
Excess deaths

Deaths are up. Up far more than they were during Covid. And very few of those excess deaths are people dying with covid.

And the largest part of the excess deaths is heart attacks – often in young people.

When the jab was introduced, a very large number of jabbed people were diagnosed with myocarditis – heart inflammation.

We now know that everyone jabbed without exception shows a rise in the cardiac enzymes indicative of heart damage, it is just that in most people the rise is not enough for a diagnosis of myocarditis. Particularly as diagnosing myocarditis immediately following the jab is going to get a doctor in trouble.

And official truth was “it is mild, they will probably get better, and we will follow up to make sure they are getting better”

Did they follow up? Not hearing any information about the results of that follow up.

We do not know if the heart changes caused by the jab are temporary or permanent. But the fact that attempting to research that question will get you cancelled, deplatformed, demonetized, and cause the loss of your medical license would suggest that they are permanent and irreversible. The fact that this follow up somehow never happens, or if it ever does happen the information is somehow never revealed would suggest that the heart damage is permanent and irreversible.

Am hearing of a whole lot people suddenly dropping dead of heart disease.

I see a strange reluctance to connect the big rise in cardiac deaths in young people, with the big rise in myocarditis in young people, which extraordinary levels of myocarditis usually immediately follow the jab. If someone talks about excess deaths and says “heart disease” he is strangely not going to mention myocarditis.

And, of course, fertility is down. And a large part of this drop in fertility is miscarriage. Miscarriages are up. Way up. If miscarriages are up, we would expect children born sick, injured, and physically and mentally defective to be up. Anecdote is that births of seriously and permanently ill children have risen massively. And miscarriage, like myocarditis, is another sequel of the jab. Pregnant women are apt to lose their babies when jabbed.

I now increasingly suspect that the jab was created first, in order to kill people and stop them from having children, then Covid was created to give governments an excuse for jabbing people.

If the intention was not to kill people and abort their children, if these were unfortunate and unexpected results, I would expect a little bit more curiosity about these phenomena.

316 comments Excess deaths

Anon says:

I believe it, but so I can see the specific numbers do you have a link where we can see the excess deaths over time?

Pax Imperialis says:

British Heart Foundation is reporting 30,000 excess deaths involving heart disease since Covid but are claiming it’s all due to poor health care access. That’s not a likely explanation because people typically find out about their heart issue when they die from it. Health care access is kinda irrelevant.

Just google excess deaths and you get all sorts of results showing they are up big. You also get all sorts of excuses.

Anon says:

Thanks. I was thinking more of US numbers though.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m not in any way challenging Jim’s assessment or analysis, I lack the capacity even if I wanted to, but the lynchpin issue on this topic is data suppression. There are literally no links/sources to list because it’s a genocide of the gaps, at least as I understand it. So what numbers/figures can be pointed to when noticing and/or counting is not allowed?

Mister Grumpus says:

Exactly. We’re tabulating boxcar logistics and adding up cookie baking times with this shit and it’s only been two years.

Pax Imperialis says:

AU insurance data

Mister Grumpus says:

I just can’t shut up about this. The reformation and scientific revolution were built on printed books, and making any sense of THIS must be built on a safe “crypto society” communication and documentation ecosystem like the one Jim and others are working on.

Gigantic prime numbers, base-1000 hashes and jk-snarks and whatever will be the next Gutenberg. All this bullshit will burn off like a morning fog.

jim says:
Karl says:

How reliable are these numbers? Are they merely a lower bound or true?

jim says:

Highly unreliable, particularly the Canadian ones. But insurance company and funeral parlor reports indicate they are somewhere in the right ballpark

Pax Imperialis says:

Cyclical Civilization and the Death Cult:

“This is our purpose: to make as meaningful as possible this life that has been bestowed upon us; to live in such a way that we may be proud of ourselves; to act in such a way that some part of us lives on.” – Oswald Spengler

“Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth” – Genesis 1:28

A group of elites that attach themselves to a fertile religion become a ruling class because fertility is power. Numbers are power. Death cults die. Yet ruling classes are not necessarily the most observant of the religions that initially propelled them into power. Their relation with religion is based on power rather than strictly faith. This turns the ruling class agnostic over time as conflicts between worldly and theological develop overtime. Hard to be a papist if the pope is siding with the damn French!

The now established ruling class perspective on purpose isn’t primarily driven by fertility in wedlock. Fertility is incidental. Meaning is everything and meaning is power. Every additional son is an division of power. A potential claimant, another elite that needs a proper place in the realm. Every additional daughter a potential embarrassment on the family’s prestige. Prestige is social power. Daughters are a danger to social power. Daughters are also a potential attack vector against your realm, be careful who you marry them off to! The ruling class fertility becomes quite low within wedlock… but it’s good to be a noble and all the maids magically become pregnant.

This is sustainable in a monarchy where the aristocratic hierarchy remains small as a percentage of society. New blood is introduced into the nobility slowly which staves off demographic decline through new baronies from wars and vassalage, or titles awarded for services to the realm. Yet the monarchies find themselves developing a professional class of servants, many who trace their lineage from maids. What a coincidence. Aristocrats of the soul clamor and politic for power and eventually a weak king has the crown. This morphs into a republic of the natural aristocracy.

The ruling class greatly expands to encompass much of what we would term “middle class,” but really how “middle class” is an aristocrat of the soul? Nay, A Professor and a Reporter and a Lawyer is really upper class for his work has meaning and thus power. They are part of the ruling class and their fertility drops to match. By now they are no longer agnostic but fully secular. For as monarchy depended on religion to move the masses, the professional bureaucratic ruling class has become so large that when it moves everything else flows in the wake. They can move a country by themselves without the old religious authorities. This morphs into a managed democracy of the professional bureaucracy.

To the ruling class the old religion becomes similar to the appendix. At best useless, at worst an internal danger. Are you really going to trust it’s not an internal threat? The old religion is now the enemy, but nature abhors a vacuum. A new faith forms among the ruling class. One that matches their low fertility, but that’s okay because they can just keep expanding the ruling class. “We’re a meritocracy” they say. By now you have a full blown death cult.

Sometime in the future the death cult dies out. Some of the wiser elites who jumped ship to fertile religions and now find themselves as the new ruling class. Maybe they create a monarchy, and so the cycle beings anew.

@Red and Pseudo-Chrysostom
I talked too much between the lines. It’s a skill that when you develop for personal protection you end up leaving on all the time. It’s also nearly indecipherable to understand when one does not have to constantly utilize it to read between the lines. My initial post blew up in my face when I used implications to say Florence was a whore while saying there’s no way to know and then dancing around providing more implication. Entirely my fault. If you want to know why dissident elite coordination is so rare, just look at how hard it is to understand their communication and realize that it can be just as hard for the dissents to understand each other as well. I don’t have a solution for this.

I agree with you on women in general. The Bible is evolutionary gold which makes it true and good. We do have some disagreement over scope. You see the Bible and its redpills on women as the only relevant truth for both non-ruling and ruling reproduction. I see ruling elites are under many additional selection pressures that can produce extremely quirky outcomes. The rules pertaining ruling elite and non-ruling reproduction have always been different and will likely always remain different. i.e. a woman from an ruling elite background marrying the wrong man can have drastic negative political and social outcomes for her family. That complicates the decision making process for the patriarch and arranged marriages can thus occur at latter ages with all the problems that entails.

Pseudo-Chrysostom asked me “Are you a bad enough dude to do that to every woman in the country” in reference to preventing a unowned fertile aged girl from running off by locking her up rather than patriarchy. Well I’m a bad enough dude (and so were nearly all my male ancestors), and I will advocate that be done to all women originating from elite families (just in very nicely furnished cages), but that would be wrong and entirely dysgenic to enforce on everyone else outside the ruling class.

I suppose this can all be summarized as power corrupts even reproduction strategies, and I don’t have any clear answers on how that can be fixed.

Dear Aunt Jebadiah says:

” If you want to know why dissident elite coordination is so rare, just look at how hard it is to understand their communication and realize that it can be just as hard for the dissents to understand each other as well.”

Thank you for writing this.

I am a “dissident elite”. Sometimes I encounter [often smart, attractive, and eloquent] proles who just tell me that they are regime enemies. I always end up ducking them from a subconscious belief that they are trying to elicit a capital confession from me. Probably not though! But I can’t help myself.

I don’t know what is the solution.

BobtheBuilder says:

The “proles” are signaling that they want to cooperate with you to seize power when the regime stumbles. Luke 17:33, everyone dies in the end anyway. You can either take the risk that they are a glowie and cooperate (although glows tend to have obvious tells), or die under GAE when you are old and decrepit and your children have been turned into chopped up homonculi (or under those who were bad enough dudes to actually have faith and stand up to Satan).

jim says:

We need a King who can plausibly claim to be chosen by God and lead an army under the banners of Christ. Acting as individuals and small groups without an overall leader is just going to get us killed.

Old Testament solution: The Prophet anoints the true King and runs like hell. The true King strikes vast and hard, before the false regime realizes what is happening. While the prophet is running like hell away from trouble, the True King reveals he is indeed the true King by running hard towards trouble.

20 And the watchman told, saying, He came even unto them, and cometh not again: and the driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi; for he driveth furiously.

32 And he lifted up his face to the window, and said, Who is on my side? who?

BobtheBuilder says:

Obviously, but you need to do the groundwork of getting the army trained and ready ahead of time so that the King doesn’t waste time getting an unruly mob into a force when he should be striking. GAE seems to be processing this, which is why all the divisions that attended the rubicon fishing expedition have been hollowed out: they don’t want a repeat performance by someone who has balls. Psalm 144, go do some endurance and range training, and make friends you can trust (I’m sure you Jim personally do that, but some people seem to expect God to do all the work).

jim says:

Jehu was a military officer, so he had troops ready to roll, but he rolled by himself, relying on speed rather than prep.

Would not have worked if he was not a high ranking military officer, but he did not waste time on prep, thus not giving the enemy any time to mobilize counterforce.

Having struck, the fact that he had military command ensured that the strike would stick, but he struck first, and relied on his military command after having struck.

Immediate beheading strike, so that the false regime was incapable of cohesive action, while his men, having the leadership of the true King, were capable of cohesive action.

That he had military command came into play after the beheading strike.

Jehu says:

Jehu is one of the more interesting characters in the Old Testament. He bought the Northern Kingdom a couple of generations through his deeds. I especially like how God ordered the prophet minion to anoint him, explain his holy mission from God, and then run. I think that’s the only example of anoint and run in the while OT. His ruse for cleaning up the wicked Cathedral of his day was beautiful in its execution as well. Jehu didn’t get any gross vulgar miracles from God in doing his thing, but if you read carefully you can see God loading the dice for him at several instances.

i says:

When one blows the “Silver Trumpet” (Numbers 10:1-10) or raises the Rod as Moses did when Israel fought Amalek.

Is to call on God’s help so as to get him to load the dice.

It isn’t overtly supernatural but generally God does this when “blessing” his people.

Therefore in this way God doesn’t bless idleness. But gives us good rolls when we do undertake work like in regards to farming and so forth.

When God “curses” people he loads the dice against people.

Although there is always exceptions as it is with all games of chance. There is a pattern of bias over time on the macrolevel. Whenever God does such a thing.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The genesis of female emancipation in ancient times often came about through the ‘little princess’ effect; that is, cases where a father attempts to leave off marrying his daughter(s) for inordinate lengths of time, and attempting to maintain control of them (or more especially, affairs through them) even when they do get married, undermining the authority of the husband.

In conflicts between housefathers, on balance, civilization depends on ultimately favoring the groom over the sire.

Red says:

I talked too much between the lines. It’s a skill that when you develop for personal protection you end up leaving on all the time. It’s also nearly indecipherable to understand when one does not have to constantly utilize it to read between the lines. My initial post blew up in my face when I used implications to say Florence was a whore while saying there’s no way to know and then dancing around providing more implication. Entirely my fault. If you want to know why dissident elite coordination is so rare, just look at how hard it is to understand their communication and realize that it can be just as hard for the dissents to understand each other as well. I don’t have a solution for this.

My brother is a blue pilled Christian. I see a single chick on a road crew and I know she’s fucking every guy in that crew. He sees the same and he says there’s no way to know if she’s a fucking the guys. You sounded just like him.

I don’t speak between the lines and reading between the lines with human conversation is very prone error as you mention. Best not to practice it with good people. Dissimulation and misdirection is a tool you use on foes, not friends and on people you are not sure if they are your foe.

Though I’ve found in my own life that I can I commit terrible thought crimes with great conviction and authority and people don’t even notice them. It’s when you try to act like your wrong for speaking the truth that gets you into trouble. I once had a conversion with a friend in a bar where I trashed fat chicks for being unworthy to fuck loudly and repeatably. My friend agreed with me, but in fearful and subdued manner. When my friend got up to go to the bathroom a chick from the next booth slid into his spot and told me what an awful woman hater he was. She didn’t even noticed that that I was saying the same sorts of things because I did it with utter confidence and conviction.

The Cominator says:

“My brother is a blue pilled Christian. I see a single chick on a road crew and I know she’s fucking every guy in that crew. He sees the same and he says there’s no way to know if she’s a fucking the guys. You sounded just like him.”

Eh maybe just one of them, maybe multiple of them.

Red says:

LOL, really Com? Female status on a work crew is zero, she’s fucking useless and everyone knows it. She’s going to bend over the nearest object and get banged on a regular basis. She’s a camp follower.

The Cominator says:

True but plenty of women are serial monogamists by nature rather than the type to let multiple guys at a time bang them.

Red says:

I misspoke, I meant she’s fucked every guy in the crew, not that she was fucking them all at once.

Jehu says:

If there’s one dominant man on the work crew, she’s probably just fucking him and occasionally his best friend. If there’s not a clear dominant man, yeah she’s probably fucking several at any given time according to who presently has the upper hand.

i says:


Why she isn’t married off by her Father is beyond me.

Pax Imperialis says:

> Best not to practice it with good people. Dissimulation and misdirection is a tool you use on foes, not friends and on people you are not sure if they are your foe.

I had to pause and think, why the am I talking between the lines on an internet site where I’m using a number of security measures to hide.

> Though I’ve found in my own life that I can I commit terrible thought crimes with great conviction and authority and people don’t even notice them.

I have a childhood friend who got drunk at a bar and confidently talked about niggers. It got reported and it got him hurt badly, financially and what not. It didn’t help that he was a naturally bald, lanky white dude that could be easily characterized as some white supremacist kkk. Though he was a chad and never repented, he’s still not doing great.

Part of what has made communication so difficult is how flippant the censors are. Nothing is completely dangerous, nothing is completely safe. A mindset that it’s best to treat everything as potentially radioactive takes hold.

Red says:

>I have a childhood friend who got drunk at a bar and confidently talked about niggers. It got reported and it got him hurt badly, financially and what not. It didn’t help that he was a naturally bald, lanky white dude that could be easily characterized as some white supremacist kkk. Though he was a chad and never repented, he’s still not doing great.

Generally you don’t want to use magic trigger words. Though I have gotten away with that pretty often as well, but I’m careful while doing it, making it as a joke rather than a rant. Ranting about niggers is low status, joking about niggers is funny.

>Part of what has made communication so difficult is how flippant the censors are. Nothing is completely dangerous, nothing is completely safe. A mindset that it’s best to treat everything as potentially radioactive takes hold.

It’s gotten pretty bad. If someone decides to video you doing it, you’re completely fucked forever. I would probably apply the Wulfgar solution if that happen to me.

Pax Imperialis says:

>cases where a father attempts to leave off marrying his daughter(s) for inordinate lengths of time

Why that happens is likely due to things like this:
Jang Nok-su was the consort of Yeonsangun. After the overthrow of Yeonsangun, she was executed by the new ruler via decapitation and her body stoned by public crowds. It’s likely her entire extended family were also purged.

I may be misremembering this particular history and I can’t find a source:
There was a Korean king who married his daughter off to another king. There was a dispute between the kingdoms. Supposedly the other king sent the daughter’s head back to the father. War broke out.

The Japanese are similar. The Chinese are far worse by several orders of magnitude. Maybe Asians are just different and this simply isn’t relevant to the West. I need to look deeper into European aristocratic reproductive history but have suspicions it’s similar enough.

I think it’s kinda reasonable that fathers might hesitated under circumstances of potentially being purged if the marriage goes south or the husband gets disposed. Since that was the ancestral environment, such behavior carries on.

Red says:

>I think it’s kinda reasonable that fathers might hesitated under circumstances of potentially being purged if the marriage goes south or the husband gets disposed. Since that was the ancestral environment, such behavior carries on.

I rather doubt it that was the ancestral environment. That some weird Gook shit where they murder pretty fertile age women, though it sounds like she was some sort of power in court, so maybe they killed her to rightfully enforce that women should not hold power.

Pax Imperialis says:

>That some weird Gook shit

Here we go… here’s a Tang strategic victory

“Yin Ziqi had besieged the city for a long time. The food in the city had run out. The city dwellers traded their children to eat and cooked the bodies of the dead. Fear spread and worse situations were expected. At this time, Zhang Xun took his concubine out and killed her in front of his soldiers in order to feed them. He said, “You have been working hard at protecting this city wholeheartedly for the country. Your loyalty is uncompromised despite the long-lasting hunger. Since I cannot cut out my own flesh to feed you, how can I keep this woman and just ignore the dangerous situation?” All the soldiers cried, for they did not wish to eat [the woman]. Zhang Xun ordered them to eat the flesh. Afterwards, they caught the women in the city. When there were no more women left, they turned to the old and young men. 20,000 to 30,000 people were eaten. People always remained loyal.”
— Old Book of Tang, Chapter 137.

Your daughter was given to the wrong city garrison? She’s now emergency food rations.

i says:

Also this:

Treason results in every single blood relative being killed. No discrimination between Male and Females starting with the Qin Dynasty

With the exemption of “Herem” Warfare against the Canaanites and the Amalekites.

God generally doesn’t order women and children to be killed. At least in the Book of Kings we see God ordering that all the male descendants of a Wicked King be killed.

Not his sisters, nieces or other female relatives.

Something about East Asians doesn’t exempt lower agency women who mostly aren’t responsible for the wrongdoing of their male relatives from being killed.

It took Christian influence to finally put reduce the murder of baby girls and innocent women in general in East Asia.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Something about East Asians doesn’t exempt lower agency women

Extreme clan based cohesion makes every interclan conflict a total war. Killing the women and children is really just scorched earth tactics. It’s really not that different from how the US indiscriminately firebombed German and Japanese cities. Same mindset… just an unusual one for westerners while more of a baseline for easterners.

>It took Christian influence

It took the partial break up of clans, and that mostly came from economic based incentives to migrate to big cities. That said, ancestral villages still exist and people do still make pilgrimage to their home town.

And underneath modernity instinct remains.

There are some benefits though. East Asia tended to had less wars and longer periods of peace. Also much higher homogeneity.

i says:

Extreme clan based cohesion makes every interclan conflict a total war. Killing the women and children is really just scorched earth tactics.

Later during the Ming Dynasty the women and girls were enslaved rather than killed. Which is also noted in the Link.

As an alternative. Why not auction off the survivors?

God destroyed Clans by killing every last male descendant of a wicked King. The Midianites which was a tribe that tried to destroy Israel had every last male killed and the virgin girls taken as plunder.

There are some benefits though. East Asia tended to had less wars and longer periods of peace. Also much higher homogeneity.

But much more rusty and ineffectual Militaries as a result. Hence failures against Nomads, invading Korea, assisting the Koreans against the Japanese.

And failure in the Opium War.

S says:

“Every additional son is an division of power. A potential claimant, another elite that needs a proper place in the realm. Every additional daughter a potential embarrassment on the family’s prestige. Prestige is social power. Daughters are a danger to social power.”

That is degenerate elites; for healthy elites, a son is another person you can trust to carry out your will, another chance to strive for greatness and a daughter is another elite family you can connect with your own. The biggest difference is healthy elites are capable of thinking about the long term (more then a single generation), while degenerate elites kill their own future.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Indeed, families on the way up are like nations at large on the way up; more sons means more influence, more impact, more power over the world.

Pax Imperialis says:

Both mindsets coexist at the same time among ruling elites. Even healthy elites have that tingling worry in the back of their mind. It’s a constant danger.

The non-ruling religious masses simply don’t have that worry at all.

Mister Grumpus says:

Right while Covid was breaking in Europe, there was this big cast-of-hundreds occultish weirdo parade in Berlin or someplace. Tits, torches, glowing orbs, stuff like that. Who else remembers that?

I just can’t possibly believe, fully, that this was all planned (even if botched a little). Like the wooden doors, and the added-on chimneys, and the six million maybe being kinda sorta fake. Sorta. But I also can’t stop noticing very strange coincidences that would align exactly with it being planned, and it’s making me a little crazy.

Like what, everyone had those banners and backdrops with “Build Back Better” pre-printed on them? What the fuck was THAT?

Even early on, the Fox News guys were panicking on the air about people risking their lives with hydroxychloroquine. “You could lose your life!” And we must preserve supply for the precious lupus patients who need to take huge amounts of this suddenly dangerous drug constantly! What? And the explosions at factories that made HCQ precursor chemicals? Did I hallucinate that too?

That’s when I “broke”. That’s when I fell off the official world, probably forever.

It’s not that scared people, in large numbers, do and say stupid things. That’s standard. It was the sudden and IN UNISON outright demonization of anyone even trying to look for drugs that could help, and even worse finding some good leads.

That must have been what a psychotic break feels like.

And you?

simplyconnected says:

I’m ashamed to say I bought the whole thing initially. When the 15 days to flatten the curve were over and I saw there was some “virtual concert” with Obama and Gates speaking about how we were going to continue wearing masks and talk to our family members over zoom (which appeared around the exact same time), I figured “ok, this is all BS”. One lie is sufficient, no need to believe anything else after that.

Here is a question, is what this guy is saying legit? He claims he participated in an mRNA trial with 200.000 participants where all but 5 were dead in 8 years, with complications appearing after 2 years.

Ghost says:

China always reacts to any kind of flu. So, initially I dismissed it. Then Trump made his speech in Feb 2020. I started researching it. Listening to other sources. Several doctors speaking out and getting suppressed. Empty hospitals. Anglin was a good source of links to alternate information. Langan spoke out. This site several caught on quick. I never got the shot despite receiving numerous letters threatening/coercing me. Tried to talk to anyone that would listen.

I did catch what seemed like a cold and recovered in a couple days.

I don’t think there was ever a covid. Just another variant of the common cold. And the shot was preplanned and outcomes known. I doubt anyone will have to answer for this because the ones behind it control everything.

Your Uncle Bob says:

“I don’t think there was ever a covid.”

That’s a flat earth, moon landing hoax tier meme that may have started or at least been fanned by glowies trying to delegitimize real critiques. There is a real Covid 19. Severity ranges from cold-like to flu-like to worse if you have comorbidities, but the exact symptom package is unique.

The Cominator says:

I couldn’t tell the difference between it and the flu.

Kunning Drueger says:

It wasn’t confined to “flu season”, was it?

Bouncer says:

Flu itself is not, in point of fact, confined to “flu season”.

Red says:

Worse than the flu for me, especially Delta but the flu never kicks my ass. The sickest I’ve ever been from the flu was the year I got talked into taking a flu vaccine. I felt like hell for a week where the flu never knocks me down for more than a couple of days.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That the symptom package was not, in fact, unique, is the main thing behind this idea. You can see past Anglin give his own take on it at the time here

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To put a finer point too it, the novel pathologies we find are in almost every case actually from the frankenjabs, and interactions between the frankenjabs and infections, not the infections by themselves.

Red says:

That would explain the endless push to get the flu shot and why I get 10X more sick from the shot than from any flu I’ve ever had.

Ghost says:

Anglin has said repeatedly that covid is flu rebranded. Also a few doctors have said it’s close enough to a cold/flu to just name it so.

The only symptom different was loss of taste which I have had with colds in the past.

Part of their claims that it came from bat soup or a bio lab was to frighten the public to take the shot. Which many now regret.

I caught it. No big deal. A few days bedrest and I was fine. Seemed just like a cold. So, it’s close enough to a cold just to call it that.

I have not had their covid shot.

jim says:

No bedrest for me. Seemed a fair bit rougher than a cold, but not rough enough for me to take to bed.

Ghost says:

Good health is a blessing from God. The Lord looks after his own. That and good advice gained by reading this blog and all the members here.

zero says:

I was surprised at how absolutely no christians had any sort of consideration of God when the pandemic started. Just much were all gonna die we need the vax. Really interesting how our civilization doesn’t seem to be viable anymore. People are memetically screwed up big time

jim says:

Well, it was not immediately obvious that Covidism was a religion. It pretended to be a public health emergency. But Christians seem to be extraordinarily slow, late, and reluctant, to recognize it as a demon worshiping cult of human sacrifice.

Pat says:

Not planned? Here’s a John’s Hopkins 2017 year publication…. Read on and wake you up later.

Mister Grumpus says:

The wildest prediction that Scott Adams (Dilbert guy) made in 2020 or 2021, about the pandemic, was that eventually we would deny that it had happened. And now here we are with the excess deaths and the “amnesty” decree. Goddamn.

Western Taliban says:

I wonder if some historian in the future will put forward the covid jab as one of the possible reasons for our incoming civilizational collapse like the whole lead pipe deal with Rome.

That’d be kinda funny.

Pax Imperialis says:

The lead pipe deal was fake news.

Red says:

Lead forms an oxidation layer much like stainless steal. Checking Roman bodies there was no indications lead poisoning. Lead poisoning in the 60s, 70s, and 80s was sort of like the “climate change” fetish. The cathedral constantly projects their fetishes back on historical peoples.

Kunning Drueger says:

This is a “fun” one. Some elements of our society are obviously insane (gelding children, letting women speak publicly, promoting trees over grassland, etc.), but I like to think about which ones we lack the perceptive objectivity to fathom, like…

lol, en Serio, is an excellent website with lots of stimulating topics covered.

Pax Imperialis says:

Hearts are surprisingly good at healing provided there isn’t constant new damage being inflicted. Myocarditis and pericarditis will potentially be relatively minor issues. What is very worrying is suspected damage to the greater cardio system. Blood vessels can’t heal like hearts do and we might already be seeing that pop up.

AU data from the The Actuaries Institute is reporting big increases in Ischaemic heart disease and Cerebrovascular disease.

Possible you see great numbers of ruptured aortic dissections and similar over the next 10 and 20 years or so. Such things often get calked up as Ischaemic heart disease even with minimal or no atherosclerosis to justify the classification.

jim says:

The vaccine rolled out, the ambulances were screaming with heart attack victims. And I heard “minor heart damage, heart is good at healing”. Well, sure, I thought, it is good at healing. Most of the time, most things. Is this one of those times, one of those things?

Seems that anyone who tries to look at the victims to see if it is one of those times and one of those things loses his job, and possibly goes to prison for “medical malpractice”

jim says:

When the vax rolled out, ambulances screaming with heart attack victims. “It is OK, they are not dying, only minor heart attacks, they will be fine”.

Now they are dying.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Hearts are surprisingly good at healing provided there isn’t constant new damage being inflicted

I need to quantify what I’m saying.

When medical says the heart is surprisingly good at healing, it means it can (sometimes) fully/mostly recover in about 1 year provided bed rest and care. It’s intensive and not some dalliance with short term care. If one has heart damage and continues to do physically exerting tasks, it’s not going to heal and sudden death is a possibility. That is what one shot of mRNA vaxx can mean. There is nothing minor about this.

One jab is bad. Two is worse. Add in a couple of boosters throughout the year and these people are getting constant cumulative damage on top of not resting and therefore not healing. What do you think happens?

As bad as that is, it’s nowhere as bad as damage to the inner wall of blood vessels. That type of damage has a terrible tendency of not healing at all even with rest or medical care.

>Myocarditis and pericarditis will potentially be relatively minor issues.

I have no idea how many will die from that, but damage to blood vessels has the potential of killing significantly more over the long term. If 5 million die from heart conditions it’s tragic but a mere statistic compared to 100 million from strokes, ruptured arteries, clots, and other issues with the blood vessels.

I’m throwing numbers out there because I don’t know how bad this is going to get and the statistic are already distorted. My layman reading of medical journals, and what I’m hearing from retired medical professionals I personally know are good sources are telling me the heart damage will be minor COMPARED TO everything else damaged in the cardio system.

Red says:

When medical says the heart is surprisingly good at healing, it means it can (sometimes) fully/mostly recover in about 1 year provided bed rest and care. It’s intensive and not some dalliance with short term care. If one has heart damage and continues to do physically exerting tasks, it’s not going to heal and sudden death is a possibility. That is what one shot of mRNA vaxx can mean. There is nothing minor about this.

I have some persona experience with this. I damaged my heart in my late 20s through getting lost during a hike(took the wrong trail, turned a 5 mile hike into 22), running out of water and instead of spending the night in the forest I forced walked my way out of the forest when I was overweight and in poor condition. My heart was racing the entire last 3-4 hours of the hike. The next day I had horrible chest pain, shortness of breath and spent the whole day sleeping in my hotel room. Several weeks later I tried a short hike and I felt there was something seriously wrong so I stopped the activity and I didn’t exercise again for 6 months until I felt normal again. After a year I was back to hiking 12-15 miles on the weekend with no problems, but I never again tried to push through something that felt off.

Years later after I related this story to a nurse friend of mine. He said he had probably induced something like myocarditis.

Every case I’ve read of people of permanently debilitated or dying from Myocarditis they tried to exercise through it. Most knew there was something wrong but didn’t think anything really bad could happen from forcing it.

When I struggled to hike weeks later, I could think back that fucked up hike and go, maybe I hurt myself so I should avoid this activity until I’ve heal. People did not think that way about a vaccine so they pushed though and acute/chronic Myocarditis or death followed.

Pax Imperialis says:

>I didn’t exercise again for 6 months until I felt normal again. After a year I was back to hiking 12-15 miles on the weekend with no problems

The year to heal does not including the time for physical rehab. You really pushed it.

> People did not think that way about a vaccine so they pushed though

A lot of people also used drugs like ibuprofen/Advil/Motrin while they had myocarditis. These drugs likely increase the risk for heart failure and death. The medical community knew about that, but prescribed it anyways.

Red says:

>The year to heal does not including the time for physical rehab. You really pushed it.

I think my case was mild. I listen to my body and took it easy when starting again. I might have developed into something much worse if I pushed through it when I tried hiking again a few weeks after the event.

>A lot of people also used drugs like ibuprofen/Advil/Motrin while they had myocarditis. These drugs likely increase the risk for heart failure and death. The medical community knew about that, but prescribed it anyways.

The medical community is fucking retarded and/or evil. Myocraditis is inflammation of the Myocardium, so let give them Advil to reduce inflation! Surly that will result in good things! Also lets not aspirate the jab so it goes right into the blood stream every few thousand shots! Instant heavy heart damage or death when that happens.

I take Advil for muscle pain from lifting but I avoid taking unless it’s lingered for more than a few days. Inflammation is part of the muscle rebuilding process, generally best to let it complete the process. But when it lingers too long it’s pain without purpose.

jim says:

Standard operating procedure is to monitor the enzymes that are released when the heart is damaged and then monitor the heart’s response to stress – the treadmill test. Initially they will not let you go fast on the treadmill, because the heart will start emitting wobbly electrical signals.

This simply is not being done, or if it is being done the doctors who do it are silenced and destroyed.

The stress damage you describe is normal, part of the ancestral environment, so we would expect the heart to be good at healing from it. Jab damage is different, so what is true of stress damage is not necessarily true of jab damage.

Pax Imperialis says:

>This simply is not being done, or if it is being done the doctors who do it are silenced and destroyed.

Likely. Stress echocardiograms are being performed, but you really have to push hard for one. More unusual is that they are now only seem to be performed at practices where the doctor studied holistic medicine rather than cardiology.

Prior to covid you could pretty easily schedule one at a proper cardiologist practice.

Now I’m just one person, but I still think this is odd enough to be evidence.

Red says:

On the positive side the Cathedral shit endlessly on the non mRNA vaxes. Decent indication they were not doing the sort of damage they wanted.

Basil says:

I don’t like conspiracy theories, but what happened to the European countries that were the least affected by vaccination makes me believe in conspiracy theories.

S says:

All attempts to seize power are, by their nature, based on conspiracies (because if you could do it in the open, you already are in power). The less secure power is, the more conspiracies to seize it proliferate.

Mary Grace Shabazz-Epstein says:

Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are now mega-murderers, along with their enablers in the Chinese communist party. These monsters must be brought to justice.

Fidelis says:

Are these two, and recently Schwab, designated scapegoats? Why do so many obvious astroturf narratives exist around them?

The Cominator says:

Fauci is no scapegoat hes been doing bad things directly since the 1980s at least.

Red says:

I saw the video from Fauci’s beagle and sand-fly torture experiment. That man gets on causing harm.

Red says:

Gets off*

The Cominator says:

Yes and of course he does hes a Jesuit.

Fidelis says:

Doesn’t mean he is not a scapegoat. He could just be the bag man and have no significance himself, besides the crafted PR.

Mary Grace Shabazz-Epstein says:

With regard to Gates … he has fallen from grace for the usual reason: the devil always overplays his hand.

onyomi says:

I deeply regret getting the Chinese vax, as I thought it was the least risky way to be enabled to travel to a family wedding under quarantine conditions (it’s a traditional vax rather than mRNA and anecdotally had fewer side effects than the Pfizer among those I polled) and it caused me a major flare-up of autoimmune conditions that continues over a year later, though maybe shows some signs of letting up after some biologic therapy (hydroxychloroquine, Rxed by a doctor, incidentally, made my particular problem MUCH worse).

The reason I don’t buy it as an intentional, “Georgia Guidestones”-esque depopulation scheme despite Satanic Madonna musical performances, etc. is that there’s a much simpler, Occam’s razor explanation for it all.

Harvard and Yale are the training ground/think tanks/networking hubs for our new managerialism priesthood elite class. They are leading the way in mandating everyone get the latest version of the holy vax. Conversely, the redneck, flyover whites they view as their outgroup are disproportionately unlikely to get vaxxed, so any use of the vax as intentional killer would be killing their own vanguard relative to people they’re hoping to replace.

No, I think the reason for the vax and lack of curiosity about side effects, much less pandemic origins and preventing another happening, is not because these are good ways to kill people, but because these are good ways to control, monitor, and render people dependent/unable to live outside the managerial/academic/scientific/big business “expert” nexus.

Think about the other big trend–gender transitioning of younger and younger people. These people represent a population that will, like a type-1 diabetic, need ongoing, expensive medical care for the rest of their lives. As people get married later and later and women focus on careers, and “alternative” lifestyles are also encouraged, increasingly we are dependent on science (in vitro, surrogacy, etc. perhaps before long, artificial wombs) even to have children.

If the vaccines result in health problems that require expensive medical care (in my case, biologic injections), then that doesn’t have to be the intent so much as a felicitous consequence that doesn’t provide the sort of negative incentive we would hope to see with a more sane approach to science and medicine. It’s the “our successes show we need more funding; our failures prove we need even more funding” dynamic of managerialism.

The problem is, as in other areas, there’s a narrative the Harvard-Yale elite want to unfold and there’s the truth that will be suppressed to the extent it contradicts that narrative. The narrative is that science and medicine are taking us forward to a future of ultimate control of our own biology. We will not need to get sick in the future because we will have preventative injections for every new virus. We will not be bound by our chromosomes in the future because we’ll get better and better at making our bodies conform to our subjective fantasy identities. The only people who stand in the way of this great march of progress are the “science deniers” etc. The same yokels who didn’t want stem cell research, who oppose the march of globalism, etc.

The reality is the virus was probably caused by this academic funding managerial elite, but if that were widely known it would be devastating to their ability to pursue their dream, not to mention threatening to many currently in positions of power and influence. The reality is the rushed vaxes they created to appear the hero and massively profit at a time when they should have been led to the gallows are probably worse for you in most cases–as with many other, existing medical interventions–than just acquiring the frankenstein virus they cooked up in the wild. But again, they can’t just say “sorry, we realized our own hubris and will step down from our managerial elite positions.”

The answer is always they just need to try harder and get even more funding to buff out the scars in the utopian edifice they’re trying to erect.

Zorost says:

“Conversely, the redneck, flyover whites they view as their outgroup are disproportionately unlikely to get vaxxed, so any use of the vax as intentional killer would be killing their own vanguard relative to people they’re hoping to replace.”

That was one of the first things that occurred to me as well. A counter-argument is that TPTB will do something which adversely affects the unvaxxed. For example. small pox “accidentally” gets released, and the last few vax updates just happen to protect against it, in a weird totally coincidental way. There have been some news stories about small pox, including Bill Gates being interested in it.

Actually, that doesn’t necessarily counter the argument that it wasn’t planned, but it would be something that would likely occur to a few of the bright boys behind all this post hoc.

Red says:

Women got vaxxed at like 3x the rate of men, including in fly over country. Birthrates are going to crumble everywhere.

Kunning Drueger says:

To buy this, you have to buy that they are masterful at what they do.

onyomi says:

Yes, and to tl;dr the Occam’s razor element of my post: nothing that happened cannot be explained by the people in our existing, known managerial system following their public, obvious incentives, so more complex explanations are not needed:

It was in virologists’ individual interest to seek grant money to study dangerous viruses. It was in the interest of those doing especially dangerous research to do some of that research in China, where undesirable scrutiny and regulatory hurdles were less. It was in the interest of the Chinese leaders to export the draconian model of virus/people control they’d been crafting since at least the first SARS so that their economy would not suffer alone.

It was in the interest of all leaders to grab the opportunity the virus situation presented to influence election outcomes and grab power in all the other ways we saw.

It was in the interest of the scientists and of Chinese and US govmts. to hush up any interest in investigating the origins of the virus while hurrying experimental vaccines into production to play the savior. And now it’s in their interests to hush up the side effects and poor efficacy of those same vaccines while asking everyone to kindly forget about their failures while giving them more funding for more of the same.

CorkyAgain says:

Yes. Before I buy into any theory that there’s a devious master plan behind all this, I need to see the evidence that refutes the much simpler and I think more likely one that it’s just another case of the elite’s incompetence and butt-covering.

Along with, perhaps, the military-industrial complex’s perverse interest in developing yet more destructive toys. In this case, a toy which escaped their labs — when, according to one hypothetical but plausible scenario I’ve read, a low-level worker at the Chinese lab saw an opportunity to make a little extra money selling an infected bat at the local meat market.

Same goes for the “vaccines”. Grant-seeking researchers fascinated by the technological possibilities. Corporate executives seeing an opportunity for massive profits. Politicians seeing an opportunity to push their agenda and garner more power.

As onyomi suggests, it all seems to be sufficiently explained by people following their own interests without regard to the unintended consequences.

The Cominator says:

Leftists Shaniquas masterful no, Jesuits masterful yes. The worldwide nature (yes Japan South Korea and Sweden for some reason excepted) and uniformity of the lies points to the conspiratorial nature of covid.

CorkyAgain says:

Oh, I have no doubt that there’s a central committee somewhere formulating the party line or that the status-seekers, butt-coverers, and true believers will eagerly parrot it.

But the central committee is just as incompetent as the rest of them — the proof being the ridiculousness of so many of their lines.

The Cominator says:

Insane and evil, hard to assess their competence at being evil. Covid they did well at least in the short term though it exposed them… to the point where half the population is now Alex Jones and David Icke conspiratorial.

Kunning Drueger says:

That’s not “doing well” by any measure.

“He was doing well, then the fight began.”

“It was a really good book for the initial part of the first chapter.”

“The movie has an excellent opening credits.”.

The very fact that the whole thing was so thoroughly botched so quickly is further proof of central incompetence. At the very height of Covid hysteria, there were plenty of voices countering the narrative. If there hadn’t been, amnesty would be justified. No adult gets a free pas on COVID. Not a single fucking one.

“B-but the central conspiracy m-made me do i-”

Bouncer says:

Since I can’t respond at the most appropriate pint in the thread: I just need to ask: I /KNOW/ the covid jab causes sterility in the jabbed or at least in their offspring, but is there anything I can point people who are on the fence to as evidence? Because without any actual “official” supporting evidence, prog memes can overpower anything I say to the people that matter to me.

onyomi says:

Messaging uniformity is more simply explained by political leaders facing similar incentives and by the globalist/cosmopolitan nature of the elites of most of the developed world today, who are in constant contact with one another, and who identify more with each other, and possibly really do have more in common with each other, than they do with the plebs of the nations they supposedly represent.

A strong piece of evidence that the nature of the covid power grab was opportunistic rather than planned: there was a brief period when covid first became a concern where Democrats tried out being the anti-covid hysteria party: “it’s go to Chinatown and hug a Chinese person day!” The left’s initial thought about how best to use the crisis , at least in the US, was to paint it as an example of conservative racism and xenophobia. Closing borders, imposing restrictions on human movement, etc. was the sort of thing nasty Trumpsters would do.

After a little while feeling out the situation, it became apparent by the nature of the political-cultural landscape much more was to be gained, especially under a hated POTUS, by feeding, rather than downplaying the virus hysteria, and then we saw what we saw unfold.

Had it been a true conspiracy, we should have seen Pelosi et al. come out with the prepared, unified script straight away.

The Cominator says:

“A strong piece of evidence that the nature of the covid power grab was opportunistic rather than planned: there was a brief period when covid first became a concern where Democrats tried out being the anti-covid hysteria party: “it’s go to Chinatown and hug a Chinese person day!” ”

I’m really really really tired of going over this, the about face was used to fool people on the right period. 100%. People who mentioned this as if it was sincere rather than the planners using it to fool people… if they had been full hysteria from the beginning more of you gullible fools who bought into it would have smelled a rat.

Well I think this is one thing that ought to be censored because its been brought up 1000 times and shot down 1000 times and its just really really annoying at this point.

onyomi says:

No, I recognized it as hysteria right away, and as a continuation of a trend that long predated it, because I had the experience of being quarantined with the swine flu in China in 2009. The move to push more and more vaccines of ever more dubious cost-benefit also predates it with e.g. Gulf War Syndrome, HPV, and, indeed, the swine flu vax. It would be interesting to see a simulation re-run in which swine flu occurred during a Republican presidency.

Red says:

Had it been a true conspiracy, we should have seen Pelosi et al. come out with the prepared, unified script straight away.

They did. The script was do everything possible to spread covid19. The world health organization, the NHS, etc did everything possible to stop Trump’s attempts to stop the spread.

Once it was well established they switched 180 degrees to lockdowns.

onyomi says:

I wouldn’t put it PAST the likes of Pelosi to coordinate a lab leak as part of a plan to get Trump out of office. I think it gives them too much credit for cunning and ability to keep a secret (they can’t help doing victory laps when their actual coordinated plans succeed: see NYT stories on how they “fortified” the 2020 election), but I wouldn’t put it past them.

That the purpose of the virus was to get Trump out of office and/or clamp down on protest movements in Hong Kong is one theory. That the purpose of the virus was to get everybody injected with an experimental substance for some reason is another. I think neither is needed to explain the available facts and so tend to disbelieve both, but the former is much more plausible to me as an extreme example of “ends justify the means” politics.

Of course, theoretically, both, separate conspiracy theories could be true, but again, needlessly complex too explain the available facts and directly contradicted by the fact that e.g. all my Harvard and Yale professor friends were first in line to get themselves and even their poor infants their jabs, boosters, bivalent boosters, latest flu shots, etc. etc.

Red says:

View it as a bunch of factions all with their own plans and goals working together on a conspiracy. The Jesuits(assuming Com’s right) plan was mass reduction in the population. The Dems plan was to wreak Trump’s economy and give them an excuse to do mail in ballots.

I wouldn’t put it PAST the likes of Pelosi to coordinate a lab leak as part of a plan to get Trump out of office. I think it gives them too much credit for cunning and ability to keep a secret (they can’t help doing victory laps when their actual coordinated plans succeed: see NYT stories on how they “fortified” the 2020 election), but I wouldn’t put it past them.

They kept J6 secret. They had the following groups onboard for that: Antifa, Fed pets, FBI, Capital Cops, a small chunk of Congress, Pence, etc. It worked. No one from the inside has talked and I think the 4 cops suicided days after the the riot went to their superiors with concerns about what happened and were murdered for being good cops.

Admitting that they poisoned the world isn’t going to happen. The US would get nuked for it and anyone trying to tell the truth in the US with evidence would suffer a 5 minute FBI raid and never be seen again.

Of course, theoretically, both, separate conspiracy theories could be true, but again, needlessly complex too explain the available facts and directly contradicted by the fact that e.g. all my Harvard and Yale professor friends were first in line to get themselves and even their poor infants their jabs, boosters, bivalent boosters, latest flu shots, etc. etc.

Remember they hate each other just as much as they hate us. It would be quite easy for the Fauci faction to explain they pulling off the plot of V for Vendeta and then double crossing them by giving them poison while they got saline shots. How would the Pelosi faction tell the difference? Worse what could they do once it was done? They were part of the plot. They can’t tell anyone.

Leftists generally just grin and bear when when more leftwing factions double cross them.

onyomi says:

But they haven’t really kept J6 secret, so much as prevented any “smoking gun” whistleblower coming forward to remove all doubt. We see the possibility that J6 was intentionally infiltrated discussed openly on Tucker Carlson. And that was a much, much smaller operation than Covid, much less Covid+Pfizer. Would literally only need a few people in a single city in on it, as opposed to countless politicians, scientists, lab workers, etc.

That the FBI took advantage of a giant gathering of Boomercons, like they took advantage in Charlottesville, requires far fewer, if any violations of Occam’s razor relative to the scenario you’re proposing (and again, there, I see it as taking advantage of an opportunity that presented itself–of Trump Tweeting for a giant gathering of Boomercons in DC–more than a well-executed plan, start-to-finish).

Of course, I can’t be CERTAIN it didn’t happen, but it’s far from the most likely explanation, imo.

Red says:

That the FBI took advantage of a giant gathering of Boomercons, like they took advantage in Charlottesville, requires far fewer, if any violations of Occam’s razor relative to the scenario you’re proposing (and again, there, I see it as taking advantage of an opportunity that presented itself–of Trump Tweeting for a giant gathering of Boomercons in DC–more than a well-executed plan, start-to-finish).

Most of the people who organized Charlottesville were later identified as federal informants. Charlottesville was a fed op from the get go.

But they haven’t really kept J6 secret, so much as prevented any “smoking gun” whistleblower coming forward to remove all doubt. We see the possibility that J6 was intentionally infiltrated discussed openly on Tucker Carlson. And that was a much, much smaller operation than Covid, much less Covid+Pfizer. Would literally only need a few people in a single city in on it, as opposed to countless politicians, scientists, lab workers, etc.

J6 wasn’t infiltrated, it was a fed run op from the top. They planned the whole thing out. The only thing Trump supplied was the crowd. Do you really think a mentally ill stoner dude with the viking helmet could walked into congress without help? The feds brought him there along with the guy running around with a confederate flag right next him There was like 30 photographers following him around to make sure they get as many pictures as possible of him in the Senate. Antifa guys lead the way into the capitol and were never sent to jail for their crimes, while the people they and the capital cops waved into the building are rotting in a prison cells.

We’ve heard how Fauci funded the development of the covid virus, and we read about Moderna patented most DNA found the core of the spike protean in 2016. The thing you don’t hear is how the whole thing was planned and put together, IE the actual conspiracy. Anyone leaking that wouldn’t live long. Also anyone leaking it was in on the intentional death of millions. No way they’re going to talk about it.

jim says:

> Moderna patented most DNA found the core of the spike protean in 2016.

This supports the theory that the jab came first, and then Covid was created to provide a rationale for jabbing everyone.

The Cominator says:

The jab is to reduce the pop primarily by being a sterility plague. I think the Jesuits wanted nationalist rightist like Trump out of power too but primarily they wanted a sterility plague…

jim says:

Looks more like a religion than any pragmatic secular program. I think population reduction was just a pseudo scientific, pseudo materialist rationale, like Marxist “dialectical materialism”, which is neither dialectical nor materialistic. Looks to me that the objective was to sacrifice infants to Moloch. Miscarriage, still births, and infant deaths, rather than sterility.

Faith is what moves the world. A plot on this scale requires an animating religion.

Red says:

Here’s the senate report on the nature of the virus and the total lack of expected mutations if it developed naturally:

KD gay link:

(page 25). The virus pops out of no where with a spike protean ready to start nailing humans. No mention of Modern patent.

Note I think the report was released with the idea of a future war with China, so no way they’re going to blame Fauci.

UK doctor going over the report and he does mention Modern patent:

Dr. John Campbell has been honestly going over COVID related things while avoiding getting the youtube ban hammer. He’s a bit of a midwit and he dumbly took 3 does of the vaccine, but still useful.

Red says:

The jab is to reduce the pop primarily by being a sterility plague. I think the Jesuits wanted nationalist rightist like Trump out of power too but primarily they wanted a sterility plague…

Now that’s a idea right out of Stargate SGC. Advanced race sterilizes 99% of another planet race by giving them advance medicine that both heals and causes sterility. Results in a small easily controlled population a planet that’s great for nature and simple farming to supply the master race. Advanced race then does the same to Earth. Episode’s name was “2010”

Man these people no original ideas, they crib from Scifi:

Volians are a scattered race of a few thousand humans who farm on their planet, Volia, for themselves and the Aschen Confederation. Originally the Volians were a peaceful and productive urban society of millions who had reached Earth’s early twentieth century in the way of their own industrial revolution. Their written language was similar to an ancient Celtic text that Dr. Daniel Jackson once found in Wales. About 200 years ago, they were struck with their equivalent of the influenza pandemic. Then the Aschen arrived by ships, offered a vaccine and invited them into their confederation.

The last edition of the Volians’ newspaper.

The Volians were immensely grateful to these heroes and a friendship began that lasted many years. During that time, Volia’s Stargate was discovered. An unspecified Aschen drug, administered to the entire population (perhaps the flu vaccine, but just as likely another drug such as the life-extending vaccine they gave to Earth in another timeline), caused the majority of the population to become sterile. When the Volians realized what the Aschen had done to them, the civilization began to riot but was abruptly silenced. The Aschen covered the urban areas in soil for farming and made certain no Volian remembered the truth about his or her people’s history.

onyomi says:

“The only thing Trump supplied was the crowd.”

That’s the opportunity I’m talking about. Politicians and three-letter agencies take advantage of situations that present themselves more than engineer them start-to-finish in most cases, I suspect. Much easier and simpler to explain.

I’m actually of the opinion that Trump still had a not-insignificant chance to “cross the Rubicon” on J6th had he been a much braver person subject to less normality bias.

onyomi says:

Which is not to say they don’t go on fishing expeditions, astroturf, and sometimes think up their own, original, operations involving one or a few individuals, like that silly governor of Michigan kidnapping thing, or, potentially, the Las Vegas shooter.

Red says:

I’m actually of the opinion that Trump still had a not-insignificant chance to “cross the Rubicon” on J6th had he been a much braver person subject to less normality bias.

No chance. He didn’t have his people there controlling the crowd and the feds where controlling things. Ray Epps and his crew were directing the idiots in the crowd around while the cops where attacking the crowd with flash bangs and the alike trying to stir them up before there was any actual violence from the protestors. There were full tactical teams in the capitol in case things actually got dangerous. We actually saw one right next to where Ashley Bobbitt was murdered. They were just standing around while the fake and gay riot was happening and only moved once they heard a gun shot. Antifa guys were doing almost all the window and door breaking once in the capitol, again no charges.

Hell where Ashley Bobbit was killed, an Antifa/Fed guy wearing a blue surgical mask and a red MAGA hat talked to the guys guarding that door and they left then Ashley stuck her head in the hole in the window, turned around and was shot in the neck from behind. The red hat guy was never identified.

It would have taken quite a lot of explosives to get passed the security doors without the fed’s playing along. Those doors are fully armored and very heavy with electric locks. The capitol was quite secure short of a military assault.

Bill says:

“They were just standing around while the fake and gay riot was happening and only moved once they heard a gun shot.”

I saw that too. After the gunshot goes off, a 5 man SWAT team materializes out of the stairwell with fully automatic weapons as if they were always there. Any actual armed “insurrection” would have been a turkey shoot. SWAT was just waiting there in case of threat of actual violence.

Red says:

I saw that too. After the gunshot goes off, a 5 man SWAT team materializes out of the stairwell with fully automatic weapons as if they were always there.

There another video where the guy looks down that stair well, there was like another 10-15 swat guys on the stairs just waiting. I’m sure they had groups like that all over the capitol, just in case. J6 was planned down to the smallest detail by the feds. They probably spent weeks war gaming it out, just like they did with the steal.

onyomi says:

“Moderna patented most DNA found the core of the spike protean in 2016.”

But I guess that most of the DNA in the covid spike protein overlaps with that found in the original SARS spike protein (?), which pharma companies and virologists had been researching since early 2000s.

Companies patent potentially profitable things they are working on all the time. Doesn’t mean they are willing to cause the problem needed to make it profitable (though they might), much less that the problem would then be a pretext for them to provide an intentionally harmful product, as opposed to a half-baked solution to a problem they helped create.

Also, the very interest in profitability implied by patenting speaks against the whole holy (demonic) crusade angle. Patents are limits. If the goal is just to get this stuff in as many arms as possible for holiness, as opposed to mundane reasons of money and power, then would expect less interest in potentially limiting that to profit off it.

onyomi says:

As for Trump’s chances to really seize the moment on J6, yes, it was probably very risky and liable to fail, even assuming great bravery and personal risk tolerance on his part, and I think you’re right that they were war-gaming probably from the moment Trump announced the rally.

But I think they were war-gaming not just because they planned this false-flag from the get-go, but because they were genuinely worried that if they didn’t, Trump might actually do something. He turned out to have been more thoroughly hemmed in, with fewer loyal supporters available to help by the end than I realized at the time, true, but I don’t think he had no chance.

Of course, that was very late. He should have surrounded himself with loyalists from the beginning, which is why they are now putting out articles about how it’s even more important to stop a Trump 2024 victory, because he may have learned his lesson.

The Cominator says:

Trump probably could have done something if he was prepared but clearly he wasn’t…

skippy says:

“Had it been a true conspiracy, we should have seen Pelosi et al. come out with the prepared, unified script straight away.”

What I noticed is that the media had the script since before covid would clearly spread or matter: this is a huge deal and it will remain a huge deal.

The politicians may not have had the script.

I’m skeptical of Jesuit comments which seems to be an attempt to displace anti-Semitism with something structurally identical but different target. But does suggest the actions of a sophisticated global network which, while not necessarily hostile, is separate from the broader social network of world government administrators.

S says:

“Conversely, the redneck, flyover whites they view as their outgroup are disproportionately unlikely to get vaxxed, so any use of the vax as intentional killer would be killing their own vanguard relative to people they’re hoping to replace.”

They didn’t expect it. Their model of right wingers is stupid people who believe whatever Trump tells them so if Trump supports the vax, they get to exterminate right wingers.

simplyconnected says:

It sounds from their “event 201” exercise that they intended to inject basically everyone.
Note these people aren’t dumb (though as S points out their model for rightist is “dumb superstitious yokel”): they estimated that 2/3rds would take the jab in the “voluntary phase” (it’s in the mock newscast of one of their exercises). Well, what do you know the US uptake was 62% by the end of the voluntary phase, then mandates came. Asch conformity study also had around 62% conformity. It’s clear they aimed for much higher numbers with their mandates, which were always a bluff.

simplyconnected says:

Funny thing is it was around the same time that the US daily injection rate peaked, that Bill Gates’ wife started talking about divorce. I thought: she knows the rate peaked, she can extrapolate the remaining decaying curve, integrate and calculate the final uptake. Why would the wife of one of the chief genociders choose to divorce in the middle of the genocide operation: because the projected uptake, which was made apparent only right after it peaked, was not going to be high enough, too many would be left uninjected, which could be a huge problem when retribution comes. Hence divorce possibly to distance herself. Just food for thought.

Mary Grace Shabazz-Epstein says:

Bill Gates has a god complex and is happy to murder billions of people. He deserves to have gallons of the vax mainlined into him.

Zorost says:

Let me throw out an alternate theory I came up with early on.

Billions upon billions of dollars have been spent researching how to influence crowds, both for marketing and government abuse. A prime example would be Bernays, and I’m sure you are aware there are many more such researchers. There is also the Tavistock Institute, and the MKUltra program, whose goal (based on the incomplete documents found) was about controlling peoples’ minds through various means including drugs and repetitive loud noises.

The UK even ran a field exercise about a flu virus in 2016:
“Exercise Cygnus was centred around assumptions of public responses that have yet to be validated. Expectations of how the public will react was postulated based on the magnitude of “swan flu”.

Main point being, influencing crowds should be a slam dunk. So why have they made it so obvious? If this was a scam just to get people to take the virus, why is their script so horrible? Like Fauci saying “X is true!” then “Y is true!” then “Z is true!” Or making so many obvious lies, while telling the truth about half or less of their staff are vaxed. Because it is so obvious, only an easily controlled person would fall for it… which is exactly the point.

What has happened is that those in control have created a badly carved pagan idol, and put it up to see who bows down to it. This will separate the population into 2 groups, those who are easily controlled and those who resist. To put it another way, those the elites want to save and those they want done away with. The few who die of the vax would be considered acceptable losses.

The question remains, how are they going to accomplish this winnowing of the resisters? An extremely deadly bug that the last covid update just happens to protect against? Wouldn’t want to waste all that research into “gain of function” viruses…

Remember, they don’t want the resisters to take the vax, as they would have had a much better script. They want the resisters gone.

Kunning Drueger says:

Occam finds this dubious…

S says:

The flaw in your model is leftists don’t care about accidentally killing innocent people. So they don’t need a way to accurately find rightists- they can go with kill all whites.

Zorost says:

Most ideological Leftists are also White people. How would they go about just killing Whites and no one else? Openly doing that isn’t going to work in the US until they disarm us, which hasn’t been progressing very well for them.

They don’t really care that much about skin color, but about power. They don’t want to eliminate Whites, just strip Whites as a group of power. Once that happens, Whites can become full allies. Just like how businesses were the Devil, until they were captured and then suddenly became allies of the Left.

S says:

“How would they go about just killing Whites and no one else?”

Black uptake of the vax is the lowest of all ethnic groups, but I already laid out the answer- leftists don’t care about accidentally killing innocent people so murder everyone is the answer the inevitably converge upon.

“They don’t really care that much about skin color, but about power. They don’t want to eliminate Whites, just strip Whites as a group of power. Once that happens, Whites can become full allies. Just like how businesses were the Devil, until they were captured and then suddenly became allies of the Left.”

The left is motivated by envy towards the competent; business only became a left ally once its ability to do productive activity was destroyed. Thus the hate towards whites will never abate as long as there are competent whites. Whites are already marginalized, but the hate only increased.

Your Uncle Bob says:

“They don’t really care that much about skin color…”

A rule that has served me well both practically and in finding truth, is to believe people when they tell me what they’re about. And especially to believe people when they tell me they want me dead, or they want someone dead.

(This doesn’t mean they’re immediately going to come over the table at me with a steak knife, in fact they may well lack the courage of their convictions, or just be restrained by social circumstances. Nevertheless they mean it, they’re telling the truth. And some day, as in communist countries or in South Africa, they or their fellow travelers do act on it.)

Leftists are telling us they hate white people and want them dead. What they mean by that is, they hate white people and want them dead. If you’re reasoning otherwise from first principles, your first principles are wrong.

Mr.P says:

Another flaw in the model? The jab appears to be chronically disabling or suddenly killing in huge numbers “those the elites want to save.”

Zorost says:

It’s not. Look at the % of the population that is dying, it is infinitesimal. The elites have no problem killing off a few hundred thousand of their own people to take out far more of their enemies.

The vast majority will be survivors who are dependent on the elites for survival, as intended.

S says:

You are attributing too much rationality to them. The smart thing would be to do this after war with Russia or China so you could have the based buried overseas; vaxing the military keeps rightists out of the military and makes it weaker by killing those who are already in.

Red says:

I now increasingly suspect that the jab was created first, in order to kill people and stop them from having children, then Covid was created to give governments an excuse for jabbing people.

This is an extraordinary claim. The evidence supports its and I think it’s true but it’s so unprecedented. Nothing like this has even been done in history. Murder and inducing infertility on a massive scale via trickery. The GAE is probably the worst empire in all of recorded history.

The Cominator says:

Partially because of that, also to hurt the middle class and Trump Bolsonarno etc.

That it was unleashed in Trumps election year was not coincidental.

Red says:

On the basis of covid and the Jab, I deem the “The Cominator” protocol both morally justified and necessary.

The Cominator says:

Yes there must be no mercy for the progressive, the communist or the jesuit. Deus vult they must all take the helicopter ride.

The Cominator says:

Some may question my right to destroy 30 gorillion shitlibs, those who truly understand know that I have no right to let them live.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I was hoping that we could get away with purging the GAE organizations(government, universities, NGOs) but that is not going to go far enough. History is crystal clear on this. Once human sacrifice becomes accepted, the society has to be purged. The only thing Cortez did wrong was that he did not go far enough. America delenda est!

Winston Smith says:

An interesting coincidence that this was posted right now. I do have a problem related to the jabs that hoping you guys could help me with.

First of all, thank you guys for your advice about college. I am sure that even if college is completely useless, I won’t have to pay the “king’s ransom” of debt that Jim occasionally mentions, should I go to college. Now to my main point.

You see, I have been suspicious of the jab ever since I got turned on to right wing politics. My parents, being very liberal, have been dead set about getting me the vaccine, but various issues (primarily their busy work schedules) have prevented them from setting up the appointment. During this time, I have probed their feelings about the issue to see how they would respond. Now, normally, they are quite pleasant people, but when I bring up this issue, their whole demeanor changes. They dismissed the idea that there could be anything wrong with the vaxx with a combination of frustration and smugness that, admittedly, caught me off guard. The absolutism with which they pronounced their opinion reminded me very much of an unmistakably religious source of authority, making Jim’s idea of the Covid crisis being a ‘holiness spiral’ all the more visceral and personally relevant.

Right now, I want to play my cards safe, as I do not want to provoke them any more than necessary or start a family shit fight that ends with our future in jeopardy or them attempting to use some kind of legal force to get me jabbed. At this point, I could go about my next steps in a number of ways. This could include, among others:

a. Directly confronting them about the issue, refusing flatly to get the jab under any circumstances whatever happens while still living with them as family. This is probably the option requiring the most intense effort, as they will most likely do things like demand ‘credible research’ or ‘fact-checked sources’ that will never observe or connect dots in the way that ‘unreliable’ dissidents have. To add on to this, my parents have known people who have gotten Covid but have not mentioned knowing anybody who died of a ‘mysterious heart attack’, so that may shape their worldview regarding this issue. This will mean a lot of sustained effort trying to predict their reactions and reasoning with them, but this will also mean no secret or possibly illegal things on my part. Any help you may give about talking to them would be greatly appreciated.

b. Secretly going to my doctor and asking him to give me a placebo, like a saline injection, when my parents and I do go to get me ‘jabbed’. I am not quite sure how far doctor-patient confidentiality law extends with regards to minors, but I could try to email him about it and then visit in-person see how he might respond to the issue. I do not know about his political opinions, so I am not sure if he would sympathize with me or call me a selfish straight white grandma killer or something in between. The wisest thing to do, I think, would be to try to get an idea of his opinion on the jab issue through indirect conversation before asking this of him, assuming I do this option.

c. Run away from home. This would be by far the most life-altering decision I could make, one I would not have seriously considered even two years ago. Seeing the insanity and dysfunction of the world, though, as well as reading this blog and others, has made me doubt much of the ideology I grew up with. I do genuinely appreciate all that my parents have done for me growing up, and I really hope it won’t have to come to this. But if they do end up being truly implacable, it is one that I am willing to consider. I have my own car, so I could get a fair amount of distance before they realize what has happened. They are, however, very persistent people, so they will put in their whole effort to trying to find me. Once I have made an escape, I would not precisely know what to do next or where to go. Again, I appreciate my parents very much and hope to God this isn’t what is required, but I think I am mentally prepared to go through with it.

This is the situation I am in right now. These three options are the ones that came to me first, but any other course of action you all might suggest is something I would be grateful for. Thank you all in advance for your replies.

Starman says:

@Winston Smith


Anyone trying to get you one is a deadly enemy. To be destroyed without any mercy or pity.

Kunning Drueger says:

Jim, what is the policy on legal minors posting here? Maybe I’m too jaded, but this seems like a bait post of some kind, like an elaborate attempt at Contributing to Delinquency.

If this is a real post, stop being a faggot bro. Just don’t get it until you’re 18. I thought zoomers all used their parent’s first names and did whatever they wanted? Or become overnight, non-performing trans. Their liberals, they’ll love it; all the cred and braggadocio with none of the gross and horrific consequences. Do you see the trend? I’m sticking to your weaseling way, how you want their money for college but also want to play at independence. If you’re going to sup at their table, follow their rules. If you’re going to forge your own path, get off the fence. Stop trying to split the difference, you’ll just regret it later.

Ghost says:

I’m with KD, could be a setup. Character from 1984 novel, open about being minor. Could have just said lives with parents. Might be trying to put us in Room 101.

Red says:

I’m really surprised at the number of men who responded to it. The minor bit is a red flag, as is the idea that lib parents haven’t vaxed him up 8 times by now.

I look at it did a hard pass. I figured Jim would delete it and put the poster under moderation.

jim says:

Hmm, yes, if still unvaxxed, under the circumstances depicted, he should have no problem remaining unvaxxed, so, looks like a setup. But, sounded real enough, and setups involving purported minors generally involve sex, which this does not, so will address the question.

If arguing with parents, should take the religious exemption. That the covid flim flam is not a medical emergency, but a religion of demon worship. Directly invoke the science, as evidence not of the facts, but of the enemy’s demonic faith.

When God is behind you, no man will stand against you. When the wrath of the Lord speaks through me, people get out of the Lord’s way.

Seek divine intervention, your parents will bend.

The primary purpose of the jab was never to reduce Covid, on which it has no significant effect. The purpose was death, and primarily the death of infants, the enormous rise in miscarriages and infants born dead, or dying shortly after birth. The primary purpose was always the sacrifice of infants to Moloch. Moloch loves parents killing their children, and especially loves mothers killing their children.

Hear the word of the Lord. This is the crime for which the Canaanites were exterminated.

The Cominator says:

Possibly so but generally the only times when talking to minors online is if you are trying to fuck them.

I don’t think any of us are trying to fuck him.

Red says:

The boundaries of what is illegal is always expanding. See those pro-lifers sitting in jail looking at 15 years in jail for protesting an abortion clinic.

Red says:

It’s clearly bait or a troll post.

FrankNorman says:

My 2 cents – the post reads as too articulate to be a minor.

jim says:

Supposing it to be fake, and there are assorted red flags, what would the point and purpose be?

We would either tell him he has an obligation to obey wicked and foolish parental authority, or tell him to disobey, or tell him how to get his parents to refrain from endangering their child. Would any of those get us in trouble? So I am inclined to believe real enough. People who read blogs like this, and people who are aware of the epidemic of human sacrifice to the awesome and mighty Covid demon, tend to be articulate.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If you are under another man’s roof, you are obliged to follow his rules.

In the end, the only honorable solution to wicked parents is to go your own way.

Make your stance on the issue plain, and if they back down – and if you are forceful, dogged, and repetitive, there is a good chance they will – then that is all too the good. But if not, then again, you must go your own way, one way or another.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You can try arguing over facts and logic and heuristic principles of rational game theory and all that, but as you already know it’s not really about those things either, and acting like it is simply validates their mania. They are baselessly asserting you should be mutated, so you can equally baselessly assert that you will not be mutated. Sorry but actually not sorry at all. Simply not gonna do it. That’s that. Just not gonna do it.

The Cominator says:

It may hurt him to do so, I advocate trying to get a fake.

The only rules of morality that apply to leftists even parents is

1. Its never okay to betray benefactors no matter how horrible they are in general.

2. Its never okay to bear false witness even against say the devil himself

No other rules of morality apply to leftists period. None.

Neofugue says:

> It may hurt him to do so, I advocate trying to get a fake.

Gimp is not hard to learn and one can easily find photos of vaccine cards. Winston Smith could go through his parents’ belongings to take photos of their vaccine cards. Plus he can copy the batch numbers onto his fake card.

simplyconnected says:

Can you say you will wait? You have not made up your mind, you want to be extremely cautious etc etc. I have not had success in convincing people not to get it, but I have had success in convincing people to wait (which in a few months turned into them not getting it as I expected).

simplyconnected says:

Neofugue is right, better lie. Tell them you got it but make it believable by letting them first know you’ve been reading about the effectiveness and how you were wrong or something. Jab is a huge threat, lying is perfectly justified imho.

Neofugue says:

Please be careful as the skill of lying is a double-edged sword.

The better one gets at lying, the greater the risk of one lying to himself unconsciously. Speaking from experience, if you get good at it, you will not be able to trust yourself. Being a bad liar is not necessarily a bad thing.

Ideally you want to be good enough to convince most normies but not good enough to convince yourself.

The Cominator says:

No it should not become the normal method of doing things, you’ll lose credibility and it will cost you your soul…

But to avoid the vax when there is no other good alternative… sure.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think your priorities are out of alignment. One of the central themes of cuckservativism is holding to some high minded ideal in the face of tactical and strategic necessity. All options should be on the table.

jim says:

Action requires cohesion.

Cohesion requires high minded principles. The problem with cuckservatives is that they accept enemy principles. They lack memetic sovereignty.

The enemy faith consists of lies, point deer make horse 指鹿為馬. By getting people to commit to a lie, they have those people by the balls.

Therefore no alternative but to base our faith, words,and deeds, on what is unfalsifiable. Cuckservatives are cucked because unable to call out a pretty lie.

The problem with cuckservatives is not high minded principles, but high minded pious lies.

Redbible says:

The Biblical Command is to not “Bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

Last I checked, devout Demon worshipers, and those that would pass their children through the hands of Moloch are NOT my neighbor, so lying to them is no sin. That said, I would spend as little time as possible with a demon worshiper, and seek to get away from one as soon as possible. (Also, lying by being silent is a simple but useful method of not raising a demon worshiper’s alarms.)

jim says:

Lying by selective silence is safe, because it does not create the risk of lying to oneself. But actively lying creates a risk of self deception. Also, undermines the confidence of your allies.

Actively lying can lose you memetic sovereignty. You tell the lie your enemy demands, the enemy owns you.

Neofugue says:

d. shut up and/or lie

Use your parents for what they are worth. If they are Leftists, simply do not tell them about not taking the vaccine, and if they ask, you should practice lying. Learning how to lie effectively will be a key skill in order to survive what will happen in the next few decades as things fall apart.

As for your career, you should choose your father’s profession. If that means going to college and taking out debt, it may not be an unwise decision if your father makes enough money. USG will inflate you out of much of your debt anyway. You need the college certificate to get into most jobs as it is.

Red says:

Looks more like a religion than any pragmatic secular program. I think population reduction was just a pseudo scientific, pseudo materialist rationale, like Marxist “dialectical materialism”, which is neither dialectical nor materialistic. Looks to me that the objective was to sacrifice infants to Moloch. Miscarriage, still births, and infant deaths, rather than sterility.

Jim how exactly does demon sacrifice work for those people? Do they believe in Moloch or do they see cohesion and power from sacrificing to Moloch?

jim says:

Demonic sacrifice creates cohesion in the same way holy communion creates cohesion.

Hesiod says:

Beyond group cohesion as Jim notes, human sacrifice is a this-for-that bargain with dark supernatural forces. Of the ancient old world religions I’m most familiar with, the common expectation is material wealth and status. But there’s also instances of desire for sorcerous power.

Consider this tale from a second century AD Greek geographer Pausanias noted here concerning evidence of human sacrifice in three millennia ago:

“One of the more prominent stories about human sacrifice on the mountain comes from the early Greek geographer Pausanias in his Description of Greece. He tells the tale of Lycaon, the first King of Arcadia, who according to one version of the story sacrificed one of his sons and served him to the god Zeus at a dinner party. Zeus was enraged, and he turned Lycaon and his other sons into wolves. Supposedly this led to an annual tradition at the altar of Lykaion in which a boy would be slaughtered along with animals. The meat would be cooked all together, and whoever ate the human flesh would be turned into a wolf for nine years. If they did not eat human flesh in that time, they were allowed to return to their original form. If they did, they would remain a wolf forever.”


Hesiod says:

As to whether or not our current betters actually believe any of it, I cannot say as none can see into the hearts of man except God; but these swine sure do love the trappings of diabolism. That spirit cooking is demonically gay, at the very least.

FrankNorman says:

“The meat would be cooked all together, and whoever ate the human flesh would be turned into a wolf for nine years. If they did not eat human flesh in that time, they were allowed to return to their original form. If they did, they would remain a wolf forever.”

Nine years is pretty much a lifetime, and a long one at that, for a wolf.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

I rather suspect it’s both. Cynical sincerity – a cynical subconscious that grooms a completely sincere conscious mind to act upon its own perceived self-interest. A lie truly believed is the lie maximally persuasive to others – not unlike women and their shit-tests.

i says:

Interesting anecdote

How that relates to the story is the numerous comments I see, that are quite serious, simply noting the math. Some of the families are enormous, anywhere from 10-20 children who are now marrying and some have large families of their own already. Whereas the sad women commenting are trying to convince everyone else how superior they are by their own refusal to reproduce, yet realizing at the same time that they will be outnumbered.

For what it’s worth, I personally know an atheist couple who have also done the math and are having their ninth kid soon and have openly stated part of the reason is to ensure their beliefs are not wiped out by these types of Christians, Muslims, and other religious groups who have very large families.

Atheist fertility rising in reaction to religious fertility.

Red says:

“How that relates to the story is the numerous comments I see, that are quite serious, simply noting the math. Some of the families are enormous, anywhere from 10-20 children who are now marrying and some have large families of their own already. Whereas the sad women commenting are trying to convince everyone else how superior they are by their own refusal to reproduce, yet realizing at the same time that they will be outnumbered.”

LOL, that’s laughably fake. Women who go to college don’t reproduce in those numbers. Even the Christian families I knew who had like 7 or 8 kids, none of their girls had children after going to college.

People post mostly bullshit on reddit. Secondly, I’ve yet to meet an atheist male who was married and had kids. They’re most cringey and low status of the leftist male types.

i says:

Exceptions exist. This is an exception. And likely this couple is surrounded by large families that they try the same so as not to be outdone and be wiped out.

Red says:

Believing what the lying leftists post on reddit is a mistake. Don’t be gullible.

i says:


Its not from Reddit. Reddit types don’t tend to congregate at Anonymous Conservative Blog.


I do believe that purely as a result of chance. There are rare exceptions to the trend.

I will be glad to be wrong.

Pax Imperialis says:

>10-20 children

I find it very difficult to accept someone having 20 children without using concubines and marrying well above 18 years old. Even my maternal grandfather who married at 16 and had several official/suspected concubines only managed 10-14, and the stress killed him early too. Having that many kids is hard.

This isn’t chance, it’s bullshit. Think about the logistics. A woman can get pregnant and bear a child about once per year. Getting married at 25 is considered young these days. That’s roughly 5 years or about 5 children before she is above 30 and fertility drops off a cliff. If they keep trying hard that’s maybe another 5 or the next 10 years… Maybe if they are using IVF and rental wombs they can get to 20, but those methods are almost exclusively used by desperate people attempting to get just one.

And I grew up in a high social class progressive circle. None of my peers who are atheists have more than 3 children. Most of them are early 30s and still not married.

Adam says:

My neighbors growing up had 18 kids. The family was part of a very strict and isolated Lutheran church. It is still common there for moms to have children and grandchildren the same age.

Honestly for all we talk about patriarchy and family and children here, I doubt anyone on this blog is interested in the level of commitment the members of those churches have. The men work and raise their family and go to church and that is it. For fun they hunt and fish and drink coffee. Very little outside of that is tolerated.

Red says:

It’s really not very safe for women to have kids more than once every 2 years. There’s a lot of nutrients that get depleted between pregnancies that take a while to build back up.

jim says:

Maybe. But it looks to me that women are designed to pop out a baby or two every eighteen months starting at sixteen or seventeen. In the ancestral environment, once the baby’s first teeth develop at six months or so, she stops breastfeeding (because baby bites) and shortly thereafter gets pregnant again.

What is the data indicating that it is unsafe?

People insist on feeding very young children mush, but if they can bite their mother’s boobs, they can bite all sorts of things, and, given half a chance, are apt to stuff anything they can grab into their mouths and bite hard to see what happens.

It definitely looks to me that small children are much happier and develop better if they have sibilings eighteen months older and younger. Small children do not look to adults for guidance. They look to slightly older brothers and sisters, and, not finding them, are psychologically disturbed and make unreasonable and impossible demands upon their parents, just as a boy without a father is psychologically disturbed. Children are psychologically designed to grow up in a nuclear family with closely spaced brothers and sisters.

Raising children is a whole lot easier if they are closely spaced. Kids act as if a spacing longer than eighteen months is unnatural and disturbing.

Six months after birth, baby has teeth. In the ancestral environment, Mum stops breastfeeding shortly thereafter. Gets pregnant shortly after ceasing to breastfeed. Older sisters help look after the young ones, older brothers mentor them.

Looks to me that in an environment with abundant food supply and smooth efficient transfer of women from ownership by fathers to ownership by husbands, women are apt to have about ten to fifteen kids.

X says:

Reply to Jim’s reply to this comment (which I can’t reply to directly):

In the actual, documented ancestral environment, pregnancies were spaced out as Red describes. I wrote a comment about this a few months ago:

Dr. Weston A. Price, an American dentist who surveyed primitive and untouched peoples in the 1930s, all of whom had near-perfect health and striking similarities in nutrition and lifestyle found that an interval of a few years was critical:

“One of the most interesting traditional practices reported by Dr. Weston Price was the deliberate spacing of children in primitive societies. Throughout Africa and the South Seas, it was considered shameful to have a child more than once every three years.

“Modern science validates this practice. We now know that the ideal interval for preventing physical birth defects is three years; this is also the optimal spacing for the emotional health of children. And allowing at least three years between pregnancies permits the mother to recover her nutritional stores between children and to provide sufficient attention to each child–and to her marriage!”

And here:

“To support the notion that having fewer children could decrease child and infant mortality, Ostry and Frank point out that bearing and nursing children taxes a mother’s micronutrient stores, especially her stores of vitamin A and iron. These nutrients, in turn, are well known to protect infants and children from infectious diseases. […]

“[These statistics are] consistent with the argument that Ostry and Frank maintain, that the more children a woman has, the more her nutritional stores are taxed, compromising each child’s ability to survive infectious diseases.

“If this argument is correct, it is a great testament to the ‘primitive wisdom’ documented by Weston Price, which included family planning, as he explained in Nutrition and Physical Degeneration (p. 398):

‘Another important feature of the control of excellence of child life among the primitive races has been the systematic spacing of children by control of pregnancies. The interval between children ranged from two and a half to four years.’”

Red says:


X listed all the data I would have sited, but your argument on the happiness and closeness of siblings I can personally attest to. Kids born very close together have great comradely with each other while kids spaced farther apart less so.

So in an optimum high quality food environment, probably every 18 months is best. In a poor quality food environment every 2-3 years is probably better.

Pax Imperialis says:

>It’s really not very safe for women to have kids more than once every 2 years.

I’m trying to make the numbers work and they just don’t. I don’t know any atheists married under 25 and I knew hundreds. I’m also being generous with the age, most start having children at 30+. It might be possible if they use fertility treatments to get multiple gestation, but that takes a serious toll on both the mother’s body and the babies. Repeated use of fertility treatments to get multiple gestation multiple times is not something I’ve ever heard of.

>So in an optimum high quality food environment, probably every 18 months is best.

All the more reason to call bullshit

Red says:

@Pax Imperialis

“I” is full of shit. He source was a random comment on a blog that described random comments from anti religious sub on from Reddit. When I called him out for it he didn’t even go back and re-read the full comment, which is why he denied it came from reddit.

i says:


You didn’t bother to check out the link or type part of the comment in the search bar that comes with CTRL+F at the website.

I stand by the comment I quoted. It never came from Reddit.

i says:


Specifically that part of the comment I quoted. Its explicitly not from Reddit.

He is talking about his personal experience that isn’t directly referencing the subreddit.

Red says:

He is talking about his personal experience that isn’t directly referencing the subreddit.

No he’s describing the multiple comments in the subreddit when it comes to 10-20 kids.

Then he states he knows an atheist couple with 9 kids. Again no evidence. Taking that seriously is just stupid.

alf says:

A running theme on this blog is that cooperation is hard, defection is easy. Among the rewards of cooperation is fruitfulness and multiplication — hence God, through his commandment to be fruitful and multiply, commands us to work together.

Not saying it’s impossible for an atheist family to have lots of children. But in practice they’ll have beliefs that closely resemble those of Christians, and to the extend they operate on unprincipled exceptions, might have children, won’t have grandchildren.

Red says:

Its not from Reddit. Reddit types don’t tend to congregate at Anonymous Conservative Blog.

Go re-read the comment. The guy’s source was a reddit sub. So you believe a random comment, who sourced random comments, from a sub that complains about “Fundies” on reddit that atheism birth numbers are going up .

You’ve got about as much credibility as a streetwalker who insists she’s not doing smack.

Source your shit better.

I find it hard to believe that a dealth cultist can reproduce. Anti-natalism is at the core of death cults.

More likely they are brimming with fury and indignation at the large families around them and feeling even more holy about their own childlessness.

Hesiod says:

The dems have lost SNL, alas. This is fairly amusing.

alf says:

Have they though? The Biden impersonator is healthy and speaks in coherent sentences. The other impersonators seem idiots to right wingers, but they’re the run-of-the-mill ‘lovable crazy’ to the left.

Hesiod says:

It’s comedy, so the character Biden is acting as the straight man here. As KD says, “the picture they portray at the end of a big crowd of multiculty morons is quite revealing.” I watched it with my normie-glasses on and found it effective as mockery, though admittedly it’s not genius-tier jocularity.

Kunning Drueger says:

Peruse the comments beneath. The responses indicate that the faithful are triggered, the normies are restless, and the based are ravenous.

someDude says:

I second this. Lovable crazy is right.

But I kinda agree with KD as well. The faithful were triggered which pretty much shows that they are getting dumber and dumber, and completely literal minded.

Tech Priest says:

There is clearly a strong pro-vaccine belief system, which has long predated covid. It’s been long taboo to question vaccine efficacy and safety. Compare and contrast with, say killing babies and depopulation as mentioned by Jim as an alternate motive – some people no doubt want these things but they are obviously a much smaller minority than the pro-vaccine crowd.

I don’t think there’s any need to postulate any other force behind the present situation than this pro-vaccine majority. Individual doctors don’t want to look into it because:

a) it’s against the belief system which they have themselves believed
b) even if they personally doubt, they probably still believe their colleagues believe and they will be ostracized if they bring it up
c) they will be fired by higher-ups (administrators, medical boards) if they make a fuss

The higher-ups are believers themselves, and have their own pressures on them. And the higher up you go the less likely they would have relevant direct experience to disprove it.

There doesn’t need to be anyone on the chain of command who believes in vaccines as anything other than (a particularly holy form of) disease prevention.

As for Onyomi’s contention that the driving force behind vaccines was to enable control of the unvaccinated, it seems to me very obviously the other way around – pro-vaccine people wanted to punish/bully anyone who refused to take the vaccines.

onyomi says:

I didn’t say the driving force behind the vaccines was to control the unvaccinated. I said everything can be explained by people following their individual incentives.

Drug companies and virologists had a financial/prestige incentives to research and work on viruses and vaccines, including the specific proteins present in the original SARS. This resulted in both SARS cov-2 and the vaxs against it.

Politicians had a motivation to cover up their part in funding the research that caused the virus while also having a motivation to pour money and pressure into the drug companies to come out with a vax fast to play the savior. Trump was seemingly guilty of this as anyone, though he was double-crossed by Pfizer, who saved their announcement of a new vax till after the election.

And once vaxes were out, power-hungry politicians, big businesses, greedy pharma, and virtue signaling shitlibs all had incentives to pressure everyone to get it and make life difficult for those who didn’t, constituting, for example, a kind of blue tribe loyalty test for the armed forces, among other cases, and allowing better tracking and people control in places like Hong Kong, where I was, and where protests/riots had become an embarrassing problem before covid (and then the vax after goalpost shift) became an excuse to crack down and surveil.

The Cominator says:

If everyone was following their decentralized self interest would have been way more pushback against the hysteria and the lies worldwide came from one script. Politicians didnt fund the virus Fauci the Jesuit oversaw it behind almost everyones back. Xi in China knew early on and went along with it because he is a scumbag Maoist but theoretically the enlightened self interest of every incumbent politician should have been to protect their economy.

Kunning Drueger says:

The sketch was terrible and very unfunny, but the picture they portray at the end of a big crowd of multiculty morons is quite revealing. For good or ill, the Noticing is spreading. I wonder if Kanye Naming the Jew has started a wave of some sort. It’s like American whites needed permission from King Negro to start pointing things out.

Kunning Drueger says:

This was a response to Alf under Hesiod…

The Cominator says:

Naming the jew and blaming jews as jews rather than as middlemen is the wrong redpill.

1) the few truly big and bad jews like Soros always escape

2) All the other bad groups skirt.

3) The real problems are never solved because you solved a fake surface level problem.

4) There is almost always a sort of leftism in blaming market dominant minorities who hold only the illusion of power.. thus some problems are made worse by accepting a leftist solution.

5) There are a lot of very good jews (even if a minority among them) lots of jewish scientists and inventors historically, things suffer without them.

Kunning Drueger says:

Though your finer points stand, I don’t think you can deny that this is an unexpected, unpredicted, and potentially beneficial shift of the Overton Window that is absolutely in our favor. We need to be on guard for letting the Perfect be an impediment to the Good. The more dissent that isn’t corraled by the Cathedral, the better the chances for a Restoration.

The Cominator says:

I am opposed to letting the left use the Kevin MacDonald “theories” as an excuse for their failures and then going for a slightly modified form of leftism sans jews afterwords. I stand for an uncompromising blaming of the left as a whole, as a religion, with the solution being the extermination of all believers not just the extermination of a group they use as middlemen (with most of that ethnic group not really involved on anything but the lowest level and some of that group being among the left’s most fanatical opponents aka Stephen Miller).

This never works out for any nation that goes down that road very well.

Kunning Drueger says:

The minecrafting of a million accounts always starts with a set of exemplary deletions. I sincerely hope you stand firm at the finish line, and getting there will require incremental steps. This is a relay triathlon, not a sprint.

The Cominator says:

This is not an incremental step its always goring the matadors cape and not the matador and its never worked out for any country that did it.

The only person in history who got the matador and did this too was Phillip the Fair of France who did it because they were linked to the Jesuits of their day the Templars (and they were treated much more gently then the templars) and then sort of sporadically case by case allowed to come back if they could show they werent agents of the Templars.

Dragging the Pope in chains to Avignon was pretty based too…

Kunning Drueger says:

We’re talking past each other. Normies openly discussing the JQ is a positive development, a signal that Cathedral grip is weakening. It’s not some big win, just a good sign and an opportunity for guys like you to more effectively say, “If you think jews are bad, read this essay about the Jesuits. THAT’S the real JQ…”

jim says:

> Normies openly discussing the JQ is a positive development, a signal that Cathedral grip is weakening.

The Cathedral has long been preparing for the possibility that it may need to toss the Jews overboard. This is standard operating procedure for a thousand years. An evil, hostile, and treasonous elite hires foreign middlemen to do its dirty work, and then when things go pear shaped, blame the middle men and toss them.

We have been around this merrygoround more times than you can shake a stick at. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Soros gets retirement to his private island, the Jew that runs a bagel shop gets beaten up and his shop burned down.

skippy says:

No successful nation is lousy with Jews.

They are a hostis humani generis – a common enemy of mankind.

But in states where rulers understand that, they can be relatively unthreatening in practice, because they are also weak where people do not believe their constant lies.

The Cominator says:

You missed where we and Jim talked about this, its no such thing.

Jews are being talked about openly because the Cathedral is preparing for the possibility they need to throw them under the bus.

And people with Jews on the brain are much less open to the Jesuit question since their new faith is that jews are behind everything. The jewish question is very complicated and really should not be discussed by anyone at the midwit level or lower at all as they are ALWAYS wrong about it. I agree with the OLDER cathedral on that much.

The Cominator says:

“No successful nation is lousy with Jews.

They are a hostis humani generis – a common enemy of mankind.”

Their replacements as frontmen and middle managers to power are Dot Indians. If I HAD TO be a slave for either group I’d rather be a slave of a jew for 10 years than a dot Indian for one. Dot Indians are far far worse in almost every way.

Skippy says:


Bring it on.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think St. John’s observations are appropriate here. The TC1000 can only log a single pernicious threat, and the targeting software is blind to lesser threats. A minor bug in an otherwise based brobot.

skippy says:

One thousand Aryans will conquer one hundred mlliion dot Indians.

Are dot Indians hostis humani generis?

Is a house cat? It eats your food.

The Cominator says:

Are you kidding I’m a paranoid I hate and am suspicious of all sorts of groups.

But I don’t want the left to skirt for their failures by saying oh our leftism would have worked if we made it less jewy or something… we’re not commies we’re national socialist (but with niggers and dot indians too) now. Fuck that. And countries that do it have a very very poor track record as far as outcomes go.

skippy says:

Jews preach leftism for thee but not for me.

Excluding them from the franchise is a necessary but not sufficient condition for victory.

Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,

This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

The Cominator says:

If we win there is a monarchy nobody gets the franchise.

Jews are not going to have state or quasi state jobs (Stephen Miller gets a dispensation) and leftists jews go along with all the other leftists.

But non-leftists jews (yes a minority of them admittedly) are not going to have their lives or property disturbed. Mostly they’ll disappear anyway as they continue to not marry each other.

Red says:

Their replacements as frontmen and middle managers to power are Dot Indians. If I HAD TO be a slave for either group I’d rather be a slave of a jew for 10 years than a dot Indian for one. Dot Indians are far far worse in almost every way.

Being a slave to anyone isn’t acceptable. Better to go out shooting than to become a slave.

Brown Indians are much worse at ruling and much worse at enforcing the Cathedral religion. As much as I despise them, they’re going to be a lot easier to get rid of than the current crop of smooth talking Jewish mangers.

skippy says:

You want an Aryan monarchy?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

This is basically a flip version of ‘niggers would be great if it weren’t for demonKKKrats making them bad with their lieberalism’.

Throne, altar, and freehold is pretty great; and it’s even better with no xeno scum.

The Cominator says:

“Brown Indians are much worse at ruling and much worse at enforcing the Cathedral religion. As much as I despise them, they’re going to be a lot easier to get rid of than the current crop of smooth talking Jewish mangers.”

Oh they will definitely make themselves much much more hated in much shorter order.

The Cominator says:

“You want an Aryan monarchy?”

Lurk Moar. In Particular Read Throne, Altar and Freehold.

skippy says:

Throne, altar, and freehold are Aryan culture.

Western Taliban says:

>I don’t think you can deny that this is an unexpected, unpredicted, and potentially beneficial shift of the Overton Window that is absolutely in our favor.

Is it though? The masses are giga retarded and fully programmed, the Jew thing can be a red herring like Cominator and Jim are pointing out.

It’s good if it comes from the angle that people are becoming capable of acknowledging reality and truth, and thus start to notice the feral Jews, which would lead to noticing feral niggers and feral women and feral faggots. But are they noticing the feral Jews? Or just pointing at a new apple cart to flip over and rob? That’s the problem, because that’d be more leftism not less.

What we need is people overcoming the crimestop, not double down into more “righteous mob” behavior.

Adam says:

The masses do not overcome crimestop. It is its defining feature. Need a leader to change the direction.

skippy says:

Mobs are always dumb. You will not “educate an intelligent mob”. This is the Cathedral’s description of its propaganda operation by which the mob is controlled by a small elite.

The mob is always controlled by a small elite. This elite must be neither Progressive, nor Jewish.

onyomi says:

“but theoretically the enlightened self interest of every incumbent politician should have been to protect their economy.”

I think “enlightened” is doing a lot of work there.

The Cominator says:

Sure but you only had 3 countries in the world where this was the case (Bolsonarno tried too but the courts fucked him and then the army cucked him when he tried to call them out) Japan, South Korea and of all countries Sweden.

Trump was genuinely disappointing how little he tried to fight it.

onyomi says:

To put on my maximally conspiratorial hat, one scenario I find plausible, if not most likely goes something like:

China and the US have both been researching dangerous viruses for a long time, and especially since the original SARS, both for military reasons and because of a genuine if utopian concern, among some, about the death toll potential of a bad pandemic they might be able to forestall if they developed sufficiently sophisticated vaccine tech.

Meanwhile, since SARS, and especially since the swine flu, Chinese politicos have been refining their bio-medical security state measures, ostensibly to prevent something as nasty as the original SARS from spreading like wildfire in crowded Chinese cities, but also in the knowledge that it is a very good excuse to control people if things ever get really scary for the ruling party.

All of the above I’m pretty confident in; here’s where I’m going a little more speculative and giving politicians a little more credit for keeping secrets, bravery to take big risks, and pure evil willingness to risk huge numbers lives to achieve their ends:

2019: Xi Jinping is worried about maintaining control of the party and of the peripheries of his empire, like Hong Kong (including future designs on e.g. Taiwan). DC establishment is worried about how to get Trump out of office. Somebody high up in Xi Jinping’s group meets with somebody high up in DC group, along with someone like Fauci, and says “we’ve got this virus–it’s like SARS but much milder and much more contagious. We’re working on vaccines for it, we can have them ready to go in a year or so, just in time for you to ride to the rescue after Trump and the enemies of the Xi-ists have been crushed. We’ve got a wet market near this lab…”

Again, I don’t think this is the most likely scenario. It requires more assumptions than I think are necessary to explain the facts. I just think it’s plausible, given the desperation to get rid of Trump and Xi Jinping’s ruthlessness. To go even further than this to think that the vaxes they were working on were secretly always intended to harm and the pandemic was just the excuse to achieve that… just too complicated, too hard to keep under wraps, too little motivation for those in power to try to pull it off, too little motivation for everyone except the Jesuitical/depopulationist planners themselves to keep under wraps, as well as too difficult.

jim says:

> To go even further than this to think that the vaxes they were working on were secretly always intended to harm and the pandemic was just the excuse to achieve that… just too complicated, too hard to keep under wraps, too little motivation for those in power to try to pull it off, too little motivation for everyone except the Jesuitical/depopulationist planners themselves to keep under wraps, as well as too difficult.

Faith moves the world. Covidism is obviously a religion. To get stuff like this done requires a religion. Sacrifice builds cohesion, affirmations of faith keep out spies. Rational self interest cannot get stuff like this done, too many conflicting rational self interests. Has to be demon worship. And the stillbirth rate indicates worship of that ancient enemy of man, Moloch.

Yes, the drug companies wanted profit and the doctors wanted status. But they could have equally got a profit and status from selling something harmless and ineffective against Covid, rather than deadly and ineffective against Covid.

Any and all of Covid’s recent ancestors would have been more effective as a vaccine against Covid, less dangerous, and lot less trouble to deploy as a vaccine.

Covidism has to be demonic malice, rather than the rational pursuit of self interest at the expense of other people.

If you are not worried whether the vaccine has any effect in reducing Covid, and quite obviously they were not, why not just give everyone an injection of normal saline that has been subjected to some magic super duper hi tech hocus pocus? Far less trouble, and reduces the risk that they are all going to be executed for mass murder, human sacrifice, and demon worship.

The Cominator says:

Which further points to the Jesuits as at or close to the head of the snake…

Jesuit pope now… remember the picture of the serpent Cathedral with a demon throne in the Vatican. Jack Chick was right about the Vatican…

Mary Grace Shabazz-Epstein says:

Jack Chick was right about a lot of things.

The Cominator says:

Some things not others, his comic about dungeons and dragons would have been hilarious if it was a satire… but no he meant every word…

Hesiod says:

Well, given the pozzed wretchedness of current D&D, it’s pretty demonic in the current year. Nothing like leafing through a recent D&D Player’s Handbook to find bits of rainbow proselytizing splattered, like rodent droppings, throughout the text.

Back in the day, a lad could anticipate scantly-covered, or even bare boobies drawn in those books. Sing O Muse of the days when Frazetta and Vallejo paintings ruled the earth.

The Cominator says:

Yeah but i think he made that comic in the 80s…

I like to respond to pozzed dungeon and dragons by pointing out that while orcs are 13% of the humanoid population they are responsible for 52% of village raids and burnings.

Hesiod says:

So he was off by a few decades, better late than never or some such, maybe, I don’t know…

The Cominator says:

Read it you’ll see why its hilarious… you’re not going to get real dark occult powers from playing D&D you’re just not.

Red says:

Jack Chick was insane. You spent you time slaying Demons and Monsters in D&D, not sacrificing people to them.

My parents losing their shit over D&D one of things that lead me to not taking their Christianity seriously. They were worried about board games instead of finding good christian mates for their kids, or making sure they found a good career path in life.

The Cominator says:

Yes he was insane, but basically right about the Catholic Church.

Red says:

People who are right about a few things but then spew a lot of untrue bullshit like Alex Jones or Jack Chick are mostly there to obscures the real conspiracies by layering them in bullshit ones. People don’t believe the real ones when the tellers spout so much bullshit.

Hesiod says:

I grew up going to a down home FWB church where folks read Chick unironically. As the only “out” D&D player there, I got the spotlight treatment once when a guest pastor’s sermon was dedicated to the evils of what Gygax had wrought. What made it particularly pathetic is he tied He-Man and Thundercats into it as well. All those occult influences, you see.

I joke now about it but it was very uncomfortable at the time. Still in hindsight, I do think there’s some truth in what the man said, particularly for the unwary who venture into fantasy which makes sorcery alluring. Sci-fi/fantasy author John Wright recently had a discussion on his normie-trad-right-Catholic site concerning the dangers of reckless depictions of the supernatural:

Kunning Drueger says:

We need to be more tolerant of imperfection in our fellows. Anglin is blackpilled on women, and with very good reason, 99 reasons even. He has some growing to do, as every single man here does. Pretending that this area of weakness is some kind of invalidating handicap reeks of purity spiralling. So too with Jack Chick. He and his merry band of animators smelled evil emanating from kids entertainment, and tripped up over explicit references to diabolism and the occult in D&D. They saw daemons and cried “Beware! Demons!” At least they were threat aware. That generation of Christians also decried rock music as the devil’s music, and most of us here would seem like apostate entryists for our tastes in music, art, and cinema to them.

I am not saying we ignore red flags, nor should we fail to reprove stumbling or weak brothers. But a big contributor to to the decline of any right wing tribe, movement, or whatever, is seeing that someone’s less than 100% and shunning, dismissing, or outright attacking them for it. We face a crowd of enemies. We need a crowd of allies. Anglin’s doing the Lord’s work, and we should all pray that God sends him a qt3.14 to bear him some Anglets.

Red says:

I joke now about it but it was very uncomfortable at the time. Still in hindsight, I do think there’s some truth in what the man said, particularly for the unwary who venture into fantasy which makes sorcery alluring. Sci-fi/fantasy author John Wright recently had a discussion on his normie-trad-right-Catholic site concerning the dangers of reckless depictions of the supernatural:

I disagree. I disliked He-Man because it was so pro girl power. Should have spent his time attacking Women taking unnatural roles. It was a distraction from the actual anti-christian influences in those TV shows.

Christians where so hyper focused on shit like magic, which all kids pretend about at some point they absolutely ignored the really dangerous influences. The Little Mermaid was more damaging than 100X D&D and the rest. Little girl does what she wants in defiance of her father and get her prince with no consequences because everyone protects her from her mistakes. The original story had the mermaid dead for her poor choices.

Thundercats was just gay.

The Cominator says:

Personal flaws should be tolerated intellectual mistakes should not it compromises our memetic sovereignity and entryists and shills are everywhere.

I tend to think Chick and Alex Jones are sincere guys but the former was consumed with fire and brimstone zeal and the latter… he stared long into the abyss of evil (on most big things hes been right) and it stared back at him and it drove him partially but not completely mad.

I do not think they are shills because shills have a way of giving themselves away after a while.

The Cominator says:

I think He-Man became subversive later when She-Ra (I mean by 80s standards) got added to the universe…

But it was nothing new… Wonder Woman predated She-Ra. Feminism in its horrific modern incarnation started in the 90s when women really started the “I don’t need no man crap”.

Jimmy Kimmel before he became an unfunny Cathedral mouthpiece (he probably was Epstein filmed or something because Jimmy Kimmel used to genuinely be funny) was probably on to something when he blamed Oprah. The Cathedral valued Oprah enough that she made billionaire after all…

Red says:

So too with Jack Chick. He and his merry band of animators smelled evil emanating from kids entertainment, and tripped up over explicit references to diabolism and the occult in D&D. They saw daemons and cried “Beware! Demons!” At least they were threat aware. That generation of Christians also decried rock music as the devil’s music, and most of us here would seem like apostate entryists for our tastes in music, art, and cinema to them.

Anglin is a servant of God. Jack Chick was just a nut case making his living off gullible Christians.

Evangelicalism is such garbage. Focus on the family, all the crap that was sold to Christians while ignoring the basic institution being destroyed under their feat. I spent time as a kid trying to explain to my parents that the Evangelical community wasn’t following the bible. They ignored it in favor every new scammer with a book trying to make Christianity compatible with 20 years behind the times liberalism.

Every Evangelical family I grew up with sent their daughters to whore school and only about 1 out 10 have children now.

Red says:

Alex Jones is a shill. He took obviously true conspiracies and muddying them up with shit like aliens and crap. Then if you pointed out the obvious conspiracy no one was willing to think about it because it was associated with Alex Jone’s low status and insane behavior. He’s a more subtle version of the Westboro Baptist church.

This a super common tactic that the left has used for ages.

I think the thing that nailed Jones is getting involved in helping Trump, probably to make Trump supporters look insane but then Trump won. So they excommunicated him for it.

The Cominator says:

After 2020 nobody is too sure whats insane anymore… they had to lower Jones status by making him a bankrupt beyond his ability to ever hope to pay over a blatantly BS lawsuit…

I’ve had a few people say that its a testimony to how bad things have gotten that our government has now admitted to UFOs but things have gotten so bad that no one cares or they think its some kind of weird trick. I believe it was you who mentioned a vaccine inducing a sterility plague to be a Stargate plot perpretated by aliens… is that plausible. I would have laughed before 2020 now I just don’t know.

So I can’t shit on Alex Jones now… he was right about more things than I was no matter how insane he sounded.

I tend to agree with you about Chick I just mentioned his name because he was bashing the whore of Rome when nobody else on the internet really was. Anti Jesuit conspiracy theories which were mainstream in the 19th century and fully believed by notable intelligent people like Samuel Morse and Otto Von Bismarck got replaced by half baked theories blaming the eternal middlemen of history the Jews for everything to the point the old Jesuit theories which IMHO have stronger evidence especially in light of everything Fauci is connected to were almost forgotten.

Hesiod says:

Say what you will about Alex Jones, but he is the best metal frontman since Ronnie James Dio:

Red says:

So I can’t shit on Alex Jones now… he was right about more things than I was no matter how insane he sounded.

There’s no Aliens. The sort structures they would build to harness the resources of a solar system would be quite obvious to us once we got Hubble up there. Also no one reports Aliens outside the US and UK. There’s something else going on that we don’t get, but it’s not visitors from another planet. Jim describes them as what the agents would call Angels or Demons and that’s a better answer than aliens.

I remember being on reddit conspiracy sub back in the day. They’d made a lot of correct predictions and they where one of the first sites you couldn’t search for in google (ban went into effect after Snowden confirmed what they’d been talking about for years). But on that sub there were people who just there to muddy the waters. They agree with you about something obvious then spout off crap about Lizard people or flat earth, or the alike.

They’re paid shills. Alex Jones is the same. He got a lot of stuff right because there’s a shit ton of obvious conspiracies going on. His job was to hide them in plain sight.

Red says:

agents = Ancients.

Red says:

I believe it was you who mentioned a vaccine inducing a sterility plague to be a Stargate plot perpretated by aliens… is that plausible. I would have laughed before 2020 now I just don’t know

Oddly the Aliens looked just like humans and dress in all the same sort of grey clothing and acted in a way that reminded me of a religious order. If someone had called them Space Jesuits it would fit.

I think they got the broad idea for COVID from V for Vendetta. Power through unleashing a plague and then curing it. The fact that the jab is killing so many more than the virus sounds like one group was double crossing the rest. But leftist always have to defer to the leftmost faction which seems to the one sacrificing humans to Moloch with the Jab. It sounds like the let up on the jab was only temporary for the midterms.

Your Uncle Bob says:

“That generation of Christians also decried rock music as the devil’s music…”

This, and that it’s got primitive, corrupting, sexualizing jungle beats, are things I now believe literally, no irony or exaggeration.

Then I still listen to some of it, because I grew up on it, so I’ve got some work to do. But all the doomsayers about it, going back even to the 50s regarding stuff we now consider sweet and naive, turned out to be right.

And really, a number of artists told us they were devil worshipers outright, and most of the rest told us so indirectly, in word or deed. So it’s another case of just believing what people tell you rather than having to decode the hidden truth. But in this case the truth was uncool rather than hidden, and that apparently is even more powerful.

Red says:

This, and that it’s got primitive, corrupting, sexualizing jungle beats, are things I now believe literally, no irony or exaggeration.

Then I still listen to some of it, because I grew up on it, so I’ve got some work to do. But all the doomsayers about it, going back even to the 50s regarding stuff we now consider sweet and naive, turned out to be right.

My parents ranted about that and I pointed out the stuff they grew up on was the same shit. My Dad loved Elvis and the Beatles and I called them boy bands that made money by sexually excited young girls.

The correct answer is girl shouldn’t listen to it. It doesn’t have a big effect on men.

The Cominator says:

1950s and early 60s rock is awesome its too happy and fun to be demonic I’ve had the chance to dance all night to it a few times like I was in the 1950s other than the sheer physical pleasure of banging its about the most fun you can have with a girl.

Rock music has negroesque primitive beat elements but I do not think in itself that makes it demonic.

River of Dreams has negroesque sounding elements (though made by a jew) but it sounds clearly like TRUE gospel music.

Now modern music is demonic. Its soulless angry jarring and negative. The last pop song I know of that was even catchy was sweet but psycho. Not a great song and not angelic but at least its kind of catchy… which I can’t say about anything thats been “popular” in the last few years.

skippy says:

The vaccines were not approved until the day after Trump left office, which proves that the Enemy believed the vaccines worked.

But the vaccines were DESIGNED only days after covid was declared an important disease. What are we to make of this?

onyomi says:

Drug companies are always working on vaccines and vax technology. With covid they thought they had, and arguably did have, a leg up because they’d already been working on SARS 1.0 and thought now was their chance to make all that nerdy research pay off (and boy did it).

The Cominator says:

Whether they believe it works or not announcing it before the election would have boosted Trump they would have needed to double the fraud then. So no it indicates no such thing.

onyomi says:

“Faith moves the world. Covidism is obviously a religion.”

But why can’t the religion(s) driving it be the obvious state religion(s) elites and wannabee elites openly profess and are really good at acting like they really believe in, such as secular progressive transhumanist globalism or Chinese imperial manifest destiny?

The vaccines do sort of work. Just not very well and not at preventing transmission, as was promised. My whole family caught covid a few months ago. For me, the least jabbed of the family, I got about five days of high fever and another few of feeling lousy. For my Dad, the most jabbed in the family, it was a low fever for a couple days and he gave it to his secretary, because, like an idiot, he felt good enough to work and perhaps believed the whole lie about the vaccinated not being contagious.

They basically just make you get a slightly less bad case of covid than you otherwise would have with the tradeoff being immune overactivation and all the sorts of problems that can come with that. For old, fat people with respiratory problems, their benefits probably outweigh their costs. For most others, not.

That the rushed vax would sometimes affect fertility is not surprising because the immune system is supposed to “stand down” to a degree during pregnancy to allow a foreign DNA to grow inside a woman’s body. As with other vaccines, the covid vaccines cause problems with immune overactivation, as in my case and all the other anecdotal cases I’ve heard of problems with them (“my eczema came back,” etc.).

Immune overactivation/chronic inflammation/allergies, etc. is a major and growing problem we’ve been facing for a while now, probably thanks in no small part to too many vaccines already being on the schedule nowadays even before covid (plus a bit of hygiene hypothesis, most likely).

Of course, you could argue that, if you wanted to cause a plague of infertility with plausible deniability, immune overactivation would be the way to do it, but again, immune overactivation is the problem with vaccines, especially rushed vaccines, in general, and is the sort of unintended, long term, under the radar negative consequence our elites are always accepting in exchange for short-term payoffs.

Indeed, we can see in the ways scientists are still allowed to research risks of vaccines the nature of the religion they must pay lip service to:

“Although information pertaining to the risk of autoimmune disease as a consequence of vaccination is controversial, we merely propose our current understanding of autoimmune manifestations associated with COVID-19 vaccine. In fact, we do not aim to disavow the overwhelming benefits of mass COVID-19 vaccination in preventing COVID-19 morbidity and mortality.”

Reads like “Although diversity brings many known benefits and our study does not contradict that…”

Such are defensive professions of faith in the religion of secular progressive transhumanist globalism.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Organization is powerful. If there is an elite faction in a society that is organized and evil, there is very little any one man can do about it; so they prefer to believe that they are neither evil or organized.

onyomi says:

“there is very little any one man can do about it; so they prefer to believe that they are neither evil or organized.”

I think the problem I am suggesting exists is harder to solve than the one you’re suggesting exists.

If the main problem is a small, organized, highly disciplined group of evil Satanists or the like, then it could be solved if only they would slip up somehow, their plots revealed, and the ringleaders rounded up and executed. Maybe not easy, but not insanely difficult or painful process for society at large.

If the problem is inherent to liberalism and/or managerialism themselves, and deeply rooted in all the assumptions so many in the West now share about “all men are create equal” and science and data can solve all our problems, then that is a much harder, more intractable problem requiring major upheavals and cultural shifts, probably over generations, to address.

The one point of optimism is I agree with Jim that culture follows prestige follows power, so if we can get people in power professing better culture, the priests at Harvard, Yale, etc. might convert a lot faster than we’d think possible, and with them the late-night tv show hosts and normies.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To wit, most people will desire to believe that evils they are powerless to do anything about, are therefore instead not evil at all.

You can see this often in the trauma of many of those who shot themselves up with mutagenic serums.

onyomi says:

Don’t get me wrong, I think covidism is the most evil thing to happen to the world in a long time and will never forgive its normie enforcers much less its ringleaders. I think the secular, progressive, transhumanist, globalist faith that gave rise to it is evil, too. Just because I doubt it was a carefully orchestrated plot of a small number of self-aware evildoers but rather a more banal but widespread sort of evil arising from a deeply sick culture doesn’t mean I don’t see it as evil.

jim says:

It has long been obvious that Covidism is a religion, not a public health policy.

A religion always has a priesthood that coordinates so that it can act as one. An evil religion has a secretive priesthood, a conspiracy.

From what this religion has been coordinating to do, we can infer what deity they worship.

Faith always turns the world. Marxism is a Jewish heresy, which Marx created by doing to Judaism what the postchristians that Cromwell suppressed did to Christianity.

The Cominator says:

A religion that claims not to exist has a priesthood that probably fronts as something else… or perhaps the priesthood of another religion…

jim says:

> But why can’t the religion(s) driving it be the obvious state religion(s) elites and wannabee elites openly profess and are really good at acting like they really believe in, such as secular progressive transhumanist globalism

Vulnerable to entryism – indeed the holiness spiral is just entryists on top of entryists on top of entryists. When your creed is a pile of lies, there is always someone who more sincerely believes your lies, and piles their own lies on top of your lies.

The Cominator says:

If the center of our current state religion wasn’t secret if we knew who really was pulling Biden’s strings and installed him they’d be dead within weeks. Only the fact that Biden as a puppet keeps him from having 100 minecraft attempts a day…

jim says:

> My whole family caught covid a few months ago. For me, the least jabbed of the family, I got about five days of high fever and another few of feeling lousy.

I am a golden pureblood. Never jabbed. Caught covid. Took a single dose of Ivermectin. One dose, once. No fever, normal temperature the whole time. A few days of feeling really bad, a week of feeling lousy, it was pretty bad, but not so bad that I stayed in bed, not so bad that I stopped doing the normal things I do

Starman says:

I’m unvaxxed too. A total pureblood.

Adam says:

Same. Caught it twice, once early and once with omnicron. Never had a fever or anything, just felt slow and easily tired for a week or two.

Among those who’s symptoms were severe, a common trait is they were afraid of getting sick. It is not just a general lack of physical fitness. It is a lack of spiritual fitness, submitting to the Covid demon, and even serving it.

I would love to see the data on patients with Alzheimer’s that got Covid. This was the case for my grandmother in a nursing home, all 85 years old as about as many pounds. She tested positive but never got sick. She didn’t know she had it. The Covid demon never entered her mind to begin with.

alf says:

Golden pureblood reporting in.

Got covid once, stayed in bed for one and a half day. After that, quick recovery.

For full disclosure I will say that, just as I have not personally observed anyone dying from covid, I have also not personally observed anyone experiencing major adverse effects from the jab, save from immediate illness following the jab.

Guy says:

Same COVID experience for me, and until recently was also not seeing jab deaths or damage.

Problem right now is a lot of the people succumbing are those who were borderline health wise anyway. I’ve seen the following:

1 male mid 30s, multiple simultaneous strokes
1 elderly woman stroke
2 diabetics out of work permanently disabled
1 early senior heart damage permanently disabled
1 middle aged man, cancer
3 middle aged woman heart attack
2 middle aged man heart attack
1 middle aged man, quick health decline and death from multiple factors
1 young homo, seems to have AIDS
2 middle aged woman sudden aggressive cancer

and everyone vaxxed are constantly getting fevers and week long-flus. also seeing the brain fog.

those examples above were not people in great health, but the problems started after the booster

Guy says:

oh and 2 MS cases plus a guy with excema so bad there are open sores all over him

Anon says:

At jim
Do you think 401k are priest over reach?
Or there can be general retirement plan.

alf says:

When an employer does it, fine by me. When the state does it, or forces employers to do it, not fine.

No doubt I’m preaching to the choir but if in this day and age you’re 20 years old and have to pay 7% a month for retirement for the next 50 years, a gunpoint robbery would be an improvement.

Ash says:

stand strong.. you will be fine.. prayers

Ghost says:

When Ahab took on the whale, he knew he would go down in the fight. Though a fictional character, he was an expression of American resolve in the face of adversity. From hell’s heart he stabbed and spat at the thing he hated most. Today that whale is everything the Democrat party has become evil incarnated.

Her is our boy Anglin on voting, at the very least to poke these Dems in the eye and force them to hoax even harder.

Ash says:

many historical Americans have shown great strength.. may those with a pure heart continue to do so

Ash says:

I would recommend 1 not to turn any person into a false prophet.. take care

Red says:

As long as Anglin remains black pilled and childless he can’t be a prophet. But he might be John the Baptist.

Kunning Drueger says:

Prophets have no perfection qualification, they have a correctitude qualification. Messiahs are perfect, prophets are correct. The former embodies our God, the latter speaks His name.

Red says:

It’s a good argument.

Kunning Drueger says:


Ash says:

the writer of said article should explain his viewpoints and be a bit more transparent.. he recommended a man named Gavin McInnes and called a strong and tall american Owen Benjamin “insane” for stating Gavin McInnes wasn’t fbi raided… Mr McInnes forced a dildo up his anus and a Mr.anglin stood by a Mr. McInnes up until the moment that it became clear that an anal penetrating Irishman faked an fbi raid.. this is what I meant months ago.. there are Americans that force dildos up anuses and only a few months ago have individuals (tall strong americans calling it out) the tall Americans are called racist or anti semite… Mr. Andrew anglin was pro Mr butt pumper and his handlers “Gavin McInnes” until it became evident that anal sex is involved along with lies..

you. Mr dunninger Kruger have no issue with anal penetration such as Gavin McInnes that Andrew anglin supported until the point it became obviously intolerable

Ghost says:

Anglin opposes the gay agenda and is a friend to free speech and traditional values.

A more important matter today is to resist Democrat dominance. You owe it to yourself to be able to say, “I did my best to stop this.”

Kunning Drueger says:

You didn’t read Anglin close enough; he was skeptical of McInnis from the start of the incident, based on McInnis’ issues from much further back. And he was pretty clear that the realness or fakeness of the particular raid wasn’t the issue, it was the normalization of raids in the short term, and the dismissal of raids actually taking place by media in the long term.

>you. Mr dunninger Kruger have no issue with anal penetration
What I do with my sheep on my farm is my own business. lol, but seriously, if you ever accuse me of being a sodomite apologist again I’ll use your family to fertilize my garden, boomer.

Red says:

@KD Well said.

Anglin was more skeptical of the FBI raid than I was. FBI raids snatching people have become common, but McInnis was probably being a glowie by muddying the waters for masters.

Red says:

That’s my take on voting as well. Voting is fake and gay and I expect it to be rigged, but the more fake votes they have to print up, the less legitimacy they have. If the GOP actually does win through a carefully designed process where American First candidates are rigged out but not others, that indicates the normality faction has stronger control than we thought. Not that the GOP is going to stop the slide into the abyss.

Red says:

The program to murder and sterilize children is in full swing:

“Top staff to Governor J.B. Pritzker (D-IL) are planning secret post-election preparations to force every child in the state of Illinois to receive a COVID-19 vaccination, or else they will be barred from attending school.

According to the internal emails from the Illinois Department of Public Health obtained by Wood House Substack, Pritzker is allegedly considering including the COVID shot in the school vaccination program.”

Kunning Drueger says:

we need to get it right this time on the conservative side. when they say our children can no longer attend public school without the jab, we say Yes with the chadliest of faces. anything to get kids away from public school teachers is a win for us.

someDude says:

Then they’ll make it illegal not to send your kids to public school. Or make it illegal to homeschool. You know the drill.

alf says:

Let them try. We are in spiritual warfare, so it is probably inevitable that they try. But they do not have infinite resources. They seem to be rather overextending their resources. So, let them open another front and see how that works out.

Neofugue says:

Speaking as someone who follows Father Peter Heers, one of the few Greek Orthodox priests who are openly old-type Christian, he managed to homeschool his children in Greece, a country that bans homeschooling. If backed by God, there is always a way.

Meat Guy says:

Vaccine refusal among ALL vaccines is way up, I’m hearing from doctor chatter. It’s been quite the challenge to find “vaccine friendly” doctors as well for my children, but they’re out there. Good luck to all the parents out there. They’re making it difficult.

Red says:

The chance of me or anyone of my loved ones taking a vaccine is zero. If they tried to poison us with one vax, then they’ll doing it with others.

Guy says:

I had to get a new PCP recently due an insurance referral after my insurance changed. My previous one was an older Indian man who basically called me a fag for coming to the doctor in my 30s. The new one was a meek young Korean who asked me if I ever felt unsafe at home, if I fucked around on my girl, strongly encouraged every vaccine, recommended and aids test, basically was a social worker. Asked if I used condoms with my woman, I said no because we’re not trying to prevent pregnancy, guy just goes okay, well, I recommend condoms to prevent any unwanted pregnancy………

The young black girl nurse wanted to fuck when she saw I wasn’t vaccinated. said they made her do it

Red says:

No observed increase in Myocarditis from COVID alone. Only the vax or the vax + covid causes it.

We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection.

Red says:

UK tube video going over it, he’s being very careful not to mention the vax:

c4ssidy says:

Devil’s advocate here and verified passer of shill test. I follow the long covid forums. People with long covid are having problems months and even years afterwards, often with a cycle of believed recovery followed by a relapse where they have to once again quit work and sleep for long hours. It is typical for them to get checked out early on and told that nothing is wrong with them. I had ECG and blood tests about the same time as written in this link, but they could not find anything

Maybe not myocarditis or pericarditis, but something happens

I do not doubt that the jab is causing this more commonly, probably significantly more commonly, and that heart attacks are happening due to the jab, and brain fog and lethargy. But do you have evidence that the typical blood tests and ECG tests work for jab damaged patients? I predict that even if you have doctors working in good faith and without risk to their career, that the jab damage is similarly mysterious, hard to test for

jim says:

I doubt it is mysterious and hard to test for. I think doctors do not want to test for it.

The obvious tests are D-Dimer, look at a drop of fresh blood diluted with normal saline under a microscope, and ECG while jogging on a treadmill. You have had blood tests and ECG. Did they look at a drop of your diluted blood under a microscope, and did they give you an ECG while jogging on a treadmill? What is your D-dimer level.

These are very standard tests, D dimer, microscopic inspection of fresh blood, and ECG while jogging on a treadmill. And I am seeing a strange reluctance to test for the glaringly obvious.

The patient complains that when he walks uphill, he feels like death warmed over. They give him an ECG. It is completely normal. Give an ECG when he is walking uphill on a treadmill.

They do not want to test for these things because everyone who is paying attention knows that they are vastly more common as jab sequelae, than covid sequelae, and are extremely rare in golden purebloods.

Karl says:

Easy to test for myocarditis, pericarditis, clots and the like, but the damage is not restricted to the heart and blood vessels. Cancer is up amongst the boosted, immune system is damaged in many cases (evident e.g. from elevated number of shingle cases), etc.

How test for such stuff? What test is there to dignose reduced fertility in a woman between 20 and 35 years of age?

I think c4ssidy has a point. Some (but only some) of the clot shot damage is hard to find by testing.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

A common comorbidity of long covid is mental illness. How many of the long covid sufferers are vaxxed?

jim says:

The fact that you cannot find this information should tell you what the answer is.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It was a rhetorical question. Even if long covid is a real issue, it is likely a real issue in people who are vaccinated. Long covid is likely just the constant reinfection of the immunocompromised. They get better for a time, then they get a flare-up (reinfected) and their health declines.

Red says:

There was a study that found that most people with long covid where noted Hypochondriacs before they got covid. Doctors may not be taking them seriously for that reason.

jim says:

Since much drama about Covid, hypochondriacs came down with long covid. Hypochondriacs, almost by definition, suffer from whatever is in the news.

But to the extent that long covid has real symptoms that do show up, they are symptoms of the jab. And doctors are even more unwilling to acknowledge symptoms of the jab, than they are unwilling to take hypochondriacs seriously.

Red says:

c4ssidy are you still having problems?

The Cominator says:

If the Republicans did get the House (I’m skeptical fraud can stop that) I know a way they can remove Biden and co with a simple unified majority if they had any balls… they don’t but its theoretically possible.

One thing Congress has jealously guarded from the alphabet agencies and that the courts have respected mostly is the congressional right of budgeting.

Total defunding of the military until all their demands are met along the lines of the Tennis Court Oaths… it would work because Biden is so massively massively hated now that couping against the new GOP house wouldn’t be an option and if they stuck with it it would have all the effectiveness of the “Tennis Court Oaths” (which is how the French Revolution really began) in blowing up the current regime.

Now obviously Biden and his handlers have no intention of negotiating with a bunch of jumped up representatives of deplorable red state plebs, other than to selectively make promises they have no intention of honoring. But with him being so unpopular and thus couping against congress not being an option the redgov’s only option if they didn’t all want to be out of jobs would be to coup against Biden.

Red says:

I think Biden’s handlers would ignore congress and pay the military.

The Cominator says:

Charles I and Louis XVI… they became unpopular and couldn’t pay their military out of their discretionary budgets and emergency money which they sort of were allowed and ended up having to beg their congresses for money. That is what got them in trouble…

I don’t think the military can be funded now out of Biden’s discretionary emergency money without a budget…

Red says:

He directs the feds to print the money and pays the military. What’s congress going to do about it?

The Cominator says:

Would work if he were even minimally popular but the regime is deeply and widely hated not disliked but hated by nearly all…

dave says:

Exactly. USG is rogue and will pay themselves. Congress and Exec branch are not needed in this process, except to provide polite fiction. Congress probably too afraid to test this reality.

restitutor_orbis says:

Data point #4,136 that Jim Always Turns out to Be Right*

Shaniqua unable to maintain Air Force planes. The F-15E’s, the workhorse fighter we rely on in every theater, is down from 69% to 66%, the F-15C are down to below 70%, and the situation is expected to worsen due to parts shortages. The C-130 Hercules, a backbone of our operation, has slipped below 70%. The CV-22 Osprey fell from 54% to 50%. The B-1 Lancer fell from 52% to 40%, and, at its worst, was at 10%. Catastrophic

*Except that one time he said I wasn’t a game designer, he was wrong then

Red says:

Jim is always right.

I read a comment on Instapundit the other day where a man related how the IRS demanded 130k instead of the 1k the law stated he owed for forgetting to report an overseas account. He couldn’t get the IRS to do anything to lower the fine to the correct amount, so he got a refer and paid a large sum to hire a “high powered” tax lawyer who talked to the an IRS supervisor and the fine went back down to 1k. The commenter didn’t realize it, but his lawyer bribed the IRS supervisor, much as Jim described with bribing a judge.

Pax Imperialis says:

The most pro oil president since Reagan got cucked so hard by republican owned congress that he got outdone by Obama. Meanwhile the most anti oil president in history is being accused by the left of being more pro oil than Trump while leasing less than 3% of his predecessor.

Just more clear holiness spiraling.

Pax Imperialis says:
jim says:

jim says:

Something in the blog software is censoring images by commenters other than myself

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It really is rather precious for Biden’s handlers to say ‘energy companies should deliver more fuel’ from one corner of their mouths, while also decreeing obstruction of any prospecting or pipelining out the other.

Pax Imperialis says:

Medical tests have limitations.

D-Dimer testing checks for the proteins associated with clots dissolving. This test does not indicated the presence of damage or the degree of damage if it’s there. Only that you may be in danger of damage or explain the reason for current apparent damage. If you test high on this, further testing is a very good idea. You are looking at treatment ranging from blood thinners to surgery.

Troponin testing checks for protein found inside heart cells. This should NOT be in blood. The protein is released into the blood stream when heart cells are damaged enough to rupture and die. The higher the concentration of Troponin in the blood, the greater the recent heart damage. If you pop high you are looking at a lot of bed rest at minimum.

The cause of heart damage in the vaccinated or vaccinated plus covid is occurring two main ways. Some people are developing microclots. The clots plug up the heart starving it of oxygen and causing cell death. Of course some people get bigger clots and just outright die. The much larger source of heart damage is mRNA lipid nanoparticals being really good at latching onto the cells of the cardiovascular system. That means heart tissue too. White blood cells detect the foreign matter and attacks it. This also attacks the heart cells as well. This is the source of inflammation.

This means Troponin testing should always be conducted along with D-Dimer in cases of suspected heart problems. More often, only D-Dimer testing is being done because of the early public acknowledgment of deep vein thrombosis due to some people reacting badly to the adenovirus based vaccines. Troponin testing seems to be happening far less often, and I’ll leave speculation on why that is to others.

An important difference between clots and heart inflammation. Clots tend to be rather acutely painful. Heart inflammation tends to be less painful and for some not painful at all. Both may kill you fast with the addition of stress.

Two Common Scenarios:

You feel off so you get tested. You have normal D-Dimer results. You did not get tested for Troponin. You don’t feel chest pain, but you do feel fatigue. Hypothetically you proceed to the treadmill test. Unfortunately for you, you had high levels of heart inflammation and thus damage. Walking uphill triggers a heart attack and you die. Unlikely, but a good doctor is not going to risk that if a recent Troponin test popped high. A doctor that doesn’t want to get sued will likely not want to risk running a stress test on you without Troponin test results. What this means in practice is that you don’t get referred to a treadmill test and get told everything looks fine before being sent on you way out.

You feel off so you get tested. You have normal D-Dimer results. You did test for Troponin but it was several months after initial pain or fatigue and results return normal because the test can only show RECENT damage and NOT PAST damage. You do the treadmill test. Your heart recovered enough that it doesn’t register obvious abnormalities. How can you test negative for damage but still feel messed up? NIH studies indicated only 40% of patients can perform a truly diagnostic treadmill test. Worse, the manufactures of ECG equipment note that negative/positive predictive value can be as low as 64% under ideal conditions. Your chance of having a true diagnostic may be as low as 25% if not lower due to non-ideal conditions. Are you feeling lucky?


These tests have limitations. They work best the sooner you get them in relation to symptoms showing up. The treadmill test has problems, but it works much better if it is part of an overall diagnostic. Treadmill tests also work best when compared to previous treadmill tests over time. What may look normal now, might not look normal compared to several years ago.

King Lizard Intercourse says:

>I now increasingly suspect that the jab was created first, in order to kill people and stop them from having children, then Covid was created to give governments an excuse for jabbing people.

No kidding. I was here by July 2020.

King Lizard Intercourse says:

In your estimation, how dangerous is it if you haven’t gotten any shots but have been in close proximity with people who have?

jim says:

Unknown. There is no reliable assessment of contamination by shedding of jab particles. Clearly there is some contamination, but the amount is likely insignificantly small. On the other hand, there is the same problem as close proximity to gays. It is dangerous to be in the vicinity of people with impaired immune systems.

King Lizard Intercourse says:

I know of people who have experienced a week or two of sporadic, slight heart hiccups after skin-to-skin contact. Does that suggest permanent damage or merely a transient condition?

jim says:

Vaccine shedding is a clear issue with the most effective form of vaccination – a live innocuous virus that induce cross immunity to the closely related dangerous virus, the kind of vaccine that all vaccinations are named after, the original vaccination.

It really does not seem likely that vaccine shedding is an issue with the jab, because the jab mrna cannot reproduce.

Live virus vaccinations are as dangerous or as safe as the live virus that is being deployed. Which is always going to cause some slight illness, and always has potential to be transmitted. Other forms of vaccination, for example the flu vaccine, are dangerous in other ways, but there is no evidence of vaccine shedding ever having been a problem with any vaccine other than live virus vaccines.

So I think that vaccine shedding with the jab is a myth, or is the nocebo effect, or, which comes to much the same thing as the nocebo effect, is the harmful spiritual effect of contact with demon worshipers.

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