NGO astroturf

NGO stands for “Non Government Organization”. The butcher and the baker do not call themselves non government organizations, because they actually are non government organizations.  Any organization that calls itself a non government organization turns out in practice to be largely a government organization.  It follows therefore, that an NGO is a government doing something evil.

One such operation is funding astroturf protests in Israel

She noted that when she headed ACRI’s Tel Aviv office, ACRI had 5,000 members, while today it has less than 800, and it was only able to muster about 5,000 people to its December human rights march by relying on the active staff of the 120 NGOs that participated.

If the ostensible purposes of the NGO, such as feeding the hungry, were actually being accomplished, would not the sponsoring government or governments want their name all over the place? That NGOs are governments acting furtively implies that they are governments acting badly.

One of the many evil things that western governments do through NGOs is pursue the destruction of Israel, by funding political activity both inside and outside Israel.

That there is such an entity as “the Palestinians” reflects the fact that Palestinians get paid for being Palestinian, paid rather a lot. There was no such entity, no such people, until the money started flowing.

And who pays them? It is remarkably difficult to find out, almost as if paying them was some sort of criminal plot. But, contrary to the common complaint, it is not the Arab governments. The money flows, furtively, from the West.

The Paris conference (who?) provided 7.7 billion in Palestinian aid over three years 2008-2010. Note that no one seems to want to have their names on these payments.

Actual direct aid for Israel from the US in 2008 was 2.38 billion, which seems remarkably similar to western aid to Palestinians – except that aid to Israel is done with trumpets blowing, and aid to “Palestinians” is done furtively.

This is consistent with Mencius Moldbug’s analysis that the US is not the ally of Israel but its major enemy, or rather that the State Department and Harvard are the major enemies of Israel, even though the rest of the US, including most of the not insignificant Pentagon, is allied to Israel.


10 Responses to “NGO astroturf”

  1. TGGP says:

    I think the brits have a better term “quangos”. A “bonfire” of them was supposed to have been promised to the electorate, but I don’t think anything happened.

    • jim says:

      “Quango”. quasi governmental organization, is an actually truthful description. “NGO”, non governmental organization, is so wonderfully Orwellian as to reveal what it conceals.

  2. TGGP says:

    “Actual direct aid for Israel from the US in 2008 was 2.38 billion, which seems remarkably similar to western aid to Palestinians – except that aid to Israel is done with trumpets blowing, and aid to “Palestinians” is done furtively. This is consistent with Mencius Moldbug’s analysis that the US is not the ally of Israel but its major enemy”
    If aid to Palestine is coming from countries other than the US (my understanding is that it is principally western europe), then how does that make the US the enemy of Israel?

    Graphs of U.N votes regarding Israel over the years by country/region here:

    • jim says:


      By and large, the foreign policy of Western European countries (other than Britain) is what the US state department tells them it is, the foreign policy of Australia and New Zealand is what the Pentagon tells them it is, while the state department and the Pentagon are struggling with each other over ownership of Britain.

  3. […] Jim: "Any organization that calls itself a non government organization turns out in practice to be largely a government organization. It follows therefore, that an NGO is a government doing something evil." […]

  4. Tschafer says:

    Moldbug is probably pretty much right about Egypt as “State’s Revenge” but I doubt if either Arlington’s or Foggy Bottom’s motives and actions are as coherent as MM makes them out to be. A lot can be explained by sentimentalism, liberalism, patriotism (or actions percieved as patriotic)the old CIA “back-fire” strategy, bureaucratic infighting, and just plain muddle. If Arlington was that good, We’d have a statue of President for Life MacArthur on the Mall, and if State was as coherent as Moldbug makes them out to be, I’d be tapping this message to you through the GULAG wall…

    • jim says:

      Our ruling elite is incohesive, and suffers from the paralysis characteristic of large committees where no one takes responsibility for anything.

  5. Alrenous says:

    I guess that nails it for Moldbug’s theory that Egypt, Libya and that other one was State getting Arlington back for Iraq.
    State seems to be over extending, though, by going after Israel. If they actually strip Arlington of its entire neo-empire they risk retracting the proxy civil war into a regular civil war. Fact is both sides wants to choke the other but you can’t do it by cutting off liabilities in foreign lands.

    • jim says:

      Which of Moldbug’s posts do you have in mind?

      • Alrenous says:

        I can never remember, it might even have been a comment on that site that discusses COIN, which I can’t remember either aside from it having a chibi arab with an assault rifle. (Since all I can find on UR is his one Egypt post, it probably was a comment. Might even have been at Foseti’s.)

        But basically, the theory goes that Iraq was Arlington showing it can remove an ‘anti-American’ client from existence. State then turns around and removes three ‘friendly’ clients from existence, and is now working on Israel. “I wouldn’t, if I were you.” (Right, Tunisia was the third.)

        Despite the fact that Iraq looks like an overall loss for Arlington, to me. Pretty sad, Arlington.

        Off topic, to make fun of NGOs I want to call myself a Sun-Rises-In-the-East-ist.

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