The Trump program

Howard Lutnik, transition leader for the Trump team, tells us how Trump intends to keep his promises this time around.

Trump is likely to win in a landslide. It looks like coup Thermidor has gone through, and they are just waiting to hold an actually free and fair election to make it official and legal. Which does not mean that free and fair elections are back in style, but they will be held when convenient, and today is convenient for team Thermidor.

Transition Team Leader Howard Lutnick says Trump is going to cut three billion over two years, primarily by reigning in corruption. He reveals not the slightest indication of any awareness of what it would take to reign in corruption, but he has spent hours talking to Musk, who is going to be the government efficiency man, and Musk does know what it would take to rein in corruption. Which does not mean he will be able and allowed to do it. Nor does it mean he told Howard Lutnik how it could be done, but a two hour off the record conversation on the topic? Knowing Musk, he would spill the beans.

Project 2025 is totally radioactive, and neither Trump nor anyone on his transition team dares have the slightest interaction with them. Yet Dark Maga is not radioactive — perhaps because the left’s crime thought shield stops them from understanding the meme. The nature of memes means that to get a meme, you have to know of the idea and have some awareness of the idea system of which it is part. Often the meme is a highly elliptical and indirect reference to the idea and system of ideas, because you want the person seeing the meme to make an effort to understand the thread, to go on a mental journey along the thread, and the leftist is not going to do that, so it goes right over his head. The leftist is going to need this stuff spelled out plainly by someone in authority. A meme is not a policy position or an explanation, or even an idea, but an invitation to go on a little walk through a system of ideas, and a leftist is not going to go on a little walk through flaming crimethoughts.

And to the extent that anyone in swamp understands the meme, they probably also understand what is necessary to deal with their opponents within the swamp.

If we get Beria, a General Monck, or if Trump himself is now Dark Maga, as well he may be after all this lawfare and assassination attempts, then we have a leader. Or perhaps Musk has more steel in him than he reveals. He has a notable tendency to be attracted to technologies that are critical to power.

Greg Abbot in Texas demonstrated that non commissioned officer outranks a supreme court justice, and the sky did not fall on his head. Tony Abbot in Australia demonstrated that an air force commando outranks a supreme court justice, and the sky did not fall on his head. Perhaps we will have a corruption cleanup and illegal immigration cleanup that goes just as smoothly as Tony Abbot’s illegal immigration cleanup.

Now you might say that solving illegal immigration Jackson style is one thing, but solving corruption Jackson style is another. And you would be right. But Duterte in Davao solved corruption and crime, Pinochet style, and the sky did not fall on his head.

9 Responses to “The Trump program”

  1. Karl says:

    Nah, these “well-meaning” policy monks were faithful adherents of the state religion. They got what they wanted and wanted nothing from my list.

    Mabe they claimed that they wanted something from my listand beieved it, but when anything us done, a situation comes up where a choice has to be made and that choice is then made according to religion.

    E.g, Stop Immigration means peple crossing a border have to be shot. An adherent of the state religion values the life of the would-be immigrant higher than the policy goal of stop immigration. So immigration us not stopped.

    • Karl says:

      Should have been a response to “your uncle bob” below. Sorry for messing up the thread

  2. Project 2025 is the official Trump platform, MSNBC told me so!!!111

    All kidding aside, if Mr. Trump manages to win the election by a margin larger than that by which the democrats and deep state will cheat, he has a big job in front of him. He must exterminate the deep state using an amount of strength that has never been used before, otherwise we have little more than a four year reprieve.

    This is not an exaggeration. Heads need to roll. The deep state needs to be removed from existence so completely that no one dare challenge Real America again.

  3. Mister Grumpus says:

    “…but he has spent hours talking to Musk, who is going to be the government efficiency man, and Musk does know what it would take to rein in corruption.”

    Some great anecdotes about Musk taking out the trash when he bought Twitter, and a running theme is that merely saying “This is bullshit and you guys are fired” was NOT enough. He once had to go into a data center himself, borrow a bodyguard’s pocket knife, and sever cables himself personally.

    That’s far short of helicopter rides, of course, but it’s also a long way from mere “deal making”. There’s the new element of righteous physical assertion.

  4. Humungus says:

    Greetings again,

    I hope everyone is well.

    Perhaps Trump will save the country, perhaps not. We must rely on ourselves in any eventuality. Self reliance is for men.

    Humungus would like to remind you of the dire need for superior transportation. I reliable set of wheels with a high output V8 and enough load capacity to carry your equipment and concubines.

    Today, Humungus went on a long roadtrip out on the open highway. 485 HP, 392 CI of fuel injected terror. Top end estimated at 170 mph. But, Humungus is a man of control. Not given to impulse. The power is there when the time is right.

    That time approaches fast. There will be an awakening of the road warrior when civilization falls. Will you be ready?

  5. Karl says:

    Talk about corruption clean-up is politically safe. A progressive could talk about it among progressives.

    Frankly, I don’t mind corruption all that much. I have no problem if any ranking bureaucrats and leaders get filthy rich, if they stop immigration, don’t force me and mine to take any vaccinations or medication, keep fags out of public live and either punish primitive criminals or turn a blind eye if my friends do it.

    If someone talks about a minor problem, I suspect it is done to avoid talking about the major problems.

    • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

      When you are sovereign, you use your sovereignty to get rich. A natural inevitability.

      Which in turn makes this a conveniently common lever of ressentiment for a putative subversive out of power to oust the incumbent power and take power for themselves. Whereupon they will also enrich themselves – and more besides.

      They will protest: ‘instead of a system where men who are responsible can enrich themselves, we should have a system where noone is responsible and noone can enrich themselves’.

      And they very well get it. Which certainly isn’t reducing the amount of rent-seeking at the end of the day. Dividing power up into little bits and pieces doesn’t reduce graft, it multiplies it exponentially.

    • The Cominator says:

      Corruption is cancerous right now though and it’s a huge problem. You can argue a little corruption is good but not everyone in DC should get filthy rich. That creates a real negative economic impact.

    • Your Uncle Bob says:

      If anything on your “all I want list” was achievable in itself, you’d have it by now. The political history of the US over the past 50+ years has been well meaning policy wonks and perpetually surprised political naifs trying to do only what must be done and no more, and never getting any of it. Any narrow, specific or technical policy proposal from the right is always stymied by the combination of opposition from the other side (even minority opposition), and the thumb on the scale of the managerial state.

      To accomplish anything on your list or anyone else’s, have to aim past it, subsume your narrow technical goals in some larger project with more momentum. “Anti-corruption” is a bare minimum Aim Past vehicle to stop immigration, or anything else you might want.

      And even it might not be enough. But its all they can come out and talk about without getting arrested.

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