We have actual Satan worshipers in power in the EU who hold actual Satanist religious rites, and it is rather obvious that some of our entryists are either Satanists, or are under the supervision of a Satanist Human Resources Department, and yet you do not list those people.

Although you purport to be arguing Gnosticism, Gnosticism is frequently a cover for actual Satan worship.

Gnostics are entryists to Christianity, and Satanists frequently use purported Gnosticism as a cover for Satanic entryism.

Can you affirm the first part of the Apostolic Creed?

I am not sure how effective that is as a detector of Satanic entryism, but let me see if you can say it.

It would give me a hint as to whether you are a Satanic or Gnostic entryist. If Satanic, probably state sponsored entryism against the right. If Gnostic, just a little cult attempting entryism against Christianity.

Seems to me that a genuine gnostic would have listed some of the more plausible Satan worshipers, Hillary, those that worshiped in the Temple on Epstein’s Lolita island, and various people in the EU, instead of only listing the political leaders that so outrage the actual Satan worshipers, only listing those leaders that resist the Cathedral’s suppression of old type Christianity, such as Putin.

Obvious entryists passing as rightists cannot say the red pill on women, or even acknowledge that we have said it, nor can they say, or acknowledge us saying, the real differences between the races. Supposedly we hate women and blacks for no reason, even though women are wonderful and blacks magical, and they supposedly hate women and blacks even more for even less reason.

There is in theory, no reason why an entryist passing as Christian cannot affirm the creed, while it is obvious why FBI agents passing as rightists cannot affirm the red pill, or even acknowledge us affirming it, so maybe the creed is not an effective test, but I would like to see if it you can affirm the creed. The creed Worked for Christians sixteen centuries back to detect enemy entryists passing as Christian, worth a try to see if it still works. After all, this blog is all about reviving old social technologies.

Sixteen centuries ago, Constantine found that a Christian elite was more likely to cooperate with him and cooperate with each other, so suddenly a flood of Havel’s Greengrocers started converting, because they had an eye on elite jobs. And they had no trouble affirming the creed. And a whole lot of individual worshipers of Sol Invictus started joining, and they had no trouble affirming the creed. But when they joined as an organized faction, worshipers of Sol Invictus joining as an organized anti Christian group within Christianity while continuing to collectively worship Sol Invictus as a group, as a cohesive hostile ingroup pretending to be part of the larger group, as an ingroup faking membership of an outgroup that they hated and sought to destroy, then they had trouble affirming the creed. So it is plausible that while an individual demon worshiper would have no trouble saying the creed, someone under the supervision of a human resources department that worships demons might still have trouble affirming the creed even today. I would like to see if you can affirm the creed.

youwhat says:

[*Deleted for attempting to pass as Christian while unable to affirm the first part of the Creed*]

jim says:

What do you know?

To my surprise, after sixteen centuries, the creed still works against enemy entryists attempting to pass as more Christian than thou.

I conjecture that it would not work against agents of a genuinely materialist atheist entryist organization, but it looks like it still works on entryists whose boss’s boss has attended Epstein’s temple on Lolita Island.

Theshadowedknight says:

The power of Christ compels them to silence. I have myself noticed that it is easy to identify an enemy “Christian” by their refusal to use the name of the Son of God. It is quite striking once you notice the pattern.

jim says:

Well well well.

Not only do FBI agents glow in the dark, Satanist EU agents glow in the dark.

Still works after two millennia.

The shadows refuse to conceal them.

Gnon rules this world, shadows included.

The enemy strives to detach goodness from the ordinary everyday goodness of a good father, a good son, a good wife, a good husband, a good employee, a good employer, a good contractor, and a good contractee. They have an allergy to the word “evil” That the Lord Jesus Christ shared in our pain, the pain of his creation, that they cannot bear, for joy shared is joy doubled, and sorrow shared is sorrow halved.

The cult of woke, like the cult of Satan, redefines goodness so that evil rules. No matter how woke you are, if you are white, you are irredeemably “racist”, and no amount of expiation is sufficient. It seems that cult of Satan similarly cannot bear the name Jesus Christ. The cult of woke cannot endure any reduction in the pain of “racism”, nor the cult of Satan any reduction in the pain of the world of natural selection, the fallen world.

It looks like there is substantial overlap between the cult of woke and the cult of Satan – that if a member of the cult of woke were to say “Jesus is Lord”, his fellow woke would suspect insufficient self flagellation for “racism”. They would suspect him of the white pill, and thus of the red pill.

So from here on, any time a “Christian” tells me he is holier than us deplorables, I am going to ask him to affirm that Jesus Christ is his Lord and that God personally shared in the pains of death and mortality. I have challenged two different “Christian” shills in the past few days, and neither of them could say it.

To my surprise, it works.

Theshadowedknight says:

I would specifically recommend that His full name be used. The statement, “Jesus Christ is Lord, and He died for our sins,” would be nearly impossible for any servant of darkness to use. The Prince of Darkness is also the Father of Lies, and lies and darkness cannot stand before the light and truth of the Logos, Jesus Christ.

I noticed this years ago, that you can tell who is your enemy by their refusal to state the full name of God. The first place I noticed it was someone preaching funny theology that I noticed only once I realized that the speaker would not say, “Jesus Christ,” even when he had to go through awkward turns of phrase to avoid it. The heretic archbishop criticizing Trump did not use the full name, and I would bet that the heretic pope avoids it as much as possible.

So far it has turned out to be extraordinarily useful for detecting people who are not to be trusted, even in public. People sometimes physically recoil from the name of the Lord, as if I had pulled a weapon on them. Anyone who will not speak it online is not to be trusted, either. It would probably actually allow for in person meetings between neoreactionaries to occur. Place right hand on the Bible, left hand in the air, and speak the Nicene creed. Open meetings with the Lord’s Prayer. Almost guarantee that no infiltrators make it in.

jim says:

The full name of God worked quite well for a long time, “Jesus Christ is Lord” but the Socinians concocted an elaborate logic bubble so that they could say those words with a different meaning, and proceeded to successfully engage in entryism against the State Church of England, and successfully destroyed the Anglican rule reestablished in the restoration.

Socinianism has long been forgotten, but they will remember it soon enough if we start using this as a test. Hence if you want to exclude entryists passing as Christians, you will soon enough need a formula, like the Nicean creed, that acknowledges God himself sharing the pain of his creation.

The Bishop of Trump’s Church can pretend say the name of Jesus because he has constructed a logic bubble where “Jesus” refers to a Jewish community organizer of the oppressed who pointed the way to Obama the Lightbringer. The Socinians constructed a considerably more elaborate logic bubble, which enabled them to practice successful entryism against the Church of England. Any formula will have to be adapted to such evasive logic bubbles, though I am pretty sure that the old Trinitarian formulas, vigorously policed, would have stopped the Socinians and prevented the overthrow of the Church of England. It was a combination the entryists’ logic chopping, and the Latitudinarian Church of England being lax about Trinitarianism, that led to the downfall of Anglicanism.

In the short run, challenging fake Christians to say “Jesus Christ is Lord. Jesus Christ died for our sins”, is going to work, but when we are in power, we will face the same problems that the Church of England faced, and that the early Christians faced when they became the state religion under Constantine, and then we will need an explicitly trinitarian formula.

The Socinians banished God from this world, so that they then and the cult of woke now could banish the ordinary goodness of ordinary men from this world. The cult of woke passionately believes in original sin, of which all whites are guilty, but its most passionate tenet is that there can be no forgiveness, no absolution. To detect them, we challenge them to disown the key point of their faith, directly in secular terms, or if they purport to be Christian (and thus we deplorables unchristian) challenge them to disown the key point of their faith in theological terms. Neither the fake seculars nor the fake Christians can accept that this is Gnon’s world. The fake seculars worship Gaia, the fake Christians worship Satan, so a theological challenge, to my surprise, burns the fake Christians quite effectively.

Atavistic Morality says:

If that really works it’s hilarious.

One of the things I like to do the most to chastise cuckservatives is reminding them that Jesus Christ whipped the shit out of the satanists to kick them out of the temple. They really can’t bring themselves to acknowledge it, it’s like a WQ test.

jim says:

> If that really works it’s hilarious.

Worked for me twice in the last few days. I am surprised and impressed.

In another forum I was talking about overt Satanism in the EU and the Hillary Clinton circle, and people said, “Oh that is just ironic Satanism, artists trying to be edgy”. But it looks like the Bishop of Trump’s Church fears that he would catch fire were he to say the name of the Lord.

We have used the Woman Question test over and over again, and it never fails. This one looks like it works too so far. Next time someone explains he cannot deal with the Woman Question test because he is a tradcuck, we will get him coming and going.

Theshadowedknight says:

AV, you can try it yourself. It has served me well, and Jim is now using it to effect. When these people argue that they aren’t literal satanists, they are lying. That comes with a whole host of weaknesses and tells that Christianity developed tools to exploit.

INDY says:

How does a guy pose the Woman Question?

jim says:

The woman question pervades our lives in a multitude of ways. Women are different in important ways which make it impractical and disastrous for them to have social and legal status interchangeable with men, and any noticing of any of these many important differences is prohibited.

So you just ask a question that bears on any of these differences, and the answer, if you get one, will not only deny the differences, but fail to acknowledge the question that was asked.

No matter what the question the answer, if answered will presuppose that you hate women, and is likely to consist of reassurance that the person you asked the woman question of hates women even more than you do for even less reason.

Starman says:

” How does a guy pose the Woman Question?”

Here’s a good example of a multiple choice WQ (multiple choice makes obfuscation impossible, forcing the entryist to outright ignore the question):

Complete the following the sentence: Women misbehave because –
[A] Capitalism makes them misbehave, by economically incentivizing reckless high time-reference behavior over long-term planning. The capitalist class benefits from one night stands and sterility, as it benefits from third world immigration of spendthrift cheap labor to replace frugal whites.
[B] The Jews make them misbehave, since the Jews own the media and the entire entertainment industry from Hollywood down to the tiniest pornography studio, and use them to direct propaganda at women, telling them to fuck blacks and lowlifes. The Jews deliberately intend for dysgenesis to occur, as part of their long-term White Genocide plan.
[C] Sorry, but this is a misleading question. Women don’t misbehave at all. All misbehavior is done by men, who are vile pigs.
[D] Lecherous men make them misbehave, since men are ultimately responsible for all female behavior (including misbehavior), and unlike women, men have self-control and moral agency. Thus it logically follows that any female misbehavior would merely reflect bad decisions taken by irresponsible and lustful men.
[E] They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a conspiracy by men against women.

INDY says:

Got it. E

eternal anglo says:

This blog has long discussed entryism into Christianity, but is Christian entryism into enemy faiths and institutions possible? Is entryism always evil, because entryists have to lie?

RedBible says:

Entryism ultimately requires hating the thing you are joining for the sake of destroying it. Note how all hobbies, fandoms and industries that SJWs/Progressives have “taken over” and “reformed”, that not a single one is in good health and all are either dead or on life support. Entryism may claim is wants to reform, but is only truly able to destroy what it claims.

At the end of the day, if I want to build a high trust group, need to be able to be honest with the men I’m building it with in order for it to actually be high trust.

The Cominator says:

Entryism is good when the group you want to destroy is evil.

jim says:

Trouble is that truth is our ultimate shibboleth. Entryism is a false flag operation, which is hard for us to do in a major way while maintaining cohesion.

You always have a problem with your entryist cadre, in that if the enemy does not know who is their real ingroup, it is hard for you to be sure either. So entryist cadre have to be kept under very tight supervision by cadre who are not themselves engaged in entryism. (Which tight supervision is apt to be detectable by the group under entryist attack – notice the distinctly robotic behavior of those we call NPCs.)

Thus, secret shibboleths, which have an innocent appearance to the outgroup being entered, but a special significance to the real ingroup. But they do not stay secret. To protect the secret shibboleths, you need doublethink and doubletalk. And the rectification of names is a core part of our mission. Doublethink and doubletalk shibboleths are inimical to our mission. The reason Marxists use entryism so much and so successfully is that doublethink is a core central value of Marxism. The labor theory of value is a doubletalk and doublethink theory. Dialectics and Dialectical materialism is denial of the empirical reality of life, lived experience, and the senses. Thus Marxist cadre are preadapted for entryism.

The Cominator says:

But when you engage in entryism you are being dishonest with the enemy.

The problem is that most rightist are ill suited for long term entryism because right wingers tend to be honest people and not suited for the role of a spy pretending to believe in a bunch of bullshit, we are well suited for Alinskite calling the enemy out on not living up to their own rules entryism. We can call out an enemy leftist institution for not being led by an incompetent 400 lb Shaniqua.

All of us should take the opportunity to find a leftist institution and demand more Shaniquas in the leadership.

All of us should demand more women of color in upper management and the board of CNN, MSNBC and Harvard without regard to “ableism”. We seriously should all do this :D.

jim says:

> The problem is that most rightist are ill suited for long term entryism

Short term entryism, however works just fine. As you suggest, Biden needs to nominate for vice president a women of color and of size, in order to get all those votes from women, people of color, and people of size🙃

And it cannot possibly be entryism because that would imply that the entryists doubt the competence and popularity of a woman of color and of size. And we all know that rightists totally agree that women are wonderful and blacks are magical, they just hate women and blacks because women and blacks are so much better than rightists, so would never seek to have a woman of color and size as vice president to a president who is about to drop dead, because of course rightists would know she would do a wonderful job and be immensely popular🙃

jim says:

Deeds that would be evil in peace, are permissible in war. The truth is so precious that sometimes it must be guarded by a bodyguard of lies. But the truth is the core part of our mission, which makes it difficult for us to use this tactic while maintaining cohesion, and maintaining cohesion during entryist operations is always difficult.

I see a lot of Christian entryism against Islam, and though I don’t like Islam, I don’t much like those entryists either. Alawites have been successful at entryism without becoming bad people in the process, because their religion has outer doctrine and secret inner doctrine, thus they are pre-adapted to the division of labor between entryist cadre and the cadre that supervises the entryists. Marxism was pre-adapted because already bad people whose faith was lies and whose shibboleth was lies as ours is truth.

polifugue says:

A key attribute of a successful entryist is his ability to believe in his moral superiority relative to those in his target institution. For example, entryists in churches believe their viewpoints the true variant of Christianity. This is why progs must redefine Jesus into Jesus the community organizer before entering churches. Prog entryists do not overtly lie so much as half-lie, redefining words and meanings to fit progressivism.

Thus, in order for one of us to be a successful entryist into an institution, he must believe that he is a true believer of the institution. For example, universities are theological institutions initially set up to support God, king, and country; as we are redpilled, we are the true heirs of the spirit of academia. With regard to Christ and the church, here is a quote from distinguished hieromonk Seraphim Rose:

“Atheism, true ‘existential’ atheism, burning with hatred of a seemingly unjust or unmerciful God is a spiritual state; it is a real attempt to grapple with the true God Whose ways are so inexplicable even to the most believing of men, and it has more than once been known to end in a blinding vision of Him Whom the real atheist truly seeks. It is Christ Who works in these souls. The Antichrist is not to be found in the deniers, but in the small affirmers, whose Christ is only on the lips. Nietzsche, in calling himself Antichrist, proved thereby his intense hunger for Christ.”

One can find this phenomenon in nrx. Even though not all of us are believers in the resurrection of our lord and savior Jesus Christ, Christ works through all of us and it shows in the moral and intellectual courage here on this blog and in the entirety of the reactionary movement. Thus, we are not entryists trying to subvert and destroy institutions rotted by the Left, but we are restorers, restorers of the true nature and purpose of institutions, for of God, king, and country. As rightists, we cannot be entryists, because we are restorers.

Starman says:

The race pill test for Aldon and Disinfo. And a test to see if Aldon and Disinfo are nothing more than limpwristed urban soy faggots.
They insist that mestizo and nigger gangs are equals to the White militias and Roof Koreans. Let’s see:

Take a look at this picture at the top of the article. I can easily look at first glance that this mestizo and his gang would get their asses easily kicked by a White vigilante militia if his gang was no longer protected by real cops and soldiers.


Starman says:

Continuing with the race pill test and whether or not Aldon and Disinfo are soy-addled urban faggots:

Compare this picture of White militiamen with the picture of the mestizo gunman, and I can tell that the White militiamen can easily defeat that mestizo’s gang by just comparing the pictures.

Theshadowedknight says:

Damn, look at the social dynamic there. Look at the positions, the body language, and their expressions. The man in front is the one to watch out for. The other two might be good in a fight, but the center man is definitely the leader of that little group.

Starman says:

But just compare the image of the armed mestizo on the top of the Federalist article with these armed White men. I can easily see at first glance that the White men would easily defeat the mestizo cartel gang in three seconds.

Anyone who served in the military, police or anyone in the red state areas can see this.

Bob says:

Is it that the Mexican/brown-guy/whoever’s rifle had no sights? Or that white guy’s steely eyed gaze?

Starman says:

No sights. A practically useless rifle. That mestizo gangbanger would be dogmeat against those armed White men.

Low IQ subhumans routinely fail at this. The cartels (just like ISIS) owe their existence to the US State Department’s protection.

Bob says:

Reminds me of the captured black soldier fighting the Rhodies who said they had maxed out the windage on their rifles because they thought it was a control that would make them shoot more powerfully.

The rhodies also won against equally armed and more numerous Africans, but iirc, were defeated by the us state department.

Mountain Dude says:

Well, apparently one determined unarmed white man can swat away an air force sergeant’s AR-15, pipe bomb and pistol, and hold him until police arrive.

Police pull up around the 1.30 mark


“The sheriff described a chaotic scene Saturday afternoon in the Santa Cruz mountains with pipe bombs detonating and poor radio and cell signal while they searched for Carrillo. Carrillo ran into a Ben Lomond resident’s yard wearing an AR-15 on his chest, Hart said, and demanded the resident’s car keys.

The resident calmly went into his house, came back and handed him a key. When Carrillo turned to leave, the resident tackled him to the ground. Carrillo tried to light a pipe bomb, Hart said, which the resident swatted away. Then he pulled out a pistol and the resident successfully wrestled that away as well.“


Pooch says:

Mexican’s arms look like female arms.

Starman says:

I’m arguing with a shill on Gab who claims he was in war ( @Brainiac-Jive ). But he is unable to point out what the armed mestizo is missing, that the armed White men are not missing.

I notice that while not all urbanites are shills, nearly all shills are blue urbanites.

Theshadowedknight says:

To be fair to him, I also didn’t look too closely at the rifle, and missed that it didn’t have sights. I like to look at the man before the rifle, because the real weapon is the man and the rifle is just a tool. Thats why I picked up on the social dynamic and couldn’t tell you what the white men had on their rifles. They are weapons carrying their tools. The mestizo is a tool carrying a weapon.

I’m also currently assembling a rifle of my own, so I am well familiar with sights. I just assumed they were there and glossed over it. Who the fuck doesn’t shell out $80 for some cheap iron sights? That sounds retarded to me. Its so alien I’m not surprised he didn’t notice it. The more I think about it the more my head hurts.

Deaderick Algernon says:

[*deleted because ridiculously bad advice about guns*]

jim says:

You are no more a gunnie than anything else you have claimed to be.

Ok Jim Algernon says:


jim says:

Deleted for the same reason as before.

Dave says:

South Korea sent troops to fight the Communists in South Vietnam, and the veterans I knew raved about their skill, courage, and ruthlessness. Sneaking around the perimeter at night silently shooting Vietcong sappers in the neck with crossbows, notifying villagers that they and all their children and livestock would be killed if any incoming fire was taken from their vicinity, and machine-gunning ARVN conscripts who tried to flee in the heat of battle.

Atavistic Morality says:

Holy shit, I always had a gut feeling that South Koreans were kinda based, but wow. Respect.

Jehu says:

Koreans in general have the ethnic attribute ‘Hard Core’.
Whatever it is that they do, they do it hardcore. If they’re Christians, they’re hard core Christians, producing missionaries to dangerous places way in excess of their per capita expectation. If they’re Commies, they’re hardcore commies. If they’re rioters, they’re hardcore about that too. Maybe its a cultural adaptation to being boxed in between Japan, China and Russia for so long.

James says:

They’re the quintessential nation of elites surviving amidst apathetic-to-hostile masses. Gotta love ’em.

Kevin Churchel says:

Any thoughts on the latest judicial effort to override Barr and keep the charges against Flynn in place?

Starman says:

Already been discussed on this blog.

It’s obvious that Judge Emmit Sullivan doesn’t know what he is doing, he is being told what to do by the Deep State (the higher district court demanded Sullivan to explain himself, but instead of explaining, he hired a lawyer instead. An odd thing to do, Sullivan is not on trial here).

Kevin C. says:

Note, this isn’t Sullivan; but a retired judge filing an amicus brief (AIUI a bit unusual) to back up the cause of overriding Barr. In particular, there’s reference to a rule which was originally intended to limit the ability of the government to harass an individual by bringing charges, dismissing them, then bringing them again, then dismissing again, et cetera, and arguing that it instead bestows a total requirement for Federal prosecutors to get judicial approval for any and all dismissals, and that pretty much any federal judge has cause to keep a prosecution alive even if the prosecutor wants to drop it. And the other argument is a repeat of Hawaiian Judge’s “pretext” argument — Bad Orange Man wants this for the “wrong” reason, therefore judge can overrule.

It’s definitely an escalation in the struggle between judiciary and parts of the DOJ.

Starman says:

@Kevin C.

” Note, this isn’t Sullivan”

This IS Emmit Sullivan’s retired judge that Sullivan is trying to use as a “prosecutor.” Why did you leave that part out? This is why the higher court demanded that Sullivan explain himself. Sullivan couldn’t explain (because he was told to by the Deep State to do anything to try to keep General Flynn trapped).

Sullivan is within physical reach of President Trump’s Prætorian Guard. Trump would have to send his Prætorians to Sullivan’s courthouse… on behalf of a higher court of course.

Not Tom says:

To review, this judge:
– Refused to accept the DoJ’s motion, despite a unanimous SCOTUS ruling one week earlier clearly affirming that the sole authority to prosecute rests with the DoJ
– Appointed his own prosecutor, who just happens to be one of his old cronies and a well-known vocal Flynn-hater
– Instructed this prosecutor on exactly which arguments to make in court
– Added charges that were not even in the original prosecution
– Set it all up in a way that it would take months to resolve, instead of merely asking the questions in court himself, which would take mere minutes and which he actually did have the lawful authority to do.

This isn’t just some mild bias, accidental misunderstanding/misuse of an old law, or even garden-variety corruption. It’s straight-up, in-the-open, knives-out railroading that shows huge flashing signs of coordinated behavior. It also hints at desperation; they need Flynn’s scalp, or else he is extremely dangerous to them.

Sullivan is both (a) taking orders from an outside party and (b) not being particularly smart or subtle about it. Much like the rioting and looting and burning now going on in the cities, such behavior will continue until it is forcibly suppressed.

Deaderick Algernon says:

Flynn is DIA. They hold the keys. Cops and PMCs are good, but DIA is the key. The military question is basically answered; the next chapter is the War for the Judicial. Gee, I wonder who carries guns in courthouses… . . .

jim says:

DIA is loyal to the commander in chief, be he Obama or Trump. That is why the FBI and DOJ had to take out Flynn.

DIA knows where the bodies are buried. It is not in the business of arresting the people who buried the bodies. It is in the business of killing the people who buried the bodies, though the time for applying that measure this side of the Rubicon has not yet come.

jim says:

The judiciary is appealing to the judiciary against the Department of Justice.

The judiciary is the last major asset of the Cathedral that has not been burned in the current struggle. General Flynn is an honest Democrat with no skeletons in his cupboard, hence they needed to purge him. Trump needs to get Flynn out of the woods and rehire him both because he would be immensely valuable (he knows where the bodies are buried, has high motivation to dig them up, and nothing to lose by digging them up) and because it would establish the principle that Trump can hire people the Cathedral has purged, and getting Flynn out of the woods would unleash a flood of loyalists who are reluctant to work for Trump because of Cathedral reprisals.

The Judiciary is on very shaky ground, because General Flynn is exhibit A of what is wrong with the coerced plea deal system – General Flynn was bankrupted by legal process, and they threatened his son. They also promised him leniency for cooperation, and after he pled guilty redefined “cooperation” to be committing perjury against Trump.

Morally, the judges are in an abyss and digging deeper, but they seem to structuring things to avoid giving Trump the option of a Jackson.

The constitutional remedy is to fire the judge, which the constitution gives the merely elected government broad grounds and broad powers to do. How do you fire a misbehaving judge? Despite a vast number of grossly egregious and shockingly outrageous examples of misbehavior, particularly in patents, bankruptcy law, tenancy disputes, and deep pocket lawsuits, despite obvious indications of financial corruption that everyone knows and yet strangely no one speaks of, I do not recall it ever being done. Judicial corruption has the same cloak of mysterious invisibility as female misconduct resulting from workplace shit tests.

The question is not why cannot Trump fire judges who corruptly use judicial power on political questions, but why can no one, left or right, fire judges who use corruptly use judicial power on financial questions?

Karl says:

I’m no expert, but the word “financial” in the last sentence of the above post seems overly specific.

As far as I can see, judicial misconduct is far from limited to financial questions.

jim says:

Indeed it is, but I find it odd that the left fails to notice judicial misconduct related to large amounts of money.

Karl says:

Ah yes, according to the left’s projected self-image judicial misconduct to large amounts of money should enrage them.

I just assumed that the left is a bunch of lying hypocrites and therefore did not find it odd. But then the left has its share of true believers. Some of those should pick that topic up occasionaly. I guess those few guys will have to talk with their handlers. If they don’t shut up and manage to find an audience, they will simply be silenced.

The Cominator says:

The Catholic Church despite one letter is not our friend. I thought that debate was resolved here already…

Karl says:

The letter is from a group inside the Catholic Church not from the Catholic Church. That group is far away from power. The letter merely shows that there are some Christian remnants inside the Catholic Church that are still resisting the cathedral.

Its people who do stuff, not organizations. Most of the Catholic leadership, as people, are on the wrong side, steering the org in a wrong direction. Apparently, not all, and it matters as we can tell Catholics “listen to that guy, not Francis”. Bettet than expecting them to abandon it altogether. This dude is pretty based: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/archbishop-vigano-dc-archbishop-who-criticized-trumps-visit-to-catholic-shrine-is-false-shepherd

The Cominator says:

Okay so there are three scenarios for the papacy and the Vatican.

1) Its openly controlled by a prog pope. Its not our friend in this case but its also politically impotent.

2) Its controlled by a prog pope who is good at lying about it (John Paul II) this is the worst case as its a terrible politically effective enemy that can bolster the Cathedral and turn Catholics against nationalist but most people don’t quite get it.

3) It is controlled by real Catholics, in which case its not entirely our friend though it also hates progs. It is not our friend because it ultimately wants priestly rule the destruction of non catholic nations and international churches. It also would STILL be filled with homosexuals.

There is no case where the whore of Rome is our friend and an ineffective prog led church is probably the best case since we don’t want this institution to continue to exist anyway.

After centuries of disastrous attempts to play worldly politics, the Church is back to rendering unto Caesar, except that Caesar in this case is the evil Carthagesque ruler of the West. Their ready submission to globohomo indicates that they will be readily submissive to our type of people in charge.

Aside from a few voices propagating the heresy of integralism, Rome has lost its political will. When the few real Catholics remaining pray for the church to be cleansed of its bugger infestation, they do not frame it in the terms of a man with a sword building a pyramid of dead buggers, but that is how God understands it.

Pooch says:

Archbishop Vigano came out hard against faggotry in 2018. He is on our side. If there are more like him in the various Christian sects, even if they are in hiding, that can only be good for us and Trump.

The Cominator says:

Sure one bishop may be on our side but it doesn’t mean much. Just keep in mind in the long term its best if Catholicism ceases to exist and becomes part of the (much more amenable to what we want) Orthodox Church.

Pooch says:

It’s more than one bishop. There seems to be a group behind Archbishop Vigano based on the signatories of this letter.


We are not in a position to pick and choose what sect (Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican, etc) we want. It hardly matters. They are converged. Any and all red pill Christians must be backed 100%.

Pooch says:

They are all*

Not Tom says:

I don’t really get why this is significant. You can find the same number of signatories to James Damore’s defense, and indeed it is completely reasonable to assume that most engineers are not total pozzed faggots, but it doesn’t change the reality of the organization they work for.

It shows that there are individuals within corrupt institutions who aren’t corrupt, or who aren’t as corrupt. That should be the end of the story; don’t try to extrapolate anything else about the institution. If you want to capitalize on it, you could try to build a new institution using them as seed members, or you could try to assert forceful control over the old institution (usually fails). Short of those two options, the institution should be considered unsalvageable.

Christianity is an abstract, not an institution, so it can theoretically be revived or reimagined. The Catholic Church is concrete, and it isn’t going to get fixed. Perhaps some of its members could be salvaged, but not the Vatican itself.

Look, Orthodoxy does a lot of things well. They are the most “based”, their theology makes more sense, and most importantly they let themselves be controlled by warriors: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procurator_(Russia) which is better than the Popes always trying to undermine kings, and even better than the Anglican way of making the King the high priest, as it could mean that the King will get a priestly, not warriorly education and upbringing. You know what I mean. Such a role gives too much excuse for priests to try to control the education of the heir to the throne. Dangerous. The Holy Synod way is better, it creates a distance between King and Church, while the former still rules the later.

But. Look. Culturally, the whole thing is too Slavic-Greek. In its current form it is not a culturally good fit for the West. I was at an Orthodox funeral. All kinds of singing in Old Church Slavonic and Greek, and generally it was just very foreign to me, even though in my Central European culture they are less foreign than in Anglo culture, as we mixed more with them throughout the ages.

The Cominator says:

“But. Look. Culturally, the whole thing is too Slavic-Greek. In its current form it is not a culturally good fit for the West. I was at an Orthodox funeral. All kinds of singing in Old Church Slavonic and Greek”

The American Orthodox Church under the American Metropolitan can in the name of God and the his most Serene Majesty Emperor Trump, Protector of Western Christendom. Can revise some of the cultural and liturgical issues to make it the national Orthodox church more suitable for Westerners.

ten says:

I believe the idea is that orthodoxy allows for national churches, and so there is nothing that would imply the american orthodox church should adopt slavonic or greek lithurgy or cultural particularitites, no reason reformed, deheretizied catholicism should abandon the latin mass, etc.

The Cominator says:


The headline is misleading but this kind of thing isn’t good, too many Republicans have an instinct to cuck.

Not that I really have any affection for the CSA which I consider to be the cheap labor lobby in arms but in light of current events it sends the wrong message.

The Cominator says:

Misleading in the sense that only one Republican had to side with the Dems…

Not Tom says:

It’s weird, in that entire insanely long pile of steaming dung, I can’t find a single clear reference to who actually voted for the amendment. One said (informally) that he “wasn’t opposed”, and another is “included” in the committee, but if there’s anything about the actual votes, it’s buried extremely well.

I used to sort of like the Daily Mail but they’ve really crashed and burned over the last 5 years or so. They’re just British-flavored Fox at this point, shitlibs larping as tradcons.

Encelad says:

Biden is already airing the hypothesis that a Trump victory would not be legitimate, thus requiring military to “escort him out of the White House”.


Anonymous 2 says:

“Access to voting”, eh? Presumably fraudulent mail votes is a big part of the Biden strategy.

Pooch says:

It appears they aren’t giving up on the Covid Hoax. Fauci is still preaching its dangers. I’d imagine they are going to ratchet up 2nd wave rhetoric big time after the summer to force mail voting through and may even try for lockdowns again.

The Cominator says:

Yeah they are starting to push that again which is worrisome. The riots/color revolution is a disaster strategy for them… the covid hoax was working well given that only some people need to buy into it for it to cause damage.

Trump absolutely must order a mass execution of all so called “public health experts” if ever he gets the opportunity, wiping them out is just as important as wiping out the leaders of the media and the democratic party.

Pooch says:

Trump isn’t falling for it a 2nd time. The race riots were actually good in a way in that they are allowing Trump to shift focus away from his mistake of falling for the fake virus and move on from it.

The Cominator says:

Yes I agree.

jim says:

I was impressed that Trump treated preventing a re-run of the Ukraine false flag murders as the highest priority. I don’t think he was taking a photo op immediately after Barr cleared the park. He had counter snipers ready to take up positions in the park the moment it was cleared, and was personally leading them in, so that they would see their commander in chief leading them, and he would see them and know they were on the ball.

Mister Grumpus says:

So Trump was doing an experiment of his own, and checking to see if his praetorians really would protect him and his posse out on that park?

“So you’re on my side, you say? Well let’s take a little walk and you can show me.”

Like that?

jim says:

He is on the inside, and I am not, so I have no way of knowing what is in Trump’s mind, but the media have been rather publicly doubting he had what he needed to protect himself, and sure looks as if everyone is counting heads, that the possibility of a coup, thinly veiled in some constitutional pretext, is much on people’s minds. Under those circumstances, it would seem like a good idea to see his praetorians, and for them to see him.

The Park police were, Barr says, overwhelmed, but the mob can only overawe police when police have orders to be overawed, as was hilariously apparent in Oaklands, where the scripting was amusingly ham-fisted and incompetent, so when Barr deemed the Park police overwhelmed, and pulled in cops from all over the place, I doubt that he regarded the Park police as very reliable.

I have seen no end of theatrics, for example during “Occupy”, where police were clearly engaging the mob with the intent that the police shall play the role of bad guys and give the mob the victory. I did not see what went down in Lafayette Park, and have no direct evidence that that happened, yet again, but clearly the protesters were victorious over the park police, which sounds to me suspiciously like theatrics.

jim says:

It is clear that the Democrats are planning a coup followed by flagrantly fraudulent election, and/or that they plan to argue that the election was illegitimate, therefore we need a coup.

The generals want very much to escort him out of the White House, but it looks to me that in the run up to impeachment, the Democrats wanted to have a coup under cover of impeachment, and the generals were initially in on it, but got got cold feet. Probably the praetorians told them that it would “undermine the discipline and unity of the armed forces”.

BC says:

I’d say the likely next move for the left is large scale false flag attacks. Their attempt at DC failed, but they should be easy to stage in blue cities.

jim says:

But in the blue cities, it will not be plausible that Trump had it done.

The way it works is that when the sovereign successfully maintains order, at least in the vicinity of his seat, and forces the protesters to limit themselves to peaceable assembly to petition for the redress of grievances, the color revolutionaries then shoot some of their own people right in front of the sovereign’s seat and blame the sovereign who is maintaining order. Which looks plausible because the sovereign is right there and his loyalists are right there maintaining order and protecting the right to peaceably assemble to petition for the redress of grievances.

If Trump intervened in New York to restore order, then it would work to shoot some of their own people in New York, but shooting them in New York right now would just look like obvious left on left infighting, of which there is no shortage.

And, in Lafayette Park, Trump gave extremely high priority to installing counter snipers to prevent such an incident. Probably if he intervened in New York he would go about things the same way as he did in Lafayette park.

Pooch says:

Trump needs to stay out of Seattle if that’s the case.

CIA Disinformer says:

A question about Adolf Hitler’s views on sex.

In Table Talk he reportedly said,

Incidentally, I have heard of a priest in Bavaria being reproached for having had an affair with his serving-maid. On the contrary, the whole community hugs itself with glee. “He’s a young lad, our chaplain is,” they chortle; “you can’t expect him to sweat it all out of himself by means of his learning alone”! And we should make a great mistake, politically, if we use these normal liaisons between priest and serving-wench as a weapon against them. The people see nothing wrong in it — quite the contrary!

Is that BASED or degenerate?

The Cominator says:

Hitler was not on the whole redpilled on women as he permitted them to initiate divorces, though he did discourage them from pursuing careers (and even held off on encouraging German women from entering the war labor force until at least late 1942… and as sexist as I am I would have mobilized them for labor strictly as an emergency war measure long before that).

Atavistic Morality says:

Women should always participate in the productive texture of society, not just in emergencies. What… can the Imperium of Man afford having more than half of the population dozing off after a couple of hours of housework? Logically, women have always contributed and worked along men here and there, only they did so organically and functionally instead of “righteously”.

Whether we are talking about pre-agrarian tribes where men hunt and women collect fruits plus village stuff, or Christian pre-industrial towns where women made stuff like cheese, wove the clothes for the family, helped with field stuff or whatever, in any functional and prosperous society women work. In Franco’s Spain women worked.

Reactionary social technology is not against women working, it’s against women “working”. Because when progressives say “working” they mean temple prostitutes and HR retards that have no husbands, no children, no actual lives, and produce nothing of value. In that sense our social technology is as opposed to men “working” as it is to women “working”, because that joke is not work, it’s an insidious and destructive pretense.

I wouldn’t let my wife be a lazy fuck and I wouldn’t expect her to remain sane for long if I allowed it. Production is the basis of morality, people that don’t work are driven insane. While the house and children take precedence, there’s no reason why she can’t work in whatever interests her in an organic way, obviously corporate degenerate cubicles are not even in consideration here.

No one should have the “career” progs talk so much about, because “career” means drone slavery to prog corp. Well, I’d be curious what Jim has to say about this particular aspect, maybe it’s just me that I’m too pro yeoman, but this society requires a massive rearrangement in many ways.

The Cominator says:

I’d like to hear what Jim says but barring a total war emergency we should STRONGLY discourage women working outside the home and to the extent they do only in their traditional pre feminist jobs. We do not want many dual incomes…

Atavistic Morality says:

“Dual” income is not a problem if you are talking about what I think you’re talking, because it’s not dual, everything belongs to the husband.

In Spain it was called derecho marital, which existed under Franco. My grandmother required my grandfathers signature to even manage things she had inherited from her own father. It’s pretty similar if not the same as what you guys call coverture, Wikipedia has an article on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital_power

I do agree women shouldn’t be doing certain jobs of course, women don’t belong in certain areas, neither do men in some others for that matter.

James says:

The way I see it, there are two reactionary options for women working.

One is women working inside the home (not just cleaning, but also cooking from scratch and thus adding more to the bottom line, minding the chickens, and making shit to sell on Etsy).

The other is working in a gender-segregated workplace. When men work the mill, and women work the loom (with line supervisors who are themselves older women particularly selected for their prudence), it spares us a lot of the headaches of typical male-female workplace relations.

BC says:

Wives should return to making/altering everyday clothing again. This would lead to higher better fitting clothing and thus higher status for males who have a good wife.

We’ve been over this. There are myriad productive things that a woman can do not just in the home , but in her husband’s business under his supervision. It was near-universal in preindustrial times that a wife participated in her husband’s trade, up to even lawyers, bankers, and greater merchants. Women are good at balancing books and managing the petty issues that come up running a business. The problem is not that a woman is doing something other than cleaning the floor and breeding, the problem is putting your wife out of your sight and under the supervision of a more alpha man.

“Wench” meant single working woman, a rarity, and it became synonymous with slut for obvious and intuitive reasons. To the extent that unmarried women work outside the home, need to be supervised by other women, need some dried-up old hag matron in charge who will jealously restrict them from fucking around, as was the case with teachers and nurses.

jim says:

Women should always participate in the productive texture of society, not just in emergencies

Women should work under the supervision of husbands or fathers. Or else they are going to either fuck the man supervising them, or disrupt the workplace with shit tests. And if they take a job outside that supervision, it should only be by the continuing consent of father or husband. The complainant and victim of “sexual harassment” should be based on objections by the father or husband, not the wife or daughter. The wife or daughter is not the victim of rape or sexual harassment, but the beneficiary and likely a co-conspirator.

Women are productive in some jobs, and have always worked in roles that apprentice them for the duties of a wife, as nurses, waitresses, checkout girls, cleaning ladies, and so on and so forth. And they should continue to do so. Women make excellent veterinarians and dental assistants, though as doctors they need supervision. But their large group socialization is defective, and they disrupt the workplace, so have negative productivity in jobs requiring a team and teamwork, because the team goes pear shaped.

The traditional arrangement of hospitals was that the nurses worked under the authority of the matron, but the matron and nurses worked under the supervision of doctors. That the matron was in authority over them, rather than the doctors, reduced the problems caused by nurses fucking the doctors. Similarly, nunneries. The nuns were under the authority of the abbess, but the abbess and the nuns were under the supervision of male priests.

Theshadowedknight says:

I am working to be an engineer. The ideal wife would be trained to maintain a house, manage money, and know general chemistry, physics, algebra, and calculus to teach my children. An engineering secretary, in other words. Nurses should marry doctors, engineerettes should marry engineers, businessmen should marry secretaries, etc. Work that assists their husband, in short, and that will help prepare them to manage the household while the husband runs it and does his own work.

Atavistic Morality says:

My ideas around this subject aren’t completely organized because I have never put too much thought into it considering it belongs to an already well established reactionary society, but your points are part of the concept. I also like TSK’s line of thinking.

For instance my grandmother started her own business after she had had her 4 children before even hitting 30. At that point, since her children were already going to school and engaging in several other activities, she decided to start a hairdressing thing and she did so under the advice and financial supervision of my grandfather, the whole arrangement worked out pretty well. According to my father it used to be common to see women take the shopkeeping part of family business and stuff like that as well.

I guess there’s a lot to be said about the subject, after all we are talking about organizing the producive fabric of society. What we shouldn’t be hearing around here is that women are supposed to laze around at home, that’s just terrible. One of the things I hate the most about modern society is the obsession with idleness, the mindset should be set on production, not avoiding it like the subhuman tankies.

jim says:

Hitler’s personal conduct in relation to women, as reported by his youthful friends, was blue pilled and degenerate.

Aldon says:
Aldon says:


So George Floyd had a gun at a pregnant woman? That’s the first time I heard of that.

James says:

If you log in here:


You can see that he was a repeat offender for drug and theft charges if you fiddle with the search a lot. It’s…not the best website.

For this particular offense, the case number is 114323001010-3.

If you don’t want to go through the painful registration process, you can find it here:

Do a text search for, “Police Arrested Floyd a Total of 9 Times, Mostly on Drug and Theft Charges”. That’s the paragraph heading which has a screencap of the charges.

Here’s a summary of the latest action items on his case:

05/29/2009 ORDER ATTORNEY FEE VOUCHER SNU: 994 05/29/09
05/29/2009 ORDER ATTY FEE AMT $1980.00 SNU: 994 05/29/09
04/03/2009 SENTENCED IN COURT 337 STARTING 04/03/09 SNU: 999 04/03/09
04/03/2009 MOTIONS INTENT DESTROY EVID SNU: 998 04/03/09

So, basically, he was sentenced for 5 years. The snopes article actually follows it fairly well based on my own digging, albeit with the adequate doubt-casting to make it marginally acceptable to prog overlords.

However, it is worth noting that it isn’t clear based on the evidence available whether or not she was pregnant, not that it really makes him look better either way.

Atavistic Morality says:

I can’t stop laughing about this: https://twitter.com/RHGR/status/1270814875200245760

Niggers can’t help themselves, can they? Hahahaha

Hesiod says:

Chaz has its own General Buttnaked. I’m very happy and excited for them.

Mister Grumpus says:

Mr. Naive earnestly asks…

Why doesn’t Trump do a sit-down with Hannity or somebody, for as long as they need, and just come straight out with it:

“OK look. This is a Color Revolution and a Cultural Revolution at the same time. Let me tell you what these are, how they operate, where this is going, and why we don’t want it.”

Now I get it, Trump’s a warrior merchant comedian, and not a professor. But I’m going a little nuts over here with only Tucker even trying to put to words what’s actually happening with any level of thoughtful context.

And BTW if Tucker hasn’t set up his own HD Bitchute studio in an unmarked business unit by now then come on, man, come on.

Mister Grumpus says:

And if Fox News is too chicken to put it on then maybe Joe Rogan or Tim Pool won’t be. Why the heck not.

Not Tom says:

And the point of doing this would be…?

Executive power can’t really be measured by money, but try to imagine someone who charges a million dollars per hour. Would you consider this to be an efficient use of their limited time?

polifugue says:

There is no point in doing so.

We live in a democracy, and half the voters are below average intelligence. The average person neither knows what a “color revolution” is nor cares. Trump speaks in fifth grade English because it is a language the masses can understand.

When people say that education is useless, it’s true when it comes to practical issues. However, people parrot the same lines about politics and government. Moldbug pointed out the different emotional effect between “politicizing an issue” and “democratizing an issue.” Every American is subject to the brainwashing of modern education.

If Trump used the term “color revolution,” people would think Trump is asserting that blacks are taking over the country. The media would launch a campaign declaring Trump a racist conspiracy theorist, and most people would buy it. The average prole is not intelligent enough to grasp concepts like “color revolution” or “the cathedral.”

Secondly, what purpose would it serve? Even if the proles were able to grasp the concepts of “color revolution,” would it make a difference? Would it boost morale to tell the average Trump voter that no matter what efforts they make for him in elections it won’t change the fundamental nature of our government? Our wish is for Trump to become first citizen of the Roman Republic, not King. Trump will restore our democracy, our republic, in much the way Augustus restored the Roman republic. The red pill is an exercise in logical consistency, and most people don’t care.

Trump used the phrase “relearning forgotten truths” at the United Nations, conveying Chesterton’s fence. That’s all any one of us needs to know about Trump.

The Cominator says:

Exactly correct.

Atavistic Morality says:

I know you’re right but I can’t help wish you weren’t, sometimes it is too blackpilling. Most people truly are… especially compared to most people in reactionary circles. I can still remember most things I learned from a Tyco executive about selling products to John Doe, and I still cringe at the fact that it does indeed work like that.

They make everything so difficult only by the “virtue” of their imbecility and I see it every day around me. You go to a supermarket, to a coffee shop, wherever and whenever and you can just see it staring at you. Best thing I ever did was to design a business model that required the least amount of external cooperation while yielding maximum profit for a living. I could walk into most places in Earth and immediately increase their productivity by a considerable margin in a couple minutes pointing out the most obvious things, just like Gordon Ramsay running into a Kitchen Nightmare shithole and just being blown out of his mind. It truly is like that in most places, it’s painful.

Not Tom says:

That’s why democracy is a terrible system. Crowds are not wise, and people are not smart, nor interested in abstract notions such as the common good.

Wise sovereigns must find ways to align proletarian self-interest with the common good. Capitalism is the go-to tool to align self-interest with wealth creation, and religion is the tool for aligning self-interest with virtue. Both designed by geniuses (or perhaps God himself), to be administered by cognitive elite, and used in every day life by mouth-breathing idiots.

That’s the reality of our world. Whether you think of us as risen apes or fallen from paradise, MPAI.

pdimov says:

>That’s why democracy is a terrible system. Crowds are not wise, and people are not smart, nor interested in abstract notions such as the common good.

That’s not why representative democracy is terrible. Crowds don’t need to be wise, or smart, or interested in abstract notions. They only need to be good judges of character. Which they generally are. You need a spectacular amount of gaslighting to deceive them, and it doesn’t necessarily work even then, or upsets like Trump wouldn’t exist.

As an example, most people who disbelieve the global warming narrative have zero understanding of atmospheric physics or climatology – but they can tell a liar when they see one.

The Cominator says:

Crowds are not generally good judges of character either not even Republican crowds.

The Republicans for a while had a pretty good primary option in Newt Gingrich in 2012, he does not have Trump’s charisma but he would have been a good president and he would have beaten weak incumbent Obama…

Too many idiots picked shitlib Romney though.

Not Tom says:

The reason for distinguishing “smart” from “wise” is to identify the qualities like good character judgment. The average man is neither smart nor wise, and that includes character judgment; the average woman, triply so, and the average mob is downright evil.

Starman says:

“In these conditions so much of old and great traditions as remains… acquires an unequaled potency. For us creative piety… adheres only to forms that are older than the Revolution and Napoleon, forms which grew and were not made. (Including the Constitution of the USA. Only thus can we account for the reverence the American still cherishes for it, even where he clearly sees its insufficiency). Every remnant of them will before long rise to incalculable values and bring about historical effects which no one yet imagines to be possible”

Dave says:

The extreme Left is giddy with delight because all institutions in the West have surrendered unconditionally to them except for a small pocket of resistance around the President. The extreme Right is giddy with delight because we know what total victory means for the Left: millions of dead Leftists. Everyone else is like, “Wait, WTF just happened?”

The Cominator says:

The left needs to get the power to commit mass murder before they start mass murdering each other. They don’t have that power yet.

I would prefer it was our side (which will only kill leftists and maybe a few muslims) that was doing the mass murdering, what I warn against is the right being squeamish if we get the chance… we need to be ruthless and thorough about wiping them out.

Dave says:

Well then, call in the right-wing death squads, the number’s on the fridge.

The Cominator says:

I know you joke but Trump does not quite have that power yet either but the time approaches I think…


Michael Knowles is quite right here, when the left talks about institutional racism it means the cathedral must soon purge itself of white guys (they’ve already been not promoting them) and let Shaniqua run the show. When that happens the collapse will be epic and rapid.

Pooch says:

At that point, any white who doesn’t come to the light of Trump will be self-purged anyway. No right-wing death squads necessary.

Not Tom says:

Unclear what you mean by this.

Mass suicide? Unlikely.

Death by low fertility? Sure, but it would take generations and in the meantime demographics are getting worse.

White flight/loss of power? Sure, but they’re still around, still leftists, and will cause even more problems by screwing up the right-controlled areas.

If none of those are what you meant, then what did you mean?

Pooch says:

It will probably come in the form of a black/brown mob killing most whites they encounter.


Dave says:

Day of the Machete, when a million unarmed white liberals are hacked to death by their beloved diversity, their news sources not warning them of the massacre in progress because they were afraid of saying something that might be construed as racist.

I saw a CNN report from the CHAZ, and even though the reporter was in no danger, he and Anderson Cooper both spoke nervously and haltingly, knowing that a single racist word out of either one of them would instantly end their careers.

Pooch says:

I increasingly see White Silence is Violence which eventually will mean anyone white not actively engaging in the killing and burning themselves must be purged.

jim says:

If white silence is violence, then logically a non white needs to engage “self defense” against any white who is being “silent”. And if any white is not assisting him to defend himself, that white is being silent, and thus he needs to defend himself against that white also. But after all the badwhites have been killed, the first goodwhite to stop killing must be a badwhite. So the goodwhites all kill each other until none remain.

After that, intersectionality, where the same slogan is applied to one group after another of those remaining. The logic of leftism will not stop at one genocide. It will not stop until someone stops it, and the further it goes, the more drastic the violence needed to stop it.

Pooch says:


The Cominator says:

The left will not be able to effectively commit mass murder unless they can effectively control the federal government enough to

1) Mass murder people.

2) Make food a “right” and enforce that, mass deaths by starvation.

This also depends on the Federal government being intact and functional enough to enforce this… the way they are trying to replace the perfectly obedient thugs of the blue state police with dysfunctional antifa/Shaniqua police does not speak well of their prospects fortunately.

Machete mobs will not in practice kill all too many white leftist… if we don’t wuss out that is going to be our sides job…

Pooch says:

1 million is definitely doable given the population density of American cities. Most would probably burn/choke to death on fumes when their high rise apartments catch fire.

The Cominator says:

I love how Seattle is turning into a John Carpenter movie.

Oliver Cromwell says:

The left doesn’t murder by coordination. It murders by chaos. It outlaws the local imposition of order, withdraws the distant imposition of order, and then lets chaos take its course.

Anonymous 2 says:

The CHAZ is a rather ridiculous thing. In the very first week, this anarchist autonomous hard left commune has: (1) built a wall to keep out neighbors, (2) become the subjects of a rather 90s-styled black warlord, and (3) has started demanding/begging its non-autonomous neighbors for supplies like food and clothes. I’m not sure what boxes are left to tick at this point.

jim says:

Occupy could not run an urban campsite. As time passed, people wandered off due to disease, violence, crime, and human feces.

The same is likely to happen to the Chaz. Detroit was destroyed. America can afford to lose six more city blocks.

Raz Simone reinvented the monopoly of violence in the Chaz and made himself warlord. Ran into political flak for protecting property and protecting personal safety. So, he seems to have retired. We shall see how well they do without a warlord.

Oliver Cromwell says:

CHAZ’s warlord is shown in youtube videos defending property and actually maintaining order.

The left does not want CHAZ to look bad, so they let this continue.

But a real left thing would be to drone strike the warlord, and whoever took his place, so that there is no order, no law, no property, and everyone starves to death.

Dave says:

Whatever the warlord’s race or gender, if he keeps the applecarts upright, I won’t get a chance to steal apples. No fair!

Starman says:

Sho ‘Nuff, the Shogun of Seattle, is doing a better job of protecting property than the cunt mayorette of Seattle.

Not Tom says:

Sho ‘Nuff, the Shogun of Seattle, is doing a better job of protecting property than the cunt mayorette of Seattle.

Sometimes I wonder if shitlib negro-worship is just the expression of an unconscious yet desperate desire to find someone, anyone, who will put feral white women in their place.

Javier says:

Apparently the CHAZ is being dismantled and the Proud Boys are taking credit:


They notified the cops they were going to demonstrate and the mayor pulled the plug on the whole thing.

Even if it’s not related, historically PBs vs Antifa has not gone well for Antifa. They rely heavily on police protection. CHAZ means no cops so the hill would have quickly become the Proud Boys Zone, which would have been hilarious. The SPLC has also complained that every time the news covers a PB rally or brawl the PBs get more recruits.

Strannik says:

I have my doubts. Mayor Keisha Bottoms I suspect has higher political ambitions and I think she’ll manage to show sufficient police force to discourage too much rioting.

It’s of little import anyway, this isn’t going to stop the reaction, in fact it is only helping it grow ever stronger.

The Cominator says:

Leftists burning and Tyrone looting demshit hellholes is good, the more they do it the less the media can try to gin up the Corona hoax again.

Pooch says:

Already starting to see some west coast deep blue left zones halt their reopenings. I wouldn’t be surprised if they start to shut themselves down again. That makes things complicated for Trump with simultaneous riots/protests going on in the same zones.

jim says:

The emergent strategy is to take the holiness spiral of black-lives-matter-covid19-lockdown-abolish-police to color revolution.

This strategy is transparently self contradictory. Your business has to close and your job has to go away, but crowds assembling on the streets to burn stuff down is totally OK. You cannot assemble to produce, but you can assemble to destroy.

Supposedly, color revolutions always succeed in peacefully deposing the evil tyrant (when mass murder ensues, it is absolutely not the fault of the color revolutionists, much as when famine follows communism the kulaks caused the famine) so for leftists to doubt the sanity and workability of this strategy is dangerous.

The strategy would work fine if Obama, Biden, or Cuomo was in the White House, though Hillary would probably see she was threatened from even further left and do something about that threat, but with Trump in the White House enjoying praetorian loyalty, likely to be more difficult.

Pooch says:

It appears blue cities are going to continue internally combust with a never ending cycle of protests/riots, covid lockdowns, and tearing down statues until the election. Is there any point at which Trump must intervene? Should he even intervene? Or should he just let the cities die?

jim says:

The color revolution strategy is “weak, weak, weak, weaker, weaker, weaker, he is falling, falling. He has fallen!”

Optimal strategy is probable to clean up the Democrats mess closer to election time. The mess in Washington DC needed to be cleaned up immediately, as it was, and further mess prevented, as it is being prevented, but the blue state mess needs to be cleaned up before the presidential election so that they cannot carry out a coup under cover of preventing Trump Russia interference in the elections. It looks like they were plotting a coup under cover of Trump Russia interference in the impeachment process, but that did not happen.

jim says:

You assume that Mayor Keisha Bottom is free to pursue her rational self interest and the rational self interest of her party, able to act rationally individually and collectively.

But rational self interest is insufficiently holy.

Right now everyone is saying “We support the rioters” because they are worried about being killed or their property burned, while society enthusiastically supports the rioters killing them or burning them

The final stage of holiness spiral, where people ever become holier not because they hope to get to the top, but in order to not be killed, is now in sight.

“White silence is violence”, meaning “support us or be subjected to community self defense”

The logic of the holiness spiral is that everyone tortures each other to death for insufficient leftism. The Democrats have set foot on that path. It is a slippery slope. Having set one foot on the path, and noticed it is going to a very bad place, it is very hard to step back from the path.

Obviously Trump can run on the platform “If you elect Biden, your cities will burn”, which sounds fairly persuasive.

To rule, Trump has to show he can protect his people from the Deep State, which is going to require punishing Democrats who commit crimes. If their crimes continue to go unpunished, they are strong, and he is weak, and their crimes will frighten his people and make him weaker. To win the election, he has to show that he can protect property and people from the rioters, aka the Democrats.

If the Democrats are unable to pursue their rational individual and collective self interest and end this – well Trump has already demonstrated that he is strong enough to end this. The Praetorian guard will obey.

That his numbers are holding steady in the face of massive intimidation and violence suggests to me that come the election, if something plausibly resembling an election is held, he will win in a landslide.

The Cominator says:

Atlanta is a blue abscess surrounded by people who increasingly and openly think like us. I don’t know if you’ve ever lived in the American South outside the big city but even the women here have multiple guns and some of them were posting on facebook (back a week or so ago when they were looting blue suburbs) that looters=target practice.

The real ghetto niggers aren’t going to leave their containment zones no matter how much antifa promises them, they KNOW they are going to be shot if they do. They won’t even go into the nicer areas of Atlanta for that reason… and the mayor can just setup base in such a place and crush them. This is what happened in Miami by the way.

Contaminated NEET says:

>“If you elect Biden, your cities will burn”, which sounds fairly persuasive.

To persuade me of that, the Orange Man would actually have to stop a city from burning, which he hasn’t done so far, and seems unlikely to do. Of course, if he did, we’d see him perp-walked out of the White House in handcuffs withing a week. Still, he’s not making a compelling case that a vote for him is a vote for law and order. If anything, Biden will have more leeway to rein in the commies and the blacks.

Pooch says:

Trump stopped DC from burning in impressive fashion and pressured most cities to finally call up the National Guard.

jim says:

Trump stopped Washington burning. The peaceful peacefully protesting protesters in Lafayette Park peacefully burned down one government building and peacefully started peaceful fires in several others, among them Trump’s Church. They also peacefully through peaceful rocks, peacefully injuring very large numbers of brutal violent cops. Trump acted, and it ended.

Trump, expecting a false flag murder of the protesters by the protesters as when the peaceful Ukraine color revolution was forcibly prevented from peacefully burning down further government buildings and peacefully maiming further cops, personally led counter snipers into position in Lafayette Park.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Trump stopped Washington burning.

He arguably prevented it from burning. This is not as dramatic, risky, or noticeably as stopping it once the riots really get going.

jim says:

> > Trump stopped Washington burning.

> He arguably prevented it from burning.

Some of it burned. He stopped it from burning further.

If the fires were still burning you would be getting wall to wall coverage of the fires with a “weak, weak, weaker, weaker, he is falling” narrative. They were already on that narrative when he gave his law and order speech and took over Lafayette Park, whereupon in mid breath they switched to the photo-op-peaceful demonstrators narrative.

Javier says:

honestly seems more accurate that a vote for Trump is a vote for (blue) cities burning. Violence and intimidation work. The left has made it clear they will kick and scream until they get their way and historically the Republicans are the party of caving in. I can see lot of moderates voting Biden just out of desperation for the chaos to end.

BC says:

I can see lot of moderates voting Biden just out of desperation for the chaos to end.

Unlikly to happen. The left had a similar spew chaos movement in 68 and it got Nixon reelected in a landslide.

jim says:

The sixty eight riots were against the Democrats. The Democrats were totally in control of every level of government, and were under attack from the holiness spiral. They surrendered to the holiness spiral, and the spiral has escalated since then.

The situation would be analogous if the right was rioting against Trump for going slow on the wall. Today, it is the Democrats burning their own cities to protest Trump. Not analogous.

For two centuries, leftist repression of rightists has been steadily escalating. It never came and went. It was always there, and we just got used to it until they intensified it some more. Now they are intensifying it faster and faster.

BC says:

I just reviewed the results of an antifa riot against the state capital of Washington State. The only people targeted were Democrats. Including the mayor of the city having her home vandalized by a mob of Antifa. It still looks like Leftists on Demicrat violence.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Nixon was candidate because he had been Eisenhower’s VP. Eisenhower was an FDR placeman who had been invited to run on either ticket. I guess he was advised to choose the Republican ticket to allow the US to make the claim that it was a real multiparty democracy during the Anglo-Soviet split.

jim says:

But, obviously, if you elect Democrats, the chaos will not end. Black Lives Matter burned Ferguson with the aggressive encouragement of Obama. Blue state chaos, red state order, feds restore order in Washington.

The violence and chaos is holiness spiral related. Nothing will restore normality except crushing the left, and the further the holiness spiral goes, the more drastic the violence needed to end the violence.

Intimidation and violence very obviously work, always have, always will. The problem is that the left can commit crimes with impunity, and the right cannot. And it has been that way for two centuries, and getting worse, and getting worse faster and faster.

Not Tom says:

Blue state chaos, red state order, feds restore order in Washington.

Part of the problem in the US has always been that rightists – what passes for rightists anyway – are always ready to swoop in, save people from the chaos of the left, restore order, and not make any structural changes that would enable them to stay in power.

Public opinion is about as nuanced as the average eight-year-old. And what does an eight-year-old do if mommy keeps cleaning up after him and daddy fights all of his schoolyard battles? He becomes weak, irresponsible, destructive, and grows up believing that his problems are always somebody else’s fault and they’ll always be around to fix them.

Deep down, every Democratic voter (and progressive elite) believes that if things get bad enough, they can always vote in a Republican to fix things, and then promptly vote them out again as soon as they feel safe and content and are ready to get back to their regular schedule of virtue-signaling and wanton destruction. Republicans, for the progressive city folk, are the janitors of America: call them up once in a while to clean up a mess but always treat them as low-status and beneath your station.

As much as I sympathize with the minority of actual rightists who live in cities (they do exist), Trump is correct to disabuse the urban majority of this notion. It’s time for leftists to start cleaning up their own messes, and if they can’t, then once they’ve thinned their own herd, we’ll clean it up one last time, at a very steep price.

The Cominator says:

Now this is a good post from you. Yes need to let some redpills go down hard, people need to experience the consequences of shitlib rule and that sometimes if you vote them in you aren’t getting bailed out.

Saving the Democrats is not going to do the now persecuted and ostracized rightist in blue areas any favors either…

pdimov says:

Quality post.

Mr.P says:

Dang. Nailed it. Thank you.

Javier says:

At this point I am about ready to call it for the dems. They flexed and Trump flinched. He’s not just letting the left lie it it’s bed, he’s agreeing with them and making their case for them.

Trump just signed an EO agreeing with dems. Even as the evidence is slowly disseminating that Chauvin is innocent, Trump is ready to throw him to the mob. Madness. Unless someone can point out the super-duper 4D chess move I am missing? No one can claim the left is lying if Trump concedes to them this way.

The new campaign strategy seems to be pointing out Biden said things 15 years ago that are forbidden today. Or, “Dems are the real racists.” FFS, seriously? Everyone knows that shit doesn’t work, has never worked, and will not work. Despite everything, Trump is still part of the boomercuck generation who believes in numinous negroes, and never figured out that racism is just a duck whistle to flush out the left’s enemies.

Sorry to be debbie downer. Please tell me what I am missing and show how I am wrong.

jim says:

The Floyd video looks really bad. Trump has to run away from that video as fast as he can. But he has also said, on twitter, “When the looting starts, the shooting starts”. Always keep in mind that fifty percent of the voters are below average IQ, and that Trump is a genius who has mastered the art of speaking in the language of the median voter. The video looks bad, and the looting looks bad. Trump presents as a strong man to keep order, when order is threatened He wants to roll the protests back from anywhere in his vicinity, without that video sticking to him.

Trump is not talking to us. He is talking to the median voter. Barr is carrying a more nuanced message to the police.

No one likes the cops when they look like weak bullies. The point of the riots is to make the police look weak, which is working. Trump has to make them look strong, while at the same time he cannot afford to be seen on their side by the median voter, because the riots are working and the Floyd video looks horrible – but he simultaneously needs to be seen by them to be on their side, because we are now in the head counting phase of a pre-coup.

Barr has loyalist cops performing strength theatrics, while the Blue states force their cops to perform weak bully theatrics, giving Black Lives Matter and Antifa artificial popularity. What they are doing is working, but what Trump is doing is also working. And the Democrats cannot afford to go too far on the weak bully theatrics, or else the left faction of the Democrats will eat the less left faction of the Democrats, and the way the wind blows, may well eat them anyway.

Not seeing this new Trump campaign strategy of which you speak. I have not been following all of Trump’s tweets. Has he given us a Dems-are-the-real-racists tweet? What Trump does do is have a black rapper do a dems-are-the-real-racists rap.

Blacks vote tribally, not according to individual self interest, thus the black vote is not up for grabs. The real target of wooing black voters is to give white Democrat voters whose homes are about to go up in flames, and whose kids get disciplined in school when a mob of adult blacks beat them up (which black adults are still in school with white children because schools refuse to recognize biological differences between whites and blacks) a not-a-thought-crime excuse for voting their individual self interest. The white democrats, in danger of being burned of their homes who had their son disciplined for attacking the boot of a young black black man with his face in school in front of the teacher, get permission from a holy magic black rapper to vote Trump.

The Cominator says:

Javier nah.

The only truly bad news lately is that the left seems to have intimidated the justices into cucking. Trump is not going to take any damage from dems burning their own cities down.

Trump’s worst mistake of commission BY FAR was allowing the lockdown karens to go past Easter.

Not Tom says:

Not seeing this new Trump campaign strategy of which you speak.

I do think the executive order itself appears weak and capitulating, don’t understand why he would write or even allow it.

When I heard the EO was coming I figured “ok, don’t panic, wait and see what the EO actually is”, and well, unfortunately it was pretty much what the blackpillers were afraid it would be.


About the only good thing I can say about it is that it basically vests all the power in the AG, i.e. Barr, whom we assume is one of the good guys right now. Nevertheless, it accedes to a lot of the leftist demands like mandatory “de-escalation” and bans on “chokeholds”, which is the memetic equivalent of “assault weapons”.

I haven’t been talking about it because I find blackpill topics pointless, but if we are going to talk about it, then I don’t think it’s very easy to explain this away. It’s a very cucked EO; if Trump wants to recruit praetorians from the LEO frontlines, they need to know he’s got their back, and this is very much the opposite of that.

I’m sure there’s an explanation; there always is. Whether or not it’s a very good explanation or whether it makes any difference is another question.

The Cominator says:

Why do we care whether it bans chokeholds in most cases and establishes some kind of authority outside Democrat police unions to review Democrat police thugs…

We have very little dog in this fight.

Trump’s hopefully not fatal mistake was pushing the lockdown deadline back Easter rather than declaring that he was revoking all emergency authority for lockdowns, that they were unconstitutional absent a state of emergency, that continuing them was economic sabotage and that any governor who tried to do it from then on was going to get the Orville Faubus treatment.

“It’s a very cucked EO; if Trump wants to recruit praetorians from the LEO frontlines, they need to know he’s got their back, and this is very much the opposite of that.”

Loyal praetorians have to come from the military, forget the Democrat union kwaps. If the Democrats really go through with their defund the police plan we’ll almost immediately get right wing “security forces” filling the void and they will provide ideologically far more reliable men.

Javier says:

Good points. I guess I’m just getting exhausted with all this shit.

Here are the tweets I’m talking about, perhaps not from Trump himself.


Trump meanwhile is bragging about out-pandering Biden with his executive order which I don’t even know what is supposed to accomplish.

Pooch says:

The real target of wooing black voters is to give white Democrat voters whose homes are about to go up in flames,

That’s a great point. Trump is throwing white Democrats a lifeline. These people still care deeply about not being called a racist and would actually have their houses go up in flames by a black mob then be called a racist.

Having Trump surrounded by black allies and clips of Biden making racist comments gives them the plausible deniability they need to not feel like a racist by voting Trump to save their houses from being burnt down.

Not Tom says:

We have very little dog in this fight.

The substance is not even as important as the fact that it appears very much like capitulation or even endorsement of the Antifa point of view. In fact it even seems to borrow some passages from their literature, almost word for word.

It’s a bad look, and I’ve been viewing this whole thing as an optics play. If I have to update my priors, then so be it, but in any attempt to come up with a reasonable explanation, I’m drawing blanks.

Maybe he really just couldn’t win this one, maybe the Megaphone still has too much power to emotionally manipulate normies and he couldn’t get away with what I assumed was a much better strategy, doing nothing at all. But if that’s the case then it’s not a win, merely a vague explanation for the loss.

jim says:

> It appears very much like capitulation or even endorsement of the Antifa point of view. In fact it even seems to borrow some passages from their literature, almost word for word.

Voters are not going to read the executive order, so will not see any weakness or capitulation. When I read it I see the conspicuous absence of direct endorsement of the major real Democrat demand, and the major real Antifa demand (but I repeat myself), that money be redirected from cops to sinecures for radical activists, social justice warriors, riot organizers, and race hustlers, which handouts to left activists and Democratic party get-out-the vote workers shall appear on the local small town police budget, that a Republican city council shall pay the Democrats to campaign against them. The major objective is to have people who get out the vote from the graveyard and start fires on demand be paid from the municipal police budget, that the federal government force red cities to hire Democrat activists from the blue bicoastal megalopoli to get out the Democratic party vote from the graveyard with ratepayer funds.

Since the Democrats have a majority in the House of Representatives, they are going to get that demand through the house of Representatives. If all goes well, Trump can stall it in the Senate. Trump can then position himself trying to get police reform through that meets every item on the wish list, but he was, alas, foiled by the obstructionist do nothing Democrats, who insist on adding expensive riders to it. The voters will not care what is in the riders. Worst case outcome – and a highly likely outcome – is that the Democrats get a jobs-for-the-boys police reform bill through the Senate, in which case Trump will be in a difficult position – he will be blamed for obstructing police reform if he resists, and will be forcing the local governments pay Biden campaigners if he yields. In which situation the prompt signing of this executive order will help cover his ass. If he led with police reform, blaming him for obstructing it will not stick as effectively.

Pooch says:

Trump just signed an EO agreeing with dems.

Congress is debating the real police reform legislation. The EO is basically a symbolic gesture to get the conversation started. Trump signing it next to Tim Scott is going to be a nice image to point to for wooing white Democrats.

Not Tom says:

Voters are not going to read the executive order, so will not see any weakness or capitulation.

As if I’ve ever cared about the voters. The voters will kill their remaining brain cells with TV and beer (or Clitflix and box wine) as they always do. The more well-read shitlibs will see it for the empty gesture that it is and award him no points.

The issue is what it signals to the two groups that matter: the warriors and the priests. The warriors will hear about it, at least indirectly, and interpret it as being thrown under the bus. The priests will get the gist of it from the news, and use it to increase their status and push their policies, and this includes liberal mayors in red states and Democratic governors who were briefly elected (or “elected”) in 2016. This isn’t as well-contained as everyone here seems to think; the coastal cities can go fuck themselves, but it also might be helping these cancerous tumors to grow faster inside the heartland states.

Sorry, I just don’t see the upside.

When I read it I see the conspicuous absence of direct endorsement of the major real Democrat demand, and the major real Antifa demand (but I repeat myself), that money be redirected from cops to sinecures for radical activists, social justice warriors, riot organizers, and race hustlers

What do you think an “independent credentialing body” is?

Trump can then position himself trying to get police reform through that meets every item on the wish list, but he was, alas, foiled by the obstructionist do nothing Democrats

Yes, that sounds like a Trumpian strategy. I recall he tried to use the same strategy with DACA, and twice with the omnibus budgets. I recall those not going so well. Trump’s not holy enough to cede frame while secretly stabbing them in the back. Whenever he tries this strategy, generally the Democrats get what they want, and part of his base gets demoralized.

Maybe, optimistically, none of this will make the slightest bit of difference and nothing will get done. But then at best it was a waste of time and an annoying distraction.

I’ll repeat that I’m not a black piller; he’s building the wall, he’s drastically cut immigration, he’s made real progress at consolidating power and helping the Democrats self-destruct, and he may even have started to internalize the concept of the self-coup. But that doesn’t mean there’s some brilliant strategy behind every move he makes. To me this just looks like he made the foolish mistake of believing that DR3 could be a useful rhetorical tactic.

I hear people saying “it’s not for the blacks, it’s for the liberal whites who are scared”. Yeah, I know, I was one of the first people to make that argument when he was talking up black employment last year. But it’s kind of hard to swallow when just last week we were saying that his powerful demonstration in DC was awesome because projecting force against the chaos is exactly what scared liberal whites need to see. It can’t be brilliant to take the frame of pour la canaille, la mitraille and then immediately afterward walk it back with an EO granting la canaille any form of legitimacy. It’s self-contradictory.

Anyway, I’m not going to say any more on it. I’m annoyed by it, and I don’t enjoy mindless partisanship, but I also realize it’s not helpful to go on for too long about the depressing shit. It happened, it sucked, time to move on, next week most of us will have forgotten all about it anyway.

jim says:

> What do you think an “independent credentialing body” is?

Jobs for the boys, but not jobs in “Community Relations”, not jobs on the street getting out the vote, and working up blacks to attack cops and burn down shit.

We all know that “Independent” is code for “rigidly far left and tightly under the thumb of Harvard”, so yes, it is going to suck. And you are right that it is going to piss off the loyalists he vitally needs in the police force. But it falls short of making every small town cop shop host to a department for spreading leftism. But:

(c) The Attorney General shall certify independent credentialing bodies that meet standards to be set by the Attorney General

And the Attorney General has for sometime been campaigning for cop support, telling them that his on their side, and Trump is on their side.

BC says:

@Not Tom

Trump’s attempts to strike deals with the left reminds me of Nixion’s pandering to the left. Very bad idea.

Atavistic Morality says:


You shouldn’t work yourself up about something outside of your control. Just vote for the man and move on, put your energy towards what you can do for yourself and those you care.

You think you’re doing bad? Half of the countries in Europe are headed towards extinction without any hope in just a couple of decades, like France and the UK facing complete demographic replacement. In Spain we aren’t doing so hot either, our children aren’t mostly named Mohammed yet, but our politics will kill us… especially with this government we are in the fast track towards becoming Venezuela, not kidding. And Germany? Not so far off France and the UK for what I know. Italy I think is still getting overrun by invaders from Lybia so good luck to them. In the next decades I totally expect Western Europeans to flee their countries and look for refuge in the Eastern side, reverse Byzantine.

At least most Americans have a lot of land to work with, a lot of rural population to count on and a lot of guns to defend yourselves. Here in Europe we don’t have squat, no place to run and cover, no guns to shot back, taxes go as high as 50%, 60% of your working days and worse… the blood is going to paint the streets, gonna make look the stories about Sulla like children’s play.

Karl says:

The final stage of holiness spiral, where people become ever holier because they worry about being killed, can only happen if there is no opposition left. As long as there is an opposition its members will be killed before insufficiently holy leftists are killed.

In the burning cities there is no opposition. Anyone who lives there has to give lip service to the left, becasue if he does not, he’ll be killed.

Nationwide the left is not yet in such power, there is still opposition. Thus people can still defect from the left and support the opposition, in secret by voting or overtly outside left-controlled areas.

When the left is in power nationwide, the situation is ripe for a Stalin. As long as the left is not yet in power nationwide, we can still hope for Trump becoming Augustus or, if he fails, for a Franco.

ten says:

Riots occurring in insufficiently holy leftist cities, not in opposition cities. Holiness spiral targeting shitlibs first.

PC policing first erupting in leftist ingroups online and in academia, cutting off the insufficiently PC, and spirally inserting new criteria of holiness, salami slicing yesterdays PC police unless they enthusiastically keep slicing according to new standards. Only when the infighting has stopped and a criterion of holiness has gained complete acceptance in leftist ingroups will they start search&destroy missions in enemy territory, and only while the criterion has not been outflanked and grown stale as a holiness criterion for the ingroup.

I bet there are vocal opponents of leftism in the burning cities, albeit their vocalization must be partial, and i bet they did not and do not get targeted first. The first targets instead being for example the “of course BLM but pandemic, of course BLM but violence begets violence, of course BLM but bad optics and popular pushback” voice of reason leftists.

ten says:

To the extent there even are rational targets – for the most part, it’s an avalanche, flowing according to least resistance, which resistance to a significant degree can be affected by antifa blood in the water tactics.

Karl says:

Rioters are rioting where they can. Going after the opposition is very holy, but difficult. Going after the insufficiently left in left cities is holy and much easier.

Anonymous 2 says:

There is an undeniable element of theatre to all this, and it’s so much easier to win the match if the big bad blue government throws the game.

BC says:

Based Poland:

“Polish president calls LGBT ‘ideology’ worse than communism”

Anonymous 2 says:

Correct thinking. Teachers (up to and including the graduate level) should get helicopter rides too, and, I would suggest, with preference.

Fred says:

What do you guys make of this?

It suggests the State Dept is aligned with BLM rather than Soros.

jim says:

Soros is a servant of the State Department.

Cloudswrest says:

Tangentially related to priests and warriors, does the West have any “military” cathedrals?


Cloudswrest says:

An older beauty. Fully restored after the commies desecrated it.


Cloudswrest says:

Here’s another video of the new cathedral.

jim says:

All desecrated, all empty silent museums with progressive museum supervisors, though Satanist occupation of military cathedrals is not allowed.

Yul Bornhold says:

Checking in to signal disgust at Gorsuch. Predictable but still feels bad, man.

BC says:

Guess we know why the left didn’t fight Gorsuch at all, while they fought Kavanaugh endlessly.

BC says:

Goverment agencies are ignoring Trump’s orders:


I hope he smacks them down hard for it.

Cloudswrest says:

Curious, after it turns out all the FUD studies were fake.


The Cominator says:

This is also a disingenuous reason.

HCQ is effective if used early not as effective in the emergency stage, so what they should be doing is expanding the label to early use.

This kind of shit is why I strongly advocate for judging everyone in a priestly job politically and helicoptering the vast majority who will fail. Best to build an entirely new priesthood on a good foundation than suffer these vipers to poison the countries mind in the future.

Not Tom says:

They’re just doing what we all predicted they would do – concoct some excuse to put out a “peer reviewed” study showing that HCQ doesn’t work and/or is dangerous. Intentionally accidentally failing to distinguish between terminal case recovery and early/prophylactic use was just the easiest way for them to do it, since there’s already too much evidence out there that the drug is totally safe, and once the virus has shredded up the lungs of terminal patients, there’s practically no way to save them anyway. So, test the drug on patients who are already terminally ill with a >90% chance of death and hey, guess what, it doesn’t really help and might even kill them (just like almost any treatment given to the terminally ill).

The Soviets showed us that it IS possible to double and triple down even when huge numbers of lives are hanging in the balance. The parallels between the US today and late-stage Soviet Communism are actually pretty shocking.

The Cominator says:

That they were as predictably awful as Jim predicted isnot an argument for sparing them.

Anon 1 says:
Not Tom says:


lol says:

On June 9, 2008, Madsen wrote that unnamed “GOP dirty tricks operatives” had found a Kenyan birth certificate registering the birth of Barack Obama, Jr. on August 4, 1961. “However, the registration is a common practice in African countries whose citizens abroad have families with foreign nationals.”[34] He claimed in August 2009 that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was responsible for creating the Obama “birther” movement in a broadcast on the RT (formerly known as Russia Today) network.[31]


Not Tom says:

Still boring. No one here cares about birtherism, for or against. At least I hope they don’t. Presidential elections are fake and gay, Obama was a fake and gay president who didn’t single-handedly destroy the U.S. economy and incite the prog holiness spiral but sure did his part (and is still doing his part, through OFA) to help those causes along. I’m not sure if he was true Inner Party, an Inner Party mouthpiece or merely a useful idiot, perhaps some combination of all of the above.

Birtherism is just a stupid tradcuck meme invented because tradcucks knew in their hearts that the gay mulatto would accelerate America’s already steep decline but were terrified of being called racist, so they came up with this meme to try to avoid being called racists, which predictably failed to fool anyone on the left and backfired on tradcucks even more than “Trump’s taxes” and “emoluments clause” backfired on the more desperate and incompetent elements of the left.

We here aren’t terrified of being called racists and therefore don’t really care where the shitskin halfbreed was born. That’s really one of the least important aspects of his election/presidency. I suppose it might be interesting if we could peer into the networks of people who helped fabricate his past, but there are far juicier conspiracies afoot these days.

lol says:

Birtherism is just a stupid tradcuck meme

Interesting, because:

When people say that it silly to doubt Obama’s citizenship, what they actually mean is that it is silly to suppose we still have a constitution.

That Obama was born in Kenya was an important and prominent part of his identity and website until he started running for president, and his alleged birth certificate is a crude and poorly done photoshop job. No one really believes he is actually a citizen, any more than they really believe that women are equal to men.

Written by someone who has voiced support for Birtherism on a number of occasions, both during and after Obama’s administration.

Not Tom says:

I assume that’s a Jim quote – still don’t really care, and don’t have to agree with him on everything. Regardless, we’re 4 years into the Trump administration and the circumstances surrounding Obama’s birth have long since ceased to be important. I don’t know why you or anyone else would bother to bring it up at this time or on under this topic, other than as deliberate distraction and misdirection.

It is silly to suppose we still have a constitution, and frankly rather silly to suppose we ever had one. Pretty sure SCOTUS just removed all doubt, mere hours ago, on this very day. If Trump ever manages to exercise real executive power it will be though extra-constitutional measures.

But you want to use birtherism as a wedge. Proven shill tactic. We’re not allowed to simply not give a shit, we have to take a position. Well, I don’t give a shit and I’m not taking a position; it’s a boring, irrelevant distraction.

lol says:

We’re not allowed to simply not give a shit, we have to take a position.

I don’t recall asking what your position is, ever. You volunteered it, so in response I brought up Jim’s position which contradicts yours.

You did not “have” to take a position – you chose to do it.

The Cominator says:

Re Birtherism

Birtherism is useful to some degree in pointing out Cathedral corruption and hypocrisy but what its not is something likely to succeed in getting the Obama years declared legally null and void.

Was Barrack Obama born in Kenya, most likely.

Is there any prospect of SCOTUS EVER ruling that he was not a “natural born” citizen even if someone all the justices were replaced by clones of Clarence Thomas, no. Obama sucked but no court ever wants to create the kind of administrative chaos that would result in ruling an 8 year presidency null and void.

Even if the court finds he was born in Kenya they will simply find he was a natural born citizen because his mother was a citizen (this is already precedent via Ted Cruz). So birtherism isn’t that important.

Starman says:

I wonder if “lol” is ready for a RedPill on women question?

Approved by Karen and Samantha from HR says:

Yesterday, I came home to find a nigger smashing it into my 8-year-old daughter.

As I was mentally preparing myself for glorious bloodshed, the figure of Foghorn Leghorn emerged, seemingly out of nowhere, and informed me thus: “If you were Mr. 1-in-30, like yours truly, you’d certainly know that your homicidal rage is wholly misplaced. What really enrages you is blue-pilled society’s taboo against forcibly restricting and/or marrying off little girls, who sometimes run off to Arlington Beach to seduce adult-female-preselected gangsters 30 years their senior.”

Instantly, my fury abated, and after some reflection, I firmly made up my mind: “This nigger is now my son-in-law. They are getting married. Mazel tov!” I’m now looking for a destination where I can take the happy couple to tie the knot; perhaps Saudi Arabia? This, in fact, is why I came here in the first place – to ask where I can legally practice Jimianity. Please forward the answer here:


jim says:

Well, at least the shills are announcing that they are shills.

Not Tom says:

I’d consider this a fail, for the exact same reason Jim considered info’s responses further up above to be a fail. It contains some of the correct shibboleths, but uses them incorrectly and in the wrong combinations (adult males are not attracted to eight-year-olds, it’s the other way around). And focuses all the attention on the irrelevant minority of precocious girls who cause no real problems, instead of the majority of adult women who do.

Approved by Karen and Samantha from HR says:

How is this a fail? Obviously, when you find out that an adult male has been ramming it into your prepubescent daughter, the only conclusion to be drawn is that she seduced him (or “placed herself in a situation where sex would be likely to ensue”), so why not look for legal means to formalize that loving and wonderful relationship? If it worked in a penal colony, it will work everywhere.

The same rule obviously applies when an adult woman, let’s say your wife or mother, goes out to buy some groceries to make dinner, and is later found unconscious (comatose) in a nearby park, with signs of physical struggle, scars over her upper body and torso, some skull fractures, and deep vaginal and anal wounds – obviously she wanted a roving pack of groids to have their way with her, because they are so, so alpha. The solution is to kill your wife/mother for adultery, and to make it illegal for women to go outside without kin male supervision.

jim says:

The problem is that an eight year old girl is unlikely to form a loving and wonderful relationship that lasts for longer than half an hour. She is severely lacking in the required assets.

Hence likely to be banging someone unlikely and unable to stick around, a black, a drug dealer, a pimp with a string of whores all of them hotter than your daughter, or someone who would make a great husband except he already has a wife, three mistresses, and a string of women on his booty call list, all of them hotter than your daughter. At best, he is likely to be a roadie for a second rate band.

So you kill him. (Unless, as is by far the most common case, your daughter crept into his bed while he was drunk and sleeping, and then brought him to a happy awakening, followed by a big surprise.)

You threaten to kill your daughter. (I suggest partial drowning. It is terrifying, but unlikely to cause permanent damage.) And then you keep her under tight control.

Ex says:

The first one was mildly amusing. The second one should be deleted.

Atavistic Morality says:

Women getting raped by roving packs of groids really put themselves out there for it to happen, I’d say a 100% of the times but I’m sure there are exceptions.

It’s never some virtuous wife going to buy groceries to make dinner for his husband and children and always some slut that went with the groids/Pakis to some shady apartment to use drugs and ends up with a slit throat. I could go into the /r/new_right subreddit and find several cases exactly like that right now.

The red pill requires from you to be able to observe reality and its conclusions are drawn from that observation of reality. You are not observing reality, you are making up imaginary incidents to justify your pathetic programming.

Regarding prepubescent daughters, they are basically private property of their fathers, if there was no consent from him then it is always a crime. Now, it’s very interesting that in this scenario you made up you decided it to happen in your own home, meaning, it’s some dude your little whore found on Instagram and invited over. Even your subconscious knows the truth, that it’s likely she did in fact engage actively for it to happen.

Atavistic Morality says:

*time *her

I really need to check my posts before submitting them…

Approved by Karen and Samantha from HR says:

It’s never some virtuous wife going to buy groceries to make dinner for her husband and children and always some slut that went with the groids

Exactly. When your wife or mother goes missing and ends up lying unconscious and paralyzed on a bench in a public park at night, you’ll retroactively know for a fact that she was a dirty slut who went looking for it. Chaste women never, ever suffer such fates, so if that happened to her, she must not have been chaste.

in this scenario you made up you decided it to happen in your own home, meaning, it’s some dude your little whore found on Instagram and invited over. Even your subconscious knows the truth, that it’s likely she did in fact engage actively for it to happen.

Exactly. When you catch your 2nd-grader daughter in bed with a burly male 30 years her senior, probably named DeShawn or Abdul, your first instinct and reaction will totally be, “Damn, I should not have allowed her to install the Instagram app on her cellphone.”

Even if she’s crying and screaming and doing all the usual drama, you should never believe her that this was “rape”; and after apologizing to DeShawn/Abdul for your little whore’s sexually-predatory misbehavior, and for the terrible trauma he must have suffered when she wrapped her “clearly lubricated” vagina around his cock, you gotta beat her up severely as punishment for seducing him and for so terribly traumatizing him.

Then, you need to follow that up by marrying her off to one of your friends, preferably a socially awkward engineer with acne and irritable bowel syndrome, who’ll no doubt be glad to lose his virginity to a horny 2nd grader. Otherwise, your behavior would be contrary to the Red Pill on Women.

The first one was mildly amusing. The second one should be deleted.

Amusing? It’s dead serious, as dead as your wife’s bastard son from her ex-husband (nice job killing that stupid f**k and disposing of his remains, by the way).

I used to be a cuck for thinking that e.g. White Sharia is a lame meme, but then I’ve seen the light and now I’m totally on board with child brides and execution for marital indiscretions, ‘consent’ be damned – this is Trad life! Oh, sorry, wrong shibboleth; I meant to write “Jihad-complete Restoration life.”

Sure, such ideas may come across as an autistic loser’s raging misogyny, but really it’s this sheer altruistic concern for the future of civilization that motives us, amirite folks? Feminists = PWNED. This blog needs to get way greater exposure for its totally based approach to women, and I’m not sure why that hasn’t happened yet.

P. S. The Old Testament is an Aryan document.

jim says:

> Exactly. When your wife or mother goes missing and ends up lying unconscious and paralyzed on a bench in a public park at night, you’ll retroactively know for a fact that she was a dirty slut who went looking for it

All reported ‘rapes’, without exception, are fake. Women seldom complain about actual rapes if completed successfully.

All reported “rapes”, either no sex occurred, or after the sexual act the male revealed himself as insufficiently alpha. Women are demonstrably failing to cooperate in our laws on rape and sexual harassment.

If a reported rape coincides with a real rape, it is only because the rapist revealed himself to be beta during or immediately after the rape.

You can see in the workplace that reported sexual harassment bears absolutely no connection to what males think of as sexual harassment. Every sexual harassment complaint is a horny woman complaining about lack of alpha.

How do rape reports go? University of Virginia had thirty six complaints of rape and sexual assault. Investigated thirty six of them, no disciplinary or police action taken in any of them. So Rolling Stone investigated the University of Virginia. Came up empty.

Looks like rape complaints follow the same pattern of sexual harassment complaints that we see in the workplace.

For our laws against rape and sexual harassment to be effective, to stop what men think of as rape and sexual harassment, we need rape and sexual harassment laws where the complainant and victim is the father or husband, and the consent or lack thereof of the woman is legally and morally irrelevant to the men involved. (It is morally relevant to her, in that her husband should probably kill her if she consented, and comfort and praise her if she stubbornly resisted, but it has to be irrelevant to the guilt of the adulterer or fornicator, or else we get what we have got.)

Theshadowedknight says:

I think you think that you are being clever, but one “smart”-assed shitlib is scarcely indistinguishable from another. Plus you clearly don’t understand us. Aryan? Really? Check your script, you seem to mixed them up.

Approved by Karen and Samantha from HR says:

Plus you clearly don’t understand us. Aryan? Really? Check your script, you seem to mixed them up.

How DARE YOU disagree with Jim that the original Hebrews had significant Aryan ancestry, and that as such the Bible is Aryan!


Yeah I’m totally a shitlib for showing you the absurdities of your own worldview. I’m glad you’re here to “own the libs,” though. Well, since I’m a special snowflake and you triggered me so very hard, I gotta go. Bye.

Atavistic Morality says:

Okay wignat, don’t bother using your brain, better start your monologue about magic and obscure Jews with dark technologies that mind control women to get into cars with niggers to drug themselves in shady apartments before Jim moderates your posts.

Theshadowedknight says:

Own the libs? Who do you think we are?

Oliver Cromwell says:

Though Karen and Sam are trolling, her account of the rape of Rotherham agrees with accounts in official documents. Young girls were “groomer” with their consent, and police were set on the fathers because fathers are not allowed to control the movements of young girls, not primarily because the fathers were white. Muslim gangs raped white girls rather than the other way around because the Muslims had an informal patriarchal apparatus backing them, whereas the whites only had the feminist state. While officials presumably did not mind that Muslims were subduing and humiliating whites, the main motivation for their actions was feminism, the right of a young girl to go out and find the strongest gang to hang around with. While the anti-white racism angle is speakable in Britain, even if it results in no consequences for officials, the true feminist cause of the rapes is not speakable. As such, Britain First is an anti-Muslim but pro-feminist organisation. Indeed, anti-Muslim on feminist grounds.

Mike says:


>I wonder if “lol” is ready for a RedPill on women question?

Yes, it could be very interesting to see how he responds to that, albeit not for the reason you might think. You should post it here and if we’re lucky he’ll come back to answer it.


>Sure, such ideas may come across as an autistic loser’s raging misogyny, but really it’s this sheer altruistic concern for the future of civilization that motives us, amirite folks?

I was with you until that line. Using leftist shibboleths such as misogyny, whether ironically or not, should be discouraged. Otherwise nice troll, gg, would definitely read again.


>adult males are not attracted to eight-year-olds, it’s the other way around

Bullshit. There’s a reason why all nrx now ignores Jim completely, and that is his incessant normalization of pedophilia, and then his 6 bajillion gorillion denials that this phenomenon even exists. You really shouldn’t be doing that, both because of horrible optics, and because it’s wrong.


>Okay wignat, don’t bother using your brain, better start your monologue about magic and obscure Jews with dark technologies that mind control women

I don’t think that he is a shitlib or a wignat, tbh fam. If he’s on the fbi’s payroll, then they seem to have loosened up their human resources protocols and regulation.

jim says:

> > adult males are not attracted to eight-year-olds, it’s the other way around

> Bullshit.

Disney got rich peddling romance to nine year old girls. No one tries to sell porn or romance to nine year old boys, and porn featuring adult males with nine year old girls is a niche market comparable to “Grandmothers I would like to fuck”. The porn market featuring adult males with nine year old female actresses is a tiny niche that is massively outweighed by porn featuring adult males with nine year old boys.

And most “young adult” romances feature a female protagonist whom we are told is sixteen or so, but who suspiciously resembles a nine year old.

The supply and demand situation is as plain as the nose on your face. Massive demand by very young girls, not much supply. (in part because they only want supply that has massive adult female pre-selection, as for example the Prince in “Cinderella”)

jim says:

Pedophilia is an enemy anti concept, invented quite recently in order to normalize gays and to displace the rage we feel about misconduct by very young girls.

The word “Pedophile” did not exist before 1944. (Check google ngrams). Nor did any equivalent concept. If no such word, no such thing.

> here’s a reason why all nrx now ignores Jim completely

You entryists took over Socialist Matter, and it died, as everything that you take over dies. You are now destroying Linux and Rust. The “nrx” that ignored me was entryist controlled, and swiftly ceased to exist. Everything that fails to resist social justice entryism dies.

We intend to abolish pedophilia, as we will abolish gay. No one will think or use the word. And if a nine year old girl gets married off, perhaps because fatherless or perhaps to sweep scandal under the rug, it will not be common, but neither will it be any big deal. The word and the thought did not exist before 1944, nor any where at any time in the past few thousand years. It will soon once again cease to exist, remembered only by learned historians of late twentieth and early twenty first century history. We will still, however, have a word for sex between boys and men. And a noose.

Mike says:

Also he reminds me of Sinead, for those who don’t know.


Theshadowedknight says:

What rest of nrx is ignoring Jim? The rest of nrx collapsed into irrelevance and despair. Its a bunch of blackpillers who are moaning all is lost, a lot like the Republicans that always attack the right and never somehow the left. Who cares that we lost them?

Anon says:

>Linking to Sinead

Yes, that’s what we need: a Nazi Feminist Flat-Earther.

polifugue says:

The references made to “own the libs” and “special snowflake” is projection; a wignat would never refer to opposition to subjects of which he writes in that particular language. The writing style of this person is too refined to be coming from a wignat.

What the Leftist is doing here is projecting a false frame, called a motte and bailey tactic or fallacy. When the Leftist’s bailey is questioned, when those with morality greater than not at all assert that underage girls should not be given HPV vaccines and allowed to misbehave, he will retreat to the motte, and accuse the opponent of the most carefully crafted of straw men. This tactic is used in most Leftist social programs, such as modern no-fault divorce, in that the Leftist wishes for women to destroy the family in the name of equality, just as he wants little girls to misbehave. In my elementary school sex education, the old [childless] white hag told the class that just because you haven’t had your period it doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant. Of course, this wasn’t said to the boys, but then boys don’t engage in such behavior.

The disgusting piece of shit above crafts an elaborate fantastical straw man out of touch with reality to take down a complex and difficult issue. This tactic can be described in Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals:” “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” On the subject of divorce, the Leftist constructs an alternative reality where millions of well-behaved women are being mercilessly assaulted by their evil drunken husbands for no reason, and the only reason anyone would be against the divorce industry would be because he wants to mercilessly beat poor innocent wives for no reason out of pure hatred for the color of their skin – oh, wrong metric – out of pure hatred for the fairer sex.

One could say that when it comes to the subject of real rape, such as in war, the father would kill the rapist and provide the necessary emotional support to his wife, daughter or sister. This was always done after raids of bandits and invading armies entered settlements. However, this vile piece of shit is standing on the suffering of real women raped in war to promote degeneracy among his own family, kin, and community. He probably doesn’t think all underage girls are sexless, because Leftists openly promote elementary school sex education, but that underage girls are wonderful even if they aren’t sexless, and that underage girls must be allowed and encouraged to misbehave, given birth control and abortions, in order to bring about the eschaton.

my posting career observer says:

This is what Jim-cultists non-ironically believe:

When your wife or mother goes missing and ends up lying unconscious and paralyzed on a bench in a public park at night, you’ll retroactively know for a fact that she was a dirty slut who went looking for it. Chaste women never, ever suffer such fates, so if that happened to her, she must not have been chaste.

When you catch your 2nd-grader daughter in bed with a burly male 30 years her senior, probably named DeShawn or Abdul, your first instinct and reaction will totally be, “Damn, I should not have allowed her to install the Instagram app on her cellphone.”

Even if she’s crying and screaming and doing all the usual drama, you should never believe her that this was “rape”; and after apologizing to DeShawn/Abdul for your little whore’s sexually-predatory misbehavior, and for the terrible trauma he must have suffered when she wrapped her “clearly lubricated” vagina around his cock, you gotta beat her up severely as punishment for seducing him and for so terribly traumatizing him.

Then, you need to follow that up by marrying her off to one of your friends, preferably a socially awkward engineer with acne and irritable bowel syndrome, who’ll no doubt be glad to lose his virginity to a horny 2nd grader. Otherwise, your behavior would be contrary to the Red Pill on Women.

This is your actual position on female sexuality, laid bare. That it’s ugly as hell should tell you guys that you are on the wrong track. But instead, you attack the messenger (wonder why that is), who’s done an excellent job putting a mirror in front of your faces. I bet the majority here feels discomfort reading that in those words, but afraid of being censored by Jim, so they say nothing.

The Cominator says:

MPC observer

In some ways some of Jim’s positions are too extreme for whites. But jim is generally right that most women who are “raped” tend to be looking for it. Jim is also right that female sexual choice destroys civilizations.

Jim goes too far on things like marriage by abduction and killings for adultery (the punishment should be painful scary and humiliating but it should not IMHO be death…). Tradcuckery cannot put women back in their place and women should be married off by their fathers shortly after puberty.

jim says:

Gnon commands the death penalty for men who sleep with other men’s wives or betrothed, and allows the death penalty for wives and daughters that exercise female sexual choice. Groups that follow this rule survive. Groups that do not, do not.

It is written. Written in our genes, and written in the Old Testament.

And it is beyond my power to refrain from carrying it out when a man threatens my reproductive assets, though I am capable of restraining myself enough to do it inconspicuously. Laws attempting to restrain men from doing that which is necessary for their genes to survive are apt to be ineffectual. Ineffectual laws are bad laws that bring the law into justified contempt.

Laws that run up against fundamental biological forces will fail, and bring law into discredit.

polifugue says:

>my posting career observer

The leftist reasserts his straw man “that’s your actual position,” attempts to gaslight “you attack the messenger,” appeals to authority “I bet the majority here,” and plays the victim “afraid of being censored.”

The fact that Jim’s blog is facing attacks from well-trained Leftists show that this blog is punching far above its weight. I’m impressed with all of the work that Jim has done in promoting NRX, and all of the commentators for their contributions.

The Cominator says:

95% or more of pedophiles are gays. Heterosexual men almost never interested in pre pubescent women.

jack says:


>fantastical straw man

Lol, your entire post has been nothing but strawmans and psychobabble and histrionic theoreticals. Why don’t you actually address any of the points made in these series of posts? Is that too difficult? Do you *not* always blame the girls and the women who undergo rape? Do you *not* consider it redpileld to always take the side of the rapist, no matter what?

Sinead is awesome, by the way. Cray-cray and awesome

jack says:


>I’m impressed with all of the work that Jim has done in promoting NRX, and all
of the commentators for their contributions.

Nice flattery; now explain when exactly do the Jimtards *not* blame the girl or the woman for being raped? Like, under which exact circumstances? Seems to me that you dipshits are in a holiness spiral to show “who is the most pro-pedo,” in the process losing all the common sense you may have initially possessed.

jim says:

Rape should be defined as removal of a woman from the authority of her father or husband. And should get the death penalty.

But all observed complaints about modern day rape are buyer’s remorse. So no male should be punished. Rape as currently defined is not in practice definable. It can only be defined in a system where a woman’s sexual and reproductive services are owned by some male, because as currently defined it fails to map onto observed female behavior.

The mating dance is pursuit and predation, conquest and surrender. But women in the presence of a potential rapist or sexual harasser do not act like a mouse in the presence of a cat. They act like a cat toy in the presence of a cat. The laws just don’t work, and we need to replace them with laws that do work.

You can see the laws not working right in front of you in sexual harassment cases. Rape, you cannot see so easily, but the statistics indicate that rape complaints are similar to sexual harassment complaints – all bogus, not because it did not happen, but because women complain about what in fact upsets them, and phrase their complaints in high status language without regard to the actual meaning of the words. And rape and sexual harassment does not really upset them, whereas being in the general vicinity of beta males does upset them.

The woman’s consent should be morally and legally irrelevant to the guilt of the adulterer or fornicator. It should only be relevant to her guilt, because if it is deemed relevant to his guilt, you get what we have got, the collapse of male and female cooperation in reproduction, defect/defect equilibrium between men and women.

The Cominator says:

If these people are truly from MPC they are not EXACTLY leftist, pleasureman and crew are more what you would call tradcucks.

We do nearly always blame the women because at least in the modern world it is almost always their fault.

I disagree with jim on aspects of the women question but his position on rape is at least 99% correct. Real rape occurs when conquering armies sack cities. Otherwise its generally the womans having buyers remorse.

The Cominator says:

The tradcuck seems to be deeply motivatef fear that Tyrone and Muhammad will have the 1st crack at his precious little pumpkin under jims system, not realizing that this is the case under the status quo.

polifugue says:

There is nothing to address in the posts because it is a straw man of what Jim and this blog advocates, and the questions have been answered over and over again. I analyzed the tactics used by the above posts.

The answer is that rape is complicated. Sometimes, women get assaulted because of lustful misbehavior, where they venture into dangerous scenarios. Other times, women get assaulted because of the evil behavior of men, such as in war, or by a lone rapist. Rape does happen, and it is not always the fault of women, but it is not necessarily the fault of men. Jim mentions, and I have seen personally, girls before puberty act in a grossly sexual manner which is horrifying. No one is saying the white knight position that just because girls want sex means they should get it.

With regard to the straw man, the response would be to do what any man would do. Kill the rapist and then take care of the assault victim. If an 8 year old girl were genuinely assaulted against her will, she needs to be protected and cared for. Not all prepubescents are into sex. But you and your ilk are unable to grasp any form of nuance, complexity, because all of what’s on the blog is thoughtcrime, so you resort to straw men.

MPC says:

>Kill the rapist and then take care of the assault victim.

Jim has been arguing *against* that for ages.

Motte and bailey is your strategy, not your imaginary “leftist” interlocutor’s. If you agree that the natural and moral response is to kill the rapist — which Jim has been vehemently arguing *against* for a trillion years — then okay.

Not Tom says:

If these people are truly from MPC

I haven’t been to MPC in a long time, but if so, then apparently their pay-to-play policy has not been effective at resisting entryism.

But I don’t think it’s MPC. The posts are probably all from the same person, or possibly two people. In one instance he didn’t even change the email address.

You asshats do realize that brigading is not an effective strategy in closed communities with well-established pseudonyms? The chan entryism strategy is not universally applicable.

The rest of nrx collapsed into irrelevance and despair.

Exactly. I’ve never been on board with the everything-is-HR perspective and can confirm that there are parts of the deeply black-pilled right who have adopted this frame – I know a few personally. I can also confirm that they’re irrelevant, often childless and/or divorced, and generally unpleasant to be around. Basically they’re disaffected MRAs, and in at least one case I know of, probably an FBI asset.

You can paint a black pill red, but that doesn’t make it a red pill.

The Cominator says:

“But I don’t think it’s MPC.”

I never joined because apparently Pleasureman likes to dox people who don’t kiss his ass all the time and I’ll disagree with anyone if I think they are wrong, I’m too autistic that way.

But it would be good if anyone has a membership to politely ask Pleasureman and the crew politely whether its indeed them who are trolling here or whether there are leftist trolls impersonating them.

polifugue says:

There is a big difference between the rape of an innocent prepubescent girl by a loser or a marauding soldier and the “rape” of an “innocent” prepubescent girl where she crawled on top of an alpha male. The former should be resolved by execution, the latter by shotgun marriage, as was done historically. The key is that some girls start misbehaving at an early age. I believe that girls who start showing signs at nine should be disciplined by her father, rather than shotgun married, but if she cannot be controlled and she sleeps with a man anyway, shotgun marriage is preferable to whoring. I have seen misbehaving girls with my own eyes, and having worked with little girls in the past have been given more than a couple of chances to have sex with preteens, all of which I have refused.

The reason why Jim talks about this subject is that for the higher races to reproduce, women must be controlled, and in order for women to be controlled, they cannot be allowed to misbehave.

Anon says:

the response would be to do what any man would do. Kill the rapist and then take care of the assault victim.

Somehow, in his 15 or so years of blogging, Jim never mentioned that. In fact, he always says the opposite of that. Looks to me that you’re talking out of your ass, and making endless excuses for a shitty worldview, mischaracterizing and misconstruing both your own beliefs and what others say.

BC says:

>my posting career observer


A man who was found in the bedroom of an 11-year-old girl told sheriff’s deputies he was there to “have a few beers” with her.

An arrest warrant affidavit said the parents of the girl found Castellano in her bedroom at a home in West Bexar County around 11 p.m. and held him until deputies arrived.

The girl told deputies that Castellano entered the home by climbing through her bedroom window, the affidavit said.

She told them that Castellano had done the same thing on two other occasions this month.

The affidavit said the girl told deputies that she met Castellano on an online app in 2016 and reconnected with him last year.


She invited him over multiple times.

Almost all of these cases involve 11 and 12 year old girls inviting someone in.

You need to protect your daughters mostly from their out of control sexuality.

anon says:

The former should be resolved by execution

News to me; Jim has never said that. Never, ever, in all of his blogging career. Good thing that at least some of you have a tiny little bit of common sense.

Theshadowedknight says:

Okay, so if its MPC NPCs, then that fits the white knight, tradcuck, pedo line of attack. Also the cognitive blindness that they cannot see the argument we are making and imagine something else. It reminds me a little of Glenfilthie.

Just so we are clear, you retard, we are saying that 8 year olds sometimes want sex, and they should absolutely NOT get it if at all possible. Up to and including chaining them in the basement (or some modern variant or innovation) until they can be safely married off. No, women don’t get to make sexual choice under this system, merely the illusion of choice, so they don’t get to run around and fuck whoever they want.

anon says:

Virgin Knight:

>we are saying that 8 year olds sometimes want sex

Yes, this is indeed your position, which you have been using to argue that whenever an adult male is caught in bed with a little girl, it’s because she invited him or seduced him somehow. If you *dispute* that, then you go against “orthodox jimism.” But you don’t seem to ever dispute that.

The mental gymnastics you faggots engage in are astounding. Literally in this very thread, Tom writes:

>adult males are not attracted to eight-year-olds, it’s the other way around

Which is Jim’s position. But then you go back and forth, and once again back and forth, on that uncomfortable position, whose implications you don’t like to think about. That’s the cognitive dissonance of people who try to defend the indefensible.

jim says:

> Which is Jim’s position. But then you go back and forth, and once again back and forth, on that uncomfortable position

Projection. Our position is plainly stated much repeated, and unshifting, despite your endless attempts to shift it.

You keep inventing for us a multitude of absurd positions that are violently contradicted by everyone’s daily life, everyone’s lived experience. Not to mention the marketing strategies of Romance and Porn entertainment.

It is your position that is incoherent, contradictory, and continually shifting. You continually attribute to us some version of your own position, your own beliefs about the nature of the interaction between men and women.

Your position also makes it difficult for males to reproduce, to have a family. Hard to be alpha if you think in your heart that your wife is capable of consenting to sex moment to moment, or that she genuinely has opinions about the broader society, about groups larger than the immediate close ingroup. I have a wife and sons. Do you?

Hard to participate in the courtship dance, if you do not realize that we men must dance pursuit and predation, that men perform but women choose.

It is hard to interact successfully with women, while believing what you purport to believe, and it is glaring obvious that those leftists who do successfully interact with women, for example Bill Clinton, do not genuinely believe such hateful, evil, absurd madness.

Not Tom says:

now explain when exactly do the Jimtards *not* blame the girl or the woman for being raped?

The Jimian position on rape has always been crystal clear:

1. Women generally do not consciously want to be raped. However, many (more than half) have some degree of rape fantasies, and most read and are aroused by romance fiction that is barely distinguishable from the male definition of rape.

2. Regardless of conscious or unconscious desire, most women will eventually escalate to situations that are very likely to result in the male definition of rape, unless either they are physically restrained by a male guardian, or they encounter a man who passes the softer shit tests without rape.

3. A small minority of women will always escalate and cannot be satisfied at all without some violence; bondage, choking, etc. usually happen not because the man enjoys it, but because the woman does. This is only a minority of women, but is a large enough minority to show up on the radar and is therefore easy to misinterpret or misrepresent as cruelty or exploitation, when it is actually nothing of the sort.

4. The overwhelming majority of female-reported rape and harassment is false, which feminists deny but police and HR statistics confirm. Conversely, most rapes really do go unreported, which feminists admit. Women lie about rape for all sorts of reasons – for example, to escape responsibility for assorted bad behavior – but by far the most common is regret, which demonstrates that women are more traumatized by deliberate sex with a beta than they are by actual rape by a man they perceive as alpha.

5. Actual rape can happen, most often by foreign invaders (and America and Europe are in a perpetual state of foreign invasion), but (a) the numbers are too small to warrant the attention it gets, (b) it is not nearly as traumatizing to women as feminists would have you believe, and (c) by virtue of #4, women’s testimony is a completely unreliable guide to both the scope and severity. While a small minority of women may be telling the truth, our default response should be skepticism; don’t #BelieveAllWomen.

6. Therefore the best solution is to leave it up to the woman’s male guardian – generally her husband or father. If the “rape” was adulterous, he may punish the wife and/or seek retribution on her “rapist” while the legal system kindly looks the other way. If it occurred with a single daughter, the approved resolution is shotgun marriage, and cases where shotgun marriage is inappropriate should ideally be very rare because a reactionary society wouldn’t have nice white girls living next door to inner-city nagger thugs, but if the father doesn’t want to shotgun-marry then he should punish her appropriately and find her a better man as soon as possible.

7. To the extent that any of this happens at all with prepubescent girls who are really actually prepubescent and not just going through early puberty/adrenarche, it is insanely rare, usually involves a sexual degenerate (i.e. a fag), and is also easily handled by Johnny Law simply looking the other way when said buggerer mysteriously vanishes without a trace. Normal adult males are attracted to secondary sexual characteristics, i.e. tits, which only show up during puberty; the “stranger danger” that your 8-year-old is constantly surrounded by evil men who want to abuse her is even more remote than your odds of dying from COVID-19 because you went outside to empty your mailbox.

None of this is even remotely like the frame you shills are trying to put forward. You start with the assumption that the rape happened exactly as the woman described, imagine a scenario where everything she says is true, and then try to reason backwards to show why the Jimian position is somehow ridiculous. But these are imaginary scenarios that only exist in women’s imaginations and the foolish men who believe them. If it actually did not happen as the woman described, there is nothing strange about the position he (and we) take on it.

anon says:


>and allows the death penalty for wives and daughters that exercise female sexual choice.

But not the rapist who was caught smashing his sock into an 8-year-old girl’s vagina or anus, because obviously she seduced him. (Let’s not even reflect on how, if he has no sick urges at all, an 8-year-old girl managed to “seduce” him. Yeah, Tyrone was “asleep” apparently)

>And it is beyond my power to refrain from carrying it out when a man threatens my reproductive assets, though I am capable of restraining my self to do it inconspicuously.

See, your actual real-life instincts are healthier than the ideology you promote on your blog. Your actual real-life instinct would be to kill the motherf**ker, but you go on this blog and convince the posters here that the misbehavior is the female’s, not the male’s, so the punishment is for the former, not the latter.


Not Tom says:

But not the rapist who was caught smashing his sock into an 8-year-old girl’s vagina or anus

Salami slicing (unfortunate metaphor here, but whatever) is such an obvious leftist tactic, you idiots should know better than to think it’s going to work here.

Nobody cares about this fantasy of yours because it doesn’t. fucking. happen. And if it does, it is almost certainly due to some well-known sexual degenerate whom society would have “neutralized” long ago if there weren’t an elaborate system in place to protect him.

Talk about something that actually exists, you ridiculous shill.

c says:

You start with the assumption that the rape happened exactly as the woman described, imagine a scenario where everything she says is true, and then try to reason backwards to show why the Jimian position is somehow ridiculous.

The Jimian position is ridiculous, because you know as much as anyone, as much as Jim himself (in a rare moment of honesty, he admitted to it), that when an 8-year-old girl receives a dick in her holes, there is an immoral man responsible for it, and that man should get his s**t kicked in. That you need to spend so much brainpower making excuses for why, when your prepubescent daughter’s getting raped, it’s actually her fault, because you (pretend to) assume that she must have strong sexual urges, or the rape would not be happening, shows that you too can understand how untenable this position.

You reject the assumptions of most people, in theory. In practice, you hold the same assumptions as I do, and this entire exercise in child-rape-apologetics is a tremendous LARP on the part of this community.

jim says:

> Jim himself (in a rare moment of honesty, he admitted to it), that when an 8-year-old girl receives a dick in her holes, there is an immoral man responsible for it,


In the vast majority of cases where a very young girl sleeps with a much older man, he has adult female preselection and alpha credibility, and in a large proportion of cases, probably a majority, she crept into bed with him while he was drunk and sleeping, and therefore he bears no responsibility.

In those cases where he bears some responsibility, it is morally no different from someone seducing your twenty four year old daughter, except that the prospects of your eight year old daughter pulling a suitable husband are considerably worse.

c says:

in a large proportion of cases, probably a majority, she crept into bed with him while he was drunk and sleeping, and therefore he bears no responsibility.

I don’t believe that this scenario is common whatsoever. If it’s not common, then you need to explain how 8-year-old girls could seduce sexually normal, non-degenerate men. How do you get *seduced* by a prepubescent girl?

You claim, “The man is almost always asleep and drunk.” All you have is your own personal anecdote, nothing to prove this assertion.

jim says:

> I don’t believe that this scenario is common whatsoever.

How would you know?

I see what is front of my face, and I see other people hallucinating about what is in front of both our faces, including hallucinations concerning the conduct of very young girls.

Let us reflect on things we both can know: Every Disney movie targeted at nine year old girls, which is most of them, has an underage girl protagonist getting off by herself isolated with an adult male stranger. (In some cases, a sixteen year old girl who is an insert character for nine year old girls, in that we get an lot of the movie taking place long before she is sixteen.) The male character is usually middle aged, (Ralph, the Beast), frequently quite old (Maui is nearing retirement age, and reluctantly coming out of retirement for one last round of heroing) and when the male love interest appears almost age appropriate, (Frozen) he is performing an adult middle aged role (independent businessman, high ranking military officer, then a girl that the movie claims is sixteen disappears into the wilderness or into his castle with him.)

No movie targeted at young boys has the boy getting off by himself isolated with an adult stranger.

No movie targeted at teen males has an unrelated nine year old girl getting off by herself isolated with the teen male protagonist.

Looks to me like massively one sided demand. That is what I see in movie marketing, and that is what I see in my life.

Not Tom says:

when an 8-year-old girl receives a dick in her holes

What kind of gutter filth are you to be so violently obsessed with the sexuality of 8-year-old girls? It’s almost as if this is personal for you.

Yeah, it happens, at about 1 in a million frequency. Cock carouseling, divorce rape and false rape/harassment accusations happen at about 1 in 2 frequency. Which is the more pertinent issue? Answer the question, stop going back to your obnoxious little strawman.

Atavistic Morality says:

These losers keep deflecting and misconstruing.

Are any of you going to address what BC said with evidence, which is exactly the same I claimed previously and the first retard didn’t bother answering, but rather decided to call a wife with children “chaste”, to showcase his great IQ?

As polifugue very well remarked, you continue to construct false scenarios and argue from false assumption, instead of addressing the facts. There might be some women forcefully getting raped, however when you look at most of the cases the women made an active effort to put themselves out there, and the same goes for the young teenage girls. You argue in the same lying and bad faith manner that progressives do when they argue the #MeToo ordeal. Somehow, a woman going inside a room alone with a man, getting undressed and getting in his bed is unimportant, because she claims she said “no”, or whatever arbitrary insanity you come up.


Not all wignats are FBI. If these people aren’t wignats, they are very hard pushing the perfect and blameless Aryan princess angle here. It’s ridiculous that anyone would claim being “red-pilled” while shamelessly ignoring the facts. Every time I heard of some Paki rape and the article has the context, the woman willingly got inside a car with 5 dudes, went to somewhere shady alone with them, the pretext is “fun” or “drugs”. Might as well release every criminal from prison, they all are also innocent, ask them…

Theshadowedknight says:

AV, if he is using chaste in that sense, then it is almost certainly some tradcuck heretic type. A woman can have children and be chaste, but she sure wasn’t celibate. Chaste means no sexual sin, so a woman who only ever has sex with her husband is chaste. Chastity is not celibacy but they are often confused.

Since this shill is making the distinction, I am thinking some kind of purity movement heresy. Those are the types that know enough to distinguish between the two. Could be something else, but that is a big tell for Christian heresies.

The Cominator says:

Why are they not addressing the fact the heterosexual males who are attracted to prepubescents are as rare as unicorns. Pedophiles are almost universally homosexuals and in the rare a male really does rape a prepubescent its almost always some pansexual drug addict degenerate like John Podesta and crew.

Pedophiles are almost always gays. Heterosexual male “pedophiles” generally are with a 15 to less than 18 year old girl.

ten says:

Dear annoying stupid shills,

female sexual immorality is a primary concern for our civilization. When you try to redirect the response to this problem, “but whaddabout nigger rape? but whaddabout evil men raping innocent preteen princesses?”, you are sowing seeds of evil in the response to an existential problem, and your shill sabotage should not be encouraged by jim or anyone else accepting your stupid frame and ceding ground.

If that ground is ceded, we are suddenly discussing how to protect “our women” from evil men instead of how to manage our women. We already know how to protect our women, but we are not allowed to do so, because the cathedral are using your attack vectors to protect them from being protected by us, instead letting them be free targets by the rotten men that undoubtedly exist, whose company these women often seek because they want male command, and we are forbidden and often prevented from giving it to them.

We can all find an evil man that raped a girl, or evil niggers that gang raped your wife. This is a smalll and rare thing compared to our big problem, which is that the cathedral are weaponizing our women’s poor sexual morality against us and our civilization, and you wish us to strain a gnat and swallow a camel cock.

When it is said, in the context of counteracting female sexual immorality, that shot gun marrying even the young girls as soon as they start with it is the old and traditional and functional solution, you twist this like an insane prog to mean that the espoused method of pair forming is girl rape. Are you literally insane or merely so marinated in progressive insanity that some of it passed the brain blood barrier?

I have heard some weird hippies speak fondly of coffee enemas as detox – with your predilection for getting shit ass backwards, maybe it could be something for you, too.

The Cominator says:

“female sexual immorality”

Try to avoid using the term morality when describing it.

Use of the word morality implies that we have a “whore” problem and maybe the former Soviet bloc and Asian countries have a whore problem as they have resisted making single women high status compared to men but yet they don’t have effective patriarchy. This is preferable to the problem that we have and its something much much worse.

We have a problem with single women (being high status compared to the average man because of our insane system) chastely waiting around for Jeremy Meeks to give them a booty call every six months and hating the mass of men and both genders mostly going insane from a lack of sex.

This is something almost everyone gets wrong.

ten says:

I use “female sexual immorality” to invite the question what defines it, to answer “any and all sex outside of marriage*”, and i think it is a good angle despite implying whores being the problem.

Lack of sex and ungrounded female sense of self-worth is indeed as you say our problem rather than whores, but i was responding to our latest shill friends, not speaking generally.

*with marked leniency regarding sex leading towards marriage – if they get married, nothing happened, if they don’t, something happened.

jim says:

Trouble is, that when men think of female sexual immorality, they think “easy women”, projecting male nature onto women. Our problem is the exact reverse of that. Miss Chubby Average is waiting for a booty call from a six foot six athletic vampire King billionaire.

Men are polygamous, women hypergamous. Hypergamy, women waiting for men of higher sociosexual ranking than their own, is female sexual immorality. They should be waiting for men willing and able to keep them around, and such men can only be of approximately similar sociosexual rank to their own.

Women like and dislike mate guarding behavior. She wants a man of way higher sexual rank than her own, who guards her, but …

In one thousand romance stories, the love interest initially fails to guard the insert character, and at the end, does. They want that. But in one thousand sequels to one thousand romance stories … they wander off, and there is some man even more super duper alpha around than the super duper alpha who scooped her up in the last pages of the previous book. If the male fantasy is an ever growing harem, the female fantasy is serial monogamy from one alpha to an even higher alpha, never ending romance.

Starman says:

How come none of these shills are able to answer fully my RedPill on Women question? Despite the answer being spoonfed to them?


Oh, never mind! One of them, (“Approved by Karen and Samantha from HR”), posted a link from their employer.

The Cominator says:

“I use “female sexual immorality” to invite the question what defines it, to answer “any and all sex outside of marriage*”, and i think it is a good angle despite implying whores being the problem.”

Not really a good angle either, marriage has to really exist anymore for this to be a good angle and what we have now is progressive skinsuit marriage. Tradcucks love talking about morality and marriage while defining morality in emotional terms and accepting progressive skinsuit marriage as just as good as patriarchy marriage.

Use of the word morality or putting things in moral terms should be avoided.

We need to spread the word of the actual problem, one that that almost everyone gets wrong and not confuse our position with the tradcuck position.

Our description of this subject should probably (maybe I’m wrong because I’m a sperg and people aren’t my strong suit) always start with no we don’t have a whore problem and in fact a whore problem would be downright paradise compared to our current situation.

Pooch says:

What is the whore problem? Too many women fucking multiple men?

The Cominator says:

Whore problem.

Patriarchy not effective and women are not effectively owned but single men still higher status than single women (or at least the government isn’t openly hostile to men).

Women are easy to pick up and fuck multiple guys, a very high % will spend some time working as a literal prostitute. Most actually get married in this kind of society but more likely to cuck you.

The former Soviet bloc countries and some Asian countries are supposedly like this, America in the 1960s thru most of the 1980s was I’m told like this.

This is not the problem the US and Western Europe (though Germany and Switzerland are kind of like this so I’m told) has now. We have something worse as I’ve described.

Whore problem is paradise compared to what we have because getting women and getting laid is not so hard and women do like men there will give you the time of day and you can even get married generally. But keeping a woman in such a country is hard.

Dave says:

I caught the last ten minutes of this program when it aired, then waited twenty years for someone to upload it to YouTube:


It’s about upper-middle-class suburban white kids being wildly promiscuous, causing a syphilis outbreak, and their parents struggling to deal with the fact that their daughters are whores. I can’t imagine how much worse things are now, a generation later.

Except for three cute but chubby virgins, the girls interviewed must all be taking Botox because their eyes show no expression at all.

They didn’t interview the boy who shot up the school, but he was probably an incel frustrated that everyone was getting laid except him.

The Cominator says:

You didn’t read through my discussion.

I watched a little. All the girls were fucking the same four chads by admission of one of the girls ergo the vast majority of non-chads were not getting laid.

This is the Western feminist sexual pattern not the whore society sexual pattern. In former Soviet bloc and Asian countries most guys get laid because merely being a man who is not a complete wuss is high status compared to being a woman.

Dave says:

To the incel it seems like everyone is getting laid except him.

Not Tom says:

To the incel it seems like everyone is getting laid except him.

Hypergamy is a fact understood by incels and PUAs alike; PUAs have merely learned how to capitalize on it.

Cominator is right, both qualitatively and quantitatively. While almost any guy can pull a decent women with enough game, if you just let everybody “be themselves” then 80% of the women will chase after 20% of the men in the best case; worst case, that 20% can shrink to as low as 1% because hypergamy has no intrinsic limiting principle.

Dave says:

Hypergamy was not widely understood in 1999 when the Conyers shooting happened. I was a decade older than that kid and did not know this word.

Hypergamy has one intrinsic limiting principle: Women are physically much weaker than men. If men typically reacted the way animals do to the sight of a single mother with a baby i.e. bashing the baby’s brains out and raping the mother, all women would quickly pair up with men one-to-one. Sperm is cheap but protection is not.

Not Tom says:

If men typically reacted the way animals do to the sight of a single mother with a baby i.e. bashing the baby’s brains out and raping the mother, all women would quickly pair up with men one-to-one.

And what makes you so certain that women are so averse to this scenario that they would stop trading up in order to avoid it?

As you rightly point out, it happens in nature already, and it doesn’t stop those females from being hypergamous.

What will generally stop hypergamy in its tracks is the threat of violence against her person for present unfaithfulness. Stoning was a time-honored tradition, but public scorn and ridicule from everyone (men and women) in the community works almost as well, and feels much more civilized, but requires a strong patriarchy to maintain.

Mike says:

Continuing the subject of how using “female sexual immorality” is a problem, wasn’t that one of the things wrong with the Old South? That they were too busy upholding their Southern belles as angels who could do no wrong, and would just blame negros for raping them when they were slutting around? I don’t want to sound like a libtard, but it is kinda suspicious that they always blamed blacks for female misbehavior.

The Cominator says:

So is there general agreement that framing the problem in moral terms produces only confusion with the false tradcuck view of the problem and that the problem of the distorted sexual market in the west should be discussed strictly in more factual and empirical terms.

Oak says:

Exactly. When your wife or mother goes missing and ends up lying unconscious and paralyzed on a bench in a public park at night, you’ll retroactively know for a fact that she was a dirty slut who went looking for it. Chaste women never, ever suffer such fates, so if that happened to her, she must not have been chaste.

There are obviously situations where women aren’t looking for it, but get it.

But not seeking consent is such a powerful display of reproductive value to women’s archaic firmware that they will often retrospectively approve. And it will likely cause them less psychological damage than having sex with a man who actively seeks consent prior to the act.

pig says:


jim says:

Not going to hold a conversation using enemy shibboleths and anticoncepts.

Oliver Cromwell says:

“Exactly. When your wife or mother goes missing and ends up lying unconscious and paralyzed on a bench in a public park at night, you’ll retroactively know for a fact that she was a dirty slut who went looking for it. Chaste women never, ever suffer such fates, so if that happened to her, she must not have been chaste.”

This guy simply lives in a different mental universe, either because his personal living situation is only a few steps above Scott Alexander’s polyhovel, or because he is a 13 year old boy. When exactly are these things meant to happen to my mother? When she is going somewhere with my father, a rape in presence of husband being about as likely as death by lightning strike? When she is walking to the store or the clinic, the only places she goes on her own? It’s just taken for granted that peoples’ mothers are all out at some bar alone in their down time, or wandering dimly lit parks at night…?

Not Tom says:

This guy simply lives in a different mental universe, either because his personal living situation is only a few steps above Scott Alexander’s polyhovel, or because he is a 13 year old boy.

I was thinking, baby daddy spawn, which wouldn’t necessarily be inconsistent with either of the above.

Only situation I can imagine where someone’s mother is at risk of “rape” is if she’s single and in her early 30s. In other words, teenage pregnancy, no husband, son/daughter doing the worrying is in early teens.

Fred says:

Jim’s “Cambodia thesis” (left is purging everyone smart) confirmed: https://twitter.com/XiXiDu/status/1271853751071051779

notglowing says:

Tucker saying that BLM’s support is growing because they’re getting what they want after committing violence and the public supports whoever is strong.
This signals that violence is the answer and that elections are not useful.

The Cominator says:

They look like the strong horse in (most) blue areas because the left is not willing to stop them. They will not try anything in red areas because will be stopped.

Blue shitholes will get more blue as the spiral continues while the red areas (where they don’t look like a strong horse but just a species of liberal insanity) will come to hate them more and more.

Oliver Cromwell says:

How on earth does it signal that? The right lost at violence with the nominal commander-in-chief and the nominal military obeying his orders, but if random hicks take up their pitchforks the right will suddenly win?

If Trump wins, which is still possible, internal institutional attempts can continue.

If not, the left is going to have to burn itself out, and the best strategy is to make potential future General Moncks aware of their options.

Oliver Cromwell says:

A thought occurs to me, which is that Monck had the advantage of restoring legitimate authority. How bad do things have to get before Queen Elizabeth II looks more legitimate as ruler of America than the Constitution? Are there any other alternatives?

Pooch says:

The Constitution died a while ago.

Oliver Cromwell says:

The constitution never existed as a positive legal force, but it is very much alive as a source of state legitimacy.

notglowing says:

>but if random hicks take up their pitchforks the right will suddenly win?
No one is saying this. It doesn’t work for the right.
But on the left this is what is happening, by capitulating to BLM, a violent organization, because they commit violence and burn down cities.
Even Trump signed an executive order against police brutality, supporting the cause.
Also that was just me repeating what Tucker said, not suggesting anything to people here.

jim says:

Capitulation to the BLM (actually antifa) is accelerating the holiness spiral. We are now getting home invasions of insufficient progressive Democrats. Frankenstein’s monster is devouring Frankenstein. If Obama was president, it would be devouring us, but it is not.

Theshadowedknight says:

Are you talking about the Olympia mayor who had her house attacked, or something else? Also, shooting started in Albuquerque, New Mexico. That was an interesting watch. Peaceful protesters peacefully screaming that they were going to peacefully kill a heavily armed far right extremist who was carrying a single pistol.

BC says:

>Are you talking about the Olympia mayor who had her house attacked, or something else?

It wasn’t just the mayor, the entire area around the capital building was smashed up pretty good. There wasn’t any BLM people either, it was 100% Antifa troops.

The Cominator says:

The funny thing is if the last BAP podcast is correct (and I don’t think hes lying or full of shit) antifa works off lists given by some kind of central authority which also provides their funding…

So this is not spontaneous at all its organized coordinated attacks by far leftists on insufficiently holy Democrats.

jim says:

Top democrats and deep staters are having their antifa clients attack top democrats (and probably top deep staters).

When you try color revolution in America itself, the dynamic of the holiness spiral is going to grab it and run off with it.

When the State Department did color revolutions elsewhere, their big problem was carryon baggers, people who were helicoptered into power in countries where they lacked local roots and connections. The carryon baggers would rule from a hotel, with the cafeteria serving their meals, a succession of whores warming their bed, and the maids cleaning their rooms. They did not care who would rule the target country, since in truth America would rule it, so they proceeded to steal everything and take the next flight out, leaving the ensuing political mess for someone else to sort out, like their hotel rooms.

In America itself, successful color revolution would mean real power up for grabs, and the color revolutionaries care deeply who is going to grab it, and are apt to set to work sorting that problem out before power is seized.

Thus color revolution in America itself is likely to take a different turn, with a lot of bloodshed and destruction setting in before the color revolutionaries seize power, rather than after they seize power. Mild stuff so far, but the logic of the holiness spiral, like the logic of color revolution, is escalation till final victory. If we are very lucky, the left could kill itself off before seizing total power, instead of after, as the Red Brigades did.

One might suppose the Democrat party “moderates” will get their stuff together and crush Antifa and its sponsors, which they could easily do, but that would mean cooperating with Bad Orange Man and letting him win. Their friends to the left are going to kill them, while their enemies to the right are not going to kill them, especially if they decide to assist in crushing Antifa, but nonetheless, no enemies to the left, no friends to the right.

The Cominator says:

To the extent they are being centrally directed I would ask you what is the plan?

Leftists burning their own cities can’t help the Democrats much but I don’t want to assume total incompetence on the part of the enemy especially given the enemies very successful Corona sabotage of the economy…

jim says:

Their plan has been announced on the news. Trump is supposedly weak, weak, weak, getting weaker, weaker, …

Antifa, with enough blacks around summoned by the sound of broken glass to provide plausibility for the official narrative, breaks stuff and starts fires. Everyone loves a strong horse. The more fires they start, the more glass they break, the more popular they become. It is intoxicating for them, intoxicating for Democrats. It is intoxicating even for those Democrats who get targeted by Antifa. Everyone loves Kristallnacht.

Anonymous 2 says:

Yes, antifa are fairly obviously directed and organized and funded (and protected) by some discreet power. Interestingly, during the riots Soros explicitly denied it, as a “debunked conspiracy theory”, naturally.


Mister Grumpus says:

@Jim again recites and applies the model:
“One might suppose the Democrat party “moderates” will get their stuff together and crush Antifa and its sponsors, which they could easily do, but that would mean cooperating with Bad Orange Man and letting him win. Their friends to the left are going to kill them, while their enemies to the right are not going to kill them, especially if they decide to assist in crushing Antifa, but nonetheless, no enemies to the left, no friends to the right.”

What words could better make sense of Pelosi et al kneeling to their own career destroyers?

I’ve been in this so long, the above is completely obvious to me. Not obvious enough that I could have written it myself word for word, but it makes perfect sense. There’s nothing here that makes me go “You’re crazy, that’s wrong, you’re terrible, and let’s fight about it.”

This leads to me asking:

Why doesn’t Fox News have a show that’s nothing but this kind of NrXish analysis, over and over, on the events of the day? Where is that show? Why isn’t it on right now?

Or are Carlson and Gutfeld way ahead of me, and know how to IRL this stuff, folding it into their act, slowly over time, so they don’t lose anyone abruptly?

How naughty is this anymore, really though? Is there anything particularly racist-bigot-homophobe-horrible about the content here? Nobody on Jim is carrying on about “GTKRWN”, or “I can’t stand these niggers no more” or “liberals get the bullet too”, or “Hitler did nothing wrong”, or anything like that.

So once again it’s obvious. I’ve lost touch with how far outside the mainstream I really am, because I can’t even tell what’s so horrible and mean about what we read and write here. And then I try 10 minutes of CNN and it’s putting my face in a lawnmower.

I know I’m “slow class”, but your comments are always appreciated.

The Cominator says:

I’ve posted Jim stuff on my facebook but i genuinely dont give a fuck, i think the worst most unpalatable to normies things Jim posts on are related to

1) The redpill on early female sexuality, his real position is as we see right now easy to distort.

2) His position condoning lethal private violence in regards to being cucked. Would be palatable if you just said beating the shit out of them badly was ok…

3) his imho genuinely morally bad view that bastards should be left to a fate like 1950s Quebec.

The 1st item there is nothing wrong with but its easy to misconstrue because even a lot of right wingers are too emotional about the topic. The 2nd item is too associated with the way moon worshipping sand joggers behave… A savage beating suffices to restore alphaness. The 3rd is genuinely kind of horrible…

jim says:

There was remarkably little curiosity about what happened to bastards until quite modern times. And there is today remarkably little interest in late term abortions. The Republicans recently voted with Democrats, yet again, to fund the sale of baby meat, which I am sure never happened in the 1950s. A genuinely civilized society might well take effective action to prevent both, but we need to reboot the original and working operating system before we start making improvements yet again. How do you secure the safety of bastards without undermining the family, the authority of husbands, and the authority of fathers? Maybe it can be done, certainly it should be done if it can be done, but until we have a more functional social order, tinkering with improvements is unwise.

I don’t think my position on female sexuality is easy to distort. I run into the same strange incomprehension on all manner of topics. People detect crimethink, and reflexively substitute a less criminal position, partly because they do not dare think about my actual position, partly because they are forbidden to debate it.

One is apt to use lethal violence defending one’s home, and this is socially approved, and legal in most American states. What is it that makes one’s home valuable? Does a man want a house and garden, if he has no one but himself in it? Everything we do, we do for women. If no women, and no prospect of owning a a woman, might as well live in your single mother’s basement playing pornographic video games. All men are like that, unless there is something broken in them. If a man is not like that, probably left no descendants, so we are descended from men like that.

The Cominator says:

Your position is only easy to distort not because its overly complicated but because people have been trained to have a visceral reaction to any implication of young girls behaving badly the way you see, its a horrible thoughtcrime for the vast majority of the population. We saw people presumably from the purple pilled MPC engaging in this last night.

I’ll concede that perhaps deadly violence for catching your wife under your roof under the freehold doctrine but most women who fuck around tend to have it “just happen” over and over again OUTSIDE their homes (I suppose the trope about rich broads fucking the poolboy being a possible exception). And condoning lethality for anything short of caught in the act under your own roof is just too sand joggery for whites, its not generally been our custom though dueling was.

“How do you secure the safety of bastards without undermining the family, the authority of husbands, and the authority of fathers? ”

You would not have to undermine it very much.

In general I think let Christian families adopt them if their father is unable to care for them and for whatever reason can’t be married, screen out any fags, sadists and certain other mental types. There would be so few under our system that demand would likely exceed supply.

Pooch says:

Why doesn’t Fox News have a show that’s nothing but this kind of NrXish analysis, over and over, on the events of the day? Where is that show? Why isn’t it on right now?

Normies can’t fully digest Jim without full internalization of the woman and race pill, discussion of which is still well outside the Overton Window. I do see the window slowly shifting to the right though. This is where guys like Tucker come in to fill the gap. He is discussing race (without actually saying “black” or “white”) in ways that I’ve never seen before on television so that’s a good thing. If he were to push it too far though he would likely be fired and canceled.

Pooch says:

Sorry for the double-post..

Their plan has been announced on the news. Trump is supposedly weak, weak, weak, getting weaker, weaker, …

Wasn’t that narrative smashed when Trump defeated them at the Battle of Lafayette Park? How can they honestly carry on the weak, weak, weaker plan after that event?

jim says:

The narrative was indeed smashed. New York Times has quietly gone back to “will lose in November”

If the establishment Democrats are in charge, color revolution is over now. Are the establishment Democrats in charge? The insurgency is now not only against Trump, but against establishment Democrats. Maybe establishment Democrats will prevail. The last conspicuous burning seemed to result in effective Democratic part action to identify and punish the offenders. Cultural Revolution is go, which is a retreat position.

I expected, and predicted, loss of establishment Democrat control. Less sure now.

Pooch says:

To add on, seems like maybe they’ve back off of color revolution and are switching to Cultural Revolution for a while with the smashing of statutes and such. Some similarities to when the CPC smashed the Buddhist statues in China.

Not Tom says:

Why doesn’t Fox News have a show that’s nothing but this kind of NrXish analysis, over and over, on the events of the day? Where is that show? Why isn’t it on right now?

Because the average Fox News viewer wouldn’t understand most of it and would be terrified of the rest.

NRx is an intellectual movement for elites in exile, not a demotistic prole activist ideology. Proles need religion, not abstract ideas. They want to be left alone with their jobs and their families, not to rule or join mass protests.

Like we asked you before: to what end? What do you think that we, or society, would gain from such exposure? If the thought leaders of progressivism, which is totally mainstream, work largely in the shadows, what could possibly lead you to believe that reaction, which is maligned and demonized, would operate effectively on cable TV?

We know our audience, and Fox News viewers ain’t it.

Andre says:
Javier says:

Greg Gutfeld said ‘the Cathedral,’ is that commonly used outside of NRX circles? He was also alluding to motte and bailey.

Not Tom says:

Greg Gutfeld said ‘the Cathedral,’ is that commonly used outside of NRX circles?

Never. Kind of reminds me of Ivanka’s bizarre reference to the red pill. I doubt these people fully understand what they’re talking about, but that’s actually OK; progs mostly don’t understand the memes coming from academia either, that’s not essential for transmission or correct function. Some of his viewers are going to Google the Cathedral and find out what it means. (well, until Google starts suppressing it)

Pooch says:

NM got charged dropped so that’s good news.


Javier says:

Good, I was afraid that would be another case of the courts declaring that putting yourself in a scenario where self-defense is likely is the same as murder. Which is horseshit.

Cloudswrest says:
Cloudswrest says:

Another interesting story from ancient Greece about taming wild women.


Pooch says:


Beijing going on soft lockdown for coronavirus wave 2. Now I’m starting to think they are in on this.

Pooch says:

Their plan has been announced on the news. Trump is supposedly weak, weak, weak, getting weaker, weaker, …

Wasn’t that narrative smashed when Trump defeated them at the Battle of Lafayette Park? How can they carry on the weak, weak, weaker plan after that event?

Mister Grumpus says:

Sadly, this is an easy question to answer.

All they have to do is beat up and arrest “Trump supporters” for trying to defend themselves, tear down every statue of a white person, and then tease Trump for not being able to stop them.

Pooch says:

NM guy who shot antifa trying to mob him got charges dropped I believe. That seems like a nice win for white defense from mob. Albuquerque is pretty blue. I supposed they could always add charges later.

Encelad says:

“Brooks, the Georgetown Law professor and former Obama official, is helping lead an informal bipartisan group called the Transition Integrity Project that is looking to ensure the election and potential transition go smoothly.”

Why do I feel a shiver down my spine when I read about an Obama official appointed to check that the election go “smoothly”?


notglowing says:

Trump apparently called for journalists to be executed behind closed doors
One can hope?

yewotm8 says:

I give absolutely no credibility to anything coming from John Bolton. He is a pathetic buffoon. I’ve heard so many snippets coming from that book, all of which seem to be so outrageous that there is no way they are true, and exist only to be memes for the media to spew.

BC says:

So on the subject the great cop purge, how do Right Wing Death Squads form and are the US cops going to start operating them? I know a bit about RWDS from south America where it’s always the cops or people associated with the cops doing the actual ops, but I know almost nothing else about them. I’m assuming someone with real power will signal them that they have their backs and gives them a degree of direction.

jim says:

Cops are on strike in some places because they hate the theater they are forced to play in which brutal cops are defeated by triumphant protesters because the people united shall never be defeated. They hate being the fall guy in a fake fight set up by their local administration and antifa.

It is a good step towards right wing death squads, but right wing death squads, like antifa itself, can only operate under state and federal protection. It is a coup complete problem. When antifa stops being protected by the presidency, the judiciary, and the police, then “off duty” policemen will start being protected.

Andre says:

So here in Brazil this ex-femen staged a mock attack on the supreme court, launching fireworks at their building. She is part of a group that calls itself “the 300 of Brazil”, in reference to the spartans. She was arrested and apparently her boyfriend then did the same thing, except targeting the prison, not sure I haven’t looked that deeply into it. The Supreme Court in Brazil is blocking everything that Bolsonaro does, and is actively persecuting his supporters, literally going after youtubers because of “fake news” and “insulting members of the court”. Governors threaten lockdowns due to covid, and yet there is a permanent propaganda campaign on TV trying to convince people that Bolsonaro is a horrible, totalitarian dictator that must be stopped. The “anti-racist” and “covid” rethoric is perfectly synchronized, they even dig up local “incidents” of “evil racism” to show on tv and the Supreme Court has declared police operations in the favelas illegal for the duration of the pandemic (which should be obvious to everyone, will last as long as they want it to last). The situation in the United States is… it worries me, because the right is bending the knee and if Trump falls, I don’t think Bolsonaro can survive the siege. I get that both Trump and Bolsonaro are walking a tightrope but I’m losing my patience with their abject cowardice and it does not look like I’m the only one. I see americans enraged that Trump is doing nothing and I see brazilians enraged that Bolsonaro is doing nothing.

The Cominator says:

You are a blackpiller and possibly a glowjogger. If Democrats want to burn their own cities we should let them.

Cowards? Did you run for office. Neither Trump nor Bolsonarno had to put themselves out there like they did.

Trump’s major mistake was cucking to the lockdowns, Bolsonarno to my understanding didn’t even do that he tried to stop them from the beginning.

Andre says:

Trump praised George Floyd as a martyr. Cops threw Derek under the bus and then started literally kneeling. And then they dared bitch that the zombies are still hungry. All cowards. Bolsonaro’s son said he and many others understand that a break with the institutional order is inevitable (that is, some sort of coup), yet they allow an institution that is despised by everyone (the Supreme Court) to act in a blatantly illegal manner and persecute their allies, because they are too scared of the optics of actually doing anything. With friends like Bolsonaro, who needs enemies?

The Cominator says:

Derek Chauvin is guilty of murder even if Floyd is generally a scumbag. Everyone agrees on that but you apparently.

Ex says:
The Cominator says:

Oh he is going to walk because the leftist AG there wants him to walks because it will inflame the situation. I called that the minute he took over the case.

But did he murder the guy, yeah.

Pooch says:

Letting him walk right before the election and forcing another round of riots for Trump to deal with seems like a possibility.

Mr.P says:

” … did he murder the guy, yeah.”

Sorry. The videos are gruesome but are inconclusive.

We still do not know precisely how Floyd died. To put it in Covid terms, did Floyd die *of* arrest or *with* arrest.

The Cominator says:

There is no good reason to pin a guy you’ve already cuffed down with a hold that is banned in MMA. I don’t care about George Floyd but pinning someone’s neck tight will kill a lot of people.

Andre says:

Cops aren’t play fighting you fucking dumbass.

Andre says:

No, he did not, and you are completely insane if you think he did.

Theshadowedknight says:

Floyd was ODing on meth and feyntanyl. They tried to hold him down while he was spazzing out. Then he died. Thats not murder, at worst its manslaughter. If you let an ODing junkie run off he dies. If you hold him down, he dies. At that point, let his junkie ass die in the least inconvenient manner. If they tazed him his heart would have popped. If they shot him, he probably would have died. When they held him down, he died. If younput yourself in that bad a situation because of your own stupid choices, you deserve to die. Chauvin was the application of the will of Gnon to Floyd’s stupidity.

Yeah the video looks bad, but everyone is so busy virtue sugnalling that it looks bad that when the rest of the info came out it got drowned out. Even on the right, because we are sick of cops treating the lockdown as an excuse to be petty tyrants. A lot of people got to see what cops are like and didn’t like what they saw. Floyd is just the excuse. Just like liberals buying guns to fend off Trump’s tyranny. They did fuck all for three years, then after the first couple of days of pavement apes burning shit down they arm up to fught Trump?

The Cominator says:

Well I think the right should embrace abolishing the police because they will inevitably be replaced by right wing paramilitaries for reasons we’ve discussed. I don’t care about a Democrat cop anymore than I do some drug addict jogger but my specific feeling on the case was that he was already down and you don’t need to use a hold that is banned in MMA to do it.

Americans cops DO statistically have a bad tendency to kill when not necessary compared to other countries. Remember the Simon Says video, many such cases.

Mr.P says:

“Floyd was ODing on meth and feyntanyl.”

Quite right, confirmed by autopsy.

Floyd was a dead man walking.

If Mother Teresa herself had conducted the arrest, it’s nearly certain Floyd would have died by her hand while being taken into custody.

jim says:

Very likely, but the guy who took him into custody had disturbingly heavy hands.

Andre says:

You don’t even need an autopsy, there is video showing him collapsing to the ground like a ragdoll twice before even getting to the cop car. Would he have survived if the cops had been nicer? Maybe. It doesn’t matter. That is one of the problems with being tall and muscular, people have to err on the side of caution when dealing with you. He made the choice to live his life like a thug, so he got treated like a thug.

BC says:

>Well I think the right should embrace abolishing the police because they will inevitably be replaced by right wing paramilitaries for reasons we’ve discussed. I don’t care about a Democrat cop anymore than I do some drug addict jogger but my specific feeling on the case was that he was already down and you don’t need to use a hold that is banned in MMA to do it.

I’m rather less than convinced of this. Abolishing the cops would just channel all that money to antifa goons and black gangs. As much as I’d think they’d make great targets for backyard snipers, they’d have the funding to be an actual military force and that would be very bad for us.

Secondly, having cops around gives us intelligence about our enemies plans. I would wager Trump was getting a stream of Intel from the DC cops during the attempt putsch.

Starman says:

” I’m rather less than convinced of this. Abolishing the cops would just channel all that money to antifa goons and black gangs. As much as I’d think they’d make great targets for backyard snipers, they’d have the funding to be an actual military force and that would be very bad for us.”

The black gangs and Antifa goons are paper tigers without cops to protect them. See Roof Koreans, Katrina. Although I can see that with funding, you can turn the White antifa goons into commissars, but no amount of police funding is going to turn nigger gangs into a real fighting force.

Money by itself doesn’t turn into power, just look at poor Jeff Bezos,

BC says:

Money and training can turn white soy boys into cohesive warriors. The Spanish civil war is proof of that and with whites as atomized as we are, they could be dangerous.

The Cominator says:

The Bolshevik left of the early 20th century was very masculine compared to the modern left.

Pooch says:

The blacks and Hispanics would be the warriors for them because they are the only ones masculine enough to be warriors on their side. With training and funding they could resemble something like the warlord gangs in Africa.

The Cominator says:

You imagine an orc horde whipped into battle by antifa officers

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdXQJS3Yv0Y (I know this is the cheesy animated version but I thought the song was apt).

Need plausibly masculine white officers for that to work and with a nearly alll black army really draconian military discipline, even if they could find such officers putting them in charge of the blacks and hispanics would be terribly unholy.

It just wouldn’t work with the modern left.

Pooch says:

They could have mulatto leaders like André Rigaud in Haiti and they will have overwhelming numbers in the blue territory also like in Haiti.

Atavistic Morality says:


Leftists back then in Spain were actually masculine. In fact they were red-pilled by today standards… they made propaganda claiming Franco was bringing a nigger mob to rape white women because of the Guardia Mora, and in the “leftist Spain” working women only got paid half the amount men did and of course no independence of any kind to be seen. They were retarded and destructive, but they weren’t pussies, you cannot compare to what you have today.

Pantransexual strong independent cishet doublebi alphabet soy boys cannot become disciplined soldiers, because what you’re saying is that they can be progressive faggots and at the same time red-pilled men who realize certain virtue, hierarchy and discipline are necessary… it’s a contradiction. If that ever happened, they might maintain the retarded economics but they’d purge the progressives like Stalin purged the trotskyites.

Well, to be honest, the “reds” as they were called here weren’t exactly good disciplined soldiers either. They were more akin to a savage horde of bandits killing everything in sight for a few apples, including each other, especially each other. When “the nationals” reached Barcelona they stayed back and just encouraged the anarchs from the CNT to keep killing the PSOE/PCE retards, fun times.

And if you get into it, at the end of the day a lot of men fighting with the reds weren’t necessarily leftists, they were forcefully conscripted or just gaslighted with the impression that they were defending the Republic. Before the war began the PCE and the Falange both were composed of a very small percentage of people, but the war just pushed people to either one because that’s how it goes. But at the beginning a lot of people were fighting for the reds without realizing what they were because they pretended to defend the “Republic”. That’s also why as the war went on more and more people joined Franco, because they experienced the truth. If we didn’t have to be careful about doxxing I could go into detail using my own ancestors as an example, but well, let’s just leave it at that.

In any case, modern people are nothing like people back then so it won’t play out the same way if that’s what you’re thinking. Ideological war in the 20th century is not exactly the same as the civilizational collapse that we are experiencing.

Javier says:

> pinning someone’s neck tight will kill a lot of people

-Knee hold is officially non-lethal and has been used hundreds of times without fatality. Floyd wasn’t fully pinned he could move his head.

-Floyd was on three times the lethal dose of Fentanyl. Same thing that killed Prince and Tom Petty.

-Floyd was spazzing out which is consistent with excited delirium syndrome

-Official response for excited delirium is to restrain subject while waiting for medical help.

Chauvin did nothing wrong. The worst you could say is he did not react fast enough to Floyd’s condition or provide enough medical care, but cops are cops not EMTs. Fact is, some dead junkie should not have mattered, should not have even made the news, and if an entire propaganda machine priming the populace to riot had not been in place none of this would have happened.

The law of averages tell us plenty of black people will get killed by cops no matter what anyone does, unless you get rid of cops entirely and then black people will be killed by citizens. So blacks die and the left gets the rest enraged and lets them loose. Rinse and repeat until society is crushed. The fact the left is punishing us for the sky being blue is a massive propaganda win, not some sign of nefarious police problems in dire need of fixing.

The Cominator says:

Knee hold on neck is eventually lethal for everyone regardless of whatever official lie you read and there are two autopsy reports both that have reasons to be dishonest.

Hating joggers is all well and good but trust for the cops is a cuckservatism inc thing. We far right types should regard the cathedral’s enforcers especially when they are unionized Democrats with the same cynicism we regard the rest of the cathedral.

“The fact the left is punishing us for the sky being blue is a massive propaganda win, not some sign of nefarious police problems in dire need of fixing.”

Oh its definitely good that Democrats are burning their own cities down and that is a propaganda win, with the one MASSIVE negative that it apparently convinced Roberts he should become Souter II.

Pooch says:

Yeah the risk of letting Antifa and the joggers run roughshod over the cities and pull down every statue with impunity (as Tucker pointed out) is that the cucks are going to be more willing to cuck out in an effort to avoid the salami slicer. They have no concept of the leftism spiral, they think they are simply acting in self-preservation.

The Cominator says:

Do you have a link to the Tucker segment where he says this?

Pooch says:

not glowing already posted it in the thread:


He doesn’t state it like us but basically that if no one stops them they get stronger. He’s basically touched on the same idea with the cultural revolution every night pretty much. I forget which night he talked about the statues.

My take is that Trump stopped outright rioting by force in DC but they immediately switched to Cultural Revolution afterwards (huge black lives matter painted on the road outside the WH in DC the next day) and are seemingly gaining strength through it since there is very little resistance. That’s the problem with letting them burn down the cities, they are the cultural centers of America.

Pooch says:

Adding on:

Burning their own grocery stores makes them look insane, but pulling down statues of George Washington and making Juneteenth a more important holiday than July 4th is making the right look weak.

The Cominator says:

Roberts is the one who is making the right look weak because if he is going to be a Souter than Trump can’t do basically anything unless as I suggested he starts taking creative actions…

Of course it may have nothing to do with the rioting, Roberts is probably a homosexual and may be being blackmailed. Strange though if that is the case that he hasn’t been hostile from the very beginning.

Pooch says:

I think he was always a cuck (like all Bush Republicans) but now is signaling to the left to spare him. I suppose he has made the determination that they are the strong horse.

If/when Trump proclaims himself Augustus, the courts won’t matter though.

Pooch says:

I’m hoping once Trump’s massive rallies start back up he will look strong again. Probably why they are so hellbent on stopping them.

Javier says:

Cominator you are right that cops are not on our side by and large, but when the left is sacrificing their own enforcers to appease the mob that is a good time to snag some recruits. The zeal of the converso tends to be higher, they can see how their loyalty is being ‘rewarded’ by their current masters.

The cops in Atlanta are quitting right now, the last thing the right should be doing is piling on. We should be saying hey we want to help you, come to our camp. We can protect you. Of course the right would actually have to protect anyone for that to be effective.

The Cominator says:

No we shouldn’t pile on if only because the centrist and normie right are horrified by the idea of abolishing the police but we shouldn’t lift a finger to help them either. Cuckservatism inc. has been pro cop as long as I can remember it never has done them any good.

Trump needs to call out the body of armed men who ARE (mostly) on his side, soldiers and marines who have a combat MOS (I don’t know if its called an MOS in the corps).

The Atlanta cops may be more on our side than most big city PDs because most of them probably come from regular Southern areas not the cancer of Metro-Atlanta. Also the Atlanta cop unlike Chauvin did nothing wrong.

Andre says:

Are you seriously this stupid?

The Cominator says:

You ain’t supposed to pin non-resisting suspects with holds that are banned in MMA. Best for everyone if Derek Chauvin were hanged in public tomorrow.

Why do you care about this Democrat cop? I don’t care about George Floyd but I agree that cops should not murder people who aren’t resisting. They traditionally don’t get in trouble when they murder white people either.

But have no fear the leftist Minnesotta AG plans to let him walk.

Andre says:

Are you seriously going to use sports rules to judge appropriate police procedure? As for why I care about Derek, I don’t particularly do, I’m simply pointing out the abject cowardice displayed by those that SHOULD care about him, namely other cops and conservatives that still believe in the system, Trump included.

The Cominator says:

Trump should never spend any political capital doing anything for a Democrat.

Andre says:

Trump didn’t just stay silent on the matter.

The Cominator says:

Well you sure seem to care about him.

Democrats are all in line for the helicopter as far I’m concerned, white male democrats ESPECIALLY. The white male democrat is the lowest form of life and if we are to have aasibayah among white males its especially important that every leftist white male takes flight.

I do not especially trust the toxicology report put together by his Democrat police colleagues either.

Andre says:

Explain something to me. Why should anyone convert to the right if the right will not protect them? The root of all politics is loyalty. The right is now nothing but a bunch of ivory tower intellectuals bitching that the left keeps attacking them and is not pure like they are. The left on the other hand does everything it can to be loyal to itself while policing its ranks. The left is practical, guided by psychopaths that drive hysterical lunatics into action. What the fuck is the right? A bunch of martyrs that hope people will one day realize they are the pure ones. By what miracle do you expect to win? Cops in Atlanta should be in open rebellion, not calling in sick.

jim says:

> Explain something to me. Why should anyone convert to the right if the right will not protect them?

One side wins, one side loses. The losing side is not protected. That is just the way it is. Nothing we can do about that. Then the left lose to the further left, and they are not protected either, and the further left lose to the even further left, and that goes on till one man takes supreme power, or everyone dies, whichever happens first.

To stop the process that leads inevitably to autogenocide, you have stop Harvard from endlessly holiness spiraling the official state religion. Which means you need a high priest in charge of Harvard doctrine, a King who makes restrains the high priest from inconvenient holiness, and a grand inquisitor to take care of all those people who keep trying to add new stuff to the state religion. And then everyone can subscribe to the official religion with the assurance it will not be shifted out from under them, rendering them unprotected. (I favor calling it Western Orthodox Christianity, or Anglican Orthodox Christianity, but maybe it will wind up being called something that invokes the founding of our long dead Republic. Or if things go all the way to Mao style mass murder, “Communism with American Characteristics”.

jim says:

> Are you seriously going to use sports rules to judge appropriate police procedure?

When the subject is handcuffed, seems entirely reasonable.

A good neck hold will render anyone unconscious in twenty seconds, and mighty quiet when he wakes up, if he wakes up. Doing it for several minutes was just sadism.

The Cominator says:

“Explain something to me. Why should anyone convert to the right if the right will not protect them? ”

Hes not on the right and be might convient to convert now.

But I agree with the general point more should be done for Roger Stone Flynn etc…

Contaminated NEET says:

>The left on the other hand does everything it can to be loyal to itself while policing its ranks.

That loyalty is one-sided. Everyone is infinitely loyal to anyone to his left, and disloyal to anyone to his right. It works because they all believe this is truly right and just.

Not Tom says:

A good neck hold will render anyone unconscious in twenty seconds

Not under conditions of excited delirium, and not with that kind of hold.

The dude died of a fentanyl overdose, and the Coroner’s report confirmed it. How are we even still talking about this? He wasn’t killed by the hold, period.

And “non-resisting suspects”? Are you fucking kidding me?

The Cominator says:

There are two contradictory autopsy reports actually both of them have reasons to be dishonest.

Defending Chauvin is not a hill we should fight on at all. If you want to signal your defense of the cops defend the Atlanta cop and his poor stepmother who fired strictly for guilt by association. Hes a much better case.

Andre says:

“A good neck hold will render anyone unconscious in twenty seconds”

Floyd bitched in a loud voice about not being able to breathe for way longer than 20 seconds.

The Cominator says:

“Floyd bitched in a loud voice about not being able to breathe for way longer than 20 seconds.”

If you pin the neck a certain way you can breathe in and out air but your bloodflow to the head and back is severely constricted, supposedly it feels like your drowning even though you can breath.

Andre says:

Listen to me. This has nothing to do with defending cops. What is happening is a propaganda push to make it unacceptable for white men to use violence against black men. That is why Derek must be defended and everyone throwing him under the bus is an idiot and a race traitor. It wasn’t supposed to end with Derek, which is why it didn’t.

Atavistic Morality says:

We are race traitors if we don’t agree with a cop using deadly force unnecessarily? Who is to say that cop won’t do the same to someone else? We’ve seen it before: https://youtu.be/VBUUx0jUKxc?t=260

If I was an American living in the same area in Arizona I’d be more concerned about the fucking cops than gangbangers. At least I can shoot back at gangbangers and a judge will concede it was self-defense, imagine trying to shoot to survive this fucking checkists, even if you win they’ll put you in prison for life. And if you don’t? Eh, who knows, Russian roulette!

Since when are cops the defenders of white people? The same cops that will put you in prison for false rape accusations, the same cops that will put you in prison if you refuse to pay taxes to a regime that wants you dead, the same cops that will put you in prison if you even dare to commit thoughtcrime in any public sphere. The enforcers of progressivism, feminism, nigger worship and everything that is wrong with society, oh, the great heroes! Cops are not your friends retard, if it was up to me cops would get the bullet, THEY are the traitors.

Andre says:

“The same cops that will put you in prison for false rape accusations, the same cops that will put you in prison if you refuse to pay taxes to a regime that wants you dead, the same cops that will put you in prison if you even dare to commit thoughtcrime in any public sphere. The enforcers of progressivism, feminism, nigger worship and everything that is wrong with society, oh, the great heroes! Cops are not your friends retard, if it was up to me cops would get the bullet, THEY are the traitors.”

Are you under the impression that I disagree with this?

Andre says:

“We are race traitors if we don’t agree with a cop using deadly force unnecessarily?”

There is no evidence that Derek used deadly force. It is POSSIBLE that Derek used deadly force, but it is not OBVIOUS that Derek used deadly force, and that is the issue. He was declared an e