Category: war


The point of the dark enlightenment is to understand the world, not to change it.

Theory is understanding and understanding is theory. Seeing the world as a collection of bare unexplained facts is effectively the same as seeing the world as filled with magic. To suppose that somehow price controls on wages or medical treatment do not behave like price controls generally is in effect to believe in magic. Without theory the world is a collection of magical events, something that defies understanding. Experiments can …


Nationalism, whiteness, and kin

B.S. Haldane observed “I would lay down my life for two brothers, four nephews, or eight cousins.” In otherwords, kin altruism does not go far, being pretty much limited to the nuclear family and the extended family. It can be stretched to somewhat larger groups by deliberate inbreeding, by the practice of father’s brother’s daughter marriage, but then you get moderate IQ depression due to inbreeding, and the achievable group …


Nazis are commies and commies are progressives

As you probably know if you read this blog and others like it, the overthrow of the Ukrainian government by Soros et al was a Jewish/State Department conspiracy. Maidan’s primary documents are in English, in the dialect of the America Harvard educated ruling class, like so many other similar movements all over the world. The Ukrainian secession movement was and is a response to this foreign created coup installed government. …


Revolution in the Ukraine

Some time ago, democracy in the Ukraine produced the wrong result. The Cathedral violently and conspiratorially overthrew the elected government, installed a new government, which then held elections, which elections, predictably, produced the right result. Revolution ensued against this democratically elected government, and is spreading Meanwhile in Britain “antifascist” thugs, who are all full time employees of government unions, operating with impunity under police protection, use violence and the threat …


Hard left wins in Greece

The interesting question is not whether Greece leaves the Euro, or the Euro leaves Greece, but how many of the opposition will be arrested before the next election. The victory of the hard left was made possible by arresting the hard right and forbidding them from campaigning. Which had the effect of discouraging anyone from disagreeing with the hard left Greek politics is already dominated by police intimidation and the …


The solution to Jihad

Progressivism is universalist.  Islam is universalist.  Holy war necessarily ensues. To call on Muslims to abandon Jihad is to call upon them to unilaterally surrender to progressivism. We faced this problem once before, and solved it once before by means short of genocide.  The solution is to impose the Peace of Westphalia, first on ourselves, then on Muslims. Peace of Westphalia implies that Muslims resident in our lands are forcibly …


Peace is hard, war is easy

For peace to continue, everyone has to play by the rules established in the last round of wars. Even if the rule is that the hegemon gets his way, he got to be hegemon by doing dreadful things, which tend to be forgotten or denied as time passes. So there is always a temptation to bend the rules, which tend to get bent further and further, until one party responds …


The vast majority of rape accusations are false

When the media goes shopping for stories of innocent black victims shot by whites, whom do they come up with? They come up with nine year old honors student Martin Trayvon and gentle giant Michael Brown, that is who, because in reality almost every black shot by a white was committing assault resulting from a recent or intended robbery. And when they go shopping for stories of innocent women brutally …


New York Times tries to get Officer Wilson’s pregnant wife murdered

The New York Times is waging a terrorist war on the process of justice, to create a world where any white who defends himself against attack by non Asian minorities gets punished, and any non asian minority who attacks a white gets off. And if you are Asian, in that world Gentle Giant Michael Brown gets to rough you up and take your stuff, and you have to smile and …