Author: Jim


Good Friday

Why is today Good? Because we remember the forgiveness of sins. You already know today’s story and how its ends, but briefly recapping the story so far: Jesus has been betrayed, arrested, and beaten, and Peter chickened out at the last minute — which foreshadows some important things much later in the gospels, but that …


Maundy Thursday

In this post we cover the last supper and the events leading up to it, starting with Palm Sunday where it starts to turn ominous. The previous Palm Sunday post stopped in the middle of first foreshadowing In the Palm Sunday post, we remembered Christs triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The crowds went wild because he …


Palm Sunday

Normally this blog does not note the high holy days of Easter, except for Resurrection Sunday every now and again. But, since the State of South Dakota has criminalised Good Friday a few days before Easter, I will Streisand the high holy days of Easter, among them Good Friday. Today we remember Christs triumphal entry …


Nukes loom.

From 1990 to 2010 or so, Russia was a province of the Global American Empire. Global American Empire rule was disastrous, incompetent, corrupt, and a nightmare of ruin, oppression and tyranny for ordinary Russians. In 2010 or so, Russia shrugged off Global American Empire rule, and the Global American Empire promptly set to with the …


A new space race

Russia and China are talking about putting a permanent manned base on the moon, which is obviously a response to NASA talking about putting a permanent manned base on the moon. NASA has Musk’s rockets, but Musk is not really interested in a moon base, because insufficient volatiles on the moon for a self sustaining …


How to do bitcoin in a country like India that has a locked down financial system

There are a few based Hindus on this blog, and they have been telling me they cannot do bitcoin, so cannot set up a blog securely. India has a locked down financial system and war on cash, which Indians are resisting by using gold, but you cannot do long distance transactions in gold. If you …


Thermidor is in power, Team B is now on top of Team A

The Biden puppet just gave a speech, ostensibly directed at everyone, and ostensibly directed at Republicans, but actually directed at the radicals, telling them to cool it. Google failed to commemorate black history month. The immanent eschaton has strangely been postponed. Lawfare against Trump and Musk is quietly being dropped, albeit there is still a …


Microsoft turns off the past

For a very long time I have been using a very old windows tool, abandonware, but there is no replacement for it. I use it to keep a very large pile of structured data and metadata about sensitive information. And this tool suddenly stopped working. After playing around a bit, I came to suspect that …