Stolen from the heartiste comments: It is frequently reported that white women in Sweden have reasonable total fertility rate. What is not reported is that this largely consists of fatherless brown babies supported by white male taxpayers. At an instinctive gut level, women recognize this for what it is: Invasion! And respond sexually to invasion as women always have and always will unless kept under tight control.  Yet another reason …
Category: culture
Hillary and the decline of the elite.
Bill Clinton was a truly great politician. He could embrace you and steal your wallet, embrace your wife and fuck your wife, and you would still somehow like him. Hillary Clinton is the drunken dumb heiress bitch Bill Clinton married to fund his initial entry into politics. She is now big fat drunken carpet munching dumb bitch. Bill Clinton is a very good liar, an extraordinarily good liar. Hillary Clinton …
Diversity means defection
Yet another great Steve Sailer post. Diversity, even with groups of comparable ability, leads to loss of trust and bad conduct. This is revealed by the FBIs ten most wanted white collar criminals. White collar crime requires intelligence, but the only American born white on the top ten, the only one you could not tell was a diversity by looking at him, is named Hamed Ahmed Elbarki. Every single one …
The medium is the message, and the message is progressivism
New wine in old bottles. A couple of weeks ago, I attended the Roman Catholic church of one of my sons. He seemed quite satisfied that it was preaching Roman Catholicism, rather than progressivism. The service was presided over by three people: A white male, a black male, with blackness much emphasized, and a woman. Which is to say, presided over by diversity and consensus. I suppose that to the …
Trump: Empowering the powerless
There is a rule that people like Jorge Ramos are entitled to act like like the subhuman savages that they are, and white males must respectfully suck it up. Trump broke that rule. People like Jorge Ramos should not be allowed out in public without a leash. All men are not created equal, and forcing people to act as if they were unavoidably and necessarily oppresses the superior. This post …
Political correctness castrates men
A public radio station (Government left wing propaganda station) had its staff testosterone levels tested. They all came out pathologically low, the highest being a gay New York Jew who almost made the official normal range (the official normal range being much lower than the actual normal range) Every one else was less than half the lower limit of the supposed normal range. In the ensuing conversation, they remarked on …
Intact fetal cadavers
An anti abortion organization, posing as a fetal tissue buyer, gets planned parenthood to agree to arrange for twenty week babies to be born alive, and then supplied to the buyer. At which point you are doubtless thinking “How mature is twenty weeks? Are they conscious?” Here is a video of an unborn boy masturbating at fifteen weeks. (At 6:30 into the video) If he can beat himself off, he …
Skittles guy and female agency
There has been a tremendous amount of research in how to sleep with as many women as possible, and it is relatively easy to obtain good scientific data on this question, because the experimenter can try one thing on a statistically significant sample of women, then another thing on a significant sample of women, then form theories based on the results, and test the theory with yet another significant sample …
Kin altruism, reciprocal altruism, and ethnic altruism
Kin altruism does not make much sense outside the nuclear family, or narrowly extended family. It can work in slightly larger groups if they deliberately practice inbreeding, but the groups are not much larger, and you get IQ depression from inbreeding. So what explains the tendency of ethnics to stick together? Well if people resemble you, they are predictable. You know you can trust them in some matters to some …
Gay families bang their children
The Story of Moira Greyland tl;dr She got banged a lot by her parents with lot of sadism and bondage, starting at age five. from my experience in the gay community, the values in that community are very different: the assumption is that EVERYONE is gay and closeted, and early sexual experience will prevent gay children from being closeted, and that will make everyone happy. Yes, she is right about …