I have identified several different mechanisms for the endless movement left. Entryism, the conspiratorial takeover of organizations by other organizations. This is exemplified by Acorn, which has a single headquarters, but a hundred organization names, the residue of all the many organizations they have taken over. Phariseeism: The Puritans were holier than thou, their successors holier than Jesus. “I am holier than thou, therefore you should obey me.†The madness of …
Leftism as cancer
Leftism is to memes as cancer is genes. If the cells of the body mutate, cells that multiply at the expense of the body will be selected. And cells that mutate to a faster mutation rate will be selected, since they will have more fast multiplying variants. In a healthy body, each cell lives for the body, and performs its role in the whole body, making the body one. In …
Global Warming Scientists trapped in Antarctic Denial
This expedition to Antarctica is led by global warming scientist Chris Turney, whose company, Carbonscape, sells carbon indulgences. If you sin by emitting carbon, Chris Turner will, for a suitable payment, offset your sin with his carbon offset credits. In the course of this expedition, they have repeatedly smacked up hard against ice that their ideology said could not possibly be there, and then proceeded to act as if the …
Merry Christmas everyone
The overclass hates you.
People notice the overclass (brahman, in Moldbug’s terminology) hates whites. So they figure. Well, people who think of themselves as white cannot possibly hate whites, so it must be Jews, who don’t consider themselves white, hating us. Wrong. The overclass hates whites because it is almost entirely white. It hates Jews because it is disproportionately Jewish. It hates males, marriage, and so on and so forth for much the same …
The Jewish Conspiracy
A lot of people believe that the Jews act as one, that they secretively and conspiratorially pursue Jewish interests at other people’s expense. The coordination problem is hard. No one successfully acts as one. Two Jews, three factions. That is why neoreactionaries propose terrible solutions to the coordination problem, on the grounds that other, more sophisticated, solutions are even worse. The Cathedral acts more or less as one – one …
No peak oil
Inflation adjusted price of oil shows no obvious trend, suggesting that limits on oil production reflect social decay and technological slowdown, rather than physical exhaustion of resources. Oil prices rose, and rose, to 2008, and in 2008, it looked like the peak oilers were, like a stopped clock, finally correct. And then prices fell, a lot. They have risen since, but not to their 2008 peaks. From 2010 to the …
Radish on anarcho tyranny
Radish is excessively unkind to anarcho capitalism, though he is correct to point out that a lot of anarcho capitalists would be quite horrified by an anarcho capitalist polity in which, because the police and judiciary were in large part the direct employees of shopping malls and suchlike, capitalists had a lot of legal authority, and even more horrified if, because suburbia was protected by heads of households, and organizations …
Equal opportunity
Whenever someone announces that they are in favor of equal opportunity, in favor of equality of opportunity rather than equality of outcome, they have usually a few paragraphs, or a few comments away, defended some outrageously unjust inequality of opportunity implemented and enforced by state power to destroy group X, as punishment for group X privilege. Everyone is in favor of equality of opportunity. I am in favor of equality …
anti anti anti anti reactionary faq
Scot Alexander has answered the anti anti reactionary faq. The anti anti reactionary faq argument to which he replies is that leftist have a dreadful record of misgovernment, terror, tyranny, artificial famine, and leftists tend to get lefter over a time. It is a slippery slope, the slope gets steeper and steeper, and at the bottom of that slope, a deep pit filled with sharpened stakes. Scot’s reply is that …