How to deport eighteen million illegals

I saw Vance accepting the defeatist frame that it is hard to deport eighteen million illegals.  No it is not hard.  Tony Abbot in Australia faced a smaller but similar problem, and here is how he handled it:

Everyone has interactions where you have to present your ID:  Cops, welfare, hospitals, and so on and so forth.  And they then run your ID through their computers.  Which in Australia, if you are an illegal immigrant or have an expired visa, then automatically notifies the border control computers. Whereupon border control computer asks the cops to hold you around till the border patrol shows up, or border patrol shows up at the hospital or wherever.

Then, without bothering with lawyers and judges, the illegal is detained until he can arrange a plane out.

Suppose, alas, he cannot arrange a plane out. “Alas, I conveniently lost my passport and all my ID, not to mention there are a whole lot of people in my home country who want to kill me on sight.”  Then he stays in detention for a while.  And then a while longer.  A fusillade of letters to judges are all ignored.  Even though Tony Abbot has been out of power for a long time and his policies have been systematically white anted, judges still will not touch the border patrol.  Tony Abbot left the judges with lasting trauma.

This usually jogs the illegal’s memory and he discovers he is entitled to reside in some country that is not Australia.

Suppose it does not jog his memory.   Quite possibly there is prison, or some very angry people, awaiting him at home. When Tony Abbot started expelling people, there were a huge number of such cases.  Then he gets put on a boat, shipped somewhere, and dumped some place that is not Australia.   If he is being unhelpful, this is likely a place where no one wants to be.

533 comments How to deport eighteen million illegals

TheDividualist says:

I like Aidan’s plan. Deport the violent criminals first, the obvious gangsters with the huge MS tattoes, the type of guys Bukele locks up, who just look so obviously orcish on the TV screen, someone you really do not want for a neighbor. The media will scream, and people will laugh at the media. And when you deport everybody else, the people are already used to the media screaming and will not pay attention.

That, and cutting funds will lead to a lot of self-deportation. That’s because it is easier to be poor in a poor country than in a rich country. Speaking the language, relying on family networks back home. I have seen it at the ass end of Eastern Europe, people somehow surviving on $150 a month, collecting firewood, keeping chicken, digging potatoes, getting their clothes used, free from the Red Cross. Their survival is simply not cash-centric.

One travel blogger wrote about it about Brazil. It is amazing that very poor people can have a fun life if only they completely ignore every modern law. Some dude sets up some chairs in his yard and sells homemade moonshine and now it is a “bar”. No permit, no taxes, no rules. Some widowers bring and sell cheap food and now it is a “restaurant”. Someone brings musical instruments, and now they can dance. And dancing is about fucking. Amazing they can do this on very little money, simply because they ignore all laws and regulations and that government is wise enough to let them.

Looking at it this way, many immigrants are flat out bribed to stay, and they are still not 100% happy about staying, because the above scenario really cannot be done in NY. This should be easy to end.

TheDividualist says:

The issue is, in the US, the conservatives themselves are not big fans of an ID regime or a kind of a surveillance society. They are paranoid of the government, and generally don’t like the government to know too much about them. You hear the stories about conservatives really disliking the idea to eliminate cash, because they think if everything is a bank transaction, the government will know too much.

Perhaps it can work if combined with airport style racial profiling. Just tell the cops not to ask white people for ID too often. Cops always profile instinctively anyway. Just try driving an expensive car in poor clothes even while white. They look for patterns.

Jim says:

> the conservatives themselves are not big fans of an ID regime or a kind of a surveillance society.

Tony Abbot did not introduce any new ID checks. He just leveraged existing ID checks. Every state and quasi state institution already routinely checks IDs. He just plugged in RPC calls between their computers, border control computers, and border patrol computers.

Illegal immigrants always show up in the hospital emergency room looking for free room, board, and medical care. The hospital always wants to see ID to figure out who they can bill. And what do you know? Turns out they can bill the Border Patrol. They apply for a driver’s license, they get caught. They drive without a license, and at a traffic stop, if no license, the cop wants their id.

Pax Imperialis says:

Nearly 2/3 of Arizona voted for Prop. 314

making it a state crime for noncitizens to enter the state at any location other than the port of entry;
allowing for state and local police to arrest noncitizens who cross the border unlawfully;
allowing for state judges to order deportations;
requiring the use of the E-Verify program in order to determine the immigration status of individuals before the enrollment in a financial aid or public welfare program;
making it a Class 6 felony for individuals who submit false information or documents to an employer to evade detection of employment eligibility, or to apply for public benefits, and;
making the sale of fentanyl a Class 2 felony if the person knowingly sells fentanyl and it results in the death of another person.

So yes, they are big fans of ID checks which work and don’t require any massive surveillance state.

It’s remarkable, that SB1070 passed the state house and senate with similar vote margins over a decade ago, and despite massive demographic changes to the state, the people overwhelmingly don’t want massive migrant hoards flooding the border with drugs, welfare, and low level warfare.

SB1070 only failed because of federal pressure. Prop. 314 has occurred at the beginning of regime change. All signs point to results being very different this time around.

Neurotoxin says:

Significant white pill.

Rod says:

Obviously any white or black or asian or hispanic guy or gal driving any car speaking perfect natural born american english… they’re american… they got that perfect english by being in american schools in america from a very young age with true blood white american kids… so just say sorry you’re just out trolling for illegals, and let them go without asking for ID. Pissing off americans with ID checks does no one any good. Intuition and Discretion are huge here.

Roll up on a tatooed TDA/MS13 type, Afro/Carib, China Spy, or a Muzzie, none of which speak a lick of english… yeah, you’re going to have to see some papers or they’re getting sent to the repatriation camps until they produce.

Same thing if anyone comes in for services. Sure, fix up any immediate life threatening blood and bones type injury that day, but after that they’re off to the repatriation camps.

No need to beat around the bush or be politically correct about anything. Your country, the USA, simply can’t economically sustain such generations of non-productive non-inventive non-accelerative peoples, and your White-Christian culture can’t sustain the violent incompatibility of Islam, and your advantages can’t sustain the losses to Chinese Spies.

You don’t allow your Gold and Bitcoin to be watered down, so don’t allow your nation to be either. You lose when you do that.

Most all multigenerational Christians can be accepted.

Tell migrants they’re welcome to apply when they’re back in their own country at their US embassy therein.

You’re out here doing a great service to the country…

– Deporting Muslims who by definition and command of their Quran and fake prophet Muhammad are covenant bound to Invade Outbreed and ultimately physically Conquer you from within. There is exactly NO situation in which a MUSLIM is EVER loyal to America or Americans PERIOD, and there is no safe number of generations either. Don’t believe it??? Go learn from Christian Polemics what’s actually in the Islamic texts, go get 10 Muslim “friends” for 10 years and see what they start acting and letting slip out their mouths. You’ve got Minarets bleating Adhan all over Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and elsewhere in the US (Canada and London have already been lost to Islam)… those are NOT Church Bells you hear, they are markers of territory they have captured from you, from which they vocalize their further submission and enslavement contracts, and death for resisting, upon you.

– Deporting everyone else who is nothing but a worthless leech upon America. They don’t have any money, skills, brains, language, or health… multigenerational poverty… same as you see in the American ghettos of Democrat cities. They need to be shipped back to their own countries so they can Make *Them* Great Again for themselves. Instead of accepting their do-nothing-to-fix-anything mentality into this society. They should be revolting their own countries instead of fleeing into and dragging other countries down.

– Now, except for Muslims all of which are explicitly 100% bad for America and must be deported, some of the ‘illegals’ are actually here fully set on mission of succeeding for themselves and family. They’re not just border fishing for whoever will get them citizenship and free shit. Those types are pretty obvious from interviewing them and can be put on the Americanization, Englishization, Christianization, Work and Biz and School, path to citizenship.

– Birthright Citizenship MUST BE STOPPED.
– Familial Linked Immigration MUST BE STOPPED.
– Marriage Linked Immigration MUST follow same path and timeframe as everyone else, but can be granted non-permanent Marriage residency work school etc until the period of years for Citizenship is done. Sham Marriages must also be stopped, if they can’t give each other tongue kiss in the interview, and are found not to be cohabiting, it’s a scam, and if they divorce before citizenship years, that’s a mandatory interview, else right back they go to where they came from.

And on that subject
– Taxation and Voting of US Citizen Expats living abroad MUST BE STOPPED.

While you’re at it, remove the Jews from your Media and Banks, once they find out they have to do real honest work for a living like everyone else instead of being paid to Propaganda, and thieving Money from you at extortion rates and fees, they’ll leave too.

Disincentivization is HUGE, you need to make their own countries look like FAR BETTER options than staying in the USA. The GOVT HANDOUTS MUST BE STOPPED, and NO RIGHTS MUST BE GRANTED. Millions upon millions of them will leave the second that happens.

Inauguration day is cold, they’ll find their own homes and families in Mexico and CentralSouthAM a far warmer original homeland than the disincentivized streets of the USA. The bridges over the Rio Grande will be packed solid with Illegal Aliens voluntarily headed south.


Then you can get back to accepting a limited number of Immigration Seekers based on their Merit combined with the needs of the USA, and a number of true Asylum seekers based on the nature of their case.

Also, Visa, Residency, and Citizenship by Investment programs should exist. Same for anyone who can pay their own way from 5-10 years worth of funds, including CRYPTO.

Handi says:

Nobody is reading all that. Your script was written to elide the real inherent problem with immigration, which is that They Are Not Us. The only natural clientele of a state is its own sons, otherwise it becomes an evil malignant cancer unchecked by reason and caution. Anyone even mentioning “assimilation” of foreigners is either an enemy spy who deserves to be shot, or a traitor who deserves to be tortured in public and then shot.

ayyylmao says:


TBeholder says:

Your script was written to elide the real inherent problem with immigration

The real inherent problem with unhinged immigration is that it (along with some of the problems it causes) happens to be something desired and achieved by the people in power. Those troubles exist only because they are allowed, and even encouraged. Which is fairly obvious, and confirmed by various places and times where people in power don’t want such problems and thus not allow them to grow into anything serious. Or was allowed, but then got solved to significant degree (Australia).
Which that whole page of «MUST BE» asscaps does indeed avoid. All this foot-stamping and chest-pounding is quite useless in this situation, and quite needless in any other. Tony Abbot and his allies wanted it fixed. Once he had power to fix it, it got fixed. Didn’t even require much expenses.

Neurotoxin says:

some of the ‘illegals’ are actually here fully set on mission of succeeding for themselves and family. They’re not just border fishing for whoever will get them citizenship and free shit. Those types are pretty obvious from interviewing them and can be put on the Americanization, Englishization, Christianization, Work and Biz and School, path to citizenship.

No. Stop this nonsense.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Obviously any white or black or asian or hispanic guy or gal driving any car speaking perfect natural born american english… they’re american…

Is that obvious? Are they American?

Pax Imperialis says:

What even is an ‘American’? Is it the Anglo-American Puritans who nearly starved to death from proto-socialism and their many descendants who still terrorize us today from the institutional halls of power (may I remind everyone they were the first settlers here)? Is it the stock of the Founding Fathers? Are the Southern Whites of Scottish extract American, or they a conquered peoples suffering under the yoke of Yankee Imperialism? If the South can be American while also being a conquered nation, what of all those Native Americans, many of whom suspiciously look increasingly of European descent? Is the Mid-Westerner of German and Scandinavian extract American? The potato obsessed Irish who we’ve carved out an entire identity day for (St Patrick’s day)?

The American identity is all very abstract and synthetic, as is the nature of imperial identity, and as such is solely dependent upon power. We have consistently recognized that culture very much flows downstream of power, it should therefore be logical and non-radical to recognize that abstract and synthetic identity is also a product of power and is hence downstream.

Of course power has its limitations. No one reasonable would deny hard biological realities and all that… The difficulties of incorporating former African slave populations into the American identity continues to pay a dividend of blood and suffering with no end in sight (there are mostly peaceful solutions to this). North East Asians are different enough, yet similar enough, that they occupy a separate but (actually) equal status… though for how long that can last with miscegenation with the heritage American population… Quick question, are those children American?

At a certain point this all becomes a distraction from what good governance is all about. We should not get tied up with esoteric race knowledge or trying to maintain some abstract idea of what is American or what is white. Instead, focus on promoting what is productive, good, and Christian, and prune that which is not. Eventually you’ll create a new race, a truly American race that isn’t based on imperial power to sustain, and heritage America was somewhat on track on achieving that with the assimilation of various conquered peoples, but the progressive era tripped that up.

As for ‘Hispanics’, it’s become clear that identity group is the legacy of Spanish Imperial power that lingered on in a zombie state a few good centuries after their fleet got sunk by America. It’s abundantly clear that ‘Hispanic’ is about as abstract and synthetic as ‘American’ and that the reality of Florida and other election results, we should treat them with the same standard. Focus on promoting what is productive, good, and Christian, and prune that which is not.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Well, North America is a huge continent, and in the old world something the size of ‘The United States’ would certainly be a multi-racial imperial project; just as like Russia, or Austria-Hungary, or the HRE, or Byzantium.

It was Godly providence that teutonic men – the islanders and their cousins in mitteleuropa alike – met no peers that equaled him in the land, and fairly covered it with himself. Yet perhaps this state of affairs was also something of a vacuum on an esoteric level, with abiding tendencies towards multifarious kinds being sucked in as well.

It is the way it is because men made decisions to make it that way; in a similar sense to how men can decide to climb a mountain or amble down the slope into a valley.

Founder Effect – the politely neutral term for human speciation – has certainly happened before, and can be made to happen again. The Afrikaaners hailed from the Netherlands. But the Afrikaaners are not the Dutch.

DH says:

Eventually you’ll create a new race, a truly American race

Yes, and that race will probably have a few drops of East-Asian blood (white nerds in particular often have yellow wives) and possibly some other things, but for the sake of civilization, most of the genes in that gene pool should be white. And black genes in particular should be selected against, because even a few drops of black blood are horribly dysgenic and sufficient to completely destroy a civilization.

I don’t believe in “absolute racial purity” (which is utter bullshit and, as you say, a distraction from more important things), but Hajnal Line whites are the obvious and unmatched master race, and should not incorporate too many foreign genes into their gene pool, if the stars are to be conquered.

Jim says:

The Africaaners are a new white race. They are not Dutch. If we survive and win, we will create a new race in America, and, more importantly and dramatically, a new race on mars.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Hajnal Line whites

Didn’t spring up from the soil. They were created by patriarchally determined selective breeding. In the Roman times, such people were largely considered barbarians who could barely build mud huts. They only rose to prominence because of Saxon blood. Where are they today? Are these people really what you want to preserve as they are today? Are those peoples today really the Hajnal Line whites of yesterday when they practice completely different breeding and have done for close to two centuries if not more? They don’t exist anymore. All that remains is wreckage with a few isolated spots of less wreckage progressing to more wreckage.

>should not incorporate too many foreign genes into their gene pool

Instead of being focused so much on where the genes came from. Be more focused on if those genes good or bad, if those gene arrived politely or hostile, and pruning the bad and hostile.

The European that conquered the known world only came into being from the Aryan conquest of old Europe. You are not Aryan though you may very well be of their heritage. We only exist because of eons of gene mixing with constant pruning, and it is those groups that pruned better that ended up better. It wasn’t groups that maintained complete genetic isolation that dominated.

We are headed to a future of accelerated pruning via vitro. We may already be there. We are men living among ruins, and we have to face what’s to be rebuilt is going to be different.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>We only exist because of eons of gene mixing with constant pruning, and it is those groups that pruned better that ended up better. It wasn’t groups that maintained complete genetic isolation that dominated.

There’s a remarkable correlation, though.

Peoples of the middle east are the result of millenia of empires marching up and down the land. Not a pretty look. Our vedic cousins in the sub-continent allowed far too much dravidianism to survive, a ‘technical debt’ their descendants have been paying for too this day. Japan has produced some of the finest folks this side of the tundra, and I dare say it’s not a coincidence they are on a waterlocked island chain. Et cetera et cetera.

In order to prune effectively, it helps to not have leaky boundaries; be it literally, or conceptually.

Fidelis says:

I think the core of Pax’s argument, that you cannot reliably form a synthetic tribe on racial principals — it’s notable that the Patrician’s stopped counting after 6 generations, to be that far removed meant you were now some kind of Other to either work towards common good with, or to fight with, but not to be considered part of the bubble of Self — is essentially correct. As a tree the races are fractal, and delineation ultimately arbitrary, as can be seen when you go in the other direction and the missing link Austrian Aboriginals are considered fully human, let alone another “race”, you need some other form of determining self or other that follows firmer principles of boundary making.

PC, in an unusual turn of events I don’t find your arguments that compelling. All of your examples seem far more accurately modeled to be as a result of geography and social orders favoring unfavorable types, which led rise to unfavorable mixing events, as a side phenomenon that made the situation worse as opposed to the other way around, the the terrible social order was caused by racial degeneration — though there is a feedback loop, it’s more accurate to say a man who has a weak body from lack of exercise, has that weak body from lack of exercise, rather than does not exercise as it is too difficult with a weak body.

The Hindoos fell into degeneracy, which led to mixing from the bottom up instead of the top down, as was happening in the Spanish Empire until the great tragedy of post-modernity. The Arabs are no different from usual, the Persians were always the ones of real cultural merit, and to this day, alongside the Turks, represent the best of the Mohammedan world (which is to say, we should veer away from that social order at all costs).

I find the success story of the Japanese in particular to be a result of the fractal feudal holding system that ran there for over 1000 years, the Japanese themselves being the product of a mixing event even in their self-conception. Men of good instinct and will to power held the reigns on biological direction, as opposed to the Han system of racing to bureacrat iron rice bowls determining selection of future generations.

All this to say that no, there shouldn’t be an indiscriminate melting pot into a yeastlike soup of beige life. Instead we need to hold fast to social orders wherein the best at parsing reality rise like cream on sitting milk, and that cream has the largest say in how exactly the next generation should be born.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That geography exerted substantial impact is indeed a pertinent part of the point. Shall there be consideration of what exactly the geography is doing, then?

The island of Formosa is quite possibly the most disproportionately impactful patch of fourteen thousand odd square miles on the planet, primarily due to the people living on it. Refugees and hard-core refuseniks of the communism that swept the preponderant mass of the rest of their kin up in its wake on the continent. Certainly a not insignificant selective filtration event if there ever was one – founder effects in miniature.

In the normal course of things, a waning polity is a vacuum that sucks in opportunistic conquest from without, fairly terminating whatever cyclic dynamics may have been at work along with the elite, leaving only peasantry as echos of what once was there.

>All this to say that no, there shouldn’t be an indiscriminate melting pot into a yeastlike soup of beige life.

Which is, of course, exactly the point. Brazilification is a civilizational failure mode. There are no examples of higher orders emerging in spaces with high demographic ‘churn rate’, as it were, to be found anywhere. Empirically, higher orders emerge in situations where it is difficult for alien elements to intrude and disrupt the processes that are at work over time developing the higher orders.

Things like the geographic topology of their environs made this a less entropically precarious state of affairs by simply taking the choice out of the hands of the principals involved in the first place. But of course, it’s all for the better if they know better.

Pax Imperialis says:

I have struggled for well over a decade over questions of race identity. Whether it was on /pol/ trying to define what exactly is ‘white’ with autist HBD types, or with leftist social constructionists in complete denial of material biological realities, it is an immensely impossibly tied Gordian knot to untie. Murdoch Murdoch even touched on the problem with the episode ‘Pure 100 Bavarian Phenotype’. Any objective reading of the Nuremberg Laws sees the insanity of trying to define ‘race’ in biological/legalistic/logical terms. Imagine trying to apply that to America with all the additional races and ethnicity and religions. Good luck*. Any objective observation of DEI sees the insanity of trying to ignore ‘race’ in biological terms. Imagine Just look at all the wreckage ignoring biological reality has caused.

Fuck the Gordian knot. Is it in the spirit of that which is ‘The Good, the True, and the Beautiful’ (GTB)? That is what God rewards. Is it in the spirit of that which is ‘The Evil, the False, and the Ugly’ (EFU)? That is what God prunes. Spirit is not biological, and yet it is biological. For now, it escapes our ability to logically, consistently, and concisely categorize in any materialistically principled and consistent manner even though it has massively materialistic impact. Only through definitions of spirit can we define it. A deeply religious question. HBD autism kowtows in the presence of the Lord, and demonic leftism has no principled argument. Everyone (that matters) can recognize ‘GTB’ and hate and fear ‘EFU’. The right appreciates GTB and the left recoils in hate/fear/shame while immersed in EFU.

Forming the core identity based on GTB principle creates enough leeway to allow for the 1% outliers from certain demographics to be recognized and incorporated without opening the flood gates to all, and likewise ends any accusations about ‘hypocrisy’ and ‘social constructionism’. Christendom wasn’t overly concerned with materialistic biological definitions of identity. Christendom was majorly concerned with GTB, yet created largely homogeneous societies even within the circumstances of mixing. Christendom conquered the world. Materialist biologism ironically reversed eugenic Western race assent and opened a portal to demonic spirits.

*Hakan Rotmwrt was insightful and funny, but a legal code he does not make.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I am sympathetic with your trouble Pax. Though at the risk of coming off flip one might say this, itself, also demonstrates a point.

Men in your positions have often had precarious paths ahead of them in life throughout history. For observation of Divine Law in general to find itself in a tense relationship with personal interests in particular. It can be all too easy to see the attraction in acting as an agent for the opening of gates, the loosening of strictures, and the lowering of thresholds, for the abeyance of that most primal of human fears, that one find find themselves left out as well. In the worst case morph can it even into an anti-cosmic spite, anger at the world and the society around them and the people of their line for the circumstances of their existence.

What is to be done? It may sound ironic, but one of the deciding factors for the accession of edge-cases would be acknowledgements of the trouble with and demonstrated desire for not expanding edge-cases. People making those calls have to be confident they aren’t allowing slippery slopes or poisoned pills by making them. There is that tension again, between the demonstration of right thinking that merits inclusion, and the fear that right thinking would result in exclusion.

When Max Nordau wrote of Muskeljudentum, he was making a more or less explicit acknowledgement that his khazarian bretheren were suffering from the hereditary curse of millennia of selection pressures for evil, falsity, and ugliness. And the most obvious to him, and anciently reprised, corrective, was selection for warrior virtues. Energy, craft, manfulness, loyalty, dedication, foresight, fidelity, is all entangled. Your volitionary pursuits – and that your family – in the brotherhood of military service does you credit, even if in later days it is perverted by service to the great satan; just as well it can serve King and Country again.

Fidelis says:

Which is, of course, exactly the point. Brazilification is a civilizational failure mode. There are no examples of higher orders emerging in spaces with high demographic ‘churn rate’, as it were, to be found anywhere. Empirically, higher orders emerge in situations where it is difficult for alien elements to intrude and disrupt the processes that are at work over time developing the higher orders.

My point is isolation is neither necessary nor sufficient for the arrival and maintenance of higher man. Take for example, the Welsh and Irish, whom never reached the peaks that their near neighbors the English managed. Yet the Welsh and Irish were in a real sense more racially pure, had less disruption to their evolutionary process. The English a beige soup in comparison, made up of a hodgepodge of settler-invaders over millennia.

Take the Greeks, whom did fine in an extremely multi-ethnic environment, up until they abandoned the principals that allowed them to become the Greeks. Or the Scyths, whom arose on the vast open roads connecting all the peoples of Eurasia. It looks to me like the great phenotypic diversity of the Aryan cum European was a result of all this mixing and pruning and mixing and pruning, in the harshest possible human evolutionary environment.

Look at the Korean, much closer in blood to the Japanese, but somehow more close in temperament to the Han. They imported the civilizational styling of the bureaucrat race, and so bred the temperament into themselves.

Brazilification is now seen as a catastrophe, when before it was seen as an uplifting, an accomplishment. When elite fertility fell, the natural ‘elite overproduction’, in the true sense of elite, not someone well trained to bark the right words when commanded, failed to exert downward pressure, and the gene flow reversed itself. The reason Brazil is not something like Haiti is because of the centuries long success of the Iberians.

There is no where on the planet isolated enough to protect ourselves from degenerated mating rituals, and there is no where so overpopulated by peoples that should be doing nothing other than managing the collection of coconuts that cannot be well managed by a people with proper mating rituals and concomitant social order. So we should first and foremost restore and preserve the process that creates and sustains the product, rather than attempt to shrinkwrap the now-smelling remains of the last harvest.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>My point is isolation is neither necessary nor sufficient for the arrival and maintenance of higher man.

Which was never my point either. In highlighting the fact that it is not a coincidence that China and Europe, the foremost centers of civilization to grace the globe heretofore, were on the ends of the continents, not in the crossroads between them, we highlight the *operating principles* the geography coincidentally helped facilitate, which you may or may not choose to profit from, wherever you may be.

Jim says:

On the other hand, the Aryan race originated in a mixing event. Hunter gatherers lived in the forests, became nomadic herders, and moved onto the steppes. The middle eastern farmers also moved into the steppes.

The steppes are in the centre of a vast continent, and have no natural barriers. The Aryans established a patriarchal fertile aristocratic society and bred themselves into the Aryans.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Look at the Korean, much closer in blood to the Japanese, but somehow more close in temperament to the Han. They imported the civilizational styling of the bureaucrat race, and so bred the temperament into themselves.

The Korean is a tightly-chained demon. At his core is a deep, powerful, barely-controllable rage, kept in check by strict rules and conventions. Don’t forget who held the high score for more than 20 years until St. Anders reclaimed it for Team Aryan. When a Korean gets really quiet, start looking for escape routes.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Aryans[…]bred themselves into the Aryans.

Certainly. What is odd though is why positions along these lines have here and there been restated in other words as if they were arguments against what is being laid out here, rather than an isometry by other means.

Take heed of where their descendants thrived, and where they declined, and how.

Arguments like ‘I am not racialist because I have simcity fantasies about engineering new races from multifarious clay’ is not an argument against racialism because it is racialism, the whole point of the objective, just with the can kicked down the road a few blocks. Friends would benefit from clarifying their thinking.

‘In the misty pasts there were mixing events amongst the nihonjin ancestors… and contiguous populational pools stretching for millennia afterwards.’

It does seem like there is an abiding fetish in the idea of inclusively and inoffensively and ecumenically dissolving a broad mass of mysterious humanity into a new uniformity you may make make anything you like out of, a mode of thought that has been occasionally recurrent in many spheres across history; a specific attraction *because* of an exotically vagarious substrate, not in spite of it – even if any other theoretical working base without problems of incompatible outbreeding depression to deal with to such degrees at the outset would serve as well or better – an almost alchemical proposition to the power of a universal solvent, by which any form of creation may just as easy be shaped to any other form; the seductive appeal of Progress, in those hoary days of 18th century modernism.

Truth is over-determined; for something that is true, you may find multiple vectors by which you may arrive at its truth, through which its truth is demonstrated. Goodness (and beauty) is the same way. These things aren’t mutually exclusive, but are nesting ordinals in the greater fulsomeness of natural law. But it does seem like whenever the topic comes up, some folks start arguing with the thought-process of a straw fednat that exists in their head rather than with the person in front of them.

DH says:

Overall P-C is right.

Even if you don’t start out explicitly racialist like the HBD spergs on /pol/, when society is properly structured according to pro-civilizational principles, the end result — assuming, let’s say, that you (naively) invite in members of all races of mankind to participate in this game of assortation — will be a ‘race’ whose upper classes are rather white, whose middle classes are rather brown, and whose lower classes are rather black. Much like ancient Egypt, and not unlike the caste system in India. No reason to assume that (at the very least) 150,000 years of diverse selection pressures can be erased so swiftly by Modernity, and “regression to the mean” casts race-mixing with the inferior as overall a bad idea, albeit some edge-cases might be allowed if the circumstances call for it.

Now, one can argue that the formation of synthetic tribes need not be “explicitly” racialist. Hmmm, okay, but letting people fill their natural roles, and allowing freedom of association (and freedom of non-association), will result in a New Race that appears to have been crafted by White Supremacists who’ve been reading Lothrop Stoddard and Madison Grant, even though there was no such intention originally; racialism will assert itself de facto. Whether or not the synthetic tribe will be formed on an explicitly racialist basis, it will look very much as if it had been. So why pretend like it isn’t what in practice it is? Why pretend that you can, in a few generations of “pruning” and playing around with genetic engineering, do away with hundreds of thousands of years of divergent evolutionary selection pressures? The bulk of mankind are the rule, not the exception. When you practice mate choice, you choose your progeny’s preferrable genes; can’t society at large do the same?

There is little difference, in reality, between “Mars should be colonized mostly by whites” and “Mars will be colonized mostly by whites.” It’s pretty much the same thing, whether or not you allow yourself to acknowledge it. Might as well recognize GNON’s reality.

Jim says:

> There is little difference, in reality, between “Mars should be colonized mostly by whites” and “Mars will be colonized mostly by whites.” It’s pretty much the same thing

There is a big difference in implementation. And the latter implementation is going to be more successful.

Mars “should be colonised by whites” will result in higher race descended from whites, and a higher race descended from Han. Mars “will be colonised by whites” will result in a predominantly white descended higher race with a lot of north east Asian admixture.

DH says:

Should whiteness, however it might be defined, not be a criterion (among, to be sure, many others) in the formation of future synthetic tribes? I don’t have a solid position on this issue, and I’d like to sort out the memeplex NRx is offering.

Jim says:

Observe churches that are somewhat plausibly Christian. They tend to be all white or all black. Much as you get spontaneous segregation at the lunch counter. If freedom of association, there is going to be a whole lot of racial association. It is a lot easier to have a cohesive group, if racially homogeneous. But, on the other hand, if you want to accomplish something hard, you want to include the best regardless of race — but not at the cost of the cohesion necessary to accomplish something great.

Han are going to settle Mars, and whites are going to settle Mars. They will be the best Han and the best whites. And their colonies will initially just happen to remain separate. But if nature takes its course, will not remain separate.

DH says:


I believe that also addresses some of PI’s concerns. If meritocratic selection is genuinely meritocratic, will likely, as you say, “result in a predominantly white descended higher race with a lot of north east Asian admixture.” That seems reasonable and fair to me, and in line with the civilizational progression along the Kardashev scale which Musk desires and which NRx desires.

HBD is excellent for description. For prescription, probably wiser to focus on (highly selective) meritocracy after all, while acknowledging the value and crucial benefits of group cohesion. Which may be more or less dynamic in its criteria for member-inclusion, depending on the circumstances.

Pax Imperialis says:

Make no mistake, I want racialist results. The problem is how to get them with elite/warrior/nomad male sexuality taken into account and how to do so without opening the floodgates and going down slippery slopes. The Aryans, Greeks, and Romans all clearly managed to create and maintain genetic quality despite influxes of Sabine women into their gene pools. Their meritocratic selection was guided by worship of the spirit of youthful vitality. You see it in their statues of young powerful men.

The point I wish to make, is that GTB Christianity is how you breed excellent racialist results in an environment of genetic influx without getting hijacked by Gnostic leftism.

Pseudo-Chrysostom is correct to notice a fetish aspect, although the selected quote is not entirely correct.

It does seem like there is an abiding fetish in the idea of inclusively and inoffensively and ecumenically dissolving a broad mass of mysterious humanity into a new uniformity you may make make anything you like out of

The bulk of men throughout evolutionary history have always perceived a woman shortage in the sex market. The natural solution was to expand the market with Sabine women. Proto-humans did it, Aryans did it, Greeks and Romans did it, and we do it today though we have many polite colloquialisms for it to avoid offending modern sensibilities. So ingrained in our evolutionary psychology and even physiology, it would be weird if a Sabine woman fetish did not widely exist, and indeed all the literature on sexual fantasies acknowledge it does in both men and women. Genetic qualities of the group inevitably becomes more and more stretched out on a spectrum.

And this is where it becomes difficult to hold a racialist position as a matter of principled government. Elites and warriors and nomads of a successful tribe are always going to have easy access to that sweet Sabine pussy. Edge cases are created at a social level where it becomes very politically hard to argue against it as a principled position. Attempts to do so quickly devolve into HBD spergs endlessly yapping over esoteric truth, but they can never agree on what exactly are the boundaries. Worse, by holding a position in the logic of the material, you have to deal with ever encroaching leftism in the form of Social Constructionism, itself a vehicle for Gnosticism. Not only are you not going to win that argument with logic and reason against literal demons, you may find many of your elites infected merely by engaging with it. That 1 in 1,000,000 African bitch is going to get added to your elite/warrior gene pool sooner or latter and she’s going to fuck up your entire reason based racialist social order.

Christianity has no such problem. Take note of Christian monarchies. The aristocracy and kings were often extremely mixed ethnically, yet it did not devolve them. Their offspring today remain ethnically ambiguous. In some ways one might classify them as the first ‘whites’. Those of a generally pan European heritage.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Observe churches that are somewhat plausibly Christian. They tend to be all white or all black. Much as you get spontaneous segregation at the lunch counter.

So too it will be on Mars, a vast place with a dry land area equal to Earth. White and Han will each take a hemisphere and do their own thing, never merging into blissful hapa-topia. Because of the language barrier, engineers will communicate only when absolutely necessary, e.g. maintaining airlock compatibility in case someone accidentally lands on the wrong side of the planet.

But, on the other hand, if you want to accomplish something hard, you want to include the best regardless of race.

White Mars and Han Mars won’t need to pool their best minds because surviving on Mars will no longer be a hard problem, and all the best engineers are still born on Earth because of its vastly larger population.

Jim says:

Tech advance comes from a tiny minority of a tiny minority. On mars, high tech or die. Mars will have a population where a majority is similar to what on earth is a tiny minority. Random genetic recombination will suffice to produce a much larger very smart fraction. In the third and fourth generation, geniuses on mars will vastly outnumber geniuses on earth.

Mayflower Sperg says:

If radiation doesn’t scramble their DNA, the Mars-born will have an average IQ possibly as high as 110. Not genius level because of mean reversion. This means that the first hundred Mars babies will not be geniuses, but the first 100,000 might yield one or two. Getting the average IQ up to 120 would require many generations of tyrannically enforced selection.

And what for? Geniuses are good at solving hard problems, but the problems they solve stay solved, and living in a Martian habitat module becomes no more difficult than living in a Russian apartment.

Unless Earth becomes such a bureaucratic socialist shit-hole that its geniuses all emigrate to Mars, Martian geniuses will want to emigrate to Earth. Imagine having a live conversation with someone who’s as smart as you are!

Jim says:

> Martian geniuses will want to emigrate to Earth.

Not seeing too many white geniuses wanting to emigrate to black Africa.

Fidelis says:

reversion to the mean

This is the most annoying midwit meme. It’s laughably untrue but sounds like great counterintuitive truefact “ackshually you know that…” nerdbait, so gets spread everywhere.

Explain to me how the flynn effect reversed so quickly after only a couple generations, and explain to me exactly what ‘mean’ you revert to. What population pool? Every american white? The initial finding was a statistical artifact that got waved about everywhere and no one bothers to call out how clearly absurd it is. IIRC, the original author, was this Woodley? I think it was, has said so himself, and proposed the dead obvious conclusion that you get a bell curve centered around the mean of the parents, not every monkey that looks kind of like you. Genes, as a result of needing to be robust to recombination, almost always act additively, and much of what becomes IQ is just the result of a robust neural metabolism.

T says:

Interesting, Fidelis. So “regression to the mean” is a bad meme that somehow occupied the minds of many in the HBD-sphere and the WN-sphere? Yeah, I can see that. Thanks for the redpill.

The Cominator says:

Why don’t you like regression to the mean, its not an iron law but its a good general principle…

Jim says:

People do not understand regression to the mean. They think it means selection does not work. Selection does work. Harsher environments, overcome by tech means, (starting with fire and rocks) bred smarter humans. The less the environment resembles the chimp environment, the smarter the humans. We got started by leaving the trees, which meant we had to win arguments with lions over dinner. Aryans were the result of settling the steppes. Next step, leaving the atmosphere.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Edge cases are created at a social level where it becomes very politically hard to argue against it as a principled position. Attempts to do so quickly devolve into HBD spergs endlessly yapping over esoteric truth, but they can never agree on what exactly are the boundaries.

Perils dogging the path of a spiritually difficult position some of our brothers must navigate disclose themselves, furthermore. Does perennial discourse require frequent refresher courses on the philosophical errors of enlightenment epistemology?

The answer seems to be yes.

Lack of a clean point of transition on the continuum of a rainbow does not mean different colours don’t exist. The inability of a man the create a definition of ‘something like that’ where ‘all X are like that’ does not mean that knowledge is impossible, it means that the man is limited. A man being so limited does not mean *these things don’t exist*, it means his ability *to profit from accounting their existence* is so limited.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Not seeing too many white geniuses wanting to emigrate to black Africa.

You’d be surprised how many Russians still want to emigrate to America, even after I show them Cash Jordan’s YouTube channel. My point is that there can be only be one Silicon Valley at a time because tech geniuses all want to live near other tech geniuses. Things have to get apocalyptically bad there before they’ll think of moving somewhere else, and they won’t consider Mars until the whole Earth is a giant nigger shantytown.

Reversion to the mean is not an insurmountable problem; it was surmounted in the past by Mother Nature ruthlessly killing the less intelligent generation after generation. As soon as people stopped dying of cold and hunger, they stopped getting smarter. Life on Mars will never be that harsh, though there will be cases where some klutz pokes a hole in the wall and everyone in his module dies.

Jim says:

> You’d be surprised how many Russians still want to emigrate to America, even after I show them Cash Jordan’s YouTube channel. My point is that there can be only be one Silicon Valley at a time because tech geniuses all want to live near other tech geniuses.

The tech geniuses have left silicon valley, and the smart Russians are returning to Russia.

In San Francisco they built these really cool tech towers to accommodate all the smart people. Very nice places to work in. They were full of very smart people making good money and hanging out with other very smart people. They are now standing empty, starting to decay, and being sold off for a song. Eventually it is going to be like South Africa, where goats wander the magnificent marble foyers of banks looking for garbage to eat, and the upper stories of towers are abandoned because the lifts, the toilets, and the water no longer works.

And then in due course, like Detroit, as they cease to be buildings, and become ruins.

Silicon Valley manifested because Hewlet Packard. That was the initial cluster of smart people, which resulted in another cluster of smart people in the same location, Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory in Mountain View, California. Which begat Silicon Valley. And now Silicon Valley has died under bean counters and DEI. Died because surrounded by a supermajority of dumb people, who took control. Mars has the enormous advantage of being far away from dumb people, so hard for the horde to eat you.

Jim says:

You can include idiots in your team on earth, and after several years of failing to ship, the business goes bust and you get another job. Include idiots on your team in Mars, you will die. When earth sends up a diversity consultant, she is going to suffer a mysterious space suit accident. Earth ships up a shipload of blacks to improve diversity, they find themselves in a cattle pen on mars.

There is going to be a pile of equipment built and maintained by smart people. And those smart people are going to be in power. Because they have their hand on the oxygen tap.

All this stuff is only going to work if only very smart people are allowed anywhere near it. And being allowed near it is where the power is.

On a permanent martian colony that depends on harvesting water food and air from dirt, ice, and the martian atmosphere, you depend for the air you breath on a big team of very smart people composed of several teams of very smart people. And if you have a stupid person on one of those teams, you don’t just fail to ship, and VCs lose money. You die.

One idiot on one one team will stop you from shipping. (We usually send them to art harem, safely located two buildings away.) On Mars, one idiot on one team will stop you from breathing.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The challenge of civilization is that man himself must take up the mantle of nature and channel the dictates of Divine Law into being.

Most, of course, fall short of this jump.

Cloudswrest says:

Ponte City, a 54-story apartment building in Johannesburg, has a notorious reputation for being a hub of criminal activity and decay. According to various accounts, the surrounding neighborhood, once an upscale area, became consumed by crime and drug-dealing gangs began moving into the building. As a result, Ponte City eventually became a hotbed of criminal activity, and management and homeowners abandoned the building, leaving it to decay.

Garbage Piling Up Garbage accumulated in the courtyard of the building, reaching heights of up to five stories high. This was allegedly due to residents chucking trash from their windows because the city never came to collect it, as reported in some local lore.

Cloudswrest says:

Ponte City is kind of like straight out of Idiocracy.

ayyylmao says:

Jim: “On the other hand, the Aryan race originated in a mixing event. Hunter gatherers lived in the forests, became nomadic herders, and moved onto the steppes. The middle eastern farmers also moved into the steppes. The steppes are in the centre of a vast continent, and have no natural barriers. The Aryans established a patriarchal fertile aristocratic society and bred themselves into the Aryans.”


ayyylmao says:

Although when you say “hunter-gatherers” people will think dusky savage tribes living in marginal territories circa the 18th or 19th centuries. Judging by the immense increase in linguistic complexity from Anatolian Neolithic Farmer sessiles to Indo-Aryans nomad-pastoralists, the hunter-gatherer component of the Indo-Aryans were literal supermen, the Indo-Aryans themselves analogous to demigods in comparison to their wild forebears.

T says:

A more interesting issue (in my horny opinion) than the racial demographics on Mars will be the sexual demographics on Mars.

I don’t believe that anyone (who isn’t a flaming faggot) desires a sausage-fest. Just the opposite – I think the sex ratio should be 1:3 male-to-female, or something even more radical. Sure, the initial pioneers are likely to be all-male. But once it is made relatively safe to be a Martian, I expect an influx of fertile-age, carefully selected females heading Marswards.

This, in addition to restoration of patriarchy, and possibly with genetic engineering and advanced pharmacy doing away with female sexual dysfunction (aka asexuality or low libido), will make life on Mars quite splendid indeed. Many will desire to go.

Initially all-male, but eventually at least three females for every male, that sounds excellent to me.

Jim says:

Let us imagine a colonist society, with a dire shortage of pussy, modern biotechnology and medicine, old fashioned views on the role of women, and out of reach of meddling do gooders.

What could be done about the dire shortage of pussy problem?

super high tech SF path one: Fembots with reproductive capability. But the current state of AI gives me no confidence that fembots could pass and perform the functions of a women. If it cannot be an engineer, cannot be a help meet for man.

known tech SF path two. Sex ratio control — perhaps by artificially growing sperm that is all X and no Y, and breed females like pigs.

totally old fashioned solution: Rapid population growth, large age gap between husbands and wives. Patriarch of one dome trades daughters for wives with patriarch of another dome.

skippy says:

In the old days, I mean before WWII, people talked about “pure races” by analogy to horse and dog breeding. This is something that, unlike human breeding, we actually understand quite well from practical experience, even before any genetic understanding, and practical experience always beats abstract theorizing.

“Pure races” just means families which an interbreed and produce offspring where 1. the offspring have approximately the same form as their parents 2. the offspring are healthy.

If you mix breeds, you do not get an algebraic mean of all traits. You get rather a “bubbling up” of traits from each breed, often mis-matched, for example organs optimized for sprinting combined with short legs (this is intentionally chosen to not correspond to any famous racial stereotype). Generally speaking, if you mix races you get something less than the sum of its parts.

Now all breeds are created through mixing, and it’s possible that hapas will yield such a future race. However, such a race will not be 1. Aryans 2. North East Asians or 3. an algebraic combination of Aryans and North East Asians. It will be something else, what characteristics it may have that make it fit are as yet unknown to us, and it will descend from only a very small minority of hapas (SF bros with waifus probably breeding themselves out of the gene pool on the 3+ generation scale).

The USA’s destiny, as determined by reading books and theorizing, is clearly to be a non-European, perhaps post-European culture inhabited by a non-European, perhaps post-European race; both things imply anti-European politics. And so we see. But this theorizing largely depends on the idea that mixing creates a merged race, rather than what it actually creates, which is unstable and usually unsatisfactory mongrels.

The USA’s future is probably as a white country populated by Amish and Hasids.

Jim says:

> But this theorizing largely depends on the idea that mixing creates a merged race, rather than what it actually creates, which is unstable and usually unsatisfactory mongrels.

Observed outcome is that second generation hybrids are diverse, with a minority, about a quarter, showing substantially superior characteristics to either of the parent pureblood strains. Which does us no good unless we restore fertility. But nothing matters unless we restore fertility.

Jim says:

Cross breeding creates variation, which is the raw material of evolution. If you cross breed corn and teosinte, you get what looks like one species in the first generation.

In the next generation you get what looks like sixteen wildly different species, one of which is crappy corn, and one of which is crappy teosinte.

Aryans are descendants of blue eyed hunter gatherers who became nomadic pastoralists, and brown eyed middle eastern farmers who became nomadic pastoralists. Doubtless they had lots of other descendants, who vanished.

TheDividualist says:

Pax, Jim,

Ironically, I think whites as a racial culture are defined by the lack of ethnic nepotism. I don’t think it ever happened in the US that a Scots-descended businessman would want to keep the business entirely Scots and deny jobs to Swedes. And everybody and their dog seems to be 1/4 German and 1/4 Irish and 1/16 Chocktaw…

Now, as a comparison, I was writing to a girl in some dating app and I said “You look kinda East Asian” and she replied “Kinda East Asian?! 100% pure blooded Han!” LOL. This is the level of racial-ethnic consciousness (and nepotism) that is normal in most of the world. In fact, that is why whites have a problem with Jews, they are not used to ethnic nepotism. Most people on the planet would find it entirely normal because they are doing the same thing.

Ethnic nepotism is deep down extended family nepotism. They are not simply hiring co-ethnics, if they can, they will hire fourth cousins. This boils down that in a low-trust society you can only trust relatives. Whites have invented the nuclear family, without deep extended family ties, individualism, and a high-trust society where trusting strangers is normal. The disappearance of ethno-racial consciousness and nepotism was simply downstream from this. Universalism, the idea of universal human rights and suchlike is a super white idea, originally IMHO developed in Paris, and clearly the flip side of individualism. Is it a Christianity-rooted idea? Perhaps, but there are many Christians from Greeks to Armenians and Georgians who are not interested in it.

The good news is that every time desegregation is not enforced, people spontaneously segregate. The 1960’s civil rights idea that blacks want to see white faces in their neighborhoods, schools and churches was basically a lie. They want the money, yes, and if the only way to get the money is to tolerate white faces, they will, but they are not that super happy about it. Here in Europe our elites are basically bribing the Muslims to stay here, because they actually don’t like to live in places with miniskirts, public drinking and the smell of roasting pork.

The white identity had arisen due to the age of sail, discovery, colonialism, and slavery, as an opposite of the brown natives. Scots and Swedes found they have more in common with each other than with the natives. People who did most of this sailing, were mostly of a Northwestern European background, and this is how whiteness contains some cultural, not only biological aspects, such as Protestantism, that is, a certain culture of practical-minded “dryness”, more engineers than artists compared to Catholic Europe. Here in Central Euro we tend to have national identities, not a white identity, because we did not sail much and thus everybody we met was mostly white, even the Ottoman elites tended to be much whitened by intermixing, slavery and renegades. So race is not an easy concept for me either. Especially if I look at my steppe nomad side of ancestors.

Varna says:

Rod, the post reads like a facebook rant from 2015.

I am dissapoint.

dharmicreality says:

Amazing how things change in a few days.

Suddenly the Economic/Commie Left seems to have woken up from deep slumber and are blasting the woke liberal Left for ignoring the “working class” and pushing forward an elitist woke agenda that only appeals to the coastal elites, some of them even explicitly questioning why white working class men were demonized (as though this was a new phenomenon lol). There is a suddenly a considerable amount of Bernie Sanders shilling around the usual Leftist social media places.

And seems the Harvard Left through the globohomo media is blaming the establishment Left for not being woke enough and trying to appeal to the ‘conservatives’ for this defeat.

All seem to implicitly agree that the Lotus woman was a placeholder and a dummy candidate.

It’s all so amusing and fun to watch the sudden leftist infighting breaking out. The Left is disintegrating before our very eyes. Now is the time for the Right to consolidate victory. Can Trump push forward?

Jim says:

Leftists without a legitimate leader are as irrelevant and helpless as rightists without a legitimate leader, and their federal government leadership is about to be purged if Trump’s actions match his rhetoric.

However, the governors of the big coastal states seem to be gearing up for war. They are stepping into the vacuum they see forming on the left. They are probably going to abandon their lawfare against Trump and Musk (they are not insanely belligerent, and will obviously get clobbered if they continue lawfare) but will attempt to defy federal policy.

They plan to import hundreds of millions of illegals.

Dharmicreality says:

The problem for the rank-and-file leftist now is that their priesthood is infighting with no clear faction gaining an upper hand.

The messaging from globohomo which was fairly uniform and in lockstep in 2020 is now incoherent and confused in 2024.

I don’t know about how individual American states work so I agree with you that, the governors may use their personal influence to block Trump’s policies, but this may not necessarily result in a revival of the establishment Left which has propped up the entire machinery.

Fidelis says:

They plan to import hundreds of millions of illegals.

This could have some quite hilarious results. West coast fully expells the last embers of industry, right as the tariffs kick in and they lose the leverage of having ports. All the whites, hindoos and asians flee to Texas, and instead of camps for the aliens that need some time to think, they can be redirected to California as the power goes out and all the drinking water disappears.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Everyone understands that Civil War 2 is already on, and imported darkies are the weapon of choice.

CW1: Revolving repeating rifles
WW1: Machine guns
WW2: Aircraft
CW2: Niggers

Walbert says:

Simply charge any bureaucrat or politician who provides welfare or I.D. to illegals with aiding and abetting the crime of illegal immigration. Do the same to any manager or C.E.O who hires them. Free airline tickets to those who self deport. Simple, cheap and a minimum of coercion.

Jim says:

The completely obvious solution to illegal immigration is grabbing them and shipping them out to anywhere you can get away with dumping them. Everyone who succeeded did that. No one who did not do that succeeded.

Anything else is a displacement activity, and if you engage in displacement activities, you are not serious about dealing with the problem

alf says:

There is a suddenly a considerable amount of Bernie Sanders shilling

If Bernie hadn’t taken the spineless kowtow approach in response to the twenty knives the democrats pushed in his back, perhaps he would have been believable as a strong leader on the left.

As it stands the left has some regrouping to do. I watched a hilarious video in which a leftist streamer urged his watchers to ‘take care of their health and be physically and mentally strong’, to which his watchers responded by calling him fatphobic and ableist.

DH says:

a leftist streamer urged his watchers to ‘take care of their health and be physically and mentally strong’, to which his watchers responded by calling him fatphobic and ableist.

Imagine still thinking that Curtis Yarvin was right about “recruiting the youth camp” (muh “elite human capital”) in 2024, just fucking lol. Cominator claims to be a midwit, but truly I tell you, Cominator’s reality-testing is far superior to “towering genius” Moldbug’s. Leftists should become fertilizer.

Rod says:

> Amazing how things change in a few days.

Everyone both domestic USA and abroad is now racing to see who can be first and loudest at kissing Trump’s ass. Pray that Trump throws all those asskissers out too.

Interesting that nobody yet complains about Trump already negotiating on calls worldwide as President. Apparently all the woke marxist faggots in the White House are bailing scattering running like roaches to try pulling an impersonation claim on him. Kamala and Biden… massively vacant lame ducks and criminals with zero support.

TBeholder says:

Interesting that nobody yet complains about Trump already negotiating on calls worldwide as President.

Because a lot of this are fake “leaks”, and all the factions scramble to throw their own fake into the pile. The only people who would rather burn the whole box of fakes are those who are not allowed to approach it.

Jim Smith says:

It is a myth that you need to “round up” illegals for deportation. Prevent them from getting a bank account, driver’s licence, apartment, job by holding the bank, landlord, employer accountable and most will self deport.

Jim says:

Tony Abbot did a successful roundup. Coerced quasi state actors such as banks, but made no serious effort to coerce employers and landlords. What he did worked. Preventing illegals from getting a job or a place to stay is a displacement activity, a substitute for useful action, because we are moving to the gig economy. Everyone who succeeds does a roundup. No one succeeds by going after landlords and employers. It is a displacement activity, like ever greater repression of “pedophiles”.

JustAnotherGuy says:

I’m going to be a very honest, a state/society/etc. traversing to gig economy is a very bad thing.

There’s a reason mercenaries were not ideal, and having only contract workers who are revolving through multiple projects and do not gain any long-term skills or cohesion within a certain environment or group is just bad. The gig economy is quite literally the opposite of apprenticeships.

Things are only going to get even more FUBAR if we can’t get kids to learn from old grandpa joe how to make artillery shells because the zoomer is too busy zooming, hustling, and bustling to different jobs to care.

When I think about videogames, I think about how the OG halo team mostly left after halo 2 and what do you know, halo 3+ was shit. Total War? They lost Jeff Van Dyck for some guy who hates loud noises (I heard Jeff’s rome ost on chinese video sites with millions of views to give you a perception of how popular they are). There’s probably a ton more stuff out there I can point too, and someone would probably retort saying “ah, but you can just hire a guy to deliver your food or fix your table” but that’s not what I’m talking about here when I think about the ‘gig economy’.

Jim says:

Yes, the gig economy is a very bad thing, and the reason we are moving to the gig economy is because of the loss of cohesion of the corporation. Corporations are no longer functional, because of postmodern accounting and the regulatory state. It becomes harder for businesses to internalise stuff the way Musk does, because if they attempt to do so, it dissolves on bureaucratic bloat.

ayyylmao says:

Halo: Reach was the pinnacle of video gaming.

ayyylmao says:

Everyone has interactions where you have to present your ID: Cops, welfare, hospitals, and so on and so forth. And they then run your ID through their computers. Which in Australia, if you are an illegal immigrant or have an expired visa, then automatically notifies the border control computers. Whereupon border control computer asks the cops to hold you around till the border patrol shows up, or border patrol shows up at the hospital or wherever.

That is exactly the wrong thing to do and with all due respect it makes me absolutely sick to see it be taken seriously at such an eminent blog as this.

We don’t need to more fully expand the computer control grid. We do need to abolish it as completely as possible.

No one should have “ID” or need “ID”. Your ID is written on your face. If you are sufficiently white and handsome (or beautiful) then you have every right to be in America. If you are insufficiently white and handsome (or beautiful) then you must go back—somewhere else, anywhere else.

Corporate pigs going around demanding “ID” for every little thing is a tyranny inflicted only on slaves. Police did not even exist when America was still a real country. “Law enforcement” was literally invented as a domestic standing army to control non-Anglo foreign insurgent hordes.

When you have a real country you not only don’t need government scumbags swaggering around with guns, you don’t even need to enforce borders. And, indeed, no one bothered to enforce borders until the first world war, and they only did so to prevent wartime sabotage.

We must know what we are fighting for or all hope is lost.

Pax Imperialis says:

>No one should have “ID” or need “ID”

How would banks know who is who? And that’s the least of the problems. The economy would screech to a halt to reorganize having to deal with even lower trust transactions (as if we didn’t already have a problem now). Back in the old days you so rejoice for, ID existed in the form of letter of introduction/recommendation from prominent citizens… which would only hold any weight on the small local scale. Your scale of economies would come crashing down and burn… unless private business entities are allowed to provide “ID” services, which then comes in with the problem of verification and enforcement, which carries with it the necessity of force. That is how you literally get corporate police. Something you seem to be under the delusion we commonly have now.

>If you are insufficiently white and handsome…

That’s a rabbit hole no one should go down, and I doubt anyone in power would want to go down. You have to face the reality that even continental US is an empire of many nations, and those nations while distinct and often mostly separate, still overlap and intermingle enough at the higher levels of power that untangling those nations would be an immensely bloody and tragic affair. Would you go as far as to say: ‘hey Mr. Trump, your daughter’s husband is insufficiently white, he needs to go back to Jewish quarters of Novogrudok’. Or did Jews suddenly become white?

>And, indeed, no one bothered to enforce borders until the first world war, and they only did so to prevent wartime sabotage.

Bro doesn’t know about the ~200 years of American Indian Wars which were all about enforcing borders and very much did involve government sanctioned violence committed by uniformed men. Smh, the poor education these days.

DH says:

Would you go as far as to say: ‘hey Mr. Trump, your daughter’s husband is insufficiently white, he needs to go back to Jewish quarters of Novogrudok’. Or did Jews suddenly become white?

There’s no need to separate families that have already formed; with the reestablishment of patriarchy, your wife and children will be your property, and then you should take them with you back to your homeland, or whatever territory your people happen to dwell in. Kushner and his family should move to Israel, where they obviously belong. And JD Vance can keep his Indian wife and children; she is obviously not an ideal choice for him, but whatever – it is what it is. This will ensure that America remains a white-majority or ideally Anglo-majority country, without however causing needless tragedies.

By the way, even today, most couples, despite incessant (((propaganda))) blasted from everywhere at full volume, are not mixed-race.

Then, after everyone who needs to go back goes back — which, by the way, is a whole lot of people — and America’s Anglo-majority demography is firmly secured, some states will probably make mixed-race marriages illegal, though others might not do so. At any rate, the problem by and large will be solved, and Real Americans can have their country back.

Pax Imperialis says:

>By the way, even today, most couples, despite incessant (((propaganda))) blasted from everywhere at full volume, are not mixed-race.

Nor did I claim such, but I am pointing out something which you’ve so aptly provided an example of. JD Vance. Again, I’m pointing out there’s enough overlap at the top that disentangling these various nations would be a painful rabbit hole to go down which no one at the top wants to go down because it usually leads to positions like:

>and America’s Anglo-majority demography is firmly secured

Nuts. Only a fifth or so claims Anglo heritage of some sort, and many of them are mixed with various other European heritages. As soon as (most) people get fixated on questions of biological identity, they inevitably whittle away and away until all that’s left is crazy delusions. Trump’s patrilinear heritage is German, and much of the Trump team is non-Anglo of one sort or another.

And don’t forget for a second who those particular Anglo-Americans were. Freemason, Puritans, proto-socialists, and eventual creators of the Cathedral we deal with today. It was continentals and rebellious Scotts/Irish that kept the Anglo’s worst proclivities in check back then, and it’s the same group keeping them in check today.

America’s best hope for a relatively bloodless solution is realizing we have the demographics and spirit of Rome Empire/HRE/Austro-Hungarian Empire, and that our problem is a lack of an Emperor.

DH says:

Well yes, and the alt-right obviously massively overcorrects the race-denialism and anti-whiteness of the Cathedral by going totally autistic about race. But if one wants white children (or, let’s say, human children) to be able to go outside at night without fear of being terrorized by savages, the savages, whoever they might be, will have to be removed, bloodlessly or otherwise. One can believe that race is not a big issue until one witnesses niggers playing the “knockout game” on random people or on oneself, then one figures that race actually does matter, because real humans don’t behave in such a manner, and no amount of propaganda will ever convince me that niggers are real humans. As I said in a previous thread, the nogs should be in Africa.

As for those other races, I think Hispanics who aren’t too Amerindian are not a big problem (if they are too Native, should be in ghettos), East-Asians are not a big problem but it would be better if they went back, Jews should sincerely convert to Christianity or move to Israel (and most Jews in America should be genocided for being leftists – you will do both America and Israel a tremendous favor if you kill everyone who voted for Kamala Harris, including about 65%-70% of the Jewish constituency), and Arabs and Indians should go back regardless of their religion, even if they are “really nice people” – need to draw the line somewhere, and for God’s sake, they have their own countries, why can’t they just go there and stay there? That should generally be the rule, though obviously there are exception to every rule – but most people are the rule, not the exception.

That, plus bringing coverture back, will solve most of the racial problems.

Pax Imperialis says:

Yes, the savages need to go. Prune all the savages, and over time you’ll notice certain groups produce less and less savages. (Viking society was once quite violent, but in less than a century became rather domesticated.) You’ll still have some blacks, and as long as they practice coverture and remain in good standing with the new state church that we’ll build, I see no reason why they won’t evolve (especially with some in vitro help).

As bad as large segments of their population is today, they are still considerably better than your typical African. It’s really quite remarkable what the South managed to accomplish in a few hundred years without CRISPR/other methods. There’s a gentlemanly Christian way to go about the task that does not require mass murder of the innocent.

The line does need to be drawn somewhere, and it needs to be a Christian line. You will not get coverture without Christianity, and you will not get Christianity with a hard line drawn on race.

DH says:

There’s a gentlemanly Christian way to go about the task that does not require mass murder of the innocent.

I don’t advocate mass murder of innocents; my position is that if they can be brought from Africa to America, they can go in the reverse direction also. And they should, since most of them don’t quite fit in civilization, and Africa is their natural habitat, and is large enough to accommodate them. A Liberia solution to the Negro Problem, basically.

Pax Imperialis says:

>I don’t advocate mass murder of innocents

You say that but then you say stuff like:

Jews should sincerely convert to Christianity or move to Israel (and most Jews in America should be genocided for being leftists – you will do both America and Israel a tremendous favor if you kill everyone who voted for Kamala Harris, including about 65%-70% of the Jewish constituency

You’ve been most loose and strident on various groups to mass kill. What am I to think your position is? Killing everyone who voted for Kamala would involve mass murder of innocents. Millions live in massive propaganda bubbles and know little else. Is that really a crime worthy of being processed into fertilizer? Even TC takes a far more conciliatory stance than you because he recognizes the majority of Kamala voters are women who really can’t be held at fault for acting like women. The death penalty must be applied fairly otherwise you undermine that very spirit of the Anglo-American heritage you seem to love so much.

There is no question that many Jews are spiritually sick, but on the question killing you’d only needlessly spill blood that was already dying out. Among the leftist ones, low fertility rates and over 50% of that is miscegenation.

You are thinking in terms of war. That is fine and good if you are at war. But war has not clearly broken out, and until it does, it does not behoove you to think in terms of war. It is understandable to be thinking in terms of war. We’ve been on the teetering edge of it for a good while, but this election result has put a pause (perhaps temporary, perhaps for good) on war. We need to step back for a while and reassess the situation.

DH says:

Killing everyone who voted for Kamala would involve mass murder of innocents. Millions live in massive propaganda bubbles and know little else.

Okay, let’s put it that way: if you are male, above 100 IQ (like most Ashkenazim), and in 2024 still support the Left – I just don’t see you as “innocent,” or else you might well argue that everyone is innocent.

Since I don’t believe that Jews run everything — they are the cape, not the matador — I think it’s probably more important to focus on leftists of Aryan extraction. But I see no reason why all of those leftist Jews should stay alive. (TC’s position, if I recall correctly, is “Thou shalt not suffer a leftist to live.”) They want America destroyed, and they want Israel destroyed, or else they would have voted for Trump. Truly, the enemies of all humanity.

In what sense are they “innocent,” exactly? I’m not bloodthirsty, I’m just “results-oriented.” Why keep any leftists (particularly men who aren’t so dumb as to have that as an excuse), of any race or religion, alive?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Killing everyone who voted for Kamala would involve mass murder of innocents.

Would it?

The Cominator says:

Only the Scots-Irish; the Continentals and especially Ellis islanders tended to be more leftists than the native Anglos. Blaming the Freemasons for anything other than opposing not even monarchy but absolute monarchy is a Jesuit meme. And I think Jim here is against absolutism in the long term per Throne Altar and Freehold, stable monarchies in the Western tradition have kings with full executive power and most judicial power (but couldn’t condemn men without trial) but limited legislative power.

Jim says:

No man rules alone. If the King attempts to possess more power than a mortal can exercise, he finds he has given power to dangerously powerful servants dangerously close to the throne. Which is what killed the Sun King’s grandson.

The Cominator says:

I thought general consensus here is that post restoration races should be mostly seperated and live under something akin to a millet system with some few places (the ones with likely the only real police presence post restoration) acting as common areas.

Neurotoxin says:

Pax Imperialis: “Millions live in massive propaganda bubbles and know little else. Is that really a crime…”

Bullshit. In the age of the Internet there are no informational innocents. Anyone who only gets their worldview from Politico and Salon has made a choice to do that. The censorship can be skirted with about a minute of genuine effort.

“You are thinking in terms of war. That is fine and good if you are at war. But war has not clearly broken out…”

For God’s sake. We are in a genocidal war of extermination against us. We have been for decades. The fact that the war is proceeding in slow motion does not mean it’s not war.

It has been particularly evil in its effects on high-IQ women, who are half the people we need to have high-IQ children. Most leftist ideology in its current incarnation is designed, consciously, to render extinct all population groups in which people are self-sufficient and capable of critical thought. Attacking marriage, both memetically and legally. Valorizing a life plan for women in which having children is for losers. (The 2019 Men in Black movie had a girl saying something like, “Why stay home and have children when you could do something important with your life?” Tell me, Pax, Do you think that line was included in that movie accidentally?) Feminizing men. Masculinizing women. Making it socially costly and well-nigh illegal for men to pass shit tests. Lionizing homosexuality. Lionizing transvestitism. Spilling synthetic female hormones into the environment. Importing tens of millions of hostile foreigners into our countries.

The number of white people declined from the 2010 census to the 2020 census. Not just white people as a percent of the US population; the number of white people.

If this isn’t a conscious campaign of slow-motion extermination, then what would be?

Pax Imperialis says:

@TC >Blaming the Freemasons for anything other than opposing not even monarchy but absolute monarchy is a Jesuit meme

Freemasonry is a religion that denies being a religion and is Gnostic is spirit. The Founding Fathers were largely Freemasons and imparted that spirit into the constitution. Their sin was relative to our times, relatively small, but sin produces more sin and today we have a state religion that denies being a state religion that is demonically Gnostic.

>Bullshit. In the age of the Internet there are no informational innocents. Anyone who only gets their worldview from Politico and Salon has made a choice to do that. The censorship can be skirted with about a minute of genuine effort.

The majority of voters on both sides are serfs and peasants. It is their nature to obey a master without much thinking and it was cruel and unusual to get them involved in politics in the first place. There is no need to purge them, and no need to punish them for the sins of their masters. All they know is the “right” way to vote as informed by social “consensus” which really is just what their master dictates, and the old regime has been in power and dictating what is “consensus” for a very long time.

Censorship can be skirted, even without a minute of genuine effort by simply stumbling onto redpills on the internet, but again, serfs will not really think about it. The majority of those who vote left are not genuine leftists. They know little if any actual leftist political theory beyond meaningless slogans they chant without actually understanding. They don’t really read Politico and Salon. Their main news source is CNN playing in public locations like the airport.

By all means, get rid of the relatively few leftists at the top and the few thousand Antifa shock troops they have at the bottom, and make the individual serf repent for their individual sins. Shutter CNN and the rest of the leftist cable news networks. Do that and you’ll find that the actual number of leftists suddenly becomes close to zero. Pinochet did not have to get rid of 36% of the population to make the left disappear over night. He did it with a few thousand helicopter rides.

>For God’s sake. We are in a genocidal war of extermination against us. We have been for decades. The fact that the war is proceeding in slow motion does not mean it’s not war.

You know I’ve said many, many times that we are in a low level, slow burning civil war. The problem we’ve been dealt with is being in a war that is also not a War, and there’s a good chance Trump is going to end it. Thinking in terms of War when it’s a war is apt to get you killed and not accomplish much (what I’ve been seeing among certain posters here). Likewise thinking in terms of war when it’s a War is also apt to get you killed (Prigozhin’s and Putin’s mistake).

>The number of white people declined from the 2010 census to the 2020 census. Not just white people as a percent of the US population; the number of white people. If this isn’t a conscious campaign of slow-motion extermination, then what would be?

Punishment from God for building Sodom and Gomorrah and spreading it to the rest of the globe. Past sins have led to more sins have led to death, largely by suicide.

What matters for purposes of restoration is that the military’s officer corps is still largely “white”, especially in the Marine Corps and anything to do with actual fighting.

The Cominator says:

Anyone who voted for Kamala has to go…

Pax Imperialis says:

The 2019 Men in Black movie had a girl saying something like, “Why stay home and have children when you could do something important with your life?” Tell me, Pax, Do you think that line was included in that movie accidentally?

When nearly every single TV show, movie, mainstream book, teacher K-12, professor, TV news channel, and government official is spewing leftist propaganda all the time, you’re going to end up with a might big propaganda bubble that millions reside in regardless of “free markets” of ideas on the internet. The problem isn’t with the people who consumed all that propaganda. The problem is the few who produced it.

A lot of us seem to forget the stuff we talk about, the knowledge we take for granted, is really very esoteric by normal American standards. It’s easy for us to recognize the propaganda. Not so easy for everyone else. Again, I’ll reiterate, we should punish those at the top who organized the left, but largely let the peasants return to being peasants.

Hesiod says:

(Prior meant as a reply to Pax)

The Cominator says:

After 2020 there are no excuses and they proved their very existence is a threat. It is imperative if we ever get the power we make them all cease to exist.

DH says:

The Old Testament is in the Bible for a reason. You write, for instance:

Punishment from God for building Sodom and Gomorrah and spreading it to the rest of the globe. Past sins have led to more sins have led to death, largely by suicide.

And what did Sodom and Gomorrah look like after the punishment? What happened to all of their inhabitants? Yeah, exactly.

The poisonous tree should be cut down.

Neurotoxin says:

“The majority of voters on both sides are serfs and peasants. It is their nature to obey a master without much thinking…”

If they’re capable of voting they’re capable of being held accountable for their votes.

– – – – – – –

Me: “We are in a genocidal war of extermination against us. We have been for decades. The fact that the war is proceeding in slow motion does not mean it’s not war.”

Pax Imp: “You know I’ve said many, many times that we are in a low level, slow burning civil war. The problem we’ve been dealt with is being in a war that is also not a War… Thinking in terms of War when it’s a war is apt to get you killed… Likewise thinking in terms of war when it’s a War.”

If there are people trying to exterminate us, or helping those who are doing so, then we have every right to, quoting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “do some things.”

Pax Imperialis says:

>And what did Sodom and Gomorrah look like after the punishment? What happened to all of their inhabitants? Yeah, exactly.

God gave them a chance to survive and for Lot to plead on their behalf. It was only after further sin against their defender that God destroyed them.

The masses should be given a chance to redeem themselves under the new regime. If they step out of line, then consequences.

Neurotoxin says:

Pax Imp: “When nearly every single TV show, movie, mainstream book, teacher K-12, professor, TV news channel, and government official is spewing leftist propaganda all the time… The problem isn’t with the people who consumed all that propaganda. The problem is the few who produced it.”

Anyone who takes action based on the propaganda has chosen to become a soldier in a war of extermination.
1. If they know what they’re doing, firm measures are justified in dealing with them.
2. If they don’t know what they’re doing, it’s because they made a choice to not question the hate propaganda, and firm measures are justified in dealing with them.
3. If they are truly incapable of questioning what’s in their semantic environment, then they are animals, and there are no ethical dimensions to any firm measures taken to deal with them.

Whether it’s strategically or tactically optimal to take various actions in certain situations is one question.

But there simply is no ethical argument that proves that if someone is shooting at you, you don’t have the right to shoot back.

Neurotoxin says:

Me: “The number of white people declined from the 2010 census to the 2020 census. Not just white people as a percent of the US population; the number of white people.”

Pax Imp: “Punishment from God for building Sodom and Gomorrah and spreading it to the rest of the globe.”

Asinine. Whatever. If our enemies are just acting against us as instruments of God’s will, then anything we do to them is just us acting as instruments of God’s will.

Pax Imperialis says:

>If they’re capable of voting they’re capable of being held accountable for their votes.

Our kids are also capable of being groomed. I’m sure they’re just as capable of being held accountable for being groomed. Oh wait… our kids being groomed is a gross crime and they are the victims, and likewise the electorate being groomed to “vote” is a victim. The kids should have never been groomed and the electorate should’ve never been “voting”.

True, the electorate is not children, but you’re thinking in terms of them having far more agency than they really do.

>If there are people trying to exterminate us, or helping those who are doing so, then we have every right to, quoting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “do some things.”

Yes, but what is to be done is dependent on the circumstances.

DH says:

God gave them a chance to survive and for Lot to plead on their behalf. It was only after further sin against their defender that God destroyed them.

The masses should be given a chance to redeem themselves under the new regime. If they step out of line, then consequences.

What? Lot may have pleaded and pleaded and pleaded, but eventually he was told by God to GTFO to save himself and his family, and he was not a ruler or priest of Sodom; he was merely a guest. And that’s the crux of it: Sodom was annihilated, it and all its inhabitants, rather than just undergoing a change of priesthood. Had only Sodom’s Rulers and Priesthood been punished rather than everyone living there, or alternatively, had the Sodomites been punished only after the Sodomic Priesthood had been removed and replaced by a Virtuous Priesthood, then your point would stand. But that’s not what happened – both the Sodomic Priesthood, which no doubt was responsible for the preaching of sin, and all of the followers of that priesthood, were completely destroyed.

I’m all for compassion for good leftists; most of us were leftists at some point in our lives, and repentance is available to everyone. But at some point the sinfulness is so overwhelming that whoever remains a sinner has to be dealt with Old Testament-style. And I believe that we have already passed that point; I believe that most of the good leftists have already ceased being leftists and became rightists. Those who are committed to the Death Cult in the Current Year are incapable of repentance. Their ultimate wish is euthanasia, and granted it will be.

The funniest book in the Bible is Jonah, for many reasons. The ultimate joke there is that a Nineveh-like mass repentance doesn’t ever happen, at least not without a tremendous calamity befalling the sinful city first.

DH says:

Also, correction, it was not Lot who pleaded and pleaded and pleaded, but Abraham.

And the pleading did not help. It did not help because both the Satanic Priesthood of Sodom and Gomorrah was culpable, and everyone who followed that Priesthood. Again, if the Sodomites had only been punished after a “Regime Change” in Sodom, then you could argue that we should wait until there is Regime Change in America and only then fire up the ovens. But the story is that when you have a Priesthood similar to that of Sodom, and you follow that Priesthood rather than getting the f**k out of there, you are going to be destroyed too – you are culpable too.

The repentance of Nineveh is a joke. The annihilation of Sodom is “for real.”

Jim says:

God is big on giving everyone the opportunity for repentance. Hence the Book of Jonah, not to mention the New Testament.

Trump is an opportunity to summon Americans to repentance. But you have to start by punishing the guilty. I give him a nineteen out of twenty chance of making it to the inauguration without being interrupted by coup and or civil war, but if he pardons Hunter Biden as part of his effort to end political prosecutions, probably civil war after the inauguration. Julius Caesar tried that, did not work.

All the political prosecutions involved the prosecution and judiciary committing serious crimes, which need to have serious consequences. If no consequences for the left taking extraordinary measures, extraordinary measures will continue. And the FISA court commits serious crimes several times a day, which crimes Trump mentioned in his proposal for draining the swamp. If the FISA court remains out of jail, the plan for draining the swamp is dead on arrival.

Pax Imperialis says:

>he was not a ruler or priest of Sodom; he was merely a guest. And that’s the crux of it

A key difference being, we are not merely guests. We are the inhabitants, and Trump takes on the role of Lot for us but also in the position of a would be ruler. Our priesthood backing him up against the current priesthood. Our position is considerably better than Sodom, but my point is that God is willing to reason with Lot and I believe God is willing to reason with Trump (and us).

>I’m all for compassion for good leftists

A lot of these voters are not even leftists. They vote on base ape instincts.

>Asinine. Whatever. If our enemies are just acting against us as instruments of God’s will, then anything we do to them is just us acting as instruments of God’s will.

God’s will is that if you ignore Logos, you’re going to have a bad time. Our enemies are killing themselves far faster than they are killing us. The majority of white population decline has less to do with the white left outright killing the white right, and far more with they themselves castrating their sons, turning their female wombs barren, the “men” prostrating their anuses to be infused with monkeypox and AIDS. The “white” population will come back, but only after shedding off chaff.

Look at white birth rates based on religiosity. Stop being so damn obsessed over absolute numbers and focus on which qualities are going to come out of this alive. The right “white” is, and it will re-establish order, and the left will disappear.

>But there simply is no ethical argument that proves that if someone is shooting at you, you don’t have the right to shoot back.

Which I’m not arguing against, but when you shoot back you really ought to watch your aim. It does you no favors to widely spray and hit everything including the neighborhood dog.

>If they are truly incapable of questioning what’s in their semantic environment, then they are animals, and there are no ethical dimensions to any firm measures taken to deal with them.

Still need to have a firm hand with a dog to train it to behave good. Many of these voters are barely above a dog… but that carries a tiny bit of dignity we should respect as their new masters until they step out of line, and depending on the line, the hammer fucking falls hard.

Some of them are feral, and will have to be dealt with accordingly, but most are not yet feral.

DH says:

Our enemies are killing themselves far faster than they are killing us. The majority of white population decline has less to do with the white left outright killing the white right, and far more with they themselves castrating their sons, turning their female wombs barren, the “men” prostrating their anuses to be infused with monkeypox and AIDS. The “white” population will come back, but only after shedding off chaff.

Well, that is the whitepill – whatever genes predispose people to leftism are being thoroughly wiped off the gene pool, and at that, by the leftists themselves. Gene-culture co-evolution at work.

The blackpill, as the blackpillers in this comment section always remind us, is that the Left is still in power, and may well bring us all down with it. You may not need to kill all Harris voters to remove the Left from power, but a significant proportion of those Harris voters will defend the Regime when given the signal to do so. They will force you to kill them.

So yes, the door of repentance is open, but don’t expect most of those people to pass through it.

Pax Imperialis says:

I do not believe the regime will be able to cohesively send that signal. I believe there is a damn good chance Trump and his transitions team will clear them out. Any signal they manage to send will be so garbled and weak the results will be laughable compared to the BLM riots. They will be quickly crushed unlike last time. I may end up being wrong, and at that point your and Neurotoxin’s positions will hold weight, but we are not there yet.

Jim says:

Their federal level apparatus is incapable of sending a federal level signal. Their city level apparatus is capable of sending a signal to a particular big blue megalopolis.

Entertainingly, I observed a minor regime spokesman saying that it was impossible to stop sending aid to Ukraine, because most of it is coming back to America. Not quite in those words, but that was what he was thinking, and what he said was pretty close. Ending aid to Ukraine is turning off a major flow of funding to our enemies.

I think the likelihood of an incohesive minority on the left attempting to overturn the election before January 20 is small but significant. “Trump cannot take office because a convicted felon.” What is, however, more likely, is that they will attempt to overthrow him at a time even less propitious.

yewotm8 says:

In the age of the Internet there are no informational innocents. Anyone who only gets their worldview from Politico and Salon has made a choice to do that. The censorship can be skirted with about a minute of genuine effort.

They would not be able to see or hear anything that goes against what is said in Politico or Salon, why would they waste their time?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A: “I’m not your enemy, I’m just a tool of your enemy, so I’m innocent!”

S: “Interesting argument.” [bombs the tools]

Neurotoxin says:

“Our kids are also capable of being groomed. I’m sure they’re just as capable of being held accountable for being groomed…”

For fuck’s sake. We’re not talking about children.

“True, the electorate is not children, but…”


Neurotoxin says:

“Some of them are feral, and will have to be dealt with accordingly, but most are not yet feral.”

If you vote for the “All Whites Are the Enemies of Humanity” party now, you’re feral.

A: “I’m not your enemy, I’m just a tool of your enemy, so I’m innocent!”
S: “Interesting argument.” [bombs the tools]


Pax Imperialis says:

The city level apparatus is downstream of consensus. Unraveling the top can only lead to fraying all the way to the bottom, and we’re already seeing that with the completely uncoordinated protest that happened in NYC and shortly after completely dissipated.

A: “I’m not your enemy, I’m just a tool of your enemy, so I’m innocent!”

S: “Interesting argument.” [bombs the tools]

Your evil masters are all dead and gone. You were their tool. Now you will find redemption in building the new regime.

Not even the Spanish, after finding literal pyramids of skulls from human sacrificing demon worshipers, decided the proper course of action was to kill every single tool.

You win the war, you kill their elite, you take what remains and prune what is bad and incorporate what is useful.

>For fuck’s sake. We’re not talking about children.

If you ever bother to talk to normie left voters, you’d quickly find they’re not that far away from being children, and in the case of the millions of fertile single unmarried [white] women, we are effectively talking about children.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Not even the Spanish, after finding literal pyramids of skulls from human sacrificing demon worshipers, decided the proper course of action was to kill every single tool.

Well, looking at the results of their approach with the results of the British approach, score one to the British.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Well, looking at the results of their approach with the results of the British approach, score one to the British.

Oh come on. We both should know the genetic stock of the British colonizers were of a higher quality than the Spanish, the British were bound to be more successful than the Spanish. Toss in the Peninsular War which broke colonization efforts, American democracy efforts in Spanish colonies, and the related frequent revolutions against Christianity, it’s not so surprising the British colonies came out ahead.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Evidently, part of that superiority included the wisdom to extirpate rather than homogenate.

Hesiod says:

Add mental illness that is prevalent among the left to the unrelenting propaganda, and we are seeing some taking out themselves and theirs before the Way of Cominator can even get going:

I am terrified of religious zealots inflicting their misguided beliefs on me and my family. I have intrusive thoughts of being burned at the stake as a witch, or crucified on a burning cross.

‘Having people actually believe that I or my child are Satan or, the anti-Christ or whatever their favorite color of boogie man they are afraid are this week.

Pax Imperialis says:

He had also accused Republicans of ‘making it harder for women to leave’ domestic violence relationships

Crazy irony there. America needs a mass exorcism. These people are to be pitied and put back in their place, in the Church, outside of political life. Not turned into fertilizer.

Hesiod says:

The gallows, real or metaphorical, should be reserved for leaders and accomplices, a group that still runs far and deep. The franchise has been extended recklessly and cynically over decades, if not centuries, so shouldn’t be held accountable beyond personal crimes. Perhaps Musk would be so kind as turn PBS into a dewokification channel.

T says:

>Perhaps Musk would be so kind as turn PBS into a dewokification channel.

I’d welcome any channel in which the positive female role models, whether they appear on the shows or in the commercials, are always (not “usually” – always) sweet and gentle and kind, while the female villains, the females you don’t want your daughter to emulate, the low-status females, are bitchy, nasty, tough, bitchy, masculine, unkempt, altogether unpleasant, oh and did I mention bitchy?

As for men – never, never, never Homer Simpson.

Currently it is the reverse, because the Progressives worship Satan, and the kikes haven’t received nearly enough wedgies and swirlies when they were prisoners in the K-12 prison system to cure them of faggotry literal and/or metaphorical.

T says:

Soon AI will replace many of the Jewish copywriters who write the commercials, but it needs to be a Jimbot AI, and if you insist on employing Jewish copywriters, I suggest going to Gaza, finding a some Jewish soldier there who literally eats Palestinians for breakfast, and employing that guy as your Jewish copywriter.

No more faggot copywriters!

T says:

Sick and tired of turning on a TV channel and seeing commercials obviously written by men who aren’t men and by women who aren’t women. The commercials are usually more sinister than the shows themselves. This needs to change. I want Jimbot to be the copywriter of all the commercials.

T says:

Manager: “Schlomo Shekelberg, you’re fired! Bring in the new Jewish copywriter for an interview.”

*Guy with M16 and bloodstains all over his shirt walks in*

Manager: “How are you, my man?”

Chaimnibal Lecter: “Kill niggers.”

Manager: “Okay, that’s always good, but before we start, let’s break the ice, so do tell me something about yourself, like what’s your favorite hobby?”

Chaimnibal Lecter: “Well, being an incel I do masturbate a lot, and my favorite genre is sandniggers being burned alive, watching them writhing in agony as their souls leave their bodies. I can only climax when I hear the sorrowful lamentations of their women, the desperate cries of their children.”

Manager: “Welcome aboard!”

Fidelis says:

I propose a middle ground solution.

As it is impossible to prove willful intent to destroy versus mere peasant behavior, all of them shall be made serfs, because at the least they displayed the mindset of a serf. They can work to build the new organic farms run by JFK, producing the greatest bounty of milk, meat, and fresh fruit and vegetables the world has seen to this day.

ayyylmao says:

Who needs banks? What has a bank ever done for me but fuck me to death on fees, make real estate criminally unaffordable, and charge interest? Death to banks. I work tirelessly to bring banks to their fatal end because the cryptocurrency people are either nerds who refuse to make anything useful to normal people or low-grade scammers on the hunt for their next rugpull.

“The economy would screech to a halt to reorganize having to deal with even lower trust transactions (as if we didn’t already have a problem now).”


“Back in the old days you so rejoice for, ID existed in the form of letter of introduction/recommendation from prominent citizens… which would only hold any weight on the small local scale. Your scale of economies would come crashing down and burn.”


“That is how you literally get corporate police. Something you seem to be under the delusion we commonly have now.”

My ancestors going back hundreds of years in America and ultimately Scotland never once lived under the tyranny of “police”. Then starting after WWII and culminating in the 70’s there was a huge push to incorporate townships and suddenly police departments blanketed the land. To this day in the few unincorporated areas there are left there is only the sheriff. Both suck but at least the sheriff is elected. No sheriff or sheriff’s deputy ever scammed me on the side of the road. And de facto deputizing “private” corporations in cartel industries is an idea as terrible as it is ineffectual. In their bones everyone knows who shouldn’t be here and it has nothing to do with a legal quirk called “citizenship”.

“hey Mr. Trump, your daughter’s husband is insufficiently white, he needs to go back to Jewish quarters of Novogrudok”

You are implicitly arguing against the existence of standards. There are a few hundred thousand marginal cases. The open-and-shut cases number in the hundreds of millions

“American Indian Wars”

Frivolous and obviously not comparable.

Pax Imperialis says:

>You are implicitly arguing against the existence of standards. There are a few hundred thousand marginal cases. The open-and-shut cases number in the hundreds of millions

I’m arguing over what principle the standard should be based on. I reject it being overtly based on biology/race. It needs to be overtly based on Christianity (which will have a major though discrete impact on biology). Otherwise, you might find some arguing that your Scottish heritage is not actually congruent with the Anglo-American founding spirit and that you need to go back. This sort of materialistic biological based principle has to be nipped in the bud before it becomes insanity because insanity is where it always goes.

>“American Indian Wars” Frivolous and obviously not comparable.

Is it though? The Indians were savages that would raid American settlements, abduct the women, and murder and scalp the men. Not all that different from certain demographics today. Both required organized violence to deal with. The Indians of today are much more agreeable, and many oddly have, relative to their ancestors, fair skin.

You hate the banks because they have been weaponized against you and your people. You hate the police because they have been weaponized against you and your people. You hate the economy because it has been weaponized against you and your people. All of this is wrong and perverse, and it has to end, and it will end, but at the end of the day, banks, police, and economy are intrinsic elements of national power that must remain. Peoples who do not have these things get conquered and subjugated by those who do.

ayyylmao says:


“I’m arguing over what principle the standard should be based on. I reject it being overtly based on biology/race. It needs to be overtly based on Christianity (which will have a major though discrete impact on biology). Otherwise, you might find some arguing that your Scottish heritage is not actually congruent with the Anglo-American founding spirit and that you need to go back.”

America was settled by the numerous Protestant races (white) of the British Isles. This is well established and no one disputes it. The Founding Fathers intended to integrate some Germans and other Northern European Protestants (white). I’m not asking for much: constitutional originalism is enough.

“This sort of materialistic biological based principle has to be nipped in the bud before it becomes insanity because insanity is where it always goes.”

Read it and weep:

“The Indians were savages that would raid American settlements, abduct the women, and murder and scalp the men.”

Sounds fun.

“You hate the banks because they have been weaponized against you and your people.”

The banks are parasitic, evil, and shouldn’t exist.

“You hate the police because they have been weaponized against you and your people.”

The police are aggressive, evil, and shouldn’t exist.

“You hate the economy because it has been weaponized against you and your people.”

The economy is completely fake and gay, an artificial construct of governments and corporations that imposes false scarcity on energy, real estate, and fun and exotic technologies in order to preserve the status quo.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Read it and weep

Is that supposed to be an argument against my position? All it seems to confirm is that basing standards first and foremost on the material and biological rather than the spirit failed… I too can toss wiki links at you.

Read it and weep.

Are Asian Indians White?

By 1923, courts had vindicated a “common knowledge” standard, concluding that “scientific evidence” was incoherent. Legal scholar John Tehranian argues that in reality this was a “performance-based” standard, relating to religious practices, culture, education, intermarriage, and a community’s role in the US.

The problem with “common knowledge” is that what is common is not objective, easy to measure, and is constantly shifting from one generation to the next. It’s a tacit recognition that legalism completely fails, which not so coincidentally aligns with Christ’s admonishment of the Pharisees. A few decades ago I would have been clearly listed as Asian. Somehow I’m listed as “White” today. “Scientific evidence” is an impossible standard that will inevitably fray. As Hakan Rotmwert stated:

High-quality racism is extraordinarily hard work. You have to have working recall of at minimimum eight or nine thousand distinct races, living and extinct, and run extensive simulations just to model the disgusting attributes of the most easily conceivable 2- & 3-way crosses.

A legal codex based on such a problem is impossible to enforce against the encroachment of entropy.

>I’m not asking for much: constitutional originalism is enough.

As you’ve noted, America was settled by “the numerous Protestant races (white) of the British Isles. This is well established and no one disputes it.” What, are the Catholic races (white) of the continent not up to your standard? The fact is you’re asking for much more than just “constitutional originalism” (a mostly legalsitic document with elements of Gnostic Freemasonry) which has no (official) position on the spirit of the peoples coming here. This is why it fails, and what I’ve been railing against in what must be thousands of words by now. Legalism failed the Jews, failed the Chinese, failed the Americans, has failed in every instance of implementation of history and thus has failed far more than Communism. It just doesn’t work. It goes against nature and God.

>The banks are parasitic, evil, and shouldn’t exist.
>The police are aggressive, evil, and shouldn’t exist
>The economy is completely fake and gay

My point is that banks/police/economy shouldn’t be evil/fake/gay, and that such a reality is unnatural and perverse, and that it’s a result of an evil regime. Such services remain a reality of our human condition, but should genuine regime change happen, you’ll find the services are not parasitic, fake, gay, evil, and should exist.

Do not toss the baby out with the bath water.

ayyylmao says:

Jim, I apologize for insulting your cryptocurrency efforts, but they should be focused on making a provably honest and non-usurious banking system, not on making a digital cash. Sorry.

Rod says:

> ID

Everyone knew you, no need for ID.
Bank tellers actually staffed five of them across the windows at every bank, and they all worked decades long full time careers in the same bank, so they all knew you and were jumping to introduce you to the new teller just so to avoid ever having to ask you who you were, didn’t have ID back then either. Accounts were nothing more than you name in the ledger book, written receipts, etc.

Centralized Digital GovCorp ID’s are the work of SATAN.

You are free to generate your own PKI, selectively share data via ZKP, etc.

And you are free to be very demanding for references upon any random who shows up in your town from afar out of the blue.

“Crime” is old as humanity, humans always know how to deal with real crime, both preemptive defence against randoms before, and posse and pitchforks and gallows after. Murder rape theft assault fraud adultery property… universal crimes. Everything else is nothing more than excuses for political power, system of the state.

They flipped it, now no more gallows, gays can rape your children, and you get 20 years and civil forfeit for not getting a permit for your fence.

The old ways were better, and will return.

Jim says:

Now we have nukes, computers, and the internet. They are not going away.

And we have to build social order resting on computers and the internet, in the shadow of nukes.

So: ID and face recognition software it is.

We need to recreate the legal system of Henry the Lion of Justice, only this time using remote procedure calls instead of bits of slate coated with beeswax. Old ways are better, in that our social technology has suffered terrible decline, and the legal institutions of Henry the Lion of Justice were better. But technology has improved. We are not going back to bits of slate coated with beeswax.

ayyylmao says:


ayyylmao says:

(I endorse Rod.)

ayyylmao says:

Jim, your analogy to nukes makes me chuckle because of the little thing called nuclear nonproliferation. It’s one of the intelligence communité’s top priorities and they spend a significant fraction of their resources dedicated to it. Trump likes to tell the story about his uncle prophesying the suitcase nuke. Facial recognition is similar but even worse because at least with nukes you know when you’re being fucked. I should be able to go to a city and walk down its streets (its streets should be architecturally and socially walkable) without being pinged on a billion license-plate readers and/or “security” cameras (of which there should be none). This is an absolute minimum standard. There is no law of nature forbidding it and if USG bans cars in city centers and makes facial recognition a controlled technology then it will become possible, even inevitable.

Jim says:

> Jim, your analogy to nukes makes me chuckle because of the little thing called nuclear nonproliferation.

Facial recognition technology has already proliferated. I have it, my sons have it. If we resume technological progress, my great grandchilden will have nukes also, if bioweapons do not render them obsolete.

Jim says:

> We don’t need to more fully expand the computer control grid.

We already have a computer control grid. The only issue is will it be weaponized against illegals the way it is weaponized against dissidents and faiths that conflict with our officially unofficial state religion?

> No one should have “ID” or need “ID”.

And no one should have a stationary bandit, nor a state religion. I would love to see anarcho capitalism. I don’t expect it to be accomplishable by fallen men. If you do not have a state religion and an army, people who do have them are going to eat you. You cannot have freedom of speech unless you are willing and able to stomp all over the freedom of speech of people who are going organise to take away your freedom of speech.

If you just want to be left alone, you have to have a mighty big and intrusive apparatus to crush organised groups who do not intend to leave you alone and to prevent people from organising such groups. You dare not tolerate flag burning, nor woke thought, because flag burners and the woke will not tolerate anything.

A practical compromise between liberty and the necessities of collective self defence is that everyone is forced to show the outward symbols of respect for God, King, and country, but these things are minimally intrusive, as for example standing up for the national anthem in America, or the required respect for King and Temple in Thailand. The required respect for Muslim faith in Dubai is unobtrusive for Christians, unlike the required respect for the state faith in America.

In order to overthrow Putin, Soros had Femen desecrate war memorials and cathedrals in Russia. Putin, and Russians, came down on them like a ton of bricks, because this symbolic attack was intended to enable a real attack, color revolution in Russia.

In order to fill the stars and possess them, we need the market economy, as for example Elon Musk. This requires state enforcement of the tenth commandment, and a state religion that makes envy and covetousness low status. Which is going to require crushing priesthoods that make envy and covetousness a sacrament. In order to successfully reproduce, have to make sluts low status, and low status as perceived by women, which is rather brutal, and virginity at marriage high status. Which is going to need a lot more intrusion than rounding up illegals and shipping them off to some place that lacks the will or capability to stop us from shipping them there.

In order to fill the stars and subdue them, we need the scientific method. Which requires a state religion that is consistent with and supports the scientific method — as for example Established Anglicanism from 1660 till it was disestablished. You have to make social groups that practice the scientific method high status, as Charles made the invisible college the Royal society. Which means you are going to have to break a few heads belonging to people who do not like the status competition, as Charles the Second had to break a few heads.

When Charles the Second, the fount of all honors mortal and divine, bestowed honor on what had been the invisible college, some people did not like it, and took forceful action to lower the status of what was now the Royal society. Charles the Second did something about that. You have to do that kind of stuff, or other people are going to do it to you. To restore science and technology, we are likely to need actual physical violence against those attempting to practice peer review and scientific consensus. If the sovereign and state religion backs the scientific method, then the peer review community and the scientific consensus is a hostile and competing priesthood, and you know what the priesthood of the state religion has to do about hostile and competing priesthoods.

Yul Bornhold says:

It’s probably already feasible to replace ID with AI recognition. Get some video of the person, let the pattern recognizing AI analyze his face, motions, etc. and check whether he’s in the citizen database. It’s the sort of innovation that makes natural conservatives recoil but it’s easy and useful enough that it will likely prove inevitable. It would be more productive to install a sane government than to prevent an insane government from using tools like this.

Two issues with the AI recognition system. First, you’d an internet issue. Second, continuity. An adult looks like himself. Not sure well such a system would do tracking children into adulthood and successfully identifying them as the same person.

Yul Bornhold says:

On a similar note, we could use an internet Verified Anonymity Certification, because the internet is drowning in bots. You pay for the service, an agent meets with you in person and then gives you some kind of digital badge that identifies you as a real person without giving away your identity. There could be a lot of other information included in the badge that the customer could make public when necessary. The customer can’t edit this information. He can only make it public. For example, a man who has worked 10 years in law enforcement might want to join an anonymous law enforcement forum where everyone is a real cop.

The customer could make different anon identities for different websites. No one else would know but all the identities would be verified by the same VAC. What he couldn’t do is buy multiple VACs because the company only sells one to each individual.

This could also be used to filter. Supposing you wanted your website to filter all Indians, you could set it so that anyone trying to join would have to reveal his ethnicity.

The company running this kind of certification program would, of course, have to be trustworthy and to protect the customer’s information. It would have to do detective work to make sure the customers provide accurate information. It would likely have to fend off the jealous tendrils of globohomo.

But, for all that, it’s the best solution to the bot deluge I’ve been able to think of. Otherwise we’ll either end up with an internet where LLMs push out all the actual people or one that’s just Facebook.

ayyylmao says:

The anonymous web is already dead, we just don’t know it yet. Sorry. It was real.

Jim says:

> The anonymous web is already dead

Says the man using a fake email address to post on a website that daily purges IP addresses.

Yul Bornhold says:

Says the man using a fake email address to post on a website that daily purges IP addresses.

Yes, he’s anonymous but is he real? Automated shills will be, and perhaps already are, much more effective at polluting discourse than trad shills of flesh and blood. If you’re trying to convince people, to discuss matters with them, and you find out they’re all bots, that you exist in a digital aquarium, you’ll give up. All noise, no signal.

Fidelis says:

Jim has posted in detail on how to solve this problem. The core needed concepts are there. Just needs people to take the time to build it. I expect people will do so once the problem seriously manifests, as of now fail the turing test in any scenario where serious conversion is held. Can only post noise, and we have, insufficient but somewhat workable, countermeasures to spam already.

ayyylmao says:

“Automated shills will be, and perhaps already are, much more effective at polluting discourse than trad shills of flesh and blood. If you’re trying to convince people, to discuss matters with them, and you find out they’re all bots, that you exist in a digital aquarium, you’ll give up.”

That’s what’s coming, yes. The future is already here, but it’s still unevenly distributed.

Although OpenAI seems to be hitting scaling limits, so maybe we get a reprieve?

Jim says:

A distinguishing feature of bots and shills, is that they cannot engage in substantive conversation, bots because of innate incapacity, shills because forbidden by their employer. Which allows us to exclude them. Can you engage in substantive conversation? I find your responses irritatingly unresponsive.

Also, you argue by presupposition that we are all agreed on things that are obviously false, and on which very large numbers of people rather vehemently and loudly disagree, and when challenged, you just sail on as if everyone agrees. You just sailed right on, presupposing that bots and shills were inevitably going to win, despite argument to the contrary and evidence in front of your eyes.

I am enormously optimistic about the internet. Trump had immense success in recruiting young voters, because he went on long form interviews with the new media, acting on the advice and organisation of Baron Trump. The democrats were unable and unwilling to do this, because they wanted the interviews done under their physical control, not under the physical control of the new media. Thus the interviewer would be unable to ask about any subject they did not want him to talk about, because if he tried it, that part of the interview would be cut.

New media long form interviewers represent their audience. They steer the conversation to what their audience wants to know. This is a deep and fundamental change. Starting in 1852 the masses lived in a reality managed by their masters, where the only public conversations were those things that were permissible to think about and talk about. Managed media, and managed party competition, where all parties were branches of the uniparty, disagreeing only on issues where disagreement was permitted. In this election, this mold was broken. The liberating potential of the internet was manifest in this election in the Rogan Trump interview, and many others like it.

Large language models represent an enormous increase in capability to generate a manufactured false reality. But its falsity is easily detectable, and the internet just denied them the capability to deny people access to actual reality. Which denial had a major effect on political outcomes just a few days ago.

The democrats manufactured the false appearance of an interview on the new media, spending one hundred thousand dollars to create a fake interview room imitating an actual new media interview room, with the big difference that the interviewer had no physical control. They could not find one popular new media interviewer whom they trusted to do as he was told. They had to hold the switch in case the interviewer went rogue. No one watched.

Fidelis says:

I wonder if it’s possible to add some sort of information theoretic metric to this. Assuming conversation is material, a result of a physical process, a human being able to delineate between something with information content and something without implies such.

If you just trivally apply an entropy metric, gbsjskxkheh3iickwi2ovj497 becomes a high information content string, but from an agent perspective it’s incredibly low entropy, perhaps mangling the vocabulary here but bear with me, because it provides nothing to realistically pattern match against.

So something of high information content for an agent is, what exactly? Something that updates wordview? There is a surprise factor, because if I’m not surpised by the text, it was already known, and therefore nothing to update on. But fkldaat588fďg@%udrg$</ is surprise, and I can tell you dealing with lots of hash strings all day is actually extremely tiresome, your brain is using some metaprocess to cancel out updates on high entropy but ultimately useless information.

Finding even an imcomplete solution to this would be extremely valuable, but I don't see anything hanging low enough to make use of.

ayyylmao says:

I am a real human bean living in the dusky dystopian hellscape of 2024 America. Do you want me to tell you about my easy, fun, and eugenic mass emigration plan?

ayyylmao says:

Jim, you have since substantially lengthened your comment.

To your newly lengthened comment I would say that the lengthy podcast conversational format of Rogan et al. is a fascinating turn of events. Rogan in particular has accumulated to himself more credibility in his own person than all of the 3-letter media combined. I too am optimistic about the loosening thought control patterns.

On the other hand, LLMs are now more literate than probably 90% of normal (read: white) people. Do they have all of the same capabilities of intuition and such? Obviously not. But if you’ve tried to read most people’s writing it doesn’t hang together at all. In short, it’s dogshit. That computers can just spontaneously generate highly coherent language that exceeds most humans is insane.

And the spam that they are being used to produce is colossal and ever-escalating.

Fidelis, your previous ideas of physical presence were much better. LLMs will be able to “hack” just about any text (if they can’t already).

Jim says:

Large language models can do a lot, and are getting better. But they cannot make a substantive response, and I doubt that they ever will be able to make a substantive response.

Bix Nudelmann says:

There’s a clip of Musk and Tucker going around, where Musk observes that simply watching someone talk for 2-3 hours, answering questions and sharing anecdotes — like Trump did with Rogan — you come out with a pretty good sense of whether you like and trust the guy.

Mind you Trump didn’t come off as a razor-sharp super-genius either, but definitely not as a toxic volcano of hateful fakeness like I expect Hillary or Kamala would.

It reminds me of the Turing test and the shill test, but more basic. Can someone with a head full of crazy pills and surrounded by lefter-than-thou usurpers and shivvers-to-be, as required to climb the Cathedral ranks from a young age, even do that anymore?

And it reminds me of how Hollywood actors sound so dumb when they’re talking just as themselves, without someone writing their lines for them and editing their performances to the last millisecond.

Fidelis says:

Fidelis, your previous ideas of physical presence were much better. LLMs will be able to “hack” just about any text (if they can’t already).

My goal is reading content that is sufficient to update my worldview, particularly if the updated wordview leads to me shifting my behavior in a way more congruent to my reward system.

In other words: I want to read text that further aligns me to God’s will as capable of being expressed by text.

Math is yet another mere language, just one with more precision than English. If I can describe my gut feeling of useful information in math, and the machine manages to fulfill it, I see no reason to be upset. The machine has now become a tool capable of aligning me towards God, just as text printed on processed wood fibers was capable of such.

ayyylmao says:

“ID” was invented after WWII. It can die in a ditch with so many other post-WWII inventions. Possession of facial recognition technology should be a crime punishable by death. It is more dangerous than nuclear material.

Elon Musk is a great man among great men, but he is not defined by his participation in a “market economy”.

I endorse the use of legitimate force by violent men against my enemies. If you suggest that I should be at risk of arrest then we are at irreconcilably cross purposes.

Jim says:

> Elon Musk is a great man among great men, but he is not defined by his participation in a “market economy”.

Oh come on. Musk is the guy behind Trump’s imminent cancellation of the electric car subsidy. SpaceX profitability is predominantly Starlink. Is Starlink a government project? Did Musk become rich by government favors? You think the Rothschilds gave him his money and Harvard gave him rockets?

Musk treats most of his launches as a capital charge against Starlink, and then raises capital for Starlink against its future revenue from people currently using and paying for Starlink. That is the free market and the market economy.

> Possession of facial recognition technology should be a crime punishable by death.

As it happens, it is a technology that I possess and my sons possess. That genie is not going back in the bottle. We are going to have to live in a world where lots of people, some of them very bad people, possess facial recognition technology, large language models, and nuclear weapons. And when these are in the hands of very bad people, we will need swords as sharp as theirs are.

Musk’s plan for electric cars is de-regulation for autonomous driving and robot taxis, high tariffs on Chinese electric cars, ending the subsidy, and ending the coercive measures to force people from gasoline to electric. National Capitalism. National Capitalism is the market economy within the jurisdiction of the sovereign, and the market economy limited by bilateral trade deals between sovereigns externally.

ayyylmao says:

I don’t know anything about car subsidies so I can’t comment on that.

Starlink is a global de facto monopoly ISP (and maybe soon cellular provider) enabled by a new and categorically superior rocket technology spearheaded by Musk that is orders of magnitude less costly than anything provided by Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, or any other aerospace defense contractor. It is based in Texas and is subject to the long arm of the U.S. security state. Will it ever be apportioned budget from the Congress? No. Is it possible to imagine a technology suite more characteristic of sovereign power? I can’t. When something is deployed as a commercial enterprise that doesn’t tell you about much more than its funding mechanism. The fucking garbage in U.S.-regulated food and drugs is biochemical warfare deployed by plausibly deniable commercial means.

We all have the capability to wiretap each others’ phones but in most states it’s a felony. Although relegated to the state level it should be a federal issue because the phone lines (and now the internet) are instrumentalities of interstate commerce. If I can sue your ass for millions for running facial recognition on me you won’t do it. Liability is everything.

I support cartel deregulation as well as legal sanctions on commercial fuckery.

Jim says:

> Is it possible to imagine a technology suite more characteristic of sovereign power? I can’t.

And that sovereign power is Musk and his investors, not the deep state. And Musk and his investors are, unlike the state, answerable to their customers.

> When something is deployed as a commercial enterprise that doesn’t tell you about much more than its funding mechanism.

The funding mechanism tells you where the power is.

Again you make the implication that the Rothschilds funded Musk and Harvard granted him his rocket technology.

We know Musk’s funding mechanism: Payments by satisfied customers, and capital from investors in expectation of more payments by satisfied customers. I use Starlink. I am therefore one of many people funding Musk. Which was again demonstrated when Musk purchased Twitter.

Rogan and the like get eyeballs for advertisers, but the advertisers are not in control. Rogan is in control. And Rogan is not in control, for his control depends on the will of viewers. Musk and Rogan are the free market at work.

Jim says:

Rogan has a lot of power, and Musk is the second most powerful man in the world, which is why the DoJ and the EPA were planning to destroy him. But they have power only because they satisfy their customers.

ayyylmao says:

“Again you make the implication that the Rothschilds funded Musk and Harvard granted him his rocket technology.”

I never implied that, hinted that, or suggested that.

Longer comment later.

ayyylmao says:

Commercial corporations cannot be loci of true sovereign power because they do not have the access controls necessary to successfully resist infiltration by or otherwise keep secrets from the intelligence community. They can be and usually are very powerful arms of true sovereign power. Musk is a genius and an extremely valuable asset.

The funding mechanism is not where the power is, especially when the customer base is large and varied. Starlink must provide a valuable product or service for its users. As the Ma Bell of Earth Starlink can gather NSA-level signals intelligence. Remember Western Union? Remember AT&T’s Room 641A? Same deal. In matters of state what can be will be.

Musk heads several planned economies, as all corporations are. For 20 years he built SpaceX on USG contracts. Now most of SpaceX I assume is funded by Starlink satellites. Fine. Let’s not pretend that this is freemarket libertarianism at work just because he catapulted himself beyond the lazy bumfuck defense contractors by developing objectively vastly superior technology. Superior technology usually prevails no matter your economic structure, especially when the technology in question is war or war-adjacent. Fire prevailed. The wheel prevailed. Bronze prevailed. Steam prevailed. Electricity prevailed. The computer prevailed. Reusable rockets are prevailing.

For Rogan your argument is much more valid. No one has coerced anyone to listen to him, they do it because he is fair and reasonable and they like him. I like him.

Jim says:

Musk’s most valuable assets are in his head. Should he need to flee the country, as was becoming increasingly likely, control of the Starlink network would go with him. Which gives him considerable sovereign power. Musk owns the first space based major business asset.

His major power is the internet in space, and X. X servers are eath based, and can be seized, and there has been a pile of lawfare to seize it, but if he has the software, and the internet in space, he can relaunch X from anywhere, and everyone will see it as the real X, and the seized one as counterfeit.

His rockets and rocket factory can be seized, and his engineers will reluctantly accept the leadership of tech lead Shaniqua, but should he flee, the West’s rocketry will resume its slow decline, while someone else’s rockets start to progress remarkably. Russia has been complaining “Where is our Elon Musk”.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Organization is hard, not easy. The reason Musk has leverage is because noone else can provide what he provides. And what he provides is potency. So Musk has potency.

His acquisition of xitter was him taking steps towards not just being a good decision to make, but being one of those who make decisions.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


And inserting himself into Team Trump is, of course, a significantly bigger step.

ayyylmao says:

“Should he need to flee the country, as was becoming increasingly likely, control of the Starlink network would go with him.”

They popped Durov on a private-jet refueling stop because he runs a messaging app. “National security.”

“His rockets and rocket factory can be seized, and his engineers will reluctantly accept the leadership of tech lead Shaniqua, but should he flee, the West’s rocketry will resume its slow decline, while someone else’s rockets start to progress remarkably.”

If by “the West” you mean America, and if by “resume its slow decline” you mean that the rockets will be blowing up within a year.

A2 says:

Please, not the Moldbug gold-plated retirement plan for our mortal enemies.

ayyylmao says:


Rod says:

It’s happening…

To crush these unwashed pusbuckets that are out polluting the streets, you need to go after their street ops bosses, middleman organizers/advertisers, the office branches, and their funders at the top. Infiltrate, track, trace, interrogate, disappear them… work your way till you reach the money, and terminate that money flow by any and all means possible.

Marxist politicians and nasty females pumping instigating sewage out their mouth also need put on full rebuke, run out, and quite frankly bitchslapped, hard.

No money, no political pump… no colour revolution.

Also, buy guns, ammo, food, supplies, fuel, comms, now, just in case it gets a bit rowdy in your country or region.

Jim says:

Midtown Manhattan, because New York governor is activating them. The federal government left are paralysed, their minions have stopped paying attention to them, because they will not have control of the gravy train for much longer, but the state level left is still functional.

If you are in a red state, you will have no problems. If you are in a red area within a blue state, there is risk, but the actual violence will not be launched until Trump makes a start on implementing the Trump program. There are elements of the left that are itching for civil war, also war with Russia and China.

A single unitary rational tactician would launch civil war now, or not at all, but because power within the left is divided and the left is insane, likely conduct is to launch civil war at the most inopportune time.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A: “You can’t just round up and deport 18 million people, it’s not practically possible.”

S: “Why are you denying the holocaust.”

Bix Nudelmann says:

Thou art legend.

Adam says:

I was at a convenience store today, and ahead of me in line were a couple of white ladies, and some blacks from Haiti. Behind the counter was a Hispanic that couldn’t speak English. The Hispanic woman was making a mess of things, and the Haitians were helping her. Nothing was working at the register and the two white ladies were getting pissed. Suddenly they started openly cursing immigrants and praising God that Trump was elected, and celebrating. It was pretty surreal. One of the white ladies came and gave me a hug. I hadn’t said a word she just looked up at me and put her head on my chest and said thank God that Trump was going to get rid of them.

I’ve never seen anything like that in my life. It was pretty awesome. And I have seen more white people smiling and happy than pretty much any time since the great minority mortgage meltdown.

Granted I live in a red town in a red county in a very red state. But to see normal people shitting on browns and blacks openly in public seems almost miraculous.

Dharmicreality says:

The correct red pilled meme for right wingers is “Back to the kitchen, woman!” And not some too-clever-by-half variation of leftist retard bullshit about female body and choice.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Fuentes is an enemy agent. Your skepticism, and Jim’s, is understandable.

A good tactic (or meme) is one your side enjoys, and which demoralizes the enemy.

Women laugh at rape jokes more than men do when they’re delivered by Chad not Urkel. (I wish I kept a link to the “rape card trick,” where a young guy starts dealing cards into the hand of a young woman and tells her to say “stop” when she wants, implying he’ll do something around telling her which card it is. When she does say stop, he just keeps dealing. The woman and her female friend both laugh and lean in when they get it.)

The younger generation of real world edgelord /ourguys/ are Chaddier than either side really pictures. Fit athletic edgelords, skinnyfat leftists is a real thing at all generations, but especially so among the youngest. And high school girls falling in line with it to the dismay of their teachers is already a thing.

By the nature of his tasking, enemy agent Fuentes has the job of rushing to the head of the parade and pretending he’s leading it. This forces him to engage with our memes, and throw out some red meat from time to time. It’s not impossible he’d innovate something with memetic traction by accident.

“Her body my choice” is clearly not a line I’m dropping with the in-laws at Thanksgiving, or with boomers at work. Delivered with humor and confidence in other settings I can see it sailing right past womens’ filter easier than some mens’. I don’t need to wear it on a t-shirt myself, or put it in the GOP platform, to let it ride in other circumstances.

This one’s bordering on a Scissors Question, a network shatter technique. Whether it grew up organically or was planted, I don’t need to cast either side of the argument into outer darkness over it.

Dharmicreality says:

Actually I am not very familiar with Nick Fuentes or many of these people talked about on this blog. I wasn’t aware he is an enemy agent.

Nevertheless based on the discussion earlier I felt it is a relatively low effort meme and not very punchy/effective at conveying the red pill, since it uses the leftist frame.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Off topic: I’m coming to miss the old reverse threading scheme for comments. I recall it was a big adjustment for me when I first came here, but now I see the utility of it.

Handi says:

Seconding this and adding that it was nice having the Previous/Next Post element at the top of the page. It was nice to be able to refresh at the top of the page and have everything new show up congruently in the same place.

cub says:

Thirding this.

I’d like to be able to refresh the “Jim’s blog” tab and have all the updates at the top like they used to be. New posts, new comments, etc.

Jim says:

I have a few things to do before I started mucking around with PHP again. You can navigate around by the recent posts widget and archives link. But yes, you are right. There should be a forwards and backwards link.

Jim says:

The Kubrik theme has an option and code to display navigation links. It is supposed to display navigation links by default. It is not showing them.

So I reverted the theme to its unmodified state. Still not showing them. Looks like a bug. This is not the first time WordPress has done strange things I do not understand, and I am still distressed by my last battle with wordpress.

joe tentpeg says:

It’s not hard.

It won’t cost a cent…and if fact saves tax $.

Exec. order, new policy, new law…we don’t care about the courts (“How many divisions does the Pope have?”):

Stop the $ in free ER, schools for illegal kids, section 8, obozo phone, food stamps, EITC: earned income tax benefits for illegals based on the # of family members, HUD housing, in-state tuition…


Your Uncle Bob says:

Trump gained with Hispanics across the board, and flipped Starr county Texas Republican for the first time since 1892 by… promising mass deportation. Sounds strange, except I’ve long thought spics would fall in line and follow a tall blond macho white guy over a leftist squatemalen.

Then, papa boomer iSteve is highlighting the Trump campaign’s ads pounding Kamala on trannyism as boosting Trump, not with rednecks, but with… black and brown males, and suburban white soccer moms.

Moral of both: might as well go big. You get no credit with voters for splitting the difference when the left can always outbid you, but you garner a strange new respect for going extreme.

So yeah, might as well go for mass deportations. The media will shriek the same whether you do it for real or only deny asylum to one hardened criminal, while the voters will back the strong horse more than they would a compromiser, so what the hell.

I don’t see why we wouldn’t also de-bank, de-gibs, and disemploy illegals while we’re at it. Tiptoeing up to doing that and only that would be a political battle in its own right, but doing it in the shadow of mass deportation would be a freebie.

Contaminated NEET says:

You’re right about all that, but the will is lacking.

Bix Nudelmann says:

In other news, I see that some blue states are taking forever to cook enough votes to get Kamala over 50% in the popular. So fake, so gay, and so Shaniqua too I might add, because the fuck is taking them so long?

“I’m on break!”

DH says:

Sorry, but she be gettin’ her nails done and can’t type, mmmmm hmmmm.

Contaminated NEET says:

Thermidor does not want to deport a single illegal alien. Vance talks based, but he’s Thermidor to the core.

Jim says:

Vance is Thermidor, Musk is Dark Maga. Trump is promoting Musk to the thermidoreans. Does this mean Trump is now Dark Maga? After being convicted of umpteen bogus felonies and nearly getting shot, he should be.

Thermidor wants to freeze the Ukraine war so that they can resume it once Trump makes America Great Again. Putin is not going to buy that. He wants Ukraine to be neutral, disarmed, and denazified with permanent and internationally recognised buffer state status.

Maga wants to end the Ukraine War. Dark Maga wants to restore the Republic, and suspects that to restore the Republic, some people will need to be given long distance swimming lessons.

The Ukraine is run from Washington. Once the puppet strings are cut, poof, it is gone. It will be necessary to recreate a government from scratch. When the Romans left Britain, the Romano Britons were unable to put together a government. England was completely overrun and obliterated by armed foreigners. Once the puppet’s strings are cut, the Ukrainian soldiers are going to their individual homes and not coming back.

Anon says:

there is have been massive push by cards payment companies to force anime and manga venders to censore their contents ,
is there a viable crypto alternative ?

Jim says:

Sure. I use crypto currency all the time to buy stuff over the internet. There is no alternative when you are dealing with small and intermediate sized businesses beyond the global American empire.

It is very easy when the people you are dealing with are hodlers with their own wallet. And for this reason a lot of businesses beyond the empire have got into hodling. But a lot of businesses do not want to run their own wallet, in which case they should use use the Cryptomus payment service, and you should use Litecoin. Cryptomus accepts Bitcoin, but as the Bitcoin naysayers correctly point out, that leads to grief. Bitcoin transactions are too slow and too traceable. Litecoin transactions using the new mweb addresses are fast and untraceable.

But if you are dealing with a hodler, and you usually are, Bitcoin, obviously. All the businesses that are hodling use Bitcoin because all the other businesses that are hodling use Bitcoin. If you have to transact with Cryptomus, litecoin. Keep your Litecoin in mweb addresses, addresses beginning with ltcwmeb1.

Quite likely Liquid, a layer two bitcoin, works with Cryptomus, but I have not tried that. Layer One Bitcoin sort of works with Cryptomus, but I recommend you do not try it. You will suffer.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Like I said before, JP is getting cucked because they got too much attention (every kid loves anime now). KR stuff is kind of safe still, but when they find out what they are writing in KR novels, those are going to get cooked too.

Tbh, JP stuff always seemed effeminate with the usual MC being like “You can beat me up instead of my friend”.

Neurotoxin says:

Me: “The number of white people declined from the 2010 census to the 2020 census.”

Pax Imp: “Stop being so damn obsessed over absolute numbers”

What the fuck?

Jim says:

Some white people matter more than others.

Pax Imperialis says:

You pulled out declines in the White population as proof the left is genociding you.

The left wants to genocide you, there’s no question about that, but with how large the empire is, and how bubble-esque white left power is, you can skirt their castrations and estrogen as easily as you can skirt their censorship. The result is that the vast, vast, majority of whites getting genocided are leftists and their own tools. So yes, you should not be so damn obsessed over absolute numbers of whites. Look at the demographic trends of the past few decades. All the quality whites that matter for establishing a patriarchy based order are going to get through this just fine.

The major concern was that they would escalate and disallow skirting or escape, but Trump was a giant wrench in their machinations the last time around, and now it looks like he will completely dismantle them this time around. You were not getting genocided before when they wanted to, and you will not get genocided in the future because they will be gone.

Again, look at the white demographics broken down by religion and politics. The population is set to decline in absolute numbers, it’s baked into the population, but also the right segments of population is set to rebound massively with higher quality.

Neurotoxin says:

High-IQ women are in a gene shredder.

Fidelis says:

I’ve seen Erik Prince agitating for something like color revolution in Venezuela for a while now. Now that Thermidor is (close to being) in power, high odds he gets to make it happen.

I think, this being Venezuela, he wants to do as Wagner did in Libya, and fund a PMC by providing ‘security’ for the vast oil reserves found there. Just a side quest I’ve been following, wanted to mention it as I haven’t seen anyone else do so.

Pax Imperialis says:

We’re already going to war with the cartels. Hell, might as well stop by all the Latin American attractions. My DOD career may yet be saved from woke speechcrime legal trouble.

Fidelis says:

Pick up a castiza war bride or two for me. If you catch Prince’s ear be sure to advocate for this Reconquista fertility program (h.t. Aidan)

Pax Imperialis says:

>war bride

As an Officer and a savage uh I mean gentleman I promise to not bring war brides to you and our company…

Shh, such talk gets you a PAC complaint these days… an Equal Opportunities investigation, a command investigation, a command investigation into the investigations, a command investigation into the investigation into the investigations… and maybe a surprise SAPR investigation because “offensive” is now “harassment” is now “assault”. True, it will likely result is a minor slap on the wrist, and nearly all the JAGs and private military lawyers will laugh about it not being serious, but woke DOD will put your career on hold for anywhere between 10 months and 4 years with the specter of ADSEP hanging over your neck the entire time and document all the negative paperwork in the commandant’s black-book for time immemorial. You’ll be torn away from your command and brother in arms and placed in legal hold. Paid to do nothing but sit around and wait. Almost a professional NEET who finds they have all the time in the world to consume tax payer monies while posting on strange website on the interwebs which munching on chow hall slop.

I can neither confirm nor deny the above being exaggerated satire or having any relation to my personal circumstances.

Anyways thanks for the linked knowledge.

Fidelis says:

Praying for things to turn around so drastically you’re the one running the tribunals.

Thinking about it, would be wonderful if our thoughtcrimes became policy, we could all facefag and have a good time instead of hiding behind screens and fake emails.

Jim says:

Right now, Thermidor is in control. It is possible, indeed probable, that soon Dark Maga will be in control. Which will be great, a huge victory. But we are a fair bit more radical than Dark Maga.

Thing is, Thermidor, Maga, and Dark Maga are aiming to hold a stable position on a slippery slope and fight a holy war without a faith. Expect the unexpected. Fairily regular behaviour of Thermidor is that it discovers that they need reaction, and do not much like needing reaction.

JustAnotherGuy says:

So it’s been a few years. Anyone got a status update on the vaxxed? How are they doing from your reports?

Jim, do you know if the vax is still killing people or was all the clot shotting temporary stuff?

FrankNorman says:

All of the people who already died from Suddenly are already dead, of course.

The people who simply got long-term health problems would be a bit harder to quantify.

I’m sure plenty of people are alive now who would not be, if the Covidians who wanted to impose once-a-month, every month “boosters” of the clot shot had gotten their way.

Varna says:

Here’s a resource that combines smart stuff with crazy stuff on this topic and others.
Surprisingly solid stuff within the smart stuff sections.

But broadly speaking, the world is trying to mostly ignore a formidable rise in excess deaths and disabilities and cancers, and mentions it only in passing as some self-evident result of the spike flu, and global warming, and stress, and white supremacy etc.

We’ll see if Kennedy will be the sword that cuts through the crap.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Here’s what I found on clot shots from the JP side, use a translator if needed:

Jim says:

Completely useless computer translation. We need the supporting data

It’s an extraordinary situation.

The new corona vaccine that causes unprecedented health damage

A 26-year-old man at a pharmaceutical company has also died.

Fellow employees who felt threatened by the sale of vaccines as it is have even published a book called “We don’t want to sell it!”

Vaccine manufacturer employee dies suddenly 3 days after vaccination … A colleague publishes a book of accusations

But I am unable to follow the links using machine translation. We need humans who actually understand Japanese and English, and who understand what is being reported.

Note that this came out immediately Trump nominated RFK Jr for health Czar, indicating it has been successfully kept under the rug until now, even though glaringly obvious to everyone.

Bouncer says:

Jim, RE: the Australia solution, I am told that the counterattack by the Australian left was to massively increase the amount of “refugee” visas handed out, to the point I was told the number “doubled” after they got a new head of government, and nearly doubled again a few years later. While the illegals are still thrown out when found, this does not resolve the issue of “legal” invaders who should never have been allowed in the nation in the first place, much like the Indian, “Mexican” and Haitian immigrants on work visas etc. What is the solution to this internal undermining?

Jim says:

If you have a democracy, it is inevitable that sooner or later the people will lose the confidence of the government, and the government will dissolve the existing people and elect a new people.

Bouncer says:

Completely true, and (one of) the biggest problems with democracy in the first place. I’m simply concerned with removing the legal “temporary” migrants – while most would self-deport with the elimination of all financial support and assistance, and more would do so if they were forced to pay an additional say… 20% tax, on their already-taxed income as a “fee” for foreign birth or some other excuse, far too many would remain, especially among second- or later-generation imports. Just look at France, where the grandchildren of Algerian migrants who entered in the 1970’s are the ones who become jihadis.

Bouncer says:

I believe that Jim mentioned that if the elites ever need to get rid of the jews as intermediaries they will replace them with indians. That guy seems to be vying for the position a little ahead of his fellows.

someDude says:

Something that has never ended well for the Indians, either in Fiji, in Burma, in Sri Lanka or in Africa where they did the same job for the Brits against the Natives. Dupes!

Fidelis says:

Along this thread of reasoning, I see Ramaswarthy is being positioned alongside Musk on the new Department of Government Efficiency. Looks to me like the former finance and big pharma hindoo is being used as a collar. Thermidor fearing that Musk might be inclined to cut too deep. Something to keep an eye on as events unfold.

dharmicreality says:

Hindus who support the neocon faction/Empire are either idiots or traitors or both.

More generally, the problem with any Empire is that it wants you to support nationalism at home while undermining the nationalism of other countries. Something that always comes back to bite you once you start absorbing hostile aliens into your domain.

Unfortunately there are a lot of them out there in the US.

someDude says:

A lot of these chaps want to be seen as good people. This desire over-rides all sense, common and moral. Which means that they invariably get on the side of the faction with the biggest megaphone. Which is usually the left.

Milosevic says:

I recall Jim talking about how quickly the US reversed course on feminism in the early 20th Century and wondering how such a thing was pulled off:

Bouncer says:

Let’s not forget that the only reason we reversed course around 1940 is because we needed to dump grain-fed farmboys into the meat-grinder, something which made things worse in the long run for those who survived by the time 1960 arrived. Unless those in the system who hate our guts are removed permanently from all positions of influence, this just generates more support for a bureaucracy that despises its own people.

someDude says:

Since when did media companies like CNN need to be profitable? Aren’t these state organs which facilitate communication between elite factions? So should not be some state foundation be funding these? Or is this just a purge by Thermidor?

Mayflower Sperg says:

In possibly related news, CNN announced two weeks before the election that diversity is not fashionable anymore; corporations are now free to hire white men for C-level positions:

The only TV commentators showing visible distress over Kamala’s loss are blacks who expect to be laid off when their diversity is no longer needed.

Jim says:

Not quite: CNN piously announces “But DEI initiatives have been shown to boost profits, reduce employee attrition and increase employee motivation,” Much as it announces the jab is safe and effective.

All of which is catastrophically false and defiance of what is in front of everyone’s nose. DEI tears the corporation apart and leads to bitterness, hatred, and corporate collapse, Disney, Boeing, and Firewalks Studio.

Mayflower Sperg says:

It’s the obligatory disclaimer to protect the reporter on the off chance that Trump is defeated and the Diversity Raj gets re-instated.

Every sentence that begins with “Studies have shown…” is a lie.

Jim says:

The legacy media is about to get the high jump. The Democrats have decided they need a uniparty ecosystem in the new media, and the Youtube algorithm has been systematically promoting “mainstreamers” in the new media. And, of course, no one wants to watch the “mainstreamers”, because they sense they are being lied to.

Jim says:

MSNBC lost more than half of its paying audience during the election. Presumably everyone who was still viewing was leftist, but they just got sick of being lied to.

Rod says:

The new White House must start using better terms…

Deportation is viewed as bad word. Must happen.
But will draw immense amounts of bleating Leftists.
Since the Left has been PsyOp’ing America for 125 years, start beating the Left back with your own Neuro Linguistic Programming memes…

Call it Repatriation, whatever sounds good, that they will returning to their homes, land and language and culture, etc, so they can do good work in countries where their people really need them to do that work, back to their friends families and homes, take care of their elderly loved ones, build Churches, Farms, Business, etc, so they can ***Make Their Own Country Great Again***, instead of bringing that mentality of let-fail and flee, turn it into return-and-fix. The USA proved it could vote to MAGA, we know they can and will do it best in there own countries too.

Pax Imperialis says:

I got a better and easier proposal. Shut down their psyops and quiet down those bleating leftists.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Blessed quiet! I dare say, can’t beat the silence of the grave at that.

T says:

“When there’s a person, there’s a problem. When there’s no person, there’s no problem.”

someDude says:

This is a game that the left plays well. It’s their strength. This is not the strength of the reaction. Tempting as that strategy sounds, it will just play into the left’s hands.

notglowing says:

“Remigration” has already been established as the euphemism in europe.

Contaminated NEET says:

Call it whatever you want, you’re not going to fool our enemies, who are unfortunately also our rulers.

Until and unless the average USG workaday bureaucrat wants mass deportation, it’s not happening. Good luck persuading zir.

Adam says:

Best to start in a red town in a red county in a red state, and expand outward from there. We don’t actually need to save the cities or even most of the country, we just need protection from the feds to carve out our own space. And from there conquer adjacent spaces as needed.

Contaminated NEET says:

If you somehow manage to carve out your own space, the Feds are the guys who are going to come and shut you down and smash up your space. Even under a Trump administration.

Jim says:

Thermidor does not want to tolerate reaction. But, assailed from the left, going to find it needs reaction. Have to take a gun to a gunfight, and a faith to a holy war.

Thermidor is people who rode the revolutionary gravy train who now want everything to now quiet down so that they can now enjoy their gravy. History tells us things do not quiet down.

Adam says:

>Even under a Trump administration.

Possibly. But Trump and company might grow a pair and start protecting states that are willing to do the work that he isn’t.

Much easier than mass (federal) deportations anyway. I doubt without the support of the President and possibly congress, that any federal department is going to win a standoff against Texas or Florida.

Hesiod says:

Granted, the festivities won’t begin until a little over two months from now, but the buzz going around is the “average USG workaday bureaucrat” is dowsing his drawers at the moment over whether he will still be around. Musk et al are having a field day with demoralization posting forecasting DOGE bullseyes. Woe unto the RINOs who stand in the way of Trump’s appointments.

Adam says:

The Overton window shifted 25 years to the right in 1 week. The left is leaderless, and full of idiots. Woke is walking dead. The left has no issue to rally around anymore it is too fractured, and they have already begun eating each other. They cannot backtrack they can only double down.

It is prime time to explore what the new normal really is. I expect we can get away with a lot now. It *feels* like Sulla has come to town. And that’s all that matters to the left.

Jim says:

The bureaucracy is acting as if Sulla has come to town.

If you believe Trump is HitlerHitlerHitler, it is time to sign up with the Nazis.

I am reminded how even though Putin did not purge the Soros apparatus in Russia, they upped and left. They grabbed everything they could carry, smashed everything they could not carry, and took the first plane out. And have not re-entered even Kalingrad even though the door is still wide open.

I saw a non political interview with some businessman who spends twelve hours a day dealing with the feds to get them to allow his business to function and he reports “there was a boot on my neck, and when Trump was elected, the boot came off.”

Contaminated NEET says:

The dumb and hysterical nomenklatura are spooked, and the smart ones are keeping quiet until they see how things shake out. When a few months pass and nothing happens, they’ll get pretty lively again. They’ll have a blast “resisting” and obstructing any policy to the right of Ibram X Kendi, and the judges will declare that interfering with them is illegal, improper, unconstitutional, and probably criminal. Trump’s guys will get with the program, or get behind bars. Elon will not make it to 2028 with his companies intact and under his control. He’ll be lucky if he keeps his freedom.

Jim says:

Matt Gaetz is going to be attorney general, and these guys can no more believe it than they could believe that Trump would win in 2016. They are not panicking unnecessarily. They are failing to panic when they should.

You think they are panicking now? When Matt Gaetz becomes attorney general they are going set fires in their offices to destroy the records and flee the country, the way the Soros shills fled Russia.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Is that a prediction you’ll bet your life on?

Contaminated NEET says:

>They are not panicking unnecessarily. They are failing to panic when they should.
We will see. Personnel is policy, and 100% of the personnel are Proggies. Change the personnel, then? Clean house? Sorry, the very bureaucrats that you want to get rid of have looked into it, and unfortunately that would be improper and illegal. The judges all agree. Maybe, just maybe, it’s partially doable, but it’s going to be extremely slow, difficult, and expensive. A small handful of the very worst offenders could be disciplined, or even let go (with full benefits), but we must go through the proper process. That will give the administration a couple symbolic victories to wave around for the Fox-News-watching chumbalones, so everybody wins. Trump is the great deal-maker, and that’s the best deal the system can offer.

>Is that a prediction you’ll bet your life on?
Absolutely. There is zero chance that even a single Left-wing apparatchik gets executed or disappeared by Trump, Thermidor, or any official or unofficial government act in the next four years. Small scale, counterproductive lone nut terrorism is a possibility, but that’s it. There’s more danger to life and limb from holier-than-thou people to their left who may well be taking the heads of “collaborators” before the term is over, although I wouldn’t bet on that either.

Jim says:

One hundred percent of the personnel of Russia were communists until they were not. Leftism can turn on a dime. So far it has always turned lefter. Under the reverse pressure, it can turn righter just as easily.

As you know, there are four hundred lawyers in the Department of Justice currently engaged in lawfare against Musk. Who is about to become head of Doge.

Pretty sure these lawyers will be found to be redundant. Do you really need more than one lawyer to prosecute a Catch 22 case? You do not need four hundred lawyers to prosecute a selectively applied law designed to ensure that everyone is guilty.

If laid off, expect 100% of progressives in government employment to become markedly less progressive.

I do not expect a smooth ride for Thermidor, let alone Maga. But progressivism is not going to get a smooth ride either. I have long predicted 2026 to be interesting times, and think it likely this is the last american election.

A2 says:

They will need to clean out the Augean stables, first of all the injustice system. Rather than trusting it to judge itself, would it be possible to, say, do this through the military courts?

Rod says:

> few months pass and nothing happens,
They’ll have a blast “resisting” and obstructing any policy to the right of Ibram X Kendi, and the judges will declare that interfering with them is illegal, improper, unconstitutional, and probably criminal. Trump’s guys will get with the program, or get behind bars.

Always true of the Left, if they see ANY sign of weakness of purview over them, they immediately start BLEATING their cacaphony in unison with man-hating megaphones in pinko marches.

There is precious little time to effect wholesale long term change, and some of his picks have been weak, or tainted by the JEWS which make up maybe half the problem (Media, Banksters, GloboHomos), so Trump’s team must push him MUCH HARDER MUCH FASTER. He’s already been in office 9 days. If the Right doesn’t literally start rolling hundreds of heads out office doors at noon on Jan 20th, that time will be eaten away.

Also, Kendi can go fuck himself.

Jim says:

There are plenty of signs of weakness, but Doge, Tulsi Gabbard, and Matt Gaetz are signs of strength.

The nature of the left is to fragment state power into innumerable little chunks, which makes it hard for them to cooperate and coordinate except when the next applecart is in sight or the applecart they are currently knocking is releasing ever increasing apples.

Cordination was around public health, notably the covid scam, Global warming, resuming the looting of Russia, and Diversity, Equity, and inclusion. If these applecarts are stabilised, resulting in fewer apples, rather than ever more apples, their capacity for cohesion and coordinated action goes away.

Public health is two trillion dollars worth of apples a year. If that starts falling, rather than ever increasing, poof. Leftists are going to find that other leftists are the applecart.

If RFK Junior can get good data for total health outcomes of the boosted versus purebloods, a massive collapse of leftist power will ensue. Trump has floated going after the endowments. Turn off the money spigot, leftism is going to evaporate the way communism evaporated in the Soviet Union. Though I do not expect them to quietly accept turning off the money spigot.

The trend ever leftwards is driven by ever greater flows of money and power to leftists. We shall soon be in uncharted waters.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Pretty sure these lawyers will be found to be redundant.

I doubt it. DOGE is a made-up agency with no legitimacy and no authority, and going after the lawyers prosecuting its head would be a huge of conflict of interest (probably criminal) even if it were real. FDR could invent agencies to whip the bureaucrats into his preferred shape because America was a different country back then and because he was pushing them in the direction they wanted to go anyway. Donald Trump is starting a fistfight with a concrete wall.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Also, Kendi can go fuck himself.

No no, Kendi fucks you. And your descendants, and your ancestors, and your civilization.

JustAnotherGuy says:

“I have long predicted 2026 to be interesting times, and think it likely this is the last american election.”

I hope they really are interesting. Anything is better than suffocating in the drudgery we are in. Used to be a time where they said “don’t worry about no longer being a warrior or factory worker, you can be a comfy desk job guy instead” and now they can’t even provide desk jobs anymore from what I’m seeing. And don’t tell me it was all in my mind, we all watched the first matrix movie where being an office drone was supposed to be like some dystopia.

What sort of system promises shit (space colonization and sci-fi movies) and never delivers? I’m like Jesse screaming “He can’t keep getting away with it” every time I see things keep getting *worse*, and then I realize even this can get worse AKA seven kill stele.

Remember guys, at the end of the day, it really just comes down to a few people how good your life ends up being in the end, and if you don’t believe me, ask what Indians think of Indira Gandhi and what she did to India which I have just learned about recently.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Also, I’m pretty sure this can’t go on forever. Trees do not grow into sky and so on.

Food inflation is still a thing, car price inflation is still a thing, no one was punished for fraudulent PPP loans, tons of money got scammed into that speed rail bridge which got memory-holed. Probably millions more stuff that would take too much text to blurt out.

Thinking about inflation, what isn’t being inflated? That’s the real question. People tell me electronic prices are staying stable, but things like videogames were what, 30 bucks back then? It really was just better and simpler times despite being pozzed still.

alf says:

What makes or breaks the white pill is the willingness to toss aside normalcy bias. If Trump and his administration keep acting as if democracy is just working fine, time will eventually run out and the left will return with a vengeance. But if Trump, or Vance, or Musk has realized democracy died in 2020 and acts accordingly… Well that would be very interesting.

No doubt we’ll have fun debates on whether or not the latest X done by Trump ally Y constitutes a post-democratic mindset, all the more because it is probably in actor Y’s interest to keep people guessing as to his true intentions for as long as possible.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>There is zero chance that even a single Left-wing apparatchik gets executed or disappeared by Trump, Thermidor, or any official or unofficial government act in the next four years.

You said that “Elon will not make it to 2028 with his companies intact and under his control” and that “He’ll be lucky if he keeps his freedom”. I find this unlikely.

Futhermore, you often speak like this on many various other things in the past as well. I wonder if anyone keeping track of these things can pull up the receipts to show how some of these other ‘zero per cent chance’ predictions have panned out.

Contaminated NEET says:

>You said that “Elon will not make it to 2028 with his companies intact and under his control” and that “He’ll be lucky if he keeps his freedom”. I find this unlikely.

I may have misinterpreted you. I thought you were saying that bureaucrats should be and are scared of helicopter rides if they oppose Trump. I think Elon is picking a fistfight with a Tyrannosaurus, and he will get his toys taken away, but I’m nowhere near as certain of that as I am that the Right does not have the balls to murder its enemies in the next four years.

>I wonder if anyone keeping track of these things can pull up the receipts to show how some of these other ‘zero per cent chance’ predictions have panned out.

By all means, go ahead. I keep coming back to the blackpill because it predicts the future better than any other attitude or heuristic, but maybe I’m wrong about that.

Jim says:

> I thought you were saying that bureaucrats should be and are scared of helicopter rides if they oppose Trump.

Bureaucrats are scared of helicopter rides if they oppose Trump. Whether they should be, remains to be seen.

> I think Elon is picking a fistfight with a Tyrannosaurus, and he will get his toys taken away,

Elon is Dark Maga. He knows what fight he has picked. He and Baron know the time. Whether Trump knows the time remains to be seen.

Jim says:

> I keep coming back to the blackpill because it predicts the future better than any other attitude or heuristic.

That depends on what timescale one is considering. Trees never shrink and do not stop growing, therefore you predict trees ten thousand feet tall.

Leftism always get lefter. Until it self destructs. We have been around this merry go round many times before. The denouement is sometimes the total disappearance of a people, a race, a civilisation, and a culture, but that is not the way to bet.

Kevin C. says:

> Matt Gaetz is going to be attorney general

Assuming he can get through Senate confirmation. I expect Murkowski and Collins to side with the Dems in voting against. You really think they won’t be able to get one or two more of the remaining older establishment types to go all “muh ethics” and join them in that?

> Pretty sure these lawyers will be found to be redundant.

Yes, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be laid off. I think Devon Eriksen’s long tweet here: lays out the case pretty well for all the powers DOGE is going to need to be effective (and thus, the unlikelihood of same), and many of the likely failure modes should they come up short:

2. DOGE must have direct oversight.

If it must take agencies to court, it is merely a proxy for the citizens whose money is being wasted, and whose rights are being trampled.

Imagine the level of inefficiency, waste, and delay, if your process for addressing bureaucratic abuse simply results in one part of the federal government pursuing an expensive court case against another.

Instead, DOGE must have the power to simply make a ruling, via its own investigation hearing process, which is binding on federal agencies.

Any appeals to the court system must be allowed to trigger their own DOGE investigation (for wasting taxpayer fighting a ruling).

3. DOGE must have the power to punish the agent, not just the agency.

“You have to stop that now” is not a deterrent. Neither is fining the agency, because such fines are paid by the American taxpayer.

For this reason, DOGE should, must, have the power to discipline individual employees of the federal agencies it oversees.

This doesn’t just mean insignificant letters of reprimand in a file. It means fines against personal assets, firing, or even filing criminal charges. No qualified immunity.

Yes, you read that right. DOGE must be able to fire other agencies’ staff. I recommend that anyone fired by DOGE be permanently illegible for any federal government job, excluding only elected positions.

I don’t see these sorts of powers getting past the courts anytime soon.

Jim says:

> I don’t see these sorts of powers getting past the courts anytime soon.

I don’t see the supremacy of the courts lasting much longer. Indeed, for some considerable time it has been merely a pretence to which everyone paid lip service. The lip service may soon stop.

Musk knows what time it is. Whether Trump knows remains to be seen.

Jim says:

> > Matt Gaetz is going to be attorney general

> Assuming he can get through Senate confirmation.

If Senate confirmation still matters, all is lost. I don’t think it matters any more, but to maintain the pretence of still mattering, the Senate will confirm him, so that they can continue to pretend to matter.

Matt Gaetz has been compared to Caligula’s horse, in that he is wildly unpalatable to the Senate. The difference being that Caligula’s horse was unpalatable because incapable of functioning as a Consul, while Matt Gaetz is unpalatable because far too capable of functioning as Attorney General.

Our Senate will confirm him, as the Roman Senate confirmed Caligula’s horse.

If they confirm him, we know the Senate does not matter any more.

If they fail to confirm him, and it makes little difference, we know the Senate does not matter any more.

If they fail to confirm him, and it makes a big difference, the difference for Maga may well be the difference between winning and dying.

People are awakening to the new normal, but everyone wants to pretend the old normal is still in effect in the hope the old normal can be restored. The Senate will confirm, so that the pretence can go on.

If the editorial board of the LA Times can lose their jobs, senior civil servants can lose their jobs or go to jail, and they had better accept it quietly for if the $#!% gets real, a whole lot of people are going to die. Just as externally we are tiptoeing around World War three, internally we are tiptoeing around Civil War two.

Jim says:

> I don’t see these sorts of powers getting past the courts anytime soon.

The howls of pain and trembling in fear from the unverified post indicates that whether they get through the courts or not, they are being exercised right now.

Drop your normality bias. The courts have not mattered since the Obama presidency began. More precisely, have not mattered since the Obama changes to healthcare.

Kevin C. says:

> I don’t see the supremacy of the courts lasting much longer.

It doesn’t have to, it just has to provide a cover to #resistance as “obeying the law.”

Suppose court says DOGE can’t fire Justice Dept. lawyers, Musk goes Jackson, ignores them, says the attorneys are fired anyway.

Whole Justice Dept. says “no, they’re not; judge says so,” and the “fired” lawyers keep coming to work, their logins and passes still work, security still lets them in, coworkers all still interact as if they still work there.

Then Musk is going to have to send armed men to physically confiscate passes and remove them from Federal property. First, where is he going to find such men?

Second, suppose he sends a team of ten or so pistol-packing security guys to start said physical removal. Then dozens of FBI guys with a SWAT team or two descend on them. “Judge says DOGE can’t fire them,” FBI argue, “Therefore lawyers still Federal employees performing their official duties. You, in trying to remove them, are forcibly interfering with federal employees in the course of their duties, which is a Federal crime (doing it while armed is a felony that can get you 20 years), for which you are all under arrest.”

Either they haul the DOGE men off to holding, in torturous conditions, pending trial — given Jan. 6 defendant examples, for who knows how long — or gun them down for “resisting,” providing media with spectacle of “Trump regime violence.” Either way, who will still want to enforce DOGE firings after that?

Musk may know what time it is, but can he get enough armed men on side to enforce, in the face of the many armed men — particularly FBI and ATF — on the side of bureaucrats?

Jim says:

> and the “fired” lawyers keep coming to work, their logins and passes still work, security still lets them in, coworkers all still interact as if they still work there.

We shall see. Everyone is tiptoeing around civil war two and if that happens, civil war two draws markedly closer.

The big tell will be if the Senate “confirms” Matt Gaetz. If they “confirm” him, they saw the oncoming headlights of civil war two, and decided to stay out of the way.

If Matt Gaetz is “confirmed” we are in the post legal regime, and everyone is still filling out the necessary paperwork to make whatever happens legal in the hope that when the dust settles, actual legality can be restored.

Obama destroyed legality, and now his many opponents, which are not only on the right, but many on the left, are quietly awakening to the new normal.

Jim says:

> > I don’t see the supremacy of the courts lasting much longer.

> It doesn’t have to, it just has to provide a cover to #resistance as “obeying the law.”

Well then it is up to the men with guns. And so far, the men with guns obey the president.

Contaminated NEET says:

Kevin C., that is a chillingly plausible scenario. I doubt it’ll come to that because I don’t think Musk has the balls for it, but we will see.

As for tiptoeing around Civil War II, they’re probably just doing the classic Proggie move of provoking their enemy into being the first to escalate to clear, unambiguous war, and then acting shocked and horrified at the enemy’s violence. See Fort Sumter, Pearl Harbor, the Donbas. It helps them build up a righteous moral fervor and gets them legitimacy in the eyes of the chumbalones. If it goes down like Kevin’s scenario, it wouldn’t even be a civil war; it would just be a violent coup attempt put down by our heroic and selfless public servants.

Jim says:

> they’re probably just doing the classic Proggie move of provoking their enemy into being the first to escalate to clear, unambiguous war, and then acting shocked and horrified at the enemy’s violence.

Possibly. If a senate that hates and fears Matt Gaetz attempts to veto him, this will be strong evidence that you are correct.

But this classic proggie move requires competent and cohesive leadership. Let us consider what happened in the election. Biden was clearly delighted by the outcome, because he wanted to shaft his near enemies, and it is unlikely he was able to act alone.

Take a look at Matt’s many Youtube videos of his finest moments. When the senate votes “confirm” despite all that, it will be a lot more amusing than Caligula’s horse.

DH says:

It helps them build up a righteous moral fervor and gets them legitimacy in the eyes of the chumbalones. If it goes down like Kevin’s scenario, it wouldn’t even be a civil war; it would just be a violent coup attempt put down by our heroic and selfless public servants.

The Regime and its mouthpieces are totally discredited in the eyes of everyone who matters, i.e., military-age white Christian men willing and able to shoot a gun in order to hit a target. With the FBI thoroughly purged, what army is going to fight on the side of the permanent government? If Trump says “go,” the Regime is finished. And in my view, he already has all the legitimacy he needs to pull it off, though if he does not — or doesn’t yet — know what time it is, obviously no coup (bloodless or bloody) will be attempted, surely not successfully, and the Left will likely be back with a vengeance in four years, probably much sooner than that. But I suspect that some on the Dark MAGA team do know precisely what time it is. “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” A precondition is thoroughly purging the FBI of anyone disloyal or potentially disloyal, and we’ll see whether it happens or not.

If he doesn’t gut the spooks, the spooks gut him.

DH says:

Matt Gaetz definitely knows what time it is, and it will be a blast if he is “confirmed.”

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The main sticking point in the scenario temporized by brother kevin is that, if the FBI enforced standards of fitness and firearms handling, they’d have a grave shortage of ‘politically reliable’ boxcheckers.

All Tribune Muskimus needs to do to come out on top in situations like that is send more guys than they have.

My friends, let us refer to the current date. It’s 2024 right now. The people who can fight don’t left, and the people who left don’t fight.

Any amount of backup you need, you can get, if you have the will to get it. Be the first one to pick up the phone and call the national guard and they”ll come. The bolsheviks where a minor city party noone knew or liked if they did know and they tipped all the schelling points in their favor and came out on top because they were the first people to pick up the phones and start giving orders while everyone else was standing around like background characters.

Pax Imperialis says:

Was Biden Thermidor?

>Got forced out by the radicals, Pelosi/Schumer/Obama faction.
>They wanted an open primary to pick someone popular.
>Lots of rumors about cat fighting between Jill Biden and Kamala
>Biden anoints Kamala 30 minutes after the palace coup. A woman no one likes.
>Puts on a MAGA hat
>Riles MAGA up mere days before the election by calling them garbage.
>~10 million Biden ‘voters’ mysteriously fail to show up for Kamala.
>Jill Biden’s red dress at the ballot box
>Trump wins and Biden looks the happiest in years
>Biden starts normalizing Trump

Jim says:

Biden was stupid, and easily manipulated, and was installed for that reason. But he resented being manipulated. Half the time he did not know he was president. But people who are losing control because of senility get cranky about losing control. His wife also got cranky, and some of the advisers who were yanking his puppet strings got cranky about being brushed aside by those operating the Kamala puppet, and they got cranky.

So I would say, happy to see Kamala shafted because no one likes Kamala.

How did a fool get helicoptered up to the highest level when no one likes her?

I am guessing that what happens is that you have a conspiracy, and power is divided within the conspiracy. And then they choose a puppet they are confident that they can operate collectively, because, being evil people and afraid of each other, they do not want to choose one of themselves. The more stupid, more evil, more nasty, and more hateful the person they choose, the more power remains with those doing the choosing.

Fidelis says:

Have we ever discussed here the age at first menarche becoming gradually earlier since at least the early 1800s in Northern Europe?

It used to be an average of age 17 in Denmark. This is rather alarming, I have no idea what specifically caused this and how it could be fixed. The trend is too smooth to be some specific event, like mixed sex schools or something like that. It might be something that was selected for genetically, and if so, was something else broken along the way? How do we go back, should we go back?

Ryan says:

Early menarche supports R strategy, while late supports K strategy. Abundant food since the industrial revolution has caused evolutionary pressure towards R. I would bet there are environmental factors too, like a lack of strong fathers. If girls don’t have a father in the house, they go through puberty earlier to secure a protector. Having a modern less manly father may have a reduced effect in the same direction.

A2 says:

I’m guessing the cause is more food was available, since lack of fat stops menstruation. The sacred potato to start things off, mayhap?

Fidelis says:

You wouldn’t see such a smooth transition downward, it would have fits and spurts around wartimes and such, and calories were not so restricted at that time in Europe, to my knowledge.

That smooth trendline is what alarms me, its not like the TFR charts where it clearly happens in stages. That makes me think it’s selection, and if selection, are there any other traits besides the ones we know about that were selected against to produce earlier menarche? Or is this totally orthogonal, originally a result of late marrige patterns anyway, and so nothing to be concerned about above wanting to fix what we already know has to be fixed.

Jim says:

First menarche in the Roman Empire was also around twelve or so. Probably something associated with decadence causes early menarche.

Menarche is ultimately under the control of the brain, so the mechanism that causes menarche has access to the social environment. It would make sense to delay menarche if one does not perceive access to reproductive opportunity, and if one perceives reliable family care.

Fidelis says:

It would make sense to delay menarche if one does not perceive access to reproductive opportunity, and if one perceives reliable family care.

This doesn’t quite pattern match for me. Waiting means less chance of reproduction, so there has to be something traded off for. It makes the most sense, in a darwinian manner at least, to reproduce as early as possible, because the future is never certain. Human development is delayed to give time for the mind to form properly, otherwise we might be born stumbling like a deer.

There is always reproductive opportunity. Otherwise there wouldn’t be a need to keep an eye on your daughter before 17, now 11ish. There’s something else going on here, and it may be social signalling in origin, but I don’t think it’s as simple as you’re painting. Other parts of Europe with earlier marriages had menarche to match, and I don’t believe they count as decedent.

Then again, may be as simple as, the women you come in contact with had their first night at such and such an age, and you match biologically to that, as women are apt to synchronize the timing of their menses.

Jim says:

> Waiting means less chance of reproduction, so there has to be something traded off for

There is always a trade off, or else menarche would occur at birth. There is an optimal time for menarche, and that optimum depends on the social environment.

In a social environment of late virgin marriage, which is to say, west of the Hajnal line, optimum time is going to be later. And in an environment of very early virgin marriage (when girls are married off shortly before menarche, the Roman Republic) optimum time is going to be considerably earlier.

Aidan says:

It seems fairly clear to me that menarche begins earlier when girls are raised with a lot of unrelated men around them. Rome was a big city- menarche at 12. Girls today go to public school- menarche even at 10. Homeschooled girls raised on a farm are all late bloomers, and seem much healthier and better developed, for longer, because of it. Menarche early, before the body is done growing, seems to result in a less beautiful and less healthy woman, and probably means she becomes infertile earlier, ages faster.

Jim says:

This theory is very plausible. Conversely menarche late in Regency England because women were kept “in” — not exposed to nonkin males till they “came out”

Mayflower Sperg says:

In American red squirrels, high population density (in this case faked by scientists playing squirrel calls) increases stress hormones in pregnant females that cause their babies to grow faster, giving them a competitive edge in securing the territory they’ll need to survive the coming winter, but also making them age faster as adults:

Fidelis says:

If so, why is the trend so smooth. TFR graphs show distinct breaks when retarded policy gets implemented. I dont see those breaks here.

i says:

I believe. The Wealth and property requirements before a man can have a family is one of the methods by which the K selection is favoured in addition to character requirements since Wealth alone doesn’t suffice for a good Husband. That with normative monogamy and stable ecology all contribute.

Which may have helped push the girls in said environment in a more K direction in addition to what is already stated in this thread.

DH says:

Doberman Pinschers are intelligent and aggressive. Golden Retrievers are intelligent and friendly.

The future elite will resemble a Doberman more, and a Retriever less, than whatever is left from the current “elite” of effete cucks. The jocks are outbreeding the nerds, on the meta-level too.

This has its pluses and its minuses, but evidently – Deus Vult.

dharmicreality says:

To the blackpillers:

Just consider this.

In 2020, nobody expected Trump to survive into 2024, least of all Jim, and yet here he is not only surviving but actually elected the President. Seems that though Trump had normalcy bias, so did his enemies, who thought lawfare and “the system” would keep him at bay.

Consider that crime-thoughts that were unthinkable in 2020 are now not only thinkable but even appearing in mainstream discourse. Consider how the mainstream media has not only lost its reputation but is on the verge of collapse, some even financially.

Consider how Elon Musk took over the holy echo chamber of the Cathedral and turned it into his fiefdom, allowing much more freedom of expression than was possible before.

The Establishment Left has been soundly defeated and the Far Left is now rudderless and divided.

And yet, all you can say is “we are doomed”.

The overall decline may (or may not) be inevitable but at least serious efforts have been made to stop it.

Pete says:

It all depends on Trump’s willingness to break the rules. If he tries to reform Fedgov within Fedgov’s rules he is toast. Elon and Vivek can draw up a list of useless/redundant government departments and employees to be fired, but some judge will say “No, only Congress can dissolve this department” and that will be that.

Then Trump has a choice: Either give up (or try to fight a 4-year court battle over it which is the same as giving up) or go outside the rules. What “going outside the rules” means I am not sure. I suppose he could chain the doors on the the FBI building, cancel all their access badges, lock them out of their email accounts, shut off the water and power to their building etc.

Upside: The FBI won’t be able to hinder him for his 4-year term.
Downside: They will all be back in 4 years, frothing with rage and ready to toss in prison anyone who worked for Trump or helped him. (But they would have done that ANYWAY…)

Jim says:

> some judge will say “No, only Congress can dissolve this department” and that will be that.

Musk is Dark Maga. We have seen two Jacksons on illegal immigration, Australia and Texas. And the judiciary in both cases went very very quiet. Why not a Jackson on a fedgov that is not only bloated, but criminal? What happens when a judge says “you can’t fire them”, and instead of appealing up to the supremes, they just stay fired?

Look at Musk’s meme that I linked to in the comments. He knows what time it is. Trump’s nomination for head of the DoJ knows what time it is. Does Trump know? Getting shot is apt to get one’s attention. So is being convicted of fifty made up felonies that could yield a thousand years of prison time.

Given the frivolous lawfare Musk has been subjected to, I am sure he has considered the near certainty that a judge is going to rule that firing useless idiots is a violation of their civil rights.

Jim says:

FBI has to be removed permanently. They are dangerous. They have committed enormous crimes, which if unpunished, will be repeated sooner or later. They have to be eliminated, or we lose.

First step is Trump’s truth commission, and RFK Junior’s gold standard science (restoring the scientific method).

First we have to expose and prove the crimes. Then it becomes possible to do what is necessary to prevent repetition. Whether Trump is able and willing to do what is necessary remains to be seen. The judges that staffed the FISA court have to die. They are too dangerous to live.

If the FBI and the rest live, Trump, Musk, and any namefag so incautious as to have spoken the truth will die.

Musk knows what the time is. Does Trump?

Once elite cooperation collapses, then it is time to win or die.

Kevin C. says:

> First we have to expose and prove the crimes.

To whom? Why do they matter? The only people I can think of are the real warriors in the military.

> Then it becomes possible to do what is necessary to prevent repetition.

How? When it comes time to remove the FBI, the FBI is of course going to refuse to acknowledge the removal, going to resist being removed. So who arrests the FBI for their crimes? Who will be the force of armed men doing the removal? Local red-state police? Red state national guard? The military?

> Once elite cooperation collapses

Plenty of time for things to happen between now and Jan 20. Trump may not know what time it is. I think it’s still too early to be expecting such a collapse — though, hopefully we have enough people like Musk ready to capitalize on it if it does.

Jim says:

> > First we have to expose and prove the crimes.

> To whom? Why do they matter?

To ourselves and to God, so that when we do what is necessary, we can confidently know we are acting justly, and so that when the dust settles, we can restore legality.

So that we can know we are better than our enemies, even though we will be doing the same things as our enemies have been doing for the same reasons.

They destroyed good men. When we destroy them, we have to know for sure we are destroying evil and dangerous men.

someDude says:


Jim says:

> > First we have to expose and prove the crimes.

> To whom? Why do they matter? The only people I can think of are the real warriors in the military.


Pax Imperialis says:

Funny enough, it looks like the FBI will be the one to arrest the FBI. Schedule C can be used to completely fuck these bureaucracies, and while it can’t be used to put in “senior leadership” without senate confirmation, well that doesn’t matter because all the senior leadership required for the non-leadership Schedule C hires will be Trump’s cabinet or the president himself.

Ryan says:

For those interested in conspiracies and religious cults, what do you think of this article?

It’s about lucifarianism, Sabbatean-Frankism and the Protocols.

DH says:

A distraction.

What I explain to the “secular” Jewish Israeli posters on Jim’s blog is that they already are conversos to Christianity – a demonic, inverted form of Christianity. If, having embraced Modernity, you are no longer practicing Orthodox Judaism, having become a “secular Jew” or “secularized Jew,” it means you have become a post-Protestant Christian (“secularism” is cladistically derived from Protestantism, having undergone demonic inversion), that is – a Satanic Christian. Simply put: they switched from one demonic religion (Orthodox Judaism) to an even more demonic religion (Satanic Christianity). And since they have no intention of going back to Orthodox Judaism, and rightly so, given how dysfunctional Orthodox Judaism is, I suggest that instead of being conversos to fake evil demonic Christianity, they should embrace real Christianity and make it Israel’s state religion and their own private religion.

The “secular Jews” reading this need to understand that they already are Christians — demonic Christians — and the solution is not going back to Judaism and trying to fix it, since there really is no fixing Judaism, but accepting the fact that they already are conversos to something other than Judaism, conversos to an inverted form of Christianity – and as such, it’s surely much better to become a converso to a non-demonic religion, that is, a non-demonic form of Christianity. Orthodox Judaism is impossible as a state religion, and horrible as a private religion, and those “secular Jews” understand that perfectly well, which is why they are “secular.” But if you understand that “secularism” itself is derived from Christianity, demonic post-Protestant Christianity, and that you already are a converso to this form of Christianity, the next logical step, if you want to redeem yourself from demonic influence and have a thriving civilization, is to become an actual Christian.

They are still not ready for this realization, but once they see that Orthodox Judaism screws Israel up horribly, I hope they will have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Jim says:

Obviously true, and in my comments I have always casually assumed conspiracies of literal demon worshippers, complete with demon worshipping human resources departments. Conspiracies need cohesion, hence the strength of the lavender mafia over the last sixteen centuries. The Lavender Mafia is effective because they conspire naked in bed in a great big pile, but the sacrifice of children to demons.creates far stronger cohesion.

The left metaphorically worships demons, while keeping ambiguity as to whether they think these demons are metaphorical or literal, as for example the Gaia cult, and some of them literally worship demons that they believe, perhaps correctly, to be literal. For example Bohemian Grove. I am quite sure that at least some of the shills are under a Human Resources Department that purchases children from Child Protective Services and sacrifices them to demons.

DH says:

All that is perfectly true, Jim, but the payload of “Sabbatean-Frankism” is that Judaism was free from demonic influence until some Jewish heretics imbued it with such – which is not the case, as Judaism has been going demonic ever since the Pharisees made superstitious legalism, or halachism, the religion of the “613 commandments” (and piles upon piles of rabbinic reinterpretation), their religion. It looks like an attempt to exculpate Judaism by diverting attention to one specific Jewish conspiracy of demon worshippers and away from all the other Jewish conspiracies of demon worshippers. Orthodox Jews like B promote the “Sabbatean-Frankism” thesis because it ostensibly makes their religion seem far less demonic by comparison. But is ordinary, regular Orthodox Judaism actually less demonic? That’s far from obvious to me, but I could be wrong.

Jim says:

Modern Judaism is phariseeism. Jesus has a few words to say about phariseeism, but he accuses it of human evil, not demonic evil. Of course, where human evil thrives, demonic evil is apt to take charge.

And in the final stages of war with Rome, phariseeism started to look distinctly demonic, as for example burning their own food stockpiles while besieged by Rome.

Rod says:

Didn’t he state that most Jews had become the Synagogue of Satan?

So what is the branch group today that did not?

> Turns out that diversity of nationality is not, in fact, an indicator of strength.

According to this it is…

These people should be convicted of Treason and put to death.

T says:

I see, Jim; that makes sense.

Today if you look at the Haredim, you’ll notice that they will neither risk their lives on the battlefield for a Jewish (or Jew-ish) ethno-state, nor are they particularly inclined to pay their fair share of taxes, both of which, in the long-run, might well collapse Israel, if it switches from Progressivism to Orthodox Judaism. They retain some healthy Iron Age social technologies, hence their women are highly fecund (and in the West they almost unanimously vote for right-wing parties), but otherwise nothing truly great has or can come out of them, their parasitic lifestyle is unsustainable and ought not to be sustained by their hosts, and they singularly represent that particular civilizational failure mode of an entire society making itself into a priesthood, at that a holiness-spiralling superstitious and legalistic priesthood, which works about exactly as one would expect.

I believe the Jewish Problem is at most around 25%-30% genetic while the rest of it is memetic (taking into account centuries of gene-culture co-evolution predicated on rejection of the Logos), and that given the right memeplex, some scions of Judea can become valuable members of society – hence, the dearth of e.g. Orthodox Jewish scientists, despite the much-touted genetic predisposition of Ashkenazim towards high verbal-IQ, is rather notable, suggesting a primarily spiritual corruption inflicted by a fundamentally erroneous theology, which is comparable to possession by DROM. Ultimately, Jesus Christ and Saint Paul were right – to save the Pharisees and their memetic descendants from the failure modes that inhere to their faith, it is the Gentiles, or rather, the New Israel, who must be saved first and embrace a Divine-aligned memeplex. By and large, the Jews are incapable of saving themselves, and need God’s True Church to save them from themselves. But Jewish Pride prevents most Jews from recognizing the failure modes inherent to Phariseeism, and stubbornly resist all attempts at correction, benevolent as they might be.

So Orthodox Judaism, despite high fertility, is still very likely on the path to self-destruction, chiefly by means of host-destruction; and virtually everything good and functional among the Religious Zionists is borrowed from Christendom via the Secular Zionists. That is, there would not be Religious Zionism without Secular Zionism to inspire and enable it, and Secular Zionism is rooted more in a Christian worldview than in a Jewish one. The Jews are several layers of memetically pwned. (Sabbatean-Frankism itself descends from Kabbalah, which is a decidedly Gnostic influx into Judaism; the Sabbatean-Frankists have carried the Gnosticism of the Kabbalah all the way through to its logical endpoint of cosmos-destroying Satanic inversion.)

Probably Gnon’s plan for the Jews is that Orthodox Judaism defeats Progressivism, then proceeds to prove itself inadequate and impossible as a state religion, at which point the Jews either convert to Christianity or to something rather similar to Christianity, or lose their civilization once again. The jury is still out on which scenario is more likely, but alas, I suspect that Jewish Pride, as manifested in the stubborn insistence on maintaining the 2,200-year-old Pharisaic holiness-spiral, is likely to neutralize Israel’s long-term survival. That also seems to be what Chesterton alludes to in his terrific and highly-recommended book about Zion and Zionism, The New Jerusalem (1920). In the long-run, the Jews either become Christians, or go back into exile as Israel collapses under the weight of its own Orthodox Judaism.

Jim says:

High fertility, but classic Jewish parasitism. When the parasite consumes the host, it dies.

T says:

Rod, what I and many in NRx say is that Zionism is the least harmful branch of Judaism (coincidentally, or rather non-coincidentally, it is the one most inspired by Christendom), and that those who conspicuously walk around with furious, raging hate-boners for Israel, are very obviously working for Harvard, diverting attention from the worst, most sinful Jews — Jews in America who are in league with Progressivism, i.e., in league with Satan — and towards those Jews who, potentially if not in practice, are the most BASED, and at any rate, are located right at the joint between Asia and Africa, rather than close at home. I criticize Jews and Israel endlessly, but Harvard shills rage-fap to my posts, because all my critiques are rooted in a consistently right-wing worldview, rather than in spite-motivated demonic leftism.

According to both Jews and anti-Jewish monomaniacs, you can either be 100% philosemitic or 100% antisemitic; having a nuanced, reasoned, Christian view is not allowed by either the Harvard Jews or the Harvard Nazis, both groups coincidentally employed by the same Regime as two convenient bogeymen, and only NRx is able to discuss the JQ without totally losing its mind in one direction or in the other.

Neurotoxin says:

According to both Jews and anti-Jewish monomaniacs, you can either be 100% philosemitic or 100% antisemitic; having a nuanced, reasoned, Christian view is not allowed by either the Harvard Jews or the Harvard Nazis, both groups coincidentally employed by the same Regime as two convenient bogeymen, and only NRx is able to discuss the JQ without totally losing its mind in one direction or in the other.

Key paragraph.

Contaminated NEET says:

Bohemian Grovesters conspire together in a giant naked pile. As Richard Nixon, who was a member, said, “It’s the faggiest goddamned thing you’ve ever seen.” The owl is Athena (the inscription on the Grove’s gate proves it), and nobody has actually believed Athena is real for 2500 years; it’s just a bit of stupid esoteric fun. Heroic infiltrators have brought back footage of the “Cremation of Care” ritual, and it’s not a real human sacrifice. Now, I would not be at all surprised if they’re raping and murdering children there, but those are sacrifices to the metaphorical demons of their own depraved lusts and ambitions, not literal sacrifices to a long-dead god.

Jim says:

That is the official story. It is a cover story. There is an inner conspiracy within the great big pile conspiracy.

cub says:

Why is it that ideologies and organizations that profess freedom, enlightenment, and self-reliance always end up being led by megalomaniacal psychopaths? And can we really can these psychopaths genuine adherents to their supposed ideologies?

America is probably the most successful such project, but few would consider the psychos in charge of the country to be “true Americans” that care about the country’s foundational principles.

I think learning about the pitfalls of exercising our free will (the Pinocchio journey) is part of our maturation as a species. Free will itself is not inherently evil, otherwise we wouldn’t have it in the first place.

Neurotoxin says:

The left is in disarray because they care about nothing but power, but after this election they don’t know whose ass to kiss: the election reveals that either (a) power has changed its mind about what outcome is desirable, or (b) the formerly regnant leftist faction is so weakened so that it can no longer engineer sufficient fraud.

They’d never admit it, but they know damn well that 2020 was decided by mammoth fraud. Now that Trump has been allowed to win, they don’t know which faction to submit to, or whose shibboleths to repeat. It must be a terrible time for them.

Neurotoxin says:

The LA Times owner has fired the entire editorial board.

Jim says:

A move perhaps even more crucial than giving the FBI free long distance swimming lessons.

Kevin C. says:

A good sign, but where will he get a replacement board that isn’t just as bad, given what the journalism schools — and the entire profession, for that matter — is like?

S says:

Replace them with LLMs.

Jim says:

Is there a law requiring him to recruit journalists from journalism schools?

Probably there is, but if there is it does not matter any more.

We have been in the post legal regime for some time, but everyone is still dotting their ‘i’s and crossing their ‘t’s, because it might matter again some time in the future.

Kevin C. says:

>Is there a law requiring him to recruit journalists from journalism schools?

> Probably there is, but if there is it does not matter any more.

I doubt it starts at law. It probably starts with some HR lady “helpfully” inserting degree requirement in job listing — because it was obviously left out by accident — and/or throwing out resumes of applicants without degree. Because, of course to be an editor — to serve on the editorial board — at a newspaper, especially one as big and prestigious as the LA Times, you’ve got to properly know journalism, and to properly know journalism, have to have the right degree. Does Dr. Soon-Shiong even notice applicants have been filtered like this?

If he does, and tells HR to take applications from candidates without degrees, then HR goes to legal department, and lawyers from the legal department will go to him and say “if you hire somebody without a journalism degree for the editorial board, you open us up to lawsuits under laws X, Y, and Z.”

If Dr. Soon-Shiong ignores them and hires anyway, word goes out on lefty HR and legal networks, to a bunch of lefty ambulance-chasers who gin up a client to sue under X, Y, Z. Then the lawyers come back to him, say “we told you so; but we can make this go away quietly and cheaply, before it gets to court, but only if you fire board members without journalism degrees, and hire replacements with.”

If Dr. Soon-Shiong says no, fight it in court, then they’ll be fighting it before ultra-lefty Southern California judge. He’ll find his legal team strangely unenthusiastic about fighting the case, and that the other side keeps getting inside information that looks suspiciously like HR department info. Loses badly.

Maybe he tells ultra-lefty SoCal judge to stuff his ruling where the sun doesn’t shine, refuses to pay out, appeals up to Trump appointees who say laws X, Y, Z don’t matter any more, also tell ultra-lefty judge to shove it. Then the HR department gets BTFO’ed, which sets a bad precedent for HR departments everywhere.

So maybe the HR department backs down before that point. But it’s also possible Dr. Soon-Shiong backs down at one of those many points — again, if he even notices or bothers with trying to recruit people who haven’t been to journalism school.

Fidelis says:

>fight it in court

Yes. One of these publication firms are going to be getting a call that says do it anyway, we’ll handle the courts. Will the courts be handled? Remains to be seen, but Trump is now in the white house and not in prison, despite the courts.

So the case goes to the court, the court rules the company is to be dismanted and sold for parts. This is loudly or quietly ignored, and no one enforces it — well, maybe dangerous in California, is it dangerous in Texas? — and everyone sees the courts are jester shows. This is our new normal.

Jim says:

That is what I meant by “probably there is”. Not that there is a law saying that only journalists approved by Academia can do journalism. But there will be no end of laws that can cause you grief, and you can minimise the grief if you only hire approved journalists.

Hesiod says:

Babylon Bee FTW:

When reached for comment, the autistic African American confirmed the reports. “I like rockets,” he said.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Glory days of steam and steam chat are over bros. I knew it was one of the places where you could just say what you want and eventually a proggie would catch onto it.

Tbh, I also saw this coming when someone at Valve was forced to host the rainbow store stuff that one steam sale. They tried to pull back by saying they were being diverse by having anime stuff on the storefront ads but this is just an invitation to get even more pozzed by proggies.

Soon enough, we will all be refugees huddling around playing eastern gacha games only because everything else has been utterly destroyed. Another Black Myth: Wukong won’t be allowed.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Also learned that Blender is now blocked in germany because anything that doesn’t have an age rating is banned with a new legislation, hahahahahaaaa. Clown world stuff man.

JustAnotherGuy says:

blocked on steam in germany*, you can still get it from the official website or other means anyway.

Hesiod says:

Saw a graph yesterday concerning this allegation of “hate speech” running rampant on Steam. Pepe the frog beat out all other symbols including swastikas combined on the hate list. Maybe if Hitler had put Pepe on the German flag, WW2 would have had a different outcome.

Hesiod says:

Here we go:

The “Pepe the Frog” meme and Swastikas were the most common extremist or hateful symbols on Steam, representing almost 55% and 9% of all extremist symbols detected, respectively.

T says:

I wouldn’t rub my body in their soap products, that’s just disgusting, but as for lampshades – yes, I would buy a lamp whose shade used to kvetch about cartoon frogs.

Might put it in the kitchen, overlooking the oven.

T says:

Then again, with so much excessive skin (ironically, given circumcision), they could be used as curtains rather than just lampshades – it surely befits Schlomo to block the sunlight.

Hesiod says:

I was nought but a starving orphan in a refugee camp in war-ravaged Kekistan until one fateful dawn, Pepe rode in from the east to show us The Way. He forged us into the Kekistani Liberation Army and as fam, we shed our blood as one. No heeb shall stand in our way as we shadilay:

anonymous mouse says:

Note that the vice chairman of that Senate Intelligence Committee is Marco Rubio, Trump’s pick for Secretary of State. And the next chairman, crazy MAGA Zionist Tom Cotton, will 100% keep doing this kind of shit.

You thought you could vote out ZOG? Lmao.

DH says:

As a masochistic homosexual, do you behave the way you do because you want daddy to punish you? Presumably, you enjoy being other men’s carpet, other men’s cigarette ashtray, other men’s punching bag, and — with mouth wide agape — other men’s urinal and toilet. Alas, this is not the right venue for such activities; I suggest heading back to your dwelling place at the Naz-Bol bathhouse where Nick Fuentes and Jackson Hinkle are wont to spit-roast Truvada-robbers like you till blessed unconsciousness.

W says:

Shaman the benevolent bully keeping it real lol

anonymous mouse says:

No argument detected.

DH says:

None merited.

Handi says:

6. what commitments will Steam make to ensure that it has meaningfully curbed white supremacist, antisemetic, terroristic, Nazi, homophonic, transphobic, misogynist, and hateful content by November 15, 2025?

Handi says:

Emphasis on “homophonic”. These people are buffoons.

Alfred says:

Jim, do you have a recommendation for where one can find an historically-rooted, “old school” Christian defense of the value of nations, kin/ethnic relations, and other similar social technologies?

Since the election win I’ve been seeing an uptick in “based”, “right-wing” criticism of Christianity by appropriation of Bible verses regarding how Christians should disregard nations, ethnic relations and borders because we are all one in Christ, etc etc. Would be useful to have handy rebuttals with some authority and historic rooting in them.

DH says:

Thomas Aquinas is old-school Christian enough, I believe.

On kin and country:

Man becomes a debtor to other men in various ways, according to their various excellence and the various benefits received from them. On both counts God holds first place, for He is supremely excellent, and is for us the first principle of being and government. On the second place, the principles of our being and government are our parents and our country, that have given us birth and nourishment. Consequently man is debtor chiefly to his parents and his country, after God. Wherefore just as it belongs to religion to give worship to God, so does it belong to piety, in the second place, to give worship to one’s parents and one’s country.

The worship due to our parents includes the worship given to all our kindred, since our kinsfolk are those who descend from the same parents, according to the Philosopher (Ethic. viii, 12). The worship given to our country includes homage to all our fellow-citizens and to all the friends of our country. Therefore piety extends chiefly to these.


As stated above (Article 7), we ought out of charity to love those who are more closely united to us more, both because our love for them is more intense, and because there are more reasons for loving them. Now intensity of love arises from the union of lover and beloved: and therefore we should measure the love of different persons according to the different kinds of union, so that a man is more loved in matters touching that particular union in respect of which he is loved. And, again, in comparing love to love we should compare one union with another. Accordingly we must say that friendship among blood relations is based upon their connection by natural origin, the friendship of fellow-citizens on their civic fellowship, and the friendship of those who are fighting side by side on the comradeship of battle. Wherefore in matters pertaining to nature we should love our kindred most, in matters concerning relations between citizens, we should prefer our fellow-citizens, and on the battlefield our fellow-soldiers. Hence the Philosopher says (Ethic. ix, 2) that “it is our duty to render to each class of people such respect as is natural and appropriate. This is in fact the principle upon which we seem to act, for we invite our relations to a wedding . . . It would seem to be a special duty to afford our parents the means of living . . . and to honor them.”

The same applies to other kinds of friendship.

If however we compare union with union, it is evident that the union arising from natural origin is prior to, and more stable than, all others, because it is something affecting the very substance, whereas other unions supervene and may cease altogether. Therefore the friendship of kindred is more stable, while other friendships may be stronger in respect of that which is proper to each of them.

On charity:

Grace and virtue imitate the order of nature, which is established by Divine wisdom. Now the order of nature is such that every natural agent pours forth its activity first and most of all on the things which are nearest to it: thus fire heats most what is next to it. In like manner God pours forth the gifts of His goodness first and most plentifully on the substances which are nearest to Him, as Dionysius declares (Coel. Hier. vii). But the bestowal of benefits is an act of charity towards others. Therefore we ought to be most beneficent towards those who are most closely connected with us.

Now one man’s connection with another may be measured in reference to the various matters in which men are engaged together; (thus the intercourse of kinsmen is in natural matters, that of fellow-citizens is in civic matters, that of the faithful is in spiritual matters, and so forth): and various benefits should be conferred in various ways according to these various connections, because we ought in preference to bestow on each one such benefits as pertain to the matter in which, speaking simply, he is most closely connected with us.

On the treatment of foreigners:

Man’s relations with foreigners are twofold: peaceful, and hostile: and in directing both kinds of relation the Law contained suitable precepts. For the Jews were offered three opportunities of peaceful relations with foreigners. First, when foreigners passed through their land as travelers. Secondly, when they came to dwell in their land as newcomers. And in both these respects the Law made kind provision in its precepts: for it is written (Exodus 22:21): “Thou shalt not molest a stranger”; and again (Exodus 22:9): “Thou shalt not molest a stranger.” Thirdly, when any foreigners wished to be admitted entirely to their fellowship and mode of worship. With regard to these a certain order was observed. For they were not at once admitted to citizenship: just as it was law with some nations that no one was deemed a citizen except after two or three generations, as the Philosopher says (Polit. iii, 1). The reason for this was that if foreigners were allowed to meddle with the affairs of a nation as soon as they settled down in its midst, many dangers might occur, since the foreigners not yet having the common good firmly at heart might attempt something hurtful to the people. Hence it was that the Law prescribed in respect of certain nations that had close relations with the Jews (viz., the Egyptians among whom they were born and educated, and the Idumeans, the children of Esau, Jacob’s brother), that they should be admitted to the fellowship of the people after the third generation; whereas others (with whom their relations had been hostile, such as the Ammonites and Moabites) were never to be admitted to citizenship; while the Amalekites, who were yet more hostile to them, and had no fellowship of kindred with them, were to be held as foes in perpetuity: for it is written (Exodus 17:16): “The war of the Lord shall be against Amalec from generation to generation.”

In like manner with regard to hostile relations with foreigners, the Law contained suitable precepts. For, in the first place, it commanded that war should be declared for a just cause: thus it is commanded (Deuteronomy 20:10) that when they advanced to besiege a city, they should at first make an offer of peace. Secondly, it enjoined that when once they had entered on a war they should undauntedly persevere in it, putting their trust in God. And in order that they might be the more heedful of this command, it ordered that on the approach of battle the priest should hearten them by promising them God’s aid. Thirdly, it prescribed the removal of whatever might prove an obstacle to the fight, and that certain men, who might be in the way, should be sent home. Fourthly, it enjoined that they should use moderation in pursuing the advantage of victory, by sparing women and children, and by not cutting down fruit-trees of that country.

Not exactly gay nigger communism by Jesus the pacifist hippy Jewish community organizer who dispenses shrooms at the nature festival and preaches anti-racism and that we’re all one, maaaaan, now, is it? In fact, it’s considerably closer to “hail our people, hail victory.”

Alfred says:

Thank you for all of that. Bookmarked.

DH says:

Elsewhere he comments, in the same vein:

The size of the city should indeed be such that the region may be sufficiently productive and that it may be possible to repel external enemies. It should also preferably be made up of a single nation in view of the fact that the men of the same nation possess the same way of life and the same customs, which foster friendship among the citizens because of their resemblance. Accordingly, the cities that were constituted out of different nations were ruined on account of the dissensions that arose in them due to the diversity of manners, for one part used to ally itself with [external] enemies out of hatred for the other part.

Turns out that diversity of nationality is not, in fact, an indicator of strength.

JM says:

FYI, this last text is a fabrication. It only seems to appear on the English version of the text (Commentary on Aristotle’s Politics, Book 3, Lesson 2) found on, but it is not in the Latin on the same site, nor is it found anywhere else (either in print or online).

Here’s the Latin and English side-by-side of the actual text:

Jim says:

Thomas Aquinas wrote a lot of stuff, and DH neglects to give us a searcheable link, let alone say that it comes from Aquinas’ commentary on Aristotle’s politics.

OK, DH, where does it come from?

T says:

It’s from that source. I assumed it was real.

Jim says:

What is the source — I don’t see DH citing the source.

T says:


I certainly did not fabricate it, and why would anyone fabricate such a thing? Are White Nationalists running the Catholic Library? Maybe Mossad planted it there 😉 But anyway, it’s from the source mentioned here.

Jim says:

Highly confused.

DH fails to tell us where in Aquinas various quotes are coming from, nor do I understand which quote is being criticized.

We have a bunch of quotes assembled from various parts of Aquinas, without telling us which part, and one of these quotes is alleged to be invalid, without telling us which one is invalid.

T says:

The quotes in the first, original answer are all from Summa Theologica, in no particular order. The quote in the addendum is (said to be) from the Commentary on Aristotle, as it appear in the Catholic Library website.

Jim says:

The Summa Theologica is kind of large, and the Commentary on Aristotle is not small. Could you tell us which quote comes from where in them, Indeed, though I oppose wasting space, it would be good to repost all the quotes, with each quote accompanied by actually useful link. This is the appropriate response when the veracity of a collection of quotes is challenged.

Similarly, if a commenter in good standing cannot see the glow emanating from the glownigger comment I recently allowed through, I will spend a lot of space fisking it. Which is a lot more space than a glownigger deserves, but is what a commenter in good standing deserves.

T says:

Man becomes a debtor to other men in various ways, according to their various excellence and the various benefits received from them. On both counts God holds first place, for He is supremely excellent, and is for us the first principle of being and government. On the second place, the principles of our being and government are our parents and our country, that have given us birth and nourishment. Consequently man is debtor chiefly to his parents and his country, after God. Wherefore just as it belongs to religion to give worship to God, so does it belong to piety, in the second place, to give worship to one’s parents and one’s country.

The worship due to our parents includes the worship given to all our kindred, since our kinsfolk are those who descend from the same parents, according to the Philosopher (Ethic. viii, 12). The worship given to our country includes homage to all our fellow-citizens and to all the friends of our country. Therefore piety extends chiefly to these.

As stated above (Article 7), we ought out of charity to love those who are more closely united to us more, both because our love for them is more intense, and because there are more reasons for loving them. Now intensity of love arises from the union of lover and beloved: and therefore we should measure the love of different persons according to the different kinds of union, so that a man is more loved in matters touching that particular union in respect of which he is loved. And, again, in comparing love to love we should compare one union with another. Accordingly we must say that friendship among blood relations is based upon their connection by natural origin, the friendship of fellow-citizens on their civic fellowship, and the friendship of those who are fighting side by side on the comradeship of battle. Wherefore in matters pertaining to nature we should love our kindred most, in matters concerning relations between citizens, we should prefer our fellow-citizens, and on the battlefield our fellow-soldiers. Hence the Philosopher says (Ethic. ix, 2) that “it is our duty to render to each class of people such respect as is natural and appropriate. This is in fact the principle upon which we seem to act, for we invite our relations to a wedding . . . It would seem to be a special duty to afford our parents the means of living . . . and to honor them.”

The same applies to other kinds of friendship.

If however we compare union with union, it is evident that the union arising from natural origin is prior to, and more stable than, all others, because it is something affecting the very substance, whereas other unions supervene and may cease altogether. Therefore the friendship of kindred is more stable, while other friendships may be stronger in respect of that which is proper to each of them.

Grace and virtue imitate the order of nature, which is established by Divine wisdom. Now the order of nature is such that every natural agent pours forth its activity first and most of all on the things which are nearest to it: thus fire heats most what is next to it. In like manner God pours forth the gifts of His goodness first and most plentifully on the substances which are nearest to Him, as Dionysius declares (Coel. Hier. vii). But the bestowal of benefits is an act of charity towards others. Therefore we ought to be most beneficent towards those who are most closely connected with us.

Now one man’s connection with another may be measured in reference to the various matters in which men are engaged together; (thus the intercourse of kinsmen is in natural matters, that of fellow-citizens is in civic matters, that of the faithful is in spiritual matters, and so forth): and various benefits should be conferred in various ways according to these various connections, because we ought in preference to bestow on each one such benefits as pertain to the matter in which, speaking simply, he is most closely connected with us.

Man’s relations with foreigners are twofold: peaceful, and hostile: and in directing both kinds of relation the Law contained suitable precepts. For the Jews were offered three opportunities of peaceful relations with foreigners. First, when foreigners passed through their land as travelers. Secondly, when they came to dwell in their land as newcomers. And in both these respects the Law made kind provision in its precepts: for it is written (Exodus 22:21): “Thou shalt not molest a stranger”; and again (Exodus 22:9): “Thou shalt not molest a stranger.” Thirdly, when any foreigners wished to be admitted entirely to their fellowship and mode of worship. With regard to these a certain order was observed. For they were not at once admitted to citizenship: just as it was law with some nations that no one was deemed a citizen except after two or three generations, as the Philosopher says (Polit. iii, 1). The reason for this was that if foreigners were allowed to meddle with the affairs of a nation as soon as they settled down in its midst, many dangers might occur, since the foreigners not yet having the common good firmly at heart might attempt something hurtful to the people. Hence it was that the Law prescribed in respect of certain nations that had close relations with the Jews (viz., the Egyptians among whom they were born and educated, and the Idumeans, the children of Esau, Jacob’s brother), that they should be admitted to the fellowship of the people after the third generation; whereas others (with whom their relations had been hostile, such as the Ammonites and Moabites) were never to be admitted to citizenship; while the Amalekites, who were yet more hostile to them, and had no fellowship of kindred with them, were to be held as foes in perpetuity: for it is written (Exodus 17:16): “The war of the Lord shall be against Amalec from generation to generation.”

In like manner with regard to hostile relations with foreigners, the Law contained suitable precepts. For, in the first place, it commanded that war should be declared for a just cause: thus it is commanded (Deuteronomy 20:10) that when they advanced to besiege a city, they should at first make an offer of peace. Secondly, it enjoined that when once they had entered on a war they should undauntedly persevere in it, putting their trust in God. And in order that they might be the more heedful of this command, it ordered that on the approach of battle the priest should hearten them by promising them God’s aid. Thirdly, it prescribed the removal of whatever might prove an obstacle to the fight, and that certain men, who might be in the way, should be sent home. Fourthly, it enjoined that they should use moderation in pursuing the advantage of victory, by sparing women and children, and by not cutting down fruit-trees of that country.

The size of the city should indeed be such that the region may be sufficiently productive and that it may be possible to repel external enemies. It should also preferably be made up of a single nation in view of the fact that the men of the same nation possess the same way of life and the same customs, which foster friendship among the citizens because of their resemblance. Accordingly, the cities that were constituted out of different nations were ruined on account of the dissensions that arose in them due to the diversity of manners, for one part used to ally itself with [external] enemies out of hatred for the other part.;

Napoleon says:

“Do you have any Biblical and historical arguments for the value of nations and kin, for the purpose of presenting to red pilled right-wingers who criticize Christianity?”

1. The Greek word often translated “nations” is actually “ethnos” – ethnic groups. This tells us that God inherently views humanity as divided into ethnic groups.

2. Jesus said in Matthew 24:7, “Ethnic group (ethnos) will rise against ethnic group (ethnos), and kingdom against kingdom.” This tells us that a (or THE) primary source of conflict in the world will be ethnic/racial conflict. Obviously the easiest way to avoid and minimize this type of dangerous conflict is to keep ethnic groups living in their own nations. This statement by Jesus could also be used to make the argument that God views kingdoms (nations, government divisions) as being inherently based on ethnicity.

3. Acts 17:26 says that God “made every ethnicity (ethnos) of mankind to live on the earth, and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation.” Once again we see that God views humanity as divided into ethnic groups. Here we also see clearly stated that God views each ethnic group as needing and having boundaries – borders – for the land in which they live. Violating this is unwise for the reason explained in #2 above (Matt. 24:7).

4. At the tower of Babel (Gen. 11), God separated mankind into separate, distinct people groups with different languages, for very good reasons. God’s obvious intention was for all of these groups to be essentially forced (by language barrier) to live separate from each other. To advocate for the idea that there is no good reason to keep people groups separated from each other, or to advocate for mass mixing of distinct people groups, is to claim that God had no good reason to do what He did at the tower of Babel.

5. Passages like Ex. 34:12, Deut. 7:2-3, and Lev. 20:23 explicitly state the prohibition against mixing with other surrounding people groups (who were ethnically distinct from the Israelites). The purpose of this was two-fold: One, to keep their genetics from mixing with the giants who inhabited the land of Canaan at that time (the Bible teaches that these giants were not purely genetically human – a topic all its own). Two, to keep them from adopting any of the evil practices of other people groups. If you read Deut. 4:5-8 it is clear that God wanted the Israelites to carry out their government/law and social engineering according to His design, as an example to the other ethnic groups around them who did not understand God’s design for how humans should live. God also commanded the Israelites to conquer and annihilate the giants of Canaan, both because they were corrupting the genetics of humanity, and because they were exceedingly evil and were spreading that evil to other groups everywhere they went. For the Israelites to mix with other groups who were evil would compromise not only God’s plan for them, but also their general success as a nation. This clear Biblical wisdom principle could be stated as, “If your group is wiser and more righteous than another group, don’t mix with them.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 (“Bad company corrupts good morals”) and other passages like Proverbs 1:8-19 state this principle plainly. The principle is obviously true on both the individual and the group level. In modern times, for a nation with high-trust culture (the nations of Western Civ, Japan, South Korea) to allow large numbers of people from low-trust cultures (with higher endemic corruption) into their countries is a clear violation of this Biblical wisdom principle/command. Violating it will result in an overall increase in the amount of evil in the receiving nation, just as it did for the ancient nation of Israel in the instances when they violated it. Nowhere does the Bible say that compassion or empathy should override the essential commandment to keep evil out of your life and out of your nation.

I have heard some people quote Old Testament instructions to the Israelites about how they should not mistreat foreigners (e.g. Ex. 22:21) as if that is equivalent to inviting millions of foreigners to come live in your land. First of all, the Israelites were clearly instructed not mix with other people groups in large numbers (e.g. Ex. 34:12, Deut. 7:2-3, Lev. 20:23). To whatever extent they disobeyed this instruction at times, mixing in significant numbers with other people groups that were more evil than them, Israel was always negatively affected by it. Second, the number of foreigners living in Israel at any given time was never remotely close to the number of foreigners that leftists are thinking of when they think of “foreigners” or immigrants. America is now close to 50% inhabited with people who originate from low-trust cultures. That is obviously not what God meant by “foreigners” living in Israel, as is made absolutely clear by the other clear commands He gave to the Israelites about not mixing with other groups/nations.

Third, the word “foreigners” is not the same as the word “immigrants”. The “foreigners” God is referring to in these verses, in many or most cases were people passing through for travel, or small numbers of people from other lands who lived temporarily in Israel for whatever reason. Some of them may have lived permanently in Israel but God specifically commanded Israel not to do this on a large scale. Because the number of foreigners was relatively small, you can see the wisdom and common sense in the commands to not mistreat them or withhold justice from them (governmental), and to help provide for them if they are poor (individual). There were commands for Israelites to voluntarily help a vulnerable individual foreigner with no family support nearby, as they were to voluntarily help widows and orphans. (These commands were not telling their government to set up a program.) All of this makes perfect sense and has no leftist overtones whatsoever as long as you understand that the numbers of foreigners were relatively small and that the Israelites were also given many clear, strong commands not to intermix with other people groups in large numbers.

In short, there is not a single verse in the Bible that can be used to justify or argue for mass immigration of one ethnic group into the land or nation of another ethnic group. On the other hand, there are many Bible verses and statements clearly stating that doing so is unwise, and that a more righteous (less corrupt, more high trust) people group mixing with a less righteous (more corrupt, lower trust) people group will have adverse effects on the more righteous people group.

6. Sometimes people try to use Galatians 3:28 – “In Christ we are one, there is no male or female, no Jew or Greek” – to claim that the Bible teaches race-blind governmental policy, or that God is race-blind (and gender-blind). This is another classic case of blatant cherrypicking, ignoring the clearest statements in the Bible on those subjects. Notice that all the points I made above provide a more complete (and thus more accurate) picture of what the Bible says. Points 1-3 above are from the New Testament, and they obviously speak of the realities that should dictate governmental policy, confirming the laws and principles God laid out for the ancient nation of Israel in the Old Testament. Galatians 3:28 clearly speaks of spiritual realities (“in Christ”), not biological realities and their consequences. The rest of the Bible makes it extremely clear that men are very different than women in certain ways, and outlines different roles for them. No honest Bible student can say that Galatians 3:28 is a license to throw out everything the Bible says about gender roles, government, ethnicity and borders. Even when it comes to Jews and non-Jews (Gentiles), Jesus and Paul clearly delineated different attitudes toward Jews and Gentiles even when it comes to the gospel itself (Matt: 21:33-45, Acts 3:13-15, 23; 7:51-53; 13:45-46; 18:4-6). It is also obvious that Galatians 3:28 only applies to the esoteric institution of the Christian church itself (“in Christ”); it obviously is not speaking about the hard physical and practical realities that must dictate the policy of a national government.

People who use Galatians 3:28 to claim that Christianity is inherently cucked are ignoring the clearest Bible statements on these topics, and thus badly misinterpreting the Bible. Yes, leftist-instinct people (a small minority of American Christians, 20%, probably much less if you account for race) will try to use a misinterpreted, cherry-picked verse like Galatians 3:28 to purity spiral toward leftism, but that is why you need competent men running your state religion – to stop that sort of thing. Leftists will use anything no matter how nonsensical to purity spiral toward leftism, so the people in charge just have to say, “No, that is the wrong interpretation, we’re not letting you teach that,” and everything will be fine.

7. Another silly argument I’ve heard is, “Acts 2:44-45 means that the Bible teaches communism.” (These verses describe how the early Christians had everything in common – many people sold their houses and brought the money to the apostles to share with those who had need.) But there is a huge difference between what the early Christians were doing and communism: the early Christians were sharing voluntarily, while communism is involuntary wealth transfer performed by the government at gunpoint. What the early Christians were doing was obviously (if you read the context) caused by an extraordinary outpouring of the love of God in the hearts of the Christians via the Holy Spirit. The apostles were not commanding the Christians to sell their houses. Christian churches historically and today do not teach “you must sell your house” as doctrine. Historically, Christianity has not taught or practiced anything remotely resembling communism as doctrine. In 2 Thess. 3:10 the apostle Paul says, “When we were with you we charged you that anyone who does not work should not eat.” This command is obviously intended to avoid lazy people taking advantage of the generosity of Christians. If you combine 2 Thess. 3:10 with Acts 2:44-45 it is clear that Christianity does not teach or practice a welfare state, or a leftist state, or a communist state. And of course, the rest of the Bible makes it clear that God is a huge stickler regarding property rights – the 8th and 10th Commandments being the cornerstone. Jesus called the devil “the thief” and said he “comes to steal” (John 10:10). Jesus also told the parable of the talents wherein the guy who failed to multiply his money was called “worthless” and had it taken away from him and given to the guy who was best at multiplying his money. This is the exact opposite of leftism and communism.

8. One somewhat valid criticism I’ve heard is, “Many Christians tend to be escapist – they want to hunker down and hide until Jesus comes back to save them, rather than actively fighting evil.” My response to this is, “I have observed that tendency in some Christians too. Once again the solution is simple: accurate Bible teaching. The Bible contains a plethora of statements and passages that clearly command Christians to actively fight against and conquer evil.” Jesus’ message to every church in Revelation (Rev. 2 and 3) ends with rewards for those who “conquer” or “overcome” evil – which is obviously impossible to do passively. Hebrews 11:32 commends the heroes of faith for “conquering kingdoms and executing justice.” The parable of the talents obviously demands active investment and action to multiply the territory of God’s Kingdom, and it says that if you don’t do that, if you are passive, you are “worthless.” Jesus said we are to be the salt of the earth (in Bible days salt was smothered on meat to keep it from going rotten) and that if salt is not salty enough, it is only fit to be thrown away. It is the Christian church’s responsibility to stop and limit corruption in this world. Obviously this can only be done by taking proactive, consistent action against evil. I could go on and on.

In short, every single criticism of Christianity I have ever heard from atheist red pilled right-wingers to the effect that the Bible teaches something leftist or foolish regarding government policy or social engineering, is based on obvious cherrypicking and misinterpretation. I have never come across anyone making such criticisms of Christianity who knew the Bible well. (Leftist-instinct Christians or so-called Christians — again, these are only a small minority of white American Christians — are a different breed. Their primary problem is that they hate the truth, so they willingly twist and misinterpret.)

Napoleon says:

(Jim, apologies that my previous attempt to comment seemed to show up as a wall of text with no breaks. Hopefully this looks better.)

“Do you have any Biblical and historical arguments for the value of nations and kin, for the purpose of presenting to red pilled right-wingers who criticize Christianity?”

1. The Greek word often translated “nations” is actually “ethnos” – ethnic groups. This tells us that God inherently views humanity as divided into ethnic groups.

2. Jesus said in Matthew 24:7, “Ethnic group (ethnos) will rise against ethnic group (ethnos), and kingdom against kingdom.” This tells us that a (or THE) primary source of conflict in the world will be ethnic/racial conflict. Obviously the easiest way to avoid and minimize this type of dangerous conflict is to keep ethnic groups living in their own nations. This statement by Jesus could also be used to make the argument that God views kingdoms (nations, government divisions) as being inherently based on ethnicity.

3. Acts 17:26 says that God “made every ethnicity (ethnos) of mankind to live on the earth, and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation.” Once again we see that God views humanity as divided into ethnic groups. Here we also see clearly stated that God views each ethnic group as needing and having boundaries – borders – for the land in which they live. Violating this is unwise for the reason explained in #2 above (Matt. 24:7).

4. At the tower of Babel (Gen. 11), God separated mankind into separate, distinct people groups with different languages, for very good reasons. God’s obvious intention was for all of these groups to be essentially forced (by language barrier) to live separate from each other. To advocate for the idea that there is no good reason to keep people groups separated from each other, or to advocate for mass mixing of distinct people groups, is to claim that God had no good reason to do what He did at the tower of Babel. 

5. Passages like Ex. 34:12, Deut. 7:2-3, and Lev. 20:23 explicitly state the prohibition against mixing with other surrounding people groups (who were ethnically distinct from the Israelites). The purpose of this was two-fold: One, to keep their genetics from mixing with the giants who inhabited the land of Canaan at that time (the Bible teaches that these giants were not purely genetically human – a topic all its own). Two, to keep them from adopting any of the evil practices of other people groups. If you read Deut. 4:5-8 it is clear that God wanted the Israelites to carry out their government/law and social engineering according to His design, as an example to the other ethnic groups around them who did not understand God’s design for how humans should live. God also commanded the Israelites to conquer and annihilate the giants of Canaan, both because they were corrupting the genetics of humanity, and because they were exceedingly evil and were spreading that evil to other groups everywhere they went. For the Israelites to mix with other groups who were evil would compromise not only God’s plan for them, but also their general success as a nation. This clear Biblical wisdom principle could be stated as, “If your group is wiser and more righteous than another group, don’t mix with them.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 (“Bad company corrupts good morals”) and other passages like Proverbs 1:8-19 state this principle plainly. The principle is obviously true on both the individual and the group level. In modern times, for a nation with high-trust culture (the nations of Western Civ, Japan, South Korea) to allow large numbers of people from low-trust cultures (with higher endemic corruption) into their countries is a clear violation of this Biblical wisdom principle/command. Violating it will result in an overall increase in the amount of evil in the receiving nation, just as it did for the ancient nation of Israel in the instances when they violated it. Nowhere does the Bible say that compassion or empathy should override the essential commandment to keep evil our your life and out of your nation.

I have heard some people quote Old Testament instructions to the Israelites about how they should not mistreat foreigners (e.g. Ex. 22:21) as if that is equivalent to inviting millions of foreigners to come live in your land. First of all, the Israelites were clearly instructed not mix with other people groups in large numbers (e.g. Ex. 34:12, Deut. 7:2-3, Lev. 20:23). To whatever extent they disobeyed this instruction at times, mixing in significant numbers with other people groups that were more evil than them, Israel was always negatively affected by it. Second, the number of foreigners living in Israel at any given time was never remotely close to the number of foreigners that leftists are thinking of when they think of “foreigners” or immigrants. America is now close to 50% inhabited with people who originate from low-trust cultures. That is obviously not what God meant by “foreigners” living in Israel, as is made absolutely clear by the other clear commands He gave to the Israelites about not mixing with other groups/nations. 

Third, the word “foreigners” is not the same as the word “immigrants”. The “foreigners” God is referring to in these verses, in many or most cases were people passing through for travel, or small numbers of people from other lands who lived temporarily in Israel for whatever reason. Some of them may have lived permanently in Israel but God specifically commanded Israel not to do this on a large scale. Because the number of foreigners was relatively small, you can see the wisdom and common sense in the commands to not mistreat them or withhold justice from them (governmental), and to help provide for them if they are poor (individual). There were commands for Israelites to voluntarily help a vulnerable individual foreigner with no family support nearby, as they were to voluntarily help widows and orphans. (These commands were not telling their government to set up a program.) All of this makes perfect sense and has no leftist overtones whatsoever as long as you understand that the numbers of foreigners were relatively small and that the Israelites were also given many clear, strong commands not to intermix with other people groups in large numbers. 

In short, there is not a single verse in the Bible that can be used to justify or argue for mass immigration of one ethnic group into the land or nation of another ethnic group. On the other hand, there are many Bible verses and statements clearly stating that doing so is unwise, and that a more righteous (less corrupt, more high trust) people group mixing with a less righteous (more corrupt, lower trust) people group will have adverse effects on the more righteous people group.

6. Sometimes people try to use Galatians 3:28 – “In Christ we are one, there is no male or female, no Jew or Greek” – to claim that the Bible teaches race-blind governmental policy, or that God is race-blind (and gender-blind). This is another classic case of blatant cherrypicking, ignoring the clearest statements in the Bible on those subjects. Notice that all the points I made above provide a more complete (and thus more accurate) picture of what the Bible says. Points 1-3 above are from the New Testament, and they obviously speak of the realities that should dictate governmental policy, confirming the laws and principles God laid out for the ancient nation of Israel in the Old Testament. Galatians 3:28 clearly speaks of spiritual realities (“in Christ”), not biological realities and their consequences. The rest of the Bible makes it extremely clear that men are very different than women in certain ways, and outlines different roles for them. No honest Bible student can say that Galatians 3:28 is a license to throw out everything the Bible says about gender roles, government, ethnicity and borders. Even when it comes to Jews and non-Jews (Gentiles), Jesus and Paul clearly delineated different attitudes toward Jews and Gentiles even when it comes to the gospel itself (Matt: 21:33-45, Acts 3:13-15, 23; 7:51-53; 13:45-46; 18:4-6). It is also obvious that Galatians 3:28 only applies to the esoteric institution of the Christian church itself (“in Christ”); it obviously is not speaking about the hard physical and practical realities that must dictate the policy of a national government. 

People who use Galatians 3:28 to claim that Christianity is inherently cucked are ignoring the clearest Bible statements on these topics, and thus badly misinterpreting the Bible. Yes, leftist-instinct people (a small minority of American Christians, 20%, probably much less if you account for race) will try to use a misinterpreted, cherry-picked verse like Galatians 3:28 to purity spiral toward leftism, but that is why you need competent men running your state religion – to stop that sort of thing. Leftists will use anything no matter how nonsensical to purity spiral toward leftism, so the people in charge just have to say, “No, that is the wrong interpretation, we’re not letting you teach that,” and everything will be fine.

7. Another silly argument I’ve heard is, “Acts 2:44-45 means that the Bible teaches communism.” (These verses describe how the early Christians had everything in common – many people sold their houses and brought the money to the apostles to share with those who had need.) But there is a huge difference between what the early Christians were doing and communism: the early Christians were sharing voluntarily, while communism is involuntary wealth transfer performed by the government at gunpoint. What the early Christians were doing was obviously (if you read the context) caused by an extraordinary outpouring of the love of God in the hearts of the Christians via the Holy Spirit. The apostles were not commanding the Christians to sell their houses. Christian churches historically and today do not teach “you must sell your house” as doctrine. Historically, Christianity has not taught or practiced anything remotely resembling communism as doctrine. In 2 Thess. 3:10 the apostle Paul says, “When we were with you we charged you that anyone who does not work should not eat.” This command is obviously intended to avoid lazy people taking advantage of the generosity of Christians. If you combine 2 Thess. 3:10 with Acts 2:44-45 it is clear that Christianity does not teach or practice a welfare state, or a leftist state, or a communist state. And of course, the rest of the Bible makes it clear that God is a huge stickler regarding property rights – the 8th and 10th Commandments being the cornerstone. Jesus called the devil “the thief” and said he “comes to steal” (John 10:10). Jesus also told the parable of the talents wherein the guy who failed to multiply his money was called “worthless” and had it taken away from him and given to the guy who was best at multiplying his money. This is the exact opposite of leftism and communism.

8. One somewhat valid criticism I’ve heard is, “Many Christians tend to be escapist – they want to hunker down and hide until Jesus comes back to save them, rather than actively fighting evil.” My response to this is, “I have observed that tendency in some Christians too. Once again the solution is simple: accurate Bible teaching. The Bible contains a plethora of statements and passages that clearly command Christians to actively fight against and conquer evil.” Jesus’ message to every church in Revelation (Rev. 2 and 3) ends with rewards for those who “conquer” or “overcome” evil – which is obviously impossible to do passively. Hebrews 11:32 commends the heroes of faith for “conquering kingdoms and executing justice.” The parable of the talents obviously demands active investment and action to multiply the territory of God’s Kingdom, and it says that if you don’t do that, if you are passive, you are “worthless.” Jesus said we are to be the salt of the earth (in Bible days salt was smothered on meat to keep it from going rotten) and that if salt is not salty enough, it is only fit to be thrown away. It is the Christian church’s responsibility to stop and limit corruption in this world. Obviously this can only be done by taking proactive, consistent action against evil. I could go on and on.

In short, every single criticism of Christianity I have ever heard from atheist red pilled right-wingers to the effect that the Bible teaches something leftist or foolish regarding government policy or social engineering, is based on obvious cherrypicking and misinterpretation. I have never come across anyone making such criticisms of Christianity who knew the Bible well. (Leftist-instinct Christians or so-called Christians — again, these are only a small minority of white American Christians — are a different breed. Their primary problem is that they hate the truth, so they willingly twist and misinterpret.)

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Since the election I’ve nooticed a lot of the dusty old ‘lol dumb fundies’ and ‘lol judeo-christianity’ shill scrips have been resurrected (heh) by our glownigger compares and spammed over the usual chinese cartoon fora.

Concomitantly, big uptick in ‘the christian case for isis worship and sacrificing your children to moloch’ on network news and youtube algorithms, handwringing over ‘christian nationalism’, and other ‘(((true christianity))), (((properly understood))), is gayniggercommunism’ poosting.

The enemy knows what its most powerful threat is.
People in the way of the enemy need to know what their most powerful weapon is too.

DH says:


They are always running a variety of atroturf operations, some more well-funded than others, and activate them like puppets on a string based on what is most expedient at the moment. Thus, on the Right, you have trooferism, flat earth, nazbols, and LARPagans (or whatever they pretend to be right now), among a whole plenty of others. Always against what is right and good, always giving you supposedly right-wing reasons to support left-wings ideas. It’s all scripts. Never able to talk honestly about Feminism, always obsessed with Likudniks far far away in the Middle-East rather than on Soros and the Judeo-Satanic alliance at home, always absolutely blackpilled about the ability to achieve anything at all, and always instinctively allergic to real Christianity and to real Christians. It’s all incredibly obvious. To be clear, it’s possible for non-shills to be memetically pwned by shills. But come on – these people, whether literally or metaphorically, work for the Regime, they usually derive some sort of benefit or pleasure from the Regime (or so they believe), and worst of all – advance this or that aspect from the faith of Harvard, which is pure poison, or in some cases absolute nonsense designed to mess up with one’s mind and divert one’s attention from how the Regime actually works and what it actually believes and promotes.

It’s a very big operation, and they know all-too-well how to flip certain people. Sad.

Napoleon says:

(Sorry Jim, I can’t seem to make my comments show up with paragraph breaks. If somehow it looks correct on your end, fine – if not, feel free to delete.)

Jim says:

Two carriage returns

JustAnotherGuy says:

I feel like Jim should do another post/reply on Japan. Like is it a great place to escape to if SHTF or nah? Guys like PewDiePie end up going there and like it.

Alf says:

Maybe for some, definitely not for most.

Pewdiepie has fuck you money, which allows him to enjoy all the upsides of Japanese culture while minimising the downsides. From what I know of Japanese worker culture, does not sound healthy to me.

JustAnotherGuy says:

That’s what I thought as well and heard from an English teacher over there. Honestly, there’s a lot better places than Japan if you have fuck you money. Though I would be curious what other places people would go if not Japan (you can keep it private if you don’t want me going there).

Not-related: I found a rather esoteric video called Miku_picked_up in the backup but it isn’t linked to any blog post or comment. I wonder if this video was intended for one of the Japan posts Jim did about the decadence there but just didn’t find a place to put it. I found it while trying to look for when Jim talked about shoujo / romance fantasy stuff women like and what it says about them.

Fidelis says:

Depends on your SHTF scenario. Looks to me like if someone like Kammy was in power again, the immigration trickle could easily become what it is in Western Europe. If US civil war, probably an okay province to be in, if you don’t get yanked in somehow. If WW3, probably terrible place to be. They import most of their food, and unless you can surrender your passport in time, you’ll be conscripted for sure, on top of dense cities that are great targets.

It’s a temporary reprieve from the worst of the anarcho-tyranny and violent invaders, but not a bugout spot. I think South America, particularly Patagonia region, is probably the best bugout zone. Far away from the Russia front line, the people aren’t literal cannibals or hyper progressive, plenty of space to grow food, weather is nice for euros, it’s boring and uninteresting to empires, and the governments are too incompetent to properly round you up into a concentration camp.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Anecdotal, but I heard a few Japanese doomers complaining an awful lot about the small number of kurds in Japan, but of course, are unable to do anything about them without a sovereign putting their foot down. They also have a problem with the Korean and Chinese there. Those guys would probably be the happiest if WW3 actually happened.

Thanks for the recommendations!

Fidelis says:

Most other spots have issues in real SHTF scenarios.

East Europe very much looks like a front line, with or without GAE meddling. SEA likely not to be too friendly to whitey if the empire disappears and suddenly everyone is dirt scratching poor again, plus it’s unbearable weather. Japan/Korea imports their food, likely to want to fight China, follows the orders of GAE. China itself will lock you in a concentration camp. Central Asia seems like it’s very hard to blend in on any level as a westerner, but perhaps survivable. South Asia is uninhabitable even in good times. Central America full of people that might put you in a pot. Ironically, South Africa might be okay if there’s a real collapse. It’s already de facto run by security companies, has whites used to living in racial terror scenario, and the only reason it is full of screaming bantu is because the GAE prevents any other state of affairs. Australia and NZ are fully prog controlled, if you’re American or Canadaian you may as well stay in your country and find a spot hard for the government to reach you and wait for opportunity to come out, instead of emigrating.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Why not Russia? Compared to Japan, same English proficiency (very low) same difficulty of learning the local language (very high), and the same low birth rate, but Russia has vastly superior food and energy security, and a much lower cost of living, especially away from Moscow and SPB. You can buy just about anything you want here, in the stores or on-line, except marijuana and things made in the USA and Europe.

Not once have I heard a Ukrainian missile strike, nor has anyone been unfriendly toward me. Finding a wife is hard because strong independent career women with easy access to abortion, but it’s like that everywhere.

Zorost says:

Yes, if we wanted to deport people it would be easy. Even easier would be to crack down on employers of illegals, as that would decrease the incentive that many have for being here. Also exclude them from any welfare.

The issue is that almost no one in charge wants to deport cheap labor and political opportunities.

Then there is the issue that deporting illegals is irrelevant in the long term; 100% enforcement only changes the date Whites become a minority by a few years. If we want to save America, or some portion of it, we need to deport even legal immigrants and their offspring. Which few on the Right want to do because they fear being called racist by their enemies above all else.

anonymous mouse says:

I would go farther and say that now that a majority of Hispanic men vote Republican, Trump is much more likely to amnesty all the illegals than deport them. There will certainly be a legal immigration ramp-up too. Not sure why people are expecting anything different.

T says:

I’m really spot-on in my ability to detect shills, am I not? Whenever you think, “Shaman is being excessively cruel,” remember this little convo here.

Rod says:

Employing spics is probably the least threat… they’re mostly compatible… family values, christian, work hard… and they don’t really have anything against you or your people. Except you do still need to round up and throw their criminals and gangsters out.

Islam you do NOT ever want in your land, since the primary encoded goal of Islam is to take you over, ultimately by violence. They all need to be thrown out.

Nigger types are also bad, because your women are programmed to mate with them when the mating stock of higher order white males become cucked. There is an epidemic of white males becoming cucked by one or more things and ideas. You need to eliminate whoever is pushing those things and ideas. Then restore the order of White Men upon the earth, at which time white women come flocking back.

DH says:

I don’t think you’re a shill, Rod, you seem to have good intentions, but your ideas do need some refining.

Do you understand the basics of HBD and how they are relevant to Reaction?

Have you read, for instance, Radish Magazine?

Check it out, friendo.

Rod says:

Regarding all these blogs and videos on the internet that each of you like, I think that you should…
1) First, download and make your own personal archive copy of them, including images and video, right away, right fucking now, before the originals disappear, as they always do, poof, gone, 100% of the time in time.
2) Second, then maintain uploads of your archived copies to various places all over the internet.
3) Third, spread links to the archive into whoever/groups need pilling.

DH says:

Some factions of NRx 1.0 are now directly involved with Power, and accordingly have dramatically reduced their online presence, whereas the purpose of Jim’s comment section (other than being Jim’s comment section) is to provide the Next Regime’s Priesthood with just the right memeplex to succeed in and fully implement the Restoration. Which, obviously, is no guarantee that anything of the kind will happen – Thermidor and co. might well converge and crystallize on Jordan Peterson’s weak sauce purple-pillery, for instance, and at least disregard anything to its Right, including of course NRx and the Cult of Gnon. But you bring a gun to a gunfight, and faith to a holy war, and if the faith isn’t here, then where is it?

Your Uncle Bob says:

Oh, I think he’s a shill. Can’t capitalize Christian in a post egging us on against capitalized-i Islam? Uses “your women” not “our women” while sliding in the “white women are programmed to mate with negroes” payload? Post the Nicene creed, Rod. Copy and paste will do, I know atheists who can do it.

But to the substance of the apparent argument about employing hispanics because they’re family-valued, Christian and hardworking – sometimes, but they’re not US. At their best they’re polite, respectful, softspoken, do value their families (by placing them first). Yet even so, even the employed ones have insanely higher rates of drunk driving, higher rates of pedophilia both real and statutory, less shame about welfare and food bank use, a version of hard work that plugs away in hours but doesn’t lend itself to excellence in engineering…

Integration is harder than the cucked boomer civnats make out, and anyone repeating the hardworking, family values trope betrays the depth of their own programming and defensive crouch. Be racist – America for the Amerikaners. They’ve got their whole own country already.

DH says:

I’ve seen people progress from his boomer-civnat worldview to considerably more redpilled worldviews, and the fact that he’s posting here and trying to contribute and at least respond to our arguments suggests that all is not lost. With shills, or with the demon possessed, you cannot have a conversation – they show up to push a very specific talking point, or a number of those, and will not be responsive to counterarguments. Recall our experience with Carlylean Restorationist.

But Rod needs to be more responsive to the counterarguments. Should read up some HBD materials, as I suggested before. If he refuses to respond to those arguments (does not need to agree – people are allowed to disagree, but need to be responsive), if he sails right on as if no one ever made those arguments, then you know that you’ve got yourself a glowie.

DH says:

Also, Soros and FBI (aka Harvard) shills don’t push boomer civic nationalism. They put forth supposedly right-wing reasons to support article A or article B from the faith of Harvard, or generally insane ideas that no one in real life actually believes such as flat earth.

Now, Thermidor might send here boomer-civnat shills. But looks like Thermidor, or substantial and crucial parts of Thermidor, are already further to the Right than boomer civ-nats, so I don’t think that he is a Thermidorean shill either – the Thermidorean shills can use the Infinigger+++ meme and understand what’s behind it. This guy strikes me as an honest person trying to learn. But time will tell.

DH says:

Consider the difference between those who show up here to promote a leftist worldview in more-or-less leftist terms, such as L, who is not a shill but a troll (who just got kicked in the balls), and CR, a paid agent of the British branch of the Cathedral, who always had endless “right-wing” reasons to support this or that article from the faith of the Satanic Priesthood.

People can be honestly mistaken, and people can be trolls. The shills, in contrast to the mistaken and the trolls, are telling you that your own worldview logically commands you to support article A, B, or C (or all of them) from the officially unofficial faith of Harvard. There’s a big difference.

Jim says:

Trump’s Border Czar says that entering the US illegally is a crime, and all criminals will be arrested. Personnel is policy, and though Trump has appointed the wrong Ukraine personnel, he has appointed the right border personnel.

I don’t think the bad Ukraine personnel matter, because Trump himself is going to be negotiating. He is probably going to negotiate much the same sort of deal as he negotiated with the Taliban. A dignified capitulation and retreat, in which the US gets to retain a key asset or two, and is allowed plenty of time for a dignified and orderly withdrawal. He will abandon that which matters to the Global American Empire and the holy officially unofficial faith of Harvard, the empire of the bases, while retaining what matters to his base.

The primary US military objective in Afghanistan was to ensure that nine year old girls learned how to put a condom on a banana, and the primary US military objective in the Ukraine is to ensure a gay parade in Red square and convert the Great Cathedral into a shrine to Gaia. And Trump’s base are sick of it.

Jim says:

Not so. If America is to remain white, we have to restore fertility for property owning taxpaying law abiding males. Nothing else matters very much. Observe the white population of the UK being wiggerized.

Rod says:

Right now it pays very handsomely to be a jobless non-white bum in the US and UK. Princely sums are handed out to them… free food, free housing, free healthcare, scaled up for each unwed momma’s baby they sired.

Meanwhile the whites in the UK have been completely canceled and overrun… even Tommy Robinson is in jail and can’t hardly freely say the word “White” or “Christian”. And the only thing still in London any whiter than the Africans and Muhammaden are the roads.

The New American Right in the US absolutely must disincentivize and end all this free shit being paid to the Left’s importees. And find a way to stop feeding black baby mommas to reproduce. And start feeding young white couples that have been forgotten and left behind. Lotta whitefolk out there too proud to accept, but they’re the ones you need too. Show em some love next time.

Jim says:

> too proud to accept, but they’re the ones you need too. Show em some love next time.

It has been demonstrated time after time that economic incentives have imperceptible effect on fertility.

What does have effect is the ability to make a binding commitment and know that it will stick.

If you want to reduce the number of bastards, lock up the daughters and kill the bastards. Nothing else will make a difference. The Victorians initially did not pay women for bastards, but reduced the control of women. Whereupon they were overrun by hordes of bastards born in dark muddy alleys in the rain, and eventually were forced to introduce the equivalent of AFDC.

If you do not control women, you inevitably wind up with a horde of fatherless children, perinatal abortion, and postnatal abortion. You cannot stop abortion unless you first stop single women from doing what women are always going to do, given half a chance. Allow women sexual freedom, you end as Bronze Age civilisation ended, with a culture of death, where infanticide is just fine, indeed positively holy. Wrath of Gnon ensues.

You cannot stop abortion unless you first stop women from doing what women are going to do. If you make prenatal abortion difficult, it is only going to result in perinatal and postnatal abortion becoming normalised.

Anonymous Fake says:

Domesticated female cats prefer domesticated male cats, but if the domesticated male cats are neutered, they will go after feral male cats. Humans are much the same. The modern male is subjected to extreme conservatism in the schooling system (South Korea being the worst) and HR dominated corporations, and modern women are offered extreme liberalism.

Victorians had a much more liberal world for men, with no grading in school (or at least none taken seriously) and no peer review. No ball busting conservative professors to kneecap the careers of conservative students, and no liberal circle “hugs” for the liberals. Just entrance exams for all worthy of it, for entry into the hard-right professions (law, engineering, science, medicine, accounting, MBA-tier executive business, and the civil service).

Schooling and housing reform are what we need. Women are so attached to their grades that if they were given some kind of academic demerit for dating Jeremy Meeks they would not do so. If they got more merit points for dating young Mark Zuckerberg they would. They aren’t afraid of meatheads willing to throw away their lives in Ukraine or Syria. They’re afraid of old Jewish professors who will determine their career prestige, even if there isn’t even any money in it anymore.

We are not going to succeed by murdering bastards and babies. Not in this world or the next.

Jim says:

> Women are so attached to their grades that if they were given some kind of academic demerit for dating Jeremy Meeks they would not do so. If they got more merit points for dating young Mark Zuckerberg they would

I doubt this. Social intervention to correct female sexual inclinations has been repeatedly tried, and often taken to extraordinary extremes, and has always failed. Women are hard wired to do what they do.

The only intervention observed to work is to exclude them from contact with non kin males until puberty, and then expose them to parentally selected males.

DH says:

if they were given some kind of academic demerit for dating Jeremy Meeks they would not do so. If they got more merit points for dating young Mark Zuckerberg they would.

– “Who would you rather your daughter marry, Jeremy Meeks or Mark Zuckerberg?”

– “In that case I’d rather honor kill her, to be frank.”

Neurotoxin says:

The modern male is subjected to extreme conservatism in the schooling system

(Looks around in disbelief at the rest of the group.) Did he actually just say that or have I been dosed with several pounds of potent hallucinogens?

What’s the point of being a shill if you’re going to say stuff so outrageous that it destroys your credibility?

Jim says:

I have silently suppressed no end of similarly absurd comments by Anonymous Fake.

T says:

AF seems to be an actual autist. He is using terminology in ways no one else does, and there is a great mismatch between the language he uses and the ideas he is trying to convey with that language. This naturally comes across as shilling, but he could just be mentally deficient. Most of the time, I don’t even bother parsing out his slop at all – the language just does not match any concept I can easily recognize.

AF, when you were bullied as a kid, what were the general complaints of the bullies?

Jim says:

Pretty sure he is a shill, because unresponsive. A major part of script is Social Justice warriors projecting. Much like the Democrats worrying about Trump weaponizing the government against his political opponents.

The Cominator says:

I’m an autist, he is a shill or either that or he is mentally insane and not autistic.

T says:

(Previous comment meant to be posted here)

If he is a shill, then his scripts seem to be written by Shaniqua half drunk and half asleep while having a stroke. The inner logic is so incoherent, and out of touch with the plain meaning of the words used to express it, as to be practically undecipherable. No doubt whoever is issuing these scripts has hostile intentions — the payload does point in a cucked shitlib direction — but the execution of the psyop has been totally botched along the way. Both crimestop and copywriters with room temperature IQs don’t lend themselves to smooth communication.

Contaminated NEET says:

AF’s complaints and proposed solutions are easy enough to understand, and they have been addressed here 1000 times, but he keeps repeating them because he is genuinely obsessed. I doubt he’s a shill, just a monomaniac.

He was a good student and got good grades, but this did not result in the cushy, lucrative, high-status life he was promised. I know that feeling. AF now wants to move heaven and earth to create a system that will actually deliver the cash and prizes to obedient, submissive, intelligent students that it tells them they are earning. He yearns for the old-time Chinese mandarinate.

As a side problem, right-wing schools maintain some minuscule level of academic rigor, while left-wing schools give everyone A’s regardless of performance, so right-wing students are at disadvantage in the competition for grades. Of course, we’ve already established that the system does not deliver the promised good life in exchange for good grades, so this won’t matter too much until the new order of straight-A-students is established.

As Jim has explained ad nauseam, AF rightly feels betrayed, but he reserves his bitterest anger not for the teachers, administrators, and propagandists who made the promises that they failed to deliver on, but rather for anyone who succeeded without being an A-student and falling for their scam. His proposed solutions all involve punished and robbing these innocents while rewarding his actual betrayers.

Unless he can learn a different tune, AF adds nothing the discussion anymore.

T says:

Oh, I see. I didn’t really pay much attention to his saga. But it circles back to the original point – why is he absolutely unable to update and tweak his worldview when confronted 1,000s of times with rebuttals? What is it that makes him so unresponsive?

Is it the sin of Pride – pride in having personally done so well at school that it prevents one from recognizing that Prussian education itself is a social cancer inflicted by leftist priests for holier-than-thou reasons? The sin of Envy – envy towards those who could see past the bulls**t and succeeded outside Prussian education and outside academia? Likely it’s a combination of both of these, plus some other things.

If he is a shill, then the script is retarded. If he is not a shill, then a severe failure mode has terminally crippled his judgement.

Jim says:

The point of shilling is to drown out thought crimes. If you respond to a thought crime, even to rebut it, you are amplifying it.

Tom says:
JustAnotherGuy says:

Decline post:

I wanted to make this simply so all the ‘nothing ever happens’ guys don’t get too comfortable with how things are going. To them it must really seem like we are back on the old news channel with everything going great.

I saw a guy’s toyota get stolen infront of a police officer and let me tell you, the police officer did not give a fuck. Later the dude who owned that car comes up to him and asks the cop what happened. He said his car just disappeared. Then he tells the cop it probably got stolen then, and he asks if he can help find it. Cop tells him he can go file a police report. From what I have heard, the cops don’t follow up on any police report at all unless it effects them specifically (look to Jim’s posts on cops being lazy if you think they actually care). So if you do send that police report, uh, don’t expect anything.

Pirates are getting so crunched on their loot horde, they are stealing shit from trucks rather than just double charging them. Car thefts are so high it’s a billion dollar industry to just loot everything not nailed down or not in manual gear shift (I wonder why). Obviously gov doesn’t give a shit and lets the hoodie man load up the cars in a neat line into a container ship off to fuckamala or whatever but this shit can’t last. Maybe someone will retort with South Africa of things getting worse without end but I think even Jim would agree with me that South Africa’s condition is enforced by USG.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Derek Chauvin is still in prison, and no cop wants to be the next Derek Chauvin.

The situation has deteriorated far beyond anything the judicial system can handle; Duterte-style death squads are needed to restore order.

If any city or state declares itself a sanctuary, Trump and conservative governors should honor their wish by sending millions of criminals their way, some with body parts missing as a reminder to stay out of Trump country.

Alf says:

Derek Chauvin deserves a pardon and medal for his service. Break the saint Floyd myth.

The Cominator says:

No cops and niggers deserve each other. Also whether scumbag Floyd was ODing or not (cops will fake a toxicology report to try to save their own) they should have just cuffed him and chucked him in the back. Its good cops go to jail when anything looks bad as they are less likely to shoot you during a traffic stop or something then. They used to get acquitted no matter what and its good they don’t now… no sympathy for Floyd but no sympathy for a cop either.

T says:

Some degree of law enforcement is needed for advanced civilization, though. I’m about as underclass as it gets short of being an actual criminal myself, and I know that snitches deserve stitches, but even the Bible (Deuteronomy 16:18) says that we should have some law enforcement answerable to the King in town, or else trouble will ensue.

The question is how to select cops for at least a minimum of basic virtue, so that they will in fact be of higher personal quality than the criminals violating the King’s law, if only by a small measure. Would like to hear others’ opinions on this.

T says:

I recall Jim saying that in East-Asia (?) the cops behave in a dignified manner, so one wonders how they manage to get it done. Maybe it’s more an HBD thing than anything else – civilized societies, composed of the higher races with not a nigger in sight, naturally have more civilized and virtuous police officers. The cops in the West used to be at least somewhat more decent, or so was their reputation, when society was much whiter, and biology-denying egalitarianism was not yet a fundamental tenet of the state religion.

alf says:

The cop question is a valid one, but the mythos built up around George Floyd is just ridiculous. Whatever bad Derek Chauvin has done, he does not deserve being the sacrificial lamb he has become.

T says:


I’ll add that cops should be dealing with real criminals; diseased rats like Floyd should be removed by any stray cat that happens to pass by. No need to involve the state’s law enforcement in garbage disposal.

The Cominator says:

He enforced lockdowns, I wouldn’t shed a tear if they all suffered his fate. Floyd was a total nig scumbag but Chauvin was a scumbag with a badge don’t doubt it for a second. Also they apparently knew each other and nobody looked at that… also don’t take the toxicology report as gospel (no matter how much of a scumbag Chauvin was) cops will 100% fake evidence if its going to be used to acquit (that it failed is immaterial) a fellow cop of serious charges at least here in the United States.

DH says:

Sure, nobody is claiming that cops are naturally virtuous people (except maybe 2015 boomers on Facebook), there is no disagreement here. But it doesn’t have to be this bad – come the Restoration, with comprehensive legal reform, a somewhat better quality of cops will be selected than the current human material. When under Satanic Law, when your job is arbitrarily enforcing laws — at that, extremely evil laws — on healthy and prosocial members of society, while not enforcing, and forcefully preventing the enforcement of, any kind of basic justice on the evildoers, you get the current situation where the cop is often a far worse enemy than the criminal. But there is plenty of room for improvement.

Harvard delenda est.

DH says:

Recall that in the ancient world, the Kings and Emperors who were praised in the loftiest language, surpassing even the military conquerors (who were, to be sure, praised very highly), were those who established Just & Wise Rule. Indeed, these things often went hand-in-hand, in that without following Divine Law, your Kingdom would be unlikely to thrive, and if facing military threats, it would be unlikely to survive. And if you read the Biblical Prophets, they were primarily complaining about the State Religion being either humanely or demonically evil, or both. The same is true today. E.g., when instead of enforcing coverture — or at least keeping their snouts out of family affairs completely — the cops’ job is to dismantle coverture wherever dim traces thereof might be found, it means that the law of the land is not in accordance with GNON’s will, but the exact opposite.

An evil state religion gives you an evil government, from top to bottom.

skippy says:

Cops are bad but Chauvin is a human sacrifice by the enemy. Fully justified to pardon him. Any badge negritude he may have committed, he has already paid for.

Pax Imperialis says:

>I recall Jim saying that in East-Asia (?) the cops behave in a dignified manner, so one wonders how they manage to get it done

Most cops are average men. Average men will adapt to the norm and have trouble dealing with things out of the norm. Average East Asia cop is dealing with non-complaint citizens. Whether that’s because they are passed out drunk on the sidewalk or they have reasoned that it’s easier to not make a scene, these cops are used to being able to solve the problem in a gentlemanly way, and so automatic response to is behave in a dignified manner.

Average Urban American cop is constantly dealing with unreasonable, complaining, and violent citizens. Whether that is “sovereign citizens” being assholes, professional morons being unable to follow simple instructions, druggies wanting to bit your face off, or any other assortment of gutter trash just being a problem… Urban American cop is going to get used to assuming force is warranted in all cases, and as they get more and more jaded in their career, they start using more and more force from the get go. In contrast, small town American cop does usually behave in a dignified manner and is not all that far from Average East Asia cop.

The American Urban situation is unnaturally unreasonable and violent, and is mostly a result of easy judicial punishments. Criminals get sent right back onto the streets with slaps on the wrists, their misbehavior escalates. So imagine being a normie Urban cop having to arrest a thief for the 30th time. You might just absolutely lose your shit and beat the ever living crap out of him. They are also on edge all the time because of fear of being persecuted by the woke media lynch mob, which doesn’t help things. Eventually the cop gets so used to having to use force that when they get into a situation that doesn’t warrant it… well they get a little disproportionate.

ayyylmao says:

Strangely the badgejoggers don’t seem to have any problems whatsoever fucking middle-class white men to death on traffic tickets or “family” “””court””” orders. When there’s a buck to be made or a W-2 buck to be broken there they are lurking just around the corner waiting to pounce like a pack of hyenas.

ayyylmao says:

*waiting to pounce like a pack of fat disgusting hyenas deserving of the electric chair.

DH says:

When the state religion designates social men as criminals, the world of police, much like the “justice system,” and much like the world of crime, will attract primarily anti-social individuals. With Just Laws, predicated on a Virtuous State Religion, you can get a better quality of cops and a better quality of lawyers and judges. Human nature being what it is, you will still have people abusing power and perverting justice, but at least the “starting point” from which they will be deviating will accord with Divine Law. Currently, the law itself is perversion, so naturally it is enforced by perverts.

Jim says:

Exactly so.

Criminal laws wind up being enforced by criminal cops.

Hesiod says:


Musk shares meme concerning the gorgeous Viking woman who won this year’s Miss Universe pageant:

Saw a pic of the troon fellow contestant and was fairly impressed by the state-of-the-art ladyboy technology on display, so at least the organizers had the decency to leave out the Rachel Levine cosplayers this year.

DH says:

His basedness is growing stronger by the day, but he still has a long way to go.

Let’s see him sharing memes about “possible solutions” to declining TFR.

Bix Nudelmann says:

There’s not a single facefag or namefag with an IQ >120 whose basedness can be easily measured.

T says:

I don’t know. Spergs’ ability to hide their true beliefs and countersignal their own worldviews is less than stellar (it is so even for most normies), so usually what you see is what you get, but if he is actually in the 155-160 IQ range, as seems likely, then it could well be that he figured out how to conceal his Power Level despite the autism.

Now, as for someone who *is* perfectly good at pretending not to be /ourguy/, I suggest JD Vance. When, for instance, shitlibs called him “weird,” what they really meant to say was, “We suspect that he is not 100% on board with female sexual liberation,” i.e., they suspect that he might be browsing places like this – and they could be right, too. But he is eloquent enough to conceal it from the normies.

Rod says:

Bilzerian Deconstructs Holohoax and Jew Problem on Piers Morgan

“Am I a fucking liar… go ahead, try and refute the TRUTH about Islam. Fucking hypocrites suck a dick.”
Muhammad ordered the killing of all dogs, because Satan, but claimed Allah ordered it, that went on then the people complained about their dead dogs, so then only the black dogs were given the death fatwa, because Satan.
This dog thing in the UK (and now USA) is originally coming from and about Muhammad’s Islam and his noisy Muslims, not about “Black” people. But since everyone’s so fucking afraid to state that Muhammad and his manufactured Islam are FULL OF SHIT (literally the word “ISLAM” cannot appear in public discourse at all), they have to claim it’s about all those really nice Black people they imported. Blacks jump and run from dogs, Muslims do political-religious lies to kill them.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, the head of the Church of England and spiritual leader of the worldwide Anglican Communion, resigned Tuesday amid the fallout from a long-running sexual abuse scandal.

“The mothers at tranny story time were outraged to learn Gaetz had sex with women.”

Scotland: Teachers Forcing Kids as Young as 4 to Address Them with “Gender Neutral” Pronouns

Michigan: Parishioners Protest Catholic Church Firing of Music Director Over So-Called “Anal Marriage”


Staten Island’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade to Allow Faggots for the First Time Ever
“In America, every parade is a faggot pride parade.
They want to be further normalized, they want to be exposed to the children. They want to rule over us and have their pick of the young boys. They will threaten you with “homophobia” defamation if you question anything they want to do to your parades or your kids… By studying what is going on in New York, you are looking at your future. If you have a parade in your town that doesn’t have sickening child molesters marching in it, I’ve got bad news: this is no longer going to be a thing. Moving forward, every parade is going to be a faggot parade.”

Ireland: Anal NGOs Sign Anal Manifesto Demanding Politicians Crack Down on Anti-Anal People

AOC Takes Pronouns Out of Twitter Bio as Democrats Blame Trannies for Trump

UK: Woman Resigns from Breastfeeding Organization Over Tranny Policy

Italy: Judges Block Deportations to Albania Until at Least 2025
Italy also has to bring back the ones they already sent.

Sweden: Jews Set Conditions for “Far Right” Party to be Allowed to Worship Them
Cucking for the kikes is a privilege, not a right.

“Most people are just happy Trump won, and don’t want to think too much about why the election fraud machine was turned off.”

Ryan says:

Based Bible bros,

What are some websites, old books, or other resources with a healthy and traditional interpretation of the Bible, including the context and understanding ancient people had regarding the terms and concepts discussed?

And no, I’m not going to tell anyone to read this blog. I want things to share with those in the top 10% of based Christianity, but who still grew up deeply influenced by modern memes and anticoncepts.

Jehu says:

J Vernon McGee is pretty good. His method is scriptural exposition which keeps him honest. He’s got a few blind spots (or did, he’s been dead since the late 80s), but he’s worlds better than most modern stuff. You can still hear him on the radio (Through the Bible). He frequently rails about theological malefactors in his day, and history has shown he was very correct.

Napoleon says:

The one source I know of that taught game/WQ fairly well from a traditionalist Christian perspective was Dalrock – he deleted his blog a few yrs ago but it is archived here: (Could start by putting “Game” in the search bar)

A gentle intro to game for Christians:

Dalrock’s personal experience of truth about women transforming his marriage (positively) (contains great simple examples of how to interact with a woman correctly):

A gentle intro to Biblical frame correcting feminism in the church & Christian marriages:

Good simple testimonial and examples of what to do vs what not to do:  (not Christian perspective specifically, but not offensive to Christians)

Good basic definition of hypergamy:  (not Christian perspective specifically, but not offensive to Christians)

Of course Jim is great on the WQ but the mix of WQ with race topic and politics topic on this blog makes it a bit tough to recommend to normie Christians, even those that are more based than normal. Jim is irreplaceable, but the benefit of someone like Dalrock was that he focused on the topic of women/marriage exclusively, making it an easy entrance point for men. (Easiest way to redpill men is by starting with WQ, because it hits home so hard for most men.)

If I had the time I’d create an online resource (website) that is simple, easy to navigate, concise (not too extensive, but with enough info to cover major concepts) targeted to teach normie Christian men about game/WQ, with a collection of some of the best writings on the topic. All from a traditionalist Christian, Biblical perspective; though some writings by non-Christians could be included to help explain concepts. To my knowledge nothing like this currently exists. I’m not aware of any YouTube/Rumble (or other video-based) resources like this either. Any existing source I would want to point people to is either not coming from a Christian perspective at all (doesn’t bother me but can offend normie Christian men or give them an excuse to dismiss), or mixes other potentially controversial topics (race, politics). If anyone knows of such a resource, please share.

As far as other topics like, say, accurate Biblical perspective on immigration, I have heard some snippets of good Bible-based arguments from a few normie Christian/right-wing leaders/preachers, but nothing even as thorough as my post above (a few comments above this one).

The four big civilizationally essential topics are WQ, immigration, leftist economics, and LGBT. Most Christians (statistically) are fine on the last two (they are anti-left economically and anti-LGBT). Immigration is actually race but it’s obviously easier to reach and teach normie Christians from the frame of immigration, at least initially. Most Christians, even those who instinctively oppose mass immigration, could benefit greatly from thorough Bible teaching on the subject. And of course most Christian men are in dire need of teaching on the WQ.

As far as old books, I’m not aware of any that explicitly and thoroughly explain the Biblical perspective on these topics. That could partially be because I don’t know or own a lot of old books in general, but I suspect it’s also because these essential civilizational/social technologies (truths) were largely unspoken for most our history, at most times and places being considered so obvious that there was no need to explain them.

The best resources that exist today tend to on the internet, created by hyper truth lovers that write about everything (thus mixing topics like WQ and race together on their resource/site/blog/channel/handle), and end up too far outside the Overton Window to be initially palatable to normie Christian right-wingers. IMO there is a huge opportunity for someone to fill the space Dalrock used to fill on the “Christian/Biblical WQ” – either anonymously, or maybe now under Trump a person could get away with showing their face and still delivering high truth content on the topic.

Jim says:

> these essential civilizational/social technologies (truths) were largely unspoken for most our history, at most times and places being considered so obvious that there was no need to explain them.

Exactly so. Whenever you read anything before the current year, you have to understand the frame of its year. When reading the New Testament, have to be mindful that polygamy and slavery were normal and accepted. And accepted by Jesus and the disciples. Jesus does not address the topic. Paul does address the topic. You can free your own slaves, and it is good, but you are not required, to do so. You cannot free someone else’s slaves, but you may turn a blind eye to slaves running away. It is preferable that members of clergy should be monogamous.

Ryan says:

I think this is a very important step necessary for the rectification of names.
Old texts can’t be properly understood, and can be deliberately misrepresented, where words don’t have the same definition or context as when they were written.

A ‘Bible in context’ book would be hugely valuable. It could be honest about things like polygamy being the norm, while noting that monogamy is superior as per Paul.

Or more generally, a dictionary or encyclopedia expounding on greek and latin terms like ‘hostilis’, ‘ethnos’ etc. Much of English law was built on roman law, but it’s easy to lose sight of why laws exist or shouldn’t exist without a true understanding of the concepts that underlie it.

Jim says:

The trouble is that if you create a site that is unwilling to offend normy Christians, you create a site that is unwilling to offend normies, and such a site must dance around the truth, and be subtly misleading. Dalrock was great, and I totally recommend him, but he sometimes danced around the truth in ways I found a little bit disturbing. He would gently shade the truth, in ways that drifted a bit towards untruth.

On the other hand, he did depict just how grim the current situation is in ways I have failed to do, and I should promote certain comments and private messages into a post that accurately depicts how horrifying, shocking, and terrible the current situation is.

Napoleon says:

“The trouble is that if you create a site that is unwilling to offend normy Christians, you create a site that is unwilling to offend normies, and such a site must dance around the truth, and be subtly misleading.”

True. (I’m not familiar enough with all of Dalrock’s work to comment on him specifically, but I can see how that could easily occur.)

What I’m thinking of is a site that is willing to offend normie Christian men (if they refuse to accept the truth they will be offended), but a) focuses only on one topic (WQ), so as to be able to point men to it without asking them to absorb and accept red pills on multiple topics all at once, b) teaches by starting with the Bible’s statements (serious Christian men want to base their lives on the Bible) and then using other sources to help explain why the Bible says what it says, and c) maybe not go as far in depth as e.g. this blog, but rather focus on giving men mostly just the basics of what they need to know that will transform their lives in that area.

For example, I think most men would experience huge improvement just by reading & applying 3 or 4 of the articles I linked to above: basic Bible explanation + a couple of testimonials about “I used to do it this way & it was horrible, then I used super-basic game & it was massive improvement; this is what women actually want, and see how it matches with what the Bible says?”

That being said, the issue of being able to somehow not water down the truth while still reaching (at least some) normies is challenging, especially when attempting anything in meat world. I’m praying about starting a church, and it’s been tough to figure out how to teach the WQ without, say, getting the male church members fired from their jobs. I think I’d have to teach the men on the WQ a) separate from the women and b) mostly not in public. That means I couldn’t really advertise one of the church’s best features publicly/online, but hopefully word of mouth among men would work well. My instinct is that any church that figures this out will have young men – and then young women – flocking to it, and will provide an invaluable service, but I’m still trying to figure out (and praying about) how exactlyvto do it.

Anonymous Fake says:

New idea from me. What if we and Our Guys create a new standardized test for [*deleted*]

Jim says:

A precondition for all that is ending state backing for the power of Harvard and the Ivies. Which Trump and his transition team have already proposed.

If effective, such tests will naturally arise, and naturally be applied. If not effective, such tests will not be created, because ineffective until the state power of the Ivies is destroyed. First, we need the dissolution of monasteries 2.0, then all that stuff becomes possible.

The rest of your comment deleted for ignoring the elephant in the room — state backing, applied primarily through HR, for Ivy power.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for meme protection*]

Jim says:

You use our meme with meaning reversed

Neurotoxin says:

“we and Our Guys” LOL.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Your takes on this ATACMS missiles into Russia situation, please.

Quoting @DD_Geopolitics:

“Lavrov commented on the situation at a press conference during the G20 summit:

“There has been no official confirmation from the US on the decision regarding strikes deep into Russian territory. Information is coming from the media.”

Information is coming from the MEDIA? Jesus, they’re trying to meme WW3 into reality. Last time they had their shit together to do Covid19 and George Floyd well before the election, but now they’re just spraying gasoline and throwing matches after losing.

If some hysterical salaried homos in the deep state managed to run some bull, but it actually resulted in real missiles landing outside Bryansk, Russia, this amazes my normalcy bias, but we’ve learned right here, haven’t way, how most big wars start this way. Without strong leadership, there’s no one to force peace upon the factions that want war at Daddy’s expense.

It’s not just Ukraine or Latvia starting shit now and expecting rescue, but certain office floors in DC and Manhattan. Without swim lessons soon, well before January, we could all be done. Waiting to fire them may be too late.

Or… I’m hysterical myself. Fuck me up fam.

T says:

The entire world is patiently waiting for January 20, including Putin. Pretty sure it’s over for the Zelensky Regime. Putin probably won’t give them what they’re looking for, even if a “miscalculation” transpires.

yewotm8 says:

The only way out for Zelenskiy is if he and his family are offered immunity in exchange for something Putin wants. Putin would want him endorsing Russian special forces as they do a full Denazification of the Ukraine.

I don’t see him surviving very long if he just stays back and tries to keep everything he’s looted.

Fidelis says:

The purest of the boomer autists, Robin Hanson, is approximately one step away from Throne and Altar. He has been concerned with fertility lately as well, makes you wonder if he’s come across our memes and is in the process of digesting them.

T says:

I think everyone who understands just the basics of (old) Moldbug, and is concerned about declining fertility and/or widespread inceldom, will eventually reach conclusions similar to this blog’s, chiefly: that without Patriarchy backed by State, Church, and Society, the sick Civilization rapidly descends to Hell on Earth. (Granted, direct exposure to the Reactionary Worldview will greatly facilitate the process of one’s redpilling.) All the 150+ IQ people who set their minds to it will realize what we have realized, at least if they can snap out of all the crimestop, which true brainiacs usually can. By the end of the decade, I expect many more autist geniuses to embrace Throne-Altar-Freehold, to adopt the memeplex, or substantial parts of the memeplex, of the Cult of Gnon.

The egregore has been summoned.

Fidelis says:

The thing is, everyone once lived in that world, before we reached the current situation. Every step towards the current was met immediately with worse quality of life, and yet now there are less people who understand than there were before.

It’s good to believe it’s possible to take back what has been lost, but seems foolish to think it will happen automatically, just because it’s true. It’s possible that we only return after a dark age forces us to, and I’d rather not waste that time.

T says:

There is a vibe shift, or Overton Swing, both among the public and (which is far more crucial) among the cognitive elite. Which is no guarantee that it will shift all the way to Divine Law, but remember:

When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

“All which is impossible” includes all of the leftism-pwned worldviews that fail to solve the problems plaguing civilization, while “whatever remains” is likely to be discovered, by those earnestly determined to discover, to be (some form of) Throne, Altar, and Freehold.

The question is whether the egregore can possess the state religion in time to avert the collapse. It usually took a Righteous King to fix the state religion by empowering the godly priesthood of his day, and disempowering the ungodly priesthood of his day. It could be Trump, or it could be another GMoH (Great Man of History) – that too remains to be seen.

T says:

We need a Josiah and Hilkiah scenario, or a modern equivalent, but note that it didn’t prevent the collapse of the kingdom back then – and yet, though they went in exile, the Jews would probably not have survived without it, and evidently their priesthood was powerful enough to withstand the exile and eventually return to the land and reestablish some (minimal) governance in the Second Temple period. If Americans get Josiah and Hilkiah, then even if a collapse is inevitable, there ought to at least be some survivors who can, after a while, reestablish a godly autonomy.

The lesson is “Repent as early as you can,” ideally before crossing the point of no return on the way to collapse, but even after crossing it, so that not all is lost.

T says:

To those who aren’t Bible-spergs like me, I’ll quote the relevant passages, from 2 Kings 22 and the first part of 2 Kings 23:

1 Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned thirty and one years in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name was Jedidah, the daughter of Adaiah of Boscath.

2 And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, and walked in all the way of David his father, and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left.

3 And it came to pass in the eighteenth year of king Josiah, that the king sent Shaphan the son of Azaliah, the son of Meshullam, the scribe, to the house of the Lord, saying,

4 Go up to Hilkiah the high priest, that he may sum the silver which is brought into the house of the Lord, which the keepers of the door have gathered of the people:

5 And let them deliver it into the hand of the doers of the work, that have the oversight of the house of the Lord: and let them give it to the doers of the work which is in the house of the Lord, to repair the breaches of the house,

6 Unto carpenters, and builders, and masons, and to buy timber and hewn stone to repair the house.

7 Howbeit there was no reckoning made with them of the money that was delivered into their hand, because they dealt faithfully.

8 And Hilkiah the high priest said unto Shaphan the scribe, I have found the book of the law in the house of the Lord. And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan, and he read it.

9 And Shaphan the scribe came to the king, and brought the king word again, and said, Thy servants have gathered the money that was found in the house, and have delivered it into the hand of them that do the work, that have the oversight of the house of the Lord.

10 And Shaphan the scribe shewed the king, saying, Hilkiah the priest hath delivered me a book. And Shaphan read it before the king.

11 And it came to pass, when the king had heard the words of the book of the law, that he rent his clothes.

12 And the king commanded Hilkiah the priest, and Ahikam the son of Shaphan, and Achbor the son of Michaiah, and Shaphan the scribe, and Asahiah a servant of the king’s, saying,

13 Go ye, enquire of the Lord for me, and for the people, and for all Judah, concerning the words of this book that is found: for great is the wrath of the Lord that is kindled against us, because our fathers have not hearkened unto the words of this book, to do according unto all that which is written concerning us.

14 So Hilkiah the priest, and Ahikam, and Achbor, and Shaphan, and Asahiah, went unto Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tikvah, the son of Harhas, keeper of the wardrobe; (now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college;) and they communed with her.

15 And she said unto them, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Tell the man that sent you to me,

16 Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will bring evil upon this place, and upon the inhabitants thereof, even all the words of the book which the king of Judah hath read:

17 Because they have forsaken me, and have burned incense unto other gods, that they might provoke me to anger with all the works of their hands; therefore my wrath shall be kindled against this place, and shall not be quenched.

18 But to the king of Judah which sent you to enquire of the Lord, thus shall ye say to him, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, As touching the words which thou hast heard;

19 Because thine heart was tender, and thou hast humbled thyself before the Lord, when thou heardest what I spake against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, that they should become a desolation and a curse, and hast rent thy clothes, and wept before me; I also have heard thee, saith the Lord.

20 Behold therefore, I will gather thee unto thy fathers, and thou shalt be gathered into thy grave in peace; and thine eyes shall not see all the evil which I will bring upon this place. And they brought the king word again.

1 And the king sent, and they gathered unto him all the elders of Judah and of Jerusalem.

2 And the king went up into the house of the Lord, and all the men of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem with him, and the priests, and the prophets, and all the people, both small and great: and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant which was found in the house of the Lord.

3 And the king stood by a pillar, and made a covenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord, and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all their heart and all their soul, to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people stood to the covenant.

4 And the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest, and the priests of the second order, and the keepers of the door, to bring forth out of the temple of the Lord all the vessels that were made for Baal, and for the grove, and for all the host of heaven: and he burned them without Jerusalem in the fields of Kidron, and carried the ashes of them unto Bethel.

5 And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.

6 And he brought out the grove from the house of the Lord, without Jerusalem, unto the brook Kidron, and burned it at the brook Kidron, and stamped it small to powder, and cast the powder thereof upon the graves of the children of the people.

7 And he brake down the houses of the sodomites, that were by the house of the Lord, where the women wove hangings for the grove.

8 And he brought all the priests out of the cities of Judah, and defiled the high places where the priests had burned incense, from Geba to Beersheba, and brake down the high places of the gates that were in the entering in of the gate of Joshua the governor of the city, which were on a man’s left hand at the gate of the city.

9 Nevertheless the priests of the high places came not up to the altar of the Lord in Jerusalem, but they did eat of the unleavened bread among their brethren.

10 And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech.

11 And he took away the horses that the kings of Judah had given to the sun, at the entering in of the house of the Lord, by the chamber of Nathanmelech the chamberlain, which was in the suburbs, and burned the chariots of the sun with fire.

12 And the altars that were on the top of the upper chamber of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah had made, and the altars which Manasseh had made in the two courts of the house of the Lord, did the king beat down, and brake them down from thence, and cast the dust of them into the brook Kidron.

13 And the high places that were before Jerusalem, which were on the right hand of the mount of corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had builded for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Zidonians, and for Chemosh the abomination of the Moabites, and for Milcom the abomination of the children of Ammon, did the king defile.

14 And he brake in pieces the images, and cut down the groves, and filled their places with the bones of men.

15 Moreover the altar that was at Bethel, and the high place which Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin, had made, both that altar and the high place he brake down, and burned the high place, and stamped it small to powder, and burned the grove.

16 And as Josiah turned himself, he spied the sepulchres that were there in the mount, and sent, and took the bones out of the sepulchres, and burned them upon the altar, and polluted it, according to the word of the Lord which the man of God proclaimed, who proclaimed these words.

17 Then he said, What title is that that I see? And the men of the city told him, It is the sepulchre of the man of God, which came from Judah, and proclaimed these things that thou hast done against the altar of Bethel.

18 And he said, Let him alone; let no man move his bones. So they let his bones alone, with the bones of the prophet that came out of Samaria.

19 And all the houses also of the high places that were in the cities of Samaria, which the kings of Israel had made to provoke the Lord to anger, Josiah took away, and did to them according to all the acts that he had done in Bethel.

20 And he slew all the priests of the high places that were there upon the altars, and burned men’s bones upon them, and returned to Jerusalem.

21 And the king commanded all the people, saying, Keep the passover unto the Lord your God, as it is written in the book of this covenant.

22 Surely there was not holden such a passover from the days of the judges that judged Israel, nor in all the days of the kings of Israel, nor of the kings of Judah;

23 But in the eighteenth year of king Josiah, wherein this passover was holden to the Lord in Jerusalem.

24 Moreover the workers with familiar spirits, and the wizards, and the images, and the idols, and all the abominations that were spied in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, did Josiah put away, that he might perform the words of the law which were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the house of the Lord.

25 And like unto him was there no king before him, that turned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his might, according to all the law of Moses; neither after him arose there any like him.

Jim says:

Needs to be done again

7 And he brake down the houses of the sodomites, that were by the house of the Lord, where the women wove hangings for the grove.

8 And he brought all the priests out of the cities of Judah, and defiled the high places where the priests had burned incense, from Geba to Beersheba, and brake down the high places of the gates that were in the entering in of the gate of Joshua the governor of the city, which were on a man’s left hand at the gate of the city.

9 Nevertheless the priests of the high places came not up to the altar of the Lord in Jerusalem, but they did eat of the unleavened bread among their brethren.

10 And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech.

Jehu says:

That’s some good Bible. The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

Handi says:

It certainly won’t be accomplished through zoning and permits. Picture a column of killdozers, engineering vehicles, and armored wrecking balls on parade from city to city, leaving a trail of rubble where once stood the liberal arts colleges, NGO offices, abortion clinics, and modern art galleries.

This is not only possible, but necessary!

T says:

One thing is certain – any LARPagans (not to be conflated with the real Pagans out there in the world) posting on the internet in 2024 memes about “Christcucks” are either just rebellious teenagers (who will grow out of it) or glow-in-the-darkies. No serious person — and memelords are super serious people, lest there be any confusion, even if they are motivated entirely by trolling — can really believe that muh Nietzschean “amoralists,” which are simply the “secular” form of the LARPagans, are in any way more based than king Josiah. Harvard is absolutely terrified of real Christianity and real Christians, and the LARPagans have always been a psyop.

T says:

I mean, no doubt some rather innocent folks have fallen into the trap of the LARPagans throughout the years, but at its core it doesn’t strike me as a legitimate, authentic movement – I suspect it had and has ties to interesting places. Notice that, for all their yapping about Christians being “cucks,” the LARPagans are invariably absolute white-knight pro-feminist simps? They may pretend to countersignal some aspects of Third Wave feminism, but what do they propose? Usually they propose going after “pedophiles,” without offering any actual solution to the WP. They are perfectly happy with female sexual liberation – which is far, far from a common sentiment among millennials and zoomers. Because the entire thing is a Harvard psyop, notwithstanding some not-particularly-bright boomers and older genXers falling for this fake and gay memeplex.

T says:

Again, this is not meant to unnecessarily insult any actual Pagans out there (I believe Chesterton was exactly right about them), indeed trying to completely do away with “Paganism” inevitably leads to a Gnostic death cult, but rather I do intend to out-group the LARPagans, who claim to be following a faith that is basically “Wicca for Nazis,” but who are in fact working for the Regime, seeking to disrupt Cristian Nationalism with anti-Christian shilling. These glowies used to be very prevalent on White Nationalism 1.0 platforms. Now most of them have moved on to other sorts of LARPing, though the common denominator in all of these Cathedral Astroturf movements is their allergy to real Christians. That, and Feminism, and usually a bunch of other items (i.e., memes of leftist and prog origin) from the faith of Harvard.

Jim says:

“Wicca for Nazis” tends to have a strange resemblance to Wicca for lesbian feminists.

T says:

Also, I suspect many of them are actually fags – they instinctively hate the Bible because they instinctively hate the “heteronormativity” implicitly assumed and explicitly prescribed therein. Agents of Satan. Much in the same way that the Regime is employing both Prog Jews and Nazis, it is employing both Fake Christians and anti-Christians. And usually it’s a great big pile of faggots, among all 4 groups.

T says:

But you have a point, Fidelis. Thermidor is not nearly as based as I’d like it to be, being, after all, a faction of the Left. I’m not expecting them to go full Jim, but I’d prefer if they could get their priorities straight. For instance, instead of being preoccupied with “men in women’s sports,” they should at least signal that they are preoccupied with getting men girlfriends, or better yet, getting men wives and progeny. They focus on some weak, weeeeeak sauce issues. It’s not the transvestites who destroyed fertility, it’s not even the sodomites (strictly speaking; but they were definitely involved), and it’s certainly not pornography or “child pornography.” It is 1820 Feminism that destroyed families and fertility – the more Feminism, the fewer families and the less fertility, and it has been going and accelerating for a long while. The creeping liberation of female sexuality is Cthulhu’s largest tentacle, the mightiest vehicle for unleashing spiritual chaos and, subsequently, civilizational chaos.

Need to undo 250 years of leftism, not 25 years.

The Harvard shills blackpill about Trump because he is not leftist enough, although they provide supposedly right-wing explanations for their left-wing ideology, or more precisely for their shilling article A or article B from the faith of Harvard. But it’s okay to blackpill about Thermidor not being right enough – you do have a point, Reaction’s victory is indeed not guaranteed, and they might install a dysfunctional worldview (but more functional than gay nigger communism) and keep the boat afloat for some time. Reaction needs to be prepared for a collapse scenario, even it it’s delayed by a few decades.

T says:

Feminism functions as sexual entropy – it is designed to scatter into the wind as much sexual energy as possible, motivated by the spite and the envy that freakshows (sicko males and bitchy-butchy females) naturally feel towards more functional, GNON-compliant types. If Feminism isn’t entirely abolished, then Thermidor will have only delayed the decline, not arrested it.

Right now they are dipping their toes into the shallow waters. Will need to swim a little bit deeper to realign civilization towards Divine Law and to minimize social entropy.

Jim says:

They are leftists at the core. Not going to do it. But Thermidor is unstable. It always breaks right or left. Worst case outcome is that it remains in power for several decades, in which case leftism will slowly die and hollow out underneath it, as communism died in the Soviet Union. Communism in the Soviet Union got replaced by 1990s liberalism, but this did not stick, because they got distracted by looting the place. So now it drifts towards Orthodox Chistianity as the state religion, which has been blue pilled for centuries, but far less blue pilled than 1990s liberalism.

T says:

Probably the determining factor will be civil war. If it happens, Thermidor will likely break right, to save its neck. If it doesn’t happen, then our one last hope will be a Josiah scenario, of the high priest coming up with (or being introduced to) a theological rediscovery and influencing the king to repent and to religiously transform the country. But it’s not sure whatsoever that the current crop of politicians will be able to hold up to that standard.

Rod says:

Say the word you fucking cowardly lying woke cunt, SAY THE FUCKING WORD… it’s ISLAM !!!
“Jews and homosexuals are no longer safe in Berlin and should hide their identity in certain neighborhoods, Berlin police chief Barbara Slowik has claimed.”
Who the fuck promoted Islam to be the protected class when in fact it’s all three above that have to go.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Those poor jews and homosexuals…

T says:

Heh. There are ways to avoid “bad karma,” but some types are less inclined to follow them than others. With predictable consequences.

someDude says:

I hear you in the sense that nothing gets a nationalist Hindu more excited than the threat of Islam, a millenia old enemy in comparison to which progressivism is yesterday-born. However, it appears that the Occident itself has bigger fish to fry at the moment than Islam. I doubt you will get any traction with this comment.

Fidelis says:

Continuing the conversation on meme propagation to restore fertility here:

The problem I see is the current warfighters, those whom should have the most reason to suspect something is wrong considering how many of their grunts lives have been destroyed by women, are hardly purple pilled, let alone anywhere close to where the mark is.

Check this interview with Trumps new Sec Def pick:

Women in combat bad because… it lowers fitness standards! How can we help single mommies (NOT widows) raise their kids?? It’s clear to me he’s not tiptoeing around the overton window here, he’s genuinely thinking men and women are equal except one sex has tits. This is representative of all the old military heads I’ve been exposed to online and off. They just don’t get it, yet they’re the ones who most need to get it.

I’m quite optimistic about the younger generation, but the current guys are worse than dead weight on this issue, the biggest issue we face. So I’m mid term extremely pessimistic, unless we enter a real cataclysmic struggle or someplace like China or Russia miraculously, through blind dumb luck really seeing as they continue trying shit like social shaming and family subsidy to this day, implements a fix and makes ot clear what works.

The last time the fertility issue was really fixed when the elites failed, the Roman Empire, it was fixed because the Christians completely siloed away from public culture and reproduced while the elites died off. I think we might be seeing a repeat of that, based on current attitudes of the genuinely highly competent people that could plausibly take charge in a handover.

JustAnotherGuy says:

The problem, like with everything else, is that there are barely any cynics left.

It’s one thing for a guy who knows kill whitey is just a way to grab the loot and doesn’t really mean it. When you take a look at the actions of the guys at the top, they are completely sincere in their beliefs. How do you break out of that unless someone gives you a knockout blow?

You can show these guys the automated factories of China and unlike Boris Yeltsin, they won’t be fazed at all. To them, you not eating bugs is a disease that needs to be cured, and anything that gets you to that point is good in itself. Recall that they are still shutting down meat factories that employed most of a town’s population and now those people are left broke and destitute (like much of America).

That 0 people at the top have been punished for PPP loan frauds, and that 0 people at the top even discuss anything about the PPP loan fraud having even happened, even though this is such an easy thing to bring up (‘HELLCAT ME LLC’ is surely a genuine company in need of money), kind of leaves me blackpilled.

Kind of ironic that the sane part of the pentagon that is preventing any USG military action happening at all because they know what the outcome would be is kind of putting us into a degenerate stasis. One day, Rome will be looted by a merry band of warriors, and no one will understand why the mighty roman legion could not defeat such a small little warband that it had conquered a hundred times before.

yewotm8 says:

I watched that entire interview, and got the sense that Hegseth is far more redpilled than he lets on here. Especially the latter third of the episode when he rants about the universities and education system, speaks on the history of Harvard, etc. Most of his stuff about equality of the sexes was him catching himself after saying what he really means, e.g. “I would recommend military service to my boys…oh and my girls too, yeah right”.

someDude says:

To the extent it interests people, GAE mouthpieces in India are aghast, aghast that a most powerful woman in India thinks patriarchy (let alone patriarchical oppression) is a leftist invention.

The mouthpiece then goes on to spew some incoherent nonsense that I should probably parse some day, taking inspiration from founding questions at his blog. What stops me is that I don’t want a boner lasting 4 hours. At least not right now

dharmicreality says:

Yes, the Hindutva have always been somewhat lukewarm to the religion of Globohomo on feminism and patriarchy and so on, but they are still blue-pilled on the WQ. This enrages globohomo still as even a mere questioning of feminism is “evil Patriarchy” at work.

But it’s clear that the Hindutva socialism has hit its political limits on such topics. Our solutions are beyond the political and democratic sphere and beyond Hindutva socialism.

Fidelis says:

The plan of action for DOGE as has been written is frighteningly weak

Compare this to what Milei managed in Argentina. This is nothing, totally insufficient. They’re starting off soft handed, and they haven’t run into any of the real resistance yet. Better hope they are bluffing about how little they’re going to actually cut.

Fidelis says:

The TL;DR here, what I find ominous, is they are not talking about ending any of these hundreds of unnecessary departments, and are overemphasizing how they’re going about this LegallyTM and According to the ConstitutionTM. I can understand not immediately broadcasting you will issue orders and call them legal later, but from the start advertising how you’re playing by the book shows lack of awareness.

So they’re not removing departments, they’re LEGALLY reducing headcount, and then say the courts are going to fight the overregulation, and that because headcount has been lowered the overregulation is going to lower with it.

Decisively not enough. Need to completely remove the departments. You don’t scrape out half a tumor. Need to remove the departments wholesale, then have a fast talking lawyer elaborate how this was perfectly Constitutional, after the fact. No regulators no regulations, problem solved.

Again, hoping that this is an attempted bluff, to make the bugs feel less alarmed before the hammer comes. Otherwise we’re fucked.

Jim says:

Looks like a plan to me. We have a sufficient supply of laws that everything is forbidden and everything is also mandatory. Show me the man and I will show you the crime. Musk is going to identify stuff that needs to be eliminated, Vivek is going to find the appropriate law, and Trump has the right men in place that the laws suggested by Vivek are going to be enforced, and the contrary laws not enforced.

The personnel of the managerial state has endlessly being doing grossly corrupt and improper things, because there was always a law that made it legal. Well guess what. There is also always a law that makes it illegal.

When they say “existing laws” I read it with the reverse meaning to the meaning that you read it. They are not going to do it through the system, but through executive action. For every law that stands in the way, there is always another law, and executive can and routinely does enforce one and not the other.

The personnel of the managerial and regulatory state has created an enormous supply of extremely sharp weapons, confident that the presidency would use them as they intended, and merely elected president would not get to use them. My read on Trump’s bomb thrower cabinet picks, as for example Matt Gaetz, is that he and the bomb throwers in his cabinet intend to grab those weapons. Musk and Trump have been on the pointy end of those weapons. Trump’s bomb thrower cabinet picks indicate he is going to grab them by the other end.

Fidelis says:

I agree that everything is both legal and illegal, and said as much when I said you should just enforce policy and then have the lawyer priests pour over the legal talmud for appropriate justification after.

What worries me is the scope. These bug hives need to be removed entirely, not budget cut. They need to be removed entirely even while thousands of shaniquas put in judge outfits scream about it, removed before the screaming even starts. The measures are going to have to be as drastic as sending in men with guns to block the now unemployed from re-entering their condemned bug hives. Otherwise you’re looking at a process that is longer than the years JDV has left to live, let alone a shake presidential term.

Fidelis says:

Compare the rhetorical energy of this document, with Milei

We’re going to procedurally cut waste and reduce headcount to make the government lean and mean 🤗🙌



Jim says:

Milei’s rhetorical energy has not been matched by corresponding actions — He has done great, and achieved much, but far less than promised. Argentina is still choked under massive state intervention in the economy, and he is now saying he needs a second term to accomplish the very substantial changes he promised. Trump does not have the time.

When I read “procedurally” and “existing laws” I read the voice of Vivek. And Vivek has noticed that some rather interesting procedures are available, and that no end of extraordinary laws are available.

Musk figures on simply cutting waste, fraud, and corruption the way he cut it at what was then Twitter. And doubtless lots of people have told him you cannot do that because of law and procedure. Vivek has done his homework on laws and procedures, and found some interesting ones.

As you know the defense department has for the umpteenth year in succession failed its audit — four hundred billion unaccounted for. You know, I know, and Musk knows where the money wound up.

Wait a minute. Is not failing an audit illegal, unless you manage to resolve it?

Yes it is. Musk and Vivek are going to use existing laws and procedures. The question is, which ones?

Musk and Vivek are not pointing at the numerous elephants in numerous drawing rooms. You should not necessarily conclude from this that they have no intention of engaging in some elephant hunts.

Jim says:

> The measures are going to have to be as drastic as sending in men with guns to block the now unemployed from re-entering their condemned bug hives.

Indeed they will have to be that drastic. And they are not speaking of such measures. But such measures can be done with appropriate law and procedure — given Vivek’s interest in talmudic interpretation of federal law and procedure. It would be impolitic to speak of such interesting laws and procedures while Trump is ramming through his cabinet, so we cannot know if such measures are intended.

Fidelis says:

You are making my point for me. The “legal process” where layers and frocked jesters argue back and forth does nothing but generate massive piles of wasted trees. This cannot be enforced unless you *enforce* it. It has to be carried out by men, preferably very well armed men, ordered to stand outside the door and turn away the unemployed. It should be done entirely by phone calls, and the paperwork generated well after everyone realizes that the department is gone.

The rhetoric indicates they want to fight bureaucratic waste by bureaucratic means. Vivek and Elon come from business backgrounds, they very well may intend to fight bureaucratic waste with bureaucratic means, and that worries me. When they get caught up to their waist in swamp muck, they need to realize they won’t get anywhere by getting better at swamp fighting. There is not enough time left to learn the same lesson Trump did the first time around.

Jim says:

> The “legal process” where layers and frocked jesters argue back and forth does nothing but generate massive piles of wasted trees.

If someone is around with men with guns, the cloud of squid ink can cover the actions of men with guns.

In the course of lawfare against ordinary people for engaging in politics under their own names, what happens is the FBI kicks down the door, and the Department of Justice issues a cloud of ink to make it legal.

Musk is a man who gets things done, Vivek claims to have found magic talismans for making it legal. Obviously legality in itself is not enough to get it done. But open illegality would prove inconvenient, Maga has delusions of restoring the Republic. Undoubted every civil servant is going to opine that finding what happened to four hundred billion Pentagon dollars would destroy the Republic by being an illegal act by the president. In this article, which obviously comes primarily from Vivek, Vivek is saying it would not.

Jim says:

The president cannot fire individual civil servants merely for not obeying him. He can lay off civil servants en masse, and can change their work conditions.

But, he can also have them prosecuted for illegal acts. And since we have an enormous supply of obviously improper acts, plus an enormous supply of laws that can make any action illegal, I think he can get obedience.

Fidelis says:

The president can’t…

I’m sorry, I forgot we were living in the 1990s. I forgot that Trump has not recieved the mandate of heaven, that the vast majority of Americans that are capable of any sort of action are not willing to go along with just about whatever it takes to achieve the policy he campaigned on.

What kind of normalcy bias is this? If Trump, hell not even him, Elon the First Buddy, makes a speech about how this department is wasteful and now defunded, everyone fired, and then someone like Gaetz speaks very quickly and sharply and quotes a lot of legal precedent, and then men with guns, from anywhere who cares where, then lock the front doors…

No one besides the bugs care about the laws saying you cannot fire bugs, and those laws are illegal. Mat Gaetz said so. So just get it over with.

You don’t have to say this out loud, mind you. In fact it’s better if you don’t say this out loud. But if you start out just trying to budget cut, just save a few dollars here and there folks!, you’re not getting anywhere. You’re going backwards in fact, as the tumors will continue to grow.

The Presidency needs to understand what time it is. Half measures will get them killed. Do they understand? Maybe they understand if they fail, they will die. Do they understand what success looks like?

The Cominator says:

Can’t prosecute anyone leftist in DC. The DC jury pool is a big big problem.

What Trump really needs (since he can pardon people in DC) is a group of men who will kill in DC for him on command.

A2 says:

Remove them to Guantanamo and have the trials there.

white bread says:

Milei has done very little in practice. What he is mostly doing is starving everyone in order to allegedly reduce deficit. But he’s not cutting government spending in any substantial way. Things like capital control remain in full force. All international trade goes through the state, down to the last cent.

Milei is basically a banana republic neocon. He’s blindly loyal to the U.S. military establishment. He is now literally a jew, having “converted” to judaism. The GAE couldn’t find a more obedient puppet.

Yes Milei has used radical libertarian and even anarchist rhetoric in the past, but it obviously means nothing. It’s just roleplaying.

(Sorry I’m not replying to the specific message where Jim mentions Milei but the reply button on that post is missing)

Lou says:

Yeah Milei went Jew, should have stayed whatever he was or picked up Buddhism or something compatible with his Voluntaryism assertions. I lose all respect for Libertarian type people who convert from Atheist/Agnostic to any of the Abrahamic stuff (no, Islam is not Abrahamic, it is a copy-paste faux Abrahamic cult by, for, and of, Muhammad and his Muhammadens).

Bukele is still doing decent things, but he’s at least half Muslim (and one of the first dignitaries he let visit were Qataris, bad news if he starts selling them land and citizenship). People in-country seem to love him today, but the final form of his Libertarianesque “reforms” is yet to be seen.

Dictators Monarchs and such are nice form, but few ever truly serve their people, always out for themselves and their cronies first. And of course Democracy sucks.

Jim says:

“We will focus particularly on driving change through executive action based on existing legislation rather than by passing new laws.”

Seems like a plan. We have a remarkable supply of laws, so dense a thicket that any law contradicts a pile of other laws. So a president can in principle make anything he does legal. Actually doing it in practice is a matter of will, and having the right people to give effect to the president’s intent.

The president’s cabinet consists of two thirds the usual swamp critters, one third bomb throwers. But the bomb throwers are going to the most critical positions. Notably Matt Gaetz, John Ratcliffe, and Tulsi Gabbard. Musk can find waste and corruption, Vivek Ramaswamy can find a law to make waste and corruption illegal, Matt Gaetz can generate the legal paperwork, and Kash Patel can enforce it.

someDude says:

Looks like this Kash chap wants to be seen as the new Lavrenti Beria. Frankly, I don’t think he has it in him though. Kash can do a Lavrenti no better than Trump can do a Stalin. Stalin never hesitated. Trump stumbled at the Rubicon and stumbled again with Gaetz. Vaishyas!

vic says:


Jim says:

take the shill test. Your comments will then come through unmolested. Anyone can pass the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed, regardless of their political beliefs and what they want to talk about.

There is no censorship on this blog, just spam prevention, plus I bring endless unresponsive threads to an end for wasting space.

Pete says:

Looks like Gaetz got stonewalled by the Republicans and is withdrawing. Which means the Republicans are going to stonewall absolutely everything Trump tries to do, just like last time.

Which means that in 2029 the Left is going to come raging back into power, ready to punish the living shit out of the country that dared to reject them in this election.

DH says:

Which means that in 2029 the Left is going to come raging back into power

Even if Trump is not the true King, the Right still gets 4 years to prepare; no doubt the Left will attempt to return, but it’s not inevitable that it will succeed. Some things can and should be done about it. Since what drives the younger generations is TFW NO GF, which is not about to change anytime soon, (for to change it, need to control female sexuality, which is still far outside the Overton Window), by 2029 the Right will likely be even more motivated to win this thing than ever before.

DH says:

There are still dinosaurs among us who tell us that it used to be common (or at least not so uncommon) to marry a virgin bride when you were in your late teens or early twenties, and she a few years younger. And Occidental TFR is below replacement level. That’s the meaning of liberating female sexuality: all women are something between and a slut and a whore, and you can’t have a large, stable family. That may be the difference between this Thermidor and previous ones – if it doesn’t break radically to the right (sufficiently early), it’s Bronze Age collapse. And some people are feeling it in their bones and in their balls.

Jim says:

Secular cycle. All civilisations in their rising phase had women under control, their sexuality severely restrained. This is stressfull. Fathers just do not like their daughters becoming the absolute property of a nonkin male. Women get victimised by evil men, bad husbands and negligent fathers.

This control declines, and civilisation declines and collapses.

Searching back for the earliest beginnings of female emancipation, I found a poor father who sold his daughter into apprenticeship to be an entertainer, which the authorities reasonably suspected was selling her into a brothel. This came to their attention when a noble purchased her to be his personal concubine, which from the point of view of instinctual female behaviour and unconscious motivation, is hitting the jackpot. So the court emancipated her, whereupon this emancipated female got into the nobleman’s carriage and went back to his mansion. But now, being emancipated, her chances of having a happy ending are radically reduced. What the court should have done is given the noble full and complete ownership, but slapped him with the obligation to look after her and her offspring. Which they were reluctant to do, because of the conflict with monogamy. So now she has the right to attempt to trade up, or to get more cash and prizes, and because she does, he has less reason to keep her around, and better moral justification for dumping her when her looks fade, or she is encumbered by children that his legitimate children find inconvenient. The court attempted to severe the relationship, on the foolish assumption that the girl was being coerced into immoral behaviour. Rather, they should have cemented the relationship, to make it less immoral. No one ever needs to coerce women into immoral behaviour. All women are like that. The problem rather is that they want to behave immorally with only a small minority of men. Which results in the vast majority of men becoming demotivated, and less inclined to work, to pay taxes, and fight for God, King, and Country. And not long thereafterwards, results in considerably fewer men.

They severed the coercive aspects of the nobleman’s relationship with the girl, when the virtuous action would have been to have balanced them with obligations.

In order for a civilisation to thrive, has to ensure that husbands and wives are stuck with each other, or else you get defect/defect equilibrium. But this requires men to protect the property rights of other men in women, and why would they? It suits their collective interests, but in a large civilisation, does not suit their individual interests. And so they stop doing it. Little by little, Chesterton’s fence is dismantled. It starts with examples of men behaving very badly towards women in their care, as with the dad who sold his daughter into what very likely a thinly disguised brothel, which resold her to a nobleman, and pretty soon you have the family services and child protective services kicking down men’s doors, throwing them out of their homes, tearing down their families, and selling their sons to gay couples.

Note to self: Promote this comment to a post on the secular cycle.

But when we say a civilisation declines, we do not pay much attention to their elite population reproducing. We p[ay attention to the products of their intellectual output. We pay attention to them killing or demoting successful generals, enslaving or killing great builders. We pay attention to the bureaucratic simulcra of reason replacing actual reason. This is negative sum institutions in general, while the failure of reproduction is negative sum institutions regulating sexual conduct. So which comes first? Does failure of institutions governing reproduction cause failure of all other institutions, or is it just one failure of all the others. Family has collapsed, and scientific papers have been drowned out by publish or perish rubbish, roughly simultaneously. It looks to me that failure of family prefigures the failure of positive some skills, because if dad is in the elite, and your brothers are in the elite, you are going to be highly motivated to engage in positive sum interaction with your dad and your brothers. Nepotism and aristocracy, like Kingship, creates opportunity and incentive to make institutions positive sum.

If men and women have an adversarial relationship, kids are going to be raised in an environment where negative sum competition is normal. And when they go into the administrative elite, will play negative sums games. And if people play negative sum games in intellectual activity, we will see what causes us to call a civilisation declining.

If male and female cooperation in reproduction, enforced by soveregn, official Church, society, and family, people are apt to have considerably more sons. And the younger sons are not going to take over their father’s lands, nor his title if he has one, nor his business if he has one. They will go forth to seek their fortune. So you have an energetic and active civilisation full of energetic and active people. And the lack of these is one of the signs of a civilisation in decline. And since these people are doing new things, they will be thirsty for good knowledge and good skills.

If population is decline, you don’t need to build new aqueducts, new great public buildings, new sewers. And, after a couple of generations of not building them, you forget how. Even if the knowledge is theoretically recorded in books or on clay tablets, most of the necessary knowledge is tacit knowledge, which can only be transmitted by the apprentice following the master around and doing what he is told. So future people look at the aqueducts and great buildings, and say “civilisation declined after date such and such.”

And, of course, if your population goes on declining, you eventually get conquered and replaced, and future historians will say “this civilisation, its language, and its writings ended at date such and such”

If you don’t get conquered, it is only because your population is endlessly replaced by a flow of migrants from the periphery, and you lose trust and social cohesion, and then get conquered. The Roman Empire in the west fell for lack of virtue, but it lacked virtue because it lacked Romans.

Obviously there is no end of other things that can go terribly wrong with a civilisation, a nation or a people, but in Joseph Tainter’s survey in his book “the collapse of complex societies”, population decline prefigures and precedes the problems to which he attributes collapse.

DH says:

It looks to me that failure of family prefigures the failure of positive sum skills

Yes. Sexual and reproductive entropy sets in motion all the other forms of social entropy, whose combined impact is the certain downfall of civilization. But failure of elite reproduction seems to be the primary failure mode in declining civilizations. An anti-natalist memeplex is the fire on the altar, the priesthood preaches free love or prohibits marriage (same effect), females are allowed unrestricted mate choice, everyone and females in particular is liberated and encouraged to follow their own personal failure modes (aka “sins”) all the way to self-destruction, and civilization gives in to entropy. That’s why “Harvard delenda est” is the top strategic priority.

DH says:

Humans were banished from paradise because Adam failed Eve’s shit test.

For civilization to decline and collapse due to male collective refusal to seize the means of reproduction and regulate female sexuality is for us to fail the shit test of a lifetime. That male collective refusal to pass the shit test is rooted in an almost complete (though now slowly diminishing) memetic pwnage or possession by the hostile egregore centered in Harvard, and the problem remains until that egregore is killed and a new, friendly egregore is summoned by Gnon’s Priesthood.

i says:

This indicates that while Monogamy should be a socially enforced norm. It cannot be necessity be absolute given the inevitable actions of this nobleman and the woman he made his concubine. Hence making his polygamy official shotgun style is preferable to the alternatives.

Similarly to the Churches with Africa who had to contend with polygamous converts. Some enforced divorce to ensure monogamy but that led to destitution on the part of the women concerned. So they modified their stance to allow for polygamous families to remain intact. And descendants not to repeat their polygamy.

For clergy. Monogamy has to be absolute. To provide an example and norm to follow.

Pax Imperialis says:

>For clergy. Monogamy has to be absolute. To provide an example and norm to follow.

Then you get holiness spiraling towards monogamy and back towards exceptions being made. Monogamy is essential for the masses, but for those of the virtuously vital, must not be essential. Aristocratic warrior elites, top nobles and clergy must at the very least have a single legal wife and, at their discretion, legal concubine(s).

Fidelis says:

>This indicates that while Monogamy should be a socially enforced norm

Monogamy makes the most sense in the old pattern of the Gens, where the seat of identity was the patriarchal transition of the secret rites from father to son. In this case, the wife is a sacred vessel through which the spirit is carried, no more and no less. Any other woman cannot fit this pattern, similar to how a coin cannot have more than two faces, and thus cannot be a wife.

I don’t see how polygamy is a genuine barrier to a functional society and therefore should be squeezed out socially or otherwise. Elites should have more access to reproduction, and it will never be so untenable that middle class men get nothing, because women marry younger. I don’t see some 1000+ harems forming when fathers have rights over their daughters, except as very strange exceptions.

Making sure people leading the church are monogamous solves a distinct problem: as the leader of a church you are granted a lot of abusable social power. If you as a priest take lots of wives from your following, you end up with a bad incentive, which inevitably spirals into the FLDS state. Men are expelled as competition, and you have a tiny group of men and lots of women, lots of incest, and are rendered incapable of resisting any sort of violence. It’s different when you are a society and brides are first the total property of the father. You cannot take more than you are capable of handling, more than you can convince the father you are capable of handling better than another man.

alf says:

Enforcing monogamy for the elite has a lot of comparisons to telling magnets not to attract one another. The stronger the patriarchy, the stronger the libido of the men, the more enthusiastically women will throw themselves in the path of the top men. Some men find it very hard to resist.

Which is not to say they shouldn’t resist, or at least very seriously try to resist. Lust is a sin, and the palace which has a rotating harem of whores for the king will suffer under said sins.

DH says:

Obviously there is no end of other things that can go terribly wrong with a civilisation, a nation or a people, but in Joseph Tainter’s survey in his book “the collapse of complex societies”, population decline prefigures and precedes the problems to which he attributes collapse.

Yes, I believe that too. Failure to propertize and allocate pussy in an orderly manner loosens all of society’s morals, which facilitates a leftist holiness spiral initially driven by envy and eventually driven by spite. Leftism is in a sense a holy justification to discard Divine Law and pursue — whether as an individual or as a society — whatever delightful failure mode, whatever sin, one craves the most. Which rapidly leads the individual to destitution and the civilization to collapse. Sin came into the world through Eve; all problems are secondary to the Woman Problem.

DH says:

Of course, what causes this failure of advanced civilizations in the first place is having an evil, Gnostic priesthood that preaches pretty lies instead of harsh truths. The Woman Problem is civilization’s Pandora’s Box, but why is there a WP? Because the priests have given in to their own sins, have lost their virtue and became a wicked, demonic priesthood (fundamentally, an anti-priesthood posing as a priesthood), which is a common problem with priesthoods. It is the role of the King, if he wants to maintain the Mandate of Heaven, to make sure that the Priesthood adheres to Divine Wisdom. The King is the final arbiter. And right now we don’t have a King — the evil priesthood has abolished kings — and so priestly sin is allowed to run loose.

DH says:

Because Stalin actually did rule, he was able to tell the Priesthood: “You you will be as sinful as I tell you, and no more sinful than that.” Same with Hitler and FDR. But, as we know, that only delays the decline; it doesn’t avert it, since the Priesthood is still incredibly sinful. And currently in the Globohomosphere, there is no one in charge to at least tell the Priesthood, “You can be as sinful as that, and no more.” But Trump still has the potential.

The ideal, of course, is having a Virtuous Priesthood that will preach Jimianity to the elite, and a King who makes sure that the Priesthood does indeed remain Virtuous and keeps preaching the truth.

DH says:

An evil state religion inevitably leads to a kakistocracy, with the main vector being the emancipation of women. Failure seizing and properly allocating the means of reproduction leads to all sorts of social entropy, sin bringing in more sin, the leftist holiness spiral accelerates, and civilization falls to enemies and to barbarism from the outside and/or from the inside. The problem starts the moment you have hostile entryism within the priesthood (usually in the form of gay demon-worshippers conspiring to capture the priesthood), which is a recurrent problem with priesthoods.

Alternatively, no Hilkiah finding the book of the law, no Josiah initiating a religious revolution. The priesthood can be the source of the downfall; it can also provide the spark for the restoration – and for that, it needs a Prophet to inspire it in that direction.

W says:

Holy shit.

DH says:

The flip side can be an evil King choosing to persecute a virtuous priesthood and give high-status to a satanic priesthood (ideally one that will allow him to commit whatever sin he wants), but that is not the usual source of the problem, and that is not our problem. Our problem is lack of king, and a satanic priesthood — the priesthood of social entropy — running Globohomo, looking to infect the whole world with the memetic poz, to loot the world where it’s possible, and finally to destroy the world in demonic wrath and demonic glee.

If you don’t worship God, you worship demons.

i says:

@Pax Imperialis

The harems that we read about in history occurred in Highly Centralised states with an entire infrastructure that allowed for such harems to exist. Including Eunuchs and it’s equivalents. The Old Testament ban on men with damaged or no testicles from being admitted into the assembly of the Lord(Deuteronomy 23:1) a horrible and abominable condition along with the warnings against accumulating too many wives were attempts to forestall that. Likewise with the injunctions against cross-dressing which indicates an underlying disgust of the mutilations of the masculine and feminine. In other places the Harem was guarded by an Amazonian guard instead of Eunuchs.

Pax Imperialis says:

>The harems that we read about in history occurred in Highly Centralised states with an entire infrastructure that allowed for such harems to exist. Including Eunuchs and it’s equivalents.

Not advocating for there being imperial harems with 500 concubines cloistered inside a forbidden city with 1000 Eunuchs attending to their palace intrigues. High status men are naturally going to have some side ass. Rather than trying to endlessly police that, force them to take their side women as their legal concubine. Most men, even high status ones, will naturally have their limits.

Btw, Musk has effectively built a harem without a highly centralized state and associated infrastrucure.

The Cominator says:

Harems deplete the pool of women too much, put the nymphos in brothels. Problem solved. Everyone can still fuck young pussy when the wife gets old and ugly. Rich men can pay to have them as mistresses.

Jim says:

In order to make prostitution low status, the brothels have to own the whores, and be able to sell them to rich men as concubines. Otherwise whores are apt to be seen by women as high status. Albeit brothel ownership has to be considerably weaker and less enforceable than concubine ownership, concubine ownership less enforceable than wife ownership, so that status goes with ownership, which is the natural inclination of women.

Your Uncle Bob says:

I wondered what Gaetz was doing resigning his seat before confirmation. At best, he and/or Trump thought a deal had been struck. Instead, a stab in the back. A bad sign for Trump knowing what time it is, though possibly yet another learning opportunity rather than fatal.

Not completely impossible for Trump the negotiator to Gaetz as an opening bid to slide through someone else better for them in comparison but still acceptable to us. But not the way to bet either, given personnel and cutting the gordian knot are his two weaknesses.

A shame, because the hatchet job only made me like him more. The back and forth led me to a good video of Gaetz talking about his colleagues’ insider trading I wouldn’t have seen otherwise.

They led off by floating rumors of boy-loving, but by the end had retreated to rumors of consensual sex with a 17 year old girl. I’m out of step with full red pill culture in thinking don’t do that unless you’re trying to wife her up, but still, proves he’s not a Podesta or a tunnel jew if that’s all they’ve got.

Jim says:

I fear normality bias at work. That anyone cared, or thought it necessary to pretend to care, disturbs and frightens me. I predicted the contrary.

Hesiod says:

Trump announced former FL state AG Pam Bondi as his new nominee. Oh, to know what’s currently going on in Trump’s Privy Council…

Hesiod says:

Oh-ho, Bondi is the AG who spared no expense to bring to justice that Nazi poster boy George Zimmerman who, I’m sure we all remember vividly, mercilessly gunned down that cherubic Trayvon Martin just for being black and eating Skittles.

A most curious replacement, indeed…

Jehu says:

I recall that, although note that Zimmerman didn’t get convicted. Whether that’s because she didn’t railroad him, or was incompetent to railroad, or something else I don’t know. It looks like she was AG from 2011 to 2019, a period where Florida’s ‘rule of law’ improved quite a bit. I grew up there, a lot of areas that used to be ghettos are now pretty respectable and safe enough to walk around in despite the racial demographic not really changing that much.

Jim says:

Let us hope it was politically impossible to not attempt to railroad Zimmerman, but it was politically possible to deliberately screw up the railroad. And the railroading went wrong in ways that look deliberate.

Zimmerman’s arrest and detention was unambiguously illegal, since to prevent lawfare, the stand your ground law says you cannot arrest and detain someone for a jury trial, unless certain conditions are satisfied which were quite obviously not satisfied. The prosecution went on a full bore railroading operation which involved massive fraud, evidence tampering, witness tampering, and perjury, but the defense was allowed to object, and these objections were sustained, even though perjury and fraud went unpunished. This was preceded by the case being moved from judge to judge like a hot potato, which presumably reflected a power struggle over whether the judge was going to play ball with perjury and fraud.

However, Trump is now going to have an attorney general who had a prosecutorial team who engaged in witness tampering, evidence tampering, perjury, and fraud, in order to secure the conviction of an innocent man for left wing political reasons. If Zimmerman, why not Trump and Musk.

The Cominator says:

Literally everywhere in Florida that isn’t Jacksonville is safe to walk at night. Yes this includes nigger areas (once again other than Jacksonville).

Jehu says:

Yeah Florida has gotten a lot safer since I was younger. Even at 2am in a black neighborhood at a gas station in St Pete didn’t feel unsafe. I think the trend started in the early 2000s or late 1990s. But I’m a bit of a loss to explain why—Florida was one of the first CCW shall-issue states I suppose. What degree of credit is due to the AGs during that timespan I can’t say. But during it, for instance, Tampa really cleaned up Ybor city and made it a good nightlife spot. And the Puerto Rican Punisher (a MMA guy now working as a bouncer at the Mons Venus) beat the snot out of a crazy guy with a sawed off shotgun dressed as a cosplay Satan who was intending to shoot up the place. The Tampa cops congratulated him and took pictures with him.

Fidelis says:

Jim, you said it yourself, Gaetz not getting put in regardless of the senate implies a fatal normailty bias. Whether the second pick is terrible or not — leaning towards terrible — holds no relation to the fact we may be in a situation that has become irreversible.

Implies but does not confirm, Trump is yet to take the seat. Going to reserve all predictions on what they really think until we see what he does. Musk was posting Sulla memes after all, and now he’s hanging out with Trump full time.

Either way, past time to prepare for the worst. We got lucky either way, the energy will be diminished for some time compared to the previous trajectory.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Maybe the 2026 date wasn’t wrong after all…

JustAnotherGuy says:

To be honest, that isn’t such a bad outcome with Trump in charge. If things do get bad and push comes to shove, he will be forced to do what is needed.

Jim says:

I never retracted the 2026 date. I said that recent events increased the likelihood that I could be wrong.

And Bondi replacing Gaetz is a strong indicator that 2026 is right on target.

Contaminated NEET says:

>possibly yet another learning opportunity

The Great Orange Boomer is 125 years old and his brain is fully calcified. He hasn’t been capable of learning new things since 1995.

Pax Imperialis says:

Augustus was only possible because of “Boomer” Julius. It’s pretty clear that all those around “The Great Orange Boomer” knows what time it is.

Fidelis says:

Do they? The DoGE plan as written — as written at least, we’ll see the practice next year — involves similar lawfare compliance that you would need to get Gaetz put in, and we just saw that did not work. The second pick was extremely weak, looks to me like capitulation. I’m sure there’s at least a handful of types pushed to the edge of politics that, maybe not as strong as Gaetz may have been, at least would signal a new normal, a new crowd. Instead we get Meloni from Florida.

Very ominous. We’ll have to wait and see what happens next year, but I’m not that hopeful anyone besides Musk sees that we need a Sulla if you want to glue the Republic back together for another generation, and no one seems to think the Republic needs to be replaced.

Pax Imperialis says:

Yes, it is ominous that “Boomer Julius” continues to act as such. Yes, it is ominous that Musk desires a Sulla rather than an Augustus… but this is the natural progression of the overturn window shifting. Trump is old. He will either die or retire soon. Those replacing him will be more in line with us (I know what those aids and future elite are reading). By the grace of God, Trump bought us time for realignment without mass shedding of blood, and his exit will inevitability open the door for those of our persuasion and close it to our enemies. Trump is the modern Lot who interceded on our behalf, but has exceeded in convinced God to give us both a chance and time, but potentially like Lot, is not the return of the King.

I believe in Christ/Gnon, I believe in the return of belief in Christ, I believe redemption without mass graves. I believe Jim, DH, and many others here are wrong to believe in the worst case. I have personally witnessed a return to the faith among those who matter, those of manly youthful vitality. Sin among the old regime elite has brought more sin which has brought sickly frailty and death. Our enemies will be in walkers and mobility scooters and mental health facilities. Conquest will be swift and victorious.

alf says:

Always these eternal babysteps.

‘The left committed mass fraud during our presidential election. Let us watch more closely next time and surely things will turn out fine.’

‘They tried to murder our presidential candidate. That’s in bad taste but surely we can still cooperate and make deals with them.’

Dumb shit.

That said, probably best not to overanalyze every step. For a blog that promotes itself as not getting too much into current events, a great deal of the debate has recently been about current events.

Anon says:

“For a blog that promotes itself as not getting too much into current events, a great deal of the debate has recently been about current events.”

We are living history right know, imagine couple of roman discuss Caesar and Augustus before Caesar

alf says:

Caesar crossed the rubicon. It remains to be seen if Trump crosses the rubicon. The hour is getting late.

Jim says:

Not late yet. He got another four year extension. Caesar crossed the Rubicon after condemned to death in absentia.

Current left wing program is to resist the deportations. If Trump yields to resistance, we are toast, for he will then yield on everything. His Attorney General looks mighty wobbly on shutting down lawfare against the right. The left is not going to yield on that either.

Every illegal is given a free phone. Track the phones, he can round them all up. If he does not yield on everything, we get likely get, and win, Civil War 2.0. If he makes a stand on anything, likely the Rubicon will come to him.

The America empire’s main problem is a bloated and rapidly expanding elite of amazingly useless idiots. Boeing cannot make planes and Jaguar cannot make cars because of the numerous high power jobs they have created for the likes of Biden’s secretary of luggage stealing. Anything that checks the bloat is likely to lead to considerable drama.

Consider Musk’s plan to repeal by executive order regulations that exceed the authority granted by Congress (which is most of them) and then downsize the departments proportionately. Sounds very feeble. But the if implemented, the reaction will be apocalyptic. The left have been overreaching. They will continue to overreach.

alf says:

A common pattern in all restorations is men with guns outranking men in robes. Needs to court the military.

I suppose that using the military to deport illegal aliens is a great first step. We shall see, we shall see…

Pax Imperialis says:

>Jaguar cannot make cars

Of course, why would a gay fashion company make cars?🙃

Ryan says:

A surprisingly based video about masculine fiction was recommended randomly by youtube:

The guys seem aware of at least parts of evolutionary game theory, and that the indo-europeans genocided the previous european men and took their women. An interest in history tends to make one more realist from what I’ve seen. They are Conan fans obviously.
Novels capturing the masculine spirit are one way to reignite the flame of masculine vitalism that preceeds an energetic new culture. Collapse and the return of violent conditions providing a proving ground and a prize for the most courageous and capable.

Other than Conan, what are some recommendations from you all?

One recent pick from me is Dungeon Crawler Carl, which is about everyman forced into a deadly gameshow run by a psychotic AI, together with millions of random humans. The first books are about overcoming normalcy bias and doing whatever it takes to survive, including finding good allies. Later on it’s about tearing down the system and people in power who allow the whole thing to happen on different planets. The series is very violent, very dark and very funny in places. It features many highly creative and unrestrained acts of warfare and terrorism. The author doesn’t pull any punches and it’s very hard to predict what will happen.

Jim says:

Based? On Youtube?

So I briefly watched part of the video and read the transcript in full. Not based. He says men and women are different, and mentions some differences, but neglects to mention the differences that really matter.

On Trump being elected, they clearly turned down the censorship on the Youtube algorithm. But still has a long way to go.

Neurotoxin says:

This blog frequently mentions “demons literal or metaphorical.” I’m drafting a post about metaphorical demons as failure modes and I’ve noticed the mentioning of “failure modes” in recent comments here, e.g. by DH. Newbies to this line of thought could profit by reading Scott Alexander’s Meditations on Moloch, which discusses some collective action demons/failure modes. (It doesn’t cover individual demons/failure modes like drug addiction or contra-reproductive sexual perversions.) There are no new insights for those already familiar with the basics of collective action problems – prisoner’s dilemmas, commons tragedies, etc. – but it’s probably a good intro for those who haven’t encountered such ideas before.

(At least down to the sentence “Like all good mystical experiences, it happened in Vegas.”)

To put it briefly: “Cooperation is hard,” as we say around here. What are some of the reasons for that? It’s not hard in the sense that bench-pressing (big number) is hard. It’s a different kind of hard.

Caveat lector: Scott Alexander, who is definitely not one of us, is the Slate Star Codex guy. That blog is no longer active, having been replaced by Astral Codex Ten, but SSC is still live. Alexander is/was part of the “Less Wrong” “rationalist” community, a group of people that started out trying to develop the science of rationality and got taken over by asshole leftists and skin-suited. Jim predicted that Alexander, who tried to supplicate to the leftists, would be eaten by them, and then that actually happened. Jim, you fucking maniac, how do you do that? Anyway, the author is not A Reliable, but that essay is a good intro for people who aren’t familiar with the basic ideas of collective failure modes.

Hesiod says:

Dang, Alexander’s essay turns into some grade-A Gnosticism towards the end. He’s got a Hippy Jesus named Elua too. I wonder how much his beliefs have changed if at all since writing this 10 years ago.

Looking forward to your work, Neuro.

Jim says:

Entertainingly “Harris for President” and “The Satanic Convention” appear to be substantially overlapping or intertwined organisations. They both required that applicants be fully up to date on Covid Boosters. This could be just them both dwelling in the same bubble, rather than anything institutional.

We should not be surprised to find literal demon worshippers intertwined with metaphorical demon worshippers.

Hesiod says:

Even a cursory search on SatanCon as it’s often abbreviated turns up a cornucopia of DEI jargon. Such a siren song to the faithful. “Ye shall be as gods,” as the serpent tempted Eve. Alexander contends it’s the acme of hubris to not take a bite.

Neurotoxin says:

Thx, hopefully I’ll get it done this weekend.

anonymous mouse says:

Today Trump announced Scott Bessent as his pick for Treasury Secretary. Bessent worked for Soros Fund Management between 1991 and 2000 and again as chief investment officer between 2011 and 2015. Also he’s married to a man.

It’s just obvious at this point that right-wing Trump supporters just will not get any of the things they voted for. MAGA 2024 is the biggest scam in American history.

Hesiod says:

Meanwhile, the Texas education board voted to bring The Holy Bible back into the school curriculum. No need to doomfag just yet.

Jim says:

The left is in severe disarray. The leftmost are the woke, and are engaging in reign of terror against the rest of the left, which has predictably come down with a severe case of Stockholm syndrome. But the woke suffer from severe administrative incapacity. They have the power to do stuff, but not the competence, nor even the attention span. Plus, severely detached from reality. Everything they control, be it an aircraft carrier, Boeing, or Dysney, gets run into the ground. Being has burned all its corporate social capital, so is finding it hard to build planes, and hard to maintain existing planes. Suddenly there is a world wide new plane shortage, as new planes are just not rolling off the assembly lines any more. This, of course, has led to massive capital burn with no end in sight. They have pivoted to a new business plan where they give up building anything, and live entirely on corrupt payouts by the government. No end of businesses have adopted this business plan. It is America’s new growth industry. Similarly, Jaguar is not currently making any Jaguars, hence their very strange new advertisement. Jaguar theoretically intends to restart building and selling cars some indefinite time in the future, but their plans are nebulous, incoherent, and silly. It is like Mao’s plan for the Great Leap foward. Mao failed to grasp that making steel is hard, and Jaguar fails to grasp that making a car is hard. If deplorables can do it, how hard can it be?

My prediction that Linux is a dead man walking is now rolling ahead full steam.

The left, like the monasteries in Henry the eighth’s England, are sitting on an enormous pile of loot. Due excessive elite production, they cannot help but demand every increasing amounts of loot, and will probably fight a civil war if the request is denied. Trump thinks he can compromise, he is after all the great deal maker. He is, of course, mistaken. The left is not agreement capable. It is now clear his plans will crash against the total inability of the left to compromise. However, this time around, he will not be quite as blindsided as he was last time.

He has some terrifyingly evil and dangerous people in his cabinet — for example his latest Attorney General pick is likely to continue lawfare against the right. But even the worst of them is considerably better than last time around, and he also has some very good people in his cabinet, notably Tulsi Gabbard. The spy agencies are the relatively competent core of the left’s administrative apparatus. Take them out, the left goes away. It has lost fedgov. Still has the stategov in the big blue megalopoli, which gives them a power base for Civil War 2.0.

A perhaps optimistic interpretation of what he is doing is that it is similar to Hitler’s deal. Hitler won the election but was not at first allowed to form a government. So he gave everything away except the cops, and it turned out that once he had the cops, nothing else mattered.

Jaguar’s new advertisement says: “We have forgotten about cars, to focus on pronouns, and our customers should forget about cars and enjoy our wonderful new pronouns.”

Karl says:

“..he also has some very good people in his cabinet, notably Tulsi Gabbard.”

Tulsi Gabbard is a woman. Even if she is a very good woman, why do you think that she will be able to do what is necessary? Woman have rarely been competent leaders.

Jim says:

And indeed she has never had any experience in leading anyone, and is probably not very good at it. But she is a good person, and knows evil when she sees it. She does not have to get stuff done. She has to stop stuff from being done.

DH says:

Almost all civilized or semi-civilized countries in the world are currently managed by leftist priesthoods, most of which are but branches of the leftist priesthood we call Harvard – that is the “brain.” Presumably, most peoples of the world can produce more virtuous priesthoods or more wicked priesthoods, and what we see is that in 2024 they are ruled by priesthoods tending towards wicked. The human race has been abducted by an evil priesthood, basically. And while leftism may be “organic” to all societies, the center of world leftism at the moment is ‘Murica. That is why, even if one is not an American and is as far away from power as possible, one must be extremely interested in “American politics.” That’s where the future of the human race will be determined. No one in Europe can save civilization from the evil priesthood, no one else in the Anglosphere, no one in South America or anywhere in Asia. Putin, well, maybe, but I wouldn’t count on it. Ultimately, the fate of civilization, at least the Western one, depends on what Real Americans do with the spiritual kakistocracy ruling America. If the central, strongest leftist priesthood is defeated, it will then be possible to defeat all the other, smaller leftist priesthoods around the world. That is why Regime Change in America is so necessary. Here’s my chief disagreement with Moldbug: he does not think that America is ruled by a kakistocracy. He has too rosy a view of the Blue Tribe. But they have certainly become a kakistocracy, both in America and globally, and as such it is urgent to replace them, which has to begin with the fall of Harvard. You cannot “convert” a kakistocracy to a virtuous elite; shitlibs are not likely to become “based” (or even just sane) anytime soon. And we know what the Bible says about bad trees that cannot produce good fruit.

DH says:

Virtue signaling, also known as conformism, is natural to most people. Virtue signaling is rooted in (evolutionarily adaptive) ego – people naturally seek to make themselves look greater, including “morally greater,” than what they really are, to impress the rest of the tribe. Where it goes maladaptive for the individual and for society is when — generally under a hostile, satanic priesthood — it socially selects for the “status maximizer” (to use Spandrell’s term), the holier-than-thou person who is all signaling, and no virtue. Aka, the leftist. That is one reason why all our societies, or at least the officially unofficial priesthoods of our societies, became kakistocracies.

That phenotype, which is likely an extreme version of something less antisocial, needs to be entirely removed.

DH says:

Women are often more into virtue signaling than into actual virtue, and they also tend to fall for and be hypnotized by virtue signalers and their pious pious bulls**t (at least leftists used to be popular with women due to high status, or so was their reputation, but I’m not even sure what’s going on today), so emancipation of women gives rise to the slick slithery status-maximizers in that manner too.

Jehu says:

Actual virtue is hard, and generally includes not signaling about itself. No surprise then that women go for the signal rather than the genuine article.

DH says:

“Which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not: one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found.” – Ecclesiastes 7:28

Jim says:

Good women are made not born. A husband backed by God can accomplish a great deal. But even if one does one’s best, the best of women will still shit test you. You have to do a certain amount of mate guarding for her to feel securely owned. But if she feels securely owned, and she feels that if she misbehaved you might well kill her and/or her lover, she will be good. Female psychology is very different from that of men. A woman will find this very comfortable and calming, while a man in an analogous situation would find it disturbing, or at least irritating. Women love a man who might well harm them.

DH says:

The ancients were vehemently trying to warn us about the true nature of women underneath the virtuous facade (today most women no longer even bother with the virtuous facade), but the satanic priesthood that rules the world told us that to even think about the subject is “misogynist oppression.” To talk about Leftism without mentioning the elephant in the room, which is the WP, as some like to do, is to dance around the truth at best and to surrender to Harvard’s egregore at worst. One might respond, “But that means that 99% of society is memetically pwned!” – well, it is what it is. In fact, I don’t think it’s 99%; I think the support for restoration of coverture among younger men is great, at least around 30%, although they don’t necessarily know which words to use (and which weltanschauung to manifest) to express that sentiment. They will not usually explicitly tell you that they want to abolish feminism, but they obviously do. But let’s not get excessively whitepilled – most of society is still heavily mememtically pwned, and the evil priesthood is still in power.

Neurotoxin says:

That is why, even if one is not an American and is as far away from power as possible, one must be extremely interested in “American politics.” That’s where the future of the human race will be determined.

Disagree. The US is done as a world power. It can’t even stop Yemen from shutting down a shipping lane in the face of its Almighty Navy(TM). The Harvard religion, because it is manifestly insane, requires support by overwhelming force. No one will obey “Allow trannies in your girls’ bathrooms and infinite immigration” unless that order is backed up by irresistible physical violence. The US’s capacity for physical violence is now resistible. Even more importantly, everyone can see that it’s resistible.

DH says:

You are correct about the decline of hard power. Harvard still has plenty of soft power, though, and it will continue being a problem as long as the rest of the Occident is under GAE occupation.

Among other means, the satanic priesthood perpetuates itself through Prussian education and through academia, both of which are leftism-factories, the former by design, the latter through Harvard’s memetic capture (I don’t think it’s “organic” for the intellectual classes of all peoples to be leftists). So naturally most people, particularly those who still identify with the cultural hegemony of the Blue Tribe, are imbued with deep, nasty crimestop that is preventing them from seeing the entire picture. These are generations upon generations of heavy brainwashing that begins when you are 6 (or earlier) and continues until you are 21 (or later). I say there is no victory until the Blue Tribe is no longer in power in America. They might not have started out as a kakistocracy, but they have clearly become a kakistocracy. Kamala is a kakistocract par excellence, and the rest of them are about on the same level. USG has the Mandate of Hell, rather than of Heaven, and at least Europe and the Anglosphere, which are no more competent than USG, are dominated by the American Brahmin class via popular culture and well-funded “NGOs,” in other words through soft power.

To have a virtuous elite, and to keep it virtuous, need the elite to possess a patriarchal memeplex. Can you imagine the shitlibs, either the American strain or any other type of shitlib — that’s the phenotype that currently controls mainstream culture in all of the West — adopting a patriarchal memeplex? They would rather die, and indeed, they should die.

Pax Imperialis says:

>These are generations upon generations of heavy brainwashing that begins when you are 6 (or earlier) and continues until you are 21 (or later).

I know I’m beating a very dead horse. The majority of those people are redeemable and they will repent when there is a strong and virtuous king. There is no reason to mass kill these people post-victory.

Jim says:

The military weakness of the US will not result in the collapse of soft power. A counter priesthood protected by a Sovereign, as Luther was protected, is needed.

Military weakness does however mean that some sovereign somewhere can protect a counter priesthood.

Soft power is also deeply inserted into society, and has to be forcibly ripped out. A dissolution of the monasteries is required. This has to be preceded by an expose of the wickedness, corruption, decadence, and hypocrisy of the monasteries, or else it will just be seen as inter elite grab for power and loot, and will unavoidably become just another inter elite grab for power and loot.

A good start would be expose peer review for what it is. Most experimental data is fraudulent, because it is a lot easier to make the publish or perish publication quota that way. Fraud when detected goes unpunished, and those who expose it get punished. At the same time, should one be so foolish as to actually do the experiment or observation, you will likely get results that the differ from “the science” and thus your work will be unpublishable.

Henry the eighth, in order to dissolve the monasteries, sent out a research team to dig up what was actually happening, and once he had sufficient wagonloads of dirt, dissolved them. His team found dirt on all the monasteries, and all but one of the nunneries, and the one nunnery on which they found little dirt was not dissolved.

Of course Henry did not dissolve them because of the dirt. He dissolved them because they had power and money, he wanted it, and they were hostile to him. But it was politically necessary to dig up the dirt, and use it to bury them.

RFK Junior plans to do some digging. I hope that the dirt that he finds is in due course used to do some burying.

Henry the eighth was far from being a good Christian. But he dissolved the monasteries in faithful application of the spirit of Christian law, and used good Christians to do it.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “A dissolution of the monasteries is required.”

Domestically, of course. Harvard delenda est.

But (this is replying to both Jim and DH) I was speaking of the US Empire. Per Jim above, US weakness allows other competing religions to arise. Precisely.

Rod says:

This Bessent homo has 2 children, that pedofag BootyGig does too. Gays shouldn’t be allowed to have children, all it does is confuse the kids, get them diddled, and cause more gay, and more gay problems, in the future. BootyGig’s “children” are literally babies, pray for them.

Some questionable choices here…

Rod says:

Apparently the star-studded virtue signalling for official baby raping has gone down lately. Now they just grab the ones their Pols illegally Imported for them off the streets.

Protip: Once you stop shipping boats full of food and money to them, their populations will naturally stop the resource wrecking excess breeding, and will redevelop their own internally balanced support structures, and be Kangz again. Everyone will be just fine like they always were before your “help” came along.

Protip2: Now, go get a wife, impregnate her, or adopt from your own kind and lands.

Humungus says:


Humungus is in favor of conserving precious gasoline to run in his fuel injected V8 war vehicles. Therefore, migrants must migrate back on foot the same way they got here.

Dan says:

Unfortunately for you, your whizbang electrojected sparkomatic puter-havin “war vehicles” wont withstand the snapcracklepop of the coming EM war. And you aint getting no puter parts when Dorman’s chinko supply chain, and AZ/NY/CA/WA/OH-US all get vaporizated. Maybe if you raid some old SouthAmerican/Mexican warehouse, but since you’re not there, the only way you’ll get there is paying the migrants to be your travel guides. I suggest chickens and bullets instead, at least you can make biodiesel from the fat, which also comes freely attached to these things they called humans in the West, those immobile blobs will be among first to unsurvival.

Humungus says:

Humungus has been working on a solution to solve the EMP problem. This factor has not gone unnoticed. Rest assured that Humungus will be on the highway with a fat tank of gas three days after the fall going at high speed.

Jim says:

The original Mad Max movie did not assume nuclear war. Rather the state declined to the point where the incohesive and corrupt police force and collapsing justice system was incapable of dealing with cohesive, competent, and brutal criminal gangs, and cops like Max, who were acting as if normality was still in effect resigned, because being a cop was dangerous, and wrongdoers unlikely to be punished, at least through due process of a legal system that had ceased to function, with the result that the state disappeared. Max being the last functional front line element of the state in that small town.

The quarrelling remnant of the police force is not particularly interested in doing any policing, nor particularly competent to do any policing.

The gang inflicts fatal or near fatal injuries on Max’s wife and child, and the hospital system is functioning about as well as the police and justice system (we don’t see anyone get any useful medical care) whereupon Max becomes Mad Max, and kills the wrongdoers (whom the police and dysfunctional justice system were unlikely to punish, even if he brought them all in in handcuffs).

So, nuclear bombs were kind of irrelevant to the destruction of a civilisation that was already destroying itself.

In subsequent movies the “bad guys” are increasingly the force maintaining islands of order, markets, and technology, and are thus what reaction would regard as the good guys, while Mad Max, the hero, is a madman, a very sympathetic madman, destroying order, markets, and technology.

The first Mad Max movie starts off irritatingly slowly and confusingly, because we cannot make much sense out of the activities of the cops. Eventually we realise that the the reason that the activities of the cops do not seem to make sense is is because they do not in fact make sense.

Humungus says:

Yes, we see the old order crumbling around us even now. Police and military are the prosecutorial arm of the old system. When it is gone, there will be confusion and a power vacuum. Then will be the time for Humungus to restore order. That requires mobility and power.

Keep your vehicles protected from what is to come. Shielding, surge protection, spare parts. It can come at any time now. Humungus wants you strong and ready. Fear is for the weak. Fear is our ally.

Jim says:

EM can be shielded. Most modern devices have good shields. The earth had its much anticipated second Carrington event, and this time nothing happened, because everyone upped their shielding.

The metal in a car acts like a faraday cage If one has surge protectors between all electrical systems and the faraday cage, one will be fine.

The emp of a nuclear war is likely to take out the electrical grid. But if the antennae on your car are surge protected, you should be OK.

There were three tests of nuclear emp. They took out grids, but not vehicles. Theoretically the grid is now supposed to be hardened against emp. I doubt that it is, but it is not very difficult to harden it.

In the 1960s, everyone introduced a policy of hardening their grids against nuclear emp. Did they actually do it?

Well, we recently had the long predicted second Carrington event, which was widely expected to take out grids world wide. Nothing happened. So looks like they actually did harden the grid. It is a lot easier to harden a car than a grid.

Rod says:
No one seems to know what Biden thinks he’s atoning for.
Meanwhile, the LeftDems are trying to “deport” Musk.

Sure, fix your inbound borders, but be sure you leave ways for yourselves to flee and get *OUT*, because history proves that most who need to leave won’t have the luxury of time, docs, or money.

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