Author: Jim

global warming

Climategate 3

You have seen the worst of the climategate emails “I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick … to hide the decline” But there are over a thousand emails. What is the typical average email like?  Download them. Are most of them just showing good honest scientists industriously at work doing real science? Here is a random …

global warming

Winning on Climategate

The mainstream media is reluctant to report Climategate, except that evil hackers have stolen private emails in a vain attempt to create to cast doubt on a dire emergency that creates an urgent need for a massive transfer of power and wealth to a centralized one world government. Rasmussen polls, however, indicate that the vast …


What is wrong with Wikipedia

Wikepedia’s rules innately and inherently create bias. One is required to source stuff, not in reality, not in what is observable, but in what respectable authority says, which necessarily excludes Climategate from Wikipedia. Evidence based data is “original research”, thus the scientific approach is forbidden. To present the actual science, rather than the “consensus”, is …


Nullius in Verba

Checking the Royal Society website I find that the old translation, “take no one’s word for it”, which had mysteriously disappeared from the website, has mysteriously returned. But That it demands that evidence be presented by one side is rather less impressive if it continues to object to the other side also presenting evidence.

global warming

Climategate 2

The climategate letters, programs, and datafiles show a systematic and repetitious pattern of hiding and falsifying inconvenient data, cherry picking, self deception, and replacing peer review with theological review of the holy synod.  It is worth examining particular incidents from this sorry story in detail. When considering one particular such incident, you should keep in …


climategate 1

“Hide the decline” In this scandal, we see antiscientific attitudes of the IPCC, the big government branch of the big science conspiracy Hadley CRU, a coalition of big government and big science to take control of your life, with the intent of preventing you from making a living in an “unsustainable” way. And if the …