Category: culture


Women prefer men with the stones to rape them

Left wing activist hot heterosexual chick with no apparent boyfriend works as refugee aid activist.  Predictably gets robbed and gang raped.  Predictably continues to work as refugee aid activist and blames German racism. Why, you may ask, does a hot chick have no boyfriend?  Well in my experience it is extremely common for way hot chicks to have no boyfriend because they are on booty calls to guys who are, …


Hitting your woman with a stick

No woman in love ever wanted to hear her lover say “Honey, you can hang out at my place as long as you feel like it” What she wants to hear is “I will keep you forever, and never ever let you go.” Men want to have sex with women. Women want to submit to a man’s urgent and powerful sexual demands. Sex for women is just not very interesting …


The puritan hypothesis in short

New world order university forum has issued a post criticizing the puritan hypothesis Their counter theory is that leftism is an efficient, centralized, and competently run conspiracy of evil people who for entirely rational reasons want to rule the world, and that leftism is composed of coherent, well defined, and unchanging beliefs. Well if that was the case, we are toast.  But I am pretty sure it is not the …


A white woman’s chance of getting married

tl;dr If you are white woman who is thirty or over, and not already married or in a relationship resembling marriage, your chances are slim. You are washed up, you are left on the shelf, you are past your sell by date. This is my analysis of Dalrock’s data. If white men had their way, and women did not have their way, most women would get married between fourteen and …


Civilization and dysgenesis

We may reasonably suppose that the first six civilizations were founded by high IQ peoples. Their homelands are now all occupied by low IQ peoples, as for example Egypt and the Indus Valley. And any smart people currently in the vicinity of the Indus valley are descended from foreign invaders who conquered a low IQ population that had lost or was losing the capability to operate cities and irrigation. The …


Why women are sleeping with chads

The problem is that dads are being emasculated and chads are not being emasculated Men want children, children are hostages against them, the hostages make them weak, so their wives despise them and fuck a black rapper, who fucks their husband’s daughters and beats their husband’s sons. If we preferentially give children to the husband in the event of divorce, women will not wish to divorce – not because they …


On stopping power

Ellifritz studied 1800 actual gunfights. His study produced the seemingly absurd conclusion that the handgun most effective in stopping people, in resolving a gunfight to the shooters satisfaction, was by many reasonable measures the .22, a conclusion he was profoundly reluctant to accept. Now obviously if you do a Mythbuster type experiment, put the gun in a vice, aim it at a block of gelatine, any other handgun will do …


Common Core Explained

tl;dr Problem: If you try to teach children reading, writing, and arithmetic, People of Color will underperform. Thus teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic has disparate impact. Solution: Yo Stop teaching dem dat racist whitey sheeit what ‘chew thinkin’ man? A child who has been educated with common core is a child who cannot do maths, cannot spell correctly, nor write grammatically. He is cut off from the past two thousand …


Mean, median, and chastity enforcement.

Men are polygynous. Women are serially monogamous. Women are hypergamous. It follows that the mean number of sexual partners a man has will always be enormously larger than the median number of sexual partners a man has. The mean number of sexual partners a woman has is necessarily equal to the mean number of sexual partners a man has. It follows that the median number of sexual partners a woman …


Fertility and corporal punishment

To 1933, wives in movies are never spanked by their husbands. From 1933 to 1945, wives in movies are sometimes spanked, but it is shocking, unexpected and unusual. From 1945 to 1963, wives in movies and on television are sometimes spanked and it is routine, respectable, and usual. For example in “I love Lucy” we are never shown a spanking on screen, but Lucy is regularly very afraid of receiving …