Author: Jim


Crony Capitalism

Palin’s brilliant speech on Crony Capitalism seemed to go right over the heads of most of the voters, but the party faithful understood it, and now this talking point is being used to hammer Obama at every opportunity. After it has been repeated one thousand times, the voters might well get it.


Lets roll

On 2001, September the 11th, on United Airlines Flight 93: At 9:27am, Tom Burnett called his wife, reporting the hijacking. She informed him of the attack on the two towers, from which he concluded the hijackers intended to fly them into a building.


NGO astroturf

NGO stands for “Non Government Organization”. The butcher and the baker do not call themselves non government organizations, because they actually are non government organizations.  Any organization that calls itself a non government organization turns out in practice to be largely a government organization.  It follows therefore, that an NGO is a government doing something …

party politics

Sarah Palin’s speech

Sarah Palin has issued a typically brilliant and insightful speech, while still teasing on the issue of whether she is going to run. I think at this stage, getting a bit late to run, better carry on in her lucrative career as a public intellectual, saying the things officially accredited public intellectuals cannot say.


FHFA sues Goldman Sachs

Until recently, it has been near impossible to see daylight between the Obama regime and the Banksters, but now, banksters are being thrown overboard. The FHFA sues Goldman Sachs for common law fraud. I conjecture this is in preparation for the 2012 elections


Gay Marriage: A modest proposal

It is apparent that the modern institution of marriage is profoundly ill suited for producing and raising one’s biological children. I suggest, therefore, that just as we no longer use the word “gay” to mean merry and light hearted, we introduce a new word and new kind of contract, reproductive contracts, for people who intend …