Author: Jim

global warming

Anthropogenic CO2

A replication of part of Clive Best’s analysis. The theory of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming assumes a number of points without evidence, assumptions that might well be true, but which they have made no attempt to test. One is that warming would be a bad thing, another is that the world is very sensitive to …


The curious solvency of Japan

By any objective measure, Japan is more broke than Italy.  Indeed, nearly all the advanced countries are as broke as each other, but some of them are in trouble, and some of them are not.  Japan can borrow money at low interest.  Italy cannot. Looking at past financial crises, there is no objective level of …


Retrodicting climate

Warmist climate models do a fine job of retrodicting the climate, yet a woefully bad job at predicting the climate. Their prediction tends to be doom in the next few years, while their modeling of the past is perfectly spot on.  Thus their predictions grow old fast.


Solving the immigration problem

Roissy complains that Libertarians are in favor of open borders and that open borders are having disastrous consequences. But what is having disastrous consequences is not open borders by themselves, but open borders combined with democracy and the welfare state. Even if the government had the will to stop the flood of low IQ migrants, …