Author: Jim

party politics

Mueller Testimony

A lot of people interpreted the Mueller testimony as Mueller being senile and forgetful. Did not look like that to me. He was “forgetful” under hostile cross examination: Looked to me that he was repeatedly caught lying to congress. He was not forgetful, he was changing his story in midstream. Looked to me that he …

party politics

The General Flynn Affair

From the beginning, it has been obvious that the FBI and the Democrats sincerely believed they had the goods on Trump, that he was guilty of something or other, had to be guilty of something or other, even though they were never clear in their own minds of exactly what. And from the beginning, it …


Trump closes the asylum loophole.

a new immigration rule Monday that will restrict illegal immigrants from countries, other than those bordering the United States, for applying for asylum first in the U.S. if they have attempted “to enter the United States across the southern border after failing to apply for protection in a third country.” Trump threatened Mexico with tariffs, …


The Faith

Holy war is coming, as the poz gets ever more extreme, ever faster, and our ruling elite increasingly uses state coercion and the FBI to accomplish political outcomes, coercing fellow members of the political elite for political reasons. Have to bring a gun to a gunfight, and a faith to a holy war. Deus Vult. …


The counter coup unfolds.

A couple weeks ago, Trump condemned congresswoman Ilhan Omar for dismissing 9/11, and all the left and all the mainstream media united around her, and repeatedly told us she was black, and Trump hates blacks, and a woman, and Trump hates women, and he is lying liar. Lo and behold, by a strange coincidence, an …


Trump’s state visit to England

Ideas are more powerful than guns, and fashion is more powerful than ideas. The main weapon and instrument of successful rulers is their role as the fount of all honors, mortal and divine. Because of the problems of scaling, their bureaucracy, rather than being the instrument of their rule, tends to become the main threat …


Fat is a reactionary issue

Facebook recently purged a facebook group for advocating healthy eating habits – right wing healthy eating habits – adequate protein, plenty of animal fats and less or no snacking, especially snacking of overly processed foods made from unknown ingredients, which tends to be what snacks are made of. Leftism being the party of defection, infanticide, …


When the rot set in

The priesthood exists to serve the army, by providing legitimacy, moral guidance, and social cohesion. When the priests undermine army officers, pretty soon you get what we have got. Priests are supposed to supply asabiyyah. That is their number one job in this world. What we have is priests destroying asabiyyah . The problem is …



Trump has said the coup word. Of course, it is not really a Democrat coup until they send a bunch of guys dressed in freshly issued police uniforms and equipped with a subpoena from some judge in Hawaii and give him the perp walk without bothering with the old fashioned inconvenience of a senate supermajority …


Michael Knowles at UKMC

48:58 “Why the rage? asks a member of the audience Michael Knowles at UMKC tells us When people have a weak point, they tend to shatter. When people don’t have confidence in what they are saying, they scream at you. They are now seeing the fruits of a long simmering gender ideology, that men and …