Category: war


The 2007 British surrender incident.

A British warship was sailing in Iraqi waters, waters that Iran had in 1975 agreed were Iraqi, which treaty it had never disavowed.  Iraq was at the time effectively ruled by the British and Americans. Two small boats with fifteen British sailors left the warship to inspect a small ship for contraband.  Under the nose of the British warship, in Iraqi waters, three Iranian coastguard vessels kidnapped those British sailors.  …


The British military as a self licking lollipop

Britain lately has been suffering completely ridiculous one sided defeats by small ill equipped poorly trained Arab forces. I wondered how this could be so, so I purchased Losing Small Wars: British Military Failure tl;dr During World War II Churchill complained: “Pray explain to me how it is that in the Middle East 750,000 men always turn up for their pay and rations but when it comes to fighting only …


A lost military technology

In the eighteenth and early nineteenth century, wealthy private individuals substantially supported the military, with a particular wealthy men buying stuff for a particular regiment or particular fort. Noblemen paid high prices for military commands, and these posts were no sinecure.  You got the obligation to substantially supply the logistics for your men, the duty to obey stupid orders that would very likely lead to your death, the duty to …


It begins

A huge flood of blacks from subsaharan Africa is pouring into Europe, since stopping them has very recently been made illegal, and when they arrive, they are guaranteed free food and housing, and the welfare state and feminist laws has left white pussy readily available, undefended, and defenseless.   What man in his right mind will protect a slut (assuming she wants to be protected, which is unlikely)? A necessary consequence …


Why Islamic State is successful.

According to progressive mythology insurgents must be like a mist—everywhere and nowhere—never trying to hold ground or wasting lives in battles with regular armies. Chairman Mao insisted that guerrillas should be fish who swam in the sea of the local population. Such views are the logical corollaries of “asymmetric warfare” in which a smaller, apparently weaker group—like ISIS—confronts a powerful adversary such as the US and Iraqi militaries. This is …



Degentrification is ethnic cleansing of whites. The politically correct account of the inner cities is that white people made them into shitholes in order to hurt black people. But, if you look at the ruins, there are a bunch of really nice buildings which were obviously once inhabited by the better sort of people, middle class whites, upper class whites. What happened of course, is that in the 1950s and …


Rohingya terrorist problem

You may have heard that there are over a million poor stateless victimized Rohingya that our do gooders want to move into first world countries to vote for more leftism. And indeed it is true that they are poor stateless and victimized. But a big part of the reason that they are poor, stateless, and victimized, is that they believe that Muslims should live under Muslim rule, and to this …


After economic leftism

Economic leftism, workers against capitalists, died with the Soviet Union. Now it is women and nonwhites against white heterosexual males. American Hindus have extremely high incomes and are extremely reliable Democrat voters. Hindus are the opposite end of income and education spectrum to Mexicans, yet vote the same. Old fashioned economic leftism doesn’t explain this. And yet there is the sense that something is being redistributed. The country itself is …


Losing Ramadi

Obama is of course a Muslim, progressive, and anticolonialist who hates America and wishes to see America defeated, but allowing Ramadi, and indeed Iraq, to be lost was pretty sensible. The underlying Bush theory was that Iraq would become a well run democracy, like Switzerland, where the Shia majority elected nice moderate progressives, thereby counterbalancing the dangerous influence of the Shia religious crazies in Iran.   The middle east would become …


Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia capitulate and allow the boats.

Since Tony Abbot has been elected prime minister of Australia, no one is known to have successfully illegally immigrated to Australia. Their boat goes back, or if they are unusually stubborn and persistent, they wind up in a military run prison camp in a third world hell hole. From time to time progressives complain about the conditions in these camps. As far as is known, no one has yet wound …