There has been a tremendous amount of research in how to sleep with as many women as possible, and it is relatively easy to obtain good scientific data on this question, because the experimenter can try one thing on a statistically significant sample of women, then another thing on a significant sample of women, then form theories based on the results, and test the theory with yet another significant sample …
How to stop mass illegal immigration to Britain
Lately the British government has been making feeble ineffectual gestures vaguely in the general direction of attempting to slightly slow the flood of illegal immigrants, most of them black and Muslim, into Britain. This has resulted in dramatic scenes of disruption at the Calais truck terminal, but … All of them get there in the end,’ he said. ‘No fence is too difficult – in the end, borders are there …
Kin altruism, reciprocal altruism, and ethnic altruism
Kin altruism does not make much sense outside the nuclear family, or narrowly extended family. It can work in slightly larger groups if they deliberately practice inbreeding, but the groups are not much larger, and you get IQ depression from inbreeding. So what explains the tendency of ethnics to stick together? Well if people resemble you, they are predictable. You know you can trust them in some matters to some …
How to really win the “Hispanic” vote.
If the Republican party seriously wanted the “Hispanic” vote, which of course it does not, because if it won the “Hispanic” vote it might win elections, and if it won elections, might have to implement its agenda, the way to go would be to split the “white Hispanics” from the indios and mestizos, and the indios and mestizos from the blacks. “Hispanics”, whether white, mestizo, and indio, really hate blacks, …
Gay families bang their children
The Story of Moira Greyland tl;dr She got banged a lot by her parents with lot of sadism and bondage, starting at age five. from my experience in the gay community, the values in that community are very different: the assumption is that EVERYONE is gay and closeted, and early sexual experience will prevent gay children from being closeted, and that will make everyone happy. Yes, she is right about …
Why Islamic State is successful.
According to progressive mythology insurgents must be like a mist—everywhere and nowhere—never trying to hold ground or wasting lives in battles with regular armies. Chairman Mao insisted that guerrillas should be fish who swam in the sea of the local population. Such views are the logical corollaries of “asymmetric warfare†in which a smaller, apparently weaker group—like ISIS—confronts a powerful adversary such as the US and Iraqi militaries. This is …
Defining cuckservative
By one popular definition a cuckservative is “conservative” who supports white replacement. (Gradual white replacement, of course, though I am not seeing anything that guarantees that the process will remain gradual.) Based on cuckold, one who raises another man’s son as his own, which is in turn based on cuckoo, which plants its eggs in the nests of others. One could also apply it, and sometimes does apply it, to …
Traps, ladyboys, Corporal Klingers, and trannies.
A trap is young effeminate gay who likes sex with adult males and disguises himself as a woman to get banged by heterosexual men. To the extent that gays like sex with adult males, they like manly men, and gays are not manly. A ladyboy is a trap who takes the drastic step of cutting his dick off. Traps and ladyboys are low status losers, usually thieves and whores. They …
Going home
kakistocracy on going home. Home is not just geography. Home is a place of comfort, safety, and familiarity. Of mutual trust and understanding. Of common past and shared future. Home is where children play without fear in a parent’s eyes. Home is where speaking honestly offends no shrill aliens. Home is what is passed from your father to your son. And most importantly, home belongs uniquely to you. There are …
Social Justice is highly lucrative.
One of the more noticeable Social Justice Warrior takeovers was the takeover of anarchism reddit. First they banned one “troll”, then another, then every moderator who was not in full agreement with social justice, then anyone who noticed that no discussion was possible except full and firm enthusiasm for social justice, so the anarchism board became yet another social justice board, and pretty much died except for repetitious social justice …