The bell has just rang to announce the bottom of the housing market in California.
Meaning of Hezbollah offensive in Lebanon
On May 9, Hezbollah fighters were wandering around Lebanon. The meaning and implications of these events were not clear at the time. No one, least of all Hezbollah, had a clear idea. Now it is clear what happened. The Lebanese state is a failed state. It lacks the will and capability to fight the various armed groups in Lebanon, or to impose its will on them. Hezbollah tested the government. …
Genocidal famine still planned
At present, Environmental Protection Agency rules require that that Americans convert food that could feed five hundred million people into fuel. But this is not enough. The rules require that it be increased five fold over the next fifteen years.
Europe is falling
Observe in this video the British police are as frightened and weak before Muslims, as the British police are terrifying and dominating over Britishers in other videos. The British state is as contemptible to its enemies as it is terrifying to its subjects. The fear and weakness we see in this video, we also saw when the Iranians over ran the British in the Persian gulf, and when the British …
Exxon blows it
Bryan Caplan wonders if oil prices are a bubble. When oil spikes abruptly, that means people made incorrect investment decisions – under invested in exploration, development, and gas to liquids conversion. A simple back of the envelope calculation tells me they are still under investing. Exxon recently abandoned gas to liquids plant that would be profitable if oil remains above forty dollars to fifty dollars a barrel. But if everyone …
Mark Steyn predicts the end of Israel
Bush’s idea of exporting democracy to Muslim lands has turned out to be a disaster. Our enemies can win elections, and frequently do.
Vote Obama
The presidents that have done the most to smash capitalism have never been Democrats, because anti capitalist Democrat presidents have always found themselves paralyzed by gridlock – the pro capitalist faction unites along party lines, and the federal government system locks up, as it was designed to do. The founding fathers intentionally constructed the federal government so that it would be slow and inefficient at making large controversial changes. The …
Genocide and environmentalism
When someone says “There are too many Jews,†we suspect that he wants to kill Jews. And when someone says there are too many people …
Global sea ice
Before Aqua, the best way to estimate changes in global temperature was to look at proxies such as total ice coverage – and the proxies have been telling us that nothing much has changed.
Muslim moderates sighted
How can you tell a Muslim moderate?
His throat is cut from ear to ear.