Category: war


Winning in Iraq

It is now apparent that the US is winning in Iraq. It is so apparent that even the Washington Post reports it – to the considerable surprise of both myself and others What then is winning? What does victory mean?


Meaning of Hezbollah offensive in Lebanon

On May 9, Hezbollah fighters were wandering around Lebanon. The meaning and implications of these events were not clear at the time. No one, least of all Hezbollah, had a clear idea. Now it is clear what happened. The Lebanese state is a failed state. It lacks the will and capability to fight the various armed groups in Lebanon, or to impose its will on them. Hezbollah tested the government. …


Europe is falling

Observe in this video the British police are as frightened and weak before Muslims, as the British police are terrifying and dominating over Britishers in other videos.  The British state is as contemptible to its enemies as it is terrifying to its subjects. The fear and weakness we see in this video, we also saw when the Iranians over ran the British in the Persian gulf, and when the British …

party politics

Caplan bets Europe will survive

Bryan Caplan has bet $300 that Europe, and every state of Europe, will survive to 2020. I don’t make these kind of bets, because outcomes tend to be ill defined. What constitutes surviving? But I expect that around 2040, people will look back to around 2020, and say that some substantial portion of Europe, fell back then. The nation state derives its cohesion from the nation, and the nation is …


Are Palestinians mad dogs, or crazy like foxes?

In order to get their share of the gravy, Hamas has to prove they are even crazier than the PLO. Stubborn intransigence by the Palestinians needs to be met by cutting off the payoffs and by killing the bagmen who attempt to make payoffs, and if that fails, by imposing on Muslims rex talionis the same conditions as are imposed on Christians in most Muslim countries, not by making ever bigger payoffs.