
Limited Hangout on the awesome might of the Covid Demon

I seldom report on the latest news of the day, because there are loads of people covering it with intense attention, most of them far better informed on details of the latest events than I am, which noise tends to drown out the perspective that enables one to see what is happening over the longer time scale. Today’s events are far better understood from a perspective that sees them as a continuation and unfolding detail of the events of 1660 and 1832.

But we now see a limited hangout on the awesome might of the Covid demon. This is the final report of the House Oversight Committee, so it is officially official. Too long, don’t read. It admits every conspiracy theory about Covid was true, while presupposing that the Covid Demon was awesome and mighty, though perhaps a little less mighty than originally advertised, and admitting the jab is dangerous and causes lasting harm, while massively playing down Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Turbo Cancer, brain fog, and infertility.

This is a continuation and update of my previous post “Sudden Swerve on the way to the left singularity

Worshippers of the Covid Demon wanted to shut down Western science and industry (because stolen from the brave and stunning warrior women of subsaharan Africa by white male rapists), and erase the white race. When War with Russia loomed, the world conquering globohomo empire suddenly realised it needed white males and industry in order to conquer.

Thermidor is a temporary and fragile alliance between would-be world conquerors who want to remove elements of leftism incompatible with science, technology, and industry, such as Covid worship and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, so that successful globohmo world conquest can continue, and would-be world conquerors who in addition want a short pause in world conquest, until America is in a better position to succeed, and have realised they cannot do it while carrying DEI, Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Climate Change, and all the rest on their backs.

The initial swerve shrugged of Covid while pretending to continue it. Thermidor has just dumped Covid, rather than merely having it quietly ignored, and now wants to dump DEI. A whole lot more needs to be dumped, and Trump and Trump’s cabinet have a little list. Reaction and the alt right have a considerably longer list. Our time is not yet, but it will come.

But to get anything done one needs a leader, The pandemonium that was pulling the strings of the Kamala and Biden puppets did not have a leader. Biden was chosen as a placeholder pending agreement on an actual leader, and they never agreed. And even less does Thermidor have a leader. So, Thermidor allowed Trump to be elected.

And Trump, whatever his grievous faults, is an isolationist. He is in coalition with the Thermidorean globohomo world conquerors, but his coalition also includes other isolationists. Trump, whatever his grievous faults, supports the Peace of Westphalia. The Thermidorean coalition, all of it, opposes the Peace of Westphalia.

The House oversight committee report was a bomb going off under Covid Worship. More bombs are likely in future.

Trump can sell isolation to those elements of Thermidor who want an orderly and temporary retreat from outer provinces of empire, and it is likely to remain ambiguous for quite a while whether he is capitulating to Globohomo imperialism, or betraying it. If, as is likely, it becomes apparent he is betraying it, things will get interesting.

Thermidor is the left dumping the far left, because dangerously insane. But to nail the far left in the nads, they have little choice but to ally with the right, as Thermidor always does. This alliance is apt to become tense, fragile, and explosive.

410 comments Limited Hangout on the awesome might of the Covid Demon

Travis says:

There is a new demon. The real Birdemic Flu/Cow demon. For now it only infects raw milk and criminal alien dairy workers but they are trying to grow the demon……

Adam says:

The Cathedral’s ability to stoke fear is diminishing. Assuming DOGE (and the rest of the Trump cabinet) does anything useful at all, the megaphone is set to be downsized. Not to mention, “official” sources are all discredited and disgraced at this point.

If Trump plays his cards right the next few years will mostly consist of left vs. left power struggles while the productive working class goes about its business.

Anonymous Fake says:


Jim says:

Deleted because it does not sound much like the Trump cabinet.

Bix Nudelmann says:

So no more Covid, and Ukraine is getting skunked so bad they’re running out of men entirely. Tatters!

So what next?

New virus? I doubt it.

Climate emergency, but really for real this time? I doubt that too.

ChinaChinaChina? That would be racist, so no.

Double down on nigger worship? I can’t see it. Saint Floyd was just too ridiculous, we’ve come down from that high, and it’s never as good as the first time.

My wild card guess is something-something AI, crypto, killer drones and Teslabots as the new angelic victim class in doe-eyed desperate need of Ivy League Jews to liberate them from white male techbros. I’m not kidding. That’s how I took Blade Runner 2049, as the setup mythology for exactly that new kind of righteous cause.

But I can’t bet on it either.

Niggers, jungle and sand, are still running rampant all over the West, and Whites are still scared shitless of standing up for themselves, so probably that somehow, but in some new way, the details of which I can’t guess.

(And you?)

Cloudswrest says:

So what next?

They are currently running the, “He is falling” propaganda script on Assad and Syria. On “X” some Homs defender claimed it was all bullshit.

Adûnâi says:

This is indeed such a curious time. I can already imagine 3 years from now looking back at Dec 2024 and laughing at our naïveté. Charlottesville 2017, anyone?

Alternatively, Trump kicks the bucket, and all hell breaks loose. One can dream. The world is Gaza, and you’re in it the floating pier.

Calvin says:

So, Assad has finally gotten Mossaded, apparently thanks to Turkey. I wonder how much longer there will exist any Christians in Syria.

Jim says:

He is falling. They gave up on color revolution in Syria long ago, for old fashioned armed invasion.

Bix Nudelmann says:

I still have essentially no idea what the hell Syria has been about, and to all these different groups of people all over the world too, no less.

Israel’s neighborhood, OK. Gas pipeline right of way, OK. Russian navy base, got it. This White Helmets thing, yeah sure.

But just like how the mainstream news never brings up the Maidan Square snipers, or shelling Donbass villages with fucking Howitzers, or where these awesome East Ukrainian defensive mega strictures came from, or the fact that Ukraine is run by CIA Nazis and Jews, there’s never been a Nightline or 60 minutes (or Joe Rogan podcast for that matter) about what the fuck this Syrian civil war is all about, and who the sides even are, who pays for it all, and why they care so much.

“He’ll tell you what someone did to him, but will never tell you why.”

If any of you can point me to a decent backgrounder on this, please do, because cripes I can barely stand being lied to about it for much longer..

ayyylmao says:

“Israel’s neighborhood, OK. Gas pipeline right of way, OK. Russian navy base, got it. This White Helmets thing, yeah sure.”

It’s a little of each of those plus killing off old (and eugenic) Middle Eastern races and destroying some and surreptitiously seizing some ancient historical artifacts. Weighted by influence energy is the predominant security interest.

Alex says:

It’s another front in the existential war against Trumputler, i.e., unaplogetic white men. The idea is to get the helots to maintain the infrastructure or weapons manufacture while relegating them to 2nd class citizens.

Fidelis says:

This one is for Com

Unlike more concrete examinations of one’s fitness to serve in a public health regime—like, for instance, any tangible background in medicine or health policy—the test reveals itself to be a free-associative chimera of IQ-ish logic puzzles and the sort of discredited Meyers-Briggs queries you used to take in Computer Lab

They’re bringing in IQ tests for the mandarinate.

Jim says:

This is insanely good news. Only the older among our enemies will be able to pass. And, reading between the lines, Luke Winkie knows that he and his colleagues are just plain dumb.

Fred says:

> any tangible background in medicine or health policy

And didn’t they do so much good for us during the Covid scam? One of the lessons of the Covid scam is that we pay too much attention to credentialled people (“experts”) and not enough attention to smart people in general (though there were genuine experts in the field who pushed back on the scam, like Bhattacharya).

Remember, the Covid scam was not debunked by “experts” – it was debunked mostly by smart people who had some tangential skills in relevant fields, eg. statistics.

(BTW Jim, the Reply buttons aren’t working properly)

Contaminated NEET says:

> OMG, that test is like so ~weird! It’s also discredited!

What a fucking fag that Slate author is. Every corporate or government job I’ve ever had has given tests like that. Not to get hired, true, because that would be raaacist, but once you’re in, they love those kinds of things. The agency I work for right now pays consultants a fortune to give everyone these tests 2 or 3 times a year. I’m tempted to name a couple of them I did recently, but I don’t want to leave dox breadcrumbs; I’m sure most people in cubicle land are familiar with these. Granted, a lot of the stuff is obvious bullshit, but to act like it’s a deranged and out-of-left-field idea is either dishonest or extremely out of touch, and the way he does it is feminine mean-girl nonsense.

Pax Imperialis says:

It’s funny how adverse we are as a culture to being assessed. Even the military gets shy about it. Every officer in the military gets an IQ and personality test, but they are subtle about it. They don’t call it an IQ test or even a test, and they call the personality test university research. Some of the smooth brain officers were shocked and upset when I pointed out what they took. The female ones took it awfully badly.

Napoleon says:

Humans are hardwired to be hyper sensitive to status differences. (For multiple reasons, including a warning system for you when get too close to the bottom – “You might not survive, do something”, ensuring you don’t act inappropriately around someone high status & powerful & getting your head chopped off, and ascertaining quickly who is where in the pecking order to enable & enhance cooperation.)

As we know, the software memeplex of leftism and “equality” is a rebellion against reality (by those who don’t deserve high status, because nervous about the fact that they don’t deserve it; so they create a new/false status hierarchy by priesting). The equality memeplex “people are basically equal” has dominated our society to the point where normies accept it. So any hard data – like an IQ test – that explicitly demonstrates the reality that humans are vastly unequal in their capabilities comes as an emotional shock.

I was well into my adult life before I realized that the reason I was so different than most people in various ways is because my IQ is way higher than the vast majority of people. It instantly explained so much, but it was a shock. I have often wondered what that shock must feel like to a person with an avg or low IQ. Must feel horrible, in a culture with no real community and no honor conferred on you for doing your duty regardless of your abilities.

It used to be (in the West) that everyone in society basically accepted their station in life, and the emotional distress of knowing you were not high status because you just don’t have what it takes to be high status was ameliorated by a culture of duty and honor: whatever your station in life or natural capabilities, if you do your duty for the success of the tribe/group/community/nation you are worthy of honor.

When the time comes, cultural restoration of the harsh reality of the vast biological inequality of humans will need to be accompanied by restoration of duty and honor. (As part of king + healthy state religion.)

Jim says:

Realising there is a huge IQ difference makes it easy to communicate across the IQ gap. A whole lot of people are deeply damaged by growing up unable to communicate with those around them. I get on with cats, dogs, and women OK. Took me a while to learn how to talk to normie males.

JustAnotherGuy says:

“A whole lot of people are deeply damaged by growing up unable to communicate with those around them.”

We like to use the medically safe and effective term known as ‘introverts’ in these demon-infested times.

Jehu says:

It’s a lot easier to accept your station in life when being 50th percentile means getting a non-overweight virgin of average otherwise attractiveness as a wife who treats you reasonably respectfully. People who can’t get that reliably are quite right to be discontented and constantly seeking to change the rules to improve their lot. The problem is most ordinary white men believe it’s grossly immoral to take their own side in such contests.

The Cominator says:

wtf happened in Syria BTW did the spooks divert all the Ukraine arms (it being obviously a lost cause) to Al Qaeda in Syria?

Fred says:

Not a surprise at all – Assad has been obviously good as gone for over a week now. Where were you getting your news from?

The Cominator says:

I wasn’t paying too much attention and until a couple days ago I thought it was fake and gay color revolutionesque propaganda but how did this all happen in a week.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Weeb Union observed that the rebels had the latest FPV drone tech that we see in the Ukraine war, while the Assad regime had no drones at all.

The Cominator says:

perhaps the cia just spread billions in bribes around…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The simple matter of things is jihadi proxy forces hopped in their technicals and did a thunder run down the highway all the way across the country from Aleppo to Damascus, and arabs are naturally both excitable and don’t deal well with rapid operational tempos if they aren’t the ones setting the pace.

What are the strategic failures? Not wiping the proxy forces out via siege when they were weak (Erdogan’s treachery in supporting them across the border is pertinent here); not cutting off their retreat to the north via the sea when the tides of the war turned; not having ordnance assets ready to blow shit driving on the highways up; much of the Russian forces being rotated out of theater when they should’ve been escalating pressure on the GAE’s global tentacles instead; general tenor of lackadaisicalness, arabic manana, lack of sense of urgency or purpose in keeping pressure on enemies and compounding your advantages when you have an edge.

Upravda says:

Probably partition of the country.

Assad’s regime obviously couldn’t hold, and became a burden to both Iranians and Russians. That’s the way it is with clannish divided countries where your retarded cousin must be a general because he is your cousin after all.

I guess we will have Alawites-held state on the Mediterranean coast with continued Russian presence and some Iranian support, Kurds under constant attack and/or occasional occupation by Turks, and the rest as backwater under retconed ISIL fellas recently released from GAE prison camps who already allied themselves with zionists, on CNN.

A new Somalia, but on the Mediterranean. If not new Somalia, Kurds and Alawites will all be genocided.

I feel sorry for native Christians there, they will be exiled and/or also killed.

Upravda says:

And, that retconed ISIL fellas held part will be left alone by Zionists, put under Turkish influence, as a route for a new Qatar gas pipeline. Which will obviously not be ending on the Syrian coast, but somewhere on the Aegean or Marble Sea.

The Spice must flow. – as they say.

Iranians will continue to have lever for supporting Hezbollah, just a little bit more inconvenient because no land route, just sea lanes vulnerable to Jewish subs and Sixth fleet.

On the other hand, north of Lebanon will become no-fly zone for Jewish warplanes because Russians will concentrate all those S’s in Alawite state.

Aidan says:

Turkey conquered Syria- or at least, the US allowed Turkey to conquer Syria. Removing restrictions on Turkey’s imperial ambitions is an insanely retarded policy in the long run, but these people can’t think past next week’s PowerPoint presentation. They probably thought it was a stroke of extreme genius. Russia no longer has a dog in the fight, and the stage is being set for a genocidal Turkey-Iran war of a sort which I predicted would eventually happen in the long term, but that term got a lot shorter. Iran’s opposition to Israel is an inconsequential little game compared to the coming war to rule the Dar-Al-Islam.

In the very long term, Turkey vs Iran is going to be the opening salvo of the great contest between East and West for pre-eminence over the planet, but the Turkish dog is likely to turn on its master as soon as it is able.

skippy says:

“the stage is being set for a genocidal Turkey-Iran war”

Rational if the belief is now that the US and Europe cannot be sold on doing it themselves.

However, unclear which of these dopes would be less effective in war.

The Cominator says:

Turks have a very good record as far as military history goes if they fight a bunch of other people in the middle east including the Persians they’ll likely win.

Exurban says:

Thermidor also has to contend with external forces. Russia and China have grown too strong to be dictated to while Europe is ever more fragile and dissolute. Plus, nobody outside the “West” still believes its fighting-for-freedom-and-democracy schtick.

Jim says:

The lack of democracy in the Ukraine since 2014 has been becoming more and more conspicuous.

The emergency extension of Zelenksy’s term as president and his martial law powers expired quite some time ago. Parliament could have voted themselves and Zelensky another extension, but never did, perhaps feeling that legalising what has been happening would draw attention to it.

Fidelis says:

Much of this is clearly fishing for statistical artifacts, but some of it is not.

For something interesting that does not look like a result of torturing the numbers, between 1520-1720 there was a sharp rise in the usage of the words “God, Christ, Jesus” in written documents, followed by a fall. Wonder what caused this.

skippy says:

Unless it’s an artefact of the documents they look at (presumably it’s much easier to find/OCR printing press books than pre-press materials?) it looks a bit like Christianity was made up and introduced to Europe at the dawn of modernity, in the 15th century.

Fidelis says:

Beowulf fights grendel a suspected descendant of Cain, clearly Christian roots are buried quite deep in the culture. Can you please spare us the room temperature takes on this? I can find them literally everywhere else.

Starting roughly 1520, my conjecture is this is started by Henry VIII and Gutenberg. What is more interesting is the date it falls off, and dramatically so. What was happing around 1720?

skippy says:

I do not necessarily believe in or advocate this theory.

“Christianity” being made up by an academic clique at some late date however isn’t inconsistent with it being rooted in earlier ideas that were really present in the society.

In particular Christianity seems to graft some Western ideas onto a Middle Eastern root.

Any such theory indeed must contend with a huge amount of evidence for consistency, something I have not attempted. At the same time, I suspect expectation bias is responsible for at least some of the apparent consistent of any reigning chronology.

FrankNorman says:

It’s a nonsensical theory. Christianity being a major part of Western society is something we have written evidence of going right back to Roman times.

Conspiracy theories that throw out that much of written history refute themselves.

skippy says:

The problem with textual evidence for anything in the deep past is that the oldest manuscripts rarely date to before about 1500, and were often apparently completely unknown to people before that date (except, at least, in the deep past attested by the manuscript).

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

My first thought is immune response to rot setting in followed by rot prevailing.

S says:

The graphs are deliberately bad. The graph on word density starts in 1500; you can’t make out pre 1520 trends.

The graph on scientists has the y axis inconsistent and cuts off parts of the comparison time period. The starting value is unlabeled, 70% of the y axis is to get to 2 per capita and 30% of the y axis is to get to 8 per capita.

The chart on secularization again has an inconsistent y axis. It goes (0 or 2) to 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 20, 20 to 40 and 40 to 80.

As a rule of thumb, if people do this AND don’t provide the data they used, just move on.

Jim says:

The dates do not match. Modernity, science, the scientific method, and tech startups (groups of people organised around the development and mass production of technology) started at a date we can exactly pin down. 1660 in England, a little earlier, and less precisely dateable in the Dutch Republic. Secularization trend started around 1720. So the argument that secularization caused modernity is silly.

Obviously science, technology, and all that existed long before 1660, but they were low status, furtive, and kept a low profile. Francis Bacon (1620) spent a long time in prison on suspicion of thought crimes. In 1660 the invisible college suddenly became the Royal society, and the Church of England suddenly realised that the doctrine of the Logos made science a holy profession. Science high status and productive 1660, Newton’s Principia 1687, Secularization 1720.

Widespread application of the steam engine followed secularisation, but widespread application of the steam engine was a child of tech startups, and tech startups began 1660 with science becoming high status, and the limited liability joint stock corporation becoming legal, high status, and an economic engine. The dates match for steam, but widespread application of steam was a child of the what happened in 1660, not a child of what happened in 1720, even though it arguably happened after 1720.

Christianity, a more logos centric version of Christianity due to the rehabilitation of the Greek elements of Christianity, fostered science. Science fostered technology. Technology fostered the steam engine. And the steam engine was coincident with secularisation.

To claim that secularism fostered modernity, science, and technology, you have to torture the dates. What the dates show, and the locations of centres of industrialisation and technology show, is that acceptance of Christ as the logos fostered modernity, science, and technology.

All official religions tend to be hostile to science and technology, because tech priests are competition. Hence Francis Bacon’s troubles. But Christ as the logos implies an official religion that has a place for the tech priesthood, and established Anglicanism from 1660 to 1820 exemplified this better than any other branch of Christianity, and Christianity, pretty much all of it, has been more tolerant of science and technology than any other official religion.

Fidelis says:

I agree the conclusions are moronic, and most likely an artifact of tortured data. I’m more interested in why exactly the sudden decline following the start of the 18th century.

Jim says:

> why exactly the sudden decline following the start of the 18th century.

The Enlightenment.

Our name, Dark Enlightenment, implies that the Enlightenment was false, evil, and heretical.

By attempting to derive conclusions from pure reason, without empirical input (example: “all men are created equal”) they cut themselves off from the logos, resulting in Jesus the Jewish community organiser, hence the decline in references to the Trinity, and eventually outright demon worship. This also led to rejection of the scientific method, which rejection is now manifest as peer review, where the consensus of secret clique gets to tell the experimenter what he saw.

By rejecting The Logos, they conceived man as infinitely malleable, resulting immediately in attempts to immanentize the eschaton, which continue to this day.

Our enlightenment is dark, because it accepts the Christian position that we are fallen men in a fallen world, and/or the Evolutionary Game theoretic conclusion that large scale cooperation is hard. The enlightenment was from the beginning an attempt to undo the fall in this world, a hostile reaction to the limits on reinventing the world implied by Christianity and science.

Recent examples of telling the experimenter what he saw being the Mars life experiment, Anthropogenic Global Warming Climate Change, and Gobekle Tepe.

The Mars life experiment gave compelling evidence for native martian microbial life, which was with great confidence and belligerent certainty explained away by increasingly far fetched explanations. The obvious next step would be to repeat the experiment, this time testing those explanations. But surprise, surprise, no such tests have been run.

Similarly, after unacceptable results from Gobekle Tepe were dug up, and strenuously explained away, digging up any additional areas of Gobekle Tepe was mysteriously halted. And you are no doubt familar with the story of Global Warming and “Hide the decline”. This is enlightened science. It is more important that results be “morally good”, which is to say, demonic, than that they accord with empirical reality. Facts would hurt people’s feelings, and undermine confidence in “The Science”.

FrankNorman says:

“The Mars life experiment gave compelling evidence for native martian microbial life, which was with great confidence and belligerent certainty explained away by increasingly far fetched explanations. The obvious next step would be to repeat the experiment, this time testing those explanations. But surprise, surprise, no such tests have been run.”

Jim, if they are dismissing evidence for life on Mars due to it conflicting with their ideology…. why does their ideology have a problem with the idea of life on Mars?

Jim says:

No reason is obvious to me. Possibly it is lockin of consensus. That once a consensus has been formed, undermining it would undemine “the science”:

Looks that is what is a work in Gobekle Tepe, where I see allegedly learned historians of ancient pre history denouncing the outrageous heresy that fully or predominantly agricultural societies developed by 1100BC rather than 9500BC with the scorn,passion and intemperance of people denouncing Trump and Maga. Whether civilisation is more ancient than generally believed could have a bearing on present day political disputes, but the exact ancientness of fully agricultural societies cannot possibly have a bearing.

What happened with the martian life experiments is that one of the experiments delivered the false reading that there was zero organic matter in the soil, so you had to decide whether the organic matter reading was false, or the life reading was false. And by the time it was discovered that the organic matter reading was false, it was too late to change the consensus on the life reading. That once a consensus is formed, it is apt to become a religious dogma, and attempts to falsify dogma, such as by doing another life experiment on mars, are sacrilege against “the science”.

Handi says:

Their ideology has a problem with anything that doesn’t help them knock over an existing applecart. Leftoids are very incurious and reactive organisms, and they feel individual existential dread over any open-ended novelty that doesn’t immediately fit their parasitic group evolutionary strategy.

Their reaction to possible life on Mars is the same as their reaction to any other new data: freeze it until a clique of their high priests consecrates a narrative around it that can metabolize white male energy (they know that if they don’t control perception right at the outset then they miss their chance, this is the kernel of order that allows leftism to continue existing). And no new narrative will be considered until one of the major demon cults exhausts its repertoire of current things and goes looking for a new one.

If there really is life on Mars, it will be suddenly discovered just in time to declare the whole planet a biological preserve, ban interplanetary expedition, and nationalize SpaceX to fortify the safety of exobacteria. A competing faction will attempt to preserve only one hemisphere, and use the other to set up a housing project space colony for black xenobiochemists who will be resupplied in perpetuity by OSHA-compliant Boeing rockets at 20x cost to taxpayers. A third faction will learn that asteroids ricocheting off the surface of Mars may be carrying hazardous MARVID-39 microbes into our own atmosphere, and a huge apparatus will need to be built to constantly scan the globe for alien life. Et cetera. But until then there’s no evidence to suggest any life on Mars, all reputable thinkers know it’s pseudoscience, and the only people who bring it up in public are those kooky flat earth types…

Handi says:

Fourth faction:

i says:


Leftism seem to thrive best in resource plenty. But can stay around in dormancy like what happened with feminism with its reactivation after the world wars. But it was plenty active in the 19th century arising from literal witches as the “Secret History of Feminism” by Rachel Wilson points out.

Neurotoxin says:

If there really is life on Mars, it will be suddenly discovered just in time to declare the whole planet a biological preserve, ban interplanetary expedition, and nationalize SpaceX to fortify the safety of exobacteria.

Horribly plausible.

Adam says:

“Whether civilisation is more ancient than generally believed could have a bearing on present day political disputes, but the exact ancientness of fully agricultural societies cannot possibly have a bearing.”

Unless you believe in the Bible and that man has only been around for 4,000 years. Then it is a big deal. Which the actual DNA scientists have discovered.

Jim says:

but the debate as to when large scale agriculture got going is irrelevant to that dispute, since both sides of the agriculture debate agree that agriculture got started a lot earlier than young earth creationists would like.

Mainstream archaeology gets absurdly passionate about the “cranks” noticing evidence that some societies a faith that built megalithic temples earlier than the mainstreamers say they did, and adopted an economy based primarily on large scale agriculture slightly earlier than the the mainstreamers say they did, and does not like people finding evidence for slightly earlier agriculture.

Even if large scale agriculture got started before the Younger Dryas, which I don’t think the “cranks” are arguing that is still only a relatively small change in the date of agriculture)

The cranks are arguing that megalithic temples started before the Younger Dryas, but that large scale agriculture started after megalithic temples They argue Megalithic temples early, and that the bigger and more impressive megalithic temples were post agricultural, which only puts large scale agriculture a few thousand years earlier than the mainstreamers. It is actually a very minor disagreement, but the “mainstreamers” react to the “cranks”, the way mainstream Democrats react to RFK Junior. But with RFK Junior, real power, real money, and real lives are at stake.

Fidelis says:

Unless you believe in the Bible and that man has only been around for 4,000 years. Then it is a big deal. Which the actual DNA scientists have discovered

If you’re gonna post this at least provide arguments and evidence, not your own version of trust the experts.

Dan says:

Been going on for months, absolutely nothing has been done about it, and no facts proven…

Anon says:

What happened in 1720 , how secularization started in this year?

Jim says:

The date of modernity is precisely known, at least in England. It is a bunch of public, semi public, and private institutions, and in 1660 they all got formally institutionalised in England, though the seeds of those institutions are ancient. The date of the enlightenment is extremely vague. Depends on what you call the enlightenment and what you mean by it. Like all forms of leftism, it mutated rapidly and radically over time. Began as Socinianism, dethroning Christ the eternal word who is from before the beginning, to Jesus the Jewish community organiser, and now is woke, the worship of the Demoness Ishtar.

Double entry accounting goes back a long way, and double entry accounting imagines the enterprise as a thing separate from the household of its owner, which made partnerships more feasible and common well before 1660. But in England the limited liability joint stock publicly traded corporation formally sprang into being in 1660, simultaneously with science and scientific method being given royal and religious status.

The scientific method precedes the Royal Society by a long time, but was furtive, low status, and invisible, Francis Bacon was imprisoned on suspicion of thought crime, and the Invisible College was invisible because they did not want what happened to Francis Bacon to happen to them. One day they were the Invisible College, and the next day they were the Royal Society. Modernity had suddenly arrived at a definite date. Modernity is a community practicing the scientific method,

Leftism, on the other hand, is mutable, formless, and ever changing. It always pretends to be what it is not, and what it really is not only hard to discern, but continually shits and shifts, so very hard to pin down.

cub says:

What does Ishtar have to do with modernity?

Jim says:

Trans and female promiscuity is the old cult of Ishtar, thinly warmed over.

Gilgamesh was pissed off by this cult. It is old, and it is after your children. Also keen on abortion and infanticide.

Pax Imperialis says:

They build the demon’s statue on the roof of our courthouses in open whoreship while banning any references to Christ. They participate in ‘spirit cooking’ rituals invoking the demons of baal and moloch. The Statue of Liberty itself is Istar

Rod says:

> What happened in 1720

In 2024 an Obese Muslim Negrid Cunt got busted for doing the same thing Ilhan Omar and her corrupt political tribe do everyday…
Syria-Turkey fully embrace JIHAD and HIJRA furthering the ongoing MUHAMMADEN reconquest and takeover of ALL EVROPA by MUSLIM’s ISLAM. Iran backs the plan with NUKES.

Manifesto will be CENSORED and BURIED…

Daniel Penny rightly recognized as PUBLIC HERO by Whites
PAID Leftist AGIT COLOUR-POLS incite niggers on ragekill over NOT-GUILTY
NY BLM leader calls for “black vigilante” retaliation and defense after Daniel Penny was acquitted on all charges
He seems to be implying ch*king and k*lling in return against those who they claim are “oppressing” them
Neely’s father reacts to Daniel Penny being found innocent.
“What are we gonna do, people? What’s gonna happen to us now? I had enough of this. The system is rigged. Come on, people. Let’s DO SOMETHING about this.”
Neely’s father is calling for violent protests after a jury, made up of different races, found Daniel Penny not guilty.
Instead of accepting blame for being a horrific father, he’s going to blame the system.
This deadbeat is trying cash in on his son’s drug-induced

Jake Tapper And GAE CNN Lose Major Motions In Defamation Case By Navy Veteran

‘Defund The Polic… AAAAAH HELP!’ Liberal Activist Gets Jacked In SF, Throws Fit After U-Haul Stolen
Left wing activist Darcie Bell, who spent years on social media railing to “Defund the police,” has gone viral after her U-Haul truck was stolen in San Francisco and the cops did nothing. Bell, who goes by “Jerque Costeau” on X, and whose bio reads “will respond to all bad faith arguments w/ad hominem attacks,” blasted the police hours after filing a police report for not immediately finding her stolen items.
To those accusing her of hypocrisy, she insisted she “literally never called the cops” and is reposting more calls to defund law enforcement for good measure.
After being appropriately mocked, Bell shot back: “Look at these good, Christian ‘victim advocates’ celebrating my kids losing their belongings at Christmas.”

Jim says:

This is irritatingly off topic and an attempt to swerve the thread. Putting you on moderation.

You have never taken the shill test. And reviewing your content, cannot see any thought crimes. You are always ranting about black people. Tell us how whites were driven out of Detroit. Explain why blacks and whites cannot live together under the same laws applying to both equally. Or if you think that they can, explain why the dark enlightenment view is wrong in a way that makes clear what it is.

Take the shill test. Your comments will then come through unmolested. Anyone can pass the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed, regardless of their political beliefs and what they want to talk about.

Rod says:


Jim says:

This looks kind of thought crimeish, in that you are forcefully pointing at genetic differences between blacks and whites. It also looks rather shillish, in that your response does not address the need for different laws, differently enforced, for blacks and whites — does not acknowledge that you are responding to a request for a specific thought crime, nor mention what thought crime was requested. You dropped the context. Had you said that we don’t apply the same laws regarding a chimpanzee escaped from the zoo or a bear raiding garbage, had you mentioned law, would have been a response.

Nor does it mention how whites were forced out of Detroit, which was specifically requested.

Still on moderation.

Well at least you are not saying you hate niggers because niggers are magical, hate Jews because Jews are too clever, and hate women because women are so much better than men. But you are unable to engage with what we intend to do about these problems, nor are you entirely willing to state what problems our current state of affairs is causing.

skippy says:

“Secularization trend started around 1720. So the argument that secularization caused modernity is silly.”

It’s clear from the terms used that what they imply to be ‘secularization’ – atheism or irreligion – was actually the rise of deism and unitarianism. It’s not intriguing at all that this happened, as it’s well know, but it’s intriguing that this happened abruptly, which suggests it followed a change in political power and/or the emergence of a new widespread network of information disseminators.

Jim says:

Perhaps. Or you perhaps you should not put too much credence in statistics from someone grinding an axe.

If these statistics are true, then what happened was a particular state Church or major quasi state institutions of that Church came under enemy domination. I know established Anglicanism fell under enemy dominion some time before 1820. But 1720 seems far too early for England.

On the other hand, unitarianism and deism is well attested as substantially dominant in the elite during the American revolution. I don’t know the date at which Harvard went Deist, but 1720 is plausible. Certainly well before the American Revolution.

Anon says:

oh , you were taking about US , i thought in the US secularization started with the revolution.
in England in 1832 with socinian and arianism conspiracy.
and became permenant with the establishment of the civil service in 1854 through Northcote–Trevelyan report , here is an interview with dominic cumming talk about it:

in one of the irony of history the Northcote-
Trevelyn system was inspired by the chinese bureaucratic system. complete with scripted cabinate meeting with final decisions already made and the meeting are kabuki theater to give the ministers the illusion of power.

Jim says:

That is what happened in England. And my wild assed guess is that if they have data showing “secularization” (meaning Socinianism and Deism) setting in 1720, they are cherry picking America, where it definitely did set in a lot earlier than in England.

I think they are pulling their data out of their asses. But if they are not pulling their data out of their asses, 1720 is kind of plausible enough for America. I doubt it, but it is not an entirely silly date.

skippy says:

What happened in England is that non-conformists continued to be “tolerated” (a legal term) even while out of power (in the firm sense, i.e. they had fewer civil and political rights). So, they had the potential to disseminate memes even while out of power, and it makes some sense that they came to power by disseminating their memes some generations before.

I know less about France, but by the time of the Revolution France seems to have already had a deist prestige culture.

T says:

And Gnon said, “Zoomers will usher in Regime Change.”

Contaminated NEET says:

Nobody’s dumping DEI. Too many people with too much power are too invested in it, materially, mentally, and spiritually. It’s like asking 16th century Spain to dump Christianity. They might dump the name, but the idea that White men are the cause of all evil in the world and that their many intersectional victims need and deserve a leg up on them is not going anywhere. As long as there is a USA, that idea will rule it.

Fidelis says:

At the very least provide some evidence that despite a seeming timid response from most of the rank and file left, with lots of meek barking and not a bit of biting, that they’re going to fight tooth and nail to keep race communism even once the lever pullers tell them to knock it off as we prepare for war.

You’ve seen all the military recruitment ads with pale faces, yeah? You’ve seen what the people working at SpaceX look like? Have you seen yet the dozens of startups spun off from that ecosystem? How many shaniquas?

The people at the top have gotten serious. Something has spooked them, and I’m not sure it was just the failed proxy war, though that definitely played a part. We have nuclear energy tech startups allowed to be built now, that’s more unusual than a sudden restraint in stomping on the faces of would be white engineers.

I think Jim is correct in his prediction all the films are being refilmed, and the game studios are going to have a sudden change in cast and content. We’ll see soon enough. I also suspect that if DoGE gets going, the HR departments are going to strangely lose influence. Perhaps not disappear, but no one will pay much attention to them anymore. I was blackpilling that they would not be capable of this before, but looking at all the steps that have already occured, we’ve already had the power transition. The hidden figures in the top ranks have decided war is near, and it’s time to prepare, and so have begun packing up all the bullshit that was rolled out since ’45.

Contaminated NEET says:

Evidence? Everywhere I look I still see DEI going strong: pronouns in email signatures of anyone I work with who wants to advance in their career; strong frizzy-haired mulatta girls kicking White male ass in all forms of media; the gleeful destruction of any man who lays a hand on a Holy Negro under any circumstances whatsoever; the enormous and elaborate legal-bureaucratic system of race-, sex-, and perversion-based preferences in all aspects of life touched by either government or big business; need I go on? Most of all, DEI is firmly lodged in the hearts and minds of the midwit functionaries who run everything as the standard and acme of all morality. TV firmly lodged it in the Boomers’ brains, and subsequent generations have only gotten worse.

The American Left is certainly feeling demoralized right now, and the Right is feeling its oats, but realistically the Left still has all the power. It’s like one of those videos where a tiny, aggressive animal is chasing a much larger animal around. The moment the big animal has had enough, it’s not a contest. “Aaah no! The croc ate my terrier!”

It’s going to take a lot more than a lost proxy war on another continent to change America’s religion. I absolutely agree that a faction among the rulers wants to role things back a bit (but just a bit) to prepare of WWIII, but there’s no way they can do it successfully. Losing WWIII would probably do it, but it’s going to take something that drastic and traumatic.

Fidelis says:

It somehow doesn’t feel like the same game anymore. Winds have changed. I think the power struggle has already occured, and we’ll see a mop up shortly. Very shortly, first 6 months of the term. Highly confident we’ll see lots of TV drama but an effective rollover of the old regime in favor of the newly installed. The culture will follow suit soon after, once the first companies learn that HR is no longer calling the shots.

There’s a very cohesive faction, that have all decided its time to prepare for war, and the extinction plan can wait until soon after. They are now installing the war party institutions, and allowing the very disunified and incompetent (by design) leftist middlemen to be rolled over. We are going to see a miraculous and radical shift in everything, very quickly.

Look at the people chosen here. RFK is going to fix the food and toxic environment (you need health for good soldiers and engineers). Elon is going to smash the regulatory overrun (Elon the world expert in practical mass scale military manufacturing). Kash is a hindu middleman, he can cut just as deep as his masters want. Hegseth wants a functional military, will clear out the gay. Gaetz probably removed as he could not be trusted to not uncover what shouldn’t be uncovered.

There’s been lots of new defense companies built out recently, and it looks to me like the trend has only just started. The focus on tarrifs as the solution to economic malaise, clearly a signal that they want war materiel built at home.

This all does not feel like some interleft struggle to me. This looks like the important people still have a collective grasp, saw they did not sit astride the world, and are now working on fixing that. I’m expecting lots of jew and hindu middlemen in praetorian positions, I’m expecting DIE and explicit feminism (not a legal rollback, but the particularly obnoxious cultural kind) to quietly disappear, and I’m expecting an economic miracle as the regulations disappear, tarrifs are raised, and mass subsidies on physical industry starts up.

Looks to me like WW3 is very soon.

ayyylmao says:

I endorse this analysis without condition or qualification.

JustAnotherGuy says:

I know I am only comparing this to a personal relationship, but I don’t think you can just be like a slut and after going through the cock carousel say “I am ready to get serious and settle down now.”

I’ll know what to look for if they are really serious. I haven’t seen something like a sudden turn backwards like in the 1930s so it’s hard for me to imagine it actually happening.

Jim says:

> I absolutely agree that a faction among the rulers wants to roll things back a bit (but just a bit) to prepare of WWIII, but there’s no way they can do it successfully.

The purge of the Covid Demon is belatedly going through with not a dog barking.

In 1933 they shut down first wave feminism and not a dog barked.

Right now the lower ranking DEI priesthood are barking pretty loudly, but I predict that when the purge gets going, they will suddenly fall silent, as the upper ranking DEI people already have.

Loudly barking DEI are getting fired. The rest will fall silent soon enough.

Jim says:

Obviously the name is about to be dumped.

But the critical problem that alarms people, is that the priesthood is destroying every business and area of technology it gets control over. The priesthood particularly dislikes technology, because supposedly stolen from the brave and stunning warrior women of Africa, so if you are in a tech business, the effect of the priesthood is particularly disastrous, even if you have, as you frequently do, an all white (but LGBTQ+++) priesthood.

Your prediction is that the name is going to be dumped, but the priesthood remain embedded in bureaucracy and management. I don’t think so. Thermidor is not worried about tech lead Shaniqua. They are worried about the people who appointed her.

The new wind is fixing America and the officially unofficial state religion for war. If you want America to be capable of fighting wars, not just the name DEI, but the entire DEI priesthood has to go.

ayyylmao says:

I don’t want USG to be capable of fighting wars. Forget “what have you done for me lately”: what have the criminals and terrorists done for me EVER?

Contaminated NEET says:

> If you want America to be capable of fighting wars, not just the name DEI, but the entire DEI priesthood has to go.

Certainly. The question is whether Thermidor has the will and the power to make this happen. I contend that they have neither. You’ve often said that Thermidor will have to borrow the will from the far Right, but even if they do (and I doubt that they can bring themselves to let Hitlerian Nazi Double Hitlers into the tent) they still won’t have the power to get it done.

Jim says:

> The question is whether Thermidor has the will and the power to make this happen.

Similar things have been done before for similar reasons. They are not officially in power yet, and have already made a good start on it.

> You’ve often said that Thermidor will have to borrow the will from the far Right

Every Thermidor borrows its will from the far right, for every Thermidor faces the same problem. Cromwell appointed Monck, the French Thermidor enabled the encroyables (but subsequently crushed them).

Pete Hegseth certainly has the will to do what is needed, at least in the military. I anticipate that Thermidor will deplore him, but strangely not actually do anything to stop him. Albeit a recess appointment or measures even more extraordinary (Trump’s 420 day power) may be necessary. And, once done in the military, the priesthood will find it difficult to resist anywhere else, because of the precedent set, and because once one has the military in one’s pocket, everyone else is disinclined to push for a confrontation.

Fidelis says:

Every Thermidor borrows its will from the far right

Who did they borrow from in 1933?

Jim says:

1933 was not Thermidor, but a swerve on the road to the left singularity, because they had a new leftism, moving towards the command economy, a new applecart to knock over.

What we have now is Thermidor, because they are snatching away the apples that DEI is going after, and not offering any substitute apples.

Jim says:

Walmart announces it will not in anyway support pride events, will review all its product lines for DEI stuff, and will eliminate DEI in promotions, hiring and contracting.

And a big list of companies along with Walmart, though Walmart is the biggest.

Jehu says:

Toyota said more or less the same, saying we’re not going to do DEI, LGBT+, or electric cars anymore. Oh, and we’re bringing back the Celica.

Contaminated NEET says:

It feels different now, I agree. The little dog felt like he could take the crocodile, and the croc felt like it wasn’t worth fighting him. When the croc felt differently, though, the situation changed quickly.

ayyylmao says:

RFK Jr. says that the COVID PSYOP was run out of NSA. Your comment?

white bread says:

It’s pretty much obvious. Another fact that Kennedy hints at in his book is the obvious fact that the covaids PSYOP is the continuation of the original aids PSYOP.

Keywords here are Kary Mullis and Peter Duesberg, both high authorities in molecular biology who denounced the aids scam and were accordingly cancelled.

ayyylmao says:

I’m tempted to agree. What is Jim’s assessment?

Jim says:

Obviously Covid was run from NSA, and if RFK Junior failed to say so in his book, it was because back then too dangerous to say.

RFK Junior is now saying the obvious: That it was run from NSA and the objective was to kill or sterilise as many white people as possible.

Karl says:

Do you have any data that the virus is specifically designed to affect white people or that it primarily affects white people?

Jim says:

Not really. But it was engineered to kill people. It may or may not be engineered with certain racial groups in mind, RFK Junior argues it was engineered to harm Ashkenazi Jews less, on the basis of what evidence I do not know. But whether or not they attempted to engineer it to hit certain groups, those creating it were pissed at the civilisation whites created.

Bix Nudelmann says:

“RFK Junior argues it was engineered to harm Ashkenazi Jews less.”

Holy shit. Seriously?

Many anecdotal turbo cancers and whatnot in Korea or Japan?

/pol/watcher says:

I believe RFK is referring to the ACE receptors in lung tissues that the spike protein binds to. Apparently, these vary across ethnicities, with blacks being most affected as the Ashkenazi least. This is the kind of thing the bio labs in Ukraine and elsewhere research, looking for ways to have targeted bio weapons.

Jim says:

Ah, yes.

Covid was a common code. Among the genetically engineered modifications, was binding to the ACE receptors.

ayyylmao says:

I’m pretty sure that RFK, Jr. was saying that the Rona PSYOP was run out of NSA back when he was running for president. If it was too dangerous to say, wouldn’t it have been too dangerous to say then?

Zorost says:

I’ll take your advice and not read it 😉

The first limited hangout on covid was that all the harms were due to private corporations, that governments were just doing what the private experts were telling them. That there was no global roll-out of a coordinated plan. IIRC, even RFK’s book was of this sort.

Hesiod says:

OT: Daniel Penny found not guilty. Lots to be disgusted by with this case from start to finish in the vein of past cases of Zimmerman et al, but my favorite slice of degeneracy on display was the troon prosecutor. Dude looks like Carrot Top in a dress.

Hesiod says:

BLM alpha silverback calls for reverse vigilantism:

Isolated chimp outs across the US which the MSM will overrate in size and effect are possible in the aftermath of the verdict, but as Jim points out, there’s no longer the necessary cohesion to get another summer of St. Floyd. Images of Penny celebrating a victory drink are already making the rounds.

Dharmicreality says:

For the first time BJP has directly accused the US “deep state” of being involved in destabilising India with the help of Soros and company and their cathedral puppets in India.

Jim says:

The US piously says that its connections with news organisations do not influence content. Though any idiot can see that these news organisations are propaganda arms of the deep state.

Dharmicreality says:


“The US government works with independent organisations on programming that supports professional development and capacity building training for journalists,”

Anon says:

Here is one of the rich guy who was left talking about the “deal”
the whole interview is very good but the interesting bit start at min 22:35
here a Transcription:

“The deal was .. someone like me can start a company a new technology … everyone will think that is great … you will make a lot of money and everybody will say that is great.. you will pay your progressive taxes and that is okay and good and at the end of your career you will be left with a giant pile of money which you donate to philanthropy .. and that washes away all of your sins … reclassify you from suspect business mogul to philanthropist … and then the press love you .. you get invited to honorary degrees from universities .. you get invited to all the great parties … davos .. aspen .. you get to set with the new york times editorial board and all of it is wonderful … and then what I experienced “they” broke the deal in every way you possible can .. everything i just said for the last decade is now held to be presumptively evil… the whole idea there is people with higher economic outcome is evil … technology is held presumptively evil … tech companies are evil … tech people are evil .. there is evil class .. everyone rich is evil … the caps for me , the thing that really shock me .. philanthropy are held to be evil … my friend mark zuckerberg and his wife did this thing because they operated according to the deal … they announced the committed there 99% of their wealth will go to philanthropic causes … they just got hammered with criticism and attacks … and the line of argument was they did this to get to not pay their tax break … the logic they should be tax up to 99% … and the government should allocate the money … which is a level of statism bordering communism… so every part of the deal no longer work .. and the entire thing have been jettison out of the airlock …

for everyone who asking what you get out from the GAE.

Rod says:

some ppl think regurgitation quotes staves off infidels, moles, rats, and disruptors.

we don’t apply the same laws regarding a chimpanzee escaped from the zoo or a bear raiding garbage

preservative non-woke law always the same since time… kill them, let nature evolve to protect itself.

Jim says:

Not a pass.

You have to say why white people fled Detroit, and you have to respond to the argument that equality before the law is impractical for substantially different races living in the same area (requiring segregation, or Jim Crow, or the millet system, or different rules for enslavement, or all of them, simultaneously or according to circumstances and history)

You are pushing the entirely true and relevant narrative that objectionable minorities need to be expelled, and white people should identify with white people. But that is not our narrative. And you are unresponsive to our narrative. You have the shill characteristic that talking to you is like talking back to the television.

Harold the Fat Jew Banker says:

> that is not our narrative

What then, Good Sers, is your narratives?

Might you, Fine Gents, have a page consolidating them for clarifying definition, and for study?

Many millions of plebs would benefit from such an excellent resource.

Jim says:

Maybe a good place to start is Throne, Altar, and Freehold.

But that only references the race problem and the women problem by implication. Presumably Rod would care mostly about pages that address the race problem directly, which is dispersed all over the place.

Perhaps my commenters could suggest other and better places.

The woman problem is addressed most directly in the tags game and marriage

Their really needs to be the race tag, though I don’t generally address the race question except in passing. There have been been several posts on the Jewish Question, notably Holocaustianity, Phariseeism, and Easter, which really need their own tag.

Pax Imperialis says:

>blacks and whites cannot live together under the same laws applying to both equally
>By attempting to derive conclusions from pure reason, without empirical input (example: “all men are created equal”) they cut themselves off from the logos

True, they cannot live together under the same laws applying to both equally, but they can certainly live separately under the same laws applying to both equally… that’s what equality before the law originally meant, and why segregation was originally understood to be perfectly constitutional from 1787 to ~1950. The legal trouble came from a secular reinterpretation of ‘all men are created equal’ which undermined the legal system among everything else with it, as ‘created equal’ was itself originally understood to be in the religious sense of being children of God rather than anything related to being materially equal or equal in character. The trouble with cutting off from the logos was adjacent to, and grew from, the linguistic drift of ‘created equal’ but not strictly due to it. Regardless, the phrase has clearly lost the correct intent and needs to retired.

Now the part that actually went off the rails was “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”. That is actually insane when taken to the logical conclusions and has led to no end of holiness spiraling by the left.

Jim says:

I don’t think living separately under the same laws equally works either. The special laws on powder cocaine are a workaround against equal application of the laws, a workaround rightly demanded by blacks, who were upset by the consequences for black communities of laws designed for drug use by white people. Defacto, Indian reservations and black majority areas with black cops apply and interpret the law rather differently, and everyone piously closes their eyes and pretends to not notice, and successful black states have laws far simpler, harsher, and swifter than successful white states.

Jehu says:

Yeah even fairly serious Christian groups tend to chafe bigtime under the imposition of ‘weaker brother’ rules. Subgroup A knows it can’t handle alcohol/fill in other common temptation and wants it banned overall so they don’t take a social hit from declining to participate in it. Subgroup B handles it just fine and is annoyed that they can’t do it because of the ‘weaker brothers’.

Pax Imperialis says:

This isn’t a problem of trying to enforce the same laws on different groups. People can live under the same laws equally enforced while living under different local customs and traditions. That has always been a part of Christian and Western legal practice. This is entirely a problem of no king to enforce any laws. The democracy of tyrants have enforced a right for some to rape, murder, and plunder other while harshly persecuting victims who object. This is Aztec ritualized murder.

The entire idea of equality before the law comes from the the king’s peace being equally and fairly applied to all subjects within a polity. The protection of property be it your cattle, life, wife, kids, or anything else you can reasonably lay claim to. That others are not allowed to wage unjust war against each other. This is what was always understood to be the spirit of everyone living under the “same laws” regardless of the exceptions on the local level. Exceptions historically were understood to be minor matters of local customs and traditions, and not usually the subject of the king’s law or what we see today with the massively over burden litigious legalism we have today.

Legalism infected the West fundamentally because of the destruction of patriarchy starting with the destruction of monarchy. The removal of male authority at the lowest level of society has lead to an ever growing nanny state to compensate for the power vacuum. Restore patriarchy, and I suspect you’ll find many of those special laws are no longer needed as the problem gets dealt with at the local level.

Niiiidriveevof says:

@Pax Imperialis “that has always been a part of christian and western legal practice.”
no, that is the enlightened absolutism that paid the bare minimum of lip service to traditional european governance while rapidly expanding and devouring all laws, customs, languages, cultures, and loyalties, out of greed, pride, envy, and revolutionary spirit.
“this is what was always understood to be the spirit of everyone living under the “same laws” regardless of the exceptions on the local level.”
there was no doctrine of “everyone living under the same laws” that then needed some interpretation to explain the exceptions. That view comes from much more recent and degraded philosophies of governance which want to pretend they have an older pedigree. pre-modern christian governance involved an infinitely complicated web of concentric jurisdictions and customs. the customs of every village dated back to the settlement of that village by various peoples centuries in the past, modified by its local history organically. enforcing the king’s peace in that village means upholding the law or custom that village already has, which may be unwritten, which may not be changed by the king arbitrarily, and which may have nothing to do with the laws in other parts of the realm.
in other words, this practice where the “problem gets dealt with at the local level” used to be honored by the king as subordinate but akin to the laws that come from his court, not treated as a curious exception to the normal activity of society, destined to be attacked as soon as some bureaucracy decrees it’s not rational and progressive enough.
the principle that the king respects a man’s authority over his own household, which jim calls freehold, is not sufficient to answer these questions in the long term. good governance also requires what the spanish call fueros, which means, that the king respects the stable, established traditions of each people and town, which are not to be rationalized and standardized.
in an industrial society, there are also industrial interests with an incentive to eliminate and standardize all things. in this case the king intervenes to prevent or limit this according to the common good.

The Cominator says:

Re the middle ages and “the same laws”.

It was more as you said a kind of radical localism by modern standards. You might have something resembling the same laws if you lived in the same city or village, but perhaps very different laws if you were in a village 20 miles down the road, although robbing and killing on the kings highway was almost universally a death penalty thing and that was something akin to modern federal law. Absolutism outside of Russia and Prussia was mostly a myth. Louis XIV really tried to be one but France was not actually an absolute monarchy and his assertion that he could have laws proclaimed and to have them take effect without approval of the local “parlements” (or academically the estates general) was ignored during his life and declared illegal immediately after his death.

Pax Imperialis says:

>there was no doctrine of “everyone living under the same laws”

Everyone lived under the King and his law, else they were outlaws. Likewise all Christians lived under God’s law and that law did not differ from one to another (in 99.999% of cases). Both recognized there is a great deal of differences between peoples, disputes that arose from them, and the need to arbitrate them, but most of which was far beneath the level of importance or even of standing to be recognized as a matter of law whether that be the King’s law or God’s law. Law was a high level function of governance, and not a question of local customs or traditions.

>pre-modern christian governance involved an infinitely complicated web of concentric jurisdictions and customs.

Yes, exactly, but those jurisdictions did not practice law. There were no legal argumentation or lawyers at that level of governance, nor were there juries, nor were there courts. Law was literally an outcome of the royal court, and there are many historical and Biblical examples of that. The entire mechanism of customs and traditions is to facilitate social cohesion, prevent disputes, and if needed settle them extralegally all without deliberating endlessly over giant tomes of legal precedent and theory more so than they do over the facts or what was best for the community.

The false modern idea of law originates from Enlightenment absolutism expanding the court system to the local level which ended up claiming local customs and traditions as and under the purview of law. This is why the legal system expanded so massively and rapidly, continues to do so, and has thus become completely unwieldy. It is trying to account for every single possible nuance and somehow coherently standardize it into one consistent legal doctrine. This is impossible, and as many have pointed out, different people behave and think different.

Varna says:

In EE, the whole chunk that used to belong to the house of Osman, and two thirds of the chunk that used to belong to the house of Hapsburg, and bits of the former Romanov territories, have had for centuries the “local niggers”, that lost nomadic tribe of dalit conjurers, clairvoyants, pickpockets, musicians for hire, sex traffickers and odd-job handymen – the romani gypsies.

Officially every country treats them as equal citizens, unofficially there is serious segregation, to the point that in smaller towns whites and darkies don’t look each other in the eyes when passing on the street, and policing is of course different. As is teacher attitude, shop keeper attitude, bureaucrat attitude and so on.

They do, however, constantly generate a subtle outflow, in the sense of each generation produces groups that become blue collar workers working for local municipalities, then their kids start graduating school, and their grandkids, get into higher education or some qualification program and look and dress and behave like “proper Hungarians/Romanians/Macedonians” etc., just a bit swarthier, but outbreeding fixes that fast.

The first/second generation assimilated darkie also tends to become turbo-patriotic with a passion, not unlike certain Russian jews such as Zhirinovsky and Solovyov. Or the rabid pro-US latinos and hindus I’m told about. Everyone kind of goes along with that in a don’t ask don’t tell manner in a way. “Sure, sure, real honest montenegrins, always have been.”

The core roma population keeps to its ways of thieving, scamming, and child-briding, but the outer fringes quietly enter the host population and merging with the landscape.

Hence a variation of some “early life” research can be sometimes needed. A gorgeous EE brunette catches your attention? Maybe a bit of spicy Uygur or Kasparian blood that just makes her yummier in your imagination? Check the social media. Everything looks normal? Just a conspicuous lack of older relatives? Good, good, find the one pic from childhood mixed in with the rest. If one or both parents or grandparents look suspiciously dark, scruffy, and simian, then know what you’re getting into.

Best case you’ll be the decisive gene/social capital provider to make the next generation huwhite for real.

Varna says:

I’m fairly convinced that in some regions and counties of EE this “slow internal migration” from the jack-rabbit breeding romani core into the host society is what keeps the official fertility rates above East Asian levels.

i says:

The thieving and scamming from the Roma population definitely is what crosses over to the rest of society making them less tolerable. What is the most suitable way to penalize such behaviors from them?

It would be desirous to root that out from them.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Interesting parallel to the Amish, who appear to be self-selecting for what they call plainness through a process of boiling off the un-plain.

Which raises the disturbing possibility Roma are still getting more Roma-ish not less. Unless, having been around longer than the Amish, they’re already closer to their stable equilibrium of optimal Roma-ness and have less room to grow.

In either event, bad news for trying to “fix” them. Any eugenic solution would be exceedingly harsh.

Pax Imperialis says:

A good start to rooting out undesirable behaviors is to actually penalizing them instead of turning a blind eye to it. Stop rewarding them with welfare which has reinforced their bad behavior and allowed them to reproduce it. Force them to settle down if they want to benefit from the king’s peace, otherwise they will be deemed outlaws and offenses committed against them are not punishable.

It may be that they are unemployable in today’s economy. It may be that no one wishes they be settled down as neighbors. No problem, we have some very big case studies on how to deal with and reform nomadic savages far worse. Reservations with carved out regional monopolies on hunting, gambling, and tobacco. It breeds out the savage and replaces it with something approaching a good host. Varna observes some of them mysteriously becoming “real honest montenegrins” or something like that under the current system of pretending they don’t exist. This process is currently limited to those who “boil off”, but a quick look at the reservation system proves the direction of gene flow can be reversed.

Many of the Indian reservations these days look rather white, and they are having to change their bylaws on blood because it’s getting to the point where none of them have enough native ancestry to qualify for tribal status. This is happening even in reservations as isolated and remote as Alaska. Blood quantum requirements are being removed because it has gotten to the point where they are having trouble finding enough people with more than 50% 25% 12.5% native blood to keep the tribe alive. Take a look at this interview with a chairwoman of the Chippewa tribe. That’s a very fair skinned blond Native.

The problem of Roma criminality is the problem of democracy. No one wants to keep them in line for fear of being seen as bad under democratic norms. That mindset started with racial minorities, but has spread to vagrants, criminals, women, and society at large. It’s at the point where if law is enforced, it’s sporadically done so at best, and no one is properly kept in line.

c4ssidy says:

Trying to build systems to get the next generation using hashes for content and user IDs, with the intermediate steps being to leech off existing pipelines, using them to share fun content as hashes, easing people into the transition. Base 64 hash at 43 characters is ok but not ideal. Base 256 gets to 32 char (⊄⋗∱⊇≄∳⋒∉≣≟⋉≞∶∹≉⊭⊜≫≔∊∖⋔≈≕∂≔∍⊤⊰∙⊀∌), base ~65k goes to 16 char (𧘇𦞛誃𧮈𪏡赽𤺺𣌈巟𦍡𢡛𤖕𣽠𣞖敆𢕫) both with the problem that the characters are too wide, too messy. The best option is to use one of the unicode planes which have a blank ~65k reserved for private use, aka 󼶗󲸬󳋭󰏙󵬜󱂋󿂏󴄥󲽮󺿩󺧢󶥯󺧹󹷬󿨪󵊏. So I will focus on classic base 64 and base ~65k. When I, or anyone, gets around to making a font, to avoid the broken appearance of squares, they could be geometric shapes, needing only 2^16 variations, such as 16 small features with 2 varieties each, simplest example might be a bitmap with two columns of 8 pixels, each one on or off. This would also make the hash look much thinner than fallback squares, so a hash can encompass something as short as ‘’ or even short as the word ‘google’. Next, as mentioned in past comments, just need a version of ipfs that uses plain hashes instead of filling up its cid design with garbage, along with software to make ‘pinning’ and filling up data collections (organizing big lists of hashes and hashes of hashes and building the matching data collections to greentick them) actually fun to do. The final part comes at the client/browser/OS level, where a unicode hash is intercepted, read, interpreted in real time. An image hash for example gets inlined or previewed. A public key brings up the zooko name type actions, compares it against one’s address book, adds a green or orange tick, stuff like that, but in addition, since the future of the internet is decentralised data hoarding, billions of text and other files stored locally, everything available somewhere to the extent someone considers a tibit of content to be worth keeping, it can easily search the hoard for past stuff already signed by that public key or mentioning the public key, starting in the local hoard and then pinging other nodes, so even hovering over the ID-hash would pull up some kind of twitter-like feed. The system could even be used indirectly to create a public message: write a paragraph referencing the key that is mildly interesting or funny enough that at least one person is going to pin it to their node/collection, so it would eventually show up in casual searches for the ID

Jim says:

I don’t want normies to ever see the hash. They should be able to access it, copy it and paste it for special and exceptional cases, but should never need to so in normal use.

You will probably need it for command line activities, but normies should never need to go to the command line.

[*deleted*] This satisfies most pedantic tyrants (incl govt) “need” for “Real ID”, but breaks “ID” based datasharing, thus preserving your privacy.[*deleted*]

Jim says: has Harvard connections. Harvard does not like this blog, nor the objectives discussed in Social networking.

Take the shill test. Your comments will then come through unmolested. Anyone can pass the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed, regardless of their political beliefs and what they want to talk about.

We hear far too much about Harvard approved cryptographic initiatives that are supposedly aimed at promoting privacy. They will not promote privacy. They will extend state power in an allegedly less obnoxious form. I think that none of these initiatives are likely to be less obnoxious.

If you want to argue that they will foster privacy and freedom, I welcome the debate. But it is impossible to hold such a debate with someone who is not allowed to acknowledge the existence of non Harvard cryptographic initiatives.

Harvard proposed applications of Zero Knowledge are knackered. Zero Knowledge is an inherently freedom promoting technology, and what Harvard is primarily interested in is finding ways to apply it that take the freedom out of it.

Cloudswrest says:

Off topic, but related to AI. This train of thought just occurred to me.

We all know that “surface” (i.e. top article) Wikipedia is heavily censored and extremely Left oriented, and is not a reliable source for anything controversial. But subsurface Wikipedia (all the collective edits) is a potentially immense resource, if properly curated. This would be an Augean Stables tasks for mere humans, but an AI, properly trained, could probably scrape all of Wikipedia, analyze the biases of every editor, and rewrite every article based on every one of it’s passed edits, weighing the editors biases for reliability. E.g., reversion by a flaming Lefty would indicate a high probability the reverted material was good.

This idea occurred to me when, just for jollies, I decided to see what what Wikipedia had to say about JF Gariepy. Starts off in first sentence with, “Canadian white supremacist”. LOL. He’s written a rather interesting book titled, “The Revolutionary Phenotype”. Which is both a fairly interesting idea and an interesting read. Of course this book is not listed in the surface article, but it is listed in the edits, and reverted away in the subsequent edit. BUT IT IS IN THE EDITS! So if an AI could properly curate deep Wikipedia we would have an immense resource of collective wisdom. Perhaps various spook agencies already have this?

Of course, if this endeavor was successful I could see Wikipedia immediately eliminating the past edit archive to the general public.

alf says:

Any future priesthood worth its salt needs its own social media and its own ai. The question is whether it needs wikipedia. Is AI not taking that over that role?

Jim says:

An AI, to be useful, needs to be trained on curated data or ranked data — Wickedpedia is a pile of curated data — curated by leftists,

Training our own ai is going to be a little bit like writing our own Wikipedia.

These days, AIs are migrating towards their actually useful function: Finding relevant links, and paraphrasing and summarising those links.

Obviously the state religion needs to restrain itself from meddling every area of thought and reason. The trouble with Wikepedia is that absolutely everything as become political, because we have a state religion based on points of faith that are empirically falsifiable, and empirically false, so each lie requires a multitude of other lies. On empirical matters, the state religion has to allow the logos to speak for itself. So curation or ranking means higher rank for first hand knowledge, and people that there is reason to believe are likely to speak the truth.

Varna says:

Asked AI how many slavs there are in the world and where they live. Chat described the east, west, and southern slavs. Says 143 million slavs in Russia, also equates country population number with number of slavs on the Balkans etc.. I go “Chat, be serious. Russia is not 100% slavic, neither are the Balkan countries”. Sure, says Chat, and revises downward to the real average of 70% for the relevant places. Then I notice the Ukraine is 40 million, with a diaspora in Canada. Again I go “Chat, give post-war figures, eh?” The Ukraine abruptly becomes 29 million, and the diaspora is suddenly spread all across Europe now.

Like a lazy student trying to do the basic minimum, for now at least. You have to already know the basic framework and figures and keep prodding the conversation toward reality.

Admirably fast reactions, and a real capacity to adapting to your own mental algorithm over the course of an hour or two, but without your mentoring, the starting position is just provide the most surface generic crap and leave it at that.

Fidelis says:

I suspect it will remain this way for a long time to come, longer than is generally expected even from the more pessimistic materialists (of course excluding those who believe humans have magic in them they cannot grant the machine, who will simply say ‘never’).

With just about every task with sufficient degrees of freedom, the bot flails. Even with more simulated experience than a human could gain in 100 lifetimes, they cannot quite master poker. But in any narrowly defined task, superhuman. No one can beat the bot at chess, similar to how no one can outlift a forklift. They’ve been trying to fully automate factories with robots and RL for quite a while, and everyone concludes it’s a fools errand, and that’s just a factory. With defined inputs and outputs.

Drones can’t exactly navigate themselves by looking around. Computer vision is easily tricked, to the point adversarial research has died down in volume because no one has bothered trying to fix it.

These systems work incredibly with a human in the loop, and fail catastrophically without one. On all tasks in the real world. It’s really quite something.

Dan says:

Scraped wikipedia edits for urls once, it was very fruitful.

Eventually there will just be uncensorable distributed deduplicated P2P global storage… you plug your storage drives into it, share all that and the same amount of free space, get the same amount of access to whatever your personal filter bot delivers to your feed, pay a little offset fee if you consume more than you supply.

c4ssidy says:

Pretty sure that, like a digital equivalent of Elon’s rockets, it is going to take a strained effort of the select few, else everything falls off the cliff into the abyss. The digital world in the dark age being these huge codebases staffed by indians which are constantly online and updating, immanentize the eschaton through obfuscation and bloat and backdoors in everything, actual functionality (measured by responsiveness and ability to perform simple tasks like writing a letter etc) declining in jumps every couple of years. Normies are starting to notice that Windows is slower and less useful than it was two decades ago, and are starting to dread every update

Jim says:

Linux has fallen. I expect it to be superseded by a Russian fork in a few years.

BoNix says:

Linux never “fell”, because it was always Gay, [*deleted*]

Jim says:

Linux was not gay until it surrendered to a code of conduct written by the Lavender mafia.

If you want to argue this, take the shill test.

Your comments will then come through unmolested. Anyone can pass the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed, regardless of their political beliefs and what they want to talk about.

I silently delete a huge number of comments, because they look shillish. If you don’t take the shill test, your comment will very likely not appear at all

BoNix says:

First principles…
If Linux was not gay, Linux would not have surrendered.
Linux surrendered, therefore Linux was gay.

Some BSD’s did cuck themselves onto Lavender tits
too, but most held out longer than GNU/Linux, or just
ignored the mob. None of the BSD’s have spammed their
website with a COC except FreeBSD.

Which of the huge Leftist activists at the top
of the GNU/Linux project do you admire, and why?

Jim says:

You are still on moderation, but it is a relevant reply so allowing it through. If you do not take the shill test, probably going to silently delete your next comment regardless of relevance.

A code of conduct is sold as not actually going to affect anything, because no one on the mailing list normally talks about race sex, sexuality, or nationality, let alone identifies their race, sex, sexuality, or nationality. On the internet nobody knows you are a dog. So it seems completely harmless. Why should anyone object unless he hates blacks, Jews, women and gays? Why should anyone care about this code of conduct?

And as soon as the code of conduct is in place, the woke start identifying their race, sex, and sexual preference, and suddenly the mailing list is full of gay sex, sexual promiscuity, and racial hatred against whites. Which gives them no end of microaggressions to complain about because some people decline to talk about these topics in the appropriately supportive and enthusiastic way. And the microaggressions are then applied to terrorise anyone who gets in the way of the woke priesthood exercising total power, and it is impossible to object to or resist this process without committing macro aggressions. You have to call people who bring up sex on the mailing list disgusting perverts who are dangerous to children, you have to call people who bring up race dumb niggers who are playing the race card to get fake stuff on the resume, and get their race credit for doing stuff, when in fact they lived in mud huts till white conquerors uplifted them, and so on and so forth. And if you fail to do this, pretty soon they are in power, and you are terrorised or kicked off the project.

You have to engage in these macro aggressions because they set up these conflicts so that you cannot push back except by macro aggressions.

For example, all science and technology was stolen from the brave and stunning warrior women of subsaharan Africa by white male slave stealing rapists, and therefore the project must do X, where X is something objectionable and stupid. And you cannot say why X is objectionable and stupid without saying, or at least implying, that black people are incapable of tech, and lived in mud huts before white people uplifted them, and black people generally need a slave driver standing over them with a whip if they are to pay for their own keep, rather hunting other people’s cattle and gathering from other people’s gardens.

Once you have one woke priest doing woke priesting in your organisation, once the camel’s nose is under the tent flap, you cannot stop a total takeover by any means short of launching a full on explicitly reactionary holy war against woke. Because they are going to launch a full on Woke holy war against you. You want to use an extra level of pointer indirection? Suddenly you find you are oppressing women and blacks and your pointers are engaged in white colonialism against the bodies of black gay women.

Which the Trump cabinet is about to discover. Still predicting civil war II or something equally terrible around 2026 or so. If things go as smoothly as the Trump team expects, I will be pleasantly surprised. Alternatively they capitulate, and probably get killed when the Woke are back in power, or they empower some full on reactionaries to do what it takes, while politely saying that they deplore this extremism, the extremism that they found it necessary to empower. This is the way Thermidor usually goes.

Pete Hegseth, Trump’s secretary of defense, has piously said that he is fine with women in combat provided they meet the same physical standards as men in combat. Of course he knows perfectly well that none of them will meet those standards, and by and by, the Woke priesthood is going force him into a corner where he actually has to say so.

They are going to say that women are prevented from meeting those standards by insufficiently woke officers, and therefore we have to make sure that only members of the woke priesthood get to be officers and only members of the woke priesthood get promotions. And he is going to have to say that the reason no women are meeting those standards is because women are the weaker sex, and therefore have no role in combat, and the gentle sex, and therefore have no role in combat. (Or perhaps hire a full on reactionary to say that for him.) See how it works?

A2 says:

Uuurgh, this gives me PTSD. Creepy sickos taking over open source projects and emptying the tiller. Donations to maintain the project are quickly converted into grants for strong independent women.

Debian has taken it to the next level with occasional human sacrifices (suicides) of those unimportant coders. Who all seem to be shitlibs, but still.

alf says:

Immense shame. An early sign of trouble was Linus Torvalds shilling the covid shot. He does not seem like a leftist type though. Just not anti-woke enough. Probably just one of those cases where when you don’t actively defend against shills, they eventually overrun you.

someDude says:

You got me there, mate. I would call this windows-update-phobia except that phobias are irrational fears. This one is very rational

K1 says:

Jesus Christ is Saviour.

Pax Imperialis says:

What about Christ being your Lord as well?

Pax Imperialis says:

An interesting legal theory (which is correct) that is being advanced in South Korea in order to defend President Yoon from legal prosecution is that martial law was an “act of governance” and thus is not subject to prosecution. For example, the legislative can pass laws that are found to be unconstitutional and thus illegal, but the legislators themselves are and always have been legally immune from being punished for their legislative conduct because it was “an act of governance” even if found to be unlawful. Thus, even if aspects of the implementation of martial law were unlawful, not an impeachable or prosecutable offense on the basis of legality.

This is relevant to the American system (and Nrx) because it exposes a double standard. President Trump faced numerous impeachment votes for acts of governance that were accused of being illegal despite having presidential immunity, yet congress itself has never been held legally accountable for the numerous illegal acts both of governance and or of personal behavior. It proves that democratic systems are incapable of maintaining virtuous behavior of their legislative body, and that they are prone to making presidents legally subservient. This is how constitutional Monarchies decay into virtuous Republics decay into degenerate Democracies. Accountability can only come from the top down, and legislative bodies often attempt to reverse the direction of accountability and in the process lose any ability to maintain virtue.

If a Republic cannot strictly maintain presidential immunity for acts of governance, then it cannot maintain the Republic. Such a standard is often impossible to sustain because Republics are created by the repudiation of Monarchical immunity, and thus foundational precedence for legislative anarchy is intrinsically baked into Republics. Benjamin Franklin has be theoretically and practically proven wrong. A Republic, you cannot keep.

Dharmicreality says:

It always boils down to the basic conflict between rule by priests vs rule by warriors.

Priests who want consensus always subvert warrior rule which is command based and hierarchical. That is why monarchy works by warrior rule explicitly suppressing priestly power and democracy is priestly rule clearly keeping the warriors subordinated, while a republic is an uneasy compromise between priests and warriors and breaks down the moment priests subvert warriors as is their nature. Unless a warrior just takes charge and throws the priests out of power first.

Jim says:

Yes, first crusade ran into trouble with the Pope trying to convert Jerusalem into a Papal Kingdom, coveting what was Caesar’s. This resulted in crusaders killing crusaders, and GGodfrey of Bouillon giving himself the deliberately unclear ambiguous title “Advocate of the Holy Sepulchre”

Kline says:

[*deleted because posted from the frame that commenter is a Christian]

Jim says:

I don’t think you are a Christian. I suspect you are a demon worshipper.

And I don’t allow any Christian theology that I do not like through unless the commenter affirms that Christ is King, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Through him all things were created. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

Kline says:

[*deleted because posted from the frame that commenter is a Christian]

Kline says:

I never said I was Christian, nor do I recall implying it, nor would either be my intent…

Jim says:

You were telling us that God said this and that. OK. Which God?

Jews can speak freely here, and Hindus can speak freely here, and Mohammedans can speak freely here, but when someone speaks of God we need to know where he are coming from, because there are a whole lot of hostile enemy entryists lecturing Christians what Christianity is.

A theological debate is likely to ensue about the nature of God, in which you will hear the Christian position, and we need to know the belief system of the party we are addressing.

Socinians, Gnostics, and suchlike would also be welcome here except that none of them are ever going to admit to being a Socinian or a Gnostic.

Pax Imperialis says:

It always boils down to the basic conflict between rule by priests vs rule by warriors.

Jim, what we call “law” today is an anticoncept linking consensus priesting to governing and warrior king rule.

It’s clear there is a basic conflict between “law” by priests vs law by warriors. The Bible is clear that the King’s word is law, and Church (Cathedral) involvement in law is another example of coveting what was Caesar’s to disastrous effect. I contend that law by priests is in fact not law, and that we know this on an instinctual level due to the perpetual popularity of movies like Dirty Harry. If law by priests, then of course equal (in spirit) laws will never be consistently enforced because priests are concerned with consensus, and consensus must always expand. If law by warriors, then equal laws consistently enforced on different groups becomes possible and righteous. Kings naturally have no interest in overextending authority which keeps the purview of law down to the core necessities while leaving much to local patriarchs to deal with extralegally.

Prior to the Norman invasion of England, law was command based and hierarchical. A group of 10 families were organized into tithings with a tithingman in charge. They were subject to the hundredman who governed 100 families. They were subject to the king’s sheriff. There were no juries in the modern sense. Individuals who personally knew the accused and accuser used their personal knowledge about the character of both and were actively involved in figuring out the facts. They would help determine guilt. Strict accountability from the top down created both enough leeway at the bottom for local customs and traditions to take care of minor issues, while maintaining a hard line against serious crimes such as theft, murder, heresy, sodomy, etc. This is remarkably similar to military justice (before priestly bureaucracy sticks its fingers into the process) which often manages to enforce orders and standards equally between different groups (again, before priests get involved). The laws were more or less equal for various groups and fairly consistent in enforcement while specific practices of governance was not.

The whole notion of law we have today is based on consensus and legal argumentation devoid of personal knowledge of character. This originated from the Norman introduction of Church authority into law as a parallel system of governance. The chain of accountability was non-existant, and accused would claim membership in the clergy going as far as shaving their heads and pretending to be monks. There was no way of “proving” membership or not (I suspect the Church had no interest in determining validity), and more often than not they would grant shelter and right to trial in the ecclesiastical court. Notably this automatically took away the possibility of death. The jury of priests did not personally know anything about the accused or accuser, and based their verdicts purely on argument. This is where the modern structure of juries and lawyering was introduced into the English legals system. Likewise to modern courts, this system was notorious for being inconsistent and lenient.

K1 says:

“Then He said to them, “Then pay to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s.” — Matthew 22:21”

Some have suggested this is a clever swipe at Caesar, actually calling for the end of such entities and powers.

S says:

How? Jesus is pointing to a Roman coin (which has the face of Caesar on it) when he says the phrase- it is clearly ‘pay your taxes’.

Pax Imperialis says:

*Some* have suggested that God is not really God and is in fact the demiurge.

Jim says:

Because some priests covet what is Caesar’s

The horrifying history of the Roman Catholic Church tells us it means what it says, for by their fruits you will know them.

As a government, they have been quite good internally, but in war and international politics, absolutely villainous.

/pol/watcher says:

The render unto Ceasar dialogue is [*deleted*]. Assuming it takes place in the temple, it shows the allegiance of the questioner by bringing currency marked with a pagan god there. The Pharisees were backed by the Roman state, hence their argument for Jesus’ crucifixion. The Sadducees were fully hellenized and borderline atheists, thus God doesn’t enter the equation at all. The Essenes would not want anything to do with Caesar, while the Zealots wanted to overthrow him. Thus every faction brings a pre-supposition prior to questioning the Lord, and intend it as a trap in the “When did you stop beating your wife?” vein.

[*deleted because I don’t allow theological debate unless the proponent identifies what religion he adheres to*]

Jim says:

Take the shill test. Your comments will then come through unmolested. Anyone can pass the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed, regardless of their political beliefs and what they want to talk about.

I silently delete a huge number of comments, because they look shillish. If you don’t take the shill test, your comment will very likely not appear at all.

The plain meaning of “render unto Caesar” is confirmed by numerous other sections of the Bible addressing the problem of Church and state. Obedience to legitimate earthly authority is commanded, but resistance to wicked earthly authority performing wicked acts is commanded, and actual overthrow of wicked earthly authority is commended.

And if your response claims to be from the Christian frame, give us the affirmation.

/pol/watcher says:

Apologies, I think I entered the wrong email on my comment above.

I am currently a catechumen in an Eastern Orthodox church, so I hold to the Nicene Creed.

I believe in One God, God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and all things visible and invisible. and In one Lord, Jesus Christ, the son of God, the only begotten, begotten of the Father before all worlds and through whom all things were made,
very God of very God, light or light, begotten and not made, of one essence with the Father.
Who for us sinners and our salvation came down from heaven and was Incarnate of the Holy Spirit (God the Holy Spirit) and the Virgin Mary and made man, and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate and suffered and was buried and the third day rose again, ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of the Father. And He shall come again in power and in glory to judge the living and the dead, whose kingdom shall have no end.
And I believe in the Holy Spirit the giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father and together with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified. The Holy Trinity, three persons, one in essence, and undivided.
I believe in One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic church.
And I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sin.
I look to the resurrection of the dead, and of the world to come.

Definitely not a perfect rendition from memory.

As for thought crimes, let’s see. I think women are the weaker vessel and first deceived by Satan, that’s why being ruled by them is a judgment from God. I believe in genetics, and thus equality is a lie, and a horrible goal anyways (Arete/Virtu are far better). To be honest, I think the civilized races came about because of strict patriarchy plus harsh penal codes over the course of centuries that rooted out certain alleles. Also, Christianity helped, of course, for a variety of supernatural and natural reasons.

Still have hoppean/AnCap leanings, so I apologize for overly anti government at times. All authority comes from above, but even so we were given rational souls in order to make judgments on matters of justice. All just orders and laws are binding on Christians, and given the fallen state of man, excess should be expected, so some deference should be given to the one who holds the sword and renders judgment.

Jim says:

Pass, but I believe this email address was already whitelisted since 2024/January/12

skippy says:

I think it does make sense for law to be consistent and predictable. This is not purely priestly power-grabbing.

English Common Law around the early modern period probably reached the peak of legal theoretical sophistication while retaining the sovereign authority of the king as its foundation.

America by the way does not have English Common Law even though it claims to do so.

Dharmicreality says:

Laws created by priestly systems including democracies tend to be vague and ambiguous giving rise to creative and frequently inconsistent interpretations by lawyers and judges often bypassing the “spirit” and intent of the lawmakers. Even Judicial precedents are often ignored by twisting the facts to fit the creative interpretation.

Jim says:

> I think it does make sense for law to be consistent and predictable. This is not purely priestly power-grabbing.

Who whom?

The King cannot judge every case. Consistent and predictable law limits the powers of those who do judge. Who are normally of the priestly class.

Thus it is in the interests of the King that law be consistent and predictable, lest all that power slip through his fingers to the judges, while in the interests of the Priests that law be incomprehensible and unpredictable.

skippy says:

It is also in the practical interest of, for example, commerce.

The King is more likely to say, “create for me laws that make commerce flourish in my realm”, than to say, “I wish to decide the winner in each commercial case”.

And even in England, even the United States, and even more so in tax havens like Cayman, the commercial law remains less corrupt than the law for individual persons.

Pax Imperialis says:

In pre-Norman English law, the King’s men, sheriffs, would run around judging and enforcing where the King could not judge. They had the authority to raise a small army, a posse, to chase after criminals. Sheriffs are of the warrior class. This was the historical norm. There is nothing normal about priestly involvement in law, and it’s one of Christ’s top condemnations of the Pharisees.

There is remarkable consistency among the American officer corp on toeing the party line. Military structures have a way of creating coherence. Should the legal system be structured like the military, like most historical systems of law, there would likewise be similar consistency. There is no reason a king would have to personally oversee every judgement. The king heads a top down hierarchy and he’s the determining factor on the character of the hierarchy all the way down to the bottom.

Napoleon says:

Skippy: “I think it does make sense for law to be consistent.” Jim: “It is in the interests of the King that law be consistent and predictable, lest all that power slip through his fingers to the judges.”

This is exactly the way God set up the govt of the ancient nation of Israel. God had an opportunity to set up an earthly govt (the govt of ancient Israel) from scratch, however He wanted. The design He gave them is the optimal design, and it matches up perfectly with what Jim teaches. In short, it is Throne and Altar plus a code of Law written in stone.

God actually started with law. Through Moses He gave them a lengthy code of criminal law that outlaws every major form of evil that can cause national/civilizational decline. (This was in addition to a separate aspect of “the law” that had to do with how they were to relate to God at that time – animal sacrifices etc.) God started with the law to get everyone on the same page regarding what evil is. As long as that code of law is enforced, purity spiraling, leftism, etc is impossible.

Then God gave Israel a king, and gave him the ultimate responsibility of enforcing that law. “David administered justice and righteousness for all his people.” (2 Sam. 8:15) God instructed the king to keep a copy of the law with him at all times and read it every day (Deut. 17:19, also Joshua 1:8).

God also gave them a judiciary system that was to enforce this code of law locally (Deut. 16:18-20). Any person could bring any violation of the code of law to the local judicial system. Two things kept judges from going off the reservation: the strict, unchangeable code of law, and the king. The consistent law code stops undermining of law via “precedent” (how Western common law got undermined). And of course, God knows and reality dictates that the ultimate enforcer of the law must be the king. The king can do it because he has the military at his disposal. Which is why God said what He said in verses like 2 Samuel 8:15, and Deut. 17:19.

We also see that God gave Israel a state religion. The long, thorough criminal law portion of the code of law had the backing of the state religion and “God says.” But the priesthood could not change the law. And the priesthood did not have the military or any armed forces at their disposal – only the king did.

So basically you have Throne and Altar and a Code of Law written in stone. God then told Israel that if they ran this setup exactly as prescribed, without deviation, that they would outcompete other nations, financially and in every other way (Deut. 4:5-9). When Israel did it, they succeeded and outcompeted, when they deviated they failed and were conquered. Eventually they kept failing and were conquered and scattered.

The Gasman says:

I give it two years before everyone figures out that blompf is a fake; he has no intention of deporting anybody; and he’s going to plunge us headlong into war with Iran especially now that Syria is out of the way. He was already president once before but the usual suspects are tripping over one another to be first to earn the “fell for it again award.” Just like his first presidency it’s going to be all muh optics this and muh hamstrung by the courts that. Maybe there can be a real revolutionary front once all the boomers are either dead or fully demoralized.

Pete says:

I’ll give Trump enough credit to believe he actually does WANT to deport spics. He won’t be allowed to do so. The active military will tell him to fuck off, the National Guard of each state will be told by the governors not to cooperate, judges will issue various rulings to muddy the waters. Each and every illegal picked up will mysteriously have a team of white-shoe jewish lawyers that comes out of the woodwork with shadowy funding sources. Legal citizen spics will put themselves in a position to be arrested along with the migrants, so the media can run sob stories that Trump’s team is “just grabbing anyone who looks brown!” The Democrats will make it clear that once they return to power with a Leftist DOJ in 2029, anyone who helped Trump arrest one single migrant is going to prison for life. Due to this, the Border Patrol, ICE, ATF, DHS and the rest will quietly call in sick whenever asked to help with the effort.

After all of this, Trump will have no choice but to turn to the cameras, shrug and say “Sorry folks…I tried.”

Jim says:

> I’ll give Trump enough credit to believe he actually does WANT to deport spics. He won’t be allowed to do so. The active military will tell him to fuck off

The active military fully supports him. Almost everyone at the tip of the spear is Maga.

A fact that may well become important by and by.

He has far more power now than he did last time. And last time, he did deport them.

When push comes to shove, an NCO outranks a supreme court justice. A fact of which Musk, Pete Hegseth, and Kash Patel are very much aware. And Pete Hegseth has multiple bronze star medals, and the NCOs in his pocket.

Karl says:

Are military honors like the bronze star still meaningful or have they been corrupted like almost everything controlled by progressives?

I don’t know anything about US military awards, but suspect that they are give out like college admissions, i.e. a most must go to females, non-whites, fags and trannies.

S says:

How is he going to go to war with Iran? Russia can send shipments across the Caspian Sea, so the US can’t rely on superior firepower, Yemen has shown the US Navy can’t keep the oceans open- is the plan to invade through Turkey or travel Israel-Syria-Iraq?

Pax Imperialis says:

In theory there are large stockpiles of weapons in Saudi Arabia. In theory there’s enough tension between the Saudi Arabs and Persians for war. In theory Iraq is still mostly obedient to State Department desires. Is any of this true? If yes, will it be enough? Who knows? State Department won’t be accountable to the outcome, so might as well fuck around and find out.

Pax Imperialis says:

Oh great, girl boss Witcher 4. The dialogue quality took a noticeable hit too.

Hesiod says:

Razorfist contends we’re now seeing the rotten fruits of the four-year development cycle in entertainment that started during the coof lockdowns:

Alls I know is I’d love an old-school RPG game that’s actually contains adventure rather than constantly bouncing between overly verbose NPCs which is the norm these days.

Make Adventure Great Again

Adam says:

Path of Exile 2 early access was just released. It’s an action RPG but it is as deep as it gets. It’s not for casuals.

Hesiod says:

Played POE2 last weekend for an hour out of curiosity. While the over-all gameplay and mechanics look promising, it suffers two crippling flaws: stingy loot drops and needing to defeat bosses via Death by a Thousand Papercuts. Granted, it’s in early access state, so these aspects may change but I fear the loudest portion of the community wants it to be a grindfest requiring hundreds if not thousands of hours to “git gud”.

Earlier in the week, there was a news story concerning a 23-year-old man in Florida who killed his father and severely wounded his mother. Why? His parents were riding his ass to do something with his life besides play video games. Can’t help but to see certain correlations.

Pax Imperialis says:

There are still plenty of ok games when only looking at gameplay, but gameplay on its own is so very hollow. The people want great stories! They want beautiful art! They want characters to love and hate on the basis of great heroics and villainy. They want complexity and ambiguity with characters that are tragically heroic and villainous. They want Shakespeare.

They get Kathleen Kennedy and JJ Abrams at best.

Entertainment these days is just so bland at best and disgustingly terrible usually.

JustAnotherGuy says:

I remember playing Baldurs Gate 1 with never having played a DnD game before. Turns out I didn’t need to, and the whole story was so intriguing from the get go.

Seeing some weird dopey fortuneteller who was going to scam you run away in fear when she realizes what you are (but you don’t).

Having a succubus either charm you if you are male, or get angry that it was a female who came up the tower and try to kill you.

Minsc was such a great guy. I didn’t give a damn that he didn’t fit my class composition, I was keeping him around for boo as well. You just don’t get these kinds of deliveries anymore in ‘modern’ games:

I saw Baldurs Gate 3 Minsc and can immediately feel that something is off, like some Doppelganger ripped his skin off and is parading around his meat suit doing its best impression of Minsc.

Dead space ‘remastered’ also had all sorts of bullshit like this, with the big titty posters on the ship having the woman become flat chested, I don’t need to clarify why this happens in this blog.

The Cominator says:

Baldurs Gate II was the really awesome RPG IMHO the best of all time. BG III didn’t suck as much as current year stuff normally does but it was no BG II.

BG I also had the annoying experience of dying over and over again because you are a very low level character and even goblins and such can easily kill you.

Hesiod says:

“Baldurs Gate II was the really awesome RPG IMHO the best of all time. BG III didn’t suck as much as current year stuff normally does but it was no BG II.

BG2 is a worthy scion of the Ultima series and SSI goldbox D&D games I cut my teeth on back in the ’80s. Didn’t have the time to complete a playthrough when it was released, but I do fondly recall its class-specific questlines that granted iconic AD&D magic items such as the Holy Avenger and Staff of the Magi.

C4ssidy’s mention of modding leads into my musings while putting the finishing touches on a second Pathfinder WOTR playthrough, this time as a lawful good cleric on the angel mythic path. WOTR replicates a campaign from first level nobody to entry level demigod, complete with managing a kingdom at war. So, very ambitious in scope. It’s the yesterday’s wokeness (the blond, white angel character pics for both sexes you can switch to when reaching a certain rank in that path is inexcusably fascist in the Current Year) that pads out the campaign plot that’s a tad irritating. A rewrite of certain NPCs while completely reworking others would go a long way to make it a truly enjoyable game per Pax’s specs.

The Gasman says:

I find the new Indiana Jones to be a perfect example of what Imperialis is saying. 7.5/10 knockoff of Human Revolution in terms of gameplay, but the story is just another judeo-supremacist romp through Saturday morning cartoon WWII. At least, just this once, it doesn’t come across as hamfistedly shoehorned into the source material, since that simply IS the source material of Indiana Jones.

Pax Imperialis says:

> but the story is just another judeo-supremacist romp through Saturday morning cartoon WWII

That isn’t strictly the core issue with the story, although it is adjacent. Indiana Jones is all about having a Chad romping around exotic and foreign lands, making great discoveries and wooing hot women. The game flaunts your former student Annika who is just begging to be abducted from the enemy, hot. Instead your ‘love’ interest is a butch hair, strong independent, journalist who is your ‘equal’ and who turns you down because of her career priorities. Spiritually you get cucked.

A proper open world Indiana Jones game would have much more in similar to the original Witcher game or the Jame Bonds movies. Yes, card collecting conquests of women and hot women included. Sure, it’s crude and puerile, but that’s the core male fantasy which no one these days seemingly want to acknowledge or much less satisfy. Much like James Bond, the franchise got cucked and woke and boring.

The only reason why this recent game gets any praise is because it’s not nearly as bad as it could’ve been compared to contemporary DEI woke standards, and it’s thus not nearly as obnoxious, but compared to what men want, still a massive failure.

Jim says:

He is wrong. Video games became woke as soon as the eye of Sauron fell upon them a long time ago. They have been rapidly becoming woker, and have reached the point where wokeness supersedes story, action, and character. At which point most normies became Gamergate Two.

Hesiod says:

You are overall correct, but RF is dealing with a certain period of acceleration of wokeness specifically in video games spurred on by an increase in gaming due to not having much else to do while huddling in place during the lockdown. Market boom equates to more apple carts to overturn or beehives to attract wax moths.

The games developed initially in ’20 are now going live. That’s the four-year cycle reaching fruition. And what awful fruits they are.

Jim says:

Martyred Saint Fentanyl Floyd was applied to take over the US AAA games industry. And now, the US AAA games industry dies, causing mass unemployment among game developers.

This takeover was forced by HR and quasi state pension funds.

Good US games are these days developed by foreign game studios from outside the Globohomer empire, or US game developers who rely on teams located outside the globohomo empire — who therefore are immune to the power of Globohomo HR.

US game developers are now unemployable until HR is purged, and HR cannot be purged without the company being lawfared into the ground until the Department of Labor is purged. Trump’s picks for the Pentagon, FBI, National Intelligence, and Health and Human Services Department are clearly intended to enact a drastic purge. Department of Labor? I hear a worrying silence.

Lori Chavez-DeRemer is pro labor and pro union, and has never said a word against quotas, DEI, or censorship. She is, however, an “anti abortion extremist” — meaning she objects to babies being torn apart immediately after birth and their organs being sold off. (You can’t possibly get more extreme than that, can you? 🙃) She also has quietly noticed that the 2020 election was stolen, and is not happy about this. So maybe.

I need to promote this conversation into a gamer post.

The idea about modding is interesting. What WordPress has done is that they censor in order to avoid being censored, but allow, encourage, and support, people to anonymously download WordPress software to run their own uncensored pseudonymous WordPress. So a US game developer could produce a highly moddable woke game, with lots of capabilities that support modding, and have a supposedly independent team outside the Globohomo empire to develop a mod that makes it run the way it should and was originally intended to.

JustAnotherGuy says:

“Department of Labor? I hear a worrying silence.”

Jim, when you say this, do you mean they are likely to get purged, or unlikely to get purged?

Jim says:

I do not know whether the Department of Labor is going to get purged or not. If not purged, going to be impossible to dewokeify existing companies that have gone woke, and any company that reaches substantial size is going to find that for certain jobs, HR will only approve members of the Woke priesthood.

Fidelis says:

HR cannot be purged without the company being lawfared into the ground until the Department of Labor is purged

Looks to me like they’re interested in scaling smaller companies and startups, rather than attempting to reform the decaying giants. Mysterious lack of diversity in the spinoffs from SpaceX and Tesla engineers. In that case, selective application and a wink wink nudge that you can just make things work and ignore the lawfare will probably be effective. The game developers likely to get swept up making code and interfaces for the new automated factories, mines, and killbots.

Also seeing some early signs the diversity is getting canceled in video series. The Warhammer 40K series was originally going to be queer, now looks like it will be heroic. That’s coming out of prime video, if they successfully ignore HR to do so, so can anyone else.

I’m not expecting much of a political fight besides theater. It looks to me like the fix is in, the squabbles are just minor personnel preferences from here on out, and we are game for war reindustrialization.

The movies and games will feature white heros. The automated factories will be built by white engineers with a smattering of asians not connected to China. The killbots designed and built by white engineers. The equivalent of Letters of Marque handed to men like Prince to subdue the savages, clean the roads and reopen the mines. Mass deportation of all the trash carried out with only some quiet whimpering.

The sea change has been too drastic for me to think there’s serious resistance remaining. All this has started getting prepped with very little resistance even before the Trump team has their guys in seats. Lefty puppet politicians suddenly in favor of previously unthinkable Trump policy. Soon the praetorians will be headed by war faction loyalists and resistance will be impossible.

Something seriously spooked these people, looks to me like preparations were started before 2022, and the failed proxy war accelerated and made tentative plans serious. I think the failed covid response shook out how little power they actually had over the populations they supposedly control, it was too failed and unorganized to their tastes. Then the failed external war sealed in their minds that it is time to replace the failed incompetent middle men.

Jim says:

The normies took the initial jab, and initially put up with lockdown. But there was mass normie resistance to the boost, due to word of mouth anecdote of the consequences of the jab.

This shocked the elite. They realised they had gone too far. And then the Ukraine war. Suddenly they realised you can print unlimited money, but you cannot print unlimited weapons. I think that only a small minority of the elite decided something must be done, but they were a smart minority in an overwhelmingly dumb as rocks elite, and were able to cohere on backing off current year leftism. So Thermidor had cohesion. Probably considerably less cohesion than the various gay mafias, but the gay mafias have open entry to younger and handsomer members of the elite, and the younger members of the elite are all dumb as rocks.

JustAnotherGuy says:

“Looks to me like they’re interested in scaling smaller companies and startups, rather than attempting to reform the decaying giants.”

That Ubisoft is going to go under gives credence to this claim. My problems with this are there is a sea of garbage that can be activated at any time for these smaller startups (“hey, you’re breaking some IP laws, hand over the money”). DoD can protect Musk, can they protect a hundred different companies from the endless carpet baggers? Do they really want to protect them against laws *they made* so they can bring up a parallel institution not under their direct control?

I look at Putin and see a guy who still refuses to do what is necessary despite death staring him in the face. Unfortunately, the situation isn’t that severe for our masters, and they are far higher in their ivory towers than Putin is.

Varna says:

> “The automated factories will be built by white engineers with a smattering of asians not connected to China.”

TSMC tried to build and operate a factory in Arizona, quickly found out it needs to import whole families from Taiwan to get anything done, while the “train the locals to be part of this” element of the scheme seems to be increasingly unraveling.

That’s not a smattering of asians, that’s an asian core. And you never know with the Taiwanese, in the “connected to China” dimension. I think the glorious opening of the facility has been moved from 2024 to 2028.

South Korea has been threatening to build three super-factories in Kentucky and Tennessee after signing something with the Biden, but still sort of just about to start any minute now. Also likely with a core of imported Koreans who will “train the locals to take over at some point”.

In 2022 Koreans begun building a battery factory in Georgia, but have begun importing even plumbers and sheit from Korea, which makes local unions unhappy, the authorities arrest Korean workers for not having the proper papers. The Korean spokesmen are forced to keep assuring everyone that once the factory is up and running it will totally be operated by the locals, and everything is being done by imported koreans only for now, due to this and that…

In short, the current reindustrialization attempts with the help of EA allies keep getting snags, and the allies are forced to import everyone they need from home, and try to exclude the locals from even sweeping the floors on the construction sites if they can get away with it.

Jim says:

The Koreans and Taiwanese are probably forced to rely on local American HR, because of regulatory compliance, and because the HR is foreign to them find it extra hard to keep HR in line, and if you do not keep HR in line, they will not let anyone through unless the applicant has an advanced Harvard degree in ignorance, stupidity, malice, and hatred.

China industrialised by inviting foreigners to take advantage of cheap labor — which cheap labor turned out to be very smart, hard working people, who, even if they were sweeping the floor were figuring out how to imitate the foreign facility. The Chinese sent their best, because they wanted to learn.

Musk set up a battery factory and a Tesla factory in China, and lickety spit the Chinese were making better EVs and better batteries in his factories, and shortly after that, making them in their own factories.

Thing is, China has an efficient filter system for finding and mobilising the smart fraction, while our universities are now selecting for stupidity, envy, ignorance, and malice. This makes it very hard to build anything. Musk can handle this in the US, because no language barrier. You can tell who is smart just by sniffing him if you are little bit smarter than he is, but alien race, alien culture, and foreign language makes that a lot harder.

So the Koreans just cannot find any Americans who are actually useful. Finding Americans who are actually useful is effectively illegal, just marriage is effectively illegal. You just have to break laws as necessary, and though Koreans are pretty good at breaking laws, in a foreign land they are going to be extra careful about it.

Chinese have produced variants on the electric vehicle to which Musk has no equivalent, among them their truly wonderful hybrids, and their batteries are now way ahead of his batteries. Way way ahead of his batteries.

The BYD DM is a fundamentally new kind of hybrid, one that has no equivalent in the west, no equivalent from any other car manufacturer. It is currently very expensive, though in time there will be models that are somewhat less expensive. It will never be cheap, but is a better kind of vehicle than any car that currently exists. It is going to wipe out the higher end of the car industry in any place that does not put prohibitive tariffs against it. Tesla in China is now behind the times and playing catch up. Their batteries are not as good, and their cars are not as good. China is now the leading edge of car technology. But Tesla still has a huge lead in self driving. Tesla has been promising self driving next year for seven years, but now it looks as if they have actual self driving, and are just walking it through regulatory approval.

Fidelis says:


We cannot infer much until the new team has asses in seats. The whole chips circus was run by the very diverse Biden admin, and included provisions like ensuring the construction crew had access to lactation rooms. Who knows any of the other ridiculous and counterproductive mandates that came out of the pantsuit class, probably something like explicitly making sure you keep the hired ratio at three colorful queers to two mexicans to one paleskin. Any and all information on successes and setbacks is coming from retarded liars; theyre not even smart enough to imbue the lie with a kernel of truth.

Alf says:

and their batteries are now way ahead of his batteries. Way way ahead of his batteries.

Really? I’d expect the lithium-ion battery to have been optimized or near optimization by this point.

Jim says:

The huge problem with lithium batteries is that they are an expensive way of powering something. They wear out. Powering a car on electricity is theoretically cheaper than gasoline, but once you factor in the cost of replacing the batteries from time to time, it is costlier, and sucks up more scarce resources, than gasoline..

BYD makes substantially cheaper batteries that last substantially more charge discharge cycles, making batteries an economically feasible storage medium. This will completely alter the landscape for solar power, which will become economic once solar power systems based around the new BYD batteries become available, and completely alters the landscape for DM hybrid vehicles, which is what BYD is right now concentrating on.

Right now, if you buy a low end BYD vehicle at China prices, and use it as battery backup for your solar power system instead of as a car, it is cheaper than the currently available battery packs. Cheaper than a Tesla wall of equivalent storage.

Up till now solar power has been a green scam, but now, technologically viable. Off grid will shortly become economical.

One huge problem with offgrid is sewage disposal laws. A vastly smaller system that laws mandate is amply sufficient to get rid of sewage, but then you will not get council approval. I have a sewage system that was legal (but still massive overkill) fifty years ago, and a completely illegal grey water system. Albeit the grey water system sort of accreted, rather than being designed. When it stops working, I dig another hole. I may eventually have to do the same for the sewage system.

Varna says:

> “Musk set up a battery factory and a Tesla factory in China, and lickety spit the Chinese were making better EVs and better batteries in his factories, and shortly after that, making them in their own factories.”

Guy I know worked in that part of China at the time. According to him the background is as follows: China had founded a few EV companies, but they quickly developed Russian state company behavior patterns — skim the budget, write endless reports about endless progress but give more gibs etc.

So comrade Xi at some point asked Elon specifically to come over and build his factories in the very same region where the local companies clustered, and told the companies “now listen here assholes. From this point onward you’re competing in real time with this guy, and I better get actual results fast from you losers or else.”

In this sense, according to this interpretation, Musk’s role was also of a boot up the ass of the locals to keep them from only pretending to work. Apparently it worked.

alf says:

If that’s all true, that is remarkably good news. And impressively innovative from the Chinese.

One huge problem with offgrid is sewage disposal laws. A vastly smaller system that laws mandate is amply sufficient to get rid of sewage, but then you will not get council approval.

John Seymour advocates a dry toilet and using the waste as compost.

Jim says:

the BYD clone of the Model 3 compared with the Model 3.

Same price, same performance, minor nice little details on the China car that improve on little things.

But. Grossly inferior software to Tesla. Tesla Better UI, better autopilot.

Similar range. But BYD claims much longer battery life, much more charge recharge cycles. Batteries are a little bit heavier, which means noticeably poorer handling.

ayyylmao says:

Why would Elon breed his own competitors? Simply moronic.

And in any case you can pry my old growly Porsche from my cold, dead hands.

Jim says:

Musk maintains a small island of tech advance in a sea of social, economic, scientific, and technological decline. Needs a wider land of tech advance.

Wants the world to go solar. Attempted to reduce the cost of solar power. Failed. Chinese succeeded. Better batteries and cheaper solar power are all stuff he wants, that the Chinese have done. He helped them because he wants what they have accomplished.

S says:

Elon either thought the Chinese couldn’t do it or he holds colonizing the solar system to be all important and was willing to risk losing Tesla in exchange for better battery and electric motor technology for space exploration.

Fidelis says:

Same price, same performance, minor nice little details on the China car that improve on little things.

Why is it everything the Chinese do seems to resemble this? Like a weak one degree evolution optimization algorithm, they’ll copy a process wholesale, then do a slow walk on mutations. Look at that car, there’s barely anything at all changed. Almost everything I see coming out of that country looks like this. Is this some weird byproduct of incentive structures or some kind of national character?

I see this in academia too. Worthless slop research papers better suited as a sidenote to a conjecture or a table in a results database. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen an all-chinese name paper that wasn’t a waste of time.

They clearly are good at process optimization, but have no sense of ultimate vision. Outside of low price and scale, the only product that seemed even remotely innovative was that Huawei tri-fold phone, since it wasn’t a clear copy of the samsung single-fold version.

I’ve met and spoken to some clearly intelligent engineers from the middle kingdom, but something is missing. I used to think the “they can’t innovate” narrative was pure cope, but more and more it really seems like they cannot. They can optimize, and they can do random walks in ways that don’t introduce clearly deletorious mutations, but real innovation is missing, and I’m not sure why.

I would love if they pulled off some real innovation, because I want space factories and uranium fueled mine robots that self heal as they digest the ore they’re excavating. Instead we get cheaper boston dynamics bots with maybe one or two extra showy tricks.

Jim says:

> I’ve met and spoken to some clearly intelligent engineers from the middle kingdom, but something is missing. I used to think the “they can’t innovate” narrative was pure cope, but more and more it really seems like they cannot.

I have had the same experience. They also tend to follow specification in an overly literal way. They are not very good at learning from a written account of a process, though very good if they are there and actually see the process. Very smart hard working energetic people, but there is something missing.

On the other hand, a whole lot of minor optimisations have added up to a major improvement in battery longevity, a major reduction in battery cost, and a major reduction in solar panel cost.

c4ssidy says:

You could make a great, fully complete, non-woke game with minimal effort through modding. Take Morrowind for example, remove female soldiers, add wives and children into the homes of the NPCs, add questionable motivations to the Twin Lamps, and morally dubious consequences of releasing all the slaves, and either remove orcs from the legions or add questionable consequences from attempting to integrate them. It would be mostly rewriting dialogue. It would be very fun to write, and very fun to play. I had an Oblivion dialogue rewrite going and it was super fun, because the NPCs started feeling real. For instance, the triggered 2006 writers never used ‘to kill’, everything was bizarre, mafia style language, ‘take care of him’, even when contextually highly inappropriate, and the simple act of switching to blunt language make the game no longer feel muffled. Woke is like a padded room of unfun and unreal.

Also, since only old games are good, it’s a big trend these days to decompile and recompile old stuff, or build new engines which work with the original assets, causing moddability to keep getting easier.

Of course, if you tried hosting such a mod, it would be scrubbed from google, and certainly banned from any of the hosting platforms, or they’d go after your domain name and such. So even the straightforward task of building a non-woke game, takes everyone back to the problem of needing the new internet, node-to-node storage of files hosted simultaneously nowhere and everywhere, and with permanent links. It needs the mod archives themselves to be decentralized.

Jim says:

Times have changed. They will not go after foreign domain names, and very likely not go after local domain names. The FBI is who seizes domain names, Kash Patel is going to be in charge of the FBI, and having himself suffered FBI censorship, is unlikely to be keen on seizing politically incorrect domain names.

Google is going to derank it, but people mostly hear of mods on gaming sites, which are increasingly anti woke.

Niiiidriveevof says:

there are some such sites. and are two

c4ssidy says:

Well even so, still need permanent storage. A lot of the hard work of people in pass decades turned into dead links, the data either vanished or came very close to it (often some dedicated autist will save stuff but this isn’t a reliable system). The same is true even for text. Decades of those old php forum posts seem to be totally gone, very limited in what it can snapshot, and is itself a point of failure. I wouldn’t like to put a lot of hard effort into a project without expecting it to be reliably preserved. Even big projects will suffer the usual entropic processes and demon internal takeover. the counter examples are themselves points of failure because logically the dude hosting will die of old age, retire, lose interest, etc, or if an organisation, then entropy and corruption. A big part of this problem is lack of ease of duplication. I think this was a huge flaw in the internet since the start. A website should have been duplicable in a single click, with the duplication including all source material (images etc), database stuff like comments, if it was that easy we would never have lost anything of even slightest value, and to the extent one might have a technical objection to the one-click duplicate web concept , that is my point, the whole html/js/php bundle of systems being inherently flawed, rewarding obfuscation and punishing duplication and preservation and branching/remixing of previous material

Jim says:

In the days of communication by letter and publication by book and journal, an enormous amount of information was preserved for posterity.

Now in the days of communication by social media and publication by website, we have a lot more information that is a lot more accessible, but it is continually and rapidly getting lost, with the result that our past is apt to get rewritten 1984 style at alarmingly short intervals. It is more accessible over space, but less accessible over time.

The trouble with the PHP model is that it is brittle against PHP extensions. So existing websites suffer bitrot. My website recently went down by bitrot, and it was not easy to restore it, nor was the restoration entirely satisfactory. A tremendous amount of website structure is implicit in PHP code. To prevent bitrot, it would need to be explicit in the append only tables.

One should have a pile of files under git source control, which gets compiled into a website. Which I have for my rhocoin project. And be able to implement a blog with comments on it, which I do not have, and which would require a great deal of work. Trouble is one needs a database, which does not easily fit into the git pile of files model.

One could create an sqlite extension in which tables were regular append only files ordered by date, and sqlite then generated normal sql indexes of those primary files, which are additional normal sql tables generated from those files. The primary tables would then fit in the git pile of files of model, and the regular database would come up on compilation of a new table, or appending to an existing table.

A2 says:

I saw a reference at Unz to a professor getting fired by a Catholic university for being demon possessed and thought to myself ‘based!’.

The descriptions I’ve found is a bit muddier than that but it’s eminently clear that the guy, David Charles Ammon Hillman, is 100% unsuitable for his job (adjunct professor, ahem, and no kidding also janitor, lol) and could indeed reasonably be described as demon possessed. One of those who simply must infiltrate and transgress as far as possible. Seems to be one of those drug activists too, possibly a satanist, etc etc. I’m ready and willing to push him out of the chopper without chatting.

Firing very based, theatre kids young and old crying what about freedom of speech.

Fidelis says:

Continuing from this discussion

DoD can protect Musk, can they protect a hundred different companies from the endless carpet baggers?

Yes. They will protect one or two in a very public way, and the judges will get the picture that the game has changed and stop trying. This is while they are replaced one by one from the top down.

Do they really want to protect them against laws *they made* so they can bring up a parallel institution not under their direct control?

Frankly I’m as dumbfounded as you are, but yes. Looks like they want direct control over the praetorian agencies, and they just want everything else to work at maximum capability. Letting the leash out to the furthest extent. Why the drastic change in attitude? Im not exactly sure, but all signs point to this being very serious, very organized, and a complete 180 on the current course.

They might even intentionally crash the USD in favor of BTC for the reindustrialization. I’ve seen some policy wonks propose as much already, and no one seems to want to actually fix the finances, they want it so that the killbot factories and the nuclear bombs work. Seriously crazy policy choices that smart people have been proposing for decades now are all suddenly on the table.

Even crazier than taking the leash off of industry, I fully expect a sudden explosion of PMCs. They are going to tame Africa and South America.

Pax Imperialis says:

> Yes. They will protect one or two in a very public way

Musk gets attacked because got too big to hide away and obfuscate.

> Looks like they want direct control over the praetorian agencies, and they just want everything else to work at maximum capability.

The praetorian agencies are already under their direct control. That’s why they are able to protect what little functionality they retain, but it’s at the cost of scalability. Take Palantir for example which has received noticeably little to no lawfare despite the political connection to Theil. For every Palantir, there are hundreds of smaller companies and agencies and commands, all of which DOD is protecting by keeping them behind the scene, tucked away, and small scale. Despite small scale, much of gov would not function without them, but it’s at the cost of much higher cost. The workforce in that segment of DOD/affiliates is almost entirely white men (and their part asian descendants) and the contractors used were entirely only white men.

In a way this is like Twitter pre-Musk. A tiny protected core of engineers keeping everything working surrounded by significant chaff. Post-Musk, not having to be quiet about how things actually work, quick advances in efficiency. DOD not having to be discrete about how stuff works will allow for considerable and faster up-scaling.

> Frankly I’m as dumbfounded as you are, but yes.

Just as every good progressive is for housing equality, every good progressive (that matters) doesn’t want it in their neighborhood.

> They are going to tame Africa and South America.

And they’re going to do that by strictly and harshly enforcing white laws on african people under a hierarchical command based warrior law. I’m telling y’all, forcing natives to cleave to your ways and removing those who won’t and can’t is completely feasible and a good thing. Yes to segregation, no to (noticeably) different laws.

Jim says:

> The praetorian agencies are already under their direct control.

No they are not. In particular the FBI is fouling up all their other entities, and diversity equity and inclusion is sailing navy ships into dangerously stationary obstacles. Repair and maintenance of aircraft carriers is slow and getting slower, and they definitely do not like that. Particularly as diverse officers are likely to result in repairs being needed more frequently. Our nuclear subs are frequently unable to make their own oxygen from seawater and electricity, and so have to frequently return to port for resupply, which destroys the whole point of nuclear submarines, and have to hang around in port for an unreasonably long time, because resupply gets strangely delayed.

Pax Imperialis says:

Patriot Front disbanded the same day FBI director resigned. Women vanished from the Secret Service. The number of legal cases against male officers for ‘conduct unbecoming’ (making a hostile environment for women) have suddenly shrunk.

Orders from the top have clearly changed. You point out a number of accumulated problems from the past. I suspect those problems are going away in short order. It’s just a matter of making it official which would allow for rapid scaling.

Jim says:

> Patriot Front disbanded the same day FBI director resigned.

There has been a marked reduction in the amount of shilling, and a change in the content of the remaining shilling, though it went away about a week earlier than the FBI director announced his resignation. About the same time as Walmart announced it was ending diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Culture is downstream of power.

Pax Imperialis says:

Does that not all point to thermidor having direct control of the institutions that matter including the praetorians? That they haven’t gone full reactionary is a result of them being thermidor and stumbling in the dark looking for a solution. Much like Putin. Also, no one wants to jump without official authority green lighting what needs to be done.

Had there not been direct control, would still see women secret service, among other issues, and Trump likely having to resort to private security solutions. That or he would be dead by now.

someDude says:

Not enough to make the cases go away. Need to hunt down and punish those who brought the cases against the male officers in the first place

JustAnotherGuy says:

“culture is downstream of power.”

I agree with this, and yet, the brakes on the DEI train are just not stopping:

I can only hope that this is inertia, and it doesn’t last another four years. Not strictly speaking about gaming, just video games and movies are a leading indicator to where the rest of society will be going.

Speaking about gaming, I’m sure some of you guys will argue civilization was always a gay game, and you might be right. If they could get away with it, they would have an abortion technology lead to hover tanks or whatever. But I don’t think Sid Meier’s is himself gay rather than just being held hostage like Linus is.

Jim says:

The brakes are stopping.

Unfortunately the stop is taking the form of game companies collapsing and massive unemployment amoung US gaming engineers.

A major factor in the woke takeover of gaming was free money. The government was handing out huge amounts of money through the backdoor for the development of woke games, laundered through Blackrock and others. This backdoor funding has come to a sudden halt, hence the sudden mass unemployment. However, the people installed in power in game companies to ensure that this money was dispensed as intended are, for the most part, still in power. And will remain so until all the backdoor money has been pissed away. What we are seeing is that when a woke game is released, most of the people who were working on lose their jobs, even if it does not do too badly.

A great deal of game developer employment was generated by willingness to spend money like water on woke games. hence the run of games that were unreasonably expensive to develop. They were chucking wheelbarrows of freshly printed money into changing gamer culture, and quite a lot of engineers got jobs as a result. Not to mention a thundering herd of diversities.

New grants of free money to create woke games are not coming, but the people installed to wokify games that were launched by free money are still there. The woke game, having been funded years ago, will be released, still woke. However “investment” money to fund the next woke game is not forthcoming.

The Cominator says:

Games are actually a lagging indicator IMHO so don’t worry too much about this.

S says:

Civilization was a lagging follower of current year- compare Civilization 3 (2001) with Sid Miers Alpha Centauri (1999). 32 leaders (5 female) versus 14 leaders (6 female), ecofeminism and the science victory being Star Trek energy beings.

Civilization 5 is the turning point. Compare the total conversion mods for Civilization 4 to 5.

yewotm8 says:

It is evident that the Civilization team has been taken over by DEI, because their new game just does not look interesting. They’ve lost what made them great. Previous iterations in the series released with new game systems and concepts that were copied by all of their competitors. But now we have the reverse: Civ7 is just a combination of Civ6 and other games in the genre over the past few years. They can’t build any real hype for the game without having anything new, and their marketing seems to be focusing on their characters, one of which they just announced today would be Harriet Tubman.

The Cominator says:

Alpha Centauri despite having too many female leaders was awesome though… I don’t see why ascending to energy gods in sci fi is particularly evil. The satanic/globohomo ascension path is to become purely electronic and machine beings seperating yourself from any sort of greater spiritual reality forever…

Contaminated NEET says:

Gaming is not going to de-wokify anytime soon. It’s both the hobby-of-choice for mtf trannies’ spare time and the industry-of-choice for their work time, and mtf trannies are the Sardaukar of the Left. Man-for-“man,” nobody can match them in political, bureaucratic, and cultural warfare.

Jim, I’m sure you’re right that the Beast has been pouring money into gaming to try to “improve” the culture, and so the industry has gotten lazy about coating the poisonous propaganda in good stories and satisfying gameplay. There’s going to be a lot of carnage while they re-learn that, but re-learn it they will. Baldur’s Gate III was super-woke, but it was also an excellent game; it sold like hotcakes and everyone loved it. Hollywood is in a similar position. They conquered us largely by selling us propaganda we were happy to pay for, and now they’ve forgotten they still have to make us happy. But it can be done, and it’s not even that hard.

Jim says:

The left cannot meme. I expect that anyone responsible for what was good in “Baldur’s gate” was eventually fired or effectively demoted and rendered irrelevant. The left just hates fun games like it hates beautiful buildings. They would like to have demonic Cathedrals that are as attractive as Christian Cathedrals, wind up with temples like the temple on Lolita island, and are outraged if their audience is disinclined to suck up their well deserved punishment.

Right now Hollywood and the gaming industry is in panic mode. They want to put out woke movies the audience is willing to watch, and woke games the audience is willing to play, and a whole lot of movies and games have been held back for extensive rewrite to this end.

Ubisoft finds it has bet the company on “Assassin’s Creed: Shadows”, which is undergoing a frantic rewrite. We shall see in February. Likely some time in the next year, Ubisoft is going to go broke.

The basic problem is that the woke just hate their audience and want them to suffer, and orders from on high to make the game fun are going to have little effect. They hate everyone, including themselves, and want everyone to suffer, but especially their audience.

These extensive last minute changes indicate that the game sucked through and through. If the rot was just some lectures from the girl boss and the magic negro, they could just can them. But I expect the rot goes far deeper than a last minute rewrite can fix. There is unlikely to be much game in the game. Chances are it is going to be like Disney’s Snow Brown. Little girls just want to marry the prince.

We know they are doing their best to make “Assassin’s Creed: Nigger” and “Snow Brown” entertaining. We shall very shortly see if they can succeed.

And during the next four years we shall discover if woke movie companies and woke gaming companies can survive without truckloads of thinly laundered freshly printed government money being endlessly poured over them. The river of money suddenly stopped when Trump won the election.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Larian’s peak was the first divinity original sins game. This is also when they got squealed at by the harlots who said the boob armor was wrong in their game cover art and they had to change it.

Then divinity 2 came out, they still had an effective team, but you could tell they were getting cucked by internal dynamics of having came out with a successful game and being under the eye of Sauron.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is the engine running on fumes. Think about how long it took to make this game, and it’s mostly just cannibalizing on their former game’s elements (wow, you were stuck as a prisoner on a ship, and then the ship crashed, and you are now stranded in some land you don’t know, wonder when this happened before). Behind the levels of immense content is your character fucking a bear. If you just wanted the gameplay, you’ll be happy to know you can play Divinity 1 or Divinity 2 original sins and feel almost no difference in the gameplay, because again, they are cannibalizing their former successful game mechanics.

JustAnotherGuy says:

I’ve gotten pretty good at telling what part of the team was doing the actual work and what part of the team was just fucking shit up. If you know of pathfinder kingmaker’s questline that was made by that rich kickstarter backer, you know how cringe that whole story path was. You could immediately tell that the guys who were putting this into the game were not the guys who thought of it. But it was a cringe of a nerdy guy doing his best impression of a macho pirate king, and even if a lot of people disliked it, I kind of found it cute in context.

When you see things like Homeworld 3 and realize how god awful the campaign was with all that girl power bs. Then you read the dev diaries and manuals and find someone saying “I was told to put a human face on things”, it’s essentially a cry for help, for someone to free my good man from the torture of being under harlots and the demon-possessed.

Contaminated NEET says:

There will be a lot of flops in the near future, no doubt, and a lot companies failing and employees getting laid off. I can’t disagree there. But, what works, works. Natural selection will reward those who can lure in the normies for their dose of regime propaganda and get them to pay for the privilege. You can combine Left-wing messaging with entertaining stories and fun games; that’s a big part of why the Left rules everything now. The enemy has won so much and so thoroughly, they’ve become lazy, impatient, and complacent, but we don’t have the money, power, or personnel to exploit their temporary weakness in this area for lasting gains. They’ll be back and stronger than ever when the market purges the rot from the system.

I’ve played Divinity 1. It didn’t grab me like BG3 did. Not even close.

Jim says:

> Natural selection will reward those who can lure in the normies for their dose of regime propaganda and get them to pay for the privilege.

Leftism always self destructs. Insiders report reign of terror at Ubisoft. Rule by cat ladies is onerous, incompetent, and destructive. HR tells management that they must recruit priests of woke at the top. The people managing the fire hydrant of freshly printed “investment” money tell management that they must recruit priests of woke at the top. Priests are selected for their dedication and zeal in priesting, so make life hell for anyone with the slightest tech competence or artistic talent.

The company is full of people who want politics to pass them by, but regardless of whether you are interested in politics, woke politics is interested in you. Neutrality is not an option. If you are white, straight, and male, you face eternal damnation, and no amount of repentance will bring you forgiveness, but you are required to repent anyway.

The employees, the shareholders, and the customers are guilty of the infinite sins of sexism, racism, colonialism, and capitalism, and must be eternally punished.

Fidelis says:

For every Palantir, there are hundreds of smaller companies and agencies and commands, all of which DOD is protecting by keeping them behind the scene, tucked away, and small scale.

I’ve been thinking about this. I have a bunch of talented young friends wasting away in dumb SaaS jobs, know a few young former military guys that got forced out by mistreatment as well. Pretty sure I could entice them to join these orgs if they become functional.

If you could give unspecific advice here, what sort of companies are you expecting to offer opportunities for these types? Any? I understand they have to camouflage, but what are some basic signs to look for? What would be the best way for them to transition in if it turns out to be a good opportunity?

Pax Imperialis says:

>If you could give unspecific advice here
>I understand they have to camouflage

Oh, I can do better than unspecific advice. I know DOD enough to know where to find examples that won’t self-doxx me. It’s all remarkably out in the open as long as you know how to read press releases.

There’s enough obscure technical jargon to mostly keep diversity out and avoid the Eye of Sauron, at least for a while. When the eye does fall on them, rebranding occurs, it gets signaled to those who know, and everyone important jumps ship to the next ‘NGO’ (which is effectively a ‘GO’) or command or agency or contractor. Main problem with this is that it leaves a trail of waste and inefficiency because they can’t always close down all those abandoned ships which continue to suck resources forever and produce little to negative value… now on to specific example.

There’s not a single mention of diversity (the political kind) by this group, and you can use them to see the network of individuals and companies where there are good opportunities. Also has a “European” network of DOD/NATO contractors which largely seems to operate mostly in English.

On to the press releases.

PISCATAWAY, NJ 01 SEPTEMBER 2021: – Leading companies and organizations in the space industry, including two major branches of the U.S. Department of Defense, have come together to form the Digital IF Interoperability (DIFI) Consortium, a non-profit industry group created to advance interoperability among space and ground system networks. Formed under the auspices of The IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (ISTO)

Translation, something happened in 2021 that required DOD acquisitions to circumvent a political problem. The old method, ISTO also coincidentally located in Piscataway NJ, is no longer sufficient and DIFI Consortium will carry on in it’s place. Check out DIFI Consortium’s board of directors. All of them are White. 10 are men, only 1 is a woman. None of them have direct ties to ISTO… ‘under the auspices’ LMAO. Non-profit industry groups don’t happen on their own, this is DOD jumping ship.

The mission of DIFI is to enable the digital transformation of space, satellite and related industries by providing a simple, open, interoperable Digital IF/RF standard that replaces the natural interoperability of analog IF signals and helps prevent vendor lock-in. The newly formed consortium is in the process of implementing administrative structures and recruiting additional member companies and organizations with an interest in space networks to become active participants in DIFI.

DOD is perfectly fine with using the same vendors as long as the job gets done. Preventing vendor lock-in translates to ‘we need to escape DEI failure’ and we’re going to do this by creating a whole informal parallel system for managing acquisition and the industry.

Let’s check out what was happening at ISTO in 2016

We value our staff and members. Diversity and respect for different points of view create stronger, more sustainable communities

‘We need to say ‘Diversity’ but we really don’t want it to mean what political agendas wants it to mean’

By 2020 you start seeing hostile take over. Remember DIFI Consortium is created the next year.

To oversee the Corporate Program and to serve as an advisory body to the IEEE SA regarding industry, the IEEE SA formed the Corporate Advisory Group (CAG). The CAG is a committee that reports directly to the IEEE SA Board of Governors and its members come from a variety of industries and geographic regions, echoing the diversity of the Corporate Program itself. Further, entity members are able to nominate their employees for the annual CAG elections

Which is completed by 2024.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Technology associations must champion DEI. Beyond lip service, actionable steps include: Inclusive Leadership: Diverse leadership teams drive innovation. Prioritize diversity in board appointments and leadership roles. Implicit Bias Training: Equip staff and volunteers with tools to recognize and address biases. Create an inclusive environment.

We must also understand what was happening in DOD around and prior to DIFI Consortium.

Established in 2018, AFC was envisioned as the spearhead of Army modernization. Backed with budget authority, AFC wielded real influence over investment decisions. Then-Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy and Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley created AFC to break free from two decades of failed modernization efforts.
But in late-2021, AFC’s momentum ground to a halt. The Biden administration issued two memos that stripped the command of its budget authority and effectively neutered its mission. The argument? That this move would restore “civilian control” over military spending.
AFC’s loss of budget authority meant it no longer had the power to influence Army modernization decisions.

Now if they want opportunities directly in government as a DOD civilian, the linked video is a good start of what to look into. They’ll want stuff listed as 50% or more TDY which will largely keep them away from politicized leadership/work environment. Ideal is 75% or more TDY and hopefully landing that in Korea or Japan. It’s a lot of non-taxed money. The COs of the various commands of AMC are pretty awful right now because of the Biden administration… but officers don’t have that much influence or control over the civilians they “command” or the hiring pool.

>What would be the best way for them to transition in if it turns out to be a good opportunity?

Well, since DIFI Consortium has specific linked companies and individuals, they can look through it and apply directly and/or network on Linkin. If it’s outside their area of expertise or they don’t have enough work experience, I’d recommend C5ISR jobs in DOD which gets the foot in the door pretty good. They just need an EE degree or similar. You can find them on USAjobs. Then use that government job to scope out the contractors and find hiring opportunities.

Fidelis says:

This is really fantastic. Can’t thank you enough. Going to do some homework but this is a bigger lead than I expected.

As a sort of meta concern, what’s the game theory on advising the priestly-engineer people that lurk this blog to pursue these opportunities as the coming Crisis looms? I would really like if there happened to be lots of us hidden but embedded in these organizations, but catching attention is still very bad. Should these comments be deleted and not brought up again? Or is it worth it to continue discussing, should I run into anything worth discussing when doing homework.

And, thanks a ton, makes this research far easier than it would have been to have a place to start.

Jim says:

Obviously no one should be commenting under their real name, and though I go to considerable effort to ensure that the email addresses are inaccessible, no one should use their real email.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’m going to use some historical and contemporary examples to somewhat talk around your question.

History shows crisis is very fluid. Take Igor Sikorsky for example. A great man of aerospace of the likes of Wernher von Braun. He, among many other private aerospace industry engineers of the late Imperial Russia, were accused of being bourgeois because flight was seen as a bourgeois luxury. This is in contrast to how the Russian communists typically treated engineers relatively well initially, and somewhat protected but not so well treated by time of the great purges. Private aerospace companies were set afire and many were lynched during early days of the revolution. Sikorsky and others managed to flee abroad relatively comfortably because of the contacts they developed while studying and working overseas in the aerospace industry.

In event of a crisis, maybe overlooked, or maybe for some bizarre reason get consigned for purges because the entire group gets labeled as anti-revolutionary. That’s the nature of crisis, who can say for certain? Private industry with overseas experience seems to be the pattern for those who managed to get the fuck out of town should things go bad, but not everyone has the ability or even desire to escape.

Conversely, there is the example of Andrei N. Tupolev, who embedded himself in the revolutionary government’s Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (1918). Political protection held for a good few decades. The great purges swept him up nonetheless and he among a number of other engineers were sentenced to the gulag and some to death. Pretty sure all the death sentences were commuted. Lucky for him, and many engineers, he escaped execution, and was instead sent to a special prison for engineers to continue to engineer. From ‘Stalin’s Aviation Gulag. A Memoir of Andrei Tupolev and the Purge Era’:

Well-fed and well-clothed but supervised by Party and police functionaries with little knowledge of aviation, Tupolev and his team of 150 specialists worked under the threat of harsh reprisal for the least setback. Dependent on Stalin’s whims, permitted only infrequent, heavily guarded inspections of the aircraft they created, they nevertheless managed to circumvent both political dangers and technical constraints to develop the two major Soviet aircraft of World War II

For those who don’t luck out in a crisis and can’t escape, best bet is to be seen as too valuable to immediately get a bullet to the head. A Stalin puts a hold to the purges and next thing they know they are awarded all sorts of prestige and high office once released from their special prison. Better yet, a King puts a hold to the crisis and they skip the whole special prison part. The strength of embedding yourself in obscure government technical bureaucracy is protection to some degree.

Similar, current year engineers are likewise dealing with ‘functionaries with little knowledge of anything’. I’d bet the modern commissars are a hell of a lot dumber. Check out this YouTube channel.

Notice how few views there are. Check out this specific podcast with less than a hundred views. Do you really expect many outside a very small circle of rather important technical experts to be tuned in to this? I do recommend listening to the entire 18 minutes, it really puts into perspective just how vital Musk is to DOD.

DEI typically has no clue what is the S&T AMP for USN PEO C4I PMW/PMA/A170. Heck, most of the military has no idea what that is, even officers nominally in charge of that. I’ve seen how they react. Their eyes fucking glaze over (Colonels and Generals included) and they end up letting some GS-15 handle everything from the technical to enforcement of political correctly (which mysteriously vanishes). Btw the GS-15 is almost always promoted from inside the directorate, so very unlikely to be a political enemy. I wish I could show you the ‘diversity’ hire the directorate I used to work at put in place to satisfy the actual ‘diversity’ hires Biden put in charge of the command to bring in DEI, it’s pretty clear DEI was worked around. The contrast between the two types of ‘diversity’ is extremely high. Remember, a friendly bureaucrat can always print out for you a piece of paper certifying your amazing diversity heritage, accolades, and training. Much like a college degree but for (almost) free. ‘What, are you racist to deny my lived experience as a diversity in America? Here’s an IG complaint!’

It could be that talking about this could bring attention. As I’ve pointed out with what happened to ISTO and AFC, it’s bound to happen anyways, and some faction in DOD will magic up new NGOs and technical jargon to obscure and protect the important stuff from political oversight. They’ve been playing this game a long time.

I’ll end with this old colloquialism. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Scatter them around the stronger and safer baskets.

Anon says:

There are no equivalence between the bolshevik and modern day progs, dei whatever you call them. I always hate calling them commies , because the old commies where competent people who actually could run state , you could not run a shop today let alone an entire gulags with today dei.

The Cominator says:

Tons in common between the pre Stalin purge Bolsheviks and modern day progs. After Stalin purged the old Bolsheviks (who were full of manically sadistic homosexuals and such) not so much. The Bolsheviks were always a bit more disciplined than other commie organizations which is a big part of why they won but no less full of biolenisti deviants until Stalin purged them.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Personnel is policy. Notice how all the big MAGA goals now aren’t even so much about laws and Congress and shit, but just firing mofos. As we’ve fantasy-footballed here already, this will come to DOGE and the President saying “you guys are fired”, and their replying “no we’re not”, and if that situation doesn’t pattern match with “civil war”, I don’t know what does.

The clever Kash Patel’s countermove to this is to say “OK fine, you’re still employed, but you have to move to Oklahoma and catch bank robbers for the same pay.” Which will have nearly the same effect.

Jim says:

Tom Homan has a better solution: “If you continue to commit felony offences, you are going to jail.”

Of course what I would like to see is them going to jail for all the felony offences that they have committed since Obama became president, which would clear out nearly all of the existing deep state, judiciary, and high civil service, but forbidding further felony offences is a good start. The Trump Gestapo is here.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Yes I’ve been thinking that too. Firing these people may be impossible, but what one can do, at least theoretically, is prosecute them for committing actual crimes instead.

ayyylmao says:

I endorse substantially everything you’ve said on these matters except that they’ll crash USD in favor of BTC. That will never happen.

Jim says:

They do not intend to crash the US$ in favor of BTC, but they do not regard keeping the US$ around as a priority.

The Cominator says:

With 38 trillion in debt the US dollar cannot be saved even if they wanted to.

ayyylmao says:

The “national” debt isn’t real, dawg. Sorry.

Jim says:


National debt is real. Fiat money is debt money. If the national debt is denominated in the money of the issuer, and it issues too much money, the currency is apt to vanish.

ayyylmao says:

The bigger threat is deflation than inflation. The interest rate is also completely fake. What holds up fiat money is belief. And what generates belief isn’t what you think.

alf says:

The bigger threat is deflation than inflation.

Maduro’s Venezuela, Mugabe’s Zimbabwe and Weimar Germany all seem much more daunting to me than Hoover’s America.

Pax Imperialis says:

I remember reading accounts of Americans who lived through the great depression. Many of them said that they survived because prices came down and that it was manageable with the lower pay. That’s a pretty distinct contrast to survivors of inflation who reported that the massive increases of costs far outpaced increases in pay.

Note deflationary America didn’t erupt in violence and multiple attempted revolutions like inflationary Germany.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

All forms of deflation dooming is literally a psyop by bad guys who want to keep their inflation tax.

ayyylmao says:

If you have a reasonable idea for what they’ll replace USD with I’d love to hear it.

Jim says:

They will think about that after fiat currencies start collapsing.

It took Caesar Augustus twelve years to bring the Roman government to order, and he had death squads. Doge is unduly optimistic about what can be done, and how fast it can be done. Suppose the government keeps on spending money like a drunken sailor. Then the fed fiat dollar goes away. And they are not unduly alarmed by that prospect.

The US can run a ginormous deficit for a very long time without adverse consequences by jacking up interest rates higher and higher, which is kicking the can down the road. But the debt is real, in that one day you do reach the end of the road.

And when interest payments on the debt are a major part of the deficit, the end of the road is in sight. You can always get out of that hole by just cancelling US treasuries, which is less damaging than allow the fiat dollar to inflate to nothing. But what government usually do when they are in this hole is inflate.

A2 says:

Just in recent years, the Fed has printed first 15% of GDP in 2009, then 14% more in 2020-21.

The Fed also holds bonds at a loss of currently somewhat more than $800 bn on a capital of $44 bn. The loss is because of the interest rate going up. They claim not to be bust because of ‘holding to maturity’ rather than ‘mark to market’. Other central banks have the same problem.

At the time Goldfinger was made, an ounce of gold cost $34 (it’s mentioned in the movie). Now it’s north of $2000, a dollar decline in value of 95%. Some Western currencies are worse with declines of 99% or so, but none are significantly better.

ayyylmao says:

The dollar isn’t valued against gold, it’s valued against human labor. You’re going to cry “labor theory of value” but it’s actually “store of value” theory. The general acceptability of a money is the dominant factor.

ayyylmao says:

Why can’t USG just lower interest rates? They kept interest at zero for over a decade. Everyone thought that they would be at zero forever. Why did they raise them back? No one knows.

Jim says:

If you are running a large deficit, and keep interest rates low, you run into hyperinflation fairly quickly.

If you keep raising interest rates, you can kick the can down the road for a long time.

Pax Imperialis says:

>it’s valued against human labor

Everything is in a sense valued against human labor. Even gold which takes human labor to mine form the ground and refine it and forge it and safe keep it and transfer it and etc…

USD is backed by global hegemony and threat of violence. It’s not our goods and commercial services that float the value of the dollar as seen by our trade deficit which is clearly sustained by printing. It’s our military, and that has been in noticeable and sustain decline for the last few decades, and in the last few years in accelerating decline.

ayyylmao says:

Pax: “Everything is in a sense valued against human labor. Even gold which takes human labor to mine form the ground and refine it and forge it and safe keep it and transfer it and etc…”

What you’re describing is the labor theory of value. “The labor theory of value (LTV) is a theory of value that argues that the exchange value of a good or service is determined by the total amount of ‘socially necessary labor’ required to produce it.” It’s analogous to the cost-plus contracting model. But there is also the subjective theory of value. “The subjective theory of value (STV) is an economic theory for explaining how the value of goods and services are not only set but also how they can fluctuate over time.” (Both quotes from Wikipedia.)

The amount of labor in a good or service doesn’t determine its value, only its cost. Inasmuch as the labor theory of value is about how much something costs to produce and the subjective theory of value is about how much someone will pay for it, you could say that profit is analogous to the subjective theory of value less the labor theory of value.

For this reason in practice the two tend to track each other because as value outstrips cost the margin between them becomes increasingly appealing to businessmen on the hunt for arbitrage. But they certainly aren’t the same.

The regulatory state was created to stifle competition. Before the regulatory state all profits were competed away (Thiel terminology) because of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall (Marx terminology). As a rule incumbents agitate for more and more onerous regulation because they can afford compliance but their upstart challengers cannot. This was the story of the “too big to fail” banks during and since Obama’s reign and it is (or was supposed to be) true of OpenAI now.

ayyylmao says:

In particular, it costs the Federal Reserve 9.4¢ to create a $100 bill. The acceptability of the $100 bill in general circulation is determined by its subjective value, not its production cost.

Pax Imperialis says:

>In particular, it costs the Federal Reserve 9.4¢ to create a $100 bill.

That doesn’t factor in the cost for the USG to enforce that petro-dollar value world wide. Dollar isn’t backed by anything strictly material. It’s all backed by power, and Empire has turned out to be mighty expensive.


I’m not describing LVT. LVT assumes that all labor is at some level equal. It’s not. Marx layered this idea of “socially necessary labor” on top of Adam Smith’s classic observations, something which is as materially undefinable as “social construct”. In other words it’s a bunch of bullshit designed to elevate low value labor over high value labor. Some labor is clearly more desired, efficient, and better than other labor. Smith’s observation of value isn’t totally dependent on labor costs. There’s obvious supply and demand elements which Marx and LVT does away with.

All labor can be likened to ‘work’ in the physics sense. You’re not going to create any release of energy without work. There is no “Great Contradiction”. Some ‘work’, like throwing a match on oil, is going to release more energy than other ‘work’, rubbing pieces of wood together. All valuations are going to include the value of the labor, that’s not to say the final subjective value will entirely be determined by labor. You can get negative valuations.

Fidelis says:

>That doesn’t factor in the cost for the USG to enforce that petro-dollar value world wide. Dollar isn’t backed by anything strictly material. It’s all backed by power, and Empire has turned out to be mighty expensive.

It’s actually a network effect based on who has the most goods available for trading at any given time plus momentum. At least when we’re talking valuation differences between currency pairs, within a state yes it is just power, hence ‘fiat currency’.

If you go back a bit, to the age of exploration and a bit earlier, this becomes obvious. The most sought currencies happened to be states with the most gold sitting around, then it became the states with the most industrial goods.

The thing with network effects is they are sticky. Most of the world without a US military base sitting on it would probably prefer at least a multi-currency reserve system, but nothing else is stable enough to fulfill that. International contracts also happen to be denominated in dollars, driving demand over longer time scales.

ayyylmao says:

Pax: “That doesn’t factor in the cost for the USG to enforce that petro-dollar value world wide. Dollar isn’t backed by anything strictly material. It’s all backed by power, and Empire has turned out to be mighty expensive.”

My point isn’t dependent on global empire. The value of a dollar might be more or less under an alternative geopolitical order. Acceptability at home is the determinant. There are private local paper currencies, you know. And they’re legal.

Pax: “[The labor theory of value] assumes that all labor is at some level equal.”

No it doesn’t.

Pax: “All labor can be likened to ‘work’ in the physics sense. You’re not going to create any release of energy without work.”


Pax: “All valuations are going to include the value of the labor, that’s not to say the final subjective value will entirely be determined by labor.”

You’re missing the point. The valuation itself is implicitly denominated in “standard labor units”: dollars. The value of your dollar is proportional to how hard your counterparty is willing to work for it. That’s the meaning of “store of value”.

ayyylmao says:

Agreed, Fidelis.

Pax Imperialis says:

>My point isn’t dependent on global empire.

That was just an example that human action (labor) can and will highly determine value.

>Pax: Everything is in a sense valued against human labor.
>The amount [and quality] of labor in a good or service doesn’t determine its value, only its cost.

This is not a contradiction. I do not claim value to be linearly proportional to labor, i.e. value=cost or that value=market price. Only that at some level product is valued against labor, i.e. someone figures that making the product is worthwhile the time and effort of the labor. There’s a clear relationship between value and labor. That says nothing about actual costs, margins, or profits if there are any. There’s a reason why price discovery is required for a functional market. It helps inform people the realistic valuations of labor and product.

>Acceptability at home is the determinant. There are private local paper currencies, you know. And they’re legal.
>You’re missing the point.
>The value of your dollar is proportional to how hard your counterparty is willing to work for it. That’s the meaning of “store of value”.

Well, yes, and acceptability is reliant on trust. Trust is built on sovereign actions… which are really a form of aggregate labor past, present, and future. Same applies to the private local paper currencies. I’m not strictly disagreeing with you on theory, but I’m pointing out a tautology that normally would be intellectually and politically acceptable to use, but because Marxists have implicitly added a bunch of meaning to the words “labor” and “value”, has become toxic and difficult to use by association.

>Pax: “[The labor theory of value] assumes that all labor is at some level equal.”
>No it doesn’t.

Yes it does, what do you think the “socially necessary labor” part means in the context of Marxist egalitarianism and “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”? They proselytize equality and blank slatism, ability is implicitly assumed to be equal, therefore they conclude differences in income between peoples must indicate theft/oppression at some part of the transaction.

ayyylmao says:

Pax, I don’t want to argue with you about Karl Marx’s classical economics, and frankly I don’t know as much as I should about it. Here’s ChatGPT:

No, Karl Marx does not postulate that “all labor is at some level equal” in the sense of the actual work performed or its social value. However, in his labor theory of value, Marx argues that different forms of labor can be reduced to abstract human labor—a common denominator that represents the average socially necessary labor time required to produce a commodity under given conditions of production.

This concept of abstract labor does not mean that all forms of labor are identical in quality, skill, or intensity. Instead, it reflects the idea that, within the capitalist system, labor is homogenized and treated as a quantitative measure of value. For Marx, the capitalist mode of production abstracts away the specific characteristics of labor and reduces it to an exchangeable unit of value, typically measured by time.

In summary, Marx does not claim that all labor is inherently equal but rather that capitalism treats labor as equivalent in its abstract form for the purposes of exchange and valuation.

ayyylmao says:

That seems right to me.

Employers pay their employees for their hours (salaried employees are also de facto paid for their hours, don’t kid yourself) according to a pay scale and the pay scale is more or less the same across organizations. HR is extremely resistant to deviations from “market rates” (however defined) and negotiation is minimal. In other words employees are living in what amounts to a command economy.

ayyylmao says:

My main interest is in why the crypto nerds have spent 15 years completely failing to make any cryptocurrency practically useful as a, y’know, currency.

Jim says:

I find it very useful as currency. If you want to buy and sell stuff internationally across hegemony boundaries, no alternative. The petrobitcoin may well be coming.

You want to buy grey market meds from China? Bitcoin.

Sri Lanka wants to buy a tanker load of Russian oil? Bitcoin.

Some random peasant in the Philippines wants to send a small payment to a Filipino expat? Crypto currency, usually tether — but everyone who has a substantial amount of tether usually buys Bitcoin with it. If you have tether, it is very easy to buy and sell Bitcoin for tether. It is also easy to buy and sell Filipino fiat for tether, hence the fiat->tether->bitcoin pipeline. Filipino fiat is depreciating faster than tether, and Bitcoin is appreciating relative to tether. The average peasant in the Philippines who lives in a house with a dirt floor, and walls and furniture made from bamboo he chopped down with his machete can get tether a lot easier than he can get a bank account empowered to do international transactions.

Russia is trying to get people to buy Russian oil in Russian roubles, but when they want to convert their national currency into roubles, much grief ensues. Similarly Chinese money. Hard to use Chinese money unless both organisations, the paying and the paid, have a trusted Chinese expat on their staff. So Bitcoin. Chinese use Bitcoin, Filipinos use tether. Because there are huge number of Filipino expats, there are a huge number of ordinary normie Filipinos using tether and Bitcoin.

The Philippines are inside the periphery of the Globohomo empire, but because the Filipino diaspora is all over the world, including many places outside the Globohomo empire. Filipino banks are severely allergic to international transactions, and because the Filipino diaspora is all over the world, and because there are a huge number of foreign expats in the Philippines, Filipinos face an urgent need to do international transactions. So, crypto currency. Normie Filipinos do not have Bitcoin investments, they don’t run self custody wallets. But normie Filipinos have crypto currency, because Filipino fiat currency is kind of useless. I would guess that there are now more average, ordinary, everyday normie Filipinos with custodial crypto currency accounts than bank accounts, and the vast majority of them are not using these accounts to invest in Bitcoin, but to use crypto currency as actual currency. Tether if doing business with people in the Globohomo empire, Bitcoin if the Chinese hegemony. Because the Filipino banking system is dysfunctional, there is mass adoption of crypto currency for use as actual currency for international transactions, to send money around from one ordinary person to another ordinary person. And here in the core of the Globomo empire, our banking system is becoming similarly dysfunctional.

Neb814 says:

> My main interest is in why the crypto nerds have spent 15 years completely failing to make any cryptocurrency practically useful as a, y’know, currency.


A faction was trying to make it more private very early on, they were shut out.
A faction was trying to do some L1 scale things, they were shut out.
A faction did a lot of talking with CIA, FBI, DEA, that content was kept secret.
The NSA can find any Tor onion in more like 1 hour than 1 day.

There are “practical” cryptocurrencies, but they are some combo of… monetarily unsound, unreliable, unfair launch, unscalable, as yet unrecognized, shitty clients, etc.

Maxi’s HODL mentality doesn’t help, you need “SPEDN and REPLACE” and “I have some good/svc for sale” and “I wanna buy ur shit take mah coin” to drive a big monetary float of useful freemarket P2P commerce.

One issues with Bitcoin its really unprivate.
People say LN is private, but I question those nodes, lots of which are unknown popups on tor (aka easily sybils, just like tor nodes are). Then there question of LN actually moving a large sum, privately, and you want to settle such sums anyways rather than leave them hanging. So that really leaves the L1 anyway.
L1 works great for large sum (rent/car/house/savings, stuff $500+), but… your recipient (entity) can see your wallet, and arbitrarily notebook it and flag it in their security app, as can all their downstream spends, which results in a lots of datasharing and inspection and arbitrary/factless/hateful flagging which you have zero control over and zero repudiation. And you can’t really wallet manage because even multihop peels/sends look weird to the AI’s.
So you have to join for any real privacy.
Which the AI’s then flag as a join, and you’re back in arbitrary/jail land again. And truly jail/prison because in some places no proof is consideret guilt, or at least gets your funds perma-locked, or heavily taxed, or kyc’d, or big lawyer-fee’d to ever free up again.

BTC is good at P2P, but you have to find P2P’s that have the stuff you want. Because the stores that have the stuff you want (especially new condition merch bigger than the arbitrary nominal govt amount ($100/300/500/1000/3000/5000/10000) all seem to want to KYC you with “BitPay” and other mandatory database reporting nonsense middleman systems.

BTC’s seeming lack of real privacy, privacy that is acceptable to the Inspectors/AI’s/entities, privacy as unalienable excercise of natural human right necessary to survival of human condition, keeps this post from being a successful thought crime.

Monero has a pretty good privacy P2P community, but its nowhere near an effective global size yet, and XMR is banned almost everywhere, and has some scale and utility problems similar to BTC.

A real cryptocurrency should be very easy for its users to commit thought crimes with, every single day.

Neb814 says:

> A real cryptocurrency should be very easy for its users to commit thought crimes with, every single day.

Hope ppl will be able to do that soon, but am not sure how long it take.
XMR and BCH’s ways are “useful”, LTC and ZEC and zano and a few others have some more or less inbuilt or included ways too.
I welcome links to papers.

> 15 years completely failing to make any cryptocurrency practically useful as a currency.

I think wallet UI’s are almost already to “useful” level, but that lack of privacy, the human subliminal psychological fact of that, is what is really preventing “useful” from happening. Nobody wants to lose the privacy of “cash”, or to have any of those privacy problems. So you have to enable privacy. And fix scale.

Pax Imperialis says:


Pax, I don’t want to argue with you about Karl Marx’s classical economics, and frankly I don’t know as much as I should about it. Here’s ChatGPT:

There’s this frustrating feature of Marxists, and Leftists in general, where what they say is different from what they mean. It’s like DEI. Diversity means homogeneously not you, Equity means persecution of you, and inclusion means excluding you.

ayyylmao says:


I don’t believe in the existence of “leftists” or “marxists” or whateverthefuck, I believe in the existence of the primordial hatred of the dysgenic and resentful for the well-turned-out and beautiful, a hatred that finds expression in and cover from cultural phenomena (such as ideologies) purely opportunistically. In the pursuit of evil evildoers must lie and in the service of lying liars must tell the truth and in the pursuit of truth you can just steal it from the liars.

If the system doesn’t homogenize and rationalize labor to standard inputs and outputs in a way reasonably accurately described by the labor theory of value then you should explain how and why. Make sure to compare and contrast Adam Smith and Karl Marx.

Then address the significance (or insignificance) of the cost basis of fiat currency. What is value?

ayyylmao says:

Neb814: “I think wallet UI’s are almost already to ‘useful’ level, but that lack of privacy, the human subliminal psychological fact of that, is what is really preventing ‘useful’ from happening. Nobody wants to lose the privacy of ‘cash’, or to have any of those privacy problems. So you have to enable privacy. And fix scale.”

I agree completely.

Why do you quote “cash”?

ayyylmao says:


“Maxi’s HODL mentality doesn’t help, you need ‘SPEDN and REPLACE’ and ‘I have some good/svc for sale’ and ‘I wanna buy ur shit take mah coin’ to drive a big monetary float of useful freemarket P2P commerce.”

Nail, meet head.

And the part about how Bitcoin is “really unprivate” just reveals that Bitcoin can’t be a currency at all because its tokens have no fungibility. Currency is fungible by definition; Bitcoin is just the earliest and most useless NFT.

ayyylmao says:


Mayflower Sperg says:

Saving a failing currency is easy once you have the power and the will: Suspend all payments on the national debt, print just enough money to pay the men with guns, and tell everyone else to get a fucking job. It’s been done before.

The idea that national governments will base their economies on Bitcoin is ridiculous. Suddenly Goldfinger’s hare-brained scheme to steal thousands of tons of gold from Fort Knox becomes a simple matter of hacking the Treasury’s computers and copying the wallet.dat file.

The Dark Enlightenment talks about the importance of throne and altar, then tells us that crypto will save the world because it’s completely decentralized. Everything good needs a sovereign to keep it good — there can be no SpaceX without Elon Musk, nor a Jim’s Blog without Jim.

Bix Nudelmann says:

“It’s been done before.”

Is that so? 1930’s Germany you mean? Some other time and place?

The Cominator says:

“Saving a failing currency is easy once you have the power and the will: Suspend all payments on the national debt”
This alone makes your currency dogshit as far as its exchange value for a number of years. So no, the dollar can’t be saved as reserve currency…

Jim says:

The idea of basing paper money and banking on Bitcoin is stupid. Not because wallets are insecure. Ordinary competence provides ample security. If the government held bitcoin, would be far safer than holding gold. What you are referring to is the “Bitcoin Standard”, Hal Finney’s dumb idea of banks and governments issuing paper backed by a fractional reserve of Bitcoin, rather than a fractional reserve of Gold. Fractional reserve results in term transformation, which is how the Gold Standard died. I discuss this dumb idea and the evils that ensued during the Gold Standard in “Usury

Ordinary people using their own Bitcoin instead of government fiat or bank accounts is already happening. Satoshi’s goal was to get them out of the money business, not persuade them to use Bitcoin.

Fidelis says:

The idea that national governments will base their economies on Bitcoin is ridiculous.

“The idea that kings will have to resort to gold for paying their troops is ridiculous. They can simply mint as many brass coins as they’d like, so they would never give up that power.”

Bitcoin solves the exchange between soverigns problem better than gold. The gold standard comes and goes based on whether or not you have a hegemon or a multipolar order. We’re returning to multipolarity, so the digital age equivalent of gold will return.

Jim says:

I expect sovereigns to transact with other sovereigns using bitcoin. But the Bitcoin standard, like the gold standard, is subjects transacting with other subjects of through banks controlled by the Sovereign. Not likely, and if it happens, will be a very bad thing, just as the gold standard was a very bad thing, though not as bad as fiat is. I discuss Hal Finney’s very bad idea in “Usury“.

Fidelis says:

I read it. I expect the vast majority of people to just use whatever is simplest, which means the vast majority will be trading fake wrapped BTC of some form endorsed by the state. The tech savvy will not, and it will lower the barrier to entry for becoming your own bank, and the barrier for exiting the system, allow for at least soverign information management contracts, as well as increase the cost of currency manipulation, so on the whole a good outcome.

States don’t even have to be insidious and power hungry for this outcome. Most will probably just coast on the momentum, which means when they stabilize their shitty fiat with BTC, and it just works, they will stop changing things. Normal people will notice that hey, the currency is less shitty, and just go along doing what they were doing before. Some small fraction will continue to be enthusiasts, but will be mostly exchanging with other enthusiasts. Some edge case uses where the bugocrats infringe too far and destroy function, like international payments and such, will also be popular if frowned upon.

If I’m a company, I want to be able to have some measure of control over shares. It would make no sense to e.g. peg share price exactly 1 to 1 with some other currency or commodity. Why would this impulse be different for a state?

Varna says:

> “1930’s Germany you mean? Some other time and place?”

If one searches online for hyperinflation examples, there’s a list, but or some reason 1990s Eastern Europe is missing. You have to already know what to look for and specifically type in “hyperinflation 1990s Serbia/Montenegro/Bulgaria/Poland/Ukraine/Russia/Georgia” etc.

It’s mostly the same story: a torturous transition from a collapsed Brezhnevist command economy to some sort of wishy-washy half-baked mix.

This appears to work for a bit, then hyperinflation hits, the govt goes on a campaign how everyone is imagining things and the economy is in fact growing, and whatever isn’t working is because of saboteurs. Then either people storm Parliament or some less conspicuous change happens; usually (not always but frequently) some local reaganists taking control and fixing everything in a month.

Interesting and potentially useful case studies, but one has to know what to look for.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Suspending all payments on the national debt is going to piss off your bondholders, but they were fools to lend you money and deserve to be punished for it.

As Varna noted, when faced with the choice of cutting the state budget by 90% or letting the currency become completely worthless, most states choose the former, because if you don’t pay the soldiers, they’ll be playing soccer with your head.

Austerity stops price inflation dead in its tracks. Food and rent will come way down when there’s no EBT, no Section 8, and no cushy government jobs for strong independent black women.

A2 says:

Suspending your debt payments is not that unusual. Consider the many cases in the third world, the Asian currency crisis in the 90s or, why not, like currently popular Argentina. Argentina seems to have gone through five currencies in about a hundred years, from the peso moneda nacional to the current peso, introduced in 1992. It has defaulted on its debt nine times in 200 years (three times in the 21st century, if I’m counting correctly). Persistent and high inflation with occasional hyperinflation is of course a feature too. Tying the peso to the dollar didn’t help, that ended up with one of the recent defaults.

What else might happen? Jewish money managers may try to repossess a carrier (like Paul Singer did). The reserve currency status will be gone, like when the British pound was replaced by the dollar. (I vaguely recall reading the pound declined to about 1/3 its former value as a reserve currency.) The can-do attitude of the non-white majority will be tested.

Air Force One exchanged for a pile of worthless bonds?

(The effects of something like that will presumably be quite hard on Europe too, should it happen.)

cub says:

Goldfinger’s plan in the film was to irradiate the Fort Knox gold. I suppose the crypto equivalent would be turning a wallet “dirty” and having it blocked by exchanges, governments, etc.

Jim, aren’t layer 2 networks like Lightning similar to fiat? In both cases you are, for the sake of convenience and speed, transacting a token that is backed by a claim on an underlying asset, a claim which is not fully guaranteed until business is concluded. If governments adopt Bitcoin, what is stopping them from implementing fractional reserve off-chain?

Jim says:

The difference is that with lightning, you yourself can enforce the claim. No trusted intermediaries.

There are custodial fractional reserve lightning wallets around. But no one has to use them.

In a lightning transaction, you immediately gain the secrets necessary to enforce your claim on the underlying asset.

Fidelis says:

>In both cases you are, for the sake of convenience and speed, transacting a token that is backed by a claim on an underlying asset, a claim which is not fully guaranteed until business is concluded.

This is sort of true, but so low resolution that you miss important details. In lightning, you commit BTC to a two way contract. The person you contract with ideally is well connected to a network of these two way contracts, so that you can push or pull money through the network one two way channel at a time. This is all guaranteed by this construct called a HTLC, which I wont get into as it’s complicated and better explained elsewhere. Overall lightning is a bit too complex for its own good, ends up fragile, with lots of edge cases, and ended up inadvertently giving a ton of network power to very big channels, centralizing the network over time. A good first attempt.

What we discuss here on the blog in regards to L2s, is usually sidechains utilizing zero knowledge proofs. Jim has a few posts on this, if you search under his crypto tag or find a link to his rhocoin docs somewhere. In this case, the entity maintaining the “claim” is in fact another blockchain. So not exactly like how a bank works, the dynamics would be quite different.

>If governments adopt Bitcoin, what is stopping them from implementing fractional reserve off-chain?

Absolutely nothing, in fact I fully expect this to happen. Most states are run by barely lucid bug souled bureaucrats. When their currency defaults for the xth time and refuses to revive when they announce a brand new one, they’ll adopt a bitcoin reserve, which won’t fix them spending and stealing everyone’s money, but it will slow them down a bit and help stabilize their shitty currency. Once moderately stable, will return to doing whatever is possible to inflate the currency and steal the margin. In really corrupt states, they’ll use real p2p stuff to cope. In geriatric states like in Europe or like Japan, they’ll just add bitcoin as a reserve and the leak will be mostly plugged, normies will be satisfied with the warm but not yet boiling water, and they will continue squeezing the remaining productive youth until the country implodes.

There’s hope for small dynamic governments on the fringes to adopt intelligent policy in relation to crypto and DAOs and other such things, but they’re not pre-enlightenment northwest Europeans so don’t expect too much.

A2 says:

Irradiating the gold was not a great idea, by the way. We can recall the recent case when the London Metal Exchange nickel warehouse turned out to partly contain bags of rocks, an embarrassing fact which ultimately didn’t really matter much to the nickel traders. They wouldn’t mind trading radioactive gold either, just no physical delivery please.

Clark says:

[*deleted for inability to comprehend crypto currency. You are spitting out criticisms of Bitcoin which are true, but which you entirely fail to comprehend*]

Milosevic says:


We need to rethink how messaging, including email, works overall.”

Dear Jim, dear Gentlemen,

We are indeed living in interesting times. Does anyone have a theory why censorship can be super effective for a while, and then it completely fails?

We have this in Europe about Ukraine now. Now the idea of Ukraine losing is very openly discussed. A few weeks, maybe months ago, it was utterly forbidden, suppressed in a grassroots-LOOKING, cancel-culture way. (It is never really grassroots, of course. But it can be made to look so.)

I do not care about the Ukraine. The Ukraine is mostly farmland, bought up on the cheap by American agribusinesses, they did not even leave some of the loot they took for us Euros to take, lol, so I do not care. I am anti-socialist, but I am not a fanboy of any random crony-capitalist. They made their decision, now let them enforce it. None of my business.

What I care about is social technology. How does this work? Very efficient grassroots-LOOKING censorship, and then it suddenly falls apart?

Another, different topic. Western Civ is suddenly showing some life again? Like the CIA or whoever kicked the Russians out of Syria, knowing how much Russians like warm water ports, an painful hit? And the rebuilding of the Notre-Dame and the masses at the ceremony…

Also anyone noticed Seb Gorka saying Trump can intimidate Putin? We Hungarians did…

Dharmicreality says:

> We are indeed living in interesting times. Does anyone have a theory why censorship can be super effective for a while, and then it completely fails?

The way censorship works is when you have a live and healthy state religion and the megaphone of priestly consensus drowns out all the dissent and makes dissent or divergence from the unofficial official line low status as well as dangerous to express in public, in other words “crime thought”. When the state religion is virtuous this is not a problem.

If the state religion weakens, so does the megaphone of consensus and dissent doesn’t get drowned out so much and especially when backed by a priestly faction such as Thermidor becomes relatively higher status and less dangerous.

Once crime thought is echoed by a faction of priests without danger and without much reputational damage it no longer is crime thought.

Jim says:

> What I care about is social technology. How does this work? Very efficient grassroots-LOOKING censorship, and then it suddenly falls apart?

The nature of University is that whatever it is ostensible teaching, it is training people in priesting. A University is a seminary of the state religion. Always has been, always will be.

The massive expansion of University education was a Ponzi scheme. And created a huge oversupply of state priests. Many of whom were assigned to the job of censoring. Which worked fine, so long as somewhat furtively backed by state power, and so long as the line from on top was clear.

Reflect on the enormous number of do-nothing jobs at Twitter. This was the creation of jobs for the priesthood. Similarly HR. Censorship was one of many jobs for the boys programs.

Because demonic (transing children, unilateral abortion at whim, the cult of ugliness, Covid) they wanted to destroy Western Civilisation. Because universalist, wanted to conquer the world (“Democracy”, the “Rules Based” order).

Which are incompatible wants. When this incompatibility became apparent, we got disunity within the priesthood. They need a King, but are unable to produce one. Which is why Biden was chosen as a placeholder, and why he was replaced by Kamala. A difficult and complicated decision has to be made, and they are unable to make it.

Napoleon says:

“What I care about is social technology. How does this work? Very efficient grassroots-LOOKING censorship, and then it suddenly falls apart?”

The elite faction(s) Jim calls Thermidor are a particular brand of parasites. They do financial parasitism (banking etc) and corporate corruption parasitism (e.g. big pharma’s profits in the vax during covid) on the American masses, and various forms of parasitism on foreign nations. They hate us (the honest people of Americans, and Christians) because we oppose their evils.

For a long time they hated us more than they hated the left, and they used/partnered with the left/woke to crush us and keep us down. Recently they realized that the incompetence caused by woke is hurting their ability to be parasites on foreign nations via hard power. So they suddenly switched to clamping down somewhat on woke & some other forms of reality denial. The sudden switch in censorship came top-down from some small group with the power to make that call. It is not easy to tell who has that power, but it is so obviously coordinated that it is almost certainly, as Jim says, a group of men small enough to fit around a table.

They are not doing this because they are good or they are our friends. They still hate us. They are only doing it because their brand of parasitism was being threatened by the woke left’s brand of parasitism.

“Western Civ is suddenly showing some life again? Like the CIA or whoever kicked the Russians out of Syria”

What happened in Syria is the U.S. deep state hitting the gas pedal as hard as it can before Trump takes office. The deep state is not “Western Civ”. The deep state got a win (in their own eyes); that does not mean it is a win for Western Civ or for us (good honest people).

“Also anyone noticed Seb Gorka saying Trump can intimidate Putin?”

Gorka is an idiot who believes “Putler bad”. There is absolutely no need to try to intimidate Putin. There is a very great need for America’s leaders and deep state to leave Putin and Russia alone, and stop poking the bear in a hopeless (it won’t work) and exceedingly unwise (risk WW3) attempt to color revolution Russia so as to get their dirty mitts on that sweet oil and natural gas and to turn Russia into a “liberal democracy” a.k.a. “we Thermidorians get to parasite on Russia the way we parasite on America.”

Karl says:

Censorship about Ukraine was super effective for a while, and then suddenly abandoned. My impression here in Germany is that they could have maintained censorship, but gave up when Trump was elected.

white bread says:

How many people in Germany admit that their US masters blew up Nordstream?

Karl says:

In private, almost everybody I know. In public, people may say they suspect the US did it, but get in trouble if they present US involvement as fact.

Orthodox_uber_chad says:

*first time poster, shill test*
Women are responsible for most sexual misconduct, Jews rejected Christ and worship Satan, Africans are criminally low IQ. True Christianity is best defined by the Nicene Creed. Anything in contradiction is heresy

*begin transmission*
The only strange downside to the powers that be moving on from the scamdemic is how easy it was to spot faggots, cowards, and snakes. How many “fellow right wing rebels* cucked entirely, taking the mark of the beast (vax) and wearing the demonic face mask

Now theyre back to hiding more easily

FrankNorman says:

They probably did not expect that to be a giveaway.

Pax Imperialis says:

Cheerleader comparison goes viral. Sure, it’s cherry picking, but…

We’re all getting fat and the standards have been sliding for a long time. I’ve seen whales in uniform. Really confidence inspiring when nearly every Doc/Corpsman obviously isn’t passing height and weight. Ain’t no way they’re getting taping below 40 inch waistlines. I don’t get it, are they being exempt? How are they supposed to drag my fat ass back to safety and patch me up if I get hit?

I’ve gotten fat since entering military service. Have gained ~60 pounds and nearly weight 200 now. I’m having to stop eating at the chow hall every day. Full of simple processed carbs and very little good fat and protein. Many officers in my height weight class are around 200, many are a good deal heavier. I haven’t seen anyone O4 or above with a normal waistline, they’re all protruding over the belt. The average American service member in 1945 was just under 150 pounds. I’ve read about their physical performance standards in the archived military publications from back then. They could ruck faster and longer than what we do today. They could also run faster and longer and in full kit no less.

The military claims to be a standard above civilians, but I notice civilian average is 200 pounds for men and 170 pounds for women. Sure, maybe that’s at higher BMI for same weight (supposedly), but one only need look at pictures of military men from 1980s and compare it to today to see waistlines have significantly increased.

Jim says:

I don’t think it is cherry picked. Accurately reflects cheerleaders. Asian cheerleader are cherry picked for cuteness so not representative of average women, but the American obesity epidemic is real.

Fidelis says:

Cherry picked in the sense they chose some sheboon to represent America. Blacks have long been the most obese demographic. That also looks like a college, and therefore amateur, cheerleader, versus some more professional sporting venue. A better comparison would be the show girls for an MMA fight, who are not obese. I would argue they have suffered from the tranny disease where they try and sharpen their features too much, but they arent exactly ugly. Overall the aesthetic of the asian side where they go for cuteness, which can be off putting sometime, is still better than the american side where they go for a sort of unconsciously mannish face.

Pax Imperialis says:
Rod says:

The numbers aren’t insane because it’s the pollsters who are the faggots. Anytime you have a faggot in charge of anything, they skew the data in their favor, because pedo.

Pax Imperialis says:

These are effectively self reported numbers of child abuse and grooming. It reveals a sick and insane country. It’s not possible to pretend these numbers are just faggot pollsters making up fake statistics when the data matches with what normies are observing. That being a grooming epidemic in the West.

Rod says:

Ass-pumpers and pedos always try to inflate their numbers in order to claim that ass-pumping and pedo abuse is normal… that it is they who are normal, that that is the normal state of civilization, and therefore that no law/action against it is valid, and that more people should join their demonic cult, when in fact ass-pumping and pedo serves no survival-DNA purpose other than to get themselves violently culled out of civilization by the real survival-DNA that recognizes that fact.
If the self-reported numbers are sickeningly high, it’s because
the groomers have found a psyop that works against the normies that enables the ass-peds to grow their numbers and operations without triggering the kill-response of the normies.
If a civ wants to survive, wants its men to have functional sperm, its women to not develop young cat-lady syndrome, it will need to detect and override the psyop and return to challenging the useless chaff by the trial of tall buildings.

Jim says:

Like so much of your stuff, this sounds very like a thought crime, but is not. Still along the lines of “I hate women because women are wonderful, Jews because they are so terrible clever, and blacks because magical”. You neglect to mention any of the long long long list of reasons for throwing gays off tall buildings. that I give in “Gay needs to be suppressed”. You only give reasons that failed to make my list.

Rod says:

The net sum of list of reasons is that ass-peds are negative to survival-DNA and civ-success. The efficiency of that distillation is succinct.
Loving woman recognizes ferality requires monitoring permission and free bounds of leash and discipline, invitation for home and children.
God already sorted the clever Jews, that’s between those two.
Blacks are simpler species, regardless of their magic dances, otherwise they would not have been superceded as builders of the world.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Girls especially are vulnerable to redefining as LGBT when previous generations would have identified either as tomboys, or straight girls who kissed other straight girls on a dare at a party to get a guy to make a move.

They buried this in the middle, but I expected to find it: “Women are nearly twice as likely as men to identify as LGBTQ+ … Bisexuality is the most common form of LGBTQ+ identification among women…” It’s female social conformity, not committed bull-dyke lesbianism.

Likely there has been some increase in real homosex as well, due to male homos being safer propagating their disorder via child abuse. With perhaps some growth in “real” lesbianism probably coming from college lesbians no longer socially supported in growing out of it. But exact numbers suspect, as Rod says.

All that said, those numbers are indeed bad when taken as a snapshot of normie allegiance to the state religion. But I think the female numbers flip fast when we win, and the lower but more problematic male numbers get fixed with an inquiry into what gays really get up to with their adopted children. Legally, with all due process and benefit of counsel, of course.

Rod says:

Female numbers will flip because feral womankind responds better to an environment of viable sperm and mankind than it does to the unnatural awkwardness of scissoring.
When those Buttigieg and other “adopted” babies wind up as psychological wrecks on Oprah, addicted to fent on the streets, dead in a shooting, or in prison for raping children… all due process and counsel should be thrown out, as if there werent already enough well publicized cases of this already to do that, and to get surrogacy and adoption among non-heteros banned.

Pax Imperialis says:

Drunk Witcher rant. Please forgive me.

I loved The Witcher 3 because of the Red Baron writing. No other recent media has written such a man in a sympathetic and understanding light. Let’s face it, if you sacrifice years of your life serving as a warrior only to come home to find your wife has cucked you, I think it reasonable that you might be a bit mad, mad enough to kill the other man and beat her. What other game allows you to side with such a man and help him through the tragedy? The fact they could write such a quest line allowed for most other aspects of the game to be high quality in it’s depiction of the human experience and spirit. This is despite the source material being progressive in nature. CDPR managed to create art that transcended the original.

Now look at Witcher 4 Ciri. Much grace and femininity has been drained from her character model and voice acting. Her face and jawline are noticeably more masculine. Everyone seems to acknowledge she looks bad with “she got older”, but then cognitive dissonance sets in and they chorus that she’s just as beautiful as the original. Right… because aging changes bone structure by making it thicker. If your measure her facial dimensions you’d find the nose remains the same length, but the head proportionally widened by over 10%. I didn’t bother with chin or jawline measurements, but it’s clear to the eye.

Hilarity sets in when the devs say, ‘the game is only a few years after the Witcher 3’. This is obviously not “aging”, it’s DEI. Then the masses chorus, cinematic trailer Geralt always looked different from in-game Geralt and that his appearance changed from Witcher 1 to Witcher 3. Are they blind to the fact Geralt’s appearance improved with the technology? If Ciri followed the same trend, she’d look even better. The masses also chorus that it’s ‘just the cinematic’ as if cinematics aren’t artistic decisions that indicate the direction the studio wishes to take the game in.

From the trailer they’ve made her a Witcher not just in spirit, but also in physical reality. She has undergone the mutations and trial of the grasses. They’ve completely butchered her character development and the lore. The masses chime, ‘oh, but lore does support this’ by citing fanfiction. Then they say ad nauseam that lore doesn’t matter, it can always be changed. True, but every change increases internal incoherence of the setting. There is also a grotesque facet of their applauding her undergoing the mutations which make her sterile. In the book she romantically road off with Sir Galahad, her womb clenching. She got her happy ending and the implied family Geralt and Yennefer never got to materially have at their sacrifice. CDPR just killed any potential for her happy ending and the masses cheer.

I’m tire of this state of affairs. Shakespeare wrote for the King, most of classical music was for the aristocracy. That’s why there was quality, it was created for the elite and not for simpering vulgar masses. Just as DEI put obese pronoun wine aunts in HR, Trump needs to put chad bros in HR after purging it.

Contaminated NEET says:

They destroyed it because you liked it.

Varna says:

Here’s a hundred Conan adventures by Russian authors

Red Sonja adventures by the same

King Kull adventures by the same

A small percent is by western authors, the ones with the fancy covers and made up western names like Brian Douglas, Brian this, Winlow that, etc, are mostly written in the 1990s and 2000s by Russians and Ukrainians.

Download, convert to txt, upload to Chat, ask for a decent translation, specify that word choices should be in the style of Howard, and de Camp, and let thy soul have a nice rest.

“Risen from the Dust” (Red Sonja)

by Elena Khayetskaya

The moonless night hung heavy over the border city of Hadan, nestled on the fringes of Stygia. Shadows loomed like spectral sentinels, and the guards strained their eyes into the impenetrable dark. Every now and then, they scanned the treetops, their minds conjuring the phantom gleam of Darfarian spear tips or the fleeting shapes of figures blacker than the void, hailing from the savage lands of the far south.

For years now, the Black Kingdoms, Kush, and Darfar had gnawed at Stygia’s edges, their endless raids leaving a trail of ruin, fire, and slaughter. And tonight, the air carried the weight of coming violence.

“Do you hear that?” growled Nilit Trarza, commander of a hundred spears, to his lieutenant, Brakna.

Brakna, a dark-haired youth of preternatural beauty, shrugged indifferently. His long hair fell in silken waves, almost as a woman’s, framing his sharp, chiseled features and eyes as round and black as an abyss. A noble of ancient Stygian blood, Brakna’s cold detachment grated against the rough-hewn Trarza, who, though born to a fishmonger, had earned his stripes defending Hadan for fifteen grim years.

“No, Nilit,” Brakna replied smoothly, his voice like a dagger wrapped in silk.

“Keep your eyes sharp!” Trarza snarled. “These cursed blackskins could be lurking behind every stone, every branch—what in the name of Set is that?”

His thick finger jabbed toward a shadow slinking by the stone piles beneath Hadan’s battered walls. Those stones, intended for repairs, stood in silent testimony to years of assault by the southern hordes.

“Where?” Brakna squinted, his sharp gaze slicing through the dark.

“There! By the stones! I swear it—”

“Archers!” Brakna barked, his voice snapping like a whip. “Where in the Abyss are you, you drunken dogs?”

Two archers stumbled into view, reeking of wine, their movements sluggish. With contemptuous efficiency, Brakna cuffed the men across their skulls, jolting them to some semblance of alertness.

Meanwhile, the shadow that had pricked Trarza’s suspicion crept closer to the wall. Trarza’s face darkened with resolve.

“Who’s there?” he called. “Step forward! We won’t shoot!”

“Won’t you now?” came a mocking voice from behind.

Trarza spun, his sword half-drawn. The flicker of torchlight revealed a tall woman, her lithe figure cloaked in a black veil that rippled with the wind. Though dressed as a man—in embroidered breeches and a sleeveless tunic cinched with silver-buckled belts—no disguise could hide her true nature. Her hair, a torrent of molten red, cascaded over her shoulders, braided with silver threads and studded with pearls that caught the firelight.

Varna says:

A bit more soul therapy


Ghosts of Distant Peaks
Ride with relentless speed,
Your land in flames!
Prayers rise to the Eastern skies,
Men are slaughtered like beasts,
Their souls break free to claim paradise.

But we, beneath the endless sky,
Stand in defiance, asking why:
Who is friend, and who betrays,
In this eternal fight, this maze.

Each of us is a marked prey,
Shadowed or hiding, no escape today.
The hunter’s arrow finds your back,
Everything sold, loyalty cracked –
Our own betray the pack!

They burned the faith of our fathers,
Yet her shadow still haunts the pines,
A whisper in the ancient woods,
Listen to the soil – the truth aligns.

Your name is Patriot!
Who forgets his roots will fall to dust!
The fire in our hearts still blazes,
Those not with us – oppose our trust!

There’s but one path – to stand and fight,
A bullet, a blade – pierce through the night.
Cover me now!
Let the dead find peace in the ground,
Act while you’re breathing –
The drums of war resound!

Blood flows down the mountain stones,
Forget all else, embrace the unknown.
March forward – don’t look behind,
Listen to the voice of fire – let it guide!

Hesiod says:

BTW, Varna, IIRC, you recommended the novel Godsdoom this past summer which I finally got around to reading last weekend. Still mulling over the various themes of this excellent book, particularly the moral aspects. Being steeped in mythology, I found the names, especially of the races, to be very evocative visually despite there being little description in the text. Godsdoom worked my imagination like a symphonic conductor, so I award it five black swords out of five.

Varna says:

Excellent:) Very glad to hear this, Hesiod.
Here are the other, untranslated books by the same gentleman, but we live in the future, so AI can help, especially if asked to do the translation within a certain english-speaking author’s style.

Golovachyov, epic sci-fi, very anti-globohomo in the past decades

Nikitin’s humorous sci-fi (half the plot tends to be female shit-tests)
In this one the MC keeps ribbing his female mossad partner what a cute kike she is recommended chat translation prompt “word choices inspired by Carter Brown and Raymond Chandler ”

Nikitin’s fantasy

The most hilariously anti-globohomo book ever published, by Pelevin, who is no longer being translated into English or other European languages for some mysterious reason

OK, enough of that. Maybe next year or the one after that, God willing, we’re all still around, I’ll have inspiration to share more.

anonymous mouse says:

If it’s coming out now then that means that it was under development during Peak Woke. So this is probably the best outcome that could have been hoped for.

Fidelis says:

Slightly off-topic but tech related.

When we win and restore real science, how do we fix fundamental physics and theory? With most other branches of science, there’s some smouldering embers remaining to rekindle. Physics seems like it’s been dead for a long time. So you cannot just promote the people that have been successful but suppressed, because there doesn’t seem to be anyone there. No one has made empirically successful advances.

Do we fund contests? Ask the people that have succeeded in things like Quantum Computing and other very advanced manufacturing who they think should be promoted? How do we find the signal when the the entire room has gone dark?

Rod says:

Private Patrons and Endowments have always, and primarily through history, developed Science.
It has only been since the advent of Prog-Gay Marxi-Pols running Thieving Govts that Science became dependent on that teat.
Same mechanism by which over half whatever country you’re in became dependent on welfare. Used to be that religions and local community filled that role.

Related, the global proven.reserve:production ratio of methane is 50yr, oil is 57yr, and the industry has fallen to the woken-gays so will not be able to extract any new finds by then anyway. Protip: Perma-Move your family someplace warm, sunny, good soil.

Jim says:

All natural resources that can be extracted by the older methods have been extracted. The total amount of reserves of natural resources keeps on increasing only because advancing technology means we can now extract resources that we were formerly unable to extract. If tech decline, no raw materials. During the dark age and early medieval period, the only source of lead was Roman ruins. If tech decline, the only source of anything will be old ruins.

Fidelis says:

Was that really tech decline or social/stability decline?

What I mean is, roman concrete was lost in the fall. Bronze manufacturing was not lost at the end of the Bronze Age, the supply lines fell apart. Did people forget how to process lead, or was everyone dirt poor, the roads unsafe, and so it made more sense economically to scavenge? At some point it becomes more economical to scavenge landfills for aluminum than to looks for deposits, and the third world has discovered it is more economic to burn up and extract precious metals from old computer chips than from ore.

Looks to me like lots of deposits are still around and processable with simple tech, just energetically yeild less, require more inputs, and so aren’t done in favor of others. Less like fracking, where technique is complicated, more like low yield ore that needs twice as much processing.

Not to mention how much is left laying around unmanaged in dysfunctional places like Africa, South America. Besides oil, which can be replaced well enough with coal and synthetic oil made from coal, I don’t think we’re that bad off. Worse off than the first time around, but not screwed entirely.

Fidelis says:

I’m challenging this a bit only because it seems like an old Malthus’ Revenge lefty meme. We’ve raped the planet. We’ve used all the stuff. We’re running out, running out, running out… it’s gone. We’re dead, we should have listened and shut down mining earlier, now our descendants are stuck forever.

New serviceable deposits are found all the time. Most places we stopped extraction from only because there’s not actually all that much mining going on, labor and capital is expensive, and we aren’t really using it for much anyway. How much of the mining industry is gold? That’s just because the price remains high.

Jim says:

> New serviceable deposits are found all the time.

By high tech means, requiring high tech extraction methods. The stuff that can be extracted by low tech is being mined as the deposits are being formed.

Jim says:

> Did people forget how to process lead, or was everyone dirt poor, the roads unsafe, and so it made more sense economically to scavenge?

Because everyone was dirt poor, and the roads unsafe, and it made more sense to scavenge, they forgot how to extract lead.

As for resource exhaustion: There are people who want to make iron using primitive methods, for ceremonial and religious reasons, which require high grade ore, and what they do is go to a stream that is creating a body of high grade ore (iron sand), collect it all, and wait a year for some more ore to be formed. Every single pocket of high grade ore in the entire world has been mined, even very tiny pockets. All oil gushers are gone, all oil that remains has to be pumped from great depths. Of course there is a lot more oil, but we have to go deeper and deeper. High grade coal, the stuff that burns like charcoal, similarly. Plenty more of it, but we are digging deeper and deeper. There is also plenty of really crappy coal near the surface, just as there is plenty of iron ore if you don’t mind it being two thirds rock and one third ore.

Resources are unlimited, in the sense that with advancing technology, all rock is ore, and we can mine the asteroids, then the Oort cloud. But resources that can be accessed by a couple of guys with a cart are gone. People are hitting up streams that are forming new ore bodies, mostly to collect the gold. And once someone has gone through the stream, not going to be any more gold from that stream for a year or two.

Not far from me there is a small mountain or very large hill, and where the stream runs down from it to the flat, you can find gold. If someone else has not hit it up first, which they usually have.

Fidelis says:

>By high tech means, requiring high tech extraction methods. The stuff that can be extracted by low tech is being mined as the deposits are being formed.

I disagree that it’s high tech, it’s high energy and high capital input. Ultimately we’re still using old chemistry and barely updated mine engineering. Just the processing costs eat the margin. If we had more tech, commodities prices would be dropping faster, just as oil dropped at the advent of fracking.

Jim says:

Extracting iron from low grade ore is a much more complex and difficult process than extracting it from high grade ore, and using low grade coal in a power station is a much more complex process than using high grade coal. If you toss low grade coal into a furnace designed for high grade coal, the ash is going to choke your furnace.

Fidelis says:

I think we’re having a semantic mismatch for the meaning of “high tech”.

You don’t need to strech the limits of materials and chemical science to use bad iron ore, you need to break it up more, have some more digestive washes and passes through the furnace. It’s not the sort of step change like you experience when going from welding an ironclad together to producing a Starship.

So, yes, more complicated, but not a different sort of thing entirely.

But it doesn’t really matter, even getting to the point where this is a concern is a very serious state we’ve managed to fall into, and I think we agree on not falling into that state to begin with.

It looks like we may be lucky enough that two things happen very shortly:

– all human knowledge is compressed well enough with LLMs that a simple old laptop can query most of it out with some fairly small loss in fine detail. I’ve seen okayish attempts with 4bit stuff on cellphones, and this is real time queries and LLMs full of useless data. Low token/sec queries and more specialized LLMs could solve it

– All economic knowledge currently preserved in human heads is getting exported to software databases as we speak, in order to optimize and automate. If we get even just a couple years of real industry, we can have enough to plug into the aforementioned LLMs, and preserve our knowledge in millions or billions of copies across millions or billions of devices.

Then we have a quite short dark age if the worst occurs. Just need a couple more years.

Jim says:

> – all human knowledge is compressed well enough with LLMs that a simple old laptop can query most of it out with some fairly small loss in fine detail

As I said, we need LLMs trained on curated and/or page ranked data. You can fit all human knowledge into a reasonable sized LLM. You cannot fit all human rubbish into a reasonable sized LLM, particularly as if you toss everything in, most of what you toss in is the output of LLMs. And when you toss all that in, you get an LLM that accurately reflects human rubbish.

further, a lot of knowledge is not accurately expressed in words. Hence the value of you tube videos on doing things.

As a test, I asked an LLM “how do you refine lead from ore”. Pretty sure the answer is not all that useful.

Fidelis says:

As a test, I asked an LLM “how do you refine lead from ore”. Pretty sure the answer is not all that useful.

I asked grok, seemed fairly useful. Had to ask lots of follow up questions, but it gives enough to go off of that I am confident given time for mild experiment I could recreate the process. Lots of intermediate problems, I’ll just quote here to explain

3. Flotation Reagents:
Collectors: These chemicals selectively attach to galena particles, making them hydrophobic. Common collectors for galena include xanthates (e.g., potassium ethyl xanthate, sodium isobutyl xanthate), dithiophosphates, or thionocarbamates. They work by chemisorption on the galena surface.
Frothers: Like MIBC (methyl isobutyl carbinol) or pine oil, frothers stabilize the air bubbles introduced into the slurry, helping to carry the hydrophobic galena to the surface.
Depressants: Used to prevent unwanted minerals from floating. For galena flotation, reagents like sodium cyanide, zinc sulfate, or sodium metabisulfite might be used to depress sphalerite, pyrite, or other sulfides.
Activators: If needed, activators like copper sulfate can enhance the flotation of certain minerals by promoting the adsorption of collectors.

So we need more than just ore, okay, well with some fiddling

“Assume I have to make the material myself, what is the easiest to obtain or make from nature”

If you need to make a flotation collector for galena from natural materials, one of the simplest and most accessible options would be to use saponins derived from plants:

Saponins from Plants:
Source: Saponins are naturally occurring compounds found in many plants, particularly in soapbark (Quillaja saponaria), soapwort (Saponaria officinalis), and various legumes like soybeans or alfalfa.
Soapbark: The bark of Quillaja saponaria contains high levels of saponins. You can grind the bark, steep it in warm water, and then filter to get a saponin-rich solution.
Soapwort: Similar to soapbark, you can make an infusion by boiling the leaves or roots of soapwort in water, which releases saponins into the water.

Seems reproducible. Cheating a bit, as grok does implement RAG, but doesn’t seem like its so far off from just going with a native model with these things. This is useful war tech, you’re going to want your troops equipped with something like this offline in order for them to operate as best as possible. They’re handing out lots of money for people to build these things. Perhaps someone here should put a pitchdeck together and go ask for cash.

Pax Imperialis says:

>I disagree that it’s high tech, it’s high energy and high capital input.

Can high tech processes not be partially defined as “high energy and high capital input”? That’s really not that far from Kardashev scale. It’s just tacking on “capital”.

When you watch YouTube videos of metal refining of high quality ore, it’s practically just picking it off the ground and tossing it into a simple wood fire pit. It might not even require effort to purify. Low energy and low capital input. With these low quality ores, need massive, costly, energy intensive machines to dig them out of the ground, and furnaces operating at temperatures much higher than wood fire pit.

Pretty clear to me that high tech societies are ones that have managed to make high energy and high capital input scalable and widely accessible. Btw China produces more electricity than America and it continues to increase, as has been noted on this blog, American electricity production has been declining. Tech decline.

>Ultimately we’re still using old chemistry and barely updated mine engineering.

‘Ultimately we’re still using old physics and barely updated rocket engineering’… I don’t know, this doesn’t seem like many of your better arguments.

Fidelis says:


Watch some mining and ore refining videos on youtube and compare to making something like a satellite, a car, a computer chip.

Its an order of magnitude less complex. Tautologically, since you need the refined material to make said end products, but you don’t necessarily need computers, ICE vehicles and an mind boggling supply chains to mine and refine crappy ore. It’s just cheaper and simpler to import all the industrial washes and run the drum with a motor instead of a water wheel.

Give me time, a small crew and a decent LLM, could reproduce mining and refining simpler ores. At first small crappy yields, later scaled and made efficient enough. Not sure I could do so for a car. Definitely could not for modern chips.

What I’m emphasizing when I say “energy and capital inputs” is that theres a financial balance between the oil and various chemicals you use to get the stuff in a useable state, and the frankly quite low price of the finished product. We could burn more oil getting more steel instead of using it to grow soy to turn into fried chicken to turn into yeasty biomass, we couldn’t exactly burn more oil to get more rockets and computer chips.

Pax Imperialis says:

Ok, you nearly got me sperging out.

>Its an order of magnitude less complex.
>later scaled and made efficient enough

I have watched mining and ore refining videos as well as satellite, car, and chip production videos. You’re selling the resource extraction industry short. Ore quality has been declining for a very long time, yet productivity has increased at the same rate as other advanced manufacturing industries, though not as fast as chip production. Productivity has even exceeded GDP growth of the last couple decades.

The industry continues to improve due to improving existing tech and new tech (GPR/signal processing has come a very long ways in the last couple decades). There are a shit ton of trade secrets that will make or break your entire operation (oh, you configured your conveyor belt just 1% less efficiently than your competitor, good luck). Machines and processes continue to get bigger, more resilient, and more efficient.

There’s a huge amount of engineering (and social tech) that goes into the industry. Notice the major producers of modern mining equipment are mostly located in Japan, America, and Germany (Germany’s is in the process of fucking dying). Also notice all large scale mining operations are conducted by Whites and Asians. The machines are not nearly as sexy as a satellite or transistor, but the cost and level of organization required to produce them can be the same (it’s much easier to build a car than say a Komatsu D355A). Deep sea mining is coming and will be even more high tech.

Doing anything at scale is hard. IBM can make transistors just like TSMC. It cannot do so at scale. Modern mining and refining is done at massive scale and often involves chemical processes (I hope your chemical engineer knows what they’re doing otherwise the whole plant goes boom), otherwise you’d practically never get anywhere with processing less than 0.5% purity ore (copper) and will face infinity when dealing with 0.001% purity ore (gold).

In a collapse, you’ll be salvaging the dump yards and abandoned cities for decades before you ever start up small scale mining again, and jump starting large scale mining would take many decades.

>we couldn’t exactly burn more oil to get more rockets and computer chips.

Where do you think the materials for that come from, and how do you think those materials get delivered to the manufacturing plants? Germanium ore is at best 0.3% purity, and refining involves some very nasty chemical processes. The entire logistics of the process is very energy and thus oil intensive. Yes, burning more oil in the right places gets you more rockets and computer chips. Again, I hope your chemical engineers know what they’re doing when scaling.

Fidelis says:


You cannot just add more oil to get significantly cheaper chips and rockets. The bottleneck is human expertise. If it were not human expertise, NVDA would have serious competitors, and SpaceX wouldn’t be the only ones with a serious satellite internet network.

>1% gains here and there determine competitiveness
Yeah that’s a sign that the process is mostly dominated by energy requirements, because its not that complex. Same reason Toyota got ahead, was more to do with optimizing energy use than developing new modes of technology. This also ossifies the industry, makes new technology harder. That’s why Tesla managed to explode out in such a short time, their competitors had these highly optimized processes that could not suddenly switch to producing new things. Cars don’t have radically new designs, stagnant tech. In comparison, rocket engines have radical new designs. Because they are not competing on energy use efficiency in their manufacture, they are competing on making reliable new technology.

>komatsu and friends
Last generation stuff. You wanted big machines before, because you wanted to hire less operators. You want small machines now, because one human can now direct fleets of them. Easier to make the manufacturing of smaller, more modular machines, easier to repair them, easier to commoditize the parts. But the margins are so slim that you would need to burn money before the efficiency gains kick in, and no one is interested in mining right now, because commodities are so cheap. It’s an energy optimized business, not a high tech business.

>underwater drone stuff
I’ll believe it when I see it. We don’t see above ground robot fleets yet, underwater is a far harder problem.

Lets try and agree on semantics? When I am saying “high tech business” I am trying to point at ventures where adding energy and physical goods does not mean more stuff comes out the other end. TSMC could not increase production of chips significantly, at least for new generation stuff, if you dropped the price of electricity. Musk couldn’t 100x starship production in a short amount of time (well, maybe he is an exception, best logistics of our generation, but go along please) if you gave him more money to do so. He would need to organize more human talent and the current human talent would need to spend a lot of time defining and automating their processes to be replicable.

For mining, you absolutely could get way more stuff out of the ground in a short amount of time if the prices of metals rose significantly. This is what I am pointing at when I say much of the industry is determined by energy prices, and not high tech. We’ll see this proved out if and when Trump 2.0 directs the tariffs into subsidy for the reindustrialization program.

i says:


Resources may be unlimited or the limits may be much higher. But it looks like reality is designed to be Malthusian even when the limits are increased in terms of carrying capacity. Post-scarcity is never allowed to occur it seems not according to the Will of Gnon since it will allow Sin to run wild.

The r-strategy isn’t physically allowed to access the resources the K-selected are. Unless said K-selected make such resources bio-available for the r-strategists.

Rod says:

Probably not any Woke Pols running China’s Science program (lots of seemingly happy techno Commies in them tho)…
The aircraft boasts a maximum range of 8,000km (4,971 miles) and can carry payloads of up to 600kg (1,323 pounds), delivering substantial strategic capabilities.

USA has a lot of purging to do before it will ever be able to compete at anything again.

Rod says:


Jim says:

I keep nagging you to take the shill test, and you keep not doing it.

I therefore whimsically and randomly let some of your comments through, since they are not as bad as those of the rest of the shills, and the worse comments, low effort stuff, I suppress.

Jim says:

There are a few real physicists, all of them without academic jobs, who keep puzzling away as a hobby. They sometimes deliver interesting work, sometimes funded by private wealthy men. When one of them comes up with something good, we will give him a well paid and prestigious job in the priesthood, and provide status one way or another for his patron.

Recent results in cosmology (James Webb telescope) imply the existence of exotic matter, also called the Einstein ether, superluminal matter, and several other things. Matter in which the stress components of the stress–energy–momentum tensor exceed the energy components. So I went digging through the official scientific literature to see if physicists were constructing models of exotic matter that might explain the observations. Nah. Publish or perish. They were excreting a enormous pile of papers on exotic matter out of their assholes.

The interesting thing about superluminal matter is that it cannot follow timelike causation, has to follow spacelike causation. And no one was even trying to grapple with that.

white bread says:

I think the new findings of that telescope show that the universe is bigger than what the scientist-charlatans used to claim. Meaning the evidence doesn’t match their big bang, expanding universe nonsense.

Jim says:

The data clearly shows an expanding universe that was a lot denser a long time ago.

What it shows however, is a universe whose irregularity is inconsistent with the Lambda cold dark matter model. So, not the big bang as currently described and understood, but still a big bang.

And attempts to make sense of what we are seeing are incoherent and inane. I see a lot of papers cheerfully claiming that lambda cold dark matter fits, and they are obviously idiotic, and a lot of people saying it does not fit, and they are on the ball, and a lot of people groping in the dark for models that could fit, but due to publish or perish, they publish incoherent and absurd papers about groping in the dark and not actually getting anywhere.

Cloudswrest says:

At the turn of the 20th century it was thought the Milky Way Galaxy was the whole universe, then Hubble, et. al. showed the universe was much bigger, full of galaxies like the Milky Way, and expanding, with a velocity more or less proportional to distance.

What if the Universe is much bigger even then what we refer to as the Big Bang Universe. What if the Big Bang Universe we see is just an expanding bubble in an infinite “sea” of foam, like a tiny bubble in the sea foam in the surf on the beach.

Jim says:

This is a quite old idea that has been floated since shortly after the big bang was proposed. It logically follows from spontaneous symmetry breaking — cosmology plus weak force physics. (There is a tight link which I will not explain between big bang, cosmic expansion, and our models of the weak force) But, near total lack of data from cosmological observations and high energy particle observations of the weak force, and, in the absence of any data to point people in the right direction, almost all material published on this is publish or perish excretions. All of it, as far as I can tell. Now we have some very odd cosmological data, and some vague hints from high energy physics, so maybe this idea is ripe for some progress, if progress was not being drowned out by the publish or perish avalanche.

But what the new cosmological data seems to point to is not the weak force, but exotic matter (aka the Einstein ether) Now if someone could shoe horn exotic matter into our models of the weak force, we would be cooking.

The mass of neutrinos is unknown, because so small, and because low energy neutrinos are impossible to measure. What would be cosmological implications if some or all neutrinos had a small imaginary mass? What if neutrinos are exotic matter?

Cloudswrest says:

Speaking of neutrinos, an interesting tidbit is about 3% of the energy released in fission (including daughter decay) goes into neutrinos, so a 500 MW reactor is radiating 15 MW as neutrinos. If this was EMR people in the immediate vicinity would be cooked. If people ever found a way to efficiently detect neutrinos, every operating nuclear reactor in the world would light up like a lighthouse beacon! Including undersea nuclear submarines! And you would be about to see them right through the Earth as the Earth is transparent to neutrinos. Also no need for satellites as you could just broadcast straight through the Earth.

Fidelis says:

>Nah. Publish or perish.

How do you find the balance between granting resources to genuinely inspired geniuses, and not just giving out a dole for the high IQ? A lot of pursuits are not going to yield results ever, and many only after years and decades. In between now and then, how do you hold this genius accountable? Or do you not hold them accountable, you just hope they’re very curiosity driven, so that when you given them a special UBI and a nice position they continue their work.

Looking at how academics with tenure behave now, refusing to take risks on things not actually that controversial to the state despite their guaranteed position, seems like you do have to be very careful with selection.

Jim says:

Wernher von Braun did not build rockets because he got an academic degree and state handouts. He got an academic degree and state handouts because he built rockets.

If the state is giving out a dole for high IQ, it will very soon be giving out a dole for low IQ instead.

The solution is to reward private patrons with status and influence when their clients do interesting things, and reward their successful and influential clients with nice high status high pay sinecures in the state religion (aka university), such sinecures being conditional on not actively and publicly teaching heresy (which is the deal that Newton got)

Then private patrons will give out a dole for high IQ.

Fidelis says:

>reward their successful and influential clients with nice high status high pay sinecures in the state religion (aka university)

This is what I was referring to as a dole, just being a bit tongue in cheek about it.

Ultimately the problem seems like a generalization of the explore-exploit dilemma, and hence no perfect solution. You cannot reliably tell who will continue working on their projects given status and ease, and you cannot reliably distinguish real work from nonsense in the people at the very boundaries of human understanding. Take status and ease away too quickly, you kill the wheat before the crop. Too many of these positions, everyone fights for what the chinese call “an iron rice bowl” by aping what looks like real genius.

skippy says:

“Looking at how academics with tenure behave now, refusing to take risks on things not actually that controversial to the state despite their guaranteed position, seems like you do have to be very careful with selection.”

Tenure is not awarded for high IQ. Since high IQ is both obvious (at least, to others with high IQ) and fixed over the course of life, when tenure was awarded for high IQ it was awarded at the age of 25 or so. It is now awarded at the age of 40 or so, to boring medium IQ grinds who are willing to spend 20 years passing political tests for office.

These people don’t do anything risky after the age of 40 because nobody who intended to do anything risky ever would wait until the age of 40, and fewer of them would pass the tests to which they are subject. If you look at the actual writings of tenured academics, increasingly even in technical fields, they are remarkably on-message, and remarkably dumb.

A2 says:

Alas, you still have to apply for grants once you have tenure. OK, I guess the occasional mathematician could just huddle up in a closet somewhere and sharpen his pens himself (Andrew Wiles), but nearly all remain dependent on their grant masters. Ability to get grants seems to be an increasing part of the tenure decision and the university hates you if you don’t pull in substantial grants. (When I left that world, the overhead was 40%, in some places 50%. That’s the internal tax you pay on your grants to keep the bureaucrats fed and happy. It might well be higher today.)

Bouncer says:

I wonder if all this stuff about “dark matter” will in the end turn out to be the Casimir effect (the one seen when two plates are held a tiny distance apart in vacuum, and the vacuum energy pushes them together), but operating on galactic scales – similar to the concept Einstein posited as a “Cosmological Constant” in his earlier work. I imagine that since spacetime is expanding, that it would expand at a greater rate where there is less mass. Shame I can’t keep up with the maths for this because it could explain quite a few things, such as the rotation rates of galaxies.

Jim says:

Cold dark matter is our explanation for the rotation rates of galaxies, but the latest observations from James Webb are undermining that explanation. Modified Newtonian Gravity is a better fit, but everyone knows that modified Newtonian gravity must be false, because Newtonian, therefore can only be true in the static approximation, must be a static approximation of a dynamic local process. Any correct theory has to be a local theory, must have a medium. And that medium has to have to be exotic matter. Similarly for cosmic expansion. If it is not lambda, has to be exotic matter. Can the same exotic matter with the same equation of state produce both effects? Maybe.

Bouncer says:

Like I said: it would be curious if the solution that dark matter and MOND try to solve was in the end someting truly as simple as vacuum pressure which, on galactic scales acts as if exotic matter was involved. I doubt the actual answer will be found in my lifetime, but it could be that all the physicists are looking to find an invisible mountain when there’s a real molehill right at their feet.

Jim says:

Gravity tends to produce local concentrations of ordinary matter: galactic clusters, within galactic clusters, galaxies, within galaxies, stars. Does not have this effect on exotic matter. Therefore, if exotic matter exists, it is reasonable that its effects would be most apparent on the very largest scales. If it exists, we would reasonably expect its effect to be substantial between galaxies, and overwhelming at cosmological distances.

As a result of the observations of the James Webb telescope, I became very interested in this question. Surely lots of people had the same bright idea as I did? So I combed the scientific literature, and there is a flood of stuff on this topic, as there should be. Unfortunately most of it, all of it that I found, is produced by idiots to make a publish or perish deadline.

Jim says:

A local medium (exotic matter, also known as the Einstein Ether) that produces Mond (modified Newtonian gravity) in situations where the static approximation is very good, such as stars in the neighbourhood of galaxies, will produce cosmic expansion on much larger scales, where the static approximation is unlikely to be useful.

So we would expect a single such material, (not that exotic matter can be accurately thought of as material) to explain both.

Psychomachia says:

Miles Mathis makes good argument in favor of his field of charge photons:

The mass ratio of photonic to baryonic matter is 19:1 which is equivalent to 95%. He gives size and mass to photons as real particles which create significant drag on baryonic matter at the galactic scale.

He doesn’t state or imply that the charge field can operate with a gravitational effect locally and an expansionary effect at very large scales. But, I see such effects from a single material as being a reasonable inference.

Jim says:

In order to make predictions, we need a model of how exotic matter is going to behave. And there is a huge problem with this because normal matter behaves causally. Its behaviour in a given region is determined by the state on a hypersurface (volume) in its past light cone. Exotic matter is going to depend on state at spacelike distances. It cannot have timelike causation.

Which in principle makes it possible to have faster than light communication, though I suspect that to generate one bit of information about the joint state of two systems separated by a large spacelike distance, you would have to create or substantially increase the size of a large black hole in both systems, which is unlikely to be a practical method of communication. Coupling between acausal and causal events is likely to be astronomically weak, significant only on the scale of the behaviour of galaxies.

And it is hard to think about how to model behavior that has spacelike causation. Our intuition fails.

Faster than light communication cannot involve one party transmitting, and the other party receiving. Rather, both parties obtain information about their joint state. Which, since they already know their own state, gives each of them information about the counterparty’s state. Hard to even think about this sort of behavior. Our normal intuitions lead to silly paradoxes.

If the large scale structure of the universe is dominated by exotic matter, then the behavior of galaxy is going to be almost completely dominated by timelike causation, while the behavior of a system of many galaxies is going to be almost completely dominated by spacelike causation, but because galactic processes are slow, the temporal character of the causation is only going to be noticeable over distances enormously larger than a galactic cluster. For a galactic cluster, Mond, the static approximation to gravity, is going to be almost completely accurate. But to calculate the static approximation that will result from some proposed kind of exotic matter, one is going to need to solve for a universe scale dynamic description. One is going to need to plug in a hypothesis about conditions at very large spacelike distances, in order to make a prediction about typical intergalactic distances, from which one can calculate Mond, the static approximation to gravity over moderate distances in the presence of a hypothetical form of exotic matter under hypothetical boundary conditions at very large spacelike distances.

A2 says:

School shooter “Natalie ‘Samantha’ Rupnow” sure looks like a tranny. Is it a tranny?

A2 says:

LOL, I see that I’m not the first to make this observation.

Jim says:

All “female” school shooters are either drag queens who have not had their balls chopped off yet, or are biologically female but have had their ovaries and breasts removed and are on large doses of testosterone.

The Cominator says:

it was a F2M troon as far as I understand. I get on a lot better with crazy chicks than normie chicks (who are also crazy but less so visibly) and yeah it’s not something I see any of them doing ever. I can see them stabbing their boyfriend or something but not a school shooting not their nature and not their history.

Jim says:

Common. The female brain goes haywire on testosterone, and, much as with sudden adult death syndrome, no one is allowed to notice.

Rod says:

[*A long round up of relevant links deleted*]

Jim says:

I would have allowed this through if you had paraphrased and briefly summarised the content of this mighty pile links:

Take the shill test, and your stuff will get through.

Paraphrasing and summarising your excessively lengthy pile of links: The continuing resolution increases discretionary spending to five thirds its previous level, nearly doubles discretionary government spending, and contains grants of immunity and secrecy for a laundry list of criminal activities by the government, forbidding the Trump team from investigating the government they are supposedly going to be running, a fact that only became known hours before it was going to be passed. Also contains big money for “pandemic preparedness”, which as RFK Junior has pointed out, looks suspiciously like bioweapon development.

We don’t care.

Leftism gets lefter ever faster, and so government expands ever faster. Also bears shit in the woods and the Pope is not a Catholic. This is not news, and on this blog, not newsworthy.

If everything continues as it has been going, if the “nothing ever happens” crowd is correct, then expect future bills that more than double government spending, followed by bills that quadruple it. Which, of course, implies that something will happen, and the shape of that something is the primary topic of this blog. That the car is being driven at high speed towards a cliff, that there is no one at the steering wheel, and if there was he would discover that the steering wheel does not work, is old news around here.

Pete says:

Going back to “why China can’t innovate”: The Chinese rulers have been culling independent thinkers for thousands of years.

Anyone from the middle classes who was smart and ambitious had to become a eunuch in order to join the inner circle and gain power. Any peasant who had unapproved ideas was brutally slaughtered. The ones who kept their heads down were the ones who survived. Today’s Chinese have been literally bred to be rule-followers who don’t rock the boat.

The Cominator says:

On the other hand China is the only place in the world which has had successful rebellions which seemingly had no elite involvement whatsoever. Generally these rebellions won with human wave attacks and absolutely appalling causalties but when Asians revolt against the ruling powers (after many generations of zombie like obedience) they go hard.

I would say that its something that happened after the Tang dynasty era and nothing to do with say the first Chinese Emperor burning books… as Chinese seemed plenty creative up to the end of the Tang dynasty (when they were light years ahead technologically of anyone else on the planet) then after that… no.

someDude says:

I think you should look more closely at those successful rebellions where the Elite were not involved. If someone tells me Jonah swallowed the whale, I would investigate a little bit more than if the report came that the Whale swallowed Jonah. What is Spandrell’s take on this?

Jim says:

Depends on what you call the elite. China has a big tradition of secret societies, which are counter faiths to the official faith. And the people who run these secret societies tend to be fairly wealthy and powerful, though their wealth and power has to be enjoyed furtively.

The rebellion against the Qin dynasty started with a rebel NCO, so I suppose that it is reasonable to call that a non elite rebellion. He retreated to his native marshlands, where the writ of the government ran weak, and got support from the old martial aristocracy that had suffered repression from the new bureaucracy,

When the official state elite is decadent, a counter elite tends to rise in the shadows, and it is this counter elite, rather than a dissident faction of the state elite, that makes the non elite revolutions you are talking about, while what we see in the west is always factions of the state elite fighting it out.

Pax Imperialis says:

There was also the whole:

>State gets decadent
>Young men head to the hills and become bandits
>Decadence prevents defending against bandits
>Loot increases and bandit numbers swell, they become an army
>At some point the bandits realize they can simply take all of China
>Regime change

Possibly those secret societies were involved with funding those bandit armies. I don’t know Chinese history that well. What’s sort of interesting is that China doesn’t have that much hilly terrain percentage wise. Korea and Japan are by comparison extremely mountainous, both are well known for extremely stubborn personalities. Historically, dissidents could easily hid away in the mountains and they’d be too much of a pain for the state to hunt them down. In that sense, there’s more free thinkers in Korea and Japan, and likely that’s why they are more known for innovation than the Chinese. Innovation is a capital intensive process though, and hilly mountainous terrain inhibits capital accumulation (at least until the bulldozer and mechanized construction came), so they largely lagged behind the West until very recently.

Jim says:

This is the scenario envisaged by Humungous, and in the first Mad Max movie.

People assume the later Mad Max movies are post nuclear war, but in the first Mad Max movie, social decay.

someDude says:

I would define the Elite as an any group that has the cognitive capital to create a sane binding ideology, stay cohesive not ratting each other out, bide their time in the face of official opposition and strike when the opportunity arises and rule successfully when they pull it off. This requires a certain degree or material capital, and a spy or mole within the elite. I don’t think secret societies could survive without having at least some sympathizers/traitors/opportunists within the ruling elite. All those things sound pretty elite me to

Mayflower Sperg says:

A good book on this topic is A.S. Pushkin’s “History of Pugachev”. I couldn’t find the English translation online, but you can cut and paste the Russian text into Google Translate:

skippy says:

Perhaps a “just-so” story. Yes to get close to the court you had to become a eunuch but probably not to become a rich landlord in a locality (which may mean millions/tens of millions of people). Were most Western innovators politicians sitting close to kings and emperors? Not really.

It’s probably just something about how the Oriental race is constituted, but other than that, a lack of institutions for capital accumulation and development. Note that around 1900 most of Europe also apparently lacked them too?

A2 says:

“Luigi Mangione received over 140 messages during his 10-day stint in jail in Pennsylvania.”

Most if not all correspondents were of course women. The best way to raise your attractiveness as a man.

Rod says:

While feral, ovarian reproductive instinct requires being controlled to survive, thus they flock to strong based men, whatever the man’s particular basing is doesn’t matter.

The Cominator says:

Killing the rich because they are rich is commie bullshit. But insurance bigwigs are evil useless parasite rent seeker/democrat donors and if I were dictator/emperor they would make my purge list once I remembered (our society is at a point where its hard to remember all the categories of people who should go).

Jim says:

Obamacare makes insurance companies into quasi state organisations. So we are now all getting the healthcare for which the Veterans Administration is infamous.

Singapore has the best and cheapest healthcare in the world. It is a mixture of government healthcare, and the worlds most private healthcare. The competition from private healthcare, plus Singapore’s famous lack of corruption, keeps the government healthcare relatively competent, honest, and cheap. Since so many people in Singapore use private healthcare, they cannot get too corrupt, oppressive, and murderous.

c4ssidy says:

In England the NHS doctors are filled with various spectacularly-incompetent women and browns, but the winning strategy for quality on a budget seems to be to go semi-private, pay for a consultant (basically all white men, plus one high caste Indian for the high caste Indians, but you get to pick) to demand a particular test, and take that back to the NHS, where due to the prestige of the consultant, they cannot just say no, and so healthcare can be semi-subsidized by going back to a paid consultant in the face of stonewalling or suspected misdiagnosis. It is obvious that a lot people without the income to go semi-private end up dying earlier than they needed to because the tests are just not given to them. Many people with income for consultants end up dying too, as faith in the NHS is something of a lefty shibboleth and private consultants associated with conservatism. Politically there have been attempts to go after the consultant system more generally, based upon ‘fairness’, the implication being that everyone should be in the same queues for weeks/months, or that they should be blocked from subsequent NHS treatment if using private tests, though so far these blocks are only at the discussion stage

The incentives turns the organisations into evil death machines, but it is difficult to blame any individual inside the machine, and more importantly, a very solid percentage of people who would jury nullify a trial of Luigi Mangione would do the same if Elon was murdered, because capitalist and whatever. If Luigi really insisted on being a vigilante terrorist he would have been better off going against something like the NHS, but obviously his status as a folk hero would be diminished, telling us something about the real motivation of people celebrating his actions

Varna says:

I think that in today’s EE it would never have occurred to the locals to somehow make difficult the mix of private healthcare and public healthcare. It’s rather taken as a given that you should have access to both, and if your mix of connections and money allows you to get the best locally, or just fly your ill ass to a private clinic in the Alps, then so be it. And if you can’t — go the depressive state-subsidized route and get the procedure from a scowling hungover babushka.

There also tends to be flexibility in choosing your doctor even the state healthcare route. So when people are told for example the state of things in Canada, they go blank, as if there is some misunderstanding happening and for some reason someone is feeding them jumbled info that cannot possibly be real.

A lot of the things in EE seem to hinge on the fact that they’ve convinced themselves “we must act white” in the sense of “we must be proper Europeans” and both are based on fantasies. But these fantasies are actually a sort of collective basis that makes them try to act better than their post-commie natures. It would be sad to see them give up on the fantasy and regress. Preferable they gradually realize it’s a fantasy but at the same time decide it’s their burden to make it reality. But if they don’t realize it’s a fantasy, they’ll remain easily manipulable but the representatives of that fantasy.

The Butthurt Belt can go into any number of directions; some are promising, while others not so much. Little do they know that even if right now they just stop and conserve what they already have, this too may be a service to broader civilization.

Basil says:

Assad’s wife decided to leave him after a miserable month of living in Based Traditional Russia. Pity the guy.

yewotm8 says:

I have no idea if this is true, but if it is, you don’t think maybe she left him because he lost his status as uncontested ruler of their country?

Varna says:

For now the news mainly comes from places like the Jerusalem Post, and it says his wife petitioned a Moscow court for divorce, and wishes to go back to London where she grew up.

Sometimes a woman gives up on a guy the moment he stops being top dog. Sometimes she feels he’s too much of a top dog and “suffocates” her. Sometimes it’s the guy wanting to secure other members of his family while he takes the blows, and formal divorces, disowning each other etc may be the way to do that.

Sometimes a guy is planning to start serious shit 2-3 years from now, and starts putting his affairs in order, including getting rid of wives and kids and trying to make sure the world does not associate them with him. I suspect sometimes people like Putin and Musk of the latter. At times there are weird waves of unlikely men almost simultaneously getting low key divorces and I’m like “uh-oh, maybe shit is about to blow in a few years”.

Assad doesn’t give off that vibe though.

someDude says:

I’m not too sure women give up a guy because he is too much of a top dog and suffocates her. May I see your spreadsheet/calculations? You might have messed up a decimal point somewhere.

Varna says:

I know middle-aged single moms who, 10-15 years ago, were spoiled wives of rich alpha guys with yachts and sheit, old money at that, and all they had to do was be pretty during social events. But no. I’m not a plaything, you see. I need to show the world how independent I am. I’ll take the world by storm, and have bad boys be my own playthings and be sexy by my side at social events.

A dozen years later, after the fifth glass of wine “fuck. What was I thinking”.

I also know women who were with the second tier: national-level lawyers and notaries and the like, who not only provided well, but were also respected poets, writers, musicians on the side, did cool drugs, offroad biking, paragliding, exotic vacations, fucked like mad. Both the shiny stuff and the cool stuff and the kinky stuff as much as you want, just don’t ruin it.

Of course they ruined it. This unemployed rapper over there is my soulmate. My jailbird ex is being released soon and I always loved only him. How dare you want kids right now/not want kids right now. I don’t want to live in the fancy city district, I want a small house in the prairie. I don’t want a small house in the prairie, I want the fancy city district. How dare you treat me like a trophy I want to prove myself too. How dare you expect me to work, I’m supposed to be a trophy.

Many such cases.

someDude says:

Allegedly, when they hacked into his computer, all they found were love notes to his wife. Verdict –> Beta/Delta Male. This divorce, more than anything else proves that,

1. The allegations of love notes in his email were true
2. The allegation that he was a Brutal dictator were False.

Anon says:

The tragedy of Assad is that he inherited the country that was meant for his brother who was groomed for the post by his father. Then the brother died. And he suddenly became the president. It was a mess. He inherited a decaying regime build on early 20th century nationalist Arabist Ba’ath ideology that was past it due date. He did well delaying the inevitable collapse by 2 decades .

Rod says:

If USA can purchase Greenland, Panama Canal, Alaska, Louisiana, etc…
Then you too can purchase perpetual allodial title (or relocate, flood out, and secede) wherever possible. Those basic standards have been set throughout history. Long past time people wake up, get together, and begin executing those transactions again… instead of worshipping the State against themselves.

He’s shia’a syrian, she’s sunni brit-syrian, convenience power stardom, internal differences, he’s known asshole, she’s dying of cancer.
Assad, Belichik, Gaetz… all soap-opera TV drama PsyOps meant to distract from bigger facts…
Globo Elite does the Greta dance in your endzone.
Fags and fake Christian adoption agencies run by the gay jewish pedo popes. Buttigieg “adoption” to hit the news.
Puppets, Regards, Gays, and Leftists.
Demon posessed pre-columbian killers, Chinese Spies, Islam
Twisted Marxist Colour Revoleurs

Jim says:

Unrealistic. That is what the South tried, and the best of the South died in a terrible war of attrition. The only way they could have succeeded was to do what the Globohomo empire repeated tried and failed to do on the Ukraine’s borders: threaten the enemy capital and religion with shock warfare. They should have marched on Washington and Boston immediately, because only by taking them, or credibly threatening to do so, could they obtain the peace you seek.

Trump’s team is now starting in the heart of the beast, which is the only location where legacy Americikaners stand a chance of fighting and winning.

All US land purchases were predicated on the capacity to fight and win a war. The counterparty was willing to accept cash for what they knew they could not keep should push come to shove.

A Greenland purchase could succeed because color revolutions tend to have bloodless success proportional to their distance from US bases capable of spilling a great deal of blood.

someDude says:

He was divorced because he sent her love notes while NOT being a brutal dictator. May all good hearted Males take notes, Inshallah!

JustAnotherGuy says:

No one learned from what happened to Napoleon, sad!

someDude says:

I just can’t understand Napoleon. The Male equivalent of Cleopatra in the sense of being a highly desirable male archetype and he goes and does what? Josephine? With all that he could have had for the taking? Josephine? I just can’t wrap my head around that!

Assad was an aspiring eye doctor. So his beta/delta-hood is understandable! But a warlord like Napoleon who fought and won more battles against more severe odds than Alexander, Caeser, Hannibal and Pyrrhus combined does who?

Fidelis says:

It’s looking like ICE are going to be the guys with guns that carry out the Trump 2.0 program. Lots of threats of arresting high level state politicians that don’t go along with the mass deportation plan.

ICE was famously loyal last time around, and the idea that the thermidorian gestapo ends up as the people in charge of enforcing immigration law is enough ironic humor for me to believe it.

Fidelis says:

Unrelated, now old, but I missed this when it happened. Found out today when the man himself reposted about the events.

When Elon was having trouble acquiring twitter, he changed his tag to “Naughtius Maximus” and, very interestingly, changed his bio to

Centurion in Jerusalem Garrison

Easy to read too much into this, but seems much like a threat to the zionists.

This is relevant now as looks to me like Thermidor is the zionist faction. Particularly, and oddly, the zionist faction allied with the more broad gay jewish faction. Look at the big names and players involved, who they surround themselves with, why they might have an interest in GAE military capacity, lines up nicely. I think this guy’s podcast is particularly instructive as to their beliefs

A mix of quiet Israel supremacy, “civic” nationalism in America, and reindustrialization for military might. This character is involved with the paypal guys and Palantir (hello, hopefully your database instructs a human to visit. Please lurk and read, lots of interesting ideas here!), and is generally a caricature of the kind of yid the internet nazis scream about.

Something to keep in mind as events unfold. They are going to be extremely reluctant to hand any power over to “Christian nationalists”, to anyone suggesting American national character goes beyond the constitution. They don’t quite strike me as 90s liberalists. Close in a lot of ways, different in very important areas.

someDude says:

When GAE hacked into Bashar-Al-Assad’s computer, all they found were emails with love notes to his wife, Asma

Then GAE overthrows Assad and Asma divorces him and takes the kids with her to a GAE colony,

This divorce, more than anything, proves that Assad was at heart, a Delta/Beta male after all and all those accusations about him being brutal were just propaganda. Since when did women start divorcing brutal dictators? May all good hearted aspiring Alpha males and spiritual Beta/Delta males take notes, Inshallah!

The Cominator says:

Assad was certainly not the typical Middle Eastern brutal strongman (he unironically just wanted to be an eye doctor), but he and his wife might have agreed to a divorce in order to spare her or the family from legal trouble or as Pete says outright assassins. He may also want the family to get what money he has.

Jim says:

Game 101: Never say “I love you” first. Do not respond to her saying “I love you” with “I love you too”

someDude says:

Yes Sir, the “You are mine” thing works wonders. It works so well, it scares the bejeezus out of me

Jim says:

It is all about survival and reproduction.

The ancestral environment of successful reproduction for women was to be property, and the ancestral environment of survival was to be cherished property.

The ancestral environment of successful reproduction for men was to not be property, and to have a property right in women, and the ancestral environment of survival was to not be property.

As I often say, the strong empowered overweight barista with a hundred thousand in college and credit card debt is going to die alone and be eaten by her cats, but if abducted by Islamic State and sold on the auction block naked and in chains would probably have seven children and thirty grand children, and die surrounded by a horde of loving family. Women are searching for their ancestral environment of successful reproduction, and not finding it anywhere.

Fidelis says:

What is really odd to me is how unintuitive this is. I’m several deviations away from the mean in “Openness” to ideas and it still took a lot of reflection for me to accept. A lot of reflection.

In retrospect, so obvious it’s undeniable. You cannot go back to even a purple pilled viewpoint once it sinks in. You realize it cannot be any other way.

I suppose this strange unintuitiveness has been long baked in, if the account in genesis has any mythical truth in it. Men will always be in danger of falling into simp behavior. The entire livable world falling into this, and putting laws contrary to God and truth is still very strange to me. I can understand in the EnlightenedTM west and occupied territories that such ideas are hard to shake off, but that they continue on with the Persians, the Han, the Russians after a state collapse, it’s odd. I don’t see anything at all out of the youth in these countries. If it existed, would be used as a poster for why they’re bad evil very bad must be Enlighted by bombs until they get it. Not accepting mass child grooming is enough to set the evil core into frenzy, clearly detached from what the average normie cares about, so I doubt they would supress the signal out of some fear it becomes popular consciousness.

How did we end up here, where the entire planet including enemy civilizations have gone utterly mad on the ritual that is the most fundamental to all of humanity? It boggles the mind.

Jim says:

It is analogous to the fact that smarts people find it very difficult to talk to normies, even though they can usually talk to dogs and children just fine. We project ourselves onto the other.

Musk can talk to normies just fine. He spent a long time talking to Joe Rogan, who nonetheless later compared the relationship to a boy and his dog.

Women are always shit testing men, and when a woman runs a shit test, it seems as if she is resisting the female role, and as far as she knows, she is.

So, since the man in her shoes would resist the female role because he naturally does not like it, he projects onto her that she does not like it either. But in reality, she likes it, provided she is performing the female role for a man and tribe strong enough to make her perform the female role.

A dog does not want to be the leader of the pack, and if he has a weak master, it makes him stressed and he behaves badly. Same with a woman. Except that a woman will push a lot harder for what she does not in fact want than a dog will.

JustAnotherGuy says:

We are all living in America. Where America goes, so does the rest of the world.

Bix Nudelmann says:

> “It is analogous to the fact that smarts people find it very difficult to talk to normies, even though they can usually talk to dogs and children just fine. We project ourselves onto the other.”

Can you elaborate a little, please? Do you mean that the smart person projects himself onto the normie — incorrectly and to frustrating results — but does not project himself onto the dog or the child because they’re different-enough from an adult like himself, and that’s why talking to dogs and kids is so much easier?

Jim says:

Exactly so. You have to understand that women are different. Very different.

Women are always shit testing in the hope of losing. Men are always status challenging in the hope of winning.

Bix Nudelmann says:

That and condescending to kids and dogs is still legal.

But I presume that you’ve found that condescending to women is also still doable if done the right way? Or are you crypto-based and obsequious when dealing with women you don’t know, or who can hurt you if they want to? Is that right?

Explain it like I’m 5!

Jim says:

I just do what comes naturally, which has always been to treat women like dogs. I like dogs, women, and children, and they usually seem to like me.

Once in a while this has led to explosions, but the explosions never had any consequences for me, so I have never thought too hard about what happened or why it happened.

Everyone I have seen accused of sexual harassment and all that was completely blue pilled and amusingly obsequious to women. Woke males go after soft targets because they like hurting people and soft targets are easy meat. Women go after soft targets because beta just offends them. They don’t like having betas around just as they don’t like having rats and cockroaches around. Everyone accused of harassing women was guilty of not harassing women.

Unfortunately in the current environment, they tend to view customers, male coworkers, employers, and shareholders, as betas, and don’t want any of them around.

The sexual harassment rules and other guidelines on treatment of women are a pile of shit tests, and in the workplace, as in the bar, you can usually get away with passing a shit test by not taking it seriously.

Conversely, if you fail the shit tests by taking them seriously, you are likely to get in trouble.

The revolution devours its children.

Pax Imperialis says:

>condescending to kids […] is still legal

The State Trans Gender Affirming Groomers wants to know your location.

Bix Nudelmann says:

“Woke males go after soft targets because they like hurting people and soft targets are easy meat. Women go after soft targets because beta just offends them.”

You have x-ray vision and I’m made out of glass. That is all.

Pete says:

Assad probably knows that some GAE assassin will come to kill him sooner or later, in Russia or anywhere else he goes. So he might as well remove his family from the kill zone now.

Rod says:

Awesome Might of GloboHomo Demon…

Let’s see these fucknut crooks expose their “Chemtrails” “Hurricane Steering” “Global Warming” “hypocrite Growth Preaching / Money Debasing / Politician-Pocket-Lining / Debt Burdening” Psy/Op programs in open court.
Or see how they handle a global Secession Revolt.
Because that’s where their nonsense thievery and power grabs are headed.

And if (nope, search: global historical temperature chart) Earth is getting hotter because burning fuel, then no need for Politicians crap, the population will see the true chart and nature will self-correct themselves… and Politicians will be living in mud huts eating ze bugs to survive too… it’s the macro, silly.

“Doesn’t Fit MSM Narrative”: Latest Arctic Ice Data Shows 26% Larger Than 2012
The BBC article’s baseless claim was designed to instill climate fears across the public to ram through a radical de-growth climate agenda across the Western world.

New York will charge carbon-emitting companies an estimated $75 billion in climate damage they allegedly caused between 2000 and 2018 under a law enacted on Dec. 26 … will annually assess large companies’ carbon emissions across those first 19 years of the 21st century to “repair damage caused by extreme weather” “With nearly every record rainfall, heat wave, and coastal storm, New Yorkers are increasingly burdened with billions of dollars in health, safety, and environmental consequences due to polluters that have historically harmed our environment,” Hochul said
This year, “polluter pays” bills were also introduced in Massachusetts, California, Maryland, and Minnesota

Corrupt Fuckup Sexual Depravity Adultery Treason Commie Family…
House and conservative groups have doggedly pursued the matter and found overwhelming evidence that the President has repeatedly lied about his interactions with foreign clients. Now, a new photo further contradicts the President, who recently pardoned his son for any crimes committed over a ten-year period.
records showing $27 million in payments from foreign sources to Hunter Biden and his business partners from 2014 to 2019. Hunter used official trips with his father to facilitate some of these associations.
Biden was repeatedly put on a speakerphone with clients, attended dinners, and took pictures with them

More Democrat Frauds on Russia

Why the BS

H1-B: Public Unions and Public Schools have to go…

Rod says:

Slaves bound by Demon Lords they vote for…

Loomer H1-B…

CHAI attacks, coordinates all the Things and Mil’s…

God separated the tribes for good reason.
The tribes forgot that, becoming fools, all racing to appoint Demon Lords, who becoming warring Globos, who becoming enslavers of all people and Earth.
Pray for the Divine Intervention of God to sort this mess again.

c4ssidy says:

Carrying paper passports is obviously retarded and should have been phased out a decade or two ago already, what do you need them for? The mass data collection or censorship or whatever you are complaining about began much earlier than that and is separate from the effort of lugging around a physical document

Rod says:

You need passports for CLIMATE CHANGE, just like you needed them for COVID

Lying Globos say you don’t need passports…

Nor do they want you to read the fake rights they gave you…

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Rod says:

Engineering Reality: A Century Of Cultural Control
“What I discovered showed me that even my most cynical assumptions about manufactured culture barely scratched the surface. This revelation has fundamentally altered not just my worldview, but my relationships with those who either cannot or choose not to examine these mechanisms of control. This piece aims to make visible what many sense but cannot fully articulate – to help others see these hidden systems of influence. Because recognizing manipulation is the first step toward resisting it.”

Jim says:

You, and your link, are irritatingly out of touch and behind the times.

To be precise, one hundred and sixty years behind the times.

For a long time, it was universally accepted that democracy was disastrous.

And then, about 160 years ago, governments discovered that if you managed the media, you could get people to vote on issues chosen by the uniparty, and elect a party guaranteed to follow uniparty policy regardless of what it ostensibly campaigned on. So they decided that they loved democracy.

Which system began to break down with the death of legacy media, and the increasing insanity, evil, and stupidity of the uniparty.

Your link was true one and half centuries ago, and it is still true. But recent events have made it considerably less true.

Rod says:

Prison Fucktoy of the EU, Pavel Durov’s Telegram, blocks Russian State Media
Not your keys nor your network… Not your messenger app nor your messages.
RIA Novosti, Rossiya 1, Channel One, NTV, Izvestia and Rossiyskaya Gazeta

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