The future is certain, it is the past that changes. Moveon had a web page demonizing General Petraeus as General Betray Us Obama appoints General Petraeus in charge of Afghanistan, whereupon the page not only instantly disappears from, but also instantly disappears from Google’s cache. When the past changes, Google’s spiders are quicker of the mark than they are for normal updates, suggesting human intervention to correct the past …
Category: culture
If Jews bleed, it does not lead
The biggest story of the last few days has been Israel’s interception of peace activist ship to Gaza, in which they killed nine peace activists. Here is a picture of some peace activists holding down a soldier at knifepoint, with what appears to be a pool of blood on the bulkheads. When the the picture gets carried at all in the mainstream media, the knife and the blood gets cropped. …
The past is always changing
We have always been at war with Eastasia
Someone in Academia received an order like that given to Comrade Winston Smith, and all of Academia fell into line, and remains in line to this day, a thousand megaphones attached to one microphone.
How to fix the financial crisis
Proposed reforms, both left and right, are unlikely to have any effect on the continuing massive misappropriation from the financial system. It is absurd that people are discussing obscure details of the credit swap market. To fix the financial crisis, we have to revoke, or at least denounce and denigrate, Marie Curie’s Nobel prize. When they gave a Nobel prize to Marie Curie for being female, that did not hurt …
The left as astroturf
Whenever one sees supposedly insurrectionary leftism, one usually detects a government official sponsoring it, as for example in the recent suppression of US flags on Cinco de Mayo. Observe the recent firebombings in the Greek riots, where the “rioters†murdered three people. Here are a couple of videos of the “rioters†firebombing police. The “rioters†charge the police, and bang on their shields with light sticks, making no attempt to …
US government endorses Mexican violence
Compare and contrast with Saint Patrick’s day, where the American flag flies high. By enforcing what the thugs want, the government endorses and supports that thuggery. The government will empower any group that supports bigger government, for example Mexicans as a voter block, and disempower any group that objects to bigger government. So, predictably, Mexican thugs were empowered by the school administration, the administration being part of the government.
Dangerous Thought Criminal
This evil person has been detected expressing a forbidden thought in private email. She suggested that wrong think could possibly be true, and the evidence needed to be considered. She has of course given repeated grovelling public apologies for her horrifying crime. Her career is of course dead, and all right thinking people condemn her, and should continue to condemn her. Failure to adequately condemn her may cause you to …
Have leftists guilt tripped you into getting screwed?
Probably not as much as Donna Ron was. This rapist, terrorist, and bomber, is a frequent visitor to the Whitehouse, one of the most powerful men in academia, and the major ghostwriter of Obama’s book “Dream’s of my fatherâ€.
Basel II and the destruction of civilization as we know it.
Thus the decision as to what is a safe loan is moved to politics and the government bureaucracy, far far away from anyone who knows the borrower or has actually seen the assets.
Once upon a time, the living dead were scary
Miller tells us that a society that has difficulty recognizing monsters in its art, will probably have trouble recognizing terrorists at its airports.