
Dark Maga explained

Dark Maga is described by the legacy media as an aesthetic, rather than a political ideology, political program, or a political faction. They just don’t get it, because the left cannot meme.

Dark Maga is not just an aesthetic, it is a meme. And memes are not political ideologies or political factions either, but they are instruments that the meme magicians use to promote ideas that connect to systems of ideas, and systems of ideas inspire political programs and acquire priesthoods and thus become political factions.

Memes are not even ideas, they are a way of focusing attention on an idea. And focusing attention on idea focuses attention on the system of ideas of which it is part, and thus the promotes the power of organisations acting to give effect to the program implied by that system of ideas.

The idea promoted by the Dark Maga meme is that Trump will have to use drastic measures to ensure that the permanent government, the swamp, the deep state, obeys the merely elected and merely temporary government, rather than the other way around. The first Trump term was disrupted by the permanent government exercising power over the merely elected government. This needs to be fixed. And fixing it is likely to set sparks flying.

If you go to a Trump website to contribute to the Trump campaign by buying some Maga swag, the biggest selling Maga swag is Maga hats. Including Dark Maga hats. And suddenly everyone is buying Dark Maga hats. Meme magic at work. The Trump campaign is getting money, but also getting exposure for an idea by promoting these hats in their messaging to supporters and by their supporters wearing these hats. If Trump is permitted to be elected, we shall see if he makes use of that idea against a swamp that has been waging lawfare against him and is now is trying to kill him, or if it is merely yet another fund raising gimmick.

Trump, unlike the left, can meme. Can he govern, this time around? Getting smacked by a bullet is apt to wonderfully focus the mind. It is probable that the Trump fund raising machine does not know or care what these hats mean. But Trump knows what they mean.

147 comments Dark Maga explained

Mister Grumpus says:

Excuse me, but either I’m crazy or Elon Musk just jumped around on stage at a Trump rally with a “Dark MAGA” hat, and then a few days later some-hundred White people came to take selfies of themselves at his CyberCab promotion event, which was not shut down by a rent-a-mob. In Hollywood, California.

And then a few days after that, the Feds gave him a launch license for the Starship test flight #5, it went well, and nothing got shot down with a Patriot missile or whatever.

Just saying. What the heck is going on.

jim says:

What is going on is that a whole lot of the elite want to take Musk out, and a whole lot of the elite have been protecting him, in part because rockets and starlink are crucial sources of state power relative to other states. And presumably the elite that have been protecting him have been feeding him a whole lot of information that very few other people are likely to be getting.

Mister Grumpus says:

Also, maybe after the election, the Vance and/or Don Junior campaigns can start selling Dark MAGA wader boots, in case the voters ever need to walk across a stream or small river.

alf says:

Memes are not even ideas, they are a way of focusing attention on an idea.

That is a wonderful way of putting it. Memes are tiny advertisements for ideas.

Also, Dark Maga, Dark Enlightenment… Probably just a coincidence, but a pretty happy coincindence.

jim says:

Probably not a coincidence. One of the early Dark Maga memes was Trump wearing a crown watching Washington burn.

However, Dark Enlightenment is antidemocratc, while Dark Maga is not. Dark Enlightenment believes democracy is always fake, most Dark Maga think that democracy used to work, and would work again provided that certain people were given long distance swimming lessons.

Dark Maga wants to turn the clock back to 1980. The Dark Enlightenment thinks the Enlightenment was a bad idea and wants to turn the clock back to 1660. But the Dark Enlightenment and Dark Maga are in substantial agreement about the necessary means.

Science and the scientific method was based on reasoning from experimental evidence, and insisted on the most direct connection to empirical evidence possible “take no man’s word for it”,”Science is belief in the ignorance of experts”. The enlightenment on the other hand, tended to deduce a prescription for radically remaking the world from pure reason, unmoored by the past or observed reality. They view history, old buildings, and old habits as oppression that must be uprooted, reality itself, human nature, and humanity itself as oppression that must be uprooted — for example erasing the difference between male and female, moving people out of the countryside and nature into brutalist tall concrete blocks in fifteen minute cities.

Zorost says:

I hope Trump does what is needed, but considering what that would entail I’m not giving it good odds. Anything short of Sulla + Eichmann, then rebuilding the institutions will only delay the inevitable slide into turd-world tyranny.

Mister Grumpus says:

Yours is the safe bet, but then again, This Time There’s Internet. There are things happening, and memes and ideas spreading, even faster than squatemalan anchor babies.

I don’t mean this in a Qanon way. It’s still bad. But there are wilder cards still left in the deck somewhere.

jim says:

Trump is a deal maker. Last time around he thought he could make a deal.

They tried to imprison him and kill him. Is he still going to try to make a deal?

Recall all the Russian red lines they crossed and nothing happened. Nothing will ever happen, they said.

Mister Grumpus says:

And I was one of the people who believed that. Now I expect some kind of eventual Russian victory, but when Vlad finally passed that shit-test in 2022, I simply couldn’t believe it was happening.

jim says:

It is not just the Ukrainian army that is fading away. The Ukrainian state apparatus is fading away. Everyone in the state apparatus is now focused on grabbing as much loot as possible before the roof falls in. The way the wind blows, the army is likely to find it has no state before it comes to pass that the state finds it has no army.

Mayflower Sperg says:

A fellow named Vlad recently explained to me that “Vlad” is short for “Vladislav”; the short form of Vladimir is Vova. Not exactly intuitive, but neither is e.g. “Richard” shortening to “Dick”.

Dharmicreality says:

The India Canada situation just got a lot more tense.


In a situation reminiscent of last year, India has downgraded ties and withdrawn its diplomats from Canada after the Indian high commissioner and other diplomats were named as suspects in the Nijjar case.

I think globohomo is escalating against the fence sitters now. How long India will remain “neutral” remains to be seen. Already globohomo news sources reports that India is supplying Russia military tech apparently “forbidden” by the West. So far India has not responded to this pressure tactic.


jim says:

It is completely obvious that Nijjar was bumped off by Candadian or US intelligence. The Khalistan movement in Canada is quite obviously run by the Global American Empire, which has a long history of bumping off its own assets, when it deems them unreliable.

And since it tends to recruit believers in some cause that they intend to cause trouble in the target state, their recruits frequently turn out to be dangerously sincere believers. Cannot have that. Might expose the operation, which would cause embarrassment.

We know it was an inside operation, because the killers had cover from above and knew they had cover from above. The hit was as careless, open, and clumsy as the Epstein hit. Unauthorised killers would have acted with more concern for security. The police sat tight and twiddled their thumbs, and the killers obviously knew the police were going to sit tight and twiddle their thumbs.

jim says:

This is standard leftwing conduct. When it is obvious you are guilty, accuse someone else who is less left than you are.

Trump is a threat to democracy. To preserve democracy, need to silence freedom of speech and imprison and/or murder Trump 🙃

Canada murdered one of the agents it was using to undermine India. Therefore, accuse India.

Dharmicreality says:

I’m trying to figure out why the GAE faction which initiated this issue wants to die on this particular hill. It seems of so little consequence in the bigger picture.

jim says:

The deep state has been bumping off a whole lot of people, most of them, perhaps all of them, people who have dangerously close relations with the deep state, and presumably know too much — for example Epstein and the “Friends of Clinton”

And, of course, always deny it, and always have a cover story. And they simply nominated India for the cover story. Probably without thinking twice that this might lead to complications. India would just suck it up.

Dharmicreality says:

The usual GAE rationale for this is usually to arm twist and extract some benefit or concessions from the target of the accusation or start a colour revolution. After a while the hue and cry dies down quietly and everybody pretends that nothing much happened and nothing to see there. This was the case when the GAE had a less insane version of leftism.

The present situation of persistent accusations against India is bewildering because the GAE seems to almost believe their own version of events and there seems to be more of holiness posturing than actual effective blackmail. Also there is no point in driving away India from GAE alignment, given the geopolitical situation.

India has of course shrugged off the allegations vehemently and downgraded diplomatic ties with Canada, but these events have pushed India further into the BRICS alignment of which they are a foundational member.

Dharmicreality says:

More escalation from GAE as Modi prepares to attend the BRICS summit at Moscow.


jim says:

The US story makes no sense.

Dharmicreality says:

The way they describe the so called plot sounds like how a Hollywood movie director imagines a foreign enemy country’s plot to be.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Tech Decline:

So someone brought up that planes go much slower now than in the past. I had to doublecheck this because I assumed that when stagnation happens things just stop improving and not the timemachine car actually going back to the past than the future.

What do you know, it turns out to be true:

“However, interestingly, the older 707 has the edge in terms of cruising speed. The 707-320B could cruise at speeds of up to 974 km/h (525 knots), whereas a Dreamliner will typically cruise at around 903 km/h (488 knots), with a maximum of 956 km/h (516 knots).”

Varna says:

Trains too https://slate.com/human-interest/2009/05/why-trains-run-slower-now-than-they-did-in-the-1920s.html

That’s not counting supersonic passenger jets being given up on, space shuttles being given up on, and anything beyond Earth’s orbit being given up on.

Musk and possibly Beijing are working on the latter two.

Cars, though, are allegedly still getting faster and faster.

Aidan says:

Market forces are still driving incremental improvements at the high end of the car market- a lot of space for refinement existed and is being worked through. But the average car that the average person buys has remained stagnant, and gotten a whole lot more expensive. I would rather drive a modern sports car than a 90’s sports car- actually, that’s not even true, but the modern car would be faster around a track- but I would much rather drive the 1992 Honda civic that I learned stick in over a 2022 Honda civic.

Mister Grumpus says:

Slower jetliners is a fuel efficiency thing, catalyzed by deregulation and price competition.

But next level, we can talk about how “commercial” (as opposed to private jets) air travel is being de-statused by security theater, shitty nigger-saddled city transport planning and their not being allowed to throw off unruly drunks and hair-pulling negresses, as opposed to airports in Asia for example where things work smoothly. There’s that too.

Handi says:

Fuel efficiency is a tech decline thing, the whole point of fuel is to burn it.

Expanding life systems capture evermore potent stores of energy, so that they can expend energy in vast quantities to solve for rate of expansion. Conservation indicates either a scarcity of energy sources available (counterfactual: nuclear) or an inability to capture those sources (root cause: social-organizational).

Aerospace transport competition should revolve around who can irradiate more of the ionosphere with transatlantic passenger Orion drives, not around fuel rationing.

Basil says:

[*deleted*] Putin chose this particular war because [*deleted*]

jim says:

No Putin did not choose this war. He agreed to Minsk One, Basil Minsk Two, and has proposed two more Minsk like agreements. Each Minsk was broken. The operation was started in response to shelling of civilians.

When you make a peace agreement, that defines a red line. If the other side then steps over that red line, and then steps over the next red line of the next peace agreement, he had to respond, or eventually he was going to be setting his red lines in the suburbs of Moscow, a plan that elements of the Global American Empire had clearly and repeatedly stated, to take Russia one small bite at a time.

Basil says:

> operation was started in response to shelling of civilians

According to official data from the Donetsk People’s Republic/Luhansk People’s Republic, the number of casualties has been falling every year, it’s easy to check. From 2015 to February 2024, several people died per year. Since 2024, many times more civilians have died on the territory of these state entities alone

Russia could have responded in a billion other ways. For example, reminded about gas supplies. Used diplomatic ties. Could have sent troops to its satellites. Anything.

Augustine’s concept of a just war assumes that war is an extreme means. The concept of a just war assumes that your declared goals (protecting the civilian population of Donetsk) and your real goals (killed hohols and brown larvae in Mariupol) do not diverge.

It looks like the boomer cannot accept reality because he has invested too much in a certain picture of the world.

jim says:

Putin’s goal was not to protect Russian civilians in the Donbas, but to protect Russia. The Global American Empire had clearly enunciated a plan for a slow creeping reconquest of Russia, and were slowly creeping. If the west can kill Russian civilians, and Russia cannot kill American civilians, America’s power is going to slowly increase, and Russia is going to slowly vanish. “Rules based International order” They get to make the rules, and their rules mean that Russia cannot exist. The existence of Russia is a violation of the rules based international order. So Russia has to go to war at some point in that creep.

Putin’s responses were limited, measured, and appropriate. War just tends to devolve into killing everyone and destroying everything. Saint Justinian the Emperor fought a genocidal war in which wound up depopulating entire provinces, and the verdict of history is that it was not his fault, and he was a good Christian. Sometimes you just have to go to war, and war is what it is. War is hell. War is one unthinkable thing swiftly followed by another even more unthinkable thing.

Putin chose when to start this war, but he did not choose to start this war. He endlessly evaded and postponed this war. Should have intervened in 2014. That the war has been so ruinous and costly is because he did not intervene in 2014, and if they had continued to delay, it probably would have been World War Three. Might well become World War Three anyway. All of which would have been avoided had he intervened in 2014.

skippy says:

Exactly. Putin responded to endless rug-pulls as he attempted to engage with the Rules Based Order, something he believes in more than they do, something which even now he is trying to recreate but without the West (BRICS, Valdai, etc.) rather than replace as such.

Pete says:

Diplomatic ties? Diplomacy is useless in a case where your opposite number will never budge an inch because they are filled with holy zeal to destroy you. Or – if you did reach an agreement they would immediately violate it without a thought.

The USA is not agreement-capable.

Bouncer says:

Plot twist: you, Basil, are the “Boomer”.

Ex says:

Searching for ‘Basil one agreement russia’ gives me results about Emperor Basil in the 11th century, and Saint Basil Cathedral. It also suggests a “Basel” agreement on hazardous waste and another on banking. Can you point me in the right direction?

jim says:

My error: That should have been Minsk I and Minsk II.

The Cominator says:

A good meme has the property of being both simeltaneously silly and yet seriously effective. Much like the song Lillibulero a rather silly tavern song making fun of Catholics and the Irish (and thus indirectly James II) but yet it would become known as the song that drove James out of three kingdoms.

Let us hope that Dark Maga is as effective as Lilliburlero and becomes known as the meme that drove progressivism out of all Western countries.

A2 says:

Dear God, I see that the Tories are now gearing up to electing a based black woman as party leader. “A lot like Maggie!” If so, best case is they will wander the electoral deserts for a decade or so.


As for the US, local media sound dispirited about Kamala’s prospects today. Somewhat uncharacteristic. Perhaps they need to fuel the horse race a bit, get the punters going.

Varna says:

Keeping mind the track record of the Tories over the last years, it is no longer self-evident that the negress would be an obvious a step down. Likewise, if the current Labour dead-eyed drone was replaced by a negress, or a paki transvestite, for that matter, how would that make things worse.

For a candidate like that woman to start looking like an obviously bad deal, the political system needs to have started functioning at least at pre-Blair levels of adequacy.

When the system has gone so toxic, that the cumulative result is as if each of its members has an IQ of 80, then throwing in someone with a genuine IQ of 80 seems pretty in line with the overall tendencies.

A2 says:

The Tories have undeniably been scraping the bottom of the barrel for some time, but based black woman is a terrible choice. Just consider a female David Lammy as PM. It indicates an underlying suicidal madness in the party.

Then again, Keir the fuckwit is, as amply shown, no solution for the country either. So much for labour, lol.

skippy says:

The Tories are probably over. The plan seems to be to replace them with Reform, a Nigel Farage/post-Brexit vehicle that he had almost got bored of before suddenly coming back to appoint a Pakistani Muslim as its future leader.

jim says:

In his defence, I should point out that a white male leader of Reform would probably be arrested, which is why he did not make himself the leader.

white bread says:

I wonder why would Trump go against the establishment. Frankly if I were a poor white guy I’m not sure I would or should trust a billionaire from New York. Now, it is true that somebody tried to kill Trump twice so it can be argued that the establishment or part of it sees Trump as an actual threat. But I’m not sure if that’s the whole story. Even if he wins, and manages to make some valuable reforms, how long can those reforms last in a so called democracy?

jim says:

Nothing ever changes, white bread says. We are seeing rapid change. Trees don’t shrink. Nor do they grow to the sky. They grow till they fall over. We are clearly reaching the falling over stage of leftism, the enlightenment, and democracy.

Throne and altar societies aimed at stability, and took drastic measures to attain it. Nonetheless, viewed from the centuries, not very stable. You think our social order is stable?

We see change, ever lefter, happening faster and faster. You think they can come to a gentle stop? We are in a car with a Dunbar number of drivers fighting over the wheel, the accelerator nailed to the floor, and the wheels falling off.

white bread says:

I do agree there’s change. I think we are a lot more compromised now than ten years ago. So there’s been change, in the wrong direction. OK, hopefully there will be a reaction and things will get better. I’ll have to wait and see. I don’t mean to sound like a defeatist and agent so I’ll stop here…

jim says:

Expect the unexpected. We did not expect Trump. Most did not expect logistic failure in Ukraine. Leftism, democracy, and the enlightenment will pass. What replaces them might well be worse, but will be very different. Humungus expects Mad Max, which is certainly possible. Mega City One is also plausible.

Hillary was dim, lazy, ignorant, drunk, and incompetent. Kamala Harris is dimmer, considerably lazier, and drunker. This lot is not going to rule the world. Of course Kamala is just a puppet for the deep state, while Hillary was the deep state, and one might suppose there are some smart people in that thundering herd. Blinken and Kagan are not stupid, but they are not all that smart either. Soros was smart, and his son is smart, but they are just minions. The Libyan debacle reveals that the deep state is not in a whole lot better shape than Kamala, while the Haitian debacle similarly reveals the Harvard elite, the Church of the deep state.

Mega City One is a logical extrapolation, post leftism, post democracy and post enlightenment, assuming we don’t go through a Mad Max dark age. But what is missing from that extrapolation is a state religion. There is always a state religion, and question is, what will it be?

The population of Mega City One was depicted as ludicrously decadent, which the Judges cracked down upon with laws harsh but completely ineffectual. This extrapolation is likely to be incorrect. Decadent people do not reproduce successfully. Pre revolutionary France was decadent. Napoleon fixed that. I conjecture he sensed that a decadent society cannot win wars.

So, my bet is Mega City One, but without the decadence, and with a state belief system very different from the current one,

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for posting from an alternate reality, and grossly inappropriate gender neutral language*]

jim says:

It is not that successful lawyers are unable to reproduce It is that successful female lawyers are unable to reproduce. If a successful lawyer marries a considerably younger supermarket checkout chick, he will do fine

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

I called you out for gender neutral language, and you in responded in gender neutral language as if I had said something that was utterly unrelated, something that not I, nor anyone on the alt right, nor the Christian right, nor the right, nor mainstream Christianity is ever likely to say.

Anonymous Fake says:

I don’t even know what I’m saying that’s “gender neutral”! [*deleted*]

jim says:

You are arguing about obstacles to reproduction without noticing that it takes two sexes that perform fundamentally different roles.

And without responding to me when I made an assertions about reproduction that directly referenced the difference. You responded in a way that presupposed I had said something entirely unrelated to what I said.

FrankNorman says:

‘You are arguing about obstacles to reproduction without noticing that it takes two sexes that perform fundamentally different roles.

And without responding to me when I made an assertions about reproduction that directly referenced the difference. You responded in a way that presupposed I had said something entirely unrelated to what I said.”

So AF’s ideology requires him to pretend not to know things that are basic Mammal Reproductive Biology 101 stuff?

This is reminding me of those old medieval drawings of a man fighting a giant snail.

Bouncer says:

3 attempts now or so I’ve heard. Also heard that Brandon said that if Trump dies, Iran will pay. I suspect this is being arranged so the regiume has casus belli for WW3. Bet you dollars to donuts that if T ends up DOA at the hands of some Democrat patsy, “Iran” will have had “Russian help”.
Buy Iodine tablets and build a fallout shelter.

Bouncer says:

Jim, recently chatted to the new guy at work (age 19) and he expressed frustration that “girls his age” were almost all into guys 30+.
At the same time, I’ve been seeing more wahmen (always over 35) claiming men 35+ dating 20-year-olds were “pedophiles” (insert eyeroll here).
I suspect the next big push from feminism is to claim men dating women under 25 is “child rape” or some such BS.
What’s your take on this clown-world bull?

Mayflower Sperg says:

And he can’t date younger because fifteen’ll get you twenty. Child marriage was legal in the USA well into the 20th century and should be legalized again. Not because it’s good for girls to be married at single-digit ages, but to set a threat point for older girls (or rather, the adults responsible for controlling their behavior) not to delay marriage and ruin themselves, because their potential future husbands now have access to innocent virgins.

Andrew Anglin astutely observed that childcare subsidies have utterly failed to increase fertility because young women have always had access to childcare subsidies, via a program called “marrying an older guy who has money”.

Pax Imperialis says:

Being an older guy isn’t so great for similar reasons.

I recently joined a few young women in their 20s on a smoke break. I mostly just wanted an excuse to smoke. They went on, and on, and on about how terrible men were. One woman went on a tirade about her husband not contributing to the household chores while the other comforted her. She complained about how he only put the food in the oven and didn’t cook it.

I pointed out that she only told him to put it in the oven, not to cook it, and that us guys, particularly the young and inexperienced ones, are very task/goal oriented. That he figured she wanted him to prep things for her when she got back. That it takes time in a marriage for guys to figure out the implicit and unspoken, but the fact that he would do what he did means he does care, and that she should forgive him for what is really just early growing pains of a marriage. The other woman said it sounds like I’ve been around. That was probably the first sign of real trouble. a woman putting ideas into another woman’s head.

A few weeks later the complaining woman walks up to me all smiley and pleasant informing she got a divorce but not to tell anyone about it… acting like we’re friends when we’re not. What a disaster. Maybe the greatest danger to a relationship/marriage isn’t other men, it’s other women.

jim says:

I don’t think the problem is that you are an older guy. I think the problem is: “I mostly just wanted an excuse to smoke.”

Women, of course, are attracted to confidence. But they find horniness plus confidence rather more attractive. One’s frame needs to be that one is assessing them for fuckability, and checking them out to see if they meet your high and exacting standards.

Men and women can never be friends, because there is always sex on the table.

The Cominator says:

Where are you… The glory days of meeting women in the smoking area are long past. Before 2015 or so it was absolutely the best place to meet women as probably 80% of women of fuckable looks and age smoked (stats that say otherwise are bullshit) if not at school or work at parties or nightspots. Women today vape… vaping is not as social as smoking.

> Maybe the greatest danger to a relationship/marriage isn’t other men, it’s other women.
In feminist countries absolutely. Other men might want to fuck your wife but probably don’t want to directly breakup your marriage. Why would you want a girl you already know is fickle and treacherous as your wife… shes just going to probably do the same shit to you. The people telling your wife she should get a divorce in 90% of cases (especially if you didn’t do something like beat up your wife so bad she had to go to the emergency room) are going to be other women.

jim says:

> The glory days of meeting women in the smoking area are long past.

Indeed, the glory days of meeting women in person anywhere are long past. But Pax Imperialis was meeting women in person.

The Cominator says:

And damn the motherfucker who cameup with the idea of dating apps to the lowest pit of hell with Woodrow Wilson, Loyola, von Papen, and Ted Kennedy.

jim says:

The problem with dating apps is that it makes it easy for miss average to get hit on by a hundred men handsomer than you, richer than you, more charismatic than you, and with bigger dongs than yours (which they will show her).

white bread says:

The fact that every detail about your relationaships is known to the Stasi might be somewhat of a problem too.

jim says:

No, not a problem, because if you agree to meet, they do not know what happened next. Everyone, male and female, gives lots of positives, albeit the females only give positives to small proportion of the males. Remarkably few of those positives lead to anything. It is too easy to swipe right, actual follow ups are less common. Everyone flakes. (By “everyone” I mean all the females, plus the small minority of males who get all the swipes.) It is hard for stasi to know who flaked and who fucked. If chicks followed up every time they swiped right, they would be mighty sore by morning.

Pax Imperialis says:

>I don’t think the problem is that you are an older guy.

I wasn’t being explicit and wasn’t being clear. Being an older guy is not the problem, nor did I claim it to be. The claim was that being older and higher status isn’t that great for similar reasons the young guys are having problems because of feminism. The dating market just isn’t that great for anyone.

Sure, older guys have a much greater selection because we’ve spent much of our 20s building status, but then we look around and see the selection just isn’t that attractive. Tattoos, mannish behavior, often run through and bitter… I suppose that all things a man could “fix” if he felt like it, but is it even worth it?

And then I see all these young women trying to drag each other down and fuck up each other’s relationships. Women are prone do such behavior, but I suspect feminism added a lot of gasoline to the tendency. Are we prepared to tell the young women her friends are shit and to break off contact? Again, not a problem most men couldn’t pass on their own, but today the state looms over men deeming such as being “abuse”, and young women just can’t keep their mouths shut, and so the state finds out about it sooner or later. Again, not an unsolvable problem if living along the edges of the empire, but many men including myself unfortunately find ourselves living in close proximity to blue tribe power.

@Cloudswrest posted the Eddie Murphy skit, and I looked up the man and he can’t even keep a bitch. If even a man like that, with all his high status as perceivable to women (dude appears to be drowning in pussy), still gets cut in half (multiple times), what chance do most men have?

>Men and women can never be friends, because there is always sex on the table.

Well, yes. Do you know how shitty of a feeling it is when you’re trying to help out a brother in arms by attempting to convince his wife she should stick around, only for her to divorce him? Then she starts acting “friendly” with you?

On blue tribe power. There was a semi-recent change of command where I’m located. The Colonel cleared out the SJW JAGs, is a no nonsense combat arms officer, is communicating with my lawyers (unlike the previous one who froze them out), opened up investigations into the previous investigation, etc. Much of the DEI stuff also disappeared. There are other positive changes, but too specific to mention.

Is this a sign of DOD Thermidor getting ready for Trump? I hope so.

jim says:

> The Colonel cleared out the SJW JAGs, is a no nonsense combat arms officer, is communicating with my lawyers (unlike the previous one who froze them out), opened up investigations into the previous investigation, etc. Much of the DEI stuff also disappeared. There are other positive changes, but too specific to mention.

Transition Team Leader Howard Lutnick, who is in the heart of the beast at the same time as in the heart of the Trump team, reports similar.

It looks like coup Thermidor has gone through, and they are just waiting to hold an actually free and fair election to make it official and legal. Which does not mean that free and fair elections are back in style, but they will be held when convenient, and today is convenient for team Thermidor.

Varna says:

Places where women still smoke noir pulp film style: https://www.indexmundi.com/facts/indicators/SH.PRV.SMOK.FE/rankings
Places where women drink noir pulp film style: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.ALC.PCAP.FE.LI?locations=EU&most_recent_value_desc=true

Combining the data — where do they both smoke and drink old school style: EE + France + to an extent the Germanics + to an extent the Mediterranean.

Don’t know about France and the Germanics, but in EE and the Med physical interaction between friends and strangers of opposite genders gets very, very active after like 20 – 21 o’clock. Women start checking men out very obviously, on streets, in public transports, in building corridors, in parks, and in bars.

From gilfs to lolis, with everything in between.

Cloudswrest says:

> Maybe the greatest danger to a relationship/marriage isn’t other men, it’s other women.

In feminist countries absolutely.

Eddie Murphy has a skit about this. He goes off to Africa to get a “naked zebra bitch” only to have her contaminated by American women.


Hesiod says:

Classic bit. IIRC, Murphy prefaced this with commentary on Johnny Carson’s wife picking his bones in a high-profile divorce back then.


Fidelis says:

Maybe the greatest danger to a relationship/marriage isn’t other men, it’s other women.

Exactly so. This is why I am certain you can create a stable subculture without the King doing it for you. Women even moreso than men, and men are plenty so themselves, are memetically influenced. They want to compete for status and acceptance among their peergroup.

The hard part is starting the network. At first would have to be a mannerbund of sorts, of men that have successfully married and reproduced. You want to be extremely harsh about outside influence and bad behavior internally. Once you have something going, it tends to just work. Look at all the Christian subgroups scattered about everywhwhere. Even if the mainline got corrupted and destroyed, the smaller groups had an evaporative effect where the remaining members have an even higher degree of faith and propensity to follow the Word.

Mayflower Sperg says:

In today’s environment such groups must maintain an absolute code of silence. Family matters are never to be discussed with outsiders, and violators of this code are likely to disappear without a trace. Social workers complain that there is nothing to do in Chechnya because families there solve their own problems.

Old Believers avoid interference by settling in places that are ridiculously hard to reach without a helicopter.

Fidelis says:

Yes I agree. I’ve been banging this drum recently, because I believe we are not on course for the Imperator to pull a cultural restoration. Everyone close to power looks purple pilled to me. In fact, those close to power are the least likely to turn fully red pilled in the event we turn back to 70-80s norms, as the women, daughters excluded, will be far more well behaved when tied to a man in a seat of power after a successful transition. They wont experience the problem the same way a middle class man would. I expect something like tentative inching towards the human mating pattern, with stricter divorce and no cash and prizes for the woman, less police arresting husbands, but no coverture, no rollback of women in university and the workforce. And I really expect lots of handwringing about why oh why the childcare subsidies aren’t working and why oh why are the men not Manning Up.

I think the only way forward is to copy the pattern of the Christians in the decaying Roman Empire. You have to create and sustain your own community and status games within that community, with strong penalities for defection. Luckily, I doubt the newly crowned Imperator will be that interested in such communities, just as Putin is not all too interested in the Old Believers. Just need to copy the same thing without as much emphasis on Agricultural lifestyle. Something like the LDS movement before its capture. If we’re lucky, the conversion rate would be incredibly fast by leveraging the internet, but the basic hierarchy has to be set first.

Mayflower Sperg says:

To go the LDS route, you must allow and encourage polygyny for single women over 30. These near-spinsters have some viable eggs left, but not enough that any decent man would or should stake his entire genetic future on one wife.

Bouncer says:

>Maybe the greatest danger to a relationship/marriage isn’t other men, it’s other women.

@Pax: IMHO, women will constantly sabotage each other’s relationships with a smile on their faces – the old “if I’m miserable because I didn’t catch a 10/10 guy, you should be miserable too”.
Women are also the ones who tell each other its ok to cheat on their husbands “because if you’re unhappy with him you deserve to be happy with someone else” as well as being the ones who convince each other that their men are cheating on them, because its impossible for a woman to understand that men aren’t driven by sex to the same degree that they are – pure projection in this last case.

If women were actually disgusted by the thought of fucking someone else’s husband, I expect there would be almost no male cheating at all.

TheDividualist says:

I am 46. My biggest mistake was when I was like 22 or so is trying to date girls of my age: classmates. No chance at all. A 22 years old man these days is half a child, yes I was childish, as growing up requires accumulating experience points, and a life of schoolbook learning and videogames acquires XP very slowly. I had no chance competing with the 28 years old men who had way more XP hence maturity and masculinity.

The old rule of half your age plus seven works wonderfully. At 22, it should be 18, at 32, it should be 23.

At 35, 20 is a bit too low, because you will find they are giggly immature children, you can fuck them but cannot talk with them, and that is IMHO boring. I would not have a fuck-only relationship, no point in that, not better than visiting a prostitute.

At 35, 25 works, becaue by 25 they acquire a bit more brains. So you can also talk, not fuck.

So yes one should go for much lower age, but not too much. I don’t understand the old time men marrying a 18 when they were 45. How can they talk? How can they be partners sharing burdens? It would feel like having a child. It would feel like your children are raised by a child and you have no adult in the household to talk to and share ideas with and all.

Bouncer says:

I suspect the 18/45 combo worked back in the day for a number of reasons:
1) there was none of this 1950’s “nuclear family” stuff, so wives slotted into their husband’s extended family which, even if it didn’t all live together, at least socially assisted one another to some degree
2) there was far less of this modern notion of a husband/wife being “partners” in the way you mean it, because their roles were not just implicit, but explicit and rigorously enforced
3) women (and also men, but that is a tangent) didn’t go to school and so grew up around adults, not just other kids of their own age.

That last one is a really big deal – I’ve interacted with youngsters aged under 20 who were home-schooled, and they already act like adults. Meanwhile, I’ve had people in their mid-20’s who have spent their whole time in one educational institution or other and they act like retarded children.

There’s probably a few more too, but can’t think of what right now.

Fidelis says:

I’ve never really been interested in a woman’s ideas, and this is not for lack of trying. Ultimately chemisty comes from something else, something pre-verbal, and age is not really a variable outside of beauty and attraction. I find it easy to have a nonsense conversation about absolutely nothing, in fact the younger ones have less pretentious seriousness so it’s easier to fall into a fun meaningless conversation.

I really don’t understand your perspective. Just as I’ve never been interested in a woman’s ideas or talking points, because they’ve never been intrinsically interesting, I’ve never met a woman who wasn’t childish, irrational and immature. There’s little difference between 28 and 18 in thinking patterns, the actual change seems to be a higher degree of ugly cynicism more than anything.

No, the only problem I can see with a 16/45 pair has to do with physical stamina.

jim says:

Same here. Talking with women is fun, but don’t expect to have an adult conversation.

Redbible says:

If I want to ponder the meaning of the universe, I talk with a man. There is only 1 woman I know that is able to talk a reasonable conversation about deeper topics. That woman is also post menopausal, and has a high testosterone level for a woman. (Enough that she has to very regularly shave her mustache.) And EVEN THEN, she is only about as smart as a reasonably smart man.

Wanting to have a woman you can talk to as an equal is gay.

There is no major differences between how a 9 year old girl, a 19 year old girl, and a 29 year old woman talk, except for how jaded they are, and how much she thinks she knows more than you. Yes, there know more the older they get, but they still talk and think dumb.

Really, it sounds more like a you problem that you can’t enjoy the company of men/women/children dumber than you. Women and children are wonderful to talk and socialize with, but don’t be trying to ponder the meaning of the universe with them, that’s like trying to get the dog to climb a tree.

(I will second Bouncer’s comment about youngsters who were home-schooled.)

Aidan says:

When you marry a woman, you spend a lot of time in conversation with her. You do not need to have “intellectual conversations” with a woman, and no woman is really cut out for that even at high levels of IQ because they interpret everything personally. BUT it is effectively impossible to communicate at all outside of a 30-point IQ gap. The age or maturity of the woman is irrelevant; if you have this great of a gap between you and your wife, your daily life will be pretty miserable. After a certain IQ threshold, every woman will be dumber than you, but not all dumber is created equal. Talking to women in general is like talking to children- talking to a 100iq as a 140 is like communicating with a different species. And at such great gaps, children are likely to have profound mental problems. Mixing a 140 and a 100 does not always create a well-balanced 120. Mixing 140 and 100 often results in offspring assailed by massive internal conflict between 100iq thoughts and emotions and 140iq thoughts and emotions.

The Cominator says:

Almost all white non jewish women are midwits at best though… so what is a higher IQ man to do?

Aidan says:

Obviously it is hard, otherwise we would not spill so much digital ink talking about it. There exist a decent number of women in the 120s, and 120-130 are good enough for basically any smart man, but women above 130 are already rare, and the higher in IQ you go, the more likely that a woman has been ruined, is effectively a shut-in, or pathological in various undesirable ways. Modernity does a lot of damage to smart women.

The Cominator says:

Almost all high IQ white women are bipolar or fit the description of what headshrinkers call BPD. I don’t especially have a problem with this (despite its evil reputation I rather get on very well with girls who have so called borderline personality disorder, and yes I have seen a splitting episode, I’ve heard its common for spergs and BPD cases to get on for some reason they aren’t bothered so much by us being socially off a bit the way normie women are) but the problem is really they are so so rare and put on HORRIBLE meds nowadays which turns them into fat shutins.

jim says:

> BUT it is effectively impossible to communicate at all outside of a 30-point IQ gap.

Not impossible. Takes practice.

Fidelis says:

In one sense it’s true that you hit a limit on how much you can compress a complex topic before it loses meaning. In another sense, we effectively communicate with dogs, so it’s just managing expectations and effectively modeling the mind ofthe person you’re communicating with.

Aidan says:

Well, you happen to be very good at it. I am pretty good at it, but it is a pain in the ass, and I would rather not have to come home after a long day of work and code-switch into normie to talk to my wife. When I seriously started looking for one, would strike up conversation with a lot of women, and if talking to them naturally felt like a pain in the ass, would rule them out. I don’t sound like a pedantic sperg when I speak naturally, at least not if the listener is within 30 IQ points of me, and smart women like it a lot. Picking up smartiepants girls comes very naturally to me, and picking up normie women is a chore. So I do what comes naturally to me and I enjoy. After good frequent fucking, little better for marital harmony than free and easy conversation

Milosevic says:

Is someone able to explain why it was so important for the last election to be stolen but not this one.

Polymarket is showing a violent swing to Trump in the past week.

The Cominator says:

We don’t know for sure it won’t be stolen but pulling off a steal at scale the way they did in 2020 involves a lot of moving parts which must move together. The disastorous nosedive in American power after the various factions installed their puppet (though I’m sure the decline was intended in some quarters) and especially the horrifying realization that America can’t project military power enough not only to beat Russia but even to defeat Yemeni goat herders means that some of the moving parts just aren’t there at this point.

Plus a lot of people even in the elite are just tired of the blue cult’s shit. Not sure they realize they have to kill all the blue cultists though yet.

jim says:

What has happened is that all the straight white males find themselves being sidelined by various mafias based on race, sex, and sexual preference, which results in the operations formerly operated by straight white males ceasing to function. At the same time, feminists got shafted by the lesbian mafia, and the lesbian mafia got shafted by male to female transexuals. (intersectionality). Observe the amazing takeover of the white house by the sexual deviant mafia. Hunter Biden is finding he cannot steal money because the White house is full of people who steal underwear. The Jews and the Muslims are at each other’s throats, and the Jews behind the Ukraine project are copping heat from Jews who want an Iran project.

The big finance capitalists who were planning the looting of Ukraine are seeing their investments going south, and looting of Europe is running dry. Global American Empire dysfunction results in vote stealing and election manipulation dysfunction.

Point four of Zelensky’s victory plan is giving away Ukrainian titanium reserves for pennies on the dollar, but with the Russians about to take Ukrainian coal, this is not very attractive, and the people he is giving it to find they cannot get the military industrial complex to actually produce useful weapons.

For a long time they sailed through all this thanks to the cult of toxic positivity (“Bidenomics is working great. Why don’t people realise they are better off than ever. Putin is falling, falling, fallen, he has fallen!”) If you search Ukraine on you tube, you get an endless pile of you tube videos telling you the Ukraine project is working great, but the cult of toxic positivity is hard hit by reality.

Reality is that the war in the Ukraine is lost, and Houthi goat herders in the Red Sea defeated the US navy, due to a shortage of aircraft carriers that actually function. Israel will not share its plans with the White house, because it leaks like a sieve.

In response to the general chaos, deep state operatives are just giving up and floating along to wherever the current takes them.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Jim, I would like to question the looting thing a bit:

I know they pocket a lot of money and goods, but what are they doing with it? If you are guy who already has a million dollars, why do you need another million? I thought the stuff they already had would be enough for crack and hookers for a lifetime. I don’t get what is the point of looting more than that because I don’t see what they would use it for (unless they are like fantasy dragons just hoarding gold in their caves).

Varna says:

Possibly one of the factors is that if a guy is inside the neonomenklatura structure (and it’s likely increasingly difficult to not be if some other big boy club doesn’t have your back), it’s constant fight to stay afloat, switch micro-alliances, etc, buy favors, lease politicians, corrupt and counter-corrupt institutions, so a constant inflow of resources is a must.

jim says:

Yes. that is a factor, but you cannot imagine how fast our ruler’s money disappears, and how fast their goods turn to trash.

jim says:

Are you Doctor Evil?

One million dollars is about a week’s worth of hookers and blow. Our elite is feeling the pinch. There are far too many of them, and not enough loot. Evil has been suffering inflation. See my post “the poverty of the billionaire ruling elite

No matter how much money they have, it suffers mysterious shrinkage. The Cominator’s whore is way better than Nancy’s beard has.

Everything around them mysteriously turns to trash, and they cannot replace it fast enough.

The Cominator says:

I fucked my favorite stripper probably 80 times at about 100 dollars a pop, songs after 5 were free she wanted me to keep going. A good hooker you get on well with can be a lot cheaper than a girlfriend.

It’s more that when you are paying with other people’s money and you think there will always be more you don’t care about price and no hooker is going to stop you from overpaying.

Cloudswrest says:

Are you Doctor Evil?

ROFL. One million dollars may barely get you a 1/4 acre lot in Palo Alto, in the seedier parts of town.

Contaminated NEET says:

It’s not about consumption, it’s about influence. Power becomes money which they then roll over into more power, which becomes more money, which becomes more power, and on, and on. You fund “charities,” you fund promising politicians on your side, you fund propaganda campaigns, all of which set you up to steal more in the next round. You pay for the legal defense of your rioters and then you extort more money from big companies that would rather not be visited by them.

The Jewish mobsters and bootleggers of the ’20s invested their ill-gotten gains in legitimate businesses, “charities,” and political groups like the ADL that fought for them, and now their dynasties have old-money cachet and determine the future of whole States. The Italians, meanwhile, spent their money on hookers and blow, and buried the remainder in coffee cans in the woods, and look how they ended up.

The Cominator says:

“The Italians, meanwhile, spent their money on hookers and blow,”

Did not happen. Especially blow. Oldschool mafosi didn’t like the drug business and drug addicts as members and associates were considered unreliable and unreliable people could get killed. Michael Franzese has gone into detail about how anti drug the mafia was among its own members (the mafia was actually big on things like punctuality and reliability too, Franzese was late to a meeting once early on and his boss made him stand outside the next day for four hours on the street and when he showed up he said something to the effect of you ever gonna fuckin be late again).

Most Jews were persuaded that they should “go legit” after prohibition ended as the rackets in most of the country came firmly under Italian control (there were more Jewish gangs during prohibition, after prohibition it just wasn’t worth it for jews to stay in crime as mere tributaries to Italian gangs) though Lansky and Bugsy Siegel were considered sort of honorary members of the Genovese family because they were old friends and partners of Luciano.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Oldschool mafosi didn’t like the drug business and drug addicts as members and associates were considered unreliable

I mostly meant “hookers and blow” as a colorful shorthand for frivolous spending on short-term gratification, but I don’t really buy that romantic mob movie tale about how in the good old days the mafia wouldn’t touch drugs. Lucky Luciano was pushing heroine in the 1920s.

Anyway, the fact is the Jewish mobsters founded empires and the Eyeties faded away to nothing. I recently listened to Devon Stack’s 3 part series on the ADL, and part two focused heavily on the symbiosis between the ADL and the Jewish gangsters, so it’s been on my mind lately. There was never an Italian equivalent of the ADL, and there never will be.

The Cominator says:

And its part of what got him in trouble, and I watched a Michael Franzese thing where he talked to Joe Pistone (better known as Donny Brasco) and Pistone confirmed that despite Joe Bonnano having been involved with heroine even the Bonano’s weren’t really involved with drugs in the 70s either.
> There was never an Italian equivalent of the ADL, and there never will be.
Joe Colombo tried to make one but the rest of the mafia whacked him for it.

skippy says:

It’s fair to point out that the Jews had a rather stronger position in general terms than the Italians (or often more specifically Sicilians). They were in much more of a position to bring together illegal and legal activities to subvert a state.

Also, and Americans don’t like to hear this, but the USA was simply a *very subvertable state*. European monarchies, or Asian monarchies for that matter, or even the Weimar Republic, would not have tolerated all the mafias just meeting in a board room somewhere. They wouldn’t have tolerated “celebrity” mafiosos walking free for decades, etc. They had mechanisms to override legality in such cases.

The Cominator says:

Cotaminated Neet’s point isn’t what happened though really.

The US was absolutely very subvertable but it has nothing to do with a lack of a mechanism to override legality as the government DID override legality to take down the mob. RICO was overriding legality. Going after Gotti’s attorney (he was the 1st person they did that to before Trump) was overriding legality.

The Italian mafia in America was not really bad enough that it ever warranted overriding legality. Vegas, New York and Providence were all much better places back when the mafia ran them or at least had significant power. The government just didn’t like the competition. The only example of the mafia really going over to hard left subversion would be Pelosi as she was a mobster’s daughter.

skippy says:

“RICO was overriding legality.”

Yes, a law passed in 1970.

The Cominator says:

They basically overrode legality to get Capone too, oh well we can’t prove he’s bootlegging after 5 years of having a whole floor of federal agents dedicated to convicting Capone, so lets judge charge him with tax evasion.

Aidan says:

Oh, that’s why Providence is still pretty nice and seems like it’s getting nicer. Didn’t realize it was a mob town, and now that you mention, it definitely still is behind the scenes. Contrast with every other New England post-industrial shithole. Makes sense, Rhode Island strikes me as a place that feigns outward compliance with the left while having some mechanism of stonewalling infiltration and leftward drift.

The Cominator says:

It was referenced in the movie The Departed how much of a mafia town Providence at least used to be.

And no its not getting nicer… Providence clubs (and strip clubs) used to be (BY FAR) the most fun places you could go in New England (and as far as strip club experiences go Providence is the one place where I went to a strip club and I was inexperienced then and with a regular lap dance it just begins without me saying anything really with her telling me to pull it out and she just starts sucking)… but its a lot like everywhere else now.

Aidan says:

Providence, like anywhere else, is probably less fun than it used to be, but every city has lost nightlife and sleaze to feminism. I drive through providence and see new construction and a seemingly functional economy, with a lot of obviously gainfully employed whites and few blacks. Contrast with nigger wasteland Fall River to the East, nigger wasteland New Haven to the south, nigger wasteland Hartford to the west, and nigger wasteland Worcester to the northwest. I used to live in NYC, and felt safe enough there to walk alone at night in even the more dangerous neighborhoods, but the worst parts of New England cities make me itch to have a weapon in my hand at all times, because like Detroit they are semi-apocalyptic, with ferals squatting in rotting ruins, and Providence is not like that.

The Cominator says:

I lived in Mass for a long time… it wasn’t so so bad until the second half of King Nigger’s second term. Suddenly political fanatics everywhere and literally everyone rich poor white and black had multiple people they knew well who died oding on some drug (the hilarious thing is that if you knew people who were like hippies they were the least likely group to have these problems, hippies didn’t do fentanyl or heroin they liked weed cigs and hallucinogens and they were actually not fanatical about politics).

Providence probably kept the worst of the drug problem at bay and anywhere is better than places like Brockton or Fall River. No the nightlife is I’m sure a pale shadow of what it once was.

Milosevic says:

It is true that we don’t know if it will be stolen yet.

It just seems to me that the blue tribe’s faith is still very much alive, and they still control essentially everything worth controlling.

If Harris doesn’t win this election I’m starting to doubt if the other one was stolen at all, in the terms that we think about it. All the incentives to steal it are still there. If it was so important to steal it last time – it’s just as important to steal it this time. Nothing has really changed.

jim says:

> the blue tribe’s faith is still very much alive, and they still control essentially everything worth controlling.

They believe in rather too many different things. The feminists got shafted by the lesbians, the lesbians got shafted by the trannies. The Muslims got shafted by the Jews, and the Jews shafted each other. The warmists want to deindustrialise, Finance Capitalism wants to steal industry. The Covidians (the medical industrial complex) and the military industrial complex are fighting over the loot.

They are suffering from a massive and rapid loss of competence. Stealing an election while retaining somewhat plausible deniability has a lot of moving parts.

In Moldova, they are having an EU referendum. To ensure the right outcome, they jailed the opposition. That is just clumsy, and we may infer that they would have found it difficult to deniably steal the referendum if they allowed the opposition to run around. The people attempting to steal the Moldova referendum are the same people attempting to steal the American election. The synchrony between all these steals indicates a single center of organisation located in Washington or Harvard.

The basic idea of the coalition of the fringes was that the fringes would remain out of real power, and the usual crowd would run everything and steal everything as usual. But the fringes are now elbowing the old guard out of way, and the fact that each fringe does not much like the other fringes suddenly becomes salient.

Milosevic says:

> plausible deniability?

I’m not sure why this is necessary. Blue Tribe will welcome the steal as a fortification of democracy. What Red Tribe thinks is irrelevant.

jim says:

They are worried about civil war. Recall what happened after the Maidan coup. Also a bunch of strangely improbable African election results have been undone by coup.

Looking at the world as a whole, when a member of violently unpopular minority with a violently unpopular policies strangely gets elected, and proceeds to implement policies even more violently unpopular than he, she, or it was elected on, trouble is apt to ensue. There is a limit to how much election stealing you can get away with, just as there is a limit to how much money you can print and successfully spend. We are rapidly approaching both limits.

You know the joke about bankruptcy:

How do you go bankrupt?

First slowly, then suddenly.

Civil war and hyperinflation is like that.

Milosevic says:

You’ve said many times about how the right does not have a leader. This problem still remains. And without a leader, there will be no civil war.

Erik Prince is perhaps the likeliest candidate the right has for a potential military leader. I’ve studied him carefully over the past 12 months and he is completely ideologically possessed by his enemies. The US military is completely pozzed.

I just don’t see civil war being a problem for them. It is a massive problem for us.

jim says:

> You’ve said many times about how the right does not have a leader. This problem still remains. And without a leader, there will be no civil war.

They don’t have a leader either. Kamala has a Dunbar number of puppet masters yanking her strings. And it is a lot easier for a leader to appear on the right than on the left, since our basic ideology cheerfully expects a grossly unsatisfactory Caesar.

There are many ways a leader could appear. Expect the unexpected.

Fidelis says:

I’ve studied him carefully over the past 12 months and he is completely ideologically possessed by his enemies.

Not my read. I see him maneuvering very carefully, because he knows he is a candidate for Caesar, and he knows everyone else knows he’s a candidate for Caesar. A very dangerous seat to be in. When asked about the election, he says, paraphrasing, “Lets stay on script. If we go off script, things can get very bad, I’ve seen it happen personally, so let’s stay on script.” But he delivers this line in such a way, that it’s clear that he does not expect things to stay on script.

Most of what he says in just catering to the overton window, and he’s pretty far to the right edge of that window. Not as far as Tucker, but he is not as much of a media personaility to be able to have that inutive grasp.

That’s my read, anyway. What makes you believe he is ideologically captured? Are there specific things he’s said or done that clearly signal leftist beliefs instead of platitudes? I understand this can be murky, as that is entirely the point, but I am interested if you caught something I did not.

Milosevic says:

It’s difficult to recall all the specifics as it’s been general impressions built up over time but here are two examples that come straight to mind:

His Unplugged phone is an attempt at comms security, but uses enemy hardware, and is therefore useless – and probably dangerous as it encourages carelessness through false security.

He had a group chat leaked earlier this year that displayed a comical understanding of opsec and the potential consequences of lack of opsec in the modern world (note we still have no idea of Jim’s real identity).

I believe Prince, like Trump, can recognise things are very very bad but at the end of the day they still both believe in the idea of an America created by their enemies. And I believe if these men are given the opportunity they will be unable or unwilling to act (as Trump has already proven), because the actions required will be out of their conceptual boundaries.

jim says:

> His Unplugged phone is an attempt at comms security, but uses enemy hardware, and is therefore useless

Assuming Prince’s engineers have done the job right, an unplugged phone will reveal that the owner of particular sim is communicating from a particular location — and nothing else.

Yes, it has enemy controlled systems inside it. But, assuming he has done his job, those enemy controlled systems will have no access to your data, similar to using simless CalyxOS phone through a vpn running on a vpn through a portable router that does have a sim.

To make person to person calls, the phone relies on sip, running through offshore data centres controlled by Prince. In which case the enemy knows that the owner of a particular sim card at a particular location is communicating with one of Prince’s data centers, but if there are many calls running through those data centers, does not know who that person is talking to, nor can the enemy hear what either party is saying.

What he claims to have done is doable. What it should be is a CalyxOS phone with an internal router containing a sim card, instead of relying directly on the sim card, and a secure sip service. The security flaw in CalyxOS is that the cell phone companies hardware has access to the CalyxOS phone’s hardware. Which can be fixed by using a simless CalyxOS cell phone, as many people do. Or fixed by walling off the cell companies hardware so this has only a router connection to the rest of your system.

cub says:

>You’ve said many times about how the right does not have a leader. This problem still remains. And without a leader, there will be no civil war.

The great thing about being based is that you don’t really need one. God is our leader and reality is our Schelling point. If the redpills keep flowing then it’s only a matter of time- all you need is a starting gun/Rubicon moment when critical mass is reached.

The attempts to kill Trump might be an attempt at a false flag premature starting gun as much as anything else. The right has made massive ideological gains in the past decade and momentum is on our side.

cub says:

Also Jim, why Calyx over Graphene?

jim says:

Graphene has enemies within. Also Braxman uses Calyx.

I have absolutely no knowledge of backdoors in Graphene, but every crypto project is assailed by entryists who insert subtle backdoors.

I don’t know much about the code, but I know poor security against social attack when I see it.

Jehu says:


A little memetic hope from the Babylon Bee. Are they insinuating that Barron is to be Octavian to Trump’s Caesar?

jim says:

Donald Trump Junior is, of course, the rightful heir of Holy Emperor Trump, and has suddenly developed charisma, but everyone tends to think about Barron, who remains silent, though I get the feeling, watching his face when he saw the attempted assassination of his father, that he has been reading up on the career of Octavian.

Octavian’s first political act was to walk into a military base and address the soldiers. He was the first to act according to the new normal, but took no political actions when everyone was still half believing in the old normal.

Mister Grumpus says:

Trump, Trump Junior, Ramaswamy, RFK Junior, that lady from Hawaii, all of these people need to just keep on doing rallies, straight through 2028 and beyond. Stadiums, military bases, nerdy book night round tables at universities, no fucking stopping for one minute this time.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Stealing an election while retaining somewhat plausible deniability has a lot of moving parts.”

This must be it. Of course they can steal it, but it’ll be so obvious that the legitimacy will be gone, and the territory will start deviating from the map quickly. The offices and institutions will be stuffed with their people, but no one will believe a word they say. Ultimate Power -> Power Vacuum.

And that can stably go on for a long time too — see also the USSS, Cuba, etc — but there are people now who understand that they stand a lot to loose from this:

“Hunter Biden is finding he cannot steal money because the White house is full of people who steal underwear.”

A smarter fraction of the crooks — the Thermidoreans right? — must be getting the picture that without legitimacy, they’re through too. Even Hunter Biden is going to court for stuff, which is ridiculous, like King Louis the 14th getting a parking ticket. What the fuck is even happening.

jim says:

Trump is the great deal maker.

The neocons promised the finance capitalists that they could loot Russia and Ukraine to the ground, and destroy the production capitalists with austerity. They told the Israeli Nationalist Jews that with Russia out of the way, they could smash Syria into one hundred little statelets, and Iran would be surrounded.

Well the finance capitalists are not getting Russia and the Ukraine, and they are losing the international role of the federal reserve fiat. About which they are mighty pissed.

Trump is all in on the US dollar, because he is an elite cutting a deal with pissed off members of the financial elite, and similarly all in on Israel, because he is making a deal with pissed off Jews. And he is promising the feminists to get the trannies off their backs. There are enough pissed off members of the ruling coalition to queer any attempt to steal the election.

Your Uncle Bob says:

>starting to doubt if the other one was stolen at all

We saw the vote count paused arbitrarily at 3 am, and resume with blocks of hundreds of thousands of new votes for Biden, mostly on ballots with no down-ballot votes cast. We saw urban machine counting stations kick out poll watchers and put cardboard up in their windows.

We saw the steal happen in realtime.

If you’re reasoning from first principles but you end up contradicting observable reality, question your principles or your reasoning, not reality.

DH says:

These are hard times for the Soros shills. A demon, and the worst Jew since Karl Marx, Gehenna George witnesses his entire life’s work collapsing before his eyes. I don’t expect a demon under such severe exorcism to live much longer.

“Bibi must go.”

Who must go?

Redbible says:

I have some questions about women/girls and passing fitness/shit test

It has been previously stated on this blog (in certain comments) that:
• Any aggressive act by a woman/girl is a fitness/shit test.
• Destructive and self destructive female behavior are also fitness/shit tests.
• A man needs to elicit fitness/shit tests.

So my questions are:
1. How does one elicit a fitness/shit test? Are there better or worse ways of doing this? Is intentionally doing something to piss her off a good way?
2. How does one pass fitness/shit tests? I get that there is only so mush good a general statement can apply given that different situations call for different actions/behaviors, but I feel like I am missing something from my understanding of how to be able to pass shit tests consistently.

Thanks for any feedback.

Fidelis says:

Too much related to context. In a way, you can pass shit tests without ever eliciting anything explicit. The happy path is you tell her she has nice tits you want to see them without anything in the way, and she agrees it’s a good idea before following you to your apartment. Is it accurate to call that eliciting a shit test? I dunno, but its basically what people mean when they say it.

Usually she’s not down to follow you back right away, she wants to sniff you out first, so she immediately acts bitchy and prude, how dare you ask that don’t you know I’m a high status alpha bitch blah blah. Then you do the dance. You want to get better at the dance? Figure out how much you can get away with, and how quickly. This stuff can be learned but it’s like learning and instrument, you’ll never understand what all the words mean until you get your hands on the thing.

Adam says:

She will try to set the frame, or more accurately keep the default frame of “you’re a beta, you are unattractive and you will never sleep with me or get my attention”.

Your frame has to be “I am general buck naked, all these bitches are for me”.

So your mentality must be that every single thing she does, is an effort to get you to sleep with her. If she ignores you, she wants to fuck. If she treats you badly, she wants to fuck. If she talks shit to you or about you, she wants to fuck.

The challenge is no matter what she says and does, you are indeed general buck naked, and you are ready to party, with her or some other chick one way or another. A great deal of passing shit tests is ignoring them and laughing at them. She is a retarded spoiled entitled brat. Her social armor is ridiculous.

A great way to elicit a shit test is to ask her or text her what color panties she is wearing today. If she sees you as alpha she will tell you the color, or tell you she isn’t wearing any. If she doesn’t see you that way she will respond negatively, which is the shit test, which is your opening to pass by displaying sexual competence. My normal response goes something like “Lmao we both know yes you are exactly that kind of girl”. Or something to that effect.

Adam says:

My example is from online dating, where the response is 50/50. Either she tells you the color, or she tells you “I am not the kind of girl that would answer that”. Or similar.

If you push the conversion in any way sexually, if she doesn’t cooperate, that is the test. Same goes in person, but it’s easier in person IMO. Text game is harder but very doable.

jim says:

> Is intentionally doing something to piss her off a good way?

Mostly not. Men attract shit tests by performing — by displaying confidence and masculinity, by demonstrating status as women understand status, by demonstrating higher value than her. Which might involve treating her badly, but honey gets more flies than vinegar.

When a man is attracted to a woman, he is nice to her, when a woman is attracted to a man, she becomes difficult and will cause him grief. Back in the days when the courtship dance was accurately depicted, I recall a musical in which Guinevere, getting the hots for Lancelot, sets up a bunch of knights who promise to cut him into pieces. They musically promise to dismember him. He defeats them, and she swoons.

One effective tactic, which you might perceive as treating her badly, is the neg. It is not exactly an insult, though directly deprecating a woman does work. It is more “what did he mean by that?” She suspects she may have been insulted or put down.

And how do you pass fitness tests? There is no magic bullet. It is a test. One hopes a less lethal test than Guinevere gave Lancelot, which was the most direct and primitive fitness test of them all. But women love arranging fitness tests that can have disastrous consequences for the man.

It is important to remain calm, something I find difficult, and confident, which I manage fine. You should take it as if she is punching a rock with her little girly fists, as if she is storm and you are an oak tree.

Encelad says:

Since we are on topic on memes and aesthetics…


There is this Article about Soros junior receiving Tim Waltz in his apartment, with pictures attached.

I can’t help to notice how ugly and depressing is the minimalist furniture inside (furniture that for sure was bought for an astronomic price).
How can a person who has so much money an average man couldn’t earn in one hundred lives, choose to be surrounded by such squalor?
Now, he is a faggot, thus weird tastes, but still many people from our ruling class share this kind of style preference.
Compare, in contrast, the mansion of the deceased warlord Eugenj Prigozhin.

A2 says:

His gf Huma Abedin (remember her?) — she has to be a beard.

The spot looks more like an office than a home, I’d say. But one never knows.

Pax Imperialis says:

>But one never knows.

That picture of them together in the link is interesting. Notice how he’s the one wearing the Kamala shirt and she’s not? Notice how he’s he one leaning into her (but not even touching) and she’s not? Notice how her smile is far more synthetic looking than his? Notice etc etc etc???

jim says:

Alex Soros is a stupendously powerful billionaire, supposedly, yet he has an ugly fiancee Huma Abedin, whom he is scared to touch.

The body language in that image is just horribly off. He leans into her, grinning goofily, but is to scared to make contact, while she has a tight fake smile like she is embarrassed to be seen with a stupendously rich and powerful billionaire who is younger and less unattractive looking than herself.

In any photo op I am apt to grab the nearest chick and haul her into me, and she usually looks happier about it than Huma Abedin does.

ray says:

There’s high demand for your photo-ops then, eh Lord Jimianity? lol

jim says:

No such for quite a long time.

Mister Grumpus says:

Thank you for the link. It’s the Hunter Biden pattern, uptown version. Guy has all that money, all that influence, anyone who’s anyone kissing his ass. Future Kings of England taping podcasts at his condo. The works.

And that’s his bitch. Horsey Huma Abadin. And that’s his place. Ikea with two surplus zeroes on everything.

If I were him, I’d be the most bitter and frustrated motherfucker alive, to have “everything” but nothing good that matters.

Who aspires to be him, or like him? Who are these people who look up to him? What are their true motivations?

Contaminated NEET says:

Frustrated? He picked that stuff, or at very least he OK’d picks made by a highly paid interior designer acting under his general guidance and direction. He could have whatever decor he wanted, and that is what he chose. Of my many antisemitic opinions, perhaps the most horrifying is that Jews genuinely like the hideous art and architecture they foist on the rest of us. The fact that we hate it is certainly a bonus, but this is the environment they choose to build for themselves when they have unlimited material resources.

As for Huma, it’s not about sex, it’s not about attraction, it’s about power. She is connected, and she connects Alex to her connections, helping him transform his money into power, which then brings even more money, etc., etc. If he wanted sex with beautiful women, he could have it in a heartbeat. It’s not that he can’t get nice things, it’s that he’s spiritually and aesthetically deformed and doesn’t want nice things.

jim says:

> He picked that stuff

Did he pick to be leaning into an ugly chick while frightened to touch her in any way?

If his picks were unconstrained, he would have a hot chick wrapping herself around him. It is likely therefore, if his furniture picks were unconstrained, they would look like Trump furniture.

Look at the PC reaction to Trump furniture. They are angry about it. If Soros had nice stuff, they would be angry at him. They tear down beautiful buildings for the same reason as Ubisoft uglified their motion capture model. They hate beauty as they hate goodness. They are the greatest victims of their own hatred. Modelling this phenomenon as demons in charge has good predictive capability.

Reflect on Ubisoft Star Wars Outlaws. They paid good money for the IP. And then decided to sex change Hans Solo, burning most of the value of IP they paid for. So, the artists hired a hot chick to do the stunts, and motion captured her for the video game character. Athletic hot chicks are thin on the ground, and good motion capture costs time and money. So they now had a hot chick video game character doing athletic stunts. Oh no, too hot. This will lead to the dreaded male gaze. We cannot have our players enjoying what they see on the screen. No. that might sell games even though we burned the IP.

They are just rationalising. They don’t like anyone having anything nice. Similarly, Europe killing off beef production.

Pax Imperialis says:

>If his picks were unconstrained, he would have a hot chick wrapping herself around him

His interest in gay men doesn’t seem forced and he looks/acts weak and effeminate. Can we say for certain he would have hot women when everything about him screams butt boy?

Semi related to Ubisoft, remember Tomb Raider? Netflix cut her tits off.

jim says:

The hover.

Even if both of them are only performing heterosexuality for the cameras, he wants to perform it but is afraid to do so, and she is not playing along.

The body language of the hover indicates fear, regardless of the sexual preference of either of them. He is delighted by the photo op, but too frightened to actually perform it. She is mildly irritated. This is not a man who does what he wants and gets what he wishes.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Considering how Huma was Hillary’s bed warmer that is practically without question.

jim says:

She is not his beard. The power dynamic is the wrong way around. The poor guy is her beard.

I always said Soros was minion. His son is lower grade of minion.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Corroborating the point being it’s clearly a ‘political arrangement’ in any case, but granted.

Everything I’ve seen of the younger Soros paints a picture of a stuttering feckless plant who will have the honor of presiding over the disappearance of his name’s prominence in society, and is kept around simply as a placeholder for continued operations.

Is there not a more perfect snapshot of late imperial clownworld, in fact, than the spectacle of a mysterymeat butch riding herd over a bugman trophy ‘husband’? Symbolically, a demonic parody of the order of things. And at the same rate, a practical condemnation: the ‘best of the best’ of the system that stand above the rest are mysterymeat ftms.

jim says:

Soros was smart. Whether his son is smart or not is irrelevant, because now mystery meat cat ladies are running the show.

The pullout of Soros operations from Russia illustrates this. They persuaded themselves they were doing Russia a favour, so the pullout was a punishment that would bring Russia to its knees.

Colour revolution has not been working since the real Soros lost his grip.

Mister Grumpus says:

“…and is kept around simply as a placeholder for continued operations.”

Ice fucking cold.

Pax Imperialis says:

Most single men are perfectly fine living surrounded by minimalist “squalor”. Rich, middling, and poor alike, single men simply choose utility over pointless decorations. After all, what could a single man ever desire beyond a widescreen TV, PC, fast car, guns, liquor, etc etc… it’s what we colloquially know as a bachelor pad. The main reason why men have “nice” things outside of “minimalism” is because there are women in their lives.

That is not squalor you see in those pictures, but sterility.. Similar to the bachelor pad, you know there isn’t much pussy around, but dissimilar to the bachelor pad, there’s furniture a galore. Furniture designed to impress other faggots, and not furniture designed for a woman to raise and bear kids in. Needless to say, the fertility of such households in rather low.

Varna says:

Birth rates: according to the Polish Institute of Economics, the real fertility rate in Europe really is East Asian levels.

With the honorable exception of tiny Montenegro, but that doesn’t count, they have a population of half a million people, so it’s like only counting the demographic trends of the suburbs of one proper-sized capital city.

Likely if the diversity is subtracted from places like France, Germany, and Britain, heritage white fertility goes to around 1.0

With an age pyramid so utterly inverted, this means we’re entering a historical period in which the oldest are the most numerous, then the middle aged are in the middle, and the youngest are the fewest. So, every 10 years there will be a wave of deaths, with the population suddenly contracting.

It’ll be like returning to the pre-modern mortality levels, only this time not spread out across age layers, but focused on the oldest (unless the youngest get hit by a combination of toxic chemical, microplastic, suicide epidemics, and mandatory injections, but let’s keep that aside for now).

So. Waves of mass deaths are back on the menu. Also death as a non-metaphorical concept will inevitably make a huge comeback into culture. No more urban insulation. This could either force a sharp cultural return to realism or a final retreat into solipsism.

One thing for sure, with this demographic transition already in place, and starting to go off very soon generational layer by generational layer, this is the worst time for system entropy to affect institutions, especially those to do with healthcare.

The last decade with a reasonably normal age pyramid structure was the 1990s. We’re all still living in the afterglow of that last decade, but it’s going to dim fast before 2030 when the death cascade kicks in.

And, of course, overall social resilience to catastrophes and upheavals will plummet when 80% of the population is old fucks. Likely also a return to classical premodern stuff like “the great head-cold wave of the winter of 2028 when half of Munich dropped dead and only bewildered Turks and Arabs were left”.

At least the European net-zero carbon agenda that’s supposed to happen between 2030 and 2050 appears to be on track to check all boxes. Yes, with tens of millions disappearing in massive waves every few years, the carbon footprint will be lowered for sure, travel will decrease, less cars, less industry, there’s every chance that the maniacal plans will actually be achieved. Automatically.

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