Category: culture


The next big thing in progressivism

Recently there was ass bandits. Then there was transgender. For a while it looked liked the next big thing would be pedophobia – the “anti bullying” campaign sought to protect pre pubescent children of ambiguous sex who had physically affectionate relationships with obviously homosexual middle aged males from being “bullied” and sought to normalize pre pubescent children of ambiguous sex who have physically affectionate relationships with obviously homosexual middle aged …


The overwhelming majority of rape accusations are false

Follows from the poster girl principle. If poster girls suck then every other girl sucks as badly or worse. For example for example Marie Curie was a second rate scientist, therefore there are no great female scientists. Emmett Till was not lynched, nor killed for whistling at a white woman, therefore there are no examples of blacks being lynched in an obviously unjust fashion, or with reckless disregard for justice. …


Patriarchy and fertility

We observe high fertility in those nations and cultures where patriarchy is legally and socially enforced, in particular Muslim Afghanistan and Christian Timor Leste. Affordability of family formation has little effect. Clearly males in patriarchal societies are highly motivated to have children. They will do whatever it takes so that they can afford a family. Thus, if pro social behavior in a patriarchal society is rewarded by a wife and …


Western Civilization

Western civilization is a bunch of things that tend to come together. Christianity (forget that “Judeo Christian” crap, Judaism still has the problems Jesus complained about) Classic Greek art, culture and philosophy (hey, compare our comic books with Greek statues, then compare with Indian statues or Japanese comic books, and no one except us and the Greeks does philosophy) Western music descended from seventeenth and early eighteenth century composers, in …


Separation of Church and State has failed catastrophically.

Same problem as anarcho capitalism. The vacuum is apt to be filled. And today it is filled with an official government belief system that daily becomes more extreme, and is enforced more coercively. In retrospect it is clear that in England the demand to disestablish the Anglican Church came from a competing religion, then called Evangelism, descended from Puritanism, which was already most of the way to becoming the state …


Teaching boys to be beta

I was watching “Troy”. And for the first hour it was totally great. The mother of Achilles, who has the power of prophesy, and is believed to be a goddess or something similar, prophesies that if he goes to war with Troy, he will die in that war, but his name will live for a thousand years. This is actually conservative, for Achilles was part of the collapse of Bronze …


The feminized police force and army

1. In response to the Orlando terrorist massacre there were women in uniform among those police responding. This was absurd, outrageous, despicable, shocking, and immoral. We should not expose women to danger – and because you cannot treat women differently to men, no police were exposed to danger. 2. In response to the Orlando terrorist massacre police of both sexes hid some distance away for three hours while the shooter …


What people really mean when they say there is a lot of rape

Official, politically correct truth, is that there is a whole lot of rape, and very few rape convictions, and when women claim to have been raped, it is always true. Now of course the poster girl law applies.  If there was a whole lot of unpunished rape, or if most rape accusations were true, or even if more than a tiny proportion were true, then when Rolling Stone and suchlike …


Church Authority versus Sovereign authority

The natural tendency is for Church and Sovereign to become one (interpreting Religion and Church broadly to include progressivism as a religion and Harvard as its Church)  If one, the question goes away. But sometimes church and sovereign are geographically different, as when the Holy Roman Empire lost power, resulting in one Roman Catholic Church and many Roman Catholic Kings. Whereupon trouble ensues, and the question becomes urgent. What tends …


Keeping up with PC

Me: I would not like to be incorrect, so is pedophilia still an abomination and absolutely the worst thing ever, or is it holy and sacred already? SJW: Relax. Still an abomination and absolutely the worst thing ever. Me: What if the pedophilia is part of an anti bullying program teaching pre pubertal children to accept gays. SJW: Never happens. Me: I seem to recall the anti bullying literature depicting …