Author: Jim


On fighting in the streets

The left does not win by fighting in the streets. Believing that is left wing propaganda and Whig history. The left faction of the permanent government uses this myth to seize power from the traditional and legitimate government. They put rioters in the streets, forbid the army and the police from dealing with them, and …


Violence, repression, and freedom

When the left stopped attempting to communicate with its enemies, stopped listening, stopped talking, and instead dehumanized, demonized and no platformed us, I knew that this would necessarily lead to violence against us, and eventually war. The violence has started. War comes. Today, if you support freedom of speech and the right to peaceably assemble, …


Not the Jews

The key fundamental point uniting the alt right is that all men are not created equal, nor women equal to men. There are important differences between individuals, groups, categories, and races. And among those differences are differences which cause Jews in exile to be irritating and a problem. No one in the alt-right, including the …


The enemy within

Trump’s CIA director, Pompeo, tells us that Julian Assange, the leader of wikileaks is “on the wrong side of history.” That is commie language, commie thinking. To say that history has a side in earthly political struggles is history reified and personified as the Jewish God. Probably he is a cultural Marxist rather than an …


We won the battle of Berkeley

A free speech rally was held at the symbolically important location of Berkeley Was the free speech sometimes anti semitic? Yes, damned well was. Naturally antifa, a wholly owned subsidiary of George Soros, tried to shut it down.  Failed dismally. It is a symbolic victory.  Symbols matter, often more than the things that they symbolize.  …


Trump accomplishments.

The invasion of illegals has largely stopped.  Though no wall yet, arrests of illegals have fallen to a tiny fraction of what they used to be – because now when they try to cross, they will likely be arrested, so they don’t even try.  The wall matters, but men with guns matter more, and if …