Dark Maga explained

Dark Maga is described by the legacy media as an aesthetic, rather than a political ideology, political program, or a political faction. They just don’t get it, because the left cannot meme.

Dark Maga is not just an aesthetic, it is a meme. And memes are not political ideologies or political factions either, but they are instruments that the meme magicians use to promote ideas that connect to systems of ideas, and systems of ideas inspire political programs and acquire priesthoods and thus become political factions.

Memes are not even ideas, they are a way of focusing attention on an idea. And focusing attention on idea focuses attention on the system of ideas of which it is part, and thus the promotes the power of organisations acting to give effect to the program implied by that system of ideas.

The idea promoted by the Dark Maga meme is that Trump will have to use drastic measures to ensure that the permanent government, the swamp, the deep state, obeys the merely elected and merely temporary government, rather than the other way around. The first Trump term was disrupted by the permanent government exercising power over the merely elected government. This needs to be fixed. And fixing it is likely to set sparks flying.

If you go to a Trump website to contribute to the Trump campaign by buying some Maga swag, the biggest selling Maga swag is Maga hats. Including Dark Maga hats. And suddenly everyone is buying Dark Maga hats. Meme magic at work. The Trump campaign is getting money, but also getting exposure for an idea by promoting these hats in their messaging to supporters and by their supporters wearing these hats. If Trump is permitted to be elected, we shall see if he makes use of that idea against a swamp that has been waging lawfare against him and is now is trying to kill him, or if it is merely yet another fund raising gimmick.

Trump, unlike the left, can meme. Can he govern, this time around? Getting smacked by a bullet is apt to wonderfully focus the mind. It is probable that the Trump fund raising machine does not know or care what these hats mean. But Trump knows what they mean.

37 Responses to “Dark Maga explained”

  1. Bouncer says:

    Jim, recently chatted to the new guy at work (age 19) and he expressed frustration that “girls his age” were almost all into guys 30+.
    At the same time, I’ve been seeing more wahmen (always over 35) claiming men 35+ dating 20-year-olds were “pedophiles” (insert eyeroll here).
    I suspect the next big push from feminism is to claim men dating women under 25 is “child rape” or some such BS.
    What’s your take on this clown-world bull?

  2. white bread says:

    I wonder why would Trump go against the establishment. Frankly if I were a poor white guy I’m not sure I would or should trust a billionaire from New York. Now, it is true that somebody tried to kill Trump twice so it can be argued that the establishment or part of it sees Trump as an actual threat. But I’m not sure if that’s the whole story. Even if he wins, and manages to make some valuable reforms, how long can those reforms last in a so called democracy?

    • jim says:

      Nothing ever changes, white bread says. We are seeing rapid change. Trees don’t shrink. Nor do they grow to the sky. They grow till they fall over. We are clearly reaching the falling over stage of leftism, the enlightenment, and democracy.

      Throne and altar societies aimed at stability, and took drastic measures to attain it. Nonetheless, viewed from the centuries, not very stable. You think our social order is stable?

      We see change, ever lefter, happening faster and faster. You think they can come to a gentle stop? We are in a car with a Dunbar number of drivers fighting over the wheel, the accelerator nailed to the floor, and the wheels falling off.

      • white bread says:

        I do agree there’s change. I think we are a lot more compromised now than ten years ago. So there’s been change, in the wrong direction. OK, hopefully there will be a reaction and things will get better. I’ll have to wait and see. I don’t mean to sound like a defeatist and agent so I’ll stop here…

        • jim says:

          Expect the unexpected. We did not expect Trump. Most did not expect logistic failure in Ukraine. Leftism, democracy, and the enlightenment will pass. What replaces them might well be worse, but will be very different. Humungus expects Mad Max, which is certainly possible. Mega City One is also plausible.

          Hillary was dim, lazy, ignorant, drunk, and incompetent. Kamala Harris is dimmer, considerably lazier, and drunker. This lot is not going to rule the world. Of course Kamala is just a puppet for the deep state, while Hillary was the deep state, and one might suppose there are some smart people in that thundering herd. Blinken and Kagan are not stupid, but they are not all that smart either. Soros was smart, and his son is smart, but they are just minions. The Libyan debacle reveals that the deep state is not in a whole lot better shape than Kamala, while the Haitian debacle similarly reveals the Harvard elite, the Church of the deep state.

          Mega City One is a logical extrapolation, post leftism, post democracy and post enlightenment, assuming we don’t go through a Mad Max dark age. But what is missing from that extrapolation is a state religion. There is always a state religion, and question is, what will it be?

          The population of Mega City One was depicted as ludicrously decadent, which the Judges cracked down upon with laws harsh but completely ineffectual. This extrapolation is likely to be incorrect. Decadent people do not reproduce successfully. Pre revolutionary France was decadent. Napoleon fixed that. I conjecture he sensed that a decadent society cannot win wars.

          So, my bet is Mega City One, but without the decadence, and with a state belief system very different from the current one,

    • Bouncer says:

      3 attempts now or so I’ve heard. Also heard that Brandon said that if Trump dies, Iran will pay. I suspect this is being arranged so the regiume has casus belli for WW3. Bet you dollars to donuts that if T ends up DOA at the hands of some Democrat patsy, “Iran” will have had “Russian help”.
      Buy Iodine tablets and build a fallout shelter.

  3. A2 says:

    Dear God, I see that the Tories are now gearing up to electing a based black woman as party leader. “A lot like Maggie!” If so, best case is they will wander the electoral deserts for a decade or so.


    As for the US, local media sound dispirited about Kamala’s prospects today. Somewhat uncharacteristic. Perhaps they need to fuel the horse race a bit, get the punters going.

    • Varna says:

      Keeping mind the track record of the Tories over the last years, it is no longer self-evident that the negress would be an obvious a step down. Likewise, if the current Labour dead-eyed drone was replaced by a negress, or a paki transvestite, for that matter, how would that make things worse.

      For a candidate like that woman to start looking like an obviously bad deal, the political system needs to have started functioning at least at pre-Blair levels of adequacy.

      When the system has gone so toxic, that the cumulative result is as if each of its members has an IQ of 80, then throwing in someone with a genuine IQ of 80 seems pretty in line with the overall tendencies.

  4. The Cominator says:

    A good meme has the property of being both simeltaneously silly and yet seriously effective. Much like the song Lillibulero a rather silly tavern song making fun of Catholics and the Irish (and thus indirectly James II) but yet it would become known as the song that drove James out of three kingdoms.

    Let us hope that Dark Maga is as effective as Lilliburlero and becomes known as the meme that drove progressivism out of all Western countries.

  5. Basil says:

    [*deleted*] Putin chose this particular war because [*deleted*]

    • jim says:

      No Putin did not choose this war. He agreed to Minsk One, Basil Minsk Two, and has proposed two more Minsk like agreements. Each Minsk was broken. The operation was started in response to shelling of civilians.

      When you make a peace agreement, that defines a red line. If the other side then steps over that red line, and then steps over the next red line of the next peace agreement, he had to respond, or eventually he was going to be setting his red lines in the suburbs of Moscow, a plan that elements of the Global American Empire had clearly and repeatedly stated, to take Russia one small bite at a time.

      • Basil says:

        > operation was started in response to shelling of civilians

        According to official data from the Donetsk People’s Republic/Luhansk People’s Republic, the number of casualties has been falling every year, it’s easy to check. From 2015 to February 2024, several people died per year. Since 2024, many times more civilians have died on the territory of these state entities alone

        Russia could have responded in a billion other ways. For example, reminded about gas supplies. Used diplomatic ties. Could have sent troops to its satellites. Anything.

        Augustine’s concept of a just war assumes that war is an extreme means. The concept of a just war assumes that your declared goals (protecting the civilian population of Donetsk) and your real goals (killed hohols and brown larvae in Mariupol) do not diverge.

        It looks like the boomer cannot accept reality because he has invested too much in a certain picture of the world.

        • jim says:

          Putin’s goal was not to protect Russian civilians in the Donbas, but to protect Russia. The Global American Empire had clearly enunciated a plan for a slow creeping reconquest of Russia, and were slowly creeping. If the west can kill Russian civilians, and Russia cannot kill American civilians, America’s power is going to slowly increase, and Russia is going to slowly vanish. “Rules based International order” They get to make the rules, and their rules mean that Russia cannot exist. The existence of Russia is a violation of the rules based international order. So Russia has to go to war at some point in that creep.

          Putin’s responses were limited, measured, and appropriate. War just tends to devolve into killing everyone and destroying everything. Saint Justinian the Emperor fought a genocidal war in which wound up depopulating entire provinces, and the verdict of history is that it was not his fault, and he was a good Christian. Sometimes you just have to go to war, and war is what it is. War is hell. War is one unthinkable thing swiftly followed by another even more unthinkable thing.

          Putin chose when to start this war, but he did not choose to start this war. He endlessly evaded and postponed this war. Should have intervened in 2014. That the war has been so ruinous and costly is because he did not intervene in 2014, and if they had continued to delay, it probably would have been World War Three. Might well become World War Three anyway. All of which would have been avoided had he intervened in 2014.

          • skippy says:

            Exactly. Putin responded to endless rug-pulls as he attempted to engage with the Rules Based Order, something he believes in more than they do, something which even now he is trying to recreate but without the West (BRICS, Valdai, etc.) rather than replace as such.

        • Pete says:

          Diplomatic ties? Diplomacy is useless in a case where your opposite number will never budge an inch because they are filled with holy zeal to destroy you. Or – if you did reach an agreement they would immediately violate it without a thought.

          The USA is not agreement-capable.

      • Ex says:

        Searching for ‘Basil one agreement russia’ gives me results about Emperor Basil in the 11th century, and Saint Basil Cathedral. It also suggests a “Basel” agreement on hazardous waste and another on banking. Can you point me in the right direction?

  6. JustAnotherGuy says:

    Tech Decline:

    So someone brought up that planes go much slower now than in the past. I had to doublecheck this because I assumed that when stagnation happens things just stop improving and not the timemachine car actually going back to the past than the future.

    What do you know, it turns out to be true:

    “However, interestingly, the older 707 has the edge in terms of cruising speed. The 707-320B could cruise at speeds of up to 974 km/h (525 knots), whereas a Dreamliner will typically cruise at around 903 km/h (488 knots), with a maximum of 956 km/h (516 knots).”

    • Varna says:

      Trains too https://slate.com/human-interest/2009/05/why-trains-run-slower-now-than-they-did-in-the-1920s.html

      That’s not counting supersonic passenger jets being given up on, space shuttles being given up on, and anything beyond Earth’s orbit being given up on.

      Musk and possibly Beijing are working on the latter two.

      Cars, though, are allegedly still getting faster and faster.

    • Mister Grumpus says:

      Slower jetliners is a fuel efficiency thing, catalyzed by deregulation and price competition.

      But next level, we can talk about how “commercial” (as opposed to private jets) air travel is being de-statused by security theater, shitty nigger-saddled city transport planning and their not being allowed to throw off unruly drunks and hair-pulling negresses, as opposed to airports in Asia for example where things work smoothly. There’s that too.

  7. Dharmicreality says:

    The India Canada situation just got a lot more tense.


    In a situation reminiscent of last year, India has downgraded ties and withdrawn its diplomats from Canada after the Indian high commissioner and other diplomats were named as suspects in the Nijjar case.

    I think globohomo is escalating against the fence sitters now. How long India will remain “neutral” remains to be seen. Already globohomo news sources reports that India is supplying Russia military tech apparently “forbidden” by the West. So far India has not responded to this pressure tactic.


    • jim says:

      It is completely obvious that Nijjar was bumped off by Candadian or US intelligence. The Khalistan movement in Canada is quite obviously run by the Global American Empire, which has a long history of bumping off its own assets, when it deems them unreliable.

      And since it tends to recruit believers in some cause that they intend to cause trouble in the target state, their recruits frequently turn out to be dangerously sincere believers. Cannot have that. Might expose the operation, which would cause embarrassment.

      We know it was an inside operation, because the killers had cover from above and knew they had cover from above. The hit was as careless, open, and clumsy as the Epstein hit. Unauthorised killers would have acted with more concern for security. The police sat tight and twiddled their thumbs, and the killers obviously knew the police were going to sit tight and twiddle their thumbs.

    • jim says:

      This is standard leftwing conduct. When it is obvious you are guilty, accuse someone else who is less left than you are.

      Trump is a threat to democracy. To preserve democracy, need to silence freedom of speech and imprison and/or murder Trump 🙃

      Canada murdered one of the agents it was using to undermine India. Therefore, accuse India.

      • Dharmicreality says:

        I’m trying to figure out why the GAE faction which initiated this issue wants to die on this particular hill. It seems of so little consequence in the bigger picture.

        • jim says:

          The deep state has been bumping off a whole lot of people, most of them, perhaps all of them, people who have dangerously close relations with the deep state, and presumably know too much — for example Epstein and the “Friends of Clinton”

          And, of course, always deny it, and always have a cover story. And they simply nominated India for the cover story. Probably without thinking twice that this might lead to complications. India would just suck it up.

          • Dharmicreality says:

            The usual GAE rationale for this is usually to arm twist and extract some benefit or concessions from the target of the accusation or start a colour revolution. After a while the hue and cry dies down quietly and everybody pretends that nothing much happened and nothing to see there. This was the case when the GAE had a less insane version of leftism.

            The present situation of persistent accusations against India is bewildering because the GAE seems to almost believe their own version of events and there seems to be more of holiness posturing than actual effective blackmail. Also there is no point in driving away India from GAE alignment, given the geopolitical situation.

            India has of course shrugged off the allegations vehemently and downgraded diplomatic ties with Canada, but these events have pushed India further into the BRICS alignment of which they are a foundational member.

  8. Zorost says:

    I hope Trump does what is needed, but considering what that would entail I’m not giving it good odds. Anything short of Sulla + Eichmann, then rebuilding the institutions will only delay the inevitable slide into turd-world tyranny.

    • Mister Grumpus says:

      Yours is the safe bet, but then again, This Time There’s Internet. There are things happening, and memes and ideas spreading, even faster than squatemalan anchor babies.

      I don’t mean this in a Qanon way. It’s still bad. But there are wilder cards still left in the deck somewhere.

    • jim says:

      Trump is a deal maker. Last time around he thought he could make a deal.

      They tried to imprison him and kill him. Is he still going to try to make a deal?

      Recall all the Russian red lines they crossed and nothing happened. Nothing will ever happen, they said.

      • Mister Grumpus says:

        And I was one of the people who believed that. Now I expect some kind of eventual Russian victory, but when Vlad finally passed that shit-test in 2022, I simply couldn’t believe it was happening.

        • jim says:

          It is not just the Ukrainian army that is fading away. The Ukrainian state apparatus is fading away. Everyone in the state apparatus is now focused on grabbing as much loot as possible before the roof falls in. The way the wind blows, the army is likely to find it has no state before it comes to pass that the state finds it has no army.

        • Mayflower Sperg says:

          A fellow named Vlad recently explained to me that “Vlad” is short for “Vladislav”; the short form of Vladimir is Vova. Not exactly intuitive, but neither is e.g. “Richard” shortening to “Dick”.

  9. alf says:

    Memes are not even ideas, they are a way of focusing attention on an idea.

    That is a wonderful way of putting it. Memes are tiny advertisements for ideas.

    Also, Dark Maga, Dark Enlightenment… Probably just a coincidence, but a pretty happy coincindence.

    • jim says:

      Probably not a coincidence. One of the early Dark Maga memes was Trump wearing a crown watching Washington burn.

      However, Dark Enlightenment is antidemocratc, while Dark Maga is not. Dark Enlightenment believes democracy is always fake, most Dark Maga think that democracy used to work, and would work again provided that certain people were given long distance swimming lessons.

      Dark Maga wants to turn the clock back to 1980. The Dark Enlightenment thinks the Enlightenment was a bad idea and wants to turn the clock back to 1660. But the Dark Enlightenment and Dark Maga are in substantial agreement about the necessary means.

      Science and the scientific method was based on reasoning from experimental evidence, and insisted on the most direct connection to empirical evidence possible “take no man’s word for it”,”Science is belief in the ignorance of experts”. The enlightenment on the other hand, tended to deduce a prescription for radically remaking the world from pure reason, unmoored by the past or observed reality. They view history, old buildings, and old habits as oppression that must be uprooted, reality itself, human nature, and humanity itself as oppression that must be uprooted — for example erasing the difference between male and female, moving people out of the countryside and nature into brutalist tall concrete blocks in fifteen minute cities.

  10. Mister Grumpus says:

    Also, maybe after the election, the Vance and/or Don Junior campaigns can start selling Dark MAGA wader boots, in case the voters ever need to walk across a stream or small river.

  11. Mister Grumpus says:

    Excuse me, but either I’m crazy or Elon Musk just jumped around on stage at a Trump rally with a “Dark MAGA” hat, and then a few days later some-hundred White people came to take selfies of themselves at his CyberCab promotion event, which was not shut down by a rent-a-mob. In Hollywood, California.

    And then a few days after that, the Feds gave him a launch license for the Starship test flight #5, it went well, and nothing got shot down with a Patriot missile or whatever.

    Just saying. What the heck is going on.

    • jim says:

      What is going on is that a whole lot of the elite want to take Musk out, and a whole lot of the elite have been protecting him, in part because rockets and starlink are crucial sources of state power relative to other states. And presumably the elite that have been protecting him have been feeding him a whole lot of information that very few other people are likely to be getting.

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