Category: culture



Like a frog boiled, we have now reached Stalinist levels of censorship.  They won’t send you to the gulag, but in the later days of Stalinism they seldom did that.  Rather, your career depended on compliance I was listening to Chris Rock’s hilarious rant “We hate black people too!” and my son became alarmed, lest some one sneak up on my house and listen near the windows.


Anne Mansouret confirms rape of Tristane Banon by DSK

It seems that the chief of the IMF has been in the habit of raping women for quite some time – and no one called him on it until today. Ann Mansouret confirms that her daughter, Tristane Banon was raped by Dominique Strauss-Kahn So far, the hotel management has had balls the size of apples, the south central cops have had balls the size of apples, and, to my considerable …


Lifestyles of the benefactors of the poor

The other McCain has an interesting tale to tell: Recently the World Bank, led by the leading socialist candidate for the french presidency, in its endless efforts to help the poor, helped the poor backward illegal immigrant Muslim majority of the Ivory Coast take over from the slightly less poor and slightly more advanced native Christian minority of the Ivory Coast. But how do these people live when not tirelessly …


The end is not nigh

But it is in sight. There is a lot of ruin in a nation, but we have had a lot of ruin. The US government lacks cohesion, and is insolvent. Lack of cohesion means that in a crisis it is apt to disappear, dissolve into its parts, with each part seeking its own interest. Insolvency means a crisis is looming. I would expect the Euro to collapse before the US …



All Most theocratic religions are officially anti theocratic, in the sense that supposedly people believe in the official religion because it is simply the truth, not because of state sponsorship, and if anyone doubts the truth, they are supposedly seeking the power that rightly belongs to those who preach what is simply the truth, so it is those horrid heretics that are the theocrats.  Thus the well paid wise progressive …


The decline of civilization reflected in fantasy novels

Black gate observes the replacement of heroes by anti heroes, and the replacement of morality by anti morality: Thus we can be confident that the murderous, blaspheming anti-hero who rapes and tortures children will never utter a racist thought, be disgusted by homosexuality, or express skepticism about any religious stand-in for Judaism or Islam. … Abercrombie and others cannot rightly be accused of amorality nor can they correctly be portrayed …


No friends to the right

No enemies to the left, no friends to the right Left wing journalist Nir Rosen ridicules Lara Logan’s rape.  Seems that because Nir Rosen is even further left than she is, the stupid slut deserved to get raped. “Lara Logan had to outdo Anderson. Where was her buddy McCrystal.” That she is supposedly a buddy of the insufficiently left wing McCrystal is a suggestion that she is insufficiently left wing.