Author: Jim


The origin of cuckservatism

The Cathedral’s position on right wing individualism is rendered obvious by the mindless conformity and rigid ideological uniformity of our tenured academics, and the robotic programmed speech of NPC leftists of twitter, and by the ever swelling apparatus to impose correct thought on everyone, for example the Human Resources Department. But at the same time …


Analysis of a Chinese video

You will never see courtship realistically portrayed in videos made for the west in anything made since the sixties, but they are still allowed to do romance realistically in China. Episode seven: Hat tip Spandrell. At 1:12 the pre fertile age chick is trying to attract his attention while simultaneously directing an expression of disdain …


The reactionary program.

Neoreaction plans to be the priesthood, but we think warriors should be on top and should steal sufficient to fund the army and the state, that warriors should do warrior stuff, merchants should do merchant stuff, and priests priestly stuff. Our current problems are the result of an excessively numerous priesthood overflowing and intruding on …


Defunding the left

Trump is defunding the left and lowering its status The EPA will no longer take science advice from “scientists” who receive stupendous amounts of money for climate doom. During the Obama years, the EPA packed the CASAC panel. Twenty-four of its 26 members are now agency grantees, with some listed as principal investigators on EPA …

party politics

State of the Union Speech

Trump gave a great speech, in which he re-affirmed his campaign promises, not yet kept, to end the forever war and build the wall, Wealthy politicians and donors push for open borders while living their lives behind walls, and gates, and guards. Meanwhile working class Americans are left to pay the price for mass illegal …


Natural Selection is reactionary

Vox Day has been campaigning against evolution, arguing that like Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming, it is fake science, demon worshiping religion dressed in the sacerdotal lab coats of science. Vox is a great man, and I am a huge admirer of his. He had the courage, doubtless strengthened by his faith in God, to take …


Deus Vult

Gnon wills it. Trump cannot get stuff done, because he is merely president, and the permanent government is full of people that hate him. But it is not just the permanent government. His political appointees are in bed with his enemies, and are subverting his agenda. Two years after Hitler was elected, Hitler had a …


war approaches faster.

The story of the Covington boys is that the left saw some boys wearing Maga hats, wanted to murder them, and then felt there must be something or other justifying their desire, and therefore confidently announced that something or other had happened justifying murder on every news medium – which announcements continue in spite of …

party politics

State of Emergency coming up.

Trump is readying a state of emergency to build and fund the wall without congressional approval. He has already been building and funding the wall without congressional approval, but a state of emergency would arguably make it legal. The Democrats are going to scream in pain that this is a dire threat to rule by …