
Google is evil

Google tells us

Like other technology and communications companies, Google regularly receives requests from government agencies and courts around the world to hand over user data.

Note that “government agencies and courts”. No warrant needed.

Google … provides government agencies with e-mail communications, documents, browsing activity, IP addresses used to create an account and other data when asked.

Data from the things you search for, the emails you send, the places you look up on Google Maps, the videos you watch in YouTube, the discussions you have on Google+ are all conveniently collected in one place. It this will particularly affect Android users, whose real-time location (if they are Latitude users), Google Wallet data and much more will be up for grabs. And if you have signed up for Google+, odds are the company even knows your real name, as it still places hurdles in front of using a pseudonym (although it no longer explicitly requires users to go by their real names).

Firefox by default reports your IP and all nearby wifi systems to Google even if you are not using google search nor any google services. Thunderbird reports your IP to Google. It looks like the general was nailed because his location data was the same as one of his girlfriends, rather than the contents of the emails.

All of that data history is explicitly cross-referenced.

Since you must have a Google account for android, separate that account from all your other activities.

Recommended procedure.

  1. Turn off Thunderbird and Firefoxs routine tattling.
  2. Don’t use Google accounts.
  3. If you must use Google accounts, for example a google account is mandatory for an android phone, create it using a proxy located in a region of hegemony different from your own, and don’t use your android account for anything else.
  4. Don’t use Google search for anything related to politics or money, since this is sending your searches character by character to Google. Definitely don’t use Google search while logged in to your Google account.
  5. Don’t use chrome, because this reports all browser activity to Google.
  6. Disable all durable cookies for Google

It sounds like google does not attempt to do anything clever to track you. They rely on cookies, and they do clever stuff to track the cookies.

17 comments Google is evil

Remnant says:

Is there any software or tool comparable to Google Reader? It is a very useful tool for following blogs and web updates but it sounds like finding an alternative is in order.

jim says:

I am afraid I use archaic methods for following blogs, so could not advise you.

[…] Google is evil « Jim’s Blog […]

Dan says:

@Remnant – Last time I looked there were a lot. Plugins for Thunderbird, Firefox, IE. A number of standalone apps for your PC (I use Akregrator in Kubuntu linux), free web-based apps you can install in your hosting account if you have one, etc.

Alex J. says:
spandrell says:

I tried to disengage, but life becomes orders of magnitude harder.

What are they gonna do anyway? Fire you? If any of you has a career in the cathedral or big business, you’d better quit anyway. Your mental health will thank you.

Foseti is making good money in a central cathedral agency. Bruce Charlton actually gets to teach kids. Steve Sailer writes with his real name, and has his picture around. Moldbug mustn’t be hard to track. Hell, it’s not like we’re rebuilding the Ku Kux Klan or anything.
Petraeus got fucked, but he hasn’t anything to do with political dissent.

Jim, Google asks for everyone’s phone number. They aren’t after you. You’re not a threat.

jim says:

Jim, Google asks for everyone’s phone number. They aren’t after you. You’re not a threat.

They ask for your phone number.

In my case, they do not merely ask, they have locked me out of my google accounts and are holding my data to ransom unless I give them my phone number. They don’t lock everyone out of their accounts and hold everyone’s data to ransom.

I am harder to find than I seem, and they are trying harder to find me that they try for regular people. They are not treating me like they treat everyone else.

I could easily give them an untraceable phone number, but would prefer to not ever again use accounts that have become subject to unusual attention.

spandrell says:

It happened to me a while ago. And I didn’t have any suspicious data on that account. And I did use my real name.

Just saying. Of course they are making personal profiles for everyone in that huge NSA data center. I don’t recommend any one using blogspot or planning a Restoration on Gmail. But by the time the Cathedral does anything against you, you’d probably be out of the country anyway. Or you should.

jim says:

It happened to me a while ago. And I didn’t have any suspicious data on that account. And I did use my real name.

You, too, got locked out until you gave them your phone number?

And have you found any non politicals who got locked out?

spandrell says:

They asked my cell phone number for security reasons or some crap. Couldn’t access if I didn’t.

I dont do politics on that account, so if Google did it for political reasons, then we’re all fucked.

That was a year ago or so.

I don’t know of anyone else, but I don’t talk about this kind of stuff with my friends anyway.

jim says:

I dont do politics on that account

If you used Chrome or Mozilla to post this comment, and you have not carefully disabled a bunch of features, you are doing politics on your Google account right now.

If you used Chrome or Mozilla to post to post to your WordPress blog, and you have not carefully disabled a bunch of features, you are doing politics on your Google account.

If you receive subversive emails on your gmail account, you are doing politics on your Google account.

If you comment on a blog that uses various Google services, and have not blocked those services, you are doing politics on your Google account.

If you watch racist youtube videos while logged in to YouTube, you are doing politics on your Google account.

If you comment on a blog that is on blogger, you are doing politics on your Google account.

If you use Google Maps on you android phone to visit subversive people, you are doing politics on your Google Account.

Are you quite sure you were not doing politics on your Google account when they locked you out to enforce their demand for your phone number?

Asking for your phone number is routine. Demanding it while holding your data to ransom is not routine. I know that they don’t lock most people out to get their phone numbers, very few people in fact. Do you know any non politicals who got locked out to enforce the demand for a phone number? You must have been doing something out of the ordinary to get locked out.

Remnant says:

@Dan and @Alex J: Thanks for the suggestions. I have become addicted to Google Reader but I will fish around for something else.

Samson J. says:

If you used Chrome or Mozilla to post this comment, and you have not carefully disabled a bunch of features, you are doing politics on your Google account right now.

You know, I went through the instructions on the other page, to disable this stuff, and it was already disabled by default. I don’t know why.

spandrell says:

Then I guess I’m thoroughly fucked.
I’m in China now, should I ask for asylum?

Written on my Android phone.

jim says:

They are not shooting us yet. Just keeping us out of positions of influence.

They are consciously imitating their enemies, the highly successful Anglican theocracy as it was from the restoration to the crowning of Queen Victoria as emperess, the established Church that the US constitution theoretically rejects. The Anglicans did not burn non Anglicans at the stake. You did not have to be an Anglican – unless you wanted to be a member of parliament, have a professorship at the right universities, and so on and so forth, in which case you did have to be an Anglican.

Today, it is taken to rather greater extremes than the Established Anglican Church took it. You cannot be a teacher, or a journalist, etc, unless progressive, but it is still the same sort of thing.

We may get to burning non progressives at the stake, but not for a while.

spandrell says:

I’ll be in the jungle back then.
I think you’d do a fine Apocalypse Now leader.

Dana Kuster says:

“GOOGLE is ACTUALLY DOING MUCH EVIL: Every location you search on google earth is logged and tracked and sold to government agencies and ad agencies. Every word or sentence you type into google is logged and tracked and sold to government agencies and ad agencies. Every page you click on in google is logged and tracked and sold to government agencies and ad agencies.A data file about everything you do on the internet using any google technology is logged and tracked and sold to government agencies and ad agencies.

Google makes most of its money by spying on people.Why would you use something that makes you cooperate in spying on yourself? Everything you watch on googles youtube is logged and tracked and sold to government agencies and ad agencies.

Google reads all of your email. Google sends any interesting emails with words it doesn’t like to agencies and the rest are put in an advertising database to trick you into thinking you stumbled upon certain ads when, in fact Google is secretly pushing those ads on you.

Google saves a file of everything you have ever done, looked at, sent or moused over IN YOUR ENTIRE HISTORY OF USING THE INTERNET. It isn’t a business right anymore, it is an abuse of the public trust.

Google has thousands of people that work for them to create technologies to control the internet in order to make people give more information to google about themselves and that personal information is logged and tracked and sold to government agencies and ad agencies. Do you like being used as a tool? Do you like Google infesting your life for profit and special interest control of what you do?

Use http://www.duckduckgo.com or any other non tracking search engine. Find a non tracking replacement for every service google offers. Google is very evil!

Write your Congressman. Tell them to outlaw Google data capture. Join a class action lawsuit against them”


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