
Trump explains crony capitalism to the masses

If you already know all the stuff that Trump is explaining, his speech is kind of dull, but for leftists and normals, it is full of shocking news, as for example the Obama policy of swiftly releasing violent immigrant criminals to continue predating on white people in order to drive us out, or simply kill us. That was pretty boring to me. Of course our rulers want us dead. Remember that incident with Angela Merkel and the flag. Also bears shit in the woods and the Pope is not Catholic. But it totally shocked the audience.

At 28 minutes into his speech, he explains crony capitalism:

Hillary’s single greatest accomplishment may be committing such egregious crimes and getting away with it, especially when others, who have done far less, have paid so dearly.

Audience cheers enthusiastically.

When that same secretary of state rakes in millions and millions trading access and favors to special interests and foreign powers I know the time for action has come.

Audience cheers enthusiastically.

I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people who cannot defend themselves

Audience cheers enthusiastically.

Nobody knows the system better than me.

Trump gives evil supervillain sneer, as if he is condescending to the audience, after just having robbed them.

Audience is silent and confused.

He carries his condescending sneer a little bit over the top.

Audience laughs nervously.

Trump gives an asshole smirk, like he is saying “Oh what a naughty boy I am, and I got away with it.”

Audience roars with laughter.

Then he gives a mock surrender, holding his hands up as if being arrested by the audience for the innumerable crimes of which we know perfectly well he is guilty.

Laughter continues for quite a while. He waits for everyone to get it. Yes, he knows how the powerful special interests abuse the system, having abused the system quite thoroughly. He knows how Hillary takes millions for access by special interests and special favors to them, having paid her millions for access and favors.

Holds up his hand to signal audience to stop laughing, and to signal he is going back from non verbal communication, to verbal communication.

Which is why I alone can fix it.

Wild cheering with a little laughter.

54 comments Trump explains crony capitalism to the masses

Steve Johnson says:

He played that angle very deftly in the Republican debates.

Trump said that everyone on stage was bought and paid for. When the other candidates thought that the kill shot for Trump would be bringing up that he gave money to the Clinton foundation and asked him what he got out of it he said that he wanted Hillary to come to his wedding and she did.

Very tongue in cheek and it has to be terrifying for Hillary.

Eli says:

Somewhat off topic but… NYT has made the big revelation: Trump’s father disliked niggers, and Trump thinks that they are naturally lazy. What a scandal.

pdimov says:

Pretty funny. NYT is stuck in $previous_year but it’s $current_year now and this article will actually increase Trump’s popularity.

Jack says:

That’s a good off-topic opportunity to ask you, Eli:

Have you become an anti-Semite already? The reason I’m asking is because Trump is basically Buchanan, except he’s mostly pro-Israel rather than, uhm, Israelo-skeptic. Given this reality, aren’t you distressed by how liberal (gay) Amerikikes are going to alienate him and all normal people with their neurotic histrionics? Consider the following scenario:

Trump: if our allies in Israel don’t see an agreement with the Palestinians as feasible, I won’t pressure them into it…


Trump: and you know, it’s a small country, I understand why they’d want to annex some of those settlements, I understand that.


Trump: I trust the judgment of our friends in Jerusalem.


You know, Eli, if you keep treating him like Adolf no. 2, wouldn’t that be a textbook example of “counter-productivity”? Liberal American Jews are building their own ovens, but thereby they’re also building your own oven.

It’s time to embrace your inner Nazi, Eli, and realize they really are as bad as we say they are.

Y.Ilan says:

We all know that American Jews tend to be progressive prosletyzers, even this Israeli. Keep the Hellenizers for a while longer and they’ll complete their assimilation; then they’ll be no-one’s problem. That won’t get rid of Progressive Universalism, though.

Jack says:

You’ve missed my point, which isn’t that “assimilated” (in their mind) Jews are the root of all the world’s problems, but that by the spectacular intensity of their kikery, they endanger *you*. The example being that even though Trump is, or could be, better for Israel than the saggy brain-damaged bitch, the Jews all support her and oppose him. Okay, not “all”, but 70% thereabouts. And certainly all of the major Jewish outlets and organizations. If KMac ever writes another book about the subject of Jews undermining the interests of White society, he’d write about that.

One would expect all the Zionist Jews who are at least marginally “woke” to become “anti-Semitic” seeing this reality unfolding right now, but I guess Jewish cognitive dissonance truly is impregnable. The leftist Jews in the West literally have to send blood donations full of AIDS to Israel before you realize how toxic they are.

Y.Ilan says:

Trump would be great for the USA and Israel both and I’d support him if I was an American. But I’m an Israeli Jew, which means that even though a lot of high-profile American Jews seem to be working against my own interests and Israel’s interests, they are still my people. In the perfect scenario right-minded Jews would treat these modern-day Hellenizers just like the Maccabim did. Right-minded Jews do not have the kind of power and influence to do something like that quite yet. We’re getting there.

That I criticize American Jews doesn’t mean I’m going to appreciate and cheer on internet Nazis as they call for the destruction of my own people. The Jewish people should handle their own wayward sons and daughters; I’m sure you can understand something as straightforward as ethnocentrism and loyalty.

jim says:

In the perfect scenario right-minded Jews would treat these modern-day Hellenizers just like the Maccabim did. Right-minded Jews do not have the kind of power and influence to do something like that quite yet. We’re getting there.

No you are not getting there. Orthodox Judaism is still a religion of exile, and thus incapable of taking power and unwilling to do so. It is subversive of every society, including Israel. Good fences make good neighbors, and actually existent Orthodox Judaism is anti fence. If it was pro fence, it would be serious about retaking and rebuilding the Temple.

Jews are a problem because diversity plus proximity equals conflict. They are also a problem because Judaism has become a religion of exile. Not only do Jews need to make Aliyah, Judaism needs to make Aliyah. To become, again, a state religion, the state religion of Israel, Judaism needs to change again.

Obviously the state religion of Israel needs to be anything other than progressivism, since progressivism will kill you all. Gaza and the Palestinian Authority are suicide on the installment plan. And since the state religion needs to be something other than progressivism, needs to be something that can plausibly claim to be Judaism. (A great many very different belief systems have plausibly claimed to be Judaism, since Judaism tends to take on the characteristics of the dominant culture and the dominant state religion) My reading of your prophecies concerning the the Messiah is that the Messiah is a mortal who does what David and Solomon did all over again. David comes to power by military coup, takes care of Israel’s nearby external enemies, Solomon remakes Judaism into temple Judaism and makes Israel influential, respected, and at peace with its neighbors. The Messiah comes to power by military coup, deals with people causing Israel problems, remakes Judaism into state and temple Judaism, and is succeeded by his sons, as David and Solomon were. The Messiah purges and remakes the religion, as Solomon did, which means warrior power over priestly power – which actually existent Orthodox Judaism does not really like or want. Actually existent Orthodox Judaism is very comfortable with progressivism as the state religion of Israel, and does not really want to take the temple back, nor see the Messianic prophecies fulfilled in this world, does not really want to see them fulfilled without immanentizing the eschaton.

To become once again a state religion, Judaism has to take and rebuild the temple, which reactivates a whole pile of religious stuff that Orthodox Jews have become very comfortable doing without. Needs a Solomon to remake the religion, and rabbis would prefer to be in charge rather than a Solomon, hence the Sanhedrin myth. Even if that means progressives get the universities, the media, and the supreme court until the eschaton.

Progressive Judaism successfully reproduces by converting Orthodox Jews. This has just got to stop. It is a pain to non Jews, and it really should be a pain to Orthodox Jews. To fix it, it you need the will to take back the temple and make Judaism the state religion of Israel without immanentizing the eschaton, and I am not seeing that will.

You are unserious about the fact that the USA is a progressive state, and you are unserious about the fact that Israel is a progressive state, even though the latter is likely to kill you.

“Solomon remakes Judaism”

Solomon was an idolater.

Y.Ilan says:

I agree with you that Israel needs something like a rejuvenated Temple Judaism. That Orthodox Judaism is still a religion of exile is not new to me, but at least we don’t have to deal with Reform and to a lesser extent Conservative Judaism. I think that in time and as Israel keeps on growing and changing, a rejuvenated National Religion will be achieved, although I have no idea how it will look like. The trend here is for more Religious Zionists, traditional practitioners and Secular Nationalists and for less Progressives, so that’s a good start.

I’m not religious. I never was and I never will be, at least until the active, post-exilic Israeli mentality can reach the realm of religious practice as well.

jim says:

I’m not religious. I never was and I never will be, at least until the active, post-exilic Israeli mentality can reach the realm of religious practice as well.

Trouble is, states are always theocracies, and Israel is ruled by a religion, progressivism, whose highest piety is for Israel and Jews to commit suicide. Progressivism should not rule Israel, and exilic Judaism cannot rule Israel.

Orthodox Jews keep converting to progressivism because progressivism has state power and Judaism does not. If Judaism had state power in Israel, if Judaism was the Jewish state religion, they would make aliyah instead. If you Israelis could get the Jewish progressives off your neck, in a generation or two they would be off our neck.

Jack says:

When the Likud elected homosexual Amir Ohana to the Knesset, one would have naively expected the religious parties to be outraged. Instead, as per usual, they went “full cuckservative” and said that not only they don’t care that he’s gay, they wouldn’t even care if the premier himself were gay, as long as they keep getting mo’ funding fo’ dem institutions.

What the Knesset really needs right now, in my humble opinion, is a “cocksinel” (tranny) parliamentarian. Preferably one who is Mizrahi and an “ex” prostitute. Could be great if he’d be a member of Lapid’s party, so if Lapid is ever elected PM he could make the cocksinel (or “cocksie-moxie”) minister of defense or some such, in order to show the world just how far Israel has cum/come in terms of Social Justice. No, the religious parties would find nothing wrong if such an occurrence ever trans-pires; their only ironclad principle is gibs muh shekels. Wait, isn’t that an anti-Semitic canard?

Hopefully someone petitions Lapid to reserve a seat for a tranny with a fake fanny, so Jim’s assertion about Judaism being inherently exilic will be forever vindicated.

While we’re at it, it could be awesome if, in response to such a gimmick on the part of Lapid, Lieberman would run an “ironic transvestite”, ala Russian singer Verka Serduchka, to mock Lapid’s endeavor – but he wouldn’t have the balls, would he? That would be “absolute madman”-tier shitlording, though.

(sardonicism intensifies)

Eli says:

Jack, to answer your question, as Y.Ilan has said: I don’t enjoy dealing with liberals and SJW’s. And yes, among many of them, especially the top, I find Jews, alas. The way I deal with that situation is by understanding the “liberal Jew” phenomenon as an epiphenomenon of cultural degeneracy and a desire to fit in and be on top of the “enterprise” whatever that enterprise might be (vs just going with the flow, which is what less capable people or people too busy with somehow more important things tend to do). Being successful in life is a good trait to have, even if the individual’s “success” within a system that’s rotten is not necessarily a good thing or even a true success.

In the same way, when people claim that Trump, himself, was outsourcing and cutting jobs at his companies, I do not view doing the above as a disqualifier for him at all. I separate the system from the individual. Hence, when Trump claims to want to change the system itself, to make what he used to do hard and less profitable, I tend to ignore the naysayers and accusations of hypocrisy, giving him the benefit of doubt, especially when he runs against someone like Hilary.

I’ve embraced, to use your term, the “inner Nazi” a long time ago. So much so, that (some) people have called me “fascist” at work, and I’ve already lost a bunch of dating and social opportunities for blabbering my mouth off and putting too much out there. But as I’ve said and explained already, I don’t agree with the model of 1930’s/40’s German Nazism, despite being fascist.

I think that Trump would (hopefully) move this country into a proper direction. Said proper direction is nationalism. As I’ve said before, modern developed societies are not well set up to work as part of a globalist/universal culture that lacks competition. Further, with the advent of mutually assured destruction, mediated by nuclear weapons, humanity is in position to finally compete without engaging in nonsensical destruction of infrastructure and good genetic stock. Eugenics, in today’s world full of cheap energy and very powerful weaponry, can and should happen when growth happens from within.

In my view, developed societies should compete with each other, but without going full-throttle WW3 (and this is impossible de facto, given MAD). Should undeveloped societies be consumed by the strong, nuclear bomb possessing ones, however? Unequivocal yes. (In other words, in spite of stressing growth-from-within, I do agree with expansion, if such comes at cost of foreign niggers, in whatever form or shape they come in). I just think such expansion should be happening in a sane way, and not how it did in the 10’s and 40’s. In other words, if a territory is gained for prestige and no demographic need is present, i.e. the newly acquired territory is still populated by enslaved older inhabitants, it is likely just a ploy by the elites to gain more power and separate their source of power from the population they come from. See, the English are still paying for their former Empire…

As to co-national niggers/criminals, this certainly presents a conundrum. Mass burning in ovens is not a good solution, even if it might be much cheaper in the short run. The reason is that to do so requires a culture that’s capable of doing things like that on systemic level, which, given the proclivity of any system to go into spiraling mode, is a danger to non-nigger co-nationals and, hence, the nation itself. Much better, long-term, is to set up a system where criminals have to pay for their criminality by death or slavery, where corporal punishment is a reality, and where capitalism (regulated and non-free-trade) is normative. And, of course, where women and children are property of their husbands and fathers, which is what Jim has been writing about for a long time now.

As to Israel: I agree with Y.Ilan, mostly. I think that it better needs to be left alone, per Trump’s original intent (if I understood him correctly). The best (and only) help the US should provide to Israel is to block attempts to isolate it on the international arena, including via sanctions by Muslim countries and the EU.

By the way, going back to Jews, I notice that many fellow Russian Jews are much more conservative than American ones. So, there’s that little caveat also.

Jack says:

>The way I deal with that situation is by understanding the “liberal Jew” phenomenon as an epiphenomenon of cultural degeneracy and a desire to fit in and be on top of the “enterprise” whatever that enterprise might be (vs just going with the flow, which is what less capable people or people too busy with somehow more important things tend to do). Being successful in life is a good trait to have, even if the individual’s “success” within a system that’s rotten is not necessarily a good thing or even a true success.

Not seeing it.

1) Jews not only dominate the organs of culture, but actively steer them in certain directions, directions which Gentiles wouldn’t have come up with on their own. Chief example being Frankfurt School’s Cultural Marxism, which couldn’t possibly have arisen without Jewish thinking propelling it. (of course that’s but one example – KMac meticulously documented the others) If it was just about success at the enterprise of Progressivism, Jews wouldn’t alter Progressive dogma every decade or so to make it infinitely more radical.

2) If Jews truly, sincerely wanted to fit in as much as possible, they wouldn’t have merely converted to Progressivism, ostensibly a heretical incarnation of Christianity which most normal people reject, but to actual real Christianity. The fact is, over the last few centuries most Jews, despite having plenty of opportunities to do so, did not convert to Christianity. Fine – but that goes to show that Jews aren’t all that willing to “fit in”.

3) Look, White people during the second half of the 20th century basically gave Jews unlimited power in their societies. If Jews had an ounce of appreciation for their hosts, they’d employ something akin to the “Druze strategy”. What’s that, you ask? The Druze minority in Israel, Syria, and Lebanon goes out of its way to demonstrate loyalty, patriotism, non-offensiveness and non-subversiveness toward their hosts. As such, you have to be a drooling religious nutcase — Sunni or Orthodox Jewish — to want to harm them, not to mention expel/exterminate them. Imagine, then, what Whites would think about Jews if the Jews emulated Druze behavior. Surely, “anti-Semitism” would be negligible. And because Jews are very often just the opposite — offensive, subversive — Judeophobia is prevalent.

So where I’m going with this is that Jews could a) become ordinary Progressives rather than insane radical zealot Progressives; b) convert to normal Christianity, thereby removing the religious barrier between them and White Gentile society; c) remain religiously Jewish, but also demonstrate high levels of loyalty and non-offensiveness like the Druze do.

You didn’t do any of those things. Time and again you’ve undermined the interests of your hosts. The “assimilated Jew” is a fiction, a self-deception. The assimilated Jew was instructed by the Haskalah movement to “be a Jew at home and a human outside”. Is that what you call assimilation? That’s not even crypsis. Only separation is possible here, and if American Jewry all made aliyah some 30 years ago, not to say 60 years ago, modern “anti-Semitism” wouldn’t be on anyone’s radar. But instead of making aliyah, they remain in the West and keep pouring metaphorical poison down the metaphorical wells.

>Further, with the advent of mutually assured destruction, mediated by nuclear weapons, humanity is in position to finally compete without engaging in nonsensical destruction of infrastructure and good genetic stock.

As more and more resources are invested in nonsense “social justice” bullshit, scientific progress has been stagnating. In a functional world, Whites, Jews, and East-Asians could all peacefully compete in the race towards technological singularity. Instead, we have global negroization. I don’t even blame the Jews here – Hitler, with whom I agree about lots of subjects, complained forcefully in Mein Kampf about how France is negroizing itself, and he didn’t cast the Jews as the villainous culprits in this case; he blamed the White Frenchmen for their own predicament.

Obviously, Whites have a Leftism Problem independent of Jewish subversion. But Jewish Leftism appears to be the final nail in the coffin of Western civilization. It was just “too much”. You didn’t make the Occident sick in the first place, but nevertheless you’re just about to kill it anyway.

>The best (and only) help the US should provide to Israel is to block attempts to isolate it on the international arena, including via sanctions by Muslim countries and the EU.

If I correctly understand NRx theory, there is no “international arena”: all those countries do the US’ bid. That is, if the US so desired, there wouldn’t even be any sanctions/pressure from the “international community” on Israel – hence, as Moldbug proclaimed, America is Israel’s primary enemy. The EU/UN are a sham since there are really only 3 independent countries (US, Russia, China), European countries serving as American vassals/protectorates. Perhaps I’m oversimplifying but that’s the gist of it.

You don’t need American vetoes. You need the State Department to treat you differently than it treated Apartheid South Africa. And you need to rid yourself of its willing collaborators, which may require a revolution.

jim says:

2) If Jews truly, sincerely wanted to fit in as much as possible, they wouldn’t have merely converted to Progressivism, ostensibly a heretical incarnation of Christianity which most normal people reject, but to actual real Christianity.

Christianity is out of power, progressives are in power. Christians do not fit in, Christians are aliens, this is a post Christian culture. The surviving Churches are only larping Christianity, because if they actually practiced it they would get the same treatment as “neo nazis” and “racists”

So, to fit in, Jews must convert to progressivism.

Jack says:

Today, of course.

Pretty sure Christianity was mainstream throughout former Christendom up until a few decades ago. Didn’t see mass conversions of Jews back then. Christianity is still mainstream in Eastern Europe today. Don’t see mass conversions of Jews there.

There’s no squaring this circle: Jews pretend to want to fit in, but it’s mostly insincere and, unconsciously, a self-serving self-deception.

jim says:

Obviously, Whites have a Leftism Problem independent of Jewish subversion. But Jewish Leftism appears to be the final nail in the coffin of Western civilization. It was just “too much”. You didn’t make the Occident sick in the first place, but nevertheless you’re just about to kill it anyway.

I am more worried about how come we got into the coffin than who is hammering the last nail.

“Nice” minorities, such as the Druze allegedly are, are rare and seldom all that nice. Diversity plus proximity results in conflict. Not all the time, and not absolutely inevitably, but that is the way to bet.

The way that Jews interpret promises and contracts (with great chutzpah) is surprising and enraging to non Jews. But Jews are quite good at looking for a win win solution. If they are apt to find too clever by half ways to weasel out of a contract or a promise, they will also go looking for a fair solution that does not screw you over too outrageously. What looks to Jews like cleverness looks to non Jews like barefaced lying and broken promises, and this causes quite a lot of animosity, but Jews are on the other hand reasonably decent about not screwing over the people they do business with, and are kind of puzzled and disturbed when what they think of as cleverness with words leads to outrage and indignation. They also tend to autistically fail at empathy. For all their faculty with words, they don’t do a good job of thinking themselves into the other man’s shoes, so even when they genuinely go looking for a win win solution, and genuinely come up with a genuine win win solution, it is still apt to be a solution that still pisses the goy off. It is dangerous to be a minority. It is even more dangerous to be a minority that is chronically prone to do a poor job at thinking themselves into the other guy’s shoes.

Jews find it puzzling that they are nice, and yet somehow strangely piss people off. They actually are nice, except for outrageous chutzpah and failure of empathy, which pisses people off and causes non Jews to view them as not nice. Chinese, on the other hand, are not nearly as nice as Jews and no better at empathy, perhaps worse, yet do not piss people off to anything like the same extent.

Jack says:

The French and American revolutions were the first steps toward the coffin. But before you can go backwards and reverse those revolutions, you need to get outta the coffin; alas, it’s (((locked))).

You can’t have the counter-Enlightenment when Jews are in charge. Look at how they’re demonizing and de-humanizing Trump, screaming for his blood, calling for the Mohammedan niggers to assassinate him.

How can you see all that yet argue to the effect of “the first domino to fall, some 250 years ago, wasn’t pushed by Jews” – as if Jews didn’t jump through every hoop to ensure all the others fall as well?

jim says:

The French and American revolutions were the first steps toward the coffin. But before you can go backwards and reverse those revolutions, you need to get outta the coffin; alas, it’s (((locked))).

If tomorrow morning every Jew everywhere was hung, the belief system that stuck us in the coffin would still be in power, and a lot of businesses would be on fire and full of broken glass.

If tomorrow morning every adherent of that belief system was removed from the halls of power (see Trump’s list of supreme court picks and his proposal to make government bureaucrats fireable) then a lot of Jews would be removed from the halls of power, but no businesses would be shut down.

Jack says:

I wish this were true, but until Trump or someone else manages to actually disempower Progressivism, and disempower it permanently (without it being reborn, like a rejuvenated phoenix, a decade later), it seems logistically more practical to remove a specific toxic ethnoreligious minority — and then proceed to strike at the weakened and deflated Progressivism — than it is to target indiscriminately all Progressives entrenched in the deepest parts of the Cathedral.

jim says:

it seems logistically more practical to remove a specific toxic ethnoreligious minority

You are looking for your keys under the streetlight. It is always logistically more practical to do things that don’t actually work. Diversity is one of the problems caused by progressivism. It is not a significant cause of progressivism.

Jack says:

>Diversity is one of the problems caused by progressivism. It is not a significant cause of progressivism.

Yes, but this specific diversity is the primary impediment to ending Progressivism. Ending Progressivism would be infinitely easier without this specific kind of diversity.

Your objective of rendering the Enlightenment project obsolete cannot be achieved as long as Jews run the show. Pointing your finger at those Whites who initiates leftism 250 years ago while failing to take into account just who it is that’s ensuring the crystallization, sanctification, and implementation of their ideology *right now* will only get you so far.

You insist on fighting the ghosts of dead White males while Jews flesh and blood are laughing in your face maniacally. Doesn’t seem like a sound strategy to me.

jim says:

Your objective of rendering the Enlightenment project obsolete cannot be achieved as long as Jews run the show.

It cannot be achieved as long as believers in the enlightenment run the show. Any purge that is not directly targeted at ideologies and connections, rather than ancestry, is going to miss the target, is going to hit the matador’s cape rather than the matador. Ruling elites have often used Jews as the matador’s cape, and charging the cape has not been very successful.

Jack says:

>Any purge that is not directly targeted at ideologies and connections, rather than ancestry, is going to miss the target, is going to hit the matador’s cape rather than the matador.

National Socialists purged Jews, consequently purged egalitarianism and degeneracy. That is: once purged Jews, gained sovereignty, then used newly-gained sovereignty to implement inegalitarian anti-degenerate ideology. They didn’t miss the target; they lost the war. Had they not lost the war, Ahmed wouldn’t rape thousands of British girls, because no kebab and no bagel in Europe. (Also the war was unnecessary, Europe should’ve chosen fascism and the Germans would’ve crushed Stalin)

>Ruling elites have often used Jews as the matador’s cape, and charging the cape has not been very successful.

Okay, but is that what’s happening? Till when are Jews going to be the cape rather than the matador? 50 years? 200 years? Are the Jews who subvert Western civilization to be forever regarded as the cape?

Conditions have changed. When Ezra Klein propagandizes in favor of false rape accusations, he has no incentive to do so, no malicious/greedy Gentile ruler is granting him any privileges in exchange for his valuable services. He does so because he wants to get rid of White males.

Yours is a Nirvana Fallacy: if Jews didn’t push Cultural Marxism, Whites would’ve done it, albeit admittedly less effectively. And you rationalize Jewish conduct by arguing that Jews are under the spell of Gentile Progressivism, nevermind that they’ve concocted their own brand(s) of Progressivism specifically tailored to their ethnic psyche.

What would it take to convince you that Ezra Klein is the matador rather than the cape?

jim says:

Are the Jews who subvert Western civilization to be forever regarded as the cape?

Well yes, because the ones who subvert western civilization fail to reproduce, intermarry, and are assimilated. They do not reproduce biologically, but memetically, by converting orthodox Jews through their control of education and status.

The counterblow must be directed not at a group that reproduces biologically and is identified by its biological relationships, but at a group that reproduces memetically, and is identified by its memetic relationships.

You don’t blow up the synagogues and confiscate Jewish pawnshops. You shut down Harvard and confiscate its endowment. You purge the courts, the state department and the public service of Harvard and Yale graduates. If Harvard lawyers are so great, let us see what happens when they argue their cases in front of non Harvard judges.

jim says:

Conditions have changed. When Ezra Klein propagandizes in favor of false rape accusations, he has no incentive to do so, no malicious/greedy Gentile ruler is granting him any privileges in exchange for his valuable services. He does so because he wants to get rid of White males.

And why does Hillary propagandize in favor of false allegations of whites murdering blacks?

Who is Ezra Klein? Try Sabrina Erdley.

pdimov says:

“You are looking for your keys under the streetlight.”

You’re looking for your keys on Mars.

“matador’s cape”


Poor whites being corrupted by evil Jewish mind control rays – stupid neo-Nazi canard, ha ha.

Poor Jews being corrupted by evil progressive mind control rays – makes perfect sense.

Blacks should be policed as blacks, because they are not the same people as whites and need not be held to the same standard.

Jews however should not be policed as Jews, because they are exactly the same as whites, except for those few things that make everyone hate them, but those are irrelevant and besides the Chinese possess the same traits, but people don’t hate them, I wonder why.

Anyway. Out of curiosity, can you name the matador? Does he actually exist today?

jim says:

Poor whites being corrupted by evil Jewish mind control rays – stupid neo-Nazi canard, ha ha.

Poor Jews being corrupted by evil progressive mind control rays – makes perfect sense.

It does make perfect sense because the progressives control the education system and status system.

pdimov says:

“It does make perfect sense because the progressives control the education system and status system.”

Whereas Jews of course control nothing that could be used to influence public opinion.

Apply your own standard of evidence to yourself. If progressive non-Jews are the matador, identify them. Name a few. Describe the mechanism they use to control the Jewish owners of the media/TV/Hollywood and the Jewish authors of “we whites need to die” articles.

jim says:

Whereas Jews of course control nothing that could be used to influence public opinion.

The Jews control Hollywood. They don’t control over the air television, or control it to a lesser extent than they control Hollywood. Which is more decadent? Hollywood or over the air television?

If progressive non-Jews are the matador, identify them. Name a few.

Hillary Clinton, who as we speak is inciting blacks to murder whites in general and policemen in particular.

Angela Merkel, who transparently wants the German race to die with her childless self.

Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, who are determined to make it illegal to defend oneself against black violence, and who have imposed punishment quotas that limit the arrest of blacks and the investigation of crimes likely to have been committed by blacks, and limit disciplinary measures against misbehaving black students in schools.

Michael Mann of the infamous Hockey Stick.

pdimov says:

Accept Clintons and Mann as matadors (DWS obviously works for Clinton rather than vice versa, now literally). Rest don’t look very matadorish to me, although it’s hard to be sure.

pdimov says:

You can probably add Eric Schmidt and Moldbug’s nemesis Paul Romer to the list. Not sure if they echo.

Jack says:

>Well yes, because the ones who subvert western civilization fail to reproduce, intermarry, and are assimilated. They do not reproduce biologically, but memetically, by converting orthodox Jews through their control of education and status.

How does it follow that Jews are forever the cape? You’ve just accurately described White leftists. Are they therefore a cape, too? Then who’s the matador? Leftists fail to reproduce biologically, be they White or Jewish. That doesn’t give one an indication as the who’s in charge.

Is it only Orthodox Jews whom liberal Jews convert to their brand of Progressivism? I’m under the impression that it is primarily, mostly Gentiles, and only to a lesser extent Black Hatters, who are affected by Jewish brainwashing. By and large, Black Hatters are immune to liberal Jewish mind control rays; ordinary Gentiles are the main victims thereof.

The matador necessarily resides in academia. The matador *is* academia. Journalists are not particularly bright, I can tell you that from personal experience. I happen to know a Jewish journalist from Sweden (her politics are exactly as you imagine. The word “ovenworthy” springs to mind) – people like her are invariably mediocrities, and that’s generous. It’s the thinkers and professors who rule the Cathedral. Therefore,

During the 1920’s the matador was White Goyim. Since the 50’s, it’s been Jews. Noam Chomsky is a matador, some would say “the” matador. Judith Butler, who singlehandedly promulgated “Gender Theory” to all corners of the Earth, is a matador too. Mygyn slutface Kylly is a cape.

Heck, even George Soros, Arch-Nemesis of all that is good and beautiful, is more of a cape than a matador. Kill Soros, someone else will step into his shoes. Kill Chomsky, Butler, Wolf, etc. – who’s going to replace them? (But you should still kill Soros) Wealthy villains come and go, therefore interchangeable, therefore not a matador. In contrast, intellectuals aren’t interchangeable. There can be 2 George “tsuris” Soros, and there can be a Gentile Soros, theoretically. There can’t be 2 Chomskies, nor can there be a Gentile Chomsky. Forget media non-personalities, forget international foundations. It’s the thinkers who constitute the beating heart of the Cathedral. Is there any doubt these intellectuals are essentially Jewish, manufacturing thermonuclearly dangerous and destructive ideas from their Semitic brains?

The dangerous intellectuals are Jews. Solve the Jewish Problem (also known as the “Khazar Hazard”), your matador has become so much more benign. Moldbug had it right – professors rule the world. Omitted from his analysis, however, is how all the truly nefarious professors are “happen to be” kikes.

No, it’s not just because Jews have an IQ one standard deviation above Whites. A six million times “no”. It’s because their abstract, petty thought-patterns are Semitic thus detached from reality, and also because *they hate your guts*. There’s something essentially leftist about Jews. “But Jews didn’t invent leftism!” – irrelevant, because the positive correlation between Jewishness and leftism exists, and it’s not an accident.

Israel isn’t Progressive merely because of American influence. It’s Progressive because it is, or at least used to be, full of leftism-prone Jews. But Mizrahim ain’t leftist, and Soviet Jews ain’t leftist, and all the naturally right-wing Ashkenazim made aliyah, thus Progressivism kept in check. But Western Jews are inherently leftist, and as long as they infest White countries, will keep spreading leftism.

Remove bagel.

jim says:

>Well yes, because the ones who subvert western civilization fail to reproduce, intermarry, and are assimilated. They do not reproduce biologically, but memetically, by converting orthodox Jews through their control of education and status.

How does it follow that Jews are forever the cape? You’ve just accurately described White leftists. Are they therefore a cape, too?

Biological Jews are the cape, progressives are the matador.

If you get rid of biological Jews you don’t solve the problem. If you deny progressives their means of reproduction, you do solve the problem.

The dangerous intellectuals are Jews. Solve the Jewish Problem (also known as the “Khazar Hazard”), your matador has become so much more benign.

Not seeing it. Margaret Mead was classic puritan descended Christian. Similarly William Wilberforce. John Kenneth Galbraith. Victor Hugo.

You can tell who had the power by whom Margaret Mead fucked, and she did not fuck Boaz.

Most of the shit we are in is due to Victor Hugo and William Wilberforce, and the rest is mostly Margaret Mead.

You blame the cultural Marxists? It is not the cultural Marxists that are inciting blacks to kill whites and restraining police from imposing law on blacks and schools from imposing discipline on blacks.

Chompsky and Tim Weiss are expendable, like all leftist academics. Their intelligence is irrelevant to their jobs, since leftist dogmas have an internal logic that any child can follow. They exist to reassure the journalists and politicians.

Tim Weiss’ hateful tirades are tactically embarrassing to the Left.

Chompsky is a strategic liability to the Left with his anti-Semitic tirades. Due to the Chompskyist tendency, which, if Chompsky didn’t exist, would have to be called something else, Leftists spend copious amounts of effort arguing with each other, including a public split in the British Labor Party. Better, the Chompskyists end up wondering what really happened during WWII and about unassimilable populations, which leads directly to hardcore Naziizm.

So there is no matador.

But there is the unassimilable population of Jews who lie about persecution to silence discussion of their activities, and to the last individual try to reconfigure the host society to better suit them, which means multiculturalism so there’s nowhere off limits to a Jew, and feminism so they can freely interact with White women.

They do these things everywhere they go, including, famously, Greek Egypt, where in Alexandria they rioted and demanded that the Roman Emperor stop the Greeks from persecuting them by allowing them full access to all aspects of Greek civilization.

Eli says:

Re White Wombmen: the Roman historian Tacitus, writing in the first decade of the 2nd century (he certainly hated Jews) noted, among other things:

“…Though a most lascivious people, the Jews avoid sexual intercourse with women of alien race.”

So, try another one.

As to multi-culti, the Bushies and Kochs/Cocks, those Anglo-Suckers and pure Germants, really have done a lot to advance said causes.

Jack says:

>“Nice” minorities, such as the Druze allegedly are, are rare and seldom all that nice. Diversity plus proximity results in conflict. Not all the time, and not absolutely inevitably, but that is the way to bet.

Of course. I’m not suggesting Druze and similar minorities are acting on behalf of their angelic altruistic nature. Obviously, by aligning with their host, they have a vested interest in its welfare, since they benefit from it, and benefit from healthy relations with said host. But that’s the thing though – by and large, they aren’t parasitic. Logically, Jews should strive for the welfare of their hosts in similar fashion to the Druze; in reality, they do the opposite, constantly undermining their hosts and enriching their own tribe at its expense, even though it’s detrimental to themselves long-term. Something something scorpion and frog.

Jews don’t do win-win, politics-wise. It’s always “us vs. them”. Never “us and them”. Thus, Jews make for a bad, hostile elite – no noblesse oblige, since parasites.

jim says:

Jews don’t do win-win, politics-wise. It’s always “us vs. them”. Never “us and them”. Thus, Jews make for a bad, hostile elite – no noblesse oblige, since parasites.

That is true politics wise. Not true business wise. What I am saying is that they are OK to do business with if you make due allowance for them being mighty slippery on contracts and promises, that they will go with a win win solution, that Jews are by and large nice people as they understand niceness.

They think we are the guys that kicked them out of Israel, not the guys who were their hosts when other people kicked them out of Israel. Hence the weirdly pro-islamic view of the crusades. They recall a few decades of somewhat less severe Muslim persecution in Spain – which was still a hell of a lot more severe than not being allowed to join the country club – and completely forget the other thousand years of Islamic ferocity and Christian tolerance.

By and large, during the Crusades and the Reconquista the Jews picked the wrong side and still to this day blame everyone else, especially Christians, for the results. They recall the Christians kicking them out of Spain and forget the reasons why and are today enthusiastically repeating the same mistake in Europe, enthusiastically supporting the importation of four hundred million Muslims howling for their blood.

And after European governments pandering to Muslims murder the remaining Jews in Europe, will blame the Christians again.

R7_Rocket says:

And now, (((their))) chip-on-the-shoulder regarding White Christians is now having consequences. White Christian Russia has hacked the servers of the anti-White Democrat Party. A small portion of the emails were released, and (((Debbie Wasserman Shultz))) was fired from the DNC chair. Hillary Rotten Clinton has hired (((her))) as a chief strategist. Too bad, more unflattering data will be released by the Tsar of Russia in a drip-drip pattern throughout the US Presidential Election.

not sure why ‘crony capitalism’ has to have such negative connotations. It is a way of allocating resources in way that may not have otherwise occured in a absolutist free-market situaton

Alan J. Perrick says:

The chances are good that there are a lot of things that you’re not sure about as far as understanding things from a Neo-Reaction perspective. Libertarianism must give way to policies that definitively allow a population to protect itself, and hopefully even thrive.

Your rhetorical technique of “At least it’s not as bad as this contemptuously insane policy” has been duly noted and discarded.

Try formalism, G.E.


James Jacob Wilson VI says:

Alan J. Papist,

It is not surprising that you advocate a system advocated by a jewish cryto-papist who routinely praises the works of papists such as Malcolm Muggeridge.

Yours Truly,


Erik says:

“Jewish crypto-papist”? This comment section reminds me more and more of /b/ every damn day.

-Remember when /b/ was good?
-/b/ was never good.

James Jacob Wilson VI says:


It is unfortunate that one such as yourself cannot make any argument besides spouting profanity and drivel. Fortunately I have a word filter to censor profanities, and thus I have not been harmed by your plebian sensibilities.

The Jewish part isn’t all that important, the chief danger is the crypto-papism. It’s unfortunate that all you can do is scream on about some “/b/”, probably some disturbing papist fad.

Yours Truly,


Erik says:

I wasn’t trying to make an argument, I was expressing despair.

And /b/ is a division of 4chan, having nothing to do with the pope.

because crony capitalism as Americans say and merchant banks as Nigel Farage says is a code word

jim says:

Not quite a code word, for Trump himself was and probably is a crony capitalist. But the world’s number one crony capitalist is George Soros, and it is pretty clear that if you stop crony capitalism, you are in very substantial part, stopping Jews. And I think my prolific Jewish supremacist commenter B would admit to that, while pointing out that the Jews in question are very seldom Orthodox Jews.

Zach says:

Of course he’s a crony capitalist. Damn near a crony everything.

Corvinus says:

There is observably no such thing as “crony capitalism”, just capitalism.

Steve Johnson says:

Blind men say there’s observably no such thing as “colors” but people with eyes disagree.

Not everyone shares your disability.

jim says:

There observably is such a thing as crony capitalism, and Trump observed it just fine.

Alan J. Perrick says:

The use of the phrase “fix it” was, I suppose, pretty artful as well.

R7_Rocket says:

The Russian hack on the DNC server and the release of unflattering emails prior to the anti-White Democrat convention… means that there is now a consequence for pursuing an anti-White agenda. Russians, after all, are Whites too.

Editor-in-Chief Mark Levin explained why Donald Trump, the supposed anti-establishment candidate, is siding with the establishment on the ethanol mandate.

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