The Trump program

Howard Lutnik, transition leader for the Trump team, tells us how Trump intends to keep his promises this time around.

Trump is likely to win in a landslide. It looks like coup Thermidor has gone through, and they are just waiting to hold an actually free and fair election to make it official and legal. Which does not mean that free and fair elections are back in style, but they will be held when convenient, and today is convenient for team Thermidor.

Transition Team Leader Howard Lutnick says Trump is going to cut three billion over two years, primarily by reigning in corruption. He reveals not the slightest indication of any awareness of what it would take to reign in corruption, but he has spent hours talking to Musk, who is going to be the government efficiency man, and Musk does know what it would take to rein in corruption. Which does not mean he will be able and allowed to do it. Nor does it mean he told Howard Lutnik how it could be done, but a two hour off the record conversation on the topic? Knowing Musk, he would spill the beans.

Project 2025 is totally radioactive, and neither Trump nor anyone on his transition team dares have the slightest interaction with them. Yet Dark Maga is not radioactive — perhaps because the left’s crime thought shield stops them from understanding the meme. The nature of memes means that to get a meme, you have to know of the idea and have some awareness of the idea system of which it is part. Often the meme is a highly elliptical and indirect reference to the idea and system of ideas, because you want the person seeing the meme to make an effort to understand the thread, to go on a mental journey along the thread, and the leftist is not going to do that, so it goes right over his head. The leftist is going to need this stuff spelled out plainly by someone in authority. A meme is not a policy position or an explanation, or even an idea, but an invitation to go on a little walk through a system of ideas, and a leftist is not going to go on a little walk through flaming crimethoughts.

And to the extent that anyone in swamp understands the meme, they probably also understand what is necessary to deal with their opponents within the swamp.

If we get Beria, a General Monck, or if Trump himself is now Dark Maga, as well he may be after all this lawfare and assassination attempts, then we have a leader. Or perhaps Musk has more steel in him than he reveals. He has a notable tendency to be attracted to technologies that are critical to power.

Greg Abbot in Texas demonstrated that non commissioned officer outranks a supreme court justice, and the sky did not fall on his head. Tony Abbot in Australia demonstrated that an air force commando outranks a supreme court justice, and the sky did not fall on his head. Perhaps we will have a corruption cleanup and illegal immigration cleanup that goes just as smoothly as Tony Abbot’s illegal immigration cleanup.

Now you might say that solving illegal immigration Jackson style is one thing, but solving corruption Jackson style is another. And you would be right. But Duterte in Davao solved corruption and crime, Pinochet style, and the sky did not fall on his head.

30 comments The Trump program

Karl says:

Talk about corruption clean-up is politically safe. A progressive could talk about it among progressives.

Frankly, I don’t mind corruption all that much. I have no problem if any ranking bureaucrats and leaders get filthy rich, if they stop immigration, don’t force me and mine to take any vaccinations or medication, keep fags out of public live and either punish primitive criminals or turn a blind eye if my friends do it.

If someone talks about a minor problem, I suspect it is done to avoid talking about the major problems.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

When you are sovereign, you use your sovereignty to get rich. A natural inevitability.

Which in turn makes this a conveniently common lever of ressentiment for a putative subversive out of power to oust the incumbent power and take power for themselves. Whereupon they will also enrich themselves – and more besides.

They will protest: ‘instead of a system where men who are responsible can enrich themselves, we should have a system where noone is responsible and noone can enrich themselves’.

And they very well get it. Which certainly isn’t reducing the amount of rent-seeking at the end of the day. Dividing power up into little bits and pieces doesn’t reduce graft, it multiplies it exponentially.

The Cominator says:

Corruption is cancerous right now though and it’s a huge problem. You can argue a little corruption is good but not everyone in DC should get filthy rich. That creates a real negative economic impact.

Your Uncle Bob says:

If anything on your “all I want list” was achievable in itself, you’d have it by now. The political history of the US over the past 50+ years has been well meaning policy wonks and perpetually surprised political naifs trying to do only what must be done and no more, and never getting any of it. Any narrow, specific or technical policy proposal from the right is always stymied by the combination of opposition from the other side (even minority opposition), and the thumb on the scale of the managerial state.

To accomplish anything on your list or anyone else’s, have to aim past it, subsume your narrow technical goals in some larger project with more momentum. “Anti-corruption” is a bare minimum Aim Past vehicle to stop immigration, or anything else you might want.

And even it might not be enough. But its all they can come out and talk about without getting arrested.

Humungus says:

Greetings again,

I hope everyone is well.

Perhaps Trump will save the country, perhaps not. We must rely on ourselves in any eventuality. Self reliance is for men.

Humungus would like to remind you of the dire need for superior transportation. I reliable set of wheels with a high output V8 and enough load capacity to carry your equipment and concubines.

Today, Humungus went on a long roadtrip out on the open highway. 485 HP, 392 CI of fuel injected terror. Top end estimated at 170 mph. But, Humungus is a man of control. Not given to impulse. The power is there when the time is right.

That time approaches fast. There will be an awakening of the road warrior when civilization falls. Will you be ready?

Mister Grumpus says:

“…but he has spent hours talking to Musk, who is going to be the government efficiency man, and Musk does know what it would take to rein in corruption.”

Some great anecdotes about Musk taking out the trash when he bought Twitter, and a running theme is that merely saying “This is bullshit and you guys are fired” was NOT enough. He once had to go into a data center himself, borrow a bodyguard’s pocket knife, and sever cables himself personally.

That’s far short of helicopter rides, of course, but it’s also a long way from mere “deal making”. There’s the new element of righteous physical assertion.

Project 2025 is the official Trump platform, MSNBC told me so!!!111

All kidding aside, if Mr. Trump manages to win the election by a margin larger than that by which the democrats and deep state will cheat, he has a big job in front of him. He must exterminate the deep state using an amount of strength that has never been used before, otherwise we have little more than a four year reprieve.

This is not an exaggeration. Heads need to roll. The deep state needs to be removed from existence so completely that no one dare challenge Real America again.

Karl says:

Nah, these “well-meaning” policy monks were faithful adherents of the state religion. They got what they wanted and wanted nothing from my list.

Mabe they claimed that they wanted something from my listand beieved it, but when anything us done, a situation comes up where a choice has to be made and that choice is then made according to religion.

E.g, Stop Immigration means peple crossing a border have to be shot. An adherent of the state religion values the life of the would-be immigrant higher than the policy goal of stop immigration. So immigration us not stopped.

Karl says:

Should have been a response to “your uncle bob” below. Sorry for messing up the thread

Mister Grumpus says:

A snippet of podcast conversation sticks with me, between that handsome fellow and Eric Weinstein, the Inexplicably Everywhere Jewish Harvard Physicist.

Eric says, essentially, that with the 4th Turning crumbling of post-1945 GAE Supremacy into a more Balkanized “multi-polar world” that remains, the game theory structure of human-perceived reality qualitatively changes. That the way people or peoples coordinate, cooperate and/or defect works very differently when N=7 than they did in the good old days when N equaled 2.

I can sense that there’s something to this, but what exactly? Does anyone care to elaborate?

The best way I can put it is that there’s a factorially expanding amount of scheming and double-crossing that’s going on, or at least possible. Becky said X to Sally about Jenny, but that’s not what Molly heard from Annie after she’d overheard her talking to Sandy about it after gymnastics practice.

More names, more factions, more channels, more stories, more scheming. Just lower trust out there in general.

Somehow this ties into how only crypto tricks can possibly keep us out of a dark age, and also how the newly announced Kazan BRICS bank-to-bank payment system has to be structured around some kind of blockchain thing. We’re not just running out of “hard currency” for saving money and keeping the books, but also for producing and keeping knowledge and historical memory.

yewotm8 says:

Shawn Ryan tries to get Trump to say that the left are in favour of open borders to provide themselves a vote bank. To which Trump replies: “No, it’s because they are evil”.

He also signalled to Zelenskiy that he considers him an honourable man who didn’t sell him out when he could have and he would like to make a deal with him.

ChipYar says:

Propaganda Lies FUD Panic Incitement

Jim says:

Social Justice warriors always project. They always accuse people of what they themselves are doing or about to do.

We know what Trump will do. We don’t know what Kamala will do. Everything has been falling apart, and she blames the kulaks. Leftists, under these circumstances, usually conclude that the problem is not leftism, but the kulaks, and that in order to immanentize the eschaton, she needs to liquidate the kulaks.

Just as there is a circle of people in the Trump bandwagon telling him he needs Christianity as a state religion in place of Woke, there is a circle around Kamala telling her she needs to liquidate the kulaks. We know it is on the drawing boards. The question is, is power listening? Kamala’s tweet hints she is listening.

Jackson says:

Does ZeroHedge had or have any potential to be a more aligned outlet?
It appears more “Generic Republican” than Alt/Right.

Stealing 2024 says:


Jim says:

take the shill test. Your comments will then come through unmolested. Anyone can pass the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed, regardless of their political beliefs and what they want to talk about.

There is no censorship on this blog, just spam prevention, plus I bring endless unresponsive threads to an end for wasting space.

K1 says:

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist on the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.
Stand firm therefore, having belted your waist with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness
— Ep6:11”

DH says:


And to those of us in NRx who believe they are worthless losers who will never amount to anything, remember this:

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Being a Randian billionaire is great; no advanced civilization without ’em, no conquering the stars without ’em.

But even if you’re a total loser by modern society’s standards, or even by any society’s standards; even if you are absolutely broke and painfully familiar with TFW NO GF; remember where the real treasure lies, and do the Lord’s Work to the best of your ability, meager is it might seem to you.

Post-It Notes says:

Lots of censored things, may they be saved, re-upped and cross-posted by armies of publishers…

The Left likes to plan and suggest and lie and do things…
Perhaps it is they who are about to face the truth.

Jim says:

It is interesting that an obvious Thermidorean shill is drawing attention to the infininiggers+++ plan.

DH says:

Perhaps some elite dissidents are completely breaking out of the Overton Cage.

Post-It Notes says:

Lots of censored things, may they be saved, re-upped and cross-posted by armies of publishers…

This is the latest of quite a few Leftists now that have admitted to one of the many Election Fraud and Replacement plans, as you say… Infiniggering.

Dan says:


> see also uocava and fvap frauds

I think there will be some type of dump attempted like that.

Pennsylvania is the extremely critical state for Trump to win, 100% of the election rides on that one state. And it’s also flooded with Democrat operatives.

I was actually hoping that some whistleblower would rat out the Democrats but that hasn’t happened yet.

The electoral polls and bets are slightly in Trump’s favor, but any amount of actual ballot fraud in the swing states will easily erase that.

There are also lots of imported illegals voting in these states.

Joe Rogan finally got off his dumb ass and endorsed Trump today, but like with Musk and the Corp/VC boys, it’s too late to have established much effect.

I think there are a lot of protectively silent Trump voters out there who will surprise pollsters.

I’m giving odds to Trump, but only if there is no steal.

Jim says:

If no steal, Trump would win every state. The plan was always to overwhelm the steal by massive numbers of real votes, as happened in 2020, which led the three AM panic fix where they hastily printed even more millions of ballots, tossed out the Republican scrutineers, and shipped the fresh ballots in at three in the morning. They found they needed substantially more ballots than they had already printed.

> a lot of protectively silent Trump voters

The polls have been falsified for decades to make the election outcomes less improbable

Dan says:
Dan says:

If you know anyone in the USA Seven Battleground States,
especially anyone in Pennsylvania,
go tell them to vote for Trump, now.

Otherwise the Democrats will win and start censoring ALL alt-right content off YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc… you can’t have a winning movement without public faces on public channels.

Look at what they did with Old Twitter, with YouTube, with Facebook… hundreds upon hundreds of channels stone cold deleted, plus massive deranking, demonetization, and desearch algorithm suppression, plus massive unconstitutional partnership with Government, and full on disgustingly corrupt election psyops with trad media.

Look at what they did to Assange, Robinson, Anglin, Loomer, Jones, Dotcom, Bannon, and hundreds more.

Look at how they attacked Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency.

If you want to live, if you want any sense of non-Leftist freedom, if you want a voice, tell people to Vote Trump.


Rod says:

Matt Gaetz appointed by Trump US Attorney General.

Ramaswamy, Musk, Gabbard, Kennedy, and more are put in.

SecDef and BorderTsar being reported as a bit based.

“Grand Political Theatre” – FBI Raids Home Of Polymarket CEO; Seize Phone, Electronics

Though many will beef about the chemically pure pro-Jew-Zionism-Israel foreign policy appointments (Huckabee etc) that definitely signal that the Jewry going on in America won’t be getting the “America First” treatment anytime soon, in fact it’s getting a free pass… Though it’s now given that Iran will soon receive anti-Nuke gifts from the Sky Gods, and now conjectured that part of Islam will be convinced to end its decades of Hijra program and choose to be contented and contained by diplomatic efforts, aka defense and development bribes, which will of course backfire 10 years later as they freely launch the next and even stronger Hijra wave upon you from there.

UK and London and Italy and most of EU are still continuing to fuck themselves harder every day, courtesy GloboHomo and their Jews and Leftist WEF Elites. Meloni in particular just got gaped by a bunch of African mud dwellers on a boat.

Rumble, Bitchute, Gab, X, and other Alt/Right hubs are lit,
while TradMedia crumbles. Google increases its YouTube censorship tactics.


Carville knew…

Some articles exposing Election Fraud have been appearing here…

… and on James Okeefe and other twitter channels.

Liberal Elite At UN Climate Conference Calls For Meat Tax

Europe and US self-described “white” “christian” “nations” still haven’t risen up to stop the 10,000 unwanted not-actually-migrants being imported and forced upon them daily by the Prog Left WEF Jew type gang of GloboHomos. Next to Mind Control PsyOps… Importation of worthless semen, debt, and non-Christian, is their biggest most effective physical weapon, so it will be last to fall.


300 deep state enemies list of bad actors

TBeholder says:

Which does not mean that free and fair elections are back in style, but they will be held when convenient, and today is convenient for team Thermidor.

An even simpler hypothesis is that a sizeable portion of the same oligarchy pulled the leashes. The petty crooks and babbling idiots were easier to keep in line, but it’s just not a viable option anymore: they screwed up everything possible, and allowing their antics to continue looks like a risk of either total collapse into anarchy or nuclear war. Thus the same people who were aiding or abetting the clown election now see the need to give someone sane enough of above-counter power to stop the dangerous idiots. It’s simple self-preservation.

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