
Recap on Ukraine

Bored now, which is why I have not mentioned it in a while.

Democracy produced the wrong result in Ukraine, so the Cathedral staged a coup.  The instrument of the coup was the Maidan movement, which is supposedly an indigenous Ukrainian movement, but its web page is in English in the distinctive dialect of the American ruling elite.  Intercepted phone conversation revealed that State Department regarded the nominal leaders of the Ukraine as menial functionaries which they got to appoint and dismiss.

Russia counterproposed regional autonomy, so that there would be some Ukrainian independence from the Cathedral.  The USG was not having any.

So, war.  This looks like straight USG imperialism.  If, as seems likely, the final outcome is that the Ukraine gets partitioned between Russia and the USG, as Poland was partitioned between Hitler and Stalin, that will not be Putin’s fault.  He made several attempts at compromise that would have preserved Ukrainian independence.

The interesting implication is that if the Ukraine is run by low level menials of the state department, by people a long way down in the State Department hierarchy, then most or all of Europe is run by low level menials of the state department, as Mencius Moldbug depicted it long before these events.

Lately Putin seems to be moving to a straight imperial position, in which Ukraine will be partitioned, but really,  don’t much care.  What is interesting about the Ukraine is what it tells us about the rest of the world.    If a menial in the state department treats the nominal leaders of the Ukraine as considerably lesser menials, what of other leaders of supposedly independent nations?

As you know, the entire west, in suspicious unison, simultaneously decided to allow itself to be overrun by third world hordes.

When Australia broke ranks, this was deemed illegal under international law, though oddly, until very recently international law did not require countries to allow themselves to be overrun by third world hordes.  The UN took a break from condemning Israel to condemn Australia.  Every international human rights organization now believes that economic refugees from anywhere in the world have a human right to settle in Australia.

This pattern of sporadic minor resistance suggests that the USG empire is ruled through soft power, and soft power is, in fact soft.  It is not that when the prime minister of Australia disobeys he gets shot.  Rather it is that the television stations, radio stations, and universities supposedly owned by the government of Australia announce that the prime minister is violating human rights.  Except when, as in the Ukraine, it turns hard and they start shelling schools and apartment buildings, which is terrible when Israel does it, but no big problem when the “government” of the Ukraine does it.

While every human rights organization everywhere condemns Australian violation of human rights in intercepting boats on the high seas full of illegal immigrants, they don’t seem to notice any violation of human rights when the Ukrainian government shells civilian targets.  That is soft power.  On the other hand, when the Ukrainian government shells civilian targets, that is hard power.

Soft power is a bunch of supposedly independent, supposedly non government organizations, speaking in one voice, their master’s voice. One day everyone spontaneously and suddenly agrees it is a human right to move to formerly white majority countries, just as it is a human right for a man to be a woman – but freedom of speech and freedom of association are no longer human rights.

26 comments Recap on Ukraine

Red says:

Putin’s using the crisis as justification for the hardships that are involved in leaving the globalization system, just as Germany did before WW2. He’s moving to make Russia a truly independent nation. This may set the cathedral off in a quite violent way.

Everything concerning Russia revolves around the prices of oil & gas. If prices stay too low for too long, Russia’s government falls and something different takes over. Cause for mourning for some and celebration for others. There are no good guys here. Kill them all and leave the sorting to deities?

Insightful as always, Jim.

The complete lack of coverage of the Ukrainian government’s constant shelling of civilian areas (and >2000 civilian deaths to boot) is a fact that ought to be ejaculated into the faces of every “proglet” with the slightest non-progressive tendencies. Splash them with the cold water — awaken them.

B says:

Interestingly, the Ukrainian govt spent a long time trying to work out a deal with the insurgents, until the latter used “soft power” to take over a column of infantry fighting vehicles out of the hands of soldiers who refused to shoot civilians. Sound familiar? Then a “national liberation movement” assisted by “polite men” from across the border took over large swaths of the east and proceeded to torture and murder anyone who spoke up against them, and bring in a few battalions’ worth of Chechen volunteers (who incidentally started to run the same mafia extortion schemes as they do in Russia.) Then the Ukrainian govt started using hard power.

I don’t have much of a dog in this fight, but the closest thing to a right-wing Euro movement here is the Right Sector.

Red says:

Didn’t the Ukraine government start murdering the Right Sector leadership before things got heated in the east? I haven’t heard much about them since then.

B says:

They shot one guy. I think since the fighting started going seriously, they’ve put aside their differences for now.

jim says:

Right sector has been, predictably, crushed. It has for all practical purposes ceased to exist.

Sleep with the elephant, wake up flat.

B says:

I suspect their fighters make up a significant part of the Ukrainian battalions fighting in the East.

Candide III says:

You are both wrong. There never was much of the Right Sector to begin with. Their leader, Yarosh, got 0.9% in the presidential election, left Kiev for Dnipropetrovsk and has only appeared a couple of times since then with idiotic statements. There is one more-or-less openly “far-right” volunteer battalion (the Azov) which uses the wolfsangel insignia. I met a couple of people who fight in it. It featured in The Telegraph and other Cathedral media several weeks ago. The other battalions — Donbas, Dnepr, Aidar, Kiev-1, Kiev-2, there are about 20 of them — are just regular middle-class joes. They are right-leaning, but that’s more a natural middle-class preference for law and order than ideology. “Left-wing” battalions are conspicuous by their absence. No anarchists, no anti-fa, no LGBT, no nothing, just as in winter. I know jim will never believe this, though, as long as he has that old Cathedral website and fuck-the-EU cookies to shake at me.

Candide III says:

“He made several attempts at compromise that would have preserved Ukrainian independence.”

Good heavens, jim, are your brains working? Putin preserve Ukrainian _independence_? Independence from the West, maybe, but not independence from Russia. He doesn’t think Ukraine should even exist. You can easily find his statements to the same effect, and of his strategists like Glaziev. And right now at Seliger Putin’s young stooges from Patrice Lumumba university (i.e. school for Soviet spies and agents from Angola etc.) feed him lines that “the perception of Russian political rhetoric in Kazakhstan is an issue” and about “the growth of nationalistic sentiments” there (http://eng.kremlin.ru/news/22864). Kazakhstan has no dog in this fight at all, but Nazarbayev — a wise and wily old fox — knows the score (http://en.tengrinews.kz/politics_sub/Kazakhstan-may-leave-EEU-if-its-interests-are-infringed-Nazarbayev-255722/).

jim says:

Federalism would have made it more difficult for anyone to control the Ukraine. It was not that he wanted to control the Ukraine, as that he did not want a Cathedral puppet on his borders.

The federalism proposal was undeniably a proposal to resolve this problem with a genuinely independent Ukraine.

Candide III says:

“It was not that he wanted to control the Ukraine”

He did and does. You don’t know how most Russians feel about Ukraine. To give you an idea, imagine that after the big push to the Wild West in 1840-1850s, Mexican hordes invaded eastwards via Texas and ruined everything, and then Britain (re-)occupied the New England states. Imagine, the original landing sites and Pilgrims’ colonies in another country! Every Thanksgiving you’d feel outraged just looking at the turkey. And those shlubs even have the gall to call their Boston accent a separate language! Intolerable.

The “federalism” proposal merely means formal veto power for Russia in Ukraine. I understand why Russia wants it for herself, but so what? Let her go screw herself, she’s good at it. As for Europe or USG controlling Ukraine, where do you think Putin’s daughters live and study?

jim says:

“It was not that he wanted to control the Ukraine”

He did and does.

Putin proposed a deal that would have made it hard for anyone to control the Ukraine. US government rejected that deal, leaving no solution other than partition of the Ukraine between a Cathedral muppet and a Russian puppet.

Candide III says:

For goodness’s sake. As long as he can keep NATO and EU out of Ukraine, and prevent any actual internal reform (sadly, not a task that requires much effort), Putin doesn’t categorically need to rule it directly. Look at Belarus. Federalization would achieve this objective. He’d have his or Yanukovich’s people back in official power in the East, and as soon as the guns were out he could easily pull another Crimea any time he wants to. He was talking about something of the sort in a TV interview today. Suppose USG proposed federalization “to make it hard for anyone to control Ukraine” — you wouldn’t believe that for a second, huh? You’d know it’s just a tactic to tie the opponents’ hands and infiltrate the rest before swallowing it. Do you really think Putin is better or more moral?

jim says:

Suppose USG proposed federalization “to make it hard for anyone to control Ukraine” — you wouldn’t believe that for a second, huh?

The USG always proposes centralization – to make it easier to control.

Dan says:

There are far worst things than coming into Russia’s orbit. Ukraine is an agrarian nation. Who is more tyrannical toward farmers, Russia or the EU?

Russia has substantial freedom as long as you don’t speak out against the king. That is normal in kingship. Their king is very popular these days. He is pro-Russia at a time when the French leader is not pro-France and the British leader is not pro-England.

Red says:
Dan says:

Hopefully the administration gets its news from serious media rather than that rag.

jim says:

The New York Times is the voice of our masters. Few politicians, quite possibly no politicians want war with Russia. The president does not want it, the Democrats don’t want it, the Republicans don’t want it, the Pentagon does not want it. The state department and Harvard do want it.

This does not mean the state department will ignore the president and the pentagon and go to war anyway. What it means is that it will manipulate circumstances and pull strings in ways that lead to war. The state department did not shoot down MH17, but it did arrange that flights over a zone where an air war was underway were deemed to be safe.

vxxc2014 says:

Jim you’re overlooking the rape of Russia and Ukraine as motive for Harvard Divines. They may have old business they want to get out from under from.

Once you go to them, they never go away.

J says:

Obviously Putin does not need nor wants to annex Ukraine. He just wants to keep those NATO tanks far from Russia’s border. I think it is a legitimate goal.

Jim: those ruling Ukraine cannot be called menials. It is large European country.

[…] recap of Ukraine. Related: Ex-US intelligence officer on Ukraine. Related: Vox’s thoughts on Russo-EU […]


Just found you via Matt Briggs.

Great take on Ukraine.

The evil conglomeration of the Politically Correct Progressive Obama regime with the fake “conservative” neo-conservatives, is driving this whole descent into global chaos.



[…] Right-wing nationalists from the Polish-aligned western half of the country were used as pawns to oust Russian-supported President Viktor Yanukovych and install an American puppet government, aided by Leftist groups such as the feminist prostitute collective FEMEN. Two years later, Ukraine […]

[…] Right-wing nationalists from the Polish-aligned western half of the country were used as pawns to oust Russian-supported President Viktor Yanukovych and install an American puppet government, aided by Leftist groups such as the feminist prostitute collective FEMEN. Two years later, Ukraine […]

[…] Right-wing nationalists from the Polish-aligned western half of the country were used as pawns to oust Russian-supported President Viktor Yanukovych and install an American puppet government, aided by Leftist groups such as the feminist prostitute collective FEMEN. Two years later, Ukraine […]

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