Category: war


Russia did not hack the Democrat’s emails

And Obama and the spy agencies know it. Wordfence, a cyber security company, reports that the attacker used version 3.10 of an open source hacking tool written by a person who speaks English that can be downloaded for free from a Ukrainian website, by anyone in the entire world.  The current version is 3.17 Presumably the KGB uses its own custom written hacking tools, written by Russian speakers, with the …


Against Liberty

Liberty allows and encourages the highest human flourishing. But when your enemies seek your destruction, it is time for liberty to go. The time approaches for the warrior ethic, wherein the highest good is to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women. It takes two to keep the peace, only one to start war. Every time that Muslims drive a …


Why nation building fails

Because they are not building nations, but hotels for transnational progressives That is the explanation of why Assad is supposedly a very very bad man. Because he refused to let a bunch of people with prior experience in being paid by the international community for dashing around the world raising female self esteem, stopping the oceans from rising, and caring deeply about the plight of international refugees, from taking power …


America’s nuclear arsenal

Trump: “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability” “Why”, you ask “Cold war is over. Surely we have more nukes than we know what to do with.” America’s nuclear weapons are, for the most part, thermonuclear, and need a little bit of tritium to get them to ignite. Tritium has a half life of twelve years, and due to technological decline, we have not been able …


Fall of Aleppo reveals that asymmetric warfare is bunkum

fourteen months ago, I said that Aleppo would very shortly fall. Eight months ago I said that it had fallen for certain values of fallen, and its fall indicates that asymmetric warfare only works when the stronger side is fighting with one hand tied behind its back – usually tied by the State Department. My prolific commenter B complained that Aleppo had not actually fallen yet, therefore this failed to …


Hard core and softcore Trump appointments

Early appointments hard core, and primarily directed at those departments that you need to prevent a coup by the permanent government against the president, or make a self coup by the president against the permanent government. Later appointments softcore cuckservative, and directed at those departments that are irrelevant in the event of a coup. A big exception to this is the Department of State, which applies semi soft power to …


The Overton Bubble

The Overton window has formed a bubble. People inside the bubble now refuse to have anything to do with those outside the bubble, refuse to hear, refuse to understand, refuse even to notice, react to them only with ignorant crazy hatred, and if anyone respectable shows signs of listening, he loses respectability and gets cast out of the bubble. No longer will respectable people have anything to do with him. …


Trump’s secret plan to defeat Isis

He is not telling me, and it is risky to attempt to predict the actions of individuals, but Trump has a long history of picking up hundred dollar bills lying on the pavement that everyone else refuses to pick up. And for the defeat of Isis, the hundred dollar bill lying on the pavement is: Islamic State’s claim to be the Caliphate rests on it being a state, on it …


Don’t Stop

Scott Alexander has published an essay calling on his fellow leftists to stop screaming racist-misogynist-homophobe-literally-Hitler at everyone all the time at maximum volume. And a lot of gutless ladyboy cuckservatives are so traumatized at being unkindly treated by the left that they are citing it favorably. I would unkindly interpret his essay has “Please do not set fire to the Reichstag while Trump has the army and the police, and …