Category: culture


The elephant in the living room

The Chinese look at America and see the glaringly obvious that Americans cannot see Chinese advice to Chinese visitors to America “11. Show Humility to Ladies—They’re In Charge “In public, the Americans show particular respect for women. Everywhere is “Ladies First.” In social situations, men must show humility to ladies. Men must walk on the outside of the sidewalk, let the woman sit first, open the door for a …


Sex and natural law

When it comes to ordinary crime, for example mugging and burglary, natural law is obvious: What is crime? Crime is bad actions that are apt to be met by physical violence, socially approved physical violence. What is law? Law is social approval for violence against certain kinds of bad actions. If you see a conflict between someone who is mugged, and someone who is mugging, you will naturally support the …


White on black crime

White on black crime: This site: has an open invitation to the SPLC to tell them all about white on black crime, to be fair and balanced with their (horrific) black on white page. They get about one white killing a year of a black man not engaged in a felony. According to the FBI, in 2011, 193 black men were murdered by whites. But if these were actual …


Sockpuppet Rapist

Email from Jackie Coakley’s supposed rapist to the man who friendzoned her. Ryan McDuffin friendzoned Jackie Coakley.  She then invented a sockpuppet imaginary boyfriend, Haven Monahan.  She talked to Ryan McDuffin about this boyfriend a lot, and sent numerous messages to Ryan from sockpuppet accounts, supposedly from her imaginary boyfriend.  Sockpuppet boyfriend then supposedly rapes her with five other men when she went on a date with him. (This was …


Post rationalism

Christianity was the basis of European civilization, and now it is dead save for a remnant smaller than mustard seed. Civilizations die with their animating religion, being devoured by demons. Progressivism wears the religions it has devoured like a monster that dresses itself in the skins of people it has eaten. It has consumed Judaism, Christianity, and most of Islam, though the worst and most harmful religion, Islam, still lives …


The vast majority of rape accusations are false

When the media goes shopping for stories of innocent black victims shot by whites, whom do they come up with? They come up with nine year old honors student Martin Trayvon and gentle giant Michael Brown, that is who, because in reality almost every black shot by a white was committing assault resulting from a recent or intended robbery. And when they go shopping for stories of innocent women brutally …


Islam lives, unfortunately

Previously I remarked that Christianity is dead, save for a remnant small as a mustard seed, which is a problem, for civilizations tend to die with their animating religion. Europe was the faith, and the faith was Europe – then, later Anglicanism, while it was alive, gave us the scientific and industrial revolutions. Islam seemed, for the most part, to be going the same way, devoured from within by progressivism, which …


Death of Christianity

A woman running the Young Christian Activity Group is every bit as incompatible with Christianity as an openly gay bishop, and like gay bishops, results in most of the boys and all of the manly boys dropping out of their religion. People may tell themselves that Christianity can be compatible with progressivism, but each step to reconcile them empties the churches. If you accept the progressive position on “marital rape”, …


False rape fantasies

Roissy proposes four possible motives for the UVA false rape accusation, of which sexual fantasizing is only one, the other three being political fantasizing. Well, I suppose he is more expert at girls than I am, but it seems glaringly obvious to me that the UVA accusation was rape fantasy: The story departs from realistic rape in numerous ways, and every departure is in the direction of female rape fantasies.  …



I would like to revive the Roman word “Religio”, as a word for the shared rituals and solemn pronunciations on virtue that bind a nation together, and symbolize people’s trust in each other to do the expected thing, and a word for the suitably solemn and respectful observance of these rituals and pieties. What we need is not religion, of which we have oversupply, some of them good but walking …