
Hurray for wikileaks

We need to spy on the state.  The state is our enemy.    The government reads our emails.  We should read theirs.

I notice a lot of conservatives weeping big salt tears and calling for the assassination of Julian Assange because Wikileaks stole a pile of letters from the US government and made them public,    Yet most of the letters in the latest leak reveal that the US government is run by leftists at every level from top to bottom, and thus most of the interesting, newsworthy, and embarrassing letters make leftists look bad and Obama look crazy. What is not to like?

4 comments Hurray for wikileaks

Alex J. says:

I’ve only seen summaries, such as yours. What’s the best place to get a good survey of the leaks?

From what I’ve seen, all of the other governments say in private what reasonable people think they should be thinking, even when they say deranged things in public. Our government, on the other hand, is just as deranged in private as they are in public.


jim says:

“What’s the best place to get a good survey of the leaks?”

I have no good answer to that. It takes a long time to absorb such a mountain of stuff. Wikileaks is preferentially doling it out to left wing sources, in an effort to get a left wing, or at least less right wing, spin on it, so it is going to be a while. When the climategate files came out, it took a very long time before good summaries were available, and in the mean time, it was like the seven blind men and the elephant, with each person finding a different fragment of the truth.

“all of the other governments say in private what reasonable people think they should be thinking, even when they say deranged things in public. Our government, on the other hand, is just as deranged in private as they are in public.”

Exactly so. It is reminiscent of the time we imposed Aristide on Haiti at gunpoint. The left, including the ruling left, the governing left, sincerely believed that capitalist imperialist oppressive America was cruelly oppressing Haitians by preventing Aristide from ruling, even though they themselves were shoving him down Haitian’s throats by any means necessary. They believed the capitalist colonialist imperialist US government was doing the opposite of what it was actually doing even though they were the government.

AG says:

I know this is off topic, but do you have an interactive link for Henry Hazlitt’s book Economics in One Lesson. In the past it was hosted on your site at https://reaction.laecon/ but is now no longer available. I found this to be very useful and was disappointed it is no longer there. The easily navigable links to chapters was very useful for review. I really look forward to hearing back from you.

Regarding the topic, I believe events like this dramatically shift world economic power further into the USA’s court. Given the recent revelation of how internationally pervasive the federal aid was, these other markets dependence is pretty firmly solidified. They are absolutely unsafe and propped up by the success of America. The USA can show its ass and it doesn’t even matter at this point. The money rules all. Big brother may have the resources to save the world, but it will save it self first and stay on top. These are the types of things that incubate such a culture of secrecy. I’m only an amateur when it comes to these discussions, just wanted to express my feelings. Additionally, I guess it’s only tangential to the topic, but the aspect of it that I find most interesting. Again, it’s only my opinion.

jim says:

do you have an interactive link for Henry Hazlitt’s book Economics in One Lesson. In the past it was hosted on your site at https://reaction.laecon/ but is now no longer available.

No intereactive link, but you can get the html files by bittorrent

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