Author: Jim


Nationalism rises from the dead

White nationalities have been told, and have believed, that they don’t deserve to have nations, that they are too wicked to have nations, that their evil thoughts cause nonwhite nationalities to underperform. And if you look at the capitals of what used to be white nations, looks like most white nationalities no longer have nations. …


The feminized police force and army

1. In response to the Orlando terrorist massacre there were women in uniform among those police responding. This was absurd, outrageous, despicable, shocking, and immoral. We should not expose women to danger – and because you cannot treat women differently to men, no police were exposed to danger. 2. In response to the Orlando terrorist …

party politics

If you are a conservative

You believe that a wall for the US is immoral and racist, but a wall for Israel is not. You believe deporting anchor babies is unconstitutional. You believe that free trade consists of other nations accepting US copyrights, patents, and US investment, but not US goods. You believe that the US should be the world’s …

party politics

Trump for King

This image, and this entire blog is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License This is an outline of how President Trump might well become King Trump the first, if we are sufficiently lucky and virtuous. The world is sick of anarcho tyranny, and hungers unknowingly for the power and authority of Kings. …


Keeping up with PC

Me: I would not like to be incorrect, so is pedophilia still an abomination and absolutely the worst thing ever, or is it holy and sacred already? SJW: Relax. Still an abomination and absolutely the worst thing ever. Me: What if the pedophilia is part of an anti bullying program teaching pre pubertal children to …


New Canon on Church and State

I hearby declare Citadel’s statement on Church and State to be neoreactionary canon. A lot of neoreactionaries are Christian adherents of organized religion – or wish they could be Christian – or wish they could be adherents of some organized religion or other.  I suppose all of us wish that. Trouble is that today’s Roman …


All slopes are slippery

Just as overt discrimination against blacks was replaced with overt discrimination against whites with no intervening period of neutrality, when people opposed the double standard and started socially enforcing chastity on men, they abandoned social enforcement of chastity on women. In the social world, everything is a feedback loop, and all slopes are slippery. The …