With the permission of property owners, “Oath Keepers” took measures to prevent properties in Ferguson from being burned and looted. Police, though unwilling to prevent arson and looting, shut them down.
Category: war
New York Times tries to get Officer Wilson’s pregnant wife murdered
The New York Times is waging a terrorist war on the process of justice, to create a world where any white who defends himself against attack by non Asian minorities gets punished, and any non asian minority who attacks a white gets off. And if you are Asian, in that world Gentle Giant Michael Brown gets to rough you up and take your stuff, and you have to smile and …
Ferguson on fire. World to follow
In her book “World on Fire”Amy Chua surveys various market dominant minorites. Usually, sooner or later, they get exterminated or ethnically cleansed. Not always, and often it takes quite a while before the killing starts, but that is the way to bet. Whites are now a market dominant majority, soon to become a market dominant minority, and when I turn on the television to hear about Ferguson, I hear the …
The red and blue empires
A government is supposed to be one thing, that can be thought of as making decisions like a single person. To the extent that a government is one thing, it is a stationary bandit. But, lacking virtue and asabiyah, is apt to be many things, thus more like horde of mobile bandits. Moldbug argues that what were supposedly external wars by the US government against external enemies were frequently proxy …
Fake Hong Kong blockade
Here are the protestors “blockading” the road outside the Hong Kong Government Complex You will notice that three strong brave men with stun guns and rubber hoses could clear this blockade in fifteen minutes. If the blockade continues to exist, it is because the police wish it to continue to exist.
Hong Kong Government needs an inquisition
In the recent violence six police were injured, and nineteen people arrested, eight of who were triad members. About half of those injured were police – therefore the police are acting to protect the protestors and or coming down like the wrath of God on the counterprotestors – much like the “antifascist” riots in Europe, where the antifascists assemble to beat up “fascists”, beat them up, and then the police …
Steal this image
Unlawful assembly in Hong Kong
Obviously the Chinese government has the mandate of heaven. Those who have power are entitled to keep it if they don’t screw up too badly, nor make unsuccessful radical change in the society that gave them power originally. Obviously, by law, custom, and the two systems agreement, Hong Kongers are entitled to the rights they had before Hong Kong came under Chinese authority, including the right to peaceably assemble, and …
Taking care of Islam
Every US intervention against Islam backfires. Progressives believe that all religions, rightly understood, are Progressivism. Viewed as a cynical lie, it is working pretty well. They actually are reasonably successful at remaking Islam into progressivism. Unfortunately, it is not entirely a cynical lie. It is also sincerely held insanity. It is quite difficult for the Cathedral to do entirely cynical lies. Their stock in trade is not lies, but delusions. …
Recap on Ukraine
Bored now, which is why I have not mentioned it in a while. Democracy produced the wrong result in Ukraine, so the Cathedral staged a coup. The instrument of the coup was the Maidan movement, which is supposedly an indigenous Ukrainian movement, but its web page is in English in the distinctive dialect of the American ruling elite. Intercepted phone conversation revealed that State Department regarded the nominal leaders of …