
Nukes loom.

From 1990 to 2010 or so, Russia was a province of the Global American Empire. Global American Empire rule was disastrous, incompetent, corrupt, and a nightmare of ruin, oppression and tyranny for ordinary Russians. In 2010 or so, Russia shrugged off Global American Empire rule, and the Global American Empire promptly set to with the standard treatment of rebellious provinces, attempting to color revolution. The color revolution was very badly done, so inevitably escalated to terror, murder and proxy war. Among other things Global American Empire funded and armed the Chechen revolt, and smuggled in a whole lot of arabs to help the Chechens out. The arabs were not very helpful, and managed to piss off the Chechens. NATO-GAE also are attempting to grab the black sea to cut Russia off from warm water, hence the Ukraine and Crimea. They have been manufacturing minority rebellions all over Russia, but most of them have not got off the ground. On the contrary, these endless proxy attacks have caused a deep groundswell of patriotism and unity, with even the Chechens turning into enthusiastic Russian patriots, despite the fact that the Russians levelled most Chechen cities during the war.

Russia is an empire, hence naturally fissiparous and apt to suffer disunity, but stubborn persistent efforts by hostile outsiders to take advantage of this natural disunity have instead created unity and patriotism, for it is transparently obvious that the Global American does not much like the people it attempts to use. Apart from Chechnya, the astroturfing was clumsy, and smelled alien, hostile, and foreign. The Chechnyan revolutionary movement was real enough, but the arab “help” smelled bad.

With all their astroturf revolutionary movements inside Russia expiring in shame, they have invaded Russia from outside, using “The Free Russians” — most of whom are not Russian, some of whom are Nato forces thinly disguised, and who are bombarding Russian civilians deep inside Russia from Ukraine with Nato weaponry.

Last nights massive strike on Ukrainian energy facilities was a response to strikes against Russian energy facilities deep inside Russia. A strike on Czech energy facilities would have been a more relevant and appropriate response. Those were primarily Czech weapons that struck Russia, and though launched from within Ukraine, it is unlikely that Ukrainians launched them or controlled their launch.

Over the the past fourteen years, the line of separation between the Global American empire and its many proxies has been steadily fading away, as tends to happen when color revolution fails, as for example Libya, Syria, and the Congo.

A few days ago the Russians stopped calling this a “special military operation” and are now calling it a war. And they are not calling it a war with Ukraine, but rather retaining ambiguity as to whether it is a war with Ukraine allied with Nato, or a war with Nato for Ukraine. It is clear that the terrorist attack on the Moscow theatre was organised by Western intelligence agencies, and this is likely to lead to further redefinition of the war as war with Nato, and likely to lead to Russians escalating to similar use of unconventional war and proxy war against Nato countries.

As the fine line of separation between Nato and its proxies fades away, it is inevitably going to go nuclear unless the Global American Empire and Nato accepts defeat, accepts the loss of Russia, accepts the will of large Russian areas outside of Russia to join Russia, accepts unrestricted Russian access to warm water, and cuts a deal for peace and friendship that accepts the new reality of a multipolar world containing a powerful and independent Russia.

73 comments Nukes loom.

Agt Mulder says:

It could go nuclear, but you’ll probably never know. Just a bright flash, then shockwave and lights out.

Anyone here ever contemplate the possibility of extra terrestrial life or faster than light travel? What if we are all being guided by forces beyond our comprehension. Malignant entities running some sort of experiment on us.

I don’t think it will go nuclear. It will just keep going like this until we are all madmen.

jim says:

It is completely obvious we are alone in the universe. All other sentients are as yet unborn, or destroyed themselves. Any sentient species that does not destroy itself will transform its galaxy in a time short compared to evolutionary time, and shortly thereafter transform nearby galaxies. We don’t see any galaxies transformed in the way that sentient life would necessarily transform them.

Unfortunately, our capability to destroy necessarily grows faster than our capability to build.

It is the will of Gnon that those obedient to his commands shall fill the stars and subdue them. To fill the stars, we not only have to become more technologically advanced, but, in order to not destroy ourselves, more civilised. We are going to need higher social technology as well as higher physical technlogy. Christendom had the most advanced social technology, so the people that fill the stars will be Christian, or will adhere to a faith directly descended to Christianity, and which plausibly claims to be faithful to its ancestral faith. It will be Christendom revived, or a culture and civilisation that claims descent from Christendom.

For a civilisation to conquer the stars, it is going to have to conquer civilisations not capable of living at peace. If Muslims also make it into space, will have to be destroyed. The weapons available will be too powerful, and the distances too vast for those weapons to be under a single authority. So people in possession of those weapons (and the equivalent of a truck driver will have the equivalent of several multi megaton rods from God) will need to have arrangements and standards of good conduct such that conflicts do not escalate to involving everyone. When everyone has the equivalent of nukes, and those nukes are separated by vast distances, it is a potential problem. The goal of eliminating wars of annihilation, when everyone possesses such weapons, is probably impractical, but what is likely to practical is preventing them from becoming civilisation conflicts that are likely to annihilate the entire civilisation. If a few habitats and spaceships annihilate a few other habitats and spaceships, it would not threaten a civilisation of hundreds of trillions of habitats and hundreds of trillions of spaceships. If the Hatfields have it in for McCoys, and things get out of hand, not a big deal provided that everyone else does not join in.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

It’s obvious that the universe contains no spacefaring sentients, but what about Gunpowder Age ones? Could a species WMD its homeworld so thoroughly that it maroons itself there for all eternity?

If mankind underwent a collapse of civilization or survived a mass extinction, and then resumed construction of the Tower of Babel, we’d probably still have both the needed scrap metal and technical know-how. Seems to me the problematic prerequisite would be energy – Earth remains abundant in fossil fuels harvestable by post-industrial capital, but the picture is grimmer if we have to rebuild from scratch.

jim says:

Could be lots of gunpowder worlds stuck forever at low tech level. The biggie is not just being out of fossil fuel. You can make steel with charcoal instead of coke, but you cannot smelt low grade ore with low technology. If civilisation collapsed tomorrow, we would still have plenty of coal but we are one hundred percent totally out of high grade iron ore, or high grade any ore, or oil that will flow without some fairly advanced drilling and pumping systems. All of that is long gone.

Plus there may well be a whole lot of water worlds inhabited by extremely smart dolphins, who sometimes have wars with extremely smart squids and octopi armed with sharp bits of flint.

If civilisation completely collapsed tomorrow, would still have bog iron, but bog iron is not sufficient to rebuild civilisation. We would have scrap iron for centuries after the collapse of civilisation, but would have to rebuild tech civilisation before we ran out of scrap iron.

So there may be a whole lot of worlds with gunpowder, but not enough metals to get much beyond gunpowder. They could right now be building extraordinarily impressive temples and cities out of stone and cement. making cement by heating the ingredients, then breaking the fused material into cement powder by grinding it with stone grinders powered by windmills.

I predict we will find simple very earthlike organisms on every asteroid, moon, and big comet large enough to have hot deep wet rocks. They will look so much like the corresponding earth organisms that the debate as to whether life came from earth to comets, or from comets to earth, will be irresolvable. And when we get to the stars, we will find lots of tolerably smart aliens that got forever stuck in never having space travel, or accomplished space travel, then destroyed their civilisation after having used up the means for re-acquiring tech civilisation. The capabilities that make space travel and multiplanetary civilisation possible also make self destruction possible.

i says:

They could right now be building extraordinarily impressive temples and cities out of stone and cement. making cement by heating the ingredients, then breaking the fused material into cement powder by grinding it with stone grinders powered by windmills.

I am disappointed that modern cement is an ugly grey thing. Whilst the Romans were able to build Beautiful Concrete Buildings utilizing Volcanic Cement.

With the probable difference that their Cement is yellowish.

Contaminated NEET says:

The ugliness of the modern concrete building is a feature, not a bug. Our self-proclaimed betters give themselves away when they name their beloved style, “brutalism.” Yes, I know the French etymology of the term, but it’s not a coincidence that it brutalizes the viewer, the user, the tenant. It’s supposed to. As Moldbug wrote, power is the overcoming of resistance, and if something doesn’t provoke resistance, then it’s not a very good demonstration of power.

The supposed practicality and “honesty” of reinforced concrete buildings are lies, too. The idea that buildings must be “honest” is a stupid one to begin with, but even by that standard brutalism fails. Brutalist reinforced concrete buildings proclaim, “I am a great stone monolith; I am strong and enduring; I will still be here when your great great grandchildren are gone,” but they are not stone and they crumble to dust in less than a human lifespan. The supposed frugality never seems to show up either, and anyway it’s quickly eaten away by maintenance costs, which are significant for reinforced concrete.

Planetman says:

[*deleted for not taking the shill test, and for making arguments that pay no attention to the vastness of time.*]

jim says:

If a civilisation capable of interstellar travel exists now, they would have existed for an immensity of time, and they would be everywhere. And in that time, some of them would have grown to immense numbers, and created immense works.

Planetman says:


jim says:

You are being repetitious and unresponsive. Take the shill test.

We can reach around one or two percent of the speed of light using fission power and plasma drives, using known technologies that exist right now. Which would enable us to settle the galaxy in a time very long compared to the history of civilisation, but very short compared to evolutionary time. Thus a species that attained our current technological level would by now either be everywhere and would have transformed the galaxy beyond recognition, or would have destroyed itself.

Karl says:

Size of our galaxy is 100 k light years. At 0.01% c it takes 10 m years. That is not very short compared to evolutionary time.

10 million years is evolutionary time.

jim says:

Yes, but its not astronomical time. Earth is four billion years old, Galaxy is ten billion years old. The oldest habitable planets likely eight billion or so. Ten million years ago we were apes, but we were not monkeys, and we are still now killer apes. When one bunch of human descended critters go around one side of the galactic hub, and meet another bunch who went around the other side of the hub, they will be different species, but likely still recognisable. And probably will still have ancient records of their common culture, of us.

Plenty of time for Fermi’s aliens to beat us by a few billion years, and yet they have not.

Calvin says:

If a another civilization achieved full spacefaring a few thousand to a few tens of thousands of years ago in another galaxy, we wouldn’t know about it.

jim says:

Yes we would not know about it today. But if they achieved spacefaring one hundred million years ago, even at 1% of the speed of light, and did not destroy themselves, we would know about it.

Calvin says:

Interstellar distances mean that it is not at all obvious that we are alone in the universe, especially if the speed of light really is the ultimate speed limit.

jim says:

If there is anyone else around, they must have emerged at close to the same time. Which is an odd coincidence in a ten billion year old universe.

That could happen if life spreads between the stars – if complex life did not get started on earth, but is able to spread throughout the galaxy as tardigrades in the cryovolcanoes of large comets, in which case the Cambrian explosion happened at the same time on every suitable planet. But even if the cambrian explosion happened everywhere at roughly the same time, it happened four hundred million years ago, and if another intelligent spacefaring species had a head start of a few million years, they would be obvious. Even if they were not due to arrive here for a hundred million years, they would have transformed a chunk of the galaxy large enough to be quite noticeable.

Fidelis says:

Perhaps advanced civilizations turn inwards instead of outwards.

If there is no actual atoms, in the greek sense of an indivisible unit, you can compress complexity into an ever smaller physical space. The distances between objects shrinking means that information can propagate between them infinitely fast in the limit. Using ever less energy you get ever more complexity in ever smaller amounts of time and space as you approch the infinitesimal. It’s counterintuitive to a human sense of reality, as we evolved by expanding outwards, but much of our modern reality is counter to the institutions of our species’ upbringing. Case in point, my ability to transmit language to you at near the speed of light across presumably vast distance.

jim says:

Perhaps this is physically possible, though known physics forbids it. But if it is physically possible, some entities in that civilisation will nonetheless choose to go outwards, and we would notice them.

Calvin says:

Or they simply have hit some kind of physical or social limit of extraterrestrial living which is not immediately apparent to us. Or they have not chosen to develop in a way that is visible from Earth. Or they’re just in a galaxy really, really far away and we haven’t noticed. Or they’ve chosen not to embrace outer space on a wide scale. Or they just got a bad spawn on a planet lacking the necessary resources to take to the stars, or a bad physical form with which to do so. Or, yeah, could just be a coincidence. Those do happen.

Lots of plausible scenarios.

jim says:

As I remarked, when we expand we will likely find millions of civilisations stuck at concrete and gunpowder, or forever trapped in an endless cycle of rediscovering nukes, then bombing themselves back to the stone age. But any spacefaring civilisation will expand, or will destroy itself. If spacefaring, some entities will choose expansion, even if the rest of their civilisation chooses otherwise and disapproves.

In a spacefaring civilisation, the equivalent of a truckdriver has the equivalent of nukes, so it really has to allow truckdrivers a whole lot of autonomy and sovereignty. Some habitats will inevitably exercise this autonomy and sovereignty by keeping on going outwards into the great unknown.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Going outwards into the great unknown might be your only option, because if you stay in a crowded sector of the galaxy, sooner or later someone is going to nuke you.

Once we leave Earth, surviving a stone age is impossible, as everyone lives in fragile hollow spinning cylinders where they depend on advanced tech for the very air they breathe.

Karl says:

If there is anyone else around, they must have emerged at close to the same time. Which is an odd coincidence in a ten billion year old universe.

Not really all that odd. First few generations of stars and any planets they may have had, lacked heavier elements. No life comparable to us without some metals, like e.g. iron.

Decent amounts of heavier elements are only available after four or five star generations. Which is where we are

Mayflower Sperg says:

At the rate giant starts burn themselves out, four or five generations is nothing. The James Webb telescope is showing us galaxies a billion years after the Big Bang that look indistinguishable from today’s galaxies.

If “everyone” gets their hands on large nuclear weapons, the muslims will use them to destroy Israel before they use them to destroy a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse.

jim says:

The physical technological capability that will enable us to settle and transform the solar system will put weapons in everyone’s hands such that nukes are a lesser problem. We are going to need higher social tech. Also eradication of nations, peoples, and faiths that have lower social tech.

Harkko says:

How do you propose we “eradicate” these “nations, peoples, and faiths that have lower social tech”???
Yes and for Ignatius, this also includes Muslims.

The White Christian Social Tech of the 60’s built some pretty good Moon Rockets, then the Woke Gay GAE came on the scene and those rocket labs can’t do anything anymore.

jim says:

Well that will depend on events. I hope it will be just a matter of forcibly upgrading their social tech, similar to the East India Company accidentally and largely unintentionally conquering India. But genocide is always on the table, and sometimes difficult to avoid.

> and those rocket labs can’t do anything anymore.

I strongly suspect the nuke labs cannot do anything either. Which, the way the wind blows, may well be revealed by and by.

jim says:

> It could go nuclear, but you’ll probably never know. Just a bright flash, then shockwave and lights out.

I will know, for I am as far from power as I can get without treading water, and my lights will not go out. I will likely see no flash and probably hear no shockwave. My internet may be impaired, but I have reason to expect that spotty and erratic internet will still be going for myself and some other people.

Mister Grumpus says:

Please compare the relative (military) difficulty of knocking out fiat-based trade versus Bitcoin-based trade, locally, domestically and internationally. Consider the targeting of internet cables, data centers, mining farms, etc. Whatever scenarios you find believable.

Can Bitcoin limp along if the big miners go poof?

Can a kinetic “Tyler Durden” erasure of bank accounts really work?

jim says:

Bitcoin would be considerably improved if the big miners go poof, and the big miners are generally following the same policy as myself, getting as far from power as they can, so are likely to be among those least affected by nuclear war.

Pete says:

Faster than light travel is most likely impossible. A speed limit set up by God to keep different species from genociding each other? Perhaps.

Keep in mind the staggeringly enormous gulfs of time in the universe’s history. There could have been another intelligent race out there, but they died out 40 million years ago. And the next one may appear ten million years after humanity goes extinct. The odds against us encountering anyone else are miniscule.

My theory is every alien civilization is crushed by its version of niggers: A more primitive, violent subset of the species that outbreeds and overruns the smart fraction of the species that might have a chance of developing space flight. And then the planet just devolves into gangs of cannibals eating each other…forever.

jim says:

Organised violence beats unorganised violence. A hundred whites can defeat thousands of blacks, because we are better at organisation.

As Darwin observed:

At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked,* will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Organised violence beats unorganised violence.

Sure, but the Blacks and their various bleeding-heart sympathizers and cynical Machiavellian puppet masters have managed to use that very organization, Judo-like, against us, and now all that organization simply props them up and crushes anyone who has a problem with that. Is this the inevitable fruit of organization, trust, and prosperity? Maybe, maybe not; I guess we’ll see.

jim says:

For an organisation to exist, has to expell entropy into its environment. Republics are bad at this, so they eventually die, and their death throws are apt to be horrifying and catastrophic.

I think we will eventually figure out something better than aristocracy and divine right under God, but right now, that the leading edge of social technology.

The corporate form and private military companies organised in the corporate form may perhaps give us a hint of the next step in social technology.

A republic starts out with a very limited franchise, but the limits are accident of war and politics, so are difficult to defend morally, and bad people always want to include more bad people, with the current invasion being the ultimate conclusion of this, and it is hard to argue against inclusion, when your current limits are rather arbitrary and accidental. And there is never a concentrated and powerful interest with the capability and power to defend the existing limits.

Aristocracy started out as men with very swift swords who had the moral and intellectual capability to keep the peace with each other. They needed to have capitalism, because they needed advanced weaponry — armor and horses capable of carrying an armored man into battle being the high tech of its time, so in time became rule by gentlemen — men who could be relied on to refrain from killing another gentleman. Which is what qualified them as gentle.

Aidan says:

You are giving niggers too much credit. It’s an animal control problem.

Contaminated NEET says:

The nig alone is the not the problem. The police, the courts, the tax-man, the HR lady, the movie-maker, and everyone else standing behind him are the problem.

Aidan says:

Yeah, I know. What I’m saying is that he is a problem because of very particular historical and religious circumstances that are unlikely to persist in time and unlikely to develop on other star systems with other forms of life.

Contaminated NEET says:

Interstellar travel will likely require a lot of organization, trust, and cooperation. It’s possible that approaching the necessary level inevitably makes a civilization vulnerable to fatal parasitic infection by its equivalent of nigs and their enablers.

Fidelis says:

Negrolatry is a phenomenon far more recent than the advent of social technology requisite for high civilization. There were plenty of dysfunctional underclasses to promote already living in Europe and yet in the vast majority of cases no one saw fit to elevate them even as Europe entered her enlightenment years. Promoting weakness and dysfunction as something society should prioritize and fix was not really a thing until the 1800s, and the memeplex seems to have a patient zero in the English heretics. Problem memeplexes are solved with king appointed high priests, and should the king fail in this regard, through being conquered by people without the disease and having a new memeplex enforced. By accident of history, it so happened that the societies with cancer were so much bigger and stronger than their neighbors that despite contracting social disease, this process was unable to be realized for a small handful of centuries. Well, it’s being realized now, and will be realized rather thoroughly.

Contaminated NEET says:

>accident of history

Well, that’s the question. Was it an accident of history? Or did the same high trust and high cooperation that allowed those societies to get bigger and stronger than their competitors also make them terminally weak against those memeplexes?

jim says:

You get a high trust high cooperation society by the elite being ruthlessly efficient at killing off criminals and excluding defectors from the elite.

And when we look at the rot setting in, it was methods of defection that were subtle and arguable, plus excessive tolerance for those more subtle forms of defection.

This was the successful Socinian attack on Christianity — William Wilberforce and his saints. “we are not trying to destroy Christinity, we are more Christian than thou” Similarly the Pharisees violated the commandments by scrupulously obeying them. And the Victorian attack on the family and sexual morality presented itself as over the top support for sexual morality. Similarly the Nicolaitans, whom God denounces in the Book of Revelation, attacked marriage and straight sex by supposedly going over the top in chastity. Such slippery and clever attacks on the enforcement system imply a vigorous enforcement system, which the attackers are attempting to subvert, corrupt, neutralise, and pervert.

Fidelis says:

Consider the feminism of the Russians and Chinese. Doesn’t seem to me that it is a disease only westerners contract. Perhaps you can make an argument negrolatry in particular is a western euro phenomenon, but then again the spanish never seemed to develop such tendancies, and the productive spanish were included in the so-called hajnal lines. Cancer is cancer. All civilizations can find ways to die to dysfunctional memeplexes, seems like undue pessimism to think that cooperation necessarily is followed by terminal dysfunction.

skippy says:

Marxist feminism in both cases.

Mister Grumpus says:

“We are not trying to destroy Christianity. In fact, we are more Christian than you are.”

That’s it!

“We are not trying to destroy _____. In fact, we are more _____ than you are.”

That’s the pattern, distilled down to a meme crystal that can cut glass.

jim says:

The time required to settle the galaxy is short compared to the time required to evolve from ape to man, long compared to the time to go from stone age to space age. Interstellar travel is mighty long compared to the history of civilisation, mighty short compared to the history of the earth and the stars. So in any given time period long enough to go from stone age to radically transforming the galaxy, only one civilisation will emerge.

The problem that our civilisations generally last only about a quarter of a millennium. Plenty of time to settle the solar system, far too short to settle the stars. To take over the galaxy, have to create a long lived civilisation, capable of doing very long term projects.

Assuming four percent population growth per annum, which is fairly typical of societies that have unemancipated women, it will take us five hundred years to dyson sphere the solar system, and comparable or considerably larger time to reach the stars. To transform the galaxy, time roughly comparable to the time from ape to man, assuming we do not accomplish relativistic interstellar settlement capability. If we do accomplish relativistic interstellar settlement capability, a couple of hundred millennia still required to dyson sphere the galaxy, and a vastly longer time to adjust the orbits of the stars to a safer, more convenient, and more useful arrangement. Still a short time compared to the rate that sentients are likely to emerge.

Agt Mulder says:

I’d be interested to hear any theories of how man could overcome his limitations of oxygen, water, temperature range, atmospheric pressure, food, not going insane, long term. Life in a bubble or some theoretical earth.

jim says:

The planned Chinese space station, and Musk’s planned starship, are bubbles plenty big enough that no one is likely to go insane. Aboreal creatures do not like the Savannah, but now we love that landscape, and recreate it all over the planet, in environments that are not naturally savannah. We will get used to space.

FrankNorman says:

Jim, as a thought experiment: if there were already ET’s out there doing the sort of thing you describe, how could we tell?

Looking from Earth, we simply would not see the stars that they’d already enclosed. If we watched the right portion of the sky for long enough (we haven’t been) we might see some stars slowly dim out and disappear. But our astronomers might think that was normal.

But my personal intuition is that we are not going to encounter ETs. If any such exist, they are far, far away.

jim says:

A Dyson sphere or, more likely, a Dyson swarm, will re-radiate the sun’s light as heat. We would see a lot of stars that were unreasonably bright in the infra red.

FrankNorman says:

We might, if we knew where to look and the difference between a normal star and one with a cloud of something around it. But the solar collectors would need to orbit far out enough not to melt, so the heat they would re-radiate would be far more diffuse than the point-source of the star itself.

Mister Grumpus says:

(desperate ranting incoming)

Two trannies wrestling under a rug.

“We all know” (presumption of consensus) that they can win all the elections they want, forever. They can break every rule, cover every window, plug every toilet, print six billion votes, get away with it, and then win awards for getting away with it. Or fuck it, just burn the votes, break the machines, say they won, and take the “election denying” Kulaks to reeducation. If there’s no “evidence of wrongdoing” on CNN, then there’s no evidence of wrongdoing. It’s in the bag.

But they sure as fuck aren’t acting like it, are they?

Zman repeats that the left are the eternal imperiled underdogs because they’re imprinted on “ugly loser”, even when they’re capping their gagged and handcuffed enemies into highway ditches.

If there’s any real Thermidorian resistance going on under that rug – and note Jim noticing that Black History Month 2024 was cancelled at Google – then the instinct must be to just break everything right now. If they can burn all the normalcy that’s left, then the normies will be so shocked and confused that they’ll just roll into balls and give up. No Going Back.

So a new pandemic would be great. Crashing the banks would be great. CBDC bug rations would be great. NATO vs Russia would be great. Nuclear war would be great. Or fuck it, all at once, why not.

This must be the Barren Karen-ocracy going batshit. I still don’t understand why they do it though. Why shaft your own relatives? How evo-psyche is that? To smoke out the very last Butt Naked Lord Humongous standing to cage-rape them into Karen-halla?

But that’s crazy. They’re not in a bunker. They’ve won everything! Kings of the shitheap! Billionaires cower in the corner and beg for their command.

So which the fuck is it?

The red pill must understand. If the hindbrain could speak, he would explain it with calmness and clarity.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>How evo-psyche is that?

It isn’t. But the invention of Civilization affords the possibility for all sorts of theretofore impossible dysfunctions to gain subsidized existence.

Defectives whose modes of behavior do no good for themselves and others weakens the system. Defectors acting against neighbors – and or even themselves, in the process – weakens the system; but as long as the system still lives, their relative position moves ahead closer to king shit of turd mountain.

Mister Grumpus says:

“But the invention of Civilization affords the possibility for all sorts of theretofore impossible dysfunctions to gain subsidized existence.”

Like a laser beam as always. Right. In the evolutionary environment, empowered and destructive Karenhood gets booted out to the doghouse for a week, and if she comes back and does it again make it two weeks. The Ur-Lilith.

jim says:

I have stated my theory before, and will state it again. The corrupt kleptocratic elite in Washington has grown fat skimming the gravy of empire. The empire is headed for cataclysmic collapse or nuclear annihilation. Thermidor is the kleptocrats of empire looking for someone capable of managing a quiet, orderly, and dignified retreat. The radicals have been promising the reconquest of Russia, which would give them the power to destroy China by denying it access to the vast resources it needs to import, and the vast markets it needs to export elaborately transformed goods. So if they could bring Russia to heel, then they could bring China to heel, and have one unipolar empire.

This promise of a return to unipolarity and gay parades from pole to pole is starting to look alarmingly shaky, and alarmingly likely to end in nuclear fire.

That someone who can manage a quiet, orderly, and dignified retreat, is obviously Trump. Thermidor does not have the upper hand, but it has enough hand to obstruct election stealing on the utterly unprecedented scale that would be needful to prevent Trump. The radicals find themselves leaking support within the apparatus of empire. Team A and Team B are indeed two trannies wrestling under a rug — and team A fears that Team B’s wrestling will result in a less fraudulent election.

Obviously an honest election would leave scarcely a Democrat in Congress. None of them want that outcome, but getting a controlled and limited level of election theft may well be difficult as a result of the wrestling.

Mister Grumpus says:

That’s a good point. Their power is so horizontal and cacophonous, their hysteria is so high, and their need for fraud so great, that it’ll be hard to fraud it “just enough”. Either they get trounced or win by six billion votes.

Zorost says:

A lot of the dysfunction we see amongst the elites is them competing against each other. They need to stack elections so their faction’s figurehead gets elected, not the other guy. To them, it’s deadly serious even though the outcome doesn’t effect us in any way.

A good analogy is the NFL. The politics we see are the 2 brightly colored teams on a field, with mostly honest competition between the teams. But all the real decisions aren’t determined by the winners on the field, but by the cabal that owns all the teams.

So the players on the field might cheat and play dirty to win, even though it hurts the NFL as a whole due to pissing off fans, because those individual players or individual teams get rewarded for winning and running up their stats.

Halion says:

What do you think of the dark forest theory?

jim says:

The dark forest theory requires that a civilisation can lay quiet, and yet also possess weapons capable of annihilating entire star systems. There is no known physics that makes this possible, but there might be as yet unknown physics.

A civilisation capable of annihilating distant star systems using mechanisms based on known physics would stick out like dogs balls.

Another problem with the dark forest theory is that someone could quietly and furtively take possession of the galaxy, seeding small family sized settlements everywhere, and slowly and quietly acquire vast resources and vast numbers everywhere. And then annihilate all the quiet civilisations that had failed to expand for fear of attracting attention.

S says:

It is false. If the weapon deployment can be detected and traced, you aren’t in a dark forest- it is MAD and no one fires because someone else will take them out. If weaponry can’t be traced, there is no dark forest because you pre-emptively take out all nearby worlds.

Dark Forest only makes sense in a situation where multiple worlds develop space flight simultaneously. It makes for interesting stories, but it is unrealistic.

FrankNorman says:

Well if your civilization is dumb enough to launch those planet-killer projectiles from the star system that their own homeworld is in…

S says:

If it is another colonized star system, it is just means counter battery strikes target multiple star systems -we can detect planets around other stars; the odds you are going to be able to colonize a second world that can evolve life are negligible so the retaliation will hit the launch site, the home world and every other potential colonized world in a sphere based on the distance between the two.

If it is not a colonized star system, that means system killers are portable and breaks the requirement that alpha strikes work. You fire at them, you hit and their boomer equivalents fire back. Again MAD.

jim says:

If you are putting planet killers on other worlds, you are settling other worlds. Keep on doing that, and in a time very short compared to evolutionary time, you have the galaxy, and have transformed the galaxy.

One of the reasons dark forest is unlikely is that the time required to take the galaxy is short compared to evolutionary time. So only one starfaring civilisation is going to appear in that time.

Dark Forest Theory demands an atheistic view of the universe. The assumption that life is equally as likely to emerge in every location where it is possible, runs counter to the view that God created life where He intended it to be. The theory is therefore a weak one, only worth exploring if you are a brainless atheist like Tyson or Dawkins.

A2 says:

It’s concerning that the GAE finger on the button is no longer controlled by the President and furthermore that that finger belongs to some hysteric madman in a dress a la Sam Britton, or a post-op Mattis minion, or someone who loves taking walkies with a dog mask on.

alf says:

Their shared delusions have already gotten a lot of people killed, might just get a lot more people killed.

Karl says:

NATO is part of GAE and therefore has the the same problems of agreeing to a deal and honoring that deal as GAE. Don’t see how escalation of the war could change that.

NATO already comprises some governments that are only reluctantly following GAE directives, if at all, see e.g. Turkey, Hungary. As things escalate I expect more NATO governments persuing their own politics with Russiia.

There cannot be NATO agreement with Russia, rather parts of NATO breaking away from GAE.

For this reason, I don’t think NATO will escalate the war. The GAE will do that and only some NATO governments will go along with that escalation. The more escalation, the more obvious the break-away of increasingly large parts of NATO from GAE.

jim says:

Latvia, France, and the Czech Republic, among others, are enthusiastically escalating, while some want to pull back, and many are incapable of making decision, with some elements of the state enthusiastically escalating and other elements of the same state stepping hard on the brakes. Not only is Nato incohesive, but individual countries within Nato, including America itself, are incohesive.

However if some elements of the state want war, some elements want peace, and the state lacks a sovereign capable of choosing war or peace, and hanging anyone who declines to go along with that decision, the outcome is likely to be war.

alf says:

Anyone who wants to make a career in Europe, wants to make a career in the EU or NATO. And the only way to advance your career is to parrot the party line just bit louder than the other guy. The party line is: “we stand with Ukraine.” And indeed you already see careerists like Macron standing just a bit louder with Ukraine than others.

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AOC Says What Israel is Doing to Gaza is a Genocide, And America Makes It Possible
March 23, 2024
Venezuelan TikTok Influencer Says Work is for Slaves, Teaches How to Scam Americans
March 23, 2024
As America Coddles Terrorists, Russia Says They Will Execute Them All Without Trials
March 23, 2024

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George Soros says:

I am George Soros.
I am the most disgusting piece of human shit ever known to man.
Fuck myself.

the 93-year-old Hungarian investor uses his money as a weapon – and has directly affected both politics, crime, and demographics through financial support – and facilitation, of open-border policies and soft-on-crime elected officials.

Soros is perhaps best known as the man who ‘broke’ the Bank of England – when he made roughly $1 billion in profit shorting the British pound sterling during the UK’s 1992 Black Wednesday financial crisis.

In 1991, the Washington Post dubbed Soros an “overt operative” of US-backed regime change in Europe. More recently, as noted above, Soros has poured his resources into organizations that promote a Marxist agenda, including censoring free speech under the guise of combating “disinformation.”

As David Galland and Stephen McBride noted in 2016 – before Soros’s widespread support of US District Attorneys kicked into high gear:

What is this globalist agenda, and where does it come from?
The Humble Beginnings

The globalist seed was sowed for young George by his father, Tivadar, a Jewish lawyer who was a strong proponent of Esperanto. Esperanto is a language created in 1887 by L.L. Zamenhof, a Polish eye doctor, for the purpose of “transcending national borders” and “overcoming the natural indifference of mankind.”

Tivadar taught young George Esperanto and forced him to speak it at home. In 1936, as Hitler was hosting the Olympics in Berlin, Tivadar changed the family name from Schwartz to Soros, an Esperanto word meaning “will soar.”

George Soros, who was born and raised in Budapest, Hungary, benefited greatly from his father’s decision.

Allegedly, in 1944, 14-year-old George Soros went to work for the invading Nazis. It is said that until the end of the war in 1945, he worked with a government official, helping him confiscate property from the local Jewish population.

In an 1998 interview with 60 Minutes, Soros described the year of German occupation as “the happiest time in my life.”
Soros’s Venture into Finance

When the war ended, Soros moved to London and in 1947 enrolled in the London School of Economics where he studied under Karl Popper, the Austrian-British philosopher who was one of the first proponents of an “Open Society.”

Soros then worked at several merchant banks in London before moving to New York in 1963. In 1970, he founded Soros Fund Management and in 1973 created the Quantum Fund in partnership with investor Jim Rogers.

The fund made annual returns of over 30%, cementing Soros’s reputation and putting him in a position of power—one he utilizes to this day to advance the agenda of his mentors.
The Currency Speculations That Threw Britain and Asia into Crisis

In the 1990s, Soros began a string of large bets against national currencies. The first was in 1992, when he sold short the pound sterling and made a $1 billion profit in a single day.

His next big currency speculation came in 1997. This time Soros singled out the Thai baht and, with heavy short-selling volume, destroyed the baht’s artificial peg to the US dollar, which started the Asian financial crisis.
“Humanitarian” Efforts

Today, Soros’s net worth stands at $23 billion. Since taking a back seat in his company, Soros Fund Management, in 2000, Soros has been focusing on his philanthropic efforts, which he carries out through the Open Society Foundations he founded in 1993.

So who does he donate to, and what causes does he support?

During the 1980s and 1990s, Soros used his extraordinary wealth to bankroll and fund revolutions in dozens of European nations, including Czechoslovakia, Croatia, and Yugoslavia. He achieved this by funneling money to political opposition parties, publishing houses, and independent media in these nations.

If you wonder why Soros meddled in these nations’ affairs, part of the answer may lie in the fact that during and after the chaos, he invested heavily in assets in each of the respective countries.

He then used Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs to advise the fledgling governments to privatize all public assets immediately, thus allowing Soros to sell the assets he had acquired during the turmoil into newly formed open markets.

Having succeeded in advancing his agenda in Europe through regime change—and profiting in the process—he soon turned his attention to the big stage, the United States.
The Big Time

In 2004, Soros stated, “I deeply believe in the values of an open society. For the past 15 years I have been focusing my efforts abroad; now I am doing it in the United States.”

Since then, Soros has been funding groups such as:

The American Institute for Social Justice, whose aim is to “transform poor communities through lobbying for increased government spending on social programs”

The New America Foundation, whose aim is to “influence public opinion on such topics as environmentalism and global governance”

The Migration Policy Institute, whose aim is to “bring about an illegal immigrant resettlement policy and increase social welfare benefits for illegals”

Soros also uses his Open Society Foundations to funnel money to the progressive media outlet, Media Matters.

Soros funnels the money through a number of leftist groups, including the Tides Foundation, Center for American Progress, and the Democracy Alliance in order to circumvent the campaign finance laws he helped lobby for.

Why has Soros donated so much capital and effort to these organizations? For one simple reason: to buy political power.

Democratic politicians who go against the progressive narrative will see their funding cut and be attacked in media outlets such as Media Matters, which also directly contribute to mainstream sites such as NBC, Al Jazeera, and The New York Times.

Apart from the $5 billion Soros’s foundation has donated to groups like those cited above, he has also made huge contributions to the Democratic Party and its most prominent members, like Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and of course Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Best Friends with the Clintons

Soros’s relationship with the Clintons goes back to 1993, around the time when OSF was founded. They have become close friends, and their enduring relationship goes well beyond donor status.

According to the book, The Shadow Party, by Horowitz and Poe, at a 2004 “Take Back America” conference where Soros was speaking, the former first lady introduced him saying, “[W]e need people like George Soros, who is fearless and willing to step up when it counts.”

Soros began supporting Hillary Clinton’s current presidential run in 2013, taking a senior role in the “Ready for Hillary” group. Since then, Soros has donated over $15 million to pro-Clinton groups and Super PACs.

More recently, Soros has given more than $33 million to the Black Lives Matter group, which has been involved in outbreaks of social unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland, in 2015. Both of these incidents contributed to a worsening of race relations across America.

The same group heavily criticized Democratic contender Bernie Sanders for his alleged track record of supporting racial inequality, helping to undercut him as a competitive threat with one of Hillary Clinton’s most ardent constituencies.

This, of course, greatly enhances the clout Soros wields through the groups mentioned above. It is safe to assume that he is now able to drive Democratic policy, especially in an administration headed by Hillary Clinton.

Simply, what Soros wants, he gets. And it’s clear from his history that he wants to smudge away national borders and create the sort of globalist nightmare represented by the European Union.

In recent years, Soros has turned his attention back to Europe. Is it a coincidence that the continent is currently in economic and social disarray?
Another Home Run: the Ukrainian Conflict

There’s no doubt about Soros’s great influence on US foreign policy. In an October 1995 PBS interview with Charlie Rose, he said, “I do now have access [to US Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott]. There is no question. We actually work together [on Eastern European policy].”

Soros’s meddling reared its ugly head again in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which began in early 2014.

In a May 2014 interview with CNN, Soros stated he was responsible for establishing a foundation in the Ukraine that ultimately led to the overthrow of the country’s elected leader and the installation of a junta handpicked by the US State Department, at the time headed by none other than Hillary Clinton:

CNN Host: First on Ukraine, one of the things that many people recognized about you was that you during the revolutions of 1989 funded a lot of dissident activities, civil society groups in Eastern Europe and Poland, the Czech Republic. Are you doing similar things in Ukraine?

Soros: Well, I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia. And the foundation has been functioning ever since and played an important part in events now.

The war that ripped through the Ukrainian region of Donbass resulted in the deaths of over 10,000 people and the displacement of over 1.4 million people. As collateral damage, a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet was shot down, killing all 298 on board.

But once again Soros was there to profit from the chaos he helped create. His prize in Ukraine was the state-owned energy monopoly Naftogaz.

Soros again had his US cronies, Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew and US consulting company McKinsey, advise the puppet government of Ukraine to privatize Naftogaz.

Although Soros’s exact stake in Naftogaz has not been disclosed, in a 2014 memo he pledged to invest up to $1 billion in Ukrainian businesses, but no other Ukrainian holdings have since been reported.
His Latest Success: the European Refugee Crisis

Soros’s agenda is fundamentally about the destruction of national borders. This has recently been shown very clearly with his funding of the European refugee crisis.

The refugee crisis has been blamed on the civil war currently raging in Syria. But did you ever wonder how all these people suddenly knew Europe would open its gates and let them in?

The refugee crisis is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. It coincided with OSF donating money to the US-based Migration Policy Institute and the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, both Soros-sponsored organizations. Both groups advocate the resettlement of third-world Muslims into Europe.

In 2015, a Sky News reporter found “Migrant Handbooks” on the Greek island of Lesbos. It was later revealed that the handbooks, which are written in Arabic, had been given to refugees before crossing the Mediterranean by a group called “Welcome to the EU.”

Welcome to the EU is funded by—you guessed it—the Open Society Foundations.

Soros has not only backed groups that advocate the resettlement of third-world migrants into Europe, he in fact is the architect of the “Merkel Plan.”

The Merkel Plan was created by the European Stability Initiative whose chairman Gerald Knaus is a senior fellow at none other than the Open Society Foundations.

The plan proposes that Germany should grant asylum to 500,000 Syrian refugees. It also states that Germany, along with other European nations, should agree to help Turkey, a country that’s 98% Muslim, gain visa-free travel within the EU starting in 2016.
Political Discourse

The refugee crisis has raised huge concern in European countries like Hungary.

In response to 7,000 migrants entering Hungarian territory per day in 2015, the Hungarian government reestablished border control in order to keep the hordes of refugees from entering the country.

Of course this did not go down well with Soros and his close allies, the Clintons.

Bill Clinton has since come out and accused both Poland and Hungary of thinking “democracy is too much trouble” and wanting to have a “Putin-like authoritarian dictatorship.”

Seeing through Clinton’s comments, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán responded by saying, “The remarks made about Hungary and Poland … have a political dimension. These are not accidental slips of the tongue. And these slips or remarks have been multiplying since we are living in the era of the migrant crisis. And we all know that behind the leaders of the Democratic Party, we have to see George Soros.”

He went on to say that “although the mouth belongs to Clinton, the voice belongs to Soros.”

Soros has since said of Orbán’s policy toward the migrants: “His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle. Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”

It’s hard to imagine that he could be any clearer in his globalist intentions.

jim says:

I don’t agree with your account of how Soros got rich. His financial genius seems to be strangely limited to events where having inside favor from the government will enable one to get rich.

A2 says:

For entertainment only. Dwayne ‘the rock’ Johnson endorsed Biden last time around but is now part of a fresh new centrist party, ‘No Labels’.

“I don’t think our Founding Fathers EVER envisioned a six-four, bald, tattooed, half-Black, half-Samoan, tequila drinking, pick-up truck driving, fanny pack-wearing guy joining their club – but if it ever happens it’d be my honour to serve you, the people.”

Quite clearly an attempt to draw away some Trump voters who sure aren’t racist troglodytes, possibly nostalgic GenXers? There seems to be a few of these parties popping up nowadays. RFK jr might be one but might perhaps also be too unreliable for the Democrats to work with.

You don’t have to read the link but here it is: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2024/apr/05/dwayne-johnson-no-biden-endorsement

A2 says:

I’ll add a very interesting article on the use of AI in Gaza. I assume the same capabilities are available in the US and possibly Europe (or rather, at least they’d like to have it).


Furthermore note that under the surface there seems to be a current of ‘don’t blame us, blame the AI for the genociding’.

I haven’t heard a peep about this from the AI ethicists in big tech labs/coffee areas/ball pits or AI alignment specialists ensconced in the Berkeley hills, which is on reflection perhaps not surprising.

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