mark @markantro catches CNN staging a fake Muslim protest against terror. Hat tip Heartiste. Everyone in the reactosphere has posted this already, and I am posting it last, but I will give you a text summary of the video. CNN positions the cameras pointing at a fake memorial of to those killed by terrorism, which “memorial†was supposedly created by the “Muslim protestersâ€, though initially we see only CNN camera …
Category: culture
The only good Muslim is a bad Muslim
If a Muslim is not murdering innocents and raping children, he is a bad Muslim. Over the last thirteen hundred years numerous Kingdoms, religions, cultures, empires, nations, tribes, and peoples have sought to coexist with Islam. None have succeeded. We shall not be the first. We shall capitulate, or we will suppress and expel them. A short while ago, some Muslims detonated some nail bombs at an English concert, targeting …
When the rot set in
Eighteenth century view was that women were sex crazy and needed to be kept under tight control or else in their feverish sexual lust they would destroy the family, and because state, society, and the church rested on the family, if you let women loose, everything would fall apart. Nineteenth century view was that women were wonderful, and the marital contract only needed to be enforced against men, never against …
The Trump Aesthetic
Ideas are more powerful than guns, and fashion is more powerful than ideas. Ever since Beau Brummel successfully snubbed the Regent, the Puritan aesthetic has been politically dominant. It has been the high status aesthetic, beloved by our rulers, most notoriously loved by city planners and university regents. Trump has been challenging that aesthetic. What is the Trump aesthetic? The Regency aesthetic became, at the end, too much detail, too …
Not the Jews
The key fundamental point uniting the alt right is that all men are not created equal, nor women equal to men. There are important differences between individuals, groups, categories, and races. And among those differences are differences which cause Jews in exile to be irritating and a problem. No one in the alt-right, including the many Jewish members of the alt-right, can or should deny this. But Jews are not …
Punching unowned women in the face
The rule on hitting girls should be, “don’t hit someone else’s girl”. If a girl is misbehaving, you should call for the man who is in charge of her, ask him to take care of the problem, and if he does not, you should punch him out, not his girl. Moldilocks went to the free speech rally in Berkeley declaring she was going to collect one hundred fascist scalps. She …
We won the battle of Berkeley
A free speech rally was held at the symbolically important location of Berkeley Was the free speech sometimes anti semitic? Yes, damned well was. Naturally antifa, a wholly owned subsidiary of George Soros, tried to shut it down. Failed dismally. It is a symbolic victory. Symbols matter, often more than the things that they symbolize. We won, because police were relatively neutral this time. That police were neutral this time, …
Trump accomplishments.
The invasion of illegals has largely stopped. Though no wall yet, arrests of illegals have fallen to a tiny fraction of what they used to be – because now when they try to cross, they will likely be arrested, so they don’t even try. The wall matters, but men with guns matter more, and if there is no wall yet, there are more men with guns with more authority to …
Progressives care so very deeply
White helmets killing babies. Progressives care deeply about people far away. About people conveniently far away.
Trump already remakes the world
Clearly the permanent government is still in control, and Trump is not yet in control. But equally clearly, he is working on it. With Trump’s election, the Arab Spring died. Suddenly and mysteriously, the mysterious benefactors that enabled Arab subversives to operate from a big important expensive office, stopped funding that big important expensive office. Simultaneously, Marvel heroes no longer push females doing manly things and sexual deviants doing admirable …