Category: war


Are Palestinians mad dogs, or crazy like foxes?

In order to get their share of the gravy, Hamas has to prove they are even crazier than the PLO. Stubborn intransigence by the Palestinians needs to be met by cutting off the payoffs and by killing the bagmen who attempt to make payoffs, and if that fails, by imposing on Muslims rex talionis the same conditions as are imposed on Christians in most Muslim countries, not by making ever bigger payoffs.


How not to fight IslamTerror

“Back Talk remarks Because everyone pretty much accepts the idea that Osama bin Laden is hiding in Pakistan, it might sound sensible to send more troops in that general direction if you don’t think about it too hard. But it isn’t sensible because no matter how many troops we send to Afghanistan, they are not going to invade Pakistan, and that’s where Osama bin Laden is. So everyone accepts that …


I was wrong 1

I was wrong about Muslim reaction to the video “Fitna”. I said that Muslim’s were not reacting, just their pals in the west. This is not the case. Muslims are reacting, and, as usual, threatening murder and terror, though their western pals reacted first.


Who is funding terror?

We are funding terror. Twelve days ago, the US gave one hundred and fifty million dollars to the Palestinian Authority, much of which will be used to buy arms to murder Jews, much of which will be used to reward terrorists for their holy deeds. Why pay off the Palestinians when there are many deserving people going hungry? Duh! The answer, of course, is that it is a payoff. If …


Fitna the movie

Most servers have been intimidated into silence, but the gutsy “Pirate Bay” is still serving “Fitna”, in bittorrent form, the only major commercial service still standing. But the interesting thing is who is doing the intimidating. At first, it was a western, politically correct, demand for pre-emptive surrender.. Fitna shows a verse from the Koran urging murder, terror, or conquest. Then it shows today’s Muslim preachers urging murder, terror and …


The long war

As I write this there is chaos in Basra.  Tomorrow there will be chaos some place else.  In Basra today Iranians are backing every pony in this race, for what they want is chaos, and chaos is easy to create.  We are pursuing a strategy based on creating order.  Creating order in the Middle East is like pushing mud uphill. As I wrote when the attack on the Taliban was …