Wherever a group has disproportionate economic or cultural success that does not rest upon political power, does not involve the ability to kill people and break things, does not depend upon hard power, for example Jews, Americans, Indonesian Chinese, Indian Fijians, Indians in Africa, the Ibo in Africa, the same hatred occurs, the same accusations, the same fantasies, the same excessive and disproportionate attention, the same concoction of utterly trivial …
Category: war
Bring back the Northern Alliance
The US is winning in Iraq, in large part by abandoning or indefinitely postponing the goal of a unitary state, and cultivating the militias, such as “the Sons of Iraq†(who are more like the sons of Arab Shia Iraq) Afghanistan, however, is going down the tubes. According to Gideon Rachman Our current strategy isn’t working There are no real alternative strategies We cannot afford to lose. There is of …
There can be no peace with dar al Islam
There can be no peace with dar al-Islam. In the long run, dar al-Harb must conquer or be conquered – and if dar al-Islam is to be the conquered, the conquered have to be colonized and displaced, as in the early days of Algeria and Israel. The problem, the reason there can never be peace, is lucidly explained by Dhimmi Watch
Europe can’t stop anything
The military weakness and incapacity of Europe in Serbia startled the Serbs, even more than America’s capacity stunned them.
Winning in Iraq
It is now apparent that the US is winning in Iraq. It is so apparent that even the Washington Post reports it – to the considerable surprise of both myself and others What then is winning? What does victory mean?
Terror works
the greater the injury, the less the hostility. Certainly that is how things worked out for the communists.
Meaning of Hezbollah offensive in Lebanon
On May 9, Hezbollah fighters were wandering around Lebanon. The meaning and implications of these events were not clear at the time. No one, least of all Hezbollah, had a clear idea. Now it is clear what happened. The Lebanese state is a failed state. It lacks the will and capability to fight the various armed groups in Lebanon, or to impose its will on them. Hezbollah tested the government. …
Europe is falling
Observe in this video the British police are as frightened and weak before Muslims, as the British police are terrifying and dominating over Britishers in other videos. The British state is as contemptible to its enemies as it is terrifying to its subjects. The fear and weakness we see in this video, we also saw when the Iranians over ran the British in the Persian gulf, and when the British …
Mark Steyn predicts the end of Israel
Bush’s idea of exporting democracy to Muslim lands has turned out to be a disaster. Our enemies can win elections, and frequently do.
Muslim moderates sighted
How can you tell a Muslim moderate?
His throat is cut from ear to ear.