
Trump’s state visit to England

Ideas are more powerful than guns, and fashion is more powerful than ideas. The main weapon and instrument of successful rulers is their role as the fount of all honors, mortal and divine. Because of the problems of scaling, their bureaucracy, rather than being the instrument of their rule, tends to become the main threat to their rule. Trump’s visit to England is primarily a status parade.  Trump bestows status …


Fat is a reactionary issue

Facebook recently purged a facebook group for advocating healthy eating habits – right wing healthy eating habits – adequate protein, plenty of animal fats and less or no snacking, especially snacking of overly processed foods made from unknown ingredients, which tends to be what snacks are made of. Leftism being the party of defection, infanticide, sodomy, adultery, effeminacy, and treason, is also the party of vice.  And the most common …


When the rot set in

The priesthood exists to serve the army, by providing legitimacy, moral guidance, and social cohesion. When the priests undermine army officers, pretty soon you get what we have got. Priests are supposed to supply asabiyyah. That is their number one job in this world. What we have is priests destroying asabiyyah . The problem is not so much elite disloyalty to the masses, nor a Jewish plot against members of …



Trump has said the coup word. Of course, it is not really a Democrat coup until they send a bunch of guys dressed in freshly issued police uniforms and equipped with a subpoena from some judge in Hawaii and give him the perp walk without bothering with the old fashioned inconvenience of a senate supermajority impeachment. And if one coup once, chances are there will be another coup, this time …


Michael Knowles at UKMC

48:58 “Why the rage? asks a member of the audience Michael Knowles at UMKC tells us When people have a weak point, they tend to shatter. When people don’t have confidence in what they are saying, they scream at you. They are now seeing the fruits of a long simmering gender ideology, that men and women are identical, Which ideology is resulting in horrific consequences. Eradicating the differences between men …


The origin of cuckservatism

The Cathedral’s position on right wing individualism is rendered obvious by the mindless conformity and rigid ideological uniformity of our tenured academics, and the robotic programmed speech of NPC leftists of twitter, and by the ever swelling apparatus to impose correct thought on everyone, for example the Human Resources Department. But at the same time there is a problem with right wing individualism: Burke is the father of cuckservatism. The …


Analysis of a Chinese video

You will never see courtship realistically portrayed in videos made for the west in anything made since the sixties, but they are still allowed to do romance realistically in China. Episode seven: Hat tip Spandrell. At 1:12 the pre fertile age chick is trying to attract his attention while simultaneously directing an expression of disdain and boredom at him. Obvious fitness test, which means she is after him. If a …


The reactionary program.

Neoreaction plans to be the priesthood, but we think warriors should be on top and should steal sufficient to fund the army and the state, that warriors should do warrior stuff, merchants should do merchant stuff, and priests priestly stuff. Our current problems are the result of an excessively numerous priesthood overflowing and intruding on the activities more properly performed by merchants and warriors. Thus human resources disrupts the corporation, …


Defunding the left

Trump is defunding the left and lowering its status The EPA will no longer take science advice from “scientists” who receive stupendous amounts of money for climate doom. During the Obama years, the EPA packed the CASAC panel. Twenty-four of its 26 members are now agency grantees, with some listed as principal investigators on EPA research grants worth more than $220 million Environmentalists, predictably, sued, alleging this policy would change …

party politics

State of the Union Speech

Trump gave a great speech, in which he re-affirmed his campaign promises, not yet kept, to end the forever war and build the wall, Wealthy politicians and donors push for open borders while living their lives behind walls, and gates, and guards. Meanwhile working class Americans are left to pay the price for mass illegal immigration reduced jobs lower wages overburdened schools hospitals that are so crowded you can’t get …