Author: Jim


And Tango does not make three

Singapore and Hong Kong resist “International Community” dominance, taking gay books off the library shelves. Now that Trump is disinclined to back Blue Empire soft power with Red Empire hard power, Blue Empire soft power is running into severe head winds. Recall Duterte threatening to give Soros a helicopter ride if he came to the …


English pay the Jizya

The Daily Mail Online tells us “Less than one in twenty street robberies and burglaries solved” Naturally I thought the unmentionable planet Jupiter must be in sight, and suspected that these mysteriously unsolvable crimes might correlate with that. “Rushcliffe in Nottinghamshire had the lowest rate of solved crime in 2017, while the most crimes were …

party politics

Can’t stump the Trump

Naturally the world press attempted to frame this as Trump taking a humiliating beating like an errant schoolboy. But … But the frame fell off with Trudeau’s eyebrows. Trump targeted Trudeau in particular, not because of anything he said, that was just an excuse, but because the Canadian economy is the most vulnerable to a …


Baking a gay marriage cake

The supreme court has rolled back the decision that forced a particular baker to bake a particular gay marriage cake. But has done nothing in general about the rules that pressure everyone else to piously give service to gay marriage, that require ever other baker to bake a gay wedding cake. The reason for undoing …

party politics

The drift to civil war

Whichever outcome happens, Trump in prison or the swamp in prison, as leftism keeps getting lefter the stakes just keep getting higher, and the processes for seizing the stakes are losing legitimacy. When things are falling apart, the first guy to escalate tends to win, and the first guy to escalate to naked violence is …

party politics

We are all white supremacists now

Obama promised a post racial America. We elected Obama so that we could once and for all cleanse ourselves from the guilt for our racial sins. Obama running for election spoke of the “nation’s original sin of slavery,” in the celebrated “A More Perfect Union” speech on race.but promised redemption. Elect Obama, and your sins …


“The intellectual Dark Web” – and Jordan Peterson

Yesterday, Saturday, I was shopping at the farmers market, and at one of the stalls my girlfriend asked if we should buy some choko, and I said “You are in charge, you decide”, meaning she was in charge of cooking and the kitchen.  Whereupon the stall holder, a late twenties white male small scale farmer selling …


Inclusivity codes of conduct

When an open source software project adopts a “code of conduct” it slowly dies. Bugs don’t get fixed, new features break stuff, and it is unable to accommodate updates and changes in the environment. Over time, it gradually suffers bitrot – unchanging and unchangeable assumptions in a changing world, combined with “fixes” that introduce new …


Who gets sex

The simplistic account is that eighty percent of women are having sex, and twenty percent of men are having sex – a hell of a lot of sex. It kind of feels as if it is true, it is emotionally true, but it is not literally true. The number of men and women getting sex …