Author: Jim



Most neo reactionaries are ex libertarians, or ex anarchists. Indeed, if you are a feudalist you are not even an ex anarchist.  You are an anarcho capitalist who doubts that most people should be allowed authority in the anarcho capitalist system of enforcement and justice, or are likely to receive a substantial voice. “I pencil” …


Duerte Harry

If the votes are honestly counted, Duerte Harry will be the next president of the Philippines. He was previously mayor of Davao, where he solved a crime problem, in substantial part a problem of Muslim criminals predating on Christians, by killing criminals.  A lot of criminals.  Of all religions. When I was in Davao, some …


Adulthood by race

Eyeballing the graphs in the Journal of Endoctrinology, looks like American blacks become physically adult roughly four years earlier than American whites.  Which makes them approximately intermediate between chimps and men.  This is consistent with black females typically experiencing menarche at nine and white females typically experiencing menarche at twelve.  Data on puberty in black …



Moldbug argued for Formalism – that the official reality of political power should match up with the actual reality. And I would add to that the rectification of names: That words should cut reality at the joints, rather than lay a comforting layer of snow over what everyone knows but no one can actually say.  …


The Summoner’s tale

Chaucer depicts three priests:  The Friar, the Summoner, and the Pardoner.  All of the them are corrupt and avaricious.  The Summoner and the Pardoner are low testosterone gays, and the Pardoner is a predatory pedophile gay.  The Friar has seduced many women, and been forced, therefore, to pay dowries to get them married off. The …


Rabid Puppies and My Little Pony

For a long time the major science fiction publishing houses have been vomiting forth tedious hate filled political lectures that patronizingly scold the traditional audience for science fiction and fantasy: White males. The only part of what they produce that actually sells is romance porn for women where the female protagonist or gay bottom protagonist …


Spiritual Security

Putin coined the useful and important concept of “spiritual security”, as a part of national security. All states have a state religion. If your state religion is controlled by a hostile state, you are toast. That is spiritual insecurity. The official state religion of most states is progressivism, and their progressivism is controlled by the …