Category: economics


Herman Cain: Not the affirmative action candidate

Because Herman Cain has black accent, and tends to use simple sentences to express himself, while Barack Hussein Obama has a ruling class accent, I initially got the impression that Obama was smarter.  I should have known better. Herman Cain will answer tricky questions extempore.  No teleprompter for him.  Who then is smarter?   He has lots of facts at his fingertips.   If someone expresses himself simply, it is apt to …


Herman Cain is front runner for Republican Presidential nomination

Governor Romneycare is, or was, the establishment Republican nominee.  When his campaign turned out to be dead on arrival, Rick Perry was the emergency backup establishment republican nominee.  But Herman Cain now leads 28% to 17% Herman Cain has from the beginning been the main Republican Republican nominee.  Back in May I said “It is a long, long way to the 2012 presidential elections, but they are Herman Cain’s to …


Crony Capitalism

Palin’s brilliant speech on Crony Capitalism seemed to go right over the heads of most of the voters, but the party faithful understood it, and now this talking point is being used to hammer Obama at every opportunity. After it has been repeated one thousand times, the voters might well get it.


FHFA sues Goldman Sachs

Until recently, it has been near impossible to see daylight between the Obama regime and the Banksters, but now, banksters are being thrown overboard. The FHFA sues Goldman Sachs for common law fraud. I conjecture this is in preparation for the 2012 elections


How best to buy gold?

I don’t evaluate the situation as so serious yet that one needs to buy physical gold and sit on it, but one needs to buy claims on gold that can be turned into physical gold that one can sit on should the situation deteriorate further, as it most likely will. Can anyone tell me what gold investments most plausibly make such a promise? A lot of gold funds are investments …