Author: Jim



The holocaust is real, in that midway through the war, the Nazis decided to kill every Jew, and made a good start on doing so. The holocaust is fake, in that a pile of myths have been manufactured around it to deceive people about the nature and motivation of the crime. The point and purpose …


Pushing back on social justice warriors.

Remember how Github went social justice? Well elections have consequences “Coraline”, an autogynophilic male to female transexual, competent programmer, and political commissar, recently got purged from Github by the mandarinate. Mandarins are priests, and Social Justice Warriors are priests, but social Justice Warriors are primarily into runaway extreme holier than thou holiness, while mandarins are …


Not a dog barked

Remember all those mighty and entirely spontaneous protests demanding that the Obama regime do what it quite obviously wanted to do and was quite obviously looking for justifications for doing, protests demanding that the government block every form of energy production in every white country, which obstructions have made the US into an energy importer …


The bitcoin crisis

There can only be one. There can only be one money, at the root of all others. Money is a measure of value, a store of value, and a medium of exchange, and you want to uses the same medium of exchange and measure of value as everyone else. At the very beginning, I said …


The true cost of renewable energy

Because the cost of renewables is falsified, installation of renewables causes power crises. Renewables are installed. The cost of renewables is hidden in some other part of the system, renewables continue to be installed, that part of the system does not get increased funding, collapses, blackouts and brownouts ensue. Fixing the blackouts and brownouts costs …